HE WHO DEFINITELY KNEW THAT HE'D DIE. There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst traversing through the forests; and the uncouthly ferocious lion snapping each bone of their apart into a countless disparaging fragments, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst voyaging through the ocean; haplessly drowning to the rock-bottom; and being sporadically pulverized by the hedonistic jaws of the shark, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst seated in the luminous aircraft; with the air-conditioned bewitchment eventually crashing and exploding like frigid pieces of nothingness against the cold-blooded rocks, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst at war with abhorrent neighboring land; being ruthlessly beheaded if caught; or otherwise being blown up like nonchalant ash-at the vindictive strike of the missile, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst cremating their near and dear ones; with the inconsolably despairing hopelessness of the situation; metamorphosing them into a living carcass for the remainder of their lives, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst inevitably impersonating invidious shades of lies to survive; with this most dreaded sin of existence forever dissolving them into their invisible corpse, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst toiling towards their dreams of becoming the richest man; with the last ounce of power in their bones eventually succumbing to the most unthinkably murderous rat-raced exhaustion, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst fast asleep past ghoulish midnight; with the most dreadfully maiming nightmares of all times snapping the last fangs of their inimitable breath, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst clambering towards the ultimate peak of Everest; ruthlessly devoured by the unstoppable onslaught of the avalanche and the heartlessly freezing wind, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst giving miraculous birth to more of their own; with the excruciating pains of labor silencing the tiniest cry to palpitate in their souls, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst undergoing
the wrath of morbid betrayal; with their breaths naturally ending before—they could dare view their beloved being passionately embraced and caressed in alien arms, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst speeding on the express highways; when clashing metal to brutal metal would foment such an acrimonious ball of fire—as never witnessed in history before, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst stepping out to earn their own bread; with the treacherously parasitic attitude of people around— extricating the very last droplet of their innocuous blood, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst the earthquake suddenly struck; being cold-bloodedly sucked into the horrendously fulminating belly of the earth—where there graves lay already dug, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst strapped to the exuberant parachute; with the ferociously plundering storm rendering them wailing and wingless—in their uncontrolled descent towards murderous stony ground, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst facing the relentlessly inhuman torture by the police; as they mustered up all their non-existent courage to divulge the devil hidden in their dastardly souls, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst anticipating their final examination results; with the feeblest contingency of a failure and the flagrant exoneration by the society thereafter; cruelly asphyxiating each of their heartbeat in their chests, There were an infinite who thought that they might perhaps die; whilst attempting to change the course of their otherwise satanic destiny; with the irrefutably pre-destined sinking them deeper and deeper into their graves-the harder they tried to redefine and revolutionize time, And then I met him; uncontrollably trembling and slavering in the mortuaries of uncertainty—he who definitely knew that he'd die; as he'd shared just a few idiosyncratically weak moments of his with his spouse; a few moments which he wanted to entirely erase from the chapter of his impoverished life-but she on the other hand was waiting like a famished tigress to repeat the same to him at the tiniest human error he committed; and without the slightest of reason or rhyme.