2 minute read
from Portfolio 2023
Located along the East River corridor, the Brooklyn Navy Yard site is just one of many areas in a process of redevelopment, such as the Domino Sugar Plant in Williamsburg, and the ConEdison site north of the Navy Yards.
A number of varying programs comprise the project, including a Waste to Energy plant, Recycling Center, and Artist in Residence component.
The typology for the project was derived from the Navy Yard bulkheads and piers themselves. A set of design tool linework was developed to act as the generator for the project’s overall formal expression. The massing is composed of many fractures along differing axes. The fractures were used as a means to help direct the occupant in a certain direction, in particular a primary fracture is on axis with Kent Avenue, and projects out toward the channel, as a means to connect the streetscape, to the waterfront.
The idea of “fracture” as a generative driver for the project was expressed at varying scales. It is used as the primary action upon which the formal massing is configured, used again as a means of circulation within the project, and is also used at the scale of the theater as the lower and upper seating areas are created through a penetration and ensuing fracture.
A large 3/16” scale chunk model of the A.I.R program was constructed which included a section through the proscenium theater, art gallery, and artist’s residences, as well as the structure and MEP systems.
Nyc 2020 Vision Goals
Along the East River Corridor
Brooklyn Navy Yard
- Continue replacement of bulkhead and piers, as well as complete drudging to ensure future maritime usage.
- Explore opportunities for controlled public access around and within Brooklyn Navy Yard where appropriate.
- Explore options for redevelopment of industrial and commercial uses with opportunity for public access if appropriate.
- Explore potential for under bridge development on relocation of current DOT and DCAS facilities

- Commence redevelopment of Domino Sugar Factory
Brooklyn Navy Yard Site Analysis a.. Site Mapping - The project began by analyzing the community goals for the Navy Yard itself, as well as the projects being planned in the immediate neighborhood, such as the Domino Sugar Factory restoration in Williamsburg.

Photo a. Performance Theater - Upper Viewing Platform b. Longitudinal Section - Cutting Through Theater, Recycling Center, and Waste To Energy Programs, as well as Kent Avenue. c. Cross Section - Cutting Through Performance Theater, Art Gallery, Elevator Shaft, Ferry Terminal Bridge, as well as Structural + MECH. Systems

Model Photos a.. Overview of Model - Higgins Hall Courtyard b. Section Cut - Gallery + Theater + Elevator b. Shown at Wast[ed] Event Hosted by SOM

Model Specifications
Dimensions - 52.5” x 24” x 18”
Scale - 3/16” = 1’0”
Materials - High-Density Foam, PLA Filament, Foam Core, Watercolor Paper
Fabrication - 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Lazer Cutting
Floating Panel System

3” Self-Tapping Screw

Panel Substrate
Threaded Rod
Waterproof Membrane Gutter
Corrugated Steel Decking
4” x 8” Steel C-Channel
6” Steel Stud
6” Rigid Foam Insulation
3/4” Gypsum Wallboard
3/4” Gypsum Board
Aluminum Panel
1/4” Steel Angle
Steel Girder
Panel Substrate
Mullion Clip
Double Pane Glazing

Welded Girder Plate
Tension Cable
Enclosure Details b. c.