TRUE LOVE INEVITABLY COMES TO YOU. Until and Unless you don’t open your agglutinated eyes; you just wont be able to sight even an infinitesimal iota of Nature’s panoramically fathomless beauty; the mists of bewitching enchantment profusely inundating the atmosphere all around, Until and Unless you don’t open your Spartan lips; you just wont be able to utter even the most ethereally nonchalant of sound; flood the dolorously morbid ambience around; with unbelievably spell-binding melody, Until and Unless you don’t open your dogmatic stomach; you just wont be able to accommodate even the most obsoletely feckless ingredient of food; stupendously relish the unsurpassably pristine fruits of Nature divine, Until and Unless you don’t open your clenched fists; you just wont be able to profoundly enjoy the exuberantly drifting breeze; feel the untamed exhilaration of fantastically rhapsodic air upon your lines of inevitable destiny, Until and Unless you don’t open your incorrigble hips; you just wont be able to symbiotically defecate even a fugitive iota of the unfathomable trash; miserably asphyxiating and rotting in the walls of your holistic intestine, Until and Unless you don’t open your stony ears; you just wont be able to decipher even the most transiently conspicuous of voice; wholesomely shunting yourself from the fabulously blessed decibels of synergistic worldliness, Until and Unless you don’t open your intransigent cheeks; you just wont be able to blow the bountifully stupefying whistle; permeate every cranny of mother earth with incredulously ebullient sound, Until and Unless you don’t open your vindictive conscience; you just wont be able to assimilate even a globule of irrefutably infallible truth; holistically imbibe the unconquerably emollient principles of humanity, Until and Unless you don’t open your quagmire brain; you just wont be able to fantasize beyond the monotonously ordinary; uninhibitedly dance in the wisps of unbelievably ecstatic and silken paradise, Until and Unless you don’t open your indignant toes; you just wont be able to astoundingly relax; let even the most vespered of your senses blend with the winds of fantastically rejuvenating tranquility, Until and Unless you don’t open your incarcerated inhibitions; you just wont
be able to perennially evolve; unassailably coalesce even the most the dwindling of your nerves with the heavens of miraculously ameliorating artistry, Until and Unless you don’t open your irrevocable veins; you just wont be able to ubiquitously mélange every droplet of your blessed blood; with every caste; creed; tribe and race effulgently alive, Until and Unless you don’t open your mechanized hair; you just wont be able to intrepidly adventure; let even the most forlornly livid of your wishes become an eternal petal of the exhilarating atmosphere, Until and Unless you don’t open your thwarted throat; you just wont be able to tantalizingly sip the most exotically ravishing sips of water; serenade the devastated crannies of your neck with the most vivacious elixir of life, Until and Unless you don’t open your entrapped muscles; you just wont be unflinchingly defend your diminutively impoverished persona; blossom into a wall of righteously fortified self-defense, Until and Unless you don’t open your robotic shoulders; you just wont be able to wonderfully reach out to every echelon of humanity; timelessly mitigate and altruistically hoist countless deprived orphans towards their ultimate destination in life, Until and Unless you don’t open your strangulated armpits; you just wont be able to feel the redolent trail of perseverance dribble down your body; golden globules of your hard-earned sweat make you feel more invincibly closer to the most humanitarianly blessed mission in life, Until and Unless you don’t open your imprisoned nostrils; you just wont be able to lead even an obfuscated trifle of enigmatic life; eternally rejoice in the Omnipotent supremacy of undefeatably charismatic creation, But irrespective of whether you opened your heart the slightest in your chest or not; the true love of your destiny inevitably comes searching for you from even the most dying realms of infinite infinity; to unabashedly and immortally bond with every beat of your Omnipresently blessed existence .