HBL Book 2013

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our goal for this campaign is to increase awareness of and participation in Hawaii Bicycling League by increased membership numbers and converting community members from fossil-fueled transportation to bicycling by creating a cohesive brand image for HBL. This campaign will hit our 5 target audiences; HBL members, work commuters, University students, people on the bus, and Corporate executives. The research information we gathered from UH Manoa and online showed that those target audience members had very little knowledge of HBL and their events.

may not be reached through the other primary modes. Oahu has a large number of registered college students, and these students are an excellent target market for bicycling and bicycle events. Therefore, a college and university marketing strategy has been integrated into the public relations construct.

Additionally, marketing has been developed within this campaign that will be incorporated into the bus advertising media in effort to raise bicycle awareness of people that rely on scheduled transportation Our main idea is biking for a better future: starting routes that may be persuaded to participate in by creating a cohesive brand image, we further events and join HBL to develop an alternative to the want to put emphasis on generating awareness and bus for short trips. increasing their membership numbers to better aid them towards their mission statement of making An extensive strategy has been developed for Hawaii a more bike friendly community. Through a implementation via local radio stations in effort carefully planned integrated advertising and public to raise awareness and to reach daily vehicle relations campaign, we are turning their quiet voice commuters. The idea is to target advertisements for change into a roar that will be recognized as a during peak traffic hours to motivate vehicle leading way for the future of Hawaii. commuters to consider biking as a possible alternative to their daily vehicle commute. Some Hawaii Bicycling League uses different logos for their radio spots will remind drivers of the benefits of different events; the target market finds it difficult to bicycling and the possibility of shortening intra-city connect HBL to their events. This campaign will help transportation and parking-hunting burdens. establish a more cohesive brand for HBL and their events. In order to ease the confusion, a new logo Finally, corporate executives will be reached through was created to establish a cohesive feel, connecting an innovative Oahu-wide bicycle participation HBL and their many events. contest, called Pedal Points. This strategy seeks to reward companies and employees for supporting A social media strategy has been developed to not bicycling as not only a transportation alternative, only better serve existing members, but to gain but as a mutually beneficial activity considering greater participation for HBL-hosted events, and improved employee health and morale and company to better leverage the networking power of social productivity derived from the employee activity. media. This strategy will also assist HBL in gaining The key will be to persuade company executives new members. Additionally, key HBL goals and and business owners as key population influencers objectives have been integrated into low-cost print and potential benefactors. This program will be media channels to reach population segments that marketed as an HBL innovation and will increase 3

BOOK INTRODUCTION It was such a pleasure working with Hawaii Bicycling League and creating a business campaign that will reach HBL’s goals: raising awareness of bicycle riding, promoting events, and re-branding the organization itself; from now and into the future.

The book starts off with the general biking information in United States and rest of the world. After that, we explain our client, HBL. We researched the problem and goals, as well as the objectives,

target audiences, action plan, relevant events, and the cost of promotion. Lastly, we wrapped-up the book with a campaign idea that will help HBL reach organizations and individuals, while promoting bicycling.


Now, it would be honor to present some of the findings that we found out during research that will help HBL to be better organization. We would like you to review this book for HBL’s better future.


The research and survey conducted was developed to obtain more specific information about what the people and students at the University of Hawaii, and the Honolulu area, think about riding bicycles, and the locally relevant problems and concerns related to bicycling. Additionally, we evaluated the HBL brand awareness and opportunities relative to the organization’s mission and goals.

awareness. For HBL, the main problem was the marketing strategy concerning events, workshops, education and awareness, and membership gaining.

According to the survey, the primary concern with bicycling in Hawaii is safety. However, according to the study from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the primary issue was After the research, we correlated the issues time management and lack of opportunity. associated with bicycling in Hawaii and HBL’s brand 5

EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT & INDUSTRY The team evaluated Hawaii Bicycling League’s (HBL) advertising, public relations, strategic mission, and goals to determine the organization’s current state and a path toward a future state of increased membership, awareness, and bicycle utilization on Oahu. Secondary research was performed to analyze the industry’s external environment at different levels: International, National, and Local. In addition, a comparative evaluation was performed considering high-population bicyclist cities, both in the United States and Europe, to create a better understanding of the cycling community.

the total number of bicycles sold were 18.7 million units (averages between 15 – 20 million annually), making the biking industry into a $7.3 billion dollar business. Even though the sales are strong, the business has yet to surpass the bike-boom in the 1970’s, which still holds record high sales numbers due to a blooming bike era, and a prosperous bike industry.

In 2012, 39.3 million Americans from the ages 7 and older were estimated to have ridden a bicycle 6 times or more (3). This may sound like a large number, but it is still very small compared to 1995, which has the record number of participation at 56.3 million people. According to the same survey,


Biking in America is an activity with promising numbers. From 2011 to 2012 alone, the national increase in bicycle commuting was a staggering 9.6%, according to a national survey done by The League of American Bicyclists (1). The trend is even more evident when we look back to year 2000, and we see that the last decade has experienced a 61.2% positive change. According to a survey from 2002 by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration & the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, (2) 46% of the population 16 years or older had access to a bike on a regular basis. Males were more likely to use a bike (34%) than were females (21.3%), and the average trip on a bicycle per day by those using a bicycle were 1.6 trips. The use of a bicycle seems to decline with age, 39.1% use a bicycle in the ages 16 – 24, while only 8.6% use a bicycle after the age of 65. While outdoor bicycling participation is dynamically dependent upon environmental and climatological conditions, survey and study evidence indicates an increasing national participation.

“Cycling is often cited as the seventh most popular recreational activity in the U.S., behind exercise walking, swimming, camping, fishing, exercising with equipment, and bowling. Though overall bicycle use has been flat, several studies have shown an increase in bicycle use for commuting and utility use.” (3)

This data confirms the increase in commuting by bike shown by the study done by The League of American Bicyclists stated above.

In 2006 a survey done by Bicycle Market Research Institute (3) showed that 73% of the adult cyclists rode for recreational purposes, 53% for fitness, 10% for commuting, 8% for racing, and for 6% for sports. The numbers add up to more than 100% because some riders use the bike for multiple purposes. A study from 2002 shows similar numbers, but have them broken down to even more specific data (2). According to the study executed by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Sales numbers from the industry, on the other hand, Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the reasons indicate that the sales have been stable since 2003 for using a bicycle were categorized as: (3) .The study done by the Gluskin Townley Group for National Bicycle Dealers Association shows that 1. Recreation/Leisure 29% while the numbers of sales regarding new bikes 2. Exercise or health 24% from retail stores are stable, the number of used 3. To go home 14.2% bikes sold has shown an increase of 19%. In 2012 4. Personal errands 13.9% 6

5. To visit a friend or relative 6. Commuting to school/work 7. Bicycle ride 8. Other 4.9%

10.1% 5.0% 2.3%

perhaps altered are that people claim to be too busy to ride a bike, and also that they don’t want to or don´t enjoy it. These are areas that can be influenced by persuasion, and could be altered by building a better brand perception.

The same study also analyzed data on why people did not ride a bicycle, and categorized the results as: Safety is also a concern for cyclists and according to NHTSA 1 out of 10 bicyclists feels threatened by one 1. Too busy/no opportunity 16.9% or more of these factors (2): 2. Disability/ health impairment 10.3% 3. Bad weather/wrong season 8.2% 1. Motorists 88% 4. Don’t want to/don’t enjoy it 6.5% 2. Uneven walkways or roadways 37% 5. Age 5.3% 3. Animals or dogs 24% 6. No safe place to ride 3.4% 4. Crime 17% 7. Don’t know how to ride 3.0% 8. Prefer to walk/run 2.6% NHTSA also released a study in 2011 that shows 9. Other 18% the fatalities by state categorized by means of transportation. In 2011, there were 677 reported From these two lists, we can see areas of potential bicycle fatalities nationwide, with two bicycle improvement, and also areas that could be of fatalities in Hawaii. The same year 23 pedestrians interest for this specific campaign. The biggest two were killed in traffic. Since 1994 there have been 60 factors of improvement that can be affected and fatalities regarding bicyclists in the state of Hawaii, 7

with the numbers of deaths annually being fairly stable. This gives an average of 3.5 deaths each year. The situations where cars get in most accidents are when they go straight (57%) or when they are negotiating a curve (26%), which shows that riding a bike straight on a highway is just as dangerous, or even more dangerous, than when in curves. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (4), the pedestrian fatalities have declined but still comprise a tenth of all crash fatalities. The same institute claimed that the use of a helmet while riding a bike reduces the chance of head injury by 85%. Still, the survey by NHTSA shows that 50% of the bicycling population never wears helmets (2), and that 1 out of 4 are not sure if their state has a law regarding helmet use. At the same time, 9 out of 10 surveyed supported laws that require children to wear helmets at all times, and 6 out of 10 supported laws that require adults to wear helmets.

the potential in creating a better infrastructure for this form of transportation, and how that will help improve the health of the nation´s population, and also reduce the fossil fuel used by alternate modes of transportation. Advocacy for improving both bicycle and pedestrian facilities has therefore been strong and relevant, and the government has recently displayed a more focused support in making roads and communities friendlier for these forms of transportation.

The future of bicycling seems to be promising, as it is building up momentum both from the government, local biking leagues, and also from various activist groups that put focus and effort into making the nation a more eco-friendly place. The government is making long-term commitments in their plans for better facilities. The population is seeking alternative forms of transportation to the car due to the costs of having a car: Gas, insurance, parking, repairs, and so forth. There are also other trends in play for switching focus from cars to bikes, which are the increasing sales of both EL-bikes and foldable bicycles (5). These kinds of products make bicycling even more convenient for the people who are not completely convinced that bicycling is right activity for them, making the transition to another form of transportation smoother. And with major distributors such as Wal-Mart and Target joining the trend, providing cheaper models to the masses, it is expected to be a growing industry in the coming years.

Nevertheless, all facts considered, only four percent of bicyclists 16 and older have been reported injured in the past two years while riding a bicycle (10% of those 16 to 20). Heavy-frequency bicyclists (20+ days/month) were more likely to experience an injury (11%) while bicycling than were medium-(4%) or light-frequency (2%) bicyclists (2). Half the population of U.S. (50.2%) also stated that they were very, or somewhat, satisfied with how communities are designed for safety. It also seems that people who ride a bike more often are more satisfied, and feel safer, than those who don’t use a bicycle regularly. Yet, 50% of the people surveyed had suggestions for improvements in the communities for a better bicycle friendly environment: Providing bicycle facilities Improving existing facilities Changing existing laws Initiating bicycle safety education Making areas safer Enforcing laws governing bicycling

73% 7.8% 7.3% 6.7% 6.0% 3.6%

Due to the increase in biking participation recent years, the government has become more aware of



PORTLAND, OREGON According to the study done by the League of American Bicyclists, (1) Portland is the city leading the pack with the largest share of Bicycle Commuters with 6.1% in the United States. Since 1990 they have and an increase of astonishing 430.3%. Portland has a total of 180 miles of bike lanes, and 79 miles of off-street bike paths (9), connecting almost the entire city with bike-paths, which gives the commuters a lot of bike-friendly road to ride safely. Due to their improvement of facilities, the four busiest bridges have had an increase from 2,855 daily commuters in 1992, to over 16,000 in 2008 (8). And even with the drastic increase in bicycle commuting, there hasn’t been any significant increase in injuries or accidents (12) , and an amazing 80% of the bicyclists in 2008 wore helmets (8). They were the first in the United States to implement “bike boxes,” which are painted bike lanes at intersections giving bicycles a designated area in front of cars so they are more visible to traffic. Portland has also bike commuting trains implemented for elementary schools to make the kids transportation to schools safer. In addition to all this, Portland has also lowered speed limits from 25 to 20 miles per hour (40 to 32 km/h) on 70 miles (110 km) of designated neighborhood greenway

streets to increase safety for increasingly heavy use by pedestrians and bicyclists, and also painted sections of hazardous bikeways blue to prevent accidents. Portland has also gained a lot of media recognition from various events and efforts such as the Yellow Bike Project, where bikes were painted yellow and offered as free rental bikes to the city´s inhabitants. The stunt was a huge success, and most of the bikes were returned to their locations, and gained a lot of media attention (11). They also offer a lot of bikerelated content at museums and art exhibitions. Biking has become a part of Portland´s trademark, and an important part of its legacy, which shows in their attempts to be the best city for bicyclists in the nation.


Although Portland already holds the top position in the national bike commuter share, their goals are far greater than 6.1%. By the end of 2030 their goals is to have a 25% share of bicycle commuters, a plan costing them $600 million dollars to achieve (13). This plan will increase their bikeways from nearly 300 miles today to 700 miles in 2030, which will give the commuters plenty of safe and convenient roads to travel.


BOULDER, COLORADO Over a span of 20 years, Boulder has finally earned the right to say they are the number one bike friendly city in the U.S. Since 1989, Boulder has added 1 mile of paths and 2 underpasses every year! They have spent around $49 million on improvements to fund for cycling projects. “In 2008 Boulder devoted 46% of its transportation budget to bikes, transit, and pedestrians.” As of today, Boulder has 74 underpasses costing $100,000 to $2 million. Their innovative underpass designs also prevent flooding from happening. They are built along boulders creek and serve as a multi-purpose for the community. Almost all of Boulder’s streets have either a bike lane or a nearby bike path making it a safer environment to bike in the city of Boulder. They have a strong bike community, not only for just bike commuters but mountain bikers, bike racers,


BMX, etc., and they all come together to build paths and keep their bike community strong. Valmont Bike Park is 40 acres and has been an ongoing project for about 13 years in the center of Boulder. This park was created to unify all the bike needs of cycling. Valmont offers anything from downhill racing tracks and dirt jumps, to slope style and single tracks. Programs targeted toward young children assist in teaching and providing safety and enjoyment in bicycling to school. Valmont supports a twentyfour hour program, called the B-cycle, which allows people to simply swipe a credit card, take a bike, and go bicycling. Boulder is serious about their bike community and treat bikers the same as drivers. Bicycle traffic violations are penalized to the same compliance level as automotive violations. (38)(39)(40)



Hawaii is a popular travel destination both for Americans and for Internationals alike, and one of the reasons is the magnificent natural environment that Hawaii offers. The beaches and the dense forests packed with waterfalls and stunning views make Hawaii a popular travel destination for people looking for active holidays. Oddly enough, Hawaii is not as bicycle friendly as it should be, and it has always struggled with lacking participation in biking as a commuter activity, as well as a faulty perception of riding a bike. Fortunately, recent studies have shown a positive change, and even though it might be only a gentle slope, at least the community is gaining momentum in the right direction. According to the League of American Bicyclists (1) Hawaii jumped from 22nd place in share of bicycle commuters in 2011 to 12th place in 2012, which is a vastimprovement. Since year 2000, Hawaii has seen an increase of over 80% in bicycle commuters according to the same study. In 2012, 2.3% said they used their bike as primary means of transportation to get to work or school, up from 1.2% in 2011. Portland, Oregon, leads the pack with a 6.1% share of people using bike as their primary mode of transportation.


Bike Count 2013 (7), a local survey on Oahu (done for the first time in 2013) conducted by the Hawaiian Bicycle League, justifies these positive numbers even further, showing that there is a growing participation and interest in bicycling in Hawaii. The most popular areas of biking in Oahu are the areas around Kapolei Park, which has the islands busiest intersection at Kapahulu and Paki, and also King Street in Downtown, Honolulu. The study counted 6,523 bikes in 9 locations and analyzed biking habits and attitudes. The study showed that nearly half the bikes counted were riding on the sidewalk, which is against the law in Hawaii. This proves that there is a need to equip the roads in Hawaii with wider shoulders and integrated bike lanes to provide bicycle commuters safety-space to share the road with cars. Also, the study indicates a need to educate bicyclists about safety methodology in close proximity to vehicle traffic. Riding on the sidewalk is something that Hawaii wants to avoid, due to a large amount of accidents with bicyclists crashing with pedestrians. And according to national law, stated by NHTSA, “Bicycles on the roadway are, by law, vehicles with the same rights, and responsibilities

as motorized vehicles.” (8) The study also showed that the evening is the most popular time to ride a bicycle, although not significantly higher than other times of the day.

The city and County of Honolulu has recently, through the Department of Transportation Services, updated the 1999 Honolulu Bicycle Master Plan, which is a big step in the right direction for the future of bicycling in the island´s transportation system. Today, Oahu has 46 miles of bike paths, 52 miles of bike lanes, and 36 miles of bike routes, totaling at 132 miles of bike facilities. In addition, all the City transit busses are equipped with bike racks (20). The city of Honolulu is also equipped with more than 450 bike racks shaped like bicycles, and many of them quite colorful to add some thrill to the environment. There are also several traditional bike racks throughout the island. The 2012 version of the plan looks to expand the existing 132 miles of bikeways to 310 miles, costing a total of $68 million dollars. The short-term plan, costing $2.7 million dollars, is to expand by 62 miles in five years, focusing on high volume destinations such as Downtown, Waikiki, and UH Manoa (19).

For the next 20 – 30 years, the plan calls for a total of 559 miles of facilities to be built, although only the 310 miles have actually been budgeted in the plan. The plan also incorporates the proposed high capacity railway system into the regional bikeway network to ensure that the transportation methods go seamlessly together. The vision of the plan is to make cycling a safe activity and a preferred method of transportation by the island´s population at all ages, and the goals are to increase the share of bicycle trips, and increase the cooperation by the roadway users. The Department of Transportation Services has received a lot of input for this plan from HBL to ensure that the right interests are being supported, and the right efforts are being prepared.


The issues on people´s minds when considering riding a bike in Hawaii are mainly the safety of the road. However, there is also concern about the theft of bicycle parts when bikes are left unattended. There is a black market for stolen bike-seats (and other parts) in Hawaii, and therefore many bikers take the seats of the bikes when they lock them up in public areas.


COPENHAGEN, DENMARK Copenhagen got its first bike lane in 1910 and today 50% of the population chooses bikes to commute everyday, even in rain and snow. This city came in at the number two spot for most bike-friendly cities in the world. Not only is Copenhagen well developed, but a great number of bike projects are underway. The city are currently working to build green routes through Copenhagen to ensure a safe and green transport route for cyclists. Traffic lights are timed to be more convenient for cyclists, which means a rider never has to hit a red light. They can have a smooth, easy ride and not have to worry about constant stops and traffic. In 1948 a law was passed saying that all bicycles and bike frames that are sold in Denmark must be marked with a unique frame number stamped into the frame. This makes it easier to return a stolen bike. You can get compensation for

your stolen bike if you go to the police and report it stolen along with the frame number of your bike. Every bike sold in Denmark also comes with a reelight attached to the spokes and wheel hub by magnets. These lights are always electronically activated to maximize bicycle visibility and safety without reliance on human activation. Copenhagen also has many parking facilities located all over the city that focus on the quality, design, innovation, and sustainability. They are not only functional, but are crafted innovatively to fit into the city as more of a creative aspect of art rather than just plain ugly bike racks taking up space.



AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS Amsterdam has a population of 802, 938 within city limits, 1, 560,414 in the urban region, and 2, 332, 839 in the metropolitan area. With such large numbers it’s amazing they come in at the number one spot for bicycle-friendly cities in the world. The city have over 400 kilometers of bicycle paths in the city and offer bike rentals and cycling tours. They have widespread speed zones located throughout the city only allowing cars to go only 30 km/h, making it safer for the bikers. Amsterdam offers 1,500 bicycle bridges over the harbor and are currently working on a network of bicycle superhighways. Amsterdam is known for their uniform design of infrastructure and are continuing to make improvements. The size of the city plays a big role on bicycle use. Since Amsterdam is so compact, the city is more bikenavigable because most of peoples’ trips will be short distance. Nearly 85% of journeys by bicycle in Amsterdam are shorter than 5km (3.1 miles), for

which the compact size of the city is inevitably a factor. Most roads in Amsterdam have water to one side and housing on the other making it difficult to expand roads for cars, making it a prime reason to bike. It is not suited for cars and creates massive congestion within the city. Bike friendly policies and segregated biking facilities force Amsterdam’s roads to be more bike friendly and into a bicycle network. To make it a safer bike environment they created the center of Amsterdam into bicycle streets where the bikers have the priority on the road. Car users are automatically considered at fault in an accident, unless they can prove otherwise, which encourages those in automobiles to give great consideration to cyclists.



HAWAII BICYCLING LEAGUE The Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL) was founded in 1975, as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization by Eve DeCoursey – a top triathlete in Hawaii and several times Women’s Hawaii State Road Racing Champion. The organization’s mission is “To promote bicycling for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events.” In 1999, the Oahu Bike Plan was released, envisioning Honolulu as a “bicycle-friendly city where bicycling is a viable and popular travel choice for residents and visitors of all ages.” To ensure and implement the Oahu Bike Plan, Hawaii Bicycling League created the Oahu Bike Project as they believe it is the key to achieve their mission of getting more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation. (16)

program, BikeEd Hawaii. HBL also offers several adult education classes to promote safety amongst pedestrians, cyclists and drivers, including: Commuter Cycling 101, Traffic Skills 101, and Walk Bike Drive. (16)

Between 2011-2012 HBL was funded mostly by registration fees (42%) and government grants for their BikeEd program (37%).The remaining funding came from sponsorships (4%), donations and small grants (4%), membership dues (3%), gross profit on inventory sales (3%), other miscellaneous revenues (3%), licensing fees (2%), event photo sales commissions (2%) and less than one present came from program-related publications. (16)

HBL is amongst the most comprehensive in the U.S. and have taught over 120,000 4th graders in Oahu The organization is currently run by four full-time public schools, since 1989, through their education staff workers and six part-time workers. It also has 15

a great force of volunteers. The board of directors consists of 15 people.


There are three big events that HBL host annually, first being the Metric Century ride which takes place in Haleiwa Town. This ride has been dedicated to John B. Kelley, the past President of HBL who passed away on May 24, 2006. In 2007 the Haleiwa Metric Ride became dedicated to his tireless efforts, his passion for the Hawaii Bicycling League, and for cycling itself. The ride begins and ends in Kaiaka Bay Beach Park on the North shore. On this ride all skill levels and ages are welcome. The course takes you through Haleiwa Town, then along the shores over Waimea Valley, Sunset Beach, Kahuku, and Kaaawa. The road is mostly flat with a few moderate hills. Bicycling Magazine named this ride one of the 50 Best Rides in the United States.

HBL does not have a marketing/communications/ public relations department or an employee who handles these efforts. Instead, the managers of each brand are in charge of coordinating marketing efforts and produce their own promotional material for their projects.

HBL members receive news updates on bicycling, the organization, and upcoming events. They also receive discounts on HBL merchandise. Members get discounts at local bike shops on the island 10% off regularly priced bikes, bike parts, and accessories. The fees for the Century Rides and classes are also reduced. Being a member helps with their vision, “Uniting as one voice for a bike friendly community with better Engineering, Enforcement, Education, The Honolulu Century Ride is the largest cycling event in Hawaii. Every year this event attracts Encouragement, and Evaluation for bicyclists.� (18) 16

thousands of cyclists from around the world. This ride begins and ends at Kapiolani Park. After riding their desired distance, riders can relax on the grass in Kapiolani Park while hula and other activities are happening including local food vendors. Local bike shops and police officers are in full support of this event.

that cyclists face every day. Along the ride stops are made at police stations where they invite elected representatives to discuss local safety concerns as well as dangerous areas and how to improve them. While there is no entry fee for this event, donations are accepted and contributed towards training for bus drivers for Roberts Hawaii and HPD officers on how to be aware of cyclists and the laws. Safety Price registration varies for each event depending precautions are even more important than usual on on if you are a member of HBL, the time you register, this ride. A sweep vehicle will follow the last rider as and if you are a child or adult. they ride. If any of the riders decide to stop they must For every event Aid Stations are set up throughout let a Friendship Ride Leader know or volunteers in the event to provide help as well as fuel the riders a vehicle. Helmets and brakes are a must for this with snacks, sports drinks, and water. event. This ride takes 2 days to complete and is a total of 138 miles. There are also people called Friendship Ride Leaders. Friendship Ride Leaders are riders that decides to May is Bike Month with events throughout the take control and lead a group of riders on whatever month promoting bicycling and safety. The whole distance they planned on riding to. For taking on month revolves around the Cycle 100 Challenge, this task, they are given a special Friendship Ride which is a challenge to ride 100 miles in one month. Leader bib which lets other riders know that they This also coincides with the National Bike Challenge, are in charge of that particular group and are able to which is the same thing but runs all the way to the provide directions and help with minor mechanical end of September. Participants can sign up online adjustments, or can call course support for help as and see who else is taking the challenge. Weekly well. prizes are given to participants during the month of May. May 8th is Bike to school day where children The event will have their own photographers are encouraged to ride their bike to school instead throughout the event snapping photos of the riders of other forms of transportation. The next event is that can then be purchased at the finish area or Hele on Kakaako which is held on Mother’s Day, May online. 12th. May 17th is National Bike to Work Day. May 24-26 is Bike to Shop weekend. May 26th is also Ride guides are given out in the registration packets Bike to the Zoo Day where anyone who rides their and show the course to help get a visual of the ride bike to the zoo gets free entry and the first 200 get and help if someone was to get lost. a free bag of goodies from the zoo. May 31st is the last day, it is called the Holoholo Ride and happens Both early and regular registrations will enable every last Friday of the month. The ride starts at the participants to get a dry-fit t-shirt. Late registrations state Capitol and ends at Eat the Streets Kaka’ako. will get t-shirts while supplies last. There are also many May workshops and clinics throughout the month. The last large scale event run by HBL is different than the others, the Zach Manago’s Ride in Paradise which is a ride around the island in memory of Zach Manago, an HPU student, who passed away December 17,2010 while attempting to do this ride at night. Zach had all required safety equipment and lighting; however, was killed by a hit and run vehicle incident.was passionate about bike safety and wanted Hawaii to be a safer place for cyclists. This ride is done to create awareness of the problem 17


COMPETITORS ON OAHU HBL’s primary focus is legislative affairs for Hawaii, membership and activities on Oahu; the mission statement is, “Our Mission: Getting more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation by making Hawaii’s streets safer through advocacy, education, and events since 1975.” (26)

despite HBL’s number of events, in the type of events sponsored: bike rodeos, care-free-street days, and bike corrals; as well as ride events (24). Cyclovia does have a political agenda aimed at propagating, “streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe, convenient, and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation.” (26) However, Cyclovia HBL’s competitors include: People’s Advocacy for has not advertised direct success in legislative affairs Trails Hawai’i (PATH) on Big Island, Kauai PATH on as HBL can. Kauai, Maui Bicycle Alliance on Maui and Cyclovia Hawaii on Oahu. (16) We have decided to put the focus Only Cyclovia appears to be a membership and on Cyclovia Hawaii as our campaign will take place event competitor on Oahu and the other three on Oahu. organizations are channeled within their island community.


As for membership on Oahu, Cyclovia is the primary competitor and appears to have a competitive edge,



ONLINE AND UH SURVEYS We did two surveys, one online where 78 people were surveyed, and a street survey at the University of Hawaii, Manoa (UH) where 59 people were surveyed. The online surveyed people who live or used to live in Hawaii between the ages of 18 to 54, and both men and female. The UH survey surveyed students, faculty and staff at UH in the ages 17 to 55, both male and female.

not riding a bike in Hawaii, and only 3.08% said they felt extremely safe, while 6.15% said they felt very safe, 27.69% said they felt moderately safe, 32.31% said they felt slightly safe biking the streets of Hawaii while the 30.77% did not feel safe at all.

The majority of the people surveyed online were Caucasian (50%), while the remaining were African American (6.41%), Asian (16.67%), Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (2.56%), American Indian or Alaska Native (1.28%), Hispanic (6.41%) or other (16.67%).

• Got crushed by a cab and suffered a severe concussion from hitting a light post. • Hit by a driver who fled the scene leaving the participant behind. Later, the court couldn’t do anything about the accident. • Hit a pothole. • Car turning right did not yield and side-swiped me. Small injuries, but a bit of scare.

When asked if they ever had been injured riding a bike in Hawaii, the majority of the participants hadn’t, but the answers we got varied in scenarios. Some of the responses we got:


We asked the participants whether they felt safe or


Others mentioned moped accidents because of one member. This leads us to believe that there is slippery roads and cars not paying attention. Others an awareness problem as many do not know about included: HBL. • A car hit my leg while I was crossing in the cross walk when I was supposed to. • I was nearly side swiped in a bike lane and broke my elbow. • Hit by a motorcycle • Once hit by an oncoming bicyclist not paying attention and once side swiped by a bicyclist.

When asked whether they would attend a cycling safety workshop, many were very open to the idea. The ones who weren’t, often said they already knew how to act safe on the road. Some responses:

We asked participants what they knew about the Hawaii bike laws and the response was little. Many said they didn’t know anything or very little. The repeating answers were that they knew about needing a permit, helmets are not necessary, riding with traffic, no bike lanes and not allowed to bike on sidewalks. Several answers stood out, such as: • Do they have any? • Quite a lot, but the information was hard to come by. I had to do my own research and attend cycling safety workshops. • There are very few that they make very public • I know there are areas where you cannot ride on the sidewalk and that you basically have the same rights and responsibilities as a car.

• Yes, to protect myself. • Only if they would teach me how to do maintenance, like replace a tire. • I didn’t know they existed. • No, I can ride a bike. It’s the traffic and the lacking biking infrastructure making it unsafe and inconvenient. • No, I know how to be safe on a bike, it’s other cars that we have to worry about. If any course should be given, it should be to the drivers on how to be more safe for others traveling on bikes etc. • Maybe, but I don’t have a bike and do not feel safe about getting one in Hawaii. • Yes. The previous workshops I have attended were very beneficial to m. • No, I’m not a safe rider and want to keep it that way. It’s more fun.

In conclusion, many are open to the idea of attending a cycling safety workshop, but they lack information In conclusion, most didn’t know anything about about how to. Some pointed out that it is other bike laws, and what they knew wasn’t much. There vehicles that are the problem. People who felt less is clearly a need for education and making the safe on the roads of Hawaii were more likely to information easier to come by. attend a cycling safety workshop. Very few knew about Hawaii Bicycling League. Only 11% of those surveyed had heard about the League. UH MANOA SURVEY When asked what they knew, most didn’t know The majority of the people surveyed at UH were much. Some answers standing out included: Asian (45.76%), while the remaining were Caucasian (23.73%), Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander • I have heard about it. Not a member, because (10.17%), Other (8.47%), Hispanic (5.08%), Black I sold my bike before I moved here (3.5 years ago), or African American (3.39%) and American Indian and I’m about to move off island again. or Alaska Native (3.39%). • I know it is a good organization, but I’m not a member. We asked the participants whether they felt safe or • I know they are the largest cycling organization, not riding a bike in Hawaii, and only 1.82% said they advocate for cycling safety, put on events, and felt extremely safe, while 7.27% said they felt very education programs. I am a member. safe, 41.82% said they felt moderately safe, 29.09% said they felt slightly safe biking the streets of Hawaii Of all people we surveyed, we only came across 20

while the 20% did not feel safe at all.

Asian. UH students felt safer about cycling, but neither groups felt very safe in general. Highest percentages were found from moderately safe to not safe at all. The majority of surveyed people had never been in an accident while riding a bike in Hawaii. Also, few knew little about bike laws. The repeating knowledge was: No need for helmets, one needs a permit for bike, ride on street or in bike lane, cars should always yield for cyclists, cannot ride on sidewalk, and that one need lights when cycling at night. Few had heard about HBL and the overall knowledge about what HBL does was little. We only found 1 member of all people surveyed. Good news is that many were open to the idea of attending a bicycling safety class. For the students at UH, time and convenience was key and many would attend if the safety class was hosted at UH.

When asked if they ever had been injured riding a bike in Hawaii, the majority of the participants hadn’t, but the answers we got varied in scenarios. Some of the responses: • I haven’t been in an accident, but my friend was hit and killed by a car (Zach Manago). I was there when it happened. • Yes, I got scraped after having to move out of the way of a car. • I have never been hit, but I know three people who have been hit with a car in Hawaii while biking, but none of them reported it. • No, but I want to run over bicyclists who ride in the road with no bike lane. • Yes, a car that took a turn too fast and ran me off the road. • Yes, a driver pulled out to make a right turn without stopping and I hit the car. • Yes, I wrecked the bike after having too much to drink. As we experienced in the online survey, most didn’t know anything about the Hawaii bike laws, and what they knew wasn’t much. Only 5.9% of the people at UH knew about any bike laws. The repeating knowledge was: Registration of bike, ride on street or in bike lane, cars should always yield for cyclists, cannot ride on sidewalk, and that one need lights when cycling at night. One person also noted that “not enough drivers are aware about [the Hawaiian Bike Laws].” 6 out of 59 had heard about the HBL, but they didn’t know much about it and none of them were members. They knew that HBL rides bikes together, offer classes on safe biking and that HBL is working to make biking safe. However, 20% would attend a bike safety course to learn more about how to be safe when riding a bike. Of the ones who said they’d attend a safety event, time and convenience was important.


Most of people surveyed in online survey were Caucasian while in the UH survey the majority was




HBL has a very good reputation as far as reviews. completed half of the ride. These reviews came from participants in the Century Ride. They describe the ride as safe and rewarding. Another Century Ride participant, Justin says:

“All of the volunteers were super nice and always made sure the riders were properly hydrated.” He “HBL and their volunteers did a really good job with also adds “If you needed bike repair, they had a tent big visible yellow signage throughout the course. for that too.” There were police at most of the intersections And he is looking forward to the next ride. He gives directing traffic. Some parts of the course were them 5 stars as well. coned for our protection. They had a few official support cars driving back and forth. Ample aid Charlie on Yelp raves about HBL by saying: stations with ice, water, electrolyte drinks, fruits, donuts. When I finished the ride a volunteer even “This is a nonprofit organization dedicated to refilled my bottle with iced water for me. It was so making Hawaii bicycling friendly, downside? None. wonderful. Received a dry-fit T-shirt for registering Buy a membership with them for a newsletter early. Entertainment at the end. The ride was very keeping you up on cycling events and news, better scenic and beautiful as it runs along the Makapu’u yet your money helps support an amazing cause.” (17) coast.”

Julia reviewed her ride on Yelp saying:

She gave the event 5 stars even though she only



SOCIAL MEDIA EVALUATION Through evaluation of HBL’s Facebook site, basic demographics are primarily Caucasian and Asian, equally male and female, ages thirty through fortyfour, predominately educated at University of Hawaii, and are academically oriented toward Liberal Arts and History.

The psychographics are dominated by HBL’s targets: health-minded, safety-oriented (use of helmets), consider bicycling a lifestyle choice, possess biking gear and bicycles, and are community-active, projectoriented, open-minded, and active on Facebook. A majority of profiles indicated the users frequented the same social media groups, participated in similar activity and in-groups, appeared to have residual income that afforded the opportunity to be community and bicycle active, were business proprietors, and considered community pillars. HBL’s Facebook site does not include event invitations or accepted invitations (RSVP); and therefore, no ability to determine Facebook’s effectiveness in drawing event participants to events is available. Two analytic reports were performed on HBL social media. The first report was an analysis of HBL’s Twitter account (33). The report indicated HBL has a low number of direct followers, tweets, and “klout” (33) ; but the followers and audience have the potential to reach thousands of additional people. This infers HBL may not be active enough on Twitter and are not getting tweets circulated among the larger Twitter population. Also, the words “cycling, bike, bicycle” only accounted for 14.4% (33) of activity. The ‘Simply Measured’ report, specifically the “Audience by # Followers” section, contains potential Twitter

media influencers and targets to obtain more activity among a larger audience. This gives HBL an opportunity to reach publics and promote to obtain objectives.

The second report included analytics of HBL’s Facebook page. The ‘Simply Measured’ report (34) indicates that the majority of posts is related to brand and only achieves a range of 13.3 to 18.7 engagements per post. Additionally, 60% of all posts are relevant to “multimedia” and only twenty-eight posts contained the keywords, “bike, bike path, bike count, cycling, Hawaii cycling.” Also, the Facebook page only few “shares,” indicating to few Facebook participants are sharing or forwarding information from HBL’s page; restricting ability to maximize social media influence. Based on the available information, HBL’s social media requires more participation; media messages targeted toward large influencers, and must attempt to draw more bicycle enthusiasts through individual and organizational social media posts.

Of many ideas to pursue, the social media must provide participants with information and opportunities that interests the population or population segments. In specific context, the bicycle event segment can focus on volunteers, energizing social media interest, and provide bicycling safety or general techniques that will interest the riding enthusiast. This would also provide the legislative segment opportunity to rally those interested in supporting petitions and other activities to further the expansion of safe bicycling projects on Oahu.



CURRENT SITUATION HBL is the largest bicycle league in the state of Hawaii, and the only bicycle organization to actively fight for and engage in promoting a better future for the bicyclists in Hawaii. They have played an important part in many decisions regarding the improvement of facilities for bicyclists, as well as passing of laws regarding traffic. They hold several major events annually, and smaller events every week of every year. HBL is in other words one of the backbones of the entire bicycling community in Hawaii, and they are doing a lot of important work. But they have one challenge to overcome: HBL is struggling with obtaining an identity in the community as they have no designated marketing person in their organization. Till now they have relied on every individual to promote the league as they see fit in order to engage people to participate in events and workshops. According to our survey and research, people are familiar with the events and somewhat their educational workshops, but they are not familiar with who is responsible for these different efforts. If one is not part of HBL as a volunteer or as an active bicyclist, one does not know about HBL. Their challenge is to become a top-of-mind brand when bicycling is a topic in any circumstance to be able to attract more members and participants. Bicycle commuting in Hawaii is a growing trend, and HBL needs to have a strong brand to be ready to embrace that trend with all the relevant information the publics need in order to stay the strongest organization in the field. By switching focus from events to advocacy, they might risk losing even more attention around the brand.


During 2014 we have the opportunity to give HBL a unified voice to give the brand a stronger presence in the community, and also implement tactics to increase the awareness and overall perception of

the brand to surge their membership and event-/ workshop-/educational classes’ participation. With no designated budget for this campaign, the focus must be on spending as little funds as possible, yet gaining a lot of free media, and also getting a lot of attention using the resources HBL has available.


HBL has a long tradition here on Oahu and has a strong force of dedicated board members and volunteers helping them reaching their goal. The organizations is divided into three separate initiatives: advocacy, events and education. These entities need a consolidated and cohesive brand that reaches across all the initiatives to create a greater brand awareness within the community to create tangible results; including increased membership and participation in both cycling education classes and events. (16)


Dedicated: • Board members, staff and volunteers are dedicated. Good connections: • Good connection with the Hawaii Legislative Bureau. • Easier to influence and come with suggestions for future of biking. Advocacy: • Only organization in Hawaii to promote advocacy for biking.



Social media: • Low participation and reach. No unified voice:

• No dedicated marketing person to take care of communicating cohesively. Memberships: • Slow increase and little to none focus on getting more members. • Being one of the most important elements of HBL, this is a huge weakness.


Awareness: • By making a more cohesive brand, and focusing on getting more awareness for the brand it can help in every way for HBL. o Especially increasing members and participation. Future of biking: • Biking is becoming trendier, government is giving it more attention, brighter future, more infrastructure development generating a lot of jobs. • Hawaii has big plans for biking. Positive attitude: • According to our surveys and research, people are positive to attending workshops and events.


mission of educating the population of Oahu on traffic safety through their workshops and events, as well as creating a cohesive brand image to unify the brand.


The overall goal is to increase awareness of and participation in Hawaii Bicycling League by increased membership numbers and converting community members from fossil-fueled transportation to bicycling by creating a cohesive brand image for Hawaii Bicycling League.


The overall objective of this campaign is to increase awareness of and participation in Hawaii Bicycle League. The increase in awareness will help the organization strengthen their brand and relationship within the community, differentiate them from other cycling-related organizations on Oahu, increase membership, and participation in education classes and events.

Funding: • Depending on funding from several resources. Lack of funding can have catastrophically consequences. Lagging • If HBL fails to utilize a cohesive brand voice it will be stuck in a slow moving pace and miss out on a lot of opportunities as the community moves forward. Especially with all the changes coming. Development • The biking community in Hawaii is depending on the development of the infrastructure, and there is not much HBL can do if infrastructure is inadequate.







One of the core problems we noted was the lack of brand integration and brand awareness of HBL. The opportunity we have is to develop a marketing strategy with a specific schedule to raise awareness and help HBL increase their membership and event participation to be able to better carry out their



Create a cohesive brand image for Hawaii Bicycling League. Increase awareness of Hawaii Bicycling League amongst the residents of the island of Oahu by 50% by the end of 2014.


Increase participation amongst our key publics in selected events, including workshops and events, by 10-15% by the end of 2014.


Increase membership amongst our key publics by 20% from 1200 members to 1500 members, by the end of 2014.


STRATEGY & PLANNING Before we started this whole campaign, we were given couple of goals that clients wanted us to focus and achieve. Those were raising awareness of bicycling in Hawaii and promoting workshops and events that HBL is hosting. However, there were few problems were found during the research. The biggest problem that needed to be fixed as soon as

possible was their marketing strategy itself. One of the elements is that they need brand new logo, which can be used for all their events and anything else that they want to promote.



HBL MEMBERS Their “current members” are a variety of different demographics and are therefore a valuable key public as they reach out to several different kinds of people. They are already in HBL´s database and readily available to receive info from the organization, making them an easy target audience to communicate to. This target audience is very important for the success of the campaign, and especially for increasing memberships and awareness. Peer-to-peer persuasion is the most trusted and effective way of communicating according to several studies done on the topic (49) , and up to 84% of consumers worldwide trust recommendations from friends (50). This is a kind of earned media that is instrumental for the success of the campaigns goals and objectives, and by utilizing current members to refer their friends and family it creates ambassadors for HBL and an easy way in for new members.

member who signs membership. And without specific data to analyze it is difficult to make an extensive profile/audience description for this target audience other than assuming they are Oahu based (mainly Honolulu) with an interest in bicycling. They care about the future of Hawaii both environmentally and as a bike-friendly city. They are active people who probably make up a huge part of the daily work commuters by bike, which are approximately 7800 people in total. Current membership number is 1200 members.

Psychographics for this audience are concern for the environment, a desire to stay healthy, and a wish to make the community at large healthier as well. They take care of themselves, value the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle, and find time to enjoy the outdoors of Hawaii on the seat of a bike. Several of them appreciate the events that HBL offers and takes part in the annual rides such as Century Ride, According to HBL there is no specific “type” of and maybe Zachary Manago´s Ride in Paradise. 27

HBL employees, board members, and volunteers are also a part of the internal target audience, as they need to be educated on the brand re-design and the campaign goals and objectives. These people are the most valuable resources for this campaign and a considerable factor behind its success or failure.


• Modernize the current logo of HBL. • Create a cohesive look for event logos to the new modernized HBL logo. • Create templates for e-mails, newsletters and press releases. • Re-design web page, business cards and all other graphic elements and business collateral. • Use Pagemodo to schedule Facebook and Twitter postings ahead of time.


Rewards for referring friends Helping with a good cause Improving the future of biking Making biking more social, and getting friends along for the ride


• HBL • Other friends • Other members


Start a referral program where members of HBL can refer their friends to become members of HBL. The overall goal is to engage board members, volunteers and members of HBL to reach 1500 members by the end of 2014, which is a 20% increase (300 more members).



By referring more members HBL becomes a stronger voice for biking in the community and will ultimately work towards a better future for bicyclists with a better infrastructure and a bigger biking culture.


More members make the government realize there is more need for a better infrastructure. More bikers make the roads safer by making motorists used to bicyclists. A stronger biking community can help Hawaii become more environmental friendly.


Unite a brand voice for HBL to a cohesive brand by the start of the Pedal Points campaign. 28

• Newsletters to members, board members and volunteers to inform about the referral program. • Direct mail package about the referral program and how one can become involved with it. The packet will contain the newsletter in print-form, a fact sheet on the program with all particulars including rewards and referral cards for referring friends to the program. • A downloadable referral card sheet from their website to let members refer more members as they see fit. • Referral tents with HBL staff will be at all major events hosted by HBL to inform, recruit, and engage current members of HBL and/or the ones attending.

LOGO RE-DESIGN & TAGLINE Because Hawaii Bicycling League uses different logos for their different events, the target market finds it difficult to connect HBL to their events. In order to ease the confusion, a new logo was created to create a cohesive feel, connecting HBL and their many events.

sunset and sundown, and the passionate attitude HBL carries towards bicycling and safety. It also represents the colors of various road signs.

We felt that the organization needed a tagline to accompany their newly created logo to further emphasize a cohesive theme and pull the The newly created logo features the Hawaiian organization together. The tagline pulls together our Islands inside a bicycle wheel. The Hawaiian objectives and goals for this campaign, and helps Islands represents the organizations Hawaii roots, create the cohesiveness that HBL needs. “Biking for and the wheel represents the ongoing work the a better future” unites all three branches of HBL. It organization is making for government legislations touches upon the benefits of bicycling, advocacy, and concerning safer roads for bicyclists in Hawaii. safety. The tagline also makes the older generation The bicycle wheel also represents HBL’s bicycling relate to wanting the future to be a better place for events and bicycling itself. We chose to use red and the next generation. yellow colors, representing the beautiful Hawaiian 29



WEBSITE RE-DESIGN Hawaii Bicycling League has their own website, but in order to fulfill the brand makeover and create a cohesive brand image for the organization, we decided to redesign their website. The website features their new logo and makes it easy for people to navigate through. The website features the services they offer, contact information and information regarding events and rides. Their current website lacks an easy-to-read (and find) “about page” about the organization. We want to create a quick history and about section that is easy to read and where the visitor can create a general overview of the organization. We found it important to make the website in a responsive design, so it is easy to transfer to smartphones, tablets and be viewable on several different computer screens. The menu is located on top of the page, as well as in the footer so when visitors finish reading one post, the menu is always within reach and they can easily navigate onto the next interesting subject. We wanted to make it easy to gain an overview of

the website, and have the main stories located near the top of the page by using engaging images and headlines to lure the reader in. The sidebar menu can be located on the right of the page, and contains a search field, several “action buttons” where the visitor can for example become a member or donate to HBL. It also links to HBL’s social media platforms and has a calendar showing all the ongoing events of the month. As mentioned, the footer includes the main menu to easier navigate the page, icons for HBL’s social media platforms as well as their contact information. Every story also contains share-buttons so the reader can easily share the blog posts or news stories on their social media platforms.


In conclusion, the website needs to become more reader-friendly, making it easy for the reader to obtain the desired information quickly, without having to search for it.












WORK COMMUTERS According to the study done by The League of American Bicyclists, 2.3% of the working population in Hawaii get to work by bike. This is the 12th highest in the nation, and a significant jump for last year placing 22nd. The trend for getting to work by bike is evident, and both the City and County of Honolulu, and HBL want to increase this number to put Hawaii in the top 10 area on this list. Workers can act as great influentials for colleagues at the workplace and is thus a very important key public for HBL, and for this campaign, to be able to convert people from fossil fueled transportation to riding the bike. This key public is mainly people working in the major cities such as Honolulu and Pearl City, having office jobs which keep them indoor most of the day. Motivational factors for this public are taking care of the health, but also to be able to get to work on time. By commuting by bike instead of car/bus, you are able to pass through traffic in rush hour and actually save a lot of time. Influentials for this particular group could be CEO´s, managers, and

seminars by HBL.


Save time and money when going to and home from work by cutting through rush hour and getting to where you need to be faster.



• Have more time disposable in the morning before heading off to work as you can pass most of the traffic in the road shoulders and designated bike paths. • Help reduce traffic in Hawaii, and ease the fossil gasses being released from motorized transport, and be a part of making Hawaii a more environmentally friendly state • Help build a stronger biking community in Hawaii, and take part in increasing the bike-towork commuter trend. This will give the community

more say in getting the bike facility improvements built faster, as it creates stronger needs. It will also help put Hawaii in a better position in the national annual bike-commuter survey. • Become an inspiration to your coworkers as you increasingly become more fit and healthy, and you talk about how much you save on gas money and parking.


• Bike to Work Day will promote a healthy mentality and lifestyle as well as create less traffic and increase bike awareness. Bike to work day will take place on May 16th 2014. • Print ads in Chinatown, Midweek, and Hawaii Business Magazine will generate awareness for the campaign and will run before Hawaii Bicycling Leagues events. • Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram campaign showcasing “30 benefits in 30 days” featuring an inspirational picture and copy of benefits of biking.


Become an active member of a healthy and increasing bicycle community in Hawaii with a lot of benefits for both the state of Hawaii and for you personally.



Generate media coverage with the help of a PR effort • Receive discounts in various stores, and at to selected media. various events, and stay updated on the evolvement of the state´s infrastructure. • Make new friends, and join in on fun events and TACTICS: happenings that promote a healthy and active • Send out press releases before Bike to Work Day lifestyle. on May 14th to create awareness and participation • Learn more about biking and how you can help in the event. make Hawaii a more eco-friendly state. • Place website banners on Honolulu Star • Be an opinion leader and involve and recruit Advertiser and Pacific Business News to capture friends and relatives in HBL. the attention of work commuters. • Share the beauty of Hawaii with friends and • Radio spots will take place right before HBL’s big family by exploring the island by bike. events in the morning and evening to capture those work commuters and convert them to get involved in the bike community. Spots will air May, July, and PRIMARY MESSAGE 3: BETTER LIFESTYLE September. Become healthier and lead a better lifestyle.


• Bicycling regularly has several benefits, including making you look younger, improving your sex life, beat illnesses, get a healthier heart, better sleep, better bowel system, and increase brainpower. • Get exposed to more daylight, which is an important source of vitamin D.


Launch of a campaign focusing on benefits of biking to generate more members and increase public awareness.


WEBSITE BANNERS We chose to advertise on the online version of Hawaii Pacific University’s school newspaper, the Kalamalama to reach college students. The Kalamalama just published their final print issue and are only found online, beginning 2014. The put further emphasize and presence online, we

want to advertise on the Honolulu Star Advertiser and on Pacific Business News to reach work commuters and corporate executives. The Honolulu Star Advertiser is the most popular and widely read newspaper in Hawaii, which makes it an obvious choice. Pacific Business News have over 10 000 daily subscribers and their average readership age is 47.



Production format and length: Our production will be in script format and will be a 30 second spot. Production quantity: We will be running 40 radio spots total. We will be running it two times a day, five days a week for a month.

Hawaii Bicycling League wants you to be a stronger healthier person. We ask you to give biking a try, not just biking but Biking for a Better Future. Aren’t you sick of your daily commute around the island taking forever, with biking you are getting exercise and getting where you want to go in half the time without traffic. If you decide you really enjoy biking then join the Hawaii Bicycling League and cycle with us in one of our famous rides throughout the year. For more information go to www.HBL.org. Do it for yourself and do it for your future. With HBL you’re Biking for a Better Future.

Target stations: Island 98.5, Star 101.9, 93.9 Jamz, KHVH-AM 830, Kiki-AM 990.

Timeline: The radio spot will run in selected weeks in May, July, and September.

Reasons behind choice of target stations: • Island 98.5 reaches listeners in the age range of 18 to 49. This demographic is working adults and has an active lifestyle, making them an ideal target for HBL. • We chose to advertise on Star 101.9, reaching listeners in the age range of 18 to 45, covering Key Publics: college students and work commuters. 72% of Work Commuters their listeners are full-time or part-time works who commute. Action desired from public(s): • 93.9 Jamz is amongst the top three radio stations To convert work commuters from cars to bicycles in Hawaii and reaches listeners in the age range and get them more involved in HBL. of 18 to 34. It is the number 4 station for the age range of 25 to 54, covering both college students How that action ties to the key public’s selfand work commuters. interest: • We want to advertise on KHVN-AM 830. The Workers would not have to deal with the heavy radio station discusses environmental issues and traffic that comes with driving a car and it would healthy choices for their listeners in the age range benefit them because they would be staying fit. of 30 and 54. • We decided to advertise on KIKI-AM 990 to Overriding message and tone: reach work commuters in the age range of 30 and The message comes off as an inspiration to get 54, to get the attention of their listeners to engage people biking not only for pleasure, but also for the them to be healthier people by riding a bicycle. betterment of the future of Hawaii. The tone is very positive and encouraging people to start biking.


Format: Dialogue

Primary Message: Avoid traffic and help make Hawaii a better place for bicycling.




classmates when you talk about getting to school by bike, and how much better it makes you feel. • Save money on gas, parking, or/and bus passes. • Recruit fellow classmates to ride together to school to make it more social.

The United States Census Bureau last reported 79,748 students in the major universities and colleges on Oahu in 2000. These are a huge part of the daily commuters on the roads of Oahu, and they consist of a big part of the commuters by bus, and also by car. Most students get to campus either by car or by bus, and several of them live fairly close to the campuses, and would benefit from using a bike instead of other means of transportation. The college students care about saving money, but the main issues are that they don’t feel safe, and they don´t picture themselves having time to use a bicycle instead of other transportation methods. They perceive it as inconvenient.


Become a member of HBL to get a lot of benefits, and also give the organization a stronger foundation of the younger demographic, and help them carry on their important legacy for Hawaii´s future.


• Receive cheaper bike supplies and discounts at events as a member of HBL, which is helpful for a student on a budget. • Become more involved in HBL, and spread the word to fellow classmates. • See the environment in Hawaii from a different perspective, and make new friends who share your interests in leading an active lifestyle.


Save time and money by getting to school by bike instead of other means of transportation.


• Become an inspiration and an influential to your 41


Launching a campaign that focuses on benefits of biking and being a member of HBL to increase public awareness.



• Bike to School Day will promote a healthy mentality and lifestyle as well as create less traffic and increase bike awareness. Bike to work day will take place on May 16th 2014. • Print Ads in University of Hawaii’s newspapers and online ads for HPU will generate awareness for the campaign and will run before Hawaii Bicycling Leagues events. • Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram campaign showcasing 30 benefits in 30 days featuring an inspirational picture and copy. • Energy Stations will be placed strategically placed at each campus giving the bikers benefits and rewards for biking to school with the ultimate VIP treatment on May 8th, 2014.


Generate media coverage with the help of a PR effort to selected media.


• Press Release will launch two days before Bike to School Day on May 6th creating awareness and participation for this event. • Generate web banners for Honolulu Star Advertiser and Pacific Business News to capture the attention of work commuters. • Radio spots will take place right before HBL’s big events in the morning and evening to capture those students listening to the radio on their way to and from school and convert them to get involved in the bike community. Spots will air May, July, and September.


Generate media coverage and awareness for Zachary Manago’s Ride in Paradise. 42

• Press Release sent couple of days before event inviting the press. • Pitch letter to the president of HPU to get HPU involved and sponsor the event. • HPU student driven Energy Stations near downtown where students will pass out water bottles to participants. The school will also contribute with nursing students for first aid stations along the bicycling route. Students will sell merchandise for HBL and a Zach-token (rubber wristband) to raise money for HBL. • Newspaper advertisement placed in UH’s school newspaper in the weeks before the event. • Online banner on HPU’s school newspaper in the weeks before the event.



COPY OUTLINE Target Audience: College/University Students

benefits of biking compared to other means of transportation.

Action desired from audience: Secondary Messages: Learn about HBL, obtain more awareness, and sign • Average driving time to work every day 25 up for membership. minutes • Bike can make it faster How this action ties to audience´s self-interest: • Lose 13 pounds in one year just by biking HBL staff will talk to people about the organizations • Save the planet mission and purpose, and persuade people to join as members to be able to secure a stronger voice Third party influentials and how they will be for the future of bikers. As a member they receive used: discounts, and by biking more they get healthier and Pictures will be taken to post on social media, save more money. membership forms will be used to attract more

members, media will be invited through press releases to feature the story in their medium.

Event date and time: May 8th 2014, which is on the official Bike day. 07:00 a.m. – 05:00 p.m.

Decoration/Signage: Two banners, one red carpet, x number of tuxedos and HBL merchandise for event staff.

Event Location: • University of Hawaii at Manoa • Hawaii Pacific University Downtown Campus • Chaminade University of Honolulu • Kapiolani Community College Overriding message and tone: Rewarding people for using their bike on Bike to School Day by giving them a pleasant surprise. Get rewarded for taking care of the environment.

Primary Message 1: Become a member of HBL and help unify their voice for a better future for the biking community. Secondary Messages: • Personal contact with students who are curious will make it easy for the HBL staff to talk to people about HBL. • Talk about the benefits of joining HBL, all the discounts, and how much money one can save by using bike instead of other transportation. Primary Message 2: Educate about the Bike to School Day and the


Invitation list: Various media through press releases.



COPY OUTLINE Key Publics: University students Corporate Executives

Mailing list for DM: Various companies in Honolulu area, especially all corporations who participated in the Honolulu Bike Wars.

Action desired from public(s): Join the Zachary Manago´s Ride in Paradise.

How that action ties to the key public’s selfinterest: Socialize and have fun at an important event for the biking community in Hawaii.

Overriding message and tone: Honoring Zachary with a sleek poster ad for the Zachary Manago´s Ride in Paradise.

Primary Message: Join the Zachary Manago´s Ride in Paradise to honor Zach and what he fought for. Secondary Messages: • Motivate the target audience to want to ride a bicycle. • Increase awareness of the event, as well as HBL.

Production format and length: Our production will be in script format and will be a 30 second spot.

Slogan/Tagline: Zachary would ride. Playing off the famous “Eddie would go,” making Zach the “Eddie of the bicycle world.”

Ad size/color/quantity: Full page 4 colors (full color)

Target publication: • Hawaii Sport • Ka Leo O Hawaii – UH Student Newspaper • Chinatown • Midweek • Honolulu Star Advertiser

Publication time: Last week of June and two first weeks of July Mailing time: • Second week of June • First week July

Reason behind target publications: • We decided to advertise in “Ka Leo O Hawaii,” University of Hawaii’s school newspaper at Manoa to reach college students. Ka Leo is the second largest publication on the Island, gives HBL a unique opportunity to strengthen brand with a highly impressionable demographic with disposable income that will continue to grow. • The urban magazine, Chinatown, is an opportunity to reach both college students and work commuters in downtown Honolulu. • Hawaii Sport is a fitness magazine tailored towards Hawaii. Their major emphasis is on cycling, triathlons, and running. By advertising in Hawaii Sport, we reach several of our target markets, including college students, work commuters, and people who take the bus. Being a free magazine, HBL will reach every level of income. • Being Oahu’s most read publication, Midweek, brings a good variety to every page and issue. It reaches 31% of college graduates, 56% of married marital status, and 66% of population with their own residence. This means the magazine will help us reach both work commuters, and possibly also college students. • We decided to advertise in Hawaii Business Magazine to reach work commuters and corporate executives. The magazine reaches more than 58 000 business decision-makers each month. • Military service members are active and athletic. We therefore chose to advertise in the Hawaii Military Publication, reaching 50 000 possible work commuters every season.




Hawaii Bicycling League Honors Zachary Manago.

HONOLULU, HI (July 6, 2014) – Zachary Manago’s Ride in Paradise is being held for the 3rd time, honoring and remembering HPU-student, Zachary Manago, who passed away after a fatal accident, while attempting to cycle around the entire island, in 2010. “For the last 3 years we have had a ride around the island, to remember him and to push for his vision to have cycling be much more safe and welcoming in Hawaii by building bike paths and bike lanes,” says Chad Taniguchi.

All precautions are taken to ensure safety of the riders including a follow car that follows the last rider as well as ride stops at local police stations where they invite elected representatives to discuss local safety concerns as well as dangerous areas and how to improve them.

This event is free to the public but donations are taken to help educate HPD officers and Roberts Hawaii bus drivers to be more cautious when driving near bike riders. The event takes place July 12th and 13th and is crucial to changing Bike safety in Hawaii, we ask you to come and participate in the event or if you don’t want to ride we stress that you donate to the cause and help someone like Zach be safer the next time they ride. Hawaii Pacific University is donating their time and money to honor their former student. They will be holding energy stations near the route downtown and hand out water to the many riders. For more information about the Honolulu Bike Wars, contact Chad Taniguchi. -------------

About Hawaii Bicycling League: The Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL) was founded in 1975, as a non-profit organization. The organization’s mission is “To promote bicycling for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events.” They envision Honolulu as a “bicycle-friendly city where bicycling is a viable and popular travel choice for residents and visitors of all ages.” Hawaii Bicycling League believes it is the key to achieve their mission of getting more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation.

About Zach’s ride: The Zachary Manago’s Ride in Paradise (Zach’s Ride) is the longest event in Hawaii Bicycling League lasting 2 days and covering the entire island, 138 miles. The event was created as a memorial after a fatal accident took Zachary Manago’s life on December 17, 2010 while he was attempting to cycle around the entire island. While he was riding at night, he was struck by a hit-and-run driver and 47

passed away despite having lights and wearing the proper equipment. Zach was an HPU student and avid bike rider. This ride is dedicated to him and his passion for cycling. Contact: Chad Taniguchi Executive Director chad@hbl.org (808) 735-5756 Attachments: Zachary.jpg paradise2013.jpg rideinparadise.pdf





COPY OUTLINE Target Audience: • Work Commuters • College/University students

Action desired from audience: • Interact with the brand online. • Sign membership. How this action ties to audience´s self-interest: Lists several benefits that biking can provide, and depending on who reads the ad there are different self-interests at play.

Overriding message and tone: Communicating the benefits of riding a bike and leading the audience to interact with their website.

Primary Message 1: All the benefits of biking, and how HBL needs the audience´s help to fulfill their mission. Secondary Messages: • Motivate the target audience to want to ride a bicycle.

Third party influentials and how they will be used: Science – there are several benefits that people probably don´t know about. Slogan or tagline: Biking for a better future.

Ad size/color: Tabloid size or full page depending on publication 4 colors (full color) Target publication: • Hawaii Sport • Ka Leo O Hawaii – UH Student Newspaper • Chinatown • Midweek




This demographic involves all commuters taking public transportation. One of the goals for the PRIMARY MESSAGE 1 – TRANSIT MORE City and County of Honolulu is to make the public TIME-EFFECTIVE transportation more seamless with the bike Converge from bus to bike to make your transit even commuting network. We feel it’s important to put more convenient and time-effective. some focus on the people riding the bus every day. People on the bus consist of many different demographics, but the one we will choose to focus SECONDARY MESSAGES on are the students and workers. The students • By riding a bike instead of the bus you don’t have and workers on a bus are already aware of the to worry about not getting any seats, or standing/ environmental issues of driving a car or they are sitting in a crowded and smelly bus. concerned about saving money. Riding the bus is • You can easily combine bus and bike to get to often a stepping stone before taking to bicycling as a where you want to go if you don’t want to bike all means of transportation, and it would therefore be the way. easier persuading the public on the bus to converge • Get to where you want to go faster than the bus to bicycling. It is important to let the public know can take you. that it is convenient combining bus and bike. • Save money by not having to buy the expensive bus-pass.



Launching a campaign that focuses on benefits of biking and being a member of HBL to increase public awareness.


• Bike to School Day will promote a healthy mentality and lifestyle as well as create less traffic and increase bike awareness. Bike to work day will take place on May 16th 2014. • Bike to Work Day will also generate less traffic and encourage people to get healthy and get to their destination quicker instead of riding the bus. • Print Ads in University of Hawaii’s newspapers and online ads for HPU will generate awareness for the campaign and will run before Hawaii Bicycling Leagues events. • Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram campaign showcasing 30 benefits in 30 days featuring an inspirational picture and copy. • Place bus ads promoting a healthy lifestyle and benefits of biking over using the transportation of the bus. This ad will run the whole month of June because it will run for free.




COPY OUTLINE Target Audience: People on the bus (students and workers)

Action desired from audience: Visit website, learn about HBL, and become members.

How this action ties to audience´s self-interest: They can save money, and realize there are a lot of benefits by joining HBL. They can also get educated on why biking is good. Overriding message and tone: Show biking as an alternative to traditional transportation, and tease people by saying they can get more than bus fares for $25.

Primary Message 1: Become a member of HBL and help unify their voice for a better future for the biking community. Secondary Messages: Lead them to the website to show the benefits of joining HBL, all the discounts, and how much money one can save by using bike instead of other transportation. Slogan or tagline: Biking for a better future.

Poster specifics: 28” wide x 11” tall – 4 color – 295 copies

Locations of poster: The Bus - Kalihi route with 295 vehicles that cover Honolulu/Waikiki area Reason behind choice of media: The Bus offers a free month for non-profit organizations to advertise. We wanted to utilize this opportunity to get people’s attention and raise awareness of HBL and the benefits of biking.



CORPORATE EXECUTIVES “Corporate executives” in the Honolulu area is our 5th target market, but probably the most important one. Because corporate executives are influentials to many employees on the island, we believe that engaging corporations will help vastly in achieving the set objectives and the overall goal of the campaign. They are the key in motivating more people to switch to a more environmental friendly means of transportation, and these people can be people from our other target markets: Work commuters, people on the bus, and even students. In other words, they are an umbrella of influentials to other target markets and will help us complete the cycle of people we want to influence and persuade.

There are some companies in Hawaii who make an effort to promote healthier workplaces, and one of them is Pacific Business News who just recently in July 2013 hosted an award ceremony for the healthiest businesses in Hawaii. Still, the people behind the initiative say that there is a lot of room

for improvement, and that the companies need to be better engaged and motivated to get onboard the “healthy-train (48).” This gives us the opportunity to develop a trend and get people onboard. With the U.S. facing an obesity problem, there is a need to get more people active. One out of three people in Hawaii was overweight in 2009, and one out of five was obese (47). Since 1990 there have been a 23% increase of people being overweight. On average, Hawaii organizations rate 61% of employees’ health grade of B or better (44): that leaves 39% of employees at C or worse and a significant opportunity for improvement. 51% of Hawaii businesses do not require or measure employees health (44).

Nationally, 76% of organizations that spend 6% or more of revenues on wellness initiatives believe the initiatives increase productivity (44). Productivity recoupment can have returns several times the costs


of the initiatives.

single parking stall. Biking could also reduce tax due to less road wear, they are easier to finance, and they 80% of Hawaii employers are interested in might even get you to work faster (46). initiatives investment if it will help to recruit or retain employees and 72% are willing to invest if the community recognizes healthy workplaces (44). SELF INTERESTS • Healthy Employees • Friendly Corporate Competition VALS • Free Media Corporate executives are “innovators” in terms of • Save Money (less sick days) VALS market segmentation. VALS (Values, Attitudes, • Reputation and Lifestyles) is a marketing tool used to segment markets into psychographic specifics. Of the eight types, “Innovators” describes this target market well as they are labeled as successful, sophisticated, take- INFLUENTIALS • Media charge people with high self-esteem. Image is very • Competitors important, and reputation in the business world is • HBL a big deal for this target market, and they are also receptive to new challenges and trends. They are change leaders who can play a big part in leading other people to follow them in what they want or what they say. Corporate executives in Hawaii would benefit from this campaign in getting healthier employees, as well as getting a better reputation, and also the potential of free media coverage.



A target market like this is very important to HBL as there is a huge potential for improvement in the By getting the employees more active it will improve work commuter market. By influencing corporate their health, their happiness, their team spirit, and executives and letting them come up with their own make the business healthier overall. methods of engaging their employees it is easier to make more people transition to bicycling. Also, there is a potential of recruiting large groups of members SECONDARY MESSAGES: • Increase the share of bike commuters in Hawaii through corporation outreach. and help make a more environmental friendly future. Traffic to work is a major issue in general, and • Help reduce traffic in Hawaii, and ease the fossil reducing that traffic is a big priority both locally gasses being released from motorized transport. and globally to make sure we stretch for a more • Help fight the obesity trend in the U.S. environmental friendly future. Biking can be a • Save money in having less people call in sick and viable part of the solution in achieving such a future. less health issues. Due to its many benefits contrary to car, biking is a • Biking offers several benefits for both the transportation method of the future as more cities environment and for the individual. look to biking as a good alternative. If more people would bike, the world would be better off in regards to several environment issues, such as carbon PRIMARY MESSAGE 2: THE HEALTHIEST BUSIemission, consumption of oil and gas, rush traffic, and overall space usage: A dozen bikes can fit in a NESS IN HAWAII 56

• Information packet: Event Sheet and Motivational Poster for the Bike Wars. • Mini trophy delivered to the office with a note of appreciation, report on the business’ progress and that the winner will receive a big trophy on the annual awards banquet in June. • Monthly e-mail reporting on the company’s progress and highlighting how well employees are doing. • Invitation to encourage the corporation’s participation in the Zachary Manago’s ‘Ride in Paradise’ in middle of June and a reminder two weeks prior to the event to let them organize early. • Invitation to the annual ‘Honolulu Bike Wars’ awards banquet in June. • Awards banquet first weekend in June to announce overall winners in Honolulu Bike Wars. Red carpet and dinner. Trophies, free membership, and merchandise to winners

Compete with other companies to become the healthiest business in Hawaii and get recognition and media coverage.


• Engage in a program to promote better transportation in Hawaii. • Become members of HBL and help unify their voice to create better infrastructure for the biking community • Be an opinion leader and a leader for change in the corporate community in Hawaii. • Grow your professional network and make new connections and friends.



Engage Companies to participate in events as teams.


Raise awareness and participation of HBL by engaging corporations and businesses in Honolulu to become members of HBL and implement our ‘Honolulu Bike Wars’ program with their employees, to eventually increase the share of bike commuters in Honolulu.


• Contact business owners in Honolulu who are potential clients/users of the Bike Wars program through phone calls, Pitch Letters, seminars, and general outreach in March/April. • Twenty-minute presentation by a designated representative from HBL at each corporation or business to tell about our program through engaging visuals and supporting key facts in late March/April. • Print copy of the presentation to all who is attending the presentation. • Registration booklet: two-page booklet informing how to join the program, including registration form.


• Pitch letters to organizations informing about events, and offering discounted group rates.


Get more companies involved in workshops.



• Pitch Letters and phone calls to organizations to generate interest for workshops. • Offer workshops at organizations.

SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL Frank Bridge Water Vice-President/Editor Honolulu Star Advertiser 500 Ala Moana Boulevard. #7-210 Honolulu, HI 96813 Dear Mr. Water:

Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL) is a non-profit organization originated in Hawaii with a mission to unify the voices of bicyclists on the islands in promoting bicycling as a transportation option for health and recreation, through events, workshops and advocacy. The company is the premier organization to work towards a better future for bicyclists, and hosts several well recognized events, including the Honolulu Century Ride, and the Zachary Manago´s Ride in Paradise.

Environmental issues is a big part of HBL´s legacy, and converting people from fossil fueled transportation to bicycling is an important way to reduce the toxic gasses from motorized vehicles that hurt the world in so many ways. Still, HBL has been struggling in getting their message across, and we believe that the organization would be an interesting company for the people of Hawaii to know more about. We propose that HBL and Honolulu Star Advertiser engage in a partnership through the month of May, which is the official bike month, to promote bicycling as a more fun way to commute to work. What we suggest is dedicating a half-tabloid page to feature a company leaderboard, which shows how many miles the employees of various companies have biked. This leaderboard could be featured every Monday to keep track of their progress, and motivate the other companies to “step up their game.” This leaderboard initiative is part of a program by HBL called Honolulu Bike Wars, which is an effort to convert people from traditional transportation to bicycling as part of a bigger 2014 public service campaign. The Bike Wars is engaging companies of Oahu (Honolulu in particular) to compete against each other to become the fittest company on the island. The leaderboards in Star Advertiser would serve as a great reminder and motivation for the companies to stay updated and bike more. Featuring HBL in your newspaper would be relevant to the integrity to Star Advertiser´s interest and concern for the local community and environment, and would help in proving that Hawaii needs more focus on bicycling as a form of transportation. This would turn companies into ideals and change leaders, and could start a healthy and environmental friendly trend on the island. We hope you will consider this offer, and hope to work with you in the future. Mahalo for your consideration.




COPY OUTLINE Target Audience: Corporate Executives

Secondary Audience: Work Commuters

Action desired from audience: • Sign up for Honolulu Bike Wars. • Get motivated to bike more. How this action ties to audience´s self-interest: Corporations get publicity and are able to make their company “shine” as a healthy company. Employees get their name in the paper, which is good for image, reputation, and self-confidence.

Overriding message and tone: Helping Hawaii get a more healthy business community by motivating them to bike to work. Primary Message 1: Showcase businesses and their efforts in making their company more healthy and environmental friendly. Secondary Messages: • Motivate the general public to want to ride a bicycle, and keep tab of what is going on in the bike wars.

Third party influentials and how they will be used: • Media – motivate companies with the possibility of free media and publicity. • HBL – Motivation and follow-up. Slogan or tagline: Biking for a better future.

Ad size/color: 3” column x 7” column (1/4 of a tabloid page) 4 colors (full color)

Target publication: Honolulu Star Advertiser – sponsored leaderboard




Hawaii Bicycling League Launches ‘Honolulu Bike Wars’ Program.

HONOLULU, HI (April 26, 2014) -- In the occasion of National Bike Month, Hawaii Bicycling League is launching a program to encourage company employees to bike to work instead of driving, improving the environment and well-being of the island. They are encouraging multiple companies to participate in a challenge to see who can have the most employees/miles biking to work. The challenge is called Hawaii Bike Wars. There will be a scoreboard printed in the Honolulu Star Advertiser every week with the top employees and companies. At the end of the month, the company with the most logged biking miles will win. The prize includes free membership to Hawaii Bicycling League for a year for the entire company and bragging rights.

“The bike wars are a good way to get more people to ride their bikes to work instead of cars or bus. Without traffic, the bike can be much quicker and more convenient. I can’t wait to see how far this goes,” says Chad Taniguchi. The program will run from May 1st to May 31st and will be concluded with an award ceremony and banquet in the beginning of June.

For more information about the Honolulu Bike Wars, contact Chad Taniguchi. ------------About Hawaii Bicycling League The Hawaii Bicycling League (HBL) was founded in 1975, as a non-profit organization. The organization’s mission is “To promote bicycling for health, recreation, and transportation through advocacy, education, and events.” They envision Honolulu as a “bicycle-friendly city where bicycling is a viable and popular travel choice for residents and visitors of all ages.” Hawaii Bicycling League believes it is the key to achieve their mission of getting more people to ride bicycles for health, recreation, and transportation. Contact: Chad Taniguchi Executive Director chad@hbl.org (808) 735-5756

Attachments: logo.jpg honolulubikewars.pdf



Dear Company,

Hawaii Bicycling League would like to invite you and your employees to bike to work instead of driving. This will cut down the traffic congestion problem in the city as well as promote a better, healthier, environment on the island. We are encouraging multiple companies, like you, to participate in the challenge to see who can have the most employees/miles biking to work. The challenge is called Hawaii Bike Wars. There will be a leader board printed in the Star Advertiser every week with the top employees and companies. At the end of May, the company with the most logged biking miles will win. The prize will be free membership to Hawaii Bicycling League for a year for your entire company.

Do you have what it takes to accept the challenge? Mahalo, Hawaii Bicycling League







COPY OUTLINE Target Audience: Corporate Executives

Action desired from audience: Sign up for Honolulu Bike Wars

How this action ties to audience´s self-interest: Better reputation for businesses and business owners, community competition. Overriding message and tone: Stating interesting key facts and benefits for companies joining the Honolulu Bike Wars, and the potential media coverage and free publicity.

Primary Message 1: Join the Hawaiian Bike Wars to make the corporate Hawaii healthier and help fight obesity, and also to show the importance of bicycling as a means of transportation. Secondary Messages: • Motivate the target audience to want to ride a bicycle. • Show the government that there is potential for a big bicycling culture in Hawaii (Honolulu).

Third party influentials and how they will be used: • Science – there are several benefits that people probably don´t know about. • Media – Tease with potential media coverage. Method and timing of distribution: Send to various corporations who might be interested in joining the program. Brochure size/color/quantity: • Half-letter size – 4 pages total • 4 colors (full color) • 200 pieces


BUDGET Out of Home Concierge Service

Bus Advertisement Total

Print University of Hawaii Chinatown

Detail Banner * 2

Kalihi Route (1 mo.) Detail 1/8 page 4 color


Online Hawaii Pacific University Pacific Business News Star Advertiser Total

Social Media

1/4 page 4 color Full page color

1/4 page 4 color Details Online Banner (1 mo.)






$4,265.00 $3,835.00


$3,835.00 $3,835.00


Item Cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost $72.00









1/2 page 4 color (1 mo.)

Honolulu Star Advertiser


Full page color (1 mo.)

Hawaii Business Magazine Hawaii Military



Full page 4 color (6 mo.)



1/4 page 4 color (4 mo.)

Hawaii Sport Midweek

Item Cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost


$2,200.00 $7,106.00 $3,935.00

$2,070.00 $10,350.00 $3,543.54 $14,174.16 $1,785.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$2,200.00 $7,106.00 $3,935.00

$0.00 $10,350.00 $0.00 $14,174.16

$7,140.00 $7,140.00


$14,332.04 $50,881.16 $7,140.00 $43,741.16 Item cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost $330.00
















Details Month cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost


Cost of labor






Cost of labor





Instagram Total

Cost of labor


$50.00 $150.00

$600.00 $1,800.00

$0.00 $0.00

$600.00 $1,800.00


Details Week Cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost

Island 98.5

30 sec. during rush hour





93.9 Jamz

30 sec. during rush hour





Star 101.9

KHVH-AM 830 KIKI-AM 990 Total

Special Events

30 sec. during rush hour 30 sec. during rush hour 30 sec. during rush hour Detail

Energy Stations

$275.00 $275.00

$4,900.00 $1,925.00 $1,925.00

$3,150.00 $22,050.00

$2,169.49 $10,847.45 Detail

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$4,900.00 $1,925.00 $1,925.00

$0.00 $22,050.00

Item Cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost $2,169.49 $10,847.45




$0.00 $10,847.45 $0.00 $10,847.45

Item Cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost

Extra Costs





Total Campaign

Item Cost Total Cost Sponsored Actual Cost $33,316.53 $99,308.61 $11,305.00 $88,003.61



IMPRESSIONS 14 607 491


7 438 199


7 166 892

Direct Mail

2 400

5 988 366


1 443 366


4 000 000


782 680

Online Advertising

545 000

Zach Manago’s Ride in Paradise

7 680

Honolulu Bike Wars

775 000

21 378 537




2 1 13 13 1 1

28 28 28 28 28

75 123 215 28 31 4 30 30

1 1 1 1 5 1 1 175 12 12 54 54 54 54 54 54 175

31 5 14 14 14 14 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1

6/16/2014 5/1/2014 5/1/2014

7/12/2014 7/6/2014 7/1/2014 7/1/2014 6/16/2014 6/30/2014

5/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/1/2014

1/1/2014 10/1/2014 1/1/2014 5/1/2014 5/1/2014 4/1/2014 6/1/2014 6/30/2014

5/6/2014 5/8/2014 5/14/2014 5/16/2014 5/31/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 2/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014 1/5/2014

5/1/2014 3/24/2014 4/1/2014 4/1/2014 4/1/2014 4/1/2014 5/1/2014 4/1/2014 6/27/2014 7/4/2014 9/8/2014 6/6/2014 4/20/2014 4/21/2014

7/13/2014 5/31/2014 5/31/2014

7/13/2014 7/6/2014 7/13/2014 7/13/2014 6/16/2014 6/16/2014

9/30/2014 9/30/2014 9/30/2014 9/30/2014 9/30/2014

9/30/2014 1/31/2014 12/31/2014 9/30/2014 5/31/2014 7/31/2014 12/31/2014 7/30/2014

5/6/2014 5/8/2014 5/14/2014 5/16/2014 10/5/2014 3/23/2014 1/5/2014 12/13/2014 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 3/19/2014 12/31/2014

5/31/2014 3/30/2014 4/20/2014 4/20/2014 4/20/2014 4/20/2014 5/31/2014 9/31/2014 6/29/2014 7/6/2014 9/8/2014 6/6/2014 4/20/2014 4/21/2014

Start End JAN dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy 1 2 3 4

28 31 31


FEB 1 2 3 4

MARC 1 2 3

APRIL 1 2 3 4

MAY 1 2 3 4

JUNE 1 2 3 4

JULY 1 2 3 4

AUG 1 2 3 4

SEPT 1 2 3 4

OCT 1 2 3 4


Honolulu Bike Wars Contact Corporate Executives Presentations to CEOs Resource Packet Copy of presentation Information Packet Star Advertiser Newsletter Updates Electonic Zach Packet Note of Appreciation Invitation Awards Banquet Awards Banquet Newsletter to members Direct Mail package Bike Month Press Release "Bike to School Day" Bike to School Day Press Release "Bike to Work" Bike to Work Day Energy Stations Reach out Press release Referal Program Newsletter to members Direct Mail package United brand voice Modernize logo Cohesive event logos Templates email, newsletters ++ Re-design webpage Re-design Social Media Pagemodo Print and Out-of-Home University of Hawaii Chinatown Hawaii Sport Midweek Hawaii Business Magazine TGIF Hawaii Military Guide Bus Ad Radio Island 98.5 Star 101.9 93.9 Jamz KHVH-AM 830 KIKI-AM 990 Zachary Manago Energy Stations Press Release Newspaper Ads Radio Invitation to Corporations Reminder Invitation Online Advertisement HPU Banner Star Advertiser Banner Pacific Business News

NOV 1 2 3 4

DEC 1 2 3 4



• Analyze if HBL staff and marketing is implementing all the new elements and none of the old.

Create a cohesive brand image for Hawaii Bicycling League.





By the middle of March 2013 have implemented cohesive brand visuals and design to be recognized by target audiences.

Increase awareness of Hawaii Bicycling League amongst the residents of the island of Oahu by 50% by the end of 2014.

FOCUS GROUPS: • Measure perception of new brand image, and discuss new vs. old.

Awareness of the brand within the target audiences up by 50% by December 31st, 2014.


SURVEYS: • Measure HBL´s connectivity to all the various events with the target audiences.

SURVEYS: • Surveys at universities that have been a part of the campaign, and other areas with a lot of bicycle traffic.


SOCIAL MEDIA: • Measure increase of activity (likes, shares, views, comments, hash tags, etc.) on their social media sites (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram). WEBSITE: • Measure increase of hits/views/traffic on their website. MEMBERSHIPS: • Measure trends and increase of memberships. PERSONAL INTERVIEWS/DIALOGUES • Talk to people on the street.


Increase participation amongst our target markets in selected events, including workshops and events, by 10-15% by the end of 2014.


Measure increase in participation of all events through the year of 2014: Workshops and bike-rides.


Increase membership amongst our key publics by 20% from 1200 members to 1500 members, by the end of 2014.


MEMBERSHIP: • Measure increase in memberships by the end of the year to see if the objective is met. EFFECTIVITY: • Measure the effectiveness of the referral initiative. • Measure how many referral cards have been submitted. • Measure how many referral sheets have been downloaded from web. COMPANIES: • Measure receptivity with corporations in Hawaii who take part in the Honolulu Bike Wars, 73

and analyze how many new members this initiative has generated.

CITED SOURCES (1) The League of American Bicyclists. (2012). Statistics of bicycle commuting. Retrieved from http://www.bikeleague.org/content/bicyclecommuting-data

www.portlandonline.com/shared/cfm/image. cfm?id=217489 (10) Bicycling.com. (2012). America´s top 50 bike-friendly cities. Retrieved from http://www. bicycling.com/ride-maps/featured-rides/1portland-or

(2) U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety. Administration & the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (2002). National survey of bicyclist and pedestrian attitudes and behavior. Retrieved from http://www.nhtsa. gov/Driving+Safety/Research+&+Evaluation/ Pedestrian+Attitudes+and+Behavior

(11) Bikeportland.org. (2010). Special coverage of bike boxes. Retrieved from http://bikeportland. org/cats/infrastructure/bike-boxes

(3) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (2011). States crashes and all victims. Retrieved from http://www-fars.nhtsa.dot. gov/States/StatesCrashesAndAllVictims.aspx

(12) The New York Times. (1994). Portland Journal: Where trust rides a yellow bicycle. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/1994/12/09/ us/portland-journal-where-trust-rides-a-yellowbicycle.html

(4) National Bicycle Dealers Association. (2012). Industry overview 2012. Retrieved from http:// nbda.com/articles/industry-overview-2012-pg34. htm

(13) Virgin Vacations. (2012). 11 most bicycle friendly cities in the world. Retrieved from http:// www.virgin-vacations.com/11-most-bike-friendlycities.aspx

(5) Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. (2013). Pedestrians and bicyclists. Retrieved from http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/t/pedestriansand-bicyclists/topicoverview

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