Entirely naked

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ENTIRELY NAKED. There were an infinite on the trajectory of this amazing Universe; who dressed to the most enthrallingly contemporary of their ability; just to visit the gaudily draped shopping malls, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this mesmerizing Universe; who dressed to the most pompously corporate of their ability; just to visit the corridors of the sanctimoniously plush office, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this spell binding Universe; who dressed to the most bountifully majestic of their ability; just to visit enchantingly aristocratic castle, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this unsurpassable Universe; who dressed to the most supremely patriotic of their ability; just to visit the sacredly fearless ground of the battlefield, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this insuperable Universe; who dressed to the most fantastically redolent of their ability; just to visit the beautifully celestial gardens, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this triumphant Universe; who dressed to the most surreally rustic of their ability; just to visit the unbelievably articulate artist, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this limitless Universe; who dressed to the most impregnably adventurous of their ability; just to visit the sensuously exhilarating forests, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this inexhaustible Universe; who dressed to the most exuberantly tangy of their ability; just to visit the timelessly undulating oceans, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this unending Universe; who dressed to the most philanthropically benign of their ability; just to visit the inimitably Omnipotent temple, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this indefatigable Universe; who dressed to the most passionately peppy of their ability; just to visit the vividly pulsating discotheque, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this endless Universe; who dressed to the most unabashedly licentious of their ability; just to visit the tawdrily throbbing pub,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this ecstatic Universe; who dressed to the most unassailably subliming of their ability; just to visit the absolute epitome of priceless Mount Everest, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this colossal Universe; who dressed to the most mellifluously ebullient of their ability; just to visit the incessantly chattering and melodiously sugar coated beehive, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this spectacular Universe; who dressed to the most stupendously intriguing of their ability; just to visit the incredulously enigmatic magician, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this egalitarian Universe; who dressed to the most scantily mortifying of their ability; just to visit the compassionately silken and reinvigorating waterfalls, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this righteous Universe; who dressed to the most pugnaciously cannibalistic of their ability; just to visit the despicably abhorrent underworld Don, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this handsome Universe; who dressed to the most candidly unbiased of their ability; just to visit the unfathomably benevolent mirror of truth, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this uncanny Universe; who dressed to the most ferociously spirited of their ability; just to visit the domineeringly bare breasted lioness, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this resplendent Universe; who dressed to the most traditionally laconic of their ability; just to visit the bounteously effervescent village, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this gargantuan Universe; who dressed to the most impeccably venerated of their ability; just to visit the Omnipresently bestowing feet of the immortal mother, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this charismatic Universe; who dressed to the most divinely vibrant of their ability; just to visit the perpetually jubilant fortress of unassailable life, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this luminescent Universe; who dressed to the most bizarrely dilapidate of their ability; just to visit the forlornly morbid and fetid graveyard,

There were an infinite on the trajectory of this exhilaratingly Universe; who dressed to the most studiously innocuous of their ability; just to visit the fervently holistic and learned school, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this piquant Universe; who dressed to the most tantalizing sensuous of their ability; just to visit the bodies of their immortal lovers, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this inebriating Universe; who dressed to the most athletically robust of their ability; just to visit the emphatically tenacious interiors of the overwhelmingly flexible gym, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this concord Universe; who dressed to the most irrefutably deserving of their ability; just to visit the footsteps of their brilliantly persevering and infallibly flawless father, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this untamed Universe; who dressed to the most buoyantly uninhibited of their ability; just to visit the firmament of blessedly blue and pristine sky, There were an infinite on the trajectory of this ravishing Universe; who dressed to the most aridly unceasing of their ability; just to visit the fathomless sands of the swelteringly sulking desert, And then there was of course me; an diminutively impoverished slave of Lord Almighty; who lay without the most infinitesimal of cloth and entirely naked amidst the intoxicatingly fragrant dewdrops of grass; just to pen and keep on indefatigably penning a countless lines of perennially fructifying poetry; which were an infinite times more than a infinitely perceivable infinite.

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