Reduction sale of the
ForFarmers is proud to feed The Ortongrange Herd
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170 on behalf of R Martin
Orton Grange Farm, Great Orton, Carlisle, CA5 6LA Tel: 07764 184247
Sale to include:
66 Cow & Heifers In Milk 52 In Calf Heifers 52 Maiden Heifers
Sale Day Contacts: Glyn Lucas: 07711610255 Andrew Templeton: 07778808464 Pedigree Office: 01228 406230
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Telephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231 E-mail: Website:
General Information & Sale Notes Location: The Sale will be held at the Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle, Cumbria situated close to the M6 Junction 43. Motorists (from north or south) should leave the Motorway at this Junction and turn west towards Carlisle on the A69. The Mart is within1/4 mile of the Motorway (filter left at the traffic lights) on the Rosehill Industrial Estate. Method and Order of Sale: All animals will be sold in Guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order, unless any alteration is authorised and announced by the Auctioneers. Conditions Of Sale: The Sale is held subject to the Auctioneers General Terms and Conditions of Sale (printed in this catalogue) Settlement and Clearance Of Stock: Settlement in full is due to the Auctioneers immediately at the conclusion of the Sale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official PASS obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement and all stock should be cleared from the sale premises on the day of the sale. Commissions: The Auctioneers will faithfully execute commissions to purchase on behalf of buyers unable to attend the sale in person upon receipt of written notice and instructions received in their office not later than 48 hours before commencement of sale. Given the same notice telephone bids can be accommodated. Insurance: Facilities will be available (through H&H Insurance Brokers) for buyers to insure their animals for transit and other risks from the fall of the hammer. Milk Recording: The ‘Orton Grange’ herd is officially milk recorded with the recordings printed being from the 25th October 2019. Herd Inspection: The Sale cattle may be inspected at the farm. For an appointment call Richard Martin on 07764 184247.
SALE DAY CONTACTS GLYN LUCAS: 07711610255 ANDREW TEMPLETON: 07778808464 PEDIGREE OFFICE: 01228 406230 All Statements in the catalogue are made on the responsibility of the vendor HARRISON & HETHERINGTON LIMITED
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE Parties who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auctioneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alternatively it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale.
SALE ........................................................................................................................................................................ TRADING NAME ................................................................................................................................................... PARTNERS NAMES (if applicable) ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... FULL POSTAL ADDRESS .................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... POSTCODE ............................................................................................................................................................. TEL. NO ................................................................................................................................................................... HOLDING NO. ....................................................................... FLOCK No. .......................................................... DESTINATION DETAILS OF ANIMALS IF DIFFRENT FROM ABOVE CPH ......................................................................................... POST CODE ......................................................
2019 LIST OF ACCOMMODATION WITHIN EASY REACH OF BORDERWAY MART Farm House Accommodation Brookside Bred & Breakfast, Warwick Bridge, Carlisle CA4 8VE Tel: 01228 560250 Janice Byers, Midtown Farm B & B, Easton, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 5DL Tel: 01228 576550 Mount Farm Bed & Breakfast, Mount Farm, Blackford, Carlisle CA6 4ER Tel: 01228 674641 Guest House Accommodation Crossroads House, Brisco, Carlisle CA4 0QZ Tel 01228 528994 Howard Lodge Guest House, 90 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1JU
Tel: 01228 529842
Town House B&B, 153 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LU Tel: 01228 598782 Warwick Lodge Guest House, 112 Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LF Tel: 01228 523796 Hotels *Greens at Gretna, Glasgow Road, Gretna, Dumfriesshire DG16 5FG Tel: 01461 337621 *Gretna Hall, Gretna Loaning, Gretna Green, Dumfries & Galloway DG16 5DY Tel 01461 337621 *Smiths Hotel, Headless Cross, Gretna Green, Dumfries & Galloway Tel: 01461 337007 *Crown Hotel, Station Road, Wetheral, Carlisle Tel: 01228 561888 Angus Hotel 14-16 Scotland Road, Carlisle CA3 9DG Tel: 01228 523546 Farlam Hall, Country House Hotel, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 2 NG Tel: 016977 46234 Pinegrove Hotel, 262 London Road, Carlisle CA1 2QS
Tel: 01228 524828
*Customers of H&H offered a Special Rate
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS SETTLEMENT & CLEARANCE OF STOCK Please note that all lots must be settled on the day of purchase Completion of a buyers slip is essential for parties who have not dealt with the company before New customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the companys main office 48 hours prior to a sale No Lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office Purchasers From Outside The United Kingdom Invoices will be raised in pounds sterling. We request that payment is made to us in pounds sterling by cheque/bankers draft on the day of sale. Card facilities are available (2% surcharge on credit cards)
Notice to all Visitors and Traders Please read and observe the following: • Excessive dirty vehicles will not be allowed entry, therefore ensure vehicle is clean before arrival. • All vehicles transporting livestock will be subject to a documentation check before entry to market site. • All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site. • All visitors and traders using car park areas please use main entrance. • All persons delivering livestock to mart must park on the hardcore area at the back of the site and then proceed along the designated route to the biosecurity control next to the supervisors office. • Hauliers and farmers delivering livestock must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading. • Livestock purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised “pass slip” has been issued by the main office. • No livestock will be allowed to remain on the premises after a sale. • Only staff, livestock hauliers, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload livestock. • Wash hands thoroughly when leaving livestock pennage areas. • Please observe our staff’s instructions at all times.
Our on site Biosecurity Officer Stuart Graham will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
FOREWORD In 2008 Richard Martin sold 150 milking heifers and young cows from his Orton Grange pedigree Holstein herd when stock numbers had reached capacity. Once again mainly due to the success of sexed semen and outstanding longevity cow numbers have increased and rather than put stress on the excellent facilities at Orton Grange the decision has been made to reduce numbers. Since the last reduction sale, the Orton Grange herd has built up a strong reputation for always selling their very best. The results speak for themselves. Ortongrange Snowman Alysia was sold in the Black & White Sale in 2012 for 4,000gns and re-sold in the Passion for Pedigree sale for 10,000gns and has went on to classify Excellent 94. She was Super Heifer at Agriscot and All Britain Heifer in Milk in 2014 and was grand Champion at Ireland’s most prestige show, Balmoral in 2017. Her Very Good 87-pointed Beemer granddaughter sells in this sale. Another special heifer was Ortongrange Doorman Arangatang who sold for 5,000gns in the Black & White sale in 2016. She scored VG87 as a two-year-old and is one of the hottest young cows in Ireland currently, winning the Emerald Expo show in 2018. The list is endless of success stories and includes Ortongrange Observer Ghost 4 who sold for 4,500gns in the Black & White sale in 2013 and went on to classify Excellent 91 in her third lactation with numerous Very Good daughters already on the ground. This sale comprises 62 cows and heifers in milk. 40 are the most recently calved animals currently averaging over 33kgs and 22 are due again in the new year and still giving oceans of milk. This is a super young group that includes 31 heifers in milk, 20 cows in their second, 7 cows in their third and 4 cows in their fourth. All the in-calf heifers on the farm sell, 52 in total along with all the yearling heifers born from June to October 2018 that number 51. The herd is currently averaging 10494kg at 4.13% butterfat and 3.33% protein on twice a day milking. The herd is housed in cubicles and managed on a TMR of silage, whole crop wheat with supplementary feeding carried out in the parlour. Fertility is excellent and the current days in milk is 164 on over 200 cows milking in the herd. The animals selling are exactly what the modern dairy farmer wants. Medium sized cows with excellent legs and feet and locomotion. They are in perfect body condition with strong deep frames that have width from front to rear. The classification back this up with 2 Excellent cows, 28 Very Good & 27 Good Plus animals selling most of these are heifers. Since the last sale Richard has added several new cow families to complement the superb genetics already in the herd. Some of the cow families selling include Lila Z, Pledge, Ghost, Alysia, Rudy Missy and Sharon. Picston Shottle had a massive influence throughout the herd. The milking heifers selling are sired by SIEMERS MOGUL PETY, DE-SU HONEYBEE, GRAFEETI, BACON-HILL HURRICANE and RIVERDANE ARTIST. Two heifers worth mentioning are two daughters of Jedi from two interesting cow families in Canada. OrtonGrange Jedi Lyn has a GLPI+3118 with MILK+2261 and OrtonGrange Jedi Vega has a GLPI+2797. Four full sisters by the hot sire Melarry Josuper Frazzled sell all with interesting figures and great type their 4th dam is Wesswodd Rudy Missy EX92. The sires of the young stock include FLAGSHIP, ALLTIME, HANG TIME, SCENARIO, FRAZZLED and MAXFLI. Herd Health The herd is vaccinated for BVD (booster given in June), IBR (booster given in June) and Lepto (given in March). The herd is tested free of BVD and all the animals selling are tested free of BVD. The herd was officially tested free of Johnes disease and was Level 1 on the SAC Herd Health Programme. The herd is situated in a four-year TB testing area, there has never been a case on the farm, and they have been pre movement TB tested.
ASPATRIA 016973 20207
PENRITH 01768 342535
LONGTOWN 01228 792906
Dam of Lot 318
201 ORTONGRANGE BANKROLL LILAZ 01101236202084 VG86(2YR) 3gensVG/EX Line.84
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d.
UK101236202084, PLI+£279, Born 07.05.16
Sire: CRASDALE BANKROLL Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz ET 01101236101712 VG85(2YR)............ by Rickland Predestine 669 Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET 0112259537 Flevo Genetics Snowman Comestar Lilazel Million ET 64000106303096............................................ by England-Ammon Million Lylehaven Lila Z PI 65000132449139 EX94-2E 16*............................. by Regancrest Elton Durham Lylehaven Form Laura PI ET 65000126786486 EX94-3E GMD DOM................................. by S N L F Thiersant Lili Starbuck PI ET 6406332629 Hanoverhill Starbuck Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie PI 6404623897 VG86............................................................. by Bridon Astro Jet LC 05.09.19
ORTONGRANGE BANKROLL LILAZ VG86(2YR) 3gensVG/EX 1 02/00 8887 4.01 3.48 305 2 03/04 1660 4.21 3.23 50 SM 37.2kg Lcc5 Acc5 Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz ET VG85(2YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 02/00 7334 3.93 3.18 305 2 03/01 9679 4.42 3.29 305 3 04/06 10900 3.99 3.21 275 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz 3 ET VG86(3YR) 9609kg 4.82% 3.71% • Ortongrange Goldfish Lilaz VG86(2YR) 8846kg 3.58% 3.40% Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET EX90 1 02/00 7601 4.05 3.31 305 3 04/02 12796 3.52 3.14 305 5 06/06 13968 3.51 3.27 305
2 03/01 12215 4.07 3.12 305 4 05/05 11343 4.54 3.39 305 6 07/07 314 2.74 3.78 11
Comestar Lilazel Million ET • Maternal Sister to: • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 15992kg 3.60% 3.10% • Calbrett Shottle Lela ET VG87 - Sold for $110,000 ADI 3rd Edition Sale 2009 • Calbrett Goldwyn Layla ET EX92 12660kg 3.90% 3.30% •• Sold for $230,000 ADI 3rd Edition sale 2009 •• 1st 4yr Autumn Opportunity 2011 •• 3rd 4yr Royal Winter Fair 2011 •• Nominated All Canadian 4yr 2011 •• 2nd Snr Yearling Autumn Opportunity 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 3* 12323kg 3.90% 3.20% • Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG89 19909kg 4.60% 3.40% •• All Ontario Snr 2yr 2008 •• Nominated All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 •• 1st Snr 2yr Auntumn Opportunity 2008 •• 2nd Snr. 2yr Ontario Summer Show 2008 •• Comestar Goldwyn Lilae VG89 14556kg 4.6% 3.7% •• Nom All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 •• 1st Snr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 •• 2nd Snr 2yr Ontario Summer 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Laura ET VG88 10732kg 4.20% 3.40% • Calbrett Goldwyn Liza VG88 2yr 12405 4.2% 3.5% •• Sold for $175,000 ADI Global 2nd Edition Sale 2008 •• 1st Jnr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 •• Jnr Champion Durham County 2007 • Comestar Lila C Stormatic VG87 2yr 11640kg 3.5% 3.1% -- 2nd Jnr 3yr Ontario Spring Discovery 2009 • Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG87 2yr 13085kg 3.6% 3.5% • Calbrett Goldwyn Lyndsey VG87 2yr 12685kg 4.0% 3.4% • Acecroft Goldwyn Lila Z VG87 2YR SP 15209kg 3.57% 3.24% -Sold for 27,000gns Ex Factor Sale 2006 • Greenmile Bolton Lila B ET VG87 2YR 15097kg 2.96% 3.06% -Sold for $60,000 Global Glamour sale 2008 • Plus 4 other VG sisters
9 Lylehaven Lila Z PI EX94-2E 16* 1 02/04 13577 3.50 3.30 305 3 06/06 18138 4.20 3.30 305 • Sold for $1,150,000 Triple Crown Sale 2005 • Res Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007 • Res Grand Champion Atlantic Spring Show 2007 In Champion Quebec Spring Show 2005 1st 2yr Royal Winter Fair 2004 All Canadian jnr 2yr 2004 & Jnr Yearling 2003 Hon Mention All Canadian 4yr & 5yr Nom All-Canadian Jnr Calf 2002
2 04/01 19488 4.00 3.50 305
4.d. of Lot 201
10 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 245
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236101439, PLI+£250, Born 10.11.12
Sire: KED OUTSIDE JEEVES Ortongrange Shottle Bianca 0111734110 GP83............................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Geno Bianca 0111336643 VG85................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Ortongrange Responder Bianca 0110397552 GP83...................................... by Bilsrowan Responder LC 08.08.18 AI’d 22.04.19 to SANDY-VALLEY COPYCAT 003014562172. PD+
ORTONGRANGE JEEVES BIANCA 2 VG86 1 02/00 6792 4.96 3.55 305 3 04/10 7980 5.09 3.47 273 SM 17.3kg Lcc312 Acc74 • Maternal sister to: • Ortongrange Grafeeti Bianca 2 VG85
2 03/06 8570 4.29 3.47 305 4 05/09 13528 4.85 3.52 305
Ortongrange Shottle Bianca GP83 1 02/00 8652 4.23 3.10 305 2 03/03 10185 4.12 3.08 305 3 04/03 11561 4.24 3.05 305 4 05/05 9799 4.42 3.00 289 5 06/05 9215 4.22 3.05 292 6 07/04 4872 3.93 2.73 199 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Sam Bianca VG86(3YR) 11981kg 3.97% 3.04% Ortongrange Geno Bianca VG85 1 02/02 7798 3.87 3.36 305 3 04/03 9396 4.13 3.34 305 5 06/06 3849 4.26 2.90 127
2 03/04 10471 4.23 3.23 284 4 05/07 8572 4.18 3.06 254
Ortongrange Responder Bianca GP83 1 02/02 8492 3.93 3.32 305 3 05/00 9931 4.25 3.66 305 6 06/03 8478 3.82 3.69 283 8 08/00 7761 3.28 3.42 224
2 03/11 12078 3.78 3.41 305 5 05/11 1549 4.81 3.81 100 7 07/01 10642 3.94 3.40 299
Dairy Farm Service & Supply Company For the north of England & south west Scotland
We provide: • • • •
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Our Farm Advisory Services include: • • •
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Contact Details: G. D. & M. Dunglinson, Brunstock, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 4QG Tel: 01228 524918; Fax: 01228 810153 Email:; Web: www.
12 LOT
Dam of Lot 250
203 ORTONGRANGE DESIGN GHOST 0112485141 EX90 11gensVG/EX Line.559
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236201559, PLI +£22, Born 10.07.13
Sire: REGANCREST DESIGN Ortongrange Shottle Ghost ET 0111864909 EX90...................................................... by Picston Shottle Riverdane Silky Ghost PI ET 0110777075 VG88 SP......................................................... by Silky Gibson Ridgefield Storm Ghost 2 PI ET 0109791373 EX93-2E SP Maughlin Storm Castlerhydd Milan Ghost PI 0109344884 EX94-4E SP Shoremar Milan Lemington Skychief Ghost PI 1200144434 EX95-3E Donnandale Skychief Witbourne Counselor Ghost PI 6405397683 A Carnation Counselor Witbourne Triple Aimee PI 6404583922 Hanoverhill Triple Crown Troybrook Senator Angel PI ET 6403655040 VG86............................. by A Nelacres Johanna Senatr Troybrook Reflection Jolly PI 6402851769 VG85........................... by Downalane Reflection Emperor Bruwin Judy PI 6402621002 VG85...................................................... by Cornerset Centurion Medalist LC 03.07.19 AI’d 16.09.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE DESIGN GHOST EX90 11gensVG/EX 1 02/04 6856 4.56 3.15 305 2 03/07 8803 4.75 3.14 294 3 04/07 10445 4.78 3.23 305 4 06/00 4595 4.00 2.86 114 SM 33.2kg Lcc70 Acc92 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Observer Ghost 2 ET EX90 7615kg 3.19% 3.32% • Ortongrange Observer Ghost 4 EX91 12711kg 4.02% 3.1% • Ortongrange Goldfarm Ghost VG85 Ortongrange Shottle Ghost ET EX90 10gensVG/EX 1 02/01 7800 3.73 2.93 305 2 03/03 11165 4.16 3.06 305 3 04/08 12945 3.94 3.14 305 4 06/00 10996 4.15 3.11 305 5 07/01 5583 3.67 3.04 143 • Maternal Sister to: • Riverdane Sept Ghost PI ET EX93-3E 11076kg 3.47% 2.85% • Islandpride Shottle Ghost ET EX90-2E 9853kg 3.78% 3.22% • Glasson Gold Ghost ET EX90 13036kg 4.37% 3.11% And 9 other VG sisters Riverdane Silky Ghost PI ET VG88 SP 1 02/05 10822 4.45 2.92 305 2 04/04 12367 4.15 3.28 290 • Maternal Sister to: • Riverdane Terrason Ghost PI EX94-5E 13749kg 3.81% 3.31% - sold for 27,000gns Sterndale Sale 2005 • Ridgefield Ghost Shottle ET EX92-4E 13670kg 4.16% 2.96% • Riverdane James Ghost PI ET EX92-2E 10046kg 4.44% 3.06% • Ridgefield Ghostlet ET EX91-2E 9888kg 3.55% 3.10% • Ridgefield Ghost Lilli ET EX90 10179kg 4.85% 3.10% • Riverdane Hanover Ghost PI ET EX90 13958kg 3.56% 3.30% And 5 other VG sisters Ridgefield Storm Ghost 2 PI ET EX93-2 SP LP50 1 02/02 10216 4.12 3.42 305 2 03/05 14543 4.26 3.02 305 3 05/04 11407 4.23 2.89 305 4 08/09 12045 4.72 2.93 279 Reserve Supreme Champion NHS 2005 1st & Reserve Breed Champion & Best Udder RASE 2005 All-Britain Junior Cow 2003 1st & Best Udder, HM Intermediate Champion NHS 2003 1st 3yr in milk RASE 2003 • Maternal Sister to: • Ridgefield September S Ghost PI ET EX92-2E 10240kg 5.01% 3.35% • Ridgefield Ghost Lee PI EX91-4E 13398kg 4.44% 3.23% • Ridgefield Lee Ghost PI EX90 13357kg 3.06% 2.82% And 4 other VG sisters
3.d. of Lot 203
14 LOT
204 ORTONGRANGE GLAUCO SHARON 01101236101677 VG85 9gensVG/EX Line.677
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d.
UK101236101677, PLI +£7, Born 05.02.14
Sire: TOC-FARM DUPLEX GLAUCO Redsky Page Sharon ET 0111784989 VG88............................................ by Rosedale-L Rampage-Red Tallent Mtoto Chartreuse PI ET 0110196231 EX90 13*..................................... by Carol Prelude Mtoto Condon Aero Sharon PI 6405373153 EX91 68*.............................................. by Madawaska Aerostar Condon Inspiration Sally PI 6404532714 VG87............................................... by Hanoverhill Inspiration Condon Commissioner Sally PI 6403538388 VG85............................... by Browndale Commissioner Condon Ormsby Sally PI 6402355134 Spring Farm Reflection Ormsby Condon Texal Lass PI 6402005148 Thornlea Texal Supreme Condon Citation Elsie PI 6401772071 Rosafe Citation R LC 24.12.17 AI’d 07.07.19 to BRITISH BLUE PD+
ORTONGRANGE GLAUCO SHARON VG85 9gensVG/EX 1 02/02 5455 4.11 3.07 305 2 03/10 10889 3.80 2.97 305 SM 21.5kg Lcc453 Acc112 • Maternal Sister to: • Redsky Savard Sharon Red ET VG85 9146kg 4.07% 2.99% Redsky Page Sharon ET VG88 8gensVG/EX 1 02/03 6483 3.79 3.11 305 2 03/03 9656 4.04 3.00 305 3 04/04 9907 3.76 2.96 305 4 05/05 7402 4.36 2.79 305 5 06/05 1484 6.40 2.72 41 • Maternal Sister to: • Ansa Ss Sharon PI EX91-2E 12819kg 4.24% 3.11% - sold for 3,400gns For The Love of Shottle Sale 2006 • Ansa Goldwyn Sharon EX90 10475kg 4.72% 3.89% - sold for €10,000 Tulip Sale 2006 • Dulais Goldwyn Sharon ET EX91-2E 12214kg 4.36% 3.25% • Dilligas Gold Chartreuse ET EX91-3E 12688kg 3.60% 3.13% • Redsky Rampage Sharon ET EX90 11247kg 5.34% 3.16% And 2 other VG sisters Tallent Mtoto Chartreuse PI ET EX90 13* 1 02/03 9786 3.91 3.03 305 2 03/09 13428 3.65 3.02 305 3 05/04 14089 4.29 3.30 305 • Full sister to: • Picston Shottle EX96 @ Genus ABS • Picston Mtoto Schnapps EX90 13409kg 3.24% 2.80% And to five other Very Goods • Maternal Sister to: • Picston Patron Shimmer EX90 13332kg 4.43% 3.51% • Picston Gelpro Shantung EX90 13019kg 4.31% 3.07% • Picston Gelpro Shoes EX90-3E 13046kg 3.92% 3.03% • Tallent Patron Shannon EX90 14910kg 3.35% 2.92% • Tallent Sharmain EX90 12378kg 3.77% 2.94% And to twelve other Very Goods Condon Aero Sharon PI EX91 68* 1 02/02 10603 3.78 3.31 305 3 05/07 16434 4.31 3.25 305 • Dam of Picston Shottle • Nominated Global Cow of the Year 2007 • The most influential brood cow in the UK
2 04/00 16051 4.26 3.40 305
Gdam. of Lot 204
3.d. of Lot 204
16 LOT
Dam of Lot 219, Maternal Sister to Lots 211 & 232
205 ORTONGRANGE SUPERSIRE PLEDGE 01101236401708 VG85(3YR) Line.708
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236401708, PLI+£399, Born 19.04.14
Sire: SEAGULL-BAY SUPERSIRE Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET 0112000807 Long-Langs Oman Oman Alh Polly ET 63000445715448 EX92 LP50 30*.......................................................... by Hartline Titanic Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET 65000132816010 EX95-2E GMD DOM....... by Comestar Outside Windy-Knoll-View Promis PI ET 6518049401 EX95 GMD Startmore Rudolph Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala PI 6512236320 EX94-3E GMD DOM.................... by Quality Ultimat Windy-Knoll-View Creek Pauline PI 6510500427 VG88...................... by Creek-Bluff Elevation Lester LC 05.03.19 AI’d 26.06.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE SUPERSIRE PLEDGE VG85(3YR) 1 01/11 7193 4.60 3.20 305 2 02/11 10575 4.02 3.27 305 3 04/00 12941 3.70 3.13 278 4 04/11 10538 4.15 3.16 234 SM33.9kg Lcc68 Acc45 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Manuel Pledge VG86 14839kg 3.7% 3.12% • Ortongrange Shottle Pledge VG85 9591kg 3.53% 3.01% Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET GP82 1 02/03 10738 3.81 3.04 305 2 03/04 10865 3.77 3.17 305 3 04/05 11797 4.12 2.95 305 4 05/08 11413 4.10 2.97 305 5 06/10 11243 3.78 3.01 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Shawdale Damion Pledge 2 ET EX94-4E 15323kg 3.17% 3.18% • Absolute Polly Pursuit ET EX94-2E 14519kg 5.25% 2.84% • Shawdale Damion Pledge ET EX93-3E 13745kg 2.85% 3.13% • Cracking Damion Polly ET EX92 9939kg 4.33% 3.24% • Holmland Lavanguard Pledge ET EX92 12878kg 3.52% 3.07% • Holmland Lauthority Pledge ET EX91 9629kg 4.15% 3.24% • Holmland Damion Pledge ET EX90 11936kg 3.22% 3.15% • And 30 other VG sisters ALH Polly EX92 30* LP50 1 02/08 10363 5.21 3.47 305 2 04/04 11038 3.44 3.24 305 3 06/01 12071 4.72 3.19 305 • One of the best brood cows the UK has ever seen • Dam of over 50 Excellent or Very Goods • Maternal sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Panini EX92 14475kg 3.6% 2.9% •- Grand Champion Pennsylvania Spring Holstein Show 2012 •- 1st 4-Yr-Old & Best Bred & Owned of Show - New York Spring Show 2012 • Windy-Knoll-View Program EX92-2E 14045kg 4.3% 3.1% • Windy-Knoll-View Prairie ET EX92 17309kg 3.70% 3.10% • Windy-Knoll-View Permit EX92 14690kg 3.7% 3.2% • Smiddiehill Goldwyn Pledge ET VG87 13537kg 3.49% 3.11% - sold for 50,000gns Smiddiehill Sale • And to 10 other Excellent or Very Good sisters Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET EX95-2E GMD DOM 1 02/01 11689 3.90 3.30 305 2 04/01 15844 3.80 3.15 305 3 06/00 15317 3.90 3.20 305 4 08/00 14437 4.10 3.20 305 • Nominated All-American 125,000 Cow 2011, 2009 & 2008 • Member of All-American Nominated Best 3 Females 2011 • Member of All-American Nominated Produce of Dam 2011 • Unanimous All-American 5-Yr Old 2007 • 1st 5yr World Dairy Expo 2007 Lifetime yeild 86 Tons • Maternal Sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Pammy ET EX95-2E 13481kg 4.54% 3.24% Grand Champion 2011 Pennsylvania Spring Show • Windy-Knoll-View Policy ET EX93-3E DOM 17981kg 6.00% 3.40% • Windy-Knoll View Prom PI EX92 10936kg 4.20% 3.20% • And full sister proven sires: • Windy-Knoll-View Pronto EX95 @Select Sires • Windy-Knoll-View Power EX96 @ Foundation • Windy-Knoll-View Promote EX92 @ Taurus
17 LOT
Dam of Lot 270
206 ORTONGRANGE MILLION ALISON 2 01101236501709 VG88
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236501709, PLI-£108, Born 19.04.14
Sire: ENGLAND-AMMON MILLION Ortongrange Zenith Alison 0111789561 GP83...................................................... by Ocean-View Zenith Ortongrange Shadow Alison 0111347490 VG87(3YR)........................................... by Howend Shadow Ortongrange Convincer Alison 0110962055 GP84................................................ by Wa-Del Convincer Due before sale day
ORTONGRANGE MILLION ALISON 2 VG88 1 02/01 3799 4.46 3.03 298 3 04/03 9837 4.19 2.82 305
2 03/01 7045 4.79 2.95 305 Acc94 Dry
Ortongrange Zenith Alison GP83 1 02/02 7513 4.00 3.07 305 3 04/05 9963 3.99 3.11 305
2 03/04 9646 4.37 3.06 305 4 05/08 10500 4.14 3.08 299
Ortongrange Shadow Alison VG87(3YR) 1 02/04 9783 3.73 3.04 305 3 05/01 10256 4.20 3.01 305
2 03/07 12547 4.07 3.09 305 4 06/02 5848 4.00 3.08 171
Ortongrange Convincer Alison GP84 1 02/01 10086 3.72 2.79 305 3 04/06 13159 3.29 2.95 305 5 06/09 12440 4.04 2.75 305
2 03/04 10105 3.25 3.03 305 4 05/06 12912 3.15 2.85 305 6 07/09 5958 4.20 2.78 226
Dam of Lots 262 & 329.
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236701739, PLI +£56, Born 24.06.14
Sire: GLEN-VALLEY BW CAPTAIN Ortongrange Kimo Camilla 0112100568 GP82.............................................. by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Reiver Camilla 0101907396 Errolston Boarder Reiver Ortongrange Jurist Camilla 0101862297 F74.................................................................................................. Parkley Recruit Camilla 0109288526 VG86............................................................ by Lachstone Recruit LC 19.09.19
ORTONGRANGE CAPTAIN CAMILLA EX92 1 02/00 5574 4.21 3.32 305 3 04/03 13157 4.02 3.19 305 SM 44.2kg Lcc17 Acc17 Ortongrange Kimo Camilla GP82 1 01/11 8137 4.56 3.35 305
2 03/01 7429 4.59 3.31 305 4 05/03 1592 4.16 3.06 36
2 02/11 6910 4.59 3.70 305
Ortongrange Reiver Camilla GP82 1 02/00 7450 4.28 3.15 305 2 03/00 8050 4.71 3.32 305 3 04/02 10010 4.77 3.27 305 4 05/07 9733 4.63 3.08 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kimo Camilla Red VG86(3YR) 7439kg 4.05% 3.16% Ortongrange Jurist Camilla F74 1 02/01 8483 4.13 3.46 305 3 04/04 1476 6.20 2.96 70
2 03/02 2392 4.14 3.69 233
18 LOT
Dam of Lot 291, Maternal Sister to Lot 305
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d.
UK101236601794, PLI+£117, Born 22.10.14
Sire: ORTONGRANGE BIG ROCK Ortongrange Shamrock Susie Mist ET 0112272690 VG85................... by Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock Lillyhall Golden Mist ET 0111896715 Braedale Goldwyn Rowantree Duplex Susie Mist ET 46121125620507 VG89 SP............................... by Mesland Duplex Rowantree Integ Susie Mist ET 46121125610407 VG85....................................... by Robthom Integrity Croagh Susie Mist 2 PI ET 0109448116 EX94-3E.................................................................... by M Storm Cradenhill Lm Susie Mist PI ET 0108445472 EX93-3E..................... by Rothrock Tradition Leadman Clover-Matt-West Susie Mist PI ET 6512865083 EX91..................................... by Walkway Chief Mark Waverly-Hills Elevation Sarah PI 6509066150 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation LC 17.12.18 AI’d 11.04.19 to CLAYNOOK CASPER 000012208585 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE BIGROCK SUSIE MIST GP83 1 02/00 6261 4.02 3.05 305 3 04/02 13121 4.04 3.11 305
2 03/01 9566 3.64 3.17 305 SM 28.1kg Lcc104 Acc37
Ortongrange Shamrock Susie Mist ET VG85 1 02/06 8917 4.35 3.14 305 3 04/07 10035 4.94 3.24 305
2 03/07 10002 4.08 3.18 305 4 05/10 9664 4.51 3.23 300
Lillyhall Golden Mist ET GP83 1 01/11 7377 4.25 3.21 305 Rowantree Duplex Susie Mist ET VG89 SP 1 02/03 10963 4.09 3.02 305
2 04/10 13420 3.72 2.92 305
Rowantree Integ Susie Mist ET VG85 1 9657 3.5 3.23 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Croagh R Susie Mist EX95-2E 11832kg 3.44% 3.35% Croagh Susie Mist 2 PI ET EX94-3E 1 02/09 10107 3.47 3.28 305 2 12643 3.33 3.24 305 3 14556 3.59 3.14 305 4 14291 3.75 3.24 3.05 3rd prize Snr Cow Agribex Brussels 2004 • Maternal Sister to: • Croagh In Susie Mist ET EX92-2E 13331kg 3.84% 3.09% • Croagh Susie Mist ET EX91 – Reserve Champion RDS Spring Show 2001 & sold for 7600gns • Croagh Susie Mist 6th VG88 – sold for 6400gns Croagh Sale 2003 • Croagh Susie Mist 8th ET EX90 – 11765kg 3.45% 3.15% • Croagh Susie Mist 12th ET – sold for 13,200gns Croagh Sale 2004 • Croagh Susie Mist 17th ET – sold for 9300gns Croagh Open Day Sale 2005 • Monabrogue Lee Susie Mist ET – sold for 5500gns Monabrogue Sale 2003
3.d. of Lot 208
6.d. of Lot 208
20 LOT
Dam of Lot 304
209 ORTONGRANGE ATLANTIC AMY 01101236601836 VG85(3YR)
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236601836, PLI+£170, Born 29.12.14
Sire: MAPLE-DOWNS-I G W ATLANTIC Ortongrange Lawnboy Amy Red 0112155064 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Ortongrange Rampage Amy Red 0111300571 GP82............................ by Rosedale-L Rampage-Red Braeburn Chatter Amy Red 2 0110574438 GP83....................................... by Kc Roses Chatter T Red LC 15.02.19 AI’d 14.06.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE ATLANTIC AMY VG85(3YR) 1 02/02 5150 4.03 3.30 305 3 04/02 8784 4.19 3.15 252 Ortongrange Lawnboy Amy Red GP81 1 02/03 6536 4.07 3.42 301 3 04/02 9684 4.04 3.52 266 5 06/01 11475 4.21 3.57 305
2 03/02 9910 4.37 3.23 304 SM 22.5kg Lcc73 Acc50 2 03/02 9937 4.03 3.51 305 4 05/00 11722 4.10 3.66 305
Ortongrange Rampage Amy Red GP82 1 02/05 6617 4.08 3.49 305 3 04/07 8909 4.96 3.37 279 5 06/05 9044 4.28 3.47 286
2 03/05 9236 4.73 3.55 305 4 05/06 8351 4.27 3.40 278 6 07/04 4900 3.95 3.16 135
Braeburn Chatter Amy Red 2 GP83 1 02/02 7405 4.56 3.33 305 3 04/11 1237 5.91 3.39 41 6 07/03 8639 4.67 3.50 305
2 03/10 7467 5.03 3.56 305 5 06/10 1587 4.99 3.99 69 7 08/03 3166 5.00 2.94 84
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236201853, PLI+£184, Born 27.01.15
Sire: DE-SU 521 BOOKEM Ortongrange Blade Taylor 0112169969 EX91-2E SP LP50......................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ortongrange Best Taylor 0111363543 GP83............................................................ by Hidden-View Best Longlane Black Lad Taylor 0101600875 GP82................................................. by Actonfarm Black Lad LC 23.10.19
ORTONGRANGE BOOKEM TAYLOR GP83 1 02/01 7092 3.81 3.37 305 3 Fresh
2 03/04 13795 3.68 3.40 305
Ortongrange Blade Taylor EX91-2E SP LP50 1 02/00 6948 3.86 3.14 305 3 04/03 12776 3.71 3.22 297 5 06/03 14776 3.90 3.16 297
2 03/02 12434 3.68 3.23 305 4 05/03 10759 3.74 3.15 293
Ortongrange Best Taylor GP83 1 02/02 8869 4.24 3.27 305 3 04/03 8612 4.53 3.27 305 5 06/08 4314 4.42 3.04 165
2 03/02 10462 4.39 3.37 305 4 05/08 8129 4.73 3.25 300
Longlane Black Lad Taylor GP82 1 02/11 6947 3.74 3.35 305 3 05/02 7650 4.40 3.39 305 5 07/03 7022 4.20 3.41 305
2 04/00 5941 3.60 3.40 300 4 06/03 7693 4.33 3.21 300 6 08/07 8145 4.40 3.39 305
21 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lots 205 & 232
211 ORTONGRANGE MANUEL PLEDGE 01101236201909 VG86(2YR)
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236201909, PLI+£309, Born 07.05.15
Sire: AMMON-PEACHEY MANUEL P Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET 0112000807 Long-Langs Oman Oman Alh Polly ET 63000445715448 EX92 LP50 30*.......................................................... by Hartline Titanic Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET 65000132816010 EX95-2E GMD DOM....... by Comestar Outside Windy-Knoll-View Promis PI ET 6518049401 EX95 GMD Startmore Rudolph Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala PI 6512236320 EX94 GMD DOM........................ by Quality Ultimate Windy-Knoll-View Creek Pauline PI 6510500427 VG88...................... by Creek-Bluff Elevation Lester LC 14.10.18 AI’d 31.03.19 to GLAMOUR BOGHILL CASPER 915258200195. PD+
ORTONGRANGE MANUEL PLEDGE VG86(2YR) 1 02/01 7817 3.80 3.24 305 2 03/05 14839 3.70 3.12 305 SM 32.8kg Lcc39 Acc25 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Supersire Pledge VG85 12941kg 3.7% 3.13% • Ortongrange Shottle Pledge VG85 9591kg 3.53% 3.01% Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET GP82 1 02/03 10738 3.81 3.04 305 2 03/04 10865 3.77 3.17 305 3 04/05 11797 4.12 2.95 305 4 05/08 11413 4.10 2.97 305 5 06/10 11243 3.78 3.01 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Shawdale Damion Pledge 2 ET EX94-4E 15323kg 3.17% 3.18% • Absolute Polly Pursuit ET EX94-2E 14519kg 5.25% 2.84% • Shawdale Damion Pledge ET EX93-3E 13745kg 2.85% 3.13% • Cracking Damion Polly ET EX92 9939kg 4.33% 3.24% • Holmland Lavanguard Pledge ET EX92 12878kg 3.52% 3.07% • Holmland Lauthority Pledge ET EX91 9629kg 4.15% 3.24% • Holmland Damion Pledge ET EX90 11936kg 3.22% 3.15% And 29 other VG sisters ALH Polly EX92 30* LP50 1 02/08 10363 5.21 3.47 305 2 04/04 11038 3.44 3.24 305 3 06/01 12071 4.72 3.19 305 • One of the best brood cows the UK has ever seen • Dam of over 50 Excellent or Very Goods • Maternal sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Panini EX92 14475kg 3.6% 2.9% •- Grand Champion Pennsylvania Spring Holstein Show 2012 •- 1st 4-Yr-Old & Best Bred & Owned of Show - New York Spring Show 2012 • Windy-Knoll-View Program EX92-2E 14045kg 4.3% 3.1% • Windy-Knoll-View Prairie ET EX92 17309kg 3.70% 3.10% • Windy-Knoll-View Permit EX92 14690kg 3.7% 3.2% • Smiddiehill Goldwyn Pledge ET VG87 13537kg 3.49% 3.11% - sold for 50,000gns Smiddiehill Sale • And to 10 other Excellent or Very Good sisters Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET EX95-2E GMD DOM 1 02/01 11689 3.90 3.30 305 2 04/01 15844 3.80 3.15 305 3 06/00 15317 3.90 3.20 305 4 08/00 14437 4.10 3.20 305 • Nominated All-American 125,000 Cow 2011, 2009 & 2008 • Member of All-American Nominated Best 3 Females 2011 • Member of All-American Nominated Produce of Dam 2011 • Unanimous All-American 5-Yr Old 2007 • 1st 5yr World Dairy Expo 2007 Lifetime yeild 86 Tons • Maternal Sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Pammy ET EX95-2E 13481kg 4.54% 3.24% Grand Champion 2011 Pennsylvania Spring Show • Windy-Knoll-View Policy ET EX93-3E DOM 17981kg 6.00% 3.40% • Windy-Knoll View Prom PI EX92 10936kg 4.20% 3.20% • And full sister proven sires: • Windy-Knoll-View Pronto EX95 @Select Sires • Windy-Knoll-View Power EX96 @ Foundation • Windy-Knoll-View Promote EX92 @ Taurus
22 LOT
Dam of Lot 337
UK101236101943, PLI+£245, Born 20.07.15
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI Ortongrange Shottle Viola 0111495736 GP82.............................................................. by Picston Shottle Dalim Shelton Viola 0110234874 G75......................................................................... by Kynarton Shelton Dalim Gibbon Viola 0109498793 GP84 SP................................................................................. by Gibbon LC 19.10.19 AI’d 06.06.19 to S-S-I BANDARES BRAVO 003136807631. PD+
ORTONGRANGE GRAFEETI VIOLA VG85(2YR) 1 02/02 7220 4.80 3.46 305 2 03/03 11917 4.51 3.20 305 SM 23.5kg Lcc63 Acc55 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kimo Viola VG85 10395kg 4.7% 3.4% • Ortongrange Grafeeti Viola VG85 11917kg 4.51% 3.2% Ortongrange Shottle Viola GP82 1 02/04 8462 4.69 3.43 305 3 04/08 7284 5.05 3.25 305 5 07/02 4770 5.31 3.14 224
2 03/05 6899 4.96 3.47 305 4 05/11 6399 5.13 3.32 305
Dalim Shelton Viola G75 1 03/00 1216 3.86 3.58 64 3 04/11 9931 5.40 3.69 305
2 03/04 9892 3.91 3.56 305
Dalim Gibbon Viola GP84 SP 1 02/03 8530 3.95 3.45 305
2 03/05 5758 3.81 3.55 238
Maternal Sister to Lot 287
UK101236201979, PLI+£311, Born 16.10.15
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY CASPIAN Ortongrange Debutante Mitzi Red 0112175298 GP83 Cientific Debutante Rojo Middle Mitzi Me Middle Milestone Emerald Middle Mitzy Km 3 0305900197 EX91........................................................ by Ketby M E Milestone Red LC 26.03.19 AI’d 13.09.19 to BRITISH BLUE. PD+
ORTONGRANGE CASPIAN MITZI GP83 1 02/05 9487 4.49 3.68 305 SM 32.6kg Lcc34 Acc52 Ortongrange Debutante Mitzi Red GP83 1 02/01 5864 4.73 3.37 280 3 03/11 7311 5.62 3.56 305 5 06/00 8285 4.97 3.53 305
2 03/06 7686 4.28 3.49 213
2 02/11 6390 5.16 3.69 297 4 05/00 7618 5.33 3.63 303 6 07/01 8606 4.45 3.49 280
Middle Mitzi Me • No milk records Middle Mitzy Km 3 EX91 1 02/02 5978 4.81 3.22 305 3 11/00 10858 4.83 3.16 305
2 09/03 10816 4.74 3.23 305
23 LOT
Dam of Lots 279 & 328
214 ORTONGRANGE DANCER CUMMINGS 01101236401995 VG85(1YR) Line.995
UK101236401995, PLI+£190, Born 09.11.15
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: ORTONGRANGE PRIVATE DANCER Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings 0101946530 Larcrest Cosmos Ortongrange Paul Cummings 0101852064 GP82 LC 18.10.19
ORTONGRANGE DANCER CUMMINGS VG85(1YR) 1 01/11 7065 4.16 3.33 285 3 03/12 207 5.77 3.94 7
2 02/10 11053 4.15 3.35 305 SM 29.6kg Lcc131 Acc131
Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 1 02/02 6231 4.54 3.51 284
2 03/01 5860 5.19 3.51 232
Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings GP82 1 02/03 7731 4.85 3.49 305 3 04/08 6760 4.85 3.31 248
2 03/03 8032 5.51 3.76 305
Ortongrange Paul Cummings GP82 1 02/01 6748 4.54 3.67 305
2 03/02 8583 4.50 3.47 305
Dam of Lot 306
215 ORTONGRANGE TRUMP FLIRT 01101236702012 VG85(3YR) 2gensVG/EX Line.12
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702012, PLI+£148, Born 15.12.15
Sire: JENNY-LOU SHOTTLE TRUMP Ortongrange Design Flirt 0111412716 Regancrest Design Lipleyhall Convincer Flirt PI 0110059204 G75......................................................... by Wa-Del Convincer Moet Jabot Flirt A PI 0108797269 G78.................................................................... by Delta Cleitus Jabot LC 19.04.19 AI’d 24.09.19 to C ZIP LUSTER 003138843085. PD+
ORTONGRANGE TRUMP FLIRT VG85(3YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 02/03 9423 4.04 3.10 305 2 03/05 7784 3.56 2.72 189 SM 42.2kg Lcc59 Acc23 Ortongrange Design Flirt EX91-3E 1 02/01 7121 4.56 3.46 305 3 04/02 8569 5.11 3.36 305 5 06/07 10182 5.20 3.46 305 7 09/05 8426 5.19 3.29 305 Lipleyhall Convincer Flirt PI G75 1 02/09 2373 4.45 3.66 110 3 04/05 10727 4.48 3.48 305 5 07/01 7978 4.75 3.12 184 Moet Jabot Flirt A PI G78 1 02/06 458 2.52 3.32 54 3 05/11 6514 3.71 3.68 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Postlake Flirt 2 PI ET VG86 12135kg 4.19% 3.50%
2 03/02 10010 5.19 3.42 305 4 05/04 10817 5.41 3.28 305 6 08/01 10687 5.70 3.23 305 8 10/08 6119 3.64 3.24 136 2 03/02 10317 4.84 3.38 305 4 06/02 13637 4.62 3.40 305
2 04/09 7690 4.15 3.55 305
24 LOT
216 ORTONGRANGE CAPTAIN KIMO 01101236402023 VG86(3YR)
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236402023, PLI +£67, Born 14.01.16
Sire: GLEN-VALLEY BW CAPTAIN Ortongrange Shottle Kimo ET 0111815059 GP82 ...................................................... by Picston Shottle Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 0111319731 VG89 ........................................... by Regancrest-Mr Samuelo Painley Geno Kimo 81 PI 0110509679 VG89...................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Painley Dustman Kimo 37 PI 0109788910 VG87 SP Painley Dustman Painley Jabot Kimo 14 PI ET 0108888712 VG87 SP LP70 RM......................... by Delta Cleitus Jabot Primsland Inspiration Kimo PI ET 1200090278 EX90 SP RM 62*............ by Hanoverhill Inspiration Calbrett Starbuck Kindle PI 6404471952 Hanoverhill Starbuck Calbrett Enhancer Kandi PI 6403997222 Glenafton Enhancer Beaucoise Tempo Kimo PI 6403573891 EX............................................................. by Roybrook Tempo Chacook Elevation Kim PI 6403185989 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation LC 18.04.19 AI’d 15.09.19 to BRITISH BLUE. PD+
ORTONGRANGE CAPTAIN KIMO VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 9748 3.89 3.48 305 SM 30.3kg Lcc150 Acc85
2 03/04 7910 4.18 3.21 190
Ortongrange Shottle Kimo ET GP82 1 02/00 6068 4.15 3.47 305 2 03/05 10463 4.31 3.32 305 3 04/09 10471 4.34 3.41 305 4 06/01 3485 4.64 3.05 130 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET EX91-2E 15494kg 3.75% 3.13% Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 VG89 1 02/01 7998 4.44 3.70 305 2 03/10 10956 4.24 3.42 297 3 04/09 9235 4.62 3.44 305 4 06/04 2726 4.92 3.08 93 • Maternal Sister to: • Highoaks Talent Kimo 4 ET EX93-3E 9020kg 3.12% 3.13% • Highoaks Talent Kimo 3 ET VG85 9997kg 4.13% 3.05% Painley Geno Kimo 81 PI VG89 1 02/03 9173 3.40 3.04 305 3 04/04 12195 3.05 3.07 305 5 07/09 5005 4.18 3.17 143
2 03/03 10487 3.39 3.13 305 4 06/03 8333 4.07 2.79 206
25 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702047, PLI+£208, Born 22.02.16
Sire: SAHARA BALOO Ortongrange Million Bunny 0112439119 VG88............................................ by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Kizzy Bunny 0111236608 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Ortongrange Jordan Bunny 0110841206 GP81........................................................... by Roylane Jordan LC 05.05.19 AI’d 09.08.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE BALOO BUNNY VG86(3YR) 3gensVG 1 02/02 9722 3.83 3.34 305 2 03/03 7430 4.24 2.87 SM 42.6kg Lcc45 Acc44
Ortongrange Million Bunny VG88 2gensVG 1 01/10 7047 4.32 3.24 305 2 02/11 10733 3.85 3.21 305 3 04/03 9987 3.96 3.17 305 4 05/05 12304 3.77 3.24 279 5 06/04 2332 3.67 3.24 57 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Bunny VG85(3YR) 7721kg 5.53% 3.34% Ortongrange Kizzy Bunny VG88 1 02/01 8140 4.09 3.64 305 3 04/04 8977 3.96 3.47 284 5 06/04 8894 4.80 3.26 305 7 08/10 7122 5.13 3.36 302 9 10/09 4871 5.01 3.36 224 Ortongrange Jordan Bunny GP81 1 02/01 6769 3.73 3.42 305
2 03/03 9623 4.47 3.50 305 4 05/03 8209 4.32 3.34 305 6 07/06 8125 4.91 3.46 305 8 09/09 6103 4.45 3.56 297
2 03/03 3964 4.55 3.16 132
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702054, PLI+£119, Born 09.03.16
Sire: PG SUPERPOLL Ortongrange Roy Sunburst Red 0112197221 VG86....................................... by Ortongrange Roy Red Ortongrange Raid Sunburst Red 0111797207 GP83........................... by Buckhorn-Acres Raid - Red Butlersarms September Sunburst Red 15 0111415808 GP84............... by Pursuit September Storm LC 10.06.19 AI’d 23.10.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438
ORTONGRANGE SUPERPOLL SUNBURST RED VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/02 7525 4.33 3.59 305 2 03/04 4771 4.58 3.15 137 SM 28.2kg Lcc59 Acc34 Ortongrange Roy Sunburst Red VG86 1 02/03 5071 4.43 3.31 293 3 04/03 6462 5.14 3.30 305 5 06/06 11095 4.00 3.21 305
2 03/03 6315 4.56 3.29 305 4 05/04 8138 4.15 3.37 305
Ortongrange Raid Sunburst Red GP83 1 02/01 6101 5.10 3.45 305 3 04/08 4711 5.48 3.23 161
2 03/01 6556 5.22 3.52 305
Butlersarms September Sunburst Red 15 GP84 1 02/00 7888 4.36 3.30 305 3 04/05 9546 4.47 3.17 305 5 06/09 3917 4.47 2.98 104
2 03/01 10869 3.83 3.34 305 4 05/08 11613 4.65 3.11 305
26 LOT
Daughter of Lot 205
219 ORTONGRANGE BANKROLL PLEDGE 01101236402058 VG87(3YR) 2gensVG Line.58
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d.
UK101236402058, PLI+£350, Born 18.03.16
Sire: CRASDALE BANKROLL Ortongrange Supersire Pledge 01101236401708 VG85(3YR).................... by Seagull-Bay Supersire Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET 0112000807 Long-Langs Oman Oman Alh Polly ET 63000445715448 EX92 LP50 30*.......................................................... by Hartline Titanic Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET 65000132816010 EX95-2E GMD DOM........ by Comestar Outside Windy-Knoll-View Promis PI ET 6518049401 EX95 -2E GMD Startmore Rudolph Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala PI 6512236320 EX94-3E DOM............................. by Quality Ultimate Windy-Knoll-View Creek Pauline PI 6510500427 VG88...................... by Creek-Bluff Elevation Lester LC 21.05.19 AI’d 24.08.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE BANKROLL PLEDGE VG87(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/01 9473 4.13 3.46 305 2 03/03 5916 4.43 3.32 157 SM 33.8kg Lcc66 Acc46 Ortongrange Supersire Pledge VG85(3YR) 1 01/11 7193 4.60 3.20 305 2 02/11 10575 4.02 3.27 305 3 04/00 12941 3.70 3.13 278 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Manuel Pledge VG86(2YR) 14839kg 3.70% 3.12% • Ortongrange Shottle Pledge VG85(2YR) 9591kg 3.53% 3.01% Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET GP82 1 02/03 10738 3.81 3.04 305 2 03/04 10865 3.77 3.17 305 3 04/05 11797 4.12 2.95 305 4 05/08 11413 4.10 2.97 305 5 06/10 11243 3.78 3.01 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Absolute Polly Pursuit ET EX94-2E 14519kg 5.25% 2.84% • Shawdale Damion Pledge 2 ET EX94-4E 15323kg 3.17% 3.18% • Shawdale Damion Pledge ET EX93-3E 13745kg 2.85% 3.13% • Holmland Lavanguard Pledge ET EX92 12878kg 3.52% 3.07% • Cracking Damion Polly ET EX92 9939kg 4.33% 3.24% • Holmland Lauthority Pledge ET EX91 9629kg 4.15% 3.24% • Holmland Damion Pledge ET EX90 11936kg 3.22% 3.15% • Leagh Mom Princess ET VG85 9765kg 3.60% 3.21% And 28 other VG sisters Alh Polly ET EX92 LP50 30* 1 02/08 10363 5.21 3.47 305 2 04/04 11038 3.44 3.24 305 3 06/01 12071 4.72 3.19 305 4 08/09 5157 3.86 2.81 98 • One of the best brood cows the UK has ever seen • Maternal sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Panini EX92 14475kg 3.6% 2.9% • Grand Champion Pennsylvania Spring Holstein Show 2012 • 1st 4-Yr-Old & Best Bred & Owned of Show - New York Spring Show 2012 • Windy-Knoll-View Program EX92-2E 14045kg 4.3% 3.1% • Windy-Knoll-View Prairie ET EX92 17309kg 3.70% 3.10% • Windy-Knoll-View Permit EX92 14690kg 3.7% 3.2% • Smiddiehill Goldwyn Pledge ET VG87 13537kg 3.49% 3.11% • sold for 50,000gns Smiddiehill Sale • And to 10 other Excellent or Very Good sisters
3.d. of Lot 219
4.d. of Lot 219
28 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 268
220 ORTONGRANGE GOODWHONE KIMO 01101236602060 VG86(3YR) Line.60
UK101236602060, PLI+£167, Born 19.03.16
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
Sire: TW GOODWHONE Ortongrange Million Kimo 0112448973 GP82............................................. by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET 0111864908 EX91-2E.............................................. by Picston Shottle Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 0111319731 VG89............................................ by Regancrest-Mr Samuelo Painley Geno Kimo 81 PI 0110509679 VG89...................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Painley Dustman Kimo 37 PI 0109788910 VG87 SP Painley Dustman Painley Jabot Kimo 14 PI ET 0108888712 VG87 SP LP70 RM......................... by Delta Cleitus Jabot Primsland Inspiration Kimo PI ET 1200090278 EX90 SP RM62*............. by Hanoverhill Inspiration Calbrett Starbuck Kindle PI 6404471952 Hanoverhill Starbuck Calbrett Enhancer Kandi PI 6403997222 Glenafton Enhancer Beaucoise Tempo Kimo PI 6403573891 EX............................................................. by Roybrook Tempo LC 03.12.18 AI’d 08.04.19 to DE-SU HARTLEY 003130010739 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE GOODWHONE KIMO VG86(3YR) 1 02/09 9301 4.16 3.44 305
SM 25.4kg Lcc92 Acc58
Ortongrange Million Kimo GP82 1 02/00 7068 3.86 3.06 298 2 02/11 8385 3.87 3.02 305 3 04/00 5739 3.89 2.77 154 • Maternal Sister to: • Woodcatt Seaver Kimo VG85(2YR) 9690kg 3.22% 3.06% Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET EX91-2E 1 02/00 7730 3.93 3.15 305 3 04/07 13436 4.30 3.11 305 5 06/09 15494 3.75 3.13 305
2 03/00 11131 4.01 3.29 305 4 05/08 11999 4.10 3.26 305 6 08/02 13471 4.01 3.03 305
Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 VG89 1 02/01 7998 4.44 3.70 305 2 03/10 10956 4.24 3.42 297 3 04/09 9235 4.62 3.44 305 4 06/04 2726 4.92 3.08 93 • Maternal Sister to: • Highoaks Talent Kimo 4 ET EX93-3E 9020kg 3.12% 3.13% • Highoaks Talent Kimo 3 ET VG85 9997kg 4.13% 3.05%
Her Heifer Calf
UK101236502472, PLI+£405, Born 03.12.18
Accountancy practice specialising in farming and rural family owned businesses.
Pleased to support Messrs J A Martin
Call 016975 08925 Lindsay Marrs on 07786 080452, Paul Benson on 07946 236291, Office: The Mill, Station Road, Wigton, CA7 9BA
30 LOT
Dam of Lot 322, Maternal Sister to Lots 260 & 352
221 ORTONGRANGE SUPERPOLL DANCER P 01101236302064 GP83 Line.64
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236302064, PLI+£348, Born 27.03.16
Sire: PG SUPERPOLL Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET 0112439697 Flevo Genetics Snowman Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc 6408360689 VG88 1* Braedale Goldwyn Marktwain Lee Diana Vrc 6410576178 Comestar Lee Marktwain Charles Dixie BKC VRC 6406661558 Boulet Charles Marktwain Yolanda - Red BKC VRC 6404692303 Surinam Treasure Red Marktwain Tt Yvonne PI 6404355554 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red LC 11.07.19 AI’d 23.10.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438
ORTONGRANGE SUPERPOLL DANCER P GP83 1 02/05 5920 4.28 3.66 284 2 03/04 3919 2.69 3.35 106 SM 33.2kg Lcc181 Acc76 • Maternal Sister to: • Howend La Bron Christmas Dancer Red 83 ET VG86 8237kg 4.3% 3.44% • Howend La Bron Dance VG86 8668kg 5.21% 3.31% Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET EX91 6gensVG/EX 1 02/01 7704 4.51 3.12 305 2 03/01 9516 4.28 3.16 305 3 04/07 10390 4.87 3.15 305 4 05/09 12756 4.40 3.07 285 • Maternal Sister to: • Derrymore Snowman Jolly Red ET VG88(3YR) 9177kg 3.62% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snow Dancer Red ET VG87 17200kg 3.98% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snowman Dancer ET VG85(2YR) 11460kg 3.73% 3.12% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET VRC VG88 1* 1 02/02 8132 4.40 3.30 305 2 03/08 14864 4.10 3.20 305 Nominated Global Impact Red & White Cow 2012 Four sons in AI • Full sister to: • Stoneden Fools Gold Red VG88 4* 19918kg 3.90% 2.90% Nominated Red & White Global impact cow 2011 Over 50ton in two lactations 1st Int. Calf Tri County Show 2007 Marktwain Lee Diana VRC VG85 2* 1 02/03 6881 3.68 2.96 305 3 04/10 5860 3.87 2.92 226
2 03/06 7768 3.72 2.97 305 4 05/09 3595 3.95 2.81 168
STONEDEN FOOLS GOLD RED ET VG88 Maternal sister to g.d. of Lot 221
32 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302078, PLI+£141, Born 28.04.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE PRIVATE DANCER Ortongrange Man Of War Wheatear 0112561459 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 0111349066................................................................. by Picston Shottle Abloads Leader Wheatear 2 0109941417 Comestar Leader LC 07.01.19 AI’d 19.04.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE DANCER WHEATEAR 1 02/09 8071 4.05 3.59
SM 23.4kg Lcc33 Acc28
Ortongrange Man Of War Wheatear GP81 1 02/05 6721 5.09 3.28 305 3 04/11 1921 5.86 3.46 45
2 03/09 8109 5.39 3.59 305
Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 1 02/02 6777 4.44 3.58 305 3 04/04 8542 4.53 3.22 305 5 06/04 4943 4.64 3.23 113
2 03/05 8871 4.08 3.44 295 4 05/05 9377 4.13 3.22 296
Abloads Leader Wheatear 2 F74 1 03/00 8513 4.33 3.34 305 3 05/01 10184 4.00 3.45 305 5 07/04 9598 4.52 3.33 295
2 04/01 9282 4.31 3.46 305 4 06/02 10219 4.69 3.45 305
33 LOT
UK101236301042, PLI+£136, Born 07.01.10
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: GLEN-VALLEY BW CAPTAIN Ortongrange Kizzy Agnes Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Ortongrange Outside Agnes 0110837243 G76....................................................... by Comestar Outside Maytown Ice Agnes 0109579654 VG88 Ro-Dene Aero Fenella Ice LC 15.12.18 AI’d 30.04.19 to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168. PD+
ORTONGRANGE CAPTAIN AGNES VG85 1 02/00 6992 4.79 3.47 305 3 04/03 7395 5.30 3.62 305 5 06/08 7892 5.45 3.61 305 7 08/11 10481 5.26 3.45 305
2 03/01 8463 5.49 3.60 305 4 05/07 8141 5.66 3.56 305 6 07/08 7350 5.34 3.80 305 SM 22.4kg Lcc115 Acc75
Ortongrange Kizzy Agnes 1 02/01 8226 3.99 3.35 305 3 04/04 12166 4.02 3.10 303
2 03/03 11296 4.27 3.13 305 4 05/02 2390 4.79 3.36 83
Ortongrange Outside Agnes G76 1 02/00 6812 4.09 3.14 305
2 03/02 5412 4.36 2.63 140
Maytown Ice Agnes VG88 SP 1 02/09 7532 4.00 3.24 305 3 05/01 11243 4.09 3.24 305 5 07/04 10325 4.15 3.14 305
2 03/11 10381 3.87 3.29 305 4 06/02 9274 4.26 2.95 305
Her Heifer Calf
UK101236102475, PLI+£133, Born 15.12.18
34 LOT
224 ORTONGRANGE ARTIST MITZY RED 2 01101236602102 VG85(3YR) 2gensVG Line.102
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602102, PLI+£155, Born 22.06.16
Sire: RIVERDANE ARTIST RED Ortongrange Destry Mitzy 0112271633 VG85............................................................. by Scientific Destry Middle Mitzy Beckham 0304114373 Baileys Cd Beckham Red Middle Mitzy Km 3 0305900197 EX91......................................................... by Ketby M E Milestone Red LC 21.08.19 AI’d 21.10.19 to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE ARTIST MITZY RED 2 VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/02 6936 5.10 3.98 305 2 03/02 2266 3.91 3.23 SM 31.5kg Lcc34 Acc35
Ortongrange Destry Mitzy VG85 1 02/02 4921 5.28 3.62 303 2 03/02 5889 5.52 3.40 290 3 04/01 4936 5.09 3.65 303 4 05/01 6862 5.65 3.59 305 5 06/03 10679 5.21 3.71 305 6 07/02 1675 4.68 3.45 50 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kimo Mitzy Red VG86 9946kg 5.22% 3.27% • Middle Mitzy Beckham G78 Middle Mitzy Km 3 EX91 1 02/02 5978 4.81 3.22 305 3 11/00 10858 4.83 3.16 305
2 09/03 10816 4.74 3.23 305
225 ORTONGRANGE RACER GENEVE 01101236702103 VG85(3YR) 2gensVG Line.103
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236702103, PLI+£232, Born 22.06.16
Sire: CLEAR-ECHO LEXOR RACER Ortongrange Design Geneve 0112470120 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Fc Geneve 0111630490 Gillette Final Cut Starcross Shottle Geneve 0110987237 VG85............................................................... by Picston Shottle Starcross Progress Geneve 0110324639 Duncan Progress LC 03.07.19 AI’d 24.10.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE RACER GENEVE VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/01 8527 3.98 3.49 305 2 03/01 4661 3.62 3.32 114 SM 32.3kg Lcc42 Acc43 Ortongrange Design Geneve VG85 1 02/00 5358 4.38 3.22 305 3 04/03 6669 4.36 3.35 305
2 03/00 6546 4.47 3.27 305
Ortongrange Fc Geneve GP82 1 02/01 7303 4.38 3.48 305 3 04/05 7176 5.04 3.24 227
2 03/01 8246 4.85 3.29 305
Starcross Shottle Geneve VG85 1 02/04 7871 4.51 3.11 305 2 03/06 10424 4.33 3.36 305 3 04/08 10701 4.58 3.32 305 4 06/06 4830 3.96 3.05 161 • Maternal Sister to: • Starcross Granite Geneve VG88 10491kg 3.50% 3.29%
35 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102104, PLI+£140, Born 28.06.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Captain Flirt 3 01101236301742............................................... by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Design Flirt 0111412716 Regancrest Design Lipleyhall Convincer Flirt PI 0110059204 G75......................................................... by Wa-Del Convincer LC 19.08.19
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE FLIRT GP82 1 02/02 7983 4.73 3.79 305 SM 39.7kg Lcc27 Acc64
2 03/02 2600 4.34 3.36 67
Ortongrange Captain Flirt 3 1 02/00 5652 4.72 3.69 305 2 03/03 7775 5.01 3.77 305 3 04/09 6349 4.56 3.39 180 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Flirt VG87 7266kg 4.90% 3.18% • Ortongrange Captain Flirt 2 VG85(3YR) 7955kg 4.25% 3.19% • Ortongrange Trump Flirt VG85(3YR) 9423kg 4.04% 3.10% Ortongrange Design Flirt EX91-3E 1 02/01 7121 4.56 3.46 305 3 04/02 8569 5.11 3.36 305 5 06/07 10182 5.20 3.46 305 7 09/05 8426 5.19 3.29 305 Lipleyhall Convincer Flirt PI G75 1 02/09 2373 4.45 3.66 110 3 04/05 10727 4.48 3.48 305 5 07/01 7978 4.75 3.12 184
2 03/02 10010 5.19 3.42 305 4 05/04 10817 5.41 3.28 305 6 08/01 10687 5.70 3.23 305 8 10/08 6119 3.64 3.24 136 2 03/02 10317 4.84 3.38 305 4 06/02 13637 4.62 3.40 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402107, PLI+£119, Born 07.07.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Mincio Geraldine 01101236601738 Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Design Geraldine 0111432805 Regancrest Design Longlane Journal Geraldine 0110232429 GP84.................................................... by Riverdane Journal LC 31.08.19
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE GERALDINE GP84 1 02/01 8566 3.77 3.29 305 SM 39.2kg Lcc76 Acc80 Ortongrange Mincio Geraldine GP83 1 02/01 5481 4.62 3.23 288 3 04/01 13917 3.82 3.14 305
2 03/02 2091 3.97 3.17
2 03/00 9291 4.73 3.17 305 4 05/02 457 3.22 3.43 20
Ortongrange Design Geraldine GP83 1 02/00 5746 4.39 3.37 305 3 04/06 8361 4.00 3.09 300 5 06/06 7753 4.61 3.14 305 7 08/07 6196 4.86 3.13 305
2 03/06 8381 4.12 3.14 305 4 05/06 9260 4.58 3.13 305 6 07/08 5990 4.51 3.18 291
Longlane Journal Geraldine GP84 1 02/01 7715 3.78 3.15 305 3 04/02 8743 3.28 2.91 305 5 06/04 4203 4.00 2.62 129
2 03/02 8936 3.61 2.95 305 4 05/04 9350 3.59 2.86 305
36 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102111, PLI +£66, Born 17.07.16
Sire: COGENT AZURE Ortongrange Fever Surefine 0101963235 F71 Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Paul Surefine 0101880676 GP80 ........................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Shottle Surefine PI Moroville Mascot Brock LC 01.08.18 AI’d 18.04.19 to BRITISH BLUE. PD+
ORTONGRANGE AZURE SUREFINE GP80 1 02/01 7450 3.43 3.12 305 SM 21.8kg Lcc62 Acc45
2 02/01 7450 3.43 3.12 305
Ortongrange Fever Surefine F71 1 01/10 7888 3.64 3.02 302 2 02/10 10172 3.56 2.78 305 3 04/02 7141 3.95 2.84 239 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Mincio Surefine VG86(3YR) 9871kg 4.46% 3.31% • Ortongrange Goldfish Surefine VG85 12764kg 4.37% 3.31% Ortongrange Paul Surefine GP80 1 02/01 8084 4.21 3.07 305 3 04/01 9831 4.18 3.20 305 5 06/07 10586 4.30 3.25 301 7 08/07 10920 4.11 3.09 305 Ortongrange Shottle Surefine PI 1 02/04 963 4.71 2.95
2 03/01 9362 4.03 3.38 305 4 05/03 11885 4.27 3.23 305 6 07/07 9157 4.52 3.08 305 8 09/11 3287 4.81 2.47 91
Over 9.5 MILLION COWS across 60 COUNTRIES were mated with WMS in the last year!
Experience the Difference.
Improve Profitability: with emphasis on economically important traits that are scientifically linked to longevity. Manage Risk: the WMS system will avoid haplotype and carrier matings critical to animal health and farm profitability. Maximise Your Genetic Investment: create customised indexes and use sire selection tools to select bulls best suited to make maximum genetic progress in your herd. Embrace Technology: incorporation of female genomic data allows producers to use the most relevant information in their breeding decisions.
Make the Best Use of Your Time: Our experienced WMS consultants are committed to producing an accurate genetic programme for your herd, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. The HerdMaxx option of WMS enhances the mating process for commercial herds focused on limiting inbreeding and recessive traits.
WWS congratulates Richard Martin and his Ortongrange herd on his exceptional breeding achievements & thank him for his continued support. WORLD WIDE SIRES ®
Unit 29 Evans Business Centre • North Road • Ellesmere Port • CH65 1AE Tel: 0151 348 8966 • Email: • Web address:
1019_WMS Ad_A5.indd 1
10/22/19 3:10 PM
38 LOT
229 STARLET BEEMER ALEXIS 01723383300106 VG87(3YR) 5gensVG/EX Line.10
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK723383300106, PLI+£164, Born 29.07.16
Sire: POL BUTTE MC BEEMER Starlet Oak Ayana ET 01723383300064 VG88(2YR) Pine-Tree Altaoak Ortongrange Snowman Alysia ET 0112248783 Flevo Genetics Snowman Comestar Alysia Goldwyn 64000103975045 Braedale Goldwyn Stanlee Storm Allison 6409024643 EX94................................................................................. by M Storm LC 09.08.19
STARLET BEEMER ALEXIS VG87(3YR) 5gensVG/EX 1 02/00 7897 4.22 3.36 305 SM 32.4kg Lcc255 Acc234 Has been flushed & embryos retained by the vendor • Maternal Sister to: • Starlet High Ayana ET VG85
2 03/01 2200 3.83 2.86 77
Starlet Oak Ayana ET VG88(2YR) 4gensVG/EX 1 02/03 8400 4.13 3.25 257 2 03/01 9422 4.22 3.32 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Wiltor Doorman Alysia ET VG88(3YR) 9299kg 3.97% 3.31% – sold for 2400gns Passion for Pedigree Sale 2016 (as a 5 month old calf) • Starlet McCutchen Alison ET VG88(3YR) 13875kg 3.54% 3.33% • Starlet Oak Ally ET VG87 12948kg 4.23% 3.29% – Grand Champion Monmouthshire Show 2016 • Wiltor Bradnick Alysia VG85(2YR) 9253kg 4.06% 3.20% • Starlet Oak Alysia ET VG85(2YR) 8338kg 3.78% 3.18% Ortongrange Snowman Alysia ET EX94-2E 1 02/04 10261 4.13 3.28 305 2 04/00 8169 3.67 2.93 236 3 04/11 14400 4.88 3.11 305 4 06/05 12213 6.49 3.25 305 • Grand Champion Balmoral Spring Show 2017 • Sold for 10,000gns Passion for Pedigree Sale 2016 • All Britain Jnr 2yr 2014 • 1st Jnr 2yr & Super Heifer Agriscot 2014 • 3rd Jnr 2yr UK Dairy Day 2014 • 2nd Jnr 2yr Royal Welsh Show 2014 • Full sister to: • Comestar Alysian Snowman VG85 3YR 14094kg 4.2% 3.1% • Maternal sister to: • Comestar Alya Windbrook EX91-2E 11057kg 4.0% 3.6% Comestar Alysia Goldwyn EX94 1 02/02 12893 5.10 3.60 305 2 03/10 11200 4.40 3.40 305 • Maternal sister to: • Comestar Altesse Skychief VG89 3yr 1* 10867kg 4.3% 3.3% • Comestar Allisonia Jasper VG88 12759kg 4.7% 3.3% • 1st Jnr. 2yr Victoriaville & Three Rivers 2011 • 2nd Jnr. 2yr Convention Show 2011 • Hon. Mention Intermediate Champion Convention Show 2011 • Comestar Alexa Goldwyn VG86 17406kg 5.9% 3.1% • 3rd 4yr Becancour Show 2011 • And to 4 other Very Goods
g.d. of Lot 229
4.d. of Lot 229
40 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 272
230 ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN EVELYN 01101236302113 VG85(3YR) Line.113
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302113, PLI+£146, Born 29.07.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Ortongrange Always Evelyn 01101236601668 GP84...................... by Ortongrange Why Always Him Ortongrange Ross Evelyn Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Kizzy Evelyn 3 0111273475 VG85(3YR) Ortongrange Bert Kizzy LC 01.09.19
ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN EVELYN VG85(3YR) 1 02/00 12246 3.16 2.94 305 SM 45.8kg Lcc44 Acc91
2 03/02 2351 3.26 2.99 54
Ortongrange Always Evelyn GP84 1 02/06 6724 4.12 3.37 305 3 04/09 1049 4.24 2.84 34
2 03/06 8221 4.69 3.46 305
Ortongrange Ross Evelyn 1 02/04 5571 3.47 2.88 201 Ortongrange Kizzy Evelyn 3 VG85(3YR) 1 02/02 9507 3.91 3.18 305 3 04/08 11435 4.02 2.89 305
2 03/02 11931 4.01 3.13 305
Minihan McAlister Agricultural and Property Solicitors
Agricultural Tenancies Land Development Farm Sales & Purchases Business Structures Wills & Estate Planning Renewable Energy Schemes Specialist Rural Advice Commercial Leases
Warwick Mill Business Centre Warwick Bridge Carlisle CA4 8RR
Tel: 01228 217218
Minihan McAlister is a trading name of Minihan McAlister Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (08627194) Minihan McAlister Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regula�on Authority (599169)
42 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 285
231 ORTONGRANGE MISSILE ROSE 01101236102118 G79
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236102118, PLI+£214, Born 11.08.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Mozygus Rose P Red ET 01101236101726 VG85(3YR) S-S-I Sl Mozygus-Pp-Red Ortongrange Debonair Rosie Red ET 0112260684 GP84......................... by Scientific Debonair-Red Rosedale Adventaeous Red ET 65000137646045 Khw Kite Advent Red Lavender Ruby Redrose PI 6407254370 EX96-2E Stbvq Rubens Northrose-I Lavender PI ET Rdc 6410525323 EX90 5* Startmore Rudolph Rosedale Lea-Ann PI ET Rdc 6515785985 EX93-2E GMD...................................... by Kinglea Leader Stookey Elm Park Blackrose PI ET 6514085789 EX96-3E GMD DOM 7*............... by To-Mar Blackstar Nandette Tt Speckle Red PI 6509993291 EX93 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red Nandette Riley Nana Red PI 6509465813 Life-O-Riley Marquis King Nandette Bootmaker Gale PI 6508094681 VG89............................................. by Paclamar Bootmaker LC 03.08.18 AI’d 01.04.19 to S-S-I BANDARES BRAVO 003136807631. PD+
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE ROSE G79 1 02/00 10603 4.55 3.20
SM 27.2kg Lcc20 Acc23
Ortongrange Mozygus Rose P Red ET VG85(3YR) 1 02/03 6700 3.75 3.19 305 2 03/06 10511 3.28 3.16 305 3 04/06 12737 3.65 3.19 302 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Dancer Black Rose VG87(3YR) 10079kg 4.13% 3.50% Ortongrange Debonair Rosie Red ET GP84 1 02/02 9336 4.34 3.37 305 2 04/00 10284 4.01 3.32 305 3 05/06 9718 4.95 3.24 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Riverdane Gold Adventageous ET EX92-3E 12816kg 4.37% 3.10% • Riverdane Outrageous Red ET VG86(2YR) 11862kg 3.55% 3.16% Rosedale Advanteous Red EX92 8gensVG/EX 1 02/02 12319 4.20 3.20 365 2 03/06 14274 4.30 3.30 Sold for $130,000 World Classic 2007 • Maternal Sister to: • Rosedale Black Ruby EX91 10678kg 4.40% 3.30% • Miss Ruby Lee Tuesday EX90 13607kg 4.00% 3.50% • Rosedale-L Trudy-Red ET EX90 12664kg 4.30% 3.40% • Riverdane Rose VG89 12871kg 3.42% 3.29% Sold for $255,000 Global Glamour Sale 2008 • Rosedale-L SS Rose Red ET VG87 13123kg 3.50% 3.20% Sold for $50,000 World Classic 2004 Lavender Ruby Redrose PI EX96-4E EX92-MS 1 02/03 9681 3.20 3.40 305 3 05/04 16075 4.10 3.50 305 5 10/03 15935 4.9 3.4 305 • Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2007 • Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2005 • All American 5yr Red & White 2005 • 1st Jnr. 2yr World Dairy Expo 2002
2 04/00 17350 3.50 3.50 305 4 07/04 20334 4.90 3.40 305
3.d. of Lot 231
4.d. of Lot 231
44 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lots 205 & 211
232 ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE PLEDGE 01101236302120 VG85(2YR) Line.120
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236302120, PLI+£192, Born 21.08.16
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET 0112000807 Long-Langs Oman Oman Alh Polly ET 63000445715448 EX92 LP50 30*.......................................................... by Hartline Titanic Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET 65000132816010 EX95-2................................ by Comestar Outside Windy-Knoll-View Promis PI ET 6518049401 Startmore Rudolph Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala PI 6512236320 EX94.............................................. by Quality Ultimate Windy-Knoll-View Creek Pauline PI 6510500427 VG88...................... by Creek-Bluff Elevation Lester LC 27.08.19
ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE PLEDGE VG85(2YR) 1 02/01 9591 3.53 3.01 305 2 03/01 1929 3.55 2.77 59 SM 31.7kg Lcc8 Acc12 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Supersire Pledge VG85 12941kg 3.7% 3.13% • Ortongrange Manuel Pledge VG86 14839kg 3.7% 3.12% Ortongrange Mano Pledge ET GP82 1 02/03 10738 3.81 3.04 305 2 03/04 10865 3.77 3.17 305 3 04/05 11797 4.12 2.95 305 4 05/08 11413 4.10 2.97 305 5 06/10 11243 3.78 3.01 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Shawdale Damion Pledge 2 ET EX94-4E 15323kg 3.17% 3.18% • Absolute Polly Pursuit ET EX94-2E 14519kg 5.25% 2.84% • Shawdale Damion Pledge ET EX93-3E 13745kg 2.85% 3.13% • Cracking Damion Polly ET EX92 9939kg 4.33% 3.24% • Holmland Lavanguard Pledge ET EX92 12878kg 3.52% 3.07% • Holmland Lauthority Pledge ET EX91 9629kg 4.15% 3.24% • Holmland Damion Pledge ET EX90 11936kg 3.22% 3.15% And 29 other VG sisters ALH Polly EX92 30* LP50 1 02/08 10363 5.21 3.47 305 2 04/04 11038 3.44 3.24 305 3 06/01 12071 4.72 3.19 305 • One of the best brood cows the UK has ever seen • Dam of over 50 Excellent or Very Goods • Maternal sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Panini EX92 14475kg 3.6% 2.9% •- Grand Champion Pennsylvania Spring Holstein Show 2012 •- 1st 4-Yr-Old & Best Bred & Owned of Show - New York Spring Show 2012 • Windy-Knoll-View Program EX92-2E 14045kg 4.3% 3.1% • Windy-Knoll-View Prairie ET EX92 17309kg 3.70% 3.10% • Windy-Knoll-View Permit EX92 14690kg 3.7% 3.2% • Smiddiehill Goldwyn Pledge ET VG87 13537kg 3.49% 3.11% - sold for 50,000gns Smiddiehill Sale • And to 10 other Excellent or Very Good sisters Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET EX95-2E GMD DOM 1 02/01 11689 3.90 3.30 305 2 04/01 15844 3.80 3.15 305 3 06/00 15317 3.90 3.20 305 4 08/00 14437 4.10 3.20 305 • Nominated All-American 125,000 Cow 2011, 2009 & 2008 • Member of All-American Nominated Best 3 Females 2011 • Member of All-American Nominated Produce of Dam 2011 • Unanimous All-American 5-Yr Old 2007 • 1st 5yr World Dairy Expo 2007 • Lifetime yield 86 Tons • Maternal Sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Pammy ET EX95-2E 13481kg 4.54% 3.24% Grand Champion 2011 Pennsylvania Spring Show • Windy-Knoll-View Policy ET EX93-3E DOM 17981kg 6.00% 3.40% • Windy-Knoll View Prom PI EX92 10936kg 4.20% 3.20% • And full sister proven sires: • Windy-Knoll-View Pronto EX95 @Select Sires • Windy-Knoll-View Power EX96 @ Foundation • Windy-Knoll-View Promote EX92 @ Taurus
3.d. of Lot 232
46 LOT
Dam of Lot 330
233 ORTONGRANGE ARTIST AMY RED 01101236402121 GP81
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402121, PLI+£171, Born 22.08.16
Sire: RIVERDANE ARTIST RED Ortongrange Raid Amy Red 0111927353 VG87.................................... by Buckhorn-Acres Raid - Red Ortongrange Dist Amy Red 0111146924 EX90.......................................... by Carrousel Distrigene Red Firdale Jordan Amy Red 0110742799 G76............................................................. by Ja-Bob Jordan Red LC 04.10.18 Due soon to S-S-I BANDARES BRAVO 003136807631
ORTONGRANGE ARTIST AMY RED GP81 1 02/02 10323 4.71 3.27 305 Acc30 Dry • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Apple May Red EX92-3E 8705kg 4.03% 3.37% Ortongrange Raid Amy Red VG87 2gensVG/EX 1 02/00 6360 4.65 3.40 291 3 04/00 8575 5.06 3.58 295 5 06/00 7553 4.93 3.46 305 Ortongrange Dist Amy Red EX90 1 02/02 6282 5.47 3.67 291 3 04/02 4498 5.40 3.05 95 Firdale Jordan Amy Red G76 1 02/03 6228 5.06 3.60 303
2 03/00 7318 4.67 3.58 305 4 05/00 7814 4.82 3.49 305 6 07/03 2723 4.33 2.93 99 2 03/01 8580 4.69 3.59 305
2 03/03 823 4.07 3.45 42
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502122, PLI+£314, Born 24.08.16
Sire: CLEAR-ECHO LEXOR RACER Ortongrange Hotshot Annabell 0111553033 VG85(3YR)..................................... by Howend Hot Shot Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell 0111164932 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Parkley Nellson Annabell 0110162875 F68................................................ by Parkley Storming Nellson LC 04.10.18 AI’d 03.04.19 to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168. PD+
ORTONGRANGE RACER ANNABELL GP83 1 02/02 10204 4.22 3.44 305
SM 25.7kg Lcc46 Acc25
Ortongrange Hotshot Annabell VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/04 9242 4.29 3.11 305 2 03/04 9994 4.18 2.93 305 3 04/06 11175 4.51 3.02 305 4 05/06 10803 3.90 3.02 305 5 06/10 11815 4.43 3.01 305 6 07/11 9930 4.12 3.05 305 7 09/00 6705 4.82 3.29 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Ross Annabell EX91-2E 10697kg 4.66% 3.35% • Ortongrange Design Annabell VG85 8819kg 4.01% 3.22% Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell VG88 1 02/02 7496 4.02 3.57 305 3 04/06 10039 4.16 3.45 305 Parkley Nellson Annabell F68 1 02/00 5950 4.49 3.39 305 3 04/04 9233 4.35 3.46 305 5 06/05 3307 3.64 3.36 143
2 03/04 9658 4.41 3.40 305 4 05/08 9173 5.14 3.28 305 2 03/03 7217 4.60 3.45 305 4 05/04 8210 4.40 3.35 305
47 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 332
235 ORTONGRANGE MCCORMICK CHARLOTTE 01101236302127 GP84 Line.127
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302127, PLI+£187, Born 02.09.16
Sire: GRAN-J OMAN MCCORMICK Ortongrange Kimo Charlotte 0112121007 VG85............................................ by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Marvo Charlotte 0111212529 VG86(3YR)................................................ by Tallent Marvo Parkley Nellson Charlotte 0110152788 GP84............................................. by Parkley Storming Nellson LC 04.05.19 AI’d 04.09.19 to S-S-I BANDARES BRAVO 003136807631. PD+
ORTONGRANGE MCCORMICK CHARLOTTE GP84 1 02/08 4141 4.11 3.58 174 SM 22.6kg Lcc96 Acc137 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Mascalese Charlotte VG85 8772kg 4.74% 3.48% Ortongrange Kimo Charlotte VG85 2gensVG 1 02/00 6926 4.51 3.24 305 3 04/00 4954 4.79 3.58 305 5 06/02 6393 4.69 3.23 273 Ortongrange Marvo Charlotte VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 7073 4.54 3.49 305 Parkley Nellson Charlotte GP84 1 01/10 5634 3.85 3.39 305 3 04/06 7956 4.27 3.62 305 5 06/09 5286 4.27 3.19 165
2 03/00 6671 4.81 3.49 305 4 05/01 5847 4.80 3.48 305
2 03/01 9169 4.63 3.33 305 2 03/01 7351 4.08 3.36 305 4 05/07 7081 4.33 3.60 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502129, PLI+£112, Born 02.09.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Fever Janlee 01101236601745 Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Sam Janlee 0111851374 VG87.......................................... by Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam Ortongrange Shottle Janlee 0111233962....................................................................... by Picston Shottle Due soon to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168.
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE JANLEE GP82 1 01/11 6866 4.10 3.64 305
Ortongrange Fever Janlee GP84 1 02/02 5769 4.50 3.17 305 2 03/02 8160 4.24 3.16 305 3 04/03 12806 4.26 3.04 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Bookem Janlee VG85(2YR) 14023kg 4.94% 3.54% Ortongrange Sam Janlee VG87 1 02/00 6483 3.93 3.20 305 3 04/04 6398 4.22 3.11 201
2 03/00 8613 4.45 3.26 305
Ortongrange Shottle Janlee 1 02/00 8410 4.38 3.34 305 3 04/04 7079 4.50 3.06 179
2 03/04 9515 4.28 3.06 251
48 LOT
Full Sister to Lot 237, Dam of Lots 333, 334, 335 & 336
236 ORTONGRANGE HONEYBEE R MISSY ET KCBB 01101236702131 GP84 Line.131
UK101236702131, PLI+£400, Born 10.09.16
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d.
Sire: DE-SU SS HONEYBEE 11569 Pine-Tree 1258 Deann 4784 ET 6569804548 VG88............................... by England-Schill Deann 58a Pine-Tree Missy Miranda ET 6561733095 VG86 DOM 3* O-Bee Manfred Justice Wesswood-Hc Rudy Missy ET 65000122797679 EX92-3E GMD Startmore Rudolph Wesswood Elton Mimi PI 6514843211 EX90 GMD DOM................................... by Emprise Bell Elton Wesswood Mandingo Ivy PI 6512991916 Fisher-Place Mandingo Wesswood Astro Matt Ester 118110200 VG87 6YR Higher-View Astro Matt Wesswood Bell Claudette VG87 7YR USA LC 02.11.18 Due soon to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE HONEYBEE R MISSY ET KCBB GP84 1 02/02 8822 4.35 3.65 305 Dry • Has been flushed & embryos retained by the vendor • Maternal Sister to 5 VG’s Pine-Tree 1258 Deann 4784 ET VG88 5gensVG/EX 1 02/04 12624 4.30 3.60 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Mountfield Marsh Maxine ET VG88 6496kg 4.30% 3.36% De-Su 199 ET VG85 11902kg 4.50% 3.60% Pine-Tree Missy Miranda ET VG86 1 02/01 10696 4.30 3.70 305 2 03/08 14052 4.90 3.90 305 3 07/10 12624 4.10 3.40 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Pine-Tree Finley Minnie ET EX90 11848kg 3.50% 3.20% • Pine-Tree Outside Mollie ET EX90 14266kg 4.20% 3.30% • Pine-Tree Finley Missy ET EX90 13685kg 4.10% 3.30% And 7 other VG sisters Wesswood-Hc Rudy Missy ET EX92 1 02/01 11525 4.20 3.30 305 2 03/02 14460 4.10 3.30 305 3 04/11 15871 4.10 3.40 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Wesswood-Hc Dust Mystic PI ET VG86 15658kg 3.80% 3.00%
Her ET Heifer Calf
UK101236702481, PLI+£493, Born 18.01.19
Sire: S-S-I MODESTY MARQUEE Her ET Heifer Calf
UK101236602480, PLI+£588, Born 18.01.19
49 LOT
Full Sister to Lot 236, Dam of Lot 345
UK101236102132, PLI+£470, Born 10.09.16
LC 08.11.18 AI’d 28.03.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894. PD+
ORTONGRANGE HONEYBEE RUDY MISS ET KCBB GP84 1 02/02 10124 3.82 3.80 305 SM24.7kg Lcc37 Acc30 • Has been flushed & embryos retained by the vendor
Her ET Heifer Calf
UK101236102482, PLI+£621, Born 18.01.19
Sire: S-S-I MODESTY MARQUEE Her ET Heifer Calf
UK101236202483, PLI+£500, Born 18.01.19
Sire: S-S-I MODESTY MARQUEE Her ET Heifer Calf
UK101236302484, PLI+£491, Born 22.01.19
Sire: S-S-I MODESTY MARQUEE Her ET Heifer Calf
UK101236502486, PLI+£555, Born 29.01.19
PINE-TREE 1258 DEANN 4784 ET VG88 5GENSVG/EX Dam of Lot 236 & 237
50 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 295
UK101236202133, PLI+£324, Born 16.09.16
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
Sire: RIVERDANE ARTIST RED Ortongrange Lawnboy Molli Red 0112187681 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Ortongrange Molli Princess Red 0111569474 Morwick Prince Regent Red Middle Molli Moe 0304108066 VG86............................................................. by Middle Orangje Elegant Middle Molli Tulip 0305900221 EX90-2E................................................................ by Subliem Tulip Red Morwick Range Molli Red 2 PI ET 0108993156 Horizon Ranger Globelite Mollistar PI ET 6061033553 VG87.............................................................. by To-Mar Blackstar Miss Ron-Nan Enhance Molli-Red PI 6512016893 Glenafton Enhancer C Romandale Count Monica Red PI 6511478781 Romandale Count Crystan Romandale Maximus Monita PI 6402527406 Romandale Maximus Mellow Breeze Giselle PI 6402329634 Don-Augur TT Model LC 27.12.18 AI’d 13.05.19 to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE ARTIST MOLLI RED GP83 1 02/03 7724 4.13 3.56 302
SM 20.1kg Lcc174 Acc112
Ortongrange Lawnboy Molli Red VG87 1 02/01 7208 4.55 3.55 305 3 04/09 9733 5.02 3.49 305
2 03/07 9482 5.22 3.51 305 4 06/00 10860 4.98 3.43 305
Ortongrange Molli Princess Red G78 1 02/01 8404 5.01 3.50 305 3 04/01 7994 4.98 3.57 305
2 03/02 7707 4.98 3.66 287
Her Heifer Calf
UK101236302477, PLI+£229, Born 27.12.18
5.d. of Lot 238
51 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 288
239 ORTONGRANGE MISSILE BETH 01101236702138 VG85(2YR) 2gensVG Line.138
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d.
UK101236702138, PLI+£116, Born 30.09.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Fever Beth 01101236401764 VG85(2YR) Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Touchdown Beth Red 0111792122 Rosedale Touchdown-Red Ortongrange Shadow Beth 0111344378 VG85......................................................... by Howend Shadow Ortongrange Regiment Beth Red 0110924106 EX91-2E......................... by Carrousel Regiment Red Leedham Mario Bethany Red 0110437996 VG85.............................................. by Ron-Nan Mario Red Leedham Bethany Red ET 0109515537 Lay-Out Red Parkhaven Romeo Bethany Red 0108298094 Hanoverhill Romeo Parkhaven Exactor Beth Red 1202087051 VG85................................................. by Dairyworld Exactor Parkhaven Rock Beth Red 1201089321 VG81 Due before sale day
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE BETH VG85(2YR) 2gensVG 1 02/01 9374 3.80 3.34 305
Dry Acc32
Ortongrange Fever Beth VG85(2YR) 1 02/01 6393 3.81 2.84 305 2 03/03 8006 4.63 2.77 293 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Talent Beth VG85 11271kg 4.70% 3.55% Ortongrange Touchdown Beth Red GP83 1 02/02 6883 4.14 2.95 305 3 04/09 8830 4.32 3.04 305 5 07/02 9989 4.37 2.90 305
2 03/02 8937 4.21 3.07 305 4 05/11 7949 4.38 2.95 237 6 08/05 2617 4.38 2.44 56
Ortongrange Shadow Beth VG85 1 02/04 8392 4.27 3.18 305 2 03/04 10132 4.37 3.32 292 3 04/04 10304 4.04 3.16 305 4 05/08 10260 4.01 3.11 305 5 07/04 9784 4.26 2.98 305 6 08/07 7099 4.10 3.21 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Raid Beth Red VG87(3YR) 6845kg 4.41% 3.18% • Ortongrange Aragorn Beth Red VG87(3YR) 9603kg 4.19% 3.25%
240 ORTONGRANGE MISSILE BUTTERFLY 01101236302141 GP82 Line.141
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236302141, PLI+£214, Born 04.10.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Mascalese Butterfly Zani Bolton Mascalese Ortongrange Best Butterfly 0111282776 GP83........................................................ by Hidden-View Best Ortongrange Marker Butterfly 0110928843 G78..................................................... by Southland Marker Bridgemuir Astre Butterfly 1200177663 Duregal Astre Starbuck Bridgemuir Broker Butterfly 1200129305 VG87....................................... by A Conant-Acres Jy Broker Lamington Lancer Butterfly 0107735579 A Tora Matt Lancer LC 03.10.19
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE BUTTERFLY GP82 1 02/00 8863 4.66 3.88 293 SM 38.2kg Lcc14 Acc14
2 02/12 841 4.02 3.03 22
Ortongrange Mascalese Butterfly 1 02/02 6728 4.20 3.42 305 3 04/02 10417 4.34 3.19 228
2 03/02 10412 4.70 3.45 305
Ortongrange Best Butterfly GP83 1 02/00 10044 4.05 3.14 305 3 04/04 9702 4.79 3.27 305 5 07/06 4160 4.38 2.87 108
2 03/03 12134 4.02 3.27 305 4 05/08 11824 4.76 2.99 305
Ortongrange Marker Butterfly G78 1 01/11 9400 3.94 3.08 305 3 04/07 10988 3.36 2.87 305
2 03/06 11520 3.89 3.00 305 4 05/11 7333 3.68 2.88 200
52 LOT
241 ORTONGRANGE ARTIST CRUMMIE RED 01101236602144 VG85(2YR) Line.144
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236602144, PLI+£176, Born 13.10.16
Sire: RIVERDANE ARTIST RED Ortongrange Kimo Crummie Red 0111879086 GP83.................................. by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Rampage Crummie Red 0111499472 G79...................... by Rosedale-L Rampage-Red Middle Crummie Bm 0304107942........................................................................... by Middle Brook Mitzy Middle Crummie 322 Fox-Field Elmprk Reebok Red LC 20.10.18 AI’d 28.05.19 to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168 . PD+
ORTONGRANGE ARTIST CRUMMIE RED VG85(2YR) 1 02/00 9795 4.12 3.16 305 Ortongrange Kimo Crummie Red GP83 1 02/04 7619 4.54 3.35 305 3 04/05 9446 4.42 3.41 302 5 06/05 4486 3.77 3.32 158 Ortongrange Rampage Crummie Red G79 1 02/00 6432 4.53 3.43 305
SM 27.6kg Lcc25 Acc36 2 03/05 10252 4.74 3.24 305 4 05/04 8880 4.30 3.40 305
2 03/00 9638 4.52 3.30 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402149, PLI+£138, Born 19.10.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Shottle Cummings 01101236101803 GP84.......................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Razzle Cummings 0101938266 VG86(3YR)............................... by Willsbro Red Razzle Ortongrange Jurist Cummings 0101874528 GP82 LC 25.06.19 AI’d 24.10.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE CUMMINGS GP80 1 02/09 3281 4.28 3.23 122
SM 26kg Lcc23 Acc26
Ortongrange Shottle Cummings GP84 1 01/11 6829 4.04 2.99 305
2 04/00 5213 4.42 2.92 131
Ortongrange Razzle Cummings VG86(3YR) 1 02/03 7400 4.29 3.21 305
2 03/11 3692 4.61 3.02 107
Ortongrange Jurist Cummings GP82 1 02/00 6998 4.00 3.47 305 3 03/11 8889 4.94 3.14 305 5 06/07 3185 4.75 3.19 92
2 02/11 5592 4.51 4.00 290 4 05/05 9705 4.49 3.22 305
53 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202154, PLI+£201, Born 27.10.16
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Mincio Surefine 01101236401806 VG86(3YR) Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Paul Surefine 0101880676 GP80 ........................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Shottle Surefine PI Moroville Mascot Brock LC 20.01.19 AI’d 07.08.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE MISSILE SUREFINE GP84 1 02/07 9917 3.81 3.43 278
SM 31.2kg Lcc52 Acc98
Ortongrange Mincio Surefine VG86(3YR) 1 01/11 7293 4.02 3.10 305 2 03/01 9871 4.46 3.31 297 3 04/00 11424 4.57 3.23 295 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Goldfish Surefine VG85 12764kg 4.37% 3.31% Ortongrange Paul Surefine GP80 1 02/01 8084 4.21 3.07 305 3 04/01 9831 4.18 3.20 305 5 06/07 10586 4.30 3.25 301 7 08/07 10920 4.11 3.09 305 Ortongrange Shottle Surefine PI 1 02/04 963 4.71 2.95
2 03/01 9362 4.03 3.38 305 4 05/03 11885 4.27 3.23 305 6 07/07 9157 4.52 3.08 305 8 09/11 3287 4.81 2.47 91
Maternal Sister to Lot 294
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602158, PLI +£88, Born 13.12.16
Sire: EDG CAT DOOR COUNTY 8257 Ortongrange Lauthority Blossom 0112179690 Comestar Lauthority Ortongrange Decker Blossom 0111390846 GP84................................... by Far-O-La Debbi-Jo Decker Maytown Astre Apple Blossom 3 0109654563 Duregal Astre Starbuck LC 18.01.19 AI’d 26.04.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE COUNTY BLOSSOM GP81 1 02/02 7562 3.37 3.2 280 Ortongrange Lauthority Blossom G78 1 02/01 6308 3.93 3.23 305 3 04/02 8814 4.10 3.18 266 5 06/01 2620 3.65 3.02 89 Ortongrange Decker Blossom GP84 1 02/02 8466 3.72 3.36 305 Maytown Astre Apple Blossom 3 VG85 1 02/08 6897 3.57 3.13 305 3 05/00 10991 3.45 3.01 305 5 08/00 6398 3.96 3.16 282
SM 26.8kg Lcc131 Acc201 2 03/02 8663 4.15 3.30 305 4 05/01 8832 3.95 3.22 304
2 03/02 4854 4.29 3.46 291 2 03/09 9184 3.21 3.15 305 4 06/00 8653 3.60 3.07 305
54 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 202
245 ORTONGRANGE GRAFEETI BIANCA 2 01101236202161 VG85(2YR)
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202161, PLI+£317, Born 18.12.16
Sire: LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI Ortongrange Shottle Bianca 0111734110 GP83............................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Geno Bianca 0111336643 VG85................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Ortongrange Responder Bianca 0110397552 GP83...................................... by Bilsrowan Responder LC 29.01.19 AI’d 18.05.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE GRAFEETI BIANCA 2 VG85(2YR) 1 02/02 8099 4.45 3.66 269 SM 24.3kg Lcc14 Acc142 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Jeeves Bianca 2 VG86 13528kg 4.85% 3.52% Ortongrange Shottle Bianca GP83 1 02/00 8652 4.23 3.10 305 2 03/03 10185 4.12 3.08 305 3 04/03 11561 4.24 3.05 305 4 05/05 9799 4.42 3.00 289 5 06/05 9215 4.22 3.05 292 6 07/04 4872 3.93 2.73 199 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Sam Bianca VG86(3YR) 11981kg 3.97% 3.04% Ortongrange Geno Bianca VG85 1 02/02 7798 3.87 3.36 305 3 04/03 9396 4.13 3.34 305 5 06/06 3849 4.26 2.90 127
2 03/04 10471 4.23 3.23 284 4 05/07 8572 4.18 3.06 254
Ortongrange Responder Bianca GP83 1 02/02 8492 3.93 3.32 305 3 05/00 9931 4.25 3.66 305 6 06/03 8478 3.82 3.69 283 8 08/00 7761 3.28 3.42 224
2 03/11 12078 3.78 3.41 305 5 05/11 1549 4.81 3.81 100 7 07/01 10642 3.94 3.40 299
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402163, PLI+£238, Born 01.01.17
Sire: COOKIECUTTER PETRON HALOGEN Ortongrange Zenith Bangle 0111806841 GP82..................................................... by Ocean-View Zenith Ortongrange Shottle Bangle 0111416194 GP83........................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Convincer Bangle 2 0110807379 F73............................................... by Wa-Del Convincer LC 22.01.19 AI’d 24.04.19 to CLAYNOOK CASPER 000012208585 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE HALOGEN BANGLE GP83 1 02/01 7784 4.42 3.64 276 SM 21.2kg Lcc53 Acc54 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Million Bangle VG85 8197kg 4.16% 3.23% Ortongrange Zenith Bangle GP82 1 02/04 6761 4.57 3.25 305 3 04/07 8522 4.91 3.58 305
2 03/04 8850 4.49 3.40 305 4 06/00 7904 4.68 3.32 280
Ortongrange Shottle Bangle GP83 1 02/01 7505 4.54 3.47 305 3 04/05 8000 4.48 3.34 305
2 03/02 10835 4.17 3.28 305 4 05/06 8356 5.22 3.14 201
Ortongrange Convincer Bangle 2 F73 1 02/03 8000 4.44 3.30 305 3 03/09 4183 4.75 3.14 126 5 06/03 11802 4.59 2.95 305
2 03/03 5235 4.45 3.13 176 4 04/04 9829 5.17 3.09 305 6 07/07 8100 4.29 2.96 209
55 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 300
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702166, PLI+£222, Born 13.01.17
Sire: SIEMERS MOGUL PETY Ortongrange Always Wheatear 0112569156 VG86(3YR).............. by Ortongrange Why Always Him Ortongrange Design Wheatear 0112169970 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 0111349066................................................................. by Picston Shottle LC 18.01.19 AI’d 25.04.19 to DE-SU HARTLEY 003130010739 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE PETY WHEATEAR 1 02/01 7868 3.72 3.33
SM 27kg Lcc85 Acc213
Ortongrange Always Wheatear VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 7228 4.30 3.35 301 3 04/01 5493 4.96 3.12 145
2 03/01 10655 4.68 3.37 301
Ortongrange Design Wheatear G79 1 02/01 7054 4.07 3.39 305 3 04/02 8147 4.58 3.32 305 5 06/05 982 5.28 2.43 32
2 03/00 4200 4.34 3.81 305 4 05/05 9260 4.21 3.39 305
Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 1 02/02 6777 4.44 3.58 305 3 04/04 8542 4.53 3.22 305 5 06/04 4943 4.64 3.23 113
2 03/05 8871 4.08 3.44 295 4 05/05 9377 4.13 3.22 296
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302169, PLI+£207, Born 21.01.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Ortongrange Captain Annabell 01101236601731 VG85(3YR).................. by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Ross Annabell 0112007810 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell 0111164932 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy LC 28.05.19 AI’d 15.08.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed) PD+
SM 26.6kg Lcc21 Acc32
Ortongrange Captain Annabell VG85(3YR) 3gensVG/EX 1 02/07 7254 4.35 3.08 305 2 04/03 12589 3.82 3.09 305 Ortongrange Ross Annabell EX91-2 1 02/01 7910 4.41 3.26 305 2 03/05 10413 4.37 3.33 305 3 04/07 10697 4.66 3.35 305 4 05/09 9444 4.31 3.49 305 5 06/10 9491 4.47 3.38 305 6 07/11 317 5.42 3.90 13 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Design Annabell VG85 8819kg 4.01% 3.22% • Ortongrange Hotshot Annabell VG85(3YR) 11815kg 4.43% 3.01% Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell VG88 1 02/02 7496 4.02 3.57 305 3 04/06 10039 4.16 3.45 305
2 03/04 9658 4.41 3.40 305 4 05/08 9173 5.14 3.28 305
56 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302176, PLI+£288, Born 07.02.17
Sire: COOKIECUTTER PETRON HALOGEN Ortongrange Rockstar Viola 01101236401722 VG85(2YR) Ortongrange Rockstar Ortongrange Blade Viola 0112160157 VG87.................................................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ortongrange Shottle Viola 0111495736 GP82.............................................................. by Picston Shottle LC 07.06.19 AI’d 13.09.19 C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE HALOGEN VIOLA GP82 1 02/04 3744 3.97 3.47
Ortongrange Rockstar Viola VG85(2YR) 2gensVG 1 01/09 4695 4.09 3.44 298 3 03/11 11571 4.36 3.29 305
SM 27kg Lcc20 Acc95 2 02/09 8546 4.51 3.25 305 4 05/00 3297 4.08 2.80 103
Ortongrange Blade Viola VG87 1 02/07 8660 3.62 3.09 305 2 03/10 10095 3.87 3.17 305 3 05/01 12064 3.88 3.07 305 4 06/08 9883 3.58 3.09 305 5 07/09 2875 2.89 2.45 70 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kimo Viola VG85(2YR) 10395kg 4.70% 3.40% • Ortongrange Grafeeti Viola VG85(2YR) 11917kg 4.51% 3.20% Ortongrange Shottle Viola GP82 1 02/04 8462 4.69 3.43 305 3 04/08 7284 5.05 3.25 305 5 07/02 4770 5.31 3.14 224
2 03/05 6899 4.96 3.47 305 4 05/11 6399 5.13 3.32 305
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58 LOT
Daughter of Lot 203
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236302183, PLI+£219, Born 23.02.17
Sire: LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI Ortongrange Design Ghost 0112485141 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Shottle Ghost ET 0111864909 EX90...................................................... by Picston Shottle Riverdane Silky Ghost PI ET 0110777075 VG88 SP......................................................... by Silky Gibson Ridgefield Storm Ghost 2 PI ET 0109791373 EX93-2E SP LP50........................................ by M Storm Castlerhydd Milan Ghost PI 0109344884 EX94-4E SP Shoremar Milan Lemington Skychief Ghost PI 1200144434 EX95-3E Donnandale Skychief Witbourne Counselor Ghost PI 6405397683 A Carnation Counselor Witbourne Triple Aimee PI 6404583922 Hanoverhill Triple Crown Troybrook Senator Angel PI ET 6403655040 VG86........................... by A Nelacres Johanna Senator Troybrook Reflection Jolly PI 6402851769 VG85........................... by Downalane Reflection Emperor LC 06.04.19 AI’d 13.09.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE GRAFEETI GHOST GP84 1 02/02 4867 4.12 3.28 202
SM 24.9kg Lcc10 Acc32
Ortongrange Design Ghost EX90 11gensVG/EX 1 02/04 6856 4.56 3.15 305 2 03/07 8803 4.75 3.14 294 3 04/07 10445 4.78 3.23 305 4 06/00 3266 3.96 2.79 77 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Observer Ghost 4 ET EX91 12711kg 4.02% 3.10% – sold for 4500gns Borderway B&W Sale 2013 • Ortongrange Observer Ghost 2 ET EX90-2E 7615kg 3.19% 3.32% • Ortongrange Goldfarm Ghost VG85(2YR) 5354kg 5.26% 3.40% Ortongrange Shottle Ghost ET EX90 1 02/01 7800 3.73 2.93 305 2 03/03 11165 4.16 3.06 305 3 04/08 12945 3.94 3.14 305 4 06/00 10996 4.15 3.11 305 5 07/01 5583 3.67 3.04 143 • Maternal Sister to: • Riverdane Sept Ghost PI ET EX93-3E 11076kg 3.47% 2.85% • Glasson Gold Ghost ET EX90 13036kg 4.37% 3.11% • Islandpride Shottle Ghost ET EX90-2E 9853kg 3.78% 3.22% And 9 other VG sisters Riverdane Silky Ghost PI ET VG88 SP 1 02/05 10822 4.45 2.92 305 2 04/04 12367 4.15 3.28 290 • Maternal Sister to: • Riverdane Terrason Ghost PI EX94-5E 13749kg 3.81% 3.31% • Riverdane James Ghost PI ET EX92-2E 10046kg 4.44% 3.06% • Ridgefield Ghost Shottle ET EX92-4E 13670kg 4.16% 2.96% • Ridgefield Ghostlet ET EX91-2E 9888kg 3.55% 3.10% • Ridgefield Ghost Lilli ET EX90 10179kg 4.85% 3.10% • Riverdane Hanover Ghost PI ET EX90 13958kg 3.56% 3.30% And 5 other VG sisters
ORTONGRANGE OBSERVER GHOST 4 ET EX91 Maternal Sister to dam of Lot 250
60 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 306
251 ORTONGRANGE CODE CHARMER RED 01101236402184 VG85(2YR) Line.184
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236402184, PLI+£117, Born 24.02.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Overtime Charmer ET 01101236701858 GP84........................ by Pine-Tree Overtime P All-Riehl Ladds Charmer ET 6564010333 GP83 2YR................................. by Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red Trulea Super Charity 7296 ET 6569777492 Charlesdale Superstition Goldcrest Shottle Cutie ET 6562795722 EX94 DOM .......................................................... by P Shottle Hol-Star Durham Cora 6560438767 EX94-2E USA DOM..................... by Regancrest Elton Durham Hol-Star Lartist Corky 65000125445067 LC 17.05.19 AI’d 09.08.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE CODE CHARMER RED VG85(2YR) 1 02/03 4681 4.14 3.19 161 Ortongrange Overtime Charmer ET GP84 1 02/00 7408 4.10 3.25 305 3 04/01 4098 3.63 2.97 105 All-Riehl Ladds Charmer ET
SM 24.6kg Lcc46 Acc62 2 03/00 11928 4.14 3.27 305
Trulea Super Charity 7296 ET EX91 1 03/09 17976 3.80 3.40 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702187, PLI +£4, Born 26.02.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Destry Lovely Red 01101236501870.................................................... by Scientific Destry Ortongrange Lawn Boy Lovely Red 0112197220 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Ortongrange Jet Lovely Red Fradon Jet-Red LC 09.04.19 AI’d 20.07.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed) PD+
ORTONGRANGE CODE LOVELY RED GP83 1 02/02 4914 4.65 3.39 199 Ortongrange Destry Lovely Red 1 02/00 4843 4.08 3.17 291 3 04/02 5475 3.57 3.03 153
SM 21.9kg Lcc67 Acc132 2 03/00 8659 4.16 3.26 305
Ortongrange Lawn Boy Lovely Red GP82 1 02/01 6190 3.68 3.20 305 3 04/03 7025 3.95 3.15 305
2 03/02 8053 4.06 3.09 305 4 05/04 4489 3.47 3.12 166
Ortongrange Jet Lovely Red 1 02/10 2571 4.65 3.73 156 3 04/05 7905 4.29 3.15 305
2 03/05 10262 4.30 3.09 305 4 05/06 6214 4.93 2.85 241
61 LOT
253 ORTONGRANGE PETY RAQUEL 01101236202189 GP83
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d.
UK101236202189, PLI+£228, Born 03.03.17
Sire: SIEMERS MOGUL PETY Ortongrange Always Raquel 01101236301665 GP83..................... by Ortongrange Why Always Him Ortongrange Atlantic Raquel 0112175297 Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 3 0111792118 VG86........................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Integrity Raquel PI 0111160669 VG86............................................... by Robthom Integrity Parkley Stoneham Raquel PI 0110134629 Richesse Stoneham LC 13.07.19 AI’d 10.09.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed). PD+
ORTONGRANGE PETY RAQUEL GP83 1 02/05 3270 3.83 2.92
Ortongrange Always Raquel GP83 1 02/02 6437 4.43 3.25 305
SM 31.2kg Lcc18 Acc24 2 03/02 3151 4.63 3.23 98
Ortongrange Atlantic Raquel GP81 1 02/02 7742 4.24 3.00 305 2 03/02 3730 4.25 2.71 97 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Glauco Raquel 2 VG85(2YR) 6395kg 4.25% 3.35% Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 3 VG86 1 02/00 6880 4.52 3.20 305 3 04/02 10182 5.04 3.08 297 5 06/00 6594 4.95 3.35 305
2 03/01 9744 4.79 3.27 305 4 05/02 470 4.93 3.89 13 6 07/00 8100 4.54 2.96 305
254 ORTONGRANGE CODE BANGLE RED 01101236202196 GP82 Line.196
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202196, PLI +£2, Born 31.03.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Big Rock Bangle 01101236201895 GP82.............................. by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Million Bangle 0112448978 VG85(2YR)............................... by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Zenith Bangle 0111806841 GP82..................................................... by Ocean-View Zenith LC 18.09.19
ORTONGRANGE CODE BANGLE RED GP82 1 02/06 1160 3.73 3.09 37
SM 31.3kg Lcc70 Acc70
Ortongrange Big Rock Bangle GP82 1 01/11 7101 3.76 3.08 305
2 03/04 13880 3.46 2.90 305
Ortongrange Million Bangle VG85(2YR) 1 02/00 7308 4.36 3.11 296 3 04/00 8022 4.21 3.27 305
2 02/11 8197 4.16 3.23 305 4 05/04 2999 3.78 2.98 98
Ortongrange Zenith Bangle GP82 1 02/04 6761 4.57 3.25 305 3 04/07 8522 4.91 3.58 305
2 03/04 8850 4.49 3.40 305 4 06/00 7904 4.68 3.32 280
62 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302211, PLI+£274, Born 21.05.17
Sire: LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI Ortongrange Shottle Sunray 5 0112268709 GP84...................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Blade Sunray 0111641705 EX91-2E.......................................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ternbridge Sunray 39 0109757176 Hanover-Hill Mirage LC 15.10.19
SM 29.1kg Lcc24 Acc24
Ortongrange Shottle Sunray 5 GP84 1 01/11 7503 4.41 3.12 305 2 02/11 10115 4.80 3.13 305 3 03/11 10261 4.13 3.10 305 4 05/00 11214 4.23 3.17 305 5 06/02 7273 4.02 3.11 150 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Sunray VG85(3YR) 9213kg 4.02% 3.67% Ortongrange Blade Sunray EX91-2E 1 02/04 7233 4.14 3.25 305 3 04/04 11836 4.67 3.10 305 5 07/08 5886 4.65 3.40 305 7 09/10 8984 3.98 3.12 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ternbridge Sunray 52 EX91 11022kg 4.02% 3.33%
2 03/04 8855 3.98 3.09 305 4 05/04 5939 4.13 3.27 242 6 08/09 7275 4.38 3.28 305
Ternbridge Sunray 39 EX90 1 02/05 8061 4.00 3.44 303 2 03/04 9213 3.71 3.41 305 3 04/05 9494 3.82 3.33 305 4 05/04 7711 4.06 3.41 287 5 06/04 9298 3.68 3.22 305 6 07/05 9185 3.84 3.32 305 7 05/04 7711 4.06 3.41 287 8 09/07 8504 3.67 3.21 305 9 10/10 9130 4.14 3.17 305 10 12/04 6041 4.15 3.17 221 • Maternal Sister to: • Ternbridge Sunray 35 VG88 11911kg 4.23% 3.24% • Ternbridge Sunray 33 VG85 10438kg 3.35% 2.98%
UK101236702215, PLI+£123, Born 29.05.17
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Captain Bunny 01101236201720 VG85(3YR)...................... by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Kizzy Bunny 0111236608 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Ortongrange Jordan Bunny 0110841206 GP81........................................................... by Roylane Jordan Due before sale day
ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE BUNNY 1 Fresh Ortongrange Captain Bunny VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/00 5074 5.23 3.68 305 2 03/00 7721 5.53 3.34 291 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Million Bunny VG88 12304kg 3.77% 3.24% Ortongrange Kizzy Bunny VG88 1 02/01 8140 4.09 3.64 305 3 04/04 8977 3.96 3.47 284 5 06/04 8894 4.80 3.26 305 7 08/10 7122 5.13 3.36 302 9 10/09 4871 5.01 3.36 224 Ortongrange Jordan Bunny GP81 1 02/01 6769 3.73 3.42 305
2 03/03 9623 4.47 3.50 305 4 05/03 8209 4.32 3.34 305 6 07/06 8125 4.91 3.46 305 8 09/09 6103 4.45 3.56 297
2 03/03 3964 4.55 3.16 132
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64 LOT
257 ORTONGRANGE PETY DANCER 2 01101236602221 VG85(2YR) 7gensVG/EX Line.221
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236602221, PLI+£223, Born 05.06.17
Sire: SIEMERS MOGUL PETY Ortongrange Snow Dancer Red ET 0112439707 Flevo Genetics Snowman Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc 6408360689 Braedale Goldwyn Marktwain Lee Diana Vrc 6410576178 Comestar Lee Marktwain Charles Dixie Bkc Vrc 6406661558 Boulet Charles Marktwain Yolanda - Red Bkc Vrc 6404692303 Surinam Treasure Red Marktwain Tt Yvonne PI 6404355554 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red LC 12.08.19 AI’d 17.10.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE PETY DANCER 2 VG85(2YR) 7gensVG/EX 1 02/03 1943 3.23 2.92 74 SM 30.1kg Lcc8 Acc30 Ortongrange Snow Dancer Red ET VG87 6gensVG/EX 1 02/03 9497 4.21 3.16 305 2 03/02 7210 3.96 3.35 305 3 04/04 10063 4.50 3.00 305 4 05/05 17200 3.98 3.09 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET EX91 12756kg 4.40% 3.07% • Derrymore Snowman Jolly Red ET VG88(3YR) 9177kg 3.62% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snowman Dancer ET VG85(2YR) 11460kg 3.73% 3.12% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET VRC VG88 1 02/02 8132 4.40 3.30 305 2 03/08 14864 4.10 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Stoneden Fools Gold Red ET VG88 19918kg 3.95% 2.97% Nominated Red&White Global Impact Cow 2011 Over 50ton in two lacatations 1st Int. Calf Tri County Show 2007 Marktwain Lee Diana VRC VG85 1 02/03 6881 3.68 2.96 305 3 04/10 5860 3.87 2.92 226
2 03/06 7768 3.72 2.97 305 4 05/09 3595 3.95 2.81 168
Dam of Lot 257
g.d. of Lot 257
66 LOT
258 ORTONGRANGE CRANK IT WHEATEAR 01101236102223 VG85(2YR) Line.223
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102223, PLI+£315, Born 14.06.17
Sire: JENNY-LOU MCUTCHEN CRANK Ortongrange Mozygus Wheatear P 01101236701718 S-S-I Sl Mozygus-Pp-Red Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 2 0111492740 VG87................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Champion Wheatear Champion LC 14.08.19 AI’d 14.10.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE CRANK IT WHEATEAR VG85(2YR) 1 02/03 1997 3.61 3.28 72 Ortongrange Mozygus Wheatear P GP83 1 02/01 5570 4.33 3.33 305 3 04/01 3328 4.35 3.30 76 Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 2 VG87 1 01/10 4529 5.10 3.64 305 3 03/10 9171 5.22 3.26 305 5 06/01 8646 5.25 3.33 300 Ortongrange Champion Wheatear 1 01/11 6344 4.40 3.64 305 3 04/05 5811 4.75 3.50 215
SM 31.8kg Lcc21 Acc50 2 03/01 8234 4.51 3.40 296
2 02/10 7541 4.94 3.51 305 4 05/00 10332 5.33 3.45 305 6 06/10 5607 5.52 3.98 300 2 03/05 8754 4.74 3.43 305
68 LOT
259 ORTONGRANGE PETY LILAZ 01101236702229
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236702229, PLI+£263, Born 02.07.17
Sire: SIEMERS MOGUL PETY Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET 0112259537 Flevo Genetics Snowman Comestar Lilazel Million ET 64000106303096............................................ by England-Ammon Million Lylehaven Lila Z PI 65000132449139 EX94-2E........................................ by Regancrest Elton Durham Lylehaven Form Laura PI ET 65000126786486 EX94-2E........................................................ by S N L F Thiersant Lili Starbuck PI ET 6406332629 Hanoverhill Starbuck Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie PI 6404623897 VG86............................................................. by Bridon Astro Jet LC 26.08.19 AI’d 15.10.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE PETY LILAZ 1 02/02 1280 4.41 3.31 60 SM 21.7kg Lcc17 Acc23 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz VG85 10900kg 3.99% 3.21% • Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz 3 VG86 9609kg 4.82% 3.71% • Ortongrange Goldfish Lilaz Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET EX90 1 02/00 7601 4.05 3.31 305 3 04/02 12796 3.52 3.14 305 5 06/06 13968 3.51 3.27 305
2 03/01 12215 4.07 3.12 305 4 05/05 11343 4.54 3.39 305 6 07/07 314 2.74 3.78 11
Comestar Lilazel Million ET • Maternal Sister to: • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 15992kg 3.60% 3.10% • Calbrett Shottle Lela ET VG87 - Sold for $110,000 ADI 3rd Edition Sale 2009 • Calbrett Goldwyn Layla ET EX92 12660kg 3.90% 3.30% •– Sold for $230,000 ADI 3rd Edition sale 2009 •– 1st 4yr Autumn Opportunity 2011 •– 3rd 4yr Royal Winter Fair 2011 •– Nominated All Canadian 4yr 2011 •– 2nd Snr Yearling Autumn Opportunity 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 3* 12323kg 3.90% 3.20% • Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG89 19909kg 4.60% 3.40% •– All Ontario Snr 2yr 2008 •– Nominated All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 •– 1st Snr 2yr Auntumn Opportunity 2008 •– 2nd Snr. 2yr Ontario Summer Show 2008 • Comestar Goldwyn Lilae VG89 14556kg 4.6% 3.7% •– Nom All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 •– 1st Snr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 •– 2nd Snr 2yr Ontario Summer 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Laura ET VG88 10732kg 4.20% 3.40% • Calbrett Goldwyn Liza VG88 2yr 12405 4.2% 3.5% •– Sold for $175,000 ADI Global 2nd Edition Sale 2008 •– 1st Jnr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 •– Jnr Champion Durham County 2007 • Comestar Lila C Stormatic VG87 2yr 11640kg 3.5% 3.1% -- 2nd Jnr 3yr Ontario Spring Discovery 2009 • Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG87 2yr 13085kg 3.6% 3.5% • Calbrett Goldwyn Lyndsey VG87 2yr 12685kg 4.0% 3.4% • Acecroft Goldwyn Lila Z VG87 2YR SP 15209kg 3.57% 3.24% -Sold for 27,000gns Ex Factor Sale 2006 • Greenmile Bolton Lila B ET VG87 2YR15097kg 2.96% 3.06% -Sold for $60,000 Global Glamour sale 2008 • Plus 4 other VG sisters Lylehaven Lila Z PI EX94-2E 16* 1 02/04 13577 3.50 3.30 305 3 06/05 18138 4.20 3.30 305 • Sold for $1,150,000 Triple Crown Sale 2005 • Res Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007 • Res Grand Champion Atlantic Spring Show 2007 • In Champion Quebec Spring Show 2005 • 1st 2yr Royal Winter Fair 2004 • All Canadian jnr 2yr 2004 & Jnr Yearling 2003 • Hon Mention All Canadian 4yr & 5yr • Nom All-Canadian Jnr Calf 2002
2 04/05 19488 4.00 3.50 305
3.d. of Lot 259
70 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lots 221 & 352
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236302232, PLI+£278, Born 10.07.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: WA-DEL YODER BANDARES Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET 0112439697 Flevo Genetics Snowman Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc 6408360689 Braedale Goldwyn Marktwain Lee Diana Vrc 6410576178 Comestar Lee Marktwain Charles Dixie Bkc Vrc 6406661558 Boulet Charles Marktwain Yolanda - Red Bkc Vrc 6404692303 Surinam Treasure Red Marktwain Tt Yvonne PI 6404355554 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red LC 18.08.19
ORTONGRANGE BANDARES DANCERRED ET GP82 1 02/02 1843 5.49 2.56 68 SM 29.7kg Lcc50 Acc78 • Maternal Sister to: • Howend La Bron Christmas Dancer Red 83 ET VG86 8237kg 4.3% 3.44% • Howend La Bron Dance VG86 8668kg 5.21% 3.31% Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET EX91 6gensVG/EX 1 02/01 7704 4.51 3.12 305 2 03/01 9516 4.28 3.16 305 3 04/07 10390 4.87 3.15 305 4 05/09 12756 4.40 3.07 285 • Maternal Sister to: • Derrymore Snowman Jolly Red ET VG88(3YR) 9177kg 3.62% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snow Dancer Red ET VG87 17200kg 3.98% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snowman Dancer ET VG85(2YR) 11460kg 3.73% 3.12% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc VG88 1 02/02 8132 4.40 3.30 305 2 03/08 14864 4.10 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Stoneden Fools Gold Red ET VG88 19918kg 3.95% 2.97% Nominated Red&White Global Impact Cow 2011 Over 50ton in two lacatations 1st Int. Calf Tri County Show 2007 Marktwain Lee Diana Vrc VG85 1 02/03 6881 3.68 2.96 305 3 04/10 5860 3.87 2.92 226
2 03/06 7768 3.72 2.97 305 4 05/09 3595 3.95 2.81 168
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502234, PLI+£184, Born 10.07.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Ortongrange Captain Annabell 2 01101236601906..................................... by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Design Annabell 0112231103 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell 0111164932 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy LC 02.08.19 AI’d 10.10.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN ANNABELL 4 GP83 1 02/01 2143 3.65 3.2 84
SM 27kg Lcc17 Acc137
Ortongrange Captain Annabell 2 1 02/02 6205 3.85 3.24 298
2 03/01 3795 3.52 3.02 78
Ortongrange Design Annabell VG85 1 02/01 7864 4.00 3.20 305 2 03/02 8819 4.01 3.22 305 3 04/02 8162 4.12 3.16 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Ross Annabell EX91-2E 10697kg 4.66% 3.35% • Ortongrange Hotshot Annabell VG85(3YR) 11815kg 4.43% 3.01% Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell VG88 1 02/02 7496 4.02 3.57 305 3 04/06 10039 4.16 3.45 305
2 03/04 9658 4.41 3.40 305 4 05/08 9173 5.14 3.28 305
71 LOT
Daughter of Lot 207, Maternal Sister to Lot 329
262 ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN CAMILLA 01101236702236 VG86(2YR) 2gensVG/EX Line.236
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702236, PLI+£174, Born 28.07.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Ortongrange Captain Camilla 01101236701739 EX92................................ by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Kimo Camilla 0112100568 GP82.............................................. by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Reiver Camilla 0101907396 Errolston Boarder Reiver LC 24.08.19
ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN CAMILLA VG86(2YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 02/01 1597 3.3 2.99 62 SM 28.9kg Lcc47 Acc60 Ortongrange Captain Camilla EX92 1 02/00 5574 4.21 3.32 305 3 04/03 13157 4.02 3.19 305 Ortongrange Kimo Camilla GP82 1 01/11 8137 4.56 3.35 305
2 03/01 7429 4.59 3.31 305
2 02/11 6910 4.59 3.70 305
Ortongrange Reiver Camilla GP82 1 02/00 7450 4.28 3.15 305 2 03/00 8050 4.71 3.32 305 3 04/02 10010 4.77 3.27 305 4 05/07 9733 4.63 3.08 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kimo Camilla Red VG86(3YR) 7439kg 4.05% 3.16%
263 ORTONGRANGE HURRICANE IMOGEN 01101236602249 GP82 Line.249
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602249, PLI+£412, Born 17.08.17
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Shottle Imogen 2 0112430979 GP80..................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Reiver Imogen 0101918934 Errolston Boarder Reiver Ortongrange Paul Imogen 0101865558 GP83 LC 30.07.19 AI’d 24.10.19 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 00313103438
ORTONGRANGE HURRICANE IMOGEN GP82 1 01/12 2379 3.79 3.29 87
SM 30.3kg Lcc14 Acc378
Ortongrange Shottle Imogen 2 GP80 1 01/11 7228 4.06 2.99 305 3 04/05 9772 4.63 3.19 305
2 03/02 8505 3.82 3.06 305 4 05/07 15520 3.56 3.07 305
Ortongrange Reiver Imogen GP81 1 02/01 8781 3.86 3.29 305
2 03/02 9661 4.22 3.23 305
Ortongrange Paul Imogen GP83 1 02/05 7497 4.54 3.50 305 3 04/06 9382 4.54 3.52 305 5 06/05 7756 3.91 3.35 305 7 08/09 5908 4.40 3.61 305
2 03/05 9204 4.58 3.61 305 4 05/06 8819 4.64 3.40 282 6 07/07 8241 4.54 3.52 305 8 09/10 2384 4.43 3.08 86
72 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102251, PLI+£300, Born 20.08.17
Sire: PROGENESIS PROVIDER Ortongrange Snowman Jose 0112439120 VG86(3YR).............................. by Ortongrange Snowman Ortongrange Jackson Jose Red 0111271986 VG87................................................. by Weeton Jackson Eye Mtoto Jose 0110547927..................................................................................... by Carol Prelude Mtoto LC 24.08.19
ORTONGRANGE PROVIDER JOSE GP81 1 01/12 1539 3.48 2.94
Ortongrange Snowman Jose VG86(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/00 7757 4.36 3.18 305 3 04/05 8869 4.32 3.23 305 Ortongrange Jackson Jose Red VG87 1 01/06 7675 3.96 3.38 305 3 04/00 11516 4.32 3.08 305 5 06/02 9202 5.05 3.14 285 7 08/03 7431 5.12 3.07 253 Eye Mtoto Jose 1 02/06 7304 4.36 3.55 305
SM 27.9kg Lcc0 Acc103 2 03/03 10445 4.06 3.22 305 4 05/09 9890 3.97 3.30 274 2 02/11 7980 4.66 3.27 305 4 05/00 6941 4.50 3.48 305 6 07/00 6317 4.52 3.45 305
2 03/10 10218 4.45 3.55 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 350
265 ORTONGRANGE CLOSE UP POPPY 01101236302253 GP80
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302253, PLI+£293, Born 22.08.17
Sire: STANTONS CLOSE UP Ortongrange Rockstar Poppy 01101236601703 GP83 Ortongrange Rockstar Ortongrange Roy Poppy 0112258842 GP82.................................................... by Ortongrange Roy Red Ortongrange Sam Poppy 0111810335 VG85(3YR).............................. by Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam LC 27.07.19 AI’d 11.10.19 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE CLOSE UP POPPY GP80 1 01/12 2642 3.72 3.31
Ortongrange Rockstar Poppy GP83 1 02/02 6686 3.98 3.33 305 3 04/07 14040 4.33 3.14 305 Ortongrange Roy Poppy GP82 1 02/00 5949 4.62 3.40 305 3 04/01 8119 4.64 3.23 302 5 06/02 13666 4.00 3.15 305
SM 32.3kg Lcc0 Acc28 2 03/04 9298 5.00 3.35 305
2 02/11 7983 4.85 3.27 305 4 05/01 9638 4.76 3.18 305 6 07/03 2284 4.03 3.00 54
Ortongrange Sam Poppy VG85(3YR) 1 02/04 8622 4.06 3.15 305 2 03/06 11517 4.33 3.16 305 3 04/09 3018 4.52 3.17 70 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Blade Poppy VG85(3YR) 11424kg 4.77% 3.20%
73 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d.
UK101236302260, PLI+£186, Born 31.08.17
Sire: KINGS-RANSOM 1ST DEWARS Ortongrange Mincio Alice 2 01101236101740 Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Design Alice 0111478044 Regancrest Design Stokehall Alice 52 Startmore Rudolph Stokehall Alice 33 0109807265 EX92-2E SP.................................................................. by La-Poe Shark Stokehall Alice 12 0108299910 VG86 SP LP50................................................... by Moet Lapoe Billiard LC 24.07.19 AI’d 25.09.19 to WOODCREST KING DOC 003132417775 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE DEWARS ALICE 1 01/11 2409 4.65 3.48
Ortongrange Mincio Alice 2 GP83 1 02/01 5518 4.66 3.02 305 3 04/01 9519 3.48 3.08 305 Ortongrange Design Alice VG86 1 02/03 8577 3.74 3.09 305 3 04/02 9421 3.76 2.98 305 5 06/03 10874 3.90 3.02 305 7 08/06 3446 3.54 3.36 171 Stokehall Alice 52 1 02/00 4637 4.30 3.59 305 3 05/02 12089 3.57 3.23 305 5 07/01 9670 3.63 3.09 289 • Maternal Sister to: • Stokehall Alice 45 VG87 10965kg 4.28% 3.03%
SM 28.5kg Lcc41 Acc38 2 03/02 6744 4.20 3.05 288 4 05/01 1381 4.33 3.38 40 2 03/03 9631 3.65 3.19 301 4 05/03 11547 3.84 3.00 303 6 07/06 9359 4.22 2.96 292
2 03/02 1703 5.19 3.19 48 4 06/01 9828 3.78 3.34 304 6 08/01 914 3.71 3.30 35
ORTONGRANGE KODI ET 01101236602235 EX90(2YR)
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236602235, PLI+£333, Born 10.07.17
Sire: WESTCOAST KERRIGAN Peak Marq A1 942 ET 65003126668032 Zahbulls Alta1stclass Bryhill Ransom Marquisse ET 65003011619658 GP83............................................. by De-Su Ransom Sully Robust 720 ET 65003008167779 Roylane Socra Robust Sully Planet Manitoba ET 65000139853931 VG85....................................................................... by E T P Sully Shottle May 65000138218285 EX91-2E......................................................................... by P Shottle Ms Sully Oman Muetze ET 65000137317589 O M J P E Johnan Marshall Mint 6551765406 VG85...................................................... by Mara-Thon Bw Marshall Poly-Kow Durham Mincy ET Cvf 6551492033 Regancrest Elton Durha Poly-Kow Rudolph Mink ET 6518033919 Startmore Rudolph Poly-Kow Lindy Mindy PI ET 6515759146 VG88...................................................... by A Townson Lindy
Peak Marq A1 942 ET VG85 1 02/04 10052 3.70 3.30 305 3 04/06 13137 3.70 3.10 305
2 03/05 11980 3.9 3.5 305
Bryhill Ransom Marquisse ET GP83 1 02/02 10750 4.60 3.70 305 Sully Robust 720 ET GP83 1 02/01 12815 4.00 3.40 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Sully Hartford Snwmn 283 ET VG85 12682kg 4.70% 3.30% • Koepon Chair Manitoba VG85(3YR) 15150kg 2.80% 2.91% • Sully Man-O-Shan Martha ET VG85 11016kg 3.90% 3.40%
PEAK MARQ A1 942 ET Dam of service sire Ortongrange Kodi EX90
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76 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 231
267 ORTONGRANGE DEWARS ROSE 01101236502290
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236502290, PLI+£287, Born 01.11.17
Sire: KINGS-RANSOM 1ST DEWARS Ortongrange Mozygus Rose P Red ET 01101236101726 VG85(3YR) S-S-I Sl Mozygus-Pp-Red Ortongrange Debonair Rosie Red ET 0112260684 GP84......................... by Scientific Debonair-Red Rosedale Adventaeous Red ET 65000137646045 EX91 EX92-MS Khw Kite Advent Red Lavender Ruby Redrose PI 6407254370 Stbvq Rubens Northrose-I Lavender PI ET 6410525323 Startmore Rudolph Rosedale Lea-Ann PI ET 6515785985 EX93............................................................... by Kinglea Leader Stookey Elm Park Blackrose PI ET 6514085789 EX96......................................... by To-Mar Blackstar Nandette Tt Speckle Red PI 6509993291 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red Nandette Riley Nana Red PI 6509465813 Life-O-Riley Marquis King Nandette Bootmaker Gale PI 6508094681 VG89............................................. by Paclamar Bootmaker Due soon to DE-SU HARTLEY 003130010739 (sexed)
Ortongrange Mozygus Rose P Red ET VG85(3YR) 1 02/03 6700 3.75 3.19 305 2 03/06 10511 3.28 3.16 305 3 04/06 12737 3.65 3.19 302 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Dancer Black Rose VG87(3YR) 10079kg 4.13% 3.50% Ortongrange Debonair Rosie Red ET GP84 1 02/02 9336 4.34 3.37 305 2 04/00 10284 4.01 3.32 305 3 05/06 9718 4.95 3.24 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Riverdane Gold Adventageous ET EX92-3E 12816kg 4.37% 3.10% • Riverdane Outrageous Red ET VG86(2YR) 11862kg 3.55% 3.16% Rosedale Adventaeous Red ET EX92-MS • 1st Senior 3yr Midwest Spring R&W 2010 • Sold for $130,000 World Classic 2007 • Maternal Sister to: • Rosedale Black Ruby EX91 10678kg 4.40% 3.30% • Rosedale-L Trudy-Red ET EX90 12664kg 4.30% 3.40% • Miss Ruby Lee Tuesday EX90 13607kg 4.00% 3.50% • Riverdane Rose ET EX90 15363kg 3.62% 3.17% • Sold for 12,000gns Willsbro Sale 2010 • Rosedale-L Ss Rose Red ET VG88 13123kg 3.50% 3.20% • Rosedale White Rose ET VG86 13224kg 3.30% 3.60% • And to AI Sires: • Riverdane Roses Reflection • Sterndale Rose Royce • Riverdane Adventure Red Lavender Ruby Red Rose PI EX96-4E 1 02/03 9681 3.2 3.4 305 2 04/00 17350 3.5 3.5 305 3 05/04 16075 4.1 3.5 305 4 07/04 20334 4.9 3.4 305 5 10/03 15935 4.9 3.4 305 • Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2007 • Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2005 • All Amercian 5yr Red & White 2005 •1st Jnr 2yr World Dairy Expo 2002 • Maternal sister to: • Rosedale Adventaeous Red EX91 EX92-MS 14274kg 4.3% 3.3% 1st Senior 3yr Midwest Spring R&W 2010 Sold for $130,000 World Classic 2007 • Rosedale Black Ruby EX91 10678kg 4.4% 3.3% • Rosedale-L Trudy-Red ET EX90 12664kg 4.3% 3.4% • Miss Ruby Lee Tuesday EX90 13607kg 4% 3.5% • Rosedale L Ss Rose Red ET VG87 13123kg 3.5% 3.2% • And to AI Sires: • Riverdane Roses Reflection • Sterndale Rose Royce • Riverdane Adventure Red
77 Lavender Ruby Redrose PI 6407254370 EX96-2E 1 02/03 9681 3.20 3.40 305 2 04/00 17350 3.50 3.50 305 3 05/04 16075 4.10 3.50 305 4 07/04 20334 4.90 3.40 305 • Grand Champion R&W World Dairy Expo 2007 • All American R&W Mature Cow 2007 • All World R&W 2007 • Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2005 • All American R&W 5yr 2005 • Maternal sister to: • Northrose Skychief Rosario ET EX92 14465kg 4.6% 3.4% • Lavender Mario Reba Red ET EX91 12737kg 3.8% 3.6% • And to 12 other EX & VG’s Northrose-I Lavender PI ET 6410525323 EX90 4* 1 02/03 9261 3.60 3.30 305
2 03/10 11866 3.60 3.40 305
78 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502178, PLI+£170, Born 14.02.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MISSILE Ortongrange Mincio Amy 01101236401792 Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Kizzy Amy 2 0111227171 VG86(3YR) Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Ortongrange Kenrik Amy 0110818618 G75....................................................... by Whittier-Farms Kenrik Due 05.12.19 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
Ortongrange Mincio Amy G79 1 02/04 5606 4.29 3.28 305 3 04/07 3761 4.26 2.86 119
2 03/08 9012 4.24 3.07 265
Ortongrange Kizzy Amy 2 VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 7474 4.31 3.62 305 3 04/04 8902 4.66 3.50 305 5 06/08 9718 4.64 3.29 305 7 09/05 7385 4.82 3.24 305
2 03/02 10674 4.98 3.45 305 4 05/07 8179 4.86 3.32 305 6 08/00 8991 5.31 3.28 305 8 10/08 4037 4.66 2.75 132
Ortongrange Kenrik Amy G75 1 02/02 6147 4.12 3.37 305
2 03/03 4815 4.21 2.83 169
Maternal Sister to Lot 220
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236502199, PLI+£253, Born 03.04.17
Sire: COOKIECUTTER PETRON HALOGEN Ortongrange Million Kimo 0112448973 GP82............................................. by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET 0111864908 EX91-2E.............................................. by Picston Shottle Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 0111319731 VG89............................................ by Regancrest-Mr Samuelo Painley Geno Kimo 81 PI 0110509679 VG89...................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Painley Dustman Kimo 37 PI 0109788910 VG87 SP Painley Dustman Painley Jabot Kimo 14 PI ET 0108888712 VG87 SP LP70 RM......................... by Delta Cleitus Jabot Primsland Inspiration Kimo PI ET 1200090278 EX90 SP RM 62*............ by Hanoverhill Inspiration Calbrett Starbuck Kindle PI 6404471952 Hanoverhill Starbuck Calbrett Enhancer Kandi PI 6403997222 Glenafton Enhancer Beaucoise Tempo Kimo PI 6403573891 EX............................................................. by Roybrook Tempo Due before sale day
ORTONGRANGE HALOGEN KIMO • Maternal Sister to: • Stardale Saphire Vaakje 13 VG86 7581kg 5.02% 3.62% • Stardale Lee Vaakje 8 VG88 12940kg 4.02% 3.08% Ortongrange Million Kimo GP82 1 02/00 7068 3.86 3.06 298 2 02/11 8385 3.87 3.02 305 3 04/00 5739 3.89 2.77 154 • Maternal Sister to: • Woodcatt Seaver Kimo VG85(2YR) 9690kg 3.22% 3.06% Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET EX91-2E 1 02/00 7730 3.93 3.15 305 3 04/07 13436 4.30 3.11 305 5 06/09 15494 3.75 3.13 305
2 03/00 11131 4.01 3.29 305 4 05/08 11999 4.10 3.26 305 6 08/02 13471 4.01 3.03 305
Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 VG89 1 02/01 7998 4.44 3.70 305 2 03/10 10956 4.24 3.42 297 3 04/09 9235 4.62 3.44 305 4 06/04 2726 4.92 3.08 93 • Maternal Sister to: • Highoaks Talent Kimo 4 ET EX93-3E 9020kg 3.12% 3.13% • Highoaks Talent Kimo 3 ET VG85 9997kg 4.13% 3.05%
79 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702208, PLI+£203, Born 17.05.17
Sire: JENNY-LOU MCUTCHEN CRANK IT Ortongrange Ross Christine 0112235016 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Best Christine 0111271997 G77.......................................................... by Hidden-View Best Parkley Honesty Christine 2 0110371209 Parkley Royal Honesty Due soon to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Ross Christine GP84 1 02/01 7237 3.63 3.18 305 3 04/01 7581 3.61 3.14 305
2 03/01 8588 3.59 3.12 305 4 05/02 5648 4.26 2.79 152
Ortongrange Best Christine G77 1 02/00 7564 3.93 3.18 305 3 04/02 8972 4.16 3.24 305
2 03/03 8218 4.36 3.33 290 4 05/02 2873 4.18 3.08 102
Parkley Honesty Christine 2 G76 1 02/03 6748 4.06 3.16 305 3 04/09 6380 4.14 3.24 305
2 03/08 7520 4.39 3.26 305 4 06/00 1287 4.83 3.43 40
Daughter of Lot 206
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202210, PLI +£92, Born 19.05.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Ortongrange Million Alison 2 01101236501709 VG88............................... by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Zenith Alison 0111789561 GP83...................................................... by Ocean-View Zenith Ortongrange Shadow Alison 0111347490 VG87(3YR)........................................... by Howend Shadow Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Million Alison 2 VG88 1 02/01 3799 4.46 3.03 298 3 04/03 9837 4.19 2.82 305
2 03/01 7045 4.79 2.95 305
Ortongrange Zenith Alison GP83 1 02/02 7513 4.00 3.07 305 3 04/05 9963 3.99 3.11 305
2 03/04 9646 4.37 3.06 305 4 05/08 10500 4.14 3.08 299
Ortongrange Shadow Alison VG87(3YR) 1 02/04 9783 3.73 3.04 305 3 05/01 10256 4.20 3.01 305
2 03/07 12547 4.07 3.09 305 4 06/02 5848 4.00 3.08 171
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302218, PLI+£324, Born 02.06.17
Sire: COOKIECUTTER PETRON HALOGEN Ortongrange Shottle Imogen 3 01101236601696........................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Ross Imogen 0112032483 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Design Imogen 0111412711 Regancrest Design Due before sale day
ORTONGRANGE HALOGEN IMOGEN • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Bankroll Lilaz VG86 8887kg 4.01% 3.48% Ortongrange Shottle Imogen 3 1 02/03 6134 4.28 3.09 285 3 04/06 12499 4.21 3.36 300
2 03/03 8742 4.99 3.44 305 4 05/06 307 4.27 3.62 8
Ortongrange Ross Imogen VG85 1 02/00 8351 3.78 3.03 305 3 04/02 9636 4.37 3.21 305
2 03/01 9012 3.95 3.18 305 4 05/08 10495 4.14 3.15 305
Ortongrange Design Imogen GP83 1 02/03 8780 3.69 3.00 305 3 04/03 10081 3.65 3.01 305
2 03/03 9164 3.54 3.25 305 4 05/07 1396 6.86 3.10 39
80 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 230
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102237, PLI+£261, Born 31.07.17
Sire: PROGENESIS PROVIDER Ortongrange Always Evelyn 01101236601668 GP84...................... by Ortongrange Why Always Him Ortongrange Ross Evelyn Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Kizzy Evelyn 3 0111273475 VG85(3YR) Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
ORTONGRANGE PROVIDER EVELYN • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Manjuan Evelyn VG85 12246kg 3.16% 2.94% Ortongrange Always Evelyn GP84 1 02/06 6724 4.12 3.37 305 3 04/09 1049 4.24 2.84 34
2 03/06 8221 4.69 3.46 305
Ortongrange Ross Evelyn 1 02/04 5571 3.47 2.88 201 Ortongrange Kizzy Evelyn 3 VG85(3YR) 1 02/02 9507 3.91 3.18 305 3 04/08 11435 4.02 2.89 305
2 03/02 11931 4.01 3.13 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 326
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402261, PLI +£58, Born 02.09.17
Sire: S-S-I MOGUL DEFENDER Ortongrange Million Sparkle 0112445450 VG85(3YR).............................. by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Aragorn Sparkle Red 0101880091 GP83................... by Buckhorn Acres Aragorn-Red Morwick Sparkle 70 0304098121 Meadolake Jubilant Due February to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Million Sparkle VG85(3YR) 1 01/11 5794 4.97 3.56 305 3 04/05 6538 5.39 3.60 305 Ortongrange Aragorn Sparkle Red GP83 1 02/02 7520 4.14 2.99 305 3 05/00 6197 4.21 2.89 180
2 03/03 5638 5.43 3.65 305 4 05/05 8611 5.03 3.67 305 2 03/05 7910 4.38 3.05 305
81 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
Maternal Sister to Lot 348
UK101236602263, PLI+£275, Born 05.09.17
Sire: JENNY-LOU MCUTCHEN CRANK Ortongrange Fever Kimo 01101236501779 Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Shottle Kimo ET 0111815059 GP82 ...................................................... by Picston Shottle Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 0111319731 VG89 ........................................... by Regancrest-Mr Samuelo Painley Geno Kimo 81 PI 0110509679 VG89...................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Painley Dustman Kimo 37 PI 0109788910 VG87 SP Painley Dustman Painley Jabot Kimo 14 PI ET 0108888712 VG87 SP LP70 RM......................... by Delta Cleitus Jabot Primsland Inspiration Kimo PI ET 1200090278 EX90 SP RM 62 STARS..... by Hanoverhill Inspiration Calbrett Starbuck Kindle PI 6404471952 Hanoverhill Starbuck Calbrett Enhancer Kandi PI 6403997222 Glenafton Enhancer Beaucoise Tempo Kimo PI 6403573891 EX......................................................... by Roybrook Tempo P Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Fever Kimo GP80 1 02/00 5058 4.72 3.42 300 2 03/00 7741 4.69 3.37 305 3 04/02 12548 4.34 3.11 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Kimo VG86(3YR) 9748kg 3.89% 3.48% Ortongrange Shottle Kimo ET GP82 1 02/00 6068 4.15 3.47 305 2 03/05 10463 4.31 3.32 305 3 04/09 10471 4.34 3.41 305 4 06/01 3485 4.64 3.05 130 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET EX91-2 15494kg 3.75% 3.13% Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 VG89 1 02/01 7998 4.44 3.70 305 2 03/10 10956 4.24 3.42 297 3 04/09 9235 4.62 3.44 305 4 06/04 2726 4.92 3.08 93 • Maternal Sister to: • Highoaks Talent Kimo 4 ET EX93-3 9020kg 3.12% 3.13% • Highoaks Talent Kimo 3 ET VG85 9997kg 4.13% 3.05%
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702264, PLI+£261, Born 06.09.17
Sire: MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL Ortongrange Laredo Jessica 0112106413 GP82.......................................... by Whittier-Cf Gold Laredo Ortongrange Kizzy Jessica 0111204286 VG86(3YR) Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Ortongrange Jordan Jessica 0110483259 G79........................................................... by Roylane Jordan Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Laredo Jessica GP82 1 01/11 7186 4.50 3.35 305 3 04/01 8132 5.05 3.50 305 5 06/02 7625 4.65 3.61 305
2 02/11 7917 4.28 3.42 305 4 05/02 8033 4.54 3.48 289
Ortongrange Kizzy Jessica VG86(3YR) 1 02/03 8904 3.91 3.32 305 2 03/03 9889 4.22 3.46 305 3 04/10 352 5.83 2.97 28 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Design Jessica VG86 10160kg 4.42% 3.16% Ortongrange Jordan Jessica G79 1 02/02 8758 3.67 3.23 305 2 03/10 9065 4.39 3.46 305 3 05/01 4780 5.32 3.00 138 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kenrik Jessica VG88 14546kg 2.60% 3.20%
82 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 331
276 ORTONGRANGE CRANK IT ROXY 01101236402275
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236402275, PLI+£264, Born 27.09.17
Sire: JENNY-LOU MCUTCHEN CRANK IT Ortongrange Sanchez Roxy 01101236301770 GP82........................... by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez Ortongrange Atlantic Roxy 0112093965 Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic Ridgefield Roxy PI ET 0110305220 Donnandale Skychief Hanoverhill Chas Roxy PI ET 6406416069 EX95-4E SP Boulet Charles Hanover-Hill Raid Roelie PI ET 6515158191 GP80................................................. by Hanoverhill Raider A Hanover-Hill Astro Roxie PI 6403712693 Paclamar Astronaut A Mil-R-Mor Roxette PI 6403567417 EX90-2E 20* Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Glenridge Citation Roxy PI 6402276186 Rosafe Citation R Norton Court Model Vee PI 6401696290 EX90......................................... by Springbank Model Fame Norton Court Reflection Vale PI 6401441566 VG85......................... by Roeland Reflection Sovereign Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Sanchez Roxy GP82 1 02/02 6610 4.12 3.19 305 2 03/01 9419 4.36 3.22 305 3 04/02 14184 4.15 3.15 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Supersire Roxy ET VG85(3YR) 13759kg 4.03% 3.02% Ortongrange Atlantic Roxy EX91-3E 1 02/02 8054 4.56 3.08 298 3 04/03 10726 4.39 3.32 305 5 06/04 12340 4.10 3.14 304 Sold for 2700gns B&L Club Sale March 2015 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Mogul Roxy 2 ET 3400gns B&W 2014
2 03/01 8398 5.01 3.41 305 4 05/04 10891 4.55 3.34 305 6 07/03 10033 4.40 3.17 223
Ridgefield Roxy PI ET EX91 1 02/02 9265 4.88 3.23 305 2 03/05 11881 4.47 3.34 305 3 05/04 12118 4.59 3.28 305 4 06/04 11891 4.70 3.32 305 5 07/04 11613 4.44 3.15 305 6 08/05 10405 4.25 3.36 305 7 09/08 10220 4.52 3.22 305 8 11/00 9699 4.31 3.06 305 9 13/03 319 7.15 3.24 21 Highly commented for Genus Long Life Cow 2014 • Maternal Sister to: • Hycrest Formation Roxy PI EX90 13041kg 3.28% 3.22% • Ridgefield Freelance Roxy PI ET EX90 8920kg 3.70% 3.16% • Hycrest Skychief Roxy PI VG89(3YR) 10506kg 4.07% 3.20% Hanoverhill Chas Roxy PI ET EX95-4E SP LP60 1 02/08 10109 3.47 3.36 305 3 04/08 13035 4.15 3.42 305 5 09/05 10046 3.43 2.91 305 • Reserve All Britain 5yr old 2000 • 1st Snr Cow Dairy Event 2000 • 2nd Snr Cow Royal Show 2000 • Jnr Champion Irish Holstein Show 1997
2 03/08 12397 3.71 3.30 305 4 06/05 14336 3.70 3.06 305
g.d. of Lot 276
84 LOT
277 ORTONGRANGE MOGUL PEARL 01101236302274
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236302274, PLI+£275, Born 27.09.17
Sire: MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL Ortongrange Jeeves Pearl 0112258833 VG85(3YR).......................................... by Ked Outside Jeeves Ortongrange Jordan Pearl 0111302367 VG86............................................................. by Roylane Jordan Tallent Pearl 22 0109987593 Etazon Addison Tallent Pearl 7 0108328899 EX91-5E................................................................... by Hanoverhill Skybuck Due soon to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168 (sexed)
Ortongrange Jeeves Pearl VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/01 7715 3.66 2.95 305 2 03/03 8573 3.85 3.03 305 3 04/03 6781 3.75 3.08 305 4 05/05 10153 3.90 2.82 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Design Pearl 2 VG86(2YR) 11884kg 4.36% 3.14% Ortongrange Jordan Pearl VG86 1 02/00 8977 3.50 3.32 305 3 04/02 10929 3.53 3.21 298 5 06/01 11223 3.55 3.07 305 7 08/08 7375 3.48 3.08 290 Tallent Pearl 22 F74 1 02/02 9044 4.21 3.22 296 3 04/01 7877 4.45 3.47 305 5 06/10 3401 4.71 2.66 123
2 03/01 11541 3.66 3.17 305 4 05/01 11023 3.33 3.08 305 6 07/05 10002 3.68 3.03 305 8 09/08 3134 3.40 2.87 119 2 03/01 11367 4.12 3.24 305 4 05/02 11919 3.89 3.09 305
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236602277, PLI+£433, Born 04.10.17
Sire: PROGENESIS PROVIDER Ortongrange Jabir Payton ET Poc 01101236601724 GP82 ............................... by Coyne-Farms Jabir Venture Shamrock Payton P ET 6411335928.......................................... by Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock Golden-Oaks Peach P ET 65000139363728 VG85............................... by Regancrest Elton Durham Golden-Oaks Perk Rae Red Poc 6561690384 EX90.................................. by Burket-Falls Perk Red Scientific Beauty Rae ET 65000129659965 Stbvq Rubens Scientific Jubilant Rae PI ET 6514425291 Meadolake Jubilant Hanoverhill Tony Rae PI ET 6404309495 Marshfield Elevation Tony Hanoverhill Tt Roxette PI ET 6403845821 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red A Mil-R-Mor Roxette PI 6403567417 EX90-2E 20* Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Glenridge Citation Roxy PI 6402276186 Rosafe Citation R Due 29.12.19 to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168 (sexed)
Ortongrange Jabir Payton ET Poc GP82 1 02/02 6312 4.59 3.21 305 3 04/06 14946 4.35 3.18 295
2 03/05 10929 4.35 3.30 305
Venture Shamrock Payton P ET 1 02/07 12250 4.1 3.2 305 2 03/07 14823 4.0 3.1 305 3 04/06 13591 3.8 3.1 305 4 05/08 3368 4.4 3.3 102 • Maternal Sister to: • Venture Epic Pecan P ET VG87 12829kg 4.40% 3.40% Golden-Oaks Peach P ET VG85 1 02/02 10837 3.80 3.50 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Melrose Paradise ET EX93-2E 10597kg 3.64% 3.22% • Golden-Oaks Rmn Rae 2 ET VG88 12592kg 3.80% 3.30% • Noard Easter Red Lawn VG86 13924kg 3.66% 3.20% Golden Oaks Perk Rae Red EX90 1 01/11 12592 3.8 3.3 305 2 04/07 11898 3.5 3.4 305 • Maternal sister to: • Early-Autumn Golden Rae ET EX93 16656kg 4.70% 3.30% • Golden-Oaks Champ Rae ET EX93-3E 16488kg 4% 3.1%
85 LOT
Daughter of Lot 214, Maternal Sister to Lot 328
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102279, PLI +£53, Born 08.10.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Dancer Cummings 01101236401995 VG85(1YR)...... by Ortongrange Private Dancer Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings 0101946530 Larcrest Cosmos Due 16.01.20 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
Ortongrange Dancer Cummings VG85(1YR) 1 01/11 7065 4.16 3.33 285
2 02/10 11053 4.15 3.35 305
Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 1 02/02 6231 4.54 3.51 284
2 03/01 5860 5.19 3.51 232
Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings GP82 1 02/03 7731 4.85 3.49 305 3 04/08 6760 4.85 3.31 248
2 03/03 8032 5.51 3.76 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202280, PLI+£205, Born 12.10.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Ortongrange Man Of War Violet 0112470122 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Jekyll Violet 0111422256 Abs Dr Jekyll Ortongrange Kenrik Violet 0110781209 GP82.................................................. by Whittier-Farms Kenrik Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Man Of War Violet GP81 1 02/00 6323 4.24 3.33 305 3 04/04 8887 4.08 3.46 288
2 03/01 8026 4.31 3.44 305 4 05/03 13697 4.17 3.33 305
Ortongrange Jekyll Violet G78 1 02/00 8378 3.72 3.44 305 3 05/07 4477 4.47 3.18 113
2 03/11 11650 4.19 3.23 305
Ortongrange Kenrik Violet GP82 1 02/02 7630 3.31 3.30 305 3 04/11 9262 3.68 3.30 305
2 03/05 8796 3.74 3.28 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402282, PLI -£21, Born 13.10.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange McCutchen Charlotte De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 Ortongrange Kimo Charlotte 0112121007 VG85............................................ by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Marvo Charlotte 0111212529 VG86(3YR)................................................ by Tallent Marvo Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange McCutchen Charlotte 1 02/02 2461 4.18 3.14 143 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Mascalese Charlotte VG85(3YR) 8772kg 4.74% 3.48% Ortongrange Kimo Charlotte VG85 1 02/00 6926 4.51 3.24 305 3 04/00 4954 4.79 3.58 305 5 06/02 6393 4.69 3.23 273
2 03/00 6671 4.81 3.49 305 4 05/01 5847 4.80 3.48 305
Ortongrange Marvo Charlotte VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 7073 4.54 3.49 305 3 04/10 240 3.94 4.08 30
2 03/01 9169 4.63 3.33 305
86 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236302281, PLI +£63, Born 13.10.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN Tynevalley Wardle Million Peach ET 0112083466 VG88............................ by England-Ammon Million Bricknell Gibson Peach PI 0110463172 EX93-2E............................................................. by Silky Gibson Bricknell Malachite Peach PI 0109788204 EX93-4E SP Robthom Malachite Bricknell Clover Mandel Peach PI ET 0109058340 EX92-3E SP LP60.... by Lutz-Meadows E Mandel Clover-Mist Black Peach PI ET 6513951035 EX90................................................... by To-Mar Blackstar Mansion-Valley Precious PI ET 6512244356 Marshfield Elevation Tony Sher-Mar Highmark Hiawatha PI 6508619787 EX........................................ by Puget-Sound Highmark Sher-Mar Lee Mitzi PI 6507803182 Sher-Mar Bootmaker Lee Sher-Mar Mingo Mimi PI 6507147625 Sher-Mar Crisscross Mingo Sher-Mar Misty Jo PI 6506300700 VG Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Tynevalley Wardle Million Peach ET VG88 10gensVG/EX 2 02/05 7534 4.06 3.08 305 3 03/09 9521 3.72 3.04 305 4 05/04 10316 4.05 2.96 305 5 06/09 9914 4.23 3.03 305 6 08/06 2361 4.03 2.42 75 • Maternal Sister to: • Abbeyhouse Gold Peach PI EX93-2E 16441kg 4.17% 2.91% • Abbeyhouse Goldwyn Peach ET EX92 14766kg 3.52% 2.89% Bricknell Gibson Peach PI EX93-2E 1 02/05 9005 3.03 3.12 305 2 03/06 11940 3.37 3.06 305 3 04/08 11611 4.45 3.10 305 4 06/03 4120 4.98 2.60 102 5 09/07 8146 3.78 2.82 195 • Maternal Sister to: • Ansa Goldwyn Mala Peach PI ET EX94-2E 12853kg 3.87% 3.12% • Ansa Goldwyn Peach PI ET VG86(3YR) 10756kg 3.88% 3.38% Bricknell Malachite Peach PI EX93-4E SP LP100 1 02/02 10144 3.70 3.36 305 2 03/01 11067 4.13 3.37 305 3 04/03 10463 4.41 3.36 305 4 05/04 13248 4.18 3.23 305 5 07/06 13780 4.35 3.22 305 6 09/08 12051 4.10 3.26 305 7 11/01 7962 3.76 3.19 217 • Maternal Sister to: • Bricknell Wade Peach PI EX91 11582kg 3.89% 3.05% • Gatrog Gibson Peach PI EX90 11272kg 3.80% 2.80% • Bricknell Allen Peach PI VG88 10295kg 3.53% 3.12% • Bricknell Gibson Peach 2 PI ET VG85(3YR) 10626kg 3.75% 2.90%
3.d. of Lot 282
4.d. of Lot 282
88 LOT
UK101236102286, PLI+£305, Born 20.10.17
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL Ortongrange Destry Crummie 0112268711 GP82..................................................... by Scientific Destry Ortongrange Rampage Crummie Red 0111499472 G79...................... by Rosedale-L Rampage-Red Middle Crummie Bm 0304107942........................................................................... by Middle Brook Mitzy Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Destry Crummie GP82 1 02/01 7041 4.22 3.10 286 3 04/05 8647 4.36 3.17 301
2 03/01 8553 4.72 3.10 305 4 05/05 5986 5.08 2.97 206
Ortongrange Rampage Crummie Red G79 1 02/00 6432 4.53 3.43 305
2 03/00 9638 4.52 3.30 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 338
UK101236302288, PLI+£148, Born 22.10.17 (VARIANT RED)
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d.
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Miguel Ricky ET 01101236301994 Mr Miguel Ortongrange Massey Ricky ET 0112562329 Co-Op Bosside Massey Jk Eder Ricky 1 63000527992899 Ensenada Taboo Planet Wit Ricky 9 Cdf 60000580675088 VG86......................................................................................... by B G Wit Regina 662 60000580010596 O M J P E Wit Ready 60000579516291 Jesther Revue 60000577147721 VG89 Reval 60000108063015 United Nick Manila 60000107793716 EX90 Due May to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Miguel Ricky ET GP84 1 01/11 6871 4.69 3.73 305
2 02/11 4108 4.62 3.37 122
Ortongrange Massey Ricky ET GP83 1 02/03 7139 4.03 3.19 305 2 04/03 11274 3.63 3.27 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Townhouse 3757 Windbrook Regina ET EX90 12972kg 4.73% 3.64% • Howend Massey Ricky ET VG86(3YR) 9487kg 4.90% 3.40% • Townhouse 3752 Windbrook Regina ET VG85(2YR) 15117kg 3.46% 3.21% Jk Eder Ricky 1 VG88 • Maternal Sister to: • Bb Radon Ricky ET VG89 11842kg 2.79% 3.16% • Ms Ricky VG86 9060kg 4.22% 3.46% • Jk Eder Ricky VG85 8320kg 3.76% 3.29% • Moree Meridian Ricky ET VG85(1YR) 11100kg 3.89% 3.10%
285 NO LOT
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01228 406260
90 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 349
UK101236602291, PLI+£303, Born 02.11.17
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI Ortongrange Big Rock Beverley 01101236301833 VG86(2YR)................. by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Shottle Beverley 0111323411 EX91-2E................................................... by Picston Shottle Parkley Lucky Beverley 0109940573 Warmingham Lucky Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Big Rock Beverley VG86(2YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 01/10 5917 4.91 3.49 305 2 02/11 7778 5.11 3.61 305 3 03/11 10203 5.07 3.55 297 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Ross Beverley 2 VG86(3YR) 8974kg 4.34% 3.39% Ortongrange Shottle Beverley EX91-2E 1 02/01 8501 4.24 3.34 305 3 04/04 10873 4.28 3.21 305 5 07/07 1080 4.40 2.87 27
2 03/03 11338 4.39 3.47 305 4 05/11 11258 4.64 3.18 305
Parkley Lucky Beverley GP83 1 02/04 9126 4.32 3.22 305 3 04/10 12384 4.00 3.20 305 5 07/02 11908 3.91 3.11 305
2 03/06 12144 4.09 3.08 305 4 06/00 12893 4.08 3.26 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 213
UK101236502297, PLI+£222, Born 17.11.17
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: KINGS-RANSOM 1ST DEWARS Ortongrange Debutante Mitzi Red 0112175298 Cientific Debutante Rojo Middle Mitzi Me Middle Milestone Emerald Middle Mitzy Km 3 0305900197 EX91........................................................ by Ketby M E Milestone Red Due soon to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Debutante Mitzi Red GP83 1 02/01 5864 4.73 3.37 280 3 03/11 7311 5.62 3.56 305 5 06/00 8285 4.97 3.53 305
2 02/11 6390 5.16 3.69 297 4 05/00 7618 5.33 3.63 303 6 07/01 8606 4.45 3.49 280
Middle Mitzi Me • No milk records Middle Mitzy Km 3 EX91 1 02/02 5978 4.81 3.22 305 3 11/00 10858 4.83 3.16 305
2 09/03 10816 4.74 3.23 305
91 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 239
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d.
UK101236102300, PLI+£354, Born 18.11.17
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Fever Beth 01101236401764 VG85(2YR) Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Touchdown Beth Red 0111792122 Rosedale Touchdown-Red Ortongrange Shadow Beth 0111344378 VG85......................................................... by Howend Shadow Ortongrange Regiment Beth Red 0110924106 EX91-2E......................... by Carrousel Regiment Red Leedham Mario Bethany Red 0110437996 VG85.............................................. by Ron-Nan Mario Red Leedham Bethany Red ET 0109515537 Lay-Out Red Parkhaven Romeo Bethany Red 0108298094 Hanoverhill Romeo Parkhaven Exactor Beth Red 1202087051 VG85................................................. by Dairyworld Exactor Parkhaven Rock Beth Red 1201089321 VG81 Due soon to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE HURRICANE BETH • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Missile Beth VG85 9374kg 3.8% 3.34% Ortongrange Fever Beth VG85(2YR) 1 02/01 6393 3.81 2.84 305 2 03/03 8006 4.63 2.77 293 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Talent Beth VG85 11271kg 4.70% 3.55% Ortongrange Touchdown Beth Red GP83 1 02/02 6883 4.14 2.95 305 3 04/09 8830 4.32 3.04 305 5 07/02 9989 4.37 2.90 305
2 03/02 8937 4.21 3.07 305 4 05/11 7949 4.38 2.95 237 6 08/05 2617 4.38 2.44 56
Ortongrange Shadow Beth VG85 1 02/04 8392 4.27 3.18 305 2 03/04 10132 4.37 3.32 292 3 04/04 10304 4.04 3.16 305 4 05/08 10260 4.01 3.11 305 5 07/04 9784 4.26 2.98 305 6 08/07 7099 4.10 3.21 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Raid Beth Red VG87(3YR) 6845kg 4.41% 3.18% • Ortongrange Aragorn Beth Red VG87(3YR) 9603kg 4.19% 3.25%
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202301, PLI+£122, Born 21.11.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Caspian Raquel 01101236101971 GP83................................... by Sandy-Valley Caspian Ortongrange Blade Raquel 0112022796 GP83............................................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 2 0111445543 GP84...................................................... by Picston Shottle Due before sale day
Ortongrange Caspian Raquel GP83 1 02/02 9927 3.67 3.12 305 2 03/10 2312 3.60 3.13 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Atlantic Raquel 2 EX90 16396kg 3.20% 2.82% Ortongrange Blade Raquel GP83 1 02/00 9196 4.17 2.91 305 3 04/08 6187 4.11 2.62 173 Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 2 GP84 1 01/11 11315 3.49 3.04 305
2 03/01 11658 3.89 2.83 305
2 03/00 10363 3.35 3.07 243
92 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502304, PLI+£348, Born 23.11.17
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Million Viola 01101236701774 GP82..................................... by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Design Viola 0111994407 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Kizzy Viola 0111171740 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Million Viola GP82 1 02/02 6689 4.28 2.91 305 3 04/08 6290 3.88 2.63 157
2 03/03 9973 3.97 2.96 305
Ortongrange Design Viola VG85 1 02/00 7321 4.74 3.31 305 2 03/08 8298 5.00 3.28 305 3 04/09 8566 5.30 3.19 305 4 06/00 8653 5.33 3.21 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Endstory Viola 2 VG87 13115kg 4.26% 3.29% Ortongrange Kizzy Viola GP84 1 02/02 6580 4.31 3.95 305 3 04/05 10259 4.99 3.63 305 5 06/06 7437 4.99 3.38 292 7 08/07 8001 5.40 3.36 305 9 11/00 4156 5.31 3.40 224
2 03/02 8735 4.84 3.84 305 4 05/05 7950 5.10 3.48 305 6 07/05 8085 4.83 3.34 305 8 09/11 3937 5.04 3.38 305
93 LOT
Daughter of Lot 208
291 ORTONGRANGE MOGUL MIST 01101236402303
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d.
UK101236402303, PLI+£295, Born 23.11.17
Sire: MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL Ortongrange Bigrock Susie Mist 01101236601794 GP83........................... by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Shamrock Susie Mist ET 0112272690 VG85................... by Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock Lillyhall Golden Mist ET 0111896715 Braedale Goldwyn Rowantree Duplex Susie Mist ET 46121125620507 VG89 SP............................... by Mesland Duplex Rowantree Integ Susie Mist ET 46121125610407 VG85....................................... by Robthom Integrity Croagh Susie Mist 2 PI ET 0109448116 EX94.......................................................................... by M Storm Cradenhill Lm Susie Mist PI ET 0108445472 EX93-3E..................... by Rothrock Tradition Leadman Clover-Matt-West Susie Mist PI ET 6512865083 EX91..................................... by Walkway Chief Mark Waverly-Hills Elevation Sarah PI 6509066150 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Due 28.12.19 to DE-SU HARTLEY 003130010739 (sexed)
Ortongrange Bigrock Susie Mist GP83 1 02/00 6261 4.02 3.05 305 3 04/02 12262 4.09 3.09 275
2 03/01 9566 3.64 3.17 305
Ortongrange Shamrock Susie Mist ET VG85 1 02/06 8917 4.35 3.14 305 3 04/07 10035 4.94 3.24 305 5 06/10 1849 3.47 2.95 63
2 03/07 10002 4.08 3.18 305 4 05/10 9664 4.51 3.23 300
Lillyhall Golden Mist ET GP83 1 01/11 7377 4.25 3.21 305
4.d. of Lot 291
94 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 327
292 ORTONGRANGE CODE SUSAN 01101236202231
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202231, PLI +£10, Born 06.07.17
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange McCutchen Susan 01101236101908 De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 Ortongrange Giggs Susan 0111933873 Ceinwen Giggs Ortongrange Geno Susan 0111291401 VG86(3YR).......................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange McCutchen Susan GP84 1 02/02 5669 4.43 3.46 305 Ortongrange Giggs Susan VG85 1 01/11 7810 4.16 3.15 305 3 04/08 8936 4.60 3.18 301 Ortongrange Geno Susan VG86(3YR) 1 02/00 7654 3.83 3.26 305
2 03/04 10802 4.54 3.36 305 2 03/04 11690 4.21 3.09 305
2 03/06 10577 3.69 3.10 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102307, PLI+£275, Born 05.12.17
Sire: MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL Ortongrange Ross Imogen 0112032483 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Design Imogen 0111412711 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Gordon Imogen 0110407853 Dellka Juror Gordon-Tw Due 28.12.19 to SWISSBEC BOBY P 000109890168 (sexed)
Ortongrange Ross Imogen VG85 1 02/00 8351 3.78 3.03 305 3 04/02 9636 4.37 3.21 305
2 03/01 9012 3.95 3.18 305 4 05/08 10495 4.14 3.15 305
Ortongrange Design Imogen GP83 1 02/03 8780 3.69 3.00 305 3 04/03 10081 3.65 3.01 305
2 03/03 9164 3.54 3.25 305 4 05/07 1396 6.86 3.10 39
Ortongrange Gordon Imogen GP83 1 02/04 9603 3.71 3.27 305 3 05/04 7737 4.63 2.95 187
2 03/08 10251 4.55 3.15 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 244
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202308, PLI+£315, Born 06.12.17
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Lauthority Blossom 0112179690 Comestar Lauthority Ortongrange Decker Blossom 0111390846 GP84................................... by Far-O-La Debbi-Jo Decker Maytown Astre Apple Blossom 3 0109654563 Duregal Astre Starbuck Due soon to SANDY-VALLEY COPYCAT 003014562172 (sexed)
Ortongrange Lauthority Blossom G78 1 02/01 6308 3.93 3.23 305 3 04/02 8814 4.10 3.18 266 5 06/01 2620 3.65 3.02 89 Ortongrange Decker Blossom GP84 1 02/02 8466 3.72 3.36 305 Maytown Astre Apple Blossom 3 VG85 1 02/08 6897 3.57 3.13 305 3 05/00 10991 3.45 3.01 305 5 08/00 6398 3.96 3.16 282
2 03/02 8663 4.15 3.30 305 4 05/01 8832 3.95 3.22 304
2 03/02 4854 4.29 3.46 291 2 03/09 9184 3.21 3.15 305 4 06/00 8653 3.60 3.07 305
95 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 238
295 ORTONGRANGE MOGUL MOLLI 01101236402310
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236402310, PLI+£392, Born 08.12.17
Sire: MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL Ortongrange Lawnboy Molli Red 0112187681 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Poc Ortongrange Molli Princess Red 0111569474 Morwick Prince Regent Red Middle Molli Moe 0304108066 VG86............................................................. by Middle Orangje Elegant Middle Molli Tulip 0305900221 EX90-2E................................................................ by Subliem Tulip Red Morwick Range Molli Red 2 PI ET 0108993156 Horizon Ranger Globelite Mollistar PI ET 6061033553 VG87.............................................................. by To-Mar Blackstar Miss Ron-Nan Enhance Molli-Red PI 6512016893 Glenafton Enhancer C Romandale Count Monica Red PI 6511478781 Romandale Count Crystan Romandale Maximus Monita PI 6402527406 Romandale Maximus Mellow Breeze Giselle PI 6402329634 Don-Augur TT Model Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Lawnboy Molli Red VG87 1 02/01 7208 4.55 3.55 305 3 04/09 9733 5.02 3.49 305 Ortongrange Molli Princess Red G78 1 02/01 8404 5.01 3.50 305 3 04/01 7994 4.98 3.57 305
2 03/07 9482 5.22 3.51 305 4 06/00 10860 4.98 3.43 305 2 03/02 7707 4.98 3.66 287
5.d. of Lot 295
96 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236602312, PLI -£9, Born 14.12.17 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Shottle Morag 2 0112301443 GP83........................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Decker Morag 0111492746 VG85(3YR)............................. by Far-O-La Debbi-Jo Decker Langreen Morag 3 0110282139 GP84.......................................................................... by Etazon Lord Lily Langreen Morag 0109365566 EX93-4E.................................................................................... by M Storm Due soon to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
Ortongrange Shottle Morag 2 GP83 1 02/00 7326 3.73 3.14 305 3 04/01 9940 3.72 2.95 305 Ortongrange Decker Morag VG85(3YR) 1 01/11 6293 4.35 3.33 305 3 04/02 7178 4.57 3.35 305 5 08/05 5337 5.80 3.19 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Star Ooma EX91 10108kg 4.77% 3.38% Langreen Morag 3 GP84 1 02/02 6981 5.42 3.38 290 3 04/05 10233 5.38 3.47 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Wardle Jordan Morag VG86 9262kg 3.55% 2.88%
2 03/01 8370 3.70 3.07 300 4 05/05 9812 3.80 2.84 270 2 03/02 9110 4.69 3.23 305 4 05/04 9397 4.79 3.12 305
2 03/02 8795 4.74 3.46 305 4 05/06 8576 5.41 3.59 305
297 ORTONGRANGE DEWARS ALICE 2 01101236702313
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702313, PLI+£249, Born 02.01.18
Sire: KINGS-RANSOM 1ST DEWARS Ortongrange Mincio Alice 0112508553 VG87(3YR) Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Kimo Alice 0111894124 GP82.................................................... by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Design Alice 0111478044 Regancrest Design Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Mincio Alice VG87(3YR) 1 02/02 7931 4.42 2.99 305 3 04/05 1152 4.47 3.19 52 Ortongrange Kimo Alice GP82 1 02/02 7590 4.14 3.07 305 Ortongrange Design Alice VG86 1 02/03 8577 3.74 3.09 305 3 04/02 9421 3.76 2.98 305 5 06/03 10874 3.90 3.02 305 7 08/06 3446 3.54 3.36 171
2 03/05 10077 4.24 2.97 283
2 03/02 10243 4.18 3.17 305 2 03/03 9631 3.65 3.19 301 4 05/03 11547 3.84 3.00 303 6 07/06 9359 4.22 2.96 292
97 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202315, PLI+£341, Born 06.01.18
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Goldfish Gloria 0112503348 VG85(3YR)........................................ by Toc-Farm Goldfish Ortongrange Sam Gloria 2 0111892098 VG85...................................... by Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam Ortongrange Jordan Gloria 0111307154 GP84............................................................ by Roylane Jordan Due April to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Goldfish Gloria VG85(3YR) 2gensVG 1 02/03 7226 4.24 3.18 305 3 04/05 1888 6.81 4.28 65
2 03/04 9752 4.00 3.24 305
Ortongrange Sam Gloria 2 VG85 1 02/00 6121 4.32 3.23 305 3 04/02 7968 4.22 3.56 290 5 06/05 10600 3.90 3.08 305
2 03/02 9603 4.45 3.17 305 4 05/02 10173 4.46 3.27 305
Ortongrange Jordan Gloria GP84 1 02/02 7088 4.12 3.42 305
2 03/02 2648 3.79 3.05 79
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236302316, PLI+£355, Born 09.01.18
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Ross Vaakje 0112076064 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Stardale Rox Vaakje 13 0110212448 EX92-3E SP LP50 2* Stardale Rox Burrow Stardale Vaakje 110 0108964882 VG89 4* Hanoverhill Lieutenant Stardale Blackstar Vaakje 2 ET 0108518229 EX92-5E LP80................................ by To-Mar Blackstar Stardale Warden Vaakje 9 ET 0107871833 EX92-2E RM 20* A Hilltopper Warden Stardale Black Vaakje 3 2006141184 EX90 RMX EC(80) 42* Stardale Blacklad Stardale Vaakje 19 0105447418 EX93 RMX EC 10*.............................. by Ullswater Royal Sovereign Stardale Vaakje 10 2004553796 BFE90 RMX EC 14* Brynhyfryd Emporer Stardale Regal Vaakje 3 2002992966 BFE RMX EC 3*....................................... by Calcourt Magnus Robfel Legend Vaakje 7 2002053772 BFE RMX/RML......................................... by Claybury Legend Due April to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Ross Vaakje GP84 1 02/04 7390 4.42 3.29 305 2 03/05 9109 4.72 3.26 305 3 04/08 9044 4.33 3.19 303 4 05/08 9412 4.36 3.28 292 5 06/08 10483 4.22 3.14 305 6 07/10 6332 4.24 2.83 174 • Maternal Sister to: • Stardale Lee Vaakje 8 VG88(3YR) 12940kg 4.02% 3.08% • Stardale Saphire Vaakje 13 VG86(3YR) 7581kg 5.02% 3.62% Stardale Rox Vaakje 13 EX92-3E SP LP50 2* 1 02/03 7088 4.55 3.42 305 3 04/06 9280 4.75 3.59 287 5 06/05 9840 4.65 3.37 305 7 09/10 1233 6.27 3.41 48 • Maternal Sister to: • Stardale Vaakje 122 VG85 8271kg 4.47% 3.34%
2 03/06 8782 4.34 3.29 305 4 05/06 11108 4.81 3.45 298 6 07/11 8927 4.77 3.43 305
Stardale Vaakje 110 VG89 4* 1 02/02 7960 3.56 3.29 305 2 03/06 9180 3.81 3.51 305 3 04/06 10021 3.57 3.33 305 4 05/09 6246 3.39 3.20 146 5 07/00 11819 2.76 3.26 305 6 08/02 10922 2.96 3.06 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Stardale Saphire Vaakje 7 VG85 9402kg 5.00% 3.54% • Stardale Vaakje 156 VG85(2YR) 8075kg 3.08% 3.07%
98 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 247
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402317, PLI+£327, Born 10.01.18
Sire: PROGENESIS PROVIDER Ortongrange Always Wheatear 0112569156 VG86(3YR).............. by Ortongrange Why Always Him Ortongrange Design Wheatear 0112169970 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 0111349066................................................................. by Picston Shottle Due March to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Ortongrange Always Wheatear VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 7228 4.30 3.35 301 3 04/01 5493 4.96 3.12 145
2 03/01 10655 4.68 3.37 301
Ortongrange Design Wheatear G79 1 02/01 7054 4.07 3.39 305 3 04/02 8147 4.58 3.32 305 5 06/05 982 5.28 2.43 32
2 03/00 4200 4.34 3.81 305 4 05/05 9260 4.21 3.39 305
Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 1 02/02 6777 4.44 3.58 305 3 04/04 8542 4.53 3.22 305 5 06/04 4943 4.64 3.23 113
2 03/05 8871 4.08 3.44 295 4 05/05 9377 4.13 3.22 296
301 ORTONGRANGE CODE PEARL 01101236502318
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502318, PLI +£39, Born 16.01.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Trump Pearl 01101236202014 Jenny-Lou Shottle Trump Ortongrange Sam Pearl 0111862646 GP81........................................... by Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam Ortongrange Jordan Pearl 0111302367 VG86............................................................. by Roylane Jordan Due 17.03.20 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
Ortongrange Trump Pearl GP84 1 02/01 8023 4.70 3.19 305 Ortongrange Sam Pearl GP81 1 02/01 7559 4.29 3.09 305 2 03/03 11154 4.45 3.13 305 3 04/05 12635 4.59 3.09 305 4 05/08 11109 4.38 3.02 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Design Pearl 2 VG86(2YR) 11884kg 4.36% 3.14% • Ortongrange Jeeves Pearl VG85(3YR) 10153kg 3.90% 2.82% Ortongrange Jordan Pearl VG86 1 02/00 8977 3.50 3.32 305 3 04/02 10929 3.53 3.21 298 5 06/01 11223 3.55 3.07 305 7 08/08 7375 3.48 3.08 290
2 03/01 11541 3.66 3.17 305 4 05/01 11023 3.33 3.08 305 6 07/05 10002 3.68 3.03 305 8 09/08 3134 3.40 2.87 119
99 LOT
302 ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE PEARL 4 01101236302330
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236302330, PLI +£92, Born 11.02.18
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Design Pearl 2 0112448977 VG86(2YR) Regancrest Design Ortongrange Jordan Pearl 0111302367 VG86............................................................. by Roylane Jordan Tallent Pearl 22 0109987593 Etazon Addison Tallent Pearl 7 0108328899 EX91-5E................................................................... by Hanoverhill Skybuck Due 25.03.20 to GLAMOUR BOGHILL CASPER 915258200195 (sexed)
Ortongrange Design Pearl 2 VG86(2YR) 2gensVG 1 02/01 7099 4.55 3.13 305 2 03/07 9763 4.39 3.18 305 3 04/10 11884 4.36 3.14 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Jeeves Pearl VG85(3YR) 10153kg 3.90% 2.82% Ortongrange Jordan Pearl VG86 1 02/00 8977 3.50 3.32 305 3 04/02 10929 3.53 3.21 298 5 06/01 11223 3.55 3.07 305 7 08/08 7375 3.48 3.08 290 Tallent Pearl 22 F74 1 02/02 9044 4.21 3.22 296 3 04/01 7877 4.45 3.47 305 5 06/10 3401 4.71 2.66 123
2 03/01 11541 3.66 3.17 305 4 05/01 11023 3.33 3.08 305 6 07/05 10002 3.68 3.03 305 8 09/08 3134 3.40 2.87 119 2 03/01 11367 4.12 3.24 305 4 05/02 11919 3.89 3.09 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702334, PLI+£362, Born 19.02.18
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Shottle Countess 0111851373 EX90....................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Easy Countess 0111281108 GP83................................................................. by Speak Easy Meadowell Patron Countess 0110461732 F72..................................................... by Brabant Star Patron Due 15.04.20 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE HURRICANE COUNTESS • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Goldfish Countess VG86 6192kg 4.27% 3.54% • Ortongrange Grafeeti Countess VG85 Ortongrange Shottle Countess EX90 1 02/00 7601 3.77 2.99 305 3 04/07 10855 3.85 3.15 305 5 06/09 11269 3.55 3.01 305
2 03/07 11045 3.79 3.04 305 4 05/07 10443 4.21 2.98 305 6 07/11 12596 3.89 2.84 305
Ortongrange Easy Countess GP83 1 02/01 7583 3.93 3.55 305 2 03/01 10272 3.69 3.44 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Champion Countess VG85(3YR) 9703kg 4.66% 3.57% Meadowell Patron Countess F72 1 02/01 6914 4.11 3.53 305 3 04/04 9082 4.33 3.66 305
2 03/02 8385 4.15 3.63 305 4 05/06 1423 6.77 4.40 42
100 LOT
Daughter of Lot 209
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102335, PLI+£438, Born 20.02.18
Sire: BACON-HILL HURRICANE Ortongrange Atlantic Amy 01101236601836 VG85(3YR) Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic Ortongrange Lawnboy Amy Red 0112155064 Aggravation Lawn Boy P-Red Poc Ortongrange Rampage Amy Red 0111300571 GP82............................ by Rosedale-L Rampage-Red Due 02.05.20 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed)
Ortongrange Atlantic Amy VG85(3YR) 1 02/02 5150 4.03 3.30 305 3 04/02 7889 4.15 3.10 215
2 03/02 9910 4.37 3.23 304
Ortongrange Lawnboy Amy Red GP81 1 02/03 6536 4.07 3.42 301 3 04/02 9684 4.04 3.52 266 5 06/01 11475 4.21 3.57 305
2 03/02 9937 4.03 3.51 305 4 05/00 11722 4.10 3.66 305
Ortongrange Rampage Amy Red GP82 1 02/05 6617 4.08 3.49 305 3 04/07 8909 4.96 3.37 279 5 06/05 9044 4.28 3.47 286
2 03/05 9236 4.73 3.55 305 4 05/06 8351 4.27 3.40 278 6 07/04 4900 3.95 3.16 135
Maternal Sister to Lot 208
305 ORTONGRANGE CLOSE UP MIST 01101236202336
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d.
UK101236202336, PLI+£323, Born 24.02.18
Sire: STANTONS CLOSE UP Ortongrange Shamrock Susie Mist ET 0112272690 VG85................... by Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock Lillyhall Golden Mist ET 0111896715 Braedale Goldwyn Rowantree Duplex Susie Mist ET 46121125620507 VG89 SP............................... by Mesland Duplex Rowantree Integ Susie Mist ET 46121125610407 VG85....................................... by Robthom Integrity Croagh Susie Mist 2 PI ET 0109448116 EX94.......................................................................... by M Storm Cradenhill Lm Susie Mist PI ET 0108445472 EX93-3E..................... by Rothrock Tradition Leadman Clover-Matt-West Susie Mist PI ET 6512865083 EX91..................................... by Walkway Chief Mark Waverly-Hills Elevation Sarah PI 6509066150 Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Due 21.03.20 to GLAMOUR BOGHILL CASPER 915258200195 (sexed)
Ortongrange Shamrock Susie Mist ET VG85 1 02/06 8917 4.35 3.14 305 3 04/07 10035 4.94 3.24 305 5 06/10 1849 3.47 2.95 63
2 03/07 10002 4.08 3.18 305 4 05/10 9664 4.51 3.23 300
Lillyhall Golden Mist ET GP83 1 01/11 7377 4.25 3.21 305 Rowantree Duplex Susie Mist ET VG89 SP 1 02/03 10963 4.09 3.02 305
2 04/10 13420 3.72 2.92 305
101 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 251
UK101236602340, PLI+£376, Born 26.02.18
dam Ortongrange Overtime Charmer ET 01101236701858 GP84........................ by Pine-Tree Overtime P g.d. All-Riehl Ladds Charmer ET 6564010333...................................................... by Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red 3.d. Trulea Super Charity 7296 ET 6569777492 Charlesdale Superstition AI’d to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed) then ran from 01.08.19 with ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235. PD+ (3/4 months In calf) ORTONGRANGE PROVIDER CHARMER • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Code Charmer Red VG85 Ortongrange Overtime Charmer ET GP84 1 02/00 7408 4.10 3.25 305 3 04/01 4098 3.63 2.97 105
2 03/00 11928 4.14 3.27 305
All-Riehl Ladds Charmer ET Trulea Super Charity 7296 ET EX91 1 03/09 17976 3.80 3.40 305
Daughter of Lot 215
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502346, PLI +£32, Born 06.03.18 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Trump Flirt 01101236702012 VG85(3YR) Jenny-Lou Shottle Trump Ortongrange Design Flirt 0111412716 Regancrest Design Lipleyhall Convincer Flirt PI 0110059204 G75......................................................... by Wa-Del Convincer Due 14.03.20 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (sexed)
Ortongrange Trump Flirt VG85(3YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 02/03 9423 4.04 3.10 305 2 03/04 6198 3.46 2.65 152 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Flirt VG87 7266kg 4.90% 3.18% • Ortongrange Captain Flirt 2 VG85(3YR) 7955kg 4.25% 3.19% Ortongrange Design Flirt EX91-3E 1 02/01 7121 4.56 3.46 305 3 04/02 8569 5.11 3.36 305 5 06/07 10182 5.20 3.46 305 7 09/05 8426 5.19 3.29 305 Lipleyhall Convincer Flirt PI G75 1 02/09 2373 4.45 3.66 110 3 04/05 10727 4.48 3.48 305 5 07/01 7978 4.75 3.12 184
2 03/02 10010 5.19 3.42 305 4 05/04 10817 5.41 3.28 305 6 08/01 10687 5.70 3.23 305 8 10/08 6119 3.64 3.24 136 2 03/02 10317 4.84 3.38 305 4 06/02 13637 4.62 3.40 305
102 LOT
308 ORTONGRANGE CODE BIANCA 01101236602347
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602347, PLI +£83, Born 07.03.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Grafeeti Bianca 01101236502017 Ladys-Manor Rd Grafeeti Ortongrange Shottle Bianca 0111734110 GP83............................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Geno Bianca 0111336643 VG85................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Due 28.03.20 to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed)
Ortongrange Grafeeti Bianca GP83 1 02/02 11361 3.55 3.11 305 2 03/04 4526 3.75 2.87 118 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Jeeves Bianca 2 VG86 13528kg 4.85% 3.52% Ortongrange Shottle Bianca GP83 1 02/00 8652 4.23 3.10 305 2 03/03 10185 4.12 3.08 305 3 04/03 11561 4.24 3.05 305 4 05/05 9799 4.42 3.00 289 5 06/05 9215 4.22 3.05 292 6 07/04 4872 3.93 2.73 199 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Sam Bianca VG86(3YR) 11981kg 3.97% 3.04% Ortongrange Geno Bianca VG85 1 02/02 7798 3.87 3.36 305 3 04/03 9396 4.13 3.34 305 5 06/06 3849 4.26 2.90 127
2 03/04 10471 4.23 3.23 284 4 05/07 8572 4.18 3.06 254
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bsl authorised
104 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236702348, PLI +£70, Born 07.03.18 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE CODE RED Ortongrange Mano Polly ET Long-Langs Oman Oman Alh Polly ET 63000445715448 EX92 LP50 30*.......................................................... by Hartline Titanic Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET 65000132816010 EX95-2E............................. by Comestar Outside Windy-Knoll-View Promis PI ET 6518049401 Startmore Rudolph Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala PI 6512236320 EX94.............................................. by Quality Ultimate Windy-Knoll-View Creek Pauline PI 6510500427 VG88...................... by Creek-Bluff Elevation Lester Due 19.05.20 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH 003131003438 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE CODE POLLY RED • Maternal Sister to: • Howend Sudan Polly VG85 9366kg 5.54% 3.28% • Ortongrange Glauco Polly VG88 12047kg 4.48% 3.2% Ortongrange Mano Polly ET 1 02/01 6850 4.37 3.23 305 2 03/02 10111 4.41 3.15 305 3 05/00 9977 5.03 2.91 305 4 06/01 9097 4.23 3.10 305 5 07/06 5383 3.65 2.89 159 • Maternal Sister to: • Shawdale Damion Pledge 2 ET EX94-4E 15323kg 3.17% 3.18% • Absolute Polly Pursuit ET EX94-2E 14519kg 5.25% 2.84% • Shawdale Damion Pledge ET EX93-3E 13745kg 2.85% 3.13% • Holmland Lavanguard Pledge ET EX92 12878kg 3.52% 3.07% • Cracking Damion Polly ET EX92 9939kg 4.33% 3.24% • Holmland Lauthority Pledge ET EX91 9629kg 4.15% 3.24% • Holmland Damion Pledge ET EX90 11936kg 3.22% 3.15% And 29 other VG sisters Alh Polly ET EX92 LP50 30* 1 02/08 10363 5.21 3.47 305 2 04/04 11038 3.44 3.24 305 3 06/01 12071 4.72 3.19 305 4 08/09 5157 3.86 2.81 98 • Maternal Sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Prairie ET EX92 17309kg 3.70% 3.10% • Windy Knoll View Precious EX90 9235kg 5.10% 3.40% And 12 other VG sisters Windy-Knoll-View Pledge PI ET EX95-2E 1 02/01 11689 3.90 3.30 305 2 04/01 15844 3.80 3.15 305 3 06/00 15317 3.90 3.20 305 4 08/00 14437 4.10 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Windy-Knoll-View Pammy ET EX95-2E 13481kg 4.54% 3.24% • Windy-Knoll-View Policy ET EX93-2E 17981kg 6.00% 3.40% • Windy-Knoll View Prom PI EX92 10936kg 4.20% 3.20% • Sterndale Advent Promis ET EX90 14207kg 3.87% 3.06% And 5 other VG sisters
106 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202350, PLI+£431, Born 08.03.18
Sire: AOT SILVER HELIX Ortongrange Big Rock Violet 01101236701872 GP82.................................. by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Shottle Violet 0112439118 VG85(2YR)................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Geno Violet 0111209183 VG88...................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Due 27.04.20 to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed)
Ortongrange Big Rock Violet GP82 1 02/00 8320 3.81 3.28 305 3 04/00 1836 3.04 3.28 62
2 03/01 10662 3.64 3.09 302
Ortongrange Shottle Violet VG85(2YR) 1 01/11 8152 4.21 3.19 305 3 03/11 5477 4.12 3.86 305 5 06/03 4545 3.28 2.98 89
2 03/03 6945 4.01 3.06 264 4 05/04 13598 3.69 3.15 291
Ortongrange Geno Violet VG88 1 01/11 7637 3.45 3.50 305 3 04/05 12290 3.90 3.30 299 5 06/05 4704 3.45 3.22 133
2 03/00 11704 3.92 3.32 305 4 05/05 12278 3.72 3.16 305
108 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236502360, PLI+£480, Born 25.03.18
Sire: S-S-I MONTROSS JEDI Thurler Modesty Vegas 6412512386 GP81 2YR Bacon-Hill Pety Modesty Peak Marq A1 942 ET 65003126668032 VG85 2YR Zahbulls Alta1stclass Bryhill Ransom Marquisse ET 65003011619658 GP83 2YR CAN ......................... by De-Su Ransom Sully Robust 720 ET 65003008167779 GP83................................................. by Roylane Socra Robus Sully Planet Manitoba ET 65000139853931 VG85...................................................................... by E T P Sully Shottle May 65000138218285 EX91-2E........................................................................ by P Shottle Ms Sully Oman Muetze ET 65000137317589 EX90........................................................... by O M J P E Johnan Marshall Mint 6551765406 VG85..................................................... by Mara-Thon Bw Marshall Poly-Kow Durham Mincy ET 6551492033 VG88.................................... by Regancrest Elton Durham Poly-Kow Rudolph Mink ET 6518033919 VG86.................................................. by Startmore Rudolph Due 19.04.20 to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed)
ORTONGRANGE JEDI VEGAS •Has been flushed & embryos retained by the vendor • GLPI 2797 Milk+1613 Aug 2019 Thurler Modesty Vegas GP81 2YR CAN 1 02/07 11183 3.40 3.60 305 Proj 10,425 3.40 • Vegas is from the same maternal line as Rolan, Marius, McCutcheon • Foundation being Sully Shottle May Peak Marq A1 942 ET VG85 2YR CAN 1 02/04 10052 3.70 3.30 305 3 04/06 13137 3.70 3.10 305 Bryhill Ransom Marquisse ET GP83 2YR CAN 1 02/02 10750 4.60 3.70 305
2 03/05 11980 3.9 3.5 305
PEAK MARQ A1 942 ET g.d. of Lot 311
110 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236402359, PLI+£266, Born 25.03.18
Sire: COOKIECUTTER HANG-TIME Creskeld Fever Ruby Crackholm Fever Creskeld Ross Ruby 0111673338 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Creskeld Stormatic Ruby 3 0111217780 EX91..................................................... by Comestar Stormatic Creskeld Charles Ruby 0109138079 Boulet Charles Due May to ORTONGRANGE KODI 01101236602235
Creskeld Fever Ruby 1 02/05 6943 3.84 3.16 305 3 04/05 9617 3.44 3.16 305
2 03/05 8767 3.37 3.13 305 4 05/06 14196 3.90 3.02 305
Creskeld Ross Ruby GP81 1 02/05 6561 3.89 3.20 292
2 03/06 8786 3.15 3.20 287
Creskeld Stormatic Ruby 3 EX91 1 02/05 7585 3.66 3.03 305 2 03/05 10205 3.64 3.06 305 3 04/06 11471 3.66 3.08 305 4 05/07 11608 3.73 2.99 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Creskeld Stormatic Ruby 2 EX91 11015kg 3.59% 3.08% • Creskeld Gibson Ruby VG88 10503kg 4.00% 3.29% • Creskeld Journalist Ruby VG86 11229kg 3.75% 3.07%
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236702362, PLI+£565, Born 29.03.18
Sire: S-S-I MONTROSS JEDI Thurler Rubicon Lyn 6412294970 GP81 CAN Edg Rubicon Aija Supersire Makea ET 6411819995 VG86 CAN.......................................... by Seagull-Bay Supersire Aija Man O Man Naomi ET 6411168957 Long-Langs Oman Oman Aija Shottle Jenny ET 6410831378 VG85.................................................................................. by P Shottle Aija Goldwyn Joyfull 6408921178 VG86............................................................................................... by BG Aija Out Joy 6408523321 EX90................................................................................. by Comestar Outside Due 07.05.20 to WELCOME TEL BRENNAN 003129340894 (Sexed)
ORTONGRANGE JEDI LYN ET • Has been flushed & embryos retained by the vendor • GLPI 3118 Milk+2261 Con+5 Aug 2019 Thurler Rubicon Lyn 1 02/03 3851 3.1 3.2 105 • Maternal Sister to: • Thunder Commander Chantel VG86 - Former #1 GLPI in Canada Aija Supersire Makea ET VG86 1 02/11 12530 4.2 3.4 305 3 05/06 13448 4.2 3.5 290 Dam of 5 sons in Al including Cover in germany 3d of Freemox the #2 R2G sire in Germany Aug 2019 Aija Man O Man Naomi ET VG85 1 02/01 9738 4.10 3.60 305
2 04/05 13409 4.1 3.4 305 4 06/05 10136 3.4 3.2 305
2 03/04 13799 4.00 3.40 305
THURLER COMMANDER CHANTAL Maternal sister to dam of Lot 313
112 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236302365, PLI+£236, Born 12.04.18
Sire: PROGENESIS PROVIDER Ortongrange Glauco Raquel 2 01101236401841 VG85(2YR)................ by Toc-Farm Duplex Glauco Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 3 0111792118 VG86........................................................ by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Integrity Raquel PI 0111160669 VG86............................................... by Robthom Integrity Parkley Stoneham Raquel PI 0110134629 Richesse Stoneham Due 22.04.20 to S MODESTY MAGICTOUCH (sexed)
Ortongrange Glauco Raquel 2 VG85(2YR) 4gensVG 1 02/01 6395 4.25 3.35 305
2 03/03 4756 3.71 2.92 125
Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 3 VG86 1 02/00 6880 4.52 3.20 305 3 04/02 10182 5.04 3.08 297 5 06/00 6594 4.95 3.35 305
2 03/01 9744 4.79 3.27 305 4 05/02 470 4.93 3.89 13 6 07/00 8100 4.54 2.96 305
Ortongrange Integrity Raquel PI VG86 1 02/03 6863 3.92 3.58 305 3 04/05 11236 4.44 3.35 305
2 03/04 9260 4.77 3.44 305
Accountancy practice specialising in farming and rural family owned businesses.
Pleased to support Messrs J A Martin
Call 016975 08925 Lindsay Marrs on 07786 080452, Paul Benson on 07946 236291, Office: The Mill, Station Road, Wigton, CA7 9BA
114 LOT
315 ORTONGRANGE LES LILAZ 01101236502367
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d.
UK101236502367, PLI+£446, Born 14.04.18
Sire: LEANINGHOUSE LES 21873 Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz 3 ET 01101236401855 VG86(3YR)........ by Rickland Predestine 669 Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET 0112259537 Flevo Genetics Snowman Comestar Lilazel Million ET 64000106303096............................................ by England-Ammon Million Lylehaven Lila Z PI 65000132449139 EX94-2E..................................... by Regancrest Elton Durham Lylehaven Form Laura PI ET 65000126786486 EX94-2E........................................................ by S N L F Thiersant Lili Starbuck PI ET 6406332629 Hanoverhill Starbuck Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie PI 6404623897 VG86............................................................. by Bridon Astro Jet Due 01.05.20 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (Sexed)
Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz 3 ET VG86(3YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 02/02 6862 5.22 3.65 305 2 03/03 9609 4.82 3.71 305 3 04/03 5930 4.81 3.42 154 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Goldfish Lilaz VG86(2YR) 8846kg 3.58% 3.40% • Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz ET VG85(2YR) 10900kg 3.99% 3.21% Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET EX90 1 02/00 7601 4.05 3.31 305 2 03/01 12215 4.07 3.12 305 3 04/02 12796 3.52 3.14 305 4 05/05 11343 4.54 3.39 305 5 06/06 13968 3.51 3.27 305 6 07/07 314 2.74 3.78 11 Comestar Lilazel Million ET • Maternal Sister to: • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 15992kg 3.60% 3.10% • Calbrett Shottle Lela ET VG87 - Sold for $110,000 ADI 3rd Edition Sale 2009 • Calbrett Goldwyn Layla ET EX92 12660kg 3.90% 3.30% Sold for $230,000 ADI 3rd Edition sale 2009 1st 4yr Autumn Opportunity 2011 3rd 4yr Royal Winter Fair 2011 Nominated All Canadian 4yr 2011 2nd Snr Yearling Autumn Opportunity 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 3* 12323kg 3.90% 3.20% • Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG89 19909kg 4.60% 3.40% All Ontario Snr 2yr 2008 Nominated All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 1st Snr 2yr Auntumn Opportunity 2008 2nd Snr. 2yr Ontario Summer Show 2008 • Comestar Goldwyn Lilae VG89 14556kg 4.6% 3.7% Nom All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 1st Snr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 2nd Snr 2yr Ontario Summer 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Laura ET VG88 10732kg 4.20% 3.40% • Calbrett Goldwyn Liza VG88 2yr 12405 4.2% 3.5% Sold for $175,000 ADI Global 2nd Edition Sale 2008 1st Jnr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 Jnr Champion Durham County 2007 • Comestar Lila C Stormatic VG87 2yr 11640kg 3.5% 3.1% -- 2nd Jnr 3yr Ontario Spring Discovery 2009 • Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG87 2yr 13085kg 3.6% 3.5% • Calbrett Goldwyn Lyndsey VG87 2yr 12685kg 4.0% 3.4% • Acecroft Goldwyn Lila Z VG87 2YR SP 15209kg 3.57% 3.24% -Sold for 27,000gns Ex Factor Sale 2006 • Greenmile Bolton Lila B ET VG87 2YR15097kg 2.96% 3.06% -Sold for $60,000 Global Glamour sale 2008 Plus 4 other VG sisters Lylehaven Lila Z PI EX94-2E 16* 1 02/04 13577 3.50 3.30 305 2 04/05 19488 4.00 3.50 305 3 06/05 18138 4.20 3.30 305 Sold for $1,150,000 Triple Crown Sale 2005 Res Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007 Res Grand Champion Atlantic Spring Show 2007 In Champion Quebec Spring Show 2005 1st 2yr Royal Winter Fair 2004 All Canadian jnr 2yr 2004 & Jnr Yearling 2003 Hon Mention All Canadian 4yr & 5yr Nom All-Canadian Jnr Calf 2002
LYLEHAVEN LILA Z PI EX94-2E 4.d. of Lot 315
116 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236102377, PLI+£282, Born 28.04.18
Sire: S-S-I KINGPIN PHANTOM Ortongrange Talent Jazz 0112179686 EX91................................................... by Ladino Park Talent Imp Ortongrange Rampage Jazz Red 2 0111416191 GP81.......................... by Rosedale-L Rampage-Red Littonfields Lakeside Jazz Red PI 0110666165 Roesbett Lakeside Whartonspool Sabre Jazz Red PI 0110272781 Briar Factor Sabre Red Twizzlefoot Exactor Dom Jazz Red PI 0108245927 VG85...................... LP50 by Dairyworld Exactor Twizzlefoot Domino Jazz PI ET 1200079940 VG86 RM..................................... by Ullswater Roybrook Meadolake T T Jazz PI ET 1200048630 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red Cass Ridge R Maple Jazz PI 6403003616 EX........................................ by Cass Ridge R Maple Major A Walker-Farm Mel Janine PI 6402964986 EX.............................. by Sheldon Mel Ivanhoe Reflection Walker Farm Kennedy Jackie PI 6506127162 Ideograph Fobes Kennedy Due 29.04.20 to SANDY VALLEY FS CAMDEN 003140616195 (Sexed)
Ortongrange Talent Jazz EX91 1 02/01 8187 4.10 3.20 305 3 04/01 11528 3.53 3.19 305 5 06/05 3676 3.32 2.87 76
2 03/01 10776 3.82 3.24 297 4 05/03 11411 4.17 3.23 305
Ortongrange Rampage Jazz Red 2 GP81 1 02/01 6380 3.87 3.20 305 2 03/01 10343 4.05 3.22 298 3 04/00 9966 3.95 2.92 305 4 05/05 9867 4.49 3.05 305 5 06/05 8387 4.13 3.05 305 6 07/06 6808 4.07 2.89 270 7 08/03 390 3.37 3.15 20 • Maternal Sister to: • Corryglass Aragorn Jazz Red VG85 11428kg 4.02% 3.23% • Corryglass Jazz Red VG85(3YR) 13539kg 4.34% 3.02% Littonfields Lakeside Jazz Red PI VG86 1 02/00 6338 4.12 3.23 276 2 02/11 8106 3.91 3.36 305 3 04/00 6040 3.98 3.22 176 4 06/02 5954 3.33 3.67 194 5 07/01 6654 4.28 2.99 154 • Maternal Sister to: • Littonfields Roxy Jazz Red PI VG87 10568kg 4.28% 3.42%
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202385, PLI+£418, Born 13.05.18
Sire: AOT SILVER HELIX Ortongrange Fever Christine 01101236501905 Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Ross Christine 0112235016 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Best Christine 0111271997 G77.......................................................... by Hidden-View Best Due 29.04.20 to C ZIP LUSTER P 003138843085 (sexed)
Ortongrange Fever Christine GP83 1 02/01 7986 4.49 3.10 303
2 03/01 4641 3.24 2.86 92
Ortongrange Ross Christine GP84 1 02/01 7237 3.63 3.18 305 3 04/01 7581 3.61 3.14 305
2 03/01 8588 3.59 3.12 305 4 05/02 5648 4.26 2.79 152
Ortongrange Best Christine G77 1 02/00 7564 3.93 3.18 305 3 04/02 8972 4.16 3.24 305
2 03/03 8218 4.36 3.33 290 4 05/02 2873 4.18 3.08 102
ASPATRIA 016973 20207
PENRITH 01768 342535
LONGTOWN 01228 792906
118 LOT
Daughter of Lot 223
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d.
UK101236102384, PLI+£318, Born 08.05.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE TOPSHOT DESERT RED Ortongrange Bankroll Lilaz 01101236202084 VG86(2YR)................................... by Crasdale Bankroll Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz ET 01101236101712 VG85(2YR)............ by Rickland Predestine 669 Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET 0112259537 Flevo Genetics Snowman Comestar Lilazel Million ET 64000106303096............................................ by England-Ammon Million Lylehaven Lila Z PI 65000132449139 EX94-2E........................................ by Regancrest Elton Durham Lylehaven Form Laura PI ET 65000126786486 EX94-2E........................................................ by S N L F Thiersant Lili Starbuck PI ET 6406332629 Hanoverhill Starbuck Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie PI 6404623897 VG86............................................................. by Bridon Astro Jet Due 04.06.20 to WOODCREST KING DOC 00313241775 (sexed)
Ortongrange Bankroll Lilaz VG86(2YR) 3gensVG/EX 1 02/00 8887 4.01 3.48 305
2 03/04 401 4.00 3.25 13
Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz ET VG85(2YR) 1 02/00 7334 3.93 3.18 305 2 03/01 9679 4.42 3.29 305 3 04/06 10900 3.99 3.21 275 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Predestine Lilaz 3 ET VG86(3YR) 9609kg 4.82% 3.71% • Ortongrange Goldfish Lilaz VG86(2YR) 8846kg 3.58% 3.40% Ortongrange Snowman Lilaz ET EX90 1 02/00 7601 4.05 3.31 305 3 04/02 12796 3.52 3.14 305 5 06/06 13968 3.51 3.27 305
2 03/01 12215 4.07 3.12 305 4 05/05 11343 4.54 3.39 305 6 07/07 314 2.74 3.78 11
Comestar Lilazel Million ET • Maternal Sister to: • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 15992kg 3.60% 3.10% • Calbrett Shottle Lela ET VG87 - Sold for $110,000 ADI 3rd Edition Sale 2009 • Calbrett Goldwyn Layla ET EX92 12660kg 3.90% 3.30% Sold for $230,000 ADI 3rd Edition sale 2009 1st 4yr Autumn Opportunity 2011 3rd 4yr Royal Winter Fair 2011 Nominated All Canadian 4yr 2011 2nd Snr Yearling Autumn Opportunity 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Lisamaree ET EX91 3* 12323kg 3.90% 3.20% • Comestar Goldwyn Lilac VG89 19909kg 4.60% 3.40% All Ontario Snr 2yr 2008 Nominated All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 1st Snr 2yr Auntumn Opportunity 2008 2nd Snr. 2yr Ontario Summer Show 2008 • Comestar Goldwyn Lilae VG89 14556kg 4.6% 3.7% Nom All Canadian Snr 2yr 2008 1st Snr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 2nd Snr 2yr Ontario Summer 2008 • Calbrett Shottle Laura ET VG88 10732kg 4.20% 3.40% • Calbrett Goldwyn Liza VG88 2yr 12405 4.2% 3.5% Sold for $175,000 ADI Global 2nd Edition Sale 2008 1st Jnr 2yr Autumn Opportunity 2008 Jnr Champion Durham County 2007 • Comestar Lila C Stormatic VG87 2yr 11640kg 3.5% 3.1% -- 2nd Jnr 3yr Ontario Spring Discovery 2009 • Comestar Goldwyn Lava VG87 2yr 13085kg 3.6% 3.5% • Calbrett Goldwyn Lyndsey VG87 2yr 12685kg 4.0% 3.4% • Acecroft Goldwyn Lila Z VG87 2YR SP 15209kg 3.57% 3.24% -Sold for 27,000gns Ex Factor Sale 2006 • Greenmile Bolton Lila B ET VG87 2YR 15097kg 2.96% 3.06% -Sold for $60,000 Global Glamour sale 2008 Plus 4 other VG sisters
119 Lylehaven Lila Z PI EX94-2E 16* 1 02/04 13577 3.50 3.30 305 3 06/05 18136 4.20 3.30 305 Sold for $1,150,000 Triple Crown Sale 2005 Res Grand Champion Ontario Summer Show 2007 Res Grand Champion Atlantic Spring Show 2007 In Champion Quebec Spring Show 2005 1st 2yr Royal Winter Fair 2004 All Canadian jnr 2yr 2004 & Jnr Yearling 2003 Hon Mention All Canadian 4yr & 5yr Nom All-Canadian Jnr Calf 2002
2 04/05 19488 4.00 3.50 305
LYLEHAVEN LILA Z PI EX94-2E 5.d. of Lot 318
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302393, PLI+£279, Born 18.06.18
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO Ortongrange Atlantic Raquel 2 01101236601675 Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic Ortongrange Blade Raquel 0112022796 GP83............................................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 2 0111445543 GP84...................................................... by Picston Shottle
Ortongrange Atlantic Raquel 2 EX90 1 02/00 7447 3.15 2.88 305 3 04/04 16396 3.20 2.82 305
2 03/01 11504 3.71 2.82 305
Ortongrange Blade Raquel GP83 1 02/00 9196 4.17 2.91 305 3 04/08 6187 4.11 2.62 173
2 03/01 11658 3.89 2.83 305
Ortongrange Shottle Raquel 2 GP84 1 01/11 11315 3.49 3.04 305
2 03/00 10363 3.35 3.07 243
320 ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE PEARL 5 01101236302414
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302414, PLI+£142, Born 02.08.18
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Big Rock Pearl 01101236701907 GP81................................... by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Design Pearl 2 0112448977 VG86(2YR) Regancrest Design Ortongrange Jordan Pearl 0111302367 VG86............................................................. by Roylane Jordan
Ortongrange Big Rock Pearl GP81 1 02/02 6577 4.69 3.43 305 3 04/04 557 3.98 3.36 13
2 03/03 11118 4.12 3.48 305
Ortongrange Design Pearl 2 VG86(2YR) 1 02/01 7099 4.55 3.13 305 2 03/07 9763 4.39 3.18 305 3 04/10 11884 4.36 3.14 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Jeeves Pearl VG85(3YR) 10153kg 3.90% 2.82% Ortongrange Jordan Pearl VG86 1 02/00 8977 3.50 3.32 305 3 04/02 10929 3.53 3.21 298 5 06/01 11223 3.55 3.07 305 7 08/08 7375 3.48 3.08 290
2 03/01 11541 3.66 3.17 305 4 05/01 11023 3.33 3.08 305 6 07/05 10002 3.68 3.03 305 8 09/08 3134 3.40 2.87 119
121 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236402422, PLI+£196, Born 12.08.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE TOPSHOT DESERT RED Ortongrange Azure Annette 01101236402114 Cogent Azure Ortongrange Design Annette 0112193066 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Jackson Annette 0111268105 G79...................................................... by Weeton Jackson Eye Aaron Annette 0110565032 Dixie-Lee Aaron
Ortongrange Azure Annette GP80 1 02/01 8432 4.05 3.35 299
2 03/00 353 5.49 3.31 10
Ortongrange Design Annette GP81 1 02/03 6555 4.42 3.17 305 3 04/07 8491 3.92 3.05 305
2 03/04 8117 4.09 2.93 305 4 05/11 6696 4.50 2.83 203
Ortongrange Jackson Annette G79 1 02/00 9101 3.88 3.20 305 3 04/11 1732 5.16 3.49 38
2 03/06 12281 4.49 3.15 305
122 LOT
Daughter of Lot 221
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d.
UK101236502423, PLI+£353, Born 13.08.18 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: ORTONGRANGE TOPSHOT DESERT RED Ortongrange Superpoll Dancer P 01101236302064 GP83.......................................... by Pg Superpoll Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET 0112439697 Flevo Genetics Snowman Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc 6408360689 Braedale Goldwyn Marktwain Lee Diana Bkc Vrc 6410576178 Comestar Lee Marktwain Charles Dixie Bkc Vrc 6406661558 Boulet Charles Marktwain Yolanda - Red Bkc Vrc 6404692303 Surinam Treasure Red Marktwain Tt Yvonne PI 6404355554 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red
Ortongrange Superpoll Dancer P GP83 1 02/05 5920 4.28 3.66 284 2 03/04 2589 2.65 3.27 69 • Maternal Sister to: • Howend La Bron Christmas Dancer Red 83 ET VG86(1YR) 8237kg 4.30% 3.44% • Howend La Bron Dance ET VG86(3YR) 8668kg 5.21% 3.31% Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET EX91 1 02/01 7704 4.51 3.12 305 2 03/01 9516 4.28 3.16 305 3 04/07 10390 4.87 3.15 305 4 05/09 12756 4.40 3.07 285 • Maternal Sister to: • Derrymore Snowman Jolly Red ET VG88(3YR) 9177kg 3.62% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snow Dancer Red ET VG87 17200kg 3.98% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snowman Dancer ET VG85(2YR) 11460kg 3.73% 3.12% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc VG88 1 02/02 8132 4.40 3.30 305 2 03/08 14864 4.10 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Stoneden Fools Gold Red ET VG88 5* 19918kg 3.95% 2.97% Nominated Red&White Global Impact Cow 2011 Over 50ton in two lacatations 1st Int. Calf Tri County Show 2007
123 LOT
323 ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE ETHEL 3 01101236302428
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236302428, PLI +£68, Born 21.08.18
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Mascalese Ethel 01101236701725 VG86(3YR) Zani Bolton Mascalese Ortongrange Blade Ethel 0112059072 GP82................................................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ortongrange Decker Ethel 0111626054 GP81.......................................... by Far-O-La Debbi-Jo Decker Ternbridge Ethel 42 0110785322 VG87.................................................................. by Ocean-View Zenith
Ortongrange Mascalese Ethel VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 6765 3.41 2.85 305 3 04/03 13347 3.65 2.98 305
2 03/03 8422 4.17 3.09 305
Ortongrange Blade Ethel GP82 1 02/01 9075 3.98 2.97 302 3 04/01 9497 4.39 2.89 283
2 03/01 8195 4.57 2.97 290 4 05/00 7741 4.10 2.93 275
Ortongrange Decker Ethel GP81 1 02/04 6859 3.92 3.04 294 3 04/03 8057 4.18 2.86 293
2 03/03 7803 3.89 2.91 305 4 05/03 8938 4.18 2.95 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402429, PLI+£286, Born 22.08.18
Sire: PEAK ALTAVISIONARY Lonning Topshot Pearl 0112545798 EX90......................................................... by Woodmarsh Topshot Lonning Suede Pearl Paradise-Dnd Suede Lonning Best Pearl 0111357879.................................................................................. by Hidden-View Best
Lonning Topshot Pearl EX90 1 02/09 7397 3.85 3.35 305 3 04/11 13154 4.31 3.43 305 Lonning Suede Pearl 1 02/06 11658 3.97 3.05 305 Lonning Best Pearl 1 02/05 8972 4.25 3.24 305 3 04/09 10731 4.70 3.41 305 5 07/08 9872 4.50 3.32 305
2 03/09 10451 3.93 3.43 305
2 04/03 1965 4.85 2.72 43 2 03/08 8707 4.75 3.56 305 4 06/05 11392 4.03 3.28 305
124 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702432, PLI+£358, Born 02.09.18
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Design Wheatear 3 0112445452 Regancrest Design Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 2 0111492740 VG87................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Champion Wheatear Champion
Ortongrange Design Wheatear 3 GP82 1 01/11 6051 4.67 3.27 305 3 04/01 9984 4.53 3.11 305
2 03/01 7666 4.21 3.11 296 4 05/05 12904 4.62 3.06 274
Ortongrange Shottle Wheatear 2 VG87 1 01/10 4529 5.10 3.64 305 3 03/10 9171 5.22 3.26 305 5 06/01 8646 5.25 3.33 300 7 07/10 707 1.88 3.24 54
2 02/10 7541 4.94 3.51 305 4 05/00 10332 5.33 3.45 305 6 06/10 5607 5.52 3.98 300
Ortongrange Champion Wheatear 1 01/11 6344 4.40 3.64 305 3 04/05 5811 4.75 3.50 215
2 03/05 8754 4.74 3.43 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 273
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236102433, PLI+£241, Born 02.09.18
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Ortongrange Million Sparkle 0112445450 VG85(3YR).............................. by England-Ammon Million Ortongrange Aragorn Sparkle Red 0101880091 GP83................... by Buckhorn Acres Aragorn-Red Morwick Sparkle 70 0304098121 Meadolake Jubilant
Ortongrange Million Sparkle VG85(3YR) 1 01/11 5794 4.97 3.56 305 3 04/05 6538 5.39 3.60 305 Ortongrange Aragorn Sparkle Red GP83 1 02/02 7520 4.14 2.99 305 3 05/00 6197 4.21 2.89 180
2 03/03 5638 5.43 3.65 305 4 05/05 8611 5.03 3.67 305 2 03/05 7910 4.38 3.05 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 292
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202434, PLI+£343, Born 07.09.18
Sire: DE-SU MAXFLI 13243 Ortongrange McCutchen Susan 01101236101908 De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 Ortongrange Giggs Susan 0111933873 Ceinwen Giggs Ortongrange Geno Susan 0111291401 VG86(3YR).......................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno
Ortongrange McCutchen Susan GP84 1 02/02 5669 4.43 3.46 305 Ortongrange Giggs Susan VG85 1 01/11 7810 4.16 3.15 305 3 04/08 8936 4.60 3.18 301 Ortongrange Geno Susan VG86(3YR) 1 02/00 7654 3.83 3.26 305
2 03/04 10802 4.54 3.36 305 2 03/04 11690 4.21 3.09 305
2 03/06 10577 3.69 3.10 305
125 LOT
Daughter of Lot 214. Maternal Sister to Lot 279
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236302435, PLI+£446, Born 14.09.18
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Dancer Cummings 01101236401995 VG85(1YR)...... by Ortongrange Private Dancer Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings 0101946530 Larcrest Cosmos
Ortongrange Dancer Cummings VG85(1YR) 1 01/11 7065 4.16 3.33 285
2 02/10 11053 4.15 3.35 305
Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 1 02/02 6231 4.54 3.51 284
2 03/01 5860 5.19 3.51 232
Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings GP82 1 02/03 7731 4.85 3.49 305 3 04/08 6760 4.85 3.31 248
2 03/03 8032 5.51 3.76 305
Daughter of Lot 207. Maternal Sister to Lot 329
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502437, PLI+£349, Born 22.09.18
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Ortongrange Captain Camilla 01101236701739 EX92................................ by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Kimo Camilla 0112100568 GP82.............................................. by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Reiver Camilla 0101907396 Errolston Boarder Reiver
ORTONGRANGE FLAGSHIP CAMILLA • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Manjuan Camilla VG86 Ortongrange Captain Camilla EX92 1 02/00 5574 4.21 3.32 305 3 04/03 13157 4.02 3.19 305 Ortongrange Kimo Camilla GP82 1 01/11 8137 4.56 3.35 305
2 03/01 7429 4.59 3.31 305
2 02/11 6910 4.59 3.70 305
Ortongrange Reiver Camilla GP82 1 02/00 7450 4.28 3.15 305 2 03/00 8050 4.71 3.32 305 3 04/02 10010 4.77 3.27 305 4 05/07 9733 4.63 3.08 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Kimo Camilla Red VG86(3YR) 7439kg 4.05% 3.16%
126 LOT
Daughter of Lot 233
330 ORTONGRANGE TOPSHOT AMY 2 01101236702439
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702439, PLI+£264, Born 04.10.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE TOPSHOT DESERT RED Ortongrange Artist Amy Red 01101236402121 Riverdane Artist Red Ortongrange Raid Amy Red 0111927353 VG87.................................... by Buckhorn-Acres Raid - Red Ortongrange Dist Amy Red 0111146924 EX90.......................................... by Carrousel Distrigene Red
Ortongrange Artist Amy Red GP81 1 02/02 10323 4.71 3.27 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Apple May Red EX92-3E 8705kg 4.03% 3.37% Ortongrange Raid Amy Red VG87 1 02/00 6360 4.65 3.40 291 3 04/00 8575 5.06 3.58 295 5 06/00 7553 4.93 3.46 305 Ortongrange Dist Amy Red EX90 1 02/02 6282 5.47 3.67 291 3 04/02 4498 5.40 3.05 95
2 03/00 7318 4.67 3.58 305 4 05/00 7814 4.82 3.49 305 6 07/03 2723 4.33 2.93 99 2 03/01 8580 4.69 3.59 305
127 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 276
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d.
UK101236102440, PLI+£260, Born 05.10.18
Sire: PROGENESIS PROVIDER Ortongrange Sanchez Roxy 01101236301770 GP82........................... by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez Ortongrange Atlantic Roxy 0112093965 Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic Ridgefield Roxy PI ET 0110305220 Donnandale Skychief Hanoverhill Chas Roxy PI ET 6406416069 EX95-4E SP Boulet Charles Hanover-Hill Raid Roelie PI ET 6515158191 GP80................................................. by Hanoverhill Raider A Hanover-Hill Astro Roxie PI 6403712693 Paclamar Astronaut A Mil-R-Mor Roxette PI 6403567417 EX90-2E 20* Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation Glenridge Citation Roxy PI 6402276186 Rosafe Citation R Norton Court Model Vee PI 6401696290 EX90......................................... by Springbank Model Fame
Ortongrange Sanchez Roxy GP82 1 02/02 6610 4.12 3.19 305 2 03/01 9419 4.36 3.22 305 3 04/02 14184 4.15 3.15 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Supersire Roxy ET VG85(3YR) 13759kg 4.03% 3.02% Ortongrange Atlantic Roxy EX91-3E 1 02/02 8054 4.56 3.08 298 3 04/03 10726 4.39 3.32 305 5 06/04 12340 4.10 3.14 304
2 03/01 8398 5.01 3.41 305 4 05/04 10891 4.55 3.34 305 6 07/03 10033 4.40 3.17 223
Ridgefield Roxy PI ET EX91 1 02/02 9265 4.88 3.23 305 2 03/05 11881 4.47 3.34 305 3 05/04 12118 4.59 3.28 305 4 06/04 11891 4.70 3.32 305 5 07/04 11613 4.44 3.15 305 6 08/05 10405 4.25 3.36 305 7 09/08 10220 4.52 3.22 305 8 11/00 9699 4.31 3.06 305 9 13/03 319 7.15 3.24 21 • Maternal Sister to: • Ridgefield Freelance Roxy PI ET EX90 8920kg 3.70% 3.16% • Hycrest Formation Roxy PI EX90 13041kg 3.28% 3.22% • Hycrest Skychief Roxy PI VG89(3YR) 10506kg 4.07% 3.20%
128 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 235
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202441, PLI+£172, Born 08.10.18
Sire: COOKIECUTTER HANG-TIME Ortongrange Kimo Charlotte 0112121007 VG85............................................ by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Marvo Charlotte 0111212529 VG86(3YR)................................................ by Tallent Marvo Parkley Nellson Charlotte 0110152788 GP84............................................. by Parkley Storming Nellson
ORTONGRANGE HANG TIME CHARLOTTE • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Mascalese Charlotte VG85 8772kg 4.74% 3.48% Ortongrange Kimo Charlotte VG85 2gensVG 1 02/00 6926 4.51 3.24 305 3 04/00 4954 4.79 3.58 305 5 06/02 6393 4.69 3.23 273
2 03/00 6671 4.81 3.49 305 4 05/01 5847 4.80 3.48 305
Ortongrange Marvo Charlotte VG86(3YR) 1 02/01 7073 4.54 3.49 305 3 04/10 240 3.94 4.08 30
2 03/01 9169 4.63 3.33 305
Parkley Nellson Charlotte GP84 1 01/10 5634 3.85 3.39 305 3 04/06 7956 4.27 3.62 305 5 06/09 5286 4.27 3.19 165
2 03/01 7351 4.08 3.36 305 4 05/07 7081 4.33 3.60 305
129 LOT
Daughter of Lot 236. Full ET sister to Lots 334, 335 & 339
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236502444, PLI+£524, Born 14.10.18
Sire: MELARRY JOSUPER FRAZZLED Ortongrange Honeybee R Missy ET Kcbb 01101236702131 GP84.. by De-Su Ss Honeybee 11569 Pine-Tree 1258 Deann 4784 ET 6569804548 VG88............................... by England-Schill Deann 58a Pine-Tree Missy Miranda ET 6561733095 O-Bee Manfred Justice Wesswood-Hc Rudy Missy ET 65000122797679 Startmore Rudolph Wesswood Elton Mimi PI 6514843211 EX90......................................................... by Emprise Bell Elton Wesswood Mandingo Ivy PI 6512991916 Fisher-Place Mandingo
Ortongrange Honeybee R Missy ET Kcbb GP84 1 02/02 8822 4.35 3.65 305 Pine-Tree 1258 Deann 4784 ET VG88 1 02/04 12624 4.30 3.60 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Mountfield Marsh Maxine ET VG88 6496kg 4.30% 3.36% • De-Su 199 ET VG85 11902kg 4.50% 3.60% Pine-Tree Missy Miranda ET VG86 1 02/01 10696 4.30 3.70 305 2 03/08 14052 4.90 3.90 305 3 07/10 12624 4.10 3.40 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Pine-Tree Finley Minnie ET EX90 11848kg 3.50% 3.20% • Pine-Tree Outside Mollie ET EX90 14266kg 4.20% 3.30% • Pine-Tree Finley Missy ET EX90 13685kg 4.10% 3.30% And 7 other VG sisters
PINE-TREE 1258 DEANN 4784 g.d. of Lots 333, 334, 335 & 336
130 LOT
Daughter of Lot 236. Full ET sister to Lots 333, 335 & 336
UK101236702446, PLI+£585, Born 16.10.18
Sire: MELARRY JOSUPER FRAZZLED Daughter of Lot 236. Full ET sister to Lots 333, 334 & 336
UK101236102447, PLI+£565, Born 18.10.18
Sire: MELARRY JOSUPER FRAZZLED Daughter of Lot 236. Full sister to Lots 333, 334 & 335.
UK101236702453, PLI+£538, Born 20.10.18
Sire: MELARRY JOSUPER FRAZZLED Daughter of Lot 212
UK101236602452, PLI+£473, Born 19.10.18
dam g.d. 3.d.
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Grafeeti Viola 01101236101943 VG85(2YR) Ladys-Manor Rd Grafeeti Ortongrange Shottle Viola 0111495736 GP82.............................................................. by Picston Shottle Dalim Shelton Viola 0110234874 G75......................................................................... by Kynarton Shelton
ORTONGRANGE ALLTIME VIOLA Ortongrange Grafeeti Viola VG85(2YR) 1 02/02 7220 4.80 3.46 305 2 03/03 11917 4.51 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Blade Viola VG87 12064kg 3.88% 3.07% • Ortongrange Kimo Viola VG85(2YR) 10395kg 4.70% 3.40% Ortongrange Shottle Viola GP82 1 02/04 8462 4.69 3.43 305 3 04/08 7284 5.05 3.25 305 5 07/02 4770 5.31 3.14 224
2 03/05 6899 4.96 3.47 305 4 05/11 6399 5.13 3.32 305
Dalim Shelton Viola G75 1 03/00 1216 3.86 3.58 64 3 04/11 9931 5.40 3.69 305
2 03/04 9892 3.91 3.56 305
131 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 284
UK101236402450, PLI+£541, Born 19.10.18
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d.
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Miguel Ricky ET 01101236301994 Mr Miguel Ortongrange Massey Ricky ET 0112562329 Co-Op Bosside Massey Jk Eder Ricky 1 63000527992899 Ensenada Taboo Planet Wit Ricky 9 Cdf 60000580675088 VG86......................................................................................... by B G Wit Regina 662 60000580010596 O M J P E Wit Ready 60000579516291 Jesther Revue 60000577147721 VG89 Reval 60000108063015 United Nick Manila 60000107793716 EX90
ORTONGRANGE ALLTIME RICKY Ortongrange Miguel Ricky ET GP84 1 01/11 6871 4.69 3.73 305
2 02/11 4108 4.62 3.37 122
Ortongrange Massey Ricky ET GP83 1 02/03 7139 4.03 3.19 305 2 04/03 11274 3.63 3.27 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Townhouse 3757 Windbrook Regina ET EX90 12972kg 4.73% 3.64% • Howend Massey Ricky ET VG86(3YR) 9487kg 4.90% 3.40% • Townhouse 3752 Windbrook Regina ET VG85(2YR) 15117kg 3.46% 3.21% Jk Eder Ricky 1 VG88 • Maternal Sister to: • Bb Radon Ricky ET VG89 11842kg 2.79% 3.16% • Ms Ricky VG86 9060kg 4.22% 3.46% • Jk Eder Ricky VG85 8320kg 3.76% 3.29% • Moree Meridian Ricky ET VG85(1YR) 11100kg 3.89% 3.10%
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236502451, PLI+£402, Born 19.10.18
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO Ortongrange Caspian Annabell 01101236101957 GP84............................... by Sandy-Valley Caspian Ortongrange Ross Annabell 0112007810 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell 0111164932 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy
Ortongrange Caspian Annabell GP84 1 02/01 7449 4.68 3.38 305 2 03/02 12289 4.20 3.44 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Annabell VG85(3YR) 12589kg 3.82% 3.09% Ortongrange Ross Annabell EX91-2E 1 02/01 7910 4.41 3.26 305 2 03/05 10413 4.37 3.33 305 3 04/07 10697 4.66 3.35 305 4 05/09 9444 4.31 3.49 305 5 06/10 9491 4.47 3.38 305 6 07/11 317 5.42 3.90 13 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Design Annabell VG85 8819kg 4.01% 3.22% • Ortongrange Hotshot Annabell VG85(3YR) 11815kg 4.43% 3.01% Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell VG88 1 02/02 7496 4.02 3.57 305 3 04/06 10039 4.16 3.45 305
2 03/04 9658 4.41 3.40 305 4 05/08 9173 5.14 3.28 305
132 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202455, PLI+£362, Born 23.10.18
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Ortongrange Man Of War Geraldine 0112470118 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Kimo Geraldine 0112081647 G78............................................. by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Design Geraldine 0111432805 Regancrest Design
Ortongrange Man Of War Geraldine GP82 1 01/11 6506 4.63 3.39 305 3 04/04 8615 4.57 3.32 305
2 03/03 7229 4.38 3.67 305 4 05/04 10797 3.95 3.47 305
Ortongrange Kimo Geraldine G78 1 02/00 7770 4.37 3.42 305 Ortongrange Design Geraldine GP83 1 02/00 5746 4.39 3.37 305 3 04/06 8361 4.00 3.09 300 5 06/06 7753 4.61 3.14 305 7 08/07 6196 4.86 3.13 305
2 03/06 8381 4.12 3.14 305 4 05/06 9260 4.58 3.13 305 6 07/08 5990 4.51 3.18 291
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d.
UK101236302456, PLI+£325, Born 24.10.18
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO Ortongrange Endstory Honeybee 0112244323 GP82............................................ by O-Man End-Story Ortongrange Shottle Honeybee 0111648876 GP83.................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Kizzy Honeybee 0111271989 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Kirkbride Honeybee 13 0110420529 VG87.................................................... by Summershade Inquirer Kirkbride Honeybee 11 0110018520 EX90 SP Duncan Progress
Ortongrange Endstory Honeybee GP82 1 02/00 8849 4.13 3.19 305 3 04/04 9835 4.23 3.49 305 5 06/07 14230 4.58 3.15 305
2 03/04 8493 4.96 3.29 282 4 05/05 9594 4.44 3.37 305
Ortongrange Shottle Honeybee GP83 1 02/01 8485 3.99 3.29 305 3 04/01 10302 4.30 3.24 305 5 06/09 6384 3.95 2.93 160
2 03/01 7942 3.97 3.34 305 4 05/06 11625 4.12 3.24 305
Ortongrange Kizzy Honeybee GP82 1 02/01 7763 3.83 3.45 305 2 03/04 10858 4.16 3.40 305 3 04/11 2016 5.59 3.21 75 • Maternal Sister to: Kirkbride Honeybee 14 VG86(2YR) 10975kg 4.09% 3.47%
133 LOT
342 ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE ETHEL 4 01101236602459
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602459, PLI+£197, Born 25.10.18
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Observer Ethel 0112284739 De-Su Observer Ortongrange Scooby Ethel 0111881974 VG86(2YR) Go-Farm Allen Scooby-Duu Ortongrange Shadow Ethel 0111467024 EX90........................................................ by Howend Shadow
Ortongrange Observer Ethel GP84 1 02/01 8206 4.38 3.52 285 3 04/03 9183 4.81 3.64 305 5 06/04 11093 4.33 3.51 279
2 03/01 9233 4.02 3.49 305 4 05/04 8363 4.64 3.85 305
Ortongrange Scooby Ethel VG86(2YR) 1 02/01 6103 4.36 3.61 305 3 04/08 8692 4.66 3.38 279
2 03/02 8365 4.40 3.42 305 4 05/07 4197 4.15 3.36 129
Ortongrange Shadow Ethel EX90 1 02/02 8338 3.84 3.09 305 3 05/00 10005 3.81 2.90 305 5 07/01 7070 3.79 3.15 305
2 03/09 9827 3.89 2.95 305 4 06/03 9232 4.13 3.03 294 6 08/03 7678 4.25 3.09 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702460, PLI+£447, Born 26.10.18
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Grafeeti Janke 01101236101978 Ladys-Manor Rd Grafeeti Ortongrange Champion Janke 0101881909 Champion Ortongrange Eboney Janke 0101764410 GP80.................................................... by Holmeden Eboney
Ortongrange Grafeeti Janke GP82 1 02/00 8229 3.78 3.14 305
2 03/00 13118 4.04 3.00 305
Ortongrange Champion Janke GP84 1 02/01 9276 3.36 3.06 305 3 04/04 9369 4.23 2.94 305 5 06/06 11457 3.71 3.10 305 7 08/06 9214 3.33 3.07 305
2 03/05 2973 3.88 3.48 247 4 05/05 10576 3.64 2.93 305 6 07/06 9912 3.88 2.97 305 8 09/09 10119 3.21 2.93 254
Ortongrange Eboney Janke GP80 1 02/03 8138 3.99 3.43 305 3 04/08 550 4.84 3.61 21
2 03/06 10663 3.39 3.37 305
134 LOT
UK101236502458, PLI+£311, Born 01.11.18
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
Sire: COOKIECUTTER HANG-TIME Ortongrange Dancer Alice 01101236101985 GP84............................ by Ortongrange Private Dancer Ortongrange Mincio Alice 0112508553 VG87(3YR) Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Kimo Alice 0111894124 GP82.................................................... by Howend Og Kimo Red Ortongrange Design Alice 0111478044 VG86......................................................................... by R Design
Ortongrange Dancer Alice GP84 1 02/01 8768 4.13 3.21 305 Ortongrange Mincio Alice VG87(3YR) 1 02/02 7931 4.42 2.99 305 3 04/05 1152 4.47 3.19 52 Ortongrange Kimo Alice GP82 1 02/02 7590 4.14 3.07 305
2 03/01 6184 4.62 3.02 147 2 03/05 10077 4.24 2.97 283
2 03/02 10243 4.18 3.17 305
Daughter of Lot 237.
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236202462, PLI+£586, Born 08.11.18
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Honeybee Rudy Miss ET Kcbb 01101236102132 De-Su Ss Honeybee 11569 Pine-Tree 1258 Deann 4784 ET 6569804548 VG88............................... by England-Schill Deann 58a Pine-Tree Missy Miranda ET 6561733095 O-Bee Manfred Justice Wesswood-Hc Rudy Missy ET 65000122797679 Startmore Rudolph Wesswood Elton Mimi PI 6514843211 EX90......................................................... by Emprise Bell Elton Wesswood Mandingo Ivy PI 6512991916 Fisher-Place Mandingo
Ortongrange Honeybee Rudy Miss ET Kcbb GP84 1 02/02 10124 3.82 3.80 305 Pine-Tree 1258 Deann 4784 ET VG88 1 02/04 12624 4.30 3.60 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Mountfield Marsh Maxine ET VG88 6496kg 4.30% 3.36% • De-Su 199 ET VG85 11902kg 4.50% 3.60% Pine-Tree Missy Miranda ET VG86 1 02/01 10696 4.30 3.70 305 2 03/08 14052 4.90 3.90 305 3 07/10 12624 4.10 3.40 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Pine-Tree Finley Minnie ET EX90 11848kg 3.50% 3.20% • Pine-Tree Outside Mollie ET EX90 14266kg 4.20% 3.30% • Pine-Tree Finley Missy ET EX90 13685kg 4.10% 3.30% And 7 other VG sisters
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136 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d.
UK101236302463, PLI+£464, Born 10.11.18
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Brockafield Sudan Marie 0112384435 VG88(3YR) Va-Early-Dawn Sudan Cri Brockafield Goldwyn Marie ET 0111753533 Braedale Goldwyn Smiddiehill Shottle Marie ET 0111344648 VG88.......................................................... by Picston Shottle Denmire Gibson Marie 22 0110435503 EX94-2E SP 5*................................................ by Silky Gibson Denmire Storm Marie 12 0109468679 EX94-3E SP LP100 45*......................................... by M Storm Denmire Prelude Marie 3 0108708216 EX94-5E SP LP100 7* A Ronnybrook Prelude Hilltop Tab Q Marie 0108135961 EX94-7E SP LP140 RM 9*.................. by A Kingstead Valiant Tab
Brockafield Sudan Marie VG88(3YR) 7gensVG/EX 1 02/00 7050 4.81 3.52 305 2 03/03 9908 4.97 3.56 305 3 05/00 11776 4.99 3.23 289 4 05/11 11294 4.46 3.60 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Brockafield Supersire Marie EX91 12135kg 4.84% 3.37% • Brockafield Windbrook Marie VG85(2YR) 5838kg 4.49% 2.95% Brockafield Goldwyn Marie ET EX91-2E 1 02/03 8574 4.66 3.34 305 2 03/04 9775 5.07 3.38 305 3 04/04 12427 4.49 3.29 305 4 05/03 12570 4.45 3.21 286 5 06/03 12913 4.38 3.33 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Bilsrow Goldwyn Marie ET EX93 13338kg 4.64% 3.27% • Bilsrow Sanchez Marie EX91-2E 13539kg 3.62% 3.55% • Bilsrow Jeeves Marie VG87 11941kg 3.34% 3.04% • Bilsrow Ostia Marie VG85(3YR) 12297kg 3.87% 2.97% Smiddiehill Shottle Marie ET VG88 1 02/07 9085 4.78 3.35 305 2 04/01 10874 5.45 3.21 305 3 05/11 12468 4.79 3.16 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Denmire Shottle Marie 83 ET EX94-4E 16219kg 4.01% 2.94% • Baltier Sf Goldwyn Marie ET EX92 12333kg 4.46% 3.26% • Holmland Bradnick Marie ET EX91 11122kg 4.10% 2.97% • Smiddiehill Ps Marie ET EX91-2E 13219kg 4.08% 3.02% • Absolute No Smoke No Poke ET EX91 16102kg 2.98% 2.91% • Willsbro Shottle Marie ET EX91 13898kg 4.54% 3.41% • Smiddiehill Baxter Marie Red ET EX91-3 13154kg 4.84% 3.36% • Annandale Wb Marie ET EX91 16064kg 4.56% 3.22% • Annandale Wind Marie ET EX91 15932kg 3.91% 3.17% • Holmland Brad Marie ET EX90 14461kg 3.60% 2.83% • Glasson Shottle G Marie ET EX90-2 11097kg 4.29% 3.16% • Carrock Bradnick Marie ET EX90 17190kg 3.46% 3.09% And 22 other VG sisters
DENMIRE GIBSON MARIE 22 EX94-2E SP 5* 4.d. of Lot 346
DENMIRE STORM MARIE 12 EX94-3E SP LP100 45* 5.d. of Lot 346
138 LOT
UK101236502465, PLI +£91, Born 11.11.18
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Neatishall Fever Belle 0112242742 Crackholm Fever Neatishall Damion Belle 3 0111544401 VG86(3YR) Erbacres Damion Neatishall Lentini Belle 2 0111015678 Lentini Neatishall Gordon Belle 3 0110515902 EX90-3E SP Dellka Juror Gordon-Tw Neatishall Outside Belle 0110022779 GP83 LP50................................................ by Comestar Outside Neatishall Astre Belle 2 0109005321 Duregal Astre Starbuck
Neatishall Fever Belle EX91 2gensVG/EX 1 02/10 8966 4.24 3.19 305 2 03/11 8139 4.15 3.07 305 3 05/05 7800 4.47 3.06 305 4 06/08 2753 4.47 3.03 65 • Maternal Sister to: • Neatishall Douglas Belle EX90 12521kg 3.53% 3.28% Neatishall Damion Belle 3 VG86(3YR) 1 02/06 12113 2.42 3.24 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Neatishall Decker Belle EX90 13234kg 3.35% 3.23%
2 03/07 3858 2.93 3.23 71
Neatishall Lentini Belle 2 GP82 1 01/11 8796 3.74 3.19 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Neatishall Starr Belle EX91 14664kg 3.86% 3.10% • Neatishall Bolton Belle VG88 13032kg 3.48% 3.06%
Maternal Sister to Lot 274
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d. 7.d. 8.d. 9.d. 10.d.
UK101236402464, PLI+£374, Born 11.11.18
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Ortongrange Fever Kimo 01101236501779 GP80 Crackholm Fever Ortongrange Shottle Kimo ET 0111815059 GP82 ...................................................... by Picston Shottle Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 0111319731 VG89 ........................................... by Regancrest-Mr Samuelo Painley Geno Kimo 81 PI 0110509679 VG89...................................................... by Be-Ware Juror Geno Painley Dustman Kimo 37 PI 0109788910 VG87 SP Painley Dustman Painley Jabot Kimo 14 PI ET 0108888712 VG87 SP LP70 RM......................... by Delta Cleitus Jabot Primsland Inspiration Kimo PI ET 1200090278 EX90 SP RM 62*............ by Hanoverhill Inspiration Calbrett Starbuck Kindle PI 6404471952 Hanoverhill Starbuck Calbrett Enhancer Kandi PI 6403997222 Glenafton Enhancer Beaucoise Tempo Kimo PI 6403573891 EX............................................................. by Roybrook Tempo
Ortongrange Fever Kimo GP80 1 02/00 5058 4.72 3.42 300 2 03/00 7741 4.69 3.37 305 3 04/02 12548 4.34 3.11 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Kimo VG86(3YR) 9748kg 3.89% 3.48% Ortongrange Shottle Kimo ET GP82 1 02/00 6068 4.15 3.47 305 2 03/05 10463 4.31 3.32 305 3 04/09 10471 4.34 3.41 305 4 06/01 3485 4.64 3.05 130 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Shottle Kimo 2 ET EX91-2E 15494kg 3.75% 3.13% Painley Samuelo Kimo 137 VG89 1 02/01 7998 4.44 3.70 305 2 03/10 10956 4.24 3.42 297 3 04/09 9235 4.62 3.44 305 4 06/04 2726 4.92 3.08 93 • Maternal Sister to: • Highoaks Talent Kimo 4 ET EX93-3E 9020kg 3.12% 3.13% • Highoaks Talent Kimo 3 ET VG85 9997kg 4.13% 3.05%
139 LOT
Maternal Sister to Lot 286
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236702467, PLI+£312, Born 16.11.18
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO Ortongrange Big Rock Beverley 01101236301833 VG86(2YR)................. by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Shottle Beverley 0111323411 EX91-2E................................................... by Picston Shottle Parkley Lucky Beverley 0109940573 Warmingham Lucky Parkley Rudolph Beverley 0109365603 Startmore Rudolph
Ortongrange Big Rock Beverley VG86(2YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 01/10 5917 4.91 3.49 305 2 02/11 7778 5.11 3.61 305 3 03/11 10203 5.07 3.55 297 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Ross Beverley 2 VG86(3YR) 8974kg 4.34% 3.39% Ortongrange Shottle Beverley EX91-2E 1 02/01 8501 4.24 3.34 305 3 04/04 10873 4.28 3.21 305 5 07/07 1080 4.40 2.87 27
2 03/03 11338 4.39 3.47 305 4 05/11 11258 4.64 3.18 305
Parkley Lucky Beverley GP83 1 02/04 9126 4.32 3.22 305 3 04/10 12384 4.00 3.20 305 5 07/02 11908 3.91 3.11 305
2 03/06 12144 4.09 3.08 305 4 06/00 12893 4.08 3.26 305
Maternal Sister to Lot 265
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236202469, PLI+£409, Born 17.11.18
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Ortongrange Rockstar Poppy 01101236601703 Ortongrange Rockstar Ortongrange Roy Poppy 0112258842 GP82.................................................... by Ortongrange Roy Red Ortongrange Sam Poppy 0111810335 VG85(3YR).............................. by Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam
Ortongrange Rockstar Poppy GP83 1 02/02 6686 3.98 3.33 305 3 04/07 14040 4.33 3.14 305 Ortongrange Roy Poppy GP82 1 02/00 5949 4.62 3.40 305 3 04/01 8119 4.64 3.23 302 5 06/02 13666 4.00 3.15 305
2 03/04 9298 5.00 3.35 305
2 02/11 7983 4.85 3.27 305 4 05/01 9638 4.76 3.18 305 6 07/03 2284 4.03 3.00 54
Ortongrange Sam Poppy VG85(3YR) 1 02/04 8622 4.06 3.15 305 2 03/06 11517 4.33 3.16 305 3 04/09 3018 4.52 3.17 70 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Blade Poppy VG85(3YR) 11424kg 4.77% 3.20%
140 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402471, PLI+£253, Born 23.11.18
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO Ortongrange Goldfish Countess 01101236701984 VG86(3YR)......................... by Toc-Farm Goldfish Ortongrange Shottle Countess 0111851373 EX90 ...................................................... by Picston Shottle Ortongrange Easy Countess 0111281108 GP83 ................................................. by Brabant Star Patron
Ortongrange Goldfish Countess VG86(3YR) 2gensVG/EX 1 02/00 6192 4.27 3.54 305 2 03/01 11267 4.07 3.38 299 Ortongrange Shottle Countess EX90 1 02/00 7601 3.77 2.99 305 3 04/07 10855 3.85 3.15 305 5 06/09 11269 3.55 3.01 305
2 03/07 11045 3.79 3.04 305 4 05/07 10443 4.21 2.98 305 6 07/11 12596 3.89 2.84 305
Ortongrange Easy Countess GP83 1 02/01 7583 3.93 3.55 305 2 03/01 10272 3.69 3.44 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Champion Countess VG85(3YR) 9703kg 4.66% 3.57%
Maternal Sister to Lot 221
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d. 6.d.
UK101236302470, PLI+£420, Born 23.11.18 (VARIANT RED)
Sire: S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET 0112439697 Flevo Genetics Snowman Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc 6408360689 Braedale Goldwyn Marktwain Lee Diana Vrc 6410576178 Comestar Lee Marktwain Charles Dixie Bkc Vrc 6406661558 Boulet Charles Marktwain Yolanda - Red Bkc Vrc 6404692303 Surinam Treasure Red Marktwain Tt Yvonne PI 6404355554 Hanover-Hill Triple Threat-Red
ORTONGRANGE FLAGSHIP DANCER RED • Maternal Sister to: • Howend La Bron Christmas Dancer Red 83 ET VG86 8237kg 4.3% 3.44% • Howend La Bron Dance VG86 8668kg 5.21% 3.31% Ortongrange Snowman Dancer Red ET EX91 6gensVG/EX 1 02/01 7704 4.51 3.12 305 2 03/01 9516 4.28 3.16 305 3 04/07 10390 4.87 3.15 305 4 05/09 12756 4.40 3.07 285 • Maternal Sister to: • Derrymore Snowman Jolly Red ET VG88(3YR) 9177kg 3.62% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snow Dancer Red ET VG87 17200kg 3.98% 3.09% • Ortongrange Snowman Dancer ET VG85(2YR) 11460kg 3.73% 3.12% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc VG88 1 02/02 8132 4.40 3.30 305 2 03/08 14864 4.10 3.20 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Stoneden Fools Gold Red ET VG88 19918kg 3.95% 2.97% Nominated Red&White Global Impact Cow 2011 Over 50ton in two lacatations 1st Int. Calf Tri County Show 2007 Marktwain Lee Diana Vrc VG85 2* 1 02/03 6881 3.68 2.96 305 3 04/10 5860 3.87 2.92 226
2 03/06 7768 3.72 2.97 305 4 05/09 3595 3.95 2.81 168
142 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602473, PLI+£120, Born 06.12.18
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Ross Annabell 0112007810 Plain-O Durham Ross 331 Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell 0111164932 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Parkley Nellson Annabell 0110162875 F68................................................ by Parkley Storming Nellson
ORTONGRANGE SHOTTLE ANNABELL 2 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Captain Annabell VG85 12589kg 3.82% 3.09% Ortongrange Ross Annabell EX91-2E 2gensVG/EX 1 02/01 7910 4.41 3.26 305 2 03/05 10413 4.37 3.33 305 3 04/07 10697 4.66 3.35 305 4 05/09 9444 4.31 3.49 305 5 06/10 9491 4.47 3.38 305 6 07/11 317 5.42 3.90 13 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Design Annabell VG85 8819kg 4.01% 3.22% • Ortongrange Hotshot Annabell VG85(3YR) 11815kg 4.43% 3.01% Ortongrange Kizzy Annabell VG88 1 02/02 7496 4.02 3.57 305 3 04/06 10039 4.16 3.45 305 Parkley Nellson Annabell F68 1 02/00 5950 4.49 3.39 305 3 04/04 9233 4.35 3.46 305 5 06/05 3307 3.64 3.36 143
2 03/04 9658 4.41 3.40 305 4 05/08 9173 5.14 3.28 305 2 03/03 7217 4.60 3.45 305 4 05/04 8210 4.40 3.35 305
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236702474, PLI+£389, Born 12.12.18
Sire: S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME Ortongrange Mascalese Ruby 01101236101719 VG87(3YR) Zani Bolton Mascalese Ortongrange Jet Ruby Red 0101924508 Fradon Jet-Red Ortongrange Ruby 0101924507
Ortongrange Mascalese Ruby VG87(3YR) 1 02/02 7657 3.82 3.21 305 3 04/07 12878 3.99 3.11 280
2 03/04 9975 4.28 3.42 305
Ortongrange Jet Ruby Red GP83 1 01/11 5472 4.66 3.53 305 3 04/01 7441 5.22 3.37 305
2 03/01 8743 4.33 3.44 305 4 05/02 2308 4.91 2.94 61
Ortongrange Ruby 1 01/08 3682 4.65 3.86 305 3 04/04 7292 5.21 3.42 280
2 02/10 7154 4.80 3.53 305 4 05/03 4276 4.82 3.43 143
143 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236202476, PLI +£75, Born 16.12.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE GOLDSTAR Ortongrange Artisit Mitzy Red Riverdane Artist Red Ortongrange Debonair Mitzy Red 2 ET 0111815051 GP82........................ by Scientific Debonair-Red Middle Mitzy Ms 0304111581.................................................................................. by Morwick Solano Red Middle Mitzy Km 3 0305900197 EX91........................................................ by Ketby M E Milestone Red
Ortongrange Artisit Mitzy Red 1 02/03 1831 3.95 3.55 169 Ortongrange Debonair Mitzy Red 2 ET GP82 1 02/01 8032 4.24 3.21 305 2 03/03 9851 4.85 3.23 305 3 04/03 9720 4.88 3.24 305 4 05/10 10638 5.21 3.16 282 5 06/09 8054 4.66 3.31 305 6 08/01 11499 4.60 3.13 305 7 09/06 1717 5.86 3.27 43 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Talent Mitzy Red VG86(3YR) 6996kg 4.37% 3.14% • Ortongrange Mincio Mitzy VG86(3YR) 9732kg 4.36% 3.24% • Middle Mitzy Ms
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402478, PLI+£189, Born 28.12.18
Sire: ORTONGRANGE GOLDSTAR Ortongrange Mincio Cummings 01101236102146 Bertaiola Mincio Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings 0101946530 Larcrest Cosmos
Ortongrange Mincio Cummings GP83 1 02/02 9484 4.12 3.51 264 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Dancer Cummings VG85(1YR) 11053kg 4.15% 3.35% Ortongrange Man Of War Cummings 2 1 02/02 6231 4.54 3.51 284 Ortongrange Cosmos Cummings GP82 1 02/03 7731 4.85 3.49 305 3 04/08 6760 4.85 3.31 248
2 03/01 5860 5.19 3.51 232 2 03/03 8032 5.51 3.76 305
144 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236502479, PLI+£120, Born 17.01.19
Sire: PICSTON SHOTTLE Ortongrange Man Of War Sunburst Ortongrange Man Of War Butlersarms September Sunburst Red 15 0111415808 GP84............... by Pursuit September Storm Butlersarms Inferno Sunburst Red 12 0111025795...................................................... by Fradon Inferno Butlersarms Sunburst Red 5 0110235850 Lentini
Ortongrange Man Of War Sunburst 1 02/02 6866 4.77 3.30 305 3 04/06 8497 4.80 3.54 305 Butlersarms September Sunburst Red 15 GP84 1 02/00 7888 4.36 3.30 305 3 04/05 9546 4.47 3.17 305 5 06/09 3917 4.47 2.98 104
2 03/04 8852 4.47 3.43 305 4 05/06 10455 4.17 3.39 244 2 03/01 10869 3.83 3.34 305 4 05/08 11613 4.65 3.11 305
Butlersarms Inferno Sunburst Red 12 1 02/03 1169 4.11 2.98 37 • Maternal Sister to: • Butlersarms September Sunburst 9 VG87(3YR) 12117kg 4.10% 3.10%
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236402485, PLI+£191, Born 24.01.19
Sire: ORTONGRANGE GOLDSTAR Ortongrange Missile Beverley Ortongrange Missile Ortongrange Big Rock Beverley 01101236301833 VG86(2YR)................. by Ortongrange Big Rock Ortongrange Shottle Beverley 0111323411 EX91-2E................................................... by Picston Shottle
Ortongrange Missile Beverley 1 02/03 6942 3.95 3.51 237 Ortongrange Big Rock Beverley VG86(2YR) 1 01/10 5917 4.91 3.49 305 2 02/11 7778 5.11 3.61 305 3 03/11 10203 5.07 3.55 297 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Ross Beverley 2 VG86(3YR) 8974kg 4.34% 3.39% Ortongrange Shottle Beverley EX91-2E 1 02/01 8501 4.24 3.34 305 3 04/04 10873 4.28 3.21 305 5 07/07 1080 4.40 2.87 27
2 03/03 11338 4.39 3.47 305 4 05/11 11258 4.64 3.18 305
145 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d.
UK101236602487, PLI+£318, Born 02.02.19
Sire: DE-SU 13494 HARTLEY Ortongrange Captain Sunray 01101236401729 VG85(3YR)...................... by Glen-Valley Bw Captain Ortongrange Blade Sunray 0111641705 EX91-2E.......................................... by PalmcRest Blitz Blade Ternbridge Sunray 39 0109757176 Hanover-Hill Mirage
Ortongrange Captain Sunray VG85(3YR) 3gensVG/EX 1 02/09 6810 4.06 3.75 305 2 03/09 9213 4.02 3.67 296 3 04/09 7336 4.05 3.59 228 Ortongrange Blade Sunray EX91-2E 1 02/04 7233 4.14 3.25 305 3 04/04 11836 4.67 3.10 305 5 07/08 5886 4.65 3.40 305 7 09/10 8984 3.98 3.12 305 • Maternal Sister to: • Ternbridge Sunray 52 EX91 11022kg 4.02% 3.33%
2 03/04 8855 3.98 3.09 305 4 05/04 5939 4.13 3.27 242 6 08/09 7275 4.38 3.28 305
Ternbridge Sunray 39 EX90 1 02/05 8061 4.00 3.44 303 2 03/04 9213 3.71 3.41 305 3 04/05 9494 3.82 3.33 305 4 05/04 7711 4.06 3.41 287 5 06/04 9298 3.68 3.22 305 6 07/05 9185 3.84 3.32 305 7 05/04 7711 4.06 3.41 287 8 09/07 8504 3.67 3.21 305 9 10/10 9130 4.14 3.17 305 10 12/04 6041 4.15 3.17 221 • Maternal Sister to: • Ternbridge Sunray 35 VG88 11911kg 4.23% 3.24% • Ternbridge Sunray 33 VG85 10438kg 3.35% 2.98%
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d.
UK101236702488, PLI+£329, Born 12.02.19
Sire: SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO Ortongrange Manofwar Snowflake Ortongrange Man Of War Ortongrange Atlantic Snowflake 0112133009 VG86(2YR) Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic Ortongrange Convincer Snowflake 0111232238 Ortongrange Bert Kizzy Ortongrange Convincer Snowflake 2 0110840320 VG85..................................... by Wa-Del Convincer
Ortongrange Manofwar Snowflake 1 02/02 7886 4.88 3.33 305 3 04/07 10745 4.35 3.19 291
2 03/05 8704 4.91 3.50 305 4 05/06 4967 4.23 3.02 118
Ortongrange Atlantic Snowflake VG86(2YR) 1 01/11 9461 3.98 3.30 305 Ortongrange Convincer Snowflake GP83 1 02/01 9394 4.23 3.27 305 3 04/10 6441 4.42 3.35 186
2 03/05 10233 4.78 3.49 305
146 LOT
dam g.d. 3.d. 4.d. 5.d.
UK101236402492, PLI+£429, Born 25.02.19
Sire: WELCOME-TEL BRENNAN 3158 Ortongrange Racer Ethel 01101236202098 GP84...................................... by Clear-Echo Lexor Racer Ortongrange Shadow Ethel 0111467024 EX90........................................................ by Howend Shadow Ortongrange Champion Ethel Champion Meadowell Jayson Ethel 0110504981 Genus Jayson Meadowell Bonus M Ethel 0109549172 VG86............................................................................. by Bonus
Ortongrange Racer Ethel GP84 1 01/09 3978 4.05 3.44 188 2 02/08 7274 3.65 3.15 205 • Maternal Sister to: • Ortongrange Scooby Ethel VG86(2YR) 8692kg 4.66% 3.38% Ortongrange Shadow Ethel EX90 1 02/02 8338 3.84 3.09 305 3 05/00 10005 3.81 2.90 305 5 07/01 7070 3.79 3.15 305 Ortongrange Champion Ethel 1 02/00 1478 5.20 2.91
2 03/09 9827 3.89 2.95 305 4 06/03 9232 4.13 3.03 294 6 08/03 7678 4.25 3.09 305
Minihan McAlister Agricultural and Property Solicitors
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Warwick Mill Business Centre Warwick Bridge Carlisle CA4 8RR
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Minihan McAlister is a trading name of Minihan McAlister Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (08627194) Minihan McAlister Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regula�on Authority (599169)
ALPHABETICAL BULL INDEX AMMON-PEACHEY MANUEL P ET POC RDC 6570968077 PTA2014 +401M +8.6BF (-0.09%) +16.9P (+0.05%) ProdRel 83% PLI+£272 PLIRel 81% PTAT 1.22. He is by Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red Poc and out of the 12133kg 4.00% 3.10% Pine-Tree Martha Sheen ET VG86 AOT SILVER HELIX ET 65003131083927 PTA2014 +1246M +49.8BF (+0.01%) +38.4P (-0.02%) ProdRel 83% PLI+£702 PLIRel 79% PTAT 1.90. He is by Seagull-Bay Silver ET and out of the 17037kg 4.10% 3.57% Cookiecutter Ssire Has ET VG88 BACON-HILL HURRICANE ET 65003125066355 PTA2014 +1288M +36.6BF (-0.15%) +34.6P (-0.08%) ProdRel 93% PLI+£706 PLIRel 84% PTAT 3.19. He is by Eildon-Tweed Chops ET and out of Edg Hallie Shotglass 745 ET CLEAR-ECHO LEXOR RACER ET 6571974211 PTA2014 +710M +18.3BF (-0.11%) +22.9P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 96% PLI+£634 PLIRel 91% PTAT 1.88. He is by Genervations Lexor ET EX91 and out of the 10982kg 3.60% 3.26% Clear-Echo Observer 2280 ET GP84 COGENT AZURE PI ET HH1C 0100627884 PTA2014 +534M +6.4BF (-0.17%) +15.1P (-0.03%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£108 PLIRel 99% PTAT 0.55. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET Hh3c EX94 and out of the 13712kg 4.20% 3.20% Ladys-Manor Autumn PI VG89 COOKIECUTTER HANG-TIME ET 65003013614200 PTA2014 +499M +26.1BF (+0.08%) +21.0P (+0.06%) ProdRel 85% PLI+£470 PLIRel 81% PTAT 2.91. He is by Bacon-Hill Montross ET EX92 and out of the 14411kg 4.20% 3.50% Cookiecutter Spr Hazelnu ET EX91 COOKIECUTTER PETRON HALOGEN 65003008710387 PTA2014 +322M +8.6BF (-0.05%) +4.2P (-0.08%) ProdRel 95% PLI+£505 PLIRel 92% PTAT 0.55. He is by Welcome Super Petrone ET EX90 and out of the 14093kg 5.20% 3.60% Cookiecutter Mom Halo ET VG88 CRASDALE BANKROLL ET HH3C 6572436689 PTA2014 +327M +12.8BF ( 0.00%) +10.1P (-0.01%) ProdRel 96% PLI+£200 PLIRel 91% PTAT 2.51. He is by Velthuis Let It Snow Hh3c EX91 and out of the 11880kg 4.30% 3.40% Butz-Butler Gold Barbara ET Hcd1 EX92 DE-SU 13494 HARTLEY ET 65003130010739 PTA2014 +796M +29.0BF (-0.03%) +28.6P (+0.03%) ProdRel 68% PLI+£585 PLIRel 65% PTAT 3.00. He is by Cookiecutter Hang-Time ET and out of De-Su Supersire 3354 ET GP80 DE-SU 521 BOOKEM ET A2A2 6566636657 PTA2014 +811M +19.5BF (-0.14%) +25.7P (-0.01%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£512 PLIRel 98% PTAT 1.87. He is by Ensenada Taboo Planet ET A2a2 EX92 and out of the 12134kg 3.50% 3.30% Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1199 ET VG86 DE-SU MAXFLI 13243 ET 65003130010488 PTA2014 +615M +34.4BF (+0.12%) +22.4P (+0.03%) ProdRel 68% PLI+£581 PLIRel 65% PTAT 1.53. He is by Melarry Mack Alco ET and out of the 13544kg 4.50% 3.00% De-Su Supersire 3349 ET VG86 DE-SU SS HONEYBEE 11569 ET A2A2 6571813155 PTA2014 +775M +26.0BF (-0.05%) +19.2P (-0.07%) ProdRel 96% PLI+£417 PLIRel 91% PTAT 1.54. He is by Seagull-Bay Supersire ET EX90 and out of De-Su 514 ET EX90 EDG CAT DOOR COUNTY 8257 ET 6572436804 PTA2014 +404M +22.8BF (+0.08%) +13.3P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 86% PLI+£445 PLIRel 84% PTAT 2.61. He is by Val-Bisson Doorman ET Hh5c and out of the 18929kg 3.90% 3.15% Ms Chassity Snow Caitlyn ET VG89 ENGLAND-AMMON MILLION ET HH2C 6561547476 PTA2014 +218M +9.2BF (+0.01%) +0.8P (-0.08%) ProdRel 99% PLI -£41 PLIRel 99% PTAT 1.42. He is by Comestar Outside PI ET Hh2c EX95 and out of the 9879kg 4.10% 3.30% Regancrest-Hhf Maya ET VG85 GLEN-VALLEY BW CAPTAIN ET 65000132557357 PTA2014 +97M +10.7BF (+0.09%) +6.5P (+0.04%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£161 PLIRel 99% PTAT 0.92. He is by Mara-Thon Bw Marshall PI ET VG86 and out of the 18189kg 3.40% 3.00% Glen-Valley Win Caprice ET EX93 GRAN-J OMAN MCCORMICK HH3C 65000135778023 PTA2014 -149M +12.8BF (+0.24%) +2.5P (+0.10%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£500 PLIRel 99% PTAT 0.23. He is by O-Bee Manfred Justice PI ET Hh3c EX94 and out of the 11108kg 4.10% 3.40% Grag-J Durham Margo VG87 JENNY-LOU MCUTCHEN CRANK IT 6570412495 PTA2014 +609M +23.2BF (-0.01%) +21.8P (+0.02%) ProdRel 87% PLI+£443 PLIRel 85% PTAT 2.40. He is by De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 ET EX93 and out of Jenny-Lou Iota 3157 VG87 JENNY-LOU SHOTTLE TRUMP ET HH5C 6561886730 PTA2014 +738M +14.1BF (-0.17%) +11.9P (-0.14%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£172 PLIRel 98% PTAT 1.83. He is by Picston Shottle PI ET Hh5c EX96 and out of the 15649kg 3.80% 2.90% Jenny-Lou Marshall O618 ET VG88
149 KED OUTSIDE JEEVES ET 65000134438230 PTA2014 +252M +3.1BF (-0.08%) +1.6P (-0.08%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£268 PLIRel 99% PTAT 0.64. He is by Comestar Outside PI ET Hh2c EX95 and out of the 17069kg 3.80% 3.00% Ked Duster Julienna ET EX94 KINGS-RANSOM 1ST DEWARS ET 6574567945 PTA2014 +91M +20.1BF (+0.21%) +8.8P (+0.07%) ProdRel 79% PLI+£418 PLIRel 72% PTAT 2.37. He is by Zahbulls Alta1stclass ET and out of Kings-Ransom Dm Debonair ET VG88 LADYS-MANOR RD GRAFEETI ET HCD1 6568988032 PTA2014 +566M +28.1BF (+0.07%) +18.4P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£416 PLIRel 98% PTAT 1.83. He is by Badger-Bluff Fanny Freddie and out of the 11694kg 4.90% 3.50% Ladys-Manor Ruby D Grace ET EX92 LEANINGHOUSE LES 21873 ET 65003130431844 PTA2014 +874M +26.2BF (-0.09%) +28.2P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 68% PLI+£526 PLIRel 65% PTAT 1.58.He is by Bacon-Hill Montross ET EX92 and out of Wcd-Zbw Supersire Lala ET GP83 MAPLE-DOWNS-I G W ATLANTIC ET 6408956383 PTA2014 +367M -1.2BF (-0.19%) +5.9P (-0.07%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£109 PLIRel 96% PTAT 1.92. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI Cdc Hcd1 GP84 and out of the 15318kg 5.70% 3.00% Md-Delight Durham Atlee ET EX92 MELARRY JOSUPER FRAZZLED ET 6574261651 PTA2014 +1107M +36.8BF (-0.08%) +30.0P (-0.07%) ProdRel 82% PLI+£697 PLIRel 75% PTAT 1.48. He is by Uecker Supersire Josuper ET and out of the 14120kg 3.90% 3.00% Melarry Shotglass Frazzle EX90 MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL ET 65003006972816 PTA2014 +699M +32.0BF (+0.05%) +18.7P (-0.05%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£473 PLIRel 98% PTAT 3.27. He is by Coyne-Farms Dorcy ET VG87 and out of the 6496kg 4.30% 3.36% Mountfield Marsh Maxine ET VG88 ORTONGRANGE BIG ROCK 0100659506 PTA2014 -70M -1.1BF (+0.02%) +2.7P (+0.06%) ProdRel 75% PLI+£131 PLIRel 50% PTAT 0.85. He is by De-Su 521 Bookem ET A2a2 EX90 and out of the 12118kg 4.59% 3.28% Ridgefield Roxy PI ET EX91 ORTONGRANGE CODE RED ET 01101236301819 EX90 Pedigree Index -116M +2.6BF (+0.09%) -4.4P (-0.01%) ProdRel 44% PLI -£84 PLIRel 41% PTAT 1.24. He is by Gillette Stanleycup Byc Hcd1 EX94 and out of the 14864kg 4.10% 3.20% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc Hh2c VG88 ORTONGRANGE GOLDSTAR ET 01101236502003 Pedigree Index +33M +4.3BF (+0.04%) +2.0P (+0.02%) ProdRel 36% PLI+£133 PLIRel 37% PTAT 1.17. He is by Braedale Goldwyn PI Cdc Hcd1 GP84 and out of the 13917kg 3.50% 3.10% Nipponia R D Lizabeth ET EX95 ORTONGRANGE MANJUAN ET 01101236101670 VG87 Pedigree Index +587M +21.5BF (-0.02%) +17.2P (-0.02%) ProdRel 42% PLI+£292 PLIRel 39% PTAT 1.33. He is by De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 ET EX93 and out of the 11529kg 4.37% 3.64% Koepon Plan Classy 62 ET VG87 ORTONGRANGE MISSILE ET 01101236201762 PTA2014 +347M +13.4BF ( 0.00%) +16.6P (+0.06%) ProdRel 70% PLI+£323 PLIRel 52% PTAT 0.99. He is by De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 ET EX93 and out of the 12118kg 4.59% 3.28% Ridgefield Roxy PI ET EX91 ORTONGRANGE PRIVATE DANCER ET 0100661616 PTA2014 +271M +2.7BF (-0.09%) +3.1P (-0.07%) ProdRel 74% PLI +£20 PLIRel 49% PTAT 1.54. He is by Flevo Genetics Snowman Hh3c and out of the 14864kg 4.10% 3.20% Islehaven Gold Dancer Red ET Vrc Hh2c VG88 ORTONGRANGE TOPSHOT DESERT RED ET 01101236202028 Pedigree Index +663M +9.3BF (-0.18%) +17.7P (-0.04%) ProdRel 36% PLI+£358 PLIRel 34% PTAT 0.82. He is by Cogent Supershot and out of Stoneden Mom Red Desert ET Vrc VG85 PEAK ALTAVISIONARY ET A2A2 65003128043615 PTA2014 +312M +17.2BF (+0.06%) +13.3P (+0.04%) ProdRel 83% PLI+£450 PLIRel 78% PTAT 0.27. He is by Zahbulls Alta1stclass ET and out of the 10805kg 3.90% 3.30% Pine-Tree Bella ET VG86 PG SUPERPOLL ET POC RDC 60001271464384 PTA2014 -89M +11.6BF (+0.19%) +7.9P (+0.14%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£304 PLIRel 93% PTAT 0.31. He is by Seagull-Bay Supersire ET EX90 and out of Miss P 414 VG87 PICSTON SHOTTLE PI ET HH5C 0100598172 PTA2014 +275M +6.9BF (-0.05%) +5.0P (-0.05%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£130 PLIRel 99% PTAT 1.43. He is by Carol Prelude Mtoto PI ET EX91 and out of the 16434kg 4.31% 3.25% Condon Aero Sharon PI EX91 POL BUTTE MC BEEMER ET 6407525863 PTA2014 +471M +5.6BF (-0.16%) +8.2P (-0.09%) ProdRel 96% PLI -£64 PLIRel 92% PTAT 2.56. He is by De-Su Bkm McCutchen 1174 ET EX93 and out of Butz-Butler Gold Banner ET Hcd1 PROGENESIS PROVIDER ET 65003123600706 PTA2014 +582M +14.1BF (-0.11%) +14.3P (-0.05%) ProdRel 88% PLI+£435 PLIRel 80% PTAT 2.18. He is by Cookiecutter Petron Halogen and out of the 11726kg 3.70% 3.39% Russellway Cameron Pinky ET GP83
150 REGANCREST DESIGN PI ET HH3C 6560540176 PTA2014 +276M +6.0BF (-0.06%) -1.0P (-0.12%) ProdRel 99% PLI +£38 PLIRel 99% PTAT 1.34. He is by Four-Of-A-Kind Eland PI ET Hh3c EX94 and out of the 14238kg 3.10% 3.10% Regancrest Encore Darel PI ET EX91 RICKLAND PREDESTINE 669 ET HCD3 6569177592 PTA2014 +2M +22.4BF (+0.28%) +9.3P (+0.12%) ProdRel 94% PLI+£587 PLIRel 90% PTAT 0.18. He is by Ladys-Manor Pl Shamrock ET EX90 and out of the 15808kg 4.30% 3.40% Rabur Gold Pluck Hcd3 EX91 RIVERDANE ARTIST RED ET 0100661561 PTA2014 +631M +18.8BF (-0.07%) +19.4P (-0.01%) ProdRel 98% PLI+£341 PLIRel 92% PTAT 0.54. He is by Poppe Snow ET Rdc Hh3c VG88 and out of the 13713kg 4.60% 3.62% Riverdane Roses Allie Red ET EX91 S-S-I 1STCLASS FLAGSHIP ET 65003127943686 PTA2014 +610M +27.7BF (+0.04%) +20.0P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 85% PLI+£642 PLIRel 80% PTAT 0.75. He is by Zahbulls Alta1stclass ET and out of the 17772kg 3.42% 3.18% S-S-I Suprsire Miri 8679 ET EX90 S-S-I HEADWAY ALLTIME ET 65003125202021 PTA2014 +439M +22.6BF (+0.06%) +20.0P (+0.07%) ProdRel 83% PLI+£701 PLIRel 79% PTAT 1.18. He is by S-S-I Maurice Headway ET and out of the 17772kg 3.42% 3.18% S-S-I Suprsire Miri 8679 ET EX90 S-S-I KINGPIN PHANTOM ET 65003126218688 PTA2014 +1153M +43.0BF (-0.03%) +37.5P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 83% PLI+£551 PLIRel 78% PTAT 1.64. He is by Kerndtway Kingpin ET and out of the 15713kg 3.50% 3.40% S-S-I Sprsire Mabel 8828 ET VG85 S-S-I MODESTY MARQUEE ET 65003131003443 PTA2014 +732M +20.4BF (-0.10%) +23.8P ( 0.00%) ProdRel 67% PLI+£685 PLIRel 64% PTAT 1.20. He is by Bacon-Hill Pety Modesty ET VG86 and out of the 9666kg 3.70% 3.20% S-S-I Unite 8679 10906 ET GP80 S-S-I MOGUL DEFENDER ET 65003009554569 PTA2014 +341M +13.8BF ( 0.00%) +9.2P (-0.02%) ProdRel 96% PLI+£277 PLIRel 93% PTAT 1.82. He is by Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul ET EX93 and out of the 11821kg 3.60% 3.20% Regan-Bh-Alh M Dannah ET VG87 S-S-I MONTROSS JEDI ET 65003123886035 PTA2014 +1213M +18.7BF (-0.32%) +36.3P (-0.03%) ProdRel 91% PLI+£593 PLIRel 88% PTAT 2.03. He is by Bacon-Hill Montross ET EX92 and out of the 17772kg 3.42% 3.18% S-S-I Suprsire Miri 8679 ET EX90 SAHARA BALOO ET 0100660571 PTA2014 +299M +18.5BF (+0.08%) +13.5P (+0.05%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£337 PLIRel 98% PTAT 0.89. He is by Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul ET EX93 and out of the 11171kg 4.43% 3.49% Sahara Sky ET EX90 SANDY-VALLEY CASPIAN ET 6571181786 PTA2014 +1120M +36.2BF (-0.09%) +38.7P (+0.03%) ProdRel 96% PLI+£589 PLIRel 90% PTAT 1.25. He is by Seagull-Bay Supersire ET EX90 and out of Sandy-Valley Manom Cameo ET VG85 SANDY-VALLEY SCENARIO ET 65003014561961 PTA2014 +531M +23.3BF (+0.03%) +18.8P (+0.02%) ProdRel 83% PLI+£434 PLIRel 79% PTAT 2.80. He is by Bacon-Hill Montross ET EX92 and out of the 10523kg 4.30% 3.70% Sandy-Valley Uno Scarlet ET VG85 SEAGULL-BAY SUPERSIRE ET 6569981349 PTA2014 +1233M +38.3BF (-0.11%) +32.4P (-0.08%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£516 PLIRel 97% PTAT 1.23. He is by Roylane Socra Robust ET A2a2 VG88 and out of the 15359kg 3.60% 3.20% Ammon-Peachey Shauna ET Hh5c EX92 SIEMERS MOGUL PETY 65003010660326 PTA2014 +573M +16.8BF (-0.07%) +12.2P (-0.08%) ProdRel 98% PLI+£316 PLIRel 94% PTAT 2.43. He is by Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul ET EX93 and out of the 20988kg 3.60% 3.40% Ransom-Rail Explode Pety ET EX90 STANTONS CLOSE UP ET 6412021525 PTA2014 +448M +9.6BF (-0.10%) +11.6P (-0.03%) ProdRel 88% PLI+£410 PLIRel 76% PTAT 2.53. He is by Mr Moviestar Mardi Gras ET and out of the 11897kg 5.50% 3.90% Lookout Pesce Sm Elsa ET GP82 TOC-FARM DUPLEX GLAUCO 72053990032354 PTA2014 +101M +2.6BF (-0.02%) +7.7P (+0.06%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£161 PLIRel 99% PTAT 1.60. He is by Mesland Duplex PI ET and out of the 15259kg 5.42% 3.59% Toc-Farm Allen Amyly EX96 TW GOODWHONE 63000843570795 PTA2014 -122M +20.1BF (+0.32%) +7.7P (+0.15%) ProdRel 99% PLI+£475 PLIRel 98% PTAT 2.39. He is by Mountfield Ssi Dcy Mogul ET EX93 and out of the 9167kg 4.06% 3.56% Campogallo Gaia ET VG86 WA-DEL YODER BANDARES ET 65000143189741 PTA2014 +249M +16.6BF (+0.08%) +13.2P (+0.06%) ProdRel 84% PLI+£459 PLIRel 80% PTAT 2.44. He is by Woodcrest Mogul Yoder Pb ET EX90 and out of the 13250kg 3.90% 3.60% Wa-Del Massey Belinda ET Hh5c VG85 WELCOME-TEL BRENNAN 3158 ET 65003129340894 PTA2014 +648M +30.6BF (+0.06%) +19.6P (-0.02%) ProdRel 68% PLI+£577 PLIRel 65% PTAT 2.55. He is by Bacon-Hill Pety Modesty ET VG86 and out of the 12959kg 3.70% 3.30% Markland Jacey Bree ET VG85
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