Nile Catalogue – New Collection – Autumn 2015

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NILE SHANGHAI - Autumn 霓乐  上海 - 秋

Nile  auf  Reisen.  Shanghai wartet.  Das  Nile  Office an  der  Feng  Lin  Road. Und die Stadt.  霓乐旅行. Switzerland  kommt.


Nile  en  voyage.   霓乐旅行.  Shanghai   attend.  Les  locaux   de  Nile  Office   situés  Feng  Lin  Road. Et  la  ville. La  Suisse  arrive.

Nile  on  a  journey.  Shanghai  awaits.   霓乐旅行.  The  Nile  office  on  Feng  Lin  Road.  And  the  city.  Switzerland  is  coming.

Nile  auf  Reisen.  Das  Team  rund ums Marketing.  Die  ausgew hlten Shootingstars  der  Nile  Kollektion   Herbst  2015.  Fotoequipment.   Filmkameras.  Settingkonzepte.   Moodboards.  Ideen.  霓乐旅行.   Begeisterungsf higkeit.  Neugier.   Vorfreude.

Nile  en  voyage.  L’ équipe  autour  du  marketing.   Les  stars  choisies  de  la  collection  Nile   automne  2015.  霓乐旅行.  Equipement  photos.   Caméras.  Scénario.  Panneau  de  présentation.   Idées.  Aptitude  à l’enthousiasme.  Curiosité.   Réjouissance.

Nile  on  a  journey.  霓乐旅行.  The  marketing  team.  The  Nile  2015  fall  collection's  selected   stars. Photo  equipment.  Film  cameras.  Setting concepts.  Mood  boards.  Ideas.  Enthusiasm. Curiosity.  Anticipation.

霓乐旅行.  Nile auf Reisen. Shanghai begrüsst uns mit Ge gens tzen. Schwarz. Weiss. Hektisch. Ruhig. Laut. Leise. Aufger umt. Chaotisch. Alt. Neu. Sauber. Schmutzig. Langsam. Schnell. Gross. Klein. Hoch. Niedrig. Modern. Traditionell. Glücklich. Traurig.  Gl nzend. Rostend. Blühend. Kahl. Hell.  Dunkel.  Fr hlich.  Nachdenklich. Anstrengend.  Unkompliziert. Einsam.  Belebt.  Verlassen.  Bev lkert.

Nile  en  voyage.  La ville  de  Shanghai  nous  salue  avec   ses contrastes.  Noir.  Blanc.  Agitée.  Calme.  Bruyante.   Silencieuse.  Nette.  Chaotique.  Ancienne.  Nouvelle.   Propre.  Sale.  Lente.  Trépidante.  Grande.  Petite.  Haute.   Basse.  Moderne.  Traditionnelle.  Heureuse.  Triste   Brillante.  Rouillée.  Fleurissante.  Dénudée.  霓乐旅行.   Claire. Sombre.  Joyeuse.  Pensive.  Eprouvante.  Facile.   Solitaire.  Vivante.  Esseulée.  Peuplée.

Nile on a journey. The city of Shanghai greets us with contrasts. Black. White. Hectic. Calm. Loud. Quiet. Organized. Chaotic. Old. New. Clean. Dirty.  Slow. Fast. Big. Small. High. Low. Modern. Traditional. Happy. Sad.  霓乐旅行.  Shiny. Rusty. Blooming. Bare. Light. Dark. Cheerful. Thoughtful. Exhausting. Simple. Lonely. Lively. Deserted. Busy.

Nile  auf  Reisen.  Ein  Spaziergang durch  die  Stadt.  Am Wasser. Huangpu River. The Bund. In der Moderne. Nanjing Road. Pudong. Im Garten. Yu. Oder. Yu Yuan.  Auf dem Markt.  Antique Market. Dongtai Road. Im Office.  霓乐旅行.  Nile Shanghai. Feng Lin Road. Ein Spaziergang durch die Stadt. Spannend. Herausfordernd. Anstrengend. Unglaublich. Erstaunlich. Faszinierend. Nile on a journey. A walk through the city. By the water. Huangpu River. The Bund. Into modernity. Nanjing Road. Pudong. In the gardens.   霓乐旅行. Yu. Or. Yu Yuan. At the market. Antique market. Dongtai Road. At the office. Nile Shanghai. Feng Lin Road. A walk through the city. Exciting. Challenging. Exhausting. Unbelie vable. Amazing. Fascinating.

Nile  en  voyage.  Une  promenade   à  travers  la  ville.  Au  bord   de  l’eau.  Huangpu  River.    霓乐旅行.  The Bund.  Dans  le   Moderne.  Nanjing  Road.  Pudong.   Dans  le  jardin.  Yu  Yuan.  Ou.   Yu .  Au marché.  Le  marché   antique.  Dongtai  Road.  Dans   le  bureau  Nile  Shanghai.  Feng Lin  Road.  Une  promenade  à   travers  la  ville.  Captivante.   Provoquante.  Eprouvante.  In croyable.  Etonnante.  Fascinante.

Nile  auf  Reisen.   Switzerland. China.  Switzerland.  Immer wieder.   Die Kollektion. Vom Nile Atelier ins Office Shanghai. Aus China auf dem Wasserweg in die Schweiz und Deutschland. 瑞士.  中国.  瑞士. Und vom Nile Lager auf dem Landweg in die Nile Stores. Immer  wieder.   Gesch ftsleitung und  Designteam.  Im  Office  Shanghai.  In  den  Fabriken.

Nile on a journey. 瑞士.  中国.  瑞士. Switzerland. China. Switzerland. Again and again. The collection. From the Nile atelier to the Shanghai office. From China on the waterway to Switzerland and Germany. And from the Nile warehouse by land to the Nile stores. Again and again. Management and design team. In the Shanghai office. At the factories.

Nile en voyage.  Suisse. Chine. Suisse.  Encore toujours.   瑞士.  中国.  瑞.  La collection. De l’Atelier Nile  à l’Office Shanghai. De Chine par voie maritime destination la Suisse et l’Allemagne. Et par voie terrestre du stock Nile destination les Nile Stores. Encore toujours.  La direction de l’entreprise et le team design. Dans les bureaux de Shanghai. Dans les fabriques.

China.   Shanghai.  Vor   Ort.  Nile   Office.  Fünf   Angestellte    in   Vollzeit.   Organisation    und   Koordination  der  Produktion in   elf   Fabriken.   中国.  上海.    Enge  und  pers nliche  Zusammen arbeit. Der   Rahmen.  In   der   Schweiz   und    in   China.   瑞士.  中国.   Unter nehmerische   Werte.   Unsere   Nile   Values.   Verantwortung   gegenüber    Gesellschaft   und   Umwelt.    Mitglied   der   Organisation   BSCI.    Nile Code   of   Conduct.

Chine. Shanghai.  Sur place. Nile Office.   中国.  上海. Cinq employés à plein temps. Organisation et coordination de la production dans onze fabriques. Collaboration étroite et personnelle. Le cadre.   瑞士. 中国.  En Suisse et en Chine. Valeurs d’entreprise. Nos valeurs Nile. Responsabilité envers la société et l’environnement. Membres de  l’organisation BSCI. Code de conduite Nile.

China.  Shanghai.  On site.   Nile office.   Five   full time    employees.  Organization   and   coordination   of   production   in   eleven   factories.  中国.  上海.  Close   and   personal    collaboration. The  framework.  In   Switzerland   and   China.  Entrepreneurial   values.   瑞士. 中国.  Our   Nile   values. Responsibility    towards   society   and   the   environment.   Member   of   BSCI.   Nile   code of   conduct.


霓乐  上海


AUGUST 2015 H13776 coat (petrol) H13681 shirt dress (petrol)


H13873 bracelet star (taupe)

H13659 longtop (taupe)

H13874 bracelet (taupe)

H13749 coat (kitt)

H13737 skinny ankle (cognac)

H13851 longblouse (kitt)

H13665 vest reversible (espresso)

H13713 pants skinny (aubergine)

H13843 top (anthrazit)

AUGUST 2015 H13737 skinny ankle (sand) H13781 shawl (bloom) H13691 tunic (kitt) H13659 longtop (powder)

AUGUST 2015 H13708 blouse (white) H13722 pants (black)

SEPTEMBER 2015 H13737 skinny ankle (cognac) H13832 jacket (aubergine) H13843 top (anthrazit)

AUGUST 2015 JULY 2015

H13635 longtop (kitt)

H13684 jacket (salbei)

H13751 jacket biker (rust)

H13799 regular biker long (silver)

H13783 shirt net (aubergine)

H13761 blouse (river)

H13786 skirt (aubergine)



H13635 longtop (taupe)

H13751 jacket biker (dark denim)

H13821 shirt 3/4-sleeve (powder)

H13659 longtop (midnight)

H13757 boyfriend ankle (powder)

H13824 skirt (midnight)

H13700 jacket (powder)



H13737 skinny ankle (anthrazit)

JULY 2015

H13799 regular biker long (copper)

H13775 jacket (berry)

H13664 coat long (espresso)

H13829 dress (anthrazit)

H13634 top spaghetti-strap (nude)

H13761 blouse (lantern)

H13717 blouse with slit (nude)

H13737 skinny ankle (anthrazit)

Projekt für sauberen Strom in China – mehr unter Le projet en Chine est destiné à la création d’électricité propre – les details sous – tracking box 01-12-942457



MH257 pullover (grey)

MH279 sweat (anthrazit)

MH253 pants dirty (khaki)

MH277 sweat (anthrazit)

MH358 french coat (grey)

MH251 pants denim (anthrazit)


MH251 pants denim (anthrazit)




MH253 pants dirty (red check)

MH270 pullover with hood (sand)

MH267 shirt with slit (white)

MH250 pants (graphite)

MH250 pants (graphite)

AUGUST 2015 MH 353 shirt (blue check) MH 253 pants (khaki)

Nile   auf   Reisen.  Immer wieder einzigartig.   Auch    die   Reise   einer Kollektion.   Vom   Entwurf   im   Atelier   bis   zur   Pr sentation in   den   Stores.  霓乐旅行. Und   last   but   not   least.   In   der   Einkaufstüte   auf und   davon.   Nile   auf   Reisen.   Mit   uns.   Mit   Ihnen.    Autumn - 2015 - Shanghai.

Nile   on   a   journey.   Unique,  again   and   again.    The   journey   of a   collection.   From   the   design studio   to   the   presentation   in stores. And  last   but   not   least.   Up   and away   in   shopping   bags.   Nile   on a   journey.   With   us.   With   you. Fall - 2015 - Shanghai.  霓乐旅行.

Nile en voyage. Encore et toujours unique. En voyage dans une collection. De la conception en atelier jusqu’à la présentation en magasins. Et enfin. Emballé et départ.  霓乐旅行. Nile en voyage. Avec nous. Avec vous. Automne - 2015 - Shanghai.

NILE CLOTHING AG | Hauptstrasse 33 | 2572 Sutz | Switzerland |

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