comprising: 27 Cows Served and/or Suckling
5 Served Heifers & 8 Maiden Heifers from some of the great families within the HW Herd
On behalf of HW Angus, Burnside of Balhadie, Dunblane, Perthshire FK15 0NB
Tel: William 07740786112 or Seonaid 07759658976
Sale to commence at 5pm
To be held on farm at Netherton Farm, Blackford
Perthshire, PH4 1QU
Head Office:
Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS
Tel: 01228 406230 or 01228 406200
E-mail: info@borderway.com
Website: www.harrisonandhetherington.co.uk
Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, click on below QR code to complete.
• Payment is due in full on day of purchase.
• Interest is chargeable from date of purchase for accounts in default.
• Accepted form of payments: Debit card or direct bank transfer. A 2% surcharge will apply to business credit card payments. If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account.
For avoidance of doubt our company AML policy is to accept a maximum of £1,000.00 per trading account per year.
• No Lots can leave the market without a ‘Pass Slip’ being issued by the main office.
• All Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling (GBP).
Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/terms/ Scan
ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED IN FULL ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE. Purchasers who do not have a live H&H trading account must complete the New account form via the QR link below. On day of sale, to ease your payment process please complete the details below and hand to auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made.
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Please refer to our full terms and conditions of sale available on our website: https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/terms/
LOCATION: The Sale will be held on farm at Netherton Farm, Blackford, Perthshire, PH14 1QU.
CONDITIONS OF SALE: All animals are sold under The Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society auction rules and conditions of sale drawn up by the N.B.A. These entries will be sold subject to these rules along with the Auctioneers’ General Conditions of Sale, both available on request. In the event of any discrepancy between the two sets of conditions, the N.B.A. conditions of sale shall prevail.
METHOD OF SALE: All cattle will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order, unless any alteration is announced by the Auctioneers.
COMMISSIONS: The Auctioneers will dutifully execute commissions to purchase for buyers unable to attend the sale personally, upon receipt of written instructions.
ONLINE BIDDING FACILITY will be available for this sale via Marteye.
REGISTRATIONS: All pedigree stock in the Sale are registered with the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society (Tel. 01738 622477).
PEDIGREE TRANSFERS: Pedigree transfers will automatically be transferred free of charge to all AACS members.
SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Settlement in full is due immediately at the close of Sale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’, obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement.
NBA WARRANTIES: This Sale is also held subject to the Special Terms and Conditions of Sale recommended for Sales of Pedigree Beef Cattle by the National Beed Association. The preparation of these Terms and Conditions has proved a lengthy and costly process and, in order to defray the legal and other costs involved, and to provide a continuing source of revenue to assist the Association in its vital work for Pedigree Cattle Breeders, the Council of the Association has decided that a special levy, amounting to £3 per male and £2 per female head/lot sold (plus VAT) shall be charged to each Purchaser.
Pedigree House, 6 Kings Place, Perth PH2 8AD
Tel: 01738 622477
After the success of our first two sales which were held at Carlisle and taking into consideration how online bidding has evolved through MartEye, we have decided to hold our 3rd production sale on farm at Netherton, whilst continuing our strong relationship with Harrison & Hetherington. This will mean less stress on the cattle and buyers will have time to arrange transport and tests over the following weeks for export or to enter high health herds.
We feel this offering is our strongest yet as we continue our pursuit to breed what we feel the beef industry needs to combat higher costs, a functional female that is first and foremost structurally correct and fertile, while still having breed character on a balanced easy fleshing body.
These females are presented for sale with no extra special treatment and are mainly out wintered and will only have seen 1kg of concentrate from the age of 3 to 9 months of age. You can see by this offering the natural fleshing ability they have and how they mature out into deep sided females.
So much progress has been made that our bulls will now average only around 2kg of concentrate before being sold at around 15-18 months.
As our customers have found out our females have lots of milk, throw small calves that grow well. Calving at HW does not involve night checks, cameras or moo calls but instead twice a day checks.
We have only been able to do this by sourcing the best genetics from around the world for the traits that made the breed famous and we feel these cattle have this in abundance, ease of calving and fleshing, ability to turn poor forage into beef and of course high marbling.
A warm welcome awaits you if you wish to join us on Saturday 21st October for a viewing of the cattle prior to the sale with some food and refreshments. Online and telephone bidding available.
Herd health:
• TB – 4 Year Testing last test January 2022
• BVD – Accrediated
• Lepto – Herd Testing
• IBR – Herd Testing
• Nerospirosis – Risk Level 2
• Johnes – Risk Level 3
• Cattle can stay at buyers risk until transport is arranged.
• Cattle can be tested for export the week after the sale and can be transported the week of 30th October.
• For Republic of Ireland only animals born after 01/01/2020 can be exported as they have not been vaccinated for BVD.
• Lots 1 and 3 failed the IBR pre-sale IBR test and along with their calves have been vaccinated with an IBR Marker Vaccine.
Contact Details:
William 07740786112
Seonaid 07759658976
The 3rd HW Angus Female Production Sale offers an unrivalled selection of Aberdeen Angus cattle bred for growth, correctness, easy fleshing, and ease of management. The catalogue contains many of the top North American bloodlines on both the Sire and Dam lines.
This year’s format has changed with the sale taking place on farm at Netherton at the foot of the Ochil Hills in beautiful Perthshire.The cattle will be numbered, penned and available to view on the day, but rather than going through the ring they will be sold from the rostrum accompanied by video footage, with online bidding in operation via MartEye.
Scott DonaldsonSire Reference:
gs: S A V Heritage 6295 (SS) (IMP)
Sire: S A V Harvestor 0338 (SS)(IMP)
gd: S A V Emblynette 7749
gs: Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
Dam: S A V Elba 1407 (ET) (IMP)
gd: S A V Elba 1094
Evander is a result of an embryo from SAV Angus in America likely the most influential Angus herd in the world at present. He has proven himself to be a producer of high performance, maternal and functional cattle his daughters in the sale are fertile, easy fleshing with perfect udders. Progeny from Evander can be found in many countries and his sons are the first sire group to sell each year. His sire SAV Harvester sold for $285,000 and carries two of the most sought after sires on the bottom side of his pedigree for producing great females Rito 707 of Ideal and SAF Bando 5175.
Worldwide semen available from HW ANGUS and GHYLL BECK GENETICS
Sire Reference:
gs: TC Freedom 104 (SS) (IMP)
Sire: Rawburn Boss Hogg N630
gd: Hoff Blackbird 594 5218 (ET) (IMP)
gs: Netherton Freedom L642
Dam: Netherton Annie P801
gd: Netherton Annie M657
Our highest performance and stand out bull from our 2019 crop, Abacus has matured into a real eye catching bull and impresses all who see him for his fleshing and width of top. Sired by Rawburn Boss Hogg who has proven himself in many herds in Europe and out of our famous Annie family which include some of the highest [erformance sires from around the world Ardrossan Admiral, Vermillion Dateline, G13 Steel and TC Grid Topper add in the Annie, Beauty and Fleur families it’s no wonder Abacus has worked so well for us being an easy calving and short gestation sire.
gs: MCC Daybreak
Sire: Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36 (SS) (IMP)
gd: QHF Blackcap 6E2 OF4V16 4355
gs: Nichols Steadfast T139
Dam: S A V Elba 1407 (ET) (IMP)
gd: Nichols Bonnie P55
Bannockburn is designed for maximum feed efficiency without compromising on growth and breed character he really has suited our females with his first sons selling easily due to their performance, easy calving and phenotype, his first daughters have calved now and are just outstanding with perfect udders, milk and easy fleshing ability. His dam Nichols Bonnie has exceptional performance and is a leader for traits for feed utilisation and her 2015 born son shattered every record in the Nichols herd for Residual Average Daily Gain (feed efficacy and growth). His sire Quaker Hill Rampage is one of the most dominant sires ever in the US, A bull renowned for growth, structural soundness and fertility. Bannockburn will give you calves that will be born easy, grow quick with an unrivalled ability to turn grass or feeding into red meat. His figures are some of the best in the breed.
Sire Reference:
gs: Ardrossan Admiral A2 (AI) (IMP)
Sire: Netherton Freedom L642
gd: Netherton Fleur G413
gs: Netherton Bionic J535
Dam: Netherton Frances M697
gd: Netherton Frances K550
A high growth bull with short gestation Fabulous has the who’s who in his pedigree from the great F family at Netherton including Highland and Royal Show Champions multiply females that have sold for over £20,000, then add in the Beauty family who originate from Canada from one of Canada’s Elite Performance cows it’s no wonder his daughters are breeding so well. Then stack up the high performance bulls in his pedigree then you have something special here. His sons have sold to 9000gns for the Junior Champion at Stirling.
Sire Reference:
gs: SAV Mandan 5664
Sire: SAV Brave 8320 (AI) (IMP)
gd: SAV May 2397
gs: Netherton Big Edition H460
Dam: Netherton Karama K574
gd: Netherton Karama E368
A sire who’s sons in Ai studs HW Farghal and HW Lord Horatio are doing a great job. Kracker a son of our National Cow Champion in 2014 and sired by the cow maker SAV Brave. His maternal sister sold for 8000gns to Rawburn at last year’s sale and in this year’s sale you can see the strength of the Karama family in depth. We highly recommend his daughters in the sale for fleshing ability, good growth and milk.
Sire Reference:
gs: Te Mania Berkley B1 (AI) (IMP)
Sire: Te Mania Emperor E343 (AI) (IMP)
gd: Te Mania Lowan Z74
gs: SAV Providence 6922
Dam: Netherton Miss Effie M726
gd: Ankony Miss Effie 8433 (ET) (IMP)
A great chance here to get some calves of this exciting young sire whose first calves are born easy and grow quick with good muscle expression. Sired by one of Australia’s highest ever performance sires and still appears in the pedigree many of the highest selling Angus still in Australia, His daughters at HW are some of our hardest working females we have and produce the goods every year that’s why we are so excited about this young sire. Add in Netherton Miss Effie M726 one of our most consistent breeding donors ever bred at Netherton producing top sons sired by several sires to average over £5000 and daughters that are easy fleshed and maternal, she is sired by SAV Providence 6922 and out of Ankony Miss Eiffie 8433 both exceptional cattle and admired by cattlemen from all around the world.
gs: Coleman Charlo 0256
Sire: S A V President 6847 (SS) (IMP)
gd: S A V Blackcap May 4136
gs: Rito 707 of Ideal
Dam: S A V Elba 1400
gd: S A V Elba 1094
We only have one crop of this bull but what a crop we have, his sons are selling well and his daughters in the sale are right from the top end. We can only sell these as Equator and 2 full brothers were used in the herd and we wanted to give our customers the very latest genetics we have here at HW. Sired by the $900,000 SAV President who has bred so well worldwide including sons selling to 1.5 million dollars and from one of SAV’s top donors it’s no wonder many who see Equator’s progeny are impressed. They have taken us to another level for ease of fleshing and width, don’t miss this chance to buy daughters as they are special.
Sire Reference:
gs: G A R Grid Maker (SS) (IMP)
Sire: TC Grid Topper 355 (SS) (IMP)
gd: TC Pride 8067
gs: TC Freedom 104 (SS) (IMP)
Dam: Southland Awestruck 117R (ET) (IMP)
gd: SCA 56F of Ideal 7258 (ET) (IMP)
From maybe one of the breeds top performance families who don’t compromise on calving ease and birth weight in the chase for figures. Augustus is full brother to all our original Annie’s and Netherton Archie who did so well not only for us and other breeders that 9 years after flushing Southland Awestruck one of the top TC Freedom daughters we’ve ever seen that we tracked her down in Texas to flush again to the original mating. His first calves from our 2 year olds are catching visitor’s eyes for their character and fleshing ability.
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. NETHERTON AUSTRALIAN P823 (ET)(UK542697 300823)
Dam - HW BLACKBIRD S182(UK546977 601182)
gd. HW BLACK GOLD P394(UK546977 200394)
HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 30-JUN-2020 F
2. 19-JUN-2021 M
3. 02-JUN-2022 M
Her Male Calf at foot HW BLACK BILBO Z887 (UK546977203887), Born 31/05/2023 Sire RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET) (UK562106602628)
These Evander daughters are maturing out into soft fleshed easy going females the type we are trying to breed and this is a great example of that. A daughter of our 2021 high selling female who sold for 9500gns to Glasnant Angus. Like her dam she sells with an outstanding bull calf at foot this time sired by Rawburn Bannockburn which has herd sire written all over it. This great producing female is only 5 years old and 4 calves with one daughter retained and a her first son sold to Fursdon Angus.
Born 12/08/2018
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN DOUBLE OSEVEN J985(UK562106 100985)
Dam - HW ERICA S176(UK546977 701176)
gd. HURDCOTT ERICA FREDA G259(UK540247 600259)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 22-MAY-2021 F
2. 01-JUN-2022 M
3. 23-MAY-2023 M
Erica is one of the stand out Evander daughters we have bred she is the phenotype we believe and Angus cow should look like and is a favourite with our visitors. Dam sold to the Banbury herd for 3500gns and we have one daughter retained and this year’s bull calf is maybe the best Bannockburn son we have bred and is being retained as a potential herd sire.
Born 19/08/2018 |
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN BOSS M554 (ET)(UK562106 301554)
Dam - HW DUCHESS OF WINDSOR S211(UK546977 701211)
gd. RAWBURN DUCHESS OF WINDSOR M514(UK562106 501514)
Service Details: Ran with MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 07-JUL-2020 M
2. 12-AUG-2021 F
3. 14-JUN-2022 F
4. 27-MAY-2023 M
Her Male Calf at foot HW DUKE Z878 (UK546977703878), Born 27/05/2023 Sire RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET) (UK562106602628)
These Evander daughters are just what we like deep sided, easy fleshed with great udders he is the sire that has transformed the HW herd but with being packed with the best of SAV genetics it’s no surprise. This family has produced many high selling bulls for us and many other herds, it traces back through Rawburn to the great Southholm Duchess 66N cow, dam sold for 5000gns to Banbury Angus and her first son sold to Airies Angus. Again 5 years old and 4 calves with 2 daughters retained. Sells with an outstanding bull calf sired by Rawburn Bannockburn. If you’re looking for the complete package then take a closer look here this lot has a pedigree stacked with the breed’s greats
Born 17/02/2019 | (UK546977 702499) |
Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN BOSS M554 (ET)(UK562106 301554)
Dam - HW BLACKBIRD T242(UK546977 301242)
gd. EDEN VALE BLACKBIRD L222(UK9063463 01222)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X262 from 18/07/23 until sale day.
Calving Record:
1. 15-FEB-2021 M
2. 02-JUL-2023 F
Her Female Calf at foot HW BLACKBIRD Z988 (UK546977503988), Born 02/07/2023 Sire HW ENFORCER W787 (ET) (UK546977102787)
Another top Evander daughter with a great udder and sells with a superb heifer calf at foot sired by HW Enforcer who was sired by the $900,000 SAV President, Enforcer sons have been easy to sell this year with their exceptional correctness and thickness and his daughters look like making real fleshy type cows. Unfortunately Blackbird lost her calf last year but her first son was sold to Bardrain Angus. This would be a great starter pair to get into the breed.
Born 28/02/2019 | (UK546977 402531) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. FORDEL MINNESOTA PRIME P753 (ET)(UK542511 103753)
Dam - HW KARAMA S215(UK546977 401215)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA P830(UK542697 300830) September
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQULIBRIUM W202 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 15-JUN-2021 F
2. 17-MAY-2022 F
3. 10-MAY-2023 M
One of my favourites here and from one of our highest performance families. This cow not only has the looks being feminine while still carrying lots of flesh from only grass but knows how to breed the top ones with 2 outstanding daughters retained. These Evander daughters really work for us and they will for you on any type of bull.
gs. NETHERTON FREEDOM L642 (ET)(UK542697 400642)
Sire - HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
gd. NETHERTON FRANCES M697(UK542697 300697)
gs. RAWBURN BOSS M554 (ET)(UK562106 301554)
Dam - HW FLEUR S059(UK546977 201059)
gd. NETHERTON FLEUR L625(UK542697 100625) September 2023
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 04-JUN-2021 F
2. 27-MAY-2022 F
3. 24-MAY-2023 M
This young Fabulous daughter is going to mature out into a big strong female with lots of length and flesh. Both sides of the pedigree traces back to the legendry CEE BAR Favorite which has had a massive impact on the breed in the UK over the past 40 years and can be found in many of the Champions and High Sellers to this day. Add in the likes of TC Stockman 365, HF El Tigre, Adrossan Admiral and Hoff Limited Edition you have some of the world’s top genetics here. Dam sold for 3800gns to Coolermoney Angus and a maternal brother for 4000gns to S McKeague in Ireland in last year’s sale. Remember only 4 year old and 3 calves with 2 daughters retained she has her whole life in front of her.
Born 05/03/2019 | (UK546977 502546) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
gs. JERUSALEM WAGNER H140(UK104007 600140)
Dam - JERUSALEM LADY HEATHER M221(UK104007 300221)
gd. JERUSALEM LADY HEATHER J162(UK104007 700162)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 18/07/23 until sale day.
Calving Record:
1. 17-APR-2021 F
2. 12-JUL-2022 M
3. 11-JUN-2023 F
Her Female Calf at foot HW LADY HEATHER Z895 (UK546977303895), Born 11/06/2023
Sire RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET) (UK562106602628)
From a family which has done so well for many herds in the UK. This top Kracker daughter has a pedigree of some of the breeds greats in the UK and N America going all the way back to Coldstream Lady Heather then add in Knights Blackbird 9Y you can see why this family is most sought after. Here you get a chance to buy 2 and she sells with a great Bannockburn daughter at foot and anyone who has visited us knows just how good these Bannockburn daughters are turning out. A great outfit here.
Born 25/07/2018 | (UK546977 202452) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. NETHERTON FREEDOM L642 (ET)(UK542697 400642)
Sire - HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
gd. NETHERTON FRANCES M697(UK542697 300697)
gs. S A V SOLID GOLD 9187 (AI)(IMP)(16396545(US)37)
Dam - HW BLACK GOLD P394(UK546977 200394)
gd. BALHALDIE BLACK BERYL L509(UK542044 100509)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23 until sale day.
Calving Record:
1. 05-JUL-2020 F
2. 04-JUN-2021 F
3. 13-JUN-2022 F
4. 11-MAY-2023 M
From one of our most prolific and hardest working families we have, sired by HW Fabulous whose daughters are maturing into super mothers. Dam sold for 3200gns to Arnydie Angus and she is a maternal sister to our high selling female in 2021 who sold for 9500gns to Glasnant Angus. In her prime at 5 years old and already 4 calves with 2 daughters retained.
Born 11/03/2019 | (UK546977 402657) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
gs. NIGHTINGALE DUNBAR K551(UK302307 300551)
Dam - CARDONA JEWOT ERICA M821(UK542793 500821)
gd. CARDONA JEWOT ERICA F424(UK542793 700424)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 06-JUL-2021 M
2. 27-MAY-2022 M
3. 31-MAY-2023 M
Lots of growth in this family which traces back through Cardona to Newhouse, this young female already with 3 calves has worked hard for us but it is what we expect from our females they get no fancy treatment and fertility and good udders is top of our criteria in deciding our top ones and you have it here. These Kracker daughters know how to breed and have added so much to our herd.
Born 18/03/2019 |
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
gs. BALHALDIE PROUD STAR F200(UK542044 700200)
Dam - BALHALDIE JEWANDA ERICA K456(UK542044 400456)
gd. LADYWELL JEWANDA ERICA E080(UK542447 500080)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23 till sale day. Seen served 20/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record: 1. 26-FEB-2021 M
2. 16-FEB-2022 F
3. 22-JAN-2023 F
Sorry for being so repetitive but another easy fleshing young cow 4 years old and 3 calves already but these and the type that will pay your bills look at the flesh of this top Kracker daughter with no concentrate and you can see why we think this is the way forward to control costs. Another family that traces back to the great Newhouse herd, maternal brother sold to Galcantray Angus and 2 daughters retained.
Born 19/03/2019 | (UK546977 502672) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
gs. CLOUGHER ENOCH G524(UK9152479 524)
Dam - EDEN VALE BLACKBIRD L222(UK9063463 01222)
gd. CROFTBURN BLACKBIRD G313(UK9061457 5313)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from the 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 30-MAY-2021 M
2. 28-MAY-2022 M
A real fleshy type here sired by Kracker here from a family that traces back to Argwen in Canada who have produced many top cow families in the UK. Unfortunately Blackbird had a still born calf this year but her son from 2022 is greatly admired in his contemporary group. Young cow here with lots of life in front of her.
Born 08/04/2019 | (UK546977 102696) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
Dam - HW FLEUR P826(UK542697 600826)
gd. NETHERTON FLEUR L623(UK542697 600623) September
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record:
1. 26-FEB-2021 F
2. 27-FEB-2022 F
3. 07-FEB-2023 F
A top Kracker daughter here lovely lines, balanced and feminine but with Admiral and El Tigre in her pedigree you expect anything else. From a family that has done so much not only for Netherton and HW but many herds in Europe, her dam is a maternal sister to HW Farghal T516 who has bred so well in Ireland where he stands in the NCBC Stud. In calf to Mr Equilibrium whose calves are sure making a lot of friends with whoever sees them for their breed character and muscle definition.
Born 04/05/2019 | (UK546977 502714) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. HF KODIAK 5R (SS)(IMP)(1274305(CA)35)
Sire - HF EL TIGRE 28U (AI)(IMP)(1469322(CA)34)
gd. HF ECHO 84R(1274314(CA))
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Dam - HW MADAME PRIDE S632 (ET)(UK546977 200632)
gd. S A V MADAME PRIDE 1138 (ET)(IMP)(16928634(US)40)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Served on 24/03/23 by HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 then ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 22-MAY-2021 M
2. 18-OCT-2022 M
An opportunity not to be missed here as you don’t often get chances to buy a daughter of a Miss Europe winner from the Angus Breeder World Show and add in the sire was Senior Yearling Champion at a World Forum Show. This great young female backs up her parents qualities with a great phenotype that would look good in anyone’s herd. From one of the worlds most recognised families which have done so well at SAV in producing high selling cattle, dam sold for 7000gns to Raethorn Angus and V714 would be the stand out from this flush and has been a donor for us as well producing 21 embryos from 4 flushes. You don’t get many chances to buy an El Tigre daughter nowadays.
Born 16/11/2022 | (UK546977 603723) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 (SS)(IMP)(16925771(US)42)
Sire - RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET)(UK562106 602628)
gd. NICHOLS BONNIE Y292 (ET)(IMP)(17081895(US)42)
gs. HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
Dam - HW PROSPECT PRIDE V688(UK546977 702688)
gd. HW PRAULINE S085(UK546977 701085)
Hard decision to sell this heifer calf as we believe at this age she is maybe one of the best Bannockburn daughters we have bred. This is a future donor cow for someone she has the looks and performance to make her one of the greats trust me on this one.
gs. RED VGW GAME PLAN 816(1543287(CA))
Sire - RED SIX MILE GRAND SLAM 13OZ (AI)(IMP)(1689128(CA)40)
gd. RED SIX MILE REBECCA 216X(1573599(RA))
gs. RED DMM TRACTION 98R (SS)(IMP)(1290345(CA)33)
Dam - NETHERTON RED ESSENCE H483 (ET)(UK542697 600483)
gd. RED STEN ESSENCE 42G (ET)(IMP)(903849(CA)32)
The only Red Angus in the sale but what a beauty we have sired by Red Six Mile Grand Slam and is one of only 26 daughters in the UK. This family need no introduction and is one of the most recognised in Europe with Y814’s dam producing over 300,000 in progeny sales but she was also voted Miss Europe in 2018 and her dam Red Sten Essence 42G who was
Show Female of the year as a two and ten year old and with over $500,000 in progeny sales making her one of Canada’s top Red Angus females. This is a great chance to buy from this top family which knows how to produce the goods and make money.
Born 12/01/2023 | (UK546977 203817) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN DOUBLE OSEVEN J985(UK562106 100985)
Dam - HW JAMILA ERICA R613(UK546977 400613)
gd. LINBURN JAG ERICA M178(UK583107 400178)
We thought if we are selling one of the best Bannockburn daughters for her age we might as well do it for Evander, this very smart heifer has the makings to be the best of them all. Her dam who hurt her foot as a calf is one of the best breeding cows in the herd producing the goods each year to any sire. This heifer has a great future ahead of her I’m sure of that.
Born 20/07/2019 | (UK546977 302740) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. S A V SOLID GOLD 9187 (AI)(IMP)(16396545(US)37)
Dam - HW BLACK GOLD P394(UK546977 200394)
gd. BALHALDIE BLACK BERYL L509(UK542044 100509)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 01/02/23 until 01/04/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 28-JUN-2022 F
Lots of quality here from a family that knows how to breed good ones. Again you can see the quality Evander puts into his daughters. Maternal sister to our 2021 high selling female who sold for 9500gns to Glasnant Angus. 1 daughter retained. In calf to Augustus who is a full brother to Netherton Archie who bred so well for Gear Angus and many others.
Born 07/08/2019 | (UK546977 302754) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
gs. FORDEL MINNESOTA PRIME P753 (ET)(UK542511 103753)
Dam - HW FRANCES T470(UK546977 701470)
gd. HW FRANCES R504(UK546977 700504)
Calving Record:
1. 27-JUN-2021 F
2. 27-MAY-2022 F
3. 13-MAY-2023 F
Here is an Angus cow for the future who has the whole package, Phenotype feminine, long and has a great top line and udder, Performance all but one trait above breed average and has her 3rd calf just about 3 months before her 4th birthday, Pedigree sired by Kracker whose daughters are producing many of our top high sellers and from the famous Frances line who needs no introducing traces back to the Cee Bar Favorite who was recognised as one of the world’s most influential females by the Angus Hall of Fame in America. All 3 daughters retained from this super young female.
Born 11/08/2019
gs. HINGAIA 469 (SS)(IMP)(13235086469(NZ)31)
gs. RAWBURN LORD ROSS C216(UK562106 200216)
Dam - RAWBURN EBONY K111(UK562106 101111)
gd. RAWBURN EBONY D288 (ET)(UK562106 400288)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record:
1. 25-JUN-2021 F
2. 25-JUN-2021 M
3. 21-MAY-2022 F
4. 14-JUN-2023 F
Her Female Calf at foot HW EBONY Z898
(UK546977603898), Born 14/06/2023
Sire RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET) (UK562106602628)
Here’s a pair not to be missed one sired by Millah Murrah Kingdom a previous record priced bull in Australia and one of only 29 daughters registered in the UK, Millah Murrah has broken just about every record in Australia over the past decade and will have one of the best maternal herds I’ve seen anywhere in the world. Not only is the sire line an outcross but the grand dam comes from an embryo bought in from Hoff Angus to Rawburn where the line has flourished. If that’s not impressive enough she sells with a real sweet Bannockburn heifer calf at foot. An outstanding full brother has been used in the Kilravock and Parbroath herds. 4 year old and 4 calves with a daughter retained.
gs. RAWBURN BOSS M554 (ET)(UK562106 301554)
Dam - HW KARAMA T600(UK546977 401600)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA P830(UK542697 300830)
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record:
1. 13-MAR-2022 M
2. 27-MAR-2023 F
When you see females like Karama you can see why we’ve used Millah Murrah genetics as they give you such feminine females with great soft flesh which we need if they have to perform of grass and not out of the bucket. Sired by Klooney whose daughters have been behind many high sellers in Australia recently and out of a top Boss daughter who sold to Fingask Angus. This great young female is only 3 years old and has had 2 calves with one daughter retained and is safely back in calf you can’t ask much more from a 3 year old. You want to produce easy calving bulls then take a look at her figures all calving traits in the breeds top 10%.
Born 21/02/2020 | (UK546977 202788) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V BRAVE 8320 (AI)(IMP)(16107533(US)37)
Sire - NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K574 (ET)(UK542697 600574)
Dam - NETHERTON KARAMA P797(UK542697 500797)
gd. NETHERTON KARAMA K581 (ET)(UK542697 600581)
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 04-MAR-2022 M
2. 16-MAR-2023 F
Another high performance Karama female with 12 traits in the breed’s top 30% and with the added bonus of having this great line on both side of the pedigree this young female would be a great addition to any herd. This is the type of cow we want to breed full of flesh and depth with a great udder having had 2 calves at 3 year old. Note the great maternal bulls in this pedigree Brave, El Tigre and Admiral.
Born 02/03/2020 | (UK546977 603107) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN DOUBLE OSEVEN J985(UK562106 100985)
Dam - HW JAMILAH ERICA S646(UK546977 200646)
gd. CARDONA JEWOT ERICA M821(UK542793 500821) September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Her Female Calf at foot HW JAMILAH ERICA Z883
(UK546977503883), Born 30/05/2023
Sire HW ENFORCER W787 (ET) (UK546977102787)
You have to appreciate these young 3 year old cows having had 2 calves, they have spent most of their life working hard Erica W107 is going to mature out into a big long female and by the time she is 5 will be a stand out. You see how these Evander daughters mature out, and with Rawburn
Double Oseven and Nightengale Dunbar on the maternal side you have one with a little more frame here. This family traces back to Newhouse through Cardona and we have one daughter retained.
Born 02/03/2020 | (UK546977 103109) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. NETHERTON FREEDOM L642 (ET)(UK542697 400642)
Sire - HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
gd. NETHERTON FRANCES M697(UK542697 300697)
gs. NIGHTINGALE DUNBAR K551(UK302307 300551)
Dam - CARDONA JEWOT ERICA M821(UK542793 500821)
gd. CARDONA JEWOT ERICA F424(UK542793 700424)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 18/07/23 until sale day. Seen served on 21/07/23. PD’d in calf on 20/09/23.
Calving Record: 1. 21-MAY-2022 M
2. 11-JUN-2023 F
Her Female Calf at Foot HW JEWOT ERICA Z896 (UK546977403896), Born 11/06/2023
Sire HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 (ET) (UK546977303202)
A real smart pair here, this young female has great length and growth and like many of the Fabulous daughters will mature out into something special, then add in a MR Equilibrium heifer calf who are greatly admired by all who see them then you need to take a closer look here if you want to add something special to your herd and with greats like Blelack Blacksmith and Early Sunset Coalition on the dam side you can see why we rate this young pair highly.
Born 04/03/2020 | (UK546977 503113) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
Sire - HW ARANGUEZ U630(UK546977 601630)
gd. HW ANNIE R488(UK546977 500488)
gs. HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
Dam - HW JEWOT ERICA U642(UK546977 401642)
gd. CARDONA JEWOT ERICA M821(UK542793 500821)
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record:
1. 03-MAR-2022 F
2. 04-FEB-2023 F
We never got many Aranguez daughters but the ones we did get have bred so well for us but when you see his pedigree you can see why we keep using bulls out of this family. You can see we have many Erica’s in our herd which trace back to Newhouse, they work for us as they have for many breeders throughout the breed’s history. 1 daughter retained from this young female who has 11 traits in the breeds top 30%
Born 20/03/2020 | (UK546977 303139) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
Sire - HW ARANGUEZ U630(UK546977 601630)
gd. HW ANNIE R488(UK546977 500488)
gs. FORDEL MINNESOTA PRIME P753 (ET)(UK542511 103753)
Dam - HW MAY U097(UK546977 402097)
gd. HW BLACKCAP MAY S087 (ET)(UK546977 201087)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Served by HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 on 24/03/23 then ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in Calf
Calving Record:
1. 08-MAR-2022 F
2. 28-JAN-2023 M
We might have a smaller framed female here but she’s a mighty breeder. From one of our SAV lines which in a short time have had a great influence on our herd. Again sired by the high performance, easy calving Aranguez. Grand dam sold for 5000gns to Morpheus Angus and we have one daughter retained who is one of the standouts from last year’s spring group and this year’s bull calf sired by Abacus is maybe one of his best to date. Please note 15 traits in the breeds top 20%.
Born 21/03/2020 | (UK546977 103144) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN BOSS M554 (ET)(UK562106 301554)
Dam - HW BLACKBIRD S075(UK546977 401075)
gd. EDEN VALE BLACKBIRD L222(UK9063463 01222)
Service Details: Served by HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 on 30/03/23 then ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from the 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in Calf
Calving Record:
1. 01-MAR-2022 M
2. 23-JAN-2023 M
A real hard working young cow here but with 2 calves before her third birthday we can forgive her for not being too fat especially when her first son was one of our high selling bulls from the spring 2022 crop. Sired by Evander and from a top Boss daughter which traces back all the way to Argwen in Canada. This is a breeder here don’t regret letting her slip through your hands.
Born 05/07/2020 | (UK546977 503204) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 (SS)(IMP)(16925771(US)42)
Sire - RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET)(UK562106 602628)
gd. NICHOLS BONNIE Y292 (ET)(IMP)(17081895(US)42)
gs. HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
Dam - HW JEWELIOT ERICA U436(UK546977 702436)
gd. CARDONA JEWELIOT ERICA N873(UK542793 100873)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSTUS X462 from 01/02/23 until 01/04/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 29-JUL-2022 M
The longer we have these Bannockburn daughter the more we think they are maybe the best females we’ve ever had which is a comment we don’t make lightly. Here we have an outstanding daughter full of flesh, great top line with a superb udder, add in 13 traits in the top 20% of the breed then you have something special here indeed.
Born 10/08/2020 | (UK546977 503232) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
Sire - HW ARANGUEZ U630(UK546977 601630)
gd. HW ANNIE R488(UK546977 500488)
gs. NETHERTON FREEDOM L642 (ET)(UK542697 400642)
Dam - HW FRANCES R569 (ET)(UK546977 200569)
gd. NETHERTON FRANCES M697(UK542697 300697)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 04-MAR-2023 M
This young female has a pedigree with many of our top show and performance cattle of the past and we feel has a great future ahead of her. Her dam is a full sister to HW Freedom and her maternal sister has had one of our high selling bulls for the last 3 years including one to Genus and is now in our donor programme, I could go on a say something about so many females in this pedigree it really is a who’s who of the greats. Like the rest of the Aranguez progeny you have good performance with 14 traits in the top 30% of the breed with Frances with all calving traits included which is something commercial buyers want more and more. Carrying an Equlibrium calf which could just be something really special.
Born 07/02/2021 | (UK546977 603261) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 (SS)(IMP)(16925771(US)42)
Sire - RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET)(UK562106 602628)
gd. NICHOLS BONNIE Y292 (ET)(IMP)(17081895(US)42)
gs. NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
Dam - HW JAMILA ERICA T515(UK546977 301515)
gd. BALHALDIE JEWANDA ERICA K456(UK542044 400456)
Service Details: Ran with HW MR EQULIBRIUM W202 from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 27-JAN-2023 M
Again like a broken record when it comes to these young females but calved under 2 years old and back in calf, sired by Bannockburn so a great udder is guaranteed this one is going to mature out into a great cow full of flesh with great lines. 12 traits in the top 30% she comes full of performance and a full live in front of her.
Born 21/02/2021 | (UK546977 203411) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V PROVIDENCE 6922 (SS)(IMP)(15707145(US)36)
Dam - NETHERTON MISS EFFIE M726 (ET)(UK542697 400726)
gd. ANKONY MISS EFFIE 8433 (ET)(IMP)(16060002(US)34)
Service Details: Ran with HW AUGUSUS X462 from 01/02/23 until 01/04/23. PD’d in calf.
Here’s something special and the first we’ve sold from this family. Sired by the high maternal Australian bull Klooney and from the prolific Netherton Miss Effie M726 who is the dam of 7 herd sires including retained herd sire Mr Equilibrium and her sons have averaged over 5000. This line that came into the country and did so well for Gaston Wood and Borewell, traces back to the famous Ankony herd in the US.
Born 03/04/2021 | (UK546977 403448) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. NETHERTON FREEDOM L642 (ET)(UK542697 400642)
Dam - NETHERTON ANNIE P801(UK542697 200801)
gd. NETHERTON ANNIE M657(UK542697 500657)
Service Details: Served on the 26/03/23 by HW MR EQUILIBRIUM W202 then ran with him from 01/04/23 until 22/05/23. PD’d in calf.
Calving Record: 1. 31-JAN-2023 F
Everyone knows how highly we rate the Annie family and here we have something special calved at 21 months with a super heifer calf which is also in the sale, Annie X448 is a maternal sister to HW Abacus who is now in the famous Drumcrow herd in Ireland and has bred so many top cattle for us including several bulls into AI Studs. Add in Evander as sire and you have the very best of SAV and TC breeding here. Here you have fertility and performance here with 14 traits in the breed’s top 30%.
Born 31/01/2023 | (UK546977 403826) | Myostatin. No Carrier
Sire - HW AMAIN EVENT X274 (ET)(UK546977 503274)
gd. HW ANNIE R488(UK546977 500488)
gs. HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
Dam - HW ANNIE X448(UK546977 403448)
gd. NETHERTON ANNIE P801(UK542697 200801)
A 21 month old heifer’s calf we can excuse her for being a little smaller but there is something about her real feminine look with a lovely and lines about her. Sired by HW AMain Event now Herd Sire at Linburn Angus who was sired by Quaker Hill Blindside one of the top performance bulls around and out of our £7000 Annie cow then you have a calf here line bred to our great Annie line which I’m sure will breed something special for you. Every trait above breed average and 14 in the top 20% of the breed.
Born 22/02/2022 | (UK546977 203607) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. RAWBURN BOSS HOGG N630 (ET)(UK562106 201630)
Sire - HW BARABUS V722(UK546977 602722)
gd. NETHERTON BEAUTY L608 (ET)(UK542697 500608)
gs. NETHERTON KRACKER P790(UK542697 500790)
Dam - HW SHOZAN V519(UK546977 602519)
gd. MOHMAR SHOZAN N191(UK546977 200191)
Born 17/05/2022 | (UK546977 703647) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V HARVESTOR 0338 (SS)(IMP)(16687737(US)38)
Sire - HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
gd. S A V ELBA 1407 (ET)(IMP)(16973620(US)40)
gs. RAWBURN BOSS M554 (ET)(UK562106 301554)
Dam - HW MISSIE T466(UK546977 301466)
gd. NETHERTON MISSIE M676(UK542697 300676)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
Service Details: Seen served on 18/09/23 by HW MR PRIDE Y705
You don’t get many chances to buy a Missie female and here we have one of the top Evander daughters from her year, full of style and flesh this one is not to be missed. Traces back through Missie A114 the first cow in the breed to sell for over £30,000 at auction right to the twice Canadian female of the year DMM Miss Essence 22B who you can still see in many pedigree at MillerWilson.
Born 20/05/2022 | (UK546977 403651) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. RAWBURN BOSS HOGG N630 (ET)(UK562106 201630)
Sire - HW ABACUS V500(UK546977 102500)
gd. NETHERTON ANNIE P801(UK542697 200801)
gs. HW EVANDER S051 (ET)(UK546977 101051)
Dam - HW PRAULINE U066(UK546977 102066)
gd. HW PRAULINE S085(UK546977 701085)
We are trying to give buyers a good cross selection of our heifers and here we have one of our top performance Abacus heifers. Dam sold to Hendy Angus and with Boss Hogg and Evander in the pedigree you know your going to get a real feminine type female. These line that have come from MAC Angus have really performed well for us. Sold free of the bull.
Born 05/06/2022 | (UK546977 503673) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V PRESIDENT 6847 (SS)(IMP)(18578964(US)44)
Sire - HW EQUATOR W792 (ET)(UK546977 602792)
gd. S A V ELBA 1400 (ET)(IMP)(16973616(US)44)
gs. RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET)(UK562106 602628)
Dam - HW BLACKBIRD W196(UK546977 403196)
gd. HW BLACKBIRD U473(UK546977 202473)
Seonaid’s favourite here and one she didn’t really want to sell, but we wanted to showcase the new SAV lines that are granddaughters of the $900,000 SAV President so we’ve went right to the top here. This top heifer is a granddaughter of U473 who is in the sale and goes back through a top Bannockburn daughter to our 9500gns high seller of 2021. Equator is one of 3 full brothers we used sired by President and out SAV Elba 1400 who was sired by the highly sought after Rito 707 daughter. With 14 traits in the breed’s top 30% this heifer will be a future donor in which ever herd she goes too. Sold free of the bull so you can decide whether to flush before going in calf.
Born 07/06/2022 | (UK546977 703675) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V PRESIDENT 6847 (SS)(IMP)(18578964(US)44)
Sire - HW EQUATOR W792 (ET)(UK546977 602792)
gd. S A V ELBA 1400 (ET)(IMP)(16973616(US)44)
gs. RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET)(UK562106 602628)
Dam - HW BLACK GOLD W205(UK546977 603205)
gd. HW BLACK GOLD U452(UK546977 202452)
Again an Equator out of a Bannockburn daughter from this great family that know how to produce the goods. More moderate framed but full of performance with all but two traits above breed average. We really like what these President genetics have done with the herd adding in even more softness and easy doing cattle, with the bulls selling easily this year. Sold free of the bull.
Born 12/06/2022 | (UK546977 303678) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V PRESIDENT 6847 (SS)(IMP)(18578964(US)44)
Sire - HW EQUATOR W792 (ET)(UK546977 602792)
gd. S A V ELBA 1400 (ET)(IMP)(16973616(US)44)
gs. RAWBURN BANNOCKBURN T628 (ET)(UK562106 602628)
Dam - HW BLACKCAP MAY W177(UK546977 603177)
gd. HW BLACKCAP MAY U064(UK546977 602064)
Here we have a heifer I really didn’t want to let go but as I said for Seonaid’s favourite we really wanted to give breeders the chance to buy into the latest genetics we have at HW and especially these SAV President lines of which only 10 progeny were born in the UK. Dam sired by Bannockburn whose daughters are so even and outstanding and is now in our donor program, grand dam was sold privately to Galawater Angus. 13 traits in the breeds top 30%. Sold free of the bull.
Born 13/06/2022 | (UK546977 603681) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V PRESIDENT 6847 (SS)(IMP)(18578964(US)44)
Sire - HW EQUATOR W792 (ET)(UK546977 602792)
gd. S A V ELBA 1400 (ET)(IMP)(16973616(US)44)
gs. HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
Dam - HW FRANCES W212(UK546977 603212)
gd. HW FRANCES R504(UK546977 700504)
A real smart feminine heifer and the type we know that works for us. Again sired by Equator who is sired by SAV President who was also the sire of SAV America who sold for 1.5 Million Dollars and both President and America are breeding so well all over the world. These are young heifer so selling free of the bull so they can fit into your calving pattern. Sold free of the bull.
Born 17/06/2022 | (UK546977 503687) | Myostatin. No Carrier
gs. S A V PRESIDENT 6847 (SS)(IMP)(18578964(US)44)
Sire - HW EQUATOR W792 (ET)(UK546977 602792)
gd. S A V ELBA 1400 (ET)(IMP)(16973616(US)44)
gs. HW FABULOUS R565 (ET)(UK546977 500565)
Dam - HW BLACK BEAUTY W131(UK546977 203131)
gd. RAWBURN BLACK BEAUTY M595(UK562106 201595)
September 2023 Aberdeen-Angus BREEDPLAN
A family that traces right back to Knights Blackbird 9Y one of the all-time great females in N America and who had a massive influence in the UK. This moderate framed heifer with great lines is sired by Equator and dam is a maternal sister to HW Black B who is breeding so well in Romania. Sold free of the bull
gs. RAWBURN BOSS HOGG N630 (ET)(UK562106 201630)
Sire - HW BLACKMORE V724(UK546977 102724)
gd. WEDDERLIE BLACKMAMA R206(UK560308 103206)
gs. EXAR SIGNIFICANT 1769B (SS)(IMP)(16884386(US)43)
Dam - HW MISS ESSENCE V504 (ET)(UK546977 502504)
gd. DMM MISS ESSENCE 63W (ET)(IMP)(1493985(CA)37)
Here we have a real smart heifer full of flesh and style sired by one of the top Boss Hogg sons we have bred before selling him to Portugal he was out of our 10,000 pick of the 2015 Wedderlie heifers. Dam is the only daughter in the UK sired by EXAR Significant where a half interest of him was sold for $135,000 and was out of a full sister to the Sitz Upward, this line traces back through many of MllerWilsons top show females including Agribition Champions. Y695 has 14 traits in the top 30% of the breed and is a female that will add lots to any herd. Sold free of the bull
In this catalogue we have printed QR code for each animal, this will take you to the web page which will give you full information on pedigree, bar charts and photographs if available
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Open the QR barcode app on your smartphone, and choose “scan from camera” or “scan QR code” from the main menu. A new window should open with a square in the middle of it.
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Step 5
Click the link that was embedded in the QR code, this will direct you to the Society website.
Only Aberdeen-Angus GROUP BREEDPLAN EBVs or INTERIM EBVs with Accuracy (Acc) can be validly compared between herds.
The EBV is the best estimate of an animal's genetic merit for that trait.
An accuracy value (Acc) is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy the lower the likelihood of change in the animal's EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or its relatives.
Calving Ease EBVs are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information. More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving.
DIR: Direct calving ease indicates how this animal influences the birth of its progeny. Using a bull in the Top 1% for CE direct (+7.0) is predicted to result in approximately 15% fewer assisted calvings in 2 year old heifers compared with using a bull in the Bottom 1% (-10.2). This range is predicted to be smaller in cows. Remember that the dam’s genetics and management are significant factors influencing calving ease in any mating.
DTRS: Daughter’s calving ease indicates how well the animal produces daughters that have easier calving.
GL: Gestation Length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicate shorter gestation lengths which generally relate to easier calving and increased growth after birth.
BWT: Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers.
SS: Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility in regards to semen quality and quantity. Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. There is also a small negative correlation with age of puberty in female progeny.
MILK: 200-Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal's milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves.
200: 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth to early ages.
400: 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for yearling weight.
600: 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age.
MWT: Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of age. Smaller, or more moderate EBVs are generally more favourable.
CWT: Carcase Weight EBV (kg) estimates the genetic difference in carcase weight at a standard age of 650 days.
EMA: Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area of a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals.
FAT: Rib Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the rib in a 300kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity.
RBY%: Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) represents total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 300kg dressed carcase. A more positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 300kg carcase size.
IMF%: Intra-muscular Fat Percent EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the percentage of intramuscular fat at the 12/13th rib site in a 300kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more positive values are generally more favourable.
Indexes combine the EBVs with economic information for specific market and production systems to rank animals based on relative profit values.
The Angus Terminal index is aimed at a commercial herd using Angus bulls over dairy cross cows to breed steers and heifers to turn off at 16 months of age. All progeny are destined for slaughter and no replacement females are selected from within the herd. There is some emphasis on calving ease while finishing steers at around 600 kg live weight (330 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production system.
Use this index in a commercial herd to produce progeny for slaughter. The index has moderate emphasis on easier calving (ie getting a live calf with minimal human interference) while producing calves that will then grow quickly to market specifications at around 16 months of age. The index is focused on slaughter animals and does not account for maternal traits and is therefore not suited to breeding replacement females.
If you are using smaller framed cows or heifers in your herd, then you should also put extra emphasis on a higher Calving Ease Direct EBV when selecting a sire using this index.
The Angus Self Replacing index is aimed at an Angus herd selecting replacement females from within the herd while breeding steers and excess heifers to turn off at 18 months of age. There is emphasis on calving ease and maternal traits while also looking to finish steers for slaughter at around 615 kg live weight (330 kg carcase weight) using a pasture based production system supplemented with extra rations during the finishing phase.
This Self Replacing index is also suitable to using Angus sires over mixed breed cows where replacement females are sourced from within the herd. There may be some hybrid vigour expressed in the progeny depending on the breed type of the cows used. Therefore you should consider placing extra emphasis on the Calving Ease EBVs (more positive) of the sire to allow for possible heavier birth weights of his calves due to hybrid vigour.
Use this index in both commercial and pedigree herds where you are balancing the requirements of selecting replacement females while also producing animals for slaughter.
The Aberdeen-Angus GROUP BREEDPLAN Estimated Breeding Values contained in this Sale Catalogue were compiled by the Agricultural Business Research Institute (ABRI) from data supplied by the breeders. Neither the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society nor the ABRI oversee or audit the collection of this data.
All bulls entered at official Society sales have their Myostatin status displayed in the catalogue. The Myostatin nt821 gene is responsible for double muscling.
Myostatin Status No Carrier, means the bull does not carry the Myostatin nt821 gene.
Myostatin Status Single Version Carrier means the bull carries a single version of the Myostatin nt821 gene, but still accepted for registration by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society