TO MY MOTHER – BEST WISHES ON YOUR FASCINATING BIRTHDAY . The lady that personified unassailable grace , treading on the most impeccable marble of her choice, The wife who was irrefutably loyal to her husband , in the motley situations that the exhilarating chapter of life had to offer, The dutiful patron who embellished various spaces of her aristocratic farmhouse , with the choicest artifacts, figurines, statuettes and shrubs that she found with ease, The daughter who skipped meals sporadically; earnestly concerned about her mother’s health; which was one of her most predominant priority as of now, The uninhibited shopper who took rhapsodic delight in replenishing the shelves of her household – with the most robustly royal fruits to devour, The grandmother who absolutely and profoundly doted on her grandchild , fulfilling the tiniest of her demands with toys befitting a grandiose princess, The astounding philanthropist who would often lend all her meals to brutally famished street dogs and cats – and then cuddle them as if they were an inevitable constituent of her family, The fantasizer who granted invincibly concrete shapes to her beautiful myriad of thoughts ; as she persevered in her natural capacity to salvage her very own inimitable identity on the trajectory of this planet, The friend who patiently listened to the unprecedented agonies of her mates – empowered their lives with her intriguing jokes; wit; laughter and congenial charisma, The aunt who was ready impromptu to shoulder responsibility of the most distant of her relatives ; without the slightest trace of prejudice and malice – and as life demanded her to benevolently react, The mother-in-law who had her share of irate squabbles with her daughter-in-law which was perfectly natural ; but yet at the same time made her welcome at home as she’d come far away leaving her own abode, And most importantly ‘my mother’ for whom I was the unconquered best in the world – no matter what anyone said- and her belief in my poetry being the quintessential backbone of my impoverished mortal existence,
Here’s wishing you a very Happy Birthday on this joyously enthralling day of the 24th March , 2010 .