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Presentation to hold a referendum f for an independent Eelam i d d tE l Revision 15

for the for the Tamil National Council TNC 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Contents of the presentation 1 Early history 1. E l hi t 2. Tamil, Portuguese, Dutch and British rule 3. British rule and the solutions proposed, 1918 ‐ 1948 4. Sinhala rule, rights denial and the solutions proposed, 1948 ‐ 1977 5. Declaration and the mandate to restore and reconstitute Eelam 6. Tamil Freedom fighting groups in Eelam, 1960 Tamil Freedom fighting groups in Eelam, 1960 ‐ 2009 7. Exercising the right to self‐determination by building Eelam 8 Building of the armed forces to protect sovereignty of Tamil Eelam 8. Building of the armed forces to protect sovereignty of Tamil Eelam 9. Pursuing the economic, social and cultural development 10. Dismantling of the De Facto state of Tamil Eelam by Sri Lanka 11. Disappearance of Tamil Diaspora identity without their knowledge 12. Campaign to hold referendum with the aim of re‐establishing Eelam 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


E ly Hi Early History y 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


1. 200,000 to 50,000 BC: Evolution of "the Tamilian or Homo Dravida" 2. 200,000 to 100,000 BC: Beginning of the Tamil language. 3. 50,000 BC: Kumari Kandam civilisation.

Timelines of Tamil Early history

4. 20,000 BC: A lost Tamil culture of the Easter Island which had an advanced civilisation. 5. 16,000 BC: Lemuria submerged. (Refer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumari_Kandam).

Chile 6 6087 BC: Second Tamil Sangam established by a Pandya 6. 6087 BC: Second Tamil Sangam established by a Pandya king. king 7. 3031 BC: A Chera prince in his wanderings in the Solomon Islands saw wild sugarcane and started cultivation in Kumari Kandam. East of Papua East of Papua 8. 1780 BC: The Third Tamil Sangam established by a Pandya king.

New Guinea

9. 7th century BC: Tolkappiyam (the earliest known extant Tamil grammar) . 10. Mathivanan claims his interpretation of history is validated by the discovery of the "Jaffna seal", a seal bearing a Tamil‐Brahmi inscription assigned by its excavators to the 3rd century BC (but claimed by Mathivanan to date toBy E.Logeswaran, Researcher 1600 BC). 2‐Sep‐09 4

Before and after Christ T il L d Tamil Land


Tamil Land Tamil Land

Tamils have been living on the Tamils have been living on the island long before 16,000 BC (refer Sangam) 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Ceylon was part of the land mass of Tamil Nadu. It y g became an island about 7000 years ago when it physically separated from Tamil Nadu TTamil il Nadu

7000 years ago Tamil Nadu Land Land mass

Satellite map Tamils continue t li to live on the th island after the physical separation from the land mass of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu

Tamils are the indigenous people in Sri Lanka 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Tamil Country during the Sangam Age River Palar Mamallapuram Chola Kingdom River South Pennar River South Pennar River Kaveri

Emblems of 3 Tamil Kingdoms Chera

Chera Kingdom


Uraiyur Capital)

River Vaigai Vanchi ((Capital) p )

Pandiya g Kingdom


Madurai (Capital)

River Thamiraparani Thondi (Port) Korkai (Port) 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

Pandiya Kingdom 7

Early or Sangam Chola Kingdom

Tamil Land 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Sinhalese says that they are the descendants of Indian Prince Vijaya who took refugee in the of Indian Prince Vijaya who took refugee in the island 2500 years ago after expelled from India Part of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Tamil king Elara rule in 204 BC

Drifting Vijaya

Vijaya Vijaya took refuge in 543 BC ?

Buddhism introduced in 236 BC

Historians consider that the Vijaya’s arrival in Sri Lanka to be merely a myth 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Saivaites * S i it * Saivaites

B ddhi ** Buddhists ** Siva Buddha

Siva People:









B ddh Buddha





Language (mother tongue): 2‐Sep‐09


Sinhala = Tamil + Pali + Sanskrit (Emerged after 13th century)

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Tamils and Sinhalese are Dravidians 1. Marriage King Vijaya was married to a Tamil woman from Madurai 2. Similar Identity DNA of Tamil Nadu Tamils is matching the Eelam Tamils and Sinhalese

3. Signed treaties in Tamil g a. The king of Kotte, Bhuvanehabahu VII, signed the treaty with the Portuguese in Tamil b. One of the Kandiyan Chieftains, Ratwatta Disawa, the ancestor of Srimao Bandaranayake, signed the treaty in Tamil y , g y 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Long before 500 BC there were 7 Tamil Temples which are shown below Temples which are shown below Found 2591 B.C

Maviddapuram Trincomalee

Mannar Chilaw



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

Sivanoli Pada Malai (Sacred mountain of Hindu Tamils) Tamil God Murukan in Kathirkamam


Tamil, Portuguese, Tamil Portuguese Dutch and British h d iih rule 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Jaffna Kingdom existed for 403 years Portuguese landed in Ceylon in 1505 and took 115 years to conquer the Jaffna Kingdom. Though the Jaffna Kingdom fell, the areas to the south called Vanni did not accept the rule of the Portuguese. It did not p payy tribute to the Kandyan y Kingdom or to any other kingdom. It functioned as an autonomous entity. Although lh h at different diff times i the h territory of Eelam came under foreign rule, it never lost its Tamil Identity. even its it borders b d remained i d intact i t t till 1833. The Jaffna Kingdom existed with Nallur as its capital from 1215 AD to 1619 AD. The following are the names of the Kings and their period of rule of Tamil Eelam:‐ 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

Reference: Winning Slow Victory in Sri Lanka


Three Ceylonese Kingdoms


K tt Kotte



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

Map drawn in 1681




Tamil King Sangili

1803 Tamil King Pantara Vanniyan

Jaffna Kingdom

Kandyan Kingdom

Kotte Kingdom

“Two different nations, from a very ancient period, have divided between them the possession of the island; the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior in its southern and western parts from the river Wallouwe to Chilaw, and the Malabars (Tamils) who possess the Northern and Eastern districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners.” – Sir High Cleghorn – British colonial secretary – June 1799. 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Map drawn during British Rule 1833



2 Tamil Provinces 2 Tamil provinces and 3 Sinhala d h l and 7 Sinhala d h l provinces By E.Logeswaran, Researcher provinces


Tamil Leaders Tamil Leaders and the solutions and the solutions proposed 1918 1948 1918 ‐ 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Tamil Leaders

Navalar 1822 ‐ 1879



V. Navaratnam

Sir Ponnampalam Ramanathan


Sir Ponnampalam Arunachalam


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

A. Amirthalingam

C. Suntharalingam



Group representation 1922

25% Tamils

Federations within Ceylon 1938

50% Sinhalese

25% Minotrities

Federation with India & Eelam 1939

Federation with India & Ceylon 1940

Solutions proposed during proposed during the last 30 years of the British of the British Rule from 1918 to 1948 Rejected

Independent Separate Sinhala 1920 Territorial Eelam 1944 State 1944 Representation


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

Independent Independent Unitary Ceylon 1948

Forced on Tamils 21

Rights denied, suppression Rights denied suppression of non‐violent resistance of non‐violent resistance, solutions proposed and the solutions proposed and the crimes committed during crimes committed during the Sinhala rule the Sinhala rule 1948 1977 1948 ‐ 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Denial of Tamils’ rights g 1. Colonising Tamil traditional home land with Sinhalese 2 Reduced voting power in the parliament 2. Reduced voting power in the parliament 3. Tamil has not been implemented as the official language 3. Tamil has not been implemented as the official language 4. Introduced University Entrance Standardization in 1970s 5. Stopped or minimised the gradual growth & advancement 6. Ignored the inputs of Tamil MPs to Constitutional & other changes


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Non‐violent Resistance suppressed by Police

1961 Tamil Leaders in Trincomalee 1961 Tamil Leaders in Trincomalee


Women Volunteers outside the Gates of Old Jaffna Secretariat Old Jaffna Secretariat

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Solutions proposed between 1948 & 2009 1957 Regional Council

1987 North and East Merged Provincial Councils

2003 Interim Self‐Governing Administration

1986 two Provincial Council in North & Reconstituted Eastern Province 1983 Provincial Level Decentralisation

1985 District Council without Executive Power 1979 District Development Council 1965 District Council

1970 Autonomous Tamil State, Muslim State & 3 Sinhala States

1995 Devolution Package for all the provinces

All the solutions were rejected or unilaterally abrogated 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

1959, 1968, 1976 Separate State 25

Anti Tamil Pogroms in 1956, 58, 61, 74, 77, 81 & 83 Beaten Killed MassacredHunted Shot


Abandoned Burned alive Destroyed


Took refuge Camped

Chased 2‐Sep‐09


Since 1983 these anti‐Tamil pogroms have been p g carried out consistently and continuously By E.Logeswaran, Researcher 26 by Sri Lanka to date

Declaration and the Declaration and the mandate to restore and d t t t d reconstitute the state of Eelam of Eelam 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


International Law The Tamils are a people with the right to self determination. They have a separate land, language, ethnic origin, religion, political believe and fear of the same adversaries. Further they perceive themselves as a separate group of people with a history of their own. own Both the objective and subjective criteria for establishing a people with the right of self determination under international law and practice have been fulfilled by the Tamils. Tamils can be governed based only on their terms. The Tamils did not give their consent to the Constitutions of 1972 and 1978. The Tamils did not give their consent to the Constitutions of 1972 and 1978. From the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co operation Among States in Accordance with the UN Charter Relations and Co‐operation Among States in Accordance with the UN Charter, (The SL Govt too approved the Declaration) p p p Political alternatives open to the Tamil people are 1. Establishment of a sovereign and independent State. 2. Free association or integration with an independent state or 3. Emergence into any other political status freely determined by the Tamils 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Democratically The Tamil leaders since independence in 1948 were persistent in their efforts to find a p peaceful and democratic solution to the Tamil national problem. There is demonstrable evidence that the Tamils had exhausted all possibilities through dialogue before they were driven to an armed d struggle. l Much h before b f the h armed d struggle l by b the h LTTE , the h TULF, the representative party of the Tamils in its election manifesto of July 1977 stated as follows: " What is the alternative now left to the nation that has lost its rights g to its language, rights to citizenship, rights to religions and continue day by day to lose its traditional homeland; the Tamil nation must take a decision d i i to establish bli h its i sovereignty i i its in i homeland h l d on the h basis b i off its right to self determination‐‐to establish the independent state of Tamil Eelam either by peaceful means or by direct action or struggle struggle”. 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Even the limited rights the Tamils had in 1948 were taken away by the Sri Lankan government.

Tamils realised that Sinhala Government will never grant the rights of the Tamils.

As a result Tamil Democratic Leaders As a result Tamil Democratic Leaders made resolution in 1976


Ti h l Tiruchelvam



G.G. S.J.V


Declaration: Restore and reconstitute the state of Eelam Mission: Plan and launch the struggle without delay Mission: Plan and launch the struggle without delay Call: “This convention calls upon the Tamil Nation in general and the youth in particular to come forward to throw themselves fully into the sacred fight for freedom and to flinch not till the goal of a sovereign state of Tamil Eelam is reached”. reached” 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Tamil Party TULF y won 18 (78.26%) seats out of 23 f 23 and received and received overwhelming mandate from Tamils to Tamils to establish the state of Tamil E l Eelam 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Based on UN charter of 1945 and the International Covenant of 1966 on civil, political, economic, social i il li i l i i l and cultural rights agreed by the and cultural rights agreed by the government of government of Sri Lanka, the Tamils , exercised their right to self‐determination by building the state of Tamil Eelam 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Tamils have determined their P liti l St t f l Political Status freely Tamil Eelam

Sinhala Sri Lanka 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


EEelam l T il h Tamils have built b il the armed forces to protect the to protect the sovereignty of the sovereignty of the state of Tamil Eelam 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Law and Order



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Intelligence unit


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher




By E.Logeswaran, Researcher




By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Air Force Bomber

7 Air Strips St ps



Prior to a mission o to a ss o

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher




By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Submarines of Tamils


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Freely pursued the Freely pursued the d l development work t k


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Economic Development Bankk

Customs and Excise


Economic Economic Consultancy House

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Social Development

Ponnampalam Hospital 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Cultural development


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Sri Lanka dismantled Sri Lanka dismantled the De Facto state of Tamil Eelam by Tamil Eelam by committing crimes committing crimes against the Tamils i t th T il 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Stages of Genocide

1. Classifying

2. Symbolising Muslims



Separation & inequality

4. Organising abductions ii bd i

White Van to abduct Tamils abduct Tamils Grieving mothers

We will kill you Tamils

3. Dehumanising Any hospital out side safe zone is a legitimate target Tamil girls

Buried are for Tamils Army’s y Denying Denying alive pleasure humanity Buddhism Defended separation of 5 years old children 5 years old children from mothers

Tamils Sinhalese Muslims 5. Making polarising speeches & gp g p 6. Supported death lists for pp ecouraging anti Tamil war the anti‐Tamil pogrom in 1983

Abducted son

7. Mass killing 7. Mass killing



President President MP 8. Denying crimes committed against the Tamils against the Tamils

HR President Minister 2‐Sep‐09 By E.Logeswaran, Researcher 49 All the 8 stages have been operating continuously throughout the process of Tamil genocide

Crimes against humanity


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


War crimes: Sri Lanka has been using weapons calculated to Sri anka has been using weapons calculated to cause massive & unspeakable destruction in Eelam


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Crime against peace: Sri Lanka killed the Head of the Tamil Peace Sri Lanka killed the Head of the Tamil Peace Negotiating Team & restarted the war in 2006

Thamilchelvan’ss funeral Thamilchelvan


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


2006 Sri Lanka initiated invasion of the Tamil Eelam & war of aggression in violation of international law & war of aggression in violation of international law


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Dead & wounded. The majority of the surgical cases (92 %) are violence related. The wounds are predominantly p y caused by shrapnel and shooting.


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Fleeing Tamils Taken Hostage


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Locked up 300,000 Tamil civilians in concentration camps

Jewish children behind Barbed wires 1945


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


What is happening in Sri Lanka is an attempt at extermination of the Tamil race, a racist war. Same thing happened in the 1930’s against Jews Same thing happened in the 1930’s against Jews.



2‐Sep‐09 Bosnian Muslims

Summary executions violate Common Article 3 to the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949,, to which Sri Lanka is a contracting Party, prohibiting in subsection I(d) "... the carrying out of executions without previous Jews judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court...." Violations of the Geneva Conventions are war crimes, said Professor Francis Boyle By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Sinhala Military Rule Enslavement of Tamil people North of Eelam has been kept as an Open Prison 5 Soldiers per Tamil, 24 hours per day, last 15 years. This is violation of Geneva Conventions. What we witness in Sri Lanka is a clear attempt to destroy the Tamil race in whole or in part. All should identify this act as genocide.



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Sri Lankan armed forces have been interfering daily in every sphere of Tamil’s life

Looting, selling and destroying the Tamil heritage with the ultimate aim of fully eliminating the traces of Tamil presence in Eelam traces of Tamil presence in Eelam


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Slow disappearance of pp the Tamil Diaspora the Tamil Diaspora identity without identity without their knowledge h k l d 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


A Tamil person will not be considered as English or Sinhalese or integrated if he has any traces of the Tamil culture. He will be excluded as “not native” until the Tamil identity is faded fully Tamil: 1. Language 2. Music 3. Dance 4. Painting 4. Painting 5. Sculpture 6. Architecture 7. Festivals 8. Religion 9. Gods 10. Temples 11. Novels 11. Novels 12. Drama 13. Poetry 14. Dress 15. Believes l 16. Customs 17. Worship 18. Vegetable 18. Vegetable 19. Fruit 20. Food 21. Flowers 22 A i l 22. Animals 23. Name 24. Colour 2‐Sep‐09

English: 1. Language 2. Music 3. Dance 4. Painting 4. Painting 5. Sculpture 6. Architecture 7. Festivals 8. Religion 9. Gods 10. Temples 11. Novels 11. Novels 12. Drama 13. Poetry 14. Tamil Dress 15. Believes l 16. Customs 17. Worship 18. Vegetable 18. Vegetable 19. Fruit 20. Food 21. Flowers 22 A i l 22. Animals 23. Name 24. Colour

Sinhalese: 1. Language 2. Music 3. Dance 4. Painting 4. Painting 5. Sculpture 6. Architecture 7. Festivals 8. Religion 9. Tamil Gods 10. Temples 11. Novels 11. Novels 12. Drama 13. Poetry 14. Dress 15. Believes l 16. Customs 17. Worship 18. Vegetable 18. Vegetable 19. Fruit 20. Food 21. Flowers 22 A i l 22. Animals 23. Tamil Name 24. Colour

Integrated: 1. Language 2. Music 3. Dance 4. Painting 4. Painting 5. Sculpture 6. Architecture 7. Festivals 8. Religion 9. Gods 10. Temples 11. Novels 11. Novels 12. Drama 13. Poetry 14. Dress 15. Believes l 16. Tamil Customs 17. Worship 18. Vegetable 18. Vegetable 19. Fruit 20. Food 21. Flowers 22 A i l 22. Animals 23. Name 24. Colour

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

1. Tamil Diaspora p identity has been disappearing without the knowledge of the Tamils

2. The Tamil culture is one off the h world ld respected cultures

3. To achieve this 3 effectively & maintain the Tamil identity the Tamils should be ruled by Tamils as soon as possible 61

Campaign to hold the C i t h ld th referendum with the aim of re‐establishing aim of re establishing the state of Tamil the state of Tamil E l Eelam 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Different types of Tamils who could not get the rights of the Tamils 1. Those who work for the Sri Lankan government (SLG) or other international forces covertly with i h an objective bj i to suppress the h freedom f d struggle l off Tamils T il 2. Those who involved in espionage activities among Tamils and expose the freedom fighters and supporters to risk by the oppressing (SLG) and its collaborators. 3. Those who involved in overt political activities to suppress the freedom struggle of Tamils for the sole reason to get political and economical advantages from SLG and its collaborators. 4. Tamils who are affected by the activities of the main force advocating the Eelam struggle & involved in activities with vengeance to sabotage the freedom struggle of Tamils without any consideration to the collective benefits of Eelam Tamils.

Small Tamil Parties and Tamil individuals who are within the government have not been able to get the rights of the Tamils.

EPDP Mi i t Minister 2‐Sep‐09

Mi i t Minister

TMVP Chief Mi i Minister

Small Tamil Parties who are out side the government and requesting to grant the rights of the Tamils have not been able to get the rights.


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher



Attitude of countries and the international media which did not help to get the rights of the Tamils which did not help to get the rights of the Tamils 1. International media a Sabotaged the Tamil cause silently a. 2. Few countries a. Rationalising and abetting genocide. b. Supported the HR violations of Sri Lanka in UN HR Council c. Strengthening the Sri Lankan state diplomatically and economically d. Allowing genocide, incarceration and the crushing of Tamil safe guards e. Always telling Tamils to compromise. f. Telling Tamils to reconcile, not to call ‘genocide a genocide’ g. Meticulously continue to nullify the Tamil national question. h. Making Tamils drop their nationalism by coercion or enticement. i. Keeping Tamils deprived of sovereignty to decide about their homeland j. Ensuring a political solution or handing over the land to Tamils doesn’t arise k. Capturing everything of Tamils including their spirit to make them as ‘work force’ l. Want Tamils to forget achieving permanent security by having their own state m. Preventing the democratic political moves of Tamils worldwide to suit their interests n. Showing interest in IDP issues to establish Multinational Corporations (MNCs) on the island 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Rule from 1500 to 2009

Separate state

Tamil Kingdom 2009

Portugese Dutch British

Full Majority Sinhala Rule British Scale Scale Rule Tamil Rule War Non Built the De Violent Facto state Tamil of Tamil Freedom Eelam S Struggle l

Sinhala Si h l Kingdom



1656 1800

1948 1833 1977 Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Merged Merged became the 2 kingdoms independent

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher

Unitary State

2006 State within 65 a state

Separate state is the best solution


By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Benefits of separate Tamil state Benefits of separate Tamil state 1. Legitimacy 1 Legitimacy 2. Reclaimed Tamils’ sovereignty 3. Government in Eelam & virtual government outside Eelam

4. Empowered Tamils p 5. Protected identity 6 Continuous improvements 6. Continuous improvements 7. Prosperity 8. Strength 9 International Support 9. International Support 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher



By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Unique Selling Point: Referendum The referendum could help to change the situation in Tamil Eelam. It is a vote in which the Tamil Diaspora Tamil Eelam. It is a vote in which the Tamil Diaspora are asked if they continue to agree with restoration and reconstitution of the state of Eelam and reconstitution of the state of Eelam The referendum is a democratic method, Supported by South Asian and other democratic countries, Strengthen the conflict resolution process initiated by the TNA, Could force a situation for Sri Lanka to resolve the Tamil problem & Allow India to help Tamils to get their rights & improve their relations ll di h l il h i i h &i h i l i 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Tamil voters to remember the following for the referendum 1. Tamils have always been the indigenous people of Ceylon. 2. Sinhalese are the majority in the parliament & they have been able to develop a discriminatory constitution to destroy the Tamils effectively. 3. Over the last 60 years Sinhalese and their government have been destroying the Tamils non violently and violently with varying speed. 4. Government is treating the 300,000 Tamils in the detention camps inhumanly & will not allow us to live with dignity until we are no more. 5. Sri Lankan government and few countries have been cheating the Tamils over the past 60 years uncountable times & no one could trust them any more. 6. Referendum and the democratic actions following will help to form a Tamil government & change the status of Tamils in Eelam and worldwide. 7. Persuade as many other Tamils as possible to cast their votes correctly 8. Demonstrate our political will for sovereignty and tell the powers loudly & clearly 8 that meaningful engagement comes only when they recognize the nation of Eelam Tamils2‐Sep‐09 and its absolute self‐determination. By E.Logeswaran, Researcher 71

Know the information related to voting 1. Date: Saturday, 12 y, th December 2009 2. Time: 9am till 4pm 3. Location: Go to www.vkr1976.org.uk Contact – Polling Station 4 Ballot paper and box: At Polling Stations 4. Ballot paper and box: At Polling Stations 5. Way to cast your votes: By visiting Polling Station with ID to confirm your name, Y Young people should take age declaration ID l h ld t k d l ti ID 6. Results of the referendum: Will be announced as soon as voting counted on the same day (may be just after mid night) 7. Organisers of the referendum: Tamil National Council in collaboration with Tamil Schools, Temples and Church with non Sri Lankan Judicators for each Polling station. 8. Web site and the telephone number of the organisers: www.vkr1976.org.uk 8. Web site and the telephone number of the organisers: www.vkr1976.org.uk Secretary: Sri ‐ 07841 522514; Raghu ‐ 07807 108318; Para ‐ 07958 507010 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


We the Tamils let us cast our votes to show our solidarity to re‐establish solidarity to re establish the state of Eelam the state of Eelam Referendum in Norway, 2008

Election in l Jaffna & Vavuniya 2009 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Hold a UN supervised referendum in Eelam now so that the Tamils' rights can be ascertained as to whether they want a separate statehood ‐ Eelam 1. Historically Tamils have been ruling Ceylon fully, partly, continuously and time to time long before the birth of Christ to‐date. Their last rule ended in 2009 in Eelam, however it is continued democraticallyy byy the Tamil Diaspora. p 2. UN charter of 1945 Supports the view that self determination is a legal principle. 3. Based on UN covenants of 1966 Tamils living on the island have the right to self determination. 4. Constitution related Tamils can be governed based only on their consent. Tamils did not give their consent to the Constitutions of 1972 and 1978. 5. Democratically 5 1977 – Tamil Party TULF won 18 (78%) seats out of 23 and received overwhelming mandate from Tamils to establish the state of Tamil Eelam 2004 –MPs of Tamil National Alliance (TNA) won 22 (96%) seats out of 23. 2009 – 89% of the Eelam Tamils rejected Mahindas’ rule Historically, peoples who have suffered through genocide‐level Historically genocide level atrocities like what the Tamil people have been through, assured their safety only after creating a separate state for themselves. 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Reminder We feel that if Sri Lanka continues to deny Tamils’ rights and commits d T il ’ i h d i crimes against them a request to crimes against them, a request to hold a referendum in current Tamil hold a referendum in current Tamil y Nadu to annex the 7000 year old part of original Tamil Nadu later called Ceylon with India may become inevitable 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


Let you know International laws dictate that Tamils are entitled to the right of self determination. India you, India, you me or the Sri Lankan Government cannot dictate terms to what Tamils should do. Independent political formation of Eelam Tamils, strongly anchored on their national aspiration for independence and sovereignty, sovereignty is the foundation for achieving anything or engaging with anybody meaningfully. 2‐Sep‐09

By E.Logeswaran, Researcher


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