South Country Cheviot Ram Show & Sale 2015

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Annual Show & Sale of 368 Rams

Monday 5th October 2015 Sponsored by


Suppliers of Top Quality Mineral Supplements to livestock farmers for over thirty years

We are delighted and proud to be associated with The

Cheviot Society and to sponsor the Suppliers of Top Quality Mineral Supplements to livestock “Cheviot Flock of the Year Competition” farmers for over thirty years

For further information please contact Robert McTurk (Starlyne) -­‐ 07715 409170 Or Bill Brown (Macmin) -­‐ 07711 677338

We are delighted and proud to be associated with The Cheviot Society and to sponsor the

“Cheviot Flock of the Year Competition” For further information please contact Robert McTurk (Starlyne) -­‐ 07715 409170 Or Bill Brown (Macmin) -­‐ 07711 677338

Overall Champion Ram – sold for £4900

To be held at

Lockerbie Mart, Sydney Place, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire DG11 2JA (Leave M74 Motorway – Junction 17)

Cheviot Sheep Society President: Secretary: Mr A Warden Mrs Pat Douglas Skelfhill Farm Carlenrig Hawick Teviothead Tel: 01450 850221 Hawick T. 01450 850218

The Hill Cheviot “Unbeatable For Quality�

In springtime, from February to Easter, when other breeds are Hoggets, Hill Cheviots are lambs, they taste like lamb, and for this reason they are worth more per kilo; and are suitable for wholesale and export Meat Trade.



Catalogue for the

Show and Sale of


CHEVIOT HILL RAMS MONDAY 5th OCTOBER 2015 Judging – 8.00am prompt Judge – Mr Robert McTurk, Thornhill Sale – 10.00 am to be held at LOCKERBIE MART Sydney Place, Lockerbie, Dumfriesshire DG11 2JA (25 miles North of Carlisle on A74 (M) – J 17 & 18)

Tel – 01576 202332 & 203954 E-mail Auctioneers

Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Telephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231 E-mail: Website:


IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SETTLEMENT & CLEARANCE OF STOCK Please note that all lots must be settled on the day of purchase Completion of a buyers slip is essential for parties who have not dealt with the company before New customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the companys main office 48 hours prior to a sale No Lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office

Purchasers From Outside The United Kingdom Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling. We request that payment is made to us in pounds sterling by cheque/bankers draft on the day of sale. Card facilities are available (2% surcharge on credit cards)


IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE Parties who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alternatively it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale.

Please fold and detach along this perforation

SALE ........................................................................................................................................................................ TRADING NAME ................................................................................................................................................... PARTNERS NAMES (if applicable) ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... FULL POSTAL ADDRESS .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE ............................................................................................................................................................. Tel. No ................................................................................................................................................................... HOLDING NO. ....................................................................... FLOCK No. .......................................................... DESTINATION DETAILS OF ANIMALS IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE CPH ......................................................................................... POST CODE ......................................................


The UK’s Leading Livestock Marketing Company Seven Sale Centres Pedigree & Commercial Livestock Official Society Sales of Beef, Dairy & Sheep Tractors, Machinery & Commercial Vehicles Specialist Livestock Sales, Equine & Events Professional Valuations Online Internet Bidding

01228 406200 Borderway, Carlisle CA1 2RS


BIO SECURITY RULES HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITED, LOCKERBIE MART Notice to all Visitors and Traders Please read and observe the following: Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival.

All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site.

All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.

All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance.

Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.

Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office.

No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale.

Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock.

Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.

Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times. Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Robert Jardine, will only be too pleased to give you assistance. GROUP OF COMPANIES HARRISON & HETHERINGTON Farmstock Auctioneers, Brokers & Valuers

T. 01228 406200 AUCTION ROOMS Auctioneers & Valuers since 1890

LAND AND PROPERTY Chartered Surveyors

T. 01228 406260 T. 0191 370 8530 KING Estate Agents, Lettings & Valuers

T. 01228 406320

T. 01228 810799

T. 0191 276 3443

T. 01228 406290

INSURANCE BROKERS Rural & Commercial Insurance

REEDS PRINTERS Quality Printing, Signs & Display

T. 01768 864214

First in the Field...


Special Notice to Consignors Rams lambs will NOT be accepted for this sale Conditions of Sale The sale is conducted under the General & Special Conditions of Sale of the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland and under the following Special Conditions of Sale. In any case in which they conflict the following Special Conditions of Sale will prevail: 1. The show and sale is confined to CHEVIOT HILL RAMS, of ONE SHEAR and Upwards, which will be sold in ONE ring. 2. The Order in which the several lots of sheep shall be brought forward shall be decided by public ballot at least three weeks before the Sale Day 3. BALLOT - First three and last three from previous year - remove from ballot. Draw first three lots then third last, second last and last lot. Continue until Lot 10. Return the other 6 lots to ballot. If the judge for the show on the day is a vendor then his/her lot should be added to the ballot after lot 10. 4. Each lot of Sheep shall be sold in the Order of Ballot, and the owner thereof shall be bound to see that this condition is carried out. 5. All vendors must be fully paid up members of the society 6. All sheep will be identified with numbers stamped on their back 7. The vendor shall be responsible for the correctness of identity and all sheep must have official ear tags to comply with current ministry regulations. Buyers shall have one hour following the end of the sale to lodge any faults or misrepresentations to the Auctioneer 8. A Vendor is allowed one substitute entry but all the correct information must be with the auctioneer before the sale 9. The sheep shall be penned and the Sale shall commence at the time arranged by the Auctioneers, any lot or lots which may not be ready for the ring when their turn for sale arrives will not be allowed to come forward for sale until all other lots have been sold 10. All male sheep to have two correct testicles. No Rigs or Chasers to be shown or sold 11. The particulars given in the Catalogue, or announced at the time of Sale, are correct so far as known to the exposer, but, except as provided kin the preceding Condition, he will not be bound in any way. With the same exception no warranty is given with any sheep, either that he is capable of service, or in any other respect whatever, and is to be taken as he stands, any condition in the Sale of Goods Act, 1893, notwithstanding 12. Errors and Omissions. The Auctioneers CAN ACCEPT NO responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue 13. The vendors are responsible for taking their sheep to the sale ring and returning them to the pens after being offered for sale 14. Exposers are responsible that their Shepherds attend to their pens, take their Rams to and from the Sale Ring, and do not give delivery of any Ram to a purchaser who is not in possession of an Order from the Cashier. After such delivery, Shepherds must hand in to the Cashier all orders so received from Purchasers. Each lot is to be at the sole risk of the exposer before such deliver, and of the purchase afterwards. The Auctioneer will only be responsible for accounting to the exposer for sheep which have been delivered to the purchaser as above. 15. The highest bidder to be the purchaser; if any dispute may arise between bidders, the lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. The Auctioneers reserve the right of refusing the bid of any person, and of regulating the bidding. 16. The Company is empowered to deduct a levy of £5.00 per ram on behalf of the Cheviot Sheep Society, also entry fee of £5.00 per ram for the Society. 17. All rams must be guaranteed correct in their mouths on the day of sale. All complaints including incorrect mouths must be lodged at the office together with a deposit of £20 any time after purchase and not later than one hour after the conclusion of the sale. The deposit of £20 will be returnable if the complaint is sustained otherwise it will be forfeited. A referee will be appointed to act in any disputes and his findings will be binding to both parties. 18. Society Rule that the upset price will be £200 per ram, no ram to be sold under £200 in the ring or outside the ring. 19. Any animal in the Sale premises which are are sold by private treaty after the Auction are subject to the full commission on the price realized and all such transactions must pass through the Auctioneers 20. The auctioneers shall not be liable in any way for any deficiencies in either the vendor’s tagging of his sheep nor the reading equipment being used at the CPRC in accordance with the EID Regulations nor any reading or print out produced by the said equipment 21. Scrapie testing is voluntary for this sale. 22. * Denotes eligible for flock book


The Cheviot Sheep Society Show Conditions “A”- For PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP presented by the Auctioneers, for the BEST GROUP of THREE CHEVIOT HILL RAMS together with Tankard. 1 Not more than one Group to compete from any one consignment 2 THE SHEEP [a] To be one shear and upwards [b] To have been bred upon the farm from which they are entered [c] To have been wintered in the open [d] Not to have been pampered, or unduly forced; it will be an instruction from the judges that over-fed sheep, or those carrying too much wool, may be disqualified at their discretion. [e] Sheep with only one testicle down not to be eligible for show. 3 THE WINNING GROUP OF SHEEP, when exposed for Sale in the Ring, to be sold to the highest bidder; otherwise, the owner shall forfeit his right to the prize, which will be awarded to the Reserve Group. 4 THE CUP [a] To be held by the winner for one year [b] The winner to be responsible for its safe custody and returned to the Auctioneers, one week prior to the next Annual Sale at Lockerbie “B”- For CHEVIOT SHEEP SOCIETY JUBILEE CUP presented by the late ANDREW DOUGLAS, SAUGHTREE and for SHEPHERD’S CROOK and TANKARD presented by the Auctioneers, for the CHAMPION CHEVIOT HILL RAM. 1 Not more than two sheep to compete IN EACH CLASS from any one consignment. 2 THE SHEEP [a] In the first class to be of TWO SHEAR and upwards [b] In the second class to be of ONE SHEAR [c] To have been bred upon the farm from which they are entered [d] Sheep with only one testicle down not eligible for show 3 THE SHEPHERD’S CROOK and TANKARD To become the absolute property of the winner 4 BARCLAYS BANK TROPHY- Champion Shearling 5 NFU Mutal - Champion 2 shear 6 THE CUP [a] To be held by the winner for one year [b] The winner to be responsible for its safe custody and returned to the Auctioneers, one week prior to the next Annual Sale at Lockerbie ROSETTE COLOURS Champion Ram and Best Group- Red Rosettes Reserve Champion Ram and Reserve Group- Blue Rosettes Harrison & Hetherington Limited


Luckpenny - Policy Summary

This policy summary does not contain the full terms and conditions of the insurance policy, which can be found in the policy document. A copy of the policy document is available on request. The insurance policy is underwritten by The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (NFU Mutual). If you are the Policyholder you must, under Financial Services Authority Regulations, provide a copy of the Policy Summary to all purchasers of your sheep who have been provided with Luckpenny insurance. We may need to disclose the Sale Schedule details to the purchasers. Copies of the Policy Summary can be obtained from your Local Agent.

Questions and answers about the policy What are the key features of the policy? Key Features


Pay market value of an animal for death or slaughter on humane grounds during the period of insurance following an accident or illness, including the pregnancy and parturition risk for females.

Sum insured (This is the price paid for the animal)

Cover applies for 3 months from 'fall of hammer' on the date of the sale, shown in the policy schedule, at which the animal was purchased. Death or slaughter on humane grounds must occur within this period.

What are the key exclusions or limitations of the policy? Key exclusions or limitations

The maximum amount payable for any one animal insured under a Luckpenny policy is ÂŁ150,000. Claims involving any injury sustained or illness or disease first appearing before the start of cover will be excluded

Please refer to the policy. If you would like a copy policy document please contact your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it).

Slaughter for economic reasons or because the animal is incapable of performing the function for which it is kept is excluded Slaughter under statute or the rules of an eradication scheme is excluded Theft, straying and mysterious disappearance are not covered Claim payments will be reduced by the value of semen or ova in store for AI or ET The relevant Breed Society will be notified if a claim payment is made Can I change my mind? This insurance has been arranged for the benefit of the purchasers of animals sold by or on behalf of the policyholder. In agreeing to do this the policyholder has accepted the policy including its terms and conditions, and may not cancel.


How can I contact NFU Mutual to make a claim? To report an incident that may give rise to a claim on your policy, please contact your insurance advisor. What do I do if I want to complain?

If you are unhappy with the service you receive please tell us straight away and give us the chance to put things right. You can do this by writing to:

The Customer Services Director, NFU Mutual, Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon CV37 7BJ.

You can also use our website to find out more and to make a complaint.

If you are unhappy with the outcome you may be able to refer your complaint to the

Financial Ombudsman Service.

For more information visit or call 0845

080 1800.

Am I entitled to compensation? We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which means that you may be entitled to compensation from the Scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type of policy you have and the circumstances of the claim. You can find out more at or by calling 0207 892 7300.

Information in addition to your Policy Summary

The Law You and NFU Mutual are entitled to choose the law applicable to the insurance policy. NFU Mutual proposes to choose English Law as the law applicable to the insurance policy. The contract and the relationship between NFU Mutual and you shall be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, English Law. The contract shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Statutory Status You can check our statutory status on the Financial Services Authority's Register at or by contacting the FSA on 0845 606 1234. Our FSA registration number is 117664. Language The contract and other documents are drawn up in the English language. We will communicate with you in English throughout the duration of the policy. Claims Handling Process If anything happens that may give rise to a claim, 1. if you are the policyholder, you must tell us as soon as possible, giving your name and policy number. If a claim is being made against you: � do not respond to any writ, letter, claim or other documentation � send any writ, letter, claim or other documentation to us without delay � do not admit, repudiate or negotiate any claim. 2. if you are the purchaser of an animal insured you must immediately: i) obtain veterinary assistance ii) inform the NFU Mutual, by contacting your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it), quoting a) the date and place of purchase b) the vendors name (and policy number, if you know it) c) the lot number. Duplicate Policy If you require a duplicate policy or schedule, please contact your local NFU Mutual office (or the office that issued the policy, if you know it). To obtain the telephone number for your local office, please call 0800 975 0600

NFU Mutual is The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. A member of the Association of British Insurers.

For security and training purposes, telephone calls may be recorded and monitored.


FRIDAY 30th OCTOBER 2015 Borderway . Carlisle . CA1 2RS Show Office: 01228 406230

• National Suckled Calf & Primestock Show • National Prime Sheep Show • Also National Breed Society Calf Shows for Aberdeen Angus, British Blue, Hereford, Beef Shorthorn and Simmental and Special Mule Sheep Show

also on show . . . • Machinery Show & Demonstrations • Young Farmers Club Competitions • Trade Stands & Educational Exhibits • Free Admission and Parking

Mainline SponSorS


SOUTH COUNTRY CHEVIOT VENDORS Pen No 1-2 WS & GS Easton, Langhope Farm 3-6 Bridgewater & Wood, Potholm 7-9 Ogilvie Jackson, Cossarshill 10 S.R.E Busby & Co., Unthank 11-14 WN Douglas, Catslackburn 15 Messrs Douglas, Damhead 16-17 WJC & SJ Weir, Mainside Farm 18-19 WAB & ME Noble. Lochurd 20-21 G Jackson, Blackburn 22-25 B & M Cockburn, Stirkfield Farms 26 L W Goodfellow, Townfoot 27-30 James Common & Son, Crossdykes Farm 31-33 Tom Tennant, Gilmanscleuch 34-35 Cnewr Estate Ltd., Sennybridge 36-37 Andrew Reid & Co., Glendearg 38-40 JF Irving & Son, Mountbenger 41 Linlithgow Farms, Glengeith 42 Linlithgow Farms, Glenochar 43 FT Walton, Dudlees 45-46 Langholm Farms, Ltd., Cooms 47-50 WA Fleming, Hislop 51 Sir FM Strang Steel & Partners, Lumiecleuch 52 DJM Lloyd, Abersenny Uchaf 53-54 John Halliday & Sons, Springwells Farms 55-57 IHG Warden, Skelfhill Farm 58-59 Sinclair Armstrong, Leam House 60-62 WJ Douglas & Son, Upper Hindhope 63-66 G Bell & Co., Bloch Farm 67-69 WC Anderson & Son, Easter Alemoor 70-71 J Hepburn & Co., Crosscleuch 72-77 Jim Robertson, Becks 78-80 T Elliot, Hindhope 81-82 J Anderson & Son, Priesthaugh 83-85 Archie Stewart, Tushielaw 86-87 RJ Menzies & Co., Chanlockfoot 89-92 R H Paton, Castle Crawford 93-94 Lorraine Luescher, Glendinning 95 Messrs Douglas, Carlenrig 96-98 Messrs Hume, Sundhope 99 N & N Hindmarsh Ltd., Rowhope Farm 100 Niel Manning, Tweedshaws 101-102 John Halliday, Granton Farm 103-105 Eileen Randall, Drycleuchlea 106-107 T N Cavers (Sorbie) & Co., Hoghill 108 James Smith, The Burrows 109 MH Anderson & Co., East Redfordgreen

Lot Nos 1-5 6-18 19-26 27-29 30-43 44-45 46-52 53-59 60-64 65-79 80-81 82-96 97-107 108-113 114-118 119-130 131-135 136-137 138-141 142-148 149-163 164-167 168-171 172-179 180-191 192-196 197-208 209-223 224-233 234-238 239-262 263-274 275-282 283-292 293-297 298-311 312-319 320-323 324-333 334-337 338-339 340-346 347-356 357-363 364 365-368


Catalogue WS & GS Easton, Langhope Farm, Ashkirk Flock No: UK562196 Insured £300 upwards Lot 1 2 3 4 5

Ear No: 2889 Ear No: 2886 Ear No: 2879 Ear No: 2885 Ear No: 2884

Sire Ref: Langhope Albert

Sire: Langhope Albert Sire: Castle Walter Sire: Castle Walter Sire: Castle Walter Sire: Castle Walter

Pen 1 & 2 5 – 1sh

Sire No: 14178 Sire No: 13748 Sire No: 13748 Sire No: 13748 Sire No: 13748

Sire of Sire Castle Walter


Bridgewater & Wood, Potholm, Langholm Flock No: UK581955 Insured £500 upwards

Pen 3 – 6 12 – 1 shr 1 – 2shr

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

13905 13955 13757 13955 13905 13905 13905 13955 13955 13905 13955 14204 13380

04900 04888 04897 04899 04893 04896 04894 04889 04898 04892 04890 04895 03630

Sire Ref: Blackburn Buck 13905 Crossdykes Jubilant 13955 Becks Herdsman 13380 Potholm Eclipse 14204

Blackburn Buck Crossdykes Jubilant Catslack Tommy Crossdykes Jubilant Blackburn Buck Blackburn Buck Blackburn Buck Crossdykes Jubilant Crossdykes Jubilant Blackburn Buck Crossdykes Jubilant Potholm Eclipse Becks Herdsman Sire of Sire Mainside Starburst 13674 Eskdale Dawny Boy 13787 Stirkfield Quattro 13205 Catslack Tommy 13757


Ogilvie Jackson, Cossarshill, Ettrick Valley, Selkirk Flock No: UK563200 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 7 – 9 1 - 2shr – 7 – 1 shr

19 20

13271 13782

02134 02105

Cooms Spring Drylea Arran


21 22 23 24 25 26

02108 02947 02951 02116 02115 02948

Drylea Arran Castle Wiggins Castle United Mount Benger Tenko Mount Benger Tonka Mount Benger Tonka

13782 13749 13420 14000 14001 14001


S R E Busby & Co., Unthank, Ewes, Langholm Flock No: UK581948 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen 10 3 - 2 shr

27 28 29

13376 13376 13376

5418 5475 5476

Becks Henchman Becks Henchman Becks Henchman


WN Douglas, Catslackburn, Yarrow, Selkirk Flock No: 562201 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 11 – 14 14 – 1 shr

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

13897 13897 13897 14133 14133 13648 13536 13998 14133

12730 13483 12726 11921 11949 12714 11667 11942 12009 12737 12731 13241 12338 12172

Sire Ref: Becks Knockout Dudlees Yarrow Hindhope Harbour Stirkfield Senator Mainside Toppman Catslack Shawhill Catslack Admiral Hindhope David

Becks Knockout Becks Knockout Becks Knockout Dudlees Yarrow Dudlees Yarrow Hindhope Harbour Stirkfield Senator Mainside Toppman Dudlees Yarrow Catslack Shawhill Stirkfield Senator Catslack Admiral Stirkfield Senator Hindhope David

13536 14094 13536 13972

Sire of Sire Mainside Starburst 13674 Catslack Frankie 13238 Castle Quay 12827 Skelfhill Hercules 13190 Priesthaugh Brigand 13508 Becks Highlight 13391 Mountbenger Rambo 13680 Castle Saint 13082


Messrs Douglas, Damhead, Innerleithen, Peeblesshire Flock No: UK561638 Insured £400 upwards

Pen: 15 2 – 1 shr

44 45

13925 13925

04263 04267

Catslack Abe Catslack Abe


WJC & SJ Weir, Mainside, Mainside Farm, Hownam, Kelso Pen 16-17 Flock No: UK563126 7 – 2 shr Insured £400 upwards 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

07002 07024 07019 07008 07001 07016 07018

Potholm Chance Becks Foremost Becks Foremost Becks Foremost Tushielaw Oliver Priesthaugh Brigand Tushielaw Oliver

13841 13066 13066 13066 14050 13508 14050


W A B & M E Noble, Lochurd, Blythbridge, West Linton, Peebleshire Pen 18 - 19 Flock No: UK561647 7 – 2 shr Insured: £350 upwards 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

05003 04759 04755 04763 05001 05002 04767

Mountbenger Gilmanscleuch Gilmanscleuch Hindhope Hindhope Hindhope Hindhope


G Jackson, Blackburn, Newcastleton Flock No: 564045 Insured: £500 upwards

Pen 20-21 5 – 1shr

60 61 62 63 64

14030 14030 14030 14030 14030

00915 00924 00918 00914 00912

Stirkfield Vision Stirkfield Vision Stirkfield Vision Stirkfeld Vision Stirkfield Vision


B & M Cockburn, Stirkfield Farms, Broughton, Biggar Flock No: UK563757 Insured : £400 upwards 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

4004 Willie Wastle 3112 5301 3119 5294 5267 5295 5269 5270 5268 5286 5302 5295 5300 5296

Sire Ref: Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Kale Bistro 13671 Becks Impeccable 13572 Becks Journeyman 13732 Priesthaugh Ram Drylea Lewis 13962

Pen 22-25 1 – 2 shr 14 – 1 shr

Kale Bistro 13671 Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Kale Bistro 13671 Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Becks Journeyman 13732 Becks Impeccable 13572 Kale Bistro 13671 Drylea Lewis 13962 Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Kale Bistro 13671 Kale Bistro 13671 Priesthaugh Ram * can be registered Cnewr Benefactor 13939 Sire of Sire Potholm Blaze 13684 Mainside Merryman 13174 Kale JR 13486 Becks Gold Blend 13224 Crossdykes Glenfiddich 13445 Castle Vintage 13593


L W Goodfellow, Townfoot, Roberton, Biggar Flock No: UK563696 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 26 2 – 1 shr

80 81

13799 13799

00389 00390

Hislop Robroy Hislop Robroy


James Common & Son, Crossdykes Farm, Lockerbie Flock No: UK582060 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 27 – 30 15 – 1 shr

82 83 84 85 86 87 88

13899 13739 14121 13752 13565 13565 13565

5242 5237 5257 5230 5348 5273 5251

Becks Keystone Bloch Harrier Crossdykes Jimmy Catslack President Becks Impact Becks Impact Becks Impact


89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

4198 5243 5231 5233 5268 5234 5235 5245

Sire Ref: Becks Keystone Bloch Harrier Crossdykes Jimmy Catslack President Becks Impact Crossdykes Hilltop Castle Wizard Castle William Crossdykes Jukebox

Crossdykes Hilltop Castle Wizard Bloch Harrier Bloch Harrier Castle William Crossdykes Hilltop Crossdykes Jukebox Catslack President

13773 13917 13739 13739 13747 13773 14122 13752

Sire of Sire Mainside Starburst 13674 Bloch Gladiator 13401 Eskdale Danny Boy 13787 Kale Zaynar 13488 Becks Em & Em 12921 Crossdykes Director 12979 Skelfhill Hardy 13694 Castle Uist 13591 Crossdykes Director 12979


Tom Tennant, Gilmanscleuch, Ettrick, Selkirk Flock No: 562190 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 31 – 33 11 – 1 shr

97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107

13943 13943 13943 13831 13831 13831 13831 13655 13655 13832 13832

05374 05151 05394 05395 05393 05392 05154 03876 05396 05155 05378

Sire Ref: Cossarhill T.T. Mountbenger Sonic Mountbenger Super-Sonic Hislop Rocky

Cossarshill T.T Cossarshill T.T. Cossarshill T.T. Mountbenger Sonic Mountbenger Sonic Mountbenger Sonic Mountbenger Sonic Hislop Rocky Hislop Rocky Mountbenger Super-Sonic Mountbenger Super-Sonic Sire of Sire Castle United Becks Highlight Becks Highlight Cowburn Boss


Cnewr Estate Ltd., Sennybridge, Brecon, Powys Flock No: UK720247 Insured: £500 upwards

Pen 34-35 6 – 1 shr

108 109

13429 14106

19002 19037

Catslack Welsh Choice Cnewr Classic Choice


110 111 112 113

19036 19013 19044 18997

Sire Ref: Catslack Welsh Choice Cnewr Classic Choice Becks Imparid Catslack Triple Crown

Cnewr Classic Choice Becks Imparid Cnewr Classic Choice Catslack Triple Crown

14106 13568 14106 13599

Sire of Sire Hislop Normandy 13161 Catslack Welsh Choice 13429 Glendearg JR 12992 North Shortcleugh Cobbler 13335


Andrew Reid & Co., Glendearg, Eskdalemuir, Langholm Flock No: UK583842 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen 36-37 3 – 2shr 2 – 1shr

114 115 116 117 118

13740 13964 13964 13740 13740

05101 05104 05103 05107 05108

Bloch Hardy Glendearg Daz Glendearg Daz Bloch Hardy Bloch Hardy


J F Irving & Son, Mountbenger, Yarrow, Selkirk Flock No: 562197 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 38 – 40 11 – 1shr

119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129

13928 13672 13948 13672 14196 14196 13726 13928 13948 13672 13672

07010 07011 07017 07013 07002 07001 07019 07005 07017 07008 07016

Catslack Ace Kale Boatman Crosscleugh Harrier Kale Boatman Mountbenger Ultimate Mountbenger Ultimate Becks Jackpot Catslack Ace Crosscleuch Harrier Kale Boatman Kale Boatman

Shepherds Ram – J. Allan 130 07021 Crosscleuch Harrier Notes 07010 & 07011 used successfully as lambs

1 – 1shr 13948


Linlithgow Farms, Glengeith, per L Welsh, Snar Farm, Crawfordjohn Flock No: UK562729 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 41 5 - 1 shr

131 132 133 134 135

13954 13954 13954 13842 13842

005795 005798 005799 005788 005789

Crossdykes Juggernaught Crossdykes Juggernaught Crossdykes Juggernaught Potholm Craftsman Potholm Craftsman

Linlithgow Farms, Glenochar, per L Welsh, Snar Farm, Crawfordjohn Pen 42 Flock No: UK562729 2 – 1 shr Insured £400 upwards 136 137

005806 005809

Kale Ballyhoo Kale Cashier

13668 13818


FT Walton, Dudlees, Flotterton Hall, Thropton, Morpeth Flock No: 107391 Insured: £400 upwards 138 139 140 141

17507 28160 28158 28159

Sire Ref: UK56220 00701

Pen 43 4 – 2shr

Catslackburn 00701 Catslackburn 00701 Catslackburn 00701 Catslackburn 00701 Sire of Sire Crossdykes Emperor


Langholm Farms Ltd., Cooms c/o G Jackson, Blackburn, Newcastleton Flock No: UK581940 Insured £500 upwards

Pen 45-46 4 – 2shr 3 – 1shr

142 02249 143 02776 144 02381 145 02195 146 06906 147 06905 148 07021

13527 13755 13790 13236 13755 13755

Skelfhill Cyclopes Catslack Cubby Glenochar Firepower Bloch Former Catslack Cubby Catslack Cubby Homebred Son of Skelfhill


The UK’s Leading Livestock Marketing Company Seven Sale Centres Pedigree & Commercial Livestock Official Society Sales of Beef, Dairy & Sheep Tractors, Machinery & Commercial Vehicles Specialist Livestock Sales, Equine & Events Professional Valuations Online Internet Bidding

01228 406200 Borderway, Carlisle CA1 2RS


W A Fleming, Hislop, Teviothead, Hawick Flock No: UK561833 Insured: £500 upwards

Pen 47 – 50 7- 2shr 5 – 1shr

149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160

13762 13762 13573 13762 13762 13762 13984 13893 13893 13762 14156 14156

07515 07525 07532 07511 09876 07512 07536 09854 09593 09609 09591 09206

Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Becks Icon Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Hislop Teviot Becks Knight Becks Knight Cnewr Ambassador Hislop Ultra Hislop Ultra

Shepherd – D Goodfellow 161 07539 Becks Icon 162 09620 Hislop Up & Over 163 09621 Becks Icon Sire Ref Cnewr Ambassador Becks Icon Hislop Teviot Becks Knight Hislop Ultra Hislop Up & Over

1 – 2shr 2 – 1shr 13573 14154 13573

Sire of Sire Catslack Welsh Choice 13429 Kale Zeffer 13317 Cowburn Boss 13439 Glenocher Desert Fox 13640 Hislop Star 13804 Becks Icon 13573


Sir FM Strang Steel & Partners, Lymiecleuch, Teviothead, Hawick Flock No: UK561839 Insured £300 upwards

Pen No 51 4 - 2shr

164 165 166 167

13366 13819 13819 13819

04975 04979 04981 04978

Sire Ref Tushielaw Sadam Kale Cannon

Tushielaw Sadam Kale Cannon Kale Cannon Kale Cannon Sire of Sire Becks Beadle 12471 Kale Arkle 13489


D J M Lloyd, Abersenny Uchaf, Defynnog, Brecon Flock No: UK726191 Insured £500 upwards 168 01588 Catslack Triple Crown 169 01686 Potholm Blaze 170 01689 Potholm Blaze 171 01643 Cnewr Breadwinner Sire Ref: Catslack Triple Crown Cnewr Breadwinner Potholm Blaze

Pen No 52 4 – 1 shr 13599 13684 13684 13941

Sire of Sire North Shortcleugh Cobbler 13335 Becks Imparid 13568 Blackburn Jim 13370


John Halliday & Sons, Springwells Farm, Johnstonebridge, Lockerbie Flock No: UK582093 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 53-54 2 – 2shr 6 – 1 shr

172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

13701 13701 13985 13985 13985 13701 13701 13701

02458 02460 02461 02463 02468 02467 02465 02466

Stirkfield Tam Stirkfield Tam Hislop Tom Tom Hislop Tom Tom Hislop Tom Tom Stirkfield Tam Stirkfield Tam Stirkfield Tam


I H G Warden, Skelfhill Farm, Hawick Flock No: UK561843 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 55-57 12 – 2shr

180 06926 181 182 06936 183 06925 184 06927 185 06931 186 187 188 189 06943 190 191

Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Cnewr Ambassador Cossarhill Rocket Castle Vintage Castle Vintage Skelfhill Jimmy Kale Brigadier Kale Brigadier

13762 13762 13762 13762 13762 13762 13622 13593 13593 14014 13816 13816

Sire Ref Cnewr Ambassador Cossarhill Rocket Castle Vintage Skelfhill Jimmy Kale Brigadier

Sire of Sire Catslack Welsh Choice 13429 Skelfill Earl 13118 Castle Talon 13414 Glengeith Hercules 13457 Kale JR 13486


Sinclair Armstrong, Leam House, Tempo, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh Flock No: UK1750085 Insured £400 upwards

Pen No 58-59 5 - 1 shr

192 193 194 195 196

13821 14184 13822 13821 13826

00990 00989 00988 00991 00992

Sire Ref Leam Earl Leam Prince Leam Pilgrim Leam Stockman

Leam Prince Leam Stockman Leam Pilgrim Leam Prince Leam Earl Sire of Sire Catslack Sinclair 13241 Catslack Sinclair 13241 Catslack Sinclair 13241 Beck Guinness 13216


W J Douglas & Son, Upper Hindhope, Jedburgh Flock No: UK561923 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen No: 60 – 62 8 – 2shr 4 – 1shr

197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208

14172 14172 13803 13803 13803 13803 13820 13820 14173 14173 14173 14173

06681 06682 06701 06683 06684 06685 06686 06687 05538 06688 06689 06690

Sire Ref Kale Cragsman 14172 Hislop Showman 13803 Kale Camelot 13820 Kale Douglas 14173

Kale Cragsman Kale Cragsman Hislop Showman Hislop Showman Hislop Showman Hislop Showman Kale Camelot Kale Camelot Kale Douglas Kale Douglas Kale Douglas Kale Douglas Sire of Sire Kale JR 13486 Castle Rock 12941 Kale Arkle 13489 Kale Arkle 13489


G Bell & Co, Bloch Farm, Langholm Flock No: UK581959 Insured: £400 upwards 209 03759 Bloch Impressor 210 03771 Hislop Pavarotti 211 03757 Becks Jaguar 212 03779 Kale Challenger

Pen 63-66 14 – 2 shr 13910 13473 13727 13817


213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222

03775 03764 03762 02704 03760 03777 03766 03772 03768 3758

Bloch Harrier II Bloch Impressor Kale Challenger Bloch Impressor Bloch Impressor Glendearg Ammunition Becks Jaguar Bloch Harrier II Singlie Nero Bloch Harrier II

Shepherds Ram – Ross Bell 223 04163 Glenochar Echo Sire Ref Bloch Impressor Hislop Pavarotti Becks Jaguar Kale Challenger Bloch Harrier II Glendearg Ammunition Singlie Nero

13739 13910 13817 13910 13910 13277 13727 13739 13688 13739 1 – 2shr 13641

Sire of Sire Crossdykes Echo 13116 Castle Rock 12941 Kale Zephyr 13317 Kale Arkle 13489 Bloch Gladiator 13401 Winterhope Bill Skelfhill Topper 13340

All successfully used as shearlings -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

W C Anderson & Son, Easter Alemoor, Roberton, Hawick Flock No: 561816 Insured: £300 upwards

Pen 67-69 10 – 1 shr

224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233

13938 13938 13779 13938 13779 13963 13963 13344 13344 14057

02420 02427 02415 02430 02413 02428 02429 02419 02426 02418

Sire Ref: Alemoor McCoy Cnewr Benchmark Crossdykes Ivanhoe Jack The Lad Skelfhill Favourite

Cnewr Benchmark Cnewr Benchmark Crossdykes Ivanhoe Cnewr Benchmark Crossdykes Ivanhoe Jack The Lad Jack The Lad Skelfhill Favourite Skelfhill Favourite Alemoor McCoy

Sire of Sire Bloch Emblem 13073 Catslack Triple Crown 13599 Stirkfield Odyssey 12906 Blackburn Jim 13370 Caerlan Casper 12816


Borderway Café

Borderway Centre, Carlisle Cumbria

Offering a wide range Of hOmemade fOOd Full English Breakfast Homemade Soup Freshly Made Sandwiches & Baguettes Hot Meals Salad Boxes Cakes and Traybakes Scones and Danish Pastries Tea, Coffee & other refreshments available Breakfast 8am – 11am 2 Hot Special Meals daily 11.30am – 2pm Telephone orders accepted before 10am – 01228 406257 or 406253 OPen mOndaY TO fridaY We Can Also Host Your Special Events.

BOrderwaY exPress For those who need to grab a quick snack or fancy a speciality coffee - call by the BOrderwaY exPress, specifically designed for those on ‘the run’ and too busy to sit down.

BOrderwaY exPress where food is quick, nutritious and delicious...!


J Hepburn & Co., Crosscleuch, Yarrow, Selkirk Flock No: UK562203 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen 70-71 5 - 2shr

234 235 236 237 238

13613 13434 13594

02222 02221 02215 02217 02213

Cooms Lucky Cooms Tommy Castle Vaulted Kale on Loan Castle Vaulted



Jim Robertson, Becks, Langholm Flock No: UK581958 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 72-77 24 – 1shr

239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262

13926 13901 14024 14024 13926 13926 14024 14024 13926 13901 14024 13723 14024 14024 14024 13926 10424 13674 13723 13926 13926 13926 13674 13902

04376 04379 04360 04382 04393 04400 04373 04378 04395 04371 04375 04361 04385 04387 04402 04397 04377 04362 04363 04399 04398 04392 04401 04388

Catslack Simpson Becks King Pin Springwells Eldorado Springwells Eldorado Catslack Simpson Catslack Simpson Springwells Eldorado Springwells Eldorado Catslack Simpson Becks King Pin Springwells Eldorado Alemoor Magic Springwells Eldorado Springwells Eldorado Springwells Eldorado Catslack Simpson Springwells Eldorado Mainside Starburst Alemoor Magic Catslack Simpson Catslack Simpson Catslack Simpson Mainside Starburst Becks Kestrel


T Elliot, Hindhope, Jedburgh Flock No: UK561925 Insured: £500 upwards

Pen 78-80 12 – 2shr

263 264 265 266

13564 13653 13653 13781

08471 08472 08473 08474

Alemoor Lance Hislop Reaver Hislop Reaver Crossdykes Impact


267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274

08475 08476 08477 08478 08479 08480 08481 08482

Sire Ref: Alemoor Lance Hislop Reaver Crossdykes Impact Crosscleuch Jaguar Castle Timmy Hindhope Shamrock

Crosscleuch Jaguar Crossdykes Impact Castle Timmy Castle Timmy Castle Timmy Crossdykes Impact Hindhope Shamrock Hindhope Shamrock

13771 13781 13412 13412 13412 13781 13975 13975

Sire of Sire Skelfhill Favourite 13344 Cowburn Boss 13439 Stirkfield Ronaldo 13353 Glengeith Vital Link 13285 Crossdykes Duke 12985 Hoghill Hawk 13484

All successfully used as shearling -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

J Anderson & Son, Priesthaugh, Hawick Flock No: UK561842 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 81-82 5 – 2shr 3 – 1shr

275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282

13769 13769 13571 13571 13769 13994 12901 12901

05036 05032 05052 05053 05037 05038 05096 05097

Cossarshill Value Cossarshill Value Becks Illusion Becks Illusion Cossarshill Value Kale Captain Stirkfeld Officer Stirkfield Officer


Archie Stewart, Tushielaw, Ettrick, Selkirk Flock No: 562175 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 83-85 1 – 2shr 7 – 1 shr

283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292

13870 13964 14255 13892 13863 13863 13844 13844 13964 13892

03597 04411 04184 04414 04384 04425 04424 04428 04427 04429

Sundhope Duke Glendearg Daz Tushielaw Cyclone Becks Knuckleduster Stirkfield Usain Stirkfield Usain Singlie Olypian Singlie Olypian Glendearg Daz Becks Knuckleduster


RJ Menzies & Co., Chanlockfoot, Penpont, Thornhill Flock No: UK582370 Insured £400 upwards 293 03779 Stirkfield Ultimate 294 03797 Castle Vodka 295 03782 Castle Vodka 296 03792 Unthank Cruachan 297 03788 Unthank Cruachan

Pen 86-87 5 – 2shr 13856 13742 13742 13719 13719


R H Paton, Castle Crawford, Biggar, Lanark Flock No: UK560551 2 – 2shr 12 - 1 shr Insured: £400 upwards

Pen: 89-92

298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311

13923 13923 13741 13735 14087 13840 14086 13954 13840 13977 13848 14087 14093 13923

3407 3393 3582 3420 3575 3580 3577 3587 3579 3581 3576 3573 3569 3567

Castle Aerosmith Castle Aerosmith Bloch Helm Becks Junior Castle Yeoman Potholm Champ Castle Yahoo Crossdykes Juggernaut Potholm Champ Hislop Tornado Skelfhill Immense Castle Yeoman Castle Yale Castle Aerosmith


Lorraine Luescher, Glendinning, Westerkirk, Langholm Flock No: UK581967 Insured: £350 upwards

Pen 93-94 8 – 1shr

312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319

13956 14041 12979 12979 13900 13956 12979 13952

1195 1198 4713 4714 1211 1194 4716 1270

Sire Ref: Crossdykes Jigsaw Sundhope Earl Crossdykes Director Becks Knick Knack Crossdykes Jaunt

Crossdykes Jigsaw Sundhope Earl Crossdykes Director Crossdykes Director Becks Knick-Knack Crossdykes Jigsaw Crossdykes Director Crossdykes Jaunt Sire of Sire: Crossdykes Hilltop 13773 Hislop Showman 13803 Becks Broker 12457 Stirkfield Top Tip 13900 Crossdykes Director 12979


Messrs Douglas, Carlenrig, Teviothead, Hawick Flock No: UK561832 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen 95 4 – 2shr

320 321 322 323

13603 13916 13536 13915

2412 3114 3665 3068

Sire Ref: Catslack Carlenrig Stirkfield Senator Caerlan Astra Caerlan Vectra

Catslack Carlenrig Caerlan Astra Stirkfield Senator Caerlan Vectra Sire of Sire Skelfhill Factor 13342 Skelfhill Hercules 13190 Stirkfield Senator 13536 Stirkfield Senator 13536


Messrs Hume, Sundhope, Yarrow, Selkirk Flock No: UK562204 Insured £300 upwards

Pen 96-98 10 – 1shr

324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333

13728 13728 14259 14244 14259 13650 14244 13266 14244 13927

4119 4533 4530 6042 4516 4521 4517 4120 4536 4108

Sire Ref Becks Jasper 13728 Wardlaw Yarrow 14259 Sundhope Flash 14244 Crossdykes Fleet 13266 Catslack Aviator 13927 Hislop Rambo 13650

Becks Jasper Becks Jasper Wardlaw Yarrow Sundhope Flash Wardlaw Yarrow Hislop Rambo Sundhope Flash Crossdykes Fleet Sundhope Flash Catslack Aviator

Sire of Sire Kale Zephyr 13317 Catslack Law 13761 Crossdykes Index 13776 Crossdykes Director 12979 Mountbenger Rambo 13680 Cowburn Boss 13439


N & N Hindmarsh Ltd., Rowhope Farm, Harbottle, Morpeth Pen 99 Flock No: 112378 4 – 1shr Insured: £300 upwards 334 335 336 337

07591 07592 07593 07594

Sire Ref Hindhope Gyle

Hindhope Gyle Hindhope Gyle Hindhope Gyle Hindhope Gyle Sire of Sire Castle Saint 13082

13974 13974 13974 13974


Niel Manning, Tweedshaws, Tweedsmuir, By Biggar Flock No: UK561622 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen 100 2 – 1shr

338 339

13731 13731

2821 2822

Sire Ref Becks Jigsaw

Becks Jigsaw (ARR/ARR) Becks Jigsaw (ARR/ARR) Sire of Sire Kale Zephry 13317


John Halliday, Granton Farm, Annanwater, Moffat Flock No: UK586706 Insured £400 upwards

Pen 101-102 7 – 1shr

340 341 342 343 344 345 346

14036 13701 13833 13729 13985 13833 13985

02104 02105 02108 02109 02110 02195 02194

Stirkfield VIP Stirkfield Tam The Man Mountbenger Spartacus Becks Jaunt Hislop Tom Tom Mountbenger Spartacus Hislop Tom Tom


Eileen Randall, Drycleuchlea, Roberton, Hawick Flock No: 564732 Insured: £400 upwards

Pen 103-105 10 – 1 shr

347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356

13756 13756 13420 13756 13756 13420 13420 14000 13756 13756

001624 001601 001614 001604 001616 001611 001612 001625 001613 001620

Catslack Dodds Catslack Dodds Castle United Catslack Dodds Catslack Dodds Castle United Castle United Mount Benger Tenko Catslack Dodds Catslack Dodds

1611 & 1612 are twins -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

T N Cavers (Sorbie) & Co., Hoghill, Ewes, Langholm Flock No: UK581943 Insured £300 upwards 357 09346 Glengeith Gangsta 358 08467 Glengeith Gangsta 359 08470 Glengeith Gangsta

Pen 106-107 7 – 1 shr 13967 13967 13967


360 361 362 363

09340 09348 08622 09364

Sire Ref Glengeith Gansta Becks Kriptonite

Glengeith Gangsta Becks Kriptonite Becks Kriptonite Glengeith Gangsta

13967 13896 13896 13967

Sire of Sire Skelfhill Invasion 13846 Glenochar Desert Fox 13640


James Smith, The Burrows, Bonchester, Hawick Flock No UK0561949 364 00965 Langhope Craig

Pen 108 1 - 1 shr 14181


M H Anderson & Co., East Redfordgreen, Roberton, Hawick Pen 109 Flock No: UK562192 4 – 1 shr Insured: £300 upwards 365 366 367 368

02641 02780 00595 00596

Goodfellows Top Hill Goodfellows Top Hill Goodfellows Top Hill Castle United

13672 13672 13672 13420

Prize List

Prize8.00am List Show Show 8.00am

Judge: Mr C Weir Judge – Mr Robert McTurk, Thornhill Judge: Mr C Weir


Group 1st

1st 2




3rd Shearling 1st 2nd

earling 1

2nd 3



Two Shear 1st


2nd 3rd

o Shear 1 2


Champion Reserve





STARLYNE Suppliers of Top Quality Mineral Supplements to livestock farmers for over thirty years

We are delighted and proud to be associated with The Cheviot Society and to sponsor the

“Cheviot Flock of the Year Competition” For further information please contact Robert McTurk (Starlyne) -­‐ 07715 409170 Or Bill Brown (Macmin) -­‐ 07711 677338

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