Architecture portfolio - Internship at Hunnarshala Foundation, Bhuj, Gujarat, India

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Internship Portfolio December 2019 - March 2020

Nihara.B 810116251020


About Projects worked on • Alma Mater school - Jodhpur • Sahyadri School - Guest Houses - Tiwai hill • Hands - on Experiments • Sahyadri Sports Complex • Modules for training locals - Post Disaster construction - Nepal • Padhyatra - Logo design • AinA workshop - Report making • Aryagram

About Evolution of Hunnarshala lies in the collaborations and associations that were built after 2001 earthquake in Kutch with an objective to capacitate people for reconstruction of their habitat. During the Post-Earthquake reconstruction, team realised that artisans and villagers have simplest and best knowledge and strengths of traditional building system which could be a long - term sustainable method to construct. It was realised that when the modern , scientific techologies combine with the traditional knowledge, it suggested directions for strengthening engagement of artisans to deliver high quality buildings, infrastructure and community spaces. Applied Research has shown that there is a method of transfer of knowledge. Knowledge building and transfer requires not only understanding of technology but also of people and places. Hunnarshala was envisaged as institution to take this up and it was strongly believed in the process that is managed or evolved by people (People-centric evolution of design process - Participatory Discussions) THREE THEMES have emerged as cross-cutting for Hunnarshala for its direction and works – i) how people are empowered to shape their own habitats; ii) how habitat solutions can become more environment friendly, sustainable and disaster safe; and iii) how local artisanal knowledge and skills can deliver high quality products. Source-

Alma mater School - Jodhpur It is a educational system for learning equally on practical and theoretical understanding for students. A ray of light that makes students clear on what they read and learn and develop as one self. The half of the school was build by 2019 and the other half which was already designed had to be changed based on the feedback that was given after experiencing the built spaces. Intent- we did design for the other half of the institute by having same architectural language same like the built on Based on feedback we had to look back to glare, sunlight, ventilation and more... Role- Conceptual design, model making of design, revising and additions to redefine the spaces designed.

Pic courtesy - Nikhil, Intern

Spaces evolved in between classrooms

Working on intermediate spaces

Ground floor PLAN- refined option

Role- Conceptual deisgn, model making of the design, presentation of it to client

We worked in conceptual drawing and zoning of spaces required , we tried to make three different options which responds in a different way to the user and mainly to the context. I worked on making cluster formations and a huge ground in between where these clusters are connected by a bridge that runs over the open ground.

Existing model

Zoning of block model based on sun driection

Block models placing - responding to the roof language

Ground floor PLAN - process-1

Block model for understanding Spaces

KFI - Sahyadri school - Tiwai Hill Intent - To understand the project and work on Working drawings for construction, to learn and explore more on techniques for finishes, to document site coonstruction process of the project.

Lime Flooring

Mud plastering and finishes

Role - Drafting, research and experiment on finishes, Site work construction documentation.

Araish Plastering

Stone masory







1. Line out marking 2. Checking centreline and diagonals 3. Excavation 4.Checking centreline and diagonals 5.Thepa thep Foundation and curing 6.Checking centreline and diagonals 7.P.C.C. band- Shuttering - 5” thick - curing 8.Marking centre points at corners 9.Stone Masonry



Role - placing all the blocks aligned to context

Role - Drafting centreline

Role - Drafting changes to be done after the discussions within Internal Team

Role - Drafting changes to be done after the discussions within Internal Team

Role - Drafting with reference to other drawings

Role - Drafting with reference to other drawings

Role - Placing manhole and pipelines for Storm water Management

Role - Darfting with reference and changes after discussions

Role - Darfting with reference and changes after discussions

KFI - Sahyadri school - Tiwai Hill - Experiments We did few experiments on Mud plastering and Lime plastering on various finishes or same finish with different ratios so that we can use a traditional finish which would require less maintanence. In Lime plastering finishes we experimented on Araish plastering- natural and other with a oxide and different ratio. In mud plastering we tried different types of Admixtures which to be added for stabilising or could be said as reinforcing like Straws, Paper pulp, Sawdust, Straw with lime and in finishes we tried for adding linseed oil, Lipan(cowdung paste) and with maida paste added in soil. In Lime flooring we tried the same one with different ratios of lime , sand and soil to reduce the number of cracks and also to reduce the use of Industrially produced materials.

Different proportions made for different samples

Making of fermentaton solution for lime plastering

Samples on Lime Florring based on different materials and proportions (based on observation)

KFI - Sahyadri school - Sports Complex Intent - To understand the project and work on Presentation for Conceptual drawing which was made. Role - Hand rendering, sketching - sections, views

View - through path

Section - 1

Section - 2

Section - 3

Top view- to understand the spaces and language

Post - Disaster Reconstruction - Training locals in Nepal Role - Made Modules and Presentations for Trainer (Team work) POST-DISASTER RECONSTRUCTION saw large scale implementation of earth construction. It was a process in which artisans emerged as bearers of tremendous knowledge and the strengths of traditional building systems and forms were revealed. It is a Initiative process which the team does in all the post disaster programme, locals who live in that place are being trained on how to make simple structures that are sustainable for long- term which involves their own language of settlements but includes few additions that could help their habitat to sustain disasters and also responding to the context and environment in a good way. This training happens for around 2 - 3 weeks, starting from very basic activities to knowing one another till learning practical structural hands - on site work. It includes the idea of disasters, its impact, why , how to overcome, new techniques to add on the existing ones, practical learning from line out, excavations till curing the structure involving presentations, participatory discussions, conclusions, feedback developments, site practical knowledge and learning. For all this, Team makes modules for the trainer who could understand and teach them easily, based on that visuals and informations are provided,In this there are two types, one which the trainer uses to learn and teach and the other(presentations) to show trainee, these modules process through lots of discussions and corrections such that any common can understand and be able to spread the knowledge easily. Source-

Padhyatra - LOGO Design Banni is rich in it’s grasslands which includes 1000’s of spieces of grasses that are to be conserved, Banni in Kutch has been one of the place for pastural communities who travel long distance with their animals especially wild buffaloes (Animal Husbandry)these communities are basically rabari’s, Jats, maldhari’s and many are nomadics whose occupation is animal husbandry and they travel by tracing the clouds that rains and travel around 2000km every year. These communities are basically nomads and if we trace their roots and analyse it is very evident that they depend on the grasslands and green which supports their livelihood. Due to the increase in the Farming in villages, resulting in the reduction of areas of Banni Grassland not only reduces the species which are meant to be conserved but also they tend to not to allow these pastural communitites who are dependent on these grassland for centuries which sustain their livelihood. An organisation named Sarjeevan decided to start a Pdhyatra which litreally means ‘protest by foot’, in this they have decided to walk to all the villages and explain them about the situation and allow the pastural communities to live in the way they used to be. For this we designed two logo, one is ‘Save grasslands’ and other is ‘No to farming’.

Role - Designed Logo on ‘NO TO FARMING’

Aryagram DESCRIPTION Aryagram is an ambitious vision of creating a learning and living centre based on the principles of Jainism. The architectural vocabulary and the process of building will follow the principles of non-violence and bring together the wealth of sthapatya learning of ancient India in designing and building with natural materials and making hand crafted buildings. Developing design breif Besides developing the areas and buildings required for the four sections of Dharmik (Spiritual), Virasat (Heritage), Gurukulum (Education) and Shreshth Nivas (Residence), the brief will articulate the ambience, functional requirements and inter-connections within and between the four sanctions. Worked on I worked on Shresti Nivas Sankul, that would be a residential phase of the site. It was a team work comprosong, conceptual evolution of zoning and design process with two different types of options in terms of organic and formal mode of circulation Shresti Nivas Parisar represents Residential cluster of Aryagram which majorly comprises Housing plots and residences along with Guest House, Hospital, Office and Few more spaces that would act as transitional spaces to evoke one’s self.

The Basic Idea was done in accordance with convention - Formal alignment to use site efficiently, where spaces are placed based on density (in terms of activities) and Vaastu, with most of the spaces possessing Interconnected courtyards to have Climatically responsive spaces along with open and shaded areas (Chotra - Chabutra - Garden Water bodies) that would act as gathering or pause points naturally.

Private spaces

The Basic Idea was to break the rigidity of circulation, brings in free flowing circulation, with a central open and shaded areas (Garden - Playground) resulting in constant change in path based on purpose through or along the Landscape (Transitional space) leading to spaces comprising Inter-connected Courtyards to have climatically responsive spaces. Spaces are being zoned based on its density(in terms of activities which is unconsciously differentiated through circulation) and Vaastu.

Option - 1


Option - 2

About site -KFI - Sahyadri school - Tiwai Hill The purpose, the aim and drive of these schools is to equip the child with the most excellent technological proficiency so that he may function with clarity and efficiency in the modern world, and, far more important, to create the right climate so that the child may develop fully as a complete human being. This means giving him the opportunity to flower in goodness so that he is rightly related to people, things and ideas, to the whole of life. To live is to be related. There is no right relationship to anything when there is not the right feeling for beauty, a response to nature, to music and art, a highly developed aesthetic sense...” - J. Krishnamurti It is located above tiwai hill which is so beautifully placed with a valley on one side and with farmlands and hills all around, which provides student beautiful and healthy atmosphere.

About site -Alma Mater - Jodhpur It is located in Jodhpur where there is only Farmlands all around. Students are given with lots of freedom to explore and knowledge on practical basis alongwith theoretical and things which are not based on subjects as well. They try to do different types of activites to educate the young in futuristic perception but being sensitive to present situations and society as well.

Pic courtesy - HSF Team members

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