86 Catalogue of
CLEENAGH FLOCK - 86 HEAD A & C Richardson, 184 Main Street, Lisnaskea
BADGER FACE TEXEL - 46 HEAD 9 ewes, 16 shearling gimmers, 11 ewe lambs, 10 recips
BLUE TEXEL - 30 HEAD 7 ewes, 10 shearling gimmers, 10 ewe lambs, 3 recips
DUTCH SPOTTED - 10 HEAD 2 ewes, 3 gimmers, 5 ewe lambs
FRIDAY 5th JANUARY 2024 Sale to commence at 7pm
To be held at Ballymena Mart, Woodside Road, Ballymena, Co Antrim, BT42 4QJ
Head Office:
Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Tel: 01228 406230 or 01228 406200 E-mail: Website:
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• Anti Money Laundering (AML) & Cash Payments For avoidance of doubt our company AML policy is to accept a maximum of £1,000.00 per trading account per year.
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01228 406290 Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under Firm Reference Number 305809
General Information & Sale Notes LOCATION: The Sale will be held in the Ballymena Mart, Co Antrim, BT42 4QJ VIEWING - The Sale Sheep will be available for viewing at Ballymena Mart, from 3pm on Friday 5th January. Prior viewing of the sheep is most welcome by appointment with the vendor Clive Richardson 07855 477771. CONDITIONS OF SALE - Sold under the conditions of sale as recommended by The Livestock Auctioneers Association. METHOD OF SALE - All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and strictly in catalogue order, unless any alteration is announced by the Auctioneers. A commission of 5.25% will be charged on all sheep sold. COMMISSIONS - The Auctioneers will dutifully execute commissions to purchase for buyers unable to attend the sale personally, upon receipt of written instructions. SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK - Settlement in full is due immediately at the close of Sale. No animal may leave the Sale Premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’, obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement. ONLINE BIDDING - Online bidding facility is available via PEDIGREE TRANSFER - A transfer fee of £5 (+VAT) per sheep for any Blue Texel and Badger Face Texel.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to you all, to the major reduction of the Cleenagh flock ewes, gimmers, lambs and recips from the harvest flushing season. Since the formation of the flock almost twelve years ago we have tried to bring structurally sound, easy fleshed sheep, with carcase with good tight skin. In each of the three breeds we indulged into I hope you agree our purchasing and breeding have been symmetrical. We are deeply grateful and indebted to everyone for the help. Along the way if that was to teach us how to trim show sheep, or sponge sheep. Thank you for bringing us to this point today. We really were and probably still are novices in the industry. We are always grateful especially for the customers and in particular the repeat custom we receive through the years. Although this is not a dispersal sale, we welcome everyone to visit our farm, not just what’s being offered for sale but also what we are keeping. The idea of this ale is to majorly reduce the flock. The foundation ewes in the Blues and Badger Face Texel are now pushing towards six years old and we won’t put them through a overseas journey with a pregnancy onboard. We have Bambino, Bikini Babe and Bubblegum hopefully all in lamb fit and healthy to show our sincerity towards reducing these can be purchased privately. In Bager Face Texel we have T-85 who I’m sure would have drawn interest however after incurring some health problems our flushing vet has advised us on retiring her. She has been deemed as unfit flush and breed. The foundation ewes in the Dutch Spotted sheep are in their prime and will be offered at the event. Cleenagh has no frozen embryos in storage so what you see born from each ewe on sale day will be the end of progeny from that ewe unless announced at sale time. All scanning results will be clearly displayed at time of sale. Any lambs slaughtered or sold privately without papers have not been recorded in the society database. All lambs born late March/April have been withdrawn from this sale. Cleenagh has never sold an inlamb sheep to have to do a C-Section, so I hope you can buy from our well established flock with confidence.
Founded in 2016 with the importation of four females and Dustin. Cleenagh Badger Face Texel’s are the longest running in Ireland and the second longest running within the UK boundary Cleenagh has always been extremely passionate about sire selection. We believe when using the correct tup we are genetic building for the future, and that’s exactly what we have done in the last seven years. For the last two years Cleenagh has purchased the male champion from the Bager Faced Texel premier sale in Carlisle. £8000 for Duhonw Ding Dong and £7000 for Brougher Cruiser. The input of Duhonw Ding Dong has really put a beautiful elegance towards his progeny, the first lambs born this year have been a joy to watch grow. We take this one step forward and share the potential success of Brougher Cruiser with our customers at this sale today. Many inlamb ewes and recips are carrying pregnancies to our new bloodline who we purchased in partnership. The purchase of these exciting new sires follows the massive success of Cleenagh Bodybuilder, who will be really hard to topple. This year not only did Bodybuilder sire the RUAS Champion but also sired the GYS Champion, followed by his daughter Duhonw Elegance winning the Interbreed Ewe Lamb at the RWAS. This was all before Bodybuilder sired two of the top price females at the Carlisle Premier sale in August with Cleenagh Daytona for 3200gns selling to the Woodies Flock, with the Female Reserve Champion Bony & Bold Emerald Fire exhibited by Tara O’Brien selling for 3000gns. This was achieved also with Cleenagh Tamtain for 3000gns. The sale offers the best genetics from our medium sized flock which is the longest established flock in the society flock book.
Reference to Sires: Brougher Cruiser
Male Champion Carlisle Premier 2023. The first two offspring selling for 2600gns and 1700gns both as lambs. A tremendous square ram with correctness and great lift. Sold in August for the day’s highest price of 7000gns shared with Matthew Burleigh and Andrew McCutcheon.
Duhonw Ding Dong
Male Champion Carlisle Badger Face premier sale 2022. His first female’s offspring being offered at this sale today with his full brother having sired to 7500gns for the Knockmult Flock. His dam Beeswax was The RWAS 2023 supreme champion with her Body Builder daughter winning Reserve Badger Face Texel Champion, before winning the Interbreed ewe lamb, shared ownership with the Duhonw Flock.
Cleenagh Makavelli
Purchased in Holland in October 2021 to add new bloodlines into our flock. First daughter sold in August this year at Carlisle selling to the Tamtain Flock for 3000gns. With over 50 offspring born to him over the last two years at Cleenagh he’s never sired a black lamb. Proving to be a fantastic cross on the Body Builder daughters.
9 LOT 1
Cleenagh Bianca LAR/20/00828 UK91750322/00828 TWIN 28/02/2020 Sire: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) gs: Little Whisker (Import) (08368-53858) 4267-0431 gd: (Dutch) Van Kerkof (26389-38927) Dam: Cleenagh Z 66 gs: Cleenagh Yobo (LAR/17/00375) LAR/18/00593 gd: Cleenagh (LAR/15/00124) Service Details: Served 28/10/23 by Cleenagh Express. Scanned 1 Maternal sister to 2022 Carlisle Reserve Champion Cleenagh Chunk who sold for £5000. Maternal sister to Lot 2 and dam of Lot 4
Cleenagh Dark Beauti LAR/22/00986 UK91750322/00986 TRIPLET 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh Z 66 gs: Cleenagh Yobo (LAR/17/00375) LAR/18/00593 gd: Cleenagh (LAR/15/00124) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 1 Maternal sister to Lot 1. Closely related to Lots 44 & 45 on both sides of the pedigree. LOT 3
Cleenagh Devine LAR/22/01204 UK91750322/01204 TWIN 05/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Chapman ET gs: Cleenagh Coolio (LAR/18/00529) LAR/21/00832 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738) Dam: Cleenagh Bianca gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00828 gd: Cleenagh Z 66 (LAR/18/00593) Service Details: Service Details at time of Sale A Chapman daughter who is full brother to Cleenagh Creme de la Creme which has made quite an impression for Tara O’Brien, The Bonny & Bold Flock selling the first two offspring for over 5000gns in the Society sale in August 2023.
10 LOT 5
Cleenagh Babybell LAR/20/00790 UK91750322/00790 SINGLE ET 01/02/2020 Sire: Dustin (Import) gs: 08437-01348 (08437-01348) 26308-62332 gd: Schaaf (Belgium) (00166-04441) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 26308-22738 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 24/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Dam of Cleenagh Duke of Edinburgh who sold for 4000gns, and sister to Cleenagh Bo Peep £8,800. Both X31 and Babybelle have never produced a black lamb to date. Ideal for flushing.
Cleenagh Dolby LAR/22/01056 UK91750322/01056 TWIN ET 01/02/2022 Sire: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) gs: Little Whisker (Import) (08368-53858) 4267-0431 gd: (Dutch) Van Kerkof (26389-38927) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 26308-22738 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 16/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Another fine example from the quality of X31. Dolby is a maternal sister to Lot 5 and maternal sister to the £8800 Bo Peep. LOT 7
Cleenagh Dirty Dancer LAR/22/01048 UK91750322/01048 TWIN ET 01/02/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: Cleenagh Babybell gs: Dustin (Import) (26308-62332) LAR/20/00790 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738) Service Details: Served 21/09/23 by Cleenagh Makavelli. Scanned 2 A really good powerful gimmer from this family of breeding stock. A daughter of Lot 5 and very closley related to Lot 6, also maternal sister to Lots 8 & 9.
11 LOT 8
Cleenagh Extra Special ET SINGLE ET Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) 26423-69128 Dam: Cleenagh Babybell LAR/20/00790 Service Details: Empty ewe lamb
LAR/23/01277 UK91750322/01277 01/02/2023 gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) gs: Dustin (Import) (26308-62332) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738)
Following her registration name she’s quite a lamb with a Big Future daughter of Lot 5
LOT 10
Cleenagh Bombellini LAR/20/00761 UK91750322/00761 TWIN 20/02/2020 Sire: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice gs: Dustin (Import) (26308-62332) LAR/18/00543 gd: Cleenagh W9 (Import) (26173-92978) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1665 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 10/09/23 by Cleenagh Espresso. Scanned 2 Full sister to Cleenagh Beauti selling to Chris Wright for £5600. Bombellini is also the dam of Cleenagh Electric £3500 and daughter of the prolific Y-85 and maternal sister to the 2023 Balmoral show Champion Cleenagh Dolly Exhibited and owned by the Derg Flock.
12 LOT 11
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 12
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 13
Cleenagh Diva LAR/22/01001 UK91750322/01001 SINGLE 10/03/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) LAR/20/00761 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 (4212-1665) Service Details: Served 16/09/23 by Cleenagh Makavelli. Scanned 1 An outstanding big long shearling gimmer. A certain for anyones flushing team for the future. Dam is Lot 10
LOT 14
Cleenagh Electra ET SINGLE ET Sire: Duhonw Ding Dong ET JAM/22/12257 Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini LAR/20/00761 Service Details: Empty ewe lamb
LAR/23/01209 UK91750322/01209 02/02/2023 gs: Sunnybank Attack (HCJ/19/03580) gd: Whatmore Beeswax (WHA/20/01937) gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 (4212-1665)
Full ET sister to Cleenagh Electric. Sired by the 2022 Carlisle Premier sale champion £8000 Duhonw Ding Dong.
13 LOT 15
Cleenagh Extraordinary ET TWIN ET Sire: Duhonw Ding Dong ET JAM/22/12257 Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini LAR/20/00761 Service Details: Empty ewe lamb
LAR/23/01212 UK91750322/01212 01/02/2023 gs: Sunnybank Attack (HCJ/19/03580) gd: Whatmore Beeswax (WHA/20/01937) gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 (4212-1665)
Full sister to Lots 14, 16 & 17
LOT 16
Cleenagh Emmanuelle ET SINGLE ET Sire: Duhonw Ding Dong ET JAM/22/12257 Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini LAR/20/00761 Service Details: Empty ewe lamb
LAR/23/01216 UK91750322/01216 03/02/2023 gs: Sunnybank Attack (HCJ/19/03580) gd: Whatmore Beeswax (WHA/20/01937) gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 (4212-1665)
Full sister to Lots 14, 15 & 17 LOT 17
Cleenagh Epic TWIN Sire: Duhonw Ding Dong ET JAM/22/12257 Dam: Cleenagh Bombellini LAR/20/00761 Service Details: Empty ewe lamb Full sisters to Lots 14, 15 & 16
LAR/23/01232 UK91750322/01232 01/02/2023 gs: Sunnybank Attack (HCJ/19/03580) gd: Whatmore Beeswax (WHA/20/01937) gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 (4212-1665)
14 LOT 18
Cleenagh Ballerina LAR/20/00728 UK91750322/00728 TWIN 20/04/2020 Sire: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) gs: Little Whisker (Import) (08368-53858) 4267-0431 gd: (Dutch) Van Kerkof (26389-38927) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) T81 gs: Wehkamp (Dutch) (08324-59954) 26306-50897 gd: Sneller (Dutch) (26306-16370) Service Details: Served 15/10/23 by Cleenagh Espresso. Scanned 1 Mother of the best lamb born in 2023. Successfully flushed in 2023.
LOT 19
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ballerina Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 20
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ballerina Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 21
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ballerina Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24
15 LOT 22
Cleenagh Calender Girl LAR/21/00863 UK91750322/00863 TRIPLET 24/02/2021 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: Cleenagh (Import) Z75 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 26306-04521 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) T81 (26306-50897) Service Details: Served 14/10/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Mother of Cleenagh Explosion sold to a GB AI service station, with semen purchased back for future use within the Cleenagh Flock. Closely related to Lot 18.
LOT 23
Cleenagh Beyonce LAR/20/00749 UK91750322/00749 TWIN 08/03/2020 Sire: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) gs: Little Whisker (Import) (08368-53858) 4267-0431 gd: (Dutch) Van Kerkof (26389-38927) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y86 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1664 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 05/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 1 Dam Y-86 is a full natural born sister to Y-85. Maternal sister to our junior stock ram Cleenagh Expresso. Maternal sister to Lot 22. Full sister to Lots 14, 16 & 17
LOT 24
Cleenagh Eye Catcher LAR/23/01290 UK91750322/01290 TWIN 01/03/2023 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y86 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1664 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Empty ewe lamb Full twin sister to our junior stock tup “Cleenagh Expresso”. Maternal sister to Lot 23.
16 LOT 25
Cleenagh Bramble LAR/20/00792 UK91750322/00792 TWIN ET 01/02/2020 Sire: Dustin (Import) gs: 08437-01348 (08437-01348) 26308-62332 gd: Schaaf (Belgium) (00166-04441) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 gs: Kaasenbrood (Dutch) (08430-51468) 26069-35108 gd: Braam Raats (Import) (26069-28689) Service Details: Served 14/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Dam of Cleenagh Demerera who sold in Carlisle 2022 to Trentfalls & Marshtown for £2200. LOT 26
LOT 27
Cleenagh Bossyboots LAR/20/00725 UK91750322/00725 TWIN 20/02/2020 Sire: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) gs: Little Whisker (Import) (08368-53858) 4267-0431 gd: (Dutch) Van Kerkof (26389-38927) Dam: Cleenagh Y 32 gs: Dustin (Import) (26308-62332) LAR/14/00354 gd: Cleenagh (LAR/15/00129) Service Details: Served 05/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Natural born twin sister to Cleenagh Bodybuilder. A pedigree needing no introduction. Dam of Lots 28 & 29 LOT 28
Cleenagh Ears TWIN Sire: Duhonw Ding Dong ET JAM/22/12257 Dam: Cleenagh Bossyboots LAR/20/00725 Service Details: Empty ewe lamb
LAR/23/01222 UK91750322/01222 01/03/2023 gs: Sunnybank Attack (HCJ/19/03580) gd: Whatmore Beeswax (WHA/20/01937) gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354)
A very flashy ewe lamb that won 2nd at Omagh Show in a strong line up of lambs.
LOT 29
Cleenagh Devilish LAR/22/01142 UK91750322/01142 TWIN 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh Bossyboots gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00725 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Service Details: Served 29/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Daughter of Lot 27 and maternal sister to Lot 28.
17 LOT 30
Cleenagh Brianna LAR/20/00751 UK91750322/00751 TWIN 21/04/2020 Sire: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) gs: Little Whisker (Import) (08368-53858) 4267-0431 gd: (Dutch) Van Kerkof (26389-38927) Dam: Cleenagh Wee Titch gs: Cleenagh Vitto (Import) (26174-56761) LAR/13/00096 gd: Cleenagh (WT) (PLL/12/00184) Service Details: Served 05/10/23 by Cleenagh Espresso. Scanned 2 A maternal sister to Y0125 sold to the Derg Flock producing many show winners and record prices in the Blue Texel Section. Brianna lambed as a one year old ewe, in three lambings she has always delivered fully Badger Face Lambs. Selling inlamb to Duhonw Ding Dong who has also only ever bred 100% Badger Face Texel Lambs. LOT 31
Cleenagh Emiliano SINGLE Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) 26423-69128 Dam: Cleenagh Brianna LAR/20/00751 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01285 UK91750322/01285 12/03/2023 gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) gd: Cleenagh Wee Titch (LAR/13/00096)
Going to make a massive, strong ewe just like her mother Lot 30. LOT 32
Cleenagh Dorito LAR/22/01136 UK91750322/01136 TRIPLET 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh Brianna gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00751 gd: Cleenagh Wee Titch (LAR/13/00096) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 Daughter of Lot 30 and maternal sister to Lot 31
Y-85 pictured as a 5 year old ewe.
Y-85 breeding days are over she has been the heart of the Cleenagh Badger Face Texel breeding for years. Her progeny topping many shows as well as sales. With no offspring born from her in 2023. This may represent the last opportunity to obtain her offspring. LOT 33
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Y-85 Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24
18 LOT 34
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Y-85 Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24
Cleenagh Dolly
RUAS Supreme Badger Face Texel Champion. Full sister to Lots 35, 36, 37 & 38. LOT 35
Cleenagh Dazzler LAR/22/00998 UK91750322/00998 TRIPLET 08/03/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1665 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 16/09/23 by Cleenagh Makavelli. Scanned 3 Her full brother Cleenagh Chopper has bred offspring to £4000 setting a new ROI record for the breed.
19 LOT 36
Cleenagh Dream Doll LAR/22/00980 UK91750322/00980 SINGLE ET 01/02/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1665 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 16/09/23 by Cleenagh Makavelli. Scanned 2 Full sisters to Lots 35, 37 & 38 Full sister to Lots 14, 16 & 17
LOT 37
Cleenagh Diamond LAR/22/00968 UK91750322/00968 TWIN ET 01/02/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1665 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 21/09/23 by Cleenagh Makavelli. Scanned 1 Sadly Diamond damaged her ear on the fence in summer and has a slight lump on one ear. Full sister to Lots 35, 36 & 38 LOT 38
Cleenagh Deja Vue LAR/22/00977 UK91750322/00977 TWIN ET 01/02/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) Y85 gs: Woodies (Import) (26389-38944) 4212-1665 gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) U83 (26069-35108) Service Details: Served 21/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 1 Full sister to Lot 35, 36 & 37. LOT 39
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ditto Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24
20 LOT 40
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ditto Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 41
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ditto Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 42
SINGLE EMBRYO LOT Sire: Brougher Cruiser Dam: Cleenagh Ditto Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24
LOT 43
Cleenagh Dribbler LAR/22/01141 UK91750322/01141 TWIN 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh Big Bird gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) LAR/20/00768 gd: Cleenagh Z 16 (LAR/18/00524) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser A very catchy big gimmer, very proud and correct. Full sister to follow Lot 44
LOT 44
Cleenagh Erica TWIN Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) 26423-69128 Dam: Cleenagh Big Bird LAR/20/00768 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01287 UK91750322/01287 01/03/2023 gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) gs: Cleenagh Celebrity Juice (LAR/18/00543) gd: Cleenagh Z 16 (LAR/18/00524)
Another fine example of the strength and potential of the Makavelli sired lambs. Full sister to Lot 43. LOT 45
Cleenagh Delta LAR/22/01133 UK91750322/01133 TWIN 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh Z 73 gs: Cleenagh Yobo (LAR/17/00375) LAR/18/00591 gd: Cleenagh (LAR/15/00124) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 1 Maternal sister to Lot 46
21 LOT 46
Cleenagh Delight LAR/22/01132 UK91750322/01132 TWIN 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh Z 73 gs: Cleenagh Yobo (LAR/17/00375) LAR/18/00591 gd: Cleenagh (LAR/15/00124) Service Details: Served 06/10/23 by Cleenagh Chopper. Scanned 2 Maternal sister to Lot 45. LOT 47
Cleenagh Disco LAR/22/00989 UK91750322/00989 TWIN 01/03/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Bodybuilder gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00724 gd: Cleenagh Y 32 (LAR/14/00354) Dam: Cleenagh Z 55 gs: Dustin (Import) (26308-62332) LAR/18/00549 gd: Whatmore Waterfall (WHA.W030) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 1 Maternal sister to Cleenagh Biggy sold to S Hunter and A Struthers going on to breed much success for the breed. LOT 48
Cleenagh Dairey Gold LAR/22/01135 UK91750322/01135 TWIN 01/04/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Makavelli (Import) gs: Van de Schaff (26254-99711) 26423-69128 gd: Tamtain (Import) (26423-68691) Dam: Cleenagh gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) LAR/20/00745 gd: Cleenagh (LAR/15/00129) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Brougher Cruiser. Scanned 2 A really smart gimmer with great character and correctness. LOT 49
Cleenagh Ewe Beauti SINGLE Sire: Duhonw Ding Dong ET JAM/22/12257 Dam: Cleenagh Car-dash-en LAR/21/836 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01238 UK91750322/01238 12/03/2023 gs: Sunnybank Attack (HCJ/19/03580) gd: Whatmore Beeswax (WHA/20/01937) gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) gd: Cleenagh Y 52 (LAR/17/00403)
As her name goes she’s a smart one. Her mother is full sister to Cleenagh Buster who has left his mark within the breed with the Llwyn Derw Flock. She has a big future. LOT 50
Cleenagh Etta ET TWIN ET Sire: Cleenagh Maverick (Import) 26423-669391 Dam: Cleenagh Angel Delight LAR/19/00678 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01264 UK91750322/01264 02/02/2023 gs: Santema (Dutch) (26405-94994) gd: Van Aken (26423-68910) gs: Cleenagh Coolio (LAR/18/00529) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738)
Daughter of Cleenagh Angel Delight and full ET sibling to the RUAS 1st prize winner Cleenagh Eisenhower. Maternal sister to the 2023 GYS Badger Face Texel Supreme Champion.
Formed in 2012 with an importation from the Netherlands, the following year we travelled to Carlisle to purchase from both the Beili Blue and Millside flock to which we can still relate to today in our flock. The photo above was the first NI Blue Texel society sale which took place in 2015 in Dungannon Farmers Mart. The interest from the public was immense, with Cleenagh selling twelve sheep of the day above four figures. Cleenagh Blue Texels have always took great pride in watching our sheep go on to reach great success in their new homes. We offer this first individual production sale to the public in almost twelve years of breeding. We are extremely positive about the purchase of our new stock ram Johnstown Hercules who won All Ireland Male Champion in Gurteen Co Tipperary in June this year. All Blue Texels are in lamb to Hercules, our intention is in bring him to the sale to show what the pregnancies are in lamb to.
Reference to Sires: Cleenagh Extremist
A real powerhouse, breeding smart sheep with great carcase, length and skin. Extremist progeny have sold to £4800. He sired the 2022 Balmoral Blue Texel Champion. Corra Fandabadosey
One of the most characteristic rams we have ever bred with. He is by a Cleenagh grandmother, we purchased him privately very soon after we first seen him as a young ram lamb. Johnstown Hercules
Blue Texel All-Ireland Male Champion for 2023. Purchase from the Donohoe family in Mullingar privately. Purchased for his style and lift. Tremendous bone and strength all the way through this young ram.
24 LOT 61
Cleenagh Ewe Darling LAR/20/00816 UK91750322/00816 TWIN 05/03/2020 Sire: Whatmore Chizel gs: Jonsland Aero (ET) (JOJ/16/04263) WHA/18/01484 gd: Whatmore Vintage (WHA/12/00298) Dam: Cleenagh Y20 (Import) gs: Beili Blues (Import) (26262-92618) 4212-1117 gd: Schoolakkershof (Dutch) (4271-0094) Service Details: Served 11/10/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 Dam is full sister to Cleenagh Xquizit, our very successful previous stock tup. Ewe Darling has only had one show outing and won 1st prize at The RUAS 2022, the same year her progeny won both the ewe lamb and ram lamb section before her ewe lamb went on to become the RUAS Blue Texel Champion and selling for £4800, with her ram lamb selling for £3300. The same year she produced £14,000 worth of progeny. Full sister to Lots 14, 16 & 17
LOT 62
SINGLE EMBRYO Sire: Johnstown Hercules Dam: Cleenagh Ewe Darling Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 63
SINGLE EMBRYO Sire: Johnstown Hercules Dam: Cleenagh Ewe Darling Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 64
SINGLE EMBRYO Sire: Johnstown Hercules Dam: Cleenagh Ewe Darling Service Details: Single Embryo due 27/01/24 LOT 65
25 LOT 66
Cleenagh Hot Totti (ET) TWIN ET Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) GFC/21/03908 Dam: Cleenagh Ewe Darling LAR/20/00816 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01190 UK91750322/01190 02/02/2023 gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Y20 (Import) (4212-1117)
A real potential show gimmer. Dam is Lot 61. LOT 67
Cleenagh Happy Daze (ET) SINGLE ET Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) GFC/21/03908 Dam: Cleenagh Ewe Darling LAR/20/00816 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01191 UK91750322/01191 01/02/2023 gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Y20 (Import) (4212-1117)
Full sister to Lot 66 & 68
LOT 68
Cleenagh Hussy SINGLE ET Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) GFC/21/03908 Dam: Cleenagh Ewe Darling LAR/20/00816 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01192 UK91750322/01192 01/02/2023 gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Y20 (Import) (4212-1117)
Full sister to Lots 66 & 67 LOT 69
Cleenagh Crazy Sophie LAR/18/00420 UK91750322/00420 TWIN 14/02/2018 Sire: Hackney X-Rated (ET) gs: Whatmore Siren (WHA/10/01000S) HAC/14/00565 gd: Whatmore Vienna (WHA/12/00292) Dam: Cleenagh Y95 (Import) gs: Scholtens (Dutch) (26309-04337) 26309-52274 gd: Kingscaird (Import) (26309-39881) Service Details: Served 11/10/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 A great example of the great bloodline from the past in Hackney Xrated. She can breed very well also with her daughter Lot 70
26 LOT 70
Cleenagh Granola TWIN Sire: Cleenagh Extremist (LAR/20/00808) Dam: Cleenagh Crazy Sophie (LAR/18/00420)
LAR/22/01024 UK91750233/01024 24/03/2022 gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (LAR/17/00315) gs: Hackney X-Rated (HAC/14/00565) gd: Cleenagh Y95 (26309-52274)
Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 LOT 71
LOT 72
Cleenagh Groussie LAR/22/01075 UK91750322/01075 TWIN 01/03/2022 Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) GFC/21/03908 gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) Dam: Cleenagh Y62 gs: Cleenagh Van Gogh (Import) (26173-92870) LAR/15/00107 gd: Cleenagh R55 (Import) (26045-02145) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 A well muscled gimmer with great body and correctness. LOT 73
Cleenagh Happy Feet TWIN Sire: Matt’s G Force (ET) MAT/22/01601 Dam: Cleenagh Easy Peasy LAR/20/00801 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01246 UK91750322/01246 05/04/2023 gs: Matt’s Firetrap (ET) (MAT/21/01315) gd: Matt’s Elegence (ET) (MAT/20/01078) gs: Whatmore Cider (WHA/18/01479) gd: Cleenagh Y62 (LAR/15/00107)
A real smart lamb bursting with character and brightness.
LOT 74
Cleenagh Grandstand LAR/22/01020 UK91750322/01020 TRIPLET 15/03/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Extremist gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) LAR/20/00808 gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) (LAR/17/00315) Dam: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) gs: Whatmore Siren (WHA/10/01000S) LAR/17/00309 gd: Millside (DJA/13/01113W) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 1 A fine example of the good skin, width and length Cleenagh Extremist brings to his offspring. Dam is the renowned Cleenagh Bambino who has bred to £5300 and earlier set a breed record of £4500 for a ewe lamb.
27 LOT 75
Cleenagh Eclair (ET) LAR/20/00781 UK91750322/00781 TWIN ET 01/02/2020 Sire: Whatmore Chizel gs: Jonsland Aero (ET) (JOJ/16/04263) WHA/18/01484 gd: Whatmore Vintage (WHA/12/00298) Dam: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) gs: Whatmore Siren (WHA/10/01000S) LAR/17/00309 gd: Millside (DJA/13/01113W) Service Details: Served 07/09/23 by Cleenagh Extremist. Scanned 1 Full sister to Cleenagh Eye Full £5300. Eclair is a breeder. Followed by her offspring in Lot 76 & 77 with her full sisters offspring being Lot 78 LOT 76
Cleenagh Her Magesty TWIN Sire: Cleenagh Xquizit (Import) 4212-1092 Dam: Cleenagh Eclair (ET) LAR/20/00781 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01223 UK91750322/01223 01/03/2023 gs: Beili Blues (Import) (26262-92618) gd: Schoolakkershof (Dutch) (4271-0094) gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) (LAR/17/00309)
A lamb which we are reluctant to sell looking at the potential and smartness. She will add a lot to any flock going forward. A real upstanding show queen.
LOT 77
Cleenagh Honey Bee TWIN Sire: Cleenagh Xquizit (Import) 4212-1092 Dam: Cleenagh Eclair (ET) LAR/20/00781 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01224 UK91750322/01224 01/03/2023 gs: Beili Blues (Import) (26262-92618) gd: Schoolakkershof (Dutch) (4271-0094) gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) (LAR/17/00309)
Full sister to Lot 76 LOT 78
Cleenagh Haley LAR/23/01226 UK91750322/01226 TWIN 01/03/2023 Sire: Cleenagh Xquizit (Import) gs: Beili Blues (Import) (26262-92618) 4212-1092 gd: Schoolakkershof (Dutch) (4271-0094) Dam: Cleenagh Eyes On Me (ET) gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) LAR/20/00788 gd: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) (LAR/17/00309) Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb Her dam is a full sister to Lot 75 and almost full siblings to Lots 76 & 77
28 LOT 79
Cleenagh Gisselle LAR/22/01042 UK91750322/01042 TRIPLET 25/03/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Extremist gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) LAR/20/00808 gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) (LAR/17/00315) Dam: Cleenagh Danger Mouse gs: Solway View Bullet (SWV/17/00417) LAR/19/00643 gd: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) (LAR/17/00309) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 1 Feel the carcase of these Extremist daughters. Dam was full sister to Cleenagh Disney Queen £4500. LOT 80
Cleenagh Harriett TWIN ET Sire: Cleenagh Extremist LAR/20/00808 Dam: Cleenagh Danger Mouse LAR/19/00643 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01177 UK91750322/01177 01/03/2023 gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) (LAR/17/00315) gs: Solway View Bullet (SWV/17/00417) gd: Cleenagh Bambino (ET) (LAR/17/00309)
Full sister to Lot 79. Sadly this will be the last of the Dangermouse bloodlines. LOT 81
Corra GFC/19/03574 UK0582558/03574 SINGLE 20/02/2019 Breeder: Messers G & H Forsyth Sire: Hackney Xcel (ET) gs: Whatmore Siren (WHA/10/01000S) HAC/14/00567 gd: Whatmore Vienna (WHA/12/00292) Dam: Corra A008 (ET) gs: Corra (ET) (GFC/15/00007Y) GFC/16/02964 gd: Corra (GFC/15/00004Y) Service Details: Served 03/10/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 3 Dam of Dungannon Record price female 2022 Cleenagh Go Get Em £1900. In lamb to the All Ireland 2023 Champion Ram Lamb.
LOT 82
Cleenagh Happyness TWIN Sire: Cleenagh Extremist LAR/20/00808 Dam: Corra GFC/19/03574 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb A very solid, well muscled ewe lamb.
LAR/23/01187 UK91750322/01187 12/03/2023 gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) (LAR/17/00315) gs: Hackney Xcel (ET) (HAC/14/00567) gd: Corra A008 (ET) (GFC/16/02964)
29 LOT 83
Cleenagh Fanta LAR/21/00931 UK91750322/00931 TWIN 01/03/2021 Sire: Cleenagh Bruno (ET) gs: Cleenagh Xquizit (Import) (4212-1092) LAR/17/00310 gd: Hackney Yalika (ET) (HAC/15/00599) Dam: Whatmore Yoga gs: Whatmore Wasp (WHA/13/00486) WHA/15/00837 gd: Whatmore Variety (WHA/12/00295) Service Details: Served 15/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 A very long clean bodied Cleenagh Bruno daughter who was also the father of Drumard Ed.
LOT 84
Cleenagh Heart Breaker SINGLE Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) GFC/21/03908 Dam: Cleenagh Fanta LAR/21/00931 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
LAR/23/01202 UK91750322/01202 05/03/2023 gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) gs: Cleenagh Bruno (ET) (LAR/17/00310) gd: Whatmore Yoga (WHA/15/00837)
Needs a bit more time to show her potential, lots of length and frame as well as a great pedigree. Daughter of Lot 83 LOT 85
Cleenagh Elegant Eyes (ET) LAR/20/00785 UK91750322/00785 SINGLE ET 01/02/2020 Sire: Whatmore Cider gs: Whatmore Yorkie (WHA/15/00832) WHA/18/01479 gd: Whatmore Twix (WHA/11/00079) Dam: Cleenagh Angel Eyes gs: Whatmore Xpert (WHA/14/00667) LAR/16/00241 gd: Cleenagh U5 (Import) (26045-87984) Service Details: Served 21/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 1 Daughter of Cleenagh Anges Eyes who made her mark on the breed in N Ireland. A big frame of a ewe. Her 2023 son Cleenagh Homeboy has been used as a junior stock ram this harvest.
30 LOT 86
Cleenagh Gold Digger LAR/22/01036 UK91750322/01036 TRIPLET 10/03/2022 Sire: Cleenagh Extremist gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) LAR/20/00808 gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) (LAR/17/00315) Dam: Cleenagh Elegant Eyes (ET)gs: Whatmore Cider (WHA/18/01479) LAR/20/00785 gd: Cleenagh Angel Eyes (LAR/16/00241) Service Details: Scanned 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 Dam is Lot 74, showing a lot of carcase. LOT 87
LOT 88
Sunnybank Gee Gee (ET) HCJ/22/05315 UK0105928/05315 SINGLE ET 07/01/2022 Breeder: Mr Henry Jewitt Sire: Sunnybank (Import) gs: Dutch Register (26308-22739) 1408-0248 gd: Dutch Register (00166-54556) Dam: Hackney Bright Eyes (ET) gs: Joe’s Alvin (ET) (JOE/16/00001) HAC/17/01405 gd: Hackney Yessaintlaurent (ET) (HAC/15/00606) Service Details: Served 27/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 3 Daughter of Hackney Bright Eyes who trails back to the same family as Hackney Yalika who was a major contributor to the success within the Cleenagh Flock.
31 LOT 89
Cleenagh Gossip Girl LAR/22/01086 UK91750322/01086 TWIN 10/03/2022 Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) GFC/21/03908 gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) Dam: Cleenagh Expresso gs: Whatmore Diesel (WHA/19/01700) LAR/20/00817 gd: Cleenagh Cappuccino (LAR/18/00557) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 A real statement of a sheep! Head, power, width and length she is quite a unit.
LOT 90
Cleenagh Galaxy LAR/22/01077 UK91750322/01077 TWIN 22/02/2022 Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) GFC/21/03908 gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) Dam: Jonsland Crumble (ET) gs: Cleenagh Xquizit (Import) (4212-1092) JOJ/18/08842 gd: Jonsland Xtreme (JOJ/14/01358) Service Details: Served 30/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 1 Beautiful and typical tight skinned gimmer with plenty of length from the Corra Fandabadosey sire.
LOT 91
Cleenagh Field of Dreams LAR/21/00840 UK91750322/00840 TWIN 26/02/2021 Sire: Cleenagh Extremist gs: Whatmore Chizel (WHA/18/01484) LAR/20/00808 gd: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) (LAR/17/00315) Dam: Cleenagh Calamity Jane gs: Hackney X-Rated (ET) (HAC/14/00565) LAR/18/00419 gd: Cleenagh Y95 (Import) (26309-52274) Service Details: Served 05/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 2 Dam is full sister to Lot 69 LOT 92
Cleenagh Gizmo LAR/22/01090 UK91750322/01090 TWIN 17/03/2022 Sire: Corra Fandabadosey (ET) gs: Derg Darth Vader (ET) (JSA/19/00468) GFC/21/03908 gd: Corra (ET) (GFC/17/03111) Dam: Cleenagh Bikini Babe (ET) gs: Cleenagh Xquizit (Import) (4212-1092) LAR/17/00315 gd: Hackney Yalika (ET) (HAC/15/00599) Service Details: Served 19/09/23 by Johnstown Hercules. Scanned 1 Maternal sister to Cleenagh Extremist. Cleenagh Bikini Babe (dam) is a full sister to Cleenagh Bruno who is sire of Drumard Ed. Everything you would expect from a pedigree of this calibre.
Founded in 2021 with the purchase of Kilroot and Sunnybank genetics, the flock went on to flourish the following year. Sunnybank Import 2123 was the dam of Cleenagh French Kiss who sold to David Power and Nigel Hogan for £3200, with her full brother Cleenagh Fabio who was sired by Kilroot Everest selling for 8500gns to Nigel Foster, Co Durham. The aim of the Cleenagh Dutch Spotted flock has always been to breed with a selective but small flock, with the aim of producing quality. The flock has really left its own identity this year with the introduction of Mossclair Duggie, we have refrained from selling 2023 born offspring to have them at this event. This year showed our commitment to invest in top notch sires with the purchase of Diamond Gustavo. This March born lamb is born from the 20,000gn Diamond Frankie and sired by Merryboro Ferrari. He had one outing this year when attending Omagh show, winning 1st prize in a strong class of ram lambs. We again hope to have Gustavo on show on sale day.
Reference to Sires: Diamond Gustavo
Purchased from the Diamond flock privately after his dam Diamond Frankie sold for £20,000 with his three full siblings selling for £6500, £5500 and £2600 at average of £4866. He was purchased for his length, style and massive daily live weight gain. Gustavo is sired from the very impressive sire of Merryboro Ferrari. Mossclair Duggie
Purchased privately from the Orkney Islands, he brings a lot of strength and power to the Dutch Spotted breed. His first offspring are available at the sale today. His bloodlines are completely new to Ireland and most of the UK, which leaves him with added bonus of being a complete outcross for most potential customers.
34 LOT 101
Cleenagh Faithful 467/G01124 UK175032201124 TWIN 01/03/2022 Sire: Drumhirk Decider gs: (Import 2019) Hulk (IM0831) 088/D01639 gd: Drumhirk Charlotte (088/C01551) Dam: Kilroot Dawn gs: Kilroot Champion C11 (047/C04899) 047/D06193 gd: (2019 Import) Chocolate Chip (IM0739) Service Details: Served 14/09/23 by Diamond Gustavo. Scanned 2 We think Faithful is a tremendous attribute for the Dutch Spotted breed. she combines strength with muscle on a large frame of a sheep. Never been shown or flushed. Dam is Lot 102.
LOT 102
Kilroot Dawn 047/D06193 UK176013506193 SINGLE 28/04/2020 Breeder: W E Adamson & Son Sire: Kilroot Champion C11 gs: Damson Buster (002/B00005) 047/C04899 gd: (Import 2018) (IM0317) Dam: (2019 Import) Chocolate Chip gs: (5281000000 00000) IM0739 gd: (528100000 000000) Service Details: Served 09/10/23 by Diamond Gustavo. Scanned 3 Kilroot Dawn has been a tremendous breeder for the Cleenagh Flock. proof can be see with Lots 101, 103, 104 and 108. LOT 103
Cleenagh Fairey Tail (ET) 467/F01107 UK175032201107 TWIN ET 01/02/2022 Sire: Kilroot Everest (ET) gs: Challoch Bearskin (064/B01190) 047/E06203 gd: (Import 2018) (IM0282) Dam: Kilroot Dawn gs: Kilroot Champion C11 (047/C04899) 047/D06193 gd: (2019 Import) Chocolate Chip (IM0739) Service Details: Served 14/09/23 by Diamond Gustavo. Scanned 2 Reared a single lamb successfully in 2023 as a one year old. Daughter of Lot 102. a Killroot Everest daughter who also sired Cleenagh Fabio at £8500 selling to The Outberry Dutch Spotted Flock. Sister to Lot 104
35 LOT 104
Cleenagh Flipping Fantastic (ET) 467/F01105 UK175032201105 TWIN ET 01/02/2022 Sire: Kilroot Everest (ET) gs: Challoch Bearskin (064/B01190) 047/E06203 gd: (Import 2018) (IM0282) Dam: Kilroot Dawn gs: Kilroot Champion C11 (047/C04899) 047/D06193 gd: (2019 Import) Chocolate Chip (IM0739) Service Details: Served 23/09/23 by Diamond Gustavo. Scanned 2 Reared twin lambs in 2023 as a one year old. Daughter of the renowned Killrood everest who sired Cleenagh Fabio at £8500. Sister to Lot 103 and daughter to Lot 102. LOT 105
Sunnybank Emotionless (ET) 214/E04773 UK010592804773 SINGLE ET 07/04/2021 Breeder: Mr H Jewitt Sire: Beech Hay Chancellor gs: Ambassador (Import 2017) (IM0054) 014/C00825 gd: Annabelle (Import 2017) (IM0128) Dam: (Import 2019) gs: () IM1025 gd: (528100000 000000) Service Details: Served 08/10/23 by Diamond Gustavo. Scanned 3 A tremendous young ewe with lots of length and character. Correct in every way. Her two offspring can be viewed at Lot 106 and 107 to follow.
LOT 106
Cleenagh Golden Wonder (ET) SINGLE ET Sire: Mossclair Duggee 136/D00158 Dam: Sunnybank Emotionless (ET) 214/E04773 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb A elegant and wide ewe lamb. Dam is lot 105.
467/G01162 UK175032201162 01/02/2023 gs: (NL100138940744) gd: (2020 Import) Bonnie (IM0712) gs: Beech Hay Chancellor (014/C00825) gd: (Import 2019) (IM1025)
36 LOT 107
Cleenagh Giggles SINGLE Sire: Mossclair Duggee 136/D00158 Dam: Sunnybank Emotionless (ET) 214/E04773 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
467/G01169 UK175032201169 01/03/2023 gs: (NL100138940744) gd: (2020 Import) Bonnie (IM0712) gs: Beech Hay Chancellor (014/C00825) gd: (Import 2019) (IM1025)
A natural born ewe lamb full sister to Lot 106 but later born. Dam is Lot 105 LOT 108
Cleenagh Gucci TWIN Sire: Mossclair Duggee 136/D00158 Dam: Kilroot Dawn 047/D06193 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
467/G01166 UK175032201166 23/02/2023 gs: (NL100138940744) gd: (2020 Import) Bonnie (IM0712) gs: Kilroot Champion C11 (047/C04899) gd: (2019 Import) Chocolate Chip (IM0739)
A typical daughter from Kilroot Dawn Lot 102. She is showing great strength and character.
LOT 109
Cleenagh Glitzy TWIN Sire: Mossclair Duggee 136/D00158 Dam: Cleenagh Fairey Tail (ET) 467/F01107 Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb
467/G01174 UK175032201174 01/04/2023 gs: (NL100138940744) gd: (2020 Import) Bonnie (IM0712) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) gd: Kilroot Dawn (047/D06193)
A late but strong ewe lamb from the Mossclair Sire. Progeny of Lot 104. LOT 110
Cleenagh Gold Digger 467/G01168 UK175032201168 TWIN 01/02/2023 Sire: Mossclair Duggee gs: (NL100138940744) 136/D00158 gd: (2020 Import) Bonnie (IM0712) Dam: (Import 01.08.21) Greenfield Elsa gs: Ty-Gwyn Dick Turpin (061/D01895) IM2338 gd: Greenfield Delilah (097/D00632) Service Details: Empty Ewe Lamb A daughter of the ROI Imported ewe Greenfield Elsa. Gold Digger just like her dam will grow into a very big powerful ewe.
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