Non-Life Insurance in Bahrain Market illuminated by New Research Report Published By MarketResearchReports.Biz presents this most up-to-date research on“ Non-Life Insurance in Bahrain, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2019.� Description Timetrics 'Non-Life Insurance in Bahrain, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2019' report provides a detailed outlook by product category for the Bahraini non-life insurance segment, and a comparison of the Bahraini insurance industry with its regional counterparts. It provides values for key performance indicators such as written premium, incurred loss, loss ratio, commissions and expenses, combined ratio, total assets, total investment income and retentions during the review period (20102014) and forecast period (20142019). The report also analyzes distribution channels operating in the segment, gives a comprehensive overview of Bahrain's economy and demographics, explains the various types of natural hazard and their impact on the Bahraini insurance industry, and provides detailed information on the competitive landscape in the country. The report brings together Timetrics research, modeling and analysis expertise, giving insurers access to information on segment dynamics and competitive advantages, and profiles of insurers operating in the country. The report also includes details of insurance regulations, and recent changes in the regulatory structure. Summary Timetrics 'Non-Life Insurance in Bahrain, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2019' report provides in-depth market analysis, information and insights into the Bahraini non-life insurance segment, including: The Bahraini non-life insurance segments detailed outlook by product category A comprehensive overview of the Bahraini economy and demographics A comparison of the Bahraini insurance industry with its regional counterparts Detailed analysis of natural hazards and their impact on the Bahraini insurance industry Details of the competitive landscape in the non-life insurance segment in Bahrain Details of regulatory policy applicable to Bahraini insurance industry
Download Full Version PDF report at: Scope This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the non-life insurance segment in Bahrain: It provides historical values for the Bahraini non-life insurance segment for the reports 20102014 review period, and projected figures for the 20142019 forecast period. It offers a detailed analysis of the key categories in the Bahraini non-life insurance segment, and market forecasts to 2019. It analyzes the various distribution channels for non-life insurance products in Bahrain. It profiles the top non-life insurance companies in Bahrain, and outlines the key regulations affecting them. Reasons To Buy Make strategic business decisions using in-depth historic and forecast market data related to the Bahraini non-life insurance segment, and each category within it. Understand the demand-side dynamics, key market trends and growth opportunities in the Bahraini non-life insurance segment. Assess the competitive dynamics in the non-life insurance segment. Identify growth opportunities and market dynamics in key product categories. Gain insights into key regulations governing the Bahraini insurance industry, and their impact on companies and the industry's future. Key Highlights Non-life insurance was the largest segment in the Bahraini insurance industry, representing 60.8% of the gross written premium in 2014. It was led by the property insurance category, with 48.5% of the non-life gross written premium in 2014, followed by motor insurance with 42.1%. Insurance penetration in Bahrain increased annually, with increased investment in the construction industry, and rising motor sales. Brokers were the leading distribution channel in 2014, accounting for 58.3% of the non-life direct written premium. The Bahraini non-life insurance segment is highly concentrated, with the 10 leading insurers accounting for 94.8% of the gross written premium in 2014. About us is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients.
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