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-speciality Hospital

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Embassy 2050

Embassy 2050


uniqueapproachtohealthcaredesignbypriori zingfunc onalorganiza on, construc onemphasizestheop miza onofnaturallightandmaximizesconstunningviewsofthenaturallypreservedsite.Completedin2019,thisproject promotesmovement,visualiza on,andwellbeingforpa entsandstaffalike.

This is a massing diagram that shows how outdoor spaces are arranged in a layered sequence, moving from public areas to private areas for critical care and pa ent well-being. The design priori zes pa ent privacy and comfort to promote recovery and create a suppor ve environment.

The ground floor plan for an oncology block includes examina on rooms, infusion bays, andwai ng areas. Safetyand comfort are priori zed forpa ents and staff,with a en on to hygiene, equipment placement, and specialized features like air filtra on and ligh ng. The plan creates a suppor ve environment for oncology pa ents.

A typical hospital floor plan includes pa ent rooms, staff offices, and specialized areas like surgical suites and imaging centers. It’s designed to support high-quality healthcare services with accessible entrances, specialized equipment, and communica on systems for smooth flow & a safe and suppor ve hospital environment.

Aphysical prototype model with replaceable blocks is a 3D scale model of a building features modular components which can be rearranged to experiment with different orienta ons and layouts. The model was constructed using materials like balsa wood, to showcase the building’s exterior facade. The replaceable blocks allowed us to easily modify the model and explore different design possibili es, helping to be er understand the scale, propor on, and spa al rela onships of the proposed structure.

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