Mortgages - Ireland Market illuminated by New Research Report Published By MarketResearchReports.Biz presents this most up-to-date research on“ Mortgages - Ireland March 2016.” Description Although the Irish mortgage market has re-established itself following the turmoil of the postfinancial crisis and recession years, the value of outstanding mortgage lending is – perhaps surprisingly – in subtle decline. Although mortgage lending is increasing, it nonetheless trails the prevailing level of repayments. Table of Content Executive Summary The market Figure 1: Value of outstanding mortgage debt, All-Ireland, NI and RoI, 2011-2020 Forecast Figure 2: Indexed value of outstanding mortgage debt, All-Ireland, NI and RoI, 2011-20 Market factors Economic growth leading to job creation and confidence Interest rates not as low as they theoretically should be Property prices increasing – But affordability better than before Arrears and repossessions remain a problem in NI and RoI The consumer Mortgage ownership at 38% in NI, 33% in RoI Figure 3: Ownership of mortgage on current property, RoI and NI, February 2016 Repayment mortgages favoured by 65% in RoI, 60% in NI Figure 4: Types of mortgages currently owned by consumers, RoI and NI, February 2016 Majority of consumers have no intention of applying for a mortgage Figure 5: Intention to apply for a mortgage (ie for a first home or buy-to-let purchase) or a remortgage for their current home within the next 12 months, RoI and NI, February 2016 Consumers turning to professionals for advice on mortgages Figure 6: Sources of advice used by consumers for their last mortgage or remortgage of their main property, NI and RoI, February 2016 What it means Download Full Version PDF report at:
Issues and Insights PR and other benefits to saving what could be a lost generation The facts The implications Are lenders at risk of losing touch with younger consumers? The facts The implications Prevalence of interest-only mortgages could spell trouble The facts The implications The Market – What You Need to Know Economic growth leading to job creation and confidence Interest rates not as low as they theoretically should be Property prices increasing – But affordability better than before Arrears and repossessions remain a problem in NI and RoI Market Size and Forecast Total mortgage market worth around €108 billion (£90 billion) in 2015 Figure 7: Value of outstanding mortgage debt, All-Ireland, NI and RoI, 2011-2020 Outstanding mortgage value to reach around €115 billion by 2020 Figure 8: Indexed value of outstanding mortgage debt, All-Ireland, NI and RoI, 2011-20 The MMR and MCD NI mortgage activity reached recent peak in Q4 2015 Figure 9: Total number of loans advanced for house purchase, NI, Q4 2012-Q4 2015 Number of NI mortgage loans tops 13,000 in 2015 Figure 10: Total number of loans advanced for house purchase, NI, 2011-15 NI mortgage loans issued in Q4 2015 worth £380 million Figure 11: Total value of loans advanced for house purchase, £m, NI, Q4 2012-Q4 2015 Value of mortgage loans issued in 2015 steady at £1.3 billion Figure 12: Total value of loans advanced for house purchase, £m, NI, 2011-15 First-time buyers constitute bulk of mortgage borrowers in NI in 2015 Figure 13: Total number of loans advanced for house purchase, NI, 2011-15 NI first-time buyers borrowing 7% more in 2015 than in 2014 Figure 14: Average mortgage loan size, first-time buyers and home movers, NI, Q4 2014-Q4 2015 NI first-time buyers borrowing 2.8 times their income in Q4 2015 Figure 15: Average loan-to-income, first-time buyers and home movers, NI, Q4 2014-Q4 2015 RoI's volume of mortgages issued up 24% in 2015 Figure 16: Volume of mortgage loans, by category, RoI, Q3 2013-Q4 2015 Continued growth in number of mortgage approvals in RoI Figure 17: Annual mortgage approval volumes, RoI, 2011-15 First-time buyers emerging as main force in RoI mortgage market Figure 18: Mortgage loan borrower type, RoI, 2011-15 RoI's value of mortgage loans issued up 26% in 2015 Figure 19: Value of mortgage loans, by category, RoI, Q3 2013-Q4 2015 First-time buyer and mover purchaser mortgages account for 85% of value Figure 20: Value of mortgage loans, by category, RoI, Q4 2015 RoI market size in reverse due to repayments exceeding drawdowns Figure 21: Mortgage drawdowns and net mortgage transactions, €m, RoI, Q3 2013-Q4 2015
Affordability a bigger challenge for Dublin consumers Figure 22: House price affordability, price to income multiple, RoI, Q4 2015 About us is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries. Browse Latest Industry Press Release at: Contact Mr. Nachiket State Tower 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 United States Tel: +1-518-621-2074 Website: E: