Niki Kreynus
C o nt e nt s
R o a n o k e P a s s e n g e r S tat i o n
Kansas Farmhouse
Telegraph Hill Practice Room
CLT W e l l n e s s C e n t e r
R o a n o k e P a s s e n g e r S tat i o n 2nd Year Spring - 8 Weeks
The Roanoke Passenger Station is programmed to accommodate travelers coming in and out of Roanoke,Virginia. Daily occupancy and the use of the train by travelers was to be considered. The design needed to reflect on the experience and movement through the station and use techniques of existing passenger stations. The Rule in my design was to incorporate movement through elevation into the building, rather than a structure that considers elevation as secondary. This corresponds with ADA wheelchair ramp requirements. The ramp and stairs ascend as one unit rather than two separate means of ascension. This allowed for a simultaneous experience of ascension through the building.
Kansas Farmhouse 3rd Year Fall - 10 Weeks
I began by exploring the properties of transparency, light gauge steel, the early construction method of balloon framing, and the historical design and functionality of the farmhouse. The house is placed on a plot of roughly 150 acres of farmland in northern Kansas. I wanted to develop a sense of proportion and spacial elements into a floor plan that still maintained the original characteristics of a classic farmhouse. While the living and working spaces adopt the same A-frame style of a farmhouse, the connecting space between buildings adopted a new method of construction and material. Transparency paved the basis for this structure by having exposed steel framing, allowing a view through the house and onto the land that the house occupies. The changing elevations indicate a new space either through the house or to a new level.
Telegraph Hill Practice Room 4th Year Summer - 8 Weeks
The prompt for this project was to create a small practice room for a single musician along the steps of Telegraph Hill in San Francisco. Careful not to jump into design work prematurely, I expirimented with solar paths and the structures relationship to light and the existing houses around it. I began to see the site as a dialogue between the built environment and nature and wanted to be subtle and tasteful with my design intervention. Because of this I chose to set my practice room into the hill, similar to how the homes are situated. I envision it constructed primarily of CMU and wood for acoustic purposes, utilizing the versatility and man-made properties of the material intentionally to create an interesting piece of architecture from as few ideas as possible.
CLT W e l l n e s s C e n t e r 3rd Year Spring - 12 Weeks
A CLT design charrette ,Timber in the City, posed the question of how sustainable materials can alter the design and interaction of presesnt development. the site is set on the waterfront of the east river, adjacent to the Ed Koch/Queensboro Bridge. with the surrounding development continuously evolving, the drive of this project is to simultaneously mold old and new bullding techniques into one.
exterior wall section
axon demostrating glass curtain wall
Glass, concrete and cross laminated timber play individual and collective roles in the structural and aesthetic principles of the design. the relationship of each material to one another and itself, embody past building techniques with new ones.
east elevation
west elevation