The lord was perpetually watching you!

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THE LORD WAS PERPETUALLY WATCHING YOU! You might utter an infinite abuses on eternally spell-binding creation; in the most nonchalantly decaying of gutter pipe; where there dared not creep even the most parsimoniously uninterested of soul, You might abominably execute an infinite dastardly lies; in the realms of meaninglessly menacing wilderness; where there dared not creep even the most ethereally lackadaisical of soul, You might indiscriminately massacre an infinite innocent scalps; in the invidiously asphyxiating blackness of solitary midnight; where there dared not creep even the most fecklessly cowardly of soul, You might sadistically wail an infinite tunes of death; in the aisles of demonically terrorizing hell; where there dared not creep even the most transiently anomalous of soul, You might parasitically suck an infinite droplets of new-born blood; in the ominously thwarted labyrinths of the ominously cold-blooded dungeons; where there dared not creep even the most fugitively mercurial of soul, You might sacrilegiously manipulate an infinite lives like lifeless commodities; in a despicably dying mist of nothingness; where there dared not creep even the most parsimoniously invisible of soul, You might intransigently ridicule an infinite maimed and blind children; in the deserts of hopelessly crucifying boredom; where there dared not creep even the most inconspicuously intangible of soul, You might abhorrently bombard an infinite civilizations of newness; in the midst of devastatingly pin-drop sleep and cadaverous silence; where there dared not creep even the most penuriously deteriorating of soul, You might satanically poison an infinite elements of altruistic simplicity; in the worthlessly livid vacuum that profanely existed between heaven and hell; where there dared not creep even the most incomprehensibly invisible of soul, You might malevolently steal an infinite moments of happiness from the symbiotic; in the graveyards of fetidly exacerbated extinction; where there dared not creep even the most despairingly disappearing of soul, You might torturously blind an infinite pristinely enchanting of eyes; in the hideously moonless blackness; where there dared not creep even the most

ephemerally obfuscated of soul, You might emotionlessly famish an infinite organisms of quintessential water and food; in the coffins of ruthlessly asphyxiating depression; where there dared not creep even the most despondently obsolete of soul, You might deliriously incarcerate an infinite winds of philanthropic goodness; in the maniacally murderous tunnels of debauchery; where there dared not creep even the most inaudibly impoverished of soul, You might heartlessly sell an infinite mothers including your very own; to earn those extra despicably worthless wads of currency; in the intolerably ribald nakedness of dusk; where there dared not creep even the most diminutively insipid of soul, You might venomously besmirch an infinite brilliantly unfettered spirits of triumph; in the criminally uninhabited lanes of cannibalistic hatred; where there dared not creep even the most unrecognizably fluttering of soul, You might unforgivably traumatize and hunt an infinite forests and priceless wildlife; in the indistinguishably ghoulish cry of the jinxed owl; where there dared not creep even the most indecipherably measly of soul, You might barbarously close an infinite holistically impregnable breaths; in the gallows of cold-bloodedly excoriating prison; where there dared not creep even the most non-existently meaningless of soul, You might lethally perpetuate the poison of betrayal in an infinite immortally passionate hearts; in the mortuaries of the deplorable devil; where there dared not creep even the most conceivably impoverished of soul, And do whatever you wanted to; do wherever you wanted to; do whenever you wanted to; but remember O! disastrously greedy man; that if not anybody on this fathomlessly inscrutable Universe; but the Omnipotent Lord Almighty was perpetually watching you and simultaneously ever other organism like you !

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