Show & Sale of 1,803 Breeding Sheep
1,100 Texel, Continental x & Mule Ewes, Shearlings and 500 Gimmer Lambs
Followed by
203 Texel, Beltex cross & other Continental Rams
Friday 22nd September 2023
Judging - 9:30am Females & 12noon Rams
Sale - 10.00am with the Females
Followed by Rams at approx. 1pm - 1:30pm
Kirkby Stephen Mart Holding Number - 08/320/8000
Sold under the Conditions of Sale as displayed in the Mart recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers Association for England And Wales.
The auctioneers shall not be liable in any way for any deficiencies in either the vendor’s tagging of his sheep nor the reading equipment being used at the CPRC in accordance with the EID Regulations nor any reading or print out produced by the said equipment
Please have available the holding number, address and postcode to which the animals will be moving No lots can leave the market without a pass slip and movement licence issued by the main office Should you require assistance in arranging transport of livestock purchased please contact the Auctioneer or Fieldstaff
It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that any animals destined for the food chain are outwith any withdrawal period. This includes antibiotics, anthelmintics or sheep dip that the seller may have given prior to sale
Please observe bio security rules as displayed in the Mart Treatment
All Sheep at this sale must have been treated with a scab approved product
Completion of an account opening form is required for all customers who do not have a live H&H trading account, available at
Business Trading Terms and Settlement of Purchases Payment due on Day of Purchase
Interest chargeable from date of purchase at 7.25% over Clydesdale Bank base rate at the time, for accounts in default. Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law in England and Scotland
Accepted form of payments
direct bank transfer; debit card; cheque - known customers only; bankers draft 2% surcharge will apply to Business Credit Card payments
If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account
NEW CUSTOMERS AND OR AGENTS wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the company's main office at Carlisle at LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO SALE, to provide full details and references for authorization.
Please note that all lots/items must be settled on the day of purchase and prior to clearance of any stock. For the avoidance of doubt H&H reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
Show DetailsFemale Judging at 9.30am
Pen of 5 Shearlings & Ewes Pen of 5 Gimmer Lambs
Ram Judging at 12noon
Texel Ram (Aged or Shlg) Beltex Ram (Aged or Shlg)
Any other breed Ram (Aged or Shlg)
Any Breed Ram Lamb
Champion Ram Reserve Champion Ram
Kindly Sponsored by
Appleby Office 017683 53217
Agricultural Equipment Services & Repairs, Fabrication, Spare Parts, Oils & Lubrications, Hydraulic Hose Repairs
Paul – 07787875716 - 017683 71714
Unit 3, Kirkby Stephen Business Park, St Lukes Road, Kirkby Stephen, CA17 4HT
Texel, Continental x and Mule Ewes and Shearlings
Pen Fa No No 62 JB Bousfield, Bollam Terrace 5 Cont Shlgs 63- 66 AA Donkin, West Hope 20 Dutch Spotted x Grade 4 Shlgs do 6 Cheviot x Ewes do 7 Continental x Shlgs 67- 70 S Plews, West Hope 30 Dutch Spotted Grade 4 Shlgs do 10 Dutch Spotted Grade 4 Ewes do 4 Dutch Spotted Grade 3 Shlgs 71- 74 Elm Gill Farm, Mallerstang 80 Texel x Ewes Enzo/Toxo 75- 77 J Wearmouth, Martindale Farm 12674 60 Texel x Ewes 79 P Chester, Grassgill Lodge 10 Cont x Shlgs/2 Shr 80- 81 JM&M Morland, Starrah 9729 15 Pure Beltex Shlgs do 5 Dutch Texel x BFL Shlgs 82 B Westgarth, Foxtower View 12 Mule Shlgs 83 MH Elliott, Espland 7647 10 Beltex x Shlgs Enzo/Toxo 84- 85 RG Blackburn, Chapel House 16 Pure Texel Shlgs 86- 91 CJ Bousfield, Barrowmoor Road 65 Texel x/ Chev x Mule Shlgs 92- 95 M/s Teward, New View 20 Texel Shlgs Enzo/Toxo do 10 Texel Ewes Enzo/Toxo 97- 98 CA&JG Skidmore, Needless Hall 85355 30 Beltex x Tex Shlgs 99-103 GA & DE Slack, Stoneriggs 12686 100 Texel Mule Shlgs had Lambs 104-107 Slack & Bailey Partnership 100 Mule Shlgs Footvax 108-111 G Wilson, Bankdale Farm 60 Texel x Shlgs P Footvax 112-113 JC Pedley & Sons, Yore House 28064 10 Texel Shlgs Enzo/Toxo do 28064 10 Beltex x Texel Enzo/Toxo 114-119 J Thornborrow & Son, Ladying Farm 9755 110 Texel x Shlgs 120 DA&MJ Pedley, Prospect Farm Cottage 62674 5 Pure Texel Shlgs Enzo/Toxo do 62674 5 Pure Texel 2 Shear Enzo/Toxo 121-122 RC Tiplady, Red House Farm 48710 25 Beltex x Shlgs Enzo/Toxo 123 B Teasdale, Ling Cottage 2 Suff Shlgs/2Shr Enxo/Toxo do 5 Texel/Beltex Shlgs/2shr Enzo/Toxo 124-125 R&W Todd, Toft House 30776 40 Beltex x Tex Shlgs Enzo 126 AJ&RE Marston, Easegill Head 7685 15 Mule Shlgs/2 Shr Enzo/Toxo 127-133 PE Coupland, Stone Cross Farm 25112 120 Mule Ewes 3/4 Crop
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Breeding Rams (approx. 1 - 1:30pm) Pen FA No No. 134 Tarn Bros., Toft House 8 Texel x BFL 7P² 135-136 DC&KL Hutchinson, Old Spital 46371 35 Beltex x 10² 137-138 JA Sowerby, Amos Hill 138615 35 ¾ Texel 7P² 139 B Mason, Cairn Cottage 10 Texel 140-141 JM&M Morland, Starrah 45 Texel x Mule P O 142-150 JW Teward & Sons, Fairview 27778 110 Texel x Mule 0 7P² do 40 3/4 Texel x Beltex 0 7P² 151-153 S Armstrong & Sons, Mooriggs 80174 30 Dutch Texel x Beltex do 5 Black Texel 154 EW Leach, The Street 6610 15 ¾ Texel 155 MH Elliott, Espland 10 Beltex x 7P² 156-157 CR&MJ Birbeck, High Stennerskeugh 9139 2 Texel x BFL 7P² do 20 ¾ Texelx 7P² 158-160 J Wearmouth, Martindale Farm 12674 60 Texel x Ewes 161 K Schug, Ashlea Farm House 4 Dutch Spotted x Beltex do 4 Dutch Spotted x Leicester Pen No Lot No Fa No No. 1 200-203 E Wood, Waters Farm 20692 4 Texel shlgs/2 Shears 2 204 B Teasdale, Ling Cottage 148170 1 Beltex x Texel Shlg 3 205-207 DA&MJ Pedley, Prospect Farm Cottage Footvax 62674 2 Pure Texel Shlgs do 1 ¾ Texel / Beltex 4 208-209 H Askwith, Low Mown Meadows 2 Beltex Shlgs 5- 6 210-214 RC Tiplady, Red House 48710 4 Beltex x Shlgs do 1 ¾ Beltex 7 215-218 E&R Davidson, Thorney Gale 9741 4 Pure Texel Shlgs 8 219-222 S Mason, Cairn Cottage 4 Texel Shlgs 9- 10 223-232 S Hastwell, The Buildings 80837 10 Texel Shlgs 11- 12 233-238 Winter Bros, Clickham 12978 6 Pure Texel Shlgs Please turn over……
Gimmer Lambs
Pen No. Lot No FA No No. 13- 14 239-246 M/s Wales, Thackwood 25498 4 Beltex x Char Shlgs do 4 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 15 247-251 I Jones, Greenbank 3 Beltex Shlgs do 2 Dutch Spotted 16 252-256 S Altham, Glebe Road 5 Pure Beltex x Shlgs 17- 19 257-271 GA & DE Slack, Stoneriggs 12686 15 Texel x Shlgs 20- 22 272-283 P&E Chester, Grassgill 12 Beltex & Beltex xShlg 23 284-289 D Scott, Hollins View 25643 4 Pure Texel Shlgs do 2 Texel x Shlgs 24 290-292 P&A Sowerby, Cote House Barn 2 Texel Shlgs do 1 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 25 293-295 D Wilkinson, Brackenbank 2 Pure Texel Shlgs 7P² do 1 Pure Texel 3 Shear 7P² 26- 28 296-310 M/s Teward, New View 10 Pure Texel Lambs do 5 Pure Texel Shlgs 29- 30 311-317 M/s Buckle, Buckles Farm 1 Texel x Beltex Shlg do 1 Pure Texel Shlg do 2 Dutch Texel Shlgs do 3 Beltex Shlgs 31- 33 318-329 JS&JO Dodd, Skylin 4269 12 Beltex x & Texel x 34- 36 330-341 LC&D Wearmouth, Parkside Footvax 27807 12 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 37 342-343 AJ&RE Marston, Easegill Head 7685 2 Texel Beltex Shlgs 38- 39 344-349 JM&AM Morland, Starrah 9729 5 Pure Beltex shlgs do 1 Texel x Shlg 40 350-354 MH Elliott, Espland House 5 Beltex x Shlg 7P² 41- 42 355-363 J Knipe & Son, Todds Farm 4 Texel x Beltex Shlgs do 5 Black Beltex x Texel Shlgs 43- 44 364-368 KD&DE Millar & Ptnrs, Crookholm 7969 5 Texel Shlgs 43-44 369-371 S Watson, Crookholm 7969 3 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 45 372-374 Tarn Bros., Toft House 33189 3 Texel Shlgs 46 375-377 JA Sowerby, Amos Hill 138615 3 Pure Dutch Texel Shlgs 47- 48 378-387 J Carlile, Fowrass Farm 61259 10 Texel Shlgs 49 388-390 H Currie, Edendales 1 Pure Texel Shlg do 1 Pure Texel Lamb do 1 Blue Texel Aged Ram