Nimmi Sreekumar
Ar. Ir. Nimmi Sreekumar Date of birth: 17.05.1992 Nationality: Indian Place of residence: Delft, Netherlands Email: Phone: +31630337116 Linkedin: Languages: English, Dutch (A2), Hindi, Malayalam
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Work experience 2019 Association board member Praktijkvereniging BouT, Delft Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
MSc. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences Specialisation : Building Technology Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Honors programme Master Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences Specialisation : Infrastructures & Environment Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
2017 Freelance Architect (1) Al Rimal real estate (U.A.E), (2) VS Design studio (U.A.E), (3) Autoprotect India (India)
2016 Junior Interior Designer NORR Group Consultants International Limited, Dubai, U.A.E
2015 Architectural Intern NORR Group Consultants International Limited, Dubai, U.A.E Architectural Intern Maz Consultants, Dubai, U.A.E
Bachelors of Architecture B.M.S College of Engineering, India
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6 - 15 / MSc. Graduation project [circularity research]
30 - 35 / Zero-energy design [redesign]
16 - 23 / Zaatari souq
36 - 41 / Palm Jumeriah hotel a
46 - 53 / Metamorph [building product design]
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q [computation]
apartment [space planning]
24 - 29 / Hyperloop station [integrated architecture]
42 - 45 / Al Seef Lusail [interiors]
54 - 57 / Shell bridge [structural design]
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MSc. Graduation project
TU Delft, individual work (2019) Mentors: S.C Jansen, R.J Geldermans
Research question : To what extent are high energy performance and circular ambitions combined and achieved in new buildings, and how can this performance be further improved ? Key words: Circularity, energy performance, circular building, integrated assessment, energy assessment, circularity assessment
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he built environment consumes 50% of all raw materials and 40% of the total energy in the Netherlands. As climate change looms over and threatens our physical environment, the EU and consequently the Dutch government has proposed multiple stringent regulations to curb our unsustainable resource consumption habits and create a circular economy for the future. The realization of such an economy is currently hindered by the lack of availability of standardized design strategies and assessment methods. In comparison, a high energy performing building can be designed, assessed and operated by following
the closely monitored Energy performance building directive initiated by the EU. Addressing this gap, this research focuses on creating and testing an assessment method that measures the energy performance and circularity of a building in an integrated manner, to ensure the equal development of both aspects. Consequently, data on new buildings were gathered using which the circular intentions and measures incorporated in these buildings to meet the current building regulations are tracked, resulting in a set of design guidelines for improving the combined energetic and circular performance of a building.
24 million tonnes of waste
produced from construction & demolition in the Netherlands (2013)
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DEFINITION OF A CIRCULAR BUILDING : A building designed in such a way that :
The source of material and energetic input is renewable (in technical and biological cycles)
Sourcing and end of life of the resource are considered in the design phase
High grade and indefinite reuse of resources in their most complex form is enabled
system boundary of the research : In this research the building site has been chosen as the boundary. The building site refers to the plot within which the building is situated. A boundary condition allows for the specification of the various flows considered and not considered in the assessment.
assessment methodology overview [simplified)
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Reuse of waste in material and energetic form is maximized within the system boundary
Any waste leaving the system boundary is usable as an input in other systems.
ENERGY ASSESSMENT INDICATORS: Within the building site, the electricity, heat and cooling delivered externally and generated on-site to operate the building technical systems is measured, along with the energy reused and wasted out of the building.
Energy indicators
Energy generated on-site Energy resources used on-site
Energy imported externally
Energy output from the building
Material indicators
The materials used, reused and maintained in the structure and skin of the building is tracked, in addition to the materials used to make on-site installations such as PV panels, solar collectors, biomass stove etc.
Materials used to construct the building
Material output at end of life of the building
Materials used for biomass stove Materials used to make energy installations
Material output from energy installations
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Integrated assessment framework :
Schematic diagram of the interlink/trade-offs/synergies between material and energy categories assessed in this resea
Resources Elements that are brought to the building site to be utilized for design and/or operation of the building
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Output All usable and unusable elements that leave the building site (to be returned or not).
arch. Each category is developed with a detailed calculation methodology.
ng site
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implementation on live cases:
Using the calculation methodology for each material and energy category, a few new buildings in Buiksloterham are stud
Case 1: A ground + four storey corner house constructed in 2016, with a usable area of 183,1 m2. Energy installations on site: PV Panel, Evacuated solar tubes
Case 2: A ground + two storey townhouse constructed in 2016, with a usable area of 64,1 m2. Energy installations on site: PV Panel, Evacuated solar tubes, Biomass stove
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died to understand % of circular resource use.
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case study results:
The conclusions drawn from the assessments using the present state of the method are indicative of high circular ambitions in the designers and self-builders of the assessment cases. These intentions already take a positive step towards the integration of energy and circularity. From the assessments, it was seen that energy aspects and measures are easily implemented, due to the vast knowledge available on the subject and multiple stringent restrictions imposed by the EU. The use of materials in a circular manner have multiple factors to consider (such as assembly hierarchy, functional separation, demountable connections etc.), of which only some have been implemented in the cases. By tracking the inflows and outflows of the building, the combination of energy and circular ambitions in buildings can be improved. Which means, documenting the sources and quantity of all inputs and the end destination of all the outputs. The integrated assessment method creates a framework for this tracking of flows at a building scale. When applied on a larger scale, all the flows can be connected in a way that extraction of new resources can be avoided all together. Based on the results of the assessments, the following guideline for circular design is created:
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Within the system boundary
Beyond the system boundary
For the material input of the building: 1. Use non-hazardous materials 2. Use renewable materials (in either biological or technical cycles) 3. Opt for intelligent dimensioning if future reuse is enhanced. 4. Assemble materials within a component in a parallel sequence 5. Use demountable connections 6.Create open connection patterns between materials 7. Ensure treatments done to materials are temporary and reversible 8. Coordinate use life of materials with technical life of the component
1. Take into the account the possible end of life of materials based on current technology.
For the energy input of the building: 1. Prioritize on-site energy generation 1. Consider end of life scenario 2. All energy and material output created of the energy installation as a by-product on site must be reused. 2. Take into account the 3. Use renewable energy resources for emissions created off-site as energy generation a result of various energy 4. Consider the energy resources used in resources used in external external energy systems (is it completely energy system. renewable?). 3. Account for the material required for production to distribution in an external delivery system.
Circular design guidelines:
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Zaatari souq
Computational studio TU Delft, group work (2018) Groupmates: Wietse de Haan, Priya Nanda, Shweta Kamble, Wildred Damen Mentors: P. Nourian, Ir. S. Azadi, Ir. J.J.J.G. Hoogenboom, Ir. , D.R. Visser, F.A. Veer
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he Zaatari camp located in Jordan was established in 2012 for the relocation of Syrian refugees. At the time , the camps evolution from a small collection of tents into an urban settlement of some 80,000 persons reflected both the needs and aspiration of the camps residents (UNHCR). In the Zataari camp economic activity has been a critical factor in its functioning. The market space helps in employing the refugees of the camp further facilitating trade and business. They also double as a community space where people can gather. However in the current scenario the small markets are located on either side of main roads and are not well shaded taking away a peaceful
experience from visiting the market space. The goal of the project is to research and develop design techniques to build market spaces in the camp, using local materials and technology, in order to provide the local inhabitants with an opportunity to build a more permanent infrastructure to carry out their trade. The project began with an exploration of the structural quality of adobe blocks as a building material through experimentation and calculation. Further the results were used for form generation of the market space followed by a structural analysis of the different building components generated during the process.
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Urban studies and route analysis to locate mo
Network analysis using user age and gender groups to
Form finding evolution of the souq through parametric mo
Evolution of the smaller street shops that would connect to the souq through a 18 / Left
ost accessible and feasible site for the souq (market)
o determine the location of various functions within the souq.
odelling based on compression strength of adobe bricks
a series of design and construction decisions that facilitate self-construction Right / 19
Structural validation of the central souq and street shops
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“These businesses are more than just a way to make money; they are an attempt by refugees to fight for a better future [...] and to feel part of a community. “
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Hyperloop station
Architecture studio TU Delft, individual work (2018) Mentor: Gilbert Koskamp
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n integral design set within the context of an extreme environment : A hyperloop station in Bijlmer Area, Amsterdam. This architectural project is based on the concept of yin and yang; carving out positive and negative spaces as a consequence of the combination. Within this concept, four main aspects were developed to further clarify the applied measures, which are: 1. Continuous circulation 2. Clarity in movement 3. Singular focus 4. Constant visibility
The project was developed as a complete package, taking into account structural and technical parameters into design decisions. In addition, a hyperloop station had multiple technical and spatial requirements specific to the movement, loading and off-loading of a pod. The resultant design was an amalgamation of design and technical concepts, producing a space that is efficient and facilitates easy and clear movement of users in and out of the station. Therefore capturing the essence of the hyperloop, which is inherently a medium of transport that allows fast paced and efficient travel.
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Formulation of architectural and structural concepts into floor plans
Section of the hyperloop station showcasing the different levels and spatial scale of the interior spaces
Technical detailing of the station roof - which doubles up as an urban gathering space at ground level 26 / Left
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Interior view of the underground arrival and departure platforms.
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Zero-energy design
Technoledge studio TU Delft, group work (2018) Groupmates: Shweta Kamble, Siem van Sluijs, Luka Pascale Mentors: ir. Siebe Broersma, L.J.J.H.M Gommans
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he EU and consequently the Dutch government have developed ambitious energy goals for residential and nonresidential buildings, to be achieved within a short time-period. Taking these ambitions into account, an existing residential building built in 1963, and renovated in 1987, is converted into a zero-energy building in this project. Studies were conducted on the existing building, to realize that its thermal performance does not comply anymore to the current Dutch building regulations for newly built buildings (Bouwbesluit), which is: Ground floor Rc: 3,5 m2K/W Facde Rc: 4,5 m2K/W Roof Rc: 6,0 m2K/W The redesign of the building was based on four principles, in order to achieve a zero-energy building which is both sustainable and selfsustaining.
3D model of the existing building
The principles are: (a) Reduction of energy requirements (b) Reuse of waste (heat, water) (c) Production of renewable energy (d) Use appliances and materials efficiently These principles were translated into the following measures in the building: (a) Solar chimney( instilling natural ventilation) (b) Green roof ( reduce heat losses through the roof) (c) Rainwater collection ( re use in the greenhouse and toilets). (d) External insulation (reduce transmission losses) (e) Solar collectors (heating water through solar energy) (f) Double skin facade (buffer zone to trap solar heat) (g) Greenhouse ( in house production of organic matter) (h) PV panels (producing energy in a sustainable manner)
Renovated building with various green principles Right / 31
Urban studies of the neighbourhood & solar radiation study 32 / Left
Perspective view of the proposed refurbishment design
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Interventions applied to reduce energy demand of the building : Added external insulation, implementation
Interventions applied to reuse resources of the building s
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Interventions applied to produce energy using renewable sou
n of an integrated floor heating system, and renewed hot water heating system using biogas and storage tanks
such as organic waste, geothermal energy, and waste water.
urces : PV panels, monocrystalline silicon cells, biogas plant
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Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, U.A.E NORR Group consultants international ltd Role: Architectural intern
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he Palm Jumeriah hotel apartment is a high rise residential building located on the Palm island, Dubai.
The form of the building is conceptualized as a wave in order to maximise the view of the apartments to the sea. The concept is further extended to other aspects of the building as well including interiors and landscape.
Role: Architectural intern Responsibilities: Layout planning, apartment spatial planning, correction of architectural drawings, preparation of mood boards and material boards.
"HOTEL APARTMENTS" PALM JUMEIRAH DUBAI, U. A. E. Parcel ID - PJCRC35A_B, Community - Nakhlat Jumeirah
Elevation and compliance diagram of the high-rise tower
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rendering by others
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DUBAI, U. A. E. Parcel ID - PJCRC35A_B, Community - Nakhlat
DUBAI, U. A. E. Parcel ID - PJCRC35A_B, Community - Nakhlat
DUBAI, U. A. E. Parcel ID - PJCRC35A_B, Community - Nakhlat
Floor plans of basement, ground and typical upper level
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Al Seef lusail NORR Group consultants international ltd Role: Junior Interior designer
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his residential building in Qatar called for a light, breezy yet elegant interior design to complement the architectural design. The material specification chart was driven by the budget hence, the luxorious concept was maintained using various types of laminates, corian stones, wallpapers and tiles with a few hints of marble.
Role: Junior Interior designer Responsibilities: Layout planning, material specification, FF&E specification, mood and material board preparation, value-added budgeting and client approval submissions.
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rendering by others
rendering by others
rendering by others
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Bucky Lab
Building product studio TU Delft, group work (2017) Groupmates: Andri Lysandrou, Stamatia Kounaki, Dimitrios Christidi Mentors: M. Bilow
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n collaboration with CRH Shutters and Awnings, within the Bucky lab studio, a selfstanding sun shade was conceptualized and prototyped. The shade was meant to be functional and combat the unpredictable Dutch weather particularly in terms of wind and rain. Concept: Metamorphosis Metamorphosis refers to the transformation of an object with respect to appearance, character or circumstances. As seen in nature, the morpho
butterfly transform its color as a reaction to the temperature. Inspired by this form of transformation, a free-standing shading device was designed that sits elegantly in a garden and transforms shape and color as required. Three main aspects represent the concept: Minimal footprint | Unobstructed view |Aerodynamic shape The structure can be visualized in four identical quarters. Each quarter has five panels in total, four movable and one fixed [topmost]. To perceive the shade as a part of the landscape that does not interfere with the views, the panels are designed to be transparent. As this contradicts with their purpose as a sun shade, the panels are made of polycarbonate material with a thermo chromic coating between layers. The panels thus adapt dynamically to the changing outdoor climate.
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Design development:
Option A: All panels are same size as the uppermost [biggest panel]
Option B: All panels are same size as the lowermost [smallest panel]
Rotated secondary beam for reduced ground footprint and larger shade cover
Constant inclination angle between supports
1.95m 1.4m
Five main panels that are duplicated four times in the overall design
Sun shade adapting to user needs and outdoor weather
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by Andri Lysandrou
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Impression of the sun shade in closed position with thermo chromic coating activated
Flexible panel configuration based on user requirement
Panel configuration during unsuitable weather [heavy wind/rain]
Activated thermo chromic coating on panels
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Shell bridge
Computational studio TU Delft, group work (2018) Groupmates: Stamatia Kounaki, Priya Nanda Mentors: ir. P. Eigenraam
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new pedestrian bridge to reduce commute distance is required in Delft. The first experimentation of this bridge design was done with two gypsum models. The basis of the design was to create a shell structure with three support points and achieve two arc heights between them. Later, the gypsum models were developed using computational methods to further the structural study. In this stage, the shell area was divided into four surfaces, each surface then divided with a mesh division of 14. The mesh that is selected for Diana (structural validation program) is hexa/quad- linear interpolation. The load of the suspended
bridges is considered as a distributed load in the calculations in Diana, in combination with the dead weight. The concept of suspended bridges definitely resulted in higher bending moments in the structure and therefore altered/ lowered its shell behavior. In the first calculations in which a really thick shell of 0.5m was considered, the shell was not affected and had good structural results and shell versus slab statistics. However it is unusual to use such a thickness for a shell structure, so it was reduced to half and the load of the bridges becomes a significant variable.
Shell bridge location in Delft, Netherlands
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A shell lime model is converted into a 3D computer model and point loads for the suspension bridge are s
Boundary conditions reflecting the actual scenario are applied and principal st
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Possible deformations within the shell surface are studied and rectified by adjusting the thickness of the
selected using Grasshopper plugin for Rhino. The shell surface is patched and the support points are rounded.
tree tragectories at the supports are studied to determine fesibility of the structure
structure until a stable shell bridge is realized in the structural model. The end result is thus seen on the right. Right / 55