Please read and observe the following:
• All litter and manure within the cages, crates or baskets must be contained until disposal. Any spillages outside the cage to be cleansed and disinfected immediately.
• All litter and manure must be disposed of in a manner which does not present a risk of spread of disease, eg in sealed bags for normal refuse collection in such a manner that other birds do not have direct access to it.
• All exhibitors/entrants must cleanse and disinfect the show cages, crates or baskets before the event and are advised that they should be cleansed and disinfected on return to the home premises and before they are used to hold any other bird.
• Welfare: Vendors and Purchasers should note that any weakly, unhealthy or injured stock will be refused entry by the Auctioneers. Enquiries should be directed through the market office to the Auctioneers’ Animal Health & Welfare Officer (Mr Andrew Templeton).
• All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.
• All persons delivering birds to the mart must park on the car park area and then proceed along the designated route.
• Owners and transporters delivering birds must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.
• Birds purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised ‘pass slip’ has been issued by the main office.
• No birds will be allowed to remain on the premises after the sale.
• Only staff, transporters, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload birds.
• Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.
• Please observe our staff's instructions at all times.
Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Stuart Graham, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
also Hatching Eggs, Caged Birds and Poultry Equipment
All Birds will be Card Graded Red Card - Best of Breed Blue Card - Exhibition Show Quality Yellow Card - Quality Breeders
Entries will be accepted from 4pm - 6pm Friday 14th June from 7am onwards Saturday 15th June
All birds must be penned by 9.00am Poultry Grading - 9.00am
Please Note Sale Order:
10.00am – RING 2: Sale of Hatching Eggs, Equipment, Caged Birds, Peafowl, Turkeys, Geese, Pheasants, Guinea Fowl, Pigeons and True Bantams
10.00am – RING 3
Large Ducks, Call Ducks, Miniature Ducks, Bantams, Large Fowl
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS
Tel: 01228 406230 or 01228 406200
E-mail: info@borderway.com Website: www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk
Prospective Purchasers must check the cages beforehand and satisfy themselves of the correctness of birds on display prior to any bidding.
H&H act as agents and are not therefore responsible for any discrepancies.
A System of “BUYERS NUMBERS” will operate at this Sale
Potential Buyers MUST REGISTER with the Auctioneer before the Sale commences
Please note that all lots must be settled on the day of purchase
Completion of a buyers slip is essential for parties who have not dealt with the company before
New customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the companys main office 48 hours prior to a sale
No Lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office
Please fold and detach along this perforation
ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED IN FULL ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE. Purchasers who do not have a live H&H trading account must complete the New account form via the QR link below.
On day of sale, to ease your payment process please complete the details below and hand to auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.
HOLDING NO.................................................................................. POST CODE..................................
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/terms/
The catalogue description is a guide only. Prospective purchasers must check all lots beforehand and satisfy themselves of the correctness of all lots on display prior to any bidding. H&H act as agents and are not therefore responsible for any discrepancies.
1. Neither the Auctioneers nor any of their Officers or Servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for any damage or loss caused by any accident through fire or any other cause whatsoever nor for any damage done or loss caused by any bird or its owner whilst on the Sale premises prior to, during, or after the event. Each Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss , injury or damage done to or occasioned by or arising from any bird exhibited by him and shall indemnify the Auctioneers against all legal or other proceedings in relation thereto.
2. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse entry or cancel any entry already accepted.
3. No substitutes will be accepted under any circumstances.
4. The Auctioneers reserve the right to reject any lot from the Sale which, in their opinion, does not conform to the required standards.
5. Method of Sale: Poultry: All Lots will be sold in pounds (£’s) and the bidding to be for the Pen. Upset Price of £8/pen will be adhered to.
Poultry: All Lots will be sold in Catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auctioneers. There will be a buyers premium charged at 5% (+VAT).
6. ‘Buyers Numbers’ will be used. Potential Purchasers are reminded to collect a number (in exchange for details of name and address) at the Auctioneer’s Desk, prior to bidding.
7. Reserve prices may be placed on any Lot. Such reserve MUST be delivered to the Auctioneer’s Office at Borderway Mart, in writing, before 9.30am on the day of Sale.
8. Settlement is due to the Auctioneers immediately at the close of Sale.
9. Vendor's Commissions: a commission of 10% (+VAT) on the sale prices realised. In the event of any lot failing to reach the reserve selling price fixed by the Vendor, half commission will be charged on the said price.
10. Payment – Card and Cash Payments are only acceptable. No cheque payment accepted.
11. This event is licensed and authorised by the appropriate local authority and by DEFRA, and will be organised and conducted strictly in accordance with the Regulations and special requirements of those bodies.
12. Clearance of Lots. All lots must be cleared from the Market by 6pm on the day of Sale. No lot will be delivered to any purchaser without the presentation of a special ‘Pass’ obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement, and no bid may be cleared except through the official Stewards. Vendors with unsold Lots should also obtain a Pass from the Auctioneers in order to remove.
13. Vendor Note: When Vendors wish to give further details of their stock for the benefit of potential Purchasers , they may write it on a card which can be displayed on the Sale Pen.
• All birds must be penned by 9.00am on Saturday 15th June.
• Poultry should be carried in suitable boxes, and potential purchasers are strongly advised to bring boxes with them. Birds must not be transported in sacks.
• Exhibitors must provide their own bowls and water containers.
• All birds entered are at the vendor’s own risk.
Vendors are reminded that all stock must be watered and fed before the Sale. All Vendors and Purchasers must transport birds in suitable containers to comply with Welfare Regulations.
Araucanas (Large Fowl)
Australops (Bantams)
Australops (Large Fowl)
Ayam Cemani (Large Fowl)
Barnevelders (Large Fowl)
Belgians (True Bantams)
Brahma (Bantams)
Brahama (Large Fowl)
Burmese (Bantams)
Burmese (True Bantams)
Caged Birds
Call Ducks
Campines (Large Fowl)
Cochins (Large Fowl)
Crossbreds (True Bantams)
Dorkins (Large Fowl)
Dutch (True Bantams)
Faverolles (Large Fowl)
Game (Bantams)
Game (Large Fowl)
Guinea Fowl
Hamburghs (Bantams)
Hamburgh (Large Fowl)
Hatching Eggs
Japanese (True Bantams)
Jersey Giants (Large Fowl)
Jungle Fowl (Bantams)
Legbars (Large Fowl)
Leghorns (Bantams)
Leghorns (Large Fowl)
Langshan (Bantam)
Large Ducks
Legbars (Bantam)
Marans (Bantams)
Marans (Large Fowl)
Miniature Ducks
Minorcas (Large Fowl)
Orpingtons (Bantams)
Orpingtons (Large Fowl)
Pekins (True Bantams)
Pheasants & Partridge
Ring 3
Lots 730-735
Ring 3 Lot 652
Ring 3 Lot 729
Ring 3 Lots 769-770
Ring 3 Lots 728
Ring 2
Ring 3
Lots 268-274
Lots 654-656
Ring 3 Lots 717-727
Ring 3 Lots 657-658
Ring 2 Lots 275-276
Ring 2 Lots 202-208
Ring 3 Lots 428-530
Ring 3 Lots 682-684
Ring 3 Lots 736-738
Ring 2 Lots 301- 363
Ring 3 Lots 555-556
Ring 2 Lot 263-267
Ring 2 Lots 126- 201
Ring 3 Lots 712- 714
Ring 3 Lots 589-617
Ring 3 Lots 763-765
Ring 2 Lots 228-237
Ring 2 Lots 248-252
Ring 3 Lots 659-660
Ring 3 Lots 751-752
Ring 2 Lots 1 – 125
Ring 2
Ring 3
Lots 298-300
Lots 715-716
Ring 3 Lot 588
Ring 3 Lots 766-768
Ring 3 Lots 620-629
Ring 3 Lots 771-775
Ring 3 Lot 619
Ring 3 Lots 364-427
Ring 3 Lot 630
Ring 3
Ring 3
Ring 3
Lots 631-632
Lots 776-800
Lots 531-554
Ring 3 Lot 801
Ring 3 Lot 653
Ring 3 Lots 753-762
Ring 2 Lots 209-224
Ring 2
Ring 2
Lots 282-297
Lots 238-247
Ring 2 Lots 253-262
Plymouth Rocks (Large Fowl)
Polands (Bantams)
Rhode Island Red (Large Fowl)
Rosecombs (True Bantams)
Sabelpoots (True Bantams)
Scots Dumpy (Bantam)
Scots Dumpy (Large Fowl)
Sebrights (True Bantams)
Seramas (True Bantams)
Silkies (Bantam)
Sussex (Bantams)
Sussex Large Fowl)
Thuringian (Bantam)
Welbars (Bantams)
Welsummers (Bantams)
Welsummers (Large Fowl)
Wyandottes (Bantams)
Wyandottes (Large Fowl)
Yokohama (Bantam)
Yokohama (Large Fowl)
Ring 3
Lot 750
Ring 3 Lot 618
Ring 3 Lots 739- 749
Ring 2 Lot 277
Ring 2 Lot 278
Ring 3 Lot 567-572
Ring 3 Lot 681
Ring 2 Lot 281
Ring 2
Lots 279- 280
Ring 3 Lots 557-566
Ring 3 Lots 573-587
Ring 3 Lots 663-680
Ring 3 Lot 662
Ring 2 Lots 225-227
Ring 3 Lots 650-651
Ring 3 Lots 648-649
Ring 3
Ring 3
Ring 3
Lots 685-699
Lots 633-647
Lots 700-711
Ring 3 Lot 661
Ring 3 Lot 802
45 Lavander Orpington
46 Quail
47 Isabella Brahma
48 Gold Partridge Brahma
49 Mixed Colour Brahma
50 Toulouse Dewlap Goose
51 Quail
52 White Call Ducks Exhibition
53 White Call Ducks Exhibition
54 Butterscotch Call Ducks
55 Blue Appleyard Call Ducks
56 Silver Appleyard Call Ducks
57 Silver Call Ducks
58 Abacot Call Ducks
59 Abacot Call Ducks
60 Mixed Ducks
61 Mixed Ducks
62 Welsummer
63 Norfolk Black
64 Saxony Duck
65 Aylesbury Exhibition
66 Wild American Turkeys
67 Cuckoo Maran Large Fowl
68 Cuckoo Maran Large Fowl
69 Cuckoo Maran Large Fowl
70 Mixed Call Duck Exhibition
71 Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl
72 Light Sussex Bantam
73 Indian Runner Ducks
74 Millefleur Pekins
75 Millefleur Pekins
76 Light Sussex Bantam
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen J Kellett
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
Holly Kelly
One Dozen Stephen Little
One Dozen Paul Longstaff
One Dozen A Mactintosh
One Dozen K Noble
One Dozen M Rawlinson
One Dozen J Richardson
One Dozen J Richardson
One Dozen S Rickerby
One Dozen G Seedall
One Dozen G Seedall
One Dozen G Seedall
One Dozen A M Sewell
One Dozen J Sim
One Dozen J Sim
One Dozen J Sim
77 Light Sussex Large Fowl Exhibition One Dozen J Sim
78 White Aylesbury
79 Aylesbury
80 White Leghorn large Fowl
81 Rhode Island Red Large Fowl
82 White Silkie Large Fowl
83 Aylesbury
84 Rhode Island Red Large Fowl
85 Blue Partridge Brahmas Large Fowl
86 Cuckoo Marans Large Fowl
87 Blue and Black Orpington large Fowl
88 Cream Leghorns
89 Saxony Ducks
90 Cayuga Ducks
91 Gold Tops
92 Isabella Brahmas large Fowl
93 Blue Partridge Brahma Large Fowl
94 Shetland Geese
95 Saxony Ducks
96 Blue and Black Orpington Large Fowl
97 Light Sussex Bantams
98 Cream Legbars
99 Cuckoo Marans large Fowl
100 Cayuga Tops
101 Gold Tops
102 Isabella Brahmas Large Fowl
103 Saxony Ducks
Shetland Geese
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen C Smith
One Dozen Barry Walker
One Dozen Barry Walker
One Dozen Barry Walker
One Dozen Barry Walker
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
One Dozen
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
Barry Walker
One Dozen Colin Watson 106 Dark Brahma
One Dozen Colin Watson
Mini White Silkies
Cream Leghorns
Cream Leghorns
One Dozen Colin Watson
One Dozen Colin Watson
One Dozen Colin Watson
One Dozen M Watson
One Dozen D Watters
One Dozen D Watters
One Dozen D Watters 116
Cuckoo Maran Large Fowl
One Dozen Messrs Wales 117
Cuckoo Maran Large Fowl
Cuckoo Maran Large Fowl
One Dozen Messrs Wales
One Dozen Messrs Wales 119
Copper Black Maran Large Fowl
One Dozen Messrs Wales 120
Copper Black Maran Large Fowl
Copper Black Maran Large Fowl
One Dozen Messrs Wales
One Dozen Messrs Wales 122
Wheaten Maran Large Fowl
Wheaten Maran Large Fowl
124 Welsummer Large Fowl
125 Welsummer Large Fowl
126 Selection of Canary Show Cages
Box includes 4 Drinkers and 4 Feeders
Box includes 6
One Dozen Messrs Wales
One Dozen Messrs Wales
One Dozen Messrs Wales
One Dozen Messrs Wales
162 5 Triple Show Cages W & J Hewitson
163 5 Triple Show Cages W & J Hewitson
164 Poultry Coop M Hughson
165 Quail Egg Boxes M Hughson
166 Poultry Coop M Hughson
167 Incubator K Hodgson
168 MS Incubator Ms50 with Digital Display H Kelly
169 Brinsea Polyhatch Incubator Hatchmaker H Kelly
170 Brinsea Polyhatch Incubator Large H Kelly
171 Brinsea Polyhatch Incubator Large H Kelly
172 Brinsea Polyhatch Incubator Large H Kelly
173 Brinsea Mini Heat Lamp H Kelly
174 Poultry Feeder x 5 H Kelly
175 Poultry Feeder x 5 H Kelly
176 Poultry Feeder x 10 H Kelly
177 Poultry Feeder x 10 H Kelly
178 1 Incubator A Lee
179 Rcom Incubator Spares or Repair P Langstaff
180 Rcom Incubator Spares or Repair P Langstaff
181 1 Brinsea Incubator C Lyon
182 1 Brinsea Incubator C Lyon
183 1 Brinsea Incubator C Lyon
183a Brinsea Octagon 40 Digital Incubator M Peel
183b Brinsea Octagon Advance 20 Incubator M Peel
183c 2 Metal Poultry Feeding Troughs M Peel
183d Metal Drinker M Peel
183e Night Ark M Peel
184 1 Incubator (Make not known) C Lyon
185 56 Egg Incubator I Roebuck
186 Brinsea Incubator J Rodgers
187 Brinsea Candling light J Rodgers
188 Heatplate for Chicks J Rodgers
189 Heat Lamp J Rodgers
190 Carrying Box J Rodgers
191 Incubator (60 Hen Egg)
192 Poultry Crate
S Rickerby
S Rickerby
193 Wooden Poultry Crate C Watson
194 Pet Carrier C Watson
195 Pet Carrier C Watson
196 Box Drinkers C Watson
197 Big Feed Bin C Watson
198 Show Cage C Watson
199 Chicken Books C Watson
200 Parrot Cage P Wheeler
201 Small Cage (Avery) P Wheeler
201a 5 Dog Kennel Sections A Taylor
3 – 6 x 6
1 – 5 x 6 1 – 9 x 6
202 Pair Californian Quail J W Hetherington
203 2 Budgie Hens P Wheeler
204 2 Budgie Hens P Wheeler
205 2 Budgie Hens P Wheeler
206 2 Budgies G Waddle
207 1 Kakariki G Waddle
208 2 Kakariki G Waddle
209 Pair Indian Blue Peafowl A Brice
210 Pied Peafowl Hen A Brice
211 Pied Peafowl Hen A Brice
212 Grey Francolin Hen A Brice
213 Philby Partridge Hen A Brice
214 Pair Peafowl T W Brown
215 Pair Peafowl T W Brown
216 Pair White Peafowl T Buck
217 Pair Indian Blue Peafowl T Buck
218 Indian Blue Pea Hen T Buck
219 4 Pea Fowl D Falkin
220 Pair Peafowl W Oliver
221 Pair Peafowl W Oliver
222 Pair White Peafowl J Robinson
223 2 White Peafowl Hens J Robinson
224 Trio Peafowl J Robinson
225 Pair Norfolk Black Turkeys L Adair
226 2 Bronze Turkey Females K Hodgson
227 Pair Norfolk Black Turkeys P Longstaff
228 Pair Farm Yard Geese D Appleby
229 1 Female Lesser Magellan A Brice
230 Pair Grey Toulouse Geese N Booth
231 Pair Embden Geese T Buck
232 2 Female Embden Geese T Buck
233 2 Female Embden Geese T Buck
234 Pair Chinese Geese A Hamilton
235 Pair Steinbackher K Hodgson
236 Pair Nene Geese F James
237 Pair Grey Chinese Geese D Clark
238 Pair Golden Pheasants A Brice
239 Pair Golden Pheasants A Brice
240 Pair Blue Eared Pheasants A Brice
241 Pair Golden Pheasants T Buck
242 Pair Yellow Golden Pheasants T Buck
243 Pair Amherst Pheasants T Buck
244 1 Female Amherst Pheasant T Buck
245 Pair Golden Pheasants D Clark
246 Yellow Golden Pheasant Female D Elkin
247 Pair Golden Pheasants C & F Frame
248 Trio White Guinea Fowl T Buck
249 2 Female White Guinea Fowl T Buck
250 3 Female Guinea Fowl T Buck
251 Trio Guinea Fowl M Rawlinson
252 Trio Guinea Fowl M Rawlinson
253 Pair White Doves H Kelly
254 Pair White Doves H Kelly
255 Pair White Doves H Kelly
256 Pair White Doves H Kelly
257 Pair White Doves H Kelly
258 Pair White Doves H Kelly
259 Pair White Doves H Kelly
260 Pair White Doves H Kelly
261 Pair White Doves H Kelly
262 Pair White Doves H Kelly
263 Pair Gold Dutch W & J Hewitson
264 Pair Cuckoo Dutch W & J Hewitson
265 Trio Gold Dutch R Hawson
266 Trio Dutch W Oliver
267 Trio Dutch W Oliver
268 Trio Belgian M Hughson
269 Trio Belgian Duccle M Hughson
270 Trio Belgian Duccle M Hughson
271 Trio Belgian Duccle M Hughson
272 Pair D’Anvers Belgians R M Headen
273 4 Black D’Anver Belgian RM Headen
274 Trio Millifluer Belgian R M Headen
275 Trio Burmese M Hughson
276 Quartet Burmese M Hughson
277 Trio Rosecombs G Waddle
278 2 Porciline Sablepoot Pullets T Buck
279 Pair Seramas J Cummings
280 2 Black Serama Pullets J Cummings
281 Trio Gold Sebrights C & F Frame
282 Trio Black Pekins K Boyd
283 Trio Pekins C Bridges
284 Pair White Pekins W & J Hewitson
285 Trio Blue Pekins R M Headen
286 1 Male and 1 Female Mottled Pekins S Kay
287 2 Pekin Females J Kellett
288 2 White Pekin Pullets R J Swale
289 2 White Pekin Pullets R J Swale 290 3 White Pekin Pullets R J Swale 291 Trio Black Pekins R J Swale 292 2 Black Pekin Pullets R J Swale 293 3 Silver Partridge Pekin Hens 2023 J
345 Trio Hybrid Pullets W Oliver
346 Trio Hybrid Pullets W Oliver
347 Trio Hybrid Pullets W Oliver
348 Trio Hybrid Pullets W Oliver
349 Trio White Stars W Oliver
350 Trio White Stars W Oliver 351 Trio White Stars W Oliver
352 Trio White Stars W Oliver
353 1 White Cock 1 Brown Hen L Sandham
354 1 White Cock 1 Brown Hen L Sandham
355 1Maran Cock 1 Brown Hen L Sandham
356 1 Brown Cock 1 Hen L Sandham
357 3 POL Leghorn Crosses Pullets J Sim 358 3 POL Leghorn Crosses Pullets J Sim
531 Pair Fulvous F James
532 Pair Fulvous F James
533 Pair Blonde Fulvous F James
534 Pair Champagne Fulvous F James
535 Pair Red Billed F James
536 Pair Ringed Teal F James
537 Pair Ringed Teal F James
538 Pair Orange Ringed Teal F James
539 Pair Marbled Teal F James
540 Pair Marbled Teal F James
541 Pair Cinnamon Teal F James
542 Pair Tufted F James
543 Pair Carolina F James
544 Pair Blue Carolina F James
545 Pair Phatuim Carolina F James
546 Pair Silver Mandarin F James
547 Pair Normal Mandarin F James
548 Pair Red Crested Pochard W Oliver
549 Trio Apricot Ranger W Oliver
550 Trio Apricot Ranger W Oliver
551 Trio Apricot Ranger W Oliver
552 Pair Mandarin W Oliver
553 Pair Mandarin W Oliver
554 Pair Carolina Ducks J Robinson
555 Trio Red Dorkings S Kay
556 3 Red Dorking Females S Kay
557 Pair White Silkies W & J Hewitson
558 Pair White Silkies W & J Hewitson
559 2 White Silkies K Hodgson
560 Pair White Silkies K Hodgson
561 Pair White Silkies F Lines
562 Pair White Silkies F Lines
563 Pair White Silkies F Lines
564 1 Male and 3 Female Partridge Silkies S Kay
565 Trio White Silkies S J Wilson
566 Trio Silkie G Waddle
Scots Dumpy
567 Trio Scots Dumpy M Hughson
568 3 Scots Dumpy Females M Hughson
569 3 Scots Dumpy Females M Hughson
570 Trio Scots Dumpy M Hughson
571 3 Scots Dumpy Females
M Hughson
572 4 Scots Dumpy Females M Hughson
573 Trio Light Sussex A Brice
574 Trio Light Sussex A Brice
575 3 Buff Sussex Hens A Brice
576 3 Light Sussex Pullets (14 wks) R Carruthers
577 Pair Light Sussex Hens W & J Hewitson 578 Pair Light Sussex F Lines 579 Pair Light Sussex F Lines 580 Pair Light Sussex F Lines 581 Pair Light Sussex F Lines
582 Trio Silver Sussex S Kay 583 2 Light Sussex Bantam Pullets T Buck
584 3 Speckled Sussex Pullets T Buck 585 3 Light Sussex Pullets T Buck
586 3 Light Sussex Pullets T Buck 587 Trio Light Sussex N Booth
588 Pair Soneratis Jungle Fowl A Brice
589 Trio OEG B/R Hen B/R Cock Blue Grey Hen I Trohear
590 Trio Pile OEG R Carruthers 591 Trio Partridge OEG R Carruthers 592 2 Pile OEG Pullets R Carruthers
593 Pair OEG AOC R Carruthers
594 Trio OEG Partridge J Cummings
595 Trio Wheaten Modern Game J Cummings 596 Trio Wheaten Modern Game J Cummings 597 Trio Indian Game Bantams N Comish 598 Trio Indian Game Bantams N Comish 599 2 OEG Partridge Females D & L Clapham 600 Pair Black Game W & J Hewitson 601 1 Single Indian Game Female K Hodgson
602 Trio OEG Gingers B Harrison
603 Trio Black Red American Game B Harrison
604 Trio White Hackle Game B Harrison 605 3 American Game Hens B Harrison
606 Trio Ginger Oxford E Jackson 607 Trio Partridge Oxford E Jackson 608 Trio Wheaton Oxford E Jackson 609 Trio Off Colour Oxford E Jackson 610 2 Partridge Oxford Pullets E Jackson 611 2 Ginger Oxford Pullets E Jackson 612 2 Wheaten Oxford Pullets E Jackson 613 3 Brown Red OEG Females E Jackson 614 2 Nutmeg Oxford Pullets E Jackson 615 3 Brown Red Hens I Trohear 616 Pair Ko Shamo Ginger C Watson 617 Quartet Ko Shamo Black Reds C Watson
620 Trio Black Leghorns K Boyd
621 Pair Black Leghorns W Borthwick
622 Pair Black Leghorns W Borthwick
623 Trio Brown Leghorns R Carruthers
624 Trio Black Leghorn Bantams D & L Clapham
625 Trio Black Leghorn Pullets D Clark
626 Trio Black Leghorn Pullets D Clark
627 Trio White Leghorn Pullets D Clark
628 Trio White Leghorn Pullets D Clark
629 Trio Black Leghorns P Wheeler
630 3 Legbar Hens R Carruthers
631 Trio Cuckoo Marans J W Hetherington 632 1 Male and 3 Female Cuckoo Marans Wyandottes S Kay
633 Trio Barred Wyandottes A Brice
634 Trio Barred Wyandottes A Brice
635 2 Chocolate Pencilled Wyandottes A Brice
636 1 Pencilled Wyandotte and 1 Gold Silver Hen A Brice
637 Trio Black Wyandotte D Clark
638 Trio Black Wyandotte D Clark
639 Trio Barred Wyandottes W & J Hewitson
640 Pair Barred Wyandottes W & J Hewitson
641 Pair Gold Partridge Wyandottes W & J Hewitson
642 Trio Gold Partridge Wyandottes W & J Hewitson
643 Trio Partridge Wyandottes R Hanson
644 2 Black Wyandottes Females A Hamilton
645 2 Black Wyandottes Females A Hamilton
646 Trio White Wyandottes K Hodgson
647 Pair White Wyandottes K Hodgson
648 2 Silver Duckwing Welsummer Females J Barton
649 Trio Partridge Welsummer Bantams J Barton
650 Trio Welbars S Kay
651 3 Welbar Females S Kay
652 Trio Black Australorps P Wheeler
653 3 Black Orpington Pullets R Harvey
654 2 Light Brahma Hens A Brice
655 Trio Blue/Gold Brahama A Brice
656 Trio Brahmas F James
657 Trio Burmese M Hughson
658 Quartet Burmese M Hughson
659 Trio Gold Laced Hamburghs J W Hetherington
660 Trio Gold Laced Hamburghs J W Hetherington
661 Pair Yokohama D Elkin
662 Trio Thuringian (Silver Spangled) R M Headen
663 Trio Light Sussex Bassenthwaite Hall Farm 664 Trio Light Sussex N
3 Light Sussex Pullets
3 Light Sussex Pullets
3 Speckled Sussex Pullets
671 2 White Silkie Pullets
672 2 Blue Splashed Pullets
673 2 Gold Silkie Pullets
674 Trio Cuckoo Silkies
675 2 Cuckoo Silkie Pullets
676 Trio Silkies B Forrester
677 Pair White Silkies K Hodgson (Cockermouth)
678 Pair White Silkies K Hodgson (Cockermouth) 679 Pair Partridge Silkies K Hodgson (Cockermouth) 680 Trio White Silkies W Oliver
Scots Dumpy
681 Trio Scots Dumpy W Oliver
682 Pair Silver Campines Bassenthwaite Farm
683 Pair Silver Campines
684 Pair Silver Campines
685 Trio Welsummers
686 Pair Welsummers
687 2 Welsummer Pullets
688 2 Welsummer Pullets W Borthwick
689 3 Welsummer Pullets R Dickinson
690 2 Welsummer Pullets R Dickinson
691 3 Welsummer Pullets R Dickinson
692 Pair Welsummers 2023 M Hewertson
693 2 Welsummer Females M Hewertson
694 Pair Welsummers D W Johnson
695 Pair Welsummers D W Johnson
696 Trio Welsummers S Little
697 Trio Welsummers S Little
698 2 Welsummer Hens S Little
699 1 Welsummer Female I Roebuck
700 Trio Silver Laced Wyandottes B Forrester 701 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets K Noble
702 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets K Noble
703 Trio White Wyandottes B Walker 704 Pair White Wyandottes B Walker 705 1White Wyandotte Female B Walker 706 2 Silver Pencilled Wyandotte Pullets T Buck 707 2 Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets T Buck 708 2 Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets T Buck 709 2 Laced Wyandotte Pullets T Buck
710 Trio White Wyandottes J Kerr
711 Pair White Wyandottes J Kerr
712 3 Faverolles J Beattie 713 3 Faverolles J Beattie 714 3 Faverolles J Beattie
Jersey Giants
715 Pair Jersey Giants K Noble
716 Trio Jersey Giants M Watson
717 2 Isabella Brahma Pullets T Buck
718 2 Isabella Brahma Pullets T Buck
719 2 Buff Columbian Brahama Pullets T Buck
720 2 Buff Columbian Brahama Pullets T Buck
721 Trio Blue Columbian Brahama R J Bett 722 2 Female Gold Brahama S Kay
723 2 Lemon Brahama Hens P Langstaff
724 1 Brahama Pullet J Kellett
725 1 Brahama Pullet J Kellett 726 2 Brahama Females B Walker
727 1 Black Brahama Female B Walker
728 3 Barnevelder Hens R Hanson
730 3 Lavender Araucana Pullets T Buck
731 3 Lavender Araucana Pullets T Buck
732 Trio Lavender Araucanas F James
733 3 Black Araucana Pullets B Walker
734 3 Black Araucana Pullets B Walker
735 2 Lavendar Araucana Pullets B Walker
735a Trio Araucana Pullets (14 weeks) J Davidson
736 Trio Buff Cochins T Buck
737 Pair White Cochins T Buck
738 2 Partridge Cochin Pullets T Buck
739 Pair RIR R & M Burns
740 Pair RIR Bassenthwaite Farm
741 Pair RIR Bassenthwaite Farm
742 3 RIR Pullets T Buck
743 3 RIR Pullets T Buck
744 Trio RIR Point of Lay J Davison
745 Trio RIR Point of Lay J Davison
746 Trio RIR C & F Frame
747 Trio RIR C & F Frame
748 Pair RIR W & J Hewitson
749 Trio RIR W & J Hewitson
750 Trio Barred Plymouth Rocks N Booth
751 Silver Spangled Hamburghs I Graham 752 Silver Spangled Hamburghs I Graham
753 2 Buff Orpington Pullets T Buck
754 Trio White Orpingtons Bassenthwaite Farm
755 Pair White Orpingtons
756 Pair White Orpingtons
Bassenthwaite Farm
Bassenthwaite Farm
757 Trio Gold Laced Orpingtons S Kay
758 Trio Brown Buff Orpingtons A Mackintosch
759 Pair Brown Buff Orpington Hens A Mackintosch
760 Trio Blue/Splash Buff Orpingtons A Mackintosch
761 Pair Buff Orpington Hens A Mackintosch
762 1 Buff Orpington Female B Walker
763 Pair Asil Game C & F Frame
764 3 Indian Game Hens K Hodgson
765 Pair Grey Oxfords E Jackson
766 3 Cream Legbar Pullets 2024 D Watters
767 3 Cream Legbar Pullets 2024 D Watters
768 Trio Cream Legbars B Walker
Ayam Cemani
769 Pair Ayam Cemani W & J Hewitson
770 Pair Ayam Cemani W & J Hewitson
771 Trio Isabella Leghorns T Buck
772 Trio Lavender Leghorns T Buck
773 2 White Leghorn Pullets POL J W Hetherington
774 Trio Exchequer Leghorns S Kay
775 3 Female Exchequer Leghorns S Kay
776 2 Cuckoo Maran Pullets R Dickinson
777 2 Cuckoo Maran Pullets R Dickinson
778 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 14 wks J Davison
779 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 14 wks J Davison
780 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 14 wks J Davison
781 Trio Cuckoo Marans 2023 J W Hetherington
782 Pair Birchen Marans R Harvey
783 Pair Black Copper Marans R Harvey
784 Trio Tuco Marans F Lines
785 Trio Tuco Marans F Lines
786 Trio Tuco Marans F Lines
787 Trio Copper Marans W Oliver
788 Trio Copper Marans W Oliver
789 Trio Copper Marans W Oliver
790 Trio Copper Marans W Oliver
791 Pair Cuckoo Marans K Noble
792 3 Cuckoo Maran Pullets J Richardson
793 3 Cuckoo Maran Pullets J Richardson
794 3 Cuckoo Maran Pullets J Richardson
795 2 Copper Blue Maran Females I Roebuck
796 2 Female Cuckoo Marans S Rickerby
797 2 Wheaten Maran Pullets T Buck
798 3 Cuckoo Maran Pullets T Buck
799 3 Cuckoo Maran Pullets T Buck
800 2 Copper Black Maran Pullets T Buck
801 Trio Black Minorcas R J Bett
802 Pair Red Saddled Yokohama D Elkin