Pasta, rice, noodles and starches canada march 2016

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Pasta, Rice, Noodles and Starches - Canada Market illuminated by New Research Report Published By MarketResearchReports.Biz presents this most up-to-date research on“ Pasta, Rice, Noodles and Starches - Canada - March 2016.” Description Pasta, rice and noodles (PRN) enjoys near ubiquitous usage among Canadians. This, however, does not mean that the landscape is not changing. Pasta retail volume sales remained relatively steady between 2011 and 2015, while rice grew. As Canada’s demographic mix changes, so too is what Canadians are eating. Table of Content Executive Summary The issues Rice to overtake pasta consumption Figure 1: Forecast volume sales of pasta and rice, Canada, 2010-20 Consumers show limited stated topline interest for PRN innovation Figure 2: Interest in PRN innovation, December 2015 Aging population represents a challenge for PRN Figure 3: Weekly usage of PRN, under vs over-45s, December 2015 The opportunities Changing demographic landscape supports rice and noodle growth Figure 4: Weekly usage of PRN, Chinese Canadians vs overall population, December 2015 Demand for healthful options can inform innovation Figure 5: Attitudes towards PRN and health, December 2015 Premiumization represents a growth opportunity Figure 6: Interest in new flavours, parents vs non-parents, December 2015 What it means The Market – What You Need to Know Rice volume sales predicted to outpace pasta Changing Canadian demographic landscape influencing shift Download Full Version PDF report at:

Market Size and Forecast Limited growth forecast for pasta Figure 7: Forecast volume sales of pasta and rice, Canada, 2010-20 Figure 8: Retail market segmentation, by volume (000 tonnes), pasta, 2011-15 Figure 9: Retail market segmentation, by volume (000 tonnes), rice, 2011-15 Figure 10: Pasta Canada sales and fan chart forecast of market, at current prices, 2010-20 Figure 11: Pasta Canada volume and fan chart forecast of market, 2010-20 Figure 12: Pasta Canada sales and forecast of market, at current prices, 2010-20 Strong growth forecast for rice Figure 13: Rice Canada sales and fan chart forecast of market, at current prices, 2010-20 Figure 14: Rice Canada volume and fan chart forecast of market, 2010-20 Figure 15: Rice Canada sales and forecast of market, at current prices, 2010-20 Instant noodle value sales to continue to rise Figure 16: Instant noodles Canada sales and fan chart forecast of market, at current prices, 2010-20 Figure 17: Instant noodles Canada volume and fan chart forecast of market, 2010-20 Figure 18: Instant noodles Canada sales and forecast of market, at current prices, 2010-20 Market Factors Immigration fuelling Canada’s population growth Figure 19: Foreign-born share of population by G8 countries and Australia (in orange) Focus on health and weight management to continue Figure 20: Body mass index, self-reported rate of being overweight or obese among Canadian adults, by gender, 2010-14 Canada’s aging population represents a challenge for PRN consumption Figure 21: Population aged 65 years and over in Canada, historical and projected (% of total), 19712061 Key Players – What You Need to Know A quarter of consumers looking for premium PRN offerings Convenience and health on balance create a “win” Boomers represent a challenge (and opportunity) for noodle manufacturers About us is the most comprehensive collection of market research reports. MarketResearchReports.Biz services are specially designed to save time and money for our clients. We are a one stop solution for all your research needs, our main offerings are syndicated research reports, custom research, subscription access and consulting services. We serve all sizes and types of companies spanning across various industries. Browse Latest Industry Press Release at: Contact Mr. Nachiket State Tower 90 State Street, Suite 700 Albany, NY 12207 United States Tel: +1-518-621-2074

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