I would consider myself the richest

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I WOULD CONSIDER MYSELF THE RICHEST I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed the eyes of truth, Able to judiciously discriminate between; the good and obnoxiously evil inhabiting remote corners of the globe. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed egalitarian arms, Ready to embrace those in severe affliction; without the baseless fear of getting stained and dirty. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed the power of mystical clairvoyance, Able to prognosticate the ominous events to unveil; saving the earth from possible disaster. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed a phlegmatic voice, Capable of pacifying those engulfed with inexplicable distress; put all children without parents to sleep. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I could leap from astronomical heights of the bridge into the river, Save scores of innocuous children from drowning; embed their terrorized faces with mischievous smiles. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed feet which could withstand the most onerous of load, Carry the ones crippled; making them witness the most mesmerizing avenues of the world. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed clusters of teeth capable of extracting venom; Evacuating the most lethal of poison from the body of the dying; rejuvenating them with fresh doors of hope. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I possessed the prowess of assassinate the most evanescent of corruption prevailing, Liberating the impoverished from impregnable clutches of slavery; granting them the supreme distinction of breathing free air. I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I could stay awake all night;

Incessantly guarding those who were philanthropic; ever ready to propagate the benevolent cause of humanity. And I would consider myself the richest man on earth; if I could possess and incarcerate the love I so vehemently desired, Help all residing on land; to get the dream partner of their own choice .

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