PLANNING etc (SCOTLAND) ACT 2006 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2007 NOTICE OF BALLOT PROPOSED TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR LOCHABER This is to give notice that a ballot is to be held on the proposal of the Living Lochaber BID Steering Group to introduce a Tourism Business Improvement District (BID) for Lochaber. The ballot will be conducted entirely by post by the Independent Scrutineer, Electoral Reform Services of 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW. Ballot Papers will be sent to those eligible to vote on Thursday 31 October 2013 for return to them by no later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 12 December 2013 (the “day of the ballot”). Who can Vote in the BID Ballot? Persons eligible to vote in the ballot will be those who, as at Thursday, 3 October 2013, were the eligible non-domestic ratepayers within the geographical area of the proposed BID. The living Lochaber BID area covers Ward 12 (Caol and Mallaig) and Ward 22 (Fort William and Ardnamurchan) of the Highland Council. See map below.
Appointing someone else to vote (a proxy) Persons eligible to vote in the BID ballot may appoint someone else to vote on their behalf (for example, if you are going to be away at the time of the ballot). Applications to appoint a proxy must be submitted to Electoral Reform Services at the above address no later than 5.00 pm on Monday 2 December 2013.
Please see over
An application for the appointment of a proxy must be made in writing and: a) state the full name and address of the person whom the person entitled to vote (the applicant) wishes to appoint as a proxy; b) state the address of the applicant’s property or properties; c) be signed by the applicant; and d) contain a statement by the applicant that the proxy so named has been consulted and is capable and willing to be appointed. A proxy appointment may be cancelled by notifying ERS at the address above no later than 5.00 pm on Friday 6 December 2013. Lost Ballot Papers (ballots not received) Ballot papers will be sent to those who are eligible to vote by no later than Thursday 31 October 2013. If you (or your proxy if you appoint one) have not received your ballot paper by Tuesday 3 December 2013 you may apply to Electoral Reform Services (address above), for a replacement paper, providing evidence as to your identity. Spoilt Ballot Papers If you (or your proxy) inadvertently spoil your ballot paper in such a manner that it cannot be conveniently used as a ballot paper, please return it to Electoral Reform Services (address above). On receipt of the spoilt ballot paper, Electoral Reform Services will issue a replacement. No replacements can be issued if the spoilt ballot paper is received by Electoral Reform Services later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 12 December 2013. Count of Ballot Papers Ballot papers will be counted on Friday 13 December 2013 and the result of the ballot will be announced by the Ballot Holder by 2.30 pm. For a BID ballot to be successful there must be a minimum of 25% turnout of eligible business in the area both by number and aggregate rateable value. Of those voting there needs to be a majority of 50% or more in favour both by number and by combined rateable value of the properties voting. Further details of the BID Proposal The BID arrangements and proposals are described in detail in the BID Business Plan. This will be issued to you along with your ballot paper but in the meantime if you require further information on the BID, please contact the BID proposer (Living Lochaber BID, West Highland College UHI, Carmichael Way, Fort William, PH33 6FF, by email or Tel 07771 821 975) Alternatively, information on the BID is available from For further information on the ballot contact Electoral Reform Services at The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London, N8 0NW Tel: 020 8889 9203. A copy of this Notice has been sent to the Scottish Ministers. Steve Barron Ballot Holder The Highland Council Council Headquarters Glenurquhart Road Inverness IV3 5NX 17 October 2013