1 minute read
Former General Manager, Malcolm Allan, has moved to a group role with Interstate as Director of Operations and Quality.
School Summit
HATS PROMOTING TOURISM be in place until 2023. Based on previous policy our trading neighbours are likely to continue to destination. Those trading in the Republic of Ireland benefit from a 9% VAT rate which will avail of a reduced rate in the region of 13% well beyond this date. This situation results in a competitive disadvantage to hotels and the wider tourism sector in Northern Ireland which we believe places us at a considerable disadvantage and could adversely affect the road to recovery. been achieved.
The VAT reduction to 5% in response to industry recovery after the first lockdown was a lifeline and Secondly, people and a shortage of workers has impacted many sectors and the hotel industry is no we would ask that this rate is reintroduced for the entire sector until full recovery has exception. We would like to see an amended immigration policy that recognises roles within the sector as highly skilled which in turn puts them on the government s eligible occupations listing. For accommodation businesses to recruit successfully in the global labour marketplace, visas applications and the sponsorship process require simplification with a consideration given to non- nationals currently employed in the Republic of Ireland with a reduction in those subjected to the immigration skills charge. Finally, the industry is also experiencing unparalleled rises in the cost of doing business: energy costs have soared and, in some cases, quadrupled. There is double-digit ood inflation with alternative energy sourcing would help address some of the current difficulties. additional transport costs driving up the overall cost of consumables. Hotels have been able to absorb a portion of these to date but assistance by way of energy capping or schemes to support
The HATS network and NIHF will be at the School Summit in early October to promote the hospitality industry to up to 6,000 school children. A number of members will be attending to support the stand and engage with the pupils.