BIG THUMB When I held it dead straight and candidly in free space; people thought I was being overwhelmingly rude and cheeky, When I sucked it passionately in my mouth; people thought I was just an innocuously overgrown child; unfit to exist in monotonous society, When I curled it stubbornly to form a fist; people thought I was in an invidiously wild mood to punch and fight, When I slanted it a trifle towards the left or right; people thought I wanted a brazen and speedy lift, When I pressed it ardently on scintillating white paper after dipping it in sapphire pools of ink; people thought that I was illiterate; didn’t even know how to prudently sign, When I raised it above my shoulders for incessant lengths of time; people thought that I gruesomely stranded; wanted to abscond to more blissful places than the eerie mist surrounding me, When I folded it pathetically into boundless knots; people thought that I was disdainfully maim; endeavoring my best against crippled time, When I tapped it relentlessly on the desk; people thought that I was peevishly irritated; desired to be left in immortal peace and all alone, When I rubbed it voraciously across my armory of teeth; people thought I had dropped freshly from the rustic village; wasn’t acquainted the slightest to contemporary toothbrush and stringent paste, When I hoisted it vivaciously towards my friends in times of perilous examinations; people thought that I was wishing my comrades all the very best, When I probed it forward to sprinkle crimson vermilion in the hair of my beloved; people thought I had tied the nuptial thread; bonded myself into the swirl of sacred marriage, When I ominously hurled in sedate atmosphere; people thought I had intentions of breaking somebody's nose; waded back in petrified terror, When I obnoxiously pointed it downwards towards Black mud; people thought I was in a mood to contemptuously insult; ridicule sagacious entities to inconspicuous
dust, When I caressed it on colossal slabs of white ice; people thought that I trying to generate tremors of inexplicable excitement in my languidly dreary persona, When I whole heartedly offered it to kids to play; people thought that I was extremely philanthropic; had this insatiable desire to help human kind, When I twisted it fervently to capsize the pen; people thought that I was in an uninhibited spree to write, When I engulfed it wholesomely with colored gloves; people thought that I was involved in heinous crimes; was trying to surreptitiously sequester my trail of vulnerable fingerprints, When I feverishly bit it umpteenth number of times in the day; people thought that I was encapsulated with incomprehensible anxiety; was waiting for precarious time to rapidly unveil, When I held it intractably against my lips; people thought I was trying to intimidate them into brutalized silence, When I amicably waved it towards the chair; people thought that I instructing them to congenially sit and relish in fantasy, O! My God; although it was just a short stub of fat flesh protruding from my palms; my big thumb was really something to ponder about; my big thumb was incredulously astounding.