1 MILLION GODS When I was in office; I felt as if somebody was trying to wring my neck each second; pummeling me down forcefully towards the ground, While when I stepped outside; people seemed so pleasant; and the majestic rays of the Sun left me open mouthed in a spell bound stupor. When I was in office; I felt as if I was being whipped in each corner of my skin; with barbaric belts of commercialism, While when I stepped outside; the roads on which pedestrians walked seemed like golden honey; and the chirping of vivacious birds; put my mind to an eternal rest. When I was in office; the air around me felt overwhelmingly heavy; with the appalling sight of check books and paper; putting me in a state of perpetual gloom, While when I stepped outside; the scent of the mesmerizing rose tickled me voraciously; casting over my dreary senses a spell of surreal enchantment. When I was in office; the ambience seemed so nonchalant and dull; despite the most glorious of lights flashing around, While when I stepped outside; I had the time of my life; with the creamy moonlight; playing hide 'n' seek with my eyes. When I was in office; the steps heading to my cabin; seemed more taller than the Himalayas; with me having to make Herculean efforts to clamber the same, While when I stepped outside; I had a desire to run every moment; and my legs bounced relentlessly even in the middle of the night. When I was in office; my reflection in the mirrors appeared as of a ghost; with my facial contours gruesomely distorted and twisted, While when I stepped outside; I could sight my face in every eye; and the color of my cheeks metamorphosed from pallid and fragile; to as blazing as the flaming Sun. When I was in office; the food served seemed to be harder than stone; with the disdainful voice of my boss; the bombastic wisps of smoke emanating from his cigar; annihilating the slightest of my desire to eat, While when I stepped outside; I felt fresh pangs of hunger reverberate in my stomach; and tore through the slices of scarlet apple in my dish; with renewed energy and gusto. When I was in office; the desire to love in my body died a stifled and miserable death; with telephone calls from clients all day; driving me beyond the threshold of frustration, While when I stepped outside; I mischievously flirted with every girl I encountered on the street; and in the end found myself lost in the breath of my beloved; and the
softness of her caress putting me off to blissful sleep. When I was in office; thoughts incorrigibly refrained to enter my mind; with the same monotonous figures of profit and loss stabbing me perniciously from all sides, While when I stepped outside; there was a deluge of fantasy in my brain; and the most beautiful sights on this planet stimulated me beyond the point of no control. And when I was in office; every individual seemed like a diabolical devil; with perceptions of him slaining me augmenting every minute, While when I steeped outside; each entity I laid my eyes upon; seemed innocent and lovable; seemed passionate and romantic; infact to candidly convey it; seemed like 1 million Gods.