The 4 Phases to Visual Management - ADDVALUE - Nilesh Arora

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“TFM / Visual Management� by

Best Performing Consulting Organization Adding Value In Totality !!

Visual Management • Visual management is a workplace that is a self-ordering, self-explaining, self-regulating and self-improving environment where what is suppose to happen does, on time, every time because of visual solutions What gets measured & displayed gets done • It makes it easy to understand the processes which have been put into place  Basic types 1. Shadow boards 2. Indicators on various items e.g. gauges 3. Heijunka boards – showing the status of daily schedules 4. Design pull systems (Kanban)

Visual Management Goals • Make everyone’s job easier • Give all associates a high degree of ownership in their work, and pride in their workplace • Increase communication by making information easier to understand • Improve company overall success

Two Tools of Visual Management


To make staff aware of related data and information – charts, graphs etc


To guide the action of staff members – sign boards, dos and don’ts signs

Benefits • Leads to information sharing. • Facilitates worker autonomy. • Supports elimination of waste. • Continuous improvement. • Exposes abnormalities. • Enables quick response & recovery. • Promotes prevention.


There are three basic steps:


Organise the workplace using 5S


Ensure that all required work standards, instruction and related information are clearly displayed in workplace


Control workplace processes by exposing and stopping errors and by preventing future occurrences

The 4 Phases to Visual Management

Visual Management Visual Measures Visual Display Workplace Organization

1. Workplace Organization • Includes implementing 5S in an organization




Name: Date:

Removal Date

Location: Reason for X-Tag:

Seiton- Floor marking guideline 1/2

Seiton- Floor marking guideline 2/2



Seiso 2/3




Place For Everything

• Even rags, gloves, and trash

Shitsuke Visual Ranges Make It Easier to Sustain CATEGORY

1/3 5S checklist

ITEM Have unnecessary items been X-tagged? Are items neatly arranged? Are walkways/work areas clearly outlined? Are designated areas marked for incoming material? SORT Are materials located in designated areas? (Organization) Are designated areas marked for outgoing material? Is outgoing material located in designated area? Are information boards orderly? Is indicated information found? Is information current? Do excess materials have a specific location? Are excess materials in their location? Is there a place for everything? Is everything in its place? STABALIZE Is it easy to see what belongs where? (Orderliness) Are things put away after use? Are tools organized and located in specific place? Are only red containers being used for scrap? Is rejected material properly identified? Is rejected material stored in a designated area? Is process scrap located in separate containers? Is defective material located in separate containers? Are sort and stabilize complete? Are work areas clean? Are aisles clear? Are tools clean? Is any material found on the floor? Is equipment clean? SHINE Do machines show evidence of old oil leaks? (Cleanliness) Is cell inventory correctly identified?

Yes No




Visual Ranges Make It Easier to Sustain



2. Visual Display A method to visually communicate important information in the workplace Information regarding: • How to do the job (SOP) • Show how things are used • Show where things are stored • Show performance status • Identify hazardous areas

Visual Display

Visual Display

Components Kanban: What, Where, and How many This location is exclusively for fire safety

Examples of Andon

Preventive Maintenance through Visual Management

SMED trolley contains all the tools required to perform quick changeover. SMED trolley has been parked only in the right area Responsibility has been assigned to Shift Fitter

Product Display Example Sample assemblies are added to display every 2 hours

Visual Management – Pigments stored in all the containers are visible and known

Transparent containers

Example of Visual Management

Work Instructions Floor Labelling

Information Board

TPM Checklist VM in service centre

3. Visual Measure To develop Visual Measures decide . . . • What needs to be measured ? • Who is the user / audience ? • How often do we take the data ? • Who will do the tracking ? • How will we display data so that it speaks ? • Where do we best locate the display ?

Example of Visual Control

Examples of Production & Inventory Control

PokaYoke - Visual Control

4. Visual Management • Using the information provided by visuals to make informed and proper decisions or judgments daily • Visual Management For: – Workplace

- Storage

– Safety

- Equipment

– Operations

- Quality

• Status – Distinguish between what is and is not normal – Make waste and abnormalities obvious to everyone – Constantly uncover needs for improvement – Help make each persons job easier – Involve everyone

Are WE Hitting the Target? Do Our Visuals: • Give you the information needed to make proper decisions? • Make abnormalities and problems obvious? • Promote communication and employee involvement? • Make everyone's jobs easier? • Recognize achievements and improvements?




Operation Excellence


Team Excellence


Business Excellence

Adding Value In Totality !! Astrology

AddValue at a glance Best Performing Consulting Organization

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