TITANIC-THE SHIP OF IMMORTAL LOVE AND DREAMS. It might have sunk like frigid ice to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where unconquerable royalty radiated from even the most infinitesimal element, It might have sunk like non-existent air to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever consider the Titanic as a ship; where the true flavor of all fraternities of humanity; reigned emotionally charged and supreme at all times, It might have sunk like a new born infant to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there perennially wafted an impregnable atmosphere of pricelessly eternal compassion, It might have sunk like an invisible speck to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the spirit of Omnipotent God was endlessly praised; in its most unassailably bestowing form, It might have sunk like a deplorably defeated teardrop to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the heavens of the most ultimate fantasy ruled supreme; in even the most blackened corners; tapestries; cisterns and stairs, It might have sunk like a lifeless solider to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the definition of true sacrifice was immortalized; like never before on this fathomless planet, It might have sunk like an amorphous ant to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there flew kisses of all sizes and shapes; in every conceivable direction; poignant and galore, It might have sunk like besmirched sour cream to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there was a perfect blend of people of virtually every religion; traveling to the most cherished destination of their life, It might have sunk like disdainfully shattered glass to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there the finest wine and cuisine were ecstatically served in one half; whilst the other; perpetually rejoiced and unabashedly danced to the tunes of rum and humanity, It might have sunk like meaningless vacuum to the rock bottom of the ocean;
but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the longest insatiable locking of two lips into a kiss; was ever registered on this boundless enamoring planet, It might have sunk like impoverished chowder to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the most inimitably cherishable moments of existence; were lived by thousands; within just two days, It might have sunk like neglected seaweed to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the heart of the infallibly intrepid sea; was inscrutably captured within each pristine wall, It might have sunk like despicably thwarted ash to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where an insuperable ensemble of artists; exuberantly sang till their very last breath; even as hell unstoppably rained around, It might have sunk like despairing oblivion to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where thousands prayed for rhapsodic life and happiness; affably holding hand in hand and together, It might have sunk like a fecklessly butchered whisker to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the most unconquerably golden moments of passion; were captured with astounding propensity upon the fabric of white canvas, It might have sunk like a lackadaisical feather to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where even the most gigantic structures; ceilings and obdurate iron; perennially floated around as invincibly aristocratic silk, It might have sunk like a lifeless corpse to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where the flaming Sun played hide-n-seek till eternity; as nubile couples mischievously cavorted up and down the numerous rails and decks, It might have sunk like a cadaverously hammered bone to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there was nothing else to do; but interminably dream; dream and simply and majestically dream, It might have sunk like despondently distorted pulp to the rock bottom of the ocean; but I for one would forever remember the Titanic as a ship; where there everlastingly throbbed the heartbeat of immortal love; between “Jack” and “Rose” ; irrespective of
whether the physical forms stayed or crumbled; irrespective of whether there prevailed life or hopeless death .