• Sold under the conditions of sale as displayed in the mart recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers Association for England and Wales.
• Stock from FABBL Farms will be displayed at the time of sale.
• All heifers offered for sale are not warranted as breeders unless otherwise stated.
• All sucklers must be declared at the time of sale.
• Please ensure all paperwork is handed into the office at least 1 hour before the animals enter the sale ring.
• All cattle must be double tagged with Ministry approved tags and information supplied on the respective entry forms.
• Payment will only be made to the exhibitor.
• No lots can leave the market without a pass slip being issued by the main office.
• All un-entered cattle and those missing their turn in the ballet will be offered for sale at the end of the catalogued entries.
• It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that any animals destined for the food chain are outwit any withdrawal period. This includes antibiotics and anthelmintics that the seller may have given prior to sale
• TB Testing: Animals over 42 days of age and on a 12 month test holding or from holdings which require pre-movement testing (PRMT) MUST to be tested within 60 days of the sale and a respective certificate provided to the Auctioneers.
• The testing interval will be displayed at the point of sale by numbers 1, 4 or 4s. The information is given for guidance only
• All purchasers have two working days from the time of sale to satisfy themselves that all documentation received is correct and any discrepancies must be notified to the auctioneers within the time limit.
Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, available at https://harrisonandhetherington.co.uk/new-customers-account/
Business Trading Terms and Settlement of Purchases Payment due on Day of Purchase
Interest chargeable from date of purchase at 7.25% over Clydesdale Bank base rate at the time, for accounts in default. Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law in England and Scotland Accepted form of payments
direct bank transfer; debit card; cheque - known customers only; bankers draft 2% surcharge will apply to Business Credit Card payments If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account NEW CUSTOMERS AND OR AGENTS wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the company's main office at Carlisle at LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SALE, to provide full details and references for authorization.
Please note that all lots/items must be settled on the day of purchase and prior to clearance of any stock. For the avoidance of doubt H&H reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
Recovery of Legal Costs
Any costs, interest, fees, or expenses (including any legal costs, haulage, vets fees, collection, feed or housing costs) that are incurred by us, as a result of your bench of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or any Charge arising out of our enforcement of any of our rights hereunder or under any such charge shall be recoverable by us from you on a full indemnity basis.
1st 2nd 3rd
Class 1 – Bullock any breed
Class 2 - Heifer any breed
Overall Champion - Stan Davis Ltd Perpetual Challenge Trophy and £30 Cash Reserve Champion - £20 Cash
32 1- 4 D Cooper, Wilson House 39156 4 Cont Blks & Hfrs 15/16
33- 34 5- 10 J Nattrass, Shieldhill Top 31970 6 Limx Blks 14/20
35 11 D Curr & Son, Bowderdale Head 9687 1 CHx Hfr 6
36 12- 14 AJ&RE Marston, Easegill Head 7685 3 LimxBBx Blks 10
37 15- 18 NW&EM Mason & Son, High Green Farm 8204 4 Lim Pure & cross Blks & Hfrs 12/16
38- 39 19- 24 JM&JM Batty, Dry Evers 27297 5 Lim Blks & Hfrs 12/13
38- 39 do 1 AA Blks 12
40- 42 25- 36 G&KM Atkinson & Son, Green Farm 16734 12 Limx Blks & Hfrs 14
43 37- 40 CT&JC Cannon, Ellergill 29320 4 Limx Blks&Hfrs 18
44 41- 42 K Fawcett, Argill House 33215 2 Limx Blks 24
45 43- 44 G&H Deighton, Orchard Farm VAN 2 Limx Blks Hfrs 17
46 45- 46 D&V Hill, Whitewall Farm 29659 2 Lim Blks 12
47- 48 47- 54 F&A Atkinson & Sons, Hawkrigg Farm 16733 8 Limx Blks & Hfrs 18/20
49 55- 59 J Pickles, Far Gearstones 9733 5 LimxBB Hfrs 15 69 60- 62 N Slack, Plumbtree House VAN 3 Contx Blks & Hfrs 12
70- 73 63- 82 M/s Beckwith, New Hall 12582 20 Cont Blks & Hfrs 16/18
Blks & Hfrs 10/11 BVDtt 82- 83 121-125 W Beck & Son, Barugh House VAN 5 Lim, AA & B&W Blks 24/27
84- 86 126-137 M&K Chippendale, Wharton Hall 65328 12 Lim & B&W Blks & Hfrs 13/14
87- 91 138-157 W Hughes & Sons, Dona Close
Blks & Hfrs 16 107 213-215 DE&AM Hodgson, Green Farm
3 BBx Blks & Hfrs 16 108-110 216-229 CD & J Steadman Son, Ellergill 33253 14 SimxLuing & BBx Blks 16/22 111-116 230-259 RC Wharton & Son, Highfield 30 LimxBBx Hfrs 18/20 117-120 260-279 G&EA Ewin, Black Syke 65613 20 BBx & B&W Blks & Hfrs 15-26 121-124 280-299 R Maughan, Clockeld VAN 20 Limx Blks & Hfrs 14/15 125 300-303 R&EM Smithson, Bloan Farm
4 Limx Blks & Hfrs 16 126-127 304-309 R Maughan, Asby Mill VAN 6 BB&Limx Blks & Hfrs 14/15
128-129 310-315 K Wilson, Hill Farm 3605 6 Cont Blks & Hfrs 16/18 131 316-320 R Newton, Grassgarth Farm 13496 5 AA Blks 12/14
Followed by unentered cattle
IBRv IBR Vaccinated BVDt Bovine Viral Diarrhoea tested
BVDi Bovine Viral Diarrhoea injected Lepto Lepto vaccinated
BVDti Bovine Viral Diarrhoea tested & injected HHS Herd Health Scheme
BVDa Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Accredited Herd Jt Johnes tested
BVDm Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Monitored Herd Ja Johnes accredited