1 minute read
Important changes to your Issuu Basic plan
by nikos3194
Issuu <no-reply@issuu.com>
Responder a: no-reply@issuu.com
Hi there,
Thank you for continuing to choose Issuu for all your digital content publishing needs.
We need to make you aware of upcoming changes to your current plan.
This notice is to inform you of changes to Issuu’s free Basic plan, which will take effect on June 19, 2023, as follows:
Publishing limit: Basic users will be limited to 5 published documents
Starting on June 19, 2023, we will begin a phased rollout to all Basic accounts limiting the number of published documents.Any existing uploads on a Basic account that exceed the above limitation will continue to be hosted on Issuu but not accessible to readers.
For accounts that exceed this limit: You can change to a paid plan to access higher publishing limits and avoid disruptions.
The above changes are being made under Section 5.6 of our Terms of Service for Professionals.
If you have concerns or questions, please reach out to our support team, as we’re always happy to help.Thank you again for using Issuu.
The Issuu team
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