1 minute read


The research for this project initially began by asking the question, “How can one challenge the 2-dimensional to 3-dimensonal architectural process?” Historically, the architectural process has consisted of a 2D to 3D workflow. A set of 2 dimensional, planar, drawings are used to visualize a 3 dimensional space. But does a 2D drawing really exist?

To start, 5 architectural drawing conventions were selected: Plan, Section, Elevation, Axonometric, and Perspective. As well as, three scales were identified:


Instrument (something operable by hand), Building (a construct which could be occupied), and Urban (a larger matrix or network in which we operate within). Through compiling differing architectural conventions, in addition to considering multiple scales, Collage was used as a medium to find moments of resonance between each of the various attributes listed.

Collage was then used as a generative technique to further investigate how one could combine various scales and drawing conventions into a singular composition. Once a pair of 2D drawing compilations were generated, the Bounding Box (an inherently 3D object) was used as a tool to both assimilate varying scales through using a singular face or partially or completely unfolding.

The unfolding of 2D drawings, then generated a new 3D object, where a reciprocity between 2D and 3D visualizations are worked in a new, fresh, way.

Library Of Precedents

Drawing Convention Precedents a. Plan Wall House #2 - Hajduk b. Axonometric House III - Eisenman c. Perspective Wexner Center - Eisenman d. Section - Industrial Oil Pump e. Elevation - Typical Stair + Landing

Scale Precedents f. Building Farnsworth House - Van der Rhoe g. Urban Partial Brooklyn Grid h. Instrument Drawing Compass

Bounding Box as TOOL i. Bounding Box j. Compilation A + B k. Compilation A + B Projected l. 3D Object Visualized m. Additional Drawings Generated n. Additional Drawings Projected

Scale: INSTRUMENT a. Instrument 1 Line b. Instrument 1 Rendered c. Instrument 2 Line d. Instrument 2 Rendered

Scale: BUILDING a. Building Composition Line b. Building Composition Rendered c. Detail: Water Tower + Vent d. Detail: Plan + Elevation Resonance e. Detail: Structure + Circulation f. Detail: Perspective + Plan Resonance

Scale: URBAN a. Urban Composition Line + Render

3D Composition a. Longitudinal View 01 b. Cross View 02 c. Cross View 03

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