Nine Magazine | July/August 2020

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For Members of the Nine Network of Public Media

New Local Food Series Promotes Cultural Diversity p. 4

Honoring Female Trailblazers p. 8

Police Special Wins Awards p. 12

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Jul–Aug 2020 Volume 11, Number 4





2 3 4

Photo Montage



Message from the President


July Listings


July Prime Time


Nine Create


Nine World


August Listings


August Prime Time

A Q&A with Food Is Love Host Lasse Sorensen New series introduces viewers to the passionate people and the culture behind the food scene in St. Louis and gives you new dining out possibilities. 8 New on Nine Meet the unsung heroes of the movement that granted American women the right to vote and the pioneering women of Unladylike2020, a bold retelling of history. Nine Networking 10

Teaching in Room 9 continues this summer Nine producer Ruth Ezell wins awards for Of Black and Blue Consider donor-advised funds when supporting Nine Virtual seminar on investing in the time of COVID-19 PBS Named TV Brand of the Year

Nine Network 3655 Olive St. St. Louis, MO 63108 (314) 512-9000 Fax (314) 512-9005 9 am to 5 pm Monday–Friday Member Services (314) 512-9199 (800) 729-9966

Editor Lynanne Feilen Designer Allie Bronsky Advertising Sales Elaine Bodker Margo Cooper (314) 432-8097 Marvin Sanders (314) 514-9137 Jodi Zweifel (314) 514-9133

About the cover As a nation and as a community, we are grappling with the ramifications of systemic racism and everyone’s role in ending the systems of oppression that weigh heavily on marginalized communities in this country. But we have also seen Americans come together and stand with their neighbors in solidarity for equality and fairness. Our new local food series, Food Is Love, is about community and opening your heart to new ideas and cultures. It’s also a “love letter to the St. Louis food scene,” which is struggling right now amid the pandemic. Above: The Vote underscores the contributions of women of color to the struggle. Photo taken at headquarters for Colored Women Voters, Chicago, 1916, courtesy of the New York Public Library.

The Nine Network respects the privacy and confidentiality of our donors and will not sell, give or exchange any information to any entity. ©2020 St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any portion of nineMagazine without express written per-mission from the publisher is prohibited. nineMagazine (ISSN 1086-8828) (USPS 736-890) is published bimonthly by St. Louis Regional Public Media Inc., 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Periodicals class postage paid at St. Louis, MO. Postmaster: Send address changes to nineMagazine, 3655 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63108-3601. Subscriptions are available by annual membership contribution of $60 or more to the Nine Network.



July–August 2020




ngela Griffin, Mullanphy-Botanical Gardens Investigative Learning Center, Saint A Louis Public Schools, teaches reading, prekindergarten through first grade.

2 Albert J. Sanders Jr., Adams Elementary, Saint Louis Public Schools, teaches math, prekindergarten through first grade.


Raymel Speed, City Academy, teaches reading, grades 2–4.

Leah Crawford, Old Bonhomme Elementary School, Ladue School 4 District, teaches math, grades 2–4. Hannah Wright, Monroe Elementary, City of St. Charles School 5 District, teaches reading, grades 2–4.






Nine Network Board of Directors Chair Mark C. Lindgren Vice Chair Cynthia Brinkley Treasurer Kathy Barney Secretary Ashley Kemper Immediate Past Chair David Steward II Members Donald Aven David Conner Tim Goodson Harvey A. Harris Dennis Hummel Rob Kirkland Robert Koplar Mark Krieger Brendan Lind Dennis Lower Thomas C. Melzer Mary Nelson Cynthia Peters David Rabe Hugh Scott, III James Snowden Chad Stiening James E. Williams, Jr. Emeritus Dan Burkhardt Maxine Clark Pepe Prince Finn Juanita Hinshaw Janet M. Holloway Ted Koplar Ken Kranzberg Jeffrey McDonnell Kim Olson Jack Schreiber Patrick Sly Dr. Donald Suggs Milton P. Wilkins, Jr. Nine Network Senior Staff Senior Vice President, COO and CFO Richard E. Skalski Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer Matt Huelskamp Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Chrys Marlow Vice President, Chief Development Officer Dean H. Mutter

Open to the public: The public is invited to meetings of the Nine Network board of directors. For information about Nine's public meetings, call Cathy Peterson at (314) 512-9017.

Dear Friends, I use the phrase “lather, rinse, repeat” often as it relates to our engagement of the community. We’re constantly listening to understand, act, and recalibrate our work. Unfortunately, "lather, rinse, repeat” is also related to the systemic injustices experienced by people of color in our country. The cycle just keeps happening. As you experience and process events that have laid bare the long-standing racial inequities in America and in our region, please know that Nine is using our trusted position in the community and our regional scale to do more. And, to better to address systemic racism. We must come together as a country and a community to change. As a region and a community, we will never advance if there is inequity. Nine is creating content to bring context and understanding to the issues surrounding racial equity, to uplift the voices of those who live with racism and injustice, and to connect our communities for greater understanding. We believe in our public mission to contextualize the issues of racism and injustice in our community. We will tell our community’s stories. “Voices” on Nine's social media channels share individual experiences. Nine is gathering middle and high school kids to talk about their experiences, the protests, what scares them, and what gives them hope. Nine will continue to invite guests to Donnybrook who can share their expertise on matters of racial equity.

Our children are also an important focus, now and always. As we ease into summer, with COVID-19 still with us, I want to thank the parents and educators who are ensuring all our children continue learning amid great disruption. Teaching in Room 9 and the Educator and Caregiver Toolkit, along with PBS KIDS, have become essential resources for families in our region. We’ve also provided at-home learning resource kits for distribution in high-need areas. We continue to offer the best in smart, entertaining content. Viewership in May validates that our content resonates: we had the most viewers in Nine’s history! A new local food series, Food Is Love, with host and chef Lasse Sorensen, premieres July 13. It’s a love letter to St. Louis. It is my hope that it expands how people see their communities, and the world. Nine is here to tell the stories of our region on every platform: over-the-air broadcast, streaming and social channels. Show your support by becoming a member at nineNet. org/support. Best,

Amy Shaw President and CEO



July–August 2020


d oo is


v e o L

A Lo v e l e t t e r t o t h e S t . Lo u i s f o o d s c e n e

A three-episode limited run of Food Is Love premieres July 13 at 7:30 pm on Nine PBS and will return to the schedule later in the year with all-new episodes. The program introduces viewers to the passionate people and culture behind the food scene in St. Louis.


July–August 2020



w i t h L A S S E S o r e n se n

What is the mission of your new show? The idea of the show is that I’m showing you new and different cultures, or cultures you wouldn’t even know about. I have been amazed by how much diversity there is in St. Louis, especially in the restaurants here, and how authentic the food is. This is a perfect place to shoot the show, because the show will take you around the world in St. Louis.

Why “Food Is Love”? When you put food on the table and break bread, you become a peacemaker. I’ve always said that even though as people, we are different, we all need to eat. And when you have something good to eat—when you break bread and have a nice glass of wine and a wonderful meal—it brings you together. You’re open to new ideas and other people’s ideas and suggestions, and it’s a form of love.

When you say “peacemaker” are you referring to the times we’re living through? Yes. With all the political havoc we’ve had, I think it’s more important than ever to bring people together. Food does that. I’ve had a restaurant in Southern Illinois for more than 20 years, and I’ve worked in many great dining establishments before that, and I’ve always believed that when people enjoy their dinner together, it opens up to their hearts to new ideas and to new cultures.

Why now? Everyone knows this is such a challenging time for those of us in the restaurant business, so I love that we can promote wonderful dining establishments. And we’ve seen with all the protests that people need to come together with love, to communicate and to share what we have in common, not what divides us. This is the perfect time for this show, and the perfect place for it.



July–August 2020


... it’s more important than ever to bring people together. Food does that. L A S S E S o r e n se n

Is that why you wanted to do this on public media? Exactly. To me, public media is about educating people, and expanding how they see their communities, and the world. I’m grateful to the Nine Network for letting me do that. We’re going to break down some barriers. This is unchartered territory for some people, but when they watch what we’re doing on TV, introducing them to this food, items and selections they might have never seen, and when they see the passion of the chefs, people will want to try it out.

How will that happen? We’re going to introduce the audience to the people and the culture behind the food, and, of course, they’ll get to see the restaurants and food as well. And then, in the end, I come back to my restaurant and I create a dish from the impressions and creations that I got from those chefs. But this is not a cooking show. It’s a love letter to the St. Louis food scene.

How do you research these restaurants? I spend a day or two with the chefs and they kind of indulge me with all their best offerings. I have a great producer in Jason Pinkston, who helps me capture it beautifully. Then we have a night off together, where I spend time away from the restaurant and we discuss things like people and cultures and our experiences. I’m an immigrant myself, so I’m in a good position to do that. And, I think it helps that because my restaurant is not in town, I don’t favor any restaurants here. The only purpose is to show people new possibilities.

How would you describe your own culinary specialties? I’ve been exposed to so many cultures that I take what I’ve learned over the years and put a Scandinavian flare to it. I think the most important thing about my background is that we’ve always been taught to treat food with respect. We treasure the products we’re handling. You really have to show respect to Mother Nature and to the food itself.

P h otos o n pa g es 4 , 5 a n d 6 b y J a so n W i n ke le r P h oto g r a p h y


July–August 2020



What do you mean by “respect” in this sense? It’s about keeping things simple and showing people exactly what they’re eating. I see a lot of people cutting and mashing things, whether it’s vegetables, like carrots, or meat and fish. Don’t bang it around. Show respect for this piece of meat or fish. That’s how I was brought up in this business.

With all your accolades, what do you consider your best accomplishment? The biggest is when I cook a dinner in my restaurant, and when I come out, they give me a standing ovation.



July–August 2020


new on nine Female Trailblazers Special programming continues this summer as part of Nine PBS’ celebration of female trailblazers, which honors the centennial of women’s right to vote.

The Vote, part of the American Experience series, premieres with part one on Monday, July 6, on Nine PBS. Part one repeats Tuesday, July 7, followed by part two. The four-hour documentary series tells the dramatic story of the epic— and surprisingly unfamiliar— crusade waged by American women for the right to vote. Focusing primarily on the movement’s militant and momentous final decade, the film charts American women’s determined march to the ballot box, and illuminates the myriad social, political and cultural obstacles that stood in their path.


July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

In 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote. Although rightly regarded as a milestone for both American women and American democracy, the 19th Amendment was not quite the simple turning point it is generally perceived to be. Millions of women voted before the amendment and millions more were prohibited from voting after it, particularly African American women in the South. Nor was the ballot a favor bestowed upon women by an enlightened, progressive society. The right to vote was fought for, and won, by three generations of American women who, over the course of more than seven decades, not only carried out one of the most sustained and successful political movements in American history, but were also the first to employ the techniques of nonviolent civil disobedience that later would become the hallmark of American political protest. Dramatic and thought-provoking, The Vote is, at its core, a story about power—“who has it and who doesn't want to give it up,” says constitutional lawyer and writer Michael Waldman. “We’re still fighting over who has that power.”

A story that has usually been reduced to a single page in the history books, The Vote restores it to its rightful place in history. Photo of suffrage leaders in New York, 1908, courtesy of Library of Congress, Bain Collection.

Reservation; Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress; Gertrude Ederle, the first woman to swim across the English Channel; Sissieretta Jones, the first


Presenting history in a bold new way, American Masters— Unladylike2020 on July 14 brings the incredible stories of pioneering women to life through rare archival footage and interviews with descendants and historians. Modern-day trailblazers also enrich the content with dynamic juxtapositions of past and present. Some of the women featured include Bessie Coleman, the first African American to earn an international pilot's license; Susan La Flesche Picotte, the first Native American physician who also founded a hospital on the Omaha

African American to sing opera on the main stage at Carnegie Hall; and Lois Weber, the first woman to direct a feature-length film, among many others.



Discover hope through history via free virtual programs, digital collections, engaging history content, parent and education resources, and more.



July–August 2020


nine networking

Kristen Forth, Rockwood School District, gives kids access to quality teaching during the summer, regardless of access to internet or computers.

Teaching in Room 9 Nine began broadcasting two hours of literacy and math instruction weekdays in April as a service to the community. On May 15, science was added to Teaching in Room 9, Nine’s on-air classroom. These gradeappropriate lessons, taught by committed educators from their homes across the region, ensured that all kids, regardless of access to internet or computers, had access to quality teaching when schools shutdown because of the coronavirus, Grab a pencil and take your seat, because Teaching in Room 9 continues this summer.

Lauren Williams, Windsor Elementary School, teaches math to prekindergarten through first grade in Teaching in Room 9.

Nine’s at-home learning for kids also includes the online Educator and Caregiver Toolkit, which streamlines all PBS KIDS’ curriculum-based content into one place on Nine’s website. Nine’s response to the need for remote learning builds on years of commitment to education. Its early childhood work on the ground with the youngest and most vulnerable learners and PBS KIDS television programs have been proven to help close the achievement gap between children in lower-income families and their more affluent peers. Find Nine's resources at Supported by Emerson and Bank of America.

10 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

Teaching in Room 9 Schedule Monday






Reading: (PreK–1st Grade)


Reading: (2nd–4th Grade)


STEM – Math: (PreK–2nd Grade)

(PreK–1st Grade)

STEM – Math: (3rd-4th Grade)

(2nd–4th Grade)




How to Talk Honestly with Children about Racism The PBS Parents website has ideas to help you prepare for tough and important conversations about racism and model antiracist behavior. Go to

es School, Mehlville School District, teach Julia St. Louis, Rogers Elementary r classroom. on-ai s Nine' in grade first gh prekindergarten throu



July–August 2020


Producer of PoliceCommunity Relations Special Wins Awards Nine producer Ruth Ezell was recognized for Of Black and Blue: The Journey of African American Police from the Missouri Professional Communicators, an affiliation of the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW). The first-place award came in the Radio and Television Special Programming–Television category.

Ezell (front row, center) is joined by Nine CEO Amy Shaw (left) and Lt. Ray Rice (right); and (back row, left to right): Ret. Sgt. James Buchanan, P.O. Shanette Hall, Sgt. Heather Taylor, and Lt. James Morgan at the July 2019 Of Black and Blue screening at Nine.

She also received second place in the NFPW's national competition, in the Special Programming, Television category. In the 2019 Nine special, Ezell examines race and policecommunity relations through the eyes of African American police officers, providing historical context and perspectives on how to move forward.

“It’s my hope this project broadened the context of public discourse around relations between law enforcement and the African American community. ... I consider Of Black and Blue the most significant work I’ve ever produced.”



- Ruth Ezell Watch July 6, at 7 pm, July 9 at 10 pm, July 12 at 9:30 am, stream online at ofblackandblue or on the PBS Video App. The Nine website includes a summary, photos and brief biographies of the officers. interviewed.

With a valid Library card, you have the option to download eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies, television episodes, magazines, comics and music. Don’t have a card? You can apply for an eCard online and receive instant access to our digital collection.

12 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine 18065 SLPL DIGITAL OFFERINGS NINE MAG AD.indd 1

5/7/20 2:13 PM

PBS Recognized PBS has been recognized by the Harris Poll as the TV Network Brand of the Year, a validation of public television’s strength. The 2020 Harris Poll EquiTrend Study is based on a sample of 39,100 U.S. consumers ages 15 and over, surveyed online in English and Spanish every January.

“Honor their wishes...

PBS programs received seven Peabody Awards in June, more than any other organization. Among the winners are Molly of Denali, Frontline, Independent Lens, and POV, which was honored with a total of four awards in the documentary category.

to remain safe at home! ”

Cross the Digital Divide Cross the Digital Divide

Cross the Digital Divide Activate Your Passport Activate Your Passport On Demand Account Activate Your Passport

On On Demand Demand Account Account Nine Passport lets members Nine lets Nine Passport Passport lets members members watch their favorite PBS shows watch their favorite PBS shows watch their favorite PBS Once shows on their own schedule. on their own schedule. Once on their own schedule. Once you activateNine Nine Passport, an you an you activate activate Nine Passport, Passport, an extensive on-demand library extensive on-demand library extensive on-demand library of programs isavailable availableto toyou you of of programs programs is is available to you directly from your computer, directly from your computer, directly from your computer, tablet, or phone. phone. tablet, tablet, or or phone. Questions? Questions? Questions?

Visit Visit Visit Call Nine Call Nine Network Network Member Services Call Nine NetworkMember MemberServices Services 314-512-9199 314-512-9199 314-512-9199

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July–August 2020


Donor-Advised Funds Are an Easy Way to Support Nine Changes to IRS rules in recent years have resulted in increased giving through donor-advised funds (DAFs). As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Nine Network accepts grants through DAFs.

Let’s come together even though we’re apart.

DAFs can be a useful tool for Nine donors: gifts to DAFs are generally eligible for an immediate tax deduction, they grow tax-free— allowing you to increase your philanthropy and your impact—and earnings are tax-exempt. You can allocate grants to nonprofits when it makes sense for you, plus you can track donations easily, and give strategically. There are benefits for recipient organizations, like Nine, too, because DAFs make it easy for donors to set up recurring donations, which keeps steady support coming in. They make it easier for Nine and other nonprofits to accept a wide range of assets, including cash, stocks, real estate, and art. If you have a DAF, we encourage you to consider a successor for your fund after your lifetime. One option is to have remaining DAF funds distributed to the nonprofit(s) of your choice by naming an organization like Nine as a beneficiary of all or a portion of the remaining funds. Learn more about giving to Nine via DAF at

14 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

Together GIVE to thE

COVID-19 RegIOnal RespOnse FunD covid19

Hey St. Louis, let’s support local nonprofits caring for the most vulnerable during this time of unprecedented disruption. Donate now!

Investing in the Age of COVID-19 Tuesday, July 28 | 2 pm | Video Conference Join us for an in-depth virtual discussion on today’s volatile and ever-changing economic landscape and learn through the insights of Nela Richardson, PhD, Principal, Investment Strategist for Edward Jones. Richardson’s experience in analyzing and interpreting economic trends and market conditions, plus identifying risks and opportunities, will prove invaluable as you navigate your own personal, short- and long-term financial future.

Register at

Nela Richardson, PhD

Principal, Investment Strategist for Edward Jones


A NEW MUSEUM FOR A NEW GENERATION Over the past 25 years, the Holocaust Museum & Learning Center has shared the lessons of the Holocaust with more than a quarter million students and other guests. And soon, a new museum will be under construction. This world-class museum will triple the size of the current facility, allowing for a 21st century experience that ensures future generations can learn the history and are empowered to reject hatred, promote understanding, and inspire change. Our museum is closed during the renovation, but the learning continues online. Please go to for video tours, oral histories, and much more.



July–August 2020


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Special Family Night programming airs Friday-Sunday from 6–8 pm; the regular schedule will occasionally be preempted.

2:00 Dinosaur Train


5:00 Splash and Bubbles

2:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

5:30 Clifford (Classic)

12:30 Nature Cat

6:00 Peg + Cat

3:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

1:30 Wild Kratts

7:00 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:30 Nature Cat

7:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

2:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Sesame Street

3:00 Sesame Street 4:00 Let's Go Luna! 5:00 Wild Kratts

12:00 Let's Go Luna! 1:00 Wild Kratts 2:00 Xavier Riddle

5:30 Wild Kratts

8:30 Esme & Roy

3:30 Odd Squad

9:00 Super WHY!

6:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 The Cat in the Hat

4:30 WordGirl

10:00 Nature Cat

6:00 Xavier Riddle 7:00 Hero Elementary

8:30 WordGirl

9:30 Wild Kratts

PM 12:00 Odd Squad

9:00 Xavier Riddle

10:00 Dinosaur Train

12:30 Molly of Denali

10:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

1:00 Xavier Riddle

1:30 Wild Kratts

8:00 Arthur

11:30 Arthur

4:00 Arthur

7:30 Odd Squad

10:30 Ready Jet Go! 11:00 Cyberchase

3:00 Hero Elementary

11:00 Sesame Street

11:30 Pinkalicious & Peterrific Hero Elementary



1:00 Xavier Riddle

5:00 Caillou

1:30 Wild Kratts

5:30 WordWorld

2:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:00 Peep and the Big Wide World

2:30 Let’s Go Luna!

10:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

6:30 Martha Speaks

3:00 Nature Cat

10:30 Let’s Go Luna!

7:00 Sid the Science Kid

3:30 Odd Squad

11:00 Nature Cat

7:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:00 Hero Elementary

11:30 Odd Squad

8:00 Sesame Street

4:30 Molly of Denali

8:30 Clifford (Reboot)

5:00 Xavier Riddle

12:00 Hero Elementary

9:00 Super WHY!

5:30 Wild Kratts

12:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 The Cat in the Hat

6:00 Family Movie Night

1:00 Xavier Riddle


10:00 Nature Cat

6:30 Family Movie Night

1:30 Wild Kratts

10:30 Ready Jet Go!

7:00 Family Movie Night

2:00 Family Movie Night

11:00 Cyberchase

7:30 Family Movie Night

2:30 Family Movie Night

11:30 Arthur

8:00 Family Movie Night

3:00 Family Movie Night

8:30 WordGirl

3:30 Family Movie Night

4:30 Family Movie Night


12:00 Odd Squad

9:00 Xavier Riddle

12:30 Molly of Denali

9:30 Wild Kratts

Watch anytime at



July–August 2020



over the air

digital cable


july PROGRAM LISTINGS July primetime grid on page 27.




Rick Steves’ Europe


Classical Stretch


BBC World News


Wild Kratts


Hero Elementary


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Let’s Go Luna!


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood



Sesame Street


Pinkalicious & Peterrific


Dinoasaur Train


Cat and the Hat Knows a Lot about That


Sesame Street


Reading: (PreK–1st Grade)


Reading: (2nd–4th Grade)


STEM – Math: (PreK–2nd Grade) STEM – Math: (3rd-4th Grade)


Wild Kratts


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Odd Squad




Splash and Bubbles


BBC World News America


PBS NewsHour

18 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine







evening 7:00 Spy in the Wild, a Nature Miniseries A spy cobra pretends to attack the mob. 8:00 Nova: Australia's First 4 Billion Years: Monsters From the birth of the Earth to the emergence of today’s world. 9:00 Prehistoric Road Trip (3 of 3) Emily discovers surprising truths written in the fossil record. 10:00 The Future of America's Past 10:30 Seeing the USA: Utah 11:00 BBC World News


11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 One Woman, One Vote

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations




(PB) Program contains pledge breaks



Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

Listings Key (9) Nine Network production

For program updates, visit or follow Nine on social media.


4:30 Travelscope



(PreK–1st Grade)


(2nd–4th Grade)


7:00 Donnybrook (9) 8:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea First director seeks to protect the Grand Canyon. 10:00 tasteMAKERS: Marshallberg Farm 10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Spy in the Wild

2:00 Prehistoric Road Trip (3 of 3)

A Capitol Fourth 2020 The 40th anniversary edition returns live from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol as we celebrate our nation's 244th birthday. The country's longest running, live national July 4 TV tradition will feature all-star musical performances with the National Symphony Orchestra. Saturday, July 4, 7 pm; encore at 8:30 pm

3:00 Smart Travels

6:00 Sesame Street

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

2:00 Statue of Liberty

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope


7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Nature Cat

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:30 Cook's Country

2:00 Somewhere South

12:30 NHK Newsline

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop

5:00 This Old House

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

5:30 Ask This Old House

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS: Blom Meadworks

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 8:30 Let's Go Luna!

9:00 Nature Cat 9:30 Living St. Louis (9) 10:00 Feast TV: Coffee & Doughnuts (9) 10:30 Donnybrook (9) 11:00 Constitution USA with Peter Sagal

evening 7:00 A Capitol Fourth 2020


3:30 Best of Feast TV: Funky Farms (9)


5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg in Conversation

4:30 Travelscope

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

late night



11:30 Amanpour and Company

3:00 Smart Travels


11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

11:00 BBC World News

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

10:30 Eating in with Lidia

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:00 Martha Bakes

9:00 Midsomer Murders: The Sword of Guillaume Members in a seaside resort are decapitated.

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow 3:00 Smart Travels

9:30 Wild Kratts


late night 12:00 Midsomer Murders: The Sword of Guillaume

8:30 A Capitol Fourth 2020 Encore 10:00 Statue of Liberty Ken Burns’ film chronicles the monument’s creation. 11:00 Austin City Limits Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue.

afternoon 12:00 A More or Less Perfect Union Discover how the Constitution is under assault.

1:00 Great Performances: Ellis Island: The Dream of America with Pacific Symphony A musical story about immigrants.



July–August 2020


Carol Burnett: A Celebration A tribute to Burnett, filled with pure nostalgia, great clips and memories from iconic stars. The program includes exclusive interviews with Carl Reiner, Tim Conway (his last interview), Vicki Lawrence, Betty White, Cloris Leachman, Tina Fey, Phyllis Diller, Barbara Eden, Jim Nabors, Tony Orlando, Pat Carroll, Joan Collins, and, of course, Carol Burnett. Saturday, July 11, 8 pm


2:00 Great Old Amusement Parks Celebrate pre-Disney parks. 3:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets (2 of 3) The inside story of Queen Anne’s love life.


3:00 Smart Travels

9:00 Beecham House on Masterpiece John reveals the truth about his past.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

10:00 Movie: All the King's Men (1949) The rise and fall of a corrupt southern governor.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

WED | JUL 8 evening 7:00 Spy in the Wild, a Nature Miniseries A spy egret is a waterhole victim.

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

late night

3:00 Smart Travels

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:30 Amanpour and Company

8:00 Grantchester on Masterpiece The team enters the world of experimental psychotherapy.

2:00 Beecham House

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 BBC World News

7:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets (3 of 3) Find out why Marie Antoinette was blamed for causing the French Revolution.

9:00 The Vote: American Experience (1 of 2) The battle that led to the passage of the 19th amendment.

6:30 tasteMAKERS: Blom Meadworks

1:00 The Vote: American Experience (1 of 2)

8:00 Antiques Roadshow: Women's Work Objects featuring female athletes, artists and activists.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

1:00 Grantchester

7:00 Of Black and Blue (9) Nine examines race and police- community relations.

5:00 Night at the Symphony The Youth Orchestra performs. (9)

12:00 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets

12:30 NHK Newsline


4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Celia reluctantly introduces Alan to her sister.

late night

late night

8:00 Nova: Australia's First 4 Billion Years: Strange Creatures Meet titanic dinosaurs and giant kangaroos. 9:00 China: Power and Prosperity– PBS NewsHour Presents

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:00 The Future of America's Past 10:30 Seeing the USA: Nevada

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News


11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night


12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 The Vote: American Experience (2 of 2)

3:00 Smart Travels

7:00 The Vote: American Experience (1 of 2) The unsung women whose work banned sex discrimination at the polls. 9:00 Vote: American Experience (2 of 2) African American women in the suffragist movement.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

20 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

THU | JUL 9 evening

7:00 Donnybrook (9) 8:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea The advent of the automobile allows more people to visit. 10:00 Of Black and Blue (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

1:30 Cook's Country

2:00 Somewhere South

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 9:00 Nature Cat

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

9:30 Wild Kratts

3:30 Best of Feast TV: Midwest Meat (9)

10:00 Martha Bakes 10:30 Eating in with Lidia

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

4:30 American Woodshop

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

5:00 This Old House


12:30 NHK Newsline

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:00 Spy in the Wild

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

5:30 Ask This Old House 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 tasteMAKERS: Roots Kitchen & Cannery

2:00 China: Power and Prosperity– PBS NewsHour Presents

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

FRI | JUL 10 evening

7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown 9:00 Midsomer Murders: Blood on the Saddle A serial killer eliminates villagers in "wild west" fashion. 10:30 British Antiques Roadshow 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Great Old Amusement Parks 3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

SAT | JUL 11 morning

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali



July–August 2020


Great Performances at the Met: Agrippina Experience Handel’s black comedy of intrigue and impropriety in this production from David McVicar set in present-day Rome. Joyce DiDonato stars as the powerhungry title character. Sunday, July 12, noon


12:00 Great Performances at the Met: Agrippina Handel’s black comedy of intrigue and impropriety.

8:00 Carol Burnett: A Celebration A 50th anniversary tribute to the career of a comic genius.

late night

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea

3:00 Smart Travels

8:00 Grantchester on Masterpiece Will finds two boys near death in a boxing ring.

4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

9:00 Beecham House on Masterpiece John learns that Margaret left Delhi.

SUN | JUL 12

4:30 Travelscope


10:00 Movie: Chariots of Fire (1981) Two British track athletes compete in the 1924 Olympics.

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

TUE | JUL 14 evening

late night

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

12:00 Pride and Prejudice

1:00 Grantchester

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

2:00 Beecham House

7:00 Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

3:00 Smart Travels

7:30 Molly of Denali

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

11:00 Constitution USA with Peter Sagal

11:00 BBC World News

7:00 Pride and Prejudice Six-part series from the BBC begins.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

10:00 Independent Lens: Cooked: Survival by Zip Code The heat wave that overtook Chicago in July 1995.


3:00 Smart Travels

9:00 Nature Cat

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

6:30 tasteMAKERS: Roots Kitchen & Cannery

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

9:30 Of Black and Blue (9)

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

2:00 Secrets of the Dead: Viking Warrior

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter Award-winning tenor, Nicholas Phan.

12:00 Midsomer Murders: Blood on the Saddle

7:30 Food Is Love (9) Premiere of new local food series.

4:30 Last Tango in Halifax A surprise visitor makes Alan's day.

11:00 Austin City Limits Puerto Rican superstar, Residente.

evening 7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets (3 of 3) The intriguing Marie Antoinette.

9:00 Movie: Chariots of Fire (1981) Two British track athletes compete in the 1924 Olympics.

MON | JUL 13


7:00 Antiques Roadshow: Women's Work

4:30 Travelscope

7:00 Unladylike2020: American Masters The stories of pioneering women in American politics. 8:00 Daring Women Doctors: Physicians in the 19th Century Women who faced hostility in pursuit of medical educations.

9:00 Frontline 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Living St. Louis (9) 22 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

3:00 Smart Travels

2:30 Best of Feast TV: Good to Grow (9)

3:00 Smart Travels 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

FRI | JUL 17

WED | JUL 15

evening 7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown


7:00 Spy in the Wild, a Nature Miniseries The making of and funny moments from the series.

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Frontline

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

3:00 Smart Travels

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

4:30 Travelscope

7:30 Molly of Denali

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Spy in the Wild

2:00 Secrets of the Dead

9:00 Movie: The Big Chill (1983) College friends reunite after the funeral of one of their friends. 11:00 Austin City Limits Sam Smith and Anderson East.

late night 12:00 Midsomer Murders: The Silent Land

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

SUN | JUL 19


6:00 Special: Sesame Street: When You Wish Upon a Pickle

9:00 Nature Cat

7:00 Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

9:30 Wild Kratts

7:30 Molly of Denali

10:00 Martha Bakes

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

10:30 Lidia's Kitchen 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

afternoon 12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Secrets of the Dead: Egypt's Darkest Hour

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

THU | JUL 16

late night

7:00 Antiques Roadshow 8:00 Dick Van Dyke: A Celebration This special includes the entire cast of The Dick Van Dyke Show.

SAT | JUL 18

2:00 Daring Women Doctors: Physicians in the 19th Century

11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 Unladylike2020: American Masters

11:00 BBC World News


4:30 Travelscope

12:30 NHK Newsline

10:30 Living St. Louis (9)

6:30 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis’ restaurants.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

late night

10:00 tasteMAKERS: Roots Kitchen & Cannery

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

late night

11:30 Amanpour and Company

8:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea In the midst of economic disaster, the parks provide jobs and peace.

5:30 Ask This Old House

12:30 NHK Newsline

11:00 BBC World News


4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:30 Seeing The USA: Arizona

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

11:00 BBC World News

10:00 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis restaurants.

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Secrets of the Dead: Egypt's Darkest Hour How political infighting brought down a dynasty.

3:30 Best of Feast TV: Good to Grow (9)

9:00 Midsomer Murders: The Silent Land The unpopular village librarian turns up dead.

8:00 Nova: Making North America: Origins See how huge eruptions nearly tore the Midwest in two.

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

4:30 Travelscope

4:30 Travelscope

2:00 Somewhere South Barbecue with Japanese and Mexican twists.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

8:30 Let's Go Luna! 9:00 Nature Cat 9:30 Living St. Louis (9) 10:00 Feast TV: Go South (9) 10:30 Donnybrook (9) 11:00 Day One Students at the Nahed Chapman New American Academy in St. Louis.



July–August 2020


POV: We Are the Radical Monarchs Meet the Radical Monarchs, a group of young girls of color on the frontlines of social justice. Set in Oakland, CA, the film documents the journey of the group as they earn badges for completing units on such subjects as gay allyship, environmental preservation, and disability justice. Monday, July 20, 10 pm

MON | JUL 20

afternoon 12:30 Great Performances at the Met: Porgy and Bess A classic American folk opera that brings 1920s Charleston to life.

late night


12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Living St. Louis (9)

7:30 Food Is Love (9) Episode 2 of new local food series.

2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax An unexpected visitor forces Alan to think about his past.

2:30 Best of Feast TV: Fire & Metal (9)

3:00 Smart Travels

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

9:00 By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South The film examines the attitudes of Tennessee and Southern suffragists.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter Fiction writer Carmen Maria Machado.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

10:00 POV: We Are the Radical Monarchs Young girls of color on the frontlines of social justice.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis restaurants.

WED | JUL 22 evening

11:30 Amanpour and Company


late night

7:00 Animals with Cameras, a Nature Miniseries The secret lives of animals.

7:00 Pride and Prejudice

12:30 NHK Newsline

8:00 Grantchester on Masterpiece Will finally confronts his demons.

1:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea

9:00 Beecham House on Masterpiece John returns home to discover the house has been attacked.

3:00 Smart Travels

8:00 Nova: Making North America: Life An ancient sea once split the continent in two. 9:00 Forces of Nature: Shape The forces of nature that surround us.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:00 Movie: The Big Chill (1983) College friends reunite after the funeral of one of their friends.

10:00 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis restaurants.

4:30 Travelscope

late night

1:00 Grantchester

2:00 Beecham House

3:00 Smart Travels

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

7:00 Clinton: American Experience A presidency that veered between sordid scandal and grand achievement.

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Clinton: American Experience

3:00 Smart Travels

9:00 Frontline 10:00 Day One Follow St. Louis high school students as they learn and grow. 11:30 Amanpour and Company

24 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

11:00 BBC World News


3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:30 Seeing the USA: Hawaii

TUE | JUL 21

12:00 Pride and Prejudice

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

THU | JUL 23

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

7:30 Molly of Denali


7:30 Molly of Denali

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

9:30 Wild Kratts

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

10:00 Martha Bakes

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

10:00 Feast TV: Smoked (9)

10:00 tasteMAKERS: Kō Hana Rum 10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

1:00 Animals with Cameras

2:00 Forces of Nature: Shape

11:00 A Place Worth Saving: The Story of the Central West End (9) Interviews with preservationists, developers, and politicians.


3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 Great British Baking Show: Cake

12:00 Great Performances: She Loves Me Two feuding clerks don't realize they're romantic pen pals.

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:30 Best of Feast TV: Fire & Metal (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

12:30 NHK Newsline

9:00 Nature Cat


late night

7:00 Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

9:00 Nature Cat

8:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea Families pass on a love of the parks to the next generation.

6:00 Sesame Street

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop

4:30 Travelscope

5:00 This Old House

2:30 Sound of Giving A group of musicians give back to a hospice for the homeless.

5:30 Ask This Old House

FRI | JUL 24

6:30 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis restaurants.


7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

8:00 Secrets of Her Majesty's Secret Service

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Elizabeth Strout.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

9:00 Movie: Roxanne (1987) A woman falls for one man’s personality, but another man's looks.

11:00 BBC World News

late night

2:00 Frontline

3:00 Smart Travels

2:00 Hearts of Glass A greenhouse provides employment for people with disabilities.

3:00 Smart Travels 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

9:30 Movie: Roxanne (1987) A woman falls for one man’s personality, but another man's looks. 11:30 Movie: All the King's Men (1949) The rise and fall of a corrupt southern governor.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:30 Travelscope

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

8:00 Endeavour on Masterpiece An encore episode of a triple murder.

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations


7:00 Pride and Prejudice

12:00 Midsomer Murders: Master Class

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

SAT | JUL 25


late night

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

6:30 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis restaurants.

11:00 Austin City Limits Mitski and Rainbow Kitten Surprise.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Alan finally lets Celia into his secret about Gary.


9:00 Midsomer Murders: Master Class A gifted young pianist with emotional issues competes for a scholarship.

3:00 The Inn at Little Washington Chef Patrick O'Connell pursues a third Michelin star.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

late night

4:30 Travelscope

1:30 Pride and Prejudice

2:30 Living St. Louis (9)

SUN | JUL 26 morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman



July–August 2020


Seeing the USA: Louisiana The spotlight is on Louisiana in this travel documentary series. Learn how to make a po' boy sandwich and pralines, go on a swamp tour, learn about cajun and creole music, and meet a master palmetto basket weaver. Wednesday, July 29, 10:30 pm

4:30 Travelscope

2:30 Best of Feast TV: Adventure! (9) 3:00 Smart Travels

MON | JUL 27

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

10:00 tasteMAKERS: Ramona Farms

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

WED | JUL 29

12:30 NHK Newsline

evening 7:00 Living St. Louis (9) 7:30 Food Is Love (9) Episode 3 of new local food series.

8:00 Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

late night

8:00 Nova: Making North America: Human How did humans turn rocks into riches?

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Smart Travels 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

FRI | JUL 31 evening

10:00 Food Is Love (9) A love letter to St. Louis restaurants.

4:30 Travelscope

7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders: The Noble Art A famous bare-knuckle boxing bout is restaged.

10:30 Seeing the USA: Louisiana

TUE | JUL 28

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company


late night

7:00 Clinton: American Experience (2 of 2) Clinton confronted key forces that shaped the future.

3:00 Smart Travels

9:00 Forces of Nature: Elements How did our planet's chemical elements come together?

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:00 Clinton: American Experience (2 of 2)

3:00 Smart Travels

9:00 Frontline

10:00 Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story A profile on the cofounder of The Catholic Worker newspaper.

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

12:30 NHK Newsline

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 Frontline

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News

3:00 Smart Travels

11:30 Amanpour and Company


1:00 Antiques Roadshow 2:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

THU | JUL 30

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Animals with Cameras

2:00 Forces of Nature: Elements

7:00 Animals with Cameras, a Nature Miniseries See a side of the animal kingdom where humans can't go.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 National Parks: America's Best Idea


10:00 POV: Advocate Israeli lawyer defends Palestinians.

An encore of the Ken Burns’ 2007 WWII series begins.

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

8:00 The War: A Necessary War 26 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

prime time 7:00



Spy in the Wild



FRI 3 Washington Week







Nova: Australia's First...


Prehistoric Road Trip

National Parks: America's Best... Father Brown

A Capitol Fourth



The Future of...

Seeing the USA


Living St. Louis

Midsomer Murders

British Antiques... Statue of Liberty

A Capitol Fourth Encore


Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths



Of Black and Blue

Antiques Roadshow


Beecham House

Movie: All the King's Men

The Vote: American Experience

The Vote: American Experience


Spy in the Wild



FRI 10 Washington Week


Nova: Australia's First...

China: Power and Prosperity

The Future of...

National Parks: America's Best...

Seeing the USA

Of Black and Blue

Father Brown

Midsomer Murders

British Antiques...

SAT 11

Antiques Roadshow

Carol Burnett: A Celebration

SUN 12

Pride and Prejudice


Beecham House

Movie: Chariots of Fire

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

Cooked: Survival by Zip Code

MON 13

Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

TUE 14


Daring Women Doctors

WED 15

Spy in the Wild

Nova: Making North America

THU 16


FRI 17 Washington Week

Movie: Chariots of Fire

Frontline Secrets of the Dead: Egypt...

National Parks: America's Best...


Food Is Love

Seeing the USA


Living St. Louis

Midsomer Murders

British Antiques...

SAT 18

Antiques Roadshow

Dick Van Dyke: A Celebration

SUN 19

Pride and Prejudice


Beecham House

Movie: The Big Chill

Antiques Roadshow

By One Vote: Woman Suffrage...

POV: We Are the Radical Monarchs


Day One

MON 20

Living St. Louis

TUE 21

Food Is Love

Clinton: American Experience

WED 22

Animals with Cameras

THU 23


FRI 24 Washington Week


Nova: Making North America

Secrets of Her Majesty's Secret...

SUN 26

Pride and Prejudice


TUE 28

Food Is Love

Animals with Cameras

THU 30


FRI 31 Washington Week



Living St. Louis British Antiques...

Movie: Roxanne

Antiques Roadshow

Nova: Making North America

Antiques Roadshow

POV: Advocate


... The Dorothy Day Story

Forces of Nature The War

Father Brown

Seeing the USA

Movie: Roxanne

Clinton: American Experience

WED 29

Food Is Love

Midsomer Murders

Father Brown

Antiques Roadshow

Living St. Louis

Forces of Nature

National Parks: America's Best...

SAT 25

MON 27

Movie: The Big Chill

Midsomer Murders

Food Is Love

Seeing the USA


Living St. Louis British Antiques...



July–August 2020


For the August Create schedule, consult These programs are available on channel 9.4 and Spectrum 184.








Life in Bloom

Make It Artsy

Make Your Mark

For Your Home

Classical Stretch

Classical Stretch

Growing Passion

Start Up

Beads & Baubles

Urban Conversion; Growing Bolder 7/31

Step It Up with Steph

Classical Stretch

The Legacy List 5:30 6:00

Sewing with Nancy

Quilting Arts

Knit & Crochet

Quilting Arts

Sewing with Nancy

Love of Quilting

It’s Sew Easy


Paint This

Landscapes through Time

Painting with Wilson

Painting with Paulson

Paint This

Wyland’s Art Studio

Art of a Cowboy


This Old House

American Woodshop; Craftsman’s Legacy 7/14

Woodwright’s Shop

American Woodshop; Craftsman’s Legacy 7/16

This Old House

Ask This Old House

Classical Stretch


Ask This Old House

Woodsmith Shop

Classic Woodworking

Woodsmith Shop

Ask This Old House

This Old House

Classical Stretch


Dining with the Chef

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

Garden Home

Christina Cooks


Savor Dakota

Lucky Chow

America’s Test Kitchen

Lucky Chow

America’s Test Kitchen

Growing a Greener World

Jazzy Vegetarian


Hometown Georgia

Bare Feet

Travels & Traditions

In the Americas

Crossing South; Cycle around Japan 7/31

Trails to Oishii Tokyo


Seeing Canada


Places to Love


Travels with Darley

Journeys in Japan


Rick Steves’ Europe


Best of Joy of Painting

Garden Home S H OWC A S E


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton


To Dine For

Lucky Chow

America’s Test Kitchen

Lucky Chow

America’s Test Kitchen

Noon1:30 PM

Repeats 6–7:30 am


Best of Joy of Painting

Garden Smart

S H OWCAS E This Old House


Sewing with Nancy

Quilting Arts

Knit & Crochet Now

Quilting Arts

Sewing with Nancy

Ask This Old House


Flavor of Poland

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

Ciao Italia

Kevin Belton

America's Test Kitchen


Savor Dakota

Lucky Chow

America’s Test Kitchen

Lucky Chow

America’s Test Kitchen

Cook’s Country


Hometown Georgia

Bare Feet

Travels & Traditions

In the Americas

Crossing South; Canvasing World 7/31

Garden Home

Moveable Feast


Seeing Canada


Places to Love


Travels with Darley

Garden Home

Simply Ming


Rick Steves’ Europe

A Chef’s Life


Moveable Feast; Jamie’s Ultimate Veg 7/16

Lidia’s Kitchen


Simply Ming

100 Days; Field Trip 7/14

Plates & Places

Project Smoke

Simply Ming

Project Smoke

100 Days; Field Trip 7/12


Cook’s Country

Nick Stellino

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Nick Stellino

28 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

SHOWCA SE S July 3–9 | Cook's Country Savoring the Summer July 17–23 | Weekends with Yankee

7:00 PM

July 10–16 | Summer of Adventure

July 24–30 | European Tour

July 31–Aug 6 | Joseph Rosendo’s Jaunts






America’s Test Kitchen

In Julia’s Kitchen

Lidia’s Kitchen

Milk Street

America’s Test Kitchen


Moveable Feast; Jamie’s Ultimate Veg 7/16




Family Travel

Bare Feet

Travels & Traditions

In the Americas


Seeing Canada


Places to Love



Rick Steves' Europe


Best of Joy of Painting



No Passport Required

No Passport Required

Best of Joy of Painting


Old Amusement Parks; 10 That Changed America 7/11

Ice Cream Show; 10 That Changed America 7/12

Flavor of Poland

To Dine For

Ciao Italia

Lucky Chow

Ciao Italia

Lucky Chow

S H OWC A S E Moveable Feast; Jamie’s Ultimate Veg 7/20

11:00 11:30

America’s Test Kitchen

In Julia’s Kitchen

Lida’s Kitchen

Milk Street

Kevin Belton

America’s Test Kitchen


Simply Ming

100 Days; Field Trip 7/14

Plates & Places

Project Smoke

Kevin Belton

America’s Test Kitchen

12:30 AM

Cook’s Country

Nick Stellino

Cook’s Country

Pati’s Mexican Table

Christina Cooks

Jazzy Vegetarian



America’s Test Kitchen/ Best of Joy of Painting Moveable Feast


Repeats 11–11:30 am

Kevin Belton/America's Test Kitchen


Repeats 7–7:30 am

This Old House/Ask This Old House


No Passport Required Old Amusement Parks; 10 That Changed 7/11

Ice Cream Show; 10 That Changed 7/12


Rick Steves’ Europe

Christina Cooks

Christina Cooks


Best of Joy of Painting

Jazzy Vegetarian

Jazzy Vegetarian

NEW SE A SO NS/ SERI ES July 3 | Paint This with Jerry Yarnell

July 9 | Painting with Paulson

July 4 | Step It Up with Steph

July 16 | Jamie's Ultimate Veg

July 5 | The Ice Cream Show

July 17 | Weekends with Yankee

July 7 | J. Schwanke's Life in Bloom

July 31 | Canvasing the World with Sean Diediker

July 9 | Lucky Chow

The new travel series, Canvasing the World, explores the interplay between painting and the human condition.



July–August 2020


The July programming themes on Nine World celebrate democracy and the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, including these three programs from America ReFramed.

Nine World, a free channel over the air on 9.3 or on digital cable, Spectrum 185, often broadcasts encores of many of the premieres you see on Nine PBS. Independent Lens, POV, and Frontline are just some of the quality programs rebroadcast on Nine World.

Enter the Faun The culmination of an intensive two-year collaboration between veteran choreographer Tamar Rogoff and Gregg Mozgala, an actor with cerebral palsy. Their creative exploration, at the intersection of science and art, led them to discover that his diagnosis and physical limitations were not necessarily fixed and immutable. Tuesday, July 7, 7 pm

Intelligent Lives Intelligent Lives follows three young adults with intellectual disabilities: Micah, Naieer and Naomie, who, with the support of family, educators and colleagues, work toward a future marked with increased inclusion and independence. Narrated by Academy Award-winning actor, Chris Cooper, who, through the story of his late son Jesse, expands our understanding of a person’s potential beyond their IQ. Tuesday July 21, 7 pm

Perfectly Normal for Me Alexandria, Jake, Caitlin and Veronica, ages 5 to 15, reveal what it’s like to live with physical disabilities. Their parents search out nurturing opportunities where they are accepted and feel valued, from clinical services and adaptive skiing to a unique after-school dance program in Queens, NY. The students prepare for an exciting spring dance recital made possible by the dedicated involvement of parents, teenage volunteer helpers, choreographers and physical therapists who believe in them and support their dreams. Tuesday July 28, 7 pm

30 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine


over the air


august PROGRAM LISTINGS August primetime grid on page 39.

Listings Key (9) Nine Network production

For program updates, visit




Classical Stretch


BBC World News


Wild Kratts


Hero Elementary


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Let’s Go Luna!

9:30 10:00

Sesame Street


Pinkalicious & Peterrific


Dinoasaur Train


Cat and the Hat Knows a Lot about That


Sesame Street






5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum 8:30 Let's Go Luna!

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Wild Kratts 10:00 Martha Bakes


10:30 Lidia's Kitchen 11:00 Pati's Mexican Table 11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

afternoon 12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television 12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

Teaching in Room 9

2:00 Great British Baking Show: Biscuits

2:00 2:30

Wild Kratts


Molly of Denali


Xavier Riddle


Odd Squad




Splash and Bubbles


BBC World News America


PBS NewsHour


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

12:30 1:00


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood




Rick Steves’ Europe





Dish Network and Direct TV carry only Nine PBS on, respectively, channel 8596 and 0009 (HD on 887). U-verse carries only Nine PBS on channel 9 or 1009 (HD).

(PB) Program contains pledge breaks


digital cable

3:00 Living St. Louis (9) 3:30 Best of Feast TV: Adventure! (9)

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House 5:30 Ask This Old House 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9) Episode 3 of new St. Louis-based food series.



July–August 2020


Reconstruction: America after the Civil War An encore presentation of the four-hour documentary executive produced and hosted by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The film tells the real story of Reconstruction, honoring the struggle of the African Americans who fought their way out of slavery and challenged the nation to live up to the founding ideals of democracy, freedom, and equality. August 2 & 9, 11 am

10:00 Feast TV: Crushed (9)

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

7:30 Food Is Love (9) Episode 1 of St. Louis food series from chef Lasse Sorensen.

8:00 Antiques Roadshow An 1836 Joseph H. Davis painting. 9:00 Antiques Roadshow A Jackie Robinson archive.


11:00 Austin City Limits Cage the Elephant and Tank and the Bangas.

1:00 Beyond the Canvas

1:30 Great Performances: Noel Coward's Present Laughter A backstage comedy about a selfobsessed actor in a midlife crisis.

10:00 POV: Chez Jolie Coiffure A shop in Brussels that serves immigrants.

late night 12:00 Midsomer Murders: The Noble Art

11:00 BBC World News

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Celia builds bridges with Alan.

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story

11:30 Amanpour and Company

5:00 Night at the Symphony (9)

late night

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

3:00 Smart Travels

12:30 NHK Newsline

6:30 Food Is Love (9) Episode 3 of new St. Louis food series.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

11:00 Reconstruction: America after the Civil War (1 of 2) Despite their hard-won freedom, support for African Americans does not last.

9:00 Movie: From Here to Eternity (1953) A captain subjects a soldier to grueling punishment.


10:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 The Royal House of Windsor (1 of 6) George V rescues the monarchy by dumping his German roots.


9:30 Living St. Louis (9)


3:00 Smart Travels


4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

7:00 Pride and Prejudice


8:00 Endeavour on Masterpiece The collapse of a tower block reveals a clue.


9:30 Beyond the Canvas

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

10:00 Movie: From Here to Eternity (1953) A captain subjects a soldier to grueling punishment.

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:00 Sesame Street

late night

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

12:00 Pride and Prejudice

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

9:00 Nature Cat

32 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

1:00 No Passport Required: Detroit

2:00 I'll Have What Phil's Having: Tokyo

4:30 Travelscope

1:00 No Passport Required: New Orleans

2:00 I'll Have What Phil's Having: Italy

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

TUE | AUG 4 evening 7:00 Reagan: American Experience A passionate ideologue who preached lower taxes and less government. 9:00 Statecraft: The Bush 41 Team 10:00 More or Less Perfect Union The creation of the Constitution. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

late night

12:30 NHK Newsline

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 No Passport Required: Chicago

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

3:00 Smart Travels

3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:00 Great British Baking Show: Bread

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 No Passport Required: Miami

2:00 I'll Have What Phil's Having: Barcelona

2:00 I'll Have What Phil's Having: Paris

4:30 Travelscope

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House


7:00 Animals with Cameras, a Nature Miniseries A deep dive with Chilean devil rays.

7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

8:00 Nova: Rise of the Mammals Fossils reveal how mammals took over.

5:30 Ask This Old House 6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9)


9:00 Midsomer Murders: Not in My Backyard Conservationists object to a new development.

9:00 Forces of Nature: Color How colors reveal the secret language of the planet.

7:00 Antiques Roadshow 8:00 The Royal House of Windsor (2 of 3) Britain suffers from crippling postwar austerity.

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

10:00 Royal House of Windsor (1 of 6) How George V rescued the monarchy by dumping his German roots.

11:00 BBC World News

11:00 BBC World News

12:30 NHK Newsline

11:30 Amanpour and Company

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

9:00 Movie: Fearless (1993) Plane crash survivor sets off on a trip to see his old girlfriend.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

late night

11:00 Austin City Limits Miguel and Alessia Cara.

late night 12:00 Midsomer Murders: Not in My Backyard

2:00 Statecraft: The Bush 41 Team

12:30 NHK Newsline

3:00 Smart Travels

1:00 No Passport Required: Queens

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

2:00 I'll Have What Phil's Having: Hong Kong

4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting


4:30 Travelscope

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope



5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street


1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Hidden Poland Special destinations and unique experiences.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

3:00 Smart Travels



3:30 Food Is Love (9) Episode 1 of St. Louis food series from chef Lasse Sorensen.

4:30 Travelscope


afternoon 12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood


7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

8:00 The War: When Things Get Tough Across the U.S., manufacturing is converted to the war effort.

7:30 Molly of Denali

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

10:00 Food Is Love (9) New St. Louis food series from chef Lasse Sorensen.

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

6:00 Sesame Street

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

9:00 Nature Cat

10:30 Living St. Louis (9)

9:30 Wild Kratts

11:00 BBC World News

10:00 Martha Bakes

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali

9:00 Nature Cat



July–August 2020


We Knew What We Had: The Greatest Jazz Story Never Told The documentary features the talents of international jazz legends George Benson, Ahmad Jamal, Stanley Turrentine, Billy Eckstine, Kenny Clarke, Art Blakey, Billy Strayhorn and Mary Lou Williams—all from Pittsburgh, PA. Using archival footage and photos, it also sheds light on the social conditions and historical events that conspired to make Pittsburgh one of the world's leading contributors to the legacy of jazz music. Sunday, August 9, 1 pm

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)


late night

10:00 Feast TV: Farm to Table (9)

7:00 Pride and Prejudice

12:30 NHK Newsline

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Endeavour on Masterpiece

1:00 No Passport Required: Seattle

11:00 Reconstruction: America after the Civil War (2 of 2) The rise of Jim Crow segregation.

10:00 Movie: Fearless (1993) Plane crash survivor sets off on a trip to see his old girlfriend.

3:00 Smart Travels


4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

late night

1:00 We Knew What We Had: The Greatest Jazz Story Never Told The unrecognized history of jazz in Pittsburgh.

12:00 Pride and Prejudice

4:30 Travelscope

1:00 No Passport Required: DC

2:00 I'll Have What Phil's Having: Los Angeles

2:00 International Jazz Day Join world-renowned artists from across the globe for a celebration.

TUE | AUG 11

3:00 Smart Travels


3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

3:00 Great Performances: In the Heights: Chasing Broadway Dreams Follow the cast and creative team of this modern-day West Side Story.

7:00 Reagan: American Experience Opponents underestimated the popular president.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Caroline is overwhelmed at the prospect of looking after baby Flora.

9:00 Frontline 10:00 More or Less Perfect Union Supreme Court decision sets back racial justice for nearly a century.

MON | AUG 10

11:00 BBC World News


5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

7:00 Living St. Louis (9)

5:30 Articulate with Jim Cotter

7:30 Food Is Love (9) New St. Louis food series from chef Lasse Sorensen.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9) New St. Louis food series from chef Lasse Sorensen.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

8:00 St. Louis Teen Talent Competition 2020 (9)

2:00 Somewhere South

9:00 Antiques Roadshow

3:00 Smart Travels

10:00 POV: About Love

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

34 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

1:00 No Passport Required: Los Angeles

4:30 Travelscope

FRI | AUG 14

WED | AUG 12



7:00 Washington Week

7:30 Donnybrook (9)

8:00 Father Brown

7:00 Nature: Undercover in the Jungle The untouched wilderness of the Amazon rainforest. 8:00 Nova: Decoding the Great Pyramid Clues about the Egyptians who built the Great Pyramid of Giza.

4:00 Woodsmith Shop

4:30 American Woodshop 5:00 This Old House 5:30 Ask This Old House

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Fit for Murder Barnaby goes to a spa in a remodeled manor house.

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:30 Food Is Love (9)

10:30 British Antiques Roadshow

9:00 Forces of Nature: Motion Although we can't feel motion, we experience the consequences.


11:00 BBC World News

7:00 Antiques Roadshow

11:30 Amanpour and Company

10:00 The Royal House of Windsor (2 of 6) Britain suffers through the worst winter on record.

8:00 The Royal House of Windsor (3 of 6) Prince Philip harnesses television to revamp the royals' public image.

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

9:00 Dave Chappelle: The Mark Twain Prize

2:00 Frontline

10:30 POV Shorts: Cherish

11:00 Austin City Limits Dan Auerbach and Shinyribs.

late night

3:00 Smart Travels

12:30 NHK Newsline

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

1:00 No Passport Required: Houston

2:00 Somewhere South

3:30 Food Is Love (9) New St. Louis food series from chef Lasse Sorensen.

12:00 Midsomer Murders: Fit for Murder

4:30 Travelscope

3:00 Smart Travels

late night

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

SAT | AUG 15

4:30 Travelscope

3:00 Smart Travels


3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

THU | AUG 13

5:30 Travelscope

6:00 Sesame Street


4:30 Travelscope

7:00 Donnybrook (9)

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

SUN | AUG 16

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

7:30 Living St. Louis (9)

7:30 Molly of Denali

8:00 The War: A Deadly Calling African Americans serving in the segregated armed forces demand equal rights.

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

10:00 Food Is Love (9) New St. Louis food series.

1:30 British Antiques Roadshow

2:00 Second Wind: The Tale of a Sailor

morning 5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

8:30 Let's Go Luna!

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

9:00 Nature Cat

9:30 Wild Kratts

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

6:00 Sesame Street

10:30 Living St. Louis (9)

10:00 Martha Bakes

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

11:00 BBC World News

10:30 Lidia's Kitchen

7:30 Molly of Denali

11:30 Amanpour and Company

11:00 Pati's Mexican Table

8:00 Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 No Passport Required: Philadelphia

2:00 Somewhere South 3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Kevin Belton's New Orleans Celebrations


8:30 Let's Go Luna! 9:00 Nature Cat

12:00 Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Television

9:30 Living St. Louis (9)

12:30 Living St. Louis (9)

10:30 Donnybrook (9)

1:00 America's Test Kitchen

1:30 Cook's Country

11:00 Boss: The Black Experience in Business Learn the untold story of African American entrepreneurship.


Great British Baking Show: Desserts

3:00 Living St. Louis (9)

10:00 Feast TV: Frozen Assets (9)



July–August 2020


Great Performances: Much Ado About Nothing Set in contemporary Georgia with an election race underway, the community of Messina is celebrating a break from an ongoing war, but not all is peaceful amid the merriment. Former rivals battle it out, revenge is sought and trickery runs amok in this timeless comedy of romantic retribution and miscommunication. Earning a New York Times Critic’s Pick, the play was recorded during its final June 2019 weekend of Free Shakespeare in the Park performances, and includes an all-black cast. Encore. August 16, 1:30 pm

MON | AUG 17


1:00 Beyond the Canvas

1:30 Great Performances: Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare's romantic classic features an all-black cast.

12:30 NHK Newsline


7:00 PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention Coverage

5:00 Living St. Louis (9)

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

11:00 BBC World News

5:30 History with David Rubenstein Political commentator and author Cokie Roberts.

11:30 Amanpour and Company

WED | AUG 19

late night

6:00 PBS NewsHour Weekend

12:30 NHK Newsline

6:30 Food Is Love (9) New series explores diversity of St. Louis food scene.


1:00 No Passport Required: Boston

7:00 PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention

2:00 Somewhere South 3:00 Smart Travels


10:00 The Royal House of Windsor (3 of 6) A revealing look at Prince Philip.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

7:00 Pride and Prejudice

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

8:00 Endeavour on Masterpiece

11:00 BBC World News

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

TUE | AUG 18

12:30 NHK Newsline

late night

11:30 POV Shorts: Cherish

late night 12:00 Pride and Prejudice

1:00 No Passport Required: Las Vegas

2:00 Somewhere South

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

4:30 Travelscope

36 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

2:00 Great British Baking Show: Cake

10:00 Divided We Fall: Unity without Tragedy Ordinary citizens wrestle with the complex issues that divide our nation.

4:00 Last Tango in Halifax Alan begins to distance himself from Gary.

10:00 Dave Chappelle: The Mark Twain Prize

late night

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Biscuits

evening 7:00 PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention

3:00 Smart Travels

10:00 More or Less Perfect Union The fight to establish, expand and preserve liberty.

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 BBC World News

11:30 Amanpour and Company

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

THU | AUG 20 evening 7:00 PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention 10:00 The Revolutionist: Eugene V. Debs The story of one of the most prominent socialists in American history.

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Let's Talk Menopause (PB) 10:00 10-Day Belly Slimdown (PB) 11:00 Change Your Brain, Heal Your Mind (PB)


11:00 BBC World News

1:00 America's Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special (PB) 4:30 A Century of Missouri State Parks (9) (PB)

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

5:30 Marian Anderson: Once in a Hundred Years (PB)

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

6:30 A Baseball Legacy: Fans Remember the St. Louis Browns (PB)

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Bread


3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

9: 30 Longevity Paradox (PB)

late night

FRI | AUG 21

12:00 Members’ Favorites (PB) The mission of public media is to give voice to all people.

evening 7:00 Washington Week

8:00 Father Brown

9:00 Midsomer Murders: The Dark Rider A man falls to his death from a roof after seeing a headless horseman.

SUN | AUG 23 morning

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:30 Molly of Denali

11:30 Amanpour and Company

afternoon 12:00 The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross (PB)

12:30 NHK Newsline

11:30 King of Crimes The Aaron Burr treason trial in 1807 Richmond.

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Pastries

4:30 Travelscope


3:00 Smart Travels

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations 4:30 Travelscope

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

3:00 Smart Travels

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Continental Cakes

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe 6:00 Sesame Street

late night

SAT | AUG 22

late night

10:00 The Child in Time on Masterpiece A tale of a lost child.

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

5:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

8:00 Endeavour on Masterpiece

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 BBC World News


3:00 Smart Travels

10:00 America's Socialist Experiment The victories and failures of a unique brand of socialism in Milwaukee.

10:30 Longevity Paradox (PB)

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Desserts

7:00 PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

9:30 Mindfulness Goes Mainstream (PB)

12:30 NHK Newsline 1:30 Living St. Louis (9)


8:00 3 Steps to Pain-Free Living (PB)

late night 1:00 Donnybrook (9)

MON | AUG 24

7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific

11:00 BBC World News

Thursday, August 20, 10 pm

5:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)

10:30 Food Is Love (9) New series explores diversity of St. Louis food scene.

Narrated by actor Danny Glover, the film tells the story of one of the most prominent socialists in American history. Alternately loved and reviled, Eugene Debs emerged as a passionate labor leader when he led the nationwide Pullman Strike in 1894. Later, he helped establish the U.S. Socialist Party, and ran as its candidate for president five times, including once from prison!

11:00 Sam Smith: Live at BBC's Biggest Weekend (PB)

4:30 Travelscope

The Revolutionist: Eugene V. Debs

8:00 Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli @ 60 (PB)

4:30 Travelscope



July–August 2020


TUE | AUG 25

late night


12:30 NHK Newsline

7:00 PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

10:00 By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South Tennessee's suffrage journey in the aftermath of the Civil War.

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Final

evening 8:00 Joe Bonamassa: British Blues Explosion (PB) 9:30 ABBA Forever: A Celebration (PB) 11:00 Pink Floyd: Live in Venice (PB)

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 BBC World News

4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

12:00 Members’ Favorites (PB) Public television presents facts and speaks truth to power.

4:30 Travelscope

11:30 Amanpour and Company

late night

SUN | AUG 30

late night

FRI | AUG 28

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie


2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Advanced Dough

7:00 Washington Week

8:00 Father Brown

3:00 Smart Travels 3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

9:00 Midsomer Murders: Murder of Innocence Convicted murderer is targeted in an arson attack.

4:30 Travelscope

WED | AUG 26

10:30 Food Is Love (9) New series explores diversity of St. Louis food scene. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Amanpour and Company

evening 7:00 PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

late night

10:00 The Royal House of Windsor (4 of 6) Prince Charles tries to avoid replicating Edward VIII's romantic mistakes.

12:30 NHK Newsline

1:00 Donnybrook (9)

1:30 Living St. Louis (9)

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Masterclass

11:00 BBC World News

3:00 Smart Travels

11:30 Amanpour and Company

3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

late night 12:30 NHK Newsline

4:30 Travelscope

1:00 Confucius Was a Foodie

2:00 The Great British Baking Show: Patisserie

SAT | AUG 29

3:00 Smart Travels


3:30 Best of the Joy of Painting 4:00 Rare Visions & Roadside Revelations

5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

4:30 Travelscope

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

THU | AUG 27 evening 7:00 PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage 10:00 tasteMAKERS: Preserved 10:30 Living St. Louis (9) 11:00 BBC World News

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Members’ Favorites (PB) 10:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)


5:00 Rick Steves' Europe

5:30 In the Americas with David Yetman

6:00 Sesame Street 6:30 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood 7:00 Pinkalicious & Peterrific 7:30 Molly of Denali 8:00 Deepak Chopra: Becoming Metahuman (PB) 9:30 America's Test Kitchen 20th Anniversary Special (PB) 11:00 Live Better Now (PB)

afternoon 12:00 3 Steps to Pain-Free Living (PB) 2:00 Frontline: From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians (PB)

evening 7:00 Won't You Be My Neighbor (PB) 9:30 The Bee Gees One for All Tour (PB) 11:30 Deepak Chopra: Becoming Metahuman (PB)

late night 12:00 Members’ Favorites (PB) Nine shares stories that raise awareness and foster dialogue.

MON | AUG 31 evening 7:00 Antiques Roadshow (PB) 8:30 Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis (9) (PB) 10:00 Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide (PB)

late night 12:00 Members’ Favorites (PB)

afternoon 12:00 The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross (PB)

11:30 Amanpour and Company

38 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

prime time 7:00



Antiques Roadshow


Pride and Prejudice


Living St. Louis




Food Is Love

Animals with Cameras Living St. Louis





Antiques Roads


Pride and Prejudice Living St. Louis


Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow

POV: Chez Jolie Coiffure

Statecraft: The Bush 41 Team

More or Less Perfect Union

Forces of Nature

Royal House of Windsor

The War

Food Is Love

Living St. Louis

Midsomer Murders

Father Brown


Movie: Fearless

Royal House of Windsor Endeavour

Food Is Love


Movie: From Here to Eternity

Beyond the...

Nova: Rise of the Mammals



Movie: From Here to Eternity

Royal House of Windsor


MON 10


Reagan: American Experience



Antiques Roadshow

Movie: Fearless Antiques Roadshow

POV: About Love

TUE 11

Reagan: American Experience


More or Less Perfect Union

WED 12

Nature: Undercover in the Jungle Nova: Decoding the Great Pyramid

Forces of Nature

Royal House of Windsor

THU 13


Living St. Louis

FRI 14



SAT 15

Antiques Roadshow

SUN 16

Pride and Prejudice

Food Is Love

The War

Living St. Louis

Father Brown

Midsomer Murders


Royal House of Windsor

Dave Chappelle: Mark Twain Prize

POV Shorts

Dave Chappelle: Mark Twain...


MON 17

PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention Coverage

Divided We Fall

TUE 18

PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention Coverage

More or Less Perfect Union

WED 19

PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention Coverage

Royal House of Windsor

THU 20

PBS NewsHour Democratic Convention Coverage

Revolutionist: Eugene V. Debs

FRI 21

Washington Week

Father Brown

SAT 22

(6:30) Baseball Legacy: Fans...

SUN 23

Members’ Favorites

Midsomer Murders

Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli @ 60 Endeavour

Food Is Love Longevity Paradox The Child in Time

MON 24

PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

America's Socialist Experiment

TUE 25

PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

By One Vote: Woman Suffrage...

WED 26

PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

Royal House of Windsor

THU 27

PBS NewsHour Republican Convention Coverage

FRI 28

Washington Week

Father Brown

SAT 29

Members’ Favorites

Joe Bonamassa: British Blues…

SUN 30 MON 31

Midsomer Murders

Won't You Be My Neighbor Antiques Roadshow


Living St. Louis

Food Is Love

BBC World...

ABBA Forever: A Celebration The Bee Gees One for All Tour

Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis

Suze Orman's Ultimate... nineMagazine


July–August 2020




Repeat times for select programs in July and August are listed below. Consult for the latest information. Please note that programs listed here can be preempted for special programs, pledge programs, or live events.

We gratefully acknow­l edge the fol­l ow­i ng underwriters and en­c ourage you to sup­p ort these com­p anies that support public television. For information about the benefits of underwrit­i ng programs and services, please call (314) 512.9124.

America's Test Kitchen: 20th Anniversary Special

Air Comfort Service Heating & Cooling

Missouri Department of Transportation

7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 2 am


Missouri History Museum

By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South

American Quilters Society

Missouri Humanities Council

Art on the Square


Assistance Home Care

Nine Home Videos

7/23, 7/30, 1 am


Opera Theatre of Saint Louis

Day One

Bellefontaine Cemetery

Parents as Teachers

Beltone Midwest

PNC Bank

Carol House Furniture

Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital

schedule 5/31, 2:30 pm; 6/6, 2 pm; 6/7, 3:30 am; 6/13, 1 pm Beecham House

8/25, 10 pm

China: Power and Prosperity—PBS NewsHour Presents

7/10, 2 am

Clinton: American Experience

7/21, 10 pm Donnybrook

Fridays at 7:30 pm, Saturdays at 1 am, Sundays at 10:30 am Food Is Love

Saturdays at 6:30 pm; Sundays at 6:30 pm; 7/15, 7/22, 7/29, 10 pm; 8/6, 8/13, 10 pm; 8/21, 8/28, 10:30 pm Grantchester


Chaumette Vineyards Citi

7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 1 am

Community Music School

Lucy Worsley's Royal Myths & Secrets: Marie Antoinette

The Curtain Exchange

Mid-Century Modern in St. Louis

Delta Dental of Missouri

Midsomer Murders

Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company

7/6, midnight; 7/12, 3:30 pm 8/31, 8:30 pm

Sundays at midnight in July. Schnucks Scotsman Coin & Jewelry The Sheldon Concert Hall Siteman Cancer Center Spire

The Fabulous Fox Theatre


Grand Center

St. Louis Children’s Hospital

7/13, 3 am; 7/27, 1:30 am; 8/3, 8/10, 8/17, midnight

Heise Advisory Group

Royal House of Windsor

Holocaust Museum & Learning Center

St. Louis Community Foundation

National Parks: America's Best Idea

Tuesdays at 1 am in July Pride and Prejudice

8/12/, 8/18, 8/26, 10 pm

Secrets of the Dead: Egypt's Darkest Hour

St. Louis Public Library

7/17, 7/19, 2 am

Iron Workers Local No. 396

St. Louis Regional Chamber

Spy in the Wild

Kemper Art Museum

St. Louis Speakers Series

Kodner Gallery

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

Mackey Mitchell Architects

Wells Fargo Advisors

8/29, 9 am; 8/31, 10 pm

The Magic House

The Willows

Unladylike2020: American Masters

Missouri Botanical Garden

Wood Financial Partners

7/3/, 7/10, 7/17, 1 am Statue of Liberty

7/5, 2 am

Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide

7/16, 1 am

Vote: American Experience

7/8, 7/9, 1 am

40 July–August 2020 | nineMagazine

Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Discover the beauty and serenity of Wildwood Valley Gardens 314-381-0750 | 4947 W. FLORISSANT AVE. ST. LOUIS, MO 63115

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