Atentat na Hrvatsku

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Josipa Maras Kraljević Ilija Vučur

ATENTAT NA HRVATSKU THE ASSASSINATION OF CROATIA (napad prosrpske JNA na Banske dvore i povijesnu jezgru Zagreba, 7. X. 1991.) (the attack of the pro-Serbian JNA on the Banski dvori and the historic centre of Zagreb, 7 October 1991)

Nakladnik / Publisher Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata The Croatian Memorial-Documentation Centre of the Homeland War Za nakladnika / For the publisher izv. prof. dr. sc. Ante Nazor Urednik / Editor izv. prof. dr. sc. Ante Nazor Recenzenti / Reviewers dr. sc. Anđelko Mijatović Josip Štimac, general bojnik HV-a u mirovini Autori / Authors Josipa Maras Kraljević Ilija Vučur Lektorica / Proof-reading Julija Barunčić Pletikosić Prijevod / Translation Ana Perišić Mijić Izrada naslovnice / Front page design Nikola Market Priprema i tisak / Prepress and print Tiskara Rotim i Market Naklada / Print run 1000 primjeraka / copies Autor fotografije na naslovnici / Author of the photograph on the front page Hrvoje Knez (Muzej grada Zagreba / Zagreb City Museum) Predsjednička zastavica s automobila oštećena tijekom napada zrakoplova JNA na Banske dvore. (Memorijalni centar raketiranja Zagreba 1991./1995.) Presidential flag from the car damaged during the JNA aircraft attack on the Banski dvori. (Memorial Centre of the Rocket Attacks on Zagreb 1991/1995) Na poleđini / On the back cover Dio plakata izložbe u Beču. Part of the poster of the exhibition in Vienna. CIP zapis dostupan je u računalnom katalogu Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu pod brojem 000944820. CIP record available from the National and University Library in Zagreb under no. 000944820. Zagreb, listopad 2016. / October 2016

Josipa Maras Kraljević Ilija Vučur

ATENTAT NA HRVATSKU THE ASSASSINATION OF CROATIA (napad prosrpske JNA na Banske dvore i povijesnu jezgru Zagreba, 7. X. 1991.) (the attack of the pro-Serbian JNA on the Banski dvori and the historic centre of Zagreb, 7 October 1991)

Zagreb, listopad 2016. / October 2016



Zrakoplovi Jugoslavenske narodne armije (JNA) napali su 7. listopada 1991. Banske dvore, političko središte Hrvatske, na Trgu sv. Marka na povijesnom Gradecu - Gornjem gradu u Zagrebu, glavnom gradu Hrvatske. Tim klasičnim činom državnoga terorizma, JNA je, tada već kao sredstvo provođenja velikosrpske politike oružanim putem, pokušala ubiti legitimno izabranoga predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. sc. Franju Tuđmana, koji je u svom uredu imao sastanak s predsjednikom Predsjedništva Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije (SFRJ) Stjepanom Mesićem i predsjednikom Saveznog izvršnog vijeća SFRJ Antom Markovićem, dakle s dužnosnicima države s kojom je Hrvatska Ustavnom odlukom o suverenosti i samostalnosti 25. lipnja 1991. započela proces razdruživanja. Očigledno, čekao se trenutak u kojem će sva trojica biti na okupu, jer su i Mesić i Marković, iako bez većeg političkog utjecaja, kao Hrvati na formalno značajnim saveznim dužnostima ipak bili prepreka unitarističkim i velikosrpskim snagama za nesmetano provođenje njihove politike i pokušaj uvođenja ratnog stanja u SFRJ, koje je vojni vrh JNA i političko vodstvo Srbije tražilo. U trenutku napada na Banske dvore, na drugoj strani Markova trga, u zgradi Sabora Republike Hrvatske1 nalazili su se saborski zastupnici. Navedenoga je dana završavao tromjesečni moratorij na odluke o samostalnosti Hrvatske i Slovenije, potpisan na Brijunima 7. srpnja 1991. (Brijunski sporazum). Okolnost da su na istom mjestu u isto vrijeme bili Predsjednik Republike Hrvatske kao glavni politički protivnik i predstavnici saveznih institucija koji su, makar formalno, ometali centralističko - jugoslavenske, odnosno velikosrpske političke i vojne planove te prestanak moratorija na Ustavnu odluku o samostalnosti i suverenosti Hrvatske, zasigurno su bili presudni za odluku vojnog vrha JNA da zapovjedi zračni napad na Banske dvore 7. listopada 1991.

On 7 October 1991 the aircraft of the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) attacked the Banski dvori, the political centre of Croatia, on St. Mark’s Square in the historic Gradec – the Upper Town of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. With that classic act of state terrorism, the JNA, already the armed vehicle of the Greater Serbian policy, tried to kill the legitimately elected President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman, who was in his office in a meeting with the President of the Presidency of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) Stjepan Mesić and the President of the SFRY Federal Executive Council Ante Marković, therefore with the officials of the country with which Croatia started the process of dissociation with the Constitutional Decision on Sovereignty and Independence on 25 June 1991. It is obvious that a moment in which all three would be together was waited for, since both Mesić and Marković, although without much political influence, as Croats on formally significant federal duties were nevertheless obstacles to the unitarian and Greater Serbian forces for the smooth implementation of their policies and the attempt to introduce a state of war in the SFRY, which the military leadership of the JNA and Serbian political leadership sought. At the time of the attack on the Banski dvori, on the other side of St. Mark’s Square, members of the Parliament were in the building of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia1. That precise date marked the end of a three-month moratorium on the decisions on independence of Croatia and Slovenia, signed on the Brioni island on 7 July 1991 (“Brioni Agreement”). The fact that the President of the Republic of Croatia, as the main political opponent, and the representatives of federal institutions that, at least formally, interfered with the centralist Yugoslavian and Greater Serbian political and military plans were in the same place at the same time, as well as the termination of the moratorium on the Constitutional Decision on the Independence and the Sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia surely must have ruled in the decision of the JNA military leadership to command the air raid on the Banski dvori on 7 October 1991.

Godine 1997. mijenja se naziv u Hrvatski državni sabor, a 2001. u Hrvatski sabor.


In 1997 the name was changed to the Croatian National Parliament and in 2001 to the Croatian Parliament.



Kratak pregled raspada SFRJ i početka procesa osamostaljenja Republike Hrvatske Rušenje Berlinskoga zida u studenom 1989. simbolično je označilo početak novog razdoblja europske povijesti, u kojem je u većini istočnoeuropskih država jednostranački, komunistički režim zamijenilo višestranačje i demokracija. Taj proces zahvatio je i većinu republika bivše SFRJ, međutim ne i Socijalističku Republiku Srbiju. Njezini građani postali su taoci srpskih nacionalista, koji su sredinom 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća opet pokrenuli velikosrpski projekt iz 19. stoljeća, prema kojem je zapadna granica srpske države – tzv. velike Srbije - planirana duboko na hrvatskom teritoriju, na crti Virovitica – Pakrac – Karlovac - Ogulin i dio Gorskog kotara - Karlobag. To je, otprilike, bila granica osmanlijskih osvajanja u Hrvatskoj od 15. do 17. stoljeća. Medijska promidžba radi stvaranja uvjeta za provođenje velikosrpskog projekta pokrenuta je objavljivanjem nacrta Memoranduma Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti u beogradskim Večernjim novostima 24. i 25. rujna 1986., u kojem se ističe navodna ugroženost srpstva u Jugoslaviji. Srpski nacionalisti zapravo su težili što većoj centralizaciji države. Tražili su dominaciju Srbije u federaciji i potpuni utjecaj Beograda na događaje u Socijalističkim autonomnim pokrajinama Vojvodini i Kosovu te u Socijalističkoj Republici Crnoj Gori. Rezultat takve nacionalističke, odnosno velikosrpske politike dijela srbijanskih političara bila je smjena političkoga vodstva u spomenutim konstitutivnim dijelovima SFRJ krajem 1988. i početkom 1989., a potom i promjena Ustava SR Srbije, kojom je “de facto” ukinuta autonomija pokrajina. S obzirom na to da su u Predsjedništvo SFRJ (6 predstavnika republika i 2 autonomnih pokrajina) postavljeni prosrpski predstavnici Crne Gore, Vojvodine i Kosova, Slobodan Milošević (od 8. svibnja 1989. predsjednik Predsjedništva SR Srbije) osigurao je kontrolu nad polovicom njegovih članova, a Srbija preduvjete za političku dominaciju nad ostalim jugoslavenskim republikama. Događaji u Srbiji izazvat će reakciju u zapadnim jugoslavenskim republikama Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji. 6

Short overview of the collapse of the SFRY and the beginning of the process of the independence of the Republic of Croatia The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 symbolically marked the beginning of a new period in European history in which the one-party communist regime in most communist countries in Eastern Europe was replaced by multi-party systems and democracy. That process also affected the majority of the republics of the former SFRY, but not the Socialist Republic of Serbia. Its citizens became hostages of the Serbian nationalists, who in the mid-1980s relaunched the Great Serbian project conceived in the nineteenth century according to which the western boundary of the Serbian state – the so-called Greater Serbia – was planned deep in Croatian territory, along the Virovitica – Pakrac – Karlovac – Ogulin and part of Gorski Kotar – Karlobag line. That was, approximately, the boundary of Ottoman conquests in Croatia between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries. A media campaign focused on creating the conditions for the implementation of the Great Serbian project was set in motion with the publication of the draft Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Belgrade daily Večernje novosti (Evening News) on the 24th and 25th September 1986, that stressed the allegedly endangered condition of the Serbs and Serbian culture in Yugoslavia. The Serbian nationalist actually aspired to the greatest possible centralization of the state. They were looking for the domination of Serbia in the Federation and the full impact of Belgrade on events in the Socialist Autonomous Provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo and the Socialist Republic of Montenegro. The result of this nationalist and Greater Serbian policy by a part of the Serbian politicians was the shift of the political leadership in these constituent parts of Yugoslavia, in late 1988 and early 1989, and then the change of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, which de facto abolished the autonomy of the provinces. Given the fact that the pro-Serbian representatives of Montenegro, Vojvodina and Kosovo were placed in the Presidency of Yugoslavia (6 representatives of the republics and 2 of the autonomous provinces), Slobodan Milošević (from 8 May 1989 the President of the Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Serbia) secured the control of half of its members and Serbia attained the preconditions for po-

Plakat 14. kongresa SKJ; Zbog nametanja volje delegata iz Srbije i Crne Gore te ignoriranja i odbijanja svakoga prijedloga delegata iz Slovenije, Kongres je 22. siječnja 1990. napustila slovenska, a potom i hrvatska delegacija. To je označilo kraj postojanja monolitne, centralizirane partijske organizacije kakva je bio Savez komunista Jugoslavije te početak raspada Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije.

Poster of the 14th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia (SKJ) The Serbian and Montenegrin delegations forcibly asserted their own positions, ignoring and refusing every proposal from the Slovenian delegation and on 22 January 1990 the Slovenian and then the Croatian delegation left the Congress. This marked the end of the existence of a monolithic, centralized party organization as was the League of Communists of Yugoslavia and the beginning of the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

U skladu s velikosrpskom politikom iz Beograda, već su 1989.2 i početkom 1990. u SR Hrvatskoj organizirani mitinzi - tzv. događanja naroda - Srba iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije, koji su zaoštrili hrvatsko-srpske političke odnose. Na mitinzima su dominirale slike novoga “svesrpskog” vođe Slobodana Miloševića, zastave Srbije, Jugoslavije i Saveza komunista te velikosrpske i protuhrvatske parole. No, ni takva agresivna srbijanska politika nije mogla zaustaviti proces demokratizacije u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. U travnju i početkom svibnja 1990. u Hrvatskoj su održani slobodni, višestranački izbori na kojima je pobijedila Hrvatska demokratska zajednica predvođena dr. sc. Franjom Tuđmanom.

litical dominance over the other Yugoslav republics. The events in Serbia will cause a reaction in the western Yugoslav republics Croatia and Slovenia.

Odmah potom, prema nalogu srbijanskih političara (predsjednika Srbije Slobodana Miloševića te predstavnika Srbije u Predsjedništvu SFRJ i njegova predsjednika Borisava Jovića), na rezultate izbora u Hrvatskoj vojne vlasti SFRJ reagirale su razoružanjem hrvatske Teritorijalne obrane, republičkog dijela Oružanih snaga SFRJ. Ono je planirano i ubrzano provedeno do 23. svibnja 1990., na temelju strogo povjerljive zapovijedi, koju je 14. svibnja 1990. protuzakonito (bez znanja i suglasnosti cijeloga Predsjedništva SFRJ) potpisao general-pukovnik Blagoje Adžić, načelnik Generalštaba Oružanih snaga SFRJ. Dakle, prije nego što je u Hrvatskoj, sukladno rezultatima   Mile Dakić, Krajina kroz vijekove (Vedes, 2002), 1.


In line with the Greater Serbian policy controlled from Belgrade, as early as in 19892 and 1990 the rallies – so called the events of the people – of the Serbs from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were organized in the SR of Croatia, which strained the Serbo-Croatian political relations. The pictures of the new “all-Serbian“ leader Slobodan Milošević, Serbian, Yugoslav and Communist Party flags, and Greater Serbian and anti-Croatian slogans dominated at the rally. However, not even such aggressive Serbian policy could stop the process of democratization in Slovenia and Croatia. In April and early May 1990, Croatia held free, multi-party elections, won by the Croatian Democratic Union, led by Franjo Tuđman. Immediately afterwards, following the order by Serbian politicians (the President of Serbia Slobodan Milošević and the representative of Serbia in the Presidency of SFRY and its President Borisav Jović), the military SFRY authorities reacted to the results of the elections in Croatia by disarming the Croatian Territorial Defence, a republic part of the SFRY Armed Forces. It was planned and carried out rapidly on 23 May 1990, on the basis of the confidential order illegally signed on 14 May 1990 (without the knowledge and agreement of the complete SFRY Presidency) by General Blagoje Adžić, Chief of the General Staff of   Mile Dakić, Krajina kroz vijekove (Vedes, 2002), 1.



provedenih izbora, došlo do primopredaje dužnosti i ustrojavanja nove vlasti. Oduzeto naoružanje hrvatske Teritorijalne obrane (procjene se kreću od oko 80.000 do 200.000 “cijevi”) smješteno je u skladišta Jugoslavenske narodne armije.3 Sabor Republike Hrvatske potom je na konstituirajućoj sjednici višestranačkoga sabora 30. svibnja 1990. izabrao Franju Tuđmana za predsjednika Predsjedništva SRH, a 25. srpnja usvojeni su amandmani na Ustav SRH, kojima je iz naziva države uklonjen pridjev „socijalistička“, utvrđeni su novi („povijesni“) grb i zastava te prihvaćeni primjereniji nazivi državnih dužnosti: predsjednik, Vlada RH, ministar i drugi.4 Istoga dana, na mitingu Srba u Srbu donesena je Deklaracija o suverenosti i autonomiji Srba u Hrvatskoj. Najavljeno je i održavanje „referenduma o srpskoj autonomiji“, od 19. kolovoza do 2. rujna 1990., koji nije bio utemeljen u republičkim i saveznim propisima.5 Destabilizacija Hrvatske nakon izbora nastavljena je protuustavnim i terorističkim djelovanjem, a u kolovozu 1990. prerasla je u oružanu pobunu dijela Srba u Hrvatskoj, koji su balvanima i kamenjem blokirali prometnice u dijelu Dalmacije i Like. Pokušaj hrvatske policije da uspostavi red i osigura mir na tom području spriječila je jugoslavenska federalna vojska. Tzv. balvan revolucija bila je odgovor dijela Srba iz Hrvatske na demokratske procese u Hrvatskoj i može se shvatiti kao početak oružane pobune Srba u Hrvatskoj protiv hrvatske, demokratski izabrane vlasti. Krajnji cilj započete pobune bilo je pripajanje dijela teritorija Republike Hrvatske jedinstvenoj srpskoj državi, koja bi obuhvatila veći dio bivše Jugoslavije. Doduše, oružano djelovanje pobunjenih Srba tada je još bilo ograničeno na napade iz zasjeda i na terorističke akcije pojedinih skupina, među kojima su bili i teroristi ubačeni iz Srbije. Posebno žestoki bili su sukobi hrvatske policije sa srpskim teroristima u Pakracu 2. ožujka 1991. i na Plitvicama na Uskrs 31. ožujka, kad je ubijen hrvatski policajac Josip Jović - prvi poginuli hrvatski branitelj u Domovinskom ratu, te 2. svibnja 1991. kad je iz zasjede ubijeno 12 hrvatskih policajaca   Ozren Žunec, “Rat u Hrvatskoj 1991. - 1995.”, Polemos 1 (1998), 66.; Martin Špegelj, Sjećanja vojnika (Zagreb: Znanje, 2001), 287, tab. III.; Anđelko Mijatović, Otkos-10 (Zagreb: Udruga dragovoljaca i veterana Domovinskog rata Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata, 2011), 15. 4   Narodne novine 31, 28. srpnja 1990. (dalje: NN). 5   Hrvatska (dalje: HR) - Arhiv Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske (dalje: Arhiv Us RH) - Pravna dokumentacija vezana uz spis broj: U-VI-295/1991 od 2. listopada 1992. 3


the SFRY Armed Forces. Therefore, before the transfer of duty and establishment of a new government in Croatia according to the results of the elections. The confiscated weapons stocks of the Croatian Territorial Defence (estimates range from about 80,000 to 200,000 ”barrels”) were placed in the stores of the Yugoslav People’s Army.3 The constituent assembly of the new multiparty Parliament of the Republic of Croatia was held on 30 May 1990 and Franjo Tuđman was elected the President of the Presidency of SR Croatia. On 25 July the amendments to the Constitution of the SR Croatia were adopted; the adjective ”socialist” was removed from the name of the state, new (“historic“) coat of arms and flag were established as well as more appropriate names of state duties: President, Government of the Republic of Croatia, Minister and others.4 On the same day, the Declaration on the sovereignty and autonomy of the Serbs in Croatia was adopted at a rally of Serbs in Srb. A ”referendum on Serbian autonomy” was also announced, to be held from 19 August to 2 September 1990, which was not based in the republic and federal regulations.5 After the elections, the destabilization of Croatia was continued with the unconstitutional and terrorist acts, and in August 1990 has grown into an armed insurgency of a part of the Serbs in Croatia, who blocked the roads in parts of Dalmatia and Lika with logs and boulders. The attempt of the Croatian police to establish law and order in the area was prevented by the Yugoslav federal army. The so-called “log revolution” was a response of a part of the Serbs in Croatia to the democratic processes in Croatia and can be perceived as the beginning of the armed insurgency of the Serbs in Croatia against the democratically elected Croatian authorities. The ultimate objective of the insurgency was the annexation of a part of Croatian territory to an integral Serbian state, which would encompass the biggest part of the former Yugoslavia. However, the armed actions by insurgent Serbs were then still limited to the ambushes and terrorist activities of separate groups, among which were the terrorists infiltrated from Serbia. Particularly fierce were the clashes of the Croatian police with Serbian terrorists in Pakrac on 2 March 1991 and in the Plitvice   Ozren Žunec, “Rat u Hrvatskoj 1991.-1995.”, Polemos 1 (1998), 66.; Martin Špegelj, Sjećanja vojnika (Zagreb: Znanje, 2001), 287, tab. III.; Anđelko Mijatović, Otkos-10 (Zagreb: Udruga dragovoljaca i veterana Domovinskog rata Republike Hrvatske, Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata, 2011), 15. 4   Official Journal 31, 28 June 1990. (further on: OJ) 5   Hrvatska (dalje: HR) - Arhiv Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske (dalje: Arhiv Us RH) - Pravna dokumentacija vezana uz spis broj: U-VI-295/1991 od 2. listopada 1992. 3

u Borovu Selu (Slavonija), a jedan u Polači kod Zadra (Dalmacija). Zbog takvog neprihvatljivog stanja u državi i nametanja politike srbijanskog vodstva, koje se očitovalo u samovoljnim i protuustavnim odlukama Predsjedništva i Skupštine SR Srbije, odnosno zbog pokušaja centralizacije i jačanja političkog i gospodarskog položaja Srbije na račun ostalih republika u federaciji, hrvatsko i slovensko vodstvo predložilo je preustroj Jugoslavije u konfederalnu državu. Međutim, srpsko vodstvo odbilo je takav preustroj, pa su Hrvatska i Slovenija krenule u proces osamostaljenja. Nakon što je 22. prosinca 1990. proglasio novi Ustav Republike Hrvatske,6 Sabor RH je 25. lipnja 1991., na temelju rezultata referenduma održanog 19. svibnja 1991., usvojio Ustavnu odluku o suverenosti i samostalnosti i Deklaraciju o uspostavi suverene i samostalne Republike Hrvatske, kao i Povelju o pravima Srba i drugih nacionalnosti u RH.7 Odluka o samostalnosti potom je, pod pritiskom i uz posredovanje međunarodne zajednice, Brijunskim sporazumom, potpisanim 7. srpnja 1991., „zamrznuta“ na tri mjeseca, kako bi se pregovori o mirnom rješenju jugoslavenske krize mogli nastaviti. Upravo tada, sukladno dogovoru srbijanskoga političkog vodstva i vodstva JNA, terorističke akcije srpskih ekstremista u Hrvatskoj prerasle su u otvorenu i nemilosrdnu agresiju Srbije i Crne Gore, odnosno JNA i srpskih paravojnih formacija na Republiku Hrvatsku. Uz ubojstva i progone civilnog stanovništva u istočnoj i zapadnoj Slavoniji, na Banovini, Kordunu, Lici i Dalmaciji, diljem napadnutoga područja sustavno se uništavaju hrvatski kulturni i vjerski objekti i simboli, kao temelj hrvatskog nacionalnog identiteta. Srbijanski predstavnik u Predsjedništvu SFRJ i tadašnji vršitelj dužnosti predsjednika Predsjedništva SFRJ Borisav Jović je u svojoj knjizi8 zapisao da je 5. srpnja 1991. savezni sekretar za narodnu obranu SFRJ („ministar obrane“) Veljko Kadijević „bez pogovora prihvatio zahtjev predsjednika Srbije Slobodana Miloševića da snage JNA pokriju sve teritorije gdje žive Srbi do potpunog raspleta i da se Hrvati i Slovenci potpuno eliminiraju iz vojske“. Zapravo, JNA je već djelovala u skladu sa zahtjevima srbijanskoga vodstva: 26. lipnja postrojbe JNA pomogle su srpskim pobunjenicima u Hrvatskoj da zauzmu veći dio Gline, a 3. srp  NN 56, 22. prosinca 1990.   NN 31, 25. lipnja 1991. 8   Borisav Jović, Poslednji dani SFRJ: Izvodi iz dnevnika (Beograd: vlastita naklada, 1995), 349.

Lakes National Park on Easter Day, 31 March, when the Croatian policeman Josip Jović was killed - the first Croatian defender killed in the Homeland War, and on 2 May 1991, when 12 Croatian policemen were ambushed and killed in Borovo Selo (Slavonia), and one in Polača near Zadar (Dalmatia). Due to this unacceptable situation in the state and the imposition of the policies by the Serbian leadership, evident in the arbitrary and unconstitutional decisions of the Presidency and the Assembly of the SR Serbia, and for attempting to centralize and strengthen the political and economic position of Serbia at the expense of other republics in the federation, the Croatian and Slovenian leadership suggested the restructuring of Yugoslavia into a confederate state. However, the Serbian leadership rejected such restructuring so Croatia and Slovenia started the process of independence. After the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia enacted a new Constitution of the Republic of Croatia on 22 December 19906, on the basis of the referendum held on 19 May 1991, it also enacted the Constitutional Decision on the Sovereignty and the Independence of the Republic of Croatia, as well as the Charter on the Rights of Serbs and Other Nationalities in the Republic of Croatia.7 The Decision on the Independence was put, under the pressure and with the mediation of the international community, under a three-month moratorium by the Brioni Agreement so that the negotiations on a peaceful resolution of the Yugoslav crisis could continue. Precisely then, in accordance with the agreement of the Serbian political leadership and the JNA leadership, the terrorist actions of Serbian extremists in Croatia grew into an open and merciless aggression of Serbia and Montenegro, that is the JNA and Serbian paramilitary formations, against the Republic of Croatia. In addition to the murders and persecution of civilians in eastern and western Slavonia, Banovina, Kordun, Lika and Dalmatia, throughout the attacked areas the Croatian cultural and religious sites and symbols, as the foundation of the Croatian national identity, were systematically destroyed. Borisav Jović, the Serbian representative in the SFRY Presidency and the acting President of the SFRY Presidency at the time, noted in his book The Last Days of the SFRY: Excerpts from the Diary8 that on 5 July 1991 the Secretary of the Federal Secretariat for National Defence” (i.e., the Yugoslav Minister of Defence) Veljko Kadijević ”unquestioningly accepted the request of   OJ 56, 22 December 1990   OJ 31, 25 June 1991 8   Borisav Jović, Poslednji dani SFRJ: Izvodi iz dnevnika (Beograd: vlastita naklada, 1995), 349.






nja 1991. ušle su u Baranju. S obzirom na to da se već od svibnja počela razmještati na kriznim područjima u Hrvatskoj, JNA je do početka srpnja 1991. nadzirala sve mostove između Hrvatske i Srbije. Zaposjevši važne strateške pozicije, JNA je početkom srpnja 1991. bila spremna za napad na Republiku Hrvatsku. Otvorenu agresiju Srbije i JNA na Hrvatsku nije zaustavio ni već spomenuti Brijunski sporazum od 7. srpnja 1991., prema kojem se JNA trebala povući u vojarne i na temelju kojega je hrvatski predstavnik u Predsjedništvu SFRJ Stjepan Mesić konačno postao predsjednik Predsjedništva SFRJ, kao što je to predviđala jednogodišnja izmjena predstavnika jugoslavenskih republika po utvrđenom redoslijedu, a čemu se Srbija od 15. svibnja 1991. protivila. Iako su u Generalštabu JNA od početka srpnja generali raspravljali o novom planu napada na Sloveniju, Predsjedništvo SFRJ je 18. srpnja 1991. donijelo odluku o povlačenju JNA iz Slovenije, republike u kojoj Srbi nisu živjeli u značajnijem broju.9 Drži se da je tom odlukom Predsjedništva SFRJ zapečaćena sudbina Jugoslavije. Naime, prihvaćanjem takve odluke vodstvo JNA odreklo se svoje Ustavom određene obveze čuvanja cjelovitosti tadašnje države i svoje aktivnosti otvoreno prilagodilo zahtjevima srbijanskoga vodstva, odnosno velikosrpskoj politici, da svi Srbi s područja bivše Jugoslavije žive u jednoj državi. Ignorirajući mirovne pregovore, odnosno pokušaje Vlade RH i međunarodne zajednice da krizu riješe mirnim putem, JNA i srpsko-crnogorske postrojbe krenule su krajem rujna i početkom listopada u opći napad na svim bojištima u Hrvatskoj, s ciljem da za 20 dana slome obranu Republike Hrvatske. O silovitosti napada govori i procjena pojedinih stranih vojnih analitičara da hrvatski branitelji neće uspjeti izdržati „više od dva tjedna“.10 U svojoj knjizi tadašnji jugoslavenski “ministar obrane” i general JNA Veljko Kadijević iznosi plan napada JNA na Hrvatsku u jesen 1991.: 11

Davor Marijan, Slom Titove armije – JNA i raspad Jugoslavije 1987. - 1992. (Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2008), 212; Kronologija rata: agresija na Hrvatsku i Bosnu i Hercegovinu (1989. - 1998.) (Zagreb: Hrvatski informativni centar, 1998), 77. 10   Anton Tus, „Rat u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj do Sarajevskog primirja“, u: Rat u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini 1991. - 1995., ur. Branka Magaš i Ivo Žanić, (Zagreb - Sarajevo: Naklada Jesenski - Turk, Dani, 1999), 78. 11   Veljko Kadijević, Moje viđenje raspada (Beograd: Politika, 1993), 135.

the President of Serbia Slobodan Milošević that the JNA cover all territories inhabited by Serbs until the full resolution and that Croats and Slovenes become totally eliminated from the military.” In fact, the JNA was already proceeding in line with the orders of the Serbian leadership: on 26 June the JNA units helped Serbian armed paramilitary units in Croatia to occupy the greater part of Glina, and on 3 July 1991 entered Baranja. Since it had started to deploy in the crisis areas in Croatia already in May, by early July 1991 the JNA controlled all the bridges on the Danube between Croatia and Serbia. Having taken important strategic positions, in early July 1991 the JNA was ready to attack the Republic of Croatia. The open aggression of Serbia and the JNA on the Republic of Croatia was not stopped even by the already mentioned Brioni Agreement of 7 July 1991, according to which the JNA was supposed to withdraw to barracks and on the basis of which Stjepan Mesić finally became the President of the SFRY Presidency, as it was foreseen by the annual change of the representatives of the Yugoslav republics by the established order, to which Serbia opposed from 15 May 1991. Although in the JNA General Staff the generals discussed a new plan of the attack on Slovenia in the beginning of July, on 18 July 1991 the SFRY Presidency adopted a decision on the withdrawal of the JNA from Slovenia, a republic that was not inhabited by the Serbs in significant numbers.9 It is believed that this decision of the SFRY Presidency sealed the fate of Yugoslavia. In fact, the acceptance of such a decision the JNA leadership gave up its Constitutional obligation to maintain the integrity of the state and openly adapted its activities to the requirements of the Serbian leadership, that is, the Greater Serbian policy that all the Serbs from the former Yugoslavia should live in one state. Ignoring the peace negotiations, i.e., the attempts of the Croatian Government and the international community to resolve the crisis peacefully, the JNA and Serbian paramilitary units launched all-out attacks on all battlefields in Croatia, with the aim to break the defence of the Republic of Croatia in 20 days. The force of the onslaught is confirmed by the estimates of certain foreign military analysts that the Croatian defenders would not be able to hold out for “more than two weeks”.10 In his book the Yu-



Davor Marijan, Slom Titove armije – JNA i raspad Jugoslavije 1987.-1992. (Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga, Hrvatski institute za povijest, 2008), 212; Kronologija rata: agresija na Hrvatsku i Bosnu i Hercegovinu (1989.-1998.) (Zagreb: Hrvatski informativni centar, 1998), 77. 10   Anton Tus, „Rat u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj do Sarajevskog primirja“, u: Rat u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini 1991.-1995., ur. Branka Magaš i Ivo Žanić, (Zagreb-Sarajevo: Naklada Jesenski-Turk, Dani, 1999), 78. 9

- Potpuno blokirati Hrvatsku iz zraka i s mora; - Smjerove napada glavnih snaga JNA što izravnije vezivati uz oslobađanje srpskih krajeva u Hrvatskoj i garnizona JNA u dubini hrvatskoga teritorija. U tom cilju ispresijecati Hrvatsku na pravcima: Gradiška – Virovitica, Bihać – Karlovac – Zagreb, Knin – Zadar, Mostar – Split. Najjačom grupacijom oklopno-mehaniziranih snaga osloboditi istočnu Slavoniju, a zatim brzo nastaviti djelovanje na zapad, spojiti se sa snagama u zapadnoj Slavoniji i produžiti prema Zagrebu i Varaždinu, odnosno granici Slovenije. Istodobno jakim snagama iz rejona Herceg Novi – Trebinje blokirati Dubrovnik s kopna i izbiti u dolinu Neretve te na taj način zajednički djelovati sa snagama koje nastupaju u smjeru Mostar – Split;

goslav ”Minister of Defence“ at the time and the JNA General Veljko Kadijević described the plan of the JNA attack on Croatia in the autumn of 1991:11 - totally block Croatia from the air and the sea; - the direction of the main JNA attacks link as directly as possible to the liberation of the Serbian territories in Croatia and the JNA garrisons deep in the Croatian territory. To that aim, intersect Croatia along the Gradiška – Virovitica, Bihać – Karlovac – Zagreb, Knin- Zadar and Mostar – Split lines. Liberate Eastern Slavonia with the most powerful armoured and mechanized forces and then advance rapidly towards the west, link up with the forces in Western Slavonia and proceed towards Zagreb, Varaždin and the border with Slovenia. Concurrently, break through, with strong forces, from Herceg Novi and Trebinje area, and block Dubrovnik from the land and reach the valley of the Neretva and thus operate jointly with the forces advancing along the Mostar – Split line;

- Nakon dostizanja određenih objekata, osigurati i držati granicu Srpske Krajine u Hrvatskoj, izvući preostale dijelove JNA iz Slovenije i nakon toga povući JNA iz Hrvatske; (…). U takvim okolnostima došlo je do napada zrakoplova JNA 7. listopada na Banske dvore u Zagrebu, koji pokazuje da velikosrpski stratezi nisu ni pomišljali na mirno rješenje jugoslavenske krize, te da agresor nije birao sredstva za ostvarenje svoga cilja. Pod dojmom toga događaja te slika razaranja i vijesti o brojnim žrtvama koje su pristizale iz ostalih napadnutih hrvatskih gradova i naselja, u okolnostima silovite velikosrpske agresije na Republiku Hrvatsku, Sabor Republike Hrvatske sljedećeg je dana, 8. listopada 1991., proglasio neovisnost Republike Hrvatske. Naime, ustvrdivši da je istekla tromjesečna odgoda Ustavne odluke od 25. lipnja 1991., saborski zastupnici donijeli su Odluku o odcjepljenju Republike Hrvatske od SFRJ i njezinu osamostaljenju. Republika Hrvatska raskinula je sve državno-pravne veze na osnovi kojih je zajedno s ostalim republikama i pokrajinama tvorila dotadašnju SFRJ.12 Zbog opasnosti13 od napada zrakoplova JNA, zasjedanje toga Sabora održano je u Velikoj dvorani zgrade INA-e Naftaplina u Šubićevoj ulici u Zagrebu.14   NN 53, 8. listopada 1991.   Dana 8. 10. 1991. oko 14 sati hrvatska prislušna služba „uhvatila“ je i dostavila informaciju Operativnom centru GS-a HV-a o saznanjima JNA da se sjednica Sabora RH održava u zgradi INA-e Naftaplina. Izvanredno izvješće za dan 8. 10. 1991. Operativnog centra GS-a HV-a upućeno MUP-u RH i Vladi RH. 14   Naziv dvorane dobiven je u telefonskom razgovoru s djelatnicom Odjela za odnose s javnošću INE Naftaplina, za ostalo 12 13

- After reaching designated objects, secure and hold the planned border of the Serbian Krajina in Croatia, pull out the remaining parts of the JNA from Slovenia and then withdraw the JNA from Croatia; (...). In such circumstances the JNA aircraft attacked the Banski dvori on 7 October, which shows that the Greater Serbian strategists did not even consider a peaceful solution of the Yugoslav crisis, and that the aggressor did not choose the means to achieve its goal. Under the impression of the attack and of the pictures and news about numerous casualties arriving from other attacked Croatian towns and villages, in conditions of the violent Greater Serbian aggression on the Republic of Croatia, the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia declared the independence of the Republic of Croatia the following day, 8 October 1991. In fact, after realising that the three-month moratorium of the Constitutional decision of 25 June 1991 expired, the MPs adopted a Decision on the separation of the Republic of Croatia from the SFRY and its independence. The Republic of Croatia broke all state and legal relations on the basis of which, together with other Republics and Provinces, the former SFRY was created. 12 Due to the danger13 of possible attacks by the   Veljko Kadijević, Moje viđenje raspada (Beograd: Politika, 1993), 135. 12   OJ 53, 8 October 1991. 13   On 8 October 1991 around 2 o’clock Croatian intercepting service „caught“ and provided information to the Operational Centre of the GS HV on the JNA findings that the session 11


U obraćanju zastupnicima na spomenutom zasjedanju Sabora RH, navodeći razloge i okolnosti koje su dovele do konačnog proglašenja hrvatske neovisnosti i razlaza s Jugoslavijom, ali i osjećaje najvećeg dijela saborskih zastupnika i hrvatskih građana, hrvatski premijer Franjo Gregurić spomenuo je raketiranje Banskih dvora: “Raketiran je i uništen TV toranj na zagrebačkoj gori, a jučer je gađana rezidencija Predsjednika Republike. Cilj napada nije bio samo uništenje objekta već i ubojstvo Predsjednika Republike i saveznog premijera. Treba li uopće podsjećati da je to učinjeno na dan isteka Brijunskog moratorija, uz niz napada kojima su uništavani Sisak, Karlovac, Virovitica, Koprivnica, Vinkovci, Vukovar, Gospić, Duga Resa itd.”15 Reagirajući na donesene odluke i zaključke Sabora Republike Hrvatske, Europska zajednica je na Konferenciji o Jugoslaviji u Haagu 18. listopada 1991. predstavnicima bivših jugoslavenskih republika izložila plan preustroja Jugoslavije u zajednicu suverenih država. „Sporazum o općem rješenju jugoslavenske krize“, poznat kao „Carringtonov plan“ predlagao je stvaranje „slobodnog saveza suverenih i neovisnih država sa sveobuhvatnim sporazumima o kontrolnim mehanizmima za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sa specijalnim statusom za određene skupine“ te predviđao „priznanje republika, koje to žele, unutar postojećih granica“. Predloženi plan prihvatile su sve jugoslavenske republike, osim Srbije. No, potom je i Crna Gora povukla svoj pristanak na plan.16 Zbog toga je i predstavnik Tužiteljstva na Međunarodnom kaznenom sudu za područje bivše Jugoslavije u Haagu Geoffrey Nice ustvrdio da bi, da je Srbija 18. listopada 1991. prihvatila „Carringtonov plan“ i da su sve strane prišle stvaranju konfederacije uz posebna prava za Srbe u Hrvatskoj, rat (već tada, op. a.) završio, a tisuće života bile spašene.17 Tako je isključivost srbijanskoga političkog vodstva i vojnoga vrha JNA zapečatila sudbinu Jugoslavije i njezin krvavi raspad učinila neminovnim. Hrvatska je nakon toga ubrzala postupak za svoje međunarodno priznanje, temeljeći ga, između ostaloga, i na


v.: Ranka Baračević et al., INA u Domovinskom ratu (Zagreb: INA-Industrija nafte dd, 1997), 20. 15   “Istekao moratorij, zbogom, Jugoslavijo“, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 9. X. 1991., 2. 16   Momir Bulatović, Pravila ćutanja (Beograd: Narodna knjiga, Alfa, 2004), 64-74. 17   Ozren Žunec, Goli život – socijetalne dimenzije pobune Srba u Hrvatskoj, I. (Zagreb: Demetra, Posebna izdanja Dimitrija Savića, 2007), 172-174, bilj. 274, 277.

JNA aircraft, the Parliament met in the Great hall of the INA Naftaplin Petroleum Company in the Šubićeva Street in Zagreb.14 In a speech to the members of the Parliament at the mentioned session of the Croatian Parliament, stating the reasons and circumstances that led to the final declaration of the Croatian independence and the breakup with Yugoslavia, but also the feelings of the majority of the members of Parliament and Croatian citizens, the Croatian Prime Minister Franjo Gregorić mention the attack to the Banski dvori: ”the TV tower was targeted and destroyed on Zagrebačka gora, and yesterday the residence of the President of the Republic was targeted. The aim of the attack was not only the destruction of the building but also the murder of the President of the Republic and federal Prime Minister. Is it really necessary to remind that it was done on the day of expiry of the Brioni moratorium, with a series of attacks which destroyed Sisak, Karlovac, Virovitica, Koprivnica, Vinkovci, Vukovar, Gospić, Duga Resa, etc.”15 Reacting to the decisions and the conclusions of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia, on the Conference on Yugoslavia in The Hague held on 18 October 1991, the European Community presented to the representatives of the former Yugoslav republics a plan of the restructuring of Yugoslavia into the community of sovereign states. “The agreement on the general solution of the Yugoslav crisis”, also known as the “Carrington Plan” proposed the creation of a ”free association of sovereign and independent states with comprehensive agreements on the control mechanisms for the protection of human rights and special status for certain groups” and it anticipated ”the recognition of the republics, upon their wish, within the existing borders”. The proposed plan was accepted by all the republics except Serbia. However, Montenegro soon also withdrew its consent to the plan.16 That is why the representative of the Prosecution at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague Geoffrey Nice said that, if Serbia had adopted the ”Carrington plan“ on 18 October 1991 and if all the sides had agreed to the creation of a of the Croatian Parliament was to be held in the building of INA Naftaplina. Special report for the 8 of October 1991 of the Operational Centre was sent to the Ministry of Interior og the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia. 14   The name of the hall was obtained in the phone call with the employee of the Public Relations department of the IN Naftaplin, for the rest see: Ranka Baračević et al., INA u Domovinskom ratu (Zagreb: INA-Industrija nafte dd, 1997), 20. 15   “Istekao moratorij, zbogom, Jugoslavijo“, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 9. X. 1991., 2. 16   Momir Bulatović, Pravila ćutanja (Beograd: Narodna knjiga, Alfa, 2004), 64-74.

Večernji list, 9. listopada 1991. / Independent Croatia, 9 October 1991

Večernji list, 26. lipnja 1991. / Croatia independent state, 26 June 1991

odredbama do tada važećega Ustava SFRJ iz 1974., koji je afirmirao državnost republika, odnosno Ustava SRH iz 1974., u kojem je istaknuto da je „hrvatski narod uspostavio svoju državu SR Hrvatsku na temelju prava na samoodređenje, uključujući i pravo na odcjepljenje“.18

confederation with special rights for the Serbs in Croatia, the war (as early as then, author’s note) would have been completed, and thousands of lives would have been saved.17 Thus, the rigidity of the Serbian political leadership and the JNA military leadership sealed the fate of Yugoslavia and made its bloody disintegration inevitable. After that, Croatia accelerated the procedure for its international recognition, supporting it, among other things, by the provisions of the then valid Yugoslav Constitution – the Constitution of 1974, which affirmed the statehood of the republics and stressed that “the Croatian people established their state of the Federal Republic of Croatia on the basis of the right to self-determination, including the right to secession”18

Ozren Žunec, Goli život – socijetalne dimenzije pobune Srba u Hrvatskoj, I. (Zagreb: Demetra, Posebna izdanja Dimitrija Savića, 2007), 172-174, bilj. 274, 277. 18   Ustav SFR Jugoslavije – Ustav SR Hrvatske, ekspoze Jakova Blaževića, (Zagreb, 1974), 224. 17

Ustav SFR Jugoslavije – Ustav SR Hrvatske, ekspoze Jakova Blaževića, (Zagreb, 1974), 224.



Zračni napad na Banske dvore i Gornji grad u Zagrebu 7. listopada 1991.

Air raid on the Banski dvori and the Upper Town, 7 October 1991

Nakon potpisivanja Brijunskog sporazuma hrvatska je vlast, uz posredovanje međunarodne zajednice, za čitavo razdoblje trajanja moratorija na odluke o samostalnosti, kroz mnogobrojne razgovore i pregovore s političkim i vojnim vrhom u Beogradu bezuspješno pokušavala postići mirno rješenje. Međutim, bez obzira na sve poduzeto, zbog ponašanja JNA i srbijanskoga vodstva, te njihove suradnje, napad jugoslavenske vojske na glavni grad Hrvatske činio se realnom opcijom. Posebice kad su krajem rujna i početkom listopada 1991. JNA, odnosno srpsko-crnogorske snage krenule u napad duž cjelokupnog ratišta, od krajnjeg istoka pa do krajnjeg juga Hrvatske. Prema sjećanju Franje Gregurića, predsjednika Vlade demokratskog jedinstva, na sjednici Kriznog stožera Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Vrhovnog državnog vijeća održanoj 5. listopada 1991. zaključeno je da treba provoditi mjere obrane suvereniteta Republike Hrvatske, ali i neposredne obrane grada Zagreba.19 Naime, Štab Vrhovne komande Oružanih snaga SFRJ uputio je 1. listopada 1991. pismo predsjedniku Republike Hrvatske, Vladi RH i Glavnom stožeru Hrvatske vojske u kojem upozoravaju da će za svaki napadnuti i osvojeni objekt JNA biti odmah „uništen po jedan objekt od vitalnog značenja za Republiku Hrvatsku“, a prijetilo se i napadom na civilne objekte u svakom gradu u kojemu će biti napadnut i osvojen garnizon JNA. Također se otvoreno prijetilo i mogućim vojnim operacijama širih razmjera na teritoriju RH i to, kako se navodi u pismu, zbog osvajanja vojarni i drugih vojnih objekata odnosno kršenja dogovorenih primirja. Kao zadnja točka, zahtijevalo se slobodno povlačenje postrojbi JNA, s cjelokupnom tehnikom i imovinom te članova njihovih obitelji, uz mogućnost prisustva međunarodnih promatrača.20 Potpisani „Štab Vrhovne Komande“ na kraju pisma zapravo skriva činjenicu da se radi o

After signing the Brioni Agreement, the Croatian government was, with the mediation of the international community and throughout the period of the moratorium on the decisions on independence, through numerous discussions and negotiations with the political and military leadership in Belgrade, unsuccessfully trying to achieve a peaceful solution. However, despite all the undertaken efforts, due to the behaviour of the JNA and Serbian leadership and their cooperation, the Yugoslav army attack on the Croatian capital appeared to be a realistic option. Especially in late September and early October 1991, when the JNA i.e. Serbian-Montenegrin forces launched the attack along the entire battlefield line in Croatia, from Dubrovnik to Vukovar and Ilok. As remembered by Franjo Gregurić, the Prime Minister of the Democratic Unity Government, at a meeting of the Crisis Staff of the Croatian Government and the Supreme State Council on 5 October 1991, it was concluded that the measures for the defence of the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia, but also for the direct defence of the city of Zagreb, should be carried out.19 The Supreme Command of the SFRY Armed Forces sent a letter on 1 October 1991 to the Croatian President, the Croatian government and the General Staff of the Croatian Army, warning that for every attacked and conquered JNA facility, one “facility of vital importance for the Republic of Croatia” would be immediately destroyed, and threats and attacks on civilian objects in every city in which a JNA garrison would be attacked and captured were also made. Open threats of possible large scale military operations on the territory of the Republic of Croatia were also made, due to, as stated in the letter, the conquering of the barracks and other military facilities, that is, due to the violations of the agreed cease-fire. As a last point, demands were made for the free withdrawal of the JNA units of, with the overall technique and property and their family members, with the possibility of the presence of international observers.20 The

Franjo Gregurić, Vlada demokratskog jedinstva 1991. - 1992. (Zagreb: Naklada Zadro, 1998), 172. 20   Mate Rupić, ur., Republika Hrvatska i Domovinski rat 1990. - 1995. Dokumenti, sv. 1: Oružana pobuna Srba u Hrvatskoj i agresija OS SFRJ i srpskih paravojnih postrojbi na Republiku Hrvatsku (1990. - 1991.) (Zagreb: Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata, 2007), “Komanda 9. korpusa, Str. pov. broj 582-2, 4. 10. 1991., Upozorenje Štaba Vrhovne komande, prosleđenje”, 358; Slavoljub Šušić, Zlatoje Terzić, Nikola Petrović, ur., Zbornik dokumenata iz oblasti odbrane i bezbednosti Jugoslavije 1990-1991. godine (Beograd:




Franjo Gregurić, Vlada demokratskog jedinstva 1991. – 1992. (Zagreb: Naklada Zadro, 1998), 172. 20   Mate Rupić, ur. Republika Hrvatska i Domovinski rat 1990. - 1995. Dokumenti, sv. 1: Oružana pobuna Srba u Hrvatskoj i agresija OS SFRJ i srpskih paravojnih postrojbi na Republiku Hrvatsku (1990. - 1991.) (Zagreb: Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata, 2007), “Komanda 9. korpusa , Str.pov.broj 582-2, 4. 10. 1991., “Upozorenje Štaba Vrhovne komande, prosleđenje”, 358; Slavoljub Šušić, Zlatoje Terzić, Nikola Petrović, ur., Zbornik dokumenata iz oblasti odbrane i bezbednosti Jugoslavije 1990-1991. godine (Beograd:

Saveznom sekretarijatu za narodnu obranu (SSNO), odnosno o generalu JNA Veljku Kadijeviću koji se nalazio na njegovu čelu. U zadanim zakonskim okvirima iz 1980-ih, propisano je da ulogu Vrhovne komande u ratnim okolnostima preuzima Predsjedništvo SFRJ, a SSNO ima ulogu Štaba Vrhovne komande Oružanih snaga SFRJ.21 Iz navedenog se može iščitati sljedeće. Prvo, s obzirom da je Stjepan Mesić na mjesto predsjednika Predsjedništva SFRJ postavljen tek nakon dva mjeseca odugovlačenja i osporavanja prava, te na odnos snaga u tom jugoslavenskom političkom tijelu gdje je prevagu odnosila (pro)srpska strana, razvidno je da regularno Predsjedništvo SFRJ s hrvatskim predstavnikom Mesićem na čelu nije imalo nikakav utjecaj ni na donošenje odluka ni na upravljanje saveznim oružanim snagama. Drugo, znakovita je činjenica da je jugoslavenski vojni vrh pokušao samovoljno proglasiti ratno stanje uz prijetnje legalno i demokratski izabranim hrvatskim vlastima. Još tijekom proljeća 1991. godine Predsjedništvu SFRJ i Štabu Vrhovne komande nije uspio pokušaj uvođenja izvanrednog stanja u Jugoslaviji,22 ali gore navedeni dokument odnosno pisane prijetnje s početka listopada 1991. pokazuju da beogradski politički i vojni vrh nije odustajao od te ideje. Svega jedan dan nakon Kadijevićeve pisane prijetnje, 2. listopada 1991., krnje Predsjedništvo SFRJ u sastavu od samo četiri člana (Srbija, Vojvodina, Kosovo i Crna Gora) odlučilo je podržati odluku Štaba Vrhovne komande i uvesti izvanredno stanje tj. “stanje neposredne ratne opasnosti”. Na istoj su sjednici prihvatili programsku osnovu o rješavanju krize u Jugoslaviji s “platformom o položaju Krajine u budućoj Jugoslaviji”.23 Krajina je, kao samoproglašena srpska paradržava u nastajanju, ovim potezom praktički dobila status relevantnog političkog subjekta, osobito ako je poznata činjenica da je na navedenoj sjednici Predsjedništva SFRJ bio i Milan Babić, predsjednik Vlade SAO Krajine. Time je ono prihvatilo stajalište pobunjenih Srba o pravu naroda na samoopredjeljenje.24 Njihov je stav bio da Srbi iz Republike Hrvatske žele živjeti u Srbiji, a pri tome bi se određeni dio hr-

signed “Supreme Command Staff” at the end of the letter actually hid the fact that it actually was the Federal Secretariat for National Defence (SSNO), and the JNA General Veljko Kadijević who headed the Secretariat. In the given legal framework from the 1980s, it was stipulated that the role of the Supreme Command in wartime circumstances would be taken over by the SFRY Presidency, while the SSNO would take over the role of the Supreme Command Staff of the SFRY Armed Forces.21 The following can be read from all of the above. Firstly, given that Stjepan Mesić was appointed as the President of the SFRY Presidency only after two months of delays denials, and having in mind the balance of power in that Yugoslav political body where the preponderance of power was on the (pro)Serbian side, it is evident that the regularly appointed SFRY Presidency headed by the Croatian representative Mesić had no influence whatsoever on decision-making nor on the management of the federal armed forces. Secondly, very significant is the fact that the Yugoslav military leadership tried to arbitrarily declare a state of war with threats to the legally and democratically elected Croatian authorities. As early as during the spring of 1991, the SFRY Presidency and the Supreme Command Staff failed at introducing a state of emergency in Yugoslavia,22 but the above mentioned document, that is, the written threats dating from the beginning of October 1991 show that Belgrade’s political and military leadership did not give up on the idea. Only one day after Kadijević’s written threats, on 2 October 1991, the usurped (truncated) SFRY Presidency composed of only four members (Serbia, Vojvodina, Kosovo and Montenegro) decided to support the decision of the Supreme Command Staff and to introduce a state of emergency, that is, “the state of imminent threat of war ”. At the same session, the program based on the resolution of the crisis in Yugoslavia was accepted, with a “platform on the position of the Krajina in the future Yugoslavia”.23 With this move the Krajina, as a self-proclaimed Serbian para-state in the making, was given the status of a relevant political subject, especially if taken into the consideration that Milan Babić, the Prime Minister of the SAO (Serbian Autonomous Region) Krajina, attended the said session of the SFRY Presidency. By that it

Generalštab Vojske Jugoslavije, 2002), 438-439.; “Tri točke ultimatum”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 2. X. 1991., 3. 21   Davor Marijan, “Rukovođenje i komandovanje OS SFRJ: Vrhovna razina”, Časopis za suvremenu povijest 41 (2009), br. 3, 674-675. 22   Ivan Brigović, Ante Nazor, ur., Zapovjedni vrh JNA siječanj 1990. - svibanj 1992. (Zagreb: MORH, HMDCDR, 2010), 183. 23   Ivan Bilić, “Kronologija raspada SFRJ i nastanka hrvatske države”, National Security and the Future 6 (2005), No. 1.-2., 145. 24   Srđan Radulović, Sudbina Krajine (Beograd: Dan Graf, 1996), 53.

Generalštab Vojske Jugoslavije, 2002), 438-439.; “Tri točke ultimatum”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 2. X. 1991., 3. 21   Davor Marijan, “Rukovođenje i komandovanje OS SFRJ: Vrhovna razina”, Časopis za suvremenu povijest 41 (2009), br. 3, 674-675. 22   Ivan Brigović, Ante Nazor, ur., Zapovjedni vrh JNA siječanj 1990.- svibanj 1992. (Zagreb: MORH, HMDCDR, 2010), 183. 23   Ivan Bilić, “Kronologija raspada SFRJ i nastanka hrvatske države”, National Security and the Future 6 (2005), No. 1.-2., 145.


vatskog teritorija pripojio željenoj (srpskoj) državi.25 Iz ovih se poteza jasno vidi uigranost (veliko)srpskog političkog i vojnog vodstva koje je nelegalno koristilo još uvijek postojeće jugoslavenske institucije. Prijetnjama ratom Hrvatskoj, koja je već bila proglasila samostalnost i suverenost te najavama izdvajanja dijela hrvatskog teritorija pokušalo se, makijavelistički, postići da Hrvatska ostane u Jugoslaviji. Dramatičnost situacije i opasnosti koje su prijetile Hrvatskoj opisuju izravni sudionici tih događaja, koji su tada bili na važnim dužnostima u hrvatskoj politici. Tako tadašnji hrvatski premijer Franjo Gregurić u svojoj knjizi navodi da je upravo u danima prije napada na Banske dvore, a nakon dobivene informacije da će uslijediti opći napad na Zagreb, intervenirao kod samog sovjetskog predsjednika Mihaila Gorbačova, da to pokuša spriječiti svojim utjecajem u Beogradu.26 Informaciju o mogućem napadu na glavni hrvatski grad potvrđuje i Mario Nobilo, tada savjetnik predsjednika RH za vanjsku politiku.27 O postojanju plana JNA za napade po Zagrebu, svjedoče i oficiri JNA koji su prešli na hrvatsku stranu. Prema tom planu, u Zagrebu su trebali biti bombardirani „svi vitalni objekti: Banski dvori, Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova, Hrvatska radiotelevizija, Hrvatska pošta i telekomunikacije, Toplana…, a planirana je uporaba 70 - 80 aviona koji bi letjeli u tri borbena leta“.28 S obzirom da većeg napada na sam grad nije bilo, osim navedenog na Gornjem gradu, moguće je pretpostaviti da je intervencijom sovjetskog predsjednika ipak spriječena katastrofa većih razmjera. Vjerojatno je i procjena srpskog vojnog i političkog vodstva bila da bi od većeg napada na grad Zagreb imali više političke štete nego vojne koristi. Opcija „kirurškog reza“ odnosno ubojstva hrvatskog predsjednika i njegovih suradnika imala bi veći učinak s posljedicama koje su priželjkivali i planirali. Bilo bi moguće pred međunarodnom javnosti negirati vezu s ubojstvom ili ga lakše pravdati od šireg napada na gusto naseljeni grad, a učinak je mogao biti brza kapitulacija hrvatske politike državne samo  Među odmetnutim srpskim stanovništvom u Hrvatskoj održan je „referendum za prisajedinjenje“ 12. svibnja 1991., a već su 16. svibnja SAO Krajinu proglasili sastavnim dijelom Republike Srbije: Ante Nazor, Velikosrpska agresija na Hrvatsku 1990-ih (Zagreb: HMDCDR, 2011), 60. 26   Gregurić, Vlada, 655. 27   Mario Nobilo, Hrvatski feniks, Diplomatski procesi iza zatvorenih vrata 1990. - 1997. (Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 2000), 176-177. 28   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14. 02. 2006., 10-11. 25


accepted the rebel Serbs’ position on the right of peoples to self-determination.24 Their view was that the Serbs from the Republic of Croatia wished to live in Serbia, thereby a certain part of Croatian territory would be annexed to the preferred (Serbian) state.25 These moves clearly show the organization of the (Greater) Serbian both political and military leadership which were illegally using the still existing Yugoslav institutions. War treats to Croatia, which had already declared its independence and sovereignty, as well as the announcements of seizing a part of Croatian territory, prove a Machiavellian attempt to force Croatia to remain in Yugoslavia. The direct participants of these events, who were on important positions in Croatian politics at the time, describe the dramatic situation and the dangers that threatened Croatia. Croatian Prime Minister at the time Franjo Gregurić states in his book that in the days before the attack on the Banski dvori, and after the information that a general attack on Zagreb was about to follow, he intervened with the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, to try to prevent the attack on Zagreb using his influence in Belgrade.26 Mario Nobilo, the advisor of the President of the Republic of Croatia on Foreign Affairs at the time, also confirmed information about a possible attack on the Croatian capital.27 The JNA officers who had crossed to the Croatian side also confirm the existence of the JNA plan to attack Zagreb. According to the plan “all vital facilities: the Banski dvori, the Ministry of Interior, the Croatian Television, the Croatian Post, the Heating Plant Zagreb were to be bombed and 70 to 80 planes flying in three combat flights were to be used”.28 Considering that no major attack on the city itself took place, beside the one in the Upper Town, it is possible to assume that the intervention of the Soviet President nevertheless prevented a disaster of major proportions. The Serbian military and political leadership probably also assumed that a major attack on the city of Zagreb would cause more political damage than military benefits. The “surgical incision” option or the murder of the Croatian President and his associates would have more   Srđan Radulović, Sudbina Krajine (Beograd: Dan Graf, 1996.), 53. 25   Among the rebel Serbian population in Croatia ”the referendum for annexation” was held on 12 May 1991, and already on 16 May the SAO Krajina was proclaimed an integral part of the Republic of Serbia: Ante Nazor, Velikosrpska agresija na Hrvatsku 1990-ih (Zagreb: HMDCDR, 2011), 60. 26   Gregurić, Vlada, 655 27   Mario Nobilo, Hrvatski feniks, Diplomatski procesi iza zatvorenih vrata 1990. - 1997. (Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 2000), 176-177. 28   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14. 02. 2006., 10-11. 24

stalnosti. Kad se govori o razlozima odluke da se izvede ubojstvo hrvatskog predsjednika, potrebno je voditi računa o iracionalnim elementima u velikosrpskoj politici, odnosno neskrivenoj i nekontroliranoj mržnji prema Franji Tuđmanu koja je vladala u navedenim političkim krugovima, zbog njegove nepopustljive politike hrvatske državne samostalnosti. O tome što su navedeni politički krugovi govorili među sobom o predsjedniku Tuđmanu zorno svjedoče podaci tajnog informatora Službe za zaštitu ustavnog poretka MUP-a RH koje je čuo u društvu poznatih hrvatskih intelektualaca i agenata Kontraobavještajne službe JNA, 6. listopada 1991., dan prije napada na Banske dvore. Jedan od tih intelektualaca družio se u Beogradu s admiralom Brankom Mamulom koji je, iako u mirovini, svakodnevno dolazio u zgradu CK SKJ, na sastanke umirovljenih i aktivnih oficira JNA. Od kruga ljudi oko Mamule rečeno mu je da Tuđman „mora otići milom ili silom, jer je to uvjet za prestanak krvoprolića i razrješavanje jugoslovenske krize“.29 Napad na Banske dvore, odnosno pokušaj likvidacije demokratski izabranog predsjednika RH bio je u skladu s načinom „rješavanja“ političkih problema Jugoslavije koji su preferirali vodeći oficiri JNA. Da su kojim slučajem uspjeli u naumu i ubili trojicu čelnih ljudi, Tuđmana, Mesića i Markovića, obezglavili bi hrvatsko vodstvo i ujedno uklonili Markovića kao važnu, njihovim radikalnim planovima suprotstavljenu figuru savezne vlasti. Hrvatsku i njezinu težnju za slobodom dovelo bi se u situaciju potpune neizvjesnosti. Da su uspjeli ubiti Tuđmana tada bi Žarko Domljan, predsjednik Sabora Republike Hrvatske,30 privremeno, do novih izbora, preuzeo dužnost predsjednika Republike Hrvatske.31 Zagreb je od sredine rujna 1991. živio svoje ratne dane – prve uzbune i trčanja u skloništa. U rujnu   Dopis SZUP-a Centar Zagreb SZUP-u MUP-a RH o ugroženosti Predsjednika RH, Ur. br. I-1782., od 28. 10. 1991. 30   Ustav Republike Hrvatske, članak 97. 31   Ono što se zaista dogodilo bilo je da su nakon proglašenja neovisnosti RH postavljeni bliski suradnici Slobodana Miloševića na mjesta predsjednika Predsjedništva i Vlade SFRJ. Stjepana Mesića zamijenio je Branko Kostić kao vršitelj dužnosti predsjednika Predsjedništva SFRJ (“Branko Kostić”, pristup ostvaren 12. IX. 2014.,, a Aleksandar Mitrović nakon ostavke Ante Markovića imenovan je predsjednikom SIV-a (“Savezno izvršno vijeće”, pristup ostvaren 12. IX. 2014., S obzirom na navedeno, da su atentatori uspjeli u svom naumu dogodila bi se vjerojatno identična imenovanja i time bi put ka prekrajanju Jugoslavije prema unitarnom i velikosrpskom modelu bio otvoren. 29

effect with consequences that they hoped for and planned. It would be possible before the international public to deny the connection with the murder or to justify it more easily than a wider attack on the densely populated city, and the effect could be a rapid capitulation of the Croatian policy of state independence. When discussing the reasons for the decision to carry out the murder of the Croatian President, it is necessary to take account of the irrational elements in the Greater Serbian policy, or the unhidden and uncontrolled hatred of Franjo Tuđman in those political circles, because of his uncompromising policy of the Croatian state independence. The talks about President Tuđman among those political circles was witnessed by a secret informant of the Service for the Protection of the Constitutional Order of the Croatian MI in the company of famous Croatian intellectuals and the JNA counterintelligence agents on 6 October 1991, the day before the attack on the Banski dvori. One of the intellectuals had just arrived from Belgrade where he hung out with Admiral Branko Mamula, who, although retired, came every day to the building of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, to attend the meetings of retired and active JNA officers. From the circle of people around Mamula, he was told that Tuđman “had to go willingly or unwillingly, because it was a condition for the termination of bloodshed and the solution of the Yugoslav crisis.”29 The rocketing of the Banski dvori and the attempt to liquidate the democratically elected President of the Republic of Croatia was in accordance with “solving” political problems of Yugoslavia, in the way preferred by the leading JNA officers. Were they, by any chance, to succeed in the plan and kill three top people, Tuđman, Mesić and Marković, the Croatian leadership would be beheaded and Marković, as an important figure of the federal government opposed to their radical plans, would be eliminated. Croatia and its aspirations for freedom would be placed in a situation of total uncertainty. If they had managed to kill Tuđman, Žarko Domljan, the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia,30 would than temporarily take the office of the President of the Republic of Croatia until new elections.31   Dopis SZUP-a Centar Zagreb SZUP-u MUP-a RH o ugroženosti Predsjednika RH, Ur. br. I-1782., od 28. 10. 1991. 30   Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, Article 97 31   What really happened was that after the declaration of the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia, Branko Kostić as a close associate of Slobodan Milošević replaced Stjepan Mesić as the Acting President of the SFRY Presidency, “Branko Kostić”, access achieved on 12 September 2014, https://sh.wikipedia. org/wiki/Branko_Kosti%C4%87, and after the resignation of Ante Marković Aleksandar Mitrović (also the associate of Miloševićev) was appointed as the President of the SFRY Federal 29


je prvi put raketiran i TV odašiljač na Sljemenu s ciljem da se spriječi širenje istine i izazove panika među stanovništvom. U tom naletu odašiljač nije pogođen, za razliku od sljedećeg napada, 4. listopada, kada zbog oštećenja dolazi do kratkotrajnog prekida programa te do prebacivanja emitiranja na rezervne i posuđene frekvencije.32 Na Sljemenu se nalazio i meteorološki radar WSR-7433 (Radarski centar Puntijarka) na udaljenosti od otprilike jednog kilometra od TV odašiljača. Pomoću njega su se uz određene preinake mogli pratiti letovi neprijateljskih zrakoplova, ali prema dostupnim podacima, radar nije gađan ni oštećen.34 Ratno zrakoplovstvo JNA u nedjelju 6. listopada i u ponedjeljak 7. listopada 1991. bilo je izrazito aktivno na nebu iznad Hrvatske. U nedjelju je napadnuto zagrebačko predgrađe Lučko i vojarna zrakoplovne grupe Glavnog stožera Zbora narodne garde u njemu (GS ZNG)35 s ubojnim sredstvima istovjetnim onima koja su korištena u napadu na Gornji grad,36 pa je to, prema nekim pretpostavkama, bila “generalna proba” za Banske dvore.37 Tijekom ponedjeljka ukupno je na području grada Zagreba oglašeno sedam zračnih uzbuna, čime je ostvaren dotadašnji neslavni rekord u oglašavanju opasnosti na području grada Zagreba.38 Već u 4.30 Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske (GS HV) dojavljeno je polijetanje s aerodroma u Puli. U 7.05 oglašena je treća uzbuna (prethodno su tijekom noći bile oglašene dvije uzbune) za Zagreb i okolicu, a zrakoplovi su borbeno djelovali na širem području grada.39 U 8.30 napadima su se priključili zrakoplovi iz Bihaća, a opažena su i prva polijetanja iz Banje Luke. Nebo je bilo puno zrakoplova tako da   “Pogođen TV toranj na Sljemenu”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 5. X. 1991., 2. 33   HR - Središnji vojni arhiv Ministarstva obrane RH, Zagreb (dalje: SVA MORH), Zapovjedništvo HRZ i PZO, Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja HRZ i PZO za 1991., 13-23. 34   Prema izjavi Dušana Bižića, djelatnika Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda koji je preko RC-a Puntijarka radio na promatranju zračnog prostora 1991. HR - Hrvatski memorijalno-dokumentacijski centar Domovinskog rata (dalje: HMDCDR) - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Izjava Dušana Bižića o RC Puntijarki. 35   U spomenutom dokumentu (bilj. 36) naveden je GS ZNG-a iako je 21. rujna 1991. osnovan GS Hrvatske vojske. 36   Tom je prilikom poginuo jedan branitelj, a trojica su ranjena. Dopis PU Zagreb upućen MUP-u RH, Broj: 511-18-15/118802/91., Zagreb, 7. 10. 1991. 37   HR - HMDCDR - Fond 11 - Zbirka videozapisa – Snimke napada na Zagreb - DVD inv. br. 2543a. 38   Dnevnik Josipe Maras, ponedjeljak 7. X. 1991., 157-158. U posjedu autorice. 39   Dnevnik Josipe Maras, ponedjeljak 7. X. 1991., 157-158. 32


From mid-September 1991, Zagreb was living its war days - the first alarms and running in shelters. In September, the TV transmitter on Sljeme was rocketed for the first time in order to prevent the spread of truth and cause panic among the population. In that attempt the transmitter was not damaged, unlike in the following attack, on 4 October, when due to damage a short-term interruption of the programme happened and the broadcasting was transferred to the spare and borrowed frequencies.32 The meteorological radar WSR-7433 was also located on Sljeme (Radar centre Puntijarka) at a distance of approximately one kilometer from the TV transmitter. With certain modifications, it could be used for monitoring enemy aircraft flights, but according to available data, radar was not targeted or damaged.34 The JNA Air Force was extremely active in the sky above Croatia on Sunday, 6 October, and on Monday. 7 October 1991. On Sunday the Zagreb suburb Lučko and the barrack of the aerial group of the General Staff of the Croatian National Guard (GS ZNG)35 in it were attacked with missiles identical to those used in the attack on the Upper Town,36 so according to some assumptions that attack was the “general rehearsal” for the Banski dvori.37 On Monday there were seven air alerts in total in Zagreb, surpassing the former infamous alert record in Zagreb.38 As early as at 4:30 the Operations Centre of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces (GS HV) was tipped off about the take-off from the airport in Pula. At 7:05 the third alarm was announced (previously during the Executive Council. “Savezno izvršno vijeće”, access achieved on 12 September 2014, In view of the above, had the assassins been successful, probably identical appointments would have taken place and thereby the route to redrawing Yugoslavia towards the unitary and the Greater Serbian model would have been opened. 32   “Pogođen TV toranj na Sljemenu”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 5.X.1991., 2. 33   HR - Središnji vojni arhiv Ministarstva obrane RH, Zagreb (dalje: SVA MORH), Zapovjedništvo HRZ i PZO, Raščlamba borbenih djelovanja HRZ i PZO za 1991., 13-23. 34   According to the statement by Dušan Bižić, employee of the State Hydrological Institute who worked on the observation of the airspace through the RC Puntijarka in 1991. HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Izjava Dušana Bižića o RC Puntijarki. 35   In the mentioned document (note no. 36) the General Staff of the Croatian National Guard was stated, although on 21 September 1991 the GS of the Croatian Army was established.. 36   On that occasion one defender got killed, and three were injured. Dopis PU Zagreb upućen MUP-u RH, Broj: 511-1815/1-18802/91., Zagreb, 7. 10. 1991. 37   HR - HMDCDR - Fond 11 - Zbirka videozapisa - dvd inv. br. 2543a. 38   Diary of Josipa Maras, Monday, 7 October 1991, 157-158. Owned by the author.

ih je na trenutke bilo 30 - 40 na radarskim zaslonima Operativnog centra. Treća uzbuna za Zagreb zaključena je u 10 sati i 15 minuta. Međutim, zrakoplovi JNA su se ponovno vratili prema Zagrebu, zbog čega je u 11.47 oglašena četvrta uzbuna, koja je trajala do 12.23 sati.40 Dežurni časnik Operativnog centra GS-a HV-a u 14.47 oglasio je za područje Zagreba i petu, pokazat će se kasnije, najvažniju zračnu uzbunu toga dana, jer su u 15.0141 četiri borbena zrakoplova JNA napala Gornji grad i Banske dvore, rezidenciju hrvatskog predsjednika.42 Prema sjećanju dežurnog časnika u navedenom Operativnom centru, ključni razlog za oglašavanje pete uzbune bila je skupina zrakoplova koja je leteći iz smjera juga prema Virovitici iznenada promijenila smjer leta i krenula prema Zagrebu. U to vrijeme na nebu iznad kontinentalnog dijela Hrvatske letjelo je još nekoliko skupina zrakoplova koje su nesumnjivo pored borbenih imale i zadaću odvraćanja pozornosti hrvatskih motritelja iz protuzračne obrane. Hrvatska je tada raspolagala uglavnom improviziranim sredstvima za otkrivanje neprijateljskih zrakoplova.43 Prvi radar vojne namjene P-15 zaplijenjen u vojarni iz Virovitice, instaliran je na položaj u okolici Bjelovara, te je počeo raditi 6. listopada, dan prije napada na Banske dvore. Do tada su potrebe za organiziranim praćenjem i motrenjem zračnog prostora kontinentalne Hrvatske ostvarivane osloncem na radare, sustave organizacije i komunikacije Državnog hidrometeorološkog zavoda Hrvatske. Meteorološki radari nisu predviđeni za otkrivanje zrakoplova i praćenje zračnog prometa pa je njihova uloga u tome ipak bila ograničena. Stoga

night there were two alarms) for Zagreb area, and the aircraft were in combat action in the wider city area.39 At 8:30 the aircraft from Bihać joined the combat, and the first take-offs from Banja Luka were observed. The skyline was full of aircraft so that at times there were 30-40 on the radar screens of the Operations Centre. The third alert for Zagreb was terminated at 10:15 minutes. However, the JNA aircraft returned to Zagreb again and the fourth alarm, which started at 11:47, lasted until 12:23.40 The orderly officer at the Operations Centre of the GS HV 14.47 started the fifth, the most important air alarm of that day, as would become evident later, because at 15:0141 four JNA combat aircraft attacked the Upper Town and the Banski dvori, the residence of the Croatian President.42 According to the memory of the orderly officer at the Operations Centre, the key reason for sounding the fifth alarm was a group of aircraft that was flying from the south towards Virovitica, but suddenly changed the flight direction of and went towards Zagreb. At that time, several more groups of aircraft were flying in the sky over the continental Croatia that undoubtedly had the task to distract Croatian observers from the air defence, in addition to combat. Croatia at that time disposed of mainly improvised means for detecting enemy aircraft.43 The first military P-15 radar, seized from the barracks in Virovitica, was installed at the position near Bjelovar and began functioning on 6 October, the day before the attack on the Banski dvori. Until then, the need for organized tracking and monitoring of the Croatian continental airspace was accomplished by relying on the radars, organization and communication   Diary of Josipa Maras, Monday, 7 October 1991, 157-158.   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo, Dnevnik brigadira Milana Lelasa, časnika u Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske, 1. 41   There are several different version of the recorded time of the attack on the Banksi dvori, all between 15:01 and 15:07. Considering that there were four combat jets and 4 bombs and 16 rockets explosions, it is not surprising that the witnesses were under stress and that they used different and uncoordinated clocks to record the attack. Several witnesses, such as for example. A. Mijatović and Z. Bušić recorded 15,07h (HR - HMDCDR – HDD2 – Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Intervju s A. M. i Z.B., 2), while the Investigation record of the Investigation Department of the District Court in Zagreb the recorded time was 15:03. (HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik o očevidu Istražnog odjela Okružnog suda u Zagrebu, Oznaka: XVIII Kir-2009/91, 1.) (The record is a part of the documentation on the attack on the Banski dvori provided by the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia.) 42   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Dnevnik brigadira Milana Lelasa, 1; HR - SVA MORH - Dnevni pregled aktivnosti i pokreta vojnih jedinica za dan 7/8. 10. 1991. 43   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Intervju sa Z. Ambrincem, 4-15. 39 40

HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo, Dnevnik brigadira Milana Lelasa, časnika u Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske, 1. 41   Nekoliko je različitih verzija zabilježenog vremena napada na Banske dvore, a kreću se između 15,01 i 15,07 sati. S obzirom da se radilo o preletu četiri borbena zrakoplova i eksploziji 4 bombe i 16 raketa, nije čudno da su svjedoci bili pod utjecajem stresa te su koristeći različite i neusklađene satove zabilježili različito vrijeme napada. Pojedini svjedoci, kao npr. A. Mijatović i Z. Bušić zabilježili su 15,07 sati (HR - HMDCDR – HDD2 – Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Zapis intervjua s A. M. i Z. B., 2.), dok je u Zapisniku o očevidu Istražnog odjela Okružnog suda u Zagrebu zabilježeno vrijeme 15,03 sati. (HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik o očevidu Istražnog odjela Okružnog suda u Zagrebu, Oznaka: XVIII Kir-2009/91, 1.) (Zapisnik je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio MUP RH). 42   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Dnevnik brigadira Milana Lelasa, 1; HR - SVA MORH - Dnevni pregled aktivnosti i pokreta vojnih jedinica za dan 7/8. 10. 1991. 43   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Zapis intervjua sa Z. Ambrincem, 4-15. 40


je osobna procjena dežurnog časnika u Operativnom centru često bila presudna za davanje signala zračne opasnosti.44 Borbena skupina koja je iznenada u dobro pripremljenoj akciji napala Banske dvore sastojala se od dva zrakoplova G-4 „Super Galeb“ i dva MiG-a 21. Dan je bio sunčan i vedar što je između ostalog izrazito išlo u prilog pilotima agresorske JNA.45 Odabrali su smjerove napada tako da sunce ometa djelovanje hrvatske protuzračne obrane. Osim toga, napad je izvršen usklađenim manevrom, dolaskom zrakoplova na velikoj visini, iznad zone mogućeg djelovanja protuzrakoplovnih oružja hrvatskih snaga. S te visine poniranjem pod velikim kutom izvršili su odbacivanje i lansiranje ubojnih sredstava. Napad je izvršen iz dva smjera, upotrebom dvije vrste ubojnih sredstava.46 Nije u potpunosti poznato jesu li prvo djelovali “Super Galebovi” ili “MiG-ovi”, međutim, s obzirom na značajke cilja napada i odabrana ubojna sredstava vjerojatnije je da su prvo djelovali zrakoplovi s bombama, a nakon njih zrakoplovi s raketama.47 Prema do sada dostupnim podacima, zrakoplovi G-4 na zadatak su poletjeli s vojnog aerodroma Udbina,48 a zrakoplovi MiG-21 s aerodroma Bihać.49 Zrakoplovi G-4 doletjeli su iz smjera sjeverozapada (između Medvedgrada i TV tornja) te su djelovali smjerom prema Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog i Banskim dvorima. Djelovali su pojedinačno, jedan za drugim, iz poniranja pod velikim kutom. Bili su naoružani s po dvije bombe američke proizvodnje Mk-82 „Snake Eye“ od 227 kg težine, opremljene s konvencionalnim stabilizatorima i blizinskim upaljačima koji aktiviraju bombu pet metara od tla, odnosno čvrste prepreke.50 Prvi zrakoplov G-4 je odbacio obadvije bombe odjed  HR - SVA MORH - Zapovjedništvo HRZ i PZO, Raščlamba bojevih djelovanja HRZ i PZO za 1991., 13-23. 45   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo, Zapis intervjua s brigadirom Zvonimirom Ambrincem, časnikom u Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske, 14. 46   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće brigadira Petra Ferenčića generalu Imri Agotiću o djelovanju zrakoplova JNA na Banske dvore 7. 10. 1991., 1. 47   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Mišljenje Petra Ferenčića izrečeno autorima teksta prilikom obilaska napadnutih lokaliteta 11. travnja 2016. 48   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14. 02. 2006, 11. 49   HR – HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Intervju s Tomislavom Mrđom, 3-7. 50   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće brigadira Petra Ferenčića generalu Imri Agotiću o djelovanju zrakoplova JNA na Banske dvore 7. 10. 1991., 1.

systems of the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service. Meteorological radars are not designed to detect aircraft and monitor air traffic so their role in the process was rather limited. Therefore, the personal assessment of the orderly officer at the Operations Centre was often crucial for signalling air threat.44 The combat group, that in a sudden and well-prepared action attacked the Banski dvori, consisted of two G-4 “Super Galeb” (Super Seagull) aircraft and two MiG21. The day was bright and sunny what was, among other things, extremely favorable for the pilots of the aggressor JNA.45 They chose the attack direction so that the sun could distract the actions of the Croatian air defence. In addition, the attack was carried out in a coordinated manoeuvre, with the arrival of the aircraft from high altitude, above the zone of possible action of the anti-aircraft weapons of the Croatian forces. From that altitude the launching of lethal weapons was carried out by plunging under great angle. The attack was carried out from two directions, using two types of weapons.46 It is not fully known whether the “Seagulls” or the “MiGs” were the first to attack, but considering the features of the target of attacks and chosen weapons it is more likely that the first aircraft to attack carried bombs, followed by the aircraft with rockets.47 According to the available data, G-4 aircraft took off from the military airport Udbina,48 while MiG-21 aircraft took off from the airport Bihać.49 The G-4 aircraft flew in from the northwest (between Medvedgrad and the TV tower) and operated in the direction towards Tituš Brezovački Street and the Banski dvori. They acted individually, one after the other, plunging under great angle. They were armed with two Mk-82 “Snake Eye” American production grenades of 227 kg, equipped with conventional stabilizers and proximity fuses that trigger the bomb five meters from the soil or sol-



HR - SVA MORH - Zapovjedništvo HRZ i PZO, Raščlamba bojevih djelovanja HRZ i PZO za 1991., 13-23. 45   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo, Zapis intervjua s brigadirom Zvonimirom Ambrincem, časnikom u Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske, 14. 46   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće brigadira Petra Ferenčića generalu Imri Agotiću o djelovanju zrakoplova JNA na Banske dvore 7. 10. 1991., 1. 47   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Mišljenje Petra Ferenčića izrečeno autorima teksta prilikom obilaska napadnutih lokaliteta 11. travnja 2016. 48   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14. 02. 2006, 11. 49   HR – HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Intervju s Tomislavom Mrđom, 3-7. 44

nom, tako da mu je bomba s lijevog krila eksplodirala pet metara iznad krovišta dvorišne zgrade u Ulici T. Brezovačkog br. 6, a druga bomba s desnog krila eksplodirala je u južnom dvorištu Banskih dvora.51 Učinak eksplozije bio je takav da je nastala velika šteta na Banskim dvorima. Razbijena su stakla na gotovo svim prozorima, a krila i žaluzine prozora izbijeni su iz ležišta. U gotovo svim prostorijama Banskih dvora, a posebno u Svečanoj dvorani udarni je val bombe znatno oštetio inventar. Nanesena je velika šteta i na vanjskim zidovima kao i na krovištu.52 Kratera uslijed eksplozije zrakoplovne bombe u dvorištu Banskih dvora nije bilo, jer se radilo o tempiranoj eksploziji na visini od pet metara iznad tla. U dvorištu je ispod mjesta eksplozije u zemlji ostalo udubljenje, u obliku ptičjeg gnijezda elipsastog tipa. Udarni val nakon detonacije bombe je samo stlačio zemlju.53 Sam napad planiran je tako da se prije svega djeluje razornim udarnim valom i krhotinama rasprsnutog tijela fugasne bombe Mk-82, što upućuje na zaključak da se nije išlo na rušenje zgrade Banskih dvora, nego na likvidiranje svih zatečenih osoba izuzetno visokim tlakom nastalim u detonacijskom valu poslije eksplozije.54 Šteta od eksplozije druge bombe na zgradi u Ulici T. Brezovačkog br. 6 bila je znatna za samu zgradu, jer je razoreno krovište, popucali su nosivi zidovi, a po okolnim zidovima bilo je puno rupa od krhotina bombe. Oštećeni su i automobili koji su se zatekli u dvorištu zgrade. Bomba je promašila Banske dvore, kojima je očito bila namijenjena, za 30 do 35 metara.55 Pilot drugog zrakoplova G-4 također je odjednom odbacio obje bombe koje su bile opremljene blizinskim upaljačem, isto kao i kod prvog zrakoplova. Bomba s lijevog krila eksplodirala je u zraku u šumi na Tuškancu, i to 100 metara prije mjesta eksplozije druge bombe. Mjesto pada bombe na Tuškancu nije detaljnije istraživano. Desna bomba ovoga zrakoplova eksplodirala je jugozapadno od restorana „Dubravkin put“ na udaljenosti 12 - 13 metara, između ceste na Dubravkinom putu i zemljanog bedema na početku Visoke ulice. Na tom je mjestu također ostao otisak na travnjaku od udarnog vala u obliku ptičjeg gnijezda, kao i u dvorištu Banskih dvora.56 Nedaleko od   Isto, 1-2.   Isto, 1-2. 53   Isto, 1-2. 54   Isto, 1-2. 55   Isto, 1-2. 56   Isto, 1-2. 51 52

id obstacles.50 The first G-4 aircraft launched both bombs at once, so that the left wing bomb exploded five meters above the roof of the yard building in the 6 T. Brezovački Street, and the second right wing bomb exploded in the southern courtyard of the Banski dvori.51 The explosion caused a great damage of the Banski dvori. The glass was smashed on almost all the windows, and the wings and window blinds were knocked out of the slot. In almost all the premises of the Banski dvori, especially in the “Ceremonial Hall” the bomb shock wave caused considerable damage to the inventory. Extensive damage was also dome to the exterior walls and the roof.52 There was no crater caused by the explosion in the yard of the Banski dvori because it was a timed explosion at a height of five meters above the ground. There was a dent below the explosion in the courtyard, in the shape of an elliptical bird’s nest. The shock wave after the bomb detonation only pressurized the soil.53 The attack was planned in such a way to primarily act by a devastating shock wave and the fragments of the exploded Mk-82 concussion bomb body, suggesting that it was not the demolition of the Banski dvori building that was planned, but the liquidation of all the people present by the extremely high pressure occurring in the detonation wave after the explosion.54 The damage from the explosion of the second bomb on the building at 6 T. Brezovački Street was significant for the building itself, because the roof destroyed, the bearing walls shattered, and the surrounding walls were full of bomb fragments holes. The cars present in the yard housing a driving school were also damaged. The bomb, clearly intended for the Banski dvori, missed it for about 30-35 meters.55 The pilot of the second G-4 aircraft also launched both bombs, equipped with proximity fuze, at once, same as the first aircraft. The left wing bomb exploded in the air in the Tuškanac woods, 100 meters before the explosion place of the second bomb. The drop location of the Tuškanac bomb was not investigated in detail. The right bomb of this aircraft exploded southwestern of the “Dubravkin put” restaurant, at a distance of 12-13 meters from the road of the Dubravkin put and the earth rampart at the beginning of the Visoka Street. The same dent on the lawn   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće brigadira Petra Ferenčića generalu Imri Agotiću o djelovanju zrakoplova JNA na Banske dvore 7. 10. 1991., 1. 51   Same, 1-2. 52   Same, 1-2. 53   Same, 1-2. 54   Same, 1-2. 55   Same, 1-2. 50


mjesta pada ove bombe nalazio se ulaz u tunel u kojem je bio smješten Operativni centar Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske, za koji se smatralo da je bio mogući cilj drugog zrakoplova G-4. Međutim, kako je bomba bila opremljena s blizinskim upaljačem malo je vjerojatno da joj je cilj bio ulaz u tunel, jer da ga je i pogodila, eksplozija bi nanijela neznatne štete samom tunelu, a gotovo nikakve osobama koje su se nalazile unutar tunela.57 Zrakoplovi MiG-21 djelovali su pojedinačno, jedan iza drugog, poniranjem iz smjera između Zaprešića i Samobora – klub Saloon na Tuškancu – Visoka ulica – Banski dvori. MiG-ovi su bili naoružani s po dva lansera nevođenih raketa zrak-zemlja M-74 „Munja“, jugoslavenske proizvodnje, svaki lanser je sadržavao 4 rakete kalibra 128 mm. Sve rakete su bile opremljene udarnim upaljačima trenutnog djelovanja.58 Rakete M-74 izvorno su namijenjene za djelovanje po površinskim ciljevima: vojnicima i borbenoj tehnici smještenoj u utvrđenjima poljskog tipa.59 Iz izbora upotrijebljenog oružja za drugi napadajni val može se zaključiti da se nakon eksplozije bombi iz prvog napadajnog vala te razaranja i pomutnje koju bi one izazvale, išlo na likvidiranja preživjelih raketama, ukoliko bi se zatekli na otvorenom ili slabije utvrđenom prostoru. Rakete su lansirane plotunom, svih osam raketa odjednom, što su potvrdile udarne točke raketa na tlu. Učinka na Banskim dvorima od raketiranja MiG-ovima nije bilo. Prve su udarne točke raketa bile na rubu pločnika i kolnika na samom ulazu u klub „Saloon“, a sljedeće dalje iza kolnika na travnjaku i zemljanom bedemu Visoke ulice. Samo su dvije rakete završile u krovištu kuće na broju 20 u Visokoj ulici. Dijelovi raspadnutog raketnog motora i stabilizatora raketa pronađeni su dalje, po Gornjem gradu.60 Hrvatska vojska je na području Zagreba raspolagala s protuzrakoplovnim oružjem kojim je ograničeno mogla rušiti zrakoplove JNA,61 međutim, na snazi je bila zapovijed da se iznad gradova ne ruše ne  HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Mišljenje Petra Ferenčića izrečeno autorima teksta prilikom obilaska napadnutih lokaliteta 11. travnja 2016. 58   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće Petra Ferenčića Imri Agotiću, 1. 59   “Nova srpska raketa vazduh-zemlja”, Radiotelevizija Srbije, pristup ostvaren 2. VIII. 2016., 60   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće Petra Ferenčića Imri Agotiću, 1. 61   HR - HMDCDR - Fond 24 - Zbirka digitalnih fotografija – Napad na Banske dvore - DVD inv. br. 2808: Prikaz Protuzračnog sustava Strela-10 na području grada Zagreba.

caused by the shock wave in the form of a bird’s nest was also left at this place, just like in the courtyard of the Banski dvori.56 Not far from the drop location of this bomb there was the entrance to the tunnel in which the Operations Centre of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces was located, which was probably a possible target of the second G-4 aircraft. But since the bomb was equipped with a proximity fuze, it is unlikely that its aim was the entrance to the tunnel, because even if it had been hit, the explosion would have caused minor damage to the tunnel, and almost no damage to the people in the tunnel.57 The MiG-21 aircraft acted individually, one after the other, plunging from the direction between Zaprešić and Samobor - Saloon club on Tuškanac - Visoka Street – Banski dvori. The MiGs were armed with two unguided air-ground M-74 “Munja” (Lightning) rocket launchers of Yugoslav production, each launcher contained 4 128-mm calibre rockets. All rockets were equipped with an impact fuze with instantaneous detonation.58 The M-74 rockets were originally designed to operate at surface targets: soldiers and combat equipmet, located in the field type fortifications.59 The selection of weapons for the second combat wave demonstrates that after the bomb explosions of the first combat wave and the destruction and confusion caused by them. The liquidation of the survivals was to follow, if they happened to be in the open or less fortified area. The rockets were salvo launched, all eight rockets at once, confirmed by the rockets drop locations on the ground. There was no damage caused by MiG rocketing on the Banski dvori. First rocket drop location was on the edge of the sidewalk and the roadway at the very entrance to the “Saloon” club, and the following further behind the roadway on the grass and earth rampart of the Visoka Street. Only two rockets ended up in the roof of the house at number 20 Visoka Street. Parts of the decomposed rocket engine and rocket stabilizer were found further, around the Upper Town.60 The G-4 aircraft were not entirely precise as well, especially the second aircraft.



Same, 1-2.   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Memoarsko gradivo: Mišljenje Petra Ferenčića izrečeno autorima teksta prilikom obilaska napadnutih lokaliteta 11. travnja 2016. 58   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće Petra Ferenčića Imri Agotiću, 1. 59   “Nova srpska raketa vazduh-zemlja”, Serbian Radio-television, access achieved on 2 August 2016, region/26658/nova-srpska-raketa-vazduh-zemlja-.html. 60   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće Petra Ferenčića Imri Agotiću, 1. 56 57

Protuzrakoplovni raketni sustav Strijela-10 u središtu Zagreba, listopad 1991. (Jadran Mimica, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / Anti-aircraft missile system Strijela-10 in the centre of Zagreb, October 1991

Strijela-10 u Ul. Hrvatske bratske zajednice u Zagrebu krajem rujna 1991. (Boris Gregurić) / Strijela-10 in Hrvatska bratska zajednica Street in Zagreb, end of September 1991

prijateljski zrakoplovi,62 što je vjerojatno bio osnovni razlog da se to oružje ne upotrijebi. Ipak, čini se da su pojedinci iz pješačkog naoružanja samoinicijativno otvarali paljbu na odlazeće zrakoplove, najvjerojatnije bez značajnijih posljedica.63

The Croatian Army in the Zagreb area had an anti-aircraft weapon with which it could demolish the JNA aircraft in a limited fashion.61 However, the order not to destroy the enemy aircraft above cities was effective,62 which was probably the main reason for not using it. Nevertheless, it appears that some individuals opened fire on their own initiative from the infantry weapons on the departing aircraft, most likely without significant consequences.63

Toga dana, na radnom ručku u Svečanoj dvorani Banskih dvora, uz Franju Tuđmana, Antu Markovića i Stjepana Mesića, uz duže ili kraće zadržavanje, bili su ministar obrane Gojko Šušak i ministar informiranja Branko Salaj, predsjednikovi savjetnici akademik Slaven Barišić, Mario Nobilo i Vesna Škare Ožbolt, pročelnica Ureda predsjednika Zdravka Bušić, redatelj i direktor Hrvatske radiotelevizije Antun Vrdoljak te Stjepan Adanić, varaždinski gradonačelnik. Potonji je ostao na ručku nakon prijepodnevnog sastanka s predsjednikom Tuđmanom prilikom čega je imenovan pomoćnikom ministra obrane Republike Hrvatske i glavnog pregovarača za odlazak JNA iz Hrvatske. Ručak nije bio poslužen u uobičajeno vrijeme oko 13 sati, već je započeo oko 13.15, zato što su prethodne obveze predsjednika Tuđmana trajale   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće Petra Ferenčića Imri Agotiću, 2. 63   HR - HMDCDR - 11 - DVD inv. br. 2543a. 62

On that day, at a working lunch in the Banski dvori Ceremonial Hall, together with Franjo Tuđman, Ante Marković and Stjepan Mesić, for a longer or shorter period of time, were the Defence Minister Gojko Šušak and the Information Minister Branko Salaj, the Presidential Advisors the Academician Slaven Barišić Mario Nobilo and Vesna Škare Ožbolt, the Head of the President’s Office Zdravka Bušić, the Director of the Croatian Radio-television Antun Vrdoljak and Stjepan Adanić, the Mayor of Varaždin. The latter stayed for lunch after the morning meeting with President Tuđman and his appointment as the   HR - HMDCDR - Fond 24 - Zbirka digitalnih fotografija dvd inv. br. 2808. Prikaz Protuzračnog sustava Strela-10 na području grada Zagreba. 62   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Izvješće Petra Ferenčića Imri Agotiću, 2. 63   HR - HMDCDR - 11 - dvd inv. br. 2543a. 61


Skica napada i mjesta eksplozija bombi i raketa na Gornji grad

Skica napada zrakoplova JNA na Banske dvore izrađena je na temelju TV snimke karte, Komisije za očevid i sjećanja brigadira P. Ferenčića, pridruženog člana Komisije.



Pogled na skicu64 koja prikazuje smjer leta MiG-ova i putanju ispaljenih raketa, nameće zaključak da je MiG-ovima, kao i zrakoplovima G-4, primarni cilj bila zgrada Banskih dvora. Ako su primarni cilj raketa bili Banski dvori, a sekundarni eventualno ostale državne ustanove na Gornjem gradu, može se također zaključiti da su piloti MiG-ova napravili podbačaj, odnosno da su za djelić sekunde prerano ispalili plotune. Ni drugi zrakoplov G-4 nije bio precizan (izgleda da je također prerano odbacio svoje bombe), no jedna od bombi bačenih iz prvog zrakoplova G-4 pala je na gotovo idealno mjesto (odmah pored Svečane dvorane Banskih dvora gdje je u to vrijeme trebao biti predsjednik Tuđman). Na osnovu prikupljenih informacija stručnjaci za balistiku zrakoplovnog naoružanja JNA zaključuju da su jurišnici G-4 brzinom od 600 km/h te ponirući pod kutom od 30°, odbacili bombe s udaljenosti od oko 2000 m od cilja i isto toliko od tla. Presretači MiG-21 su, prema istima, ponirući brzinom od 900 km pod kutom od 30° ispalili prve rakete s visine od 1000 m i udaljenosti od cilja od 2000 m. Piloti s velikim letačkim i borbenim iskustvom na zrakoplovu MiG-21 tvrde da preuranjeni ili prekasni pritisak na dugme za ispaljivanje raketa od samo 1/10 sekunde rezultira, u navedenim parametrima leta, 25 metarskim promašajem cilja.   Kao podloga za skicu poslužio je katastarski plan k.o. Zagreb-centar. HR – HDA – 311 – Republička geodetska uprava SR Hrvatske, k.o. Zagreb-centar.



Sketch of the attack and the bombs and rockets explosion sites in the Upper Town

2.G-4 1.G-4

View of the sketch64 showing the Mig-s flight direction and the rockets trajectory suggests that the Mig-s, as well as the G-4 aircraft, has the Banski dvori building as their main target. If the primary target was the Banski dvori and the secondary possibly the other state institutions in the Upper Town, it can be concluded that the MIG pilots failed and that they were a split second too early to salvo fire. Not even the second G-4 aircraft was precise (it seems that it also dropped its bombs too soon), but one of the bombs dropped from the first G-4 aircraft fell onto almost ideal location (next to the Ceremonial Hall of the Banski dvori where President Tuđman was supposed to be at that time). Based on the gathered information, the ballistics experts in the JNA aircraft weapons concluded that the G-4 attack aircraft, at a speed of 600 km / h and plunging at an angle of 30°, dropped the bombs from a distance of about 2000 meters from the target and the same distance from the ground. The MiG-21 interceptors, according to them, plunging at a speed of 900 km at an angle of 30°, fired the first rockets from the height of 1000 m and the distance of 2000 m from the target. Pilots with extensive flight and combat experience on the MiG-21 aircraft claim that a 1.10 second imprecision in pressing the button for firing rockets, whether to early or too late, results in these flight parameters in missing the target by 25 meters.   The cadastral plan of the cadastral municipality Zagreb-centre served as the basis for the draft. HR – HDA – 311 – Republička geodetska uprava SR Hrvatske, k.o. Zagreb-centar.



duže od predviđenog vremena.65 Tijekom ručka navratio je i zamjenik ministra unutarnjih poslova Ivan Jarnjak s novom hrvatskom putovnicom za predsjednika Tuđmana. Nakon završetka objeda, Predsjednik je s dvojicom visokih uzvanika iz Svečane dvorane, smještene u zapadnom krilu zgrade uz Matoševu ulicu, otišao prema istočnom dijelu Banskih dvora u kojem je bio njegov Kabinet. U tome dijelu zgrade, prema Markovom trgu, zatekao ih je i zrakoplovni napad. Dvorana iz koje su izašli nekoliko minuta prije napada, kako je vidljivo na fotografijama s očevida, pretrpjela je najveća oštećenja od siline udarnog vala bombe Mk-82 koja je ne dodirnuvši tlo, eksplodirala u visini prozorskih otvora, pet - šest metara od njih, odnosno dvorišnog zida Svečane dvorane. Da se netko zatekao u navedenoj prostoriji zadobio bi vjerojatno teške ili smrtonosne ozljede od tlačnog udara i gelera bombe te raznih krhotina od prozorskih okvira, stakla, komada namještaja i ostalog jer su upravo ondje bila najznačajnija oštećenja.66 Predsjednikov Kabinet, s obzirom da se nalazio u istočnom dijelu zgrade i dalje od središta eksplozije, pretrpio je osjetno manja oštećenja. Ured Stjepana Mesića nalazio se na sjeverozapadnom uglu Banskih dvora, uz križanje Matoševe i Ulice Tituša Brezovačkog. Osim razbijenih svih stakala na prozorima njegova ureda i vrata izbijenih od siline tlaka eksplozije bombe koja je eksplodirala iznad kuće u Ulici T. Brezovačkog 6, nije bilo drugih fizičkih oštećenja.67 Nakon svladanog prvotnog šoka, Predsjednik je s gostima i suradnicima otišao u sklonište Banskih dvora, a nakon procjene da nema neposredne opasnosti od eventualnih novih napada otišao je u tunel podno Gornjeg grada u kojem je bio smješten i Operativni centar Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske. Ondje mu je podneseno usmeno izvješće o napadu i trenutnoj situaciji. U tunelu se zadržao kraće vrijeme jer je otprilike dva sata nakon napada bio u središtu grada

Assistant Secretary of Defence and the Croatian Chief Negotiator for the JNA departure from Croatia. Lunch was not served at the usual time, around 13:00 hours, but it started around 13:15 hours, due to the previous commitments of President Tuđman that lasted longer than scheduled.65 During lunch, the Deputy Minister of the Interior Ivan Jarnjak stopped by with a new Croatian passport for President Tuđman. After the end of the meal, Franjo Tuđman with two high-ranking guests left the Ceremonial Hall located in the west wing of the building along the Matoš Street, and went to the part of the Banski dvori that housed his Cabinet. They were in that eastern part of the building, towards the St. Mark’s Square, when the aircraft attack occurred. The hall they were in just few minutes before the attack, as seen in the photos of the investigation, suffered the greatest damage from the force of the Mk-82 bombs shock wave that exploded at window level, not touching the ground, 5-6 meters from them and from the Ceremonial Hall courtyard wall. If someone had been in that room, he would have likely been seriously or fatally injured by the compression stroke and bomb shrapnel and various fragments of window frames, glass, pieces of furniture and other things because right there the most significant damage was done.66 The President’s Cabinet, considering that it was situated in the eastern part of the building and away from the explosion epicentre, suffered significantly less damage. The Stjepan Mesić’s office was on the northwest corner of the Banski dvori, next to the crossroad of the Matoš and Tituš Brezovački Streets. Except the entirely broken window glass of his office and the knocked office door caused by the force of the explosion pressure of the bomb that exploded above the house in 6 T. Brezovački Street, there was no other physical damage.67 After the initial shock passed, the President went to the shelter of the Banski dvori with his guests and co-workers, and after the assessment that there was no immediate threat of possible new attacks, he went in the tunnel at the foot of the Upper Town, where the Operations Centre of   Before the press conference held at noon in the Banski dvori on the occasion of the end of three-month moratorium on the Constitutional decision on the independence and the sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia, agreed upon on the Brijuni islands on 7 July 1991, President Tuđman had meetings with Stjepan Adanić, then with Mario Nobilo, Branko Salaj and Ante Marković, and after the conference the President went to the meeting in the General Staff of the Croatian Army. Just before the lunch he had short meetings with Slaven Barišić and Branko Salaje. President’s weekly programme, 7 October 1991: HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Tjedni program Predsjednika, 7. listopada 1991. 66   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 7. 67   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 17-25. 65

Prije konferencije za tisak održane u podne u Banskim dvorima povodom završetka tromjesečnoga moratorija na Ustavnu odluku o samostalnosti i suverenosti RH, dogovorenog na Brijunima 7. srpnja 1991., predsjednik Tuđman imao je sastanke sa Stjepanom Adanićem, zatim s Marijom Nobilom, Brankom Salajem i Antom Markovićem, a nakon konferencije Predsjednik je otišao na sastanak u Glavni stožer HV-a. Neposredno prije objeda imao je kratke sastanke sa Slavenom Barišićem i Brankom Salajem. Tjedni program Predsjednika, 7. listopad 1991.: HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori Dokumenti: Tjedni program Predsjednika, 7. listopada 1991. 66   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 7. 67   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 17-25. 65







1. Svečana dvorana 2. Terasa 3. 2. Terasa / Prolaz Terrace iz Svečane dvorane do Kabineta predsjednika 3. 4. Prolaz izUred Svečane pročelnice dvorane do Kabineta predsjednika / Ureda Passage predsjednika from the Ceremonial Hall to the President’s Cabinet Z. Bušić 5. Kabinet predsjednika Tuđmana 4. Ured pročelnice Ureda predsjednika Z. Bušić / 6. S. Mesića Office of Ured Z. Bušić, Head of the President’s Office

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog

1. Svečana dvorana / Ceremonial Hall

Matoševa ulica

Trg svetog Marka



5. Kabinet predsjednika Tuđmana / President Tuđman’s Cabinet 6. Ured S. Mesića / S. Mesić’s Office

Mjesto eksplozije bombe 5. 2. 3.


Freundenreichova ulica

Skica mjesta eksplozija bombi Mk-82 u Banskim dvorima i Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog 6. / Sketch of the Mk-82 bombs explosion sites in the Banski dvori and in the 6 Tituš Brezovački Street

na kavi s obitelji i suradnicima pokazujući time svoj stav prema prijetnjama i napadima iz Beograda.68 Kasno predvečer obišao je Banske dvore, što su zabilježile i kamere Hrvatske radiotelevizije te je još uvijek pod dojmom napada i viđenog stanja dao izjavu stojeći ispred slike Vlahe Bukovca Hrvatski narodni preporod: „…Banski su dvori bili, ali i ostat će simbol hrvatske državnosti. Vidite ovu razrušenu Svečanu dvoranu Banskih dvora, tu sam sjedio četiri - pet minuta, ne znam koliko, možda šest za objedom sa svojim suradnicima prije nego što će barbari uputiti svoje razorne rakete da bi uništili, da bi pokušali uništiti taj simbol hrvatske državnosti, da bi pokušali obezglaviti Hrvatsku. Tu se nalazimo pred svjedočanstvom o hrvatskom preporodu iz prošlog stoljeća. Evo, oštetili su tu sliku, htjeli su uništiti onaj hrvatski preporod koji smo ostvarili u ovih proteklih godinu i pol dana, uspostavom hrvatske demokracije, uspostavom suverene   “Predsjednik u Tkalčićevoj”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 8. X. 1991., poleđina. U sklopu Priloga ove knjige nalazi se preslika navedene novinske vijesti.


the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces was located. There he was submitted the oral report on the attack and the current situation. He remained in the tunnel for a short time because approximately two hours after the attack he was in the city centre for coffee with his family and co-workers, thus demonstrating his attitude towards threats and attacks from Belgrade.68 Later in the evening he visited the Banski dvori, what was recorded by the cameras of the Croatian Radio-television, and still under the impression by the attack and the seen condition, he made a statement standing in front of the painting by Vlaho Bukovac the Croatian National Revival: “… Banski dvori have always been and will be the symbol of Croatian statehood. See that devastated Ceremonial Hall in the Banski dvori, there I sat four to five minutes, I do not know how long, maybe six, for a meal with my colleagues before the barbarians sent their devastating rockets to destroy, to try to destroy this symbol of Croa68

“Predsjednik u Tkalčićevoj”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 8. X. 1991., backside. In the Annex of this book there is a copy of this piece of news.


i samostalne Hrvatske. Oštetili su sliku, dobrim dijelom su razorili ovu Svečanu dvoranu i Banske dvore, ali su time barbari postigli suprotno što su htjeli, postigli su još veće jedinstvo hrvatskog naroda. Svijest koju smo uskrisili u borbi za izbore i uspostavu demokracije bit će sada još stamenija. Hrvatski narod bit će kao jedan u borbi da istjeramo i posljednjeg okupatora iz hrvatske zemlje. Hrvatski narod i domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske izgradit će porušenu Hrvatsku. Kad su poslije Vukovara, Vinkovaca, Osijeka, Pakraca, Gospića, Otočca, Šibenika i Zadra napali Dubrovnik htjeli su uništiti najznamenitiji znamen hrvatske kulture. Učinili su kulturni zločin pred čitavim svijetom. Napavši Banske dvore učinili su i politički zločin, zločin koji će pamtiti pokoljenja i čovječanstvo.“69 Da tu nije završio Predsjednikov radni dan pokazuje dokument potpisan u 23 sata kojim opunomoćuje Stjepana Adanića i pukovnika Imru Agotića za razgovore s generalom JNA Andrijom Rašetom.70 S obzirom na dramatično zaoštravanje situacije, kasno navečer 7. listopada održan je i sastanak užeg političkog vodstva. Noć je predsjednik Tuđman, prema svjedočenju bliskih suradnika, proveo u spomenutom tunelu ispod Gornjeg grada,71 od 8. listopada 1991. Banski dvori više nisu služili kao predsjedničko sjedište, a Ured je preseljen u Vilu Zagorje na Pantovčaku.72 Pismo Ante Markovića, u kojem je optužio generala JNA Veljka Kadijevića za pokušaj atentata, Vlada RH je na 37. sjednici toga istoga dana primila na znanje te je odlučeno da se proslijedi u javnost putem Ministarstva informiranja RH i Hrvatske izvještajne agencije (HINA).73

tian statehood, to try to decapitate Croatia. Here we are in front of the witness of the Croatian revival from the last century. Here, they have damaged the painting, they wanted to destroy the Croatian revival that we have achieved in the past year and a half, by establishing Croatian democracy, by establishing a sovereign and independent Croatia. They have damaged the painting and they have extensively damaged the Ceremonial Hall and the Banski dvori, but the barbarians have achieved the opposite of what they wanted, they have achieved even greater unity of the Croatian people. The awareness that we have resurrected in our fight for the elections and the establishment of democracy will further on be even stronger. The Croatian people will be together as one in the struggle to drive out the very last invader from the Croatian territory. The Croatian people from the homeland and from abroad will build the destroyed Croatia. When Dubrovnik was attacked after Vukovar, Vinkovci, Osijek, Pakrac, Gospić, Otočac, Šibenik and Zadar. When Dubrovnik was attacked they wanted to destroy the most honourable symbol of the Croatian culture. They have committed a cultural crime against the entire world. Attacking the Banski dvori they have committed a political crime, a crime that will be remembered by generations and by the humanity.”69 A document signed at 23:00 which authorised Stjepan Adanić and Colonel Imra Agotić for talks with the JNA General Andrija Rašeta70 shows that the working day was not over. Due to the dramatic worsening of the situation, a meeting of the narrow political leadership was held late in the evening on 7 October. President Tuđman, according to the testimony of his close associates, spent the night in the said tunnel under the Upper Town71, and from 8 October 1991 the Banski dvori no longer serve as the Presidential Residence, because his Office was moved to the Villa Zagorje in the Pantovčak area.72 At the 37th session that same day the Government of the Republic of Croatia received and noted a letter by Ante Marković accusing the JNA general Veljko Kadijević for the assassination attempt and decided to forward it to the public through the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Croatia and the Croatian News Agency (HINA).73


HR - HMDCDR - 11 - DVD inv. br. 2312.   Stjepan Adanić, Razmjene ratnih zarobljenika 1991. godine (Zagreb: Udruga pripadnika grupe “Orion”, 2011), 105. 71   Rekonstrukcija rasporeda predsjednika Tuđmana za navedeni dan izrađena je na temelju Tjednog programa i izjava sudionika, navedeno u popisu korištenih izvora i literature. 72   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Tjedni program Predsjednika, 8. listopada 1991. 73   Zapisnik s 37. sjednice Vlade RH i Kriznog štaba RH, Broj 87/1991., 7. 10. 1991., 4.

HR - HMDCDR - 11 - dvd inv. br. 2312.   Stjepan Adanić, Razmjene ratnih zarobljenika 1991. godine (Zagreb: Udruga pripadnika grupe “Orion”, 2011), 105. 71   The reconstruction of President Tuđman‘s schedule for that day was made on the basis of the Weekly programme and the statements of the participants indicated in the list of sources and literature. 72   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Tjedni program Predsjednika, 8. listopada 1991. 73   Zapisnik s 37. sjednice Vlade RH i Kriznog štaba RH, Broj 87/1991., 7. 10. 1991., 4.





Razaranja na Gornjem gradu

Damage to the Upper Town

Ljudska žrtva

Human fatality

The members of the Police Department of Zagreb and the Centre for Forensic Examinations and Expertise of the Croatian MI, ballistic experts and experts in explosives and fires, and the investigating judge of the District Court and the Deputy Prosecutor of the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Zagreb conducted an investigation of the crime scene on 8 October 1991.74 It was concluded that significant material damage was inflicting by the bomb and rocket attack to the Upper town, several people were injured and one person was killed, named Marko Mihić, born in 1949 in the Bihać area, who was employee of the City Secretariat for National Defence of Zagreb. During the attack he found himself on the terrace of the “Dubravkin put” restaurant. Prema dostupnim podaciMarko Mihić 1949. – 1991. (Turopoljski glasnik) The autopsy of the body conma, ranjene su četiri osobe na Gorcluded that he bled from wounds njem gradu, međutim teško je u sustained by missile shrapnel.75 According to available data, potpunosti utvrditi točan broj ozlijeđenih jer mnogi four people were wounded in the Upper Town, but it is difod njih nisu ni prijavili lakše ozljede.76 Ipak, zahvaficult to fully determine the exact number of injured beljujući discipliniranosti Zagrepčana koji su se na znak cause many of them didn’t even report minor injuries.76 opasnosti sklanjali u skloništa nije bilo više smrtnih However, thanks to the discipline of the citizens of Zagreb slučajeva. who used to go to the shelters at the sign of alarm more deaths were avoided. Pripadnici Policijske uprave Zagreb i Centra za kriminalistička ispitivanja i vještačenja MUP-a RH, balistički stručnjaci i stručnjaci za eksplozive i požare, te istražni sudac Okružnog suda i zamjenik tužitelja Okružnog javnog tužiteljstva u Zagrebu obavili su očevid mjesta zločina 8. listopada 1991. godine.74 Utvrđeno je da je učinjena velika materijalna šteta udarom bombi i raketa po Gornjem gradu, nekoliko je osoba ozlijeđeno, a jedan je čovjek ubijen. Radi se o Marku Mihiću, rođenom 1949. u okolici Bihaća, djelatniku Gradskog sekretarijata za narodnu obranu Zagreba. Tijekom napada zatekao se na terasi restorana „Dubravkin put“. Obdukcijom tijela zaključeno je da je iskrvario od rana zadobivenih krhotinama bombe.75

HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 1-93. 75   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 88-92.; HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Poseban izvještaj PU Zagreb, broj: 511-18-12/4-20-K-1703/91., 31. 10. 1991. (Dopis je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio MUP RH). 76   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: PU Zagreb, Dopis 511-18-15/1-18841/91., 8. 10. 1991. 74

HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 1-93. 75   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 88-92.; HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: PU Zagreb, Dopis 51118-15/1-18841/91., 7. 10. 1991. (Dopis je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio MUP RH). 76   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: PU Zagreb, Dopis 511-18-15/1-18841/91., 8. 10. 1991. 74


Materijalna šteta

Material damage

Dan nakon razaranja stavljena je zaštita na krovište Banskih dvora da ne bi došlo do još većih oštećenja istoga uslijed vremenskih nepogoda. Istog su dana stručne ekipe Gradskog zavoda za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode grada Zagreba obavile pregled oštećenja objekata na Gornjem gradu te zelene površine na Dubravkinom putu. Temeljem toga napisano je izvješće o evidenciji šteta.77

The day after the destruction the protection was put on the roof of the Banski dvori to avoid even greater damage due to bad weather. The same day, the expert team of the City Institute for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the City of Zagreb carried out a review of damage to the Upper Town buildings and green areas on the Dubravkin put. Based on this, a report on the damage was made.77

Teška oštećenja pretrpjeli su objekti u sljedećim ulicama i trgovima:

The objects in the following streets and squares suffered severe damage:

- Markov trg 1 i 2 (tadašnji Radićev trg),

- 1 and 2 St. Mark’s Square (the Radić Square at the time),

- Tituša Brezovačkog 4, 6, 8, 10 i 12,

- 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Tituš Brezovački Street,

- u Visokoj ulici 14a, 16 i 20.

- 14a, 16 and 20 Visoka Street. Lakša oštećenja nastala su u: Minor damage was caused in:

- Basaričekovoj 1, 3, 6 i 8,

- 1, 3, 6 and 8 Basaričekova Street,

- Brezovačkoga 2 i 3,

- 2 and 3Brezovački Street,

- Ćirilometodskoj 5 – Kuševićevoj 2,

- 5 Ćirilometodska Street – 2 Kuševićeva Street,

- Demetrovoj 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9a, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 i 22,

- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9a, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 22 Demeter Street,

- Matoševoj 9, 11, 13 i 15,

- 9, 11, 13 and 15 Matoš Street,

- Mesničkoj 30, 31, 34, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 i 49,

- 30, 31, 34, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47 and 49 Mesnička Street,

- Mletačkoj 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6-8, 10,

- 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 6-8 and 10 Mletačka Street,

- Opatičkoj 2, 4, 7, 20 – 22,

- 2, 4, 7, 20 – 22 Opatička Street,

- Visokoj 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18 i 22,

- 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18 and 22 Visoka Street,

- Ulici 29. X. 1918. br. 2, 4 i 6

- 2, 4 and 6 29 October 1918 Street

- te na zgradi Hrvatskog sabora i crkvama sv. Marka i sv. Katarine.78

HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Gradski zavod za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode (dalje: GZZOSKP), Evidencija štete na spomeniku kulture - Gornji grad, 8. 10. 1991. (Izvješće je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Zavod). 78   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: GZZOSKP, Dopis Evidencija šteta na spomenicima kulture Gradskog zavoda za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode, klasa 612-08/91-01/60, 8. 10. 1991. (Dopis je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Zavod). 79   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: GZZOSKP, Evidencija štete na spomeniku kulture - Gornji grad, 8. 10. 1991.

- and the building of the Croatian Parliament and the churches of St. Mark and St. Catherine.78



HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Gradski zavod za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode (dalje: GZZOSKP), Evidencija štete na spomeniku kulture - Gornji grad, 8. 10. 1991. (Izvješće je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Zavod). 78   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: GZZOSKP, Dopis Evidencija šteta na spomenicima kulture Gradskog zavoda za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode, klasa 612-08/91-01/60, 8. 10. 1991. (Dopis je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Zavod). 79   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: GZZOSKP, Evidencija štete na spomeniku kulture - Gornji grad, 8. 10. 1991. 77

U mjesecu studenom 1991. Hrvatski je sabor donio Zakon o utvrđivanju ratne štete,80 a kasnije osnovana Državna komisija za utvrđivanje ratne štete imenovala je Posebnu središnju komisiju za popis i procjenu ratne štete na spomenicima kulture od 1991. do 1995. godine. S obzirom na širinu prostora zahvaćenog ratom, ovoj su Komisiji pomagali područni uredi. Izvješće se podnosilo (tadašnjem) Ministarstvu kulture i prosvjete RH. Nakon organizacijskih priprema i stjecanja uvjeta za rad, komisije su započele raditi na navedenom projektu tek u jesen 1993., popis i procjena šteta na Gornjem gradu obavljeni su u proljeće 1994. godine,81 a sveukupna obrada dokumentacije izvršena je u studenom 1995. godine.82 Zaključak Komisije zadužene za grad Zagreb bio je da su, prema stupnjevanju jačine oštećenosti objekata,83 Banski dvori zadobili oštećenja 3. i 4. kategorije, odnosno Banski dvori na adresi Markov trg 1 zadobili su teža oštećenja, oštećenja 4. kategorije.84 Objekt je izravno pogođen u dvorišnom dijelu i uslijed toga uništeno je krovište, potkrovlje te stropovi i zidovi dijela podruma, čime je bila ugrožena stabilnost nosive konstrukcije. Unutar dvorišta uništeni su prozori i terasa u južnom dijelu. Stropovi unutar zgrade napukli su kao i zidovi, a štuko (stucco) dekoracije stropova i zidova su uništene ili teško oštećene. Unutarnja stolarija je uništena ili teško oštećena, a vrlo vrijedan inventar (namještaj, posuđe i umjetnička djela) je dijelom uništen ili oštećen. U sjevernom dijelu Banskih dvora, Markov trg 2, teško je oštećena krovna konstrukcija, dok je lakše oštećena stropna konstrukcija i nosivi zidovi. I u ovom dijelu objekta prozori i vrata teško su oštećeni.85 Uz dio Banskih dvora, oštećenja 4. kategorije zadobili su objekti na adresi Tituša Brezovačkog na brojevima

In November 1991, the Croatian Parliament passed the Law on War Damage Assessment80 and the later established State Commission for the War Damage Assessment appointed a Special Central Commission for Registering and Estimating War Damage to Cultural Monuments from 1991 to 1995. Due to the large area affected by war, this Commission was assisted by branch offices. The report was submitted to the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Republic of Croatia (at the time). After the organizational preparation and the acquisition of working conditions, the commissions began to work on the said project as late as in the autumn of 1993, the inventory and assessment of the damage in the Upper Town were conducted in the spring of 1994,81 and the overall processing of documents was carried out in November 1995.82 The conclusion of the Commission in charge of the city of Zagreb was that, according to the classification of the severity of damage to buildings83, the Banski dvori suffered categories 3 and 4 damage, ant the part of the Banski dvori at the 1 St Mark’s Square suffered more severe damage, category 4 damage.84 The building was hit directly in the courtyard area and consequently the roofing, attic, ceilings and walls of a part of the basement were destroyed, which eroded the stability of the load-bearing structure. In the courtyard the windows and terrace in the southern part were destroyed. The ceilings inside the building were cracked as well as the walls, and the stucco decorations on the ceilings and walls were destroyed or badly damaged. The interior woodwork was destroyed or badly damaged, and the most valuable inventory (furniture, dishes and artwork) were partly destroyed or damaged. In the northern part of the Banski dvori, on 2 St. Mark’s Square 2, the roof structure was badly damaged while the ceiling and load-bearing walls were slightly damaged. In this part of the building the windows and doors were badly damaged as well.85 Beside the Banski dvori, the objects at 4/1, 6-8 Tituš   OJ 61, 19 November 1991.   HR - Hrvatski državni arhiv (dalje: HDA) - Fond 1640 Državna komisija za popis i procjenu ratne štete Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske (dalje: Državna komisija), Završni izvještaj o ratnim štetama na spomenicima kulture, kut.1 82   In 1999 the overall inventory and assessment of war damages in Croatia was completed. 83   The categorization of war damage from 1 to 6: 1 - minor surface damage, 2 - minor damage - no damage to the load-bearing structure, 3 - minor damage to the load-bearing structure, 4 - severe damage to the load-bearing structure, 5 - building partially destroyed and 6 - building completely destroyed (HR - HDA - 1640 - Final report on war damage to cultural monuments, 4). 84   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Procjena ratne štete za grad Zagreb, Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture, Obrasci br. 1295 i 1858. 85   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: GZZOSKP, Evidencija štete na spomeniku kulture - Gornji grad, Redni brojevi obrazaca 1, 1a i 2 80

NN 61, 19. studenog 1991. 81   HR - Hrvatski državni arhiv (dalje: HDA) - Fond 1640 - Državna komisija za popis i procjenu ratne štete Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske (dalje: Državna komisija), Završni izvještaj o ratnim štetama na spomenicima kulture, kut. 1. 82   Godine 1999. završen je sveukupni popis i procjena ratne štete na području Republike Hrvatske. 83   Kategorizacija ratne štete od 1. do 6.: 1. manja površinska oštećenja, 2. laka oštećenja – bez oštećenja na nosivoj konstrukciji, 3. laka oštećenja nosive konstrukcije, 4. teška oštećenja nosive konstrukcije, 5. građevina djelomično srušena i 6. građevina potpuno srušena (HR - HDA - 1640 - Završni izvještaj o ratnim štetama na spomenicima kulture, 4). 84   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Procjena ratne štete za grad Zagreb, Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture, Obrasci br. 1295 i 1858. 85   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: GZZOSKP, Evidencija štete na spomeniku kulture - Gornji grad, Redni brojevi obrazaca 1, 1a i 2. 80




Grafički prikaz štete na Gornjem gradu - Gradski zavod za zaštitu i obnovu spomenika kulture i prirode, Zagreb.78

Graphical representation of the damage in the Upper Town (City Institute for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Zagreb)78

4/1, 6 - 8 te na adresi Visoka ulica 20.86 Radi se uglavnom o privatnim (stambenim) prostorima, ali i dijelom o tadašnjoj društvenoj imovini (auto-moto klub, autoškola, foto i kino klub, radio klub, klub željezničkih modelara, društvo Narodne tehnike…).87 Sljedeću nižu kategoriju oštećenja (3.) imali su prostori na adresama: Tituša Brezovačkoga 4, 10 i 12, Visoka ulica 14a i 16 te na Dubravkinom putu 3. Ovdje je riječ o isključivo privatnoj imovini – stambenim prostorima.88 Ostale pogođene građevine na Gornjem gradu imale su oštećenja 1. i 2. kategorije.

Brezovački Street and at 20 Visoka Street 20 sustained the category 4 damage.86 These were mainly private (residential) premises, but also a part of the former socially-owned property (the automobile club, driving school, photo and cinema club, radio club, railway modellers club, national engineering society...).87 The next lower category of damage (third) had the spaces on the following addresses: 4, 10 and 12 Tituš Brezovački Street, 14a and 16 Visoka Street and 3 Dubravkin put Street. These were all private property - residential spaces.88 Other buildings in the Upper Town had categories 1 and 2 damage.

Među 70-ak pogođenih i oštećenih zgrada na Gornjem gradu nalazile su se brojne palače kulturno-povijesnog karaktera (uz Banske dvore, odnosno palače Rauch i Sermage - Kulmer), kao npr. palača Jelačić (Demetrova 7),89 palača Vojković – Oršić – Rauch (zgrada Hrvatskog povijesnog muzeja u Matoševoj 9), zgrada Hrvatskog sabora, palača (dvorac) obitelji Pongratz u Visokoj 22, Popov toranj u Opatičkoj 22.90 Oštećene su i zgrade nekih institucija vlasti, poput zgrade Sabora i Vlade RH, Ministarstva vanjskih poslova RH, Ustavnog suda te Starogradska vijećnica. U Ulici Ivana Gorana Kovačića oštećena je i rezidencija tadašnjeg švicarskog konzula Wernera Maurera. Na Gornjem su gradu svoj prostor pronašle i neke znanstvene i kulturne institucije koje su također oštećene, primjerice Muzej grada Zagreba, Hrvatski povijesni muzej, Državni arhiv Zagreba, Staroslavenski institut i Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej. Lakša su oštećenja zadobili i Atelje Meštrović u Mletačkoj,91 zbirka glazbenih automata iz razdoblja 1814. – 1914. vlasnika Ivana Gerersdorfera u Demetrovoj te interijer salona Kugli Lentić u Visokoj.92

Among around 70 affected and damaged buildings in the Upper Town there were many palaces of cultural and historical importance (along the Banski dvori, that is the Rauch and Sermage - Kulmer Palaces) such as the Jelačić Palace (7 Demeter Street),89 the Vojković - Oršić - Rauch Palace (the building of the Croatian History Museum at 9 Matoš Street), the building of the Croatian Parliament, the palace (castle) of the Pongratz family at 22 Visoka Street, Popov toranj in 22 Opatička Street.90 The buildings of some government institutions were damaged, such as the building of the Croatian Parliament and the Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, the Constitutional Court and the Old City Hall. The residence of the then Swiss Consul Werner Maurer was damaged in the Ivan Goran Kovačić Street. The Upper Town housed some scientific and cultural institutions that were also damaged, such as the Zagreb City Museum, the Croatian History Museum, the Zagreb State Archives, the Old Church Slavonic Institute and the Croatian Natural History Museum. The Meštrović Atelier in the Mletačka Street,91 the collection of musical automata from the period 18141914 owned by Ivan Gerersdorfer in the Demeter Street

HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Procjena ratne štete za grad Zagreb, Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture, Obrasci br. 595, 607, 622. 87   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 63. 88   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Procjena ratne štete za grad Zagreb, Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture, Obrasci br. 606, 608, 1179, 619, 620 i 1080. 89   Na navedenoj se adresi nalazio i dječji vrtić koji je nekoliko dana prije napada zatvoren, a djeca su počela boraviti u zgradi matičnog vrtića na Pantovčaku. „Melodija u tutnjavi“, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 10. X. 1991., 20. 90   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Izvješće: Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture – Područje grada Zagreba, klasa: 612-08/95-01/66, 30. 01. 1996.; Više o palačama na Gornjem gradu: Lelja Dobronić, Slobodni i kraljevski grad (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992). 91   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 73. 92   “Gričke oči istine”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 14. X. 1991., 13; Katalog izložbe „Zagrebački Grič – još jedna žrtva bezumnog 86

HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Procjena ratne štete za grad Zagreb, Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture, Obrasci br. 595, 607, 622. 87   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 63. 88   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Procjena ratne štete za grad Zagreb, Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture, Obrasci br. 606, 608, 1179, 619, 620 i 1080. 89   On that address there was the kindergarten which was closed several days prior to the attack, and children started attending the building of the parent kindergarten on Pantovčak. „Melodija u tutnjavi“, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 10.X.1991., 20. 90   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Izvješće: Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture – Područje grada Zagreba, klasa: 612-08/95-01/66, 30.01.1996.; Više o to palačama na Gornjem gradu: Lelja Dobronić, Slobodni i kraljevski grad (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992). 91   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Zapisnik s očevida, 73. 86


Prema podacima Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda iz Zagreba, u napadu na Banske dvore oštećene su i mnogobrojne umjetničke slike. Neke od njih datiraju iz razdoblja kasnog baroka (druga polovica 18. st.), zatim historicizma (prva polovica 19. st.), a ima ih i iz novijeg razdoblja odnosno iz 20. stoljeća. Radi se o djelima koja imaju uglavnom vrijednost nacionalne baštine. Neke od njih su nakon restauriranja vraćene u Banske dvore, a druge vlasnicima poput Hrvatskog povijesnog muzeja ili su preseljene u druge državne institucije, Hrvatski sabor ili Ured predsjednika RH. Oštećenja na slikama mahom su bila mehanička, kao posljedica udara mnogobrojnih gelera. Tako je npr. „Portret bana Ignjata Gyulaya“, autora Johanna Petera Krafta iz prve polovice 19. stoljeća, probijen na nekoliko stotina mjesta što je stvorilo više velikih poderotina. Slika je, nakon restauratorskih zahvata, vraćena vlasniku, Hrvatskom povijesnom muzeju, 1996. godine.93 Slika iz svečanog stubišta „Utvrđeni gradovi sa štafažama“ iz ciklusa „Četiri elementa”, nepoznatog autora iz razdoblja kasnog baroka, također je pretrpjela velika mehanička oštećenja.94 Slika Vladimira Kirina „Harmica“ tek je 2014. restaurirana iako je prvobitna ideja bila da se sačuva oštećenje na okviru slike kao podsjetnik na nemili događaj iz 1991. godine. Na temelju dokumentacije može se zaključiti da je materijalna šteta na Gornjem gradu, a osobito na palačama Banskih dvora, bila velika. Iznos štete obračunavao se u tada postojećoj valuti, hrvatskim dinarima (HRD), a iznosio je oko 54 milijuna za Banske dvore od ukupne štete od oko 70 milijuna HRD za Gornji grad.95 Aktivni su bili i djelatnici Instituta za povijest umjetnosti upućujući pismo međunarodnim institucijama poput ECOVAST-a, Europskog vijeća za sela i male gradove. Obavijestili su ih o zločinu koji je JNA počinila 7. listopada uništavajući i oštećujući mnogobrojne zgrade spomeničke vrijednosti i umjetnine na Gornjem gradu. Ujedno su poslali i popis sveukupnih

and the Kugli Lentić interior saloon in the Visoka Street sustained minor damage.92 According to data of the Croatian Conservation Institute in Zagreb, numerous paintings and artworks were damaged in the attack on the Banski dvori. Some of them date back to the late Baroque period (second half of the 18th century), then the Historicism (first half of the 19th century), but there were also some from more recent period, that is from the 20th century. These works mainly have national heritage value. Some of them were returned after the restoration to the Banski dvori, and others to their owners, such as the Croatian History Museum, or were transferred to other state institutions, the Croatian Parliament or the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia. The damage to the paintings was mostly mechanical, as a result of the impact of numerous shrapnel. Thus, for example, the “Portrait of the Ban Ignjat Gyulay” by Johann Peter Kraft from the first half of the 19th century, got broken in several hundred places which created bigger rips to the painting. The painting was, after restoration, returned to its owner, the Croatian History Museum in 1996.93 The painting from the grand staircase “The fortified cities with staffage” from the “Four Elements” series, by the unknown author from the late Baroque period also suffered severe mechanical damage.94 The painting “Harmica” by Vladimir Kirin got restored as late as in 2014 although the original idea was to preserve the damage to the picture frame as a reminder of the 1991 event. Based on the documentation it can be concluded that the material damage in the Upper Town, especially on the Banski dvori palaces, was extensive. The amount of the damage was assessed in the then existing currency, the Croatian dinar (HRD), and was about 54 million for the Banski dvori out of total damage of about 70 million HRD for the Upper Town.95 The employees of the Institute of Art History were active sending letters to international institutions such as the ECOVAST, European Council for the Village and   “Gričke oči istine”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 14. X. 1991., 13; Katalog izložbe „Zagrebački Grič – još jedna žrtva bezumnog rata“, Muzeja grada Zagreba postavljene u Beču, 12. - 29. 12. 1991. 93   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (dalje: HRZ), Dossier umjetnina, Evidencijski broj N 10477.01 P 000454.000. (Dokumenti su dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Zavod). 94   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (dalje: HRZ), Dossier umjetnina, Evidencijski broj N 10477.01 P 000407.000. 95   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Izvješće: Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture – Područje grada Zagreba, klasa: 612-08/95-01/66, 30. 01. 1996. 92


rata“, Muzeja grada Zagreba, postavljene u Beču 12. - 29. 12. 1991. 93   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (dalje: HRZ), Dossier umjetnina, Evidencijski broj N 10477.01 P 000454.000. (Dokumenti su dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Zavod). 94   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (dalje: HRZ), Dossier umjetnina, Evidencijski broj N 10477.01 P 000407.000. 95   HR - HDA - 1640 - Državna komisija, Izvješće: Popis i procjena ratne štete na spomenicima kulture – Područje grada Zagreba, klasa: 612-08/95-01/66, 30. 1. 1996.

ratnih šteta koje su JNA i pobunjeni Srbi u Hrvatskoj počinili do 30. rujna 1991. godine.96 Međunarodna zajednica, politička i kulturna, mogla je u skladu s dobivenim informacijama raditi na pokušaju zaustavljanja rata u Hrvatskoj.

Small Town. They informed them about the crime committed by the JNA on 7 October that destroyed and damaged numerous buildings of historical value and works of art in the Upper Town. They also sent the list of the overall war damage done by the JNA and rebel Serbs in Croatia until 30 September 1991.96 The international community, both political and cultural, could, according to the information received, work on the attempt of stopping the war in Croatia.

Dio oštećenja na slici „Harmica“ Vladimira Kirina (MUP RH). / Part of the damage to the painting ”Harmica” by Vladimir Kirin.

96   HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Zagreb: Izvještaj o bombardiranju Gornjeg grada s Predsjednikovom palačom u Banskim dvorima u Zagrebu poslan faxom 10. 10. Johnu Sellu, arhitektu i predsjedniku sekcije za ruralnu arhitekturu ECOVAST-a, 7. (navedeni izvještaj objavljen je i u Radovima Instituta za povijest umjetnosti 17 (1993), br. 1, 122-123.). (Gradivo je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Institut.)


HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Zagreb: The report on bombing of the Upper Town with the Presidential Residence in the Banski dvori in Zagreb was sent by fax on 10 October to Mr John Sell, architect and president of the section for rural architecture of ECOVAST. RADOVI Instituta za povijest umjetnosti, 17/1993., 122-123. (Izvješće je dio dokumentacije o napadu na Banske dvore koju je ustupio navedeni Institut).


Na kraju...

In the end...

Napad na Banske dvore pomno je bio planiran u režiji beogradskog vojnog i političkog vrha s ciljem likvidacije predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. sc. Franje Tuđmana te hrvatskih predstavnika u Predsjedništvu i Vladi SFRJ čime bi se izazvao kaos97 i stekli uvjeti za uvođenje izvanrednog stanja u Jugoslaviji kao preduvjeta za nametanje unitarističkog i velikosrpskog državnog koncepta.

The attack on the Banski dvori was carefully planned and directed by the Belgrade military and political leadership with a view to liquidate the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman and the Croatian representatives in the SFRY Presidency and the Government. This would have caused chaos97 and created conditions for the introduction of a state of emergency in Yugoslavia as a precondition for imposing the unitarian and the Greater Serbian state concept.

Uz poznate motive i materijalne dokaze pronađene nakon zračnog napada lako je uočiti idejne začetnike zločina, ali odgovor na pitanje tko su izvršitelji i dalje ostaje nedorečen. Srbijanski usmeni izvori potvrđuju da je napad pažljivo i u tajnosti pripremljen.98 Odobrili su ga najviši zapovjednici JNA, da bi ga potom u tajnosti izvela posebna zrakoplovna skupina popunjena odabranim oficirima Ratnog vazduhoplovstva i Protuvazdušne obrane (RV i PVO).99 Prema neprovjerenim izjavama, važnu ulogu u prikupljanju informacija o dnevnom rasporedu predsjednika Tuđmana i tlocrtu prostorija u Banskim dvorima, a i samoj izvedbi zračnog napada na Banske dvore, imala je skupina operativaca Kontraobavještajne službe (KOS) odnosno Kontraobavještajne grupe (KOG) RV i PVO100, koja je u to vrijeme djelovala u Zagrebu i šire po Hrvatskoj.101 Nažalost, tragično zvuči činjenica da su nesumnjivo veliku odgovornost za zračni napad na Banske dvore imali oficiri JNA hrvatske nacionalnosti. To su bili general-pukovnik Zvonko Jurjević, tada zapovjednik RV i PVO i pukovnik B. Š., načelnik štaba 5. korpusa RV

Along with familiar motives and material evidence found after the attack it is easy to spot the conceptual creators of the attack, although the answer to the question on the executors remains elusive. The Serbian oral sources confirm that the attack was carefully and secretly prepared98. It was approved by the highest JNA commanders, to be then secretly performed by the special circle of the Yugoslav Air Force and Air Defence officers.99 According to the unverified statement, an important role in gathering information on the President’s Tuđman daily routine and the layout of the Banski dvori, as well as the execution of the air raid on the Banski dvori, had a group of operatives of the Counterintelligence Service, that is, the Counterintelligence Group of the Air Force and Air Defence100, which at the time operated in Zagreb and elsewhere in Croatia.101 Unfortunately, tragic is the fact that an undoubtedly large responsibility for the air raid on the Banski dvori had the JNA officers of the Croatian nationality. They were Lieutenant General Zvonko Jurjević, then the Commander of the Air Force and the Air Defence and Colonel B. Š., the Chief of Staff of the 5th Corps of the Air Force and Air Defence from Bihać, that operationally   The staff of the Police Department Zagreb, 20 minutes after the attack on the Banski dvori, arrested citizen V.D. of Serbian nationality, who, in a public place in front of many gathered people, claimed that “the President of the Republic of Croatia fled to Paris, that 450 members of the Croatian National Guard got killed in Samobor, that 12 people got killed in the Banski dvori and that the Chetniks reached Žitnjak in Zagreb. HR – HMDCDR – Baza HDD – Mapa 19 – MUP RH, PU Zagreb, Operativno dežurstvo, Br. 511-18-15/1-18858/91., Zagreb, 08. 10. 1991. 98   Bojan B. Dimitrijević, Jugoslovensko ratno vazduhoplovstvo 1942-1992. (Beograd: Institut za suvremenu istoriju, 2006), 313. 99   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14.02. 2006, 1-22; HR - HMDCDR - Zbirka gradiva o Domovinskom ratu prikupljenog iz privatnih izvora, Izjava Radenka Radojčića djelatnicima MUP-a RH, 15. 03. 1994., 64. 100   More on the topic: Dragan Vukušić, JNA i raspad SFR Jugoslavije (Stara Pazova: Tekomgraf, 2006.), 132-134. 101   HR - HMDCDR - Zbirka gradiva o Domovinskom ratu prikupljenog iz privatnih izvora - Izjava Radenka Radojčića, 6465. 97

Djelatnici PU Zagreb su 20-ak minuta nakon napada na Banske dvore uhitili građanina V. D. srpske narodnosti, koji je na javnom mjestu pred više okupljenih građana iznosio tvrdnje “da je predsjednik RH pobjegao u Pariz, da je u Samoboru poginulo 450 pripadnika Zbora narodne garde, da je pri bombardiranju Banskih dvora poginulo 12 osoba te da su četnici stigli do Žitnjaka u Zagrebu. HR – HMDCDR – Baza HDD – Mapa 19 – MUP RH, PU Zagreb, Operativno dežurstvo, Br. 511-18-15/1-18858/91., Zagreb, 08. 10. 1991. 98   Bojan B. Dimitrijević, Jugoslovensko ratno vazduhoplovstvo 1942-1992. (Beograd: Institut za suvremenu istoriju, 2006), 313. 99   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14.02. 2006, 1-22; HR - HMDCDR - Zbirka gradiva o Domovinskom ratu prikupljenog iz privatnih izvora, Izjava Radenka Radojčića djelatnicima MUP-a RH, 15. 03. 1994., 64. 100   Više o tomu: Dragan Vukušić, JNA i raspad SFR Jugoslavije (Stara Pazova: Tekomgraf, 2006.), 132-134. 101   HR - HMDCDR - Zbirka gradiva o Domovinskom ratu prikupljenog iz privatnih izvora - Izjava Radenka Radojčića, 6465. 97


i PVO iz Bihaća koji je operativno i logistički podupirao zrakoplovnu skupinu102 koja je izvela napad.103

and logistically supported the group102 that carried out the attack.103

Bez obzira na izjavu operativca KOS-a koju je dao hrvatskim tijelima sigurnosti, i dalje ostaje otvoreno pitanje na koji je način informacija o radnom rasporedu i kretanju predsjednika Tuđmana došla do izvršitelja ove zločinačke akcije. Ostaje otvorena mogućnost da je JNA i bez doušnika iz neposrednog okruženja predsjednika RH imala mogućnost prisluškivati telefonske razgovore sudionika sastanka104 te telefonske linije najviših tijela vlasti u Zagrebu.105

Despite the statement of the Counterintelligence Service operative given to the Croatian security authorities, it remains unknown how the information on the daily work schedule and the movement of President Tuđman came to the knowledge of the executors of this criminal action. It seems possible that the JNA even without informants from the immediate environment of the Croatian President had the ability to eavesdrop the telephone conversations of the participants of the meeting104 and the telephone lines of the highest authorities in Zagreb. 105

Balističko izvješće Komisije za očevid MUP-a RH nije bilo dostupno autorima fotomonografije čime je rekonstrukcija napada bila otežana i donekle zakinuta.106 Sigurno bi na mnoga otvorena pitanja koja se tiču pokušaja ubojstva prvog hrvatskog predsjednika kao glavne političke prepreke u ostvarenju velikosrpskih planova, odgovore dali i dokumenti iz institucija bivše jugoslavenske države kao što su JNA, obavještajno-sigurnosnih službi i tadašnjih političkih tijela. Kako bi izgledala moderna hrvatska povijest bez jasne vizije i energičnosti Tuđmanova državničkog vodstva koje je ratnih 1990-ih ujedinjavalo narodne snage, može se samo nagađati. Ostaje na kraju znakovita poruka predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana koju je dao u izjavi za Hrvatsku radioteleviziju uvečer 7. listopada 1991.: „Napavši Banske dvore učinili su i politički zločin, zločin koji će pamtiti pokoljenja i čovječanstvo. (...) Kao što vidite, nisu uspjeli, pa sve da su i uspjeli Hrvatska bi živjela i bez mene, ali živjet će i sa mnom u oslobađanju od okupatora i u izgradnji. Uskrisit ćemo i obnovit ćemo Hrvatsku!“107

Prema dostupnim podacima, general-major Ljubomir Bajić, zapovjednik 5. korpusa RV i PVO imao je značajnu ulogu: HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Stenografske bilješke s 12. sjednice Vrhovnog saveta odbrane, 23. i 25. 08. 1993., 9. 103   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14.02. 2006, 1-22. 104   Davor Ivanković, Zoran Ogorlić, Zdravko Milinović: Osigurao sam 136 transfera oružja i nisam izgubio ni metak, Večernji list, (Zagreb), online izdanje, 31. 12. 2013., pristup ostvaren 25. 6. 2016., 105   HR - HMDCDR - Zbirka gradiva o Domovinskom ratu prikupljenog iz privatnih izvora - Izjava Radenka Radojčića, 110. 106   Umjesto toga, korišteno je izvješće i izjave Petra Ferenčića, pridruženog člana Komisije za očevid. 107   HR - HMDCDR - 11 - DVD inv. br. 2312. 102

The ballistics report of the Commission for Investigation of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia was not available to the authors of this photo-monograph which made the reconstruction of the attack more difficult and somewhat insufficient.106 Many open questions concerning the attempted murder of the first Croatian President as a major political obstacle in achieving the Greater Serbian plans would be answered by the documents of the former Yugoslav state institutions such as the JNA, intelligence and security services and political bodies of that time. What would modern Croatian history look like without a clear vision and vigour of Tuđman’s statesmanlike leadership that united the popular forces in the wartime 1990s can only be speculated. It the end remains the meaningful message of the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman that he gave in a statement for the Croatian Radio-television in the evening of 7 October, 1991: “Attacking the Banski dvori they have committed a political crime, a crime that will be remembered by generations and by the humanity (...) As you can see they failed, and even if they succeeded Croatia would live without me, but it will live with me as well in the liberation from the occupiers and in construction. We will resurrect and renew Croatia!”107   According to available data, Major General Ljubomir Bajić, the Commander of the 5th Corps of the Air Force and Air Defence had a significant role: HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Stenografske bilješke s 12. sjednice Vrhovnog saveta odbrane, 23. i 25. 08. 1993., 9. 103   Dopis Protuobavještajne agencije RH MUP-u RH, Klasa: P0210-SS0001, Urbroj: 539-20-01130-06/14479, 14.02. 2006, 1-22. 104   Davor Ivanković, Zoran Ogorlić, Zdravko Milinović: Osigurao sam 136 transfera oružja i nisam izgubio ni metak, Večernji list, (Zagreb), online izdanje, 31. 12. 2013., pristup ostvaren 25. 6. 2016., 105   HR - HMDCDR - Zbirka gradiva o Domovinskom ratu prikupljenog iz privatnih izvora - Izjava Radenka Radojčića, 110 106   Instead, the report and statement by Petar Ferenčić, associate member of the Commission for investigation, were used. 107   HR - HMDCDR - 11 - DVD inv. br. 2312. 102


Spomen-ploÄ?a na zgradi Vlade RH podsjeća na 7. listopada 1991., dan kada su Banski dvori bombardirani. (HMDCDR, 2016.)


The memorial plaque on the building of the Government of the Republic of Croatia recalls the 7 of October 1991, the day when the Banski dvori was bombed. (HMDCDR, 2016.)

Zabilježen je trenutak napada na Gornji grad. (Hrvoje Knez, Muzej grada Zagreba) / The moment of the attack on the Upper Town.

Fotografija kojom je iz Laginjine ulice zabilježen napad na Gornji grad. (Stanislav Šolc) / The photo that recorded the attack on the Upper Town from the Laginja Street.


Pogled s tornja crkve sv. Marka na Banske dvore. (MUP RH) / The view from the St. Mark’s church tower on the Banski dvori.

40 Pogled s tornja crkve sv. Marka prema oštećenim prostorima u Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog. (MUP RH) / The view from the St. Mark’s church tower towards the damaged areas in the Tituš Brezovački Street.

Kut dvoriĹĄta gdje je eksplodirala bomba. (MUP RH) / The corner of the courtyard where the bomb exploded.

41 Od siline eksplozije letjeli su i crjepovi i granje i Şbuka i okviri prozora i oluci‌ (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / The blast sent the tiles and branches and plaster and window frames and gutters flying in all directions...

Hodnik na strani zgrade suprotno od udara bombe. (Luka Mjeda) / The corridor on the side of the building opposite the bomb attack.

42 Pogled iz kuta dvoriĹĄta gdje je eksplodirala bomba. (Luka Mjeda) / The view from the corner of the courtyard where the bomb exploded.

Pogled iz SveÄ?ane dvorane – istraga o neprijateljskom napadu je u tijeku. (Luka Mjeda) / The view from the Ceremonial Hall - investigation of the attack is in progress.



Potraga za ostacima bombe. (Luka Mjeda) / The search for the remains of the bomb.

U potrazi za dokazima o napadu. (MUP RH) / In search of the evidence of the attack.

Reljefni zemljovid Jugoslavije – posljedice napada zrakoplova JNA, simbolički gledano i za istoimenu državu. (Luka Mjeda) / The contour map of Yugoslavia – the consequences of the JNA aircraft attack, and symbolically speaking, for the namesake state.

„Raspad Jugoslavije“ u Banskim dvorima. (Luka Mjeda) / “The disintegration of Yugoslavia” in the Banski dvori.


Kaos nakon eksplozije u dvoriĹĄtu Banskih dvora. (Stanko Szabo) / Chaos after the explosion in the courtyard of the Banski dvori.

46 Eksplozijom bombe sruĹĄen je dio terase. (Stanko Szabo) / The bomb explosion destroyed a part of the terrace.

Blindirani Predsjednikov automobil i vidljiva oštećenja na zidu. (Luka Mjeda) / The President‘s armoured car and visible damage to the wall. Ulazni kolni prilaz s Predsjednikovim automobilom. (MUP RH) / Entrance driveway with the President‘s car.

Velika oštećenja u prizemlju. (MUP RH) / Extensive damage in the ground floor.

Oštećenje stropne konstrukcije u prizemlju Banskih dvora. (Luka Mjeda) / Damage to the ceiling structure in the ground floor of the Banski dvori.



KroviĹĄte je pretrpjelo veliku ĹĄtetu. (MUP RH) / The roof suffered major damage

Pogled na kolni ulaz, dijagonalno od mjesta eksplozije bombe. (MUP RH) / The view of the driveway, diagonally across from the explosion site.

Krovište prema unutarnjem južnom dvorištu. (MUP RH) / The roof towards the inner southern courtyard.

Unutrašnjost uništenog potkrovlja u Banskim dvorima. (Luka Mjeda) / The interior of the destroyed attic in the Banski dvori.


Uobičajeno jesensko vrijeme pojačava dojam težine situacije. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / Typical autumn weather reinforces the impression of the severity of the situation.

50 Izbijena ulazna vrata Banskih dvora, na mjestu izvođenja “Velike smjene straže” Predsjedničke garde koja je i toga dana u podne uredno izvršena. (Luka Mjeda) / The knocked front door of the Banski dvori, on the location of the „Great changing of the Presidential Guard“, which was also carried out on that day at noon.

Oštećena krovišta na oba kompleksa zgrada u Banskim dvorima. (MUP RH) / Damaged roofs on both building complexes in the Banski dvori.

51 Zaštita objekta od eventualnih vremenskih nepogoda započela je dan nakon napada. (Luka Mjeda) / Protecting the buildings from possible bad weather began the day after the attack.

Svečana dvorana u kojoj su hrvatski predsjednik Franjo Tuđman, Ante Marković, Stjepan Mesić i ostali uzvanici objedovali svega desetak minuta prije napada neprijateljskih zrakoplova JNA. (Stanko Szabo) / The Ceremonial Hall in which the Croatian President Franjo Tuđman, Ante Marković, Stjepan Mesić and other dignitaries dined just ten minutes before the JNA enemy aircraft attack JNA.

52 Udarni val eksplozije bombe došao je iz smjera prozora. (Luka Mjeda) / The shock wave of the bomb explosion came from the direction of the window.

Prozori prema Matoševoj ulici. (MUP RH) / The windows to the Matoš Street.

53 Razbijeni prozori prema Matoševoj ulici. (MUP RH) / The broken windows to the Matoš Street.

Krhotine stakla i drvenih okvira prozora sigurno bi teško ozlijedile ili ubile svakoga tko bi se zatekao u Svečanoj dvorani. (Stanko Szabo) / The shards of glass and wooden window frames would have certainly seriously injured or killed anyone who would have happened to be in the Ceremonial Hall.

54 Udarni val bombe razbacao je namještaj i uništio prozore prema Matoševoj ulici. (MUP RH) / The shock wave of the bomb scattered furniture and destroyed the windows to the Matoš Street.

Dvorišna strana Svečane dvorane. (MUP RH) / The courtyard side of the Ceremonial Hall

55 Pogled prema dvorištu i epicentru eksplozije. (MUP RH) / The view towards the courtyard and the epicentre of the explosion.


Mnoštvo poderotina zadobila je i vrijedna slika s kraja 19. st. „Portret Jurja Draškovića“, autora Imre Vizkeletyja. (MUP RH) / A valuable painting from the late 19th century “Portrait of Juraj Drašković“” by Imre Vizkelety suffered a multitude of tears.

UniĹĄteni vrijedni interijer u SveÄ?anoj dvorani. (MUP RH) / Destroyed valuable interior in the Ceremonial Hall.


Uništeni vrijedni interijer u Svečanoj dvorani. (MUP RH) / Destroyed valuable interior in the Ceremonial Hall.

Uništena vaza u Svečanoj dvorani. (Luka Mjeda) / Destroyed vase in the Conference Hall.


Uništena keramika unutar vitrine. (Luka Mjeda) / Destroyed ceramics inside the showcase.

Predsjednikov radni stol. (Stanko Szabo) / The President‘s desk.

59 Pogled prema uniĹĄtenom hodniku ispred Kabineta i prema dvoriĹĄtu. (Stanko Szabo) / The view towards the ruined hallway outside the Cabinet and towards the courtyard.

Krhotine stakla s lustera i prašina sa zidova. (Stanko Szabo) / Shards of glass from the chandeliers and dust from the walls.

60 Pogled prema uredu Bušić – Pancirov. (Stanko Szabo) / The view towards the Bušić - Pancirov office.

Predsjednikov kabinet ostao je gotovo netaknut. Predsjednik Tuđman, Ante Marković i Stjepan Mesić sjedili su uz prozore na svijetloj garnituri. (Stanko Szabo) / The President‘s cabinet remained almost intact. President Tuđman, Ante Marković and Stjepan Mesić were sitting along the windows on the light sofa.

61 Simbolika: neoštećena slika grba Predsjednika RH. (Stanko Szabo) / Symbolism: undamaged image of the coat of arms of the President of the Republic of Croatia.


Pogled iz hodnika prema Kabinetu. (MUP RH) / The view from the hall towards the Cabinet.

Udarni val eksplozije pomaknuo je teški sef iz ležišta. (Luka Mjeda) / The shock wave of the explosion shifted the heavy safe from the frame.

63 Prostor ispred Kabineta. (Stanko Szabo) / The area in front of the Cabinet.


Dvorana za održavanje sjednica Vrhovnog državnog vijeća. Lusteri nisu izdržali tlačni udar bombe. (Luka Mjeda) / The hall for meetings of the Supreme State Council. The chandeliers did not withstand the pressure shock of the bomb.

Dvorana za održavanje sjednica Vrhovnog državnog vijeća. (Luka Mjeda) / The hall for meetings of the Supreme State Council.


Dvorana za održavanje sjednica Vrhovnog državnog vijeća. (Luka Mjeda) / The hall for meetings of the Supreme State Council.

66 Prozori dvorane za sjednice Vrhovnog državnog vijeća gledaju na istok prema Trgu sv. Marka. (Stanko Szabo) / The windows of the Supreme State Council hall face east toward the St. Mark‘s Square.

Vidljiv je paravan iza kojeg su poslije ručka sjele i nastavile raditi Zdravka Bušić i Ljiljana Pancirov. (Stanko Szabo) / The screen behind which Zdravka Bušić and Ljiljana Pancirov sat down after lunch and continued to work is visible.

67 Ured Zdravke Bušić i Ljiljane Pancirov, vide se vrata prema Kabinetu predsjednika Tuđmana. (Stanko Szabo) / Zdravka Bušić and Ljiljana Pancirov‘s office, the door to the Cabinet of President Tuđman is visible.

Vrata i prozori iščupani su iz svojih okvira u salonu ispred Svečane dvorane. (Stanko Szabo) / Doors and windows torn from their frames in the salon in front of the Ceremonial Hall.

68 Klavir, slike, namještaj i prozori nakon udara bombe. (Stanko Szabo) / Piano, paintings, furniture and windows after the bomb attack.

Pogled iz salona na stablo treĹĄnje. (Luka Mjeda) / The view from the salon on the cherry tree.

69 U Crvenom salonu prozori prema Freudenreichovoj ulici su popucali. (MUP RH) / The Red Salon windows to the Freudenreich Street got cracked.


Plavi salon, jedan od prolaznih salona koji se protežu od Svečane dvorane na zapadu do ureda Bušić – Pancirov na istoku. (MUP RH) / The Blue Salon, one of the pass-through salons that stretch from the Ceremonial Hall on the west to the Bušić - Pancirov office on the east.

Luster nije izdrĹžao udar. (Luka Mjeda) / The chandelier did not survive the attack.



U Zelenom salonu vrata su bila izbijena. (MUP RH) / The Green Salon door was knocked down.

Luster iz Zlatnog salona. (Luka Mjeda) / The chandelier from the Golden Salon.


U Zlatnom salonu. (Stanko Szabo) / In the Golden Salon.

74 Manja ĹĄteta nastala je i u Crnom salonu. (MUP RH) / Minor damage in the Red Salon.

Manja ĹĄteta u salonu s klavirom s orijentalnim ukrasima. (MUP RH) / Minor damage in the salon with the piano with oriental decorations.



Uredi prema Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog. (MUP RH) / The offices facing the Tituš Brezovački Street.

77 Uredi prema Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog. (MUP RH) / The offices facing the Tituš Brezovački Street.

Prostor na drugom katu okrenut prema dvorištu, oštećena su bila vrata, a vidi se i veliko oštećenje krovišta. (MUP RH) / The space on the second floor facing the courtyard, the door was damaged, and major damage to the roof can also be seen.

78 Spavaća soba na drugom katu, Banska soba: oštećenje stropa. (MUP RH) / The bedroom on the second floor, the Ban‘s room: damage to the ceiling.

Uništena vrata na svečanom ulazu u istočnom dijelu Banskih dvora kraj kojeg je bio parkiran Predsjednikov automobil. (MUP RH) / The destroyed door at the ceremonial entrance to the eastern part of the Banski dvori, next to which the President’s car was parked.



Svečano stubište u istočnom dijelu zgrade posuto žbukom otpalom sa zidova i okvirima prozora. (MUP RH) / The ceremonial staircase in the eastern part of the building sprayed with plaster fallen from the walls and window frames.

Pogled prema prvom katu sa svečanog stubišta. (MUP RH) / The view towards the first floor from the ceremonial staircase.

81 Svečano stubište: prostor gdje su uništene i umjetničke slike. (Luka Mjeda) / The ceremonial staircase: the space where paintings got destroyed.

Zapadni dio Banskih dvora: nekadašnji Ulaz Trešnja. (Stanko Szabo) / The western part of the Banski dvori: former Cherry Entrance.

82 Pogled prema prizemlju Ulaza Trešnja. (Stanko Szabo) / The view towards the ground floor of the Cherry Entrance.

Luster iz dvorane za tiskovne konferencije u prizemlju. (MUP RH) / The chandelier from the press conferences hall on the ground floor.

83 Luster na glavnom ulazu. (Luka Mjeda) / The chandelier in the main entrance.

JoĹĄ jedan luster na podu. (MUP RH) / Another chandelier on the floor.


„Portret bana Ignjata Gyulaya“, zaslužnog za nastanak Banskih dvora. Slika je ukrašavala prostor ispred Kabineta Predsjednika RH. Autor: Johann Peter Kraft, 1830./31. (MUP RH) / “Portrait of Ban Ignjat Gyulay”, responsible for creating the Banski dvori. The painting decorated the area in front of the Cabinet of the President of the Republic of Croatia. Author: Johann Peter Kraft, 1830./31. Detalj: oštećenje na portretu bana Gyulaya. (MUP RH) / Detail: damage to the portrait of Ban Gyulay.

„Portret Jurja Draškovića“, autora Imre Vizkeletyja. Slika je nastala 1894. godine. Tijekom napada oštećena je u Svečanoj dvorani. (MUP RH) / “Portrait of Juraj Drašković” by Imre Vizkelety. The painting was created in 1894. During the attack it was damaged in the Ceremonial Hall.


Slike na završetku svečanog stubišta na prvom katu. Desno je slika „Husarski tabor“, nepoznatog autora iz druge polovice 18. st. (Stanko Szabo) / The paintings at the end of the grand staircase on the first floor. On the right is the painting ”Hussar Camp“ by the unknown author from the second half of the 18th century.

86 Druga slika je „Utvrđeni gradovi sa štafažama“, druga polovica 18. st. (MUP RH) / The second painting is “The fortified cities with staffage”, the second half of the 18th century.

Slika „Veprovi“, autora Friedricha Gauermana iz sredine 19. st. (MUP RH) / “Wild boars” by Friedrich Gauerman from the mid-19th century.


„Tigrica“ je slika manje poznatog bečkog slikara Prema, iz druge polovice 19. st. (MUP RH) / “Tigress” is a painting of a little-known Viennese painter Prem, from the second half of the 19th century.

88 Slika Vladimira Kirina „Harmica“, restaurirana 2014. godine. (MUP RH) / Painting by Vladimir Kirin “Harmica”, restored in 2014.

„Hrvatski narodni preporod“ Vlahe Bukovca iz 1896., s velikim oštećenjima nakon bombardiranja. (MUP RH) / “Croatian National Revival” by Vlaho Bukovac from 1896, with major damage after the bombing.

89 Detalji: „Hrvatski narodni preporod“. (MUP RH) / Details: ”Croatian National Revival“.

Snažan pritisak nastao od eksplozija bombe izbijao je dovratnike s vratima. (MUP RH) / Strong pressure created by the bomb explosion knocked out the doorposts and the doors.

Stubište koje spaja kuhinju s gornjim etažama. (MUP RH) / The staircase that connects the kitchen to the upper floors.

Hodnik na drugom katu prema Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog. (MUP RH) / The hallway on the second floor facing theTituš Brezovački Street.

Hodnik na drugom katu uz dvorište. (Luka Mjeda) / The hallway on the second floor adjacent to the courtyard.


91 Hodnici u dijelu nekadašnje Rauchove palače, odnosno zgrade Banskih dvora na Trgu sv. Marka 2. (MUP RH) / The hallways of the former Rauch Palace, that is, the Banski dvori building on 2 St. Mark’s Square.


Hodnik na prvom katu uz dvoriĹĄte. (MUP RH) / The hallway on the first floor adjacent to the courtyard.

Velika je sreća da se nitko nije zatekao na hodniku u vrijeme napada. (MUP RH) / It was sheer luck that no one was in the hallway at the time of the attack.


Pogled iz hodnika nasuprot mjestu eksplozije bombe. (Luka Mjeda) / The view from the hallway opposite the explosion site.

94 „Krš i lom“ u hodniku. (MUP RH) / “Havoc” in the hallway.

Izbijeni prozor i dijelovi zida u pomoćnim prostorijama. (MUP RH) / The kicked window and wall fragments in the utility rooms.

Oštećenja stropa, zidova i prozora. (MUP RH) / Damage to the ceiling, walls and windows.

95 Od siline udara izbijeni su dijelovi zida. (MUP RH) / Due to the impact knocked out parts of the wall.

Ogoljeni zidovi u pomoćnim prostorijama. (MUP RH) / Bare walls in the utility rooms.

Kuhinja koja se nalazila u prizemlju gleda na dvorište u kojem je eksplodirala bomba. (Stanko Szabo) / The kitchen located on the ground floor overlooking the courtyard where the bomb exploded.

96 Tlak bombe otvorio je kuhinjske elemente i prozore te uništio strop u pomoćnim prostorijama. (MUP RH) / The bomb pressure opened the kitchen cabinets and windows and destroyed the ceiling in the utility rooms.

Kroz vrata kuhinje vidi se dvorište. (MUP RH) / The courtyard seen through the kitchen door.

Predsjednik Franjo Tuđman održao je konferenciju za tisak u podne tog 7. 10. upravo za ovom govornicom. (Stanko Szabo) / President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman held a press conference at noon that 7 of October 1991 precisely at this speaker‘s stand.

97 Dvorana za tiskovne konferencije nalazi se u prizemlju Banskih dvora. Vide se vrata prema dvorištu. (MUP RH) / Press conference hall is located on the ground floor of the Banski dvori. The door to the courtyard is visible.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog… Tituš Brezovački Street…

98 Pogled iz zraka na objekte na Gornjem gradu u Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog. Neprijateljska bomba Mk-82 namijenjena Banskim dvorima promašila je cilj te je eksplodirala iznad kuće na br. 6 (graniči s dvorištem na br. 4). Materijalna je šteta bila velika. (MUP RH) / Aerial view of buildings in the Upper Town in the Tituš Brezovački Street. The enemy bomb Mk-82 intended for the Banski dvori missed the target and exploded above the house at no. 6 (bordering the courtyard at no. 4). Material damage was significant.

U Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4…

In the 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street…

U Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog 2 i 4 uništeni su privatni stambeni objekti i vozila. Procijenjena je 2., 3. i 4. kategorija štete, odnosno laka oštećenja bez oštećenja nosive konstrukcije te lakša i teška oštećenja nosive konstrukcije.

In 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street the private residential buildings and vehicles were destroyed. The damage was estimated as of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th categories, that is, minor damage without damaging the load-bearing structure and minor and severe damage to the load-bearing structure.

99 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.


Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.

101 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.


Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.

103 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.


Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.


106 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.



Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 2 - 4. (MUP RH) / 2-4 Tituš Brezovački Street.

U Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8…

In the 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street…

… pogođeni su stambeni i poslovni objekti te vozila, a s obzirom na to da je bomba eksplodirala iznad dvorišnog zida na br. 6, šteta je bila velika, 4. kategorije.

... the residential and commercial buildings and vehicles were hit, and given the fact that the bomb exploded above the courtyard wall at no. 6, the damage was significant, the 4th category damage.

109 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

110 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

111 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

U dvorištu je svoje vozilo parkirao i tadašnji Predsjednikov savjetnik Mario Nobilo te je prilikom udara bombe njegov automobil (Mitsubishi, svijetle boje) teško oštećen (MUP RH) / The former advisor to the President Mario Nobilo parked his vehicle in the courtyard, which was severely damaged in the explosion (light coloured Mitsubishi).

112 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

113 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

114 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.



Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

117 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 6 - 8. (MUP RH) / 6-8 Tituš Brezovački Street.


U Ulici Tituša Brezovačkog 10 i 12…

In the 10-12 Tituš Brezovački Street…

... nalazili su se privatni stambeni prostori. Zbog lakših oštećenja nosive konstrukcije dobili su 3. kategoriju štete.

... there were private residential spaces. Due to the minor damage to load-bearing structures, the damage was estimated as the 3rd category damage.



Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 10. (MUP RH) / 10 Tituš Brezovački Street.

121 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 10. (MUP RH) / 10 Tituš Brezovački Street.


Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 10. (MUP RH) / 10 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 10. (MUP RH) / 10 Tituš Brezovački Street.



Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 10. (MUP RH) / 10 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 12. (MUP RH) / 12 Tituš Brezovački Street.


126 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 12. (MUP RH) / 12 Tituš Brezovački Street.

127 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 12. (MUP RH) / 12 Tituš Brezovački Street.

Visoka ulica

Visoka Street

Dio zelenog pojasa na Tuškancu te privatni objekti i objekti od državnog značaja, poput Ministarstva vanjskih poslova RH (u Visokoj 22), nastradali su pod udarom ispaljenih raketa iz MIG-ova 21 JNA.

A part of the green area in Tuškanac and the private buildings and objects of national importance, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (at 22 Visoka Street), were damaged by the rockets fired from the JNA MiG-21.

128 Visoka ulica 14 - 16. (MUP RH) / 14-16 Visoka Street.

129 Visoka ulica 14 - 16. (MUP RH) / 14-16 Visoka Street.

130 Visoka ulica 14 - 16. (MUP RH) / 14-16 Visoka Street.

131 Visoka ulica 18. (MUP RH) / 18 Visoka Street.


Visoka ulica 18. (MUP RH) / 18 Visoka Street.

133 Visoka ulica 18. (MUP RH) / 18 Visoka Street.

Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.

134 Visoka 20. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / 20 Visoka Street.

135 Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.

136 Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.

Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.



Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.

Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.



Visoka 20. (MUP RH) / 20 Visoka Street.

Visoka 22. (MUP RH) / 22 Visoka Street.


Visoka 22. (MUP RH) / 22 Visoka Street.


Visoka 22. (MUP RH) / 22 Visoka Street.


Klub „Saloon“ na Tuškancu. (MUP RH) / “Saloon” Club in Tuškanac.


Ispred kluba „Saloon“ na Tuškancu. (MUP RH) / In font of the “Saloon” Club in Tuškanac.


Na Dubravkinu putu. (MUP RH) / Dubravkin put.

146 Pogled na restoran „Dubravkin put“. (Darko Strosser, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / View to the “Dubravkin put” restaurant.

147 Tragom eksplozije bombe Mk-82 u okolici restorana „Dubravkin put“. (MUP RH) / Following the Mk-82 bomb explosion nearby the “Dubravkin put” restaurant.

148 Tragom eksplozije bombe Mk-82 u okolici restorana „Dubravkin put“. (MUP RH) / Following the Mk-82 bomb explosion nearby the “Dubravkin put” restaurant.

149 Na terasi restorana „Dubravkin put“ od pogotka krhotinama bombe smrtno je stradao Marko Mihić. (MUP RH) / Hit by the bomb fragments, Marko Mihić died on the terrace of the “Dubravkin put” restaurant.

Na zagrebačkom Gornjem gradu…

Demetrova ulica. (MUP RH) / Demeter Street.

150 Mletačka ulica. (MUP RH) / Mletačka Street.

The Zagreb Upper Town…

Mletačka ulica. (MUP RH) / Mletačka Street.



Mesnička ulica. (MUP RH) / Mesnička Street.

Palača Jelačić u Demetrovoj ulici. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / Jelačić Palace in the Demeter Street.

153 Na uglu Mesničke i Matoševe ulice. (MUP RH) / The corner of the Mesnička and Matoš Streets.

Crkva sv. Marka. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / St. Mark’s Church.

Manja oštećenja na crkvi. (MUP RH) / Minor damage to the church.


Vitraj iz crkve sv. Marka. (MUP RH) / Stained glass windows of the St. Mark’s Church.



Crkva sv. Marka s djelomično oštećenim krovištem i zastava suverene i samostalne Republike Hrvatske, 8. listopada 1991. (Luka Mjeda) / The St. Mark‘s Church brand with the partially damaged roof and the flag of the sovereign and independent Republic of Croatia, 8 October 1991.



A. Sjećanja sudionika i svjedoka događanja 7. listopada 1991. godine108

A. Memories of the participants and witnesses of the events of 7 October 1991108

Tomislav Mrđa, civilni kontrolor leta na aerodromu Željava – Bihać

Tomislav Mrđa, a civilian air traffic controller at the Željava - Bihać airport 1991

Rođen sam u Bihaću 1964. godine. Nakon završene srednje škole u Bihaću, otišao sam na „višu“ u Beograd, na smjer kontrola letenja. Po završetku te škole vratio sam se na bihaćki aerodrom raditi kao civilni kontrolor letenja. U Bihaću je, osim nas civilnih kontrolora, bilo i vojnih kontrolora. Najčešće su to bili neuspjeli piloti koji su kasnije postali kontrolori. Tako da je na bihaćkom aerodromu radila mješovita ekipa. U svakom slučaju, bilo je više civilnih nego vojnih kontrolora (svega dvojica). Šefovi su bili iz vojnog sektora. Civilni kontrolori su bili pod nadležnošću Savezne uprave za kontrolu letenja koja je odgovarala Saveznom izvršnom vijeću. Civilni kontrolori su jedinu vezu s tadašnjom vojskom imali kao pružatelji usluga na vojnom aerodromu, najjednostavnije rečeno. Nismo niti bili na njihovom platnom popisu. Plaćala nas je isključivo tadašnja država.

I was born in Bihać in 1964. After finishing high school in Bihać, I went to college in Belgrade to do the course of air traffic control. After completion, I returned to Bihać airport to work as a civilian air traffic controller. In Bihać, beside civilian controllers there were military controllers as well. They were mainly unsuccessful pilots who later became controllers. So a mixed team of people worked at the Bihać airport. In any case, there were more civilian than military controllers (only two). The heads were from the military sector. Civilian controllers were under the jurisdiction of the Federal Air Traffic Control Authority that corresponded to the Federal Executive Council. The only link the civilian controllers had with the army of that time was as service providers at the military airport, in simple terms. We weren’t even on their payroll. We were paid exclusively by the former state.

Ja sam počeo raditi u Bihaću u veljači 1988. pa do skoro kraja prosinca 1991. godine. S tim da u mojoj radnoj knjižici stoji da sam radio do 19. siječnja 1992., jer smo to, moja obitelj i ja, tako izveli. Naime, prvo su poslali mene, kolegicu i još dvojicu kolega Hrvata na prinudni godišnji odmor. Onda su nas poslije vratili pod izlikom da ne možemo raditi na bihaćkom aerodromu, nego da ćemo raditi na Udbini. Tada se već pričalo da je Dragan Vasiljković („kapetan Dragan“) tamo sa svojim četničkim jedinicama i meni je bilo kristalno jasno, ako tamo odem, da živu glavu neću izvući, kao ni moja kolegica Hrvatica. (...) Na takvom godišnjem smo bili do, recimo, negdje sredine ili pretkraj prosinca i onda su rekli: „Može povratak,   Sjećanja su podložna sugestijama, emocijama i vlastitim projekcijama o proživljenom događaju tako da i ovdje navedena sjećanja nisu u tom smislu iznimka. To naravno ne umanjuje njihov doprinos i značaj u pokušaju rekonstrukcije povijesnog događaja. Sjećanja svjedoka složena su tako da prate slijed događanja 7. listopada 1991., a korišteni su uglavnom oni dijelovi razgovora koji se odnose na napad na Banske dvore. Dužnosti koje su navedene uz njihova imena odnose se na razdoblje spomenutog napada. Svim se sugovornicima zahvaljujemo na suradnji i želji da zajedničkim snagama osvijetlimo jedan mali dio nedavne hrvatske povijesti.


I started working in Bihać in February 1988 until almost the end of December 1991. But it is written in my employment book that I worked until 19 January 1992, because we, my family and I, staged it like that. To be precise, first they sent me, a female colleague and two other Croatian colleagues on a forced vacation. We were then later returned under the pretext that we could not work at the Bihać airport and that we would work in Udbina. There were already rumours that Dragan Vasiljković (“Captain Dragan’”) was there with his Chetnik units and it was crystal clear to me that if I went there I would not get away alive, as well as my female Croatian colleague. (...) I had to get away from Bihać. It was in November 1991. We were on forced vacation until, let’s say, mid or late December and then they said: “You can come back, but you will go to 108

Memories are susceptible to suggestions, emotions and their own projections of the experienced event so the memories listed here are no exception in this respect. This of course does not diminish their contribution and importance in trying to reconstruct a historical event. The memories of witnesses are listed to follow the sequence of events on 7 October 1991, and mainly those parts of the interviews relating to the attack on Banski dvori were used, and the functions listed with their names relate to the period of the mentioned attack. We thank to all the interviewees for their cooperation and desire to jointly illuminate a small part of the recent Croatian history.


ali ići ćete na Udbinu. Ovdje više ne možete raditi.“ Morao sam pobjeći iz Bihaća. To je bilo u studenom 1991. godine. Preko noći sam otišao u Zagreb. Priču koju smo im ispričali (roditelji i ja), da zaštitim obitelj i prijatelje koji su ostali u Bihaću, jest da sam pobjegao u Italiju kod svoje prijateljice koja zaista živi u Italiji. Ja sam se vodio u nekom praznom prostoru, dok se moja majka nije okuražila, nazvala na moj tada već bivši posao i tražila moju radnu knjižicu. Dobila ju je zaključenu s 18. ili 19. siječnjem 1992., a ja sam tad već uvelike radio u Hrvatskom ratnom zrakoplovstvu u Zagrebu. Što se tiče nacionalne strukture među civilnim kontrolorima u Bihaću, mislim da je bila mješovita. Od Hrvata nas je bilo troje. Jedan je kolega bio iz miješanog braka (otac Hrvat i majka Srpkinja). Bila su, ako se ne varam, dvojica Bošnjaka i možda tri, četiri Srbina ili pet, ne više. Vojni je dio bio zanimljiv. Načelnik kontrole je bio Hrvat, kao i naš šef. Oba su ostala do kraja i ne znam što je s njima bilo dalje. Taj smo dan, 7. listopada, kolegica i ja radili na tornju i to je po nama bio dan kao i svaki drugi, osim lošeg vremena, ništa posebno se nije dešavalo. U određenom smo trenutku začuli paljenje motora na dežurnoj pari, to se ne može ne čuti jer su svi ispušnici i motori okrenuti prema brdu pa se taj zvuk razlijeva. Da objasnim, dežurna para su zapravo tri naoružana zrakoplova spremna za polijetanje u bilo kojem trenutku, ali samo dva polijeću na zadatak. Načelno su bila parkirana i pod punom ratnom opremom, točno ispod tornja na stajanci koja se zvala triangl. U mirnodopsko vrijeme služili su za presretanje neidentificiranih civilnih ili vojnih zrakoplova koji bi ušli u tadašnji prostor Jugoslavije. Kada bi se dogodilo da neki civilni zrakoplov zbog tehničkih problema u komunikaciji uđe u zračni prostor SFRJ bez radioveze, to se prijavljivalo vojnim vlastima, jer je tako bilo po zakonu. U tom slučaju to je postao neidentificirani objekt i zrakoplovi iz Bihaća, Batajnice ili Prištine bi poletjeli, presreli bi taj zrakoplov da vide o čemu se radi. To je razlog zašto su ti zrakoplovi na trianglu u sastavu dežurne pare uvijek bili u punoj ratnoj spremi.


Nakon što smo začuli buku, kolegica i ja smo razaznali kroz maglicu, kroz te oblake, jer je vrijeme bilo jako loše, da se stvarno nešto dolje događa i da su motori zrakoplova upaljeni. Ništa nam nije bilo jasno. Nismo znali kuda će i hoće li stvarno poletjeti ili je to samo ispitivanje motora. Nisu bili uvjeti za let, donja baza oblaka bila je nisko. Nikad se u Bihaću po takvim

Udbina. You can no longer work here.” And then I decided definitely not to stay there and I went to Zagreb overnight. The story that we told them (my parents and I), to protect the family and friends who remained in Bihać, was that I ran away to Italy to my friend’s who actually lives in Italy. I was sort of floating in an empty space, until my mother gathered courage and called my by then former job and asked for my employment record book. She got it dated on 18 or 19 January, and I was working by then in the Croatian Air Force in Zagreb. As for national structure among the civilian controllers in Bihać I think it was mixed. There were three of us Croats. One colleague was from a mixed marriage (his father was Croatian and his mother Serbian). If I’m not mistaken there were two Bosniaks and maybe three, four or five Serbs, not more. The military part was interesting. The head of control was Croatian, as well as our boss. Both stayed until the end and I do not know what happened with them afterwards. That day, 7 October, my colleague and I worked in the tower and it was for us a day like any other, except for bad weather, nothing special was happening. At a certain point we heard the engine start on the aircraft on standby, it can’t be avoided because all exhaust pipes and engines face the hill so that sound spreads. To explain, the aircraft on standby are actually three armed aircraft ready to take off at any time, but only two take off on a mission. Basically they were parked and in full battle gear, right below the tower on a platform called a triangle. In peacetime they served to intercept unidentified civilian or military aircraft to enter the airspace of the former Yugoslavia. If it happened that some civilian aircraft, due to technical problems in communication, entered the SFRY airspace without radio communication, it would be reported to the military authorities, as it was required by law. In such case, it would become an unidentified object and aircraft from Bihać, Batajnica or Priština would take off, and intercept the aircraft to see what was happening. This was the reason why these planes on the triangle were always in full battle armament. After we heard the noise, my colleague and I detected through the mist, through the clouds, because the weather was very bad, that something was really happening down there and that the aircraft engines were on. We didn’t understand any of it. We didn’t know where they would go or if they were really about to take off or it was engine test. These were not good flying conditions, the lower cloud base was low. In Bihać we never flew in such conditions, because we didn’t have some superb radars that could deal with such circumstances. We only had one precise radar,

uvjetima nije letjelo, jer mi nismo imali neke vrhunske radare koji bi to sve skupa popratili. Imali smo samo precizni radar, GCA5, za slijetanje u nekim ne tako lošim vremenskim uvjetima, ali kad je bilo oblačno, jednostavno se nije letjelo. Taj bi dan svako letenje bilo otkazano. To je jednostavno bilo tako. Uostalom, očekivali smo da se netko pojavi kod nas u tornju. Svaki put kad bi ti zrakoplovi s dežurne pare poletjeli, uvijek bi došao jedan od pilota gore kao rukovoditelj letenja da nadgleda i nadzire cijelu situaciju kao i sam čin slijetanja. Takva su bila pravila. Međutim, nitko se nije pojavio. Zrakoplovi su poletjeli i to dva MiG-a 21 bis. Nama se uopće nisu javili na frekvenciju. Pozivali ih nismo, jer kada ti zrakoplovi lete, tada su oni dva u crvenom. U principu, onog momenta kad piloti krenu trčati prema zrakoplovima već su u crvenom. I cijelo su vrijeme u crvenom dok ne slete. Mi nemamo komunikaciju s njima sve do slijetanja kad bi nam se javili po prvi put. Piloti primaju izravne zapovijedi iz svog operativnog centra, kad i kamo polijeću, a kad polete javljaju se na njihov kanal navođenja gdje ga onda taj zapovjednik, odnosno oficir za navođenje navodi na letjelicu koju trebaju presresti ili što god. Kad god je zrakoplov u crvenom mi smo, kao kontrolori leta, potpuno neoperativni. Jedino smo im bili dužni osigurati određene uvjete kao npr. svjetla na pisti ili neku drugu asistenciju za koju nam kaže rukovoditelj letenja. Tu smo kad se oni vraćaju na slijetanje jer tad se prvi put ostvaruje kontakt između nas i pilota. Vojni operativni centar također je bio na Željavi, u rupi, ali oni su imali zaštićeni kanal koji se nije moglo prisluškivati.

GCA5, for landing in some not-so-bad weather, but when it was cloudy, we just didn’t fly. On such a day, every flight would be cancelled. This was simply like that. After all, we were expecting for someone to come up to the tower. Every time when these aircraft on standby would take off, one of the pilots would always come up as a flight manager to oversee and supervise the whole situation and the very act of landing. Such were the rules. However, no one appeared. The aircraft took off and they were two MiG21 bis. They didn’t even report the frequency to us. We didn’t call after them, because when these aircraft were flying, then they would be deployed. In general, the moment when pilots go running towards the aircraft, they are already deployed. And they are deployed the entire time until landing. We have no communication with them until landing when they would contact us for the first time. The pilots receive direct orders from their operations centre, when and where to take off, and when they take off they report on their guiding channel where their commander or officer for guidance would direct them to the aircraft they need to intercept or whatever. Whenever an aircraft is deployed we, as air traffic controllers, are totally non-operative. We were obliged to provide certain conditions, such as, for example, the lights on the runway or some other assistance the flight manager would tell us to do. We are here when they return to the landing because then, for the first time, a contact occurs between us and the pilot. The military operations centre was also on Željava, in a hidden bunker, but they had a protected channel that could not be intercepted.

Željava danas – ulaz u tunel. (Darjan Godić) / Željava today - the entrance to the tunnel.

Pogled s Plješevice na Zrakoplovnu bazu Željava 2013. (Vanja Mirosavljević) / View from Plješevica to the Air Force Base Željava 2013.



Preslike iz Dnevnika provjere veze aerodroma Željava za dan 7. listopada 1991. (Zbirka Marina Sabolovića)

Copies of the log record of the Željava Airport for 7 October 1991 (Collection of Marin Sabolović)

Znači, taj dan, 7. listopada, kada su dva MiG-a poletjela, mi smo gledali hrvatski TV program, kao što smo ga uvijek gledali, jer druge kanale nismo lovili. U jednom trenutku pojavila se obavijest na ekranu o zračnoj uzbuni za grad Zagreb, a ubrzo poslije toga su bile izvanredne vijesti o napadu na Banske dvore. Prvo smo se pogledali, a onda smo rekli: „Pa nije valjda!?“ Ostali smo zapanjeni. Jesu li stvarno ta dva MiG-a koja su poletjela iz Bihaća napali Banske dvore ili ne, meni je još dan-danas to enigma. Činjenica je da su oni poletjeli iz Bihaća i činjenica je da oni nisu sletjeli u Bihać. Činjenica je također da se to zbivalo u vremenu od nekih 40 - 45 minuta, znači od polijetanja do raketiranja i objave cijele te priče na televiziji. Taj dio se poklapa. Onda sam iz nekih neformalnih priča čuo, dan ili dva kasnije, da su ta dva MiG-a morali preletjeti u Pulu iz nekih drugih razloga, nama nepoznatih.

So, that day, 7 October, when two MiGs took off, we were watching Croatian TV programme, as we always were, because we couldn’t catch other channels. At one point there was a notice on the screen about the air alert for the city of Zagreb, and soon after that there were breaking news about the attack on the Banski dvori. First we looked at each other, and then we said: “Is that possible!?” We were stunned. Did really those the two MiGs that took off from Bihać rocket the Banski dvori or not, it is still an enigma to me to this day. The fact is that they took off in Bihać and the fact is that they did not land in Bihać. The fact is also that everything occurred in a period of some 40-45 minutes, from the take off to the rocketing and broadcasting this whole story on the television. This part fits. Then I heard in some informal talks, a day or two later, that the two MiGs had to fly to Pula for some other reasons, unknown to us.

Nikada se do tada u Bihaću nije dogodilo da se zrakoplovi ne vrate. To je bilo prvi put. MiG ima svoju vremensku ograničenost leta, koliko može letjeti s određenom količinom goriva, tako da se nije moglo

Until then it never happened in Bihać that aircraft didn’t return. It was the first time. MIG has its own flight time restrictions, how long it can fly with a certain amount of fuel, so it could not have happened to a MIG from Bihać to take off to intercept an aircraft over Belgrade. Intercept-

dogoditi da npr. MiG iz Bihaća poleti i ide presresti zrakoplov iznad Beograda. Presretao je isključivo u zapadnom sektoru bivše Jugoslavije. Recimo da su iz Bihaća poletjeli prema Zagrebu i da su se nakon obavljenog zadatka, uz idealne vremenske uvjete za slijetanje, vratili u Bihać. Imali bi viška goriva u tom slučaju, a s viškom goriva ne mogu sletjeti. Sve više od 1000 1200 litara goriva bilo bi preteško, bilo bi problema pri slijetanju. Zagreb je blizu. Svega je nekoliko minuta leta od Bihaća do Zagreba i dok obavi zadatak i vrati se, to je sve skupa recimo najviše 15 - 20 minuta leta i onda narednih 20 minuta negdje mora kružiti dok ne potroši gorivo. Oni najvjerojatnije i jesu sletjeli u Pulu, jer drugdje nisu niti mogli. Nije to tako daleko, narednih 20 minuta lete do tamo i potroše višak goriva. Što se tiče toga tko su bili piloti tih MiGova, nikad nisam saznao. Vjerojatno netko od odabrane ekipe od punog povjerenja, jer je to očito sve bilo delikatno. Moram reći da je to bilo vrijeme frustracija i očaja, ne samo zbog napada na Banske dvore, nego zbog bilo koje akcije koju je JNA poduzimala diljem Hrvatske. Znam da sam bio iznimno potresen, neću reći u stanju šoka, ali jednostavno, nije mi bilo svejedno. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 19. prosinca 2012.)

ing took place exclusively in the western sector of the former Yugoslavia. Let’s say that the aircraft from Bihać took off and flew to Zagreb and that after the completion of the task, in ideal weather conditions for landing, they returned to Bihać. They would have excess fuel in this case, and with excess fuel they could not land. All over 1000 - 1200 litres of fuel would be too heavy, there would be problems at landing. Zagreb is near. Only several minutes of the flight from Bihać to Zagreb, do the task and come back, it’s all together, let’s say, 15 to 20 minute flight at most and then the next 20 minutes they must circulate until the fuel is consumed. They probably did land in Pula, because they couldn’t do it elsewhere. It’s not that far, the next 20 minutes of flying, and that’s just it, the fuel is consumed. As to who the pilots of these MiGs were, I never found out. Probably someone of the selected team of the strictest confidence, because it was all obviously very delicate. I must say that it was a time of frustration and despair, not only because of the attack on the Banski dvori, but for any action the JNA undertook in Croatia. I know I was very stunned, I wouldn’t say shocked, but I just did not feel indifferent. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 19 December 2012)



Zvonimir Ambrinac, časnik u Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske

Zvonimir Ambrinac, Officer in the Operations Centre of the General Staff of the Croatian Army

Ja sam bio pezeoac što znači da sam bio u protuzračnoj obrani. Sad bi to bilo Topničko-raketna postrojba protuzračne obrane. Dana 15. svibnja 1991. izašao sam iz bivše JNA, a već 16. svibnja bio sam u Ministarstvu obrane Republike Hrvatske. Nakon istočne Slavonije gdje sam bio kratko, vratio me general Martin Špegelj u Zagreb sa zadatkom da započnem s organizacijom protuzračne obrane u Hrvatskoj. (…)

I was a “PZO”, which means that I was in the air defence. Now that would be artillery - rocket unit of air defence. On 15 May 1991 I left the former JNA, and already on 16 May I was in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia. After Eastern Slavonia where I was for a short period of time, General Martin Špegelj returned me to Zagreb with the task to start with the organization of air defence in Croatia. (...)

Tih listopadskih dana 1991. bio sam već načelnik protuzračne obrane. Stožer je praktično bio smješten u Tkalčićevoj ulici, mi smo to zvali „u tunelu“. Glavni ulaz je bio iz Tkalčićeve, a jedan pomoćni bio je prema Dubravkinom putu. To je bilo nešto kao Operativni centar. Sa mnom je radio i Milan Lelas. Već se u to vrijeme počeo razvijati ZMIN, sustav zračnog motrenja i navođenja. Ustrojavala se protuzračna obrana, od zračnog motrenja i javljanja do nabave sredstava za protuzračnu borbu i raznih mjera zaštite. Naši su dečki iz ZMIN-a osposobili neke radare tako da smo mogli već pratiti neke neprijateljske zrakoplove, a praktično naših još nismo imali. I taj dan, baš se sjećam jako dobro, pratili smo njihove formacije i ta određena formacija išla je na Viroviticu i onda je okrenula baš prema Zagrebu. Mislim da nisu krenuli iz Udbine. U to je vrijeme radio aerodrom u Bihaću, aerodrom kod Banje Luke i tuzlanski. Mislim da je poletjelo nekoliko grupa aviona. To je bila taktika njihova djelovanja, htjeli su nas zbuniti da ne uspijemo reagirati.

In those days in October 1991 I was already Chief of Air Defence. The headquarters was practically located in the Tkalčić Street, we called it “in the tunnel”. The main entrance was from the Tkalčić Street, and one auxiliary entrance was towards the Dubravkin put. It was something like Operations Centre. Milan Lelas was also working with me. At that time we started to develop the ZMIN, an air surveillance system. The air defence was getting structured and organized, from air surveillance and reporting to the procurement of funds for air defence and various protection measures. Our guys from the ZMIN fixed some radars so we could already monitor some enemy aircraft, and we practically didn’t have any of our own. That day, and I remember very well, we were monitoring their formations and this particular formation went on Virovitica and then turned right towards Zagreb. I think they did not take off from Udbina. At that time, the airport in Bihać, the airport near Banja Luka and the airport in Tuzla were functional. I think that several groups of aircraft went flying. It was their action tactics, they wanted to confuse us so that we fail to react.

Uzbunjivanje je uvijek davano iz Gradskog centra za obavješćivanje (Gradski COB, op. a.) koji je bio smješten u Tkalčićevoj ulici. Republika Hrvatska je preuzela iz bivše države te republičke COB-ove sa svim sredstvima za uzbunjivanje (sirene). One su bile u tim, sada gradskim centrima za obavješćivanje. Procedura je tekla tako da mi iz Operativnog centra pratimo i dajemo njima, Gradskom centru, zapovijed za oglašavanje uzbune u gradu Zagrebu. Znači, mi smo odlučili u ovom Centru pratiti tu formaciju zrakoplova negdje od Virovitice i procijenili smo da postoji opasnost. Ja sam javio ljudima u Gradskom centru za obavješćivanje da daju uzbunu Zagrebu i uzbuna je data, koliko se sjećam, negdje petnaest minuta prije samog početka napada. Postoje podaci u arhivu MORH-a o tome kada je dana uzbuna. Još se sjećam, pitao me Milan Lelas: „Što si dao tako rano uzbunu?“ Odgovorio sam: „Pusti, ne zna se ništa.“ Mi smo ranije, kad smo se počeli ustrojavati, imali svakodnevne sastanke s generalom Imrom Agotićem. Uvijek smo

Alarming was always being started from the City Centre for Information which was located in the Tkalčić Street. The Republic of Croatia took over from the former state the centres for information with all the means of alarming (sirens). The sirens were in these city centres for information. The procedure was that we, from the Operations Centre, monitor and forward to them, the City Centre, a command to start the air alarm in the city of Zagreb. So we decided in this Centre to monitor the aircraft formation somewhere from Virovitica and we estimate that there was a risk. I told the people in the City Centre for Information to start an alarm in Zagreb and it was started as I recall about fifteen minutes before the start of the attack. There are data in the archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia on the time of the alarm. I still remember, Milan Lelas asked me: “Why did you start the alarm so early?” I replied, ”Let it be, we don’t know anything.” Before, when we began to get organised, we had daily meetings with General Imra Agotić. We always used

govorili: „Bolje dati i triput lažnu uzbunu, tzv. lažnu uzbunu, gradu Zagrebu, nego jedanput da ne damo uzbunu, a da se dogodi neki napad ili slično i da nastrada puno ljudi.“ Tako da je u ono vrijeme bilo dosta tih uzbuna, međutim poslije smo primijetili da se građani ipak pridržavaju tih naših uzbuna i da traže zaklon. A to je jedna od mjera protuzračne zaštite sprječavanje nastanka žrtava. Postojala je zapovijed, propis, da se ne tuku zrakoplovi iznad Zagreba, isprva je bila nepisana. No, žrtve su uvijek moguće, i kad se skine zrakoplov i kad se ne skine. Nismo imali baš nekih velikih sredstava za obranu grada Zagreba. Problem je dati uzbunu gradu Zagrebu, jer velik je broj ljudi, a ako svako malo date uzbunu, ljudi se ogluše na njih. Mi smo dosta profesionalno reagirali, a bilo je i sreće. Naši su dečki osposobili neke radare tako da se moglo pratiti neprijateljske formacije pa smo bili u mogućnosti odreagirati i na vrijeme dati uzbunu. I sjećam se, osjetili smo udar, kako ne! Prve su pale kod Dubravkinog puta, onda su gađali, izgleda, Tuškanac i onda su pale na Banske dvore. Na ulazu u tunel, tamo na Dubravkinom putu, dobro se zatreslo. I poslije kad se već smirilo, sjećam se, došao je predsjednik Tuđman k nama u tunel. Mi smo ga izvijestili o tome kako je to izgledalo. (…) S njim u pratnji bio je i Mate Laušić (šef Predsjednikova osiguranja, op. a.), kasniji načelnik Uprave Vojne policije. Vidjelo se da je predsjednik Tuđman odobravao kako smo mi to odradili. Kratko se zadržao kod nas, izvijestili smo ga o daljnjim stvarima i onda je on otišao, a mi smo dalje nastavili s radom… (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 30. svibnja 2014.)

Ulaz u tunel Tuškanac – Tkalčićeva ulica danas. (HMDCDR, 2016.) / Photo Entrance to the Tuškanac Tunnel - Tkalčić Street.

to say: “It is better to start three false alarms, or so called false alarms, in the city of Zagreb, than to miss the real alarm once, and some attack or something might happen and harm a lot of people.” So at that time there were quite a few of those alarms, however afterwards we noticed that people still complied to our alarms and sought shelter. And this is one of the measures of air surveillance - preventing the generation of victims. There was an order, a regulation, ... not to attack aircraft over Zagreb, at first it was an unwritten order. But the victims are always possible, wheatear the aircraft is hit or not. We didn’t have many funds for the defence of the city of Zagreb. Alarming in Zagreb was a problem because there were a large number of people, and if the alarm is sounded often, people turn a deaf ear. We were quite professional, and we had some luck. Our guys fixed some radars so we could monitor the enemy formations, and we were able to react and alarm in time. And I remember, we felt the hit, we sure did! The first fell near the Dubravkin put, then they hit Tuškanac, it appeared, and after that the Banski dvori were hit. At the entrance of the tunnel, there on the Dubravkin put, everything shook well. And after, when everything calmed down, I remember, President Tuđman came to us in the tunnel. We reported to him on how it looked. (...) He was accompanied by Mate Laušić (the President’s chief of security, author’s note), later on the Head of the Military Police. It was obvious that President Tuđman approved our actions. He stayed with us for a short time, we reported on further actions, and then he left, and we continued with our work. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 30 May 2014)

Udaljenost od tunela do restorana „Dubravkin put”. (HMDCDR, 2016.) / Photo Distance from the Tunnel to ”Dubravkin put” restaurant.



Milan Lelas, časnik u Operativnom centru Glavnog stožera Hrvatske vojske

Milan Lelas, Officer in the Operations Centre of the General Staff of the Croatian Army

Noć s nedjelje na ponedjeljak 6./7. listopada 1991. je bila tko zna koja po redu koju sam proveo kao dežurni časnik u Operativnom centru. Meteorolog je izvijestio o lijepom danu, za nas je to bio pakleni dan… U 7.05 objavljujemo prvu zračnu uzbunu toga dana. Puno je nebo aviona, sve pratimo na radarskom ekranu. Sustav je umrežen od meteoroloških, radarskih, vizualnih te onih radara koji su obranjeni od pljačke JNA. U 13.30 radarska postaja u Velikoj Buni se predala. Predao se i sin moga “klasića” Slobodana Popovića, koji ga je ondje uposlio uz moju pomoć i intervenciju. Da ironija bude veća, sjedio sam s Imrom Agotićem kojeg je nazvao Popović da mu oslobodi sina. Normalno da je Imra to napravio, samo što me zezao: „Što nije tebe zvao, ti si mu klasić i prijatelj.“

The night from Sunday to Monday, 6/7 October 1991 was one of many that I spent as an orderly officer in the Operations Centre ... The meteorologist reported on a beautiful day, but for us it was a day from hell... At 7:05 we signalled the first air alarm that day. The sky full of aircraft, we monitor all of them on the radar screen. The system is a network of the meteorological, radar, visual and those radars we managed to defend from the JNA robbery. At 13:30 the radar station in Velika Buna surrendered. The son of my classmate Slobodan Popović, whom he got employed there with my help and intervention, surrendered as well. Ironically, I was with Imra Agotić when Popović called him to release his son. Imra did it, of course, but he was kidding me: “Why didn’t he call you, you’re his classmate and friend.

U 14.47 prvi artiljerac PZO-a HV-a Zvonko Ambrinac dao je zračnu uzbunu – greškom, intuicijom, iščitavanjem slike zračnog prostora, predosjećajem? Nije važno, bilo je to „Bogom Zvonkom dano“. U 15.01 raketiraju se Banski dvori u centru Zagreba. Minutu nakon toga napada se izlaz na Dubravkin put. Na ulazu su ubili vojnika - vozača cisterne i ranili trojicu ljudi. Podmuklo, zločinački iz smjera sunca kamo su se i povlačili. Bombe su bile one koje eksplodiraju iznad tla, dakle namijenjene isključivo za ubijanje i sakaćenje ljudi. Pitam za Predsjednika, jer me nazvao šef njegovog osiguranja Mate Laušić: „Sve OK“, odgovara mi, „neposredno prije napada preselili smo se u drugu prostoriju“. Odahnuo sam. Od 15.28 pa nadalje je klasični masovni zračni napad avijacije s aerodroma Pula, Bihać i Banja Luka. U zraku je 30 - 40 zrakoplova. Obavještavamo sve, a u stalnom smo kontaktu s gospodinom Ivicom Žilecom iz Sabora i njihovim Centrom za obavješćivanje. Kakav ludi dan! Kakav je to zločinački pothvat? Pokušati ubiti legalno izabranog predsjednika? Ubiti nedužne ljude? Raketirati centar grada? Tko normalan to može? Sjetio sam se i onoga bradatoga Raškovića koji je javno izjavljivao: „Srbi su lud narod“, pa Miloševića: „Tko bre sme Srbina da bije“. Pa komunisti, pa ta bivša JNA. Odavno sam znao da će sve to otići u vjetar, da su to čiste iluzije, obmana.

At 14:47 the first artilleryman of the Croatian Army Air Defence Zvonko Ambrinac sounded the air alarm – was it an error, intuition, airspace scanning, intuition? It does not matter, it was “God-through Zvonko-given”. At 15:01 the Banski dvori in the centre of Zagreb was rocketed. A minute after that attack, the exit to the Dubravkin put was attacked. A soldier –cistern driver was killed and three people were wounded at the entrance. The attack was insidious, criminal, from the direction of the sun, where they retreated. The bombs were the ones that explode above the ground, that is, intended exclusively for the killing and mutilating people. I ask after the President, because his head of security Mate Laušić called me: “Everything is OK”, he told me, “Just before the attack we moved to another room.” I was relieved. From 15:28 onwards the classic massive air attacks from the airports in Pula, Bihać and Banja Luka. There are 30-40 aircraft in the air. We inform everyone, and we are in constant contact with Mr. Ivica Žilec from the Parliament and its Centre for Information. What a crazy day! What kind of criminal enterprise was that? Or try to kill the legally elected president? To kill innocent people? To rocket the city centre? Who in his sane mind can do such a thing? I remembered that bearded Rašković, who has publicly stated “Serbs are crazy people”, then Milošević - ”Nobody should dare to fight the Serbs” Then the Communists, then the former JNA. Long ago I knew it would all vanish into pieces, that is was pure illusion, deception.

Ali nisam očekivao toliko podlosti, zločina, nekorektnosti, prljavštine i podvala. I što je najgore u cijeloj toj priči, ona nije završena. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 22. studenog 2012., uz korištenje dijelova iz osobnog dnevnika Milana Lelasa.)

But I did not expect so much treachery, crime, incorrectness, dirt and cheating. And the worst thing is, it has not been finished yet. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 22 November 2012, using parts from the personal Diary of Milan Lelas)

Zdravka Bušić, savjetnica i pročelnica Ureda predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana 1990. - 1995.

Zdravka Bušić, Advisor and Head of the Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman 1990 – 1995

Toga događaja se doista dobro sjećam. Koliko se sjećam, zabilježila sam da je to bilo u 15 sati i 7 minuta. Tako sam zapisala u dnevnik, no dopuštam da sam i ja bila pod šokom. Znate, kad se čovjeku tako nešto bitno dogodi u životu, do kraja života ne može zaboraviti niti jedan detalj. Tako se i meni sve urezalo u pamćenje, da bih mogla opisati svaki detalj, svaku sekundu i minutu kako je sve to izgledalo.

That event I remember really well. As I recall, I noted that it happened at 15 hours and 7 minutes. Therefore, I wrote in the diary, but I allow that I was in a state of shock. You know, when something that important happens in your life, you cannot forget a single detail as long as you live. It is all etched in my memory, and I could easily describe every detail, every second and minute of how it all looked.

Mogla bih vam točno pokazati gdje je sjedio Predsjednik, gdje Ante Marković, Stjepan Mesić, Antun Vrdoljak, Stjepan Adanić, akademik Slaven Barišić, a gdje je sjedio gospodin Gojko Šušak, kad se digao od stola i ispričao se Predsjedniku da mora poći. Jer, opasnost se nekako osjećala u zraku. Večer prije su bile uzbune i svi smo osjećali težinu događaja i opasnosti koje nas vrebaju, ali morali smo živjeti, morali smo raditi. Mislim da bih vam sliku nakon granatiranja najbolje mogla opisati ako vam kažem da sam nakon otvaranja vrata našega ureda pomislila da je provalija odmah ispred njih i da ću u nju upasti ako zakoračim. Međutim, to nije bila provalija, nego prašina koja se digla od žbuke sa zidova i koja je izgledala kao dim od kojega ništa nismo mogli vidjeti. Pomislila sam da je sve u plamenu, a vatre se inače bojim. Ja sam rekla da idem prva jer poznam svaku stepenicu, jer sam u vrijeme zamračenja uvijek morala gasiti svjetla, pa sam s baterijskom lampom prolazila hodnikom i stepenicama. Rekla sam, idem ja voditi pa što dragi

I could show you exactly where the President was sittings, Ante Marković, Stjepan Mesić, Antun Vrdoljak, Stjepan Adanić, Academician Slaven Barišić ... and were Mr. Gojko Šušak was, when he rose from the table and told the President that he had to go. The danger was somehow felt in the air. The night before they were alarms and we all felt the weight of events and dangers lurking at us, but we had to live, we had to work. I think I could best describe the image after the bombing if I told you that after opening the door of our office I thought that there was an abyss right in front of it and that I was going to fall into it if I took a step forward. However, it was not an abyss but the dust that rose from the wall plaster and it looked like the smoke that prevented us to see anything. I thought everything was in flames, and I am generally afraid of the fire. I said I would go first because I knew every step, because during the blackout I always had to turn off the lights, so I walked down the hall and stairs with a flashlight. I said, I’m going to lead and in God’s hands, if somebody were to fall, it would be me. And indeed, I was covered in wounds

Svečana dvorana. (Luka Mjeda) / Ceremonial Hall, October 1991


Bog da, ako netko propadne, bit ću to ja. I stvarno, bila sam sva izranjavana od stakla, jer sam prva gazila po toj gomili stakla. Za mnom su išli Mesić, Marković i predsjednik Tuđman, ne sjećam se kojim redoslijedom, jer se nisam okretala dok nismo sišli dolje u podrum. Na licu mjesta, u Banskim dvorima bih vam pokazala koja su to vrata bila i rekla bih gdje točno smo Predsjednik, Marković, Mesić, Ljiljana Pancirov i ja stajali, pod dovratnikom kojih vrata smo se sklonili. Petero nas pod jednim, doduše nešto širim dovratnikom smo se sklonili dok smo odlučili poći u sklonište. Ljiljana Pancirov je tada bila savjetnica u Uredu, ona i ja smo skupa radile u Uredu Predsjednika. Jedna jako kvalitetna i vrijedna osoba. Sjećam se da sam je kad je oglašena uzbuna upozorila da ide u sklonište. Rekla sam joj: “Skloni se, ti imaš muža i dijete, a ja nemam, ako nastradam neće ostati siročadi”, ali je ona odgovorila da ne želi ići ako ne idem i ja. To me se jako dojmilo, ali nije dolazilo u obzir da odem u sklonište dok je Predsjednik u svom uredu. Mislim na sklonište u Banskim dvorima, u podrumu. Mi smo iz skloništa Banskih dvora direktno otišli u sklonište na Tuškancu. Iz ureda nisam uspjela ništa ponijeti, tek su mi kasnije donijeli rokovnik i stvari. Sjećam se da me ujutro jedan policajac odvezao doma, da sam se spremila za posao i otišla direktno u Vilu Zagorje. Samo smo jednu noć proveli u skloništu na Tuškancu, gdje je Predsjednik imao jednu radnu sobicu. Tamo su bili i njegovi tjelohranitelji i imali smo jedan telefon s brojem istim kao i u uredu, „za slučaj rata“. Ali tu se boravilo samo tu večer. Mislim da je tu večer zvao i Gorbačov (Mihail Gorbačov, predsjednik SSSR-a, op. a.), bilo je i drugih važnih poziva i vidjelo se da je stvar vrlo ozbiljna. Tada je Predsjednik rekao Markoviću, dobro se sjećam: “Ante, je li te još uvijek treba uvjeravati, zar ovo nije dovoljno što se događa?” Netko je sigurno rekao gdje smo mi jeli, zato što je raketa (bomba, op.a.) precizno pala ondje. Da smo ostali dulje na objedu, ja ne znam tko bi ostao živ. Pogledajte samo dobro ovaj stol (pokazuje fotografiju, op. a.), gdje su se stolice i staklo sručile na sredinu stola. Pitam vas, tko bi tu mogao ostati živ?


Taj je dan objed počeo nešto kasnije, uvijek je objed bio u 13 sati, tada nije počeo prije 15 minuta do dva. Iz razloga što je Predsjednik išao u Glavni stožer HV-a. Vratio se kasno i s Markovićem je razgovarao prije objeda, zbog čega se debelo kasnilo s objedom i to se, očito, znalo. Da je Predsjednik ostao u blagova-

caused by the glass, because I was the first on to step on that pile of glass. After me there were Mesić, Marković and President Tuđman, I do not remember in what order, because I didn’t turn around until we came down to the basement. If we were there, in the Banski dvori, I would show you the precise door and I would tell you exactly where the President, Marković, Mesić, Ljiljana Pancirov and I were standing, under which doorframe we took shelter. Five of us under one, though somewhat broader door frame, where we took shelter until we decided to go to the shelter. Ljiljana Pancirov was then an advisor in the Office, she and I worked together in the Office of the President. A very good and hardworking person. I remember, when the alarm was sounded, I warned her go to the shelter. I told her: ”Get out, you’ve got a husband and a child, and I don’t, if I get hurt no orphans would remain.”, but she said she did not want to go if I wouldn’t go. This impressed me very much, but it was not an option for me to go to the shelter when the President was in his office. I have in mind the shelter in the Banski dvori, in the basement. We went from the shelter in the Banski dvori directly to the shelter in Tuškanac. I could not take anything from the office, later on I was brought my notebook and my personal belongings. I remember that in the morning a police officer drove me home, I got ready for work and went directly to the Villa Zagorje. We spent only one night in a shelter in Tuškanac, where the President had a working chamber. There were his bodyguards, and we had a phone with the same number as in the office – “in case of war.” Nevertheless, we stayed there that night only. I think that Gorbachev called that evening (Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Soviet Union, author’s note.), there were other important calls, and it was clear that the matter was very serious. Then the President said to Marković, I remember very well, “Ante, do you still need to be convinced, is not that enough what is going on?” Someone must have said where we ate, because the rocket (bomb, author’s note) fell precisely there. If we had stayed longer at the lunch, I do not know who would have stayed alive. Take a good look at this table (she is showing a photo, author’s note), where the chairs and glass crashed to the middle of the table. I ask you, who could have stayed alive there? That day the lunch started a little later, the lunch was always at one o’clock, that day it did not begin before 15 minutes to two. That was because the President went to the General Staff. He came back late and spoke with Marković before lunch, so the lunch was very late and that was, obviously, known. If the President had remained in

onici, nastradao bi, da se išao odmarati, isto bi ga pogodilo. Otići ćemo gore jednom pa ću vam točno pokazati, to je svega nekoliko metara udaljeno od mjesta gdje je on sjedio za stolom. Poslije sam govorila, ja nisam strateg i ne razumijem se u ciljanje, ali oni su, po svemu sudeći, ciljali jako dobro.

the dining room, he would have gotten hurt, if he had gone to rest, the same would have happened. We will go there once and I will show you exactly, it is only a few meters away from where he sat at the table. Afterwards I said, I’m not a strategist and I do not understand anything about targeting, but they had targeted, by all accounts, very well.

Znači, to je udarilo, ali u mojoj i Ljiljaninoj sobi, koja je bila ondje u kutu, ništa se nije dogodilo. Nije se pomaknuo ni jedan papir. Međutim, kad sam otvorila vrata, i sad se naježim kad se sjetim, mislila sam da ću, ako zakoračim, propasti dolje. Ne vidim ništa, srušilo se sve. Nevjerojatan osjećaj. Nisam znala što je s Predsjednikom, je li živ, ali sam iste sekunde rekla: “Ljiljana, idemo u Predsjednikov ured da vidimo što se tamo dogodilo.” Ona je išla odmah iza mene, sa strahom... Meni se čini da se tada nisam bojala. Ne znam, možda se jednostavno predaš, ako te ubije - ubije, što ćeš. Danas me uhvati jeza kad se sjetim, da smo Ljiljana ili ja išle oprati ruke u jedan mali WC, koji smo koristile samo nas dvije, ne bismo ostale žive. U njemu se potpuno srušio strop. Vraćam se na trenutak kad je eksplodirala bomba i na dupla vrata s velikim dovratnikom koji je dijelio našu i Predsjednikovu sobu. Ja sam otvorila prva vrata, a druga su već bila otvorena i vidjela sam kako tamo stoje predsjednik Tuđman, Mesić i Marković. Svi su bili u čudu i Predsjednik nam je rekao da ostanemo u prostoru ispod dovratnika. Rekla sam mu kako ne možemo na drugu stranu jer se otuda sve dimilo. I sada, naravno, znamo da su udarili, čujemo gore zrakoplove. Oni se odmah povlače k nama i svih nas petero stojimo ispod dovratnika, Mesić, Marković, predsjednik Tuđman, Ljiljana i ja. I sada, svi smo se tu skupili i stojimo jedan do drugoga i pitala sam se, što sad. Ovdje nismo sigurni, iza vrata koja sam otvorila vidi se samo dim. Predsjednik je upitao možemo li izići kroz druga vrata u prostoriji, ali ona su uvijek bila zatvorena, zbog čega je Predsjednik u svoj ured ulazio i izlazio kroz našu prostoriju. Otvorena su bila jedino vrata prema prostoriji u kojoj se danas održavaju sjednice Vlade. Predsjednik je upitao može li se proći tamo gdje se dimilo. Ja sam krenula i velim: “Idemo pokušati.” Krenuli su za mnom niza stube i u dvorište. Tamo smo vidjeli Predsjednikov blindirani auto, koji je bio uništen, prošli smo dalje, jer se do skloništa mora proći kroz dvorište.

So, it struck, but in my and Ljiljana’s office, right there in the corner, nothing happened. Not a single paper was moved. However, when I opened the door, and even now, I get goose bumps when I think back, I thought that if I took a step, I would collapse down. I didn’t see anything, everything collapsed. An incredible feeling. I did not know what happened with the President, if he’s alive, but I said right that second: ”Ljiljana let’s go to the President’s office to see what happened there”. She went right behind me, with fear ... It seems to me that I wasn’t afraid. I don’t know, maybe you just give up, if you get killed – you get kill, you se... Nowadays I begin to shudder when I think that if Ljiljana and I had gone to wash our hands in a small bathroom, which only the two of us used, we wouldn’t have stayed alive. The ceiling completely collapsed. I’m going back to the moment when the bomb exploded and the double doors with a large door frame that divided our and the President’s room. I opened the first door, and the other was already open and I could see President Tuđman, Mesić and Marković standing there. They were all stunned and the President told us to stay in the area below the frame. I told him that we couldn’t go to the other side because the smoke was coming from that direction. And now, of course, we know that they bombarded, we hear the planes above. They immediately come to us and all five of us are standing below the doorframe, Mesić, Marković, President Tuđman, Ljiljana and I. And now, we are all gathered here and standing side by side and I was wondering, what now. We are not safe here, behind the door that I opened there is only smoke. The president asked if we could leave through the other door in the room, but it was always closed, which is why the President entered and exited his office through our office. The only door open was the one to the room where today the government session are held. The President asked whether we could pass through the smoke. I started walking and said, let’s try. They followed me down the stairs and into the yard. There we saw the President’s armoured car, which was destroyed, and we went further on, because to get to the shelter you must go through the yard.

Da se vratim još malo na trenutak dok smo svi zajedno stajali ispod dovratnika. Sjećam se da sam upitala možemo li dolje i hoće li zrakoplovi opet uda-

Let’s go back for a moment to the scene under the doorframe. I remember I asked if we could downstairs and whether the planes would hit again, but the President assessed that we could go downstairs while they make a cir-



Pogled na dvorište iz nekadašnje Svečane dvorane. (HMDCDR, 2016.) / View to the courtyard from the former Ceremonial Hall.

Pogled na dvorište s druge strane. (HMDCDR, 2016.) / View to the courtyard from the other side.

riti, ali Predsjednik je procijenio da se možemo spustiti dok oni naprave krug. Dobro se sjećam da je to rekao, to je rezultat njegove vojne izobrazbe. Kad smo već sišli dolje, oni su vjerojatno napravili taj krug, to morate provjeriti, ali mislim da je tada puklo na Dubravkinu putu. Znate što je na Dubravkinu putu, tamo je ulaz u tunel. Sigurna sam da su htjeli bombardirati ulaz u tunel, da mi ne možemo ući tamo. Znalo se da je tu ulaz, iako je on dobro zamaskiran. Preko vrata raste bršljan, tako da ih ne možete lako primijetiti.

cle. I remember well that he said that, it is a result of his military training. When we got downstairs, they probably made the circle, you should check, but I think the Dubravkin put was bombed then. As for Dubravkin put, you know what’s up there in Dubravkin put, there is the entrance to the tunnel. I’m convinced they wanted to bomb the entrance to the tunnel, so that we couldn’t go in there. It was known that the entrance was there, although it was well disguised. Ivy is growing over the entrance, so it can’t be easily noticed.

Glavni štab Zbora narodne garde bio je gore, blizu Predsjednikove kuće, na Tuškancu. Išla sam tamo kad je Martin Špegelj bio ministar obrane. Trebate znati da je Mesić tada bio predsjednik SFRJ, a Marković predsjednik Savezne vlade. Morate znati kakva je atmosfera tada vladala. JNA djeluje, hoće uništiti Hrvatsku. Predsjednik je u takvoj situaciji pozvao Markovića i čula sam da mu je rekao: “Je li potrebno više govoriti? Konačno se povuci i djeluj u Hrvatskoj, pomozi nama u Hrvatskoj.” To mu je Predsjednik rekao i s tom ga je namjerom pozvao. Znam “ugrubo” što je ostalo Predsjednik rekao Markoviću, jer sam bila u svome uredu, a oni su razgovarali u drugoj prostoriji. On je nagovarao i uvjeravao Markovića da mu je vrijeme vratiti se u Hrvatsku jer je on ipak Hrvat, da je kraj Jugoslavije i da je treba do kraja razmontirati. Iz ove perspektive znamo točno što je Baker (James Baker, državni tajnik SAD-a, op. a.) i kada govorio u Berlinu. Marković je vjerovao u Amerikance, koji su još i tada podržavali Jugoslaviju. Predsjednik Tuđman je vidio da je JNA odlučila napasti Hrvatsku i on je njega kao Hrvata htio uvjeriti, pa čovječe Božji, što još trebaš vidjeti da bi ti bilo jasno da je Jugoslaviji kraj. I

The headquarters of the Croatian National Guard (ZNG) was up there, behind the President’s house, in Tuškanac. I went there when Martin Špegelj was the Minister of Defence. You should know that Mesić was the President of the SFRY and Marković the President of the Federal Government. You have to know what kind of atmosphere then prevailed. The JNA was operating, trying to Croatia. In such situation the President called Marković and I heard him say: “Is it necessary to say more? Finally back off and act in Croatia, help us in Croatia.” That’s what the president said, and he was with that intention invited. I know “roughly” what else the President said to Marković because I was in my office, and they were talking in the other room. He urged and persuaded Marković it was his time to return to Croatia because he was a Croat, that it was the end of Yugoslavia and that it was necessary to dismantle it to the end. From this perspective, we know exactly what Baker (James Baker, Secretary of State of the United States, author’s note) sail in Berlin and when. Marković believed in Americans, who at that moment still supported Yugoslavia. President Tuđman realised that the JNA decided to attack Croatia and he wanted to persuade his, as a Croat, but for the help of God, what else do you need to see to realise it’s the

baš se dogodilo to što se dogodilo, upravo kad je on bio u Banskim dvorima.

end of Yugoslavia. And it happened, precisely that and then, when he was in the Banski dvori.

Istjecao je moratorij na samostalnost, treba i to uzeti u obzir. Poznavajući taj povijesni trenutak, ono što se događalo, jednostavno je zaključiti. Jasno je zašto je tu bio Marković, zašto je bio Mesić, zašto se predsjednik Tuđman postavio tako ozbiljno i zašto su nas oni točno taj dan raketirali. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 23. listopada 2014.)

The moratorium on independence was expiring, that should also be taken into account. Knowing that historical moment, what was happening, it is easy to make a conclusion. It is clear why Marković was there, why Mesić was there, why President Tuđman was so serious and why they rocketed precisely on that day. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 23 October 2014)

Ljiljana Pancirov, savjetnica i izvršna osobna tajnica predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana 1991. - 1993.

Ljiljana Pancirov, Advisor and Executive Personal Secretary of the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman 1991 - 1993

Kabinetu predsjednika Tuđmana koji je vodila Zdravka Bušić, ujedno i njegova najbliža savjetnica, pridružila sam se u siječnju 1991. i prihvatila dužnost izvršne osobne tajnice Predsjednika u statusu savjetnika. Nakon desetogodišnjeg iskustva u međunarodnoj znanstvenoj i tehničkoj suradnji na različitim razinama upravljanja, bila je posebna čast prihvatiti poziv i raditi za Predsjednika, dati svoj osobni prinos, osjećati puls naroda u okruženju ratne napetosti, vidjeti kako se kreira povijest, izbliza. Kabinet je uvijek bio u žurbi, pretrpan poslovima dnevnih aktivnosti. Pratio je bioritam Predsjednika koji je u jednom danu odradio dva radna dana. Njegovo radno vrijeme uglavnom je završavalo oko ponoći, a započelo u jutarnjim satima.

I joined the Cabinet of President Tudjman, headed by Zdravka Bušić, who was also his closest advisor, in January 1991, and I accepted the office of the President’s executive personal secretary in the advisor status. After ten years of experience in the international scientific and technical cooperation at various levels of management, it was a special honour to accept the invitation and to work for the President, give your personal contribution, feel the pulse of the nation in an environment of war tensions, see how the history is created, up close. The Cabinet was always in a hurry, flooded by daily activities work. The Cabinet followed the President’s biorhythm that would fit two working days into one. His working hours generally ended around midnight, and started in the morning.

Sedmi listopada 1991. nije po svom dinamičnom početku bio ništa drugačiji. Usuglašavanje dnevnog rasporeda Predsjednika, pregled i svrstavanje pošte i dokumenata, ulazak i izlazak savjetnika i dužnosnika, telefon koji neprestano zvoni. Onda se oglase sirene Civilne zaštite. Svi se ponašamo kao da se ništa i ne događa, Predsjednik radi u svojoj sobi, Zdravka Bušić i ja u našoj sobi ispred njegove. Zvoni telefon. Javlja se Zdravka. S druge strane ministar Šušak. Ljuti se što Predsjednik nije u skloništu. Pa on nikada ne ide u sklonište! Nismo otišle ni nas dvije. Radimo. Stigli su današnji glavni gosti, predsjednik Predsjedništva SFRJ Stjepan Mesić i predsjednik Saveznog izvršnog vijeća Ante Marković. Redovna Predsjednikova rutina bilježila je radne objede odabirom gostiju prema temi koja bi se raspravljala. Bilo je tako i toga dana, samo gosti su bili posebno odabrani, a tema iznimno važna, vezana uz tešku situaciju, predstojeću odluku o raskidu s Jugoslavijom, o Miloševiću (srbijanskom predsjedniku Slobodanu, op. a.) i vojnom vrhu JNA.

The dynamic beginning of 7 October 1991 was no different. The harmonization of the President’s daily schedule, assessment and classification of mail and documents, coming and going of advisers and officials, the phone that keeps ringing. Then the sound of civil protection sirens. We all behave as if nothing happens, the President working in his office, Zdravka Bušić and me in our office in front of his. The phone rings. Zdravka picks it up. Minister Šušak on the other side. He’s angry that the President is not in the shelter. And he never goes to the shelter! The two of us didn’t go, we are working. The main guests today arrived, the President of the SFRY Presidency Stjepan Mesić and the President of the Federal Executive Council, Ante Marković. The regular President’s routine included working meals with guests according to the topics to be discussed. It was the same on that day, but the guests were particularly selected, and the topic was extremely important, regarding the difficult situation, the upcoming decision of the break-up with Yugoslavia, (Serbian President Slobodan, author’s note) Milošević and the military leadership of the JNA.



Vrijeme je za radni objed u pokrajnjoj Svečanoj dvorani. Predsjednik i Zdravka odlaze, no vraćaju se s gostima u Kabinet ranije nego obično, ne u tri, već desetak minuta prije tri. Predsjednik je nestrpljiv da razgovori utroje počnu što prije, pa kavu kao završnicu objeda preporuča popiti u svojoj radnoj sobi.

It’s time for the working lunch in the side Ceremonial Hall. The President and Zdravka leave, but return to the guests in the Cabinet earlier than usual, not at three but ten minutes before three. The President is eager to start the triple talks as soon as possible, so he recommends having coffee to finish the meal in his study.

Zvoni telefon i ja se javljam. Čujem ugodan glas predsjednika Predsjedništva Slovenije, Milana Kučana, koji je često znao osobno sam nazvati, bez tajnice Marine. Želio je čuti Predsjednika i oni su nastavili razgovor.

The phone rings and I pick it up. I hear the pleasant voice of the President of the Presidency of Slovenia, Milan Kučan, who happens often to call on his own, without his secretary Marina. He wanted to hear the President and they continued the conversation.

Zdravka čita tek pristigli materijal u kutu naše sobe, koji je bio vizualno zaštićen tekstilnim oslikanim starim paravanom i ja joj prilazim da bismo nesmetano razgovarale i komentirale sadržaj pisma. U tom trenutku odjekne snažna eksplozija. Budući da smo stajale u kutu dijagonalno postavljenom od smjera eksplozije, nismo bile izložene izravnom udaru zračnog vala, već je osjećaj bio kao da nam se cijela utroba podigla i naglo spustila. Zvuk je bio snažan i dolazio je iz središnjeg dvorišta. Zdravka je potrčala prema radnoj sobi Predsjednika, a ja sam odškrinula vrata prema hodniku – prašina je bila tako gusta da sam imala osjećaj da visimo odsječeni od ostatka zgrade. Brzo sam krenula za Zdravkom i usput zgrabila svoju ručnu torbicu s dokumentima sa stola (refleksno, valjda da me se može identificirati). Svi smo se našli u širokom i iznimno dubokom okviru (štoku) dvokrilnih i dvostrukih vrata koja su se nalazila između naše i Predsjednikove radne sobe. Uvijek smo se šalile da su prevelika, previsoka i preširoka te se čovjek osjeća malenim kada kroz njih prolazi. Ovoga puta njihova nam veličina nije smetala. Svi smo stajali u okviru: Ante Marković, potpuno blijed, Stjepan Mesić, iznimno ozbiljan, predsjednik Tuđman, posebno miran, te Zdravka i ja stisnute između. Čekali smo, odjeknula je i druga snažna eksplozija. Kasnije smo saznali da je na Dubravkinom putu od šrapnela poginula jedna osoba. Osluškivali smo hoće li ih biti još, a kada se smirilo, krenuli smo prema vratima naše radne sobe. Nisu se dala otvoriti. Gurnula sam svom snagom, a hrpa šute pomakla se toliko da možemo proći. Zrak u hodniku raščistio se od prašine, ali je sve bilo razrušeno, vrata izbačena iz okvira, prozori razlupani. Nikoga osim nas. Mladić koji je čuvao Predsjednika stajao je ispred vrata, ali ga je udarni val odbacio zajedno s vratima pomoćnih prostorija te je potražio pomoć. Kada smo kroz hrpe šute, slomljenog drva i stakla stigli do svečanih zavojitih stuba, ugledali smo Marijana Grgića, šefa Protokola. On nas je poveo do skloništa. Uskoro je Predsjednik premješten na sigurno,

Zdravka is reading the recently arrived material in the corner of our room, which was visually protected by textile painted old screen and I approach her so we can freely discuss and comment on the contents of the letter. At that moment I hear a powerful explosion. Since we were standing in a corner set diagonally from the direction of explosion, we weren’t exposed to the direct air wave attack, but the feeling was as though the whole insides went up and down rapidly. The sound was powerful and was coming from the central courtyard. Zdravka rushed to the President’s study room, and I opened the door to the hall - the dust was so thick that I had the feeling we were hanging cut off from the rest of the building. I quickly followed Zdravka and grabbed my handbag with the documents from the table (a reflex, I guess so I could be identified). We were all gathered in a wide and very deep frame of the two-winged double doors that were located between our and the President’s study. We always joked that it was too big, too high and too wide, and that you feel small when passing through the door. This time, the size didn’t bother us. We all stood in the door frame: Ante Marković, completely pale, Stjepan Mesić, extremely serious, President Tuđman, especially quiet and Zdravka and I squeezed in between them. We waited, and one other powerful explosion echoed. We found out later that one person was killed from shrapnel in the Dubravkin put. We listened for more, and when everything calmed down, we headed for the door of our study. It wouldn’t open. I pushed with all my strength, and a heap of rubble shifted so that we could pass. The air in the corridor cleared of dust, but everything was destroyed, doors thrown out of the door frames, windows smashed. No one but us. The young man who was guarding the President was standing outside the door, but the shock wave threw him away together with the door of the utility rooms so he sought for help. When we reached the formal spiral staircase through the piles of rubble, broken wood and glass, we saw Marijan Grgić, the Chief of Protocol. He took us to the shelter. Soon, the President was moved to safety, in the atomic shelter in the Dubravkin put, where he continued to work. The employees

u atomsko skloniše na Dubravkinom putu, gdje je nastavio raditi. Djelatnici Ureda Predsjednika bili su stisnuti u dvjema prostorijama tek jednu stubu ispod razine zemlje, sa staklenim površinama sa strane (nikakva zaštita). U prostoriji se žamorilo, neki su imali ogrebotine pa su dobivali pomoć. Predsjednik je razgovarao s europskim državnicima. Ljerka Hodak, koja je bila poveznica s EU-om, pozivala je na uspostavu „zračnog kišobrana“. Bilo je zastrašujuće jer je TV najavila da su se avioni „digli“ i krenuli prema Zagrebu (napadani su istovremeno i mnogi drugi gradovi diljem Hrvatske). Najednom je odjeknulo: „Neprijateljski avioni su vraćeni!“ Uslijedilo je olakšanje. Prekid uzbune. Razilazimo se. Sutradan smo već pozvani na nastavak rada u prostorijama na Pantovčaku. Novi Predsjednički dvori, još uvijek neprilagođeni za uredski rad, dobivaju naše stolove, hrpe papira i dokumenata i sve se nastavlja na uobičajen dinamičan način. Prelijepi Banski dvori ostali su u ruševinama, neki dijelovi do neprepoznatljivosti, kao i niz susjednih kuća u samoj staroj gradskoj jezgri. Predsjednikov veliki državnički trezor u radnoj sobi, težak možda tonu, našao se na udarnom valu i izletio je iz svoje niše, a zid je bio oštećen. Dobro da je Predsjednik s gostima sjedio uz garnituru i tako izbjegao direktan udar. Svi su bili nasuprot njegovog radnog stola koji je stradao i prihvatio najjači udarac. Uz garnituru bio je i telefon, a razgovor s Kučanom odvijao se tijekom napada. Kučan je čuo eksploziju i komešanje nakon toga te je samo ponavljao: „Jeste li dobro?“ Susjedna soba za sastanke ostala je „u komadu“, srušili su se veliki kristalni lusteri. Svečana dvorana potpuno je uništena. Cijeli niz osoba koji je tijekom objeda sjedio uz prozor s pogledom na dvorišni dio, bio bi teško ozlijeđen, kao i ostali koji su sjedili s druge strane stola, te Predsjednik na čelu. Precizan udarac u središte kvadratnog dvorišta nije ostavio krater, raspršio je ubojite komadiće bombe zrakasto na sve strane, a prvi udarni red bila je upravo Svečana dvorana u kojoj se ručalo. Iznimno precizno i promišljeno da ubije, obezglavi Hrvatsku i jugoslavenski vrh, vojni udar nakon kojeg bi JNA uvela vojno stanje i nastojala sačuvati Jugoslaviju. Napad je izveden uoči isteka moratorija EU-a na odluku Hrvatskog sabora o osamostaljenju RH. Nije omeo da se odluka o raskidu svih državnopravnih veza s bivšom SFRJ donese sljedećeg dana, 8. listopada 1991. u dvorani INA-e i da Hrvatski sabor proglasi neovisnost. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 3. kolovoza 2016.)

of the President’s Office were squeezed into two rooms only one step below ground level, with glass surfaces on the sides (no protection whatsoever). There was rumour in the room, some people had some scratches and were receiving aid. The President talked with the European statesmen, Ljerka Hodak, who was link to the EU, called for the establishment of the “air umbrella”. It was scary because the TV announced that the planes took off and headed towards Zagreb (at the same time many other cities across Croatia were attacked). Suddenly it echoed: “the enemy aircraft were returned.” We were all relieved. The air alarm stopped. We go our separate ways. The next day we were invited to continue work in the premises in Pantovčak. The new Presidential Palace, still unadjusted for office work, got our desks, piles of papers and documents and everything continues in the usual dynamic way. The beautiful Banski dvori remained in ruins, some parts beyond recognition, as well as a number of other houses in the old city centre. The President’s great statesman safe in the e study, perhaps weighing a ton, was hit by the shock wave and was kicked out of its niche, and the wall was damaged. Good thing was that the President was sitting with his guests nest to the sofa and thus avoided the direct hit. They were all opposite his desk which was damaged and hit by the strongest wave. There was a phone next to the sofa, and the talk with Kučan took place during the attack. Kučan heard the explosion and commotion after that and kept saying, “Are you all right?” The neighbouring meeting room remained ”in one piece”, the huge crystal chandeliers collapsed. The ceremonial hall was completely destroyed. The entire group of persons who during lunch sat by the window overlooking the courtyard would have been seriously injured, as well as others who were sitting across the table, and the President at the head of the table. A precise hit into the centre of a square yard did not leave a crater, it scattered pieces of the deadly bombs radially in all directions, and the first shock wave hit directly the ceremonial hall where the lunch took place. It was extremely precise and deliberately murderous, with the aim of beheading Croatia and Yugoslav head, a military coup after which the JNA would have introduced a state of war and sought to preserve Yugoslavia. The attack was carried out on the eve of the expiration of the EU moratorium on the decision of the Croatian Parliament on the independence of the Republic of Croatia. But the decision on dissolution of all constitutional ties with the former Yugoslavia was brought the next day, 8 October 1991 in the basement hall of the INA and the Croatian Parliament declared independence notwithstanding. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 3 August, 2016) 171


Stjepan Adanić, ratni gradonačelnik Varaždina 1990. - 1991. i pomoćnik ministra obrane Republike Hrvatske 1991. - 1998.

Stjepan Adanić, wartime Mayor of Varaždin 1990 - 1991 and Assistant Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia 1991 - 1998

(...) Predsjednik me toga dana primio oko 10 sati, tada još u svojstvu gradonačelnika Varaždina. Bilo je to nedugo nakon što smo uspješno osvojili vojarne jugovojske u Varaždinu zarobivši puno neprijateljske tehnike, te je ta pobjeda izravno utjecala i na tijek ratnih operacija za obranu i oslobođenje Hrvatske. Predsjednik je bio vidno zadovoljan tom i takvom operacijom u Varaždinu, a naročito činjenicom da sam provodio njegove savjete i zapovijedi u vezi s početkom obrane kao i tijekom ratnih operacija u Varaždinu u koje je imao potpuni uvid. U opuštenoj i prijateljskoj atmosferi, zadovoljan rezultatima rata u Varaždinu i svega onog što je to značilo za obranu Hrvatske, rekao je: „Dolaziš u hrvatsku prijestolnicu, u grad Zagreb kao ratni pobjednik, a ova je pobjeda u Varaždinu prekretnica u Domovinskom ratu, drago mi je da si uspio ostvariti sve što smo dogovorili.“

(...) The President received me that day about 10 o’clock, then still in my capacity as the Mayor of Varaždin. It was shortly after we successfully won the Yugoslav Army barracks in Varaždin, capturing a lot of enemy techniques, and that victory directly influenced the course of the military operations for the defence and liberation of Croatia. The President was visibly pleased with such operation in Varaždin, and in particular with the fact that I listened to his advice and orders in connection with the beginning of the defence as well as during the war operations in Varaždin, in which he had a complete insight. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, satisfied with the results of the war in Varaždin and all that it meant for the defence of Croatia, he said: “You come to the Croatian capital, to the city of Zagreb, as a war winner, and this victory in Varaždin is a turning point in the Homeland War. I’m glad you’ve managed to accomplish all that we have agreed.”

Nakon sastanka, predsjednik me Tuđman pozvao da ostanem na ručku s njim. Toga su dana, a bio je ponedjeljak 7. listopada 1991., na ručku uz hrvatskog predsjednika bili Ante Marković, predsjednik jugoslavenskog Saveznog izvršnog vijeća, Stjepan Mesić, predsjednik Predsjedništva Jugoslavije, Gojko Šušak, ministar obrane Republike Hrvatske, Antun Vrdoljak, Zdravka Bušić... Predsjednik je veći dio ručka držao slovo Anti Markoviću da se više založi za Hrvatsku, da se dade na raspolaganje, da je Hrvat iz Bosne i Hercegovi-

After the meeting, President Tuđman invited me to stay for lunch with him. On that particular day, and it was Monday, 7 October 1991, at lunch with the Croatian president there were Ante Marković, President of the Yugoslav Federal Executive Council, Stjepan Mesić, President of the Presidency of Yugoslavia, Gojko Šušak, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia, Antun Vrdoljak, Zdravka Bušić. .. For most of the lunch the President held a speech to Ante Marković to do more for Croatia, to put himself at its disposal, saying he was a Croat from Bos-

Sastanak u Banskim dvorima 7. listopada 1991. (Stanko Szabo) / The meeting in the Banski dvori on Friday, 7 October 1991.

ne i morao bi, razumije se, učiniti sve za Hrvatsku. Ante Marković se držao rezervirano i kiselo... Nije htio, kako smo mu predlagali, održati konferenciju za tisak, proglasiti JNA i paravojne srbijanske snage agresorima na Hrvatsku i ostati u Hrvatskoj, već je rekao da ima svoju stranku koja će demokratizirati Jugoslaviju i da će se vratiti u Beograd. Par minuta prije 15 sati završili smo s ručkom te smo svi otišli iz te dvorane. Nekoliko minuta poslije završetka radnog ručka čuo sam prodoran zvuk nekoliko aviona te je odjeknulo nekoliko strahovitih eksplozija. Pogodili su ciljanu metu. Sve je bilo u dimu i prašini, od šoka nisam znao što se zapravo događa. Baš sam izlazio niz stepenice u Banskim dvorima kad su odjeknule snažne eksplozije te me pogodila krhotina crijepa u nogu. Bojao sam se za Predsjednika, je li živ ili mrtav, ali zahvaljujući dragom Bogu, Predsjednik je, kao i svi sudionici radnog ručka, za dlaku izbjegao smrt pod naletom pobješnjele jugoslavenske avijacije.

nia and Herzegovina and should, of course, do everything for Croatia. Ante Marković kept reserved and seemed uncomfortable... He would not, as we proposed, hold a press conference, declare the JNA and paramilitary Serb forces aggressors to Croatia and stay in Croatia, but he said he had his own party that would democratize Yugoslavia and that he would return to Belgrade. A few minutes before 15 o’clock, we finished lunch and we all went out of that hall. Several minutes after the end of the working lunch, I heard the shrill sound of several aircraft and several terrible explosions echoed. They hit their target. Everything was covered in smoke and dust, I did not know what was really going on due to shock. I was going down the stairs in the Banski dvori when I heard strong explosions and a tile chip hit me in the leg. I was afraid for the President, whether he was alive or dead, but thank God, the President, as well as all the participants of the working lunch, narrowly escaped death in the onslaught of raging Yugoslav aviation.

Mjesto gdje je sjedio za ručkom bilo je skroz uništeno, šrapneli po cijeloj sobi. Nitko ne bi preživio da smo ostali još koju minutu u dvorani. Bio je to pokušaj atentata bez presedana. U glavnom gradu svih Hrvata, u Banskim dvorima, pokušali su ubiti hrvatskog predsjednika, a time i hrvatsku državu. Bio je to pokušaj likvidacije hrvatskog predsjednika dan prije nego je završavao moratorij Europske zajednice (danas EU) na Odluku Hrvatskog sabora od 25. lipnja 1991. godine o suverenosti i samostalnosti. Predvečer 7. 10., nakon pokušaja atentata, opet sam se sastao s predsjednikom Franjom Tuđmanom, ali ovaj put u atomskom skloništu na Tuškancu gdje me imenovao pomoćnikom ministra obrane i glavnim i ovlaštenim pregovaračem u ime Republike Hrvatske protiv JNA, na čelu s generalom i zapovjednikom 5. vojne oblasti Andrijom Rašetom.

The place where he was sitting at lunch was completely destroyed, shrapnel all over the room. No one would have survived if we had stayed another minute in the room. It was an assassination attempt without precedent. In the capital of all Croatians, in the Banski dvori, they tried to kill the Croatian president, and thus the Croatian state. It was an attempt to liquidate the Croatian President the day before the end of the moratorium of the European Community (now the EU) on the Decision of the Croatian Parliament of 25 June 1991 on the sovereignty and independence. In the evening of 7 October, after the assassination attempt, I met again with President Tuđman, but this time in the atomic shelter in Tuškanac where I was appointed Assistant Minister of Defence and the Chief Negotiator authorized on behalf of the Republic of Croatia against the JNA, led by the General and Commander of the 5th Military District Andrija Rašeta.

Dan nakon toga, 8. listopada 1991., na zasjedanju Hrvatskog sabora u ratnim uvjetima, proglašen je raskid svih državnopravnih odnosa sa SFRJ. Tog istog dana započeli su i pregovori o odlasku JNA iz Zagreba i Republike Hrvatske na kojima sam i sâm sudjelovao. Kad sam na pregovorima u Hotelu „I“ u Zagrebu pitao generala Rašetu zašto su izvršili napad na predsjednika dr. sc. Franju Tuđmana i jasno mu rekao da je to barbarski i teroristički čin, nakon kratkih konzultacija s pukovnikom KOS-a Stamenkovićem (Randjelom, op. a.) odgovorio mi je da to nisu napravili oni nego mi, ali poslije je ipak priznao da jesu, čak mi je u jednom trenutku pregovora u odsutnosti pukovnika Stamenkovića rekao da mu je zbog toga žao. (...)

The following day, 8 October 1991, at the session of the Croatian Parliament in wartime conditions, the termination of all constitutional relations with the SFRY was declared. That same day the negotiations on the departure of the JNA from Zagreb and Croatia started, where I participated as well. When during the negotiations in the “I” Hotel in Zagreb I asked General Rašeta why they had attacked President Franjo Tuđman and clearly told him that this was a barbaric and terrorist act, after a short consultation with a Counterintelligence Service (KOS) Colonel (Randjel, author’s note) Stamenković he said to me that it wasn’t them but us, but he later admitted that it was them. At one point of the negotiations in the absence of Colonel Stamenković Rašeta even told me that he regretted it. (...)


Svi mi koji smo tih dana i godina bili uz Predsjednika, svoju smo zadaću obavili časno i dostojanstveno na dobrobit hrvatske države. Na svima nama ostaje čuvanje djela prvog hrvatskog Predsjednika i iznošenje istine o Ocu Domovine dr. sc. Franji Tuđmanu i Domovinskom ratu za neovisnu i slobodnu hrvatsku državu. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 2. lipnja 2016.)

All of us who were with the President in those days and years, we all did our task with honour and dignity to the benefit of the Croatian state. It is still our duty to safeguard the works of the first Croatian President and to tell the truth about Franjo Tuđman, the Father of the Homeland, and the Homeland War and free Croatian state. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 2 June 2016)

Mario Nobilo, savjetnik za vanjsku politiku i glasnogovornik predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana 1991. - 1992.

Mario Nobilo, Foreign Policy Advisor and Spokesperson of the Croatian President Franjo Tuđman 1991 - 1992

Potvrđujem da sam bio na ručku s predsjednikom Tuđmanom neposredno prije bombardiranja Banskih dvora. Tada sam obnašao funkciju vanjskopolitičkog savjetnika i glasnogovornika predsjednika Tuđmana. Gledano unatrag, mislim da nas je spasilo to što je predsjednik Tuđman odlučio skratiti ručak i preskočiti desert, već se povukao u svoj ured da bi nasamo razgovarao s predsjednikom Predsjedništva SFRJ Stipom Mesićem i s predsjednikom SIV-a Antom Markovićem. Sirene za uzbunu su se oglasile nekoliko minuta kasnije, ali kako su u to vrijeme one bile česte, neki od nas su kao i obično odlučili ne odjuriti u podrumsko sklonište u Banskim dvorima, a mislim niti Predsjednik i njegovi gosti. Samo sam izašao na hodnik ispred mog ureda u sjevernom krilu Banskih dvora i zajedno sa šefom Protokola osluškivao mogući zvuk zrakoplova, kada je udarilo. Svi smo se potom evakuirali u sklonište. S obzirom na to da su nekoliko dana ranije američke vlasti evakuirale ljude iz konzulata u Zagrebu te da su nam stizala upozorenja na mogući udar JNA, predsjednik Tuđman je bio ili ludo hrabar ili zdravo razumski nije vjerovao u takvu mogućnost, ili oboje.

I confirm that I was present at lunch with President Tuđman just before the bombing of the Banski dvori. At that time I served as a Foreign Policy Adviser and Spokesperson for President Tuđman. In retrospect, I think that President Tuđman saved us when he decided to shorten the lunch and skip the dessert, and he retreated to his office to talk privately with the President of the SFRY Presidency Stipe Mesić and the President of the Federal Executive Council Ante Marković. The sirens sounded a few minutes later, but at that time they were quite frequent and some of us, as usual, decided not to go to the basement shelter in the Banski dvori, just like the President and his guests, I believe. I came out to the corridor outside my office in the north wing of the Banski dvori and together with the Head of Protocol listened to the possible sound of the aircraft when it hit. We all evacuated then to the shelter. Given the fact that a few days before the US authorities evacuated people from the consulate in Zagreb and we were receiving warnings of a possible JNA attack, President Tuđman was either extremely brave or his common sense prevented him in believing in such a possibility, or both.

Nismo dugo bili u skloništu jer je predsjednik Tuđman odlučio da se zajedno s nekoliko suradnika, uključujući i Slavena Leticu i mene te njegovog sina Miroslava Tuđmana, pojavi na Jelačić placu, jer je želio presjeći spekulacije da mu se nešto dogodilo. Sišli smo Radićevom ulicom do Trga, na što su rijetki i šokirani prolaznici zapljeskali. Sjeli smo u prvi kafić u Tkalčićevoj ulici i pili kavu.


Kada je ekipa HTV-a došla na mjesto događaja u Banskim dvorima, i Predsjednik je želio obići dvoranu (sadašnju Press salu u Banskim dvorima) koja je

We didn’t spend much time in the shelter because President Tuđman decided to get together with several associates, including Slaven Letica and me and his son Miroslav Tuđman for a cup of coffee on the Jelačić Square, because wanted to cut the speculation that something happened to him. We went down the Radić Street to the Square followed by the applause of rare and shocked passers-by. We sat in the first cafe in the Tkalčić Street and had coffee. When the HTV team arrived at the scene in the Banski dvori the President also wanted to visit the hall (the current pressroom in the Banski dvori), which was completely destroyed. Hardly anyone could have survived the force of the attack that hit that side of the inner court-

Večernji list, 8. 10. 1991. / “President Tuđman in the Tkalčić Street”, Večernji list, 8 October1991

bila potpuno uništena i teško da bi itko preživio silinu udara koji je pogodio tu stranu unutrašnjeg atrija izbivši sve prozore i namještaj, koji se polomio u neprepoznatljivu masu na drugom kraju dvorane. Revoltiran, ali odlučan, rekao je: „Sada su zabili posljednji čavao u lijes Jugoslavije!“ Ali se ipak slomio i sa suzama u očima razgledao u bombardiranju uništene slike sa zidova dvorane s baterijskom svjetiljkom osiguranja, jer je struje nestalo. Kada su me strani novinari koji dan kasnije pitali ima li predsjednik Predsjedništva SFRJ Stipe Mesić ikakvu kontrolu nad JNA, odgovorio sam da sumnjam s obzirom na brzinu kojom je odjurio u sklonište kad je udarilo. Zgoda s Mesićem ilustrira neupućenost i naivnost stranih pa i domaćih novinara koji su i nakon toga bili skloniji povjerovati da se ne radi o planu JNA nego o incidentu koji se oteo kontroli pa će se to u Beogradu razjasniti. Bombardiranje Banskih dvora izvedeno je prekasno, sa suprotnim moralnim i međunarodnim učinkom, kao znak očaja i pokušaj zastrašivanja pred proglašenje neovisnosti. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 25. srpnja 2016. uz dijelove preuzete iz knjige M. Nobila “Hrvatski feniks, Diplomatski procesi iza zatvorenih vrata 1990. - 1997.”)

yard, knocking all windows and furniture, which got broken into an unrecognizable mass at the other end of the hall. Revolted but decisive the President said: “Now they have nailed the last nail in the coffin of Yugoslavia!” However, he did break and with tears in his eyes he watched the paintings from the walls of the hall destroyed in the bombing with a flashlight, because the power supply was interrupted. When a few days the foreign journalists asked me whether the President of the SFRY Presidency Stipe Mesić had any control over the JNA, I replied that I doubt given the speed with which he rushed to the shelter when it hit. The “event” with Mesić illustrates the ignorance and naiveté of foreign as well as domestic journalists who even after that were more inclined to believe that all this wasn’t the JNA plan but an incident that went too far and would be clarified in Belgrade. The bombing of the Banski dvori was carried out too late, with the opposite moral and international effect, as a sign of desperation and an attempt to intimidate before the declaration of independence. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 25 July 2016, with fragments taken from the book by M. Nobilo: „Hrvatski feniks, Diplomatski procesi iza zatvorenih vrata 1990.-1997.”)



Vesna Škare Ožbolt, savjetnica za odnose s javnošću predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana 1991. - 1994.

Vesna Škare Ožbolt, Advisor for Public Relations of the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman 1991 - 1994

Zagreb, 7. 10. 1991., Banski dvori, Svečana dvorana, 14.50 sati. U dvorani su na ručku predsjednik RH Franjo Tuđman, predsjednik Savezne vlade SFRJ Ante Marković i predsjednik Predsjedništva SFRJ Stipe Mesić, savjetnici predsjednika Tuđmana Mario Nobilo i Vesna Škare Ožbolt, pročelnik vojnog kabineta Stjepan Adanić i tajnica predsjednika Zdravka Bušić. Razgovara se o teškoj situaciji u Hrvatskoj, o odlukama Predsjedništva SFRJ i o onome što radi Milošević i vojni vrh JNA. Ručak je pri kraju. Treba se servirati kava. U tom trenutku Tuđman naglo prekida Markovića koji je govorio i predlaže da popiju kavu kod njega u kabinetu. Nobilo i ja se pogledamo. Nikada do sada Tuđman to nije napravio – da se nakon ručka vraća u svoj kabinet. Bio je čovjek rutine. Svaki dan radni ručak sa suradnicima započinjao je točno u 13.30 i završio bi do 14.50. Tuđman bi odlazio u svoju sobu za odmor gdje bi slušao vijesti na radiju u 15 sati. To nikada nije propuštao. Sada odjednom ovakav iskorak. Svi se dižemo i zajedno odlazimo do Tuđmanovog kabineta, Nobilo i ja se pozdravljamo s Mesićem i Markovićem i odlazimo do naše tajnice Nade Talan koja nas je nestrpljivo čekala s brojnim porukama. Ušli smo u njenu sobu. Za stolom je sjedila Mirna Kovačićek, prevoditeljica koja je na telefonu. (...) Odjednom smo začuli snažni zvuk koji je postajao sve glasniji i bliži, kao kad mlazni avion polijeće. Eksplozija. Poletjela sam kroz zrak i tresnula u vrata. Soba je bila puna dima. Brzo sam se pridigla, bila sam zbijena u prostor između duplih vrata. Svi smo bili živi. (...) Tada sam prvi puta bila u skloništu Banskih dvora. Dvije sobe, telefon, televizor. Unutra je već bilo puno ljudi. Tuđman je već razgovarao s nekim na telefon. „Da, ovo je bila raketa, napadnuti smo“, čula sam ga kako govori na svom lošem engleskom. Televizor je začudo radio. Na TV-u je bio znak opće opasnosti za Zagreb. Odjednom se pojavila napisana vijest, velika skupina aviona digla se s aerodroma na Udbini i leti prema Zagrebu. Odlučili su nas ubiti, pomislila sam. Za to vrijeme Tuđman je razgovarao s Genscherom (Hans Dietrich Genscher, njemački ministar vanjskih poslova, op. a.) i van den Broekom (Hans van den Broek, nizozemski ministar vanjskih poslova, op. a.). Rekao im je da smo napadnuti. Bili su to trenuci šutnje i čekanja. Čekali smo novi udar. Jedino je televizor bio glasan. Odjednom vijest - grupa aviona koja

Zagreb, 7 October 1991. Banski dvori, Ceremonial Hall, 14:50 hours. The President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman, the President of the Federal SFRY Government Ante Marković, the President of the SFRY Presidency Stipe Mesić, the President Tuđman’s Advisors Mario Nobilo and Vesna Škare Ožbolt, the Head of the Military Cabinet Stjepan Adanić and the President’s secretary Zdravka Bušić are in the hall at lunch. The discussion is about the difficult situation in Croatia, about the decisions the SFRY Presidency and about what Milošević and military leadership of the JNA are doing. The lunch is at an end. Coffee is about to be served. At that moment Tuđman suddenly interrupted Marković who was talking and proposed to have coffee in his Cabinet. Nobilo and I look at each other. Never before did Tuđman do such thing – go back to his Cabinet after lunch. He was a man of routine. Every day the working lunch with his co-workers began exactly at 13.30 and ended by 14:50. Tuđman would go to his room to rest where he listened to the radio news at 15 o’clock. He never missed that. Now suddenly this change. We all get up and walk together to Tuđman’s Cabinet, Nobilo and I say goodbye to Mesić and Marković and go to our secretary Nada Talan who is impatiently waiting for us with numerous messages. We went into her room. Mirna Kovačićek, the translator, is sitting at the table talking on the phone… (...) All of a sudden, we heard a strong sound that grew louder and closer, like a jet plane taking off. Explosion. I flew through the air and slammed into the door. The room was full of smoke. I got up quickly, I was squeezed into the space between the double doors. We were all alive. (...) It was my first time in the shelter of the Banski dvori. Two rooms, a telephone, a TV. There was already a lot of people. Tuđman is already talking to someone on the phone. “Yes, this was a rocket, we are under attack”, I heard him say in his broken English. The TV is surprisingly on. A general danger for the Zagreb is was announced on the TV. Suddenly, a written news popped up, a large group of aircraft too off from the airport in Udbina and is flying to Zagreb. They decided to kill us, I thought. During that time Tuđman was talking to Genscher (Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the German Foreign Minister, author’s note) and Van den Broek (Hans van den Broek, the Dutch Foreign Minister, author’s note). He told them that we were attacked. These were moments of silence and waiting. We were waiting for another attack. Only the TV was loud. Suddenly there was news – a group of aircraft that flew to

je letjela prema Zagrebu vratila se na Udbinu. Odlično! Tko nas je spasio? Kasnije sam saznala. Digli su se avioni Sjevernoatlantskog saveza iz Aviana i zaprijetili JNA ako budu nastavili napadati Zagreb, da će se umiješati. Tuđmana, Markovića i Mesića odvode u drugo tajno sklonište, a mi se razilazimo. Meni nešto ne da mira, vraćam se gore prema našim kabinetima. Dvorana u kojoj smo ručali bila je razrušena. Nema ni Tuđmanove sobe za odmor. Tuđmanov kabinet nije jako oštećen, ali sva stakla su porazbijana. Sef je izletio iz sjedišta i blokirao vrata. Odlazim u svoju sobu. Na mom stolu i u mojoj stolici zabijene velike krhotine stakla. Da sam tu sjedila kao obično i slušala vijesti, sada bih bila mrtva, sasječena. Stakla je bilo svugdje zabijenog u zidove i slike… Tu večer nakon događaja koji nam je promijenio život, predsjednik Tuđman je u televizijskom intervjuu izjavio kako osuđuje srpski terorizam, ali da Hrvatsku na svome putu do suverenosti i neovisnosti ne mogu spriječiti ni zločini niti žrtve. Hrvatska bi nastavila živjeti i bez mene, a sad će sa mnom živjeti u slobodi. Odluka o raskidu svih državnopravnih veza s bivšom SFRJ donesena je sutradan u dvorani INA-e u Šubićevoj, 8. listopada 1991. godine. (Iz razgovora s autorima fotomonografije te iskaz preuzet uz odobrenje s, 9. svibnja 2016.)

Branko Salaj, ministar informiranja u Vladi Republike Hrvatske 1991. - 1992. Da, bio sam na tom ručku. Mislim da sam toga dana imao uobičajeno brifiranje kod Predsjednika nešto kasnije nego obično, a on me zadržao na objedu s posebnim gostima. Ostao mi je u sjećanju već od samoga početka kao nesvakidašnji i pomalo nadrealan događaj: za stolom tri Hrvata u nominalno vodećim pozicijama u dvije države – i u onoj koja nastaje i u onoj koja nestaje. Hrvatski predsjednik s velikim ovlastima, ali s još uvijek slabim snagama, pod punim udarom agresije, a uz njega dva Hrvata nominalno na čelu napadačke strane, velike vojne sile koju su razdirale ugrađene suprotnosti, a oni sami potpuno lišeni stvarnog utjecaja i mogućnosti da agresiju zaustave. Tromjesečni moratorij na proglašenje državnosti nametnut u ljetu bio je pri kraju – nisam imao dojam da Marković ima ikakvih iluzija da može utjecati na

Zagreb returned to Udbina. Excellent! Who saved us? Later I learned. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization planes from Aviano took off and threatened the JNA they would intervene if they continue to attack Zagreb. Tuđman, Mesić and Marković were taken to another hidden shelter, and we all go home. However, something is nagging me, and I return to our cabinets. The hall where we had lunch was destroyed. Tuđman’s resting room is also gone. Tuđman’s cabinet was not badly damaged, but all the windows were smashed. The safe flew out of the frame, blocking the door. I go to my room. Large fragments of glass stuck in my desk and in my chair. If I were sitting there as usual, listening to the news, I would be cut down dead. The glass was stuck everywhere, in the walls and paintings... That evening, after the event that changed our lives, President Tuđman said in a television interview that he condemned the Serbian terrorism, but that neither crimes nor victims can stop Croatia on its path to sovereignty and independence. Croatia would continue to live without me, and now it will live with me in freedom. The decision on dissolution of all constitutional ties with the former SFRY was passed the following day in the hall of the INA in the Šubić Street, 8 October1991. (From the conversation with the authors of the photo-monograph, the statement was taken with the approval from, 9 May 2016)

Branko Salaj, Information Minister in the Government of the Republic of Croatia 1991 - 1992 Yes, I was at that lunch. I think that that day I had the usual briefing with the President a little later than usual, and he invited me for lunch with special guests. What stuck to my memory from the very beginning as an unusual and somewhat surreal event: at the table there were three Croats in nominally leading positions in two states - the one that was being created and the one that was dissolving. The Croatian President with broad powers, but with still weak forces, under the full impact of aggression, and with him two Croats nominally heading the aggressor side, a large military force tormented by the embedded contradiction, and they themselves completely devoid of real influence and possibility to stop the aggression. Three-month moratorium on the declaration of statehood imposed in the summer was at the end - I didn’t think that Marković had



hrvatske odluke, ali vjerujem da je on Tuđmanu bio marginalno zanimljiv u odnosu na igre velikih sila i određeni predratni ugled koji je Marković imao u tom krugu. Koliko se sjećam, atmosfera je bila dosta suzdržana, ali pristojna. Na kraju su se trojica glavnih igrača povukla u kabinet Predsjednika na, kako se moglo očekivati, malo otvoreniju razmjenu mišljenja.

any illusions that he could affect the Croatian decisions, but I believe that he was marginally interesting for Tuđman in relation to the play of great forces and a certain pre-war reputation Marković had in that circle. As I recall, the atmosphere was quite restrained, but polite. At the end the three major players withdrew to the President’s Cabinet, as one would expect, for a little more open exchange of views.

Ja sam pak preko Markova trga prešao u Sabor do Operativnog informativnog centra da se raspitam o sigurnosnoj situaciji. Ne vjerujem da sam tamo bio više od minute prije nego što nas je iznenada zatresao veliki prasak. Moja je prva reakcija bila da se radilo o niskom nadzvučnom preletu zrakoplova. Tek kad sam izašao iz Sabora shvatio sam opseg šteta – na desetak metara od Banskih dvora bile su hrpe cigle i stakla, a krov nad Dvorima napola bez crijepa. Čuo sam da je Tuđman živ i pojurio stotinjak metara do Ministarstva informiranja u Opatičkoj 8 da, čekajući možebitni novi napad, počnemo planirati reagiranje. Zgrada Ministarstva nije pretrpjela nikakva oštećenja. Do nekog novog napada nije došlo, a ja sam u međuvremenu zaključio da bi bilo dobro dobiti Predsjednikovu procjenu treba li nakon ovakvog izazova mijenjati stratešku koncepciju, a i vidjeti u kakvom je stanju on sâm. Osvjedočio sam se da je on i fizički i psihički dobro. Idući je dan bilo na redu proglašenje pune suverenosti Republike Hrvatske u INA-inoj dvorani...“ (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 22. srpnja 2016.)

I went across the St. Mark’s Square to the Operational Information Centre to inquire about the safety situation. I do not believe I spent more than a minute there before we were suddenly shaken by a big bang. My first reaction was that it was a low supersonic flight. It was only when I got out of Parliament that I realized the extent of the damage - at ten meters from the Banski dvori there were piles of brick and glass, and the roof over the Banski dvori half without roofing tiles. I heard that Tuđman was alive and I rushed some hundred meters to the Ministry of Information in Opatička 8 to, waiting for a possible new attack, plan a response. The building of the Ministry did not suffer any damage. A new attack didn’t occur, and meanwhile I concluded that it would be good to get the President’s assessment whether, after such a challenge, to change the strategic concept, and to see in what condition he himself was in. I witnessed that he was physically and mentally well. The following day the declaration of full sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia was adopted in the INA hall... “ (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 22 July 2016)

Anđelko Mijatović, savjetnik za kulturu predsjednika Republike Hrvatske Franje Tuđmana 1990. - 1999.

Anđelko Mijatović, Advisor for Culture of the President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman 1990 - 1999

To je bilo vrijeme svakodnevnih uzbuna, neki su išli u sklonište, ali mnogi nisu. Kad bi bila neka upozorenja da se doista mora ići u sklonište, onda bi se išlo. Osiguranje naravno nije išlo, nije išlo ni ono pomoćno osoblje. Kad je bio napad i kad sam došao do Banskih dvora vidio sam upravo okrvavljeno osoblje koje u kafiću radi, jer je bomba udarila nedaleko od njih. Detonacija je izbila dovratnike, vrata… Ozlijeđena je bila i gospođa Nada Talan, koliko se sjećam, na nju su pala izbijena vrata i udarila je u leđa.

This was the period of alarms on a daily basis, some people went to the shelter, but many didn’t. So if there was a warning that there is a real threat of danger, people would go. Security people didn’t go, of course, just like the support staff. When the rocketing took place and when I came to the Banski dvori, it was them I saw, the staff working in the cafeteria, because the bomb fell near them. The detonation kicked the door frames out, as well as the doors. Ms Nada Talan was also injured, as I recall it, the knocked door fell on her and hit her in the back.

Ja sam taj dan imao službeni sastanak s biskupom Kokšom (Đuro, op. a.). Biskup je tada radio s par ljudi na doseljavanju i smještaju Hrvata iz Letni-

That day I had an official meeting with Bishop (Đuro, author’s note) Kokša. The Bishop was working at the time with a couple of people on immigration and ac-

ce (Kosovo, op. a.) u zapadnoj Slavoniji, a mi iz Ureda smo pri tome malo pomagali. (…) Tako sam pošao biskupu, zapravo, mi smo tada bili dobili neko naoružanje gore u uredu, pištolje, ali nismo imali futrole pa smo kolega Mladen Čutura, isto savjetnik, i ja pošli u Frankopansku ulicu kupiti futrole, jer se tamo prodavala ta oprema. Došli smo dolje, nije toga bilo pa smo produžili Dalmatinskom ulicom do Varšavske, gdje nas je zatekla uzbuna. Mi smo polako dalje došli do Trga, kolega Mladen je otišao Radićevom gore, a ja sam otišao biskupu Kokši na sastanak. Kad sam bio blizu biskupove kurije na Kaptolu 22, odjednom je grunulo vrlo jako. Ja sam u ruci imao jedan fascikl s kojim sam nesvjesno, spontano, kleknuvši na koljena zaštitio glavu. I kad sam se podigao padali su djelići lišća, granja, svukud je prštalo okolo s krovova. Ja sam imao osjećaj da je to pogodilo negdje na Šalati. Kad sam došao biskupu on me pitao, što mi se čini u što je udarilo, ja mu kažem: “Imam osjećaj da je pogodilo Šalatu.” Mi smo tu brzo završili naš razgovor pa sam ja požurio u ured. Kad sam se spustio u Tkalčićevu ulicu, kafići su bili puni ljudi, nitko se nije sklonio zbog uzbune. Onda sam kroz Kamenita vrata došao gore do ljekarne gdje sam opazio poznate magistre koje su mi rekle da su raketirani Banski dvori. I ja pogledam, doista. Na krovu Dvora nije bilo crijepa. Ja sam htio gore, međutim, došla je policija i upućivala nas je u sklonište. Tako sam boravio u skloništu Muzejsko-galerijskog centra oko sat vremena. Kad sam krenuo u ured, uz put sam vidio da iz Sabora žuri njegov predsjednik Žarko Domljan i njegov tajnik Petković (Milovan, op. a.) prema Banskim dvorima, da vide što se dogodilo. Ja sam otišao u svoju sobu na čijim je vratima brava detonacijom bila izbijena, a mali dio te brave čuvam i danas. Imali smo velike prozore s duplim staklima i teškim zavjesama, a uslijed eksplozije došlo je do prsnuća prozora i zavjesa je pala na stol. Da sam bio za stolom, uvjeren sam da bi me zavjesa sa staklom udarila točno u glavu. Jer sam to sve zatekao na dijelu radnog stola gdje mi se inače nalazila glava prilikom rada. Tada je jedan od osiguranja ranjen i završio je u bolnici na Rebru… Ja sam kod Dubravkinog puta ostavio parkiran svoj golf, a kad je sve to završilo išli smo kući. Moja supruga, koja je radila u Ministarstvu prosvjete RH u Varšavskoj ulici, pošla je gore da vidi šta je s nama, sreli smo se i uputili se do auta. Kad smo došli do auta vidjeli smo da je na njemu izbijena jedna lajsna koju sam vratio nazad tako da nije bilo nikakvih problema s autom, ali su neka druga vozila stradala, posebno oko Banskih dvora. Mislim da je nastradao

commodation of Croats from Letnica (Kosovo, author’s note) in the western Slavonia, and we from the Office helped out a bit. (...) So I went to see the Bishop, in fact, we got some arms up there at the office, the guns, but we had no holsters, so my colleague Mladen Čutura, advisor as well, and I went to the Frankopan Street to buy some holsters, because this equipment was sold there. We went down, they didn’t have any holsters, so we continued via the Dalmatinska Street to the Varšavska Street, where we heard the sirens. We slowly continue to the Square, Mladen went up the Radić Street and I went to the meeting with bishop Kokša. When I was close to the Bishop’s Curia on the 22 Kaptol Street, suddenly something very strong banged. I had a folder in my hand with which I unconsciously, spontaneously, protected my head dropping to my knees. And when I got up the pieces of leaves and branches were falling around, everything was bursting around from the rooftops. I had a feeling the hit was somewhere in Šalata. When I came to the Bishop he asked my opinion about the location, I told him I felt Šalata was hit. We quickly finished our conversation, so I rushed to the office. When I went down, the Tkalčić Street was filled with people, nobody went to the shelter due to the alarm. Then I went through the Stone Gate and I came up to the pharmacy where I saw the pharmacists I knew who told me that the Banski dvori got rocketed. I took a look at it, and indeed. On the roof of the Banski dvori there were no tiles. I wanted to go up, but the police came and directed us to the shelter. So I ended up in the shelter of the Museum Gallery Centre for about an hour. When I went to the office, I saw Žarko Domljan and his secretary (Milovan, author’s note) Petković rushing towards the Banski dvori, to see what happened. I went tom my room where the lock was kicked out by the detonation, I guard that piece of lock to this day. We had large windows with double glass and heavy curtains, and due to the explosion, the window shattered and the curtain fell on the table. If I had been at the table, I am confident that I would have been hit by the curtains with glass right in the head. Because it all took place at the precise spot where my head usually was when I was working. Then one of the security guys got wounded and ended up in the Rebro hospital... I parked my golf car near the Dubravkin put, and when it was all over we went home. My wife, who worked in the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Croatia in the Varšavska Street, went up to see what happened to us, we met and we went to the car. When we got to the car we saw that one strip came off, which I put back so that there were no problems with the car, but some other vehicles got destroyed, particularly around the Banski dvori. I think Mario Nobilo’s car got damaged, and others’ as well.


auto Marija Nobila, ali i drugi. Onda su nama rekli, mislim da je to bilo uvečer oko 5 - 6 sati: “Idite kući, mi ćemo vas pozvati.” Nije se znalo što, kuda (gdje će ured nastaviti raditi), međutim mi smo sutra ujutro kao po dogovoru svi došli u Banske dvore i onda su nas poslali u Vilu Zagorje. To nam je rekao gospodin Hrvoje Šarinić, predstojnik Ureda. (…) Pokupili smo svoje papire i ostalo i pošli gore. U Vili je bilo stolova, ali nije bilo stolica (smije se)… Postavili ste pitanje, je li moguće da je netko iz Ureda javljao agresorima? Naravno, u Banskim je dvorima bilo osoba srpske narodnosti i osoba iz staroga sustava. Bile su dvije osobe baš u Uredu koje smo naslijedili, jedna gospođa, mislim da sada radi kao bilježnik ili je odvjetnica u Zagrebu, ponekad je vidim. Bila je još jedna gospođa, pisalo je u novinama o tome. Suprug joj je bio u SUP-u u “Krajini”. Ona je tih dana pobjegla tamo, a njoj se pripisivala dojava. (…) Danas je zanimljivo o tome pričati, ali nismo mi mnogi bili svjesni što se događa. Mislim da smo mi to sve olako gledali. Prvo, imali smo apsolutno povjerenje u predsjednika Tuđmana, nikada mi nismo primijetili da bi on sumnjao u svoj cilj i to je, normalno, na nas prenosio. Ovaj put, iako je Predsjednik u pravilu poslije objeda išao u svoju sobu (ne bi on spavao, obično bi čitao, odmarao ili radio neki koncept itd.), to nije napravio nego su se oni, Marković, Mesić i on, vratili u njegov ured i nastavili razgovarati. Dana 7. listopada, oni su očito, kad su odlučili to napraviti zadnji dan moratorija (Brijunskog sporazuma, op. a.), željeli poslati poruku. (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 23. listopada 2014.)


Then they told us, I think it was in the evening, around 5-6 o’clock, “Go home, we’ll call you.” It was not known what, where (the office would continue to work), but tomorrow morning we all came as one to the Banski dvori and then we were sent to the Villa Zagorje. Mr. Hrvoje Šarinić, Head of Office, told us that. (...) We picked up our papers and other things and went up. There were desks at the Villa, but there were no chair (laughing) ... You asked if it was possible that someone from the office tipped the aggressors? Naturally, in the Banski dvori there were people of Serbian nationality and people from the old system. They were two people precisely in the office that we inherited, a lady, I think she now works as a notary or a lawyer in Zagreb, sometimes I see her. There was another lady, she was mentioned in the papers. Her husband was in the Secretariat of Interior in Krajina. She ran there those days, and the tip was attributed to her… (...). Today it is interesting to talk about it, but many of us were not aware of what was going on. I think we all took it very lightly. Firstly, we had absolute confidence in President Tuđman, we never noticed that he doubted his goal and this confidence was, naturally contagious. This time, although the President went to his room after lunch as a rule (he would not sleep, he usually read, rested or did some concept, etc.), he didn’t do it but they, Marković, Mesić and he returned to his office and continued to talk. On 7 October, when they decided to carry it out on the last day of the moratorium (the Brioni Agreement, author’s note), they obviously wanted to send a message. (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 23 October 2014)

Stanko Szabo, službeni fotograf u Banskim dvorima 1990. – 1993.

Stanko Szabo, Official Photographer at the Banski dvori 1990 – 1993

Toga dana jedina stranka koja je došla u Banske dvore oko 10 sati bio je Stjepan Adanić. Kako sam ga otprije znao iz Varaždina, gospođa Zdravka Bušić poslala me na ulaz da ga dopratim u Kabinet predsjednika. Sastanak s predsjednikom Tuđmanom trajao je oko 20 minuta, a ja sam pričekao gospodina Adanića da ga ispratim. Prilikom odlaska rekao mi je da će se vratiti jer ga je šef imenovao za savjetnika i pozvao na ručak, s deset uzvanika. Prije početka objeda uslikao sam uzvanike u Svečanoj dvorani, a nakon ručka gospođa Bušić mi je rekla da sam slobodan te da se vratim kasno poslijepodne zbog daljnjih obveza. Sjeo sam u auto i krenuo kući. Bio sam na raskršću Tuškanca i Nazorove u vrijeme napada... Nakon napada oglasila se i uzbuna!

That day, the only party that came to the Banski dvori around 10 o’clock was Stjepan Adanić. As I already knew him from Varaždin, Ms. Zdravka Bušić sent me to the entrance to escort him to the Office of the President. The meeting with President Tuđman lasted about 20 minutes, and I waited for Mr. Adanić to see him off. When he was leaving, he told me he would be back because he was appointed as an advisor and invited for lunch, with ten guests. Before the start of the meal I photographed the guests at the Ceremonial Hall, and after lunch, Ms. Bušić told me that I was free, and that I should come back late in the afternoon due to further obligations. I sat in the car and headed home. I was at the crossroads of Tuškanac and the Nazor Street at the time of the attack ... After the attack the alarm started!

Drugo jutro oko 4 sata došao sam u Banske dvore – rezultat su fotografije koje posjedujete... (Izjava dana autorima fotomonografije 7. lipnja 2016.)

The next morning around 4 o’clock I came to the Banski dvori - the result are the photos that you have... “ (Statement made to the authors of the photo-monograph on 7 June 2016)

Obilježje mjesta gdje je tlak od eksplozije bombe ostavio trag u dvorištu Banskih dvora. (HMDCDR, 2016.) / A mark of the location where the force of the explosion pressure of the bomb left a mark in the courtyard of the Banski dvori.




B. Dodatak – objavljeni memoarski zapisi

B. Addition – published memoirs

U svojim je političkim memoarima Stjepan Mesić zapisao da ih je napad na Banske dvore zatekao u Kabinetu predsjednika uz kavu i razgovor o aktualnoj političkoj situaciji. Opisao je Antu Markovića kao osobu koja je pokazivala političku naivnost vjerujući da jugoslavenski vojni vrh ipak neće napasti Zagreb. Naveo je da je Banske dvore potresla jaka eksplozija te da je najviše stradala prostorija u kojoj su upravo ručali. Posvuda je bilo prašine, krhotina stakla te razbacanih i uništenih komada namještaja. Nakon udara navodi da su sva trojica (Tuđman, Marković i on, op. a.) otišli u sklonište nekoliko stotina metara udaljeno od Banskih dvora.109 Smatrao je da je napad bio planiran upravo dok su se sva trojica nalazila na istom mjestu u isto vrijeme s ciljem izazivanja destabilizacije Hrvatske, ali i potpunog preuzimanja kontrole nad još uvijek postojećim jugoslavenskim političkim vrhom.110

In his political memoirs Stjepan Mesić wrote that the attack on the Banski dvori happened while they were in the President’s Cabinet over coffee and talk about the current political situation. He described Ante Marković as a person who showed the political naiveté believing that the Yugoslav military leadership would not attack Zagreb after all. He said that the Banski dvori was shaken by a huge explosion and the room where they just had lunch was the most damaged one. There was dust everywhere, glass shards and scattered and destroyed furniture pieces. He stated that after the attack all three of them (Tuđman, Marković and he, author’s note) went to the shelter a few hundred meters away from the Banski dvori.109 He believed that the attack was planned just as the three of them were in the same place at the same time so as to cause the destabilization of Croatia, but also the complete control over the still existing Yugoslav political leadership.110

Ante Marković, čovjek koji je vjerovao da Jugoslavija može opstati uz pomoć planiranih gospodarskih i političkih reformi, prema izjavama danim medijima i suradnicima, bio je šokiran doživljenim. Za napad je optužio generala JNA i tadašnjeg saveznog sekretara za narodnu obranu Veljka Kadijevića. „Generala Kadijevića smatram odgovornim za ovaj pokušaj ubojstva i zbog toga se ne kanim vratiti u Beograd prije nego što on bude smijenjen.“111 Ante Marković, bez obzira na rečeno, vratio se u Beograd i ostao na dužnosti saveznog premijera do 20. prosinca 1991. godine.

Ante Marković, the man who believed that Yugoslavia could survive with the help of the planned economic and political reforms, according to statements he made in the media and his colleagues, was shocked by the situation. He accused the JNA general and the then Federal Secretary for National Defence Veljko Kadijević for the attack. “I hold General Kadijević personally responsible for this attempted murder, and therefore I do not intend to return to Belgrade before he is removed from office.”111 Ante Marković, regardless, returned to Belgrade and remained in office as the Federal Prime Minister until 20 December in 1991.

Antun Vrdoljak, jedan od sudionika ručka u Svečanoj dvorani, u intervjuu Večernjem listu rekao je da ih je od sigurne smrti spasilo to što „Mesić nije volio štrukle“ pa su ranije izišli iz dvorane. Dvojica uzvanika su na Predsjednikov poziv otišli na kavu u njegov Kabinet, a ostatak se razišao. Sam Vrdoljak je izišao iz Banskih dvora i krenuo prema svom automobilu kad je pala bomba. Ipak, vratio se natrag i vidio u kojem   Nakon prvog udara otišli su najprije u sklonište Banskih dvora (op. a.). 110   Stjepan Mesić, Kako smo rušili Jugoslaviju (Zagreb: Globus International, 1992), 278-279. 111   “Preživjeli smo pravim čudom”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 8. X. 1991., 5.; “Čudom ostali živi”, Borba, (Beograd), 9. X. 1991., 3. 109


Antun Vrdoljak, one of the participants lunch in the Conference Hall, said in an interview for the Večernji list that they were saved from certain death because “Mesić did not like štrukle (cheese strudel, author’s note)” so they exited the hall before it was planned. Two of the guests went for coffee in the President’s Cabinet upon his invitation, and the rest split up. Vrdoljak himself got out of the Banski dvori and walked toward his car when the bomb went off. However, he went back and saw the condition of the hall   After the first attack, first they went to the shelter of the Banski dvori (author’s note) 110   Stjepan Mesić, Kako smo rušili Jugoslaviju (Zagreb: Globus International, 1992.), 278-279. 111   “Preživjeli smo pravim čudom”, Večernji list (Zagreb), 8. X. 1991., 5.; “Čudom ostali živi”, Borba, (Beograd), 9. X. 1991., 3. 109

je stanju dvorana u kojoj su boravili koji trenutak prije napada, a kao podsjetnik na nemili događaj uzeo je jednu razbijenu šalicu.112 Žarko Domljan, predsjednik Sabora RH, prisjetio se navedenog napada u svojim političkim memoarima. Zapisao je da ih je zračni napad zatekao u maloj dvorani Sabora tijekom održavanja sastanka Kluba zastupnika HDZ-a, a tek su u podrumu Sabora čuli da su napadnuti Banski dvori. Osiguranje ga je odvelo do predsjednika Tuđmana koji je tada već bio u skloništu tunela. Između ostalog, zapisao je: „Bilo mu je drago što sam došao (Tuđmanu, op. a.), ali nije bio raspoložen za dulji razgovor pa smo izmijenili tek nekoliko riječi, dogovorili održavanje sutrašnje sjednice Sabora na sigurnome i tajnome mjestu i zatim sam ga ostavio samog s njegovim mislima. A Tuđman je imao o čemu razmišljati jer ga je čovjek s kojim je do jučer razgovarao i pregovarao, s kojim je sjedio na međunarodnim sastancima i u čiju je riječ vjerovao, pokušao hladnokrvno fizički likvidirati. A osim toga, bilo je više nego očito da su u najbližoj Tuđmanovoj okolini postojali KOS-ovi agenti i da je vojni vrh u Beogradu, koji je izdao zapovijed za polijetanje zrakoplova iz Bihaća, pratio Tuđmanovo kretanje i odabrao najpovoljniji trenutak za napad na Banske dvore.“ Smatrao je da su zahvaljujući krivoj procjeni kapetana zrakoplova Bajića (Ljubomira, op. a.) i pogrešci oko navođenja projektila predsjednici izbjegli smrt.113

they were in just few moments before the attack, and he took a broken cup as a reminder of the unpleasant event.112 Žarko Domljan, President of the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia, recalled the attack in his political memoirs. He wrote that the air raid took place while they were in the small hall of the Parliament during the meeting of the HDZ Representatives’ Club, and only in the basement of the Parliament they heard that the Banski dvori was attacked. The security led him to President Tuđman who was already in the shelter of the Tunnel. Among other things, he wrote: “He was glad that I came (Tuđman, author’s note), but was not in the mood for a longer conversation, so we exchanged a few words, agreed to maintain tomorrow’s session of the Parliament in a safe and secret place and then I left him alone with his thoughts. And Tuđman had a lot to think about because the man with whom he spoke to yesterday and negotiated, with whom he was sitting at international meetings and in whose word he believed tried to physically liquidate him in cold blood. And besides, it was more than obvious that in the nearest Tuđman environment existed the KOS agents and that the military leadership in Belgrade, who gave the order to the aircraft to take off from Bihać, followed Tuđman’s movement and chose the most convenient moment to attack the Banski dvori.” He believed that thanks to the miscalculation of the captain of the aircraft (Ljubomir, author’s note) Bajić and due to a mistake in missile guidance the Presidents avoided death.113

U susjednoj su se zgradi Hrvatskog sabora u vrijeme napada zatekli, svatko u svojim prostorijama, potpredsjednici hrvatske Vlade Zdravko Tomac i Mate Granić. Iako je oglašena uzbuna za opasnost, Zdravko Tomac nije otišao u sklonište, odnosno saborski restoran koji je korišten kao sklonište, već je otišao do sobe predsjednika Vlade Franje Gregurića koji je bio izvan Zagreba. U trenutku napada stajao je kraj prozora, stakla su popucala, a od siline udara pao je na pod. Vjerujući da slijede novi napadi, nazvao je svoje ukućane, te se spustio u saborsko sklonište.114

In the neighbouring building of the Croatian Parliament at the time of the attack there were, each in his own premises, Croatian Deputy Prime Ministers Zdravko Tomac and Mate Granić. Although the alarm was sounded, Zdravko Tomac did not go to the shelter, that is the parliamentary restaurant which was used as a shelter, but he went to the room of the Prime Minister Franjo Gregurić who was outside Zagreb. At the time of the attack he was standing by the window, the glass got broken, and the force of the attack threw him on the floor. Believing that the new attacks would follow, he called his family and went down in the Parliamentary shelter.114

Mate Granić je oko 15 sati bio u svom uredu u Saboru, a nakon bombardiranja Banskih dvora nazvao je Franju Gregurića i obavijestio ga o napadu. Nakon

Mate Granić was in his office in the Parliament around 15 o’clock, and after the bombing of the Banski dvori he called Gregurić and informed him about the attack.

“Šef CIA-e za Europu rekao mi je, skloni obitelj sve će vas pobiti!”, pristup ostvaren 12. III. 2016., http://www.vecernji. hr/hrvatska/sef-cia-e-za-europu-rekao-mi-je-skloni-obiteljsve-ce-vas-pobiti-462705 113   Žarko Domljan, Visoko podignimo zastavu (Zagreb: Profil, 2010), 366-367. 114   Zdravko Tomac, Iza zatvorenih vrata (Zagreb: Organizator, 1992), 113-114.



“Šef CIA-e za Europu rekao mi je skloni obitelj sve će vas pobiti!”, access achieved on 12 March 2016, http://www.vecernji. hr/hrvatska/sef-cia-e-za-europu-rekao-mi-je-skloni-obiteljsve-ce-vas-pobiti-462705 113   Žarko Domljan, Visoko podignimo zastavu (Zagreb: Profil, 2010.), 366-367. 114   Zdravko Tomac, Iza zatvorenih vrata (Zagreb: Organizator, 1992), 113-114.


toga otišao je do mjesta napada koje je još bilo u dimu i prašini. Napominje da je predsjednik Tuđman već bio evakuiran. Prvi susret s njim bio je te iste večeri u skloništu ispod Trga sv. Marka kad je održan sastanak Užeg kabineta. Prema njegovim riječima, Tuđman je „bio utučen i tih, ali potpuno priseban“. Donesena je odluka da se umjesto Banskih dvora za daljnje predsjednikovo radno boravište koristi Vila Zagorje, a svakako najvažnija odluka te večeri bila je da već sutradan, 8. listopada, stupi na snagu Odluka o suverenosti i samostalnosti Republike Hrvatske.115 Hrvatska kulturna javnost reagirala je na opći kulturocid koji je širom Hrvatske, pa i u opisanom zračnom napadu na zagrebački Gornji grad, provodila velikosrpska politika. Nada Premerl, vršiteljica dužnosti ravnateljice Muzeja grada Zagreba 1991., opisala je svoje sjećanje na te listopadske dane. Napad ju je zatekao na radnom mjestu. Tek je poslije prvih udara na Gornji grad i ozljeđivanja noge krhotinama, otišla s kolegicom u sklonište unutar prostora Popovog tornja. „Taj dan prošetala sam Gornjim gradom. Oko muzeja bilo je puno šplitera, a zgrada je strašno nastradala i to naročito pročelja na uličnoj i sjevernoj strani. Došla sam i do Banskih dvora. (...) Došla sam na ideju da mi moramo brzo nešto napraviti, sakupiti sve oštećene predmete i fotografirati oštećene spomenike kulture. Bili smo jednostavno osupnuti tim strašnim činom. Nismo vjerovali da će doći do toga, da će doći do izravnog napada u samo središte hrvatske države, na vrijedan spomenik kulture, koji je bio obilježen znakom Haške konvencije, kao i naš muzej, kao i svi spomenici kulture u Zagrebu.“116 Ideja je pretočena u djelo. Svega nekoliko dana nakon napada otvorena je izložba „Zagrebački Grič – još jedna žrtva bezumnog rata“ u Muzeju grada Zagreba te još jedna u sklopu izložbene akcije „Oči istine“ u Muzejsko-galerijskom centru, pod nazivom „Banski dvori – promašeni pucanj“.117

Mate Granić, Vanjski poslovi iza kulisa politike (Zagreb: Algoritam, 2005), 34. 116   Nada Premerl, “Nije to bila samo izložba, nego i naša manifestacija protiv agresora”, u: Katalog izložbe Zagrebačka ratna 1991. – deset ratnih svjedočanstava, ur. Kristian Strukić, (Zagreb: Muzej grada Zagreba, 2016), 87-90. 117   „Gričke oči istine“, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 14. X. 1991., 13. 115


After that he went to the attack site that was still covered in the smoke and dust. He notes that President Tuđman had already been evacuated. The first encounter with him was that evening in the shelter below the St. Mark’s Square, when the meeting of the Inner Cabinet was held. According to him, Tuđman “was depressed and quiet, but completely calm”. The decision was made that instead of the Banski dvori for the further President’s working residence “Vila Zagorje” would be used, and certainly the most important decision that evening was that, the following day, 8 October, the Decision on the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Croatia would come into force.115 The Croatian cultural community reacted to the general culturecide which was happening across Croatia, and in the described air raid in Zagreb Upper Town, carried out by the Greater Serbian policy. Nada Premerl, Acting Director of the Museum of the City of Zagreb in 1991 described her memory of those October days. The attack took place when she was in her workplace. It was not until after the first attack on the Upper Town and the leg injuries caused by the shrapnel that she went with a colleague in the shelter inside the space of the Popov toranj (medieval fortress from the 13th century, author’s note). ”That day I walked around the Upper Town. Around the museum there was a lot of splitter, but the building was horrible damaged and especially the facade on the street and the north side. I came to the Banski dvori (...) I came up with the idea that we had to do something quickly, gather all the damaged items and make photographs of the damaged cultural monuments. We were simply appalled by that horrible act. We did not believe it would come to that, that there would be a direct attack at the very centre of the Croatian state, in the valuable historical monument, which was marked with the sign of The Hague Convention, as well as our museum, as well as all the monuments of culture in Zagreb.”116 The idea was transformed into action. Only a few days after the attack, the exhibition “Zagreb Grič - another victim of the senseless war” was open in the Museum of the City of Zagreb as well as another one as a part of the exhibition action ”The eyes of truth” in the Museum Gallery Centre, called ”Banski dvori – a missed shot.”117

Mate Granić, Vanjski poslovi iza kulisa politike (Zagreb: Algoritam, 2005), 34. 116   Nada Premerl, “Nije to bila samo izložba, nego i naša manifestacija protiv agresora”, u: Katalog izložbe Zagrebačka ratna 1991. – deset ratnih svjedočanstava, ur. Kristian Strukić, (Zagreb: Muzej grada Zagreba, 2016), 87-90. 117   „Gričke oči istine“, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 14. X. 1991., 13. 115



A. Reakcije srbijanskih medija, politike i zapovjedništva JNA

A. Reactions of the Serbian media, politics and the JNA command

Dok su se u zagrebačkom Večernjem listu mogle pročitati reakcije europskih i američkih političara i vlada, i osude napada jugoslavenskih ratnih zrakoplova na Banske dvore,118 pojedini su beogradski mediji istodobno donosili izvješća u kojima se, prema riječima njihovih dopisnika iz Hrvatske i BiH, za napad optužuje zrakoplovstvo JNA.119 Međutim, već sutradan, prenoseći priopćenja SSNO-a i “Komande Ratnog vazduhoplovstva i Protuvazdušne odbrane”, počinje se odbacivati upletenost JNA. Organiziran je dolazak oficira JNA u studio Radio-televizije Beograd, održane su tiskovne konferencije, objavljeno je mnoštvo tekstova o navedenome.120 Uz otklanjanje odgovornosti za taj čin pokušalo se sugerirati da je sam hrvatski vrh organizirao i izvršio napad s ciljem optuživanja Srbije i JNA za rat te dobivanja simpatija svjetske javnosti za stvaranje hrvatske države.

While Večernji list, Zagreb daily newspaper, published the reactions of the European and American politicians and governments condemning the attack of the Yugoslav military aircraft carried out on the Banski dvori,118 some Belgrade media simultaneously brought reports that, according to their correspondent in Croatia and Bosnia, accuse the JNA for the attack.119 However, the following day, relaying the communications of the Federal Secretariat of People’s Defence (SSNO) and the Commands of the Air Force and the Air Defence, the involvement of the JNA started to be rejected. The arrival of the JNA officers in the studio of Radio Television Belgrade was organised, press conferences were held, numerous texts were published extensively on that topic.120 In the attempt to remove the responsibility for the attack, it was attempted to suggest that the very Croatian leadership organized and carried out the attack with the aim of accusing Serbia and the JNA for war and getting sympathy of world public for the creation of the Croatian state.

„Saopštenje za javnost Informativne službe komande Ratnog vazduhoplovstva i Protuvazdušne odbrane (RV i PVO): U vezi vesti koja je u popodnevnim časovima plasirana posredstvom domaćih i inostranih sredstava javnog informisanja o navodnom napadu iz vazduha na palatu Banske dvore u kojoj je razorena rezidencija predsednika Republike Hrvatske, Informativna služba komande RV i PVO, ovlašćena je da saopšti sledeće: u današnjim precizno naređenim, planiranim i izvršavanim borbenim dejstvima avijacijskih jedinica na teritoriji Hrvatske gde su i dalje pod blokadom i napadima ustaških formacija brojne jedinice i objekti JNA, nijedna posada niti jedinica borbenih vazduhoplova RV i PVO nisu dobili zadatak da bombarduju ili bilo kako dejstvuju na pomenuti objekat u centru Zagreba. U Komandi RV i PVO ne isključuje se mogućnost da je s obzirom na celokupnu situaciju u zemlji neko od pilota i mogao nešto ovako učiniti, međutim sasvim je sigurno da bi i efekti takvog dejstva bili mnogo ubedljiviji od onih koje u javnost plasira hrvatsko vrhovništvo i predsjednik SIV-a. Odmah nakon infor  “Svijet oštro osudio barbarski napad na hrvatski glavni grad”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 8. X. 1991., zadnja stranica. 119   “Bombardovan Zagreb“, Borba, (Beograd), 8. X. 1991., naslovnica. 120   U prilogu. 118

“Press release of the Information Service of the Air Force and Air Defence Command: Regarding the news that was placed in the afternoon through domestic and foreign mass media about an alleged air raid to the Banski dvori palace when the residence of the President of the Republic of Croatia was destroyed, the Information Service of the Air Force and Air defence is authorized to communicate the following: in today’s precisely ordered, planned and executed combat action of the aviation unit on the Croatian territory, where numerous JNA units and facilities are still under blockade and under attacks of the Ustasha formations, neither the crew nor the unit of the combat aircraft of the Air Force and Air Defence got the mission to bomb or act in any way at the mentioned facility in the Zagreb centre. The Command of the Air Force and Air Defence does not exclude the possibility that, in view of the overall situation in the country, some of the pilots could do something like this, but it is quite certain that the effects of such action would be much more convincing than those placed to the public by the Croatian leadership   “Svijet oštro osudio barbarski napada na hrvatski glavni grad”, Večernji list, (Zagreb), 8. X. 1991., last page. 119   “Bombardovan Zagreb“, Borba, (Beograd), 8. X. 1991., front page. 120   Annexed. 118


macija o ovim dejstvima nad Zagrebom, po naređenju komandanta RV i PVO, obavljeni su razgovori sa svim posadama vazduhoplova koji su danas izvršavali zadatke u širem rejonu Zagreba i niko od njih nije potvrdio pomenuto dejstvo. Sve gore rečeno navodi na zaključak da ovo može biti još jedna dobro smišljena i inscenirana provokacija od strane vrhovništva protiv rukovodstva JNA i njenih pripadnika.“ (Snimka Radio-televizije Beograd (RTB) HMDCDR, DVD inv. br. 1459) „Saopštenje Službe za informisanje SSNO: Povodom vesti objavljenih u nekim sredstvima informisanja da su danas navodno bombardovani Banski dvori u Zagrebu obaveštavamo javnost da nijedan sastav JNA nije imao zadatak da dejstvuje po Zagrebu. Jedinice koje se već duže nalaze u blokadi, a koje su i danas napadane izvodile su samoodbranu. Ne isključuje se mogućnost da je neka od jedinica u samoodbrani dejstvovala i po gradu. Provere koje smo do sada izvršili ne potvrđuju ovu mogućnost, ali nije isključeno da je hrvatsko vrhovništvo insceniralo i ovaj napad kao što je to radilo i nebrojeno puta do sada. Istina se može utvrditi samo na licu mesta.“ (Snimka RTB-a, HMDCDR, DVD inv. br. 1459)


„ komandant vazduhoplovstva ni njegovi podčinjeni u jedinicama u ponedjeljak 7. oktobra nisu izdali nikakvo naređenje koje bi dovelo do ovakvih posledica... Na osnovu analize prikazanih efekata veoma je lako dokazati da u konkretnom slučaju nema ni govora o upotrebi avionskog naoružanja. Efekti dejstva avionskih bombi i raketa sasvim su drugih karakteristika u odnosu na prikazane, a pre svega su znatno većeg intenziteta... Mogu da tvrdim da su se koristile avionske bombe ili rakete da bi ova zgrada bila srušena u celini. Da je korišćena vođena raketa sa određenog rastojanja također bi došlo do rušenja dela nosećih elemenata konstrukcije i do rušenja ili dela zgrade ili zgrade u celini... sigurno da bismo do prave istine i istrage došli samo kada bismo omogućili da stručni organi i s naše strane posete ovo mesto i da konkretno sa drugom stranom sagledaju sve činjenice i posledice na licu mesta... Činjenica je mi pretpostavljamo da bi nam omogućili da mi dođemo do tog objekta jednako kao što nam omogućavaju da dođemo do naših drugova i jedinica u okolini Zagreba, u Kerestincu, u Samoboru koji je jučer okupiran, zauzet i zbog čega se inače avijacija upotrebljava u prilazima Zagrebu da bi obranila i sačuvala naše ljude.“ (Milanko Cvijović i Mladen Savić, oficiri JNA, Specijalna emisija RTB-a, 8. 10. 1991., HMDCDR, DVD inv. br. 254)

and the President of the Federal Executive Council. Immediately after the information about these actions in Zagreb, the interviews were conducted with all the crew members of the aircraft that were active today in the general area of Za​​ greb, on the commanders’ of the Air Force orders, and none of them confirmed the mentioned fact. All of the above suggests that this may be another well designed and staged provocation by the leadership against the JNA leadership and its members.” (The video recording of the Radio-Television Belgrade (RTB), HMDCDR, dvd 1459) ”The release of the Information Service of the Federal Secretariat of People’s Defence: Regarding the news published in some media that the Banski dvori in Zagreb have reportedly been bombed today, we inform the public that no JNA structure had the task to operate in Zagreb. The units that have been blocked for some time now and which were attacked today self-defended themselves. We cannot rule out the possibility that some of the units operated in the city in self-defence. The checks that we have carried out so far do not confirm this possibility, but it is not excluded that the Croatian leadership staged this attack as well as it has been done countless times before. The truth can be established only on the spot.” (The video recording of the Radio-Television Belgrade (RTB), HMDCDR, dvd 1459) “... Neither the commander of the Air Force nor his subordinates issued on Monday 7 October any order that may have led to these consequences... Based on the analysis of the shown effects is very easy to prove that in this case there is no question about the use of aircraft weaponry. The effects of the air bombs and rockets are of quite different characteristics in relation to the shown, and above all, are much more intense ... I can claim that had the air bombs or rockets been used that this building would have been demolished in its entirety. If a guided rocket had been used from some distance, the demolition of a part of the supporting elements of the construction and the demolition of the building or a part of the building would have occurred... Naturally, we could reach the truth and the investigation only if our professional bodies could visit this place and if they could take into consideration all the facts and implications with the opposite side on the spot... The fact is, we assume that we would be allowed to come to this object just as they allow us to get to our comrades and units in the vicinity of Zagreb, Kerestinec, Samobor that was occupied, taken, yesterday, and this is the aircraft are used in the outskirts of Zagreb, to defend and preserve our people.” (Milanko Cvijović and Mladen Savić, JNA officers, Special programme of the RTB, 10 October 1991, HMDCDR, dvd 254)

„...oštećenja na zgradi Banski dvori ukazuju da je eksplozija nastala u dvorištu zgrade i da je dejstvo udarnog talasa bilo iz pravca dvorišta prema unutrašnjem delu zgrade. Na ovo ukazuje činjenica da su razbijeni prozori i stakla kao i ramovi i prozori u dvorišnom delu zgrade, a da na fasadnom delu zgrade nema velikih vidljivih oštećenja čak ni stakla na prozorima. U drugom ulaznom hodniku u koji se ulazi s dvorišta zgrade nalazi se automobil predsednika Tuđmana, BMW, koji prema snimkama nema nikakvih vidljivih oštećenja. Pretpostavljajući da su ulazna vrata o kojima je bilo reči izvaljena i slomljena, pod navodnicima, i odbačena preko dvadeset metara od eksplozije koja se dogodila u dvorištu zgrade, automobil predsednika Tuđmana ne bi mogao ostati neoštećen. Na osnovi napred iznetog, bez mogućnosti neposrednog uvida na licu mesta može se izvesti zaključak da je do oštećenja, po prikazanim snimcima, došlo na dva potpuno različita načina. Oštećenje zgrade Banski dvori izvršeno je eksplozijom veće količine eksploziva postavljenog na uglu dvorišta u visini tla tako da je dejstvo udarnog talasa dovelo do oštećenja na zgradi sa unutrašnje strane kao i rušenje crepa sa krova u većoj količini sa unutrašnje strane i manje sa spoljne strane zgrade. Rušenje crepa i druga oštećenja je bilo moguće izvesti sa razmeštajem manjih količina eksploziva na više mesta...“ (Dio izjave pukovnika JNA Janka Viličića na tiskovnoj konferenciji, snimka RTB-a, HMDCDR, DVD inv. br. 249)

“... the damage to the Banski dvori indicate that the explosion occurred in the courtyard of the building and that the shock wave came from the direction of the courtyard towards the inner part of the building. This is indicated by the fact that the broken windows and glass as well as the window frames and windows are in the courtyard of the building, and that the facade of the building has no major visible damage, not even the window glass. The President Tuđman’s car, a BMW, is in the other entrance hall, entered from the courtyard of the building, which according to recordings has no visible damage. Assuming that the front door in question were rolled over and broken, in quotation marks, and dropped more than twenty meters from the explosion that took place in the courtyard, the President Tuđman’s car could not remain intact. Based on the previously mentioned, without the possibility of direct access to the site it can be concluded that the damage, according to recordings shown, has been caused in two completely different ways. The damage to the Banski dvori building was done by the explosion of larger quantities of explosives mounted in the corner of the courtyard at the ground level, so that the effect of the shock wave caused damage to the building from the inside, as well as the demolition of the roof tiles, in large quantities on the inside and in small on the outside of the building. The demolition of tiles and other damage could have been carried out by deploying small quantities of explosives in several places ...” (A part of the statement by the JNA Colonel Janko Viličić on the press conference, RTB video recording, HMDCDR, DVD inv. br. 249)

Predsjednikovo blindirano vozilo. (Velimir Ester, Hrvatski povijesni muzej) / The President’s armoured car.


Zrakoplov Super Galeb G-4 s dvije bombe Mk-82. 121 / Super Galeb (Super Seagull) aircraft with two Mk-82 bombs.

Borba, 8. 10. 1991. / Borba, Zagreb bombed, 8 October 1991

„Rakete na Zagreb, borbe u Vukovaru, oko Dubrovnika i Zadra“ Hrvatske vlasti saopštile da je pogođen i oštećen stari deo Zagreba, kao i palata Banski dvori. Vojne vlasti nisu ništa saopštile o aktivnostima avijacije na području Hrvatske i nad njenim glavnim gradom. Kaže se da nema poginulih, a da je više ljudi ranjeno. ... Juče po podne, nekoliko minuta posle 15 časova, kako javlja Tanjug, samo središte istorijskog dela Zagreba, Gornji grad, pogođeno je najverovatnije raketom ispaljenom iz borbenog aviona JNA. Šteta je naneta i palati „Banski dvori“ u kojoj je smešten ured predsednika Hrvatske, a oštećeno je i više starih zgrada u okolini. “The rockets on Zagreb, fighting in Vukovar, around Dubrovnik and Zadar” The Croatian authorities have reported that the old part of Zagreb, as well as the Banski dvori palace had been hit and damaged. The military authorities have not reported anything about the aviation activities on the Croatian territory and over its capital city. There have been no dead, but several people have been wounded. ... Yesterday afternoon, a few minutes after 15 o’clock, as reported by Tanjug, the very centre of the historical part of Zagreb, the Upper Town, was hit probably by a rocket fired from the JNA combat aircraft. The Banski dvori palace, that houses the Office of the President of Croatia, as well as more old buildings in the area have been damaged. 121


Politika, 8. 10. 1991. / Politika, 8 October 1991

HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Fotografije: Zrakoplovstvo JNA.

Saopštenje Komande RV i PVO: „Avijacija nije bombardovala Banske dvore“ Uvaženi članovi hrvatskog vrhovništva zajedno s Antom Markovićem nisu posle uzbune otišli u sklonište, nego su mirno sedeli za baroknim stolom. Medijski spektakl uperen protiv JNA. The Release of the Air Force and Air Defence Command “The Aviation has not bombed the Banski dvori” The distinguished members of the Croatian leadership together with Ante Marković did not go to the shelter after the alarm, but they remained quietly sitting around a Baroque table. Media spectacle directed against the JNA.

Politika, 9. 10. 1991. / Politika, 9 October 1991

Zrakoplov MiG-21 opremljen lanserom za rakete „Munja”. 122 / MiG-21 aircraft equipped with rocket launcher ”Munja” (Lightning).

Borba, 9. 10. 1991. / Borba, Another conspiracy against JNA: the Air Force and Air Defance Command deny that the aviation units were acting in Zagreb, 9 October 1991




Borba, 9. 10. 1991. / Borba, Ante Marković: ”Criminal, gangster attack”, 9 October 1991

Borba, 11. 10. 1991. / Borba, Banski dvori demolished by commercial explosives: The JNA military experts deny that the JNA bombed the centre of Zagreb, 11 October 1991


„Banski dvori minirani iznutra“ Vojni stručnjaci JNA demantuju da je JNA bombardovala centar Zagreba. Zgrada je oštećena postavljanjem eksploziva u visini krova ili u kutu dvorišta zgrade. Predlog da međunarodna grupa eksperata ispita sve činjenice. Inženjeri naoružanja tvrde da nije bilo teoretskih šansi da bomba ili raketa padnu u dvorište Banskih dvora. „Vrata izvaljena, BMW neoštećen“ „Luster izdržljiviji od kase“ „Eksploziv postavili stručnjaci“ 121122

121 122

Oštećeni Predsjednikov automobil. (MUP RH) / Damaged President’s car.

“Banski dvori blown up from the inside” The JNA military experts deny that the JNA bombed the centre of Zagreb. The building was damaged by placing explosives in the height of the roof or in a corner of the courtyard of the building. There is a proposal for an international group of experts to examine all the facts. The weapons engineers claim that there was no theoretical chance that a bomb or rocket fell into the courtyard of the Banski dvori. ”The door knocked, the BMW not demaged.” ”The chandelier more resilient than the safe.” ”The explosive was set by experts.”

Politika, 11. 10. 1991. / Politika, 11 October 1991


Apsurdnost beogradske politike pokazuje dopis Saveznog sekretarijata za pravosuđe i upravu (SSPU) upućen Vladi RH s prijedlogom da imenuje svoje članove koji će sudjelovati u radu „Komisije za utvrđivanje činjeničnog stanja u vezi s eksplozijom i oštećenjem u Rezidenciji predsjednika Republike Hrvatske – Banski dvori“.123 Odluku o osnivanju Komisije donijelo je Savezno izvršno vijeće (SIV) na sjednici 10. listopada 1991., kojom je predsjedao potpredsjednik SIV-a Aleksandar Mitrović.124 Hrvatska vlada odbacila je i pomisao da sudjeluje u radu navedene Komisije, smatrajući da SSPU nema legalitet ni legitimitet te ne može osnivati komisije predviđene za rad na području samostalne i suverene hrvatske države.125 Zaključak je bio da su osnivanje spomenute Komisije te spremnost na suradnju s Hrvatskom trebali pokazati da Srbija odnosno Jugoslavija nije imala nikakve veze s pokušajem atentata u Banskim dvorima. Pokušaje odbacivanja odgovornosti za napad na hrvatsku stranu demantiraju sami materijalni dokazi pronađeni na mjestu zločina na Gornjem gradu.

The absurdity of the Belgrade’s policy is shown in a letter from the Federal Secretariat for Justice and Administration (SSPU) to the Government of the Republic of Croatia with a proposal to appoint their members who would participate in the “Commission for the establishment of facts regarding the explosion and damage to the Residence of the President of the Republic of Croatia – Banski dvori”.123 The decision to establish the Commission was adopted by the Federal Executive Council (SIV) in the session held on 10 October 1991, chaired by the Vice President of the SIV Aleksandar Mitrović.124 The Croatian Government rejected the very idea to participate in the work of that Commission, considering that the SSPU neither legality nor legitimacy and could not establish Commissions established to work in the independent and sovereign Croatian state.125 The conclusion was that the establishment of the said Commission and willingness to cooperate with Croatia was intended to show that Serbia and Yugoslavia had nothing to do with the assassination attempt in the Banski dvori. The physical evidence found at the crime scene on the Upper Town denies any attempt of rejecting the responsibility for the attack on the Croatian side.

HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Preslika dopisa SSPU-a upućenog telefaksom Vladi RH, 5/0-003/192-91-08, Beograd, 15. 10. 1991. 124   Prema navodima Borbe, Ante Marković „nije na vrijeme stigao iz Zagreba zbog prometnih problema, ali je u telefonskom razgovoru s Mitrovićem odlučeno da se zbog hitnosti nekih pitanja sjednica održi bez njega“. (“Predsedavao Mitrović”, Borba, (Beograd), 11. X. 1991., 9.) 125   Zapisnik s 40. sjednice Vlade RH, Zagreb, 16. 10. 1991., 27.




HR - HMDCDR - HDD2 - Mapa 70 - Banski dvori - Dokumenti: Preslika dopisa SSPU upućeno telefaksom Vladi RH, 5/0-003/192-91-08, Beograd, 15. 10. 1991. 124   According to the “Borba” Ante Marković “didn’t come on time from Zagreb due to the traffic problems, but in a phone conversation with Mitrović it was decided to hold the session without him due to the emergency regarding some issues”: “Predsedavao Mitrović”, Borba, (Beograd), 11. X. 1991., 9. 125   Zapisnik s 40. sjednice Vlade RH, Zagreb, 16. 10. 1991., 27.



B. Iz hrvatskog tiska

B. From the Croatian press

Vjesnik, „Ni neuspjeli atentat na Tuđmana neće zaustaviti odluke Sabora“, 8. 10. 1991. / Vjesnik “Not even a failed assassination on Tuđman will stop the Parliamentary Decision“, 8 October 1991


Slobodna Dalmacija, „Raketirani Banski dvori“, 8. 10. 1991. / Slobodna Dalmacija “Banski dvori rocketed”, 8 October 1991


Večernji list, „Preživjeli smo pravim čudom“, 8. 10. 1991. / Večernji list “It is a miracle we have survived “, 8 October 1991

Večernji list, „Hitac u srce Zagreba“, 8. 10. 1991. / Večernji list “Shot to the heart of Zagreb“, 8 October 1991

Slobodni tjednik, „Sam Bog sačuvao Tuđmana od smrti“, 10. 10. 1991. / Slobodni tjednik “Only God kept Tuđman from death “, 10 October 1991

Vjesnik, „Tu su radili Zajc i Meštrović“, 11. 10. 1991. / Vjesnik “Both Zajc and Meštrović worked here: Every damaged house in the Upper Town has its story... The history in the conscience of the Zagreb inhabitants no rockets can destroy.“, 11 October1991


Večernji list, „Gričke oči istine”, 14. 10. 1991. / Večernji list “Grič eyes of the truth”, 14 October 1991


Informativni list MUP RH, “Gornji grad raketiran i bombardiran”, listopad 1991. / Informativni list MUP RH, “Upper Town rocketed and bombed”, October 1991

Vjesnik, „Napad na Zagreb, poraz za Europu“, 8. 10. 1991. / Vjesnik “Attack on Zagreb, defeat for Europe “, 8 October1991

Večernji list, „Past će i bečki dvori“, 9. 10. 1991. (Reakcije s Radija Petrove gore) / Večernji list “We will attack Vienna, if needed”, 9 October 1991 (Reactions from the Serbian Petrova Gora Radio, broadcasted on the occupied territory of the Republic of Croatia)

Večernji list, Reakcije iz svijeta 8. 10. 1991. / Večernji list, Reactions from around the world. The world has condemned the barbaric attack on the Croatian capital, 8 October 1991





Izložba u Beču

Exhibition in Vienna

Dijelovi plakata izložbe Muzeja grada Zagreba o zračnom napadu JNA i ratnim razaranjima na zagrebačkom Griču 7. listopada 1991. postavljene u Povijesnom muzeju grada Beča 12. - 29. 12. 1991. godine (darovatelj Mario Jareb).

Parts of the poster of the exhibition of the Zagreb City Museum on the JNA air raid and war damage in Zagreb Grič on 7 October 1991, set in the Vienna History Museum, 12-29 December 1991 (donor Mario Jareb).








Povijesni pregled nastanka Banskih dvora

The History of the Banski dvori

Banski dvori jedan su od simbola hrvatske državnosti, ali i sinonim za Vladu Republike Hrvatske, odnosno općenito za hrvatsku politiku. Za današnji se izgled može reći da je nastajao kroz stoljeća, kroz prenamjene prostora, dogradnje i promjene vlasnika. Na izgled su utjecali i vanjski rušilački faktori poput požara ili napada zrakoplovstva Jugoslavenske narodne armije u listopadu 1991. godine. Kompleks od dviju zgrada zaokružen je Trgom sv. Marka na istoku (1991. nazivao se Radićev trg), Ulicom Tituša Brezovačkoga na sjeveru, Matoševom ulicom na zapadu i s juga Freudenreichovom ulicom.

The Banski dvori is one of the symbols of the Croatian statehood as well as a symbol of the Croatian government and the Croatian politics in general. For its appearance nowadays it can be said that it was created over the centuries, through the conversion of space, extensions and change of owners. The appearance has also been affected by external destructive factors such as the fires and the aviation attack by the Yugoslav People’s Army, which many remember from the recent past. The complex of two buildings is encircled by the St. Mark’s Square in the east (in 1991 it was called the Radić Square), the Tituš Brezovački Street in the north, the Matoš Street in the west and the Freudenreich Street in the south.

Na mjestu današnjih Banskih dvora, tijekom 15. stoljeća na jugozapadnom dijelu tog kompleksa odnosno insule, stajala je kapela Blažene Djevice Marije s hospitalom, a nakon preseljenja hospitala na njegovom je mjestu smještena gradska oružarnica u 17. stoljeću. U 17. je stoljeću navedena kapela posvećena svetoj Uršuli, dok ju posljednji vlasnik, Ivan Emilijan Kulmer, nije 1801. srušio zajedno s oružarnicom, a čitav kompleks proširio prema istoku, prema crkvi sv. Marka.

During the 15th century, in the southwestern part of the complex or insula, the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a hospice was situated on the site of today’s Banski dvori, and after moving the hospice the town armoury was located in its place in the 17th century. In the 17th century the abovementioned chapel was dedicated to St. Ursula until its last owner, Ivan Emilijan Kulmer, destroyed it in 1801 along with the armoury, and the entire complex spread to the east, toward the church of St. Mark.

Palača je do 1661. bila u vlasništvu Ivana Pucza, a zatim u vlasništvu obitelji Petra Zrinskog. Nakon


Until 1661 the palace was owned by Ivan Pucz, and after that by the family of Petar Zrinski. After his tragic fate in Wiener Neustadt and the confiscation of the entire prop-

Trg sv. Marka sredinom 19. st. (Državni arhiv Zagreb) / St. Mark’s Square in the middle of the 19th century (State Archives Zagreb)

njegove tragične sudbine u Bečkom Novom Mjestu i konfiskacije cjelokupnog imanja obitelji Zrinski, gornjogradsku palaču preuzima barun Stjepan Čikulin, a već 1687. ona dolazi u posjed grofa Ivana Draškovića. Slijedom obiteljskih veza, palača postaje vlasništvo obitelji Sermage, a tijekom tog razdoblja, točnije 1766., palača je dosta oštećena u požaru, ali su se vlasnici potrudili da se i obnovi. Zadnji, privatni vlasnik bila je obitelj Kulmer (1782. - 1808.). Ferdinand Kulmer sklopio je 1808. kupoprodajni ugovor s banom126 Ignjatom Gyulayom i za svotu od 75.000 forinti prodao palaču za potrebe stanovanja hrvatskih banova (banska rezidencija). Također se tu smjestio i Državni arhiv (do 1913.), odvijala su se i zasjedanja Hrvatskog sabora (do 1847.), a tu je radio i Zemaljski sudbeni stol127. Uz sve potrebne građevinske preinake tijekom banovanja Ignjata Gyulaya, tri desetljeća kasnije, zbog skučenosti prostora za sve veće potrebe koje su iskazivali svi korisnici prostora, otkupljuje se barokna palača baruna Raucha (zgrada na Trgu svetog Marka 2) u sjevernom dijelu kompleksa te se time, uz određene nadogradnje i proširenja, ipak zaokružuje današnja cjelina, od 1809. poznata pod nazivom Banski dvori. U palači je, uz sve ostale banove, stolovao, ali i umro najpoznatiji hrvatski ban Josip Jelačić. Tijekom banovanja Nikole Tomašića početkom 20. stoljeća izvršene su dodatne građevinske preinake prostora, osobito u sjeverozapadnom dijelu kompleksa. U Banskim su dvorima odsjedali i vladari poput careva Franje I. (1818.) i Franje Josipa I. u više navrata. U razdoblju Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, odnosno Jugoslavije, opet se pristupilo preinakama, ali uglavnom interijera, kao i za vrijeme trajanja Nezavisne Države Hrvatske (1941. - 1945.). Dvori su tada bili poznati pod nazivom Poglavnikovi dvori jer su služili kao rezidencija Ante Pavelića, čelnika (poglavnika) tadašnje hrvatske države. Iako su tijekom komunističkog režima, odnosno tijekom postojanja Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, Banski dvori pripali Izvršnom vijeću SR Hrvatske, koristili su se uglavnom u reprezentativne svrhe za važne dužnosnike i posjetitelje iz drugih jugoslavenskih republika i iz svijeta.   Ban je tijekom povijesti, najkasnije od X. stoljeća pa (uz kraće prekide) do 1941., bio visoki dužnosnik u hrvatskoj državi, uglavnom najvažniji nakon kralja. Kao predstavnik državnosti Hrvatske u zajednicama s drugim državama imao je nadležnost u sudskim, upravnim i vojnim poslovima hrvatskog dijela države: Hrvatski leksikon, I. sv., (Zagreb: Naklada leksikon d.o.o., 1996), 57-58. 127   Tadašnja visoka sudska institucija. 126

erty of the Zrinski family, the Upper Town palace was taken over by Baron Stjepan Čikulin, but already in 1687 the palace came into the possession of Count Ivan Drašković. Following family ties, the palace became the property of the Sermage family, and during that period, more precisely in 1766, the palace was badly damaged in a fire, but the owners made an effort to restore it. The last private owners were the Kulmer family (1782 - 1808). In 1808, Ferdinand Kulmer made a sales contract with Ban (Viceroy)126 Ignjat Gyulay and for the sum of 75,000 forints sold the palace as a residence for Croatian viceroys. The palace also housed the State Archives (until 1913) as well as the sessions of the Croatian parliament (until 1847) and the Land Court Table.127 With all the necessary building modifications during the rule of the viceroy Ignjat Gyulay, three decades later, due to lack of space for the growing needs expressed by all the users of the palace, the baroque palace of Baron Rauch (the building on the St Mark’s Square No. 2) in the northern part of the complex was acquired. That completed, with certain upgrades and expansions, the complex as it looks nowadays, known since 1809 as the Banski dvori. In addition to all other bans, the palace hosted the rule as well as the death of the most famous Croatian ban Josip Jelačić. During the rule of Nikola Tomašić in the beginning of the 20th century some additional construction modifications of space were made, especially in the north-western part of the complex. The Banski dvori hosted emperors such as Franz I (1818) and Franz Joseph I on several occasions. In the period of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia some modifications were made again, but mostly in the interior, as well as during the rule of the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945). The Banski dvori was known then under the name of the Poglavnikovi dvori (Poglavnik’s Residence) because it served as a residence of Ante Pavelić, the head (poglavnik) of the Croatian state at the time. Although during the communist regime and during the existence of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia the Banski dvori belonged to the Executive Council of the Socialist Republic of Croatia, it was used mainly for the representative purposes for high visitors from other Yugoslav republics and the world. 126   Throughout history, since the 10th century at the latest until (with shorter breaks) 1941, Ban (Viceroy) was a high official in the Croatian state, usually the most important one after the king. As the representative of the Croatian statehood in associations with other states, he had jurisdiction in judicial, administrative and military affairs of the Croatian part of the state: Hrvatski leksikon (Croatian Lexicon), vol. I, (Zagreb; Naklada leksikon d.o.o., 1996), 57-58. 127   High judicial institution at that time.


Banski dvori oko 1906. (Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Zagreb) / Banski dvori around 1906 (Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb)

Pogled iz zraka na Banske dvore početkom 21. st. (autor „Suradnik 13“)128 / Aerial view of the Banski dvori in the early 21st century (Author “Collaborator 13”)126

Fotografija Banski dvori iz zraka, pristup ostvaren 10. VI. 2016.,



The photograph of the Banski dvori from air, accessed on 10 June 2016


Nakon osamostaljenja Hrvatske 1991., Banske je dvore u predsjedničke svrhe koristio prvi predsjednik Republike Hrvatske dr. sc. Franjo Tuđman. Ubrzo nakon zračnog napada u listopadu 1991. i velikih oštećenja, Predsjednik seli u Predsjedničke dvore na Pantovčaku, a Vlada RH useljava u gornjogradsku palaču na Markovu trgu 1993. godine.

After the Croatian independence in 1991, the first President of the Republic of Croatia Franjo Tuđman used the Banski dvori for the presidential purposes. Shortly after the attack in October 1991 and a major damage to the palace, the President moved to the Presidential Palace in Pantovčak and the Croatian government moved into the palace on the St. Mark’s Square on the Upper Town in 1993.

Godine 2003. kompleks Banskih dvora zbog kulturno-povijesne i arhitektonske vrijednosti uvršten je na listu zaštićenih nepokretnih kulturnih dobara Republike Hrvatske.129

In 2003 the Banski dvori complex, due to its cultural, historical and architectural value, was added to the list of protected immovable cultural property of the Republic of Croatia.128

Brošura o povijesti zdanja napisana na nekoliko stranih jezika u izdanju Banskih dvora iz 1990-ih. (darovatelj Stanko Szabo) / Brochure on the history of the building written in several languages, published by the Banski dvori in the 1990s (donor Stanko Szabo)

Lelja Dobronić, Zagrebački Gornji grad nekad i danas (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1983), 41-43.; L. Dobronić, Slobodni kraljevski grad Zagreb (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992), 132-149.; L. Dobronić, „O gradnji dvora na Radićevu trgu u Zagrebu“, u: Iz starog i novog Zagreba VI, (Zagreb: Muzej grada Zagreba, 1984), 135-144.; Dragutin Hirc, Stari Zagreb – Gradec i Grič, (Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 2008), sv. 1, 168.; Snješka Knežević, „Markov trg – ogledalo Gornjeg grada“, Zagreb moj grad 41 (2012), god. VI., 13-23.; Mladen Perušić, „Banski dvori – hrvatska Bijela kuća“, Zagreb moj grad 41 (2012), god. VI, 28-33.; Lana Belas, „Vlada pod okom bana Jelačića“, Zagreb moj grad 42 (2013), god. VII, 22-28.



Lelja Dobronić, Zagrebački Gornji grad nekad i danas (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1983), 41-43.; L. Dobronić, Slobodni kraljevski grad Zagreb (Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992), 132149.; L. Dobronić, „O gradnji dvora na Radićevu trgu u Zagrebu“, u: Iz starog i novog Zagreba VI, (Zagreb: Muzej grada Zagreba, 1984), 135-144.; Dragutin Hirc, Stari Zagreb – Gradec i Grič, (Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 2008), sv. 1, 168.; Snješka Knežević, „Markov trg – ogledalo Gornjeg grada“, Zagreb moj grad 41 (2012), god. VI., 13-23.; Mladen Perušić, „Banski dvori – hrvatska Bijela kuća“, Zagreb moj grad 41 (2012), god. VI, 28-33.; Lana Belas, „Vlada pod okom bana Jelačića“, Zagreb moj grad 42 (2013), god. VII, 22-28.


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Kazalo osoba / Register of people A Adanić, Stjepan 23, 28, 165, 172, 176, 180 Adžić, Blagoje 7 Agotić, Imra 20, 28, 162, 164, Ambrinac, Zvonimir 162, 164, B Babić, Milan 15 Bajić, Ljubomir 37, 183 Baker, James 168 Barišić, Slaven 23, 26, 165 Broek, Hans van den 176 Bukovac, Vlaho 27, 89 Bušić, Zdravka 19, 23, 60, 67, 70, 165, 169, 172, 176, 180 C Carrington, Peter 12 Cvijović, Milanko 186 Č Čikulin, Stjepan 205 Čutura, Mladen 178 D Domljan, Žarko 17, 179, 183 Drašković, Ivan 56, 85, 205 F Franjo I. 205 Franjo Josip I. 205 G Genscher, Hans Dietrich 176 Gerersdorfer, Ivan 33 Gorbačov, Mihail 16, 166 Granić, Mate 183, 184 Gregurić, Franjo 12, 14, 16, 183, Grgić, Marijan 170, Gyulay, Ignjat 34, 84, 205 H Hodak, Ljerka 171


J Jarnjak, Ivan 26 Jelačić, Josip 33, 153, 174, 205

Jović, Borisav 7, 8, 9 Jurjević, Zvonko 36 K Kadijević, Veljko 9, 10, 11, 15, 28, 182 Kirin,Vladimir 34, 35, 88 Kokša, Đuro 178, 179 Kostić, Branko 17 Kraft Johann, Peter 34, 84 Kučan, Milan 170, 171 Kugli Lentić 33, 34 Kulmer 33, 205 Kulmer Ferdinand 199 Kulmer, Ivan Emilijan 204, 205 L Laušić, Mate 163, 164 Lelas, Milan 19, 162, 164 Letica, Slaven 174 M Mamula, Branko 17 Marković, Ante 5, 17, 23, 26, 28, 52, 61, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182, 189, 190, 192 Maurer, Werner 33 Mesić, Stjepan 5, 10, 15, 17, 23, 26, 52, 61, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 182 Mihić, Marko 29, 149 Mijatović, Anđelko 19, 178 Milošević, Slobodan 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 164, 169, 176 Mitrović, Aleksandar 17, 192 Mrđa, Tomislav 157 N Nice, Geoffrey 12 Nobilo, Mario 16, 23, 26, 109, 174 P Pancirov, Ljiljana 60, 67, 70, 166, 169 Pavelić, Ante 205

Petković, Milovan 179 Pongratz 33 Popović, Slobodan 164 Premerl, Nada 184 Pucz, Ivan 204 R Rašeta, Andrija 28, 173 Rašković, Jovan 164 Rauch, 205 S Salaj, Branko 23, 26, 177 Savić, Mladen 189 Sermage, 205 Stamenković, Randjel 173 Szabo, Stanko 46, 52, 54, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 74, 82, 86, 96, 97, 172, 180, 201 Š Šarinić, Hrvoje 179, 180 Škare Ožbolt, Vesna 23, 176, Špegelj, Martin 8, 162, 168 Šušak, Gojko 23, 165, 169, 172, T Talan, Nada 176, 178 Tomac, Zdravko 183 Tomašić, Nikola 205 Tuđman, Franjo 5, 7, 8, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 36, 37, 52, 61, 67, 97, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 187, 193, 195, 207 Tuđman, Miroslav 174 Vasiljković, Dragan 157 Viličić, Janko 187 Vizkelety, Imre 56, 85 Vrdoljak, Antun 23, 165, 172, 182 Z Zrinski, 205 Zrinski, Petar 204 Ž Žilec, Ivica 164

Kazalo mjesta / Register of places A Aviano 177

I Italija 158

B Banovina 9 Banja Luka 19, 162, 164 Batajnica 158 Beč 34, 198 Bečko Novo Mjesto 205 Beograd 6, 7, 14, 16, 17, 27, 157, 161, 173, 175, 182, 183, 185, 186 Berlin 6, 168 Bihać 11, 18- 20, 29, 36, 37, 157, 158, 160 - 162, 164, 183 Bjelovar 19 Borovo Selo 9 Bosna i Hercegovina 7, 172, 185 Brijuni 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 26, 180

J Jugoslavija (SFRJ) 5-17, 36, 45, 158, 161, 168, 169, 171 177, 182, 192, 205

C Crna Gora 6, 7, 9, 12, 15 D Dalmacija 8, 9 Dubravkin put 21, 30, 33, 146, 162 - 164, 168, 170, 171, 179, Dubrovnik 11, 14, 28, 188 Duga Resa 12 G Glina 9, 10 Gradec 5 Grič 184, 198 Gorski kotar 6 Gospić 12, 28 Gradiška 11 H Haag 12 Herceg Novi 11 Hrvatska 5 - 19, 23, 26, 27, 28, 31, 35 - 37, 156, 161, 162, 165, 168, 169, 171 - 174, 176 178, 182, 184, 185, 188, 192, 204, 205, 207

K Karlobag 6 Karlovac 6, 11, 12 Kerestinec 186 Knin 11 Koprivnica 12 Kordun 9 Kosovo 6, 15, 178, 179 L Letnica 178, 179 Lika 8, 9 Lučko 18 M Medvedgrad 20 Mostar 11 N Neretva 11 O Ogulin 6 Osijek 28 Otočac 28 P Pakrac 6, 8, 28 Pantovčak 28, 171, 207 Pariz 36 Plitvice 8 Plješevica 159 Polača 9 Priština 158 Pula 18, 160, 161, 164 Puntijarka 18 S Samobor 22, 36, 186 Sisak 12

Slavonija 9, 11, 162, 178 Sljeme 18 Slovenija 5 - 7, 9 – 11, 170 Split 11 Srbija 5 – 10, 12, 15, 16, 192 Š Šalata 179 Šibenik 28 T Trebinje 11 Trg sv. Marka (Radićev trg) 5, 27, 30, 66, 91, 184, 204 , 205, 207 Tuškanac 21, 22, 128, 144, 145, 163, 166, 168, 173, 180 U Udbina 20, 157, 158, 162, 176, 177 Ulica Ivana Gorana Kovačića 33 Ulica, Basaričekova 30 Ulica, Ćirilometodska 30 Ulica, Demetrova 30, 33, 150, 153 Ulica, Frankopanska 178 Ulica, Freudenreichova 27, 69, 204 Ulica, Kuševićeva 30 Ulica, Matoševa 26, 27, 30, 33, 53, 54, 153, 204 Ulica, Mesnička 30, 152, 153 Ulica, Mletačka 30, 33, 150, 151 Ulica, Opatička 30, 33, 178 Ulica, Radićeva 174, 179 Ulica Tituša Brezovačkog 20, 21, 26, 27, 30, 31, 33, 40, 76, 77, 90, 98 – 127, 204 Ulica, Tkalčićeva 27, 162, 163, 174, 175, 179 Ulica, Varšavska 179 Ulica, Visoka 21, 22, 30, 33, 34, 128 – 143 Ulica 29. X. 1918. 30


V Varaždin 11, 23, 172, 180 Velika Buna 164 Vinkovci 12, 28 Virovitica 6, 11, 12, 19, 162 Vojvodina 6, 15 Vukovar 12, 14, 28, 188


Z Zadar 9, 11, 28, 188 Zagreb 5, 11, 12, 14, 16 – 19, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, 33 - 37, 39, 150, 158, 160 - 164, 171 – 174, 176, 177, 180, 182 – 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 198, 204 Zaprešić 22

Ž Željava 157, 159, 160 Žitnjak 36

Zahvala / Acknowledgment Zahvaljujemo se svim pojedincima i institucijama za doprinos u stvaranju fotomonografije o napadu na Banske dvore 7. listopada 1991. godine (We would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals and institutions for their contribution in creating this photo-monograph about the attack on the Banski dvori on 7 October 1991):

Stjepan Adanić

Mario Nobilo

Zvonimir Ambrinac

Ljiljana Pancirov

Dubravka Belas

Dijana Piškor

Dušan Bižić

Marin Sabolović

Zdravka Bušić

Branko Salaj

Bojan Dimitrijević

Ivan Selak

Velimir Ester

Darko Strosser

Petar Ferenčić

Kristian Strukić

Darjan Godić

Vladimir Superina

Boris Gregurić

Stanko Szabo

Mario Jareb

Irina Šadura

Mirjana Jurić

Irena Šimić

Hrvoje Kirić

Vesna Škare Ožbolt

Ante Klanac

Nevena Škavić

Hrvoje Knez

Stanislav Šolc

Eleonora Korošić Knez

Josip Štimac

Egon Kraljević

Palma Vučur

Milan Lelas

„Suradnik 13“

Snježana Maras Kirić

Centar za forenzična ispitivanja, istraživanja i vještačenja Ivan Vučetić, Zagreb (Forensic Science Centre Ivan Vučetić, Zagreb)

Anđelko Mijatović Jadran Mimica Vanja Mirosavljević Luka Mjeda Tomislav Mrđa Vladimir Ninić

Državni arhiv Zagreb (State Archives Zagreb) Državni ured za upravljanje državnom imovinom (State Property Management Administration)

Gradski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture i prirode, Zagreb (City Institute for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Zagreb) Hrvatski državni arhiv (Croatian State Archives) Hrvatski povijesni muzej (Croatian History Museum) Hrvatski restauratorski zavod (Croatian Conservation Institute) Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Zagreb (Institute of Art History, Zagreb) Memorijalni centar raketiranja Zagreba 1991./1995. (Memorial Centre of the Rocket Attacks on Zagreb 1991/1995) Ministarstvo kulture RH (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia) Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova RH (Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Croatia) Muzej grada Zagreba (Zagreb City Museum) Muzej za umjetnost i obrt, Zagreb (Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb) Turopoljski glasnik, Velika Gorica Vlada RH - Banski dvori (Government of the Republic of Croatia - Banski dvori) Županijsko državno odvjetništvo u Zagrebu (County State’s Attorney of Zagreb)


SADRŽAJ / CONTENT Uvod.....................................................................................................................................................................5 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................5 Kratak pregled raspada SFRJ i početka procesa osamostaljenja Republike Hrvatske...............................................6 Short overview of the collapse of the SFRY and the beginning of the process of the independence of the Republic of Croatia...................................................................................................................6 Zračni napad na Banske dvore i Gornji grad u Zagrebu 7. listopada 1991...........................................................14 Air raid on the Banski dvori and the Upper Town, 7 October 1991.........................................................................14 Razaranja na Gornjem gradu...............................................................................................................................29 Damage to the Upper Town...................................................................................................................................29 Ljudska žrtva.......................................................................................................................................................29 Human fatality....................................................................................................................................................29 Materijalna šteta..................................................................................................................................................30 Material damage..................................................................................................................................................30 Na kraju..............................................................................................................................................................36 In the end.............................................................................................................................................................36 Fotografije / Photographs......................................................................................................................................39 Prilog 1 / Annex 1 A. Sjećanja sudionika i svjedoka događanja 7. listopada 1991. godine...............................................................157 A. Memories of the participants and witnesses of the events of 7 October 1991........................................................157 Tomislav Mrđa........................................................................................................................................157 Zvonimir Ambrinac................................................................................................................................162 Milan Lelas.............................................................................................................................................164 Zdravka Bušić.........................................................................................................................................165 Ljiljana Pancirov.....................................................................................................................................169 Stjepan Adanić........................................................................................................................................172 Mario Nobilo..........................................................................................................................................174 Vesna Škare Ožbolt.................................................................................................................................176 Branko Salaj............................................................................................................................................177 Anđelko Mijatović..................................................................................................................................178 Stanko Szabo..........................................................................................................................................181 B. Dodatak – objavljeni memoarski zapisi.........................................................................................................182 B. Addition – published memoirs.........................................................................................................................182 Prilog 2 / Annex 2 A. Reakcije srbijanskih medija, politike i zapovjedništva JNA............................................................................185 A. Reactions of the Serbian media, politics and the JNA command........................................................................185 B. Iz hrvatskog tiska..........................................................................................................................................193 B. From the Croatian press..................................................................................................................................193 Prilog 3 / Annex 3 Izložba u Beču...................................................................................................................................................198 Exhibition in Vienna..........................................................................................................................................198 Prilog 4 / Annex 4 Povijesni pregled nastanka Banskih dvora..........................................................................................................204 The History of the Banski dvori............................................................................................................................204 Izvori i literatura / Sources and references.............................................................................................................208 Kazalo osoba / Register of people.........................................................................................................................212 Kazalo mjesta / Register of places.........................................................................................................................213 Zahvala / Acknowledgment.................................................................................................................................215 Sadržaj / Content...............................................................................................................................................216

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