Store Cattle - Carlisle

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1,604 CATTLE WEDNESDAY 11th OCTOBER 2023 700 Store Cattle Ring 2 – 10.00am Ring 3 – 10.30am – 204 Dairy Cattle Ring 4 - 12.30pm - 350 Store bulls, weanlings and unentered cattle Ring 5 - 10.00am - 350 Calves T: 01228 406200 Grant Anderson 07872 129274 James Little 07872 840685 Lynne Grieve 07803 242344


• Sold under the conditions of sale as displayed in the mart recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers Association for England and Wales with the exception of rule 53(A) which will be adopted as follows

Maiden heifers sold for breeding purposes

The vendor warrants maiden heifers stated in the catalogue or at the time of sale to be sold for breeding purposes to be free from all malformation which would render the animal incapable of breed

The warranty period for any latent malformation is 6 calendar months and 5 days

• All cattle must be double tagged with Ministry approved tags and information supplied on the respective entry forms

• Payment will only be made to the exhibitor.

• No lots can leave the market without a pass slip being issued by the main office

• TB Testing: Animals over 42 days of age and on a 12 month test holding or from holdings which require premovement testing (PRMT) MUST to be tested within 60 days of the sale and a respective certificate provided to the Auctioneers.

• The testing interval will be displayed at the point of sale by numbers 1, 1PT, 4 or 4s. The information is given for guidance only.

• TB Post Testing from high risk areas: As from the 6th April 2016, cattle consigned from high risk areas will be subject to a post movement TB tests (60 to 120 days after pre test) but with the following exemptions:

1. Slaughtered within 120 days

2. A licensed finishing Unit (LFU) 433

The catalogue will indicate (PT) for this requirement.

Please note - All animals must be removed from the mart by 10am following the day of sale


Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, available at Business Trading Terms and Settlement of Purchases

Payment due on Day of Purchase.

Interest chargeable from date of purchase at 7.25% over Clydesdale Bank base rate at the time, for accounts in default Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law in England and Scotland Accepted form of payments

direct bank transfer; debit card; cheque - known customers only; bankers draft 2% surcharge will apply to Business Credit Card payments

If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account

NEW CUSTOMERS AND OR AGENTS wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the company's main office at Carlisle at LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SALE, to provide full details and references for authorisation

Please note that all lots/items must be settled on the day of purchase and prior to clearance of any stock. For the avoidance of doubt H&H reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.

CATALOGUE - STORE CATTLE - SALE 10.00AM Alley L 219a 1-4 M/s Todd Edenpark 4 BB/BG x blks/hfrs 19-30m 219b 5-8 M/s Ivinson Ingledene 4 BBx blks/hfrs 24m 220 9-16 M/s Harrison Eden View 8 AAx hfrs 28m 221a 17-20 M/s Coulthard Laversdale 136341 4 Lim/AA blks 24m 221b 21-23 M/s Parsons Town House 32903 3 BB blks 24m 222a 24-27 M/s Grice New Town 3757 4 Lim blks 22m 222b 28-30 M/s Reed Croft House 31444 3 Lim/BF hfrs 25m Alley M 223 31-35 M/s Salkeld South View 5331 5 BB blks/hfrs 20-24m 224 36-38 M/s Mounsey Wardhall 3 Lim/BB hfrs 20m 225a 39-42 M/s Dotchin Cumcatch 61905 4 B/BSH blks/hfrs 24m 225b 43-46 M/s Story Bankend 4 AA blks 22m 226a 47-50 M/s Faulder Thistledown 8167 4 Lim x blks 24m
226b 51-55 M/s Graham Middle Farm 61896 5 BB blks 24m 227a 56-59 M/s Byers Gimmenbie 10984 4 BB/AA blks/hfrs 18-24m 227b 60-63 M/s Benson Wickerthwaite 4 Cont blks/hfrs 20-24m 228 64-73 M/s Bendle Nook 101192 10 Cont/AA blks/hfrs 20-24m 229 74-79 M/s Hewson Parton 84449 6 Hrfd blks 24m 230&231a 80-94 M/s Kenyon South Farm 11735 15 Cont x blks/hfrs 20-25m 232 95-100 M/s Halliday Broathill 15162 6 Cont x blks/hfrs 18-20m 233 101-108 M/s Rudd The Grassings 100618 8 BBx blks 20-24m 234a 109-112 M/s Ferguson Sandbed 3752 4 BB x blks/hfrs 24-26m 234b 113-114 M/s Irving Thackmire 8191 2 BB blks 20-22m 325-237 115-144 M/s Fisher Smalmstown 132303 30 Cont x blks/hfrs 20-24m 237c 145-149 M/s Cullen Crosshill 5 Cont x blks/hfrs 22m 237d 150-151 M/s Horn Bartondale 2 Lim blks 22m Alley N 238 152-155 M/s Harrison Sleightholme 4 BBx blks/hfrs 22m 239 156-159 M/s Moffat Kirtlebank 13826 4 BB hfrs 22m 240-244 160-199 M/s Slack Cockley Bank 63637 40 AA/Cont x blks/hfrs 245 200-205 M/s Johnstone Low Flow 6 Lim x blks/hfrs 20m 246a 206-209 M/s Musgrave The Hill 4 Lim blks 18m 247 210-217 M/s Dayson Yew Tree Farm 49355 8 BBx blks 18-25m 248a 218-222 M/s Davidson Hallsoven 31470 5 Lim x blks 17-24m 249 223-228 M/s Hodgson Gill Head 6 Lim blks 16-18m 248b 229-232 M/s Jackson Raby grange 4 Cont x hfrs 21m 250-251 233-251 M/s Corlett Skiddaw 28868 19 Cont blks/hfrs 16-20m 252a 252-255 M/s Ackerley Milton Mains 4 BB blks/hfrs 18m 252c 256-261 M/s Thornton Rougholm 6 Char/Lim blks/hfrs 12-15m 252b 262-265 M/s Wigham Rigg Shield 28399 4 Lim x blks 15m Alley O 27297 255 266-268 M/s Batty Dryevers 3 Lim x blks 12m 256 269-273 M/s Craig Back Newton 5 Cont blks/hfrs 14-17m 257-258 274-287 M/s Todd Longhurst 12694 14 Lim blks/hfrs 15-16m 259-260 288-302 M/s Smith Westhills 528289 15 AA blks/hfrs 15-18m 261 303-307 M/s Hunter Upper Brydekirk 4366 5 Lim hfrs 12-14m 262 308-317 M/s Robinson Bridge End 10 Char blks/hfrs 15-16m 263 318-321 M/s Wood Well Head 4 Lim hfrs 14m 264 322-328 M/s Hodge Grove 7 Cont blks/hfrs 14-20m 265 329-334 M/s Foster Solway View 6 Cont x blks/hfrs 13-17m 266 335-338 M/s Blamire Mid Whinnow 62285 4 BBx blks/hfrs 20m 267 339-345 M/s Martin Heatheridge 50931 7 Cont x hfrs 19m 268 346-352 M/s Martin Shillafield 498867 7 Cont x hfrs 19m Alley P 271 353-360 M/s Evans Orchard House 8 BB/Lim blks/hfrs 16-20m 272-273 361-372 M/s Armistead Pennersaughs 15188 12 Hrfd/Sim blks/hfrs 16-18m 274-280 373-402 M/s Fisher Low Milton 11453 30 BB/Hrfd hfrs 19-20m 403-422 20 B&W blks 15-16m
281 423-427 M/s Kyle Spoutbank 15963 5 AA/Char blks 20-22m 282-283 428-447 M/s Ramsay Millisle 17967 20 Cont blks/hfrs 18-24m 284 448-457 M/s Edgar Woodhouse 62984 10 Cont blks/hfrs 18m Alley Q 287 458-467 M/s Routledge Bracken Hill 60588 10 BB/Fries blks/hfrs 22-23m 288 468-473 M/s Middleton Stone House 6 BBX blks/hfrs 20m 289 474-477 M/s Thomson High Hall 16784 4 Cont x blks/hfrs 18-20m 290 478-483 M/s Graham The Wreay 31421 6 Cont x blks/hfrs 291 484-489 M/s Brown Willows Farm 64116 6 Lim hfrs 18-24m 292 490-493 M/s Roberts Townhead 24866 4 BBx blks/hfrs 20-24m 293 494-499 M/s Brough Langfauld 64647 6 BB hfrs 294-295 500-514 M/s Wilkinson Arkleby 82222 15 Lim blks/hfrs 20m 296-297 515-526 M/s Moscrop Ryeclose 63502 12 Cont x blks/hfrs 298 527-531 M/s Harrison Beck Farm 9045 5 Cont x blks/hfrs 18m Alley R 301 532-535 M/s Graves Hesket Demain 31527 4 Lim/BB blks 20m 302 536-539 M/s Wilson Streethead 4 Lim hfrs 20m 303 540-542 M/s Robinson Pelutho 6506 3 Lim hfrs 18-20m 304 543-547 M/s Donald The Beeches 132533 5 Llim/Charx hfrs 18m 305 548-557 M/s Miller Tarn Lodge 137530 10 Lim x blks/hfrs 22m 306-307 558-577 M/s Taylor Hallfoot 20 BB/Lim blks/hfrs 18-20m 308 578-581 M/s Watson Floweryhurst 4 Lim blks/hfrs 18m 309-310 582-593 M/s Henderson Park House 41801 12 BB/AA/Hrfd hfrs 18-20m 311 594-597 M/s Rushton Nirvana 34441 4 Cont x blks/hfrs 16-18m 312 598-602 M/s Beattie Guards Mill 5 BBx blks 18m 313 603-606 M/s Studholme Ashview 6616 4 Lim x blks/hfrs 314 607-611 M/s Charlton Crown Point 5 Cont bks/hfrs 24m Alley S 318-319 612-623 M/s Beaty Newton Field 132475 12 Cont blks/hfrs 22m 320 624-633 M/s Swainston Moor Park 81353 10 Lim/BB blks/hfrs 16m 321 634-638 M/s Irving New Sandsfield 32872 5 Lim blks 15-18m 322 639-648 M/s Shaw Crookdyke 50316 10 Cont blks/hfrs 18m 323 649-651 M/s Hall Whitchester 31612 3 Llim x hfrs 18m 324 652-657 M/s Bulman Burn House 6 Cont x blks/hfrs 20-24m 325-326 658-674 M/s Price Portgate Farm 17 Dex blks/hfrs 12-14m 327 675-680 M/s Preston Hensingham 6 BG/AAx blks/hfrs 328 681-690 M/s Lawson Newhouse 10 Cont blks/hfrs 18-20m 329 691-694 M/s Nanson Sorrow Stones 18220 4 Cont blks/hfrs 22m 330 695-699 M/s Simpson Waingate Head 65390 5 BB blks/hfrs 18-23m

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