Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

“a simple system for overcoming procrastination�

Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less! Sinisa Slavkovic By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

Contents Introduction ................................................................. 3 Step 1 – Set your Goals!................................................ 4 First step: What you want exactly? ........................ 4 Second step: What is the most important to you? ... 5 Third step: Put a deadline to your goal. ................. 5 Fourth step: List everything you need to do!.......... 6 Fifth step: Work on your goal everyday. ............... 6 Step 2 – Motivate yourself! .......................................... 7 First technique: Challenge yourself ....................... 8 Second technique: Positive thinking ...................... 8 Third technique: „Can‟t‟, „hate‟ ............................. 9 Fourth technique: Reward yourself........................ 9 Conclusion.................................................................. 10 Recommended reading .............................................. 10

Copyright 2011 By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

Introduction I am writing this report for one simple reason: To help others to overcome procrastination! Four years ago I have had very huge problems with procrastination. I was very ambitious and I have had big dreams but procrastination killed every chance to get my dreams come true. Then one day I said to myself “From today I‟ll stop procrastinating!”. At that moment I sat down and made this system that helped me to overcome procrastination in two single days! If you are like me, you love simple systems. Because of that I made extremely simple system. It‟s so simple that I will need only few pages to explain it to you. It contains of only two steps. Yes, two steps! First part of the system is about goal setting. Goals are crucial for your life and your career. Without goals you are just like a ship without a rudder. In second part I‟ll explain some techniques for selfmotivation. So let‟s start!

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

Step 1 – Set your Goals! Ok so first step is to set your goals. You can‟t achieve many things in life without goals. Why? Because man without goals simply donesn‟t know where is he going. However on the other side man who has clear written goals knows exactly where he is going, and he work on that goals every day. However there is some problem. Many people don‟t have clear and written goals. That‟s the key for success. Your goals must be clear and written. You must know exactly what you want to do and be. If you don‟t know that single thing, you can‟t get very much from your life. With that in mind, let‟s go to set up goals! I‟ll break this process for you into small steps so you can easily and correctly set your goals. The first step: What you want exactly? As I have said you can‟t achieve very much in your life if you don‟t know what you want to achieve first. So for this step, take a blank piece of paper and start writing. Write everything that you want to

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

accomplish, every wish, every goal that you have in mind but you didn‟t wrote it. Second step: What is the most important to you? When you finished with writing, next thing that you‟ll need to do is to choice the most important goals from your list. How to do that? You can use the ABC method. By using ABC method you grade your goals with A, B or C. „A‟ grade is for the most important goals –goals that most excites your, „B‟ grade is for goals that you should accomplish, and „C‟ is for goals that would be nice to accomplish but if you don‟t accomplish them – it‟s ok. So, right now, go trough your list and grade your goals. Third step: Put a deadline to your goal. Now I want from you to choice only „A‟ graded goals – most important goals – because they will give you most of the “profits”. Write that goals on a new peace of paper. Then in this step you‟ll put a deadlines to your goals. Think about your goals a little bit. Think how much time you would need to accomplish your goals. Then put a date until you

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

want to accomplish them. Remember goal without a deadline is just a wish. Fourth step: List everything you need to do! Now choice one goal. Goal that will have greatest positive impact on your life if you accomplish it. Now you must list everything you‟ll need to do to accomplish that goal. Everything! Why is so important to list everything? Because by doing that you‟re breaking your big goal into small pieces – pieces that you easily can accomplish. And when you accomplish all of the pieces you will accomplish your goal. Let me give you some example: If you want to build a house what you‟ll do first? That‟s right, you‟ll build a foundation. Next you‟ll build walls and then the roof. Get the point? Now let‟s go to the final step. Fifth step: Work on your goal everyday. Let‟s see what you‟ll need to accomplish your goals. First you‟ll need to know exactly what you want. Second you‟ll need to put a deadline, third to By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

break goal into small tasks and finally you need action! Action! This is obvious step but most of the people never get some action. You don‟t want to be in that group! So, when you set up your goals, work on them every single day! And that‟s it! You now have clear written goals and that‟s the key of this system. You‟re now on the half way of beating procrastination.

Step 2 – Motivate yourself! Ok you have your goals set up and now it‟s time to learn how you can motivate yourself in just a few minutes. So let‟s start. I‟m going to give you a few very effective techniques. You can try one of them or you can use more then one, it‟s your choice. Find out which technique is most effective for you and use it!

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

First technique: Challenge yourself When you‟re faced with some problem don‟t say “OMG I have a problem!” that‟s wrong! Instead you should say “Hmm this is a very interesting challenge!” Why this works? Because the word „challenge‟ is very positive word. Humans love challenges – that‟s in our nature. Plus, this word makes you stronger and motivates you. Second technique: Positive thinking This is absolutely easiest technique for selfmotivation. But it‟s very effective. Here‟s what you need to do. Every day when you woke up say out loud “I am self-disciplined!” “I am the most productive person in the world!” “Today is my day!” “I can do it!”etc. Just say that everyday and try to visualize what you say. For example say “I am self-disciplined!” and try to visualize yourself going to work on your tasks without procrastination, without delay. After certain time your subconscious mind will adopt that phrases and you will be motivated, By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

stronger, confident and ready to work and achieve your goals! However be careful. Your subconscious mind understands only present tense messages. So if you say “I will be disciplined” he will not understand you. So speak with present tense! Third technique: ‘Can’t’, ‘hate’ Delete words „can‟t‟ „hate‟ from your vocabulary! These words are very strong and when you say “I can‟t….” it gives‟s you a huge negative energy. These words are capable to completely destroy your good mood. If you don‟t believe me, you can test this. Right now say “I can‟t do _____” (Put something that you want to do) a few times and you‟ll see how your mood will slightly be changed after that. Fourth technique: Reward yourself Ok, this is a well known technique for motivation. It‟s used everywhere. And it‟s used with reason – it works!

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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Overcome Procrastination in 48h or less!

When you‟re procrastinating just say yourself “I will now go to ______ (work) and when I finish, I will give myself a _______ (some reward)!” Simple as 1-2-3!

Conclusion That‟s it! That‟s the whole kitten caboodle my friend. Right now go and take a peace of paper and write your goals. Make a plan to achieve them and if you lack of motivation, use self-motivation techniques that I showed to you. But, these informations are worthless – if you don‟t use them! Remember that the most important key for success is action, action, action!

Recommended reading Stop Procrastinating Permanently! - Charlie Ritchie The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done - Ph.d. Piers Steel Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time – Brian Tracy

By Sinisa Slavkovic

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