Ningbo Focus December 2011

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December 2011 2011 年 12 月


Embrace Ningbo, Discover China 悦读宁波,融入中国

Zhenhai, Ningbo 宁波镇海

书藏古今 港通天下

甬广固(2010)19 号

Ningbo, A City of Culture and a Gateway to the World

Industry Focus: Ningbo’s Marine Economy

Ningbo Marriott Hotel's General Manager Stanley Yin



The Shanjing Outlet Plaza in Yinzhou District 鄞州区杉井奥特莱斯广场

December 2011/2011 年 12 月

Discovering New Zealand through its Premium Wines 从葡萄酒认识新西兰

Monthly Publication


Nordic Industrial Park, Ningbo

"Working with NIP means entering a partnership in which we will not only give you advice but also give you our opinion."


CONTENTS Features 专栏

18 20 22 24 26 28 29

Industry Focus | Ningbo’s Marine Economy 行业聚焦 | 宁波海洋经济 Meet Carl Fey of The University of Nottingham Ningbo China 结识宁波诺丁汉大学卡尔 • 费教授 Home-grown Success – Ningbo Fotile Kitchen Ware Co. Ltd.



杉井奥特莱斯广场 Zhenhai



Ningbo Marriott Hotel’s General Manager Stanley Yin 对话宁波万豪酒店总经理尹海霞 Legal Requirements of Labour Contracts and Employment Business Auditing 业务审计

Microeconomy 微观经济


A Korean Entreprenuer in Ningbo 在甬韩国企业家

Arts & Culture 艺术和文化





42 43

Learning is All Around Us 身边处处是课堂 Environmental Pioneers Guide China’s Commercial Agenda 宁波的环保专家引领中国商业趋势

Foreign Affairs 国外事件


10 Minutes with Eveline de Wael 与 Eveline de Wael 对话 10 分钟


Ningbo Foreign Ladies Cooking Class 在甬外籍女士烹饪课程



The COIC FEC Annual Christmas Party 宁波国际商会外籍专家委员会圣诞派对

6 ningbo focus December 2011

2011 宁波慈善单车赛 Good ol’ Fashioned American Pig Roast…. In China? Red Handed: Ningbo’s P.D. Are On the Job 宁波月湖派出所—值得喝彩的快速反应 Here to Stay: How to Get a Residence Permit in Ningbo 生活在宁波:如何办理居留证

Leisure 休闲


Keeping the Old New: Ningbo’s Drum Tower 宁波鼓楼


Weekend Breaks in Singapore (Extended) 周末小憩—动感之都:新加坡 ( 加长版 )

Lifestyle 生活


Mercedes SLK 奔驰 SLK 系列


Discovering New Zealand Through its Premium Wines 细细品味 : 从葡萄酒认识新西兰


Out of This World – First Ever in Ningbo 绝无仅有—宁波首次国际化夜生活

Beauty & Health 美容与健康


Book Donations Impact Educational Service to Local Expats 各方助力“公益汉语课堂”、共同服务城市发展 Leaving Your Mark

A Narration by Voice: My Ningbo Dream 《用声音叙事—筑梦宁波》介绍 Ningbo Ride & Race for Charity 2011


Gold and Multi-colour Painting

Education 教育



在甬外企 | 巴克约根森风机(宁波)有限公司 The Shanjing Outlet Plaza

镇海 Launch of the Ningbo Centre for International Cultural Studies

A Visit to Ms Gu Qiuhong of Zhen’an Primary School 国学镇安—小记者访百年名校镇安小学顾秋红校长

Community 社会


投资宁波 | 雇员



本土的骄傲—宁波方太厨具有限公司 Barker Jørgensen Industrial Fans (Ningbo) Co. Ltd.

Business 商业


Little Reporters《宁波聚焦》小记者

Feel the Burn: Step Aerobics 踏板操

Wine & Dine 美酒佳肴


Meet: New Century’s Executive Chef Mao Honghui 结识宁波开元大酒店行政总厨 毛红辉


Restaurant Review | Banana Leaf 餐厅点评 | 蕉叶餐厅


Highland Cup Whisky 高原杯威士忌

Festive 节日


T’is the Season: Origin of the Christmas Tree 圣诞树的起源

74 77

Christmas Gift Ideas 圣诞礼物推荐 An Authentic Traditional German Festive Meal 地道传统的德国节日餐




Festive Gifts 节日礼物

Regulars 常规

8 9

Editor's Note 编者寄语 City News Briefs

71 84

城市新闻摘要 Old Memories of Ningbo 印象宁波 December Agenda 十二月活动 December Horoscope



Travel Guide 旅游指南

85 87

Train Schedules & Prices 列车时刻表及价格 Regional & International Flight Schedules 航班时刻表

Bonus Section 促销活动


Promotions 促销

What & Where 生活指南


Business & Government Contacts 商业和政府联络方式

Special thanks to Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government and Foreign Affairs Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government, for their kind assistance, support and photograph contributions. 特别感谢宁波市人民政府新闻办公室、宁波市人民政府外事办公室的帮助、支持

Governing Unit ( 主管单位): Ningbao Media 宁报传媒 Publisher ( 主办单位): Ningbo Focus 宁波海曙聚焦广告服务有限公司 Editor-in-Chief ( 编审 ) Liu Jianguo 刘建国 | Managing Director & Editor ( 执行董事 | 总编辑 ) Elaine Chan 陈芳宜 | Director of Sales & Marketing ( 市场销售总监 ) Ivy Lee 李慧思 | Office Manager ( 办公室经理 ) Kat Xu 许凯梅 | Sales & Marketing Assistant ( 市场销售助理 ) Magnolia Wang 王玉兰 | Copy Editors ( 编审 ) Shannon McAtasney & Maggie Chan | Designer ( 设计师 ) Nathan Piao 朴南君 | Advisor ( 顾问 ) Ivy Qian 钱盈 | Translators ( 翻译 ) Liu Jingyuan 刘静远 ( 香港 Hong Kong), Cici Chen 陈希 & Julia Wang 王晶莹 Contributors 特约记者 Jack Zhang | Nils Werning | Shannon McAtasney | Asher Moore | Matt Galat Obio Ntia | Alessandra Klein | Precilia Auyang | Lily Yang | Little Reporters | Wu Wei Michael Haggerty | Richard P. | Jackie Hadland | Ethan Schills | Kenneth Chan Kat Xu | Magnolia Wang | Thomas Schilling | Jonathan Cainer | School of Foreign Language Studies of Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University Legal Advisor 法律顾问 Heyi Law Firm 浙江和义律师事务所 Jack Zhang 张建立 Photographer 摄影师 Baranga Distribution Agent 发行代理 宁波海曙任必达文化传播有限公司 张琼波 Bob Zhang +86 574 8721 1528 Printer 制版印刷 Ningbo Newspapering Printing & Development Co. Ltd. 宁波报业印刷发展有限公司 吴捷 +86 574 8768 5522 | +86 134 5740 1357

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright holder. For permission, please write to Ningbo Focus. If you have not received payment for articles and images used on this magazine, please contact us within 30 days of distribution of this issue. 版权所有。未经著作权人许可之前不得对本出版物的任何部 分进行复制或以任何形式进行传播。若要征得许可,请致信至宁波聚焦。本刊所使用 到的稿件和照片,尚未收到稿费的作者,请在杂志发行 30 天内与本刊联系。

December 2011 ningbo focus 7



首先我要向我们的读者送上节日的问 候!欢迎阅读我们的 12 月期刊。 过去的几个月是忙碌而疯狂的,我们期 待着节日的到来!



estive g ree tings dear r eader s ! Welcome to our December issue!

It’s been a crazy few months and we are looking forward to a festive season of fun and good cheer! In this issue, you will see more news relating to community events and education, with so much social and academic development in the city, it is important to highlight not only news but leading individuals. We had the pleasure of interviewing Professor Carl F Fey, Dean of Nottingham University Business School China, Dean of The University of Nottingham Ningbo China’s Faculty of Social Sciences, and Professor of International Business. Prof Fey shares his goals for the business school in executive education and interactive learning. We also attended the launch of A Narration of Voice: My Ningbo Dream where students at the Ningbo Institute of Technology interviewed foreigners in Ningbo on their dreams and achievements during their time in this city. Available in English, Chinese and Japanese, this book is a result of hard work and persistence. Kudos to the students of NIT! A job very well done! Community contributions come in many f o r m s , a n d o n e o f t h e m , o ff e r i n g a n innovative one-of-a-kind facility in Ningbo gets a big thumbs-up. In this issue, Peter Kim shares with readers his vision for his newly opened business. A first in Ningbo, Korea Plaza, located in the heart of the South Business District, offers ‘everything Korean’ across seven floors of retail space. In November, I had my first experience with public speaking - apart from speaking at my cousin’s wedding! Organised by Nottingham Alumni Association Ningbo for their students, this interactive session, covered the birth

8 ningbo focus December 2011

在本期中,你能看到许多关于社区活动 和教育的新闻,在这个城市中社会和学术的发 展如此的快速,因此仅仅报道新闻是不够的, 关注这些为发展做出贡献的人们也变的尤为重 要。我们荣幸地采访了卡尔 • 院长费教授,宁 波诺丁汉大学商学院院长,兼任国际商务学教 授。他与我们分享了商学院在高级经理人教育 和互动的学习方面的目标。 of Ningbo Focus and its journey into its 8th issue. It was a very enriching experience and truly an honour for me, to be given this chance to interact with the students. I would like to say a very big 'thank you' to all the attendees for their warm reception and participation. I have received all your emails of well wishes, positive feedback, and most of all, your kind support, for which, we are extremely grateful. We have included some of our Christmas gift ideas. It is always exciting when the festive season draws near. When it comes to gift selections and getting creative, it’s usually a chore; hopefully our gift ideas help! As for those planning to cook some traditional Christmas goose, I’ve included a personal recipe. I hereby state a disclaimer that I will not be held responsible for a bad goose dish! Regardless of the outcome, good luck with your festive shopping and cooking! Christmas, the most magical of all celebra­ tions, is a season of giving, sharing, and spreading love and goodwill to all. On behalf of our team at Ningbo Focus, here’s wishing you a magical Christmas filled with love, good health and laughter, and a very Happy & Successful New 2012 ahead! With warmest regards,

我们也参与了《用声音叙事—筑梦宁波》 的发布会:汇编了宁波科技学院外国语学院师 生对在甬外籍人士的现场采访,记录和探询了 在甬外籍人士在宁波寻梦、圆梦历程。该书有 中、英、日三种语言的版本,是师生们努力和 坚持的成果。祝贺宁波理工学院的师生们!你 们太棒了! 社会贡献有许多形式,其中一个便是在 宁波提供创新的独一无二的令人竖起大拇指的 设施。在本期中,Peter Kim 与读者分享了他 新开的业务——坐落于南部商业区中心的一个 宁波首创的韩国购物广场,在那里的七层零售 空间中提供一切来自韩国的商品。 在 11 月, 我 有 了 第 一 次 公 开 演 讲 的 经 验——除了在我表亲婚礼上的贺词!在由宁波 诺丁汉学生校友会组织的这个互动会议上,我 谈到了《宁波聚焦》的诞生和它进入第八期的 旅程。对我来说,得到这个与学生互动的机会, 是一个富足的经验和荣誉。我还要非常感谢诺 丁汉大学的学生对讲座热情的参与。我已经收 到你们所有的邮件以及反馈,我很感激你们对 《宁波聚焦》的支持。 我们也在本期中加入了我们的一些圣诞 礼物点子。当节日即将来到时,总那么令人兴 奋。但是到选择有创意的礼物时,又通常是一 件苦差事,希望我们的礼物点子能够帮助到 你!至于那些计划做一些传统圣诞烤鹅的朋 友,我也附上了我的个人秘制配方。我在此做 免责声明,我将对不好吃的烤鹅不负任何责 任!不管结果如何,祝你节日购物和烹调好 运! 圣诞节,一个最富有魔力的节日,也是 一个给予、分享、传递爱和祝福的节日。我代 表我们《宁波聚焦》团队,祝你拥有一个充满 爱和欢笑的美妙圣诞节,也提前祝你 2012 年 心想事成! 送上最美好的祝福,

Elaine Chan


CITY NEWS BRIEFS Business / 商业


shipbuilding, automobiles, and equipment manufacturing.

Ningbo Digital Media Industrial Park settles in New Town of Yinzhou District 宁波数字媒体产业园落户鄞州

C o m p a n i e s s u c h a s G e e l y, a l e a d i n g carmaker, and Fotile, a major kitchenware c o m p a n y, a r e a l r e a d y i n p l a c e a t i t s Hangzhou Bay New Zone.

The signing ceremony of the Ningbo Digital Media Industrial Park with the Yinzhou District was held on 28th October 2011. This signing ceremony marked the start of the construction of the RMB 600-million Digital Media Industrial Park spanning 20 acres with a total building area of 60,000 square metres, within the South Business District, which will complete within three years.

Ningbo hopes to develop into a world-class petrochemical industry base within the next five years, with a refining capacity of 70 million tons of oil per year and a production capacity of three million tons of ethylene. Expansion of its iron and steel production is estimated to reach about six million tons a year by 2015.

The industrial park in the South Business District is a project by the Ningbo Daily Newspaper Group to develop from a news publishing group into a cultural media group, as well as an important move for the group's transformation and industrial upgrading. The industrial park will serve as a digital media platform and will open its doors to medium-sized and small digital media enterprises in Ningbo and the Yangtze Delta area.

As for automobile manufacturing, Ningbo’s goal is to produce 500,000 cars annually, within the next five years.

10 月 28 日下午,宁波日报报业集团与宁波市 鄞州区新城区开发建设管理委员会在鄞州区索 菲特大酒店举行了宁波数字媒体产业园入驻鄞 州新城区的签约仪式。这标志着数字媒体产业 园的建设工作正式开始启动,项目总投资约 6 亿元。3 年后,宁波鄞州南部商务区将矗立起 占地约 20 亩,建筑面积 6 万平方米的数字媒 体企业集聚的产业园区,成为宁波城南新的产 业风向标。 宁波日报报业集团经过多次调研,最终与鄞州 区政府一致商定在鄞州新城区建设宁波数字媒 体产业园,在宁波打造一个辐射华东地区以及 在全国有影响的数字媒体平台。

根据十二五规划 (2011-2015),宁波将充分 发挥港口资源优势,择优发展石化、钢铁、造 船、汽车、装备制造等临港大工业。

Ningbo to build an industrial base in its 12th Five­year Plan 十二五规划宁波成为临港产业基地 A major part of Ningbo’s strategy, and its 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015), is to build an industrial base to focus on industries such as petrochemical, steel, papermaking,

持续六年来,根据中国社会科学院的中国城市 竞争力蓝皮书,在 200 个中国城市中,宁波 排名前 15。由于地理位置,宁波成为中国其 中一个有着最好投资环境的城市,同时还是联 合国公布中国最具发展前途的城市之一。

Expansion project of Ningbo Lishe International Airport to be completed by 2015 宁波机场将扩大三倍 最快 2015 年完成

The port will establish large trading areas and establish markets for iron ore, coal, steel, lumber and copper, within the next five years and this is expected to make the city the largest trading site in the Yangtze River Delta for these commodities. Turnover of these goods is expected to reach RMB 400 billion by 2015. For six consecutive years, Ningbo has ranked amongst the top 15 cities, out of 200 in China, in urban competitiveness, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Blue Paper on Urban Competitiveness and because of its position in the delta area, Ningbo provides one of the best investment environments in China and is listed by the United Nations as one of the cities with the greatest development potential on the mainland.

产业园的筹建将以宁波智慧城市建设为核心, 以创建数字媒体服务业龙头品牌为导向,同时 通过多种方式招商引资吸纳宁波地区乃至长三 角地区的中小型数字媒体企业,营造良好的产 业发展氛围。

战略要求,加大资源整合力度,以液体化工、 铁矿石、煤炭、钢财、木财、塑料、粮油、 镍、铜等为重点,积极打造大宗商品交易中墟 片力争形成若干个在长三角、全国甚至全球有 影响力的交易平台,到 2015 年实现市场交易 额 4000 亿元以上。

仅在杭州湾新区,已经引进吉利汽车、方太厨 拒等一批国内行业龙头企业和优质项目。 石化产业方面,宁波将重点推进镇海炼化扩 建 1500 万吨炼油和 100 万吨乙烯一体化、台 塑宁波石化一期后续和二期等项目,力争到 2015 年形成年炼油 7000 万吨和年产乙烯 300 万吨的升产能力,成为拒有较强国际竞争力的 世界级石化产业基地。 在汽车产业方面,宁波将重点推进吉利汽车 20 万辆整车、沃尔沃 10 万辆整车等重大项目, 力争产能达到 50 万辆。 未来 5 年,宁波还将继续构建大宗商品交易平 台。按照构建我国区域姓资源交易配置中心的

The Phase III Expansion Project of Ningbo Lishe International Airport will be completed by 2015 and the new airport will be three times larger than the old one. Currently, the total area is less than three square kilometres, and with the increasing number of travellers which, in 2010, passenger throughput reached 4.52 million (an increase of 12.8%) it is necessary for the airport to expand with the new terminal 2 building spanning an area of 93,000 square metres at a total investment of RMB 200 million. When complete, the total area of the Ningbo Lishe International Airport will be 120,000 square metres with another two runways, six taxi ways, three terminal buildings and other supporting facilities will be built in the near future. 机场三期扩建项目已有了新进展,第二航站楼 和扩建停机坪现已进入拆迁征地阶段,投资 2 亿的第二航站楼最快明年年初动工兴建,扩建 后的宁波机场面积将是原来的 3 倍之多。目 前宁波机场总用地面积却不足 3 平方公里, 2010 年,宁波机场旅客吞吐量达到 452 万人 次,比上年增长 12.8%。机场三期扩建工程的 前期准备正在逐步推进。规划的机场总用地面 积将达到 12 万平方米,这将是目前面积的 3 倍之多。主要扩建项目第二航站楼,总面积 9.3 万平方米,投资两亿元。远期还将设 2 条跑道、 6 条平滑道、3 个航站楼及货站、空管、供油

December 2011 ningbo focus 9

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 等配套设施,航站楼还将与轨道交通 2 号线衔 接,方便市民坐轨道交通赴机场。

Ningbo launches '3315' programme to lure global talents 宁波“3315 计划”欲引进海外人才 The Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong Forum 2011 was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 24th October 2011. With the launch of Ningbo’s ‘3315’ programme to recruit overseas talents, by the year 2020, Ningbo will have 30 overseas talents included in the state-level programme, 300 overseas talents included in the provincial-level programme and 1,000 overseas talents included in the city-level programme. It will introduce 5,000 new overseas innovation and entrepreneurial talents. The Ningbo government will provide RMB 1 million to fund these city-level overseas talents and provide additional support funding for overseas talents selected for the statelevel and provincial-level programmes. The Ningbo government will also award a special fund of RMB 100 million to introduce about five top overseas innovation and entrepreneurial teams from foreign countries every year. 10 月 24 日,宁波市在港举行新闻发布会,面 向海内外媒体发布了宁波市人才政策和人才规 划,邀请香港高层次人才来甬创业创新。为引 进这些人才,目前宁波市已出台了海外引才 “3315”计划,面向全球引进海外人才。力 争到 2020 年,宁波分别 有 30 名、300 名 和 1000 名海外高层次人才列入中央、省和市的 “千人计划”,新增海外创新创业人才 5000 名。 宁波政府将一次性给予 100 万元的创新创业 资助,入选中央和省“千人计划”的给予额外 的配套资助,随同引进的团队成员最高给予 100 万元的资助。

Market of Ningbo covers metallic materials, chemical plastics, construction and decora­ tion materials, second-hand goods, idle equipment, electrical and mechanical equipment, automobile trade, motor repairs, tourism, shipping and steel structure production, etc. The volume of business has been over RMB 8 billion for a few consecutive years, with its annual tax exceeding RMB 100 million.

and ‘Rhododendron Hometown in China’.

The market, established in 1997, consists of a group of specialised markets, such as Ningbo Idle Equipments Market, Ningbo Zhongxing Automobile Repairing Market and Yaojiang Market. Being the key commodity market in Ningbo and the star-class civilised market in Zhejiang Province, the market carries on its business within the province, in East China and even all over the whole country.

近日,经中国花卉协会专家实地考察和严格评 审,北仑喜获“中国花木之乡”称号。据悉, 这是该区继“浙江花木之区”、“中国杜鹃花 良种繁育基地”、“中国杜鹃花之乡”后获得 的又一殊荣。

在中国社科院、中国商品市场峰会近日联合认 定的中国商品市场百强榜单上,宁波华东物资 城荣登汽车及生产资料类市场第 3 名。 华东物资城市场经营范围涉及金属材料、化工 塑料、建筑装潢材料、旧货、闲置设备以及机 电设备、汽车贸易、汽车修理、旅游、海运、 钢结构生产等,已经连续数年成交额超过 80 亿元,年税收超亿元。 华东物资城成立于 1997 年,拥有宁波闲置设 备交易市场、宁波中兴汽车修理市场、华东物 资城姚江市场等多个专业市场,经营业务辐射 省内、华东,乃至全国各地,是宁波市重点商 品市场、浙江省星级文明规范市场。

The Beilun District of Ningbo award­ ed 'Hometown of Flowers and Plants in China' 北仑区喜获“中国花木之乡”称号

同时,宁波市政府每年还将投入 1 亿元专项资 金,面向全球引进并支持 5 个左右高端创业创 新团队。

10 ningbo focus December 2011

北仑花卉种植兴起于上世纪 80 年代末,发展 于上世纪 90 年代。北仑现有花卉苗木种植面 积 6.2 万亩,相关数据显示,去年该区花木销 售额达 7 亿元,占林业产业收入的 80% 以上, 位居全市前列。

Number of migrant workers in Ningbo hits 430 million, ranks 1st in Zhejiang 外来务工人员已达 430 万 宁波成为浙江 省外来人口第一大市 The total number of migrant workers in Ningbo has reached 4.3 million, ranking 1st in the Zhejiang province. The current total registered population in Ningbo is 5.74 million, amongst which, migrant workers reached 4.3 million, accounting for 43% of the total population. The number of migrant workers in Ningbo has soared by nearly five times in the last 10 years since year 2000, when the population of migrant workers was only 0.75 million. In order to control population size and promote the quality of migrant workers, Ningbo plans to focus on ‘modern citizens’ project. 50 labour services cooperation bases and 80 school-enterprise cooperation schools will be built in and out of Zhejiang province by 2015. 目前宁波市外来务工人员已达 430 万,外来 人口总量超过温州而居全省第一。宁波市提出, 未来将把培养“现代公民”作为首要目标。目前, 宁波市户籍人口为 574 万,外来人口达 430 万, 占到总人口的 43%。其中北仑、鄞州、镇海 等市辖区的外来人口已超过户籍人口。

East China Material Market of Ningbo named top 100 markets in China 宁波华东物资城上榜“中国商品市场百强” In the list of top 100 markets in China released by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Commodity Market Summit, East China Material Market of Ningbo ranks No. 3 in the sector of auto­ mobile and producer goods market. The business scope of East China Material

Flower plantation in Beilun started in the late 1980’s and was developed further in the 1990’s. Now, the flower industry has become the leading industry in Beilun with a cultivation area of 62,000 acres. Sales of flowers and plants in Beilun make a great contribution to the revenue of forestry industry in Ningbo.

The Beilun District of Ningbo has been named the ‘Flowers and Plants Hometown in China’ by China Flower Association, reports Ningbo Daily. Beilun District is also known as the ‘Flowers and Plants District of Zhejiang’, ‘Seedbreeding Base of Rhododendron in China’

在 2000 年,宁波的外来人口只有 75 万人左右, 10 年间,猛增近 5 倍。 到 2015 年,宁波市将为外来务工人员全程免 费提供公共职业介绍和引导性培训服务 400 万人次,新建 50 个省内外劳务合作基地,新 增 80 所省内外校企协作学校。

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 HK, Macau & Taiwan to attend China Food Expo for the 1st time in Ningbo 香港、澳门及台湾首次到宁波参加中国 食品博览会

quality has been improving, too. The unit price has increased by 18.9%. The items exported include leather shoes, cloth shoes, rubber shoes, and sneakers.

The China Food Expo of 2011 (CFE) will be held at the Ningbo Conference and Exhibition Centre from 30th November – 4th December 2011.

2011 年 1 至 10 月,宁波出口鞋靴 6425 批, 近 1.6 亿 美 元, 波 鞋 靴 出 口 货 值 同 比 增 长 12.3%。按出口货值统计,排在出口前三强的 国家为美国、英国、德国。

Special pavilions will be prepared for exhibitors from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan at hall 2, which will be the first time ever in the history of the event. It is also learned that overseas food products will account for over 30% of the total.

与此同时,鞋靴档次逐步提高,单价同比增长 18.9%,出口鞋靴产品类型丰富,涉及皮鞋、 布鞋、塑胶鞋、运动鞋、合成革鞋等多个品种。

Other special pavilions will be set-up according to food types such as wine, meat, sugar, baked products, dairy products and canned food.

Ningbo's first overseas commodity market to open in Benin in February 2012 宁波首个海外小商品市场落户非洲 明年 二月开业

A large number of overseas multinational retailers and professional buyers will participate, including retail giants such as METRO, TESCO, E-mart, Auchan, and Carrefour.

Ningbo exported USD 160 million worth of shoes and boots to the US & Europe between January and October 2011 1­10 月宁波鞋靴六成出口欧美高端市场 During the first 10 months of 2011, Ningbo has exported 6,425 batches of shoes and boots to the US and Europe, worth over USD 160 million, up 12.3% over the same period last year. The US, UK and Europe are the top three markets. With the increase of the export quantity, the

贝宁中心是由中国政府在贝宁援建的集展览、 销售、仓储、会务、住宿、餐饮等功能于一体 的 5 层商贸大厦,同时也是浙江天时国际经济 技术合作有限公司 ( 简称天时国际 ) 的投资项 目,总建筑面积为 6891 平方米。 在市外经贸局支持下,将在中心一楼展厅内设 立贝宁中国品牌商品展销中心,这也将成为首 个宁波品牌商品在贝宁乃至西非市场销售的长 期展示交易平台。据介绍,该展销中心暂定于 2012 年 2 月正式开业,包括 36 平方米 / 个的 特装店铺 8 个,9 平方米 / 个的标准摊位 23 个, 57.6 平方米 / 个的沿街店铺 9 个以及 720 平 方米 / 个的货架式店铺 1 个。

Ningbo Construction wins a RMB 750 million­contract 宁波建工中标重大工程 造价 7.5 亿

二号馆(名品馆)中将布设港、澳、台 特色展区。据初步统计,本届食博会境 外食品将超过 30%。

此外,像麦德龙、易买得、欧尚、乐购、 家乐福等跨国零售集团将到会采购。

从宁波市外经贸局了解到,贝宁中国品牌商品 展销中心暂定于明年 2 月正式开业,这是宁波 人在海外建立的首个“宁波小商品市场”。贝 宁中国经济贸易发展中心 ( 简称贝宁中心 ) 坐 落于西非贝宁最大的港口城市。

作为市外经贸局重点扶持的项目,宁波入驻企 业还可享受一定的财政补贴政策。

2011 中国食品博览会 ( 简称食博会 ) 组 委会获悉,本届食博会将于 11 月 30 日 -12 月 4 日在宁波国际会展中心举行。

在展览展示方面,本届食博会更体现出 往届所没有的专业化水平,按照肉制品、 糖果品、焙烤食品、乳制品、罐头食品、 休闲食品、酒饮等专业分类,以及海产品、 进口食品、地方特色食品和食品机械等 归类设置展馆或展区。

Centre will be able to enjoy some preferential policies and certain financial subsidies, according to the project leader.

According to the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation, Ningbo’s first overseas commodity market in Benin is scheduled to officially open in February 2012. The Benin Chinese Economic and Commercial Development Centre (Benin Centre) is located in Cotonou, the biggest port city in Benin in West Africa. Invested by Zhejiang Tianshi International Ec onom ic a n d Te c h n i c a l C o o p e r a t i o n Co. Ltd., the Benin Centre is a five-sto­ rey business building combining exhi­ bition, marketing, storage, meetings, and accommodation space, with a total area of 6,891 square metres. Supported by the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation, the overseas commodity market will officially open on the 1st floor of Benin Centre in February 2012 with eight specially installed shops, 23 standard booths, nine along-thestreet shops and one shelf-type shop. At present, the preparatory work of the investment promotion is ongoing; Ningbo enterprises that plan to set up in the Benin

Ningbo Construction, a company engaged in the construction, engineering and installation sectors, said it had won a RMB 750 millioncontract to build a hotel for the Hilton Hotels and Resorts chain in Xiangshan County. The total construction area will be about 109,800 square metres, and construction period will be about 685 calendar days. 宁波建工(601789)11 月 4 日晚间公告称, 根据 11 月 4 日收到的《中标通知书》,公司 为象山希尔顿度假酒店建设工程中标单位,该 工程位于象山县爵西街道东南沿海,主体为框 架结构,内容包括土建工程、安装工程、装修 工程和室内外附属工程等。公司公告显示,该 工程总建筑面积约 10.97 万平方米,中标造价 为 7.5 亿元,中标工期 685 日历天。

Imported wine in Ningbo up 78.4% between January and October 2011 1~10 月 宁 波 市 累 计 进 口 葡 萄 酒 增 长 78.4% According to the latest statistics by Ningbo Customs, Ningbo has become the largest distribution centre of imported wine in the Zhejiang Province, reports China Ningbo Website. Ningbo has imported a grand total of 8.075 million litres of wine from January to October

December 2011 ningbo focus 11

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 this year, an increase of 78.4% year on year.


The total value of imported grape wine is USD 37.59 million, a growth of 1.5 times compared to the same period last year.

据海关统计,前三季度,宁波口岸累计出口 汽车零件 22.5 亿美元,同比增长 33.5%。美 国和欧盟是主要出口市场,分别出口汽车零 件 5.6 亿 美 元 和 4.7 亿 美 元, 增 长 27.4% 和 35.8%,两者合计占同期出口总额的 45.8%。

France, Italy and Spain are the three main sources of imports, with an import volume of 2.752 million litres, 1.935 million litres and 0.745 million litres respectively, accounting for 67.3% of total volume.

Ningbo launches comprehensive im­ provement project of Gulou area 宁波市鼓楼地段控制性详细规划

公园路和苍水街部分。第二阶段实施呼童街和 府桥街。 为更好地与鼓楼原有风貌相统一,传承这一片 区的历史韵味,整治后,从西河街到呼童街, 将从浅暖色到灰色渐变过渡;同时,街景氛围 则从现代住宅区,过渡到历史文化街区。 这套方案由中国美术学院设计,设计内容含市 政、道路,建筑立面,城市设施与家具,绿化 与小品、公共艺术与城市色彩等。 除了统一、美观外,鼓楼背街小巷改造还十分 注重服务民生。针对改造区域通行难问题,新 方案中作了不少实用性设计,如实现人车分流; 呼童街将增加公共自行车停车点和社区巴士港 湾式停靠站等。

Real­time Bus Information System to be available on smartphones in Ningbo 宁波市民明年起可用智能手机查公交线路 来自海关的最新统计数据显示,今年 1~10 月 宁波市累计进口葡萄酒 807.5 万升,同期增长 78.4%;价值 3759 万美元,增长 1.5 倍。宁 波已成为浙江省最大的进口葡萄酒集散地。 法国、意大利和西班牙为主要进口来源地,分 别进口 275.2 万升、193.5 万升和 74.5 万升, 三者合计占总进口总量的 67.3%

Ningbo exports 1,450 Geely cars to Cuba 1450 辆吉利汽车出口古巴 On 20th October 2011, 1,450 Geely cars were successfully loaded on a Singaporean ship named ‘Ocean Challenger’ at the Beilun Port and exported to Cuba’s Havana Port. This is the largest number of cars ever since Ningbo started to use roll-on/roll-off ships to export cars. According to Ningbo Customs, during the first three quarters of 2011, the Ningbo Port exported automobile parts valued at USD 2.25 billion, an increase of 33.5% over last year. The U.S. and European Union were the main export markets for Ningbo, and the export value of automobile parts reached USD 560 million and USD 470 million, an increase of 27.4% and 35.8% respectively, accounting for 45.8% of the total export in the same period. 2011 年 10 月 20 日,1450 辆吉利汽车在北仑 港码头顺利装上了新加坡籍汽车滚装船“海洋 挑战者”号,前往古巴哈瓦那港口。据悉,这 是宁波港开通汽车滚装船运输出口汽车以来,

12 ningbo focus December 2011

According to the City Administration Bureau of Haishu District, Ningbo, they will redesign the Drum Tower (Gulou) area, the only existing ancient tower relic in Ningbo. The comprehensive improvement project will be divided into two phases. Phase One is now ongoing with Xihe Street, Gongyuan Road and Cangshui Street, which will last for two months. Phase Two will focus on Hutong Street and Fuqiao Street, and the plan is still under discussion. In order to keep the character, style and features of the original Gulou, Haishu District will paint the residential and historical buildings, with gray and light warm colours as the main colour schemes. Designed by the China Academy of Art, the Gulou area will unveil a new face combining both modern and tradition styles together as the roads, building elevation, urban facilities and fittings, and public art are all included in the design. In addition, the Haishu District will also work on the traffic problems by improving the sidewalks and additional bicycle parking lots and the harbour-shaped bus stop at Hutong Street. 鼓楼是我市仅存的古城楼遗址,为更好地与鼓 楼原有风貌相统一,传承这一片区的历史韵味, 海曙区决定将该地块重新设计和定位。 整治主要分两阶段实。第一阶段实施西河街、

Passengers in Ningbo will benefit from the ‘Wireless City, Intelligent Transit’ project cooperated by the Ningbo Transit Corporation and China Mobile starting 2012, reports China Ningbo Website. According to the project, passengers will be able to use their Smartphone to refer to up-to-date transit information at any time wherever they are, via the real-time Bus Information System. According to the Ningbo Transit Corporation, some bus routes will be launched for trial run after the Chinese New Year holiday, and the system is scheduled to cover all the 122 bus routes by the end of 2012. 市公交总公司和中国移动宁波分公司达成战略 合作。这项“无线城市、智慧公交”的建设, 将使宁波市民今后坐公交车出行时,更加便捷。 有了这个系统,市民在市区任何一个地方乘坐 公交车,想去哪里,要去哪里,一查便知。“在 这个系统里,市民还能清楚地看到,你要等的 那路公交车离这个站点还有几站路。” 根据计划,在明年春节后,市公交总公司将推 出部分线路来试运行这个系统,然后逐步推广 到其他线路。到明年底,将把公交总公司所属 的 122 条线路全部覆盖。

Wireless intelligent POS terminals put into service in Ningbo 无线智能刷卡机亮相甬城 Ningbo unveiled a new type of multifunctional wireless intelligent point-of-sale terminal on 16th November 2011, which will

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 serve the public in the city. Residents can purchase tickets, recharge mobile fees, as well as water, electricity and gas payments on the platform since it is cooperating with China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, Shanghai Railway Bureau and the Urban Public Service Department.

格下降,说明浙江是本轮全国楼市调整的急先 锋。最新数据显示,二手住宅价格环比下跌 0.2%,同比下跌 1.3%。

Second­hand house sales in Ningbo dropped to record low in October 2011 宁波 10 月二手房成交量跌破新低

Travel & Tourism / 旅游 National Ocean Wetland Park to be built in Ninghai, Ningbo 国家级海洋湿地公园将建在宁海

The POS terminal has been put in service in some supermarkets, communities and business buildings in Ningbo. 2011 年 11 月 16 日,一种集充值、支付、购票、 挂号等功能于一身的“无线通”智能刷卡机昨 日亮相甬城,这是我市推出的一个面向公众的 社会智能服务平台。 “无线通”惠民智慧服务平台目前已与中国电 信、中国移动、中国联通、上海铁路局及城市 公共服务部门建立合作关系,在该平台上可以 购买飞机票、火车票,进行手机充值以及水、 电、气付费。“无线通”刷卡机目前已陆续在 宁波的超市、社区、商务楼宇投放。

Price of newly­constructed residential buildings in Ningbo sees decline in October 2011 宁波新建商品住宅价格今年首次同比下跌 On 18th November 2011, the National Bureau of Statistics of China released the sale prices of residential buildings in 70 medium and large-sized cities in October 2011. According to the statistics, in October, the price of newly-constructed residential buildings in Ningbo dropped by 0.2% over the same period last year, and it is the first decline in 2011. Compared with that of the previous month, the price dropped by 0.4%, down another 0.2% over the figure in September. Among the 70 medium and large-sized cities, Ningbo and Wenzhou are the only two cities to witness decline in the housing price in October. Statistics also show that the sales price of second-hand residential buildings dropped by 1.3% over the same period last year, and down 0.2% over the previous month. 国家统计局 18 日公布的最新数据显示,10 月 全国 70 个大中城市中,新建商品住宅价格环 比下降城市有 34 个。在房地产调控政策持续 作用下,上月宁波新建商品住宅和二手住宅价 格继续维持跌势。其中,新建商品住宅价格出 现今年以来首次同比下跌 0.2%。上月,宁波 新建商品住宅价格环比下跌 0.4%,同比下跌 0.2%。 70 个大中城市中,仅温州、宁波 2 个城市价

A National Ocean Wetland Park is scheduled to be built in Niutai Village in Ninghai by 2014. With a planning area of about 2,142 acres, and an investment of about RMB 5 billion, the National Ocean Wetland Park will be built on the basis of keeping its original ecology and wetland resources. Only 519 second-hand apartments were sold in Ningbo in October 2011, hitting a record low, according to the Ningbo Real Estate Trading Centre. Officials from the Ningbo Real Estate Trading Centre say Ningbo’s property market has been unstable recently, and the transaction volume of new commercial houses in October dropped to 661, 334 lower than September 2011. It is estimated that the prospect of the sales volume of newly-built houses in Ningbo is not good with some property developers already taking measures in actively promoting sales, but the outcome is not very positive. 10 月份,市六区二手住房成交 519 套,比 9 月份减少 152 套,从今年 4 月开始逐月连续 下降,已经跌到宁波房交中心有统计数据以来 的最低点。 10 月份,市六区卖出商品房 661 套,比 9 月 份少了 334 套。这个数据,仅比楼市调控政 策公布后的 3 月和 4 月略高,全年倒数第三。 市房交中心一位官员预测,现在商品房市场新 盘继续增加,虽然供应充足,但销量不容乐观。 “国家楼市调控政策并没有放松迹象,从现在 的情况来看,已经有一些新楼盘采用低价入市 的方法来推动销量,但销售情况并不是很好。”

The National Ocean Wetland Park will be based on the intertidal wetland and the project will be divided into two phases. The Phase I project will focus on developing the deserted beaches along Niutai Village with the goal of improving its ocean ecological environment. Phase II will focus on building a regional tourist attraction by improving the neighbouring Wu’ao Village. Upon completion, the National Ocean Wetland Park will become another hot tourist attraction in Ningbo with its landscape combining ‘oceans, birds, mountains and forests’. 宁波又一个国家海洋湿地公园宁海国家海洋湿 地公园预计 2014 年在宁海牛台村全面建成。 宁海国家海洋湿地公园养生项目总投资 50 亿 元,总面积 13000 亩,海洋湿地公园的开发 建设,将以保护原始生态结构和不破坏湿地资 源为原则。 其中,一期主要为现在牛台村沿海荒废的海滩, 目标是恢复滨海湿地生态环境,改善湿地候鸟 越冬栖息地,丰富生物多样性。二期把位于牛 台村西侧的武岙村也归纳进来,完善区域旅游 结构。 整体建成之后,公园将集“海、鸟、山、林” 之风光,并兼容古村古桥、十里红妆、海上丝 路等历史人文景观,成为市民休闲旅游的又一 个好去处。

December 2011 ningbo focus 13

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 Ningbo merchant buys property righ­ ts for Danmenshan Islet for RMB 3.44 million 宁波一家公司董事长 344 万购得象山旦 门山岛

Huang Yimin, a businessman from Yuyao in Ningbo, became the owner of Danmenshan Islet, the 1st to-be-exploited uninhabited islet in Xiangshan County on 8th November 2011. The property rights to Danmenshan Islet cost RMB 3.44 million and the duration of use for tourism business is 50 years. Danmenshan Islet lies in the southeast of Xiangshan County with a total length of 1.82 kilometres, a width of 0.52 kilometres and an area of 1 square kilometre.

and the final sale price to Ningbo Gaobao Investment was RMB 20 million. Yang Weihua, General Manager of Ningbo GaoBao Investment Co. Ltd. said that the company plans to invest RMB 500 million to turn Dayangyu Islet into a high-end yachtbased island resort.

全国首个公开拍卖的无居民海岛——大羊屿以 2000 万元的价格,由宁波高宝投资有限公司 买走,出让期限 50 年。大羊屿的起拍价 1500 万元,以 50 万元递增,最后以 2000 万元的 价格,被 6 号竞买人 -- 宁波高宝投资有限公 司买走。 杨伟华,宁波高宝投资有限公司总经理介绍, 他们打算投资 5 亿元,开发以游艇业为主的高 端旅游项目,且已为这个项目组建了专业团队。

Ningbo Baoguo Temple to be built as a national cultural park by 2013 保国寺打造国家级建筑文化园

With its rich natural resources, Huang Yimin has also introduced a large variety of wildlife on the islet, such as wild boar, ducks, and goats and will set up various hunting grounds of different sizes.

Ningbo firm wins bid for land­use right of Dayangyu Islet with RMB 20 million 无人岛大羊屿被宁波高宝投资 2000 万元 买下 Ningbo Gaobao Investment Co. Ltd. has won the land-use right for 50 years of Dayangyu Islet at China’s first auction of uninhabited islet. Starting price was RMB 15 million

14 ningbo focus December 2011

保国寺借 2013 年千年大典的机会,进行整体 功能的提升,打造为国家级建筑文化园。 保国寺千年大典的准备工作去年底就开始启 动,目前正处于方案策划编制阶段,初步拟 定于 2013 年 12 月 8 日宁波历史文化名城保 护日期间举办,以大型庆典仪式为主,以高 端学术论坛和文化艺术大展为支撑,以持续 的造势宣传为辅助。 保国寺计划还将实施整体功能提升,作为千 年大庆的献礼工程,具体包括三大板块:一 是保国寺古建筑群核心板块。二是将增加保 国寺旅游服务设施和功能,丰富文化景观观赏 小品,打造一个集文化观光、科普教育、学术 交流、娱乐体验、休闲度假于一体的国家级建 筑文化公园。三是改造周边村落的不协调景观, 树立良好的文化旅游形象,联合慈城、荪湖等 创建国家 5A 旅游景区。

17 star­rated hotels pass safety stan­ dard evaluations in Ningbo 宁波 17 家星级酒店通过“安检” The safety standards at 17 of Ningbo's starrated hotels have been evaluated, and all have been given the thumbs up. The assessment team ran strict tests within six categories and 23 sub-categories at each hotel, including analysing their safety management systems and networks. Then appropriate suggestions for improvements were put forward. In line with their feedback, other hotels will themselves improve their safety standards, and it is planned that the evaluation of all of the 88 hotels above three-star (and newlybuilt hotels) be completed within the next two years.

黄益民,宁波余姚人,是宁波龙港实业有限公 司董事长。他名下的岛屿叫旦门山岛,在象山 县地界。象山县旦门山岛成为我国首个有明确 使用权的无居民海岛。 据悉,旦门山岛的使用金为 344 万元,使用 年限为 50 年。旦门山岛长 1.82 公里,宽 0.52 公里,面积 1 平方公里左右。 黄益民于 2009 年接手旦门山岛旅游开发,并 在山上放养了大量野猪、野鸭、山羊,开设了 狩猎区。

scientific education, academic exchange and amusement, will be built and, a harmonious landscape with its neighboring villages, will be created.

Ningbo Baoguo Temple is scheduled to be built as a state-level cultural park by December 2013 to welcome its millennium ceremony. During the grand ceremony in 2013, a highend academic forum and a cultural art exhibition will be held to promote cultural c o g n i t i o n a b o u t B a o g u o Te m p l e , t h e best-preserved Northern-Song wooden construction in southern China. According to the project, Ningbo Baoguo Temple will be improved into a national 5A cultural park and in order to achieve this, its ancient buildings will be renovated, a statelevel cultural park combining cultural tour,

宁波市旅游局、安监局、质监局和消防支队近 日组成联合考核小组,宁波市部分星级饭店的 安全生产标准化试点工作进行了考评。从有关 部门了解到,接受“安检”的 17 家星级饭店 均达到 75 分的合格线,通过率 100%。考核 小组对受检饭店的安全管理制度、安全生产管 理网络等 6 大类 23 项内容进行严格打分,并 提出相应的整改意见。 根据试点工作的反馈意见,相关部门还将进一 步修订安全生产标准,以便在未来两年内完成 对全市 88 家三星以上饭店及新增饭店的考核 工作。

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 Two resort hotels in Ningbo rated as five­star tourist hotels 宁波两家度假酒店加入五星级旅游饭店 行列

Recently, Cixi Dapengshan Hotel and New Century Resort Kaiyuan Jiulong Lake Ningbo have been rated as five-star tourist hotels by China’s National Tourism Bureau. There are currently 18 five-star tourist hotels in Ningbo. 近日,我市的慈溪达蓬山大酒店和开元宁波九 龙湖度假村两家酒店顺利通过了国家旅游局组 织的五星级旅游饭店正式评审。两家度假酒店 加入五星级旅游饭店行列,使我市的五星级旅 游饭店达到 18 家。

Ningbo Tourism Outlet Centre set up in Jiangxi's Nanchang 宁波在南昌设立旅游直销中心 The opening ceremony of the ‘Ningbo Tourism (Nanchang) Outlet Centre’ was held in Nanchang, south China’s Jiangxi province on 16th November 2011, reports Ningbo Evening News. S t a t i s t i c s f r o m t h e N i n g b o To u r i s t Administration show the total number of tourists coming from Jiangxi saw a yearon-year growth of 76.89% in 2010. From January to July this year, the number of tourists saw a 58.68% increase compared to the same period last year. At the same time, the number of tourists from Ningbo to Jiangxi is growing significantly in recent years. In addition, direct weekend tourist bus services from Nanchang to Ningbo will be launched in December 2011. 2011 年 11 月 16 日下午,宁波旅游直销中心 在江西南昌正式挂牌成立,旅游“快车道”开 到了“英雄城”。 近年来,江西特别是南昌成为来甬游客增幅最 快的地区之一。据市旅游局统计,去年宁波旅 行社共接待江西游客 19773 人次,同比增长 76.89%。今年前 7 个月,来甬旅游的江西游 客已突破万人,同比增长 58.68%。 同时,我市计划于 12 月份开通南昌至宁波的 周末直通车。

Events / 展会 Ningbo hosts 2011 China Food Expo 中国食博会在宁波举行

year. 19 projects were signed at the expo, of which, four are foreign-funded, with a total investment of USD 330 million and contract foreign capital totalling RMB 170 million. Nine projects are domestic-funded, with total investment of RMB 6.98 billion whilst six are technological projects, with a total investment of RMB 206 million. 第十三届中国塑料博览会于 2011 年 11 月 9 日在余姚举办。据塑博会组委会统计,4 天来 累计参会客商达 22.5 万人次,总交易额 41.1 亿元,分别比上届增长 12.1% 和 1.7%,再创 历史新高,为中国塑料城的新跨越增添了华美 乐章。

The 2011 China Food Exposition will be held at the Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Centre from 30th November until 4th December 2011. With an area of 720,000 square metres and 3,600 international standard booths, the expo will have eight pavilions. Enterprises from all over the country will take part in the expo. Many transnational retail groups such as Metro, Auchan and Carrefour are expected at the expo to make purchases. Internationalisation will become one of the highlights at this year’s expo as the number of overseas enterprises is expected to be 30% more than last year’s. 2011 中国食品博览会 ( 以下简称食博会 ) 定于 11 月 30 日 -12 月 4 日在宁波国际会展中心举 行,港、澳、台大规模特展区首次亮相。 设 8 个展馆,展览面积 72000 平方米,国际 标准展位 3600 个。目前,各省、市、自治区 以及港、澳、台三地的企业都将组团参展参会, 雨润、东阿等国内食品龙头企业更是特装展出。 此外,麦德龙、易买得、欧尚、乐购、家乐福 等跨国零售集团将到会采购。 从招展招商情况看,国际化将成为本届食博会 的一大亮点,预计到会参展的境外食品企业数 量将比往届增加 30%。

The 13th China Plastics Expo in Ningbo achieved a turnover of RMB 4.11 billion 第十三届中国塑料博览会再创新高 The 13th China Plastics Expo closed in Yuyao on 9th November 2011 with a turnover amounting to RMB 4.11 billion, up 1.7%, of which, the turnover made in the exhibition halls reached RMB 2.35 billion, up 3.5%. The expo received 225,000 merchants, an increase of 12.1% over the same period last

招商引资成效显著。本届塑博会共有 19 个项 目场内签约,其中外资项目 4 个,总投资 3.3 亿美元,协议外资 1.7 亿美元;内资项目 9 个, 总投资 69.8 亿元;科技合作项目 6 个,总投 资 2.06 亿元。

Ningbo held 5th Ningbo Capital­ raising Fair for SMEs 第五届宁波市中小企业融资洽谈会举行 The 5th Ningbo Capital-raising Fair for Med­ ium and Small Enterprises was held during the Housing Expo at the Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Centre. Over 500 medium, small and micro enterprises from all the counties and districts of Ningbo attended the fair to communicate with 20 banks such as Bank of China, ICBC, China Zheshang Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and some other microcredit companies. It is said that since the beginning of this year, the services of urban and rural microcredit loans and special loans from medium and small enterprises have been carried out jointly by the Private Companies Association of the Daxie Development Zone and the branch of Bank of China in Daxie Island. Over 800 enterprises and 70 private businesses have benefited from the services. In Beilun District, the Private Companies Association signed a credit agreement of RMB 300 million with the small business credit centre of China Merchants Bank to support the qualified private enterprises with the demanded capitals. Other institutes, such as the branch of Yinzhou Private Enterprises Association, Ningbo Light & Textile Industrial City Co. Ltd. and Minsheng Bank, also introduced credits ranging from RMB 200,000 to RMB 500,000 to help private businesses accelerate the turnover of their funds.

December 2011 ningbo focus 15

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 第五届宁波市中小企业融资洽谈会在宁波国际 会展中心举行,洽谈会由宁波市工商行政管理 局、宁波市民营企业协会、住博会组委会与东 南商报社联合主办,约 500 家中小企业与 20 多家银行业金融机构现场进行了融资意向对 接。

Ningbo delegations held promotions in Tokyo during 'Japan • Ningbo Week' 日本 • 宁波周:宁波各地分团在东京举行 推介会

今年以来,我市大榭开发区民营企业协会与中 国银行大榭支行合作推出了城乡小额保证保险 贷款及中小企业特色贷款业务,现已惠及大榭 800 余家企业和 70 多家个体工商户。招行小 企业信贷中心则与北仑区民营企业协会签署了 3 亿元的意向授信协议,以支持当地符合标准 和资金需求的中小型民营企业。

The Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port held a promotional conference on investment in Tokyo during the ‘Japan • Ningbo Week’ on 17th November 2011. The industrial policies and investment environment of Meishan were introduced to over 50 Japanese companies, reports

而鄞州区民营个体协会石碶分会、宁波轻纺城 股份有限公司和民生银行也推出了 20 万至 50 万元信贷额度,帮助个体户周转资金。

Ningbo delegation attended the 4th Overseas Ningbo Culture Week in Nagaokakyo 第四届海外宁波文化周在日本长冈京市 举行

During the ‘Japan • Ningbo Week’, delegations from Ningbo participated in the Japan Nagoya Exposition and they displayed the city image, investment environment and development zone of Ningbo. 2011 年 11 月 17 日,宁波梅山保税港区在东 京举行投资合作推介会,向日本 50 多家以物 流和先进制造业为主的企业推介梅山产业政策 和投资环境。副市长王仁洲出席推介会。 在日本 • 宁波周活动期间,我市还组团参加了 日本名古屋博览会,集中展示了宁波的城市形 象、投资环境和开发园区等。

Westin Hotels Brings Its Heavenly Beds to Ningbo 威斯汀酒店为宁波带来天梦之床 Westin Hotels & Resorts launched a unique road show in China celebrating the iconic Westin Heavenly Bed China Campaign between 5th and 13th November 2011. Over 30 delegates headed for Nagaokakyo, Japan, on 9th November 2011 and attended the 4th Overseas Ningbo Culture Week. In recent years, Ningbo has focused on strengthening its international cultural exchanges. Ningbo has been involved with over 60 individual projects with over 20 foreign countries including France, America, Britain, Turkey, Poland and Australia since 2004, with a wide range of different projects including Yong Opera, Yue Opera, folk music, calligraphy and non-material cultural heritage.

In Ningbo, the road show debuted at Tianyi Square. 12 white beds were displayed in the centre of the square where hundreds of Ningbo citizens experienced the legendary

comfort of a Westin ‘Heavenly Bed’. ‘The Westin Ningbo will open soon, and we are very happy to have locals experience the unique Westin culture and our world leading products ahead of time. I sincerely welcome all of Ningbo to visit the hotel after the opening,’ said Mr Eddie Tang, General Manager of The Westin Ningbo. Over the years, Westin’s sumptuous 10-layer ‘Heavenly Bed’ has been enjoyed by more than 75 million hotel guests including U.S. Presidents, Hollywood celebrities and professional athletes. The Heavenly Bed China Road Show coincides with dramatic expansion of the Westin brand in China, with 11 new hotels joining its existing portfolio of 13 awardwinning properties over the next three years. These new hotels will be located in Xian, Ningbo, Xiamen, Changbaishan, Sanya, Haikou, Taiyan, Chongqing, Qingdao, and Wenzhou among others. Brian Povinelli, Global Brand Leader for Westin Hotels & Resorts added, ‘Since the launch of the ‘Heavenly Bed’, we’ve strengthened our commitment to bringing a little bit of ‘Heaven’ to our guests - a rewarding mission that has earned Westin tremendous trust and loyalty.’ 威斯汀酒店及度假村于 2011 年 11 月 5 至 13 日期间在中国掀起享誉全球的威斯汀天梦之床 “寻梦之旅”中国路演活动。 在宁波,威斯汀天梦之床“寻梦之旅”中国路 演于最中心最繁华的天一广场瞩目开启。12 张纯白色的大床在广场中心打造了一个别具一 格的空间,众多宁波市民亲身体验了天梦之床 的美妙之处。

宁波市代表团在日本长冈京市,参加 2011 年 11 月 9 日举办的第四届海外宁波文化周活动。 近年来,宁波市相继与法国、美国、英国、土 耳其、波兰、澳大利亚等 20 余个国家实施文 化交流项目 60 余批次,涉及甬剧、越剧、民乐、 音乐舞蹈、书法美术、非物质文化遗产等艺术 门类和文化学术交流等内容,所到之处均引起 较好反响。“宁波出品”也正在成为中国文化 走向世界舞台的一股活跃力量,是海外观众更 直接地感知宁波,体验宁波文化艺术的桥梁。

16 ningbo focus December 2011

CITY NEWS BRIEFS |城市新闻摘要 “宁波威斯汀酒店即将开业, 非常高兴借此 机会让久盼威斯汀的宁波市民提前感受威斯汀 独特的文化和国际领先的产品。在此诚意邀请 各位贵宾在酒店开业后光临宁波威斯汀酒店, 更多创意设计和焕新灵动的服务恭候大家体 验。”宁波威斯汀酒店总经理陈熙构说。 多年来,威斯汀天梦之床的十层豪华睡床,获 得了美国总统、好莱坞名人及专业运动员等 7500 万名宾客的青睐。 在天梦之床“寻梦之旅”中国路演进行的同时, 威斯汀品牌也大举拓展中国市场。未来三年, 将会有 11 家全新酒店加入其现有 13 家颇受 赞誉的酒店之列。新酒店将分别亮相于宁波、 西安、厦门、长白山、三亚、海口、太原、重 庆、青岛、温州及九龙山。 威斯汀酒店及度假村全球品牌领导人 Brian Povinelli 先生补充道:“自天梦之床面世以来, 我们便一直坚守信念,通过推出全新零售产品 及各项创新计划,为宾客呈献卓尔不凡的优质 服务 -- 就是这样一份使命,让威斯汀赢得了 宾客的信任和忠实支持。”

Rolls­Royce Driving Tour “劳斯莱斯汽车(宁波)— 全系车型奢 享自驾游” 22nd October 2011, saw Rolls-Royce present their inaugural driving tour. Participants from all over Zhejiang made their way in various makes of the classic automobile. 8:30 am saw a line of scene-stealing cars departing Ningbo heading for the Putuo International Yacht Club. Upon reaching the docks, the drivers and passengers made

their way onto a yacht hired for the occasion.


The afternoon was spent sailing the seas in and around Putuo Island, with the highlight being an around-the-bend reveal of the 33-metre-tall Guanyin – a Buddhist Goddess of Love.

众人分坐在两艘游艇上,不分年龄,大家几乎 都坐在了外面,待游艇正式启航加速,随之而 来的风与白色的浪花时刻冲击着感官,也暂时 让人将左右烦恼与焦虑一并抛在脑后,尽情享 受。 在靠近 “海天佛国” 普陀山时,船长特 地放慢了速度,巨大的南海观音映入眼帘,无 关信仰,在海上看观音自然是别有一番感触。 当晚在下榻的酒店内,另有一场别开生面的晚 宴。觥筹交错间,在欢声笑语中众人彼此分享 着一天的感受。

With the day finishing off over a luxurious dinner and an evening of socialising, RollsRoyce reminds us that a car can mean so much more than getting you from A to Z. 一阵秋雨一阵凉 ,10 月末的天气把这句话印证 得恰到好处 . 也选择在 10 月 29 日 ---- 这凉凉 的秋末正式启动,开启了为期两天的愉悦篇章。 此次自驾游活动也是劳斯莱斯汽车有限公司的 首次尝试,客户有来自宁波本市的,来自杭州, 金华,温州等邻近地区的,也有从苏州特地赶 过来的,共有 7 组客户应邀热情参与。活动目 的地设在了素有 “千岛之城”之称的舟山。

Wine­pairing dinner at Lobster Bar and Grill 宁波香格里拉大酒店龙虾酒吧扒房葡萄 酒品鉴晚宴

早上 8:30 开始,客户们陆陆续续抵达劳斯 莱斯汽车(宁波)展厅,而他们的爱车也各具 特色,幻影软顶敞篷;幻影欢庆女神百年纪念 典藏版;以及参与本次活动最多的车型 --- 古 思特,它们极具个性化的外观与内饰似乎也暗 示了客户们的独一无二。在介绍了活动大致流 程及注意事项后,劳斯莱斯车队在领航车的带 领下,浩浩荡荡地从展厅出发 。 一路上车队井然有序,欢庆女神银色徽标在阳 光下熠熠生辉。海天相间的宽阔道路上,劳斯 莱斯车队形成了一道亮丽的风景线,路人们纷 纷驻足观看。 当 天 下 午, 前 往 本 次 自 驾 游 另 一 环 节 目 的 地——普陀国际游艇基地,乘坐游艇出海游玩。 老天给足了面子,尽管天气预报有雨,下午却 阳光灿烂,眺望间,碧海蓝天,山海之间恣意

Lobster Bar and Grill's Diane & Vladi 龙虾酒吧扒房的 Diane 和 Vladi

A five-course wine-pairing dinner, sponsored by EMW, was held at the Lobster Bar and Grill on 14th November 2011 where guests were serenaded by the sounds of Diane and Vladi, and indulged in a feast for the senses with Gerard Bertrand, Reserve Speciale Chardonnay, Gerard Bertrand, Reserve Sepciale Cabernet- Sauvignon, Gerard Bertrand, Terroir Minervois Syrah-Carignan AOC, Gerard Bertrand, Cigalus Rouge, Gerard Bertrand, Grain de Muscat, all paired with Chef David Morell’s culinary creations of pan-seared scallops, poached sirloin of Australian veal, crispy beef shank parcel, and roasted rack of Mongolian free-range lamb. 宁波香格里拉大酒店龙虾酒吧扒房 2011 年 11 月 14 日晚举行由 EMW 配合赞助的五道大餐 的葡萄酒品鉴晚宴。晚宴在 Diane 和 Vladi 悠 扬的歌声中拉开帷幕。龙虾酒吧扒房厨师长 David Morell 的创意配菜,结合了扇贝、澳洲 西冷牛肉及烤蒙古羊肉等,奉上煎带子配上芝 麻菜和油醋汁,澳洲小牛西冷配上牛肝菌,脆 炸的牛健配橄榄榛子,烤羊排配黑醋栗汁和烩 白芸豆,再配上橘黄桃配青柠泡沫的饭后甜品。 葡萄酒品鉴晚宴将美酒与美食完美地融合在一 起,呈现了一场典雅创意的盛宴。 Source & Photos by (信息及图片来源):,, Rolls-Royce & Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo

December 2011 ningbo focus 17


The First China Marine Economy Investment Fair 2011 首届中国海洋经济投资洽谈会

Industry Focus

Ningbo’s Marine Economy By Shannon McAtasney


o-sponsored by the People’s Govern­ ment of Zhejiang Province, and the National Bureau of Oceanography, and co-hosted by the Ningbo Municipal People’s Government and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce, the first China Marine Economy Investment Fair 2011 took place this past November. Organisers chose the ‘Scientific Development Outlook’ as their guiding theme aimed at exploring scientific approaches to the development and transformation of local marine territories. The fair served as an integrated platform to carry out national marine economy cooperation, exchange, and investment, while serving to promote the development of both China and Zhejiang marine eco­ nomy via a series of activities which in­ cluded the opening ceremony, exhibition, contract signings, introductions, personnel recruitment, academic and experts enterprise trip, achievement conference negotiations, summit and forums, organised with the objective of combining fund seeking while introducing talents, and gathering the core

18 ningbo focus December 2011

elements of the development of the marine economy. The fair presented the following features and highlights: The strength of the national marine economy was on full display in the national pavilion where 1,280 square metres of space dis­ played the 60-year development and achievements of China’s marine economy. On display were the strategies of marine economy development, the legislation and the construction of service systems, safeguards of marine rights and interests, improvements of the marine ecological environment, expansion of marine development space, and marine culture construction. Zhejiang, Shandong and Guangdong Province, which are the three experimental provinces of national marine economy development, each took up 300 square metres respectively. Among them, the Zhejiang Pavilion displayed the blue print of Zhejiang marine economy development and demonstration plots, with its theme of ‘Zhejiang on the Sea’.

Besides history, great attention was given to presentation and decorative details. Every exhibition hall had its own distinguishing feature. Apart from using the excellent resources for sound, light and power to maxi­ mise the effects of audio-visual techniques, some exhibition halls, such as Zhejiang, Ningbo, and Zhoushan Pavillions also made great efforts in decorative presentation. Developing marine territory is a key strategy of China's economic and social development. The year 2011 is the first year of China’s ‘12-5’ Plan. Ningbo’s holding the first China Marine Economy Investment Fair was of fundamental importance in fully carrying out the strategy of national marine development, improving the scientific usage of marine resources, and promoting the sustainable development of marine economy. ■ Photos by: Ningbo Hixpo Conference & Exhibition Co. Ltd.



宁波海洋经济 作者:Shannon McAtasney

由浙江省人民政府、国家海洋局主办, 国家发展改革委为指导单位,宁波市人民政府、 浙江省发展改革委、浙江省海洋与渔业局、浙 江省商务厅、浙江省海洋经济工作办公室具体 承办。本届海洽会于 2011 年举办。本届海洽 会以科学发展观为指导,以“科学利用蓝色国 土、加快推进转型升级”为主题,通过举办展 览展示、项目签约、推介恳谈、人才招聘、峰 会论坛等五大板块活动,搭建海洋经济合作、 交流与投资的综合平台,推动全国海洋经济发 展和浙江海洋经济发展示范区建设。 本届海洽会按照“层次高端、特色鲜明、 实效突出”的目标要求,力求呈现出以下特色 和亮点: 一是全面展示海洋经济新实力。在本届海 洽会展览展示中,国家馆展览面积高达 1280 平方米,以“海洋经济与蓝色文明”为主题, 宣传中国海洋经济 60 年发展历程和发展成果, 详细展示中国海洋经济发展战略、海洋经济立 法、海洋经济发展服务体系建设、海洋权益维 护、海洋生态环境改善、海洋发展空间拓展和 海洋文化建设等七个方面的成就。我国海洋经 济发展三个试点省份浙江、山东、广东的展区 也各有 300 平方米的展览面积。其中,浙江 馆以“海上浙江”为主题,全面展示浙江海洋 经济发展示范区规划蓝图,展示浙江海洋经济 发展在基础设施、港口物流、临港工业、新兴 产业、现代渔业、生态保护、综合管理等方面 的主要成就。 二是生动展现海洋经济新成就。各展馆 新颖美观,既突出了海洋主题,又凸显了地方 特色。除了运用声、光、电等现代化手段增强 视听效果外,部分展馆还在实物布置上下足功 夫。浙江馆、宁波馆、舟山馆等通过沙盘、图 文、实物和模型等多位一体的形式,采用声、 光、电、影等现代综合视觉载体,全面展示海 洋经济的发展成就和规划蓝图。 三是共同谋划海洋经济新蓝图。开发海 洋是我国经济社会发展的重要战略部署,国家 “十二五”规划纲要专门用一章部署海洋经济 工作。今年是“十二五”开局之年,在宁波举 办国家级首届中国海洋经济投资洽谈会,对全 面实施国家海洋发展战略、提升我国科学利用 海洋资源、促进海洋经济可持续发展等都具有 ■ 十分重要的意义。


December 2011 ningbo focus 19


Meet Carl Fey,

Dean of Not­tingham University Business School China, Dean of The University of Nottingham Ningbo China’s Faculty of Social Sciences & Professor of International Business By Shannon McAtasney


rofessor Carl F Fey is Dean of Not­ tingham University Business School China and Dean of The University of Nottingham Ningbo China’s Faculty of Social Sciences. He is Professor of International Business. Prior to joining Nottingham University Business School China he was a Professor at Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden where, amongst other responsibilities, he helped the school start and develop a branch campus in Russia which became one of the two leading business schools in Russia for executive education and EMBA programmes. Prof Fey has a PhD from the University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business in Canada. Prof Fey is a founding member of the 1,700member International Association of Chinese Management Research and served on its executive board between 2008 and 2010. Prof Fey has also served as visiting professor at China Europe International Business School in Shanghai. An avid skier, runner, cyclist, and mountainclimber, Prof Fey speaks English, Russian, Swedish, and some German. In his late teens he started a business to export sport products from Russia to the US. While running the business, other firms were asking him to do some consulting work for them and he found this was a good fit for him and thus he returned to school to tool up and ended up getting a PhD in International Business. His dissertation focused on how to design joint ventures between Russia and foreign countries. Through the years, he has built an active consulting practice in Russia where he has worked with not only the leading but also some struggling Russian companies to help make them successful turn-arounds by increasing their organisational effectiveness. Prof Fey has become known for adapting international best practice to local realities and for building practical solutions around his research such as his China-specific model of organisational culture and effectiveness where he has benchmarking data on organ­ isational culture and effectiveness from over 200 firms in China.

20 ningbo focus December 2011

In considering the decision to head up Nottingham University Business School China, Prof Fey states, ‘I was attracted to Nottingham because I thought I could add substantive value here. I saw in Nottingham an institution that has a commitment to developing people’s thinking ability, rather than simply filling heads with facts. One of the ways we are enhancing our programmes here is by including a major focus on case teaching, so that our students get more opportunities to analyse real-life business challenges and develop their abilities to come up with innovative, profitable solutions. They graduate with practical entrepreneurial skills, giving them major competitive advantages whether they go on to work for employers or themselves.’ Prof Fey goes on to discuss his vision for the Nottingham University Business School China and its teaching and programmes, ‘I don’t mean to forget about lectures but rather to complement traditional teaching methods with more interactive activities such as case studies, discussions, simulations, and role plays. I believe that by sitting passively in the classroom, you don’t learn half as well as you do by being active in the class. If I ask, ‘What do you think about this?’ You might get silence from a student. On the other hand, if I give the students 10 minutes to work as a team to discuss about something and then I say, ‘What does your team think about this?’, I find students being very competitive and happy to share their team’s view and show why their team’s view is best. ‘So when someone tells me that Chinese students are quiet and don’t want to share their views or take part in interactive education, I say they have misunderstood things. They have seen an individual who naturally may not engage individually, but turn it into group-level participation; you get very strong buy-in. Also to some degree we want to teach people to become comfortable to share their individual views more as this will be a value to organisations where they work.’

the business school more around what he calls his three I’s. ‘International - with 60 faculties from over 20 countries and being a foreign business school in China with over 2,500 students, we are a natural partner for anyone with any international interests. Interactive - because we are making a big push on more interactive teaching and closer interaction with the business community such as having our students do consulting projects for firms. Innovative - because we are always looking for ways to do things differently and trying to be at the cutting edge. We will also be putting a big focus on entrepreneurship, innovation management and international business which are not traditional strengths of business schools. ‘Further if you look around Ningbo, there are not many providers of executive education - that is providing high-level training for managers in concentrated blocks while they continue to work full time in-between the modules. This is an area we will be aggressively entering. We also plan to begin what I call ‘the Dean’s CEO Forum’ which will be made up of 50 or more Ningbo area CEOs. Once every three months, participants will gather and following a short presentation by a professor and a manager, there will be a discussion/idea exchange guided by a moderator (there will be no fee for participation). The goal is to create an environment in which people find stimulating for innovative ideas. ‘I am very fortunate that my predecessors have built a solid foundation here at Notting­ ham and now I get to build a great castle on top of that foundation.’ With Prof Fey’s long international experience, innovative vision, and the commitment to get things accomplished, Nottingham University Business School China appears to be in good hands and have a bright and exciting future ahead of it. ■ Photo by: UNNC

Prof Fey also talks about his efforts to focus


结识宁波诺丁汉大学商学院院长, 兼任国际商务学教授 卡尔 • 费教授 作者:Shannon McAtasney

卡尔 • 院长费教授是宁波诺丁汉大学商学 院院长,兼任国际商务学教授。在加入中国诺 丁汉大学商学院之前,他是瑞典斯德哥尔摩经 济学院的一名教授,在那里他帮助学校在俄罗 斯成立分院,目前该分院成为俄罗斯两所进行 高级管理培训项目和 EMBA 项目领先的商科 学校之一。费院长在加拿大西安大略大学毅伟 商学院获取了博士学位。 费院长是拥有 1,700 名成员的中国管理 研究国际协会的创始成员之一,并在 2008 年 至 2010 期间担任该组织的执行委员。院长费 院长也曾在位于上海的中欧国际工商学院担任 客座教授。 费院长热爱滑雪、跑步、骑自行车和爬山, 除英语外,他能说流利的俄语、瑞典语和一些 德语,从他的少年时期,他就接触到了将体育 产品从俄罗斯出口到美国的业务。在接触这些 业务的同时,其他的公司也会向他请求提供咨 询。费院长觉得这是他的一个不错的选择,因 此他决定重返学校获得博士学位。他论文的主 题为如何设计俄罗斯和其他国家之间的合资企 业。在那几年里,他在俄罗斯开展了一系列活 跃的咨询实践活动,在那里他不仅和领先的公 司合作,也帮助一些挣扎的俄罗斯公司,加强 组织的有效性,使得他们成功地逆转局面。费 教授因把著名的国际最佳实践适应到当地的实 际情况并在他的研究中提供实际解决方案而著 名,例如,他有获得来自中国的 200 多家企 业组织文化和有效性的数据以研究中国基准模 型的切实可行的解决方案。 对于来到宁波诺丁汉大学商学院的决定, 费院长如是说道:“我被吸引而来是因为我想 我能为这儿带来实质性的价值。我看到的是学 校致力于发展学生的思维能力,而不是简单地 往学生脑子里灌装知识。我们将引进的一个重 要教学方法之一就是通过提供案例教学法以巩 固和加强现有的课程,使我们的学生获得更多 机会去分析现实生活中面临的商业挑战以提高 自己的能力,提出创新的可盈利的解决方案。 这样,当他们毕业时,拥有实际创业技能,无 论是去找工作或者自己创业都具有很强的竞争 优势。 费院长继续谈论着他对宁波诺丁汉大学 商学院,及其教学和课程的观点:“我的意思

不是说要忘记讲座 式 的 授 课 方 法, 而 是想在传统的教学 方法上补充更多的 互 动 活 动, 如 商 业 案 例 研 究、 讨 论、 商战模拟和角色扮 演。 我 认 为 被 动 地 在教室里坐着比活 跃在课堂上要少学 到 一 半 的 东 西。 在 课堂上,如果我问: ‘对此你有什么想 法?’ 你 可 能 会 得 到沉默。另一方面, 如果我给学生 10 分 钟, 让 他 们 形 成 一 个 小 组 一 起 讨 论, 我 再 问:‘ 对 此 你 们的团队有什么想 法?’ 我 发 现 学 生 们会变得很有竞争性,并很高兴分享他们小组 的观点,证明他们小组的观点是最棒的 “当有人告诉我,中国学生很安静,不愿 意表达,也不想参加互动教学,我想他们误解 了一些东西。他们看到了不想以个人发言的学 生,但如果把他们变成小组参与,你就会发现 他们会非常积极。因此在某种程度上,我们要 教会学生怎么样分享表达他们的个人观点,因 为这对他们以后就业的公司也是很有价值的。” 费院长也谈到他正努力加快商学院的 发 展, 用 他 的 话 说 是 3 个“I”。 国 际 化 (International) – 拥 有 来 自 全 球 20 多 个 国 家和地区的 60 多人国际教师队伍和拥有超 过 2500 名 学 生的 商 学 院, 我们 是 任 何 一个 想要参与国际业务的企业的天然伙伴。互动 性(Interactive)– 因 为 我 们 将 引 入 更 多 的 互动式教学,并与商界加强密切联系,如我 们的学生会给公司做一些咨询项目。创新性 (Innovative)- 因为我们一直在寻找不同的 方法来处理事情,并努力保持处于尖端水平。 我们也将加强发展企业创业学研究,创新管理 及国际商务课程,这些并不属于其他商学院的 传统强势学科。

Professor Carl F Fey 卡尔 • 院长费教授

有很多学校提供高级管理培训课程——集中时 间提供课程培养企业的高层次人才,当然这些 课程都安排在他们的全职工作之余。这是我们 重点要发展的领域。另外,我们正计划开始我 们称之为“院长的 CEO 论坛”,它是由宁波 地区 50 位 CEO 组成的。论坛每三个月举行 一次,由一位导师指导,大家交换彼此的想法 并展开互动讨论,这是不收费的。我们的目标 是创造一种环境激发更多的创新想法以促进企 业发展。 “我很幸运,诺丁汉的前辈们给我们的 商学院打造了一个非常坚实的基础,现在我可 以在这个基础上建造一座城堡。” 费院长长期而又丰富的国际经验,创新 的视野以及做事的决心将给是宁波诺丁汉大学 ■ 商学院带来一个美好的未来。



December 2011 ningbo focus 21


Home-grown Success Ningbo Fotile Kitchen Ware Co. Ltd. 本土的骄傲,宁波方太厨具有限公司 By ( 作者 ): Elaine Chan 陈芳宜


ounded in 1996, Ningbo FOTILE Kitchen Ware Co. Ltd. specialises in manufacturing, researching and developing electric kitchen appliances. The company devotes itself to provide well-designed, quality high-end kitchen appliances, integrated kitchen and water heater products.

Fotile CEO: Mao Zhongqun 方太集团总裁茅忠群

22 ningbo focus December 2011

FOTILE adheres to a ‘professional, highend’ strategy. Its brand value has been increasing constantly. FOTILE has been honoured as ‘China Well-known Trademark’ and ‘Chinese Famous Brand’. For four consecutive years it has been awarded ‘Top 500 China's Most Valuable Brands’. Based on a Chinese consumer survey measuring brand popularity, FOTILE was recognised as a ‘Top Brand’ in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Its brand recognition, consumer loyalty, preorder rate are all amongst the best in the industry. Its market share reaches 30% in high-end production lines. In 2011, FOTILE

won ‘A National Quality Prize’, a first for the industry, demonstrating a great breakthrough in China’s kitchen appliance production development. FOTILE was further recognised as a winner of the ‘2011 CCTV China Annual Brand’. FOTILE currently employs more than 8,000 individuals. In addition to local design teams, FOTILE has designers from Germany, Japan, and Italy. The company maintains advanced kitchen manufacturing facilities and internationally-recognised industrial production technology. Every year FOTILE puts 5% of its revenue into research and development. It has a team of more than 200 research and development personnel, two national electrical laboratories, the only state-level enterprise technology centre in this industry and the world's largest, most advanced kitchen electric laboratory which covers an area of 6,000 square metres.

FEATURE |专栏 In 2010, FOTILE became a leading contri­ butor to the national ‘Eleventh Five-year Plan’, contributing to key scientific project: kitchen and bathroom pollution control and environmental function improvement technology. FOTILE participates in the electro-technical industry’s international standards revision project as the only Chinese representative from the kitchen appliance industry, demonstrating its wellrespected status. The company has a goal to become an internationally respected enterprise. After entering into the overseas market, FOTILE kitchen appliances and integrated kitchen series performed very well. FOTILE sees personal character as well as enterprise character as key components of its products. This dual aspect of its mission carries over to the company’s devotion to the individual employee along with the respective success of the organisation. FOTILE has set up 52 sales outlets and 862 service branches nationally. A comprehensive sales network covers every city and province except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. By 2010, FOTILE has set up a complete sales channel system including home appliance chains, building materials supermarkets, traditional department stores, ambry businesses, engineering organisations, boutiques, e-business, and wholesale purchases. More than 1,500 specially trained engineers work via the national hotline, 4000315315, to provide after-sales service to customers. ■ Photos by: Ningbo Fotile Kitchen Ware Co. Ltd.

方太创建于 1996 年,始终专 注于高端嵌入式厨房电器的研发和 制造,不断致力于为追求高品质生 活的人们,提供领先设计、卓越品 质的高端嵌入式厨电、集成厨房和 热水器产品;提供高品质的厨房及 家用产品,倡导健康环保的生活方 式,让千万家庭享受更加幸福的居 家生活。 方太始终坚持“专业化、高端 化、精品化”的战略性定位,品牌 实力不断提升。“方太”先后被评 为中国驰名商标和中国名牌,品牌 价值连续四年位列“中国 500 最 具价值品牌”同行业第一。在第三 方进行的“中国消费者理想品牌大 调查”中,继 2008 年后方太再次 蝉联“2010 中国消费者第一理想 品牌”称号,蝉联 2009、2010、2011 年三届“中 国公司人品牌调查”厨电占有率第一名,品牌 知名度、忠诚度、预购率等多项指标均稳居行 业第一,在高端市场的占有率达到 30% 以上。 2011 年,方太更是荣膺行业的首个“全国质 量奖”,实现了中国厨电行业的巨大突破,与 此同时,方太品牌多年的积淀也让 2011CCTV 中国年度品牌实至名归。 方太目前在全国已有员工 8000 余人,除 雄厚的本土设计实力,方太还拥有来自德、日、 意等地的设计力量和最先进的高端厨房生产设 备及国际工业制造先进技术。方太坚持每年将 不少于收入的 5% 投入研发,拥有 200 余人 的研发人才团队,2 个国家级电气实验室,行 业内唯一的国家级企业技术中心,并拥有占地 6000 平米的世界上规模最大、设施最先进的 厨电实验室。 2010 年,方太成为中国吸油烟机标准化 工作组组长单位,并主导了国家“十一五”重 点科研项目“厨房卫生间污染控制与环境功能 改善”技术课题的研究,并作为国内厨电行业 唯一代表参加了国际电工委员会有关烟机行业

国际标准的修订,其专业地位再获肯定。 进军海外市场后,方太厨房电器、集成 厨房等系列产品在海外高端市场表现优秀,方 太已逐渐发展成为世界专业的高品质家庭厨房 解决方案提供者。方太以“人品、企品、产品 三品合一”为核心价值观,“让家的感觉更好” 为企业使命,以专业驱动厨房科技,致力于帮 助每一位员工成功,成为一家受人尊敬的卓越 企业。向着“成为受人尊敬的世界一流企业” 宏伟远景迈进。 方 太 在 全 国 设 立 了 52 销 售 机 构, 销 售 网络覆盖除港、澳、台之外的所有省市。到 2010 年,方太建立了家电连锁、建材超市、 传统百货、橱柜商、工程、专卖店、电子商务、 网络团购等完备的销售通路系统。 同时,方太在全国拥有 1500 多名训练有 素的服务工程师队伍,以 4000315315 全国服 ■ 务热线为消费者提供专业的售后服务。 图片来源:宁波方太厨具有限公司

December 2011 ningbo focus 23


A Foreign Company in Ningbo

Barker Jørgensen Industrial Fans (Ningbo) Co. Ltd. By Elaine Chan


ocated in the Nordic Industrial Park (NIP) in Zhenhai, Ningbo, Denmark-based Barker Jørgensen has more than 50 years of experience in supplying high quality fans to the power and energy sectors. Other industries include paper & wood, oil & chemical, food & marine. Applications include filter systems, incinerators, material transport, inert gas systems, ventilation and boilers. Since its inception in 1919, the company is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of fans and equipment for the heating energy sector. Barker Jørgensen delivers projects all over the world to customers such as Alstom Danmark, global leader in equipment and services for waste incineration plants. The company has supplied fans to Alstom Danmark’s plants in Torshavn, Leirvik in the Faeroes, and Reno Syd. Barker Jørgensen also supplies fans to Dong Energy, one of the biggest players in the heating and power sectors in Europe. In 2006, Barker Jørgensen joined the KLEINBERG Group and in 2007, the group’s first factory in China was opened in Ningbo at NIP. In 2008, a full programme including pre and after sales service as well as producing a full range of industrial fans, was launched and by 2009, Barker Jørgensen moved into their new and bigger plant facility within NIP. Barker Jørgensen’s fans are of Danish engineering and quality and have consistently been rated amongst the highest quality of fans produced in the world. With a long life cycle of about 40 years, customisation of fans are based on standardised parts providing for consistent quality and cost effective solution. The ISO quality management and quality control system from design to delivery are strictly executed. ■ No. 189, Donghui Road, NIP, Zhenhai, Ningbo +86 574 8630 6780

Photos by: Barker Jørgensen Industrial Fans (Ningbo) Co. Ltd.

24 ningbo focus December 2011


在甬外企 巴克约根森风机(宁波)有限公司 作者:陈芳宜

位于宁波镇海北欧工业园区的丹麦巴克约根森风机公司有着超过 50 年的向电力能源 领域供应高质量风机的经验。产品适用的行业包括木材加工与造纸业、石油化工、食品 和海洋业,并应用于过滤系统、燃烧系统、材料运输、惰性气体系统、通风换气和锅炉 系统。 自 1919 年成立以来,公司一直是欧洲热能领域风机和设备的领先供应商之一。巴 克约根森风机公司向世界各地客户提供项目,如在垃圾焚化厂设备和服务方面全球领先 的 Alstom(丹麦)公司。巴克约根森风机公司还通过 Alstom(丹麦)为 Reno Syd 公司 在法罗群岛的托尔斯、莱尔维克工厂提供风机。巴克约根森风机公司也为欧洲热能领域 最大的企业之一 Dong Energy 公司供应风机。 巴克约根森风机公司于 2006 年加入 KLEINBERG 集团,2007 年,集团在宁波北欧 工业园开设了他们在中国的第一个工厂。在 2008 年 , 一个包括售前和售后服务和生产各 类风机的公司成立了,2009 年,公司迁入了在北欧工业园中更大的新厂房。 巴克约根森风机有着丹麦的工程水平和质量,一直被评为世界最高品质的风机生产 商。风机的寿命大约为 40 年,风机客户化的定制是基于提供稳定的质量标准化的零件和 ■ 有效的解决方案。从设计到交货都严格执行 ISO 质量管理和质量控制系统。 宁波镇海北欧工业园东辉路 189 号 +86 574 8630 6780


December 2011 ningbo focus 25



ocated in the Yinzhou District, just 10 kilometres from the city, lies the 26,000-square-metre factory outlet at the Shanjing Outlet Plaza, featuring over 130 stores, with an extensive line-up of stores including luxury brands from Europe and the United States, Asian (Chinese and South Korean) brands, Japanese brands, and sporting goods brands.

include Li-Ning, ELEGANT PROSPER, IT, G2000, etc. As of December 2011, new brands that will open doors include Fossil, Coach and PORTS.

glass roof and glass curtain wall. It was designed in the image of a beach resort, with a blue ocean and white sand beach. The City Zone exudes an atmosphere of a busy mart, created using tent canopies and bricklike exterior wall materials. The Green Zone uses stones, tiles, and trees creating a calm atmosphere throughout the facility, reminiscent of the lush greenery of a natural environment.

The Shanjing Outlet Plaza

Opened by Mitsui Fudosan Co. on 23rd September this year, Factory Outlets originated in the US whereby hundreds of luxury and chain stores gather in one location, offering shoppers better prices than that of regular retail - a factory outlet sells excess merchandise and old stock. Now in Yinzhou District, local shoppers can enjoy this integrated shopping experience at the Shanjing Outlet Plaza with hundreds of brands including fashion brands from Europe and the US such as Cerruti 1881, Calvin Klein Jeans, Lacoste, Levi’s, Miss Sixty. Sport and outdoor brands from Europe and the US include Nike, adidas, PUMA, Le Coq Sportif, Timberland, Columbia, VICTOTINOX, and more. General merchandise brands from Europe and the US include ZWILLING and SAMSONITE, whilst Japanese brands i n c l u d e E I K O , N I C E C L A U P, R E G A L , OLIVEdesOLIVE, Wacoal, Combi, etc. Chinese brands and brands from Hong Kong 26 ningbo focus December 2011

By Precilia Auyang While the stores are located outdoors, cus­ tomers can visit even on rainy days without getting wet thanks to the circuit-type flow line. The circuit-type flow line, which is familiar to users of outlet malls in Japan, and other elements ensure the ease of shopping. The space is designed to be familiar to local customers in China. The stores are laid out in ways that eliminate blind spots, and there are many flow lines between the 1st and 2nd floors, making it easier for customers to move around the site. The architectural design and surroundings adopt a ‘voyage’ theme as Ningbo is a port city. The facilities are broadly divided into three zones – ‘Ocean’, ‘City’, and ‘Green’ – each of which is designed based on the overall theme. The Ocean Zone features waterscape, such as fountains and ponds, as well as a large

There is also a well-equipped playground for children. All in all, the entire space has been designed to provide a place where local customers can not only enjoy shopping but also relax and have fun with their families. Combine this ultimate shopping experience with a relaxing cup of coffee at Costa, a blizzard at Dairy Queen or have some fun at the entertainment outlet, Ultraman Club. ■ The Author Precilia Auyang, a Singapor­ ean, is the Health Club & Spa Manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo. Precilia has been in the spa and fitness industry for over 10 years and possesses a great passion for shopping, health, fitness and beauty.

Photos by: The Shanjing Outlet Plaza


杉井奥特莱斯广场 作者:欧阳翠霞

地处鄞州区的杉井奥特莱斯广场,至市 中心仅 10 公里,交通极为便捷。占地 11.6 万 余平方米,多达 130 家的国际时尚品牌的进驻, 集欧美名牌、亚洲(中国及韩国)品牌、日本 品牌及运动品牌,无疑让奢侈品爱好者们及品 牌追随者为之兴奋不已。 由中国杉杉集团和世界 500 强三井不动 产株式会社斥巨资联手打造的杉井奥特莱斯广 场,于今年 9 月 23 日盛大开业。奥特莱斯诞 生于美国,最早是由一些名牌利用工厂仓库销 售订单尾货。因为是名牌真品,同时价格低廉, 所以吸引了大批顾客。 如今在鄞州,本地的购物者可以享受到 集品牌于一体的购物新体验,在杉井奥特莱斯 广场有上百个品牌,包括来自欧美的流行品牌, 例 如:Cerruti 1881、CK、 鳄 鱼、Levi's、 Miss Sixty;运动及户外品牌,包括:耐克、 阿迪达斯、彪马、乐卡克、天伯伦、哥伦比 亚、瑞士军刀等。其他家用欧美品牌包括:双 立人、新秀丽;而日本品牌包括 EIKO、NICE CLAUP、丽格、OLIVEdesOLIVE、华歌尔及 康贝等。中国包括香港地区的品牌包括:李

宁、ELEGANT PROSPER、IT、G2000 等。 十二月即将开业的品牌还有:Fossil、Coach 及 PORTS。 尽管所有的商店都在室外,但由于杉井 奥特莱斯广场的电路型设计使得顾客们可以随 时进行购物,即使在雨天也不用担心被雨淋 湿。电路型的设计是引进日本奥特莱斯广场的 设计理念,以及其他元素确保购物的便捷,空 间的设计是为了迎合宁波本土人士的观念而设 计的。商店的布局,大大消除了以往建筑上的 盲点,且一、二两楼之间的流线,使得顾客在 穿梭行走之间更为方便。 由于宁波是一个港口城市,所以设计师们 在设计这些商城及周边建筑物时采用了以“远 航”为主题的设计理念。所有的设备大体上分 为三大区域 —“海洋”、“城市”和“绿色”— 每个区域都是在主题的基础上设计的。 “海洋”区域的特色水景,如喷泉、水池, 以及大型的玻璃屋顶和玻璃幕墙。浑似一片海 滩度假胜地 — 蓝色的海洋,白色的沙滩。“城 市”区域散发着一片繁华的都市气息,大量运

用了创新的理念,如在建筑物上安装了帐篷布 檐蓬和在外墙上贴文化砖。“绿色”区域大量 使用了石头、瓦片,并在其中种植了大片的树 木,让人置身其中犹如置身于宁静和谐的大自 然中一样。 在杉井奥特莱斯广场中还有一处设备精 良的儿童游乐场。总而言之,整个广场的设计 理念不仅在于满足顾客购物的需求,还给每位 顾客提供一个与家人休闲放松的场所。 在 购 物 之 余, 顾 客 们 还 可 以 在 Costa coffee 喝杯咖啡、在冰雪皇后吃一份暴风雪或 者到位于奥特莱斯广场的奥特曼俱乐部休闲一 ■ 下。 作者欧阳翠霞来自新加坡,是宁波香格 里拉酒店水疗与健体中心的经理。翠霞从事水 疗与健体事业已有十多年,对购物、保健、健 身与美容有着极大的热情。


December 2011 ningbo focus 27



henhai is a key development zone of Ningbo, and an economic centre of the south of Yangtze Delta region. Zhenhai, also known as the ‘land of heroes’, is the starting point for China’s maritime Silk Road. Zhenhai covers an area of 236 square kilometres, and a coastline of 21 kilometres long with a population of 225,000. There are two towns - Xiepu and Jiulong Lake as well as four sub-districts, Zhaobaoshan, Jiaoshuan, Luotuo and Zhuangshi. Since the 19th century, Zhenhai people were already increasingly active in the world economic field and is known as a place of distinguished people. It is also a birthplace of Ningbo group businessmen abroad. A lot of merchants including Bao Yugang, the shipping tycoon and Shao Yifu, the film & TV making magnate, started in Zhenhai and achieved great success. The Zhenhai Port is a major part of the Zhoushan Port. Since the 1970s, a number of key national projects such as Zhenhai Refinery and Zhenhai Power Plant started in this district and today, there are over 40 enterprises such as the Zhenhai Refinery Chemical Cooperation and the third branch of Zhenhai Petrochemical Co., making Zhenhai a big national industrial base with major engineering corporations. There are three main industrial parks in Zhenhai, namely, the Zhenhai Economic Development Zone, the Luotuo Mechanical & Electrical Industrial Park and the Ningbo Chemical Industry Zone. Famous international organisations that have set up production plants in Zhenhai are household names such as LG, Electronics, Jingfeng Co., Toshiba, N.V., and Arnhem. Over 700 foreign-invested ventures have factories in this district, which, an industrial

28 ningbo focus December 2011

structure which is dominated by the mechani­ cal & electric, refined chemistry, petrol, light and food industries have already taken shape, and tertiary industries such as real estate, warehousing, logistics and the tourism industries are flourishing quickly.

镇 Zhenhai 海 By ( 作者 ): Ethan Schills

In 2009, Zhenhai's GDP reached RMB 19.3 billion and its import and export value reached USD 3.8 billion. Disposable income for urban and rural residents reached RMB 27,368 and RMB 13,463 respectively. Zhenhai is also rich in culture, paintings and calligraphy works, with dozens of famous painters, all of whom, have contributed to the reputation that Zhenhai is a district with a long history and a gathering place for talents. There are many scenic spots in Zhenhai, namely, the Nine Dragon Lake Scenery Zone, the former Residences of Business Group, the Riverside Landscapes Avenue, the Drum Tower of Zhenhai, Zhenhai Relics of Coastal Defense Works, Zhenhai People’s Park, the Seventeen Houses of Zheng’s, Zhaobao Mount Scenery Zone, Zhenhai Seaport Coastal Defence Historical Memorial Hall and the Village of Gardens. ■ Photos by: Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government 图片来源:宁波市人民政府新闻办公室

镇海是宁波的一个关键发展区域,也是 长江三角洲地区南部的一个经济中心。镇海, 也被称为“英雄之地”,是我国海上丝绸之路 的起点。镇海占地面积 236 平方公里,海岸 线长 21 公里,人口 22.5 万。它包括两个镇—— 澥浦镇和九龙湖镇,以及四个街道——招宝山 街道、蛟川街道、骆驼街道和庄市街道。 19 世纪以来,镇海人越来越积极地活跃 在世界经济领域,因此镇海也被誉为名人汇集 之地,也是海外宁波商人的一个发源地。包括 运输大亨包玉刚和影业之王邵逸夫等的很多 商人都开始于镇海,并取得了巨大的成功。 镇海港是舟山港的一个主要部分。自 70 年代以来,一批国家重点项目,如中国石化镇 海炼化和镇海发电厂都建于该区,今天,有超 过 40 多家企业如镇海炼化和镇海石化三公司, 使镇海成为了主要工程项目的国家工业基地。 镇海有三大工业园区,即镇海经济开发 区、骆驼机械电器工业园区和宁波化工产业区。 许多家喻户晓的著名国际品牌在镇海设 立生产工厂,如 LG、Electronics、景丰、东芝、 N.V. 和 Arnhem。超过 700 家外商投资企业在 这个地区设有工厂,一个由机械、电气、精细 化工、石油、光电、食品等行业为主导的产业 结构已经初步形成,第三产业如房地产、仓储、 物流和旅游行业也迅速蓬勃发展。 2009 年,镇海的 GDP 达到 193 亿元人 民 币, 其 进 出 口 值 达 到 38 亿 美 元。 城 乡 居 民 可 支 配 收 入 分 别 达 到 27,368 元 人 民 币 和 13,463 元人民币。 镇海也有着极其丰富的文化、绘画和书 法作品,拥有许多著名的画家,所有的一切都 使得镇海成为历史悠久、人才的聚会的灵地。 许多著名景点也位于镇海,如九龙湖景 区、古商业住宅、滨江景观大道、镇海鼓楼、 镇海口海防遗址、镇海人民公园、郑氏十七房、 招宝山、镇海海防历史纪念馆和花园村。 ■


I Launch of the Ningbo Centre for International Cultural Studies 宁波市国际文化研修中心成立 Information & photos by: NIT 信息来源及图片来源:浙江大学宁波理工学院

n order to promote international culture, education training and information advisory service for the foreigners and overseas-funded enterprises in Ningbo, as well as the local Ningbonese and enterprises that are working towards going global, bring social work function of the colleges and universities into full play, and optimise the soft investment environment, the Ningbo Centre for International Cultural Studies, a project by the Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, was officially launched on 17th November 2011. The main functions of the centre include five main aspects including public service, cultural exchange, education and training, commerce service, and information advisory. Information advisory service provided by the centre for overseas-funded enterprises and local companies include: investment, legislation, business trip, banking, agency for the foreigners in Ningbo. The centre is guided by the Ningbo Foreign Affairs Office and Ningbo Education Bureau. ■

为了服务宁波城市国际化建设,向 在甬外籍人士、外资企业和“走出去” 的宁波人与宁波企业提供各种文化培训 与信息咨询服务,发挥高校社会服务、 文化引领功能,提升城市投资软环境, 浙江大学宁波理工学院在宁波市办事办、 市教育局的大力支持下,于 2011 年 10 月上旬成立“宁波市国际文化研修中心” 。 中心主要职能包括公益服务、文化 交流、教育培训、商务服务和信息咨询 等五个方面。即:开展符合在甬外籍人 士、政府公共服务部门需求的公益服务; 开展宁波教育国际化研究和国际教育合 作与学术文化交流;开展服务来甬外籍 人士、服务宁波国际港口城市建设的教 育培训项目;为外籍人士在宁波创业提 供投资、法律、商旅、策划、金融和企 业代理等商务服务;为外资企业与本土 企业发展提供解决问题的信息咨询服务, 搜集、整理、分析政府政策、行业发展、 区域经济特点等各类信息。 中心在业务上接受市外事办、市教 育局的指导,实行开放联动机制,积极 整合在甬相关高校和研究机构资源。中 心以公共服务为导向,以市场机制进行 运作,探索创新服务机制,并根据宁波 战略目标和教育国际化发展需要,逐步 拓展服务领域和规模,动态设置项目课 ■ 题组。

December 2011 ningbo focus 29


General Manager Stanley Yin 总经理 尹海霞

Ningbo Marriott Hotel’s General Manager Stanley Yin


tanley Yin is straightforward, like a Beijing native, stable and hardworking like a Hong Konger, and humorous like an American. Having been born in Beijing, then grew up in Hong Kong and the U.S., Ms Yin’s career started at Hong Kong JW Marriott Hotel, and later on, she moved to the Shanghai JW Marriott Hotel, Beijing JW Marriott Hotel, and Guangzhou China Hotel. It’s been a Marriott affair since day one. In October 2011, Ms Yin came to Ningbo, and officially became the new General Manager of Ningbo Marriott International Hotel. NF: With the emergence of more hotels in Ningbo, what are your strategies to keep Ningbo Marriott Hotel’s brand on the forefront of the local consumers’ minds? SY: First of all, I would like to thank my group, without their unremitting efforts, Ningbo Marriott cannot acquire such a major success today. I had heard so much positive public praises for Ningbo Marriott even before I came. Apart from our club of Marriott Rewards members, the hotel also has a loyalty and stable group of fre­ quent customers. Thanks to the city’s rich resources: Ningbo’s marine economy, port economy and foreign trade economy, which have been developing rapidly. I believe that there will be an increasing number of foreigners and Chinese travellers coming to

30 ningbo focus December 2011

对话宁波万豪酒店总经理尹海霞 By ( 作者 ): Ethan Schills

visit Ningbo in coming years. Therefore, lots of world-class hotel brands are attracted by the Ningbo market. Ningbo Marriott Hotel is positioned as a highlevel international business hotel, which aims at corporate clients and large-scale exhibitions and conventions in the city, while focusing on business travellers and the MICE segment in Ningbo. The hotel’s services, which are a key point, adhere to a peopleoriented philosophy. Apart from consistent operating services and training systems, Marriott sticks to its core values, one of which is to care for the staff. The implementation of this core value has earned Marriott the ‘Most Respected Hotel Management Company’ award by FORTUNE. In brief, as long as Marriott has a clear market positioning and branding, we will maintain a leading position in the Ningbo market. NF: F & B is typically a difficult area to increase revenue with all the great standalone restaurants in Ningbo. What is your outlook for this area going forward? SY: Although I have not been here for long, I realised that Ningbo’s F&B industry is flourishing. There are quite a few high-level restaurants in the city. At Heyi Avenue, which is very close to the hotel, there are several popular restaurants. This certainly creates

great pressure and tough competition for us. F&B in our hotel consists of three main restaurants. The first is a western-style restaurant, which provides delicious western food, combined with local delights in order to meet different customers’ requirements. Moreover, it regularly promotes special dishes from various countries. The second is a Chinese restaurant, with its elegant dining environment and excellent private dining rooms, five of which, offer the magnificent river views, which is a unique feature in the whole city. This restaurant is a favourite for both casual and business dining. Guangdong cuisine is served in this restaurant and Mr Kenny Ng, who comes from a chef’s family of Guangdong food, is our executive chef. The hotel has also employed Chef Zhou Chaohui, a local Ningbonese, as ‘the artist in the kitchen’. The third dining option is the 720-square-metre Astylar Grand Ballroom on the second floor which can be separated flexibly for various-sized events.In a word, F&B at Ningbo Marriott Hotel has its own target in this market. NF: Is there anything major that you will change in Ningbo Marriott Hotel? SY: Ningbo Marriott Hotel has formed a comparatively mature and systematic operating mechanism over the past three

BUSINESS |商业 years. My focus does not lie in changing anything, but making improvements. We will make sure that we constantly provide our guests with innovative offerings, by taking advantage of the resources from the Marriott Group and its network system. Moreover, to enhance the hotel’s competitive strength, we will make seasonable adjustments according to the change in market. In short, I will work to ensure that Marriott always plays a leading role in Ningbo’s hotel industry. NF: Can you share one unique feature of Ningbo Marriott Hotel that will truly add value to the community of Ningbo? SY: The hotel provides people with an ideal place in an international setting, for toplevel meetings and receptions. Following the Marriott’s spirit of ‘serving the community and repaying society’, Ningbo Marriott Hotel often organises activities including charity, community service and customer appreciation events. For instance, the hotel has held dinner parties for customer appreciation, collected donations for the victims of the disaster in Wenchuan and Yushu, visited welfare homes and our workers’ children’s schools in Ningbo. On 2nd December 2011, the hotel will invite children from the charity welfare home to take part in this year’s Christmas lighting ceremony. Also there will be a charity rummage sale. All the funds will be donated to the welfare home. What is more, the hotel also supports ‘green’ activities. We encourage our staff to have a strong sense of preserving water and energy starting from the little things right under their noses. We have taken part in Earth Hour activities for two years in a row. These actions are our little ways of being responsible to the community and the city of Ningbo. NF: What is Ningbo Marriott Hotel’s com­ petitive edge over existing competi­tors? SY: Currently, Ningbo Marriott Hotel, with a good reputation on the market, has gained a comparatively stable market position and a loyal group of frequent customers. It is our personalised service that makes Ningbo Marriott stand out as a leader in this market. The most important for us is to give our customers an everlasting positive impression, as well as keep their loyalty for the Marriott brand. Our team always gives the customers little surprises according to their preferences, through careful observations and considerations, so as to make the guests feel at home in the hotel. It is our belief that this personalised service puts us ahead of any competition. NF: Can you share your views on Ningbo and what you think is so special about this city? SY: The city of Ningbo makes me feel very comfortable. It is not only full of vigour and

vitality, but it is also matured and gentle. Ningbo, as a modern international port city, is active in holding various international business events; it is renowned for shipping and trade, the latest national fashion trends, and high-level innovations in science and technology. The city attracts growing numbers of foreigners with different cultural backgrounds, much like first-tier cities. Yet Ningbo manages to preserve and even develop its historical and cultural roots. It is an ideal residence, with its eclectic culture and excellent living conditions. We cannot forget the authentic seafood in Ningbo. The Ningbonese understand the importance of a good quality of life. They actively enjoy the life outside of work. In many ways it is a perfect city to support and propel the hotel industry of which Marriott is proud to be a part of. ■ 尹海霞女士在北京出生,成长于香港和 美国。有着北京人的豪气爽朗,香港人的勤奋 踏实及美国人的随性幽默。她在万豪的职业生 涯开始于香港 JW 万豪酒店,后转战上海 JW 万豪、北京 JW 万豪及广州中国大酒店。2011 年 10 月她来到了宁波,正式成为宁波万豪酒 店新一任总经理。 《宁波聚焦》:随着宁波越来越多酒店的出现, 您会用什么策略保持你们酒店在本土消费者心 中的地位? 尹总:首先得感谢宁波万豪酒店的团队,是他 们的不懈努力使得万豪取得了今天的成绩。在 我来到之前,我听说宁波万豪已建立了非常好 的口碑。除了万豪会员外,我们酒店还拥有了 一批非常稳定的客源。感谢宁波的丰富资源: 发展迅速的集海洋经济、港口经济、对外贸易 经济。相信在未来几年,将会有越来越多的国 际友人及国内游客造访宁波,因而吸引了其他 不少国际品牌酒店入驻。 面对未来的市场竞争压力,宁波万豪依然对将 来保持相当乐观的态度。首先,宁波万豪的定 位是一家高端国际商务酒店,承办市内公司客 户及大型会展活动,外部的商务出差、会奖旅 游等。酒店的服务是关键,我们坚持以人为本。 万豪除了拥有非常完善的酒店营运服务系统及 培训体系外,最重要的是“关爱员工”的核心 价值观。这个核心价值的贯彻实施,也使万豪 被《财富》评为“最受敬仰的酒店管理公司”。 简言之,有了明确的市场定位,有了品牌服务 的保证,我们依然能够占住宁波市场上的领先 地位。 《宁波聚焦》:宁波有许多很出色的餐馆,酒 店的餐饮行业很难和这些餐馆竞争获得收入。 您是如何展望该领域的前景? 尹总:我虽然到任没多久,但也发现宁波的餐 饮非常发达,有很多的高端餐厅,单单在我们 酒店附近的和义大道就有几家。这个确实给酒 店的餐饮带来很大的压力。 我们酒店的餐饮主要放在三个餐厅中。一是西 餐厅,主要是以西方美食为主,同时结合本地 菜系满足不同客需,并不定期地推出不同国家

的特色菜式;二是中餐厅,我们酒店的中餐厅 环境优雅,私密性非常好,适合休闲和商务会 餐,特别是五间江景包房更是全城仅有。主推 清淡养身的粤菜,由出身粤菜厨师世家的吴启 成大厨掌厨。我们酒店还聘请了被评为“中国 烹饪大师”的宁波本地厨师周朝晖师傅亲自掌 勺;三是酒店二楼 720 平米无柱大宴会厅, 可根据不同的使用目的和宴会大小自由分隔。 总的来说,宁波万豪的餐饮在市场上拥有其目 标客户和消费群体的。 《宁波聚焦》:您会对宁波万豪酒店做些重大 的改变么? 尹总:宁波万豪经过三年多的营运,已经形成 了比较系统的运作机制,我的主要工作并不是 在于改变什么,而是努力在原有的基础上加以 完善,更好地利用万豪总部及整个万豪网络体 系的资源,不断地为客人们提供创新的产品。 当然,为了提高酒店的竞争力,我们也会根据 市场作出合时宜的调整。总之,我会尽自己的 努力使万豪酒店能够一直领跑于宁波酒店行 业。 《宁波聚焦》:您能和我们分享一下宁波万豪 酒店为宁波社会做出了的贡献么? 尹总:宁波万豪酒店有着接轨国际的设施,为 高端会务、高规格接见活动等提供了一个理想 场所。秉承万豪集团的企业文化“服务社区、 回报社会”的精神,宁波万豪经常组织各类慈 善募捐、社区服务活动、客户答谢等活动,如 汶川、玉树赈灾募捐、探访宁波福利院、孤儿 院、农民工子弟学校、与特殊儿童学校结对子、 举办万豪国度客户答谢晚宴等。2011 年 12 月 2 日,酒店会邀请慈善福利院小朋友到店参与 圣诞亮灯仪式并于亮灯仪式上进行慈善义卖, 所筹得的款项全部捐给福利院。除此,宁波万 豪也大力支持绿色活动。我们鼓励员工节能节 水从身边的每件小事做起。我们还连续两年参 与“地球一小时”熄灯活动。我们用实际行动 为宁波的社会做出贡献。 《宁波聚焦》:对于现存的竞争者,宁波万豪 酒店有什么竞争法宝? 尹总:目前,宁波万豪的市场地位和客源都比 较稳定,拥有一批忠实客户,有着很好的市场 口碑。万豪能在这个市场成为领导者,关键来 自于我们的“个性化服务”,给客人留下一个 好的印象并维持客人的忠诚度是非常重要的。 这里的员工通过对客人的细心观察及关怀,根 据客人的喜好经常给他们带来一点小惊喜,让 客人在酒店感受“家”的亲切氛围。个性化服 务是我们的取胜法宝。 《宁波聚焦》:您是怎样看待宁波的,您觉得 这个城市有什么特别之处? 尹总:宁波给我的感觉非常舒服。朝气蓬勃, 又不失稳重温婉。这座现代化的国际港口城市, 承载着航运、时装、高新科技等各类国际商务 活动。如同一线城市一样,宁波吸引了越来越 多不同文化背景不同肤色的国际友人。宁波完 好地传承了远古文明发展的文脉,有着深厚的 文化底蕴和居住条件,是非常理想的人文居住 地。别忘了,宁波的海鲜也很地道!宁波人在 工作之余也积极享受生活。在很多方面,这是 个提供给酒店业蓬勃发展和机遇的城市。 ■ Photos by: Ningbo Marriott Hotel 图片来源:宁波万豪酒店 December 2011 ningbo focus 31


Investing in Ningbo Legal Requirements of Labour Contracts and Employment 投资宁波 | 雇员

By (作者): Jack Zhang


ny company, whether operating a factory or a trading company, shall commence to hire employees upon establishment. A written labour contract must be executed within one month from the commencement of employment. Should a contract not be signed by the end of the first month of employment, the company shall pay double the salary to the employee. If the employment reaches a term of one year or more without submission of a signed written contract, all the legal rights of a government labour contract will be awarded to the employee. Once a labour contract is signed, the comp­any shall submit the employee’s information to the local authorities and ensure payment of all social insurance. There are five categories of social insurance: retirement insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance and occupational injury insurance. The company and the employee are co-operatively responsible for monthly social insurance payments, with the total amount depending on the wage of salary. Failing to pay social insurance may result in fines from the local authorities and a compensation claim on behalf of the employee. In cases whereby the labour contract has expired, or cancelled with the mutual consent of the company and the employee, the company shall pay the economic com­ pensation to the employee according to his working period. If either the employee resigns his position or the company dismi­ sses the employee because of demonstrable unsatisfactory performance, no economic compensation will be granted. For those individuals employed in highlevel positions with exposure to sensitive company information, a non-disclosure and non-competition agreement is required. The employee shall neither disclose any business or technical secrets to any third party nor

32 ningbo focus December 2011

work for any other company within the same industry for an agreed upon fixed period, and the company shall pay the compensation for non-disclosure and non-competition to the employee. ■

不管是工厂还是贸易公司,在设立完毕之 后都需要聘用雇员开展业务。如果公司决定聘 用雇员,那么公司必须在雇员为公司工作之日 起一个月内与雇员签订劳动合同,不然,自第 二个月起,公司必须向该雇员支付二倍的工资。 如果未签订劳动合同的状态延续一年以上,那 么会被视为双方已签订无固定期限劳动合同。 在公司与雇员签订劳动合同后,公司须为 雇员缴纳各项社会保险,即养老保险、医疗保 险、失业保险、生育保险和工伤保险,以上五 种基本险的费用为员工实际工资额的 37.1%, 其中公司承担 26.1%,雇员个人承担 11%。 雇员个人承担部分公司有权在其支付给雇员的 薪水中扣除。 如果公司不为雇员缴纳社会保险,那么公 司不仅会受到劳动行政部门的处罚,而且会导 致公司遭受巨额赔偿。如果公司没有为雇员缴 纳工伤保险,而雇员发生工伤事故,那么公司 必须赔偿雇员因工伤事故而产生的巨额赔偿; 而如果公司依法缴纳了工伤保险,那么,所有 赔偿都由工伤保险基金支付而公司无需承担赔 偿责任。

Photos by: Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government 图片来源:宁波市人民政府新闻办公室

HEYI is a leading law firm in Ningbo, China, providing comprehensive solutions for domestic and multinational clients. Established in 1984, HEYI is one of the largest law firms in Ningbo providing legal services in the following areas: Corporate, Securities, Foreign Direct Investment, Intellectual Property Right, Finance, Employment and Labour, Maritime, Real Estate, International Trade, Insolvency, Mergers and Acquisitions, Venture Capital Investment and Arbitration & Litigation. For more information, please contact the author at

如果公司与雇员的劳动合同到期而不再 续签或者公司与雇员协商一致解除劳动合同, 那么公司须向雇员支付经济补偿金,经济补偿 金的标准为工作一年支付一个月薪水。如果在 劳动合同没有到期雇员主动向公司申请辞职或 者雇员严重违反公司的规章制度导致公司单方 面解除与雇员的劳动合同,那么公司无需为雇 员的离职支付任何经济补偿金。 对于公司的重要雇员,公司可以与雇员 另行签订保密协议,约定雇员在公司工作期间 以及离职以后必须保守公司的商业秘密和技术 秘密。同时,公司也可以与雇员签订竞业禁止 协议,约定雇员在离职后的一段时间内不得从 事原来的行业,但是,公司必须向雇员支付竞 ■ 业禁止补偿费给该雇员。 浙江和义律师事务所(和义所)是中国 宁波领先的律师事务所,以适当的价格向国内 外客户提供优质、高效的法律解决方案。和义 所成立于 1984 年,原名称为“宁波对外律师 事务所”,现在已经成为宁波地区历史最悠久 和规模最大的律师事务所之一。和义所拥有超 过 50 名的律师和专业人员,向客户提供下列 法律服务:公司证券、直接投资,知识产权、 金融法律、劳动人事、海事海商、房地产、国 际贸易、破产清算、兼并收购、风险投资和仲 裁诉讼。如果各位有任何问题需要咨询作者, 请发邮件至。

Nordic Industrial Park,


"Being a full service and facility provider, we understand that the key to our clients’ success is not alone to understand our own business. It is to understand yours."


The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo 宁波香格里拉大酒店水疗健体中心



By ( 作者 ): Michael Haggerty

any people first think of accounting when they hear the word auditing, but the concept can be applied in various settings. In fact, in developed countries auditing is undertaken throughout all industries.

Broadly defined, auditing is an evaluation process performed to assess compliance with certain internal standards or procedures and to ascertain their effectiveness. This is done with an eye towards making corrections and improvements in either standards or procedures, or with the personnel charged with carrying these out. Further, auditing can act as a deterrent to lax or otherwise poor performance. Auditing itself can be performed internally by a firm’s own employees, or performed externally by outside consultants. SPA & Health Club Consultant, Ms Nancee Ong-Wee 水疗审计顾问 Nancee Ong-Wee 女士

Areas and issues commonly requiring auditing include compliance with quality control standards, with policies, or with regulations (any of which could be internal or external). Other areas needing auditing include operating efficiency, energy usage, investment, expenditure, customer service, internal security and other safety issues, IT systems, project management, and so on. The objective of cost (managerial) accounting is to compile information to be utilised in management decision making and as such, auditing is essential to ensure data accuracy. For an example of how auditing is employed in unlikely places (at least to the casual observer), Ningbo Focus interviewed Nancee Ong-Wee, Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts’ Spa Consultant during her recent visit to Ningbo to audit the Spa at Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo.

34 ningbo focus December 2011

BUSINESS |商业 NF: How many spas are there in Ningbo? Nancee: There are more than 1,000 spas in Ningbo. NF: Based on your experience and know­ ledge, what percentage of spas in China practice auditing? Nancee: Most international hotels’ spas practice auditing annually. NF: What is the frequency of audits at Shangri-La spas? Nancee: Our audits are conducted on a yearly basis. NF: Why is spa auditing important? Nancee: When operations get busy, we neglect to set aside time to check if our performance benchmarks are still in line. Chances are that performance benchmarks can change or move when they get interpreted individually by the staff, or when there is a change of manager. Every manager has his or her own philoso­ phy. The most important part of a spa service happens in a private room, between a ther­ apist and a guest. This is a closed door exp­ erience and the management has little way of knowing if a guest is not happy with his or her experience. Not every customer will complain, they simply don’t return but they will tell their friends of this ‘not so happy’ experience. A spa audit is a tool to help build on the strengths of the business and improve the weaknesses of the overall spa operations. It is also a great training tool to help a new manager on board. NF: What do you look for when auditing a spa? What are the criteria in order to pass the audit? Do the spas have a str­ ingent set of policies and procedures that they must adhere to so that when it comes to auditing, these are all measured accordingly? Please share with us how the spas audits are measured. Nancee: Through every audit, we are able to identify areas that need to be changed. We highlight not only the challenges but the strengths in each of our spas that are shared with the respective spa management team. However we only share strengths, ‘best practices’ and solutions to similar issues among the group. The audit also checks on the service standards of our team, if treatment protocols are in line with each therapist and with each of our spas. Another important component is the hygiene and safety regulations - both for our staff and our guests.

There is also ‘Mystery Shopping’ evaluations where an auditor calls in as a guest – reviewing and grading reception procedures, service standards, treatment quality and guest engagement, facility ambience and cleanliness. We also conduct interactive discussions with the operations manager and various team members through a detailed and specific criteria checklist. This helps us determine the team’s capabilities and if each employee understands their role within their own area of speciality. A final detailed report of the findings, with practical and easily-implemented solutions to problems encountered serves as a reference ■ guide for improvements. Michael Haggerty of SinoSolv assists clients with corporate training, cross cultural communications and international sales expansion. Michael is based in Ningbo, China, and can be reached at 当听到“审计”这个词的时候,人们往 往首先会想到“会计”一词,但是“审计”这 一概念的运用非常广泛。实际上,发达国家中 的所有行业都在进行审计。 审计的定义非常宽泛,它是指对被审计 单位的内部准则和程序及其经济活动的效益性 进行评价的独立性经济监督活动。审计的目的 是为了对单位标准或程序进行修正和提升。此 外,审计还可对制度松懈的单位起到威慑作用。 它既可以由企业内部的员工来执行,也可以通 过外部的审计人员进行操作。 需要进行普遍性审计的领域包括必须遵 照质量控制标准、政策方针和规章制度(内部、 外部均可)进行操作的行业。此外,需要进行 审计的领域还包括经营效率、能源使用、投资、 费用、客户服务、治安、IT 系统、项目管理等。 成本(管理)核算的目的是为了在制定管理决 策时可以利用信息整合,因此审计对确保数据 的准确性起着至关重要的作用。 为了让读者朋友们更好地了解审计这一 经 济 活 活 动,《 宁 波 聚 焦》 特 意 对 Nancee Ong-Wee 做了采访。她是香格里拉度假酒店 的水疗顾问,最近刚来宁波对宁波香格里拉大 酒店的水疗中心做了审计调查。 《宁波聚焦》:宁波有多少家水疗中心? Nancee:宁波有上千家。 《宁波聚焦》:据您的经验和知识来判断,中 国大约有多少比例的水疗中心在接受审计? Nancee:大多数国际性酒店的水疗中心都接 受年检。

《宁波聚焦》:香格里拉酒店的水疗中心一般 多久接受一次审计呢? Nancee:我们每年对其进行一次审计。 《宁波聚焦》:为何水疗审计如此重要呢? Nancee:在业务繁忙期,我们往往容易忽略 对自身的表现基准做定期检查。这一基准很有 可能在某一员工对其进行解释或者部门更换业 务经理的时候发生变化。 每一位经理都有其自身独到的做事理念。水疗 服务最重要的部分发生在理疗师与客人之 间。由于场所是在一个私人空间较强的理疗室 内,所以管理体制几乎无法及时确认到客人对 该理疗师提供的服务是否感到满意。并非所有 的客人都会对其进行直接的抱怨,往往而是不 再进行第二次的光顾,并在回去之后对身边的 朋友讲述自己这一不愉悦的经历。 水疗审计则是加强其业务优势,改善整一水疗 服务存在不足的有效工具。同时,它还是新任 上岗业务经理的有效培训工具。 《宁波聚焦》:您在做水疗审计的时候主要审 查哪些内容呢?通过审计的标准是什么?水疗 中心是否必须具备且遵循一套严谨的政策及程 序体系,待审计来临之时便根据这一体系进行 审核?请您谈谈水疗审计的标准是如何进行衡 量的。 Nancee:通过每一次的审计,我们能鉴定出 需要变化的方面。我们强调的不仅仅是挑战, 还有每一个水疗管理团队所具备的强项。不管 怎样我们只在各个团队之间分享其优势、“最 佳实践”以及对同类问题的处理方法。此外, 审计还会对团队的服务标准进行检查,针对每 个水疗中心的每位理疗师看其治疗方案是否合 理。同时,审计的另一重要组成部分便是审核 水疗中心对员工以及客人的卫生安全法规是否 符合要求。 此外,还有一种在以下情况中被审计员称为“神 秘购物”评估的现象,分别是:审查和分级接 待程序、服务标准、治疗质量、客户预约、环 境以及设施清洁。我们还通过一份详细具体的 标准清单与业务经理以及和该团队中的不同成 员进行互动探讨来做审计。这有助于我们对团 队能力做出鉴定,并可得知员工是否了解其在 自身专业领域中的职责。 最终审计结果报告需提出富有实际性且易实现 的方法来解决现有问题,它对下一步的改进和 ■ 提升起着指导与参考作用。 Michael Haggerty 来自 SinoSolv, 协助客户 进行集团培训、跨文化交流及开展国际销售业 务等。Michael 大部分时间在宁波,如咨询, 请发邮件到。 Photos by: Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo & Nancee Ong-Wee 图片来源:宁波香格里拉大酒店 Nancee Ong-Wee

December 2011 ningbo focus 35


A Korean Entrepreneur in Ningbo 在甬韩国企业家 By ( 作者 ): Magnolia Wang 王玉兰

Often published in Ningbo are articles which highlight key enterprises contributing to Ningbo’s macro economy. Never to be forgotten are the small businesses and minor industries that play a part in the city’s micro economy. With each issue of Ningbo Focus, we will feature on such entrepreneur who will discuss their work, life, expectations, and future goals.


Name: Peter Kim Age: 38 Place of Birth: Seoul, Korea Profession: Hair Stylist 姓名 : 金泰宫 年龄:38 出生地:韩国首尔市 职业:发型设计师

36 ningbo focus December 2011

n 1992, despite his father's suggestion to study economics, Mr Kim decided to follow his heart and went on to study hairstyling at Vidal Sasson Tony & Guy University in England for four years. At the age of 38, Mr Kim's hairstyling experience spans 18 years and he has worked in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and now, Ningbo. Mr Kim has had many interesting projects throughout his career, including designing hairstyles for models at annual fashion shows such as Chanel's fashion show, and well known magazines in Korea. Mr Kim opened his first In-Style Salon in 2004, and he now has four In-Style Salons in Korea. This adventurous and ambitious entrepreneur then decided to bring his concept of 'Beauty' to Ningbo by opening his hair salon within the sevenfloor Korea Plaza in the heart of the South Business District. Within the Korea Plaza, which is dedicated to 'everything Korean', and which Mr Kim is also an owner of, you will find the first and only indoor golf simulator in Ningbo, a Korean bakery, a Korean fashion boutique, a Korean spa and of course, Mr Kim's In-Style Hair Salon, a Korean coffee shop and a Korean bridal shop.

NF: What is most important to you in your life? Mr Kim: For me, family always comes first. I also value good relationships with people around me.

NF: What does work mean for you? Mr Kim: My idea about work is very simple. People like to look beautiful, and I want to help them look beautiful by designing a nice hairstyle for them. I just want to make people look beautiful and see them happy.

NF: Do you have time to relax? How do you relax? Mr Kim: If I have enough time, I’d like to go to the golf course to play golf, and if I don’t have enough time to do that, I would just go to our indoor 'golf course' and practice during my leisure time.

NF: What are the biggest problems and challenges in your career, and how do you handle them? Mr Kim: The biggest problem is when custo­ mers ask me to choose a hairstyle for them, but after I finish all the work and give them an irreversible style and length, they tell me that it’s not the hairstyle that they wanted. I always explain why I chose the hairstyle for them, and if they really do not like it, I would redo it for them for free until they are satisfied. They can also choose any hairstylist at our salon, and we also have translators for customers that do not speak Korean. NF: What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about your expenses for one year? Mr Kim: I would go out drinking, go to parti­ es, and eat delicious food more often with my friends as now, I am too busy to do it.

NF: What would you like to change in your life? And what are you doing for it? Mr Kim: I advertise my In-Style Salon on Ningbo TV Station and Yinzhou Daily, and in bilingual magazines like Ningbo Focus as well, to let everyone, local and foreign, know that we are open for business. Then, I would like to open more In-Style Salons in Ningbo and others cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, etc. I have already started looking for the best locations for my salon in Tianyi Square and Heyi Avenue. Right now, there are 12 people working for In-Style, and I am also working on hiring more professional hairstylists. If everything goes well, I would like to open a school, so more and more people can learn hairdressing skills from me. ■ 《宁波聚焦》经常报道一些对宁波宏观 经济做出巨大贡献的重点产业。然而在宁波还 有很多其他小型商业和微型产业同样对城市的 微观经济起着重要作用。《宁波聚焦》每期都 会报道这样一位人物,与读者朋友们分享他的 工作、生活以及对未来的人生目标等。 1992 年,金泰宫先生正面临着大学专业 的抉择,尽管父亲强烈要求其专修经济学,但 他还是毅然地选择了追求自己的理想——就读 于英国维达沙宣托尼英盖大学,学习美发沙 龙。今年 38 岁的金先生,已经有了 18 年的 发型设计师工作经验了。他先后在日本、香港 和韩国的多家不同的美发沙龙店里工作过,与 此同时他还为韩国一年一度的时装秀(如香奈 儿时装秀)以及韩国著名的时尚杂志的模特们 设计过发型。2004 年他在韩国开办了第一家

‘In-Style’美发沙龙店,由于其独特的设计 理念特受当地群众的欢迎,他随后又在韩国开 办了三家分店。而如今,带着这种冒险精神和 雄心壮志,金先生把自己对“美”的独特观念 带到了宁波。位于鄞州区南部商务区的中心地 带——韩国城就是由金先生与他的哥哥共同经 营。这座韩国城总共七层,每层楼都有着韩国 元素分布在里面。如在韩国城的六楼是宁波至 今唯一的一家室内模拟高尔夫球场,这座韩国 城里还有韩式咖啡烘培店、韩式时尚精品屋、 韩式时装店、韩式婚纱店、韩式水疗会所,当 然还有金先生的‘In-Style’美发沙龙店等。

宁波聚焦:如果您无需考虑未来一年内的生活 开销问题,那么您会打算做些什么呢? 金先生:因为工作关系,我一直很忙。如果不 用考虑生活开销问题,我希望有多一点的时间, 这样我就可以多跟朋友们出去喝喝酒、聊天、 聚餐等。

宁波聚焦:对您而言,工作有着怎样的意义? 金先生: 对我来说,工作其实很简单。大家 都喜欢自己看起来漂亮一点,而我刚好可以通 过为大家设计不同的且适合他们的发型来帮他 们实现这一愿望,他们满意,我就很开心。

宁波聚焦:对于目前的生活,有什么是您希望 改变的吗?您又如何设法将其实现呢? 金先生:开了这家美发沙龙店后,我在宁波电 视台、鄞州日报,还有宁波聚焦双语杂志上为 它做宣传,登广告,让中外朋友们知道我在这 里开了一家韩式美发沙龙店。日后,我想在中 国其他城市如上海、北京、杭州、广州等城市 开分店。我已经开始在天一广场以及和义大道 附近寻找适合开美发沙龙的地点,到现在为止 已经有 12 位发型师在‘In-Style’工作,同时 我还在着手聘请更多的专业发型师。如果一切 顺利的话,我会开办一所学校。这样,越来越 多的人可以学习我们的美发沙龙技术了。 ■

宁波聚焦:您生活中最重要的是什么? 金先生:我觉得,家庭永远比任何事情都重要。 当然,我也很重视与身边的朋友保持比较良好 的人际关系。 宁波聚焦:您在工作中遇到过的最大困难是什 么?您是如何解决的? 金先生:当顾客让我为他选择一款发型,但当 我完成每项工作并且做好定型后,顾客告诉我 说这不是他喜欢的发型,这个对我来说是个问 题。慢慢地,我想出了一套我自己的解决问题 的方案,向顾客解释我为什么为他设计这一款 发型(如根据他的脸型和五官、发质等),如 果他们还是不喜欢,那我会重新根据他的要求 免费为他设计一款他喜欢的发型,通过不停地 努力,直到顾客满意为止。顾客还可以在我们 沙龙店里选择他们喜欢的发型师,如果他们不 会讲韩语,我们这里还有专业人员为他们翻译。

宁波聚焦:您有时间休息放松吗?一般您通过 何种方式进行放松? 金先生: 我喜欢在空闲的时候去打高尔夫球, 如果时间不是很充足的话,我会在我的室内模 拟高尔夫球场练练球技。

Photos by: In-Style Hair Salon 图片来源:In-Style 美发沙龙

December 2011 ningbo focus 37

Gold and Multi-colour

Painting By Asher Moore

According to the 'Zhejiang Annals', gold and multi-colour painting is one of Ningbo’s three most treasured forms of traditional craftsmanship. This form of lacquer ware design and creation reached the height of its prosperity during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Today, Ninghai County remains a hot bed for this folk art form.


ith a history dating back 7,000 years to the Hemudu culture, the lacquer work craft is on the verge of extinction. Goods are often wood works or made of bamboo. The creative process sees the pigment powders blended into paints and used as a cover or inlay. Crushed shells, mirrors and sand are often added as decorative adornments. Lacquer ware dating from both the Ming and Qing Dynasties retain their gloss and shine even today. Antique imitation crafts are a major handicraft export for Ningbo. High quality ‘drum stools’ and ‘red mansions’ are popular amongst foreign enterprises. The main raw materials of the gold and multi-colour paints are Chinese lacquer and gold foil. Embossing is a unique technique for creating detailed pieces of art. Artists use raw lacquer, tile ash, or oyster ash in careful proportions and blend them into mud after which they will use the ‘clay’ to build landscapes, birds, flowers, figures and pavilions on slabs of wood. The gold and multicoloured pigments will then be applied on the engraving. The completed ‘embossing’ crafts are elegant and colourful – representative of Han and Tang period sculpture art. Gold and multi-colour painting is closely connected with the local people’s life. The products adorn beds and closets, to buckets, fruit boxes, hat stands and other daily appliances. Artful depictions reflect people's habits and customs at the given time. Furniture and daily appliances from the Ming and Qing

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Dynasties along with the Minguo Period preserved in Ningbo remain shiny and new, proving the qualitative worth of the craftsmen of the time. During the Minguo period and the early period of the founding of the new China, gold and multi-colour painting was very popular around the Ningbo area. In 1953, in the first national arts and crafts exhibition, noted gold and multi-colour painting crafts such as dragon buckets and rice bowls from Ningbo gained top praise from experts. Subsequently artists wrote about the craft’s technical achievements, and introduced the medium to the general public by publishing posters and literature. For the next several decades, it won reputation in many national and international exhibitions. In the 1970’s, the art form enjoyed its most prolific period. The products were exported to the United States and Singapore, amongst other nations. Perhaps in part due to modernisation and in part due to the tastes and styles of contemporary China and its people, the ancient craft tradition has lost much of its market. Today, only a few artists in Ninghai County still make the once illustrious crafts. In June 2011, gold and multi-colour painting was listed in the third state-level non-material cultural heritage project. ■

Source: Photos by: Ningbo Culture Centre (Ningbo Exhibition Hall, Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre)

ARTS & CULTURE |艺术和文化 据《浙江通志》记载,泥金彩漆是宁波 传统工艺“三金”之一 , 是一种以泥金工艺和 彩漆工艺相结合的漆器工艺,此工艺在明清时 期发展最为鼎盛。现仅宁波市辖县宁海还保留 此项传统工艺。 泥金彩漆(称为宁波特艺漆器)是我国 一种濒临失传的传统工艺品种,它的历史可追 溯到 7000 多年前的河母渡文化。它主要是在 木制还件上,将打成薄片的金银箔碾成粉状, 调入漆料后或涂或描或填,并采用蚌壳片、镜 片、砂会、沥粉等工艺技法精心装饰;也有以 竹片;竹编为胎的。 泥金彩漆在明清时遗留 下来的描金漆器,仍金光灿灿,可见泥金质量 之好。宁波生产的一批“鼓凳”、“红楼十二 金钗”等仿古工艺品,制作精巧,人物造型逼 夏,烁烁闪光,又富有立体感,很受外商欢迎。 是宁波市主要出口工艺品之一。

泥金彩漆 作者:Asher Moore

信息来源 : 宁波市非物质文化遗产网 图片来源 : 宁波市文化馆 ( 宁波市展览馆、宁波市非遗保护中心 )

泥金彩漆以中国生漆和金箔为主要原料。 制作方法分为“堆泥 ( 堆塑 )”、“沥粉”、“泥 金彩绘”三种。它们可以用一种工艺技法单独 成品,也可三种结合,综合成一个工艺丰富的 产品。堆泥是泥金彩漆最独特的工艺方法,它 是在平面上做“加法”——手工堆塑。艺人以 生漆、瓦片灰或蛎灰按一定比例捣制成漆泥, 在木胎漆胚上堆塑山水、花鸟、人物、楼阁等 图饰,再给堆塑贴金、上彩。此项工作程序繁 杂,要领颇多。制成的工艺品典雅古朴、绚丽 多彩,继承汉唐雕刻艺术之遗韵。 泥金彩漆与当地百姓生活息息相关。其 品种丰富,大及眠床、橱柜等内房家具,小到 提桶、果盒、帽筒等生活用具,折射出人们的 生活习惯和习俗。宁波现今保存着的明清及民 国时期家具和生活用具,其泥金彩漆部分光艳 如新,看得出当年手工技艺之精湛。 民国至新中国成立初,泥金彩漆还盛行 在宁波地区的民间。1953 年举办的全国首届 工艺美术展览会上,宁波泥金彩漆中的双龙提 桶、饭盂、粉斗等作品,受到了行家的赞扬, 一些美术家撰文高度评价其艺术成就,并出版 画片加以介绍,影响颇大。此后在多次的国内 外展览中,都赢得了声誉。上世纪 70 年代初 也曾辉煌,产品远销美国、新加坡等地。随着 现代人们生活方式和观念的转变,它失去了自 己的生存市场。时至今日,仅宁海县境内还有 少数艺人在制作,其它地方已鲜见踪影了。 2011 年 6 月,泥金彩漆列入第三批国家 ■ 级非物质文化遗产名录。

December 2011 ningbo focus 39


Giving it Away:

Book Donations by the Ningbo Institute of Technology Impacts Ningbo’s Educational Service to Local Expats

各方助力“公益汉语课堂”、共同服务城市发展 Written by Guan Erjia and supervised by Cai Liang of Ningbo Institute of Technology 浙江大学宁波理工学院 文 : 关尔佳 指导教师 : 蔡亮

What do titles like ‘The ABC’s of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language’, ‘A Course in TCSL’, ‘A New Practical Course in TCSL’, ‘The Boya Chinese’, and ‘Follow Me to Learn Chinese’ have in common? These and hundreds of other text books on teaching Chinese as a foreign language have recently been part of a donation programme aimed to invigorate the curriculum in use by volunteer teachers working with the Complimentary Chinese Course for Foreigners Project at the Ningbo Institute of Technology (NIT). The abundant teaching materials will surely help to improve the teaching quality of the programme. The project, called ‘you choose the book, we pay for it’, sees, the library of the NIT donate books in order to promote the Complimentary Chinese Course for Foreigners Project and elevate its service to new heights.


ince NIT an d N ingbo Cent r e f or International Cultural Studies launched the Complimentary Chinese Course for Foreigners Project, it has attracted a lot of attention nationwide. According to an ongoing survey, so far, there are about 35 media outlets nationwide reporting on the Complimentary Chinese Courses, amongst which, Ningbo Focus, the first bilingual magazine in Ningbo, was the first to report on this programme in their October issue. Up to now, 15% of the expatriates that signed up for the complimentary course read about it on Ningbo Focus. This denotes a bright future for the continuing development of Ningbo's public service system.

and curriculum. Together with participants' ongoing contributions, the constant guidance from teachers and the support from a variety of organisations, the Complimentary Chinese

40 ningbo focus December 2011

自浙江大学宁波理工学院外国语分院与 宁波市国际文化研修中心共同推出“公益汉语 课堂”以来,活动得到社会各界的高度关注。 据不完全统计,目前已有 35 家平面与网络媒 体对“公益汉语课堂”活动进行报道和转载。 《宁 波聚焦》是全国首家报道“公益汉语课堂”的 双语媒体,在目前的 40 位报名学习的外籍人 士中有 15% 通过《宁波聚焦》了解到活动信息。 这也标志着凝聚多方力量可以共同服务城市发 展,参与到城市公共文化服务体系建设中! 为帮助“公益汉语课堂”完成“服务城 市建设”的初衷,浙大宁波理工学院党委宣传、 教务、科研、后勤、团学等部门多方支持,力 争将“公益汉语课堂”打造成为宁波市公共文 化服务体系建设中的品牌项目。之前“公益汉 语课堂”实行教材循环利用制,教学小组内对 教材循环登记利用,随着教学的深入和热情攀 升,志愿者对教学科研知识的需求也不断提升, 学院图书馆主动向“公益汉语课堂”伸出了援 助之手,为志愿者知识的更新和视野的开拓提 供了保障,图书馆的借阅功能和网络的资源也 被志愿者充分利用成为储备‘精神食粮’的最 佳途径。

The elevation of the city's system for servicing and educating its public are major aims of the Complimentary Chinese Course for Foreigners Project. Prior to the donation project organised by the NIT library, teaching materials were circulated on a shared basis amongst the various study groups. With the increased need for quality curriculum, the donation of new text books provides a boon to participating Ningbo expats studying Chinese as a foreign language. The Confucius Institute has already become a world brand for introducing Chinese culture and the TCSL. The global demand for learning the language and culture of China has resulted in the reputable expansion of the Confucius Institute in several countries. Meanwhile, the Complimentary Chinese Course for Foreigners Project is a new endeavour in the Chinese languageteaching field, in many ways, an echo to the overseas Confucius Institutes. It is also worth noticing that this programme gives teachers a great opportunity to conduct meaningful research in areas of educational methods

波理工学院图书馆正式通过“你选书、我付款” 活动,帮助“公益汉语课堂”完成一次质的提升。

Course for Foreigners Project is bound to play a vital role in the sustained impact of Ningbo's public service system. ■

《对外汉语教学入门》、《对外汉语示 范教程》、《博雅汉语》、《新实用汉语教程》、 《跟我学汉语》……当近百种对外汉语教学和 研究方面的图书摆在“公益汉语课堂”志愿者 面前时,大家的心情无比激动,丰富的教材资 源将进一步提升对外汉语教学的质量。浙大宁

当前,“孔子学院”已经成为推广汉语教 学、传播中国文化的全球品牌。 “公益汉语 课堂”在整合国内文化教育资源,推广中华文 化方面是一次全新的尝试,也是对“孔子学院” 的有益呼应和补充。“公益汉语课堂”创新模 式在服务在华外籍人士学习汉语和中国文化的 同时,也为大学生提供了钻研和宣传中国文化 的平台。志愿者的积极参与,教师的悉心指导, 各级组织的大力支持将使“公益汉语课堂”成 为高校参与城市公共文化服务体系建设中重要 ■ 的一环。 Photos by: NIT 图片来源 : 浙江大学宁波理工学院


Leaving your Mark The importance of Foreign Teachers in English language education 外教在英语教学中的重要性 By(作者): Shannon McAtasney


nglish teachers - If you aren't one now, you were one. If you were never one, you know many. You may be a learner of English – a highly adaptive and fickle language and the most 'native' of English speakers are ever students. Certainly there are questions worth asking about English language education, especially in China, the first and foremost being 'Why is it important to learn English?' English is spoken as a first language by about 375 million, as a second language by as many people and as a foreign language by around 750 million. It has official or special status in at least 70 countries and is being learned by about a billion people. These numbers alone make English important to learn. Studying English with a native speaker gives a student several distinct advantages over learners working with a local English teacher. English is always adapting, assimilating, and expanding its vocabulary, lexis, and common phrases. The English language's most renowned dictionary, Webster's, normally has 100 new entries per year. And for those willing to look outside the academic realm, the popular 'Urban Dictionary' includes thousands of less than classroom-friendly entries. Slang, however, does have a place in the classroom as students learning English should be empowered to communicate with as many natural tendencies as possible. English is spoken with slang on streets, in coffee houses, schools, shopping malls, on the Internet and over the phone. By studying with a foreign teacher, students can learn English the way it is spoken in real life situations by real speakers. Effective communication is more than a matter of language proficiency and that, apart from enhancing and enriching communicative competence, cultural competence can also lead to empathy and respect toward different cultures. How can foreign teachers leave their mark? 1. Sense of Humour A sense of humour can help you become a successful teacher. A sense of humour will also make classes more enjoyable for your

students and possibly make students look forward to attending and paying attention. 2. A Positive Attitude You will be thrown many curve balls in the classroom. A positive attitude will help you cope with these in the best way. For example, you may find out a scheduling mistake results in a new class opening on the same day you are told. This would not be an ideal situation, but a teacher with the right attitude would try to focus on getting through the first class without negatively impacting the students. 3. High Expectations An effective teacher must have high expectations. You should strive to raise the bar for your students. If you expect less effort you will receive less effort. You should work on an attitude that says that you know students can achieve to your level of expectations, thereby giving them a sense of confidence too. This is not to say that you should create unrealistic expectations. However, your expectations will be one of the key factors in helping students learn and achieve. 4. Consistency In order to create a positive learning environment your students should know what to expect from you each day. You need to be consistent. This will create a safe learning environment for the students and they will be more likely to succeed. It is amazing that students can adapt to teachers throughout the day that range from strict to easy. However, they will dislike an environment in which the rules are constantly changing. Through the learning of English from a foreign teacher, Chinese students' ability to communicate will be fostered as well as their confidence, further as they acquire language from a foreign teacher, students also adopt cultural norms and modern tendencies which are inherent in the teacher's own culture and therefore ever present in their language, customs, behaviour, and demeanor. Teaching English is only part of the equation, as cultural acquisition is a means by which individuals bridge gaps, foster understanding, and develop a more global perspective of the ■ world.

作为一个在中国的老外,十有八九,你 是或者曾经是一名英语老师。如果你不是,那 你也一定认识很多的英语老师。英语是一种不 断变化更新的语言,因此你也是不断地在学习 英语。再“本土”化的以英语为母语的人也永 远是一个学习英语的学生。当然了,许多有关 于英语教育的问题值得提出,尤其是在中国, 排在第一位且最重要的问题是“为什么学习英 语是非常重要的?”

英语被 3.75 亿人作为母语,被同样数量 的人作为第二语言,并被 7.5 亿人作为外语使 用。它在至少 70 个国家中有着官方地位或是 特殊地位,有近 10 亿的人在学习英语。这些 数据都表明了学习英语的重要性。 比起本国的英语老师,跟以英语为母语 的人学习英语会带给学生较明显的优势。英语 是适应、吸收、扩大词汇和学习简单短语的过 程。英语最著名的词典,韦伯词典通常每年有 100 个新的词汇更新。对于那些愿意看看学术 领域之外的人,热门的“城市字典”会教给你 成千上万个在课堂上学不到的词汇。 俚语在课堂上也应该占有一席之地,学 生们应该被鼓励使用更口语化的英语来交流。 在街道上、咖啡屋、学校、商场、网络和电话中, 人们说的英语都是俚语。通过跟外国老师学 习,学生可以学习到在实际生活情况下的英语 口语。有效的沟通不仅仅是对语言的精通,除 了加强和丰富交际能力之外,文化的学习也是 通向对不同文化产生共鸣和赢得尊重的通道。 外教如何能做到最好? 1. 幽默感 幽默感能有助你成为一位成功的老师。 幽默感还能使你的课堂更具趣味性,而且也可 能使你的学生更加期待并专注于你的课程。 2. 乐观向上的态度 在课堂上,你也许会遇到许多挑战和挫 折。乐观的态度是帮助你应对这些的最好方法。 例如,你突然被告知今天你有一个新开课的班 要教,而由于其他人的失误,你的课时安排表 上并没有注明。这不会是一个理想的状态,但 是有着正确的态度的老师将尽力集中精力度过 这第一节课,而不会用负面情绪影响学生。 3. 高期望值 一个优秀的老师必须对学生抱有较高的 期望值。你应该努力帮助你的学生更上一层楼。 如果你期望付出较少的努力,那你也将会有更 少的收获。你应该努力达到这样一种态度—— 你知道你的学生一定会达到你所期望的水平, 从而也给他们自信。这并不是说你应该创造不 切实际的期望。然而,你的期望值是帮助学生 学习和实现目标的最重要的关键因素之一。 4. 一致性 为了营造一种积极的学习环境,每一天 你的学生都应该知道今天会从你这儿学到些什 么。你需要保持一致性。这将为学生创建一个 安全的学习环境,这样他们成功的几率也会更 大。令人惊异的是,学生可以适应不同的教师, 从作风严格的到随意的。然而,他们却不喜欢 规则不断变化的学习环境。 通过跟外教学习英语,中国学生的沟通 能力以及他们的信心将得到提升。之后,在他 们跟外教学习语言的同时,学生也在接受外教 国家的文化和潮流,这些都会存在于他们的语 言、风俗、行为举止中。教授英语仅仅是一部 分,对于文化的学习能拉近人们的距离,培养 相互理解,并发展更全球化的世界视野。 ■

December 2011 ningbo focus 41


Learning is All Around Us 身边处处是课堂 By ( 作者 ): Obio Ntia 欧力鹏

Obio Ntia 欧力鹏


cannot think of many more occasions in which I may need to notify the person facing me that I am still alive. On a recent visit to a Zhenhai night food market, I locked up my bicycle just as the man operating the grill referred to me as a 'black ghost' (heigui) upon first sight. My exact response to him could be roughly translated to: 'Listen! I'm not a ghost! I'm still living, you got that?' Moments later, I wondered: 'What was I reacting to?' The man could have just as easily uttered the old standby, all-purpose, laowai (old outsider; foreigner) or even the more specific heiren (black person) and neither would have engendered a reaction. Heigui, though, packed a slight sting since it is sometimes used as the Chinese translation of the English 'N-word'. Knowing this Chinese phrase does not carry the same belittling and oppressive subtext as the English racial slur, I was able to separate the two but I was unable to ignore the fact that the Chinese phrase still implies that I am some type of ghost. In Chinese folklore, ghosts are often evil spirits - devious little things! The man obviously knew I was not a ghost so, in some respects, my response was a projection of my interpretation of the word onto him. This is hardly the space to discuss the etymology of each commonly used Chinese word to refer to foreigners. Besides, I lack the expertise to do so. In the most cursory terms, however, after Chinese ports opened up to western merchants, many Chinese viewed the foreigners to be crude barbarians based on their behaviour and appearance. At present, though, foreigners are more welcomed. Hence, the Cantonese term gwei lo (foreign ghost; foreign devil), which was originally a rather scornful term applied mostly toward Caucasians, is still commonly used today but without most of its pejorative subtext.

42 ningbo focus December 2011

For foreigners here in Ningbo, interactions on the street provide ample opportunities for learning and growth toward Mandarin proficiency and toward finding a sense of comfort and place in being an outsider in the culture. This learning outside the classroom, so to speak, shapes individual characterbuilding. The learning goes both ways. For example, the man who called me a 'black ghost' might call the next individual of African descent he sees a black person instead. And I might not be so hasty to judge someone as being illmannered in a similar future situation. With the growing presence of foreign students and professionals here, Ningbo's character is changing. And some of that change happens on a one-on-one basis. It is important to bear in mind that as much as education is about formalised schooling, learning opportunities abound through mere engaged interaction with the people around us even if those encounters are centered around the exchange of roasted meat on a stick. ■ Obio is a college counselor at Zhenhai High School A­Level Center. He is part of the College Admission Counseling Service (CACS) division of Dipont Education Management Group (www.dipont­edu. org). He has prior international education experience as a staff assistant in the International Student Services office at Stony Brook University and as an international admission officer at Mount Holyoke College. He can be reached at

除了这次,我不能想出来还有哪次我需 要告诉别人我还活着。那是发生在前不久的一 件事,我去了趟镇海的夜市,当我在锁自行车 时,一个烤肉串的人朝我看了一眼,然后便叫 了我一声“黑鬼”。我立即对他喊道:“我跟

你说,我不是鬼!我还活着,好不好?”之后, 我想:我为什么会有这么大的反应呢? 这个男人可以叫我老外或者用更特定的 词语——黑人,这些都不会引起我这么大的反 应。而黑鬼却像是个骂人的词语。但是得知了 黑鬼这个词并不带有种族歧视的语气后,我还 是不能忘记这个中文词把我说成是某种“鬼”。 在中国的民间传说中,鬼都是邪恶的东西!那 个人显然知道我不是这个鬼,因此在某些方面, 我对词语的误解导致了我对他反应过激。 这儿不是讨论那些涉及到外国人的中文 词语来源的地方,况且,我也没有这方面的专 业知识。虽然现在,外国人在中国还是很受欢 迎的,但是在中国港口刚对西方开放时,由于 外国人的行为和长相,许多中国人都把外国人 看成是野蛮人。因此,广东词语“鬼佬”最初 带有轻蔑的语气,主要用于白种人。这个词现 在还在使用,但是已经不带有鄙视的意思了。 对于在宁波的外国人来说,在街上互动 可以提高汉语能力和提供给我们这些“文化圈 外人”一个避风港的机会。这个在课堂之外的 学习机会,更能塑造人的性格。 学习是双向的。比如说,那个叫我“黑 鬼”的人下一次再看见非洲裔人时也许会叫他 们“黑人”。而我以后在遇到类似的情况时, 我也不会轻率的判断别人的行为是无礼的。 随着越来越多的外国留学生和专家来到 宁波,宁波的性质也在改变。其中的一些改变 是在一对一的基础上发生的。我们必须牢记, 教育不仅仅是在学校完成,学习的机会也充满 着我们在和身边其他人交流互动的过程中。 ■ Obio 是 一 名 大 学 顾 问 任 职 于 镇 海 中 学 A­Level 中 心。 他 是 Dipont 教 育 管 理 集 团 (www.dipont­ 大学招生顾问服务部 门的一员。他有着丰富的国际教育经验,曾在 石溪大学的国际学生服务办公室作为员工助 手,在霍山学校作为国际招生官员。如想联系 他,可发送邮件至。

EDUCATION |教育 how retrofitting can play a role in reducing Ningbo’s buildings-related carbon footprint. Professor Darkwa in the driveway of a mansion at "The Dynasty", also known as Chating 乔大宽教授在位于宁波东钱湖边的别墅群

CSET building at night 可持续能源技术研究中心的夜景

Delegates to low-carbon symposium visit a mansion in Ningbo's exclusive "The Dynasty" estate 低碳研讨会的代表访问宁波独有的“王朝”地产

Ningbo’s Environmental Pioneers Guide China’s Commercial Agenda 宁波的环保专家引领中国商业趋势


By ( 作者 ): Jackie Hadland

t is 8:20 a.m. and already a crowd has gathered in the crisp autumn sun around the Frog Fountain, so-named for the water-spewing giant amphibians that are usually only switched on as a sign of respect for important visitors to The University of Nottingham Ningbo China.

students are making impressive technological advances.

It’s Sunday, so you’d expect delegates to China’s second international symposium on low carbon buildings to be snuggled up under duvets in their comfortable suites in the campus hotel after a day of detailed presentations on new research.

Our first stop on the tour is the Chating Villa Complex, a magnificent luxury residential development at the relatively unspoilt Dongqian Lake.

Instead, there’s an air of excitement and animated discussion as engineering and architectu ral expe rts fr om China and elsewhere split into two coach-loads for a tour of the university’s most promising lowcarbon demonstrative projects being run with the city of Ningbo. Many were in a group led by Professor Jo Darkwa, symposium general chair and Director of the university’s Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (CSET).

The most recent invention to capture global attention is a heat-regulating building material that will cut the amount of energy a building uses by more than one-third.

All of the 209 Italian-style mansions have been sold, each for about RMB 20 million, giving just a hint of the enormous wealth being created in Ningbo. Professor Darkwa and his team are conduct­ ing research on behalf of the Ningbo city authorities, whom they also advise on policy and building regulations, on special solar collectors installed on each villa’s roof. The next demonstration, this time of geo­ thermal technology, takes us to a light industrial zone.

The Centre has bragging rights as China’s first-ever zero carbon building. It has helped to highlight the environmental importance as well as the many business opportunities in developing sustainable energy technologies in Ningbo and China in general.

We go deep into the belly of a double storey building in a semi-conductor plant to survey giant black pipes that harness the natural heat produced deep in the earth to fuel the air-conditioners in summer and heaters in winter.

There’s far more than just demonstrations of good practices going on in CSET, though. Professor Darkwa and his colleagues and

Our final destination is a tired government building on the outskirts of downtown Ningbo where researchers are investigating

Says Professor Darkwa of the ultimate chall­ enge, 'We can all influence change. However small the contributions, they add up to make an impact. Every sector of society has a role to play, starting from schools where we are nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.' ■

秋高气爽的早晨,宁波诺丁汉大学的喷 泉旁已经聚集了一群人。他们都是工程与建筑 领域的中外专家、来到宁波诺丁汉大学参加第 二届中国(宁波)低碳建筑国际研讨会的嘉宾 和与会人员们。同时,他们将前往宁波诺丁汉 大学与宁波市共同合作运行的低碳示范项目点 进行参观。 与会者中很多人是本次研讨会主席兼宁 波诺丁汉大学可持续能源技术研究中心主任乔 大宽教授率领的研究小组成员。作为中国第一 座零排放能源楼,宁波诺丁汉大学可持续能源 技术研究中心有助于突出环保的重要性,并为 宁波乃至中国在发展可持续能源技术方面提供 许多的商业机会。 虽然该示范工程不仅仅只是对可持续能 源技术中心研究成果的展示,但乔大宽教授与 他的同事和学生们正努力创造更为先进的技 术,同时他们还积极为宁波市政府献计献策, 希望将更多最新的科研成果运用到实际生活 中,为广大人民谋福利。 他们在科研上的最新突破是研究出一种 节能建筑材料,通过利用这种建筑材料的建筑 物将比一般建筑物要少消耗三分之一的能源。 中外专家们首先来到了位于宁波东钱湖 边的别墅群,这是一个豪华住宅发展项目,每 栋别墅售价约 2000 万人民币,209 栋意大利 风格的别墅早就被抢购一空,这足以暗示宁波 经济高速发展与宁波百姓的富裕程度。乔大宽 教授及他的团队成员们将代表宁波相关当局研 究一种特殊的太阳能集热器安装在每栋别墅的 屋顶上。 专家们随后来到了一个轻工业区,参观 了下一个关于地热技术的示范工程,他们进入 了一栋双层建筑的内部查看地源热泵技术在空 调中的实际运行情况。 最后,专家们来到位于宁波郊区的一座 旧的政府大楼,考察研究如何通过改造降低宁 波建筑的碳排放。 “我们每个人都能影响和改变这个社会。 不论做出的贡献是大是小,但他们都产生了一 定的影响。社会的各个阶层都发挥着自身的作 用,而学校则扮演着培养明日之星的作用。” ■ 乔大宽教授说道。 Photos by: UNNC 图片来源 : 宁波诺丁汉大学

December 2011 ningbo focus 43


10 Minutes with Eveline de Wael By Elaine Chan

Originally from The Netherlands, Eveline de Wael has lived in Ningbo for almost a year. Eveline is a Social and Environmental Compliance Specialist at HVEG, a Dutch fashion group. Eveline de Wael

NF: When did you first arrive in Ningbo and what brought you here? Eveline: I arrived in Ningbo at the end of 2010. My husband was offered a job as General Manager of Fashion Linq, a Dutch fashion company in China. The company’s European customers and the company itself require a better and safer working environment for the employees in the textile factories they work with and because of my background in social affairs, Fashion Linq offered me a job to take care of their social compliance issues to help improve the social and environmental situation in the textile factories. NF: What was Ningbo like then? Eveline: Ningbo is changing so fast. I first came in October 2010 to look for an apart­ ment to live in. In front of our apartment, they were building a new shopping cen­tre which is now almost finished. The develop­ment in China is going at an amazing pace. Even the Chinese call the national bird of China the cranes that you see everywhere in the sky…. NF: What is your most memorable experi­ ence in Ningbo during your early days in this city? Eveline: In general, the nice thing in Ningbo is that you have more interaction with the Chinese and are not locked up in your expat environment, like in Shanghai. I don’t have one memorable experience yet but many things struck me when I arrived in Ningbo: • The number of expensive cars and shops in Ningbo. • The way the young modern Chinese interact with each other and how they find their life-long partners is so different.

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• The way people drive in China. • The ‘kumpai-ing’ of alcohol with exquisite food during business dinners is a way of life here. • The way people do taichi in the mornings and walk backwards along the river. • The smelly tofu on the streets smell so bad, but people love it! • There is no privacy in hospitals! Every­ one is walking in when you have an appointment with the doctor or when you are doing a health check. On the other hand, I am more and more curious about Chinese medicine. There is still so much we don’t know about in Europe. • The magnificent art of writing Chinese characters (shufa) even on the ground in the parks. NF: What were your challenges then (i.e. shopping items that are not available here, transportation, food etc?) Eveline: After having lived in Afghanistan and South Sudan, Ningbo is so convenient, you can find almost everything here. Nevertheless coming from Europe, it is still difficult to find the food we like, i.e. steaks, bread and international restaurants. Most Chinese order everything through the Internet, where we are used to buy in the shops. Since we can’t read Chinese, it is difficult to shop on websites or find suitable items in the shops. Moreover, it is difficult to find anything else but the smaller Chinese sizes of clothes and shoes which, in general are also a different style than in Europe. Therefore I still buy my clothes, shampoo, nail polish, and toothpaste in Europe.

NF: How do you feel about Ningbo's deve­ lopment to date? Eveline: Ningbo is so organised compared to other Chinese cities. To avoid pollution, no motorised bikes are allowed into the city, which is fantastic! The large financial district outside the centre, limits the traffic into town. The new south station that will soon be finished and the upcoming underground will give direct access to the centre of town. NF: What do you envisage Ningbo to be in 10 years? Eveline: A clean and environmental-friendly city and underground train system up and running. I hope to see more international restaurants and terraces outside. Besides, I hope that Ningbo can preserve their old buildings and renovate even more. It is a pity if those historic buildings with rich Chinese history disappear. NF: Any advice for the new foreign memb­ ers of our Ningbo family? Eveline: Take Chinese lessons immediately, even if you speak some basic Chinese you get much more respect from the Chinese and understand negotiations and customs much better. And of course read the Ningbo Focus to get yourself acquainted with life in Ningbo as soon as possible. ■


与 Eveline de Wael 对话 10 分钟 Eveline de Wael 来自荷兰,目前已经在 宁波生活了将近一年的时间。Eveline 是荷兰 时装集团 HVEG 的社会环保专家。

• 高档车和商店的数量惊人。

宁波聚焦:你第一次来到宁波是什么时候,是 什么使你来到这里? Eveline:我是在 2010 年年底来到宁波的。 我丈夫在 Linq 时装——一个在中国的荷兰时 装公司得到了出任总经理一职。该公司的欧洲 客户和公司本身需要为他们在纺织工厂的员工 提供一个更好的和安全的工作环境,而且因为 我有社会事务工作背景,Linq 时装聘请我从 事管理他们的社会事务以改善他们纺织工厂的 社会环境状况的工作。

• 中国人的开车方式。

宁波聚焦:那时的宁波是怎样的? Eveline:宁波变化得太快了。2010 年 10 月 我第一次来到宁波去找供我们居住的公寓。在 我们的公寓前面,他们正在修建一个新的购物 中心,而现它已基本完成。中国发展的速度实 在惊人。中国人甚至把起重机叫作中国的国鸟 , 天空中你处处可以看见他们… 宁波聚焦:刚来到宁波时你最难忘的经历是什 么? Eveline:一般来说,在宁波这点很好——你 与中国人有更多的互动,而不是仅仅锁在外国 人的圈子中,就像在上海。我还没有一个难忘 的经历,但我抵达宁波后,很多事情令我吃惊 :


• 这里的年轻人之间的互动和他们找另一半 的方式与西方非常的不同。

• 在商务会餐中大量饮酒竟然是这里的一种 生活方式。 • 这里的人们在早上打太极拳和沿着河边倒 着走。 • 路边的臭豆腐那么臭,可是人们却喜欢吃! • 在医院没有隐私!当你在和医生谈话或在 做检查时,人们在你的身边走来走去;另 一方面,我对中医越来越好奇。有许多我 们在欧洲还不知道的东西。 • 中国书法的伟大,人们甚至可以在宁波公 园的地上书写。 宁波聚焦:你有哪些挑战(如你买不到想要的 东西、交通和食物等等)? Eveline:在阿富汗和南苏丹住过之后,宁波 对我来说非常方便,你几乎可以在这里找到一 切。虽然来自欧洲,但仍然很难找到一些我们 想要的食物,如牛排、面包,或是国际餐馆。 大多数中国人都通过互联网订购我们习惯在商 店购买的东西。我们看不懂中文,所以很难在 网店或者实际商店买到合适的东西。此外,除 了中国的衣服和鞋子的尺寸都偏小之外,我们

很难找到别的,而且他们的款式也有别与欧洲。 所以,我依然在欧洲买我的衣服、洗发水、指 甲油和牙膏。 宁波聚焦:对宁波的现在的发展,你的感受如 何? Eveline:相比中国其它的城市,宁波的规划 是非常好的——为了避免污染,摩托车不允许 进入市区,这实在是太棒了!大型的商务区不 在市中心,以减少城市中的车辆;新的南站即 将建成;地铁的投入运营也将使交通更加便捷。 宁波聚焦:你能想象 10 年后的宁波将变成什 么样子么? Eveline:一个干净、环保的城市,地下铁路 系统运转良好。我希望看到更多的国际餐馆和 酒吧咖啡吧。除此之外 , 我希望宁波可以保留 和翻新更多的古建筑。如果这些具有丰富中国 历史的古建筑消失将是多么的遗憾。 宁波聚焦:对那些新加入宁波大家庭的外国人 有些什么建议? Eveline:立即参加中文课程,即使你会一些 基本的中文,这将使得你从中国人那儿获得更 多的尊敬,并能更好的理解商务会谈和习俗。 ■

Ningbo Foreign Ladies




rganised by Lediz Leal Hareland, the Ningbo Foreign Ladies Group (NFLG) and Marriott Ningbo Hotel held the inaugural Ladies & Kids Cooking Class over two weekends in October. Led by Marriott’s Executive Chef, Manson Cui who taught the ladies to cook Malaysian Chicken Curry, and Executive Pastry Chef, Helen Shuai, who taught the children to make marble cheese cake. The NFLG participants were adorned in chef uniform, and enjoyed a fun-filled day of hotel culinary experience with new recipes and fresh ingredients. Our ‘chefs’ went home with a huge sense of achievement and an insight to how a hotel culinary team works – and they have an accomplishment certificate to prove for it!

由 Lediz Leal Hareland 组 织, 宁 波 外 籍 女士团体 (NFLG) 和宁波万豪酒店在 10 月的 两个周末举行了首次妇女及儿童烹饪课程。万 豪总厨 Manson Cui 教女士们烹饪马来西亚咖 喱鸡肉,糕点主厨 Helen Shuai 教孩子们制作 云石芝士蛋糕。来自 NFLG 的参与者们都穿上 了厨师制服,在酒店厨房用新鲜原料烹饪新菜 式,度过了充实而愉快的一天。我们的“大厨们”

Photos by ( 图片来源 ): Lediz Leal Hareland

取得了巨大的成就感,并见证了酒店厨师们如 何进行团队工作——而且他们还获得了荣誉证 书来证明他们所取得的成绩 ! 这 次 的 烹 饪 课 程 仅 仅 是 作 为 NFLG 成 员所享受的待遇之一。如果你也想加入,请 发送邮件给 Lediz Leal Hareland,请发邮箱 ■。

These classes are just one of the perks of being an NFLG member. To become a member, please email Lediz Leal Hareland at ■

December 2011 ningbo focus 45


The COIC FEC Annual Christmas Party 宁波国际商会外籍专家委员会圣诞派对 Joy and Peace to the world! Christmas is coming! The Chamber of International Commerce Ningbo, Ningbo Foreign Expert Committee cordially invites you, your loved ones and your children, to their annual Christmas Dinner Party which will be held on 10th December 2011 from 5:30 until 10 p.m. at Luna Bar & Restaurant (Building 9, Room 9101 – 9110, Silver Walk, Ri Li Middle Road, Yinzhou, Ningbo 315100, Tel: +86 574 8901 8898). There will be gifts for every child under the age of 12, presented by their very own Santa Claus. There will also be prizes to be won with lucky draws and games such as bingo etc. Tickets cost RMB 138 for adults, RMB 70 for children between the ages of three and 12, and complimentary for children under the age of three. Due to limited space, please buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment, ticket sales will begin from Monday 28th November until 9th December 2011. To purchase tickets, please call Kim on +86 158 6930 3637, Patrick on +86 135 8691 0891, David on +86 159 9052 0230 Thorsten on +86 135 0574 3605, Olaf on +86 134 7280

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4101 or Samy on +86 136 1656 2997. Funds raised from ‘Bing-Go’ during the course of the Christmas party will be donated to the students at Ninghai Qingzhu Primary School. In the past, Christmas parties held by COICFEC welcomed over 15 different nationalities, more than 150 participants each year. This year will be no different, so hurry, and purchase your tickets early! COIC-FEC would like to thank their sponsors, including Ningbo CCPIT, Dr Thorsten Keiter of TUV Rheinland, Park Hyatt Ningbo Hotel, Mr Olaf Griese of Dezan & Shira, Mr Andy Du of FMC, Mr Subramaniam of Luna Bar, Mr Bernd Schuebel of BDC GmbH and Ms Barbara Lee of Altica Corp Ltd., for their kind and generous support. ■

得一份由属于他们自己的圣诞老人送上的礼 物。此外,现场还设置了幸运抽奖以及宾果游 戏等娱乐环节,为参与者送去丰厚奖品。 门 票 价 格 为: 成 人 138 元 / 位,3 至 12 岁儿童 70 元 / 位,3 岁以下儿童免票。由于 场地空间受限,请大家提前购票。售票时间 为 11 月 28 日至 12 月 9 日。购票可联系以下 人 员:Kim +86 158 6930 3637, Patrick +86 135 8691 0891, David +86 159 9052 0230 和 Samy +86 136 1656 2997。 派对期间,通过宾果游戏所筹集的资金 将用于捐助宁海青珠小学的学生。 在过去几年中,由宁波国际商会外籍专家 委员会举办的圣诞派对每年都吸引来自 15 个 不同国家的 150 多名人士前来参与,今年当 然也不会例外,因此,请各位朋友们抓紧时间, 赶快前来抢票哦!

和平与喜悦!圣诞节就要来啦! 宁波国际商会热诚邀请您和家人一道参 加一年一度的圣诞晚宴。今年的派对举办时间 为 12 月 10 日晚上 5 点 30 至 10 点,地点位 于露娜酒吧(鄞州区日丽中路水街 9 号楼, 9101-9110 室,电话:+86 574 8901 8898)

宁波国际商会外籍专家委员会在此特别 感谢各位赞助商的大力支持,他们分别是宁波 贸 促 会、TUV Rheinland 的 Thorsten Keiter 博士、宁波柏悦酒店、Dezan & Shira 的 Olaf Griese 先生、宁波富利达机械的杜旭东先生、 露娜酒吧的 Subramaniam 先生、BDC GmbH 的 Bernd Schuebel 先生以及宁波欧特的李冰 ■ 女士。

届时,每一位 12 周岁以下的儿童均可获

Photos by: COIC 图片来源:宁波国际商会


A Visit to Ms Gu Qiuhong, the Headmaster of Zhen’an Primary School 国学镇安 — 小记者访百年名校镇安小学顾秋红校长 Special Contributor ( 特约撰稿 ): Wu Haodan 吴昊旦

小主人报的三位小记者在镇安小学校长 办公室,就镇安小学创建“甬城国学堂”有关 事宜采访了学校顾秋红校长。 小记者们用自己视角向校长提了一些问 题,如学校即将进行校舍大整修,您能跟我 们谈谈吗?为什么我们学校定位为“国学教 育”特色学校呢?我们学校有哪些相关举 措?……


hree Little Reporters went to the head­ master’s office of Zhen’an Primary School, which is a well-known hundredyear-old school, and had an interview with Ms Gu about matters which concern the establishing of the Ningbo Sinology School. The little reporters asked several questions from their perspective. ‘Could you talk about the coming major repair of school buildings?’ ‘Why does the school feature itself as Sinology Education School?’ ‘What will be the relevant measures?’ Ms Gu answered all the questions with a smile. She replied, ‘The school is playing an active role in establishing the Ningbo Sinology School and creating a top education brand in China. With a blend of campus environment adhering to nationalistic character and newest trends of modern education, the school represents the historical imprints of its one-hundred-year history and its unique vision for the future of education in China. We are making great efforts to let the students progressively grow in a campus which is of Chinese architectural style.’ She added, ‘By establishing a school which features the Sinology Education brand we not only enrich the campus’ historic importance, we also improve the overall accomplishments of both teachers and students. All of this serves to develop the reputation of the

school. Starting with subjects offered on a provincial level, the school actively filters the best possible educational principles, seeking to accept the best of long standing traditions as well as rejecting outdated educational practices and replacing them with modern theory and methods. This filtering principle carries into much of the school’s components, whether it be school culture, curriculum, educational methods, faculty training, administrative evaluation or website construction, the school tries its best to enrich students’ lives while establishing the great Chinese national spirit into the heart of each and every pupil.’ After concluding their short time with the Headmaster, the little reporters had a much better understanding of the Zhen’an Primary School’s development plans for a Ningbo Sinology School. They indicated that although it was a short interview, Ms Gu’s knowledge and amiability made for an excellent interview. Through their close contact with the headmaster, the little reporters gained a deeper understanding of the school’s operations. Moreover, they plan to present the discussion to more students, hoping to instill school pride among them. ■

顾校长面带微笑对小记者 的提问一一进行了回答,顾 校长说:“我校正在积极创 建‘ 甬 城 国 学 堂’, 创 建 ‘国学镇安’的教育品牌。 校园环境既有传统的民族 特色,又有现代教育的文 化色彩,会更好体现近百 年学堂的历史底蕴和独有的 视觉美感,努力使我们的学 生在一座具有中国建筑风格的 校园里快乐成长。”“通过‘国 学教育’特色学校的创建,丰厚校 园文化底蕴;提升师生国学素养,全 面有效地促进学校内涵的可持续发展。我们 从省级课题高度推进,以‘取精华,舍糟粕; 重内容,淡形式;既传承,更创新;既要学, 更在用’的实施原则,与校园文化建设结合; 与课程体系建构结合;与教育实践活动结合; 与师资培训结合;与管理评价机制结合;与国 学网站建设结合等举措,充分发挥国学的‘养 正、启智、博雅’的教育作用,丰富学生的文 化、人文底蕴,把中华民族的伟大精神植入学 生的心田”。 三位小记者听了顾校长的介绍,更了解 自己学校有关创建“甬城国学堂”的实际情况, 他们表示,虽然这次的采访时间很短,只有短 短的几十分钟,但顾校长和蔼可亲,使采访过 程进行得十分顺利。通过这次采访,既近距离 接触了校长,又进一步理解了学校的工作。小 记者纷纷表示,要把学校“甬城国学堂”的理 念宣传给更多的同学,让每位学生都感受到在 ■ 这里学习的温馨和自豪。 图片来源 : 李玖庆

Photos by: Li Jiuqing

December 2011 ningbo focus 47


A Narration by Voice: My Ningbo Dream 《用声音叙事—筑梦宁波》介绍 By ( 作者 ): Kenneth Chan 陈镇亿


ublished by the Zhejiang University Press, A Narration by Voice: My Ningbo Dream, is a book of reallife interviews by students of the School of Foreign Language Studies of Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University (NIT), with foreigners residing in Ningbo. Headed by Professor Cai Liang and a team of teachers, and put together by a team of over 24 students, the content is available in three languages – English, Chinese and Japanese, and is a result of a three-year teaching, researching and learning programme called ‘Narrating through Sounds’. The interviews conducted by the students in this 550,000-word book covers an account of the foreigners’ experience in seeking and accomplishing their dreams in Ningbo. It also records the students’ inspirations and thoughts during their face-to-face interviews and their playing a part in the construction of the city of Ningbo. Since 2008, the students, guided by faculties at NIT, have interviewed more than 700

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foreigners from over 50 countries in the form of surveys, face-to-face interviews, random interviews and in-depth talks. This programme was introduced to cultivate the students’ national and cross-cultural awareness, as well as understanding the importance of caring and being responsible for the society. Professor Pang Jixian, the Honourary Editorin-Chief, shared that he is very proud (and so are we at Ningbo Focus!) that through the past years of putting this book together, students have learnt to use language in real context and with the book published, it is a reality and it is indeed a job well done – this is possibly the first of its kind in China. A second book based on interviews put together by the students with small and medium-sized companies in Ningbo, is scheduled to be published in the first half of 2012. ■ Photos by: NIT 图片来源:浙江大学宁波理工学院

该书由浙江大学出版社出版 , 是浙江大学 宁波理工学院外国语学院师生开展 3 年的“用 声音叙事”教学实践活动的阶段性成果。该书 以三十余位在甬外籍人士为访谈对象,探询和 记录了外籍人士在宁波寻梦和圆梦的历程,以 及外籍人士对这座崛起中的东方滨海城市和历 史文化名城的发现与感悟,同时也收录了学生 在采访过程中的种种思考以及他们为宁波的国 际化城市建设提出的稚嫩却真诚的建议。该书 用中英(日)双语对照,共计 55 万字。 “用声音叙事”活动自 2008 年由蔡亮 副教授发起以来,采访了 50 多个国家(地区) 的 700 多位在甬外籍人士,参与师生累计达 300 多人,形成了许多可供研究的文本和音频 语料。活动已远远超过了单纯的语言实践,在 培养学生对中华文化的自信、自觉,提高学生 社会责任和现实关注意识等方面有着十分重要 的意义。正如该校金伟良校长在该书首发仪式 上所评价的:“用声音叙事”活动实现了以专 业知识为宁波国际化城市建设服务,在跨文化 交流中提高专业与综合能力的基本目的,是浙 大宁波理工学院“教育提升学生价值,教育创 造社会价值”办学理念指导下的典型范例。 ■


Ningbo Ride & Race for Charity 2011 By Kat Xu


he Ningbo Ride & Race for Charity 2 0 11 w a s h e l d o n 2 9 t h O c t o b e r 2011 and was jointly organised by Ningbo Focus, Ningbo Guide and the Bike Association of Ningbo. Through this event, a total of RMB 4,380 was raised for the children of Enmei Welfare House. Enmei Welfare House houses about 340 orphans aged between 0 (zero) and 18. When we say zero, it is only true with their youngest children as young as prematureborn. Within the Enmei facility, there is a medical unit, recovery unit, care unit and an education centre. The money we raised has gone to the daily maintenance of the children – food, toys, education etc. A new building, funded by the government is also being built and when complete in 2013, the entire facility will be able to house about 500 children. We would like to extend our special thanks to all our participants from within the city and as far as Fenghua and Ninghai. We would like to also express our special thanks to all our sponsors: Harbor House, The Westin Ningbo, Tasty’s, The Office Bar and Reno Fitness.

About Our Sponsors:

Harbor House is a designer furniture boutiq­ ue from California producing furniture such as couches, tables, desks, chairs, cupboards, bookshelves, beds. Also available are decorative textiles including bed sheets and house decorations such as photo frames and ornaments. All Harbor House’s furniture designs are western-styled, natural and relaxed. Harbor House is located within Derlook International Furniture Plaza on Ningchuan Road in Jiangdong district. The Westin Ningbo is located right next to Tianyi Square and is scheduled to open in December 2011. There are 310 guestrooms and suites, six food and beverage venues, seven function rooms and a 620-sqm ballroom. It is a perfect choice for both business and leisure guests. What The Westin Ningbo will bring to our Ningbo community? – A new lifestyle. Tasty's is Ningbo's place for home-style cooking with great food at great prices! The new operators of Tasty’s are from the US and Morocco and they bring with them their

desire to fill your belly with goodness. You should try Tasty’s famous burgers, rotisserie chicken and burritos. The Office Bar is a friendly and fun environ­ ment providing a platform for you to meet new people from all over the world. The drinks are reasonably priced (Carlsberg at RMB 20) and the cocktails are strong! The Office Bar is managed by a Singaporean and Canadian duo. Enjoy the high definition sport on the big screens while you participate in some of Ningbo's best conversations and people watching! The brand new Reno Fitness is located on the 6th floor of the Golden Centre and is currently one of Ningbo’s largest gyms. It has tons of brand new state-of-the-art equipment, and provides an exhaustive list of workouts including Zumba!, wrestling, yoga, spinning, belly dancing, aerobics, oxygen gymnastics, etc. ■

Photos by: Sylvie Meltzer, Julian Wesch & Nathan Piao

December 2011 ningbo focus 49


2011 宁波慈善单车赛 《宁波聚焦》、《我爱宁波》和宁波自 行车协会于 10 月 29 日共同举办了 2011 宁波 慈善单车赛。此次活动为宁波市恩美福利院的 儿童共筹得资金 4380 元。 恩美福利院收留了约 340 名年龄在 0 至 18 岁的孤儿。我们说零岁,是因为在那里最 小的孩子是早产的小婴儿。恩美福利院拥有的 设施包括医疗室、康复中心、护理中心和教育 中心。我们筹集的费用会用于孩子的生活支 出——食品、玩具、教育等等。由政府投资在 建的一幢新大楼也将于 2013 年完工,全套设 施将能容纳 500 名儿童。 我们特别感谢来自宁波,以及奉化和镇 海的所有参与者。我们也要对我们的赞助商表 达衷心的感谢 : 谢谢 Harbor House、宁波威 斯汀酒店、Tasty's、Office 酒吧和里诺健身给 予的大力支持。

50 ningbo focus December 2011



Harbor House 是一个来自加利福尼亚的 家具设计精品店。他们设计和生产家具如沙发、 餐桌、写字台、椅子、橱柜、书柜、床,以及 纺织品如床单,还有家庭装饰品如相框。西方 化、自然和放松是他们的主要设计风格。该家 具精品店坐落于江东区宁穿路第六空间艺术生 活广场。 宁波威斯汀酒店位于天一广场旁,今年 年底即将开业。酒店拥有 310 间客房和套房、 六个餐厅和酒吧、七间多功能厅以及一个 620 平方米的大宴会厅。无论对于商务客人还是休 闲客人,这里都是一个完美的选择。宁波威斯 汀酒店将带给宁波的不仅仅是五星级的酒店产 业与服务,而更加是一种崭新的生活方式。

Office 酒吧有着友善且有趣的环境,并 为你提供一个让你接触来自世界各地的人的 平台。所有的酒水价格合理 ( 嘉士伯啤酒仅售 20 元 ),而且他们的鸡尾酒都很带劲。Office 酒吧是由新加坡人和加拿大人共同经营的。在 那里,你可以边与别人聊天边享受高清晰度大 屏幕上的体育节目或娱乐节目! 新开业的里诺健身位于金光中心 6 楼, 目前是宁波最大的健身中心。它拥有大量全新 的最先进的健身设备,并提供各类健身课程, 包括尊巴舞、柔道、瑜伽、动感单车、肚皮舞、 ■ 健身操、有氧操等。

图片来源:Sylvie MeLtzer,卫尤礼 ,朴南君

Tasty's 为 你 提 供 物 美 价 廉 的 家 庭 式 美 食!新老板来自美国和摩洛哥,他们会用来自 他们国家的美食将你的肚子塞饱。你应该试试 Tasty's 著名的汉堡、烤鸡和鸡肉卷。


December 2011 ningbo focus 51


Good ol’ Fashioned American Pig Roast…. In China?

传统美式烤猪在中国 By ( 作者 ): Matt Galat


ven in the USA, my experience with a typical down home pig roast has been somewhat limited. The opportunity to get together with some friends, throw a pig over a spit for eight hours and then enjoy a beer while you consume the said pig was something that I have little experience with. It’s strange that I would have to come to China to refine and grow my repertoire of western-style pig roasts. From my first pig, succulently roasted at an event held at the Nordic Industrial Park, to a pig roasted on the beach during our island camping trip in 2010, I have found that good times and even good networking can happen around a big pig over a smoldering fire. Most recently, I have been able to add La Maison to my list of successful pig roast events. La Maison is a dessert and coffee shop located in the growing Yue Hu Cheng Yuan district in downtown Ningbo. They recently approached Asia English to help organise a successful pig roasting party. How could we resist!? So on Saturday evening, 12th November, all were invited to partake in all they could eat pig, beer and assorted food. Apparently there are a lot of pig fans in Ningbo, because the turnout was larger than I had even imagined, swelling to a formidable 130 attendees (we estimated 80)! The group was made up of a mixture of Chinese and expats, all interested in enjoying a good ol’ American pig roast. I was very happy with the turnout. As a host, I gauge the success or failure of an event on the vibe that I get from the attendees. In this case, as I wound my way through the group of partiers at La Maison, I could hear the drumming of laughter, conversation and eating. These are all indications that you are in the midst of a great event. So thank you all that came to enjoy all that La Maison had to offer. I look forward to organising more successful events like that in the near future, so keep your attention tuned

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to for a complete calendar of interesting local events. ■ Visit La Maison’s Asia English page at 即使在美国,我品尝典型的家庭式烤猪 的次数也屈指可数。但与几个要好的朋友聚在 一起,花上八个小时的时间来烤一头猪,在烤 猪的同时与朋友们喝酒聊天,这样的经历我到 有过好几次。 真奇怪,我竟然会来到中国锻炼我做西 式烤猪的能力。从在北欧工业园举行的一个活 动中我烤的第一只猪开始,到 2010 年我们的 岛屿露营之旅中在海滩上的烤猪,我发现围绕 着一只在火上烤的大猪,许多美好的事情会发 生,你甚至能交上几个情投意合的朋友。 最近,我把在乐美颂的烤猪列入了我最 成功的烤猪活动名单中。乐美颂是位于宁波市 中心月湖盛园的一家甜点咖啡屋。他们最近联 系了亚洲英语以帮助他们组织一个成功的烤猪 派对。我们怎么能拒绝呢!? 因此,在 11 月 12 日那个周六晚上,所 有被邀请到的人都参与分享烤猪、啤酒和各式

各样的食物。很显然,在宁波有很多的猪肉迷, 因为参加这个派对的人比我想像中的多很多, 共有 130 人参加了这个活动 ( 原本预计为 80 人 ) !这个庞大的爱猪团体是由中国人和外国 人混合组成的,所有人都对传统美式烤猪十分 感兴趣。 判断一个活动的成功与否,取决于到场 的人员数量以及他们对此次活动的看法,我很 高兴当晚有那么多人参与其中。当晚,我在乐 美颂里听到人们愉快地交谈,看着人们津津有 味地吃着烤猪以及各种食物,还不时地传来一 阵阵笑声,这种种迹象表明你身处于一个超棒 的派对中。 我在这里谢谢大家参与在乐美颂举行 的那次派对,我也希望在不久的将来能举行 更 多 像 上 次 那 样 成 功 的 活 动。 所 以 请 关 注 获取更多有趣活动的 ■ 日程安排表。 登录 浏览亚洲英语网乐美颂网页 Photos by ( 图片来源 ): Matt Galat


Red Handed: Ningbo’s P.D. are on the Job 宁波月湖派出所——值得喝彩的快速反应 By ( 作者 ): Ethan Schills


n 13th October 2011, at about 8:10 p.m., a man of about 27 years of age entered T.ONE, an international-brand boutique located at Moonlake Flourishing Garden. He tried on several articles of clothing and then decided he wanted to look at some purses saying he was looking for a birthday gift for his girlfriend. The shop assistant showed him some purses. When another patron entered the store, and with all other staff occupied, the shop assistant left the man to serve the new customer. Moments after being left alone, the man hid in his bag, a Prada bag worth RMB 6,800 and a Gucci purse worth RMB 2,600, after which, he said he had to make a call and left the shop. This whole process took no longer than five seconds as recorded on T.ONE’s surveillance camera.

every detail of the thief – recollections and descriptions provided by the shop employees. The Constables then radioed their other colleagues in the area and the search began. Within 20 minutes, the store received a call informing them that the thief had been caught. This came as a total surprise to the shop assistants as well as to the owners of T.ONE. No one would have thought that the thief would ever be found since the streets were full of people and the thief was just dressed like every other person out and about. The goods were returned to the owners of T.ONE who were undoubtedly grateful for the quick response and the efficiency of the police team.

The shop assistants soon after checked the inventory of goods displayed and found the two items missing. With evidence from the surveillance camera, the police were promptly informed of the theft.

Well done to Constables Chen Xiaojie and Yao Qi and your team at the Moonlake Police Station whose quick response and alert teamwork saved the day! ■

Constables Chen Xiaojie and Yao Qi from the Moonlake Police Station arrived at the theft scene within 10 minutes and recorded

Photos by: T.ONE

2011 年 10 月 13 日,晚上 8:10 分左右, 一名穿着时尚、27 岁左右的男子走进月湖盛 园 T.ONE 国际名品店内。在试过多件衣服后, 他仍表示不满意,又让店员为他介绍皮夹,说 是给女朋友做生日礼物。这时,店里又进来一 名女顾客,由于没有其他店员,该店员便离开 了他去服务新客人。 之后,他便趁机拿了一个价值 6800 元的 Prada 挎包放在他所背的 LV 大包后面,又顺 手将一个价值 2600 元的 Gucci 皮夹塞入裤子 口袋中。 然后表示他要去外面打个电话便离 开了。 T.ONE 国际名品店的监控显示,整个 偷窃过程不到五秒钟。店员立即清点货品,发 现少了两件。通过视频也看到店内确实遭到偷 窃便立即报了警。 月湖派出所民警在接到报警后,陈小杰 警官、姚奇警官及其他民警十分钟内便到了现 场,通过店员的描述了解到了小偷的外貌特征 穿着等。随后,他们便通知其他便衣民警进行 寻找。二十分钟左右,陈警官便打电话通知店 员小偷已经抓到。 这么快的破案速度让 T.ONE 国际名品店 的店员和老板们感到惊奇。谁都没有想到小偷 能够被找到,因为街上到处都是和小偷穿着相 似的人。 丢失的货品也送回给了 T.ONE 国际名品 店的老板们,他们之前都深信不疑被盗的货品 是回不来了。 感谢月湖派出所民警陈小杰警官、姚奇警 官以及你们的团队,你们做的太棒了!由于你 们的快速反应和团队合作,挽回了不必要的损 ■ 失。

图片来源:T.ONE 国际名品店

December 2011 ningbo focus 53


Here to Stay:

How to Get a Residence Permit in Ningbo 生活在宁波:如何办理居留证


oreigners with D, Z, X or J-1 visas, or foreigners from countries which have visa-free entry agreements with the Chinese government and will stay in China for longer than 30 days, must get a residence permit or temporary residence permit from the local public security bureau within 30 days from the date of entry.

• Apply for residence permit, which will take five working days.

• Employers need to declare online and documents to be presented for applica­ tion.

How to get a residence permit for foreign­ ers and their families that work in China? In general, there are two ways - apply for an employment permit or foreign expert certificate, after receiving one of the two certificates, you can apply for residence permit for yourself and your family. The procedures for applying for an employment permit and foreign expert certificate are very different.

• Upon approval from the Bureau of For­ eign Experts Affairs, you will receive your foreign expert certificate. • This whole process will take about 10 working days, and there is no need to present proof of departure. However, foreign experts are required to have medical insurance that cover serious illnesses during their stay in China.

When applying for a residence permit via an employment permit, you need to take the following steps:

• Apply for a Z visa invitation letter, which takes three working days. • If the applying unit is the resident's representative office of foreign enterpris­ es, the labour contract of applicants and the foreign head enterprise needs to be notarised in an overseas Chinese embassy or consulate. • Apply for Z visa. • Apply for employment permit, which will take five working days.

In addition, to meet the above requirements, the Ningbo Labour and Social Security Bureau also has a rule that employers may only recruit foreigners for positions that require special skills that no Chinese national is qualified to do. If applying for a residence permit with a foreign expert certificate, you will have to take the following steps:

Foreigners with F, L, G, C visas can stay in China before the expiry date of their visa without a residence permit.

• Apply for the employment permit, which takes 15 working days. If the applying unit is the resident's representative office of foreign enterprises, applicants should first apply for representative certificate at the Commerce and Industry Department, which takes seven working days.

By(作者): Lily Yang 杨丽莉

• Apply for the residence permit.

After the foreign employee gets the residence permit, accompanying families can apply for residence permit by presenting their relationship certificates. What are the requirements for foreigners to get their employment permit? According to the Ningbo Labour and Social Security Bureau, you need to meet the following requirements: • You are 18 years of age or older and healthy • You have the required professional skills and the corresponding work experience • No criminal record • A company that will employ you

• The accompanying family members are also required to have medical insurance that cover serious illnesses during their stay in China. How to qualify to be a foreign expert? Foreign experts working in China must abide by Chinese laws and regulations, have good health, no criminal record, and meet one of the following requirements: 1. Foreign technology or management profe­ ssionals are working in China to carry out an agreement or contract for the govern­ ment or international organisations. 2. Foreign professionals employed in educa­ tion, scientific research, press, publishing, culture, arts, health, sport, etc. 3. Foreign technology or management profe­ ssionals must be of general manager or above positions.

• A valid passport

54 ningbo focus December 2011

COMMUNITY |社会 4. The overseas expert organisations app­ roved by State Administration for Foreign Expert Affairs or foreign representatives of talent intermediary organisations representative offices in China. 5. Foreign technology or management profe­ ssionals employed in China in the fields of economic, technological, engineering, trade, finance, accounting, taxation, travel, with special expertise. In addition, foreign experts for the above points 2 and 3 must possess a Bachelor's degree or above and five years of related working experience. After you receive your employment permit or foreign expert certificate, according to the provisions of the Public Security Bureau, other corresponding company application documents, health certificates, proof of relations etc must be presented, then you can get the residence permit for yourself and your family. With a residence permit, you may have multiple entries into China for the duration of your permit’s validity. Before your visa expires, application for extension of your employment permit or foreign expert certificate is required, followed by the extension of residence permit. Because visas relates to the sovereignty of the country, meeting the above requirements does not mean you can definitely obtain a permit or any of the various certificates. Foreigners in China need to pay attention to the legal validity and expiry dates of their visas. Don't miss the expiry dates as this will cause unnecessary trouble. ■ The Author is the General Manager of Reindeer Station Expat Service Co. Ltd. Founded in 2005, the company is a unique fully-registered service organisation that offers professional and comprehensive relocation and business consulting services to expatriates in Ningbo. English Speaking/Professional & Trustworthy Team/ International Standard/Local Price. 持标 D、Z、X、J-1 字签证的外国人以及 根据中国政府同外国政府签定的协议免办签证 入境,需在中国停留 30 日以上的外国人,必 须自入境之日起 30 日内到居住地市、县公安 局办理外国人居留证或者外国人临时居留证。 持标有 F、L、G、C 字签证的外国人, 可以在签证注明的期限内在中国停留,不需办 理居留证件。

在中国境内合法就业的外国人及家属如 何才能办理居留证呢? 一般有 2 种途径,合法办理就业证或者 专家证后,均可为自己和家人申请办理居留证。 只是办理就业证和专家证要求外国就业者的条 件和办理程序不相同。所以,整个申请程序耗 时差别很大。 如果通过办理就业证来申请居留证,一 般需要通过以下的步骤来完成申请: • 申请就业许可证书 受理时间:15 个工作日 如果申请单位是外国企业常驻代表机构,申 请者还需先在工商部门申请代表证,另需 7 个工作日。 • 申请 Z 签证邀请函 受理时间:3 个工作日 如果申请单位是外国企业常驻代表机构,申 请者同国外总公司的劳动合同还须在境外的 中国使领馆公证和认证,另需受理时间。 • 申请 Z 签证 受理时间:根据各个中国使领 馆所在国的要求而定 • 申请就业证

受理时间:5 个工作日

• 申请居留证

受理时间:5 个工作日

随行家属可在外国就业者获取就业证后, 提供相应的关系证明去申请办理居留证。 到底那些外国人才能办理就业证呢? 按照宁波市劳动和社会保障局的要求需 要满足以下的条件: • 年满 18 周岁,身体健康; • 具有从事其工作所必须的专业技能和相应的 工作经历; • 无犯罪记录; • 有确定的聘用单位; • 持有效护照或能代替护照的其他国际旅行证 件。

除了满足以上的条件,宁波市劳动和社 会保障局也对用人单位规定只能招聘有特殊技 能要求、国内暂无适当人选的岗位,并且不违 反国家有关规定。重点引进的国外高等级的管 理型、知识型和技能型人才,兼顾少量具有国 外名族特色、且我国缺少有关人员的岗位。特 别禁止聘用一般的劳务人员。 如果通过办理专家证来申请居留证,一 般需要通过以下的步骤来完成申请: • 用人单位经行网上申报;

到底那些外国人才能办理专家证呢? 根据外国专家局的要求,外国专家受聘 在中国境内工作,需遵守中国法律法规,身体 健康,无犯罪记录,并符合下列条件之一: 1. 为执行政府间、国际组织间协议、协定和中 外经贸合同,应聘在中国工作的外国籍专业 技术或管理人员; 2. 应聘在中国从事教育、科研、新闻、出版、 文化、艺术、卫生、体育等工作的外国籍专 业人员; 3. 应聘在中国境内的企业中担任副总经理以上 职务,或享受同等待遇的外国籍高级专业技 术或管理人员; 4. 经国家外国专家局批准的境外专家组织或人 才中介机构常驻中国代表机构的外国籍代 表; 5. 应聘在中国从事经济、技术、工程、贸易、 金融、财会、税务、旅游等领域工作,具有 特殊专长、中国紧缺的外国籍专业技术或管 理人员。

同时上述第 2、3 项的外国专家应具有大 学学士以上学位和 5 年以上相关工作经历。 在办理完毕就业证或专家证后,只需要 按照公安局的规定,另提供相应的公司申请文 件,健康证明,关系证明等,便可为本人和家 属办理居留证了。在你拿到居留证后,1 年内 可以多次往返中国。但每年需提前申请就业证 或专家证的延期,然后办理居留证的延期。 因签证系国家的主权行为,符合以上条件 并不意味着必然获得签证。外国人在中国需要 关注自己的签证合法有效性及其有效期,千万 ■ 不要错过有效期导致不必要的麻烦。 该文作者是宁波灵达商务(涉外)服务 有限公司的总经理。该公司是宁波唯一一家合 法注册并专业为外籍人士提供综合安居和商旅 服务的公司。公司服务主要包括房屋租赁,国 际、国内私人物品搬迁,外资公司和代表处咨 询和设立,及其相关配套服务。我们充满活 力的中英双语专业团队致力于为您提供国际 化标准、安心、周到、专业的服务,使您在宁 波的生活和商务变得更加便捷、愉快。www.

Photos by: Reindeer Station Expat Service Co. Ltd. 图片来源:宁波灵达商务(涉外)服务有限公司

• 申报后,按要求提供书面材料经行申请; • 外国专家局受理批复后,可直接获取外国专 家证。 整个过程大约 10 个工作日左右,无需离境申 请。但另需确认外国专家在华期间有发生大 病或医疗的保险保证。 • 随行家属在申请专家证的同时提出申请,并 且同样有相关医疗保险的保证。 • 申请居留证

December 2011 ningbo focus 55



he Drum Tower is the only remaining relic from Ningbo's oldest historical period. It is also a heritage site under the preservation of China. The tower covers an area of more than 700 square metres. The stone arch has a height of eight metres. The doorway is 16 metres in depth and five metres in width.

宁波 鼓 楼

Keeping the Old New: Ningbo’s Drum Tower By ( 作者 ): Shannon McAtasney

The Drum Tower was built in the Tangzhangqing Dynasty (Year 821) giving it a history of over 1,100 years. When the feudal province of Ming State Han Cha moved the capital from Xiaoxi to the 'Three Rivers' Meeting', official houses of the government were constructed in the area from the opening of the Drum Tower to Zhongshan Square with the Drum Tower itself becoming the southern gate of the newly coined 'Sub City'. The tower has been renamed and rebuilt many times. It was named Wanghaijun Tower in 909. And in 960, it was called Fengguojun Tower. During the period of Song Gaozong, the name changed again to Fengguojun Loushen Temple. At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the ruler of Mongolia ordered many important buildings in the nation demolished as a measure to ensure that the Han people did not revolt against Mongolian rule. The Drum Tower was one such architectural casualty. While the tower was rebuilt under the name of Mingyuan Tower, it was burned down during the Fang Guozhen rebels' attack on Ningbo at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. In 1434, the viceroy Huang Yongding rebuilt the Drum Tower based on the Tang and Song ruins. The south side of the tower was designated Si Ming Wei Guan and the north side named Shen Wen Yu Tian. During the Qing Dynasty, the tower was rebuilt many times again. It was 1935 when a square watchtower and clock bell was built in the middle of the three-story drum tower building. In April 1989, the government of Ningbo allocated RMB 350,000 for the renovation of the tower. As of June 1990, the Drum Tower has remained as we see it today. Presently the Drum Tower, and nearby Park Road, serve as major meeting points for cultural activities in Ningbo. The architecture of the area reflects characteristics traditional to the lower regions of the Yangze River. The Drum Tower Pedestrian Street mixes cultural and commercial interests as shops line both sides of the road adhere to traditional design influences. With its combination of leisure activities, cultural and historical significance, and shopping options, the Drum Tower is amongst Ningbo's most visited spots. ■ 鼓楼是宁波市仅存的古城楼遗址,也是中国留存的古代建筑之一。鼓楼占 地 700 多平方公里,是一个八米高的拱型石建筑。城门深 16 米,宽五米。 鼓楼始建于唐长庆元年 (821 年 ),至今已有 1100 多年的历史。它是宁波历 史上正式置州治、立城市的标志。当年明州刺史韩察将州治从小溪镇迁到宁波“三 江口”,以现在的中山广场到鼓楼这一带为中心,建起官置,又立木栅为城,后 来又以大城砖石筑成城墙,历史上叫子城。子城的南城门就是现在的鼓楼。 在历史上,鼓楼历经过多次改名和重建。在 909 年,鼓楼被称为望海军楼。 在 960 年,被称为奉国军楼。宋高宗时又改称鼓楼为“奉国军楼神祠”。元初, 蒙古贵族统治者害怕汉人起来反抗,下令拆除全国重要城池,宁波鼓楼也遭拆毁。 后社会平定,才又允许重建鼓楼,取名“明远楼”。至元末,方国珍起义大军打 到宁波,明远楼又遭大火烧毁。 1434 年,太守黄永鼎在唐、宋旧址上重建鼓楼,楼上正南面题名为“四明 伟观”;北面悬额“声闻于天”。 清代,鼓楼又经数次修建。1935 年,在鼓楼 三层楼木结构建筑中间,建造了水泥钢骨正方形瞭望台及警钟台,并置标准钟一 座,四面如一,既能报时,亦可报火警。1989 年 4 月,宁波市拨资约 35 万元, 对鼓楼进行落架大修,至 1990 年 6 月完工,建成了我们今天看到的鼓楼。 如今,鼓楼及附近的公园路一带已成为宁波主要文化活动的聚散地,整个 地区的建筑充分体现出宁波江南水乡的特色。两旁是仿宁波传统建筑风格的商 店,既具有宁波传统商业街的风貌,又具有强烈的历史文化质感。鼓楼步行街熔 ■ 文化商贸于一炉,集购物休闲于一体,已成为宁波市内的游乐胜地之一。 Photo by: Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government 图片来源 : 宁波市人民政府新闻办公室

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December 2011 ningbo focus 57


Weekend Breaks in Singapore (Extended)


erhaps only a small dot on a globe, Singap­ore has grown into an exciting landscape of cultures, religions and achievements. It is positioned as one of the most significant financial centres and meeting destinations in Asia.

favourites: For starters, head to Riverside Point, Brewerkz, where you can bask in the sun by the river and indulge in their special housebrewed beers and a sinful hangover cure of a huge, stacked burger and chilli cheese fries.

How to get there? There are several direct flights available from Ningbo Lishe International Airport, operated by Jetstar. It only takes five hours and flights depart from Ningbo on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays, likewise, from Singapore back to Ningbo, on these same days.

You could also head to Upper Thomson Road for traditional chicken rice. Other must-eats include roast chicken, deep-fried prawn rolls and Hainanese pork chop.

Where to stay? There are many hotels of various stars in Singapore. We highly recommend a few Marina Bay Sands, Singapore’s first casino hotel where you can enjoy a meal at their many high-end restaurants, indulge in world-class shopping, luxurious rooms with spectacular views, and the breathtaking Sands SkyPark. Down the road there is also The Fullerton Hotel Singapore which was once home to the General Post Office, The Singapore Club and the Chamber of Commerce, The Fullerton Hotel Singapore is a luxury hotel with 400 rooms and suites and a total of five restaurants and a bar. There is also the luxury four and five-star hotels by Millennium & Copthorne Group, or select a smaller yet cosy boutique hotel - The Quincy Boutique Hotel, located at the enclave of the prime Orchard district of Singapore. What to eat? Being a multi-cultural country - Chinese, Malays, Indians, minorities of Paranakans and Eurasians, along with a huge expatriate community - Singapore offers a wide range of eating options. Here is just a few of our

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For an afternoon dessert, a must-try (though many will say that it does not have a very nice smell) is the king of all fruit – Durian. Head to Geylang, where you will find stalls after stalls of durians and other exotic fruit for sale. We also recommend heading to Dempsey Road, near Singapore’s Botanical Garden, for banana leaf rice with fish head curry. For dinner, visit the Newton Circus where most tourists seek out the ultimate hawker experience. You can find everything here – from fried carrot cake, to BBQ sambal stingray, Hokkien fried noodles, and chicken, beef or mutton satay. When it’s 3 a.m., after a night out, head down to River Valley Road for some roti prata (Indian bread with curry) and order some Indian fried chicken with it, don’t forget both chicken and fish curry sauce for a try. Where to have fun? From our earliest days in Singapore, the top spot has been No. 5, a bar on Emerald Hill Road. The bar is set in an old Paranakan house and the owners have maintained the original architecture for both the interior and exterior. Another favourite is Harry’s Bar,

By Elaine Chan

located on Boat Quay, by the river within the financial district. Just a few minutes’ walk from Boat Quay, lies Clarke Quay where you will find a wide range of bars and restaurants including Hooters and Crazy Elephant. Or head down to the exclusive Ku-de-ta, located on the top of the Marina Bay Sands, Butterfactory at One Fullerton, or 1-Altitude at Raffles Place. To get away from the bustle of the city, head east for The Dog and Bone, a bar where everyone is friendly and warm, drinks are reasonably-priced, music is upbeat, all amidst an atmosphere suggestive of constant celebrations. And the dresscode?... You’re on the east coast, near the sea, so anything casual and short is perfect! Where to shop? Start from the tip of Orchard Road where Hard Rock Café is on Cuscaden Road to the end of Orchard Road where you will see the President’s Istana. This requires a good pair of walking shoes and about 15 hours of your day, including shopping time, depending on the level of ‘shopaholism’ you are at. What to visit? I n s u c h a b u s t l i n g m u l t i - c u l t u r a l c i t y, unique destinations are plentiful: ethnic neighbourhoods like Chinatown, Arab Street, Little India, Kampong Glam, museums both folk and national level, gardens and quays, theme parks like Universal Studios. There’s a Night Safari and the king of all must-do’s, the Singapore River Cruise. ■

Photos by: The Fullerton Hotel Singapore & Julian Wesch


周末小憩 动感之都:新加坡 ( 加长版 ) 作者:陈芳宜

一定要试的包括烧鸡、炸虾卷和海南猪扒。 下午甜品时间,一个必试的(虽然很多 人都不喜欢它的味道)就是水果之王—榴莲。 到芽笼,你可以发现一个接一个卖榴莲及其他 热带水果的摊位。 同时,我们建议到新加坡植物园对面的 丹普斯道上试下蕉叶鱼头咖喱。 晚餐可以到纽顿熟食中心,它是众多游 客体验过到最好的一个小贩中心。在纽顿熟食 中心你可以找到所有的小吃 --- 从炒萝卜糕、 香蕉叶烤鱼、福建炒面到鸡肉、牛肉或羊肉沙 爹串。 新加坡,世界上最袖珍的国家之一,因 此被冠以“小红点(The Little Red Dot)”的 绰号。快速发展至今,新加坡已成为一座高楼 林立、绿意葱茏的繁华国际大都会。在这里, 文化、美食、艺术与建筑完美融合,散发着动 感之都多姿多彩的非凡活力。 如何去 ? 新加坡捷星航空有多趟直飞航班从宁波 栎社机场到新加坡。只需要 5 个小时,航班每 周二、四、五及星期日各执行一个航班,同样 的,当天从新加坡直飞回宁波。 住哪里 ? 新加坡有很多不同星级的酒店。我们极力 推荐几家:滨海湾金沙酒店,新加坡第一家设 有赌场的酒店,在那里你可以在他们高端的餐 馆用餐、沉浸在世界级购物、叹为观止的豪华 客房,以及横跨三座酒店大楼的平顶空中花园。 沿着这条马路可以看到另外一家酒店,富丽敦 酒店,是曾经三个最重要的机构所在地:邮政 总局、新加坡俱乐部和商会。富丽敦酒店拥有 400 间客房和套房,酒店还设有 5 个餐饮场所 及酒吧。千禧集团拥有许多豪华的四星及五星 级酒店,其中我们最喜欢的是位于新加坡乌节 路中心地段的昆西精品酒店。 吃什么? 华人、马来人、印度人、娘惹人以及欧 美人组成了新加坡多元的民族,造就了风味浓 郁、做法各异的民族美食。这里只介绍几个我 们的最爱: 作为前餐,位于新加坡河的 Brewerkz, 在那里您可以边晒着太阳,边享受着他们自制 的啤酒以及超大的汉堡和芝士薯条。 你也可以去汤申路上段试下传统的鸡饭,

凌晨 3 点钟,在一整晚的狂欢后,可以 去里峇峇利路吃 roti prata(印度煎饼加咖喱) 及一些印度炸鸡,记得要试下鸡肉咖喱汁和鱼 肉咖喱汁。 去哪里玩 ? 最早在新加坡,最热门的莫过于 No.5, 位于翡翠山路的一家酒吧。昔日 Emerald Hill 一带是一条繁盛的商业街,两层楼高小楼房, 现酒吧内外保持了原有的建筑风格。另外一个 我们喜爱的酒吧是在金融区附近,位于新加 坡河驳船码头(Boat Quay)的 Harry’s Bar。 沿着驳船码头,在克拉码头你可以找到各种 不 同 的 酒 吧 及 餐 馆, 包 括 Hooters 及 Crazy Elephant。或者到位于滨海湾金沙酒店顶层的 Ku-de-ta,One Fullerton 的 Butterfactory,或 者莱佛士坊的 1-Altitude。远离城市的喧嚣, 你可以往东走到 The Dog and Bone,一个友 好、热情的酒吧,酒水价格合理,无以伦比的 音乐。穿着要求?你在东海岸,靠近海边,所 以休闲装清凉装是最好不过的。 去哪里购物 ? 从 位 于 Cuscaden 路 的 Hard Rock Café 开始可以看到总统府的乌节路就是购物的好去 处。整个购物需要一双专为步行准备的鞋子, 一天 15 个小时的时间,包括购物时间,当然 这取决于你是“购物狂”的哪个级别。 去哪里参观 ? 在这个有着多元文化之都,有着很多独 特的经典:传统的牛车水、阿拉伯街、小印 度、甘榜格南、本地及国家级的博物馆、花园 及码头、主题公园比如环球影城。还有不能错 过的新加坡夜间动物园及夜游新加坡河。 ■ 图片来源:富丽敦酒店 & Julian Wesch

December 2011 ningbo focus 59


Mercedes SLK I

t was 1996 when Mercedes started a new trend in the roadster world with the SLK-class vario roof. The concept is in plain words just ingenious, combining the best of both worlds: either choose to enjoy the sensation of topless driving or remain perfectly shielded from the weather and noise outside behind the metal folding roof. 2011 and two generations later the SLK takes the concept even further. The airscarf system blows warm air to your neck, allowing you to take the roof down even when it is chilly outside. But even in the most hazardous weather conditions you do not have to miss out on the open-air feeling, due to the big panorama roof. With the optional Magic Sky control system you can even taint it black to protect yourself from intensive sun radiation or keep the car‘s cabin cool by the push of a button. From both outside and inside you can clearly see the resemblance to the SLKs bigger brother, the SLS AMG supersports car. The upright and self-confident front grille, the long bonnet with its air intakes and the muscular rear fender form a much more masculine appearance than its predecessors did. The car’s charisma and typical roadster proportions are sporty but also show the classiness which you expect.

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By Nils Werning

The mix between elegant and sporty ele­ ments continues in the inside. All materials are top notch and very well put together. The circular air vents and the 3-spokes leather steering wheel are further reminiscence to the SLS AMG. Once you are seated in the comfortable lea­ ther seats you will immediately recognise the feeling of solidity that only a Mercedes-Benz can give you. The whole car evolves around you, integrating you as an essential part of the complete machine in the cosy cabin. Mercedes offers two engines for the SLK at the moment. The SLK 200 boasts a supercharged 1.8l with 184hp and 270 Nm of torque. The engine drags the car along surprisingly well. Torque is available throughout the entire rev band and the fuel consumption is almost unbelievably low. The SLK 350 with its 3.5l V6 engine impre­ sses with both smoothness and great per­ formance. The 306 hp deal with 0 to 100 in an impressive 5.4s while the top speed is limited to 250 km/h. The ride is a perfect symbiosis between be­ ing firm and comfortable. Although this is a roadster the chassis feels very planted and rigid. The steering gives you exactly the

correct amount of response. It is quick but at no point nervous. Mercedes Benz has always been a trailblazer for safety technology, so it is no wonder that the SLK is equipped with state-of-the-art safety features. Just to name a few, there is an assistant warning you if you are in danger of dozing off, automatic roll bars, a pre-safe brake and an intelligent light system. The new SLK manages to combine the attri­ butes of a classic roadster, with state-ofthe-art technology and the typical Mercedes elegance. It is the perfect car for a cruise along a twisty seaside road into the sunset. ■ For test drive enquiries: Mercedes Benz Sunlake Exhibition Hall 651, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District +86 574 2887 2886 Contact Information: Mercedes Benz Automobile Service Co. Ltd. 183, West Yinxian Avenue, Yinzhou District +86 574 2887 2887 Photos by: Mercedes Benz Automobile Service Co. Ltd.


奔驰 SLK 系列 作者:Nils Werning 1996 年,奔驰开启了一个新的趋势——将跑车加入 SLK 系列的硬篷。 这个概念可以用巧妙来形容,它结合两大好处:你可以选择享受敞篷的乐趣, 或者你可以放下折叠式金属硬蓬以避免受到坏天气和噪音的影响。

2011 年,在推出了两代 SLK 系列后,奔 驰进一步发展了这个概念。Airscarf 头颈暖风 系统能让你在冰天雪地里依旧敞篷。即使在最 恶劣的天气条件下你也不用担心错过敞篷的 感觉,这归功于全景式玻璃天窗。Magic Sky Control 可调光控制系统能调控天窗的透光度, 以保护你不会受到高强度太阳辐射或保持车内 的凉爽,你只需轻按一键即可。 从外观和内饰,你可以清楚的看到 SLK 系列和它的大哥 SLS AMG 跑车的相似处。正 直、自信的前脸,流畅的引擎盖线条以及肌肉 感的后盖形成一个比老款更为阳刚的外形。该 车的外观和比例都显示了它的动感,但也不失 优雅。 优雅和运动元素的混合也体现在内饰中。 所有的材料都是顶级的, 并完美的组合在一起。 空气导流系统以及纳帕皮革包裹的3辐多功能运 动型方向盘都将是未来SLS AMG系列的榜样。 当你坐上舒适的真皮座椅,你会立即意 识到这种坚固的感觉只有奔驰才会带给你。在 车内,你会觉得全车包裹着你,你也成为了车 的一部分。

目前,奔驰将 SLK 系列装配了两台汽油 机。SLK 200 配备 1.8L 涡轮增压发动机,最 大功率为 184 马,扭矩为 270Nm。动力非常 强劲。在任何档位上,扭矩都可在瞬间涌现, 最不可思议的是梅赛德斯 - 奔驰 SLK 级车的 油耗相当的低。 SLK 350 装 配 了 3.5L V6 发 动 机, 兼 备 稳定性和高性能——306 马的最大功率加,5.4 秒的百米加速以及 250 公里的最高时速。 SLK 系列带给你平稳和舒适的驾乘体验。 虽然它属于跑车,但是它的底盘却给人硬朗和 坚固的感觉。操控灵敏,快却不会带给你任何 紧张。 梅赛德斯 - 奔驰一直是安全技术的开拓 者,不用怀疑 SLK 系列配备了最先进的安全 系统。如当你欲打瞌睡时,注意力警示系统将 会警告你,还有电控车辆稳定行驶系统、自适 应制动器、智能照明系统等。

梅赛德斯奔驰秉承 " 惟有最好 " 的品牌理 念 , 以永不停息的创新激情 , 引领汽车发展方 向梅赛德斯 - 奔驰汽车发明者 , 以 " 惟有最好 " 的信念成就百年传奇 ; 以领袖雄心引领汽车未 ■ 来! 欢迎莅临赏车试驾: 宁波之星日湖城市展厅 宁波市江北人民路 651 号 电话:2887 2886 联系方式: 宁波之星汽车维修服务有限公司 宁波市鄞县大道西段 183 号 电话:2887 2887 图片来源:宁波之星汽车维修服务有限公司

全新 SLK 系列将经典跑车的特性与最先 进技术和典型的奔驰式优雅完美地结合起来, 这也使得他成为海边兜风的最佳选择。

December 2011 ningbo focus 61


One Sip at a Time: Discovering New Zealand through its Premium Wines By: Asher Moore


tunning views, mountains and sun, sand and surf all can be found in the breathtaking land of New Zealand, a place which is home to world renowned snowboarding, rugby, and new world wine. New Zealand, known as an ‘unspoilt paradise’ and ‘pure’, is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. And the country’s new world wine is a testament to the beauty of the land from which it’s created. In Ningbo Focus’ June issue, we wrote about the opening of the Ningbo Free Trade Zone’s (NFTZ) ‘Wine Street’. Our Ningbo Focus team was invited to the New Zealand Pavilion where over 50 various new world wines from New Zealand, were brought into Ningbo for the first time by Definitive Trading New Zealand, and Ningbo Yunding Bay International Trading. In November, Chris Yorke, Global Marketing Director of New Zealand Winegrowers, paid Ningbo a visit and we were once again in luck, having had the chance to catch up with Mr Yorke to find out what the New Zealand Winegrowers’ interest is in Ningbo. Mr Yorke explained that in New Zealand 90% of the people live about one hour from

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the coast, every weekend they come out en mass to fish and socialise. Hence many of their wines are intended to go with seafood – perfect for Ningbo with seafood being a staple of local cuisine. Their Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc (particularly lighter styles), and dry Riesling are perfect to go with fish.

years ago. And since that time, cities like Beijing, Guangzhou, and Ningbo have been targeted for further development. With China now having the sixth largest wine market in the world, countries like New Zealand have opportunities to take advantage of the local people’s growing taste for premium wines.

Premium wines are intended for the cons­ cious consumer who takes great care with what food and drink they enjoy and New Zealand wines are produced with stringent guidelines and tests to ensure a high quality result.

Sharing wine is a communal activity and New Zealand Winegrowers views its increasing presence in China as a fabulous opportunity to not only learn about the Chinese market, its people and their culture but also to bring more information about, and expanding interest in New Zealand as a wonderful and vibrant destination whether for trade or travel.

And while French wine has history on its side, New Zealand, a place known for discovery and experiences, has creativity and original flavours. Further, wine production is closely tied to the natural landscape and conditions of the country; wine produced in 2009 often qualifies as the country’s top vintages with that year being recorded as one of the best ever weather-wise. Although the New Zealand wine industry is small, New Zealand Winegrowers looks forward to its China expansion. The country’s first wine tasting was held in Shanghai four

So the next time you’re looking to host a party or enjoy a quiet evening at home, take a trip out to the NFTZ and ‘Wine Street’s’ New Zealand Pavilion and speak to the wine experts at Yunding Bay, appointed distributor for the Ningbo and Shanghai market. A land of discovery is only one sip away. ■ Photo by: Definitive Trading NZ Ltd


细细品味 : 从葡萄酒认识新西兰 作者:Asher Moore

迷人的风景、壮丽的山脉、灿烂的阳光、 洁白的沙滩和澎湃的海浪,这些你都可以在神 奇的土地新西兰找到。新西兰也是世界著名的 滑雪、橄榄球、新世界葡萄酒之家。素有“完 好无损的天堂’和‘净土’之称的新西兰是世 界上最美丽的国家之一。这个国家的新世界葡 萄酒也是对它美丽的一种见证。 在《宁波聚焦》的 6 月刊上,我们写了 关 于 宁 波 自 由 贸 易 区 (NFTZ) 中 的“ 葡 萄 酒 街”,在那里我们的团队被邀请到新西兰区, 里面存放着由新西兰鼎丰贸易有限公司和宁波 云顶湾国际贸易有限公司首次带入宁波的超过 50 多种来自新西兰的新世界葡萄酒。11 月, 新西兰葡萄酒市场总监 Chris Yorke 来到了宁 波,我们又一次幸运地得到了这个机会联系上 了 Yorke 先生以了解新西兰葡萄酒为何对宁波 市场饶有兴趣。 Yorke 先生解释说,在新西兰 90% 的人 住在离海岸一小时的地方,每到周末大家就一

起出来钓鱼和参加社 交活动。因此很多他 们的葡萄酒是用来搭 配海鲜的——这正好 与宁波以海鲜为主要 当地菜的特点“不谋 而合”。他们的长相 思和干雷司令葡萄酒 就是鱼的完美伴侣。

Ivy Lee, Ningbo Focus' Director of Sales & Marketing with Chris Yorke, Global Marketing Director of New Zealand Winegrowers 宁波聚焦销售市场总监李慧思与 新西兰 Winegrowers 全球市场总监 Chris Yorke

新西兰高端葡萄酒是为那些很注重食物 和酒的客人们准备的,新西兰葡萄酒使用严格 的生产工艺制作,并经过多次测试以保证高质 量。 法国葡萄酒有着悠久的历史,而新西兰, 一个以发现和体验著称的地方,有着创意和独 到的口味。进一步的说,葡萄酒的生产是与国 家的自然景观和条件紧密相连的;于 2009 产 生的葡萄酒年经常被认为是国家最高品质的葡 萄酒,因为那一年是有史以来气候条件最好的 年份之一。 虽然新西兰葡萄酒产业很小,新西兰葡萄 酒种植商们期待他们的葡萄酒能在中国扩张。 新西兰葡萄酒在中国的首次品鉴在四年前的上 海举行。从那之后,便逐步扩张至北京、广州、 宁波这些城市。由于中国现今是世界第六大葡

萄酒市场,新西兰等国家有机会从当地人日益 增长的对高端葡萄酒的需求中获利。 分享葡萄酒是一项公共活动,新西兰葡 萄酒种植商们同时也把他们的葡萄酒在中国的 扩张看作是一个机遇— 不仅仅能够了解中国 市场和人民,但也给中国带来更多的信息,让 中国人民了解到新西兰是贸易和旅游盛地。 所以,下一次你如果要办一个派对或是想 在家里度过一个安静的晚上,去一趟宁波自由 贸易区“葡萄酒街”的新西兰区和云顶湾的葡 萄酒专家聊聊吧,他们是宁波和上海市场的指 定经销商。发现一片新大陆只需小酌一口。 ■ 图片来源:新西兰鼎丰贸易有限公司

December 2011 ningbo focus 63


Out of This World First Ever in Ningbo 绝无仅有 , 宁波首次国际化夜生活 By(作者): Shannon McAtasney


n 22nd October 2011, 80 special guests attended a private concert at Shangri-la Hotel’s Lobster Bar and Grill. Organised by Mac Nabz, General Manager of Nabz Entertainment, a promoter and events organiser and a good friend of the host, the performer of honour was grammynominated British songstress, Shèna, whose song, ‘The Weekend’, reached number 7 on the UK charts. This was Shèna first ever performance in China! Lucky guests attending the party, a birthday celebration for Mr Gianfranco Polizzi, were not only treated to international-classed live entertainment, but also a tailor-made menu ranging from sushi and seafood to Italian appetisers and one-of-a-kind signature dishes. A Gothic theme was established from the delivery of invitations, along with masks and black capes for all guests. DJ’s set the mood for the highlight of the night, Shèna. With all-round performance skills, Shèna has toured Japan starring in

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the hit musical ‘Carmen Jones’, as well as playing key roles in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, ‘What A Feeling’, ‘Mama, I Want To Sing’, ‘It’s A Kinda Magic’ and appearing as Crystal in ‘Little Shop Of Horrors’. Shèna’s presence at the Lobster Bar party signified the unique and exclusive approach to a new level of organisation in Ningbo nightlife. As Mac, the organiser, stated, ‘Ningbo nightlife is still in its infancy. I would like to see it develop alongside Shanghai and other big cities in China, where many international stars come and perform. I feel Ningbo has great potential.’ With the success of events like this, the future of Ningbo’s entertainment industry is bright indeed. ■ 10 月 22 日,80 位特别嘉宾出席了在香 格里拉饭店龙虾酒吧举行的私人音乐会。该音 乐会由 Nabz 娱乐公司总经理、执业活动组织 者和发起人 Mac Nabz 组织,表演者是来自英 国的曾获格莱美提名的女歌手 Shèna,她的 歌曲“The Weekend”,曾荣登英国排行榜

第七名。这是 Shèna 在中国的首次演出。 出 席 Gianfranco Polizzi 先 生 生 日 party 的客人是多么的幸运啊,他们不仅享受到了国 际级的现场音乐,而且享用了从寿司和海鲜到 意大利开胃菜和独一无二的招牌菜肴的特制大 餐。 该派对哥特式的主题风格体现在宾客请 帖上,以及客人们所配戴的黑色面具和披风上。 DJ 的 音 乐 告 诉 我 们 今 晚 的 高 潮 —— Shèna 的到来。有着全面表演技巧的 Shèna 日前在日本主演《卡门》等其它国际音乐剧。 Shèna 在龙虾酒吧派对的出现,标志着宁波 的夜生活将提高到一个独特的新水平。 组织人 Mac 说道:“宁波的夜生活仍然 处于初级阶段。我希望看到它发展到如上海等 中国大城市的同等水平,在那些大城市有许多 国际明星的表演。我觉得宁波有很大的潜力。” 随着这些活动的成功举办,宁波未来的 ■ 娱乐产业将一片光明。 Photos by ( 图片来源 ): Julian Wesch & Sylvie Meltzer


Feel the Burn: Step Aerobics Are a Sure Fire Way to Improve Overall Health 踏板操 By ( 作者 ): Wu Wei 吴伟

Trainer Manager at Reno Fitness Wu Wei 里诺健身的教练部经理 吴伟


tep aerobics is distinguished from other forms of aerobic exercise by its use of an elevated platform (the step). The height can be tailored to individual needs by inserting risers under the step. Step aerobics classes are offered at many gyms and fitness centres like Reno Fitness, which has a group exercise programme. The ‘basic’ step involves stepping first one foot then the other on top of the step and then stepping the first foot and then the other back to the floor. A ‘right basic’ would involve stepping right foot up, then the left, then returning to the floor alternating right then left.

Step classes also en­ hance heart and lung functions and muscle coordination.

入了踏板操的课程 , 就是所谓的舞蹈踏板 , 即 让你在踏板上感受跳舞的乐趣 , 摆脱的传统的 健美操只有女性参加的问题 , 使更多的男性也 能感受舞蹈的乐趣。

According to the gym schedule and the various levels of participants, Step classes at Reno Fitness are divided into two levels - basic and advanced. A third option offered at the gym incorporates dance into the Step class. In the former, the participants of Step aerobics are usually women, while the dancing Step class brings more men to experience the pleasure of dance – or maybe the pleasure of women dancing!

踏板具的高度加上这种运动强度,完成 同样动作比在平地上耗能要多,会使您的腿部 结实起来,肌肉的线条更修长,有效地解决臀 部下垂的问题;加之踏板操动作中的舒展与伸 拉,使您的行动更灵活、更轻盈,同时,还能 提高人的心肺功能。

Whatever your fitness level and experience, Step aerobics is a fun, challenging, and communal form of exercise. So the next time you and your friends are thinking about after work drinks, grab a change of clothes and a towel, and step out of those work day blues! Your body and mind will thank you for it. And the post-workout, rather than post-work drink, tastes that much better! ■ Wu Wei, a certified trainer of the Asian Ac­ ademy for Sports & Fitness Professionals (AASFP), and national level aerobics instruc­tor, has been employed in the fitness industry for six years, and is the trainer manager at Reno Fitness.

Many instructors of Step will switch imme­ diately between different moves, for example between a right basic and a left basic without any intervening moves, forcing people to ‘tap’ their foot instead of shifting weight.

在踏板上随着音乐有节奏地上下舞动 , 进 行健美操的动作和步伐。它具有健美操的所有 特点 , 同时大部分动作是在踏板上完成 , 所以 能更有效的增强心肺功能和协调性。

Regular participation in Step aerobics generates better tone in the legs and butto­ cks, and with the obvious cardiovascular benefit, body fat will be one of the primary sources of energy for time spent exercising.

踏板操主要针对的部位是下肢和臀部 , 具 有明显的耗能减脂、提臀美腿、改善女性线条 的功能。它是根据教练的课程编排和不同会员 的水平状况 , 分为基础踏板教学和高级踏板教 学。随着舞蹈类课程的兴起 , 各种舞蹈也都融

踏板操的好处 : (一)大量消耗能量、增强心肺功能: 由于要克服重力作用,所以完成同样动 作,有氧操练习比在平地上进行消耗能量要多, 同时运动负荷的合理增加也将有利于心肺功能 的提高。 (二)对腿部和臀部的塑形作用: 在完成所有上、下踏板的动作中,主要 用力的肌肉是大腿及臀部肌肉,它们要克服的 阻力为重力,而这个阻力相对最大力量要小很 多。因此踏板属于长时间的小重量抗阻肌肉练 习,能够起到消耗腿部、臀部多余脂肪,达到 突出肌肉线条而又不增加肌肉围度的作用,对 塑造健美的腿部和臀部有很好的帮助。 (三)培养良好的方位感: 由于踏板是一个立体物,有高度、长度、 宽度,所以利用它进行练习时,就不能像在平 地上一样随心所欲。比如离板太近或抬腿不够 容易将踏板踢翻;离板太远又踏不上板;迈步 过大或踩在踏板边缘容易摔倒等。这都需要我 们有良好的位置感觉,包括对自身位置及踏板 ■ 位置的感觉。 吴伟,27 岁,是个帅气阳光的大男生。 已有 6 年的从业经验,是 AASFP 亚洲运动及 体适能学院高级私人教练、国家一级健美操指 导员,现在是里诺健身的教练部经理。 Photo by ( 图片来源 ): Baranga

December 2011 ningbo focus 65

WINE & DINE |美酒佳肴

Executive Chef of Mr Mao Honghui 宁波开元大酒店行政总厨 毛红辉 先生

Meet: New Century’s Executive Chef Mao Honghui

By Elaine Chan


s Executive Chef of New Century Hotel Ningbo and the Deputy Secretary of Ningbo Professional Chefs Committee, Mao Honghui’s culinary career spans 20 years.

most prestigious jobs were to be a soldier or a doctor so he became a soldier and during his time in the army, he was introduced to the culinary world of cooking and he never looked back.

Over the years, Executive Chef Mao has bagged many awards including the Zhejiang Province ‘Jin Ding’ Cup Gold Award for Cold Dish Cooking Competition in 1995, and in 1999, Executive Chef Mao and his team won the Gold Award at the 4th National Culinary Art Competition. In 2002, he was given the title ‘Ningbo Culinary Master’, and went on to win the China (Ningbo) Seafood Food Festival Best Booth Prize in 2003. In 2008, the Zhejiang Province Food & Beverage Association awarded him with ‘China’s Gold Culinary Master of Zhejiang Cuisine’ and his name was listed in the book ‘The Masters of Zhejiang Cuisine’. Most recently, Executive Chef Mao won the ‘National Cooking Skills Innovation Golden Chef’ title this year.

Cooking is his first job, and he believes that it will be his one and only. Executive Chef Mao spoke with so much passion and devotion for culinary arts. He is also a true believer in innovation.

When asked why he chose to become a chef, he shared that in the early days, the

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Focusing on innovation is his personal source of survival. Every organisation requires innovation, development, and management, likewise for the food and beverage industry. For, to be creative and innovative are keys to succeeding in the market. He says there are absolutely no two ways to cook, so long as individuals embrace culinary, not as a technology, but as an art of life. For him, the basic morals of a chef should be to cook with love and possess a deep appreciation for hospitality.

Executive Chef Mao believes there are often misconceptions about chefs. There may be those who think that chefs are careless and sloppy. Integrity always depends on how a culinary team is managed and Executive Chef Mao’s management style behind the scenes maintains strict regulations and discipline, yet allows for a personal touch with his team. A typical family man, Mao’s father was his biggest influence and when asked whom he likes cooking for, the answer is not a surprise, his family, of course! As for his parting words to our readers, he shared, ‘I hope more and more people will join our culinary team. More and more young chefs out there will make great achievements and our culinary team looks forward to wel­ coming these young and innovative chefs.’ ■

Photos by: New Century Hotel Ningbo

WINE & DINE |美酒佳肴

结识宁波开元大酒店行政总厨 毛红辉 作者:陈芳宜

毛红辉,1967 年出生,是一位中式烹调 高级技师。有着长达二十多年的工作经验,在 菜肴创新及制作方面有独到的见解。现任宁波 开元大酒店行政总厨,宁波市名厨专业委员会 副秘书长,近几年业绩斐然:1995 年荣获浙 江省“金鼎”杯烹饪大赛冷菜将金奖;1999 年荣获第四届全国烹饪技术大奖赛团队金奖; 2002 年,被浙江省餐饮行业协会授予“中国 浙菜金厨大师”称号,资料汇编入《浙江省餐 饮名店品牌荟萃 • 中国浙菜金厨大师名普》中。 2011 年全国“烹饪技艺创新”中华金厨等称号。 当被问及促使他成为一名厨师的原因时, 他告诉我们——在他开始工作的那个年代,军 人或医生是普遍被认为非常高尚的职业。他也 曾经是一名军人,并且在当兵期间他接触到了 厨师这个行业,且开始感觉到厨师也和医生这 个职业一样,都是追求完美和讲究细节的一个 职业。 厨师是他的第一份工作,而且他坚信这也 是他人生的最后一份职业。因为他的一切都是 从这个锅碗瓢盆的艺术加工间里衍生的。他非 常热爱他的职业,能对自己从事的行业进行全 身心的投入并且可以对其迸发出无限的创意。 多年的厨师生涯足以让他认识到做菜不仅是一 门技术,更是一门做人的艺术。认真的做菜、

诚信代客是一个厨师最基本的道德准则。 在跟他的交谈中,他告诉我们:创新是 生存之源泉。社会的进步和发展需要创新;企 业发发展和管理需要创新;产品和商品也需要 创新。在今天的餐饮行业无不如此——烹饪事 业的进步、发展、生存仍然依赖于不断地进行 改革和创新,以创新赢取市场。 毛总厨认为现在外界人士对厨师这一职 业存在一种误解——外界人士认为厨师们在各 方面都比较散漫,不够严谨。但他认为,厨师 作风的好坏主要取决于其上级对他们的管理方 式。作为总厨的他,坚持以制度为基,以人为 本的理念来管理他们这个厨师团队。 一个传统的家庭男人,对毛总厨来说对 他影响最大的就是他的父亲,当问及最想为谁 下厨这个问题时,答案也不意外的是他的家人。 问到是否有题外话要给到我们的读者, 他说,“我希望有越来越多的人来参与我们厨 师的这个职业!有更多的年轻厨师来发扬前辈 ■ 老师傅们的尽业忘我的工作精神!” 图片来源:宁波开元大酒店

December 2011 ningbo focus 67

WINE & DINE |美酒佳肴

Restaurant Review

Thai | Banana Leaf


ocated on Mayuan Road, just a few minutes’ drive from the city centre, Banana Leaf offers a sumptuous and flavoursome menu of Thai and Southeast Asian dishes. As you enter the restaurant, the first impression is definitely a ‘wow’ – the setting is both casual and ‘authentically’ Thai, and during peak hours, the atmosphere is bustling with guests enjoying the food, staff hustling to deliver quick and efficient service, and, not to be missed, the Cotton Band, a roving ensemble with a repertoire of over 60 songs, performing oldies, but goodies. When you hear Thai cuisine, you will immediately think green curry, tom yum soup, pandan leaf grilled chicken, pineapple rice. These are all must-orders at a Thai restaurant. However, Banana Leaf offers much more than traditional favourites. Guests can look forward to a wide range of well-textured, authentic dishes – spicy, salty, sweet or sour. Foreigners don’t have to worry about ordering as the menu has been designed in English while sprawled with ‘mouth-watering’ pictures of dishes. In fact the menu makes everything look so good, it’s hard to choose what to eat. Be it a casual family dinner, a birthday party

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By Ethan Schills

or a business lunch, 348 seats in the main dining area and 11 private dining rooms guarantee the space you and your group require. And the staff and food will ensure you have a one of a kind dining experience in Ningbo. ■

Our Favourite Dishes:

Curry Crab - Crab fried with citronella, fish sauce, bay leaves and spices (extra spices can be added), and dressed with coconut milk (RMB 159) Charcoal Grilled Pork – Delicious and juicy pieces of pork grilled with charcoal (RMB 45) Green Curry Beef – Natural green curry sauce mix with tender beef, citronella, Geranium and coconut (RMB 49) Tom Yum Shrimp Soup – A national soup of Thailand, which is made with all natural spices, seafood, and with a ‘sourish’ and spicy taste (RMB 59 for medium-sized serving)

Sambal Sauce Green Beans – Fresh green beans with Thai sambal sauce and seafood sauce (RMB 29) Durian Cake and Durian Egg Tart – Durian, the king of all fruit, available as a cake or egg tart (RMB 5 per piece) Photos by: Banana Leaf Ningbo

Food: ★★★★ Ambiance: ★★★★☆ Service: ★★★★☆ Rating: ★★★★☆ Price: Average RMB 108 per person Contact Information: Banana Leaf Ningbo 238, Mayuan Road, Haishu District +86 574 8715 5833

Assorted Thai Snacks – Pandan leaf grilled chicken, Thai fish cake, prawn cake, and satay (RMB 89)

WINE & DINE |美酒佳肴


泰国菜 | 蕉叶 位于离市中心仅五分钟(汽车南站)的 马园路上,世纪蕉叶餐厅提供华丽并美味的 东南亚菜肴。当你走进餐厅,你一定会惊叹 “哇 !”——店内的装饰摆设都是别具风格的 泰国乡村气息,在繁忙时间里,你能看到客人 们熙熙攘攘享受美食、服务员快速和高效的服 务的景象,你也不能错过他们的 Cotton 乐队, 一支能够表演 60 多首经典老歌的乐队,在你 享受美味佳肴的同时又能欣赏到异国风情的歌 舞。 当你听到泰国菜,你会立刻想起黄咖喱、 绿咖喱、冬阴功汤、香兰叶包鸡、菠萝饭。这 些都是在泰国餐馆必点之菜。另外,蕉叶制作 了许多传统菜之外的美食,适应了不同口味宾 客的需求。在那里客人可以享受到美味正宗的 东南亚美食——辣、咸、甜或者是酸的。外宾

炭烧猪颈肉 - 泰式炭烧秘制酱料炮制的猪 颈肉,香甜可口,再配上精心调制的酱料真是 回味无穷的享受了。(45 元)

作者:Ethan Schills

朋友在点菜时也不用担心,因为菜单是中英双 语的,并且还附上了“另人垂涎欲滴”的菜肴 图片。事实上,菜单让每道菜都看起来很棒, 以至于很难选择要点什么。 蕉叶餐厅为您和您的朋友提供 360 个餐 位和 11 间独立包厢,以满足家庭聚餐、生日 派对或是商业会餐等各种需求。总之,他们的 美食、服务和环境都会带给你独特的用餐享 受,没有去过世纪蕉叶的您,还不心动吗?心 ■ 动那就行动吧!


招牌咖喱皇炒蟹 - 泰国咖喱与香茅、鱼露、 月桂叶等香料的完美结合,并加入了椰浆调制 出来的咖喱汁。时令鲜活的螃蟹与之搭配更是 美味妙不可言了。(159 元 )

绿咖喱牛肉 - 天然的绿咖喱汁混合着嫩嫩 的牛肉片,再有香茅、香叶、椰香的衬托,致 使此道菜的风味独特、别具匠心。 冬阴功虾汤 - 泰国家喻户晓的国汤,运用 纯天然的香料、海鲜熬制,口味酸甜(59 元) 泰式小食拼盘 – 别具风格的香兰叶包鸡、 香甜可口的泰式鱼饼、虾饼,还有香喷喷烤炙 的沙爹串,更受众多中外宾客的青睐。还有大 小份选择哦!(39 元) 三芭酱四季豆 – 新鲜的四季豆再加上泰 国的三八酱(许多海鲜香料调制)制作出来的 这道菜,是我们餐厅蔬菜类点单率最高的一道 菜。(29 元) 榴莲酥、榴莲蛋挞 – 泰式甜点之王也不 容忽视哦!(5 元 / 只)

食物:★★★★ 环境:★★★★☆ 服务:★★★★☆ 总体:★★★★☆ 价位:人均消费元 108 元每人 联系信息 : 蕉叶宁波店 海曙区马园路 238 号 +86 574 8715 5833


December 2011 ningbo focus 69

WINE & DINE |美酒佳肴


any people say that blended Scot­ ch is simply a mix of malt and grain whiskies but this is an overly simplistic and unfair view. There are still many secrets lying hidden in the blend. Blending started in Scotland back in the early 1800’s in order to enable the taste of the whisky to be more consistent and dependable. The ultimate aim was to make the whisky an enjoyable drink which can be savoured and enjoyed regularly without having to guess what lies behind every sip. Over the years, the art of blending whiskies have matured and been developed to become much more refined and intricate. This art has been perfected by Glasgow Whisky and continues till today and is well presented in the Highland Cup. The blenders of the Highland Cup have amongst them over 30 years of experience in creating and blending fine Scottish whiskies. The blends developed by Glasgow Whisky have gained international repute owing to the unique flavour and smoothness of the whiskies they produce. This is why they can offer customers the perfect Scotch whisky to match the individual taste and requirements. The Highland Cup is a six-year-old blend that is delicious no matter how it is served. Highland Cup provides all the style and character that lovers of fine quality whisky enjoy. The vibrant blend of malts and grain whiskies offers a smooth and warming flavour topped with a slightly silky finish. The Highland Cup has enough power and character to be the mainstay in any cocktail served over ice. You will also find it equally rewarding when enjoyed with a splash of chilled water. A perfect companion with most dishes in particular red meats. Recommended serving is in a chilled glass with three cubes of ice! ■ The Author represents Borfinn Wines and the company imports wines and liquor from overseas including, France, Italy, Chile, Spain and Australia. Borfinn Wines is a Singapore-based company and have been established in China since 2009. Borfinn Wines’ head office and showroom are based in Ningbo and there is also a representative office in Guangzhou. Their current distribution extends to Beijing, Henan Province, Zhejiang Province, Sichuan Province, Guangdong Province and Hainan Province. For more information regarding their wines and products, please email them at enjoy@ or call +86 574 8725 8828. (Please use NINGBO FOCUS as your reference to qualify for special prices).

70 ningbo focus December 2011

Highland Cup Whisky 高原杯威士忌 By ( 作者 ): Richard P.

许多人认为混合苏格兰威士忌是麦芽 威士忌和谷物威士忌的混合,其实这是一 个过度简单和不正确的观点。混合威士忌 中藏着许多的秘方。混合威士忌起源于 19 世纪早期的苏格兰,目的是为保持威士忌 口感的纯正和持久。之后的几年中,混合 威士忌的工艺逐渐成熟,并发展成为更为 精细和复杂的工艺。该工艺被格拉斯哥威 士忌公司完善并保存至今,并体现在高原 杯威士忌中。 高原杯威士忌的制作人有着超过 30 年的创造和混合苏格兰威士忌的经验。格 拉斯哥威士忌公司的混合威士忌技术为他 们赢得了生产风味独特柔滑威士忌的国际 美誉。这就是为什么他们能根据客户的个 人喜好和要求提供最完美的苏格兰威士忌 的原因。 高原杯是六年陈的混合威士忌,无论 是何种喝法,它都是美味无比的。高原杯 提供威士忌爱好者喜爱的所有的风格和特 点。麦芽威士忌和谷物威士忌的混合带给 你柔和、丝滑和暖暖的味觉。高原杯有足 够的力量和特性以作为任何加冰鸡尾酒的 主要成分。你还会发现将它加入冰水中也 是同样的美味。它也是大部分菜肴的完美 伴侣,特别是红肉类菜肴。我们特别推荐 ■ 加入三块冰块的喝法 ! 本 文 作 者 为 Borfinn Wines 公 司 的 代表,该公司从法国、意大利、西班牙以 及澳大利亚等国家进口葡萄酒和其它各种 酒 类。Borfinn Wines 是 一 家 新 加 坡 公 司,2009 年进驻中国。宁波设有总店和展 厅,广州也有办事处。如今,其分店已扩 展至北京、河南、浙江、四川、广东及海 南。如需更多信息,请发邮件至 enjoy@, 或 拨 打 +86 574 8725 8828。(请报《宁波聚焦》以获取最优惠 价格)。

Photo by ( 图片来源 ): Borfinn Wines


Xinhua Bookstore 宁波新华书店

Eighty's liberal street art performance 八十年代开明街头文艺演出

MinGuang Cinema 老民光电影院



Xinhua Bookstore 新华书店

If you have any old, black and white photos of Ningbo, please send them through to us at and selected photos will be featured on each issue. 如果您有宁波的黑白旧照片,请发邮件至 给我们,选中的照片将 会刊登在《宁波聚焦》上。 Photos by: Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government 图片来源 : 宁波市人民政府新闻办公室

December 2011 ningbo focus 71


T’is the Season: Origin of the Christmas Tree By Alessandra Klein


ith the Christmas season drawing closer we look forward to decorating our homes, shopping, gather­ ing with family and friends and lighting ceremonies which are both pleasing to the eye and soothing for the soul. Ningbo is no different, come December, hotels and restaurants around the city will be adorned with beautifully illuminated Christmas trees and decorations that you will soon be able to admire. We ourselves are already caught up in the spirit of the season - we decided to have a look at the origin of this universal yuletide symbol: the Christmas tree. What is so remarkable about the tradition of Christmas trees is that it has been accepted by people completely independent of any organised religion and Christmas trees now grace households, hotels, squares and office buildings all over not only the western but eastern world as well. The Christmas tree has its roots in 16th century Germany and Livonia, where ever­ green plants and trees were used to decorate homes during the festive seasons as they were believed to keep away witches, ghosts, evil spirits and illness.

72 ningbo focus December 2011

At that time known under different names, ‘Yule trees’ were decorated with ornaments of sun, moon and stars and therefore also called the tree of life and were related to the festival of the winter solstice. Another of its name was ‘Paradeisbaum’ as it was brought into the homes to celebrate the Feast of Adam and Eve. In the 18th and 19th century, German immigr­ ants introduced the tradition to Canada and the US. Migration of people with close sociopolitical and religious ties to the festivals and traditions of the winter solstice and Christmas season expanded the popularity of its iconic tree in a short matter of years. The most traditional Christmas tree is a green fir. Equally popular choices are pine trees or artificial trees – especially for those who have allergic reactions to the real deal. Prior to the 20th century trees were decorat­ ed with real candles, apples, nuts, marzipan cookies and other small treats for the children to enjoy when Christmas Eve arrived. Traditionally in Europe the trees were put up on the eve of Christmas and in the US shortly after Thanksgiving.

Nowadays it is a family affair and a joyous event when it comes to decorating your own Christmas tree. Animals, tinsels, fake snow, electric Christmas lights, balls, ribbons, straw centrepieces, angels and candy sticks – there are no limits when it comes to adorning a Christmas tree. President Franklin Pierce arranged in the mid 1850’s to have the first Christmas tree in the White House. But it was President Calvin Coolidge in 1923 that started the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on the White House lawn – an American holiday tradition with famous presenters and music performances that 88 years later still brings together its citizens to share a message of peace and hope. The popularity of lighting ceremonies spread as far as China so make sure to take your family to visit one of the many tree lighting ceremonies around Ningbo to start the Christmas season off in a very special way. From all of us at Ningbo Focus, we wish you a beautiful festive season ahead, with full of ■ excitement, joy and happiness.


圣诞树的起源 圣诞节即将来临,我们期待着装饰我们的 家园、购物、与家人和朋友聚会,以及参与到 既赏心悦目又抚平我们的灵魂的亮灯仪式。宁 波也一样,到了 12 月,这座城市的宾馆和饭 店都会被美丽的金光闪闪的圣诞树和装饰品装 扮着,这些你很快就能欣赏到了。我们已经进 入了这个季节——那就让我们一起去看看圣诞 节象征物——圣诞树的起源吧。 圣诞树的传统如此引人瞩目的原因是它 被来自任何宗教或组织的人们所接受,现在圣 诞树不仅装饰着西方国家,还装扮着东方世界 的家庭、酒店、广场和办公楼。 圣诞树起源于 16 世纪的德国和利沃尼亚, 在那儿常绿植物和树被用来在节日里装饰房 子,因为人们相信它们能赶走巫婆、鬼魂和疾 病。 在当时圣诞树有着许多不同的名称,由于 它与太阳、月亮和星星饰品一起装饰,因此也 被称为生命之树,并与冬至日联系起来。它又 被称为“Paradeisbaum”,并被带进人们的 家里庆祝亚当夏娃节。


在 18 和 19 世纪,德国移民将该传统带 入了加拿大和美国。有着相近社会政治和宗教 信仰的人们的迁移将节日和冬至日的传统结合 在一起,在之后短短几年里,圣诞季的标志—— 圣诞树便广为流传。 最传统的圣诞树是绿色的冷杉。同样流 行的选择是松树或人工树木——特别适用于那 些对真树过敏的人。 在 20 世纪之前,人们用真蜡烛、苹果、 坚果、杏仁饼干及其他小点心来装扮圣诞树, 以供孩子们在平安夜里享用。 在以前,欧洲的传统是在平安夜里装扮 圣诞树,而在美国,感恩节后不久人们就将圣 诞树摆在家中了。 现 在, 装 扮 圣 诞 树 是 一 项快乐的家庭活动。人们用动 物模型、亮片、雪花片、圣诞 彩灯、彩球、丝带、稻草饰品、 天使和条形糖果以及其他的人 们能够想到的物品来装饰圣诞 树,应有尽有。

在 18 世纪 50 年代中期,富兰克林 • 皮 尔 斯 总 统 安 排 第 一 棵 圣 诞 树 进 入 白 宫。 在 1923 年,卡尔文 • 柯立芝总统在白宫草坪上 开创了全国圣诞树点灯仪式——一个美国传统 节日,名人和音乐家都出席了,88 年后这仪 式仍旧给美国人们传递着和平和希望的信息。 点灯仪式的流行已经蔓延到中国,所以 一定要带着你的家人观看在宁波的点灯仪式, 以非常特殊的方式开始圣诞节。 我们《宁波聚焦》的所有员工提前祝你 您度过一个美好的、充满激情、快乐幸福的圣 ■ 诞节!

Photos by: New Century Hotel Ningbo 图片来源 : 宁波开元大酒店

December 2011 ningbo focus 73

Christmas Gifts


Christmas Gift Ideas 圣诞礼物推荐

T’is the season of sharing and giving – which means shopping! Our team at Ningbo Focus (As you know, most of us at Ningbo Focus are ladies, so as you can imagine, the big ‘S’ is indeed our favourite subject!). 这是个分享和给与的季节——即意味着“血拼”!这绝对是宁波聚焦团队的强项! ( 因为在宁 波聚焦团队里,大多数是女性,可想而知“购物”绝对是我们的最爱! ) Here are our recommendations – easy to find in shops in Ningbo or online. 以下是我们列出的圣诞礼物建议——这些都是在宁波实体店或网上比较容易找到的。

Ivy Lee, Director of Sales & Marketing 市场销售总监 李慧思

Elaine Chan, Editor 主编 陈芳宜

Porsche Key Ring (Prices from RMB 1,500) 保时捷钥匙圈 ( 价格:1500 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): Porche Centre Ningbo 宁波保时捷中心 Sennheiser PX200-II Headphone (Price: RMB 519) 森海塞尔 PX200-II 黑白 头戴式耳机 ( 价格:519 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

An American Short-hair (Prices from RMB 2,500) 美国短毛猫 ( 价格:2500 元 )

Motorsport Bear (Prices from RMB 947) 保时捷机车小熊 ( 价格:947 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): Porche Centre Ningbo 宁波保时捷中心

Swarovski Mix Ring (Price: RMB 1,100) 施华洛世奇 混合戒 ( 价格:1100 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre 宁波和义大道购物中心

Swarovski Dragon Black Key Ring (Price: RMB 1,030) 施华洛世奇 男士经典钥匙扣 ( 价格:1030 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre 宁波和义大道购物中心 74 ningbo focus December 2011



Kat Xu, Office Manager 办公室经理 许凯梅

Shannon McAtasney, Copy Editor 编审 CD Player (Price: RMB 320) 乐动壁挂式 CD 机 ( 价格:320 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): A New Family-friendly E-bike (Price: RMB 5,700) 全封闭式家用电动车 ( 价格:5700 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

Georg Jensen GLOW Candleholder (Price RMB 510) Georg Jensen 烛台 ( 价格:510 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

iPhone Headset (Price RMB 218) iPhone 耳机 ( 价格:218 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

Star Wars ‘Return of the Jedi’ Vintage 1980 AT- AT (Price: RMB 2,180) 星球大战 80 版 3.75 寸小人载具 At-At 全配 ( 价格:2180 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

Smartshake – Workout Shaker Bottle (Price: RMB 180) 高级运动晒网 3 层摇摇杯 ( 价格:180 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

December 2011 ningbo focus 75


Christmas Gift Ideas 圣诞礼物推荐

Nathan Piao, Designer 设计师 朴南君

Magnolia Wang, Sales & Marketing Assistant 市场销售助理 王玉兰

PlayStation®Vita (Price: RMB1,600) 索尼 PlayStation®Vita 掌上游戏机 ( 价格:1600 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): Fur Coat (Price: RMB 329) 羊毛呢超大貉子毛领毛呢外套 ( 价格:329 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

Pearl Necklace (Price: RMB 10,920) 珍珠项链 ( 价格:10920 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

Polaroid ONE 600 ULTRA (Price: RMB 1,480) 宝丽来 ONE 600 ULTRA 一次成像相机 ( 价格:1480 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

E-bike (Price: RMB 2,200) 电瓶车 ( 价格:2200 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

Julia Wang, Translator 翻译 王晶莹

Cici Chen, Translator 翻译 陈希

Children's Bobsleigh 918 Spyder (Prices from RMB 1,443) 保时捷儿童滑雪板 ( 价格:1443 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ): Porche Centre Ningbo 宁波保时捷中心 Hello Kitty Helmet (Price: RMB 90) Hello Kitty 头盔 ( 价格:90 元 ) Where to buy ( 购买途径 ):

FESTIVE |节日 minutes (to get crispy skin) • When the goose is done, remove from the oven, let the goose rest, and cover with a foil so the moisture retains To make the gravy: Mix a few tablespoons of the fat drippings with two tablespoons of flour in a saucepan and cook for one minute. Gradually add in chicken broth. Add salt, pepper and thyme. Serve with boiled or mashed potatoes, apple, orange and onion stuffing from the goose, gravy and cranberry sauce. ‘Glühwein Chef’ Thomas Schilling Glühwein“大厨”托马斯

An Authentic Traditional German Festive Meal 地道传统的德国节日餐 By ( 作者 ): Elaine Chan 陈芳宜


v e r t h e p a s t 11 y e a r s , I h a v e celebrated Christmas in Sydney, England, Malta, and Berlin. All were unforgettable experiences, each with its own unique authenticity. My Christmas in Berlin in the year 2000 however, left a very deep impression. It wasn’t Harrods since all shops are closed during the festive season, but the simple and authentic Christmas lunch of roast goose, boiled potatoes and sauerkraut my uncle’s butler’s wife made which remains on the tips of my taste buds all these years later. And yes, Glühwein, lots of it, to stay warm during the cold, snowy, winter holidays! My deepest regret is not learning the recipes and last year for the first time in 10 years, we tried to re-create the Christmas goose, based on past memory of taste and look. Here’s my take on a recipe for a Christmas goose (Bear in mind I am no chef, just a natural at eating). Method: • 4 – 5 lb goose (preferably beheaded already) – gutted, washed and dried well • Rub goose with lots of salt, pepper and thyme • Rub cavity with salt, pepper and thyme • Stuff goose with lots of peeled, cored and quartered oranges, apples and sliced onions • Fill bottom of roasting pan with salt water • Pierce the goose with a fork at several spots to allow the fats to drip as it cooks • Place the goose breast-side down in the oven and roast for three hours (240 degrees) • Baste the goose with salt water every 15

Sauerkraut: Method: Go to Metro (1 Metro Road, Yinzhou District), buy a tin of sauerkraut. This will work! Glühwein: Here’s the important part of the Christmas meal - Thomas’ Glühwein – tried and tested successfully on several occasions including the non-festive, non-celebratory occasions… Method: For every three bottles of good red wine you will need: (Keep in mind, it depends on individual tastes and all ingredients below can be found in Metro - in bulk, enough to last for several Christmases)! • 1 orange & 1 Mandarin orange – washed and sliced with skin on • ½ apple – quartered with skin on • ½ lemon – sliced with skin on • 1 really large cinnamon stick • 10 pieces of Cardamon • Half a handful of dried orange skin • ¼ teaspoon of cloves • 5 pieces of star aniseed • 2 cups of orange juice • ¼ litre of rum (quantity depends on your mood really!) Put all ingredients together with the wine and boil at very low heat for 20 to 30 minutes (beware – never to boiling point!), add sugar at the end (amount proportional to quality of red wine, the worse the wine the more sugar you need). Depending on your taste for spices, you may remove the cinnamon stick and star aniseed earlier. Serve warm in a coffee cup. Merry Christmas dearest readers!

在 过 去 的 11 年 里, 我 分 别 在 悉 尼、 英 国、马耳他以及柏林庆祝过圣诞节。每年的圣 诞节都是那么的令人难忘,且各有各的特色。 2000 年的在柏林的圣诞节尤其让我难忘。虽 然节日期间所有的百货商店都停止营业,但我 叔叔的妻子做的简单而地道的烤鹅,煮土豆和 德国泡菜至今让我回味无穷。当然少不了甜葡 萄酒 Glühwein,很多的 Glühwein 可以让你在 寒冷而多雪的冬季倍感温暖。让我倍感遗憾的

是,我没有学会如何制作如此美味的节日餐。 十年后的去年,我们首次凭着对圣诞烤鹅的外 观和味觉的记忆,也试着做一次。 这是圣诞烤鹅食谱(记住哦,我不是一 位厨师,只是对吃比较在行) 方法: • 4 - 5 磅的鹅(最好是已经杀好的)—去 除内脏,洗净、晾干水分 • 在鹅上搽上大量的盐、胡椒以及百里香 • 向腹腔内搽上大量的盐、胡椒以及百里 香 • 在腹腔内填满大量去皮,去籽的橙、苹 果和洋葱 • 往烤盘里加一些盐水 • 用餐叉在鹅上面适当地叉几下,烤的时 候油可以流出 • 将鹅正面朝下放进烤箱,烤 3 小时(240 度) • 每十五分钟在鹅上涂上一些盐水(达到 脆皮效果) • 鹅烤好后,将其从烤箱里取出并用锡纸 包好,这样可以使其保持水分 做肉汁:取烤鹅时滴出来的油几勺,加 入两勺面粉,在小锅里煮一分钟。然后 逐步加入一些鸡精块、盐、胡椒和百里香。 搭配水煮土豆或土豆泥,填充在鹅腹腔 中的苹果、橙、洋葱,做好的肉汁以及 红莓果酱。 德国泡菜: 去麦德龙(麦德龙路 1 号)买一听德国 泡菜 Glühwein: 下面是圣诞大餐非常重要的一部分 --- 托 马斯的 Glühwein--- 在各场合,包括非节日、 非节庆场合上测试成功。 步骤: 每三瓶好的红葡萄酒里需要:(请记住, 根据个人口味,以下所有东西都可以在 麦德龙买到——批量装,足以用上好几 个圣诞节!) • 2 个橙 — 洗净,带皮切片 • 半个苹果 — 带皮,切成四份 • 半个柠檬 — 带皮,切片 • 一大根桂皮 • 10 片豆蔻 • 少量干橙皮 • ¼ 匙丁香 • 5 片八角 • 2 杯橙汁 • ¼ 升的朗姆酒(分量由您决定) 将所有材料与葡萄酒用文火煮 20 到 30 分钟(注意 - 火温不能过高),最后往里面加 点糖(糖量与葡萄酒量成一定比例,酒的质量 越差,你需要的糖越多)根据您对香料的喜好 程度,您可以不用桂皮和八角。乘热用咖啡杯 饮用。 圣诞节快乐,我亲爱的读者们!

December 2011 ningbo focus 77


Shangri­La Hotel, Ningbo 宁波香格里拉大酒店

Shangri­La Hotel, Ningbo 宁波香格里拉大酒店

‘Turkey-to-Go’ 1st – 25th December 2011 Pre-cooked and packed for a gastronomic celebration at home, the ‘Turkey-to-Go’ is accompanied by three types of stuffing, roasted baby potatoes and cranberry sauce. Priced at RMB 888, the turkey serves between 10 and 12 persons. Pre-orders required and available for collection between 20th and 25th December 2011.

Shangri-La’s Festive Hampers 1st – 25th December 2011 Filled to the brim with spark­ ling wine or champagne, assorted Christmas cookies, German stollen, Chocolate Snowman, gingerbread house, Shangri-La’s festive hampers are priced at RMB 1,000 and RMB 1,500.

火鸡外卖 2011 年 12 月 1 日至 25 日 预先烹调、包装好的圣诞火鸡 , 让您和家人共享节日美味。 火鸡采用传统手法制作、烘烤。辅菜包括肉汁、烤小土豆和越橘沙司。 火鸡价格为人民币 888 元 ( 适合 10 至 12 人分享 )。 火鸡提取时间:12 月 20 日至 25 日

HOY ­ Live life now! 欧宜 ­ 享受生活 Hoy Hamper From now until Chinese New Year's Eve, HOY presents various types of exclusive hampers with imported products. Prices start from RMB 188. You can also per­ sonalise your own festive hamper from HOY's display room. For more information, please call +86 574 8772 9555. HOY 礼篮 自 即 日 起 至 春 节 前 夕,HOY 为您提供多款配有高端进口商 品的礼篮,价格从 188 元起。您也可以到 HOY 展厅自由组合您心 目中的完美礼品。详情请询:+86 574 87729555.

香格里拉节日礼篮 2011 年 12 月 1 日至 25 日 宁波香格里拉大酒店圣诞礼篮 内含气泡酒或香槟酒、 什锦圣诞甜饼、圣诞面包、雪人巧克力和姜饼小屋等 充满节日趣味的西点礼品。 两款节日礼篮价格分别为人民币 1000 元和人民币 1500 元。

Borfinn Festive Hampers and Gift Packs Borfinn 节日礼篮 1st – 31st December 2011 Treat your friends and loved ones to an exclusive festive gift hamper filled with an assortment of the finest imported wines and birds’ nest. Choose from a variety of hampers and gifts with prices starting from RMB 168. Customisation of your gift can also be arranged at no additional charge. For more information, please call +86 574 8725 8828 or email You can also visit our weibo at for more details. 2011 年 12 月 1 日到 12 月 31 日 给您的朋友和亲人送去节日祝福。多种装满高档进口红酒和燕窝的 节日礼包可供选择,价格从 168 元起。您也可以定制个性化礼包, 无需额外费用。 详情请致电 +86 574 8725 8828 或发送邮件至。 你也可登录我们的微博。

78 ningbo focus December 2011


Noxy Noxy Christmas Gift Voucher 1st – 31st December 2011 Painless, quick and efficient, NOXY® is a specialist in the field of permanent hair removal and cellulite reduc­ tion. This Christmas, purchase a gift voucher valued at RMB 200 for only RMB 150 (or buy five RMB 200-vouchers for only RMB 100 per voucher) – a truly unique Christmas gift idea. For more information, please call +86 151 6850 8685 or +86 574 8786 2868. Noxy 圣诞节礼券 2011 年 12 月 1 日 ­31 日 运用高效、快速、无痛的脱毛疗程,NOXY® 轻松解决永久性脱毛 烦恼。这个圣诞节,只需 150 元就可获得价值 200 元的圣诞节礼 券(购买 5 张以上,每张 100 元),一份特别的圣诞节礼物。详情 请致电:+86 151 6850 8685 或 +86 574 8786 2868

Topit Italian Restaurant Topit 意大利餐厅 ‘Cesti Natalizi Italiani’ – Italian Christmas Hampers 1st – 31st December 2011 Treat your colleagues, friends or loved ones to an exclusive Christmas hamper filled with Italian delights, such as wine, pasta, chocolates, cookies and olive oil priced at only RMB 499. For more information, please call +86 574 8765 3797. ‘Cesti Natalizi Italiani’ 意大利圣诞礼篮 2011 年 12 月 1 日 -12 月 31 日 今年的圣诞,为您的同事、朋友和爱人送上一份来自意大利的圣诞 礼篮吧!价值人民币 499 元,包括葡萄酒、意大利面、巧克力、饼 干和橄榄油。 更多详情,请致电 +86 574 8765 3797。



这个岁末让我们和可爱 受欢迎的圣诞老人一起 过个100%美式圣诞节! Celebrate Christmas the American Way, with a lovable Santa Clause that everyone will want to visit this holiday. 如果你有兴趣雇请圣诞老人的话,请打电话: 英文: Matt 马特18605741412 或 发电子邮件联系我们 Chinese Contact: 中文 Anny 15825755949。

December 2011 ningbo focus 79


80 ningbo focus December 2011


Shamrock Irish Pub & Restaurant 爱尔兰三叶草酒吧餐厅 Happy Hour Special 20% discount off all drinks during happy hour between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. For more information, please call +86 574 8766 0989. 欢乐时光特惠 从上午 10 点至晚上 8 点的欢 乐时光,酒水享受 8 折优惠 更 多 详 情, 请 致 电 +86 574 8766 0989

The Office Bar The Office 酒吧 Bottle Mondays RMB 350 for two bottles of house vodka, whiskey, gin or rum. RMB 600 for two bottles of Bombay Gin, Absolute Vodka or Jim Beam Whiskey. Thirsty Thursdays RMB 100 for all-you-can-drink for house vodka, gin, rum and whiskey every Thursday from 9 to 11 p.m. Quiz Night Specials Participate in the quiz night and enjoy house rum, gin and vodka priced at RMB 20. For more information, please call +86 574 8762 3237. 星期一:2 瓶伏特加、威士忌、松子酒或者朗姆酒,仅需 350 元 2 瓶孟买蓝宝石金酒、绝对伏特加或者占边威士忌,仅需 600 元 星期四:晚上 9 点至 11 点伏特加、威士忌、松子酒或者朗姆酒不 限量任意喝,仅需 100 元 猜谜之夜:特供参与猜谜之夜即可享受朗姆酒、松子酒和伏特加, 仅售 20 元 更多详情,请致电 +86 574 8762 3237

Shamrock Irish Pub & Restaurant 爱尔兰三叶草酒吧餐厅 All-You-Can-Eat Sunday Brunch and BBQ Every Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. RMB 60 per adult and RMB 30 per child. Includes a wide selection of French toast, juicy omelettes, lush salads, crispy bacon, hearty sausages, tasty chicken skewers and more, plus free flow of coke and sprite. For more information, please call +86 574 8766 0989. 周日早午餐和烧烤自助 每周日(上午 11:30 至下午 2:30 ) 成人每位 60 元,儿童每位 30 元 包括各式的法式烤面包、浓汁煎蛋卷、沙拉、培根、香肠、烧鸡肉串, 以及免费的可乐和雪碧。 更多详情,请致电 +86 574 8766 0989

B.L. Fencing Club 巴勒击剑馆 Ningbo Focus Readers Promotion 1st – 31st December 2011 Present the Ningbo Focus magazine at the B.L. Fencing Club and enjoy a complimentary try-out class and free use of fencing equipment and uniform when a 90-minute time card priced at RMB 120 is purchased. When purchasing a basic course priced at RMB 1,600 that includes 16 lessons and you will be given a 10% discount off the annual membership. For more information, please call +86 138 6780 2781 or email 《宁波聚焦》读者礼遇 2011 年 12 月 1 日 -12 月 31 日 带上《宁波聚焦》杂志前往巴勒击剑馆即可免费享受一次体验课程。 若您购买一张价值 120 元的 90 分钟限时卡,还可免费使用馆内击 剑设施以及专业制服。若您购买价值 1600 元的基础课程卡,其中 包括 16 节的击剑课程,此外还可享受 9 折年度会员优惠。 更多详情,请致电 +86 138 6780 2781,或发送邮件至。

December 2011 ningbo focus 81


Bali Spa and Foot Massage 巴厘 SPA 会所

Spa at Shangri­La Hotel, Ningbo 宁波香格里拉大酒店水疗护理

Winter Promotions 1st – 31st December 2011 This winter, Bali Spa and Foot Massage is offering two special treatments, the ‘Jamu - Jamu’ foot therapy with original Balinese hot, herbal packs, priced at RMB 298 and an Indonesian hot stone massage priced at RMB 1,180. For more information, please call +86 574 8717 9988 or +86 574 8717 9977. 冬季促销 2011 年 12 月 1 日 -12 月 31 日 巴厘 SPA 会所推出 2 款季节特色项目:1180 元的“印尼香薰热石 按摩”和 298 元的足部养生热疗。 预订,请致电 +86 574 8717 9988 or +86 574 8717 9977

82 ningbo focus December 2011

Spa Gift Vouchers Valid until 31st January 2012 Purchase a RMB 500 gift voucher for only RMB 400. Receive one complimentary gift voucher with every purchase of 10 vouchers. Terms & conditions apply. Call +86 574 8799 7026 or email for more information. 水疗贵宾礼券 截止日期:2012 年 1 月 31 日 现只需要 400 元即可购买价值 500 元的水疗贵宾礼券。同时推出买十 送一活动(购买十张礼券即可获赠一张)。按券上标明的条款使用。 更多详情,请致电 +86 574 8799 7026 或发送邮件至


IMPORTED FROM FRANCE 法国原瓶进口 Chateau Roquefort (Rouge) 霍克佛干红 Appellation( 产区 ):Bordeaux AOC 波尔多法定产区 Year( 年份 ):2007 Grape varieties( 葡萄品种 ): Merlot( 美乐 ) 90%; Cabernet Sauvignon( 赤霞珠 ) 10% Features: Aged for 12 months in oak, this elegant wine shows an intensed deep red colour, emitting a bold and lively flavour of blackberry and plum together with the aroma of oak. Full-bodied, and delicious aftertaste lingers. Best served with beef, lamb or pork stews, and cheese. 特点:橡木桶陈年 12 个月。这款酒呈现优雅的深红色,散发出奔放活泼的黑莓和李子的香味 及橡木桶的香气。酒体醇厚优雅,层次感强,余韵绵长。最佳搭配:焖烩牛羊猪肉,及味浓持 重的奶酪等 .

Address: No. 1113 Baizhang East Road, Jiangdong District, Ningbo 地址:宁波市江东区百丈东路 1113 号 Tel( 电话 ):+86 574 8793 0320

December 2011 ningbo focus 83


Exhibition / 展览 2011 China Food Exposition 2011 中国食品博览会

1st - 4th December 2011 2011 年 11 月 30 日 -12 月 4 日

Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center 宁波国际会议展览中心

Second China Fair Pigeon Sport 第二届中国信鸽运动博览会

17th - 19th December 2011 2011 年 12 月 12 日 -19 日

Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center 宁波国际会议展览中心

27th October - 31st December 2011 2011 年 10 月 27 日 -31 日

Yuyao 余姚

Festival / 节日 China Yuyao Fur Fashion Festival 中国余姚裘皮服装节

十二月节日 Occasions/Celebrations in December

Amitabha Birthday 阿弥陀佛圣诞 1st December 2011 2011-12-1 World Disable Day 世界残疾人日 3rd December 2011 2011-12-3 Christmas Day 圣诞节 25th December 2011 2011-12-25 Boxing Day 节礼日 26th December 2011 2011-12-26

12.3 世界残疾人日

World Disable Day 84 ningbo focus December 2011

Photos by: Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government & New Century Hotel Ningbo 图片来源 : 宁波市人民政府新闻办公室 宁波开元大酒店

Ningbo CRH Schedule China High-speed Railway CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Shanghai) Train No. / 车次 D5466/D5467 D5482/D5483 D3122 D366 D3102 D382 D3104 D3120 D5590 D3208 D3118 D5456/D5457 D3210 D5432 D3204 D3108 D3206 D5586 D378 D5554 D3114 D3202 D5560 D3106

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East


宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东

09:07 09:21 10:30 10:43 11:30 11:47 12:15 13:33 14:20 14:41 14:54 15:26 16:19 16:34 17:21 17:38 17:59 18:16 18:34 18:54 19:10 19:25 19:43 20:00

Arrival / 到达站

Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH Hongqiao SH

上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥 上海虹桥

CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Hangzhou) Train No. / 车次 D5466/D5467 D5482/D5483 D3122 D366 D3116 D3102 D382 D3104 D5572 D3120 D5590 D3208 D3118 D5456/D5457 D3214 D3210 D5432 D3204 D3108 D3206 D5586 D378 D5554 D3114 D3202 D5560 D3106 D3112 D3232 D380

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East


宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东

09:07 09:21 10:30 10:43 11:12 11:30 11:47 12:15 12:52 13:33 14:20 14:41 14:54 15:26 16:03 16:19 16:34 17:21 17:38 17:59 18:16 18:34 18:54 19:10 19:25 19:43 20:00 20:21 20:35 20:53

Arrival / 到达站

South HZ Hangzhou South HZ Hangzhou Hangzhou South HZ South HZ South HZ Hangzhou South HZ South HZ South HZ South HZ South HZ Hangzhou South HZ South HZ South HZ South HZ South HZ South HZ South HZ Hangzhou Hangzhou South HZ South HZ South HZ Hangzhou Hangzhou South HZ

杭州南 杭州 杭州南 杭州 杭州 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州 杭州 杭州南 杭州南 杭州南 杭州 杭州 杭州南

CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Fuzhou) Train No. / 车次 D3211 D3231 D3111 D377 D3105 D3201 D3113 D3213 D3107 D379 D3303 D3205 D3203 D3209 D3117 D3207 D3215 D3119 D3217

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East


宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东

07:55 09:04 09:39 09:54 10:57 11:11 11:26 11:45 12:27 12:47 13:02 13:16 13:31 13:46 14:15 14:30 15:00 15:37 16:09

Arrival / 到达站

South FZ Fuzhou South FZ Fuzhou South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ Fuzhou South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ South FZ

福州南 福州 福州南 福州 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南 福州南

宁波动车时刻表 宁波至上海 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 12:18 12:48 13:40 13:27 14:58 15:08 15:44 16:59 17:57 18:07 18:23 18:50 19:16 19:29 20:27 20:40 21:44 22:04 22:13 22:19 22:40 22:46 22:51 23:03

103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103

123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123

宁波至杭州 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 10:48 10:59 12:03 12:12 13:20 13:01 13:16 14:03 14:58 15:11 16:06 16:27 16:36 17:00 18:14 17:53 18:03 19:02 19:11 19:49 20:08 20:26 20:50 20:58 21:08 21:17 21:33 22:21 22:30 22:49

46 54 46 54 54 46 46 46 54 46 46 46 46 46 54 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 54 54 46 46 46 54 54 46

55 65 55 65 65 55 55 55 65 55 55 55 55 55 65 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 65 65 55 55 55 65 65 55

宁波至福州 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 11:37 12:58 13:39 14:03 14:51 15:07 15:26 15:44 15:59 16:25 16:52 17:09 17:23 17:58 18:15 18:29 18:50 19:30 20:08

174 174 174 176 174 174 174 174 174 174 176 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174

209 209 209 212 209 209 209 209 209 209 212 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209

December 2011 ningbo focus 85

Ningbo CRH Schedule


China High-speed Railway

CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Fuzhou) Train No. / 车次 D3115 D3301 D3121 D3101 D365 D381 D3103

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East East East East East East East


宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东

17:18 17:35 17:50 18:25 18:50 19:05 19:21

Arrival / 到达站

South FZ South FZ South FZ Fuzhou South FZ South FZ South FZ

福州南 福州南 福州南 福州 福州南 福州南 福州南

CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Xiamen) Train No. / 车次 D3211 D3231 D3201 D3213 D3303 D3205 D3205 D3203 D3203 D3209 D3117 D3207 D3215 D3119 D3217

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East


宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东

07:55 09:04 11:11 11:45 13:02 13:16 13:16 13:31 13:31 13:46 14:15 14:30 15:00 15:37 16:09

Arrival / 到达站

Xiamen North XM Xiamen North XM North XM Xiamen North XM Xiamen North XM North XM North XM North XM North XM North XM North XM

厦门 厦门北 厦门 厦门北 厦门北 厦门 厦门北 厦门 厦门北 厦门北 厦门北 厦门北 厦门北 厦门北 厦门北

CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Beijing) Train No. / 车次 D366 Z10

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East NB 宁波东 East NB 宁波东

10:43 15:56

Arrival / 到达站 Beijing Beijing

北京 北京

CRH Timetable (Ningbo to Wenzhou) Train No. / 车次 D3211 D3231 D3111 D377 D5587 D5559 D5553 D3105 D3201 D3113 D3213 D3107 D379 D3303 D3205 D3203 D3209 D5589 D3117 D3207 D5451/5454 D3215 D5431 D3119 D3217 D3115 D3301 D3121 D3101 D365 D381 D3103 D5484/D5481 D5455/D5458 D5571

Departure / 出发站 Departure Time / 开车时间 East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East East


宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东 宁波东

07:55 09:04 09:39 09:54 10:08 10:22 10:37 10:57 11:11 11:26 11:45 12:27 12:47 13:02 13:16 13:31 13:46 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:21 15:37 16:09 17:18 17:35 17:50 18:25 18:50 19:05 19:21 20:19 20:48 21:13

Arrival / 到达站

South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ South WZ

温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南 温州南

宁波至福州 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 21:12 21:33 21:46 22:23 22:43 22:58 23:17

174 174 174 176 174 174 174

209 209 209 212 209 209 209

宁波至厦门 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 13:18 14:26 16:46 17:11 18:20 19:00 18:36 19:13 18:50 19:35 19:47 19:56 20:16 20:57 21:47

253 244 253 244 244 253 244 253 244 244 244 244 244 244 244

304 293 304 293 293 304 293 304 293 293 293 293 293 293 293

宁波至北京 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 22:20 07:22

509 208

611 332

宁波至温州 动车时刻表 Arrival Time / 到达时间 1st class RMB / 一等座 2nd class RMB / 二等座 09:41 10:48 11:32 11:45 12:00 12:14 12:28 12:49 13:02 13:19 13:36 14:07 14:25 14:48 15:05 15:17 15:32 15:46 16:00 16:16 16:32 16:53 17:10 17:28 18:04 19:04 19:21 19:39 20:10 20:32 20:45 21:01 22:04 22:17 22:42

83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

The above schedule may change without prior notice. Please check before travelling 以上日程如有变更,恕不另行通知,旅行前请查阅

86 ningbo focus December 2011

Ningbo Lishe International Airport Lishe, Yinzhou District, Ningbo

Regional Flight Schedule

宁波鄞州区栎社 Tel: +86 574 8742 7888

China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空公司 Dragon Airlines 港龙航空公司 Dragon Airlines 港龙航空公司

Airline / 航线 中国东方航空公司

Mandarin Airlines 华信航空公司 UNI Air 立荣航空公司

MU715 KA641 KA643

08:35 14:30 08:25

Air Macau


Airline / 航线

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间 MU2009



AE990 B7127

18:45 19:25

20:35 21:15


China Eastern Airlines


Mandarin Airlines 华信航空公司 UNI Air 立荣航空公司

Air Macau


11:30 11:55 16:10 17:55


Jetstar Asia





AE989 B7128

15:55 16:45

17:35 18:25





Airline / 航线 捷星亚洲


Frequency / 航班频率


Daily 每天

出发:宁波 - 吴哥窟



Frequency / 航班频率


Every 4 days


Frequency / 航班频率

Every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday



Frequency / 航班频率


Every 4 days

每 4 天一个班次

到达:新加坡 - 宁波

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间 3K835


到达:吴哥窟 - 宁波

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间 K9-384

每 4 天一个班次

出发:宁波 - 新加坡

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间

To book flights to Singapore please visit: To book flights to Cambodia please visit: 要预定去新加坡的机票,请登入 要预定去柬埔寨的机票,请登入

到达:澳门 - 宁波

国 际 航 班 时 刻 表

Arrival: Singapore to Ningbo Jetstar Asia

Frequency / 航班频率

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间 K9-383

周二、四、六 周二、四、六

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, & Sunday 周二、三、四、六、日 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday 周一、三、四、六 Wednesday & Sunday 周三、日

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间

Arrival: Cambodia to Ningbo Airline / 航线

Daily 每天 Daily 每天 Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday

到达:台北 - 宁波

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间

Departure: Ningbo to Singapore Airline / 航线

Frequency / 航班频率

13:35 14:00 18:45 20:05

Departure: Ningbo to Cambodia TONLESAP Airlines

Daily 每天

到达:香港 - 宁波

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间

International Flight Schedule Airline / 航线

Frequency / 航班频率


Arrival: Macau to Ningbo Airline / 航线

Frequency / 航班频率

出发:宁波 - 澳门


KA640 MU716 3U8730 KA642


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ,Saturday & Sunday 周二、三、四、六、日 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday 周一、三、四、六 Wednesday & Sunday 周三、日

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间

Arrival: Taipei to Ningbo Airline / 航线

Daily 每天 Daily 每天 Wednesday, Friday & Sunday

出发:宁波 - 台北

Arrival: Hong Kong to Ningbo Dragon Airlines 港龙航空公司 China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空公司 China Southern Airlines 中国南方航空公司 Dragon Airlines 港龙航空公司

Frequency / 航班频率

10:50 16:45 10:45

Departure: Ningbo to Macau Airline / 航线

出发:宁波 - 香港

Flight No. / 航班 Departure Time / 出发时间 Arrival Time / 到达时间

Departure: Ningbo to Taipei China Eastern Airlines


区 域 航 班 时 刻 表

Departure: Ningbo to Hong Kong Airline / 航线



Frequency / 航班频率

Every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday


Ningbo Lishe International Airport


December 2011 ningbo focus 87


Looking for a property on Singapore's Resort Sentosa Island, Sentosa Cove, Singapore's most prestigious and desirable waterfront address? Houses and villas available from SGD 20 million.

想要在新加坡圣淘沙,升涛湾——新加坡最尊贵的 海边豪宅区拥有一份私有财产吗? 洋房和别墅起价为两千万新币。 For hassle-free purchases and advice (详情咨询), email (请发邮件至)

88 ningbo focus December 2011

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南

Art | 文艺 Bakeries | 烘培坊 Banks | 银行 Bars | 酒吧 Bicycle & E-bike Stores | 自行车和电动车行 Bookstores, CD, VCD & DVD Shops | 书店 & 音像店 Business Services | 商务服务 Cafes | 咖啡馆 Car Rental | 租车 Car Showrooms | 汽车展示厅 Cinemas | 电影院 Clubs | 俱乐部 Dentists | 牙科诊所 Desserts | 甜点 Education | 教育 Electronics | 电子产品 Expat Services | 涉外服务 For the Little Ones | 幼儿世界 Furnishings | 家居 Government Contacts | 宁波市常用对外联络机构 Hair Salons | 美发沙龙 Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacies | 医院、诊所和药房 Hotels | 酒店 Human Resources | 人力资源 KTV | 量贩式 Laundry Services | 洗衣店 Law Firms | 律师事务所 Markets | 市场 Massage & Spa | 按摩和水疗 Mobile Phone Shops | 手机商店 Networking | 网络 Office Buildings | 办公楼 Office Supplies | 办公用品 Outdoor Supplies | 户外运动 Parks & Theme Parks | 公园和主题公园 Personal Care | 个人护理 Pet and Plant Market | 宠物和花卉市场 Photography | 摄影 Recording Studios | 录音室 Religion | 宗教 Restaurants | 餐馆 Shoe Repair | 修鞋店 Shopping Centres | 购物广场 Sightseeing & Leisure | 观光和休闲 Sport & Fitness | 健身 / 运动 Supermarkets | 超级市场 Tailors | 服装定制 Tanning Salons | 日晒沙龙 Tea Houses | 茶馆 Theatre | 剧院 Toys | 玩具 Veterinarians | 兽医 Wine | 酒

85 85 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 99 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102


Tel(电话): +86 159 0684 3938 Email(邮箱):

婚礼 | 鸡尾酒会 | 社交活动 | 产品发布会 | 生日宴会 | 周年庆典 | 开业仪式

Art 文艺 Green Trees Gallery 青木画廊 537-2, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 537-2 号

Yi Dong Creative Hand-make Manufactory 易动创意手工工场 At the south of the 3rd floor, Building 5, Jiangdong District 江东区宁波书城 5 号楼 3 楼南侧 Tel: +86 574 8301 2627

Hundred Flowers Art Store 百华画廊 66-1, Fuqiao Street, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼府桥街 66-1 号 Tel: +86 134 2938 2155

Yiqu Gong Fang 易趣工坊 1-7 A District, Liansheng Commercial Square, Ningjiang Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区宁姜公路联盛商业广场 A 区 1-7 Tel: +86 574 6627 1199

Loft Creative Industry 新芝 8 号创意园 8, Xinzhi Road, Haishu District 海曙区新芝路 8 号 Tel: +86 574 8725 3882

Showsy Gallery 修山画廊 69, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 69 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 8766

Mr. Bamboo 竹公子 5, Lane 29, Gongyuan Road, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼公园路 29 弄 5 号 58, Linyu Road, Zhong Gong Miao Street, Yinzhou District 鄞州区钟公庙街道麟寓路 58 号 Tel: +86 137 8006 1141 Randy’s DIY Pottery Painting 陶乐吧 Qiao Le Garden 巧乐园 237, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District (Opposite Carrefour) 江东区中兴路 237 号(家乐福正对面) Tel: +86 574 6687 6203

Bakeries 烘培坊 85°C 85 度 C 1F, Xin Hualian Department Store, 181, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 181 号新华联一楼东侧 Tel: +86 574 8387 9585 93, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 93 号 Tel: +86 574 8713 2285 6, Yaohang Street, Food Mall, Haishu District 海曙区药行街一楼 Tel: +86 574 8721 3985 160, Cuibai Road, Haishu District 海曙区翠柏路 160 号

December 2011 ningbo focus 89

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Best Bite 百滋百特 43, Youying Alley, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场右营巷 43 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 2816 999, Siming Zhong Road, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场内 ( 沃尔玛超市旁边 ) Tel: +86 574 8822 7880 Better Café & Cake 倍得客西点咖啡 144, Fuqiao Street, Haishu District 海曙区府桥街 144 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 5694 +86 130 0899 9499 Bread Talk 面包新语 1F, Gugo, 188, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 188 号 天一广场国购商城 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8768 7008 B032-034, -1F, Zone B, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道地下一层 Tel: +86 574 8389 9128 Gate 1, Near Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区靠近天一广场 1 号门 Tel: +86 574 8709 3939 Gate 2, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 2 号门东侧 Tel: +86 574 8305 7653 1111, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District (East Intime Department) 江东区中山东路 1111 号 ( 银泰百货东侧 ) Tel: +86 574 8781 6277 C2 Bread Shop C2 精品烘培 46, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 46 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 5 779 69, Dabu Street, Jiangdong District 江东区大步街 69 号 Tel: +86 574 8769 1371 La Maison 乐美颂 35, Shengyuan Alley, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园盛园巷 35 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 3677 LANABAMI Korean Baking Theme Restaurants 拉那巴米韩式烘培主题餐厅 Gate 5, Wanda Plaza, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明路万达商业广场 1 楼 5 号门旁 Tel: +86 574 8808 6126 35, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 1F, Old Intime Department Store 海曙区江夏街 35 号 ( 老银泰一楼 ) Tel: +86 574 8709 7226 F1076, 1F, Century Oriental Store, Jiangdong District 江东区世纪东方广场一楼 F1076

29, Shuijing Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水晶街 29 号 Tel: +86 574 8795 3000 Mochi Sweets 摩提工房 1F, Gugo, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场酷购商场一楼

Banks 银行 Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行 88, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 88 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 7806 Bank International Ningbo 宁波国际银行 768, Lingqiao Road, Haishu District 海曙区灵桥路 768 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 2311 Bank of China 中国银行 139, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 139 号 Tel: +86 574 8719 6666 Bank of Communications 交通银行 55, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 55 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 1089 Bank of Ningbo 宁波银行 700, Ningnan Road (S), Yinzhou Building, Yinzhou District 鄞州区宁南南路 700 号宁波银行鄞州大厦 Tel: +86 574 8705 0106 China Construction Bank 中国建设银行 29, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 29 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 8121 China Merchants Bank 中国招商银行 938, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 938 号 Tel: +86 574 8701 5585 Heng Sheng Bank Ningbo Branch 恒生银行宁波分行 77-81, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 77-81 号 Tel: +86 574 8387 6888 HSBC Ningbo 汇丰银行宁波分行 1F, 50, Caihong Road (N), Sheraton Hotel, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 50 号喜来登酒店 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8705 9000 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行 218, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 218 号 Tel: +86 574 8724 6418

Gate 3, Ocean Pacific Shopping Mall, Fenghua 奉化太平洋购物广场一楼 3 号门

SPD Bank 上海浦东发展银行 21, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 海曙区江夏街 21 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 8111

La Paleta 彩色盘 228, Zhengming Road, Haishu District (In Moon Lake Flourishing Garden) 海曙区镇明路 228 号 ( 月湖盛园 ) Tel: +86 574 8795 8000

Standard Chartered 渣打银行 1F, Marriott Hotel, 158, Heyi Avenue, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 158 号万豪酒店一楼 Tel: +86 574 8388 3999

90 ningbo focus December 2011

Shanghai Bank 上海银行 1, Zhaohui Road, Jiangdong District 江东区朝晖路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8797 9205 The People’s Bank of China 中国人民银行 138, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 138 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 3266

Bars 酒吧 Bars 酒吧 Ala Bourbon Street 阿拉波钵街 5, Lane 68, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 68 弄 5 号 Tel: +86 574 8738 8898 Bass Clef Bar 贝斯吧 168, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 168 号 Tel: +86 574 8738 0286 Bordeaux Music Bar Restaurant 波尔多音乐酒吧餐厅 1F, Zone C, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道购物中心 C 区一楼 Tel: +86 574 8717 9898 Bund Bridge Bar 搭界酒吧 142, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 142 号 Tel: +86 574 8720 3341 +86 130 0897 9997 Casa Maya Bar 墨西哥风情餐厅 39, Yangshan Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩扬善路 39 号 Tel: +86 574 8703 9699 Castle Bar 城堡酒吧 145, Xianxue Street, Haishu District 海曙区县学街 145 号 Tel: +86 574 6306 6039 CMK Music House 城门口音乐房子 28, Huancheng Road (N), Haishu District 海曙区环城北路 28 号 Tel: +86 131 8430 9666 Easy’s 83-85, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 83-85 号 Elsa’s Pub 艾尔萨吧 55, Leigong Alley, Caihong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路雷公巷 55 号 Tel: +86 135 6742 6896 +86 138 8442 9898

Le Cargo 乐咖吧 33, Yangshan Alley, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩羊山巷 33 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 5552 Le Club Wine and Cigars Bar 乐吧 1F, Sofitel Wanda Ningbo, 899, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号索菲特大饭店一层 Tel: +86 574 2889 9888 Legends Bar 冰点吧 141, Leigong Alley, Jiangdong District 江东区雷公巷 141 号 Tel: +86 139 6786 0446 Legends II 旺蝶酒吧 78 Renmin Lu, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩人民路 78 号 Tel: +86 139 6786 0446 LUNA Live Bar 璐娜酒吧 Building No. 5, Room 5101-5110, Silver Walk, Ri Li Middle Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区日丽中路南部商务区水街 5 号楼 5101-5110 室 Tel: +86 574 8901 8898 +86 158 0210 5364 Fax: +86 574 8901 8989 M Bar & Cigar Lounge M 吧 & 雪茄廊 1F, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 129, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 129 号北楼一层 Tel: +86 574 5619 9999 Maibach Lounge 麦巴赫休闲小屋 Nianci Park, Zhonghe Road, Beilun District 北仑区中河路念慈园 Tel: +86 574 8696 6996 Miami Bar 迈阿密音乐酒吧 2F, 455, Zhongshan Dong Road, Jiangbei District 江东区中山东路 455 号二楼 Tel: +86 159 5786 1439 New Myth Bar 新神话酒吧 Metro Road, Yinzhou District (Beside Yinzhou TV Station) 鄞州区麦德龙路 Tel: +86 574 2888 8999 Ocean Pub 海洋酒吧 171, Minshan Road, Liren Garden Area, Beilun District 北仑区岷山路 171 号里仁花园 Tel: +86 574 8683 6252 O’ Reilly’s Irish Pub 爱尔兰酒吧 46-9, Caihong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 46-9 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 4282

Harley Bar & Restaurant 哈雷宝来纳德国酒吧 18, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 18 号 Tel: +86 130 0372 8695

Phoenix Bar 凤凰吧 82, Qianlong Alley, Jiangdong District 江东区潜龙巷 82 号 Tel: +86 135 8684 3040

Hemingway Pub 北仑海明威酒吧 4, Yaojiang Road, Lebanner Hotel Area, Beilun District 北仑区姚江路 4 号 Tel: +86 574 8683 1323

Rain Music House 官邸 - RAIN 音乐会所 2F & 3F, 2043, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre 海曙区和义大道购物中心 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8716 9771

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Red Lion Pub 红狮酒吧 273–277, Minshan Road, Liren Garden, Beilun District 北仑区岷山路 273-277 号里仁花园 Tel: +86 574 8696 1099 Shamrock Irish Pub & Restaurant 三叶草爱尔兰餐厅酒吧 72, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 72 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 0989

江北区老外滩中马路 112-116 号 Tel: +86 574 8706 5421 Yese Music Bar 夜色音乐休闲酒吧 2F, Gulou Pedestrian Street, 68, Gongyuan Road, 105 Alley, Haishu District 海曙区公园路 105 弄 68 号鼓楼步行街二楼 Tel: +86 135 6789 4211 Z Rocks 天禧酒吧 43-47, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 43-47 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 9063

BREWERY 啤酒花园 The Munich Brewery 慕尼黑啤酒花园 1041C, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道购物中心 1041C Tel: +86 574 8389 9377

Bicycle & E-bike Stores 自行车和电动车行 Electric Bike & Bike Shop Street 电动车 | 自行车一条街 Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District (Near Qita Temple) 江东区百丈路 ( 七塔寺附近 ) Giant 捷安特 Giant Cuibai Branch 捷安特翠柏店 50, Cuibai Road, Haishu District 海曙区翠柏路 50 号

Skyey Pub 小雪酒吧 5, Yaojiang Road, Beilun District 北仑区姚江路 5 号 Tel: +86 574 8686 1391 SOL Sports Bar SOL 运动酒吧 Building 5, Room 5101 - 5110, Silver Walk, Ri Li Middle Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区日丽中路南部商务区水街 5 号楼 5101 - 5110 室 Tel: +86 574 8906 5933 Fax: +86 574 8901 8989 The Londoner Pub 伦敦人酒吧 46-13, Caihong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路波特曼大街 46-13 号 Tel: +86 574 8193 6777 The Office Bar The Office 酒吧 86, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 86 号 Tel: +86 574 8762 3237 The Old Ferry Boat Restaurant & Pub 老渡船酒吧 147, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 147 号 Tel: +86 574 8765 9879 The Pit Bar 20, Hou Tian Yang Lane, Jiangdong District 江东区后田垟巷 20 号十九中学北门对面 Tel: +86 137 7713 0675 Wonderland Wonderland 酒吧 112–116, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District

Giant Electric Cars Service Center Nanyuan Shop 捷安特电动车服务中心南苑店 85, Lingqiao Road, Haishu District 海曙区灵桥路 85 号 Tel: + 86 574 2788 9558 Giant Baizhang Branch 捷安特百丈店 126, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 126 号 Tel: +86 574 2772 9292 Giant Huangli Branch 捷安特黄鹂店 148, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 江东区兴宁路 148 号 Giant Cambridge Branch 捷安特剑桥店 409, Siming Middle Road,Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 409 号 Giant Huaguang Cheng Branch 捷安特华光城店 1165, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 1165 号 Giant Tesco Supermarket Branch 捷安特乐购超市店 50, Rixin Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场日新街 50 号 Giant Fenghua Branch 捷安特奉化店 Gongyuan Road, Fenghua 奉化公园路

Bookstores, CD, VCD & DVD Shops 书店 & 音像店 Haishu Music Store 海曙音乐商店 623, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 623 号

Ningbo Book City 宁波书城 221, Jiangdong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区江东北路 221 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 5386 Ningbo New World Bookstore 新世界图书 Jiangbei Branch 江北分店 6, Huaishu Alley, Jiangbei District 江北区槐树巷 6 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 0899 Wanda Branch 万达分店 2F, Intime Department Store, 999, Middle Siming Road, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 909 号万达银泰百货二楼 Tel: +86 574 8305 7718 Tesco Branch 乐购分店 40, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场 40 号 Intime Store Branch 银泰百货分店 238, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 238 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 3159 Shi Ting Music Store 试听音乐书店 129, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 129 号 Star Power CD/DVD Store 星动力 CD/DVD 音像店 Gulou Branch 鼓楼分店 80, Gongyuan Road, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼公园路 80 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 3328 Trust-mart Branch 好又多分店 1210, 1F, Trust Mart, Haishu District 海曙区好又多超市 1 楼 1210 号 Tesco Branch 乐购分店 37, 1F, Tesco, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场乐购一楼 37 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 3007 Tianyi Branch 天一分店 59, Shuijing Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水晶街 59 号 Tel: +86 574 8730 4778 Wanda Branch 万达分店 A-06, 1F, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District (Near Walmart) 鄞州区万达广场 1 楼 A-06(沃尔玛附近) Tom Lee 通利琴行 193-195, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 193-195 号 Tel: +86 574 8729 1980 Xinhua Bookstore 新华书店 Zhongshan Road Branch 中山路分店 93-99, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 93-99 号 Tel: +86 574 8724 6719 Tianyi Branch 天一分店 117, Zone C, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场 C 区 117 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 4122

Jiangdong Branch 江东分店 102, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 102 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 8627 Zhen Ming CD/DVD Store 镇明 CD/DVD 音像店 159, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 159 号

Business Services 商务服务 ARCHAVIR IDE Group Industrial Design + Engineering > Mass Production 工业设计 + 工程 > 批量生产 Bingo Business Center 城际商务中心 13F, Dragon Tower, 2, Zhongshan Xi Road, Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 2 号恒隆中心 13 楼 Tel: +86 574 8389 0101 Dan, Sams & Associates 宁波德胜知识产权代理有限公司 Room 1603, Century Jinmao Mansion, 158, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 158 号世纪金贸 1603 室 Tel: +86 574 8773 9523 Dezan Shira & Associates (Ningbo Office) 协力管理咨询公司宁波办公室 Suite 505, Century Jinmao Mansion, 158, Baizhang Dong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 158 号世纪经贸大厦 505 室 Tel: +86 574 8733 8682 Mercury Culture Communication 水银文化传播 Room 602, 75, Building No. 26, Forest City, Yinzhou District 鄞州区都市森林 26 幢 75 号 602 室 Tel: +86 574 8821 1718 Nottingham Business Development Co. Ltd. (Ningbo) 英国诺丁汉商业发展宁波办事处 199, Taikang Dong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区泰康东路 199 号 Tel: +86 574 8818 0102 +86 137 8009 1767 Ningbo Foreign Enterprises Services & Trade Co. Ltd. 宁波市外国企业服务贸易有限公司 188, Lingqiao Road, Haishu District 海曙区灵桥路 188 号 Tel: +86 574 8717 8363 Ningbo Bridge Internet Co. Ltd. Hoogege Email Marketing Solutions Limited 宁波建桥网络公司 Hoogege 邮件销售 411, Block A, Jing Du Yin Jia Building, Lane 835, Fuming Road, Jiangdong District 江东区福明路 835 弄晶都赢家 A 座 411 Tel: +86 574 7894 896 +86 574 7894 622 Ningbo Vision Photography Office 宁波唯尚视觉影像机构 2F, Block 1, 2008, Binjiang Avenue, Jiangdong District 江东区滨江大道 2008 号 1 号楼 2 层 Tel: +86 134 2925 5090 (Mr. Shi) Tel: +86 135 8686 7708 (Mr. Xu) Reindeer Station Expat Service Center 宁波灵达商务服务有限公司 Room 1210, 12F, Zhongnongxin Business Building, 181, Zhongshan Road (E) 海曙区中山东路 181 号中农信大厦 12 楼 1210 室 Tel: +86 574 2772 1008

December 2011 ningbo focus 91

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 +86 574 2772 2110 The Business Incubator for Foreign Start-ups 宁波海外人才创业园 35, Changyang Road, Hongtang, Jiangbei District 江北区洪塘长阳路 35 号 Tel: +86 138 1982 7799

Cafes 咖啡馆 Ancient Coffee 爱咖啡 8-9, 76 Lane, Erheng Street, Jiangbei District 江北区二横街 76 弄 8-9 号 Aroma Coffee 艾罗玛咖啡 1F, Administration Building, Nottingham University Ningbo, 199, Taikang Road (E), Yinzhou District 鄞州区泰康东路 199 号宁波诺丁汉大学行政 楼一楼 Tel: +86 135 8669 6855 Boya Café 泊涯咖啡 1F, Fumao Building, 90, Dashani Street, Haishu District 海曙区大沙泥街 90 号富茂大厦一楼 Tel: +86 574 8730 2501 Costa Coffee 悦达咖世家 1, Baishui Xiang, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园白水巷 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8706 0256 Dada Café 达达咖啡 2F, Block B, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道购物中心 B 座二楼 Tel: +86 574 8389 9538 E Café 意卡菲 35-36F, CATIC Mansion (CADTIC CAC International Business Building), 181, Zhongshan Dong Road, Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 181 号中农信大厦 35-36 楼 Tel: +86 574 8771 7777 He Han Café 河汉咖啡 2-14, Yinyi Time Square,8, Lengjing Street, Haishu District 海曙区冷静街 8 号(银亿时代广场)2-14 Tel: +86 574 2789 9399 J’Adore 我的真爱 71, Gongqing Road, Haishu District 海曙区共青路 71 号 Tel: +86 158 6720 0225 Le Bistrot 乐百事全日制餐厅 2F, Sofitel Wanda Ningbo, 899, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号索菲特大饭店二层 Tel: +86 574 2889 9888 Redpeak Café 红顶咖啡 966, Baizhang Dong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 966 号 Tel: +86 574 8705 6288 Showsy Gallery 修山画艺 69, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 69 号 Tel: +86 139 5749 4970

92 ningbo focus December 2011

Starbucks 星巴克 Tianyi Square, 188, Zhongshan Road, Zone VB, Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 188 号天一广场 VB 区 Tel: +86 574 8725 1851 42, Caihong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 42 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 5886 123, Waima Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区外马路 123 号老外滩 Tel: +86 574 8738 3090 1F, Gugo, Tian Yi Square,152, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 152 号天一广场国购商城 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8727 3680 Gate 3, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 3 号门 Tel: +86 574 8305 7666 Stray Birds 飞鸟 771-773, Jinyu Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区锦寓路 771-773 号 Tel: +86 574 8811 2112 Sugar Plate 酥格派 Gate 4, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场南侧 4 号门 Tel: +86 574 8732 3533 Yi Café 怡咖啡 2F, Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, 88, Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区豫源街 88 号 宁波香格里拉大酒店二楼 Tel: +86 574 8799 8888 Yinzhou Qingrenwan Café 鄞州情人湾咖啡 East Yinzhou Park, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞州公园里面东侧 Tel: +86 574 2886 6660 +86 158 8859 6681 Zheli Nali Café 这里那里咖啡 218, Wangjing Road, Haishu District 海曙区望京路 218 号 Tel:+86 574 8736 4337

Car Rental 租车 Feiyang Car Rental Co. Ltd. 宁波市飞扬汽车租赁有限公司 8F, Fumao Edifice, Dashani Street, Haishu District 海曙区大沙泥街富茂大厦 8 楼 Tel: +86 574 8788 4939

Ningbo New Star Car Rental 宁波新星汽车租赁 262, Songjiang Dong Lu, Yinzhou District (Near Donghu Garden) 鄞州区嵩江东路 262 号东湖花园旁 Tel: +86 574 8303 5772 +86 132 2191 8811 +86 133 5574 6990 Ningbo Peng Hong Car Rental Co. Ltd. 宁波鹏弘汽车租赁有限公司 64, Yangshan Road, Jiangbei District 江北区扬善路 64 号 Tel: +86 574 8113 3111 +86 574 8735 7535 Tel:+86 574 8736 4337

Car Showrooms 汽车展示厅 Ningbo Baoxin Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波宝信汽车销售服务有限公司 83, Huancheng North Road (E), Jiangbei District 江北区环城北路东段 83 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 3333 Ningbo Baotong Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波宝通汽车有限公司 38, Duantang Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区段塘西路 38 号 ( 杭甬高速段塘入口处 ) Tel: +86 574 8745 0001 +86 574 8745 0010 Ningbo Fengyi Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波丰颐汽车销售有限公司 358, Xiaying Bei Road (N), Yinzhou District 鄞州区下应北路 358 号 Tel: +86 574 8309 8888 +86 574 8749 2838 Ningbo Jinshi Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波金狮汽车销售服务有限公司 485, Huancheng Bei Road (E), Jiangbei District 江北区环城北路东段 485 号 Tel: 400 606 2680 +86 574 8762 0777 Ningbo Junda Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波骏达汽车销售服务有限公司 548, Huancheng South Road (E), Jiangbei District 江北区环城北路东段 548 号 ( 孔浦车辆检测站旁 ) Tel: +86 574 8762 3656 +86 574 8763 4050

Ningbo Jianguang Minghaicheng Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波剑光明海诚汽车销售有限公司 999, South Xincheng Minghai Avenue, Zhenhai District 镇海新城明海大道南段 999 号 ( 庄市清泉花园旁 ) Tel: +86 574 8668 8888 +86 574 8814 6666 Ningbo Kangqiao Subaru Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波康桥斯巴鲁汽车销售服务有限公司 763, Huancheng North Road (E), Jiangbei District 江北区环城北路东段 763 号 Tel: +86 574 8778 8388 Ningbo Longhua LEXUS City Hall 宁波龙华雷克萨斯城市展厅 175-182, Jiangdong Road(S), Jiangdong District 江东区江东南路 175-182 号 Tel: +86 574 8306 3962 Ningbo Longhua LEXUS 宁波龙华雷克萨斯 288, Jiangbei Avenue, Jiangbei District 江北区江北大道 288 号 Tel: +86 574 8306 8888 Ningbo Zhong Tong Automotive Co. Ltd 宁波众通汽车有限公司 256, Tongda Road, Haishu District 海曙区通达路 256 号 Tel: +86 574 2787 9999 Ningbo Star Automobile Service Co. Ltd 宁波之星汽车维修服务有限公司 183, West Section, Yinxian Avenue, YinzhouDistrict 鄞州区鄞县大道西段 183 号 Tel: +86 574 2887 2887 Ningbo Runda Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波润达汽车销售服务有限公司 158, Huancheng South Road (W), Jiangbei District 江北区环城北路西段 158 号 Tel: 400 606 8390 +86 574 8766 8808 Ningbo Xiangning Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波祥宁汽车贸易有限责任公司 522, East Huancheng Bei Road, Jiangbei District 江北区环城北路东段 522 号 Tel: 400 698 2010

Journey in the Sun Car Rental Service 前程无忧汽车租赁有限公司 360, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 360 号 Tel: +86 574 8775 3200 Jun Ming Car Rental Company 君明汽车租赁公司 281, Lushan Road, Beilun District 北仑区庐山路 281 号 Tel: +86 133 5599 6546 +86 574 8611 8669 Ningbo Jiangdong Ningda Car Rental Co. Ltd. 宁波市江东宁达汽车租赁有限公司 11 (16-12), Caihong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹南路 11 号 (16-12) Tel: +86 135 6630 2028 +86 133 9669 8450

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Ningbo Xinghuang Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波星煌汽车销售服务有限公司 88, Yuyuan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区豫源街 88 号宁波 香格里拉大酒店裙楼一层一单元 Tel: +86 574 8775 9688 +86 574 8775 9699 Ningbo Xingxin Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波市兴欣汽车销售服务有限公司 855, Huancheng South Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区环城南路东段 855 Tel: 400 606 5796 +86 574 8705 4862 Ningbo Yahua Toyota Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波雅华丰田汽车销售服务有限公司 56, Youngor Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区雅戈尔大道 56 号 Tel: +86 574 8826 2188 Ningbo Zhongji Automobile Service Co., Ltd 宁波中基汽车销售服务有限公司 666, Xiaying South Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区下应北路 666 号 Tel: +86 574 2889 6666 +86 574 2889 6675

Cinemas 电影院 Jiangbei Wanda International Cinema 江北万达国际影院 4F, Wanda Plaza, 188, Jiangbei Boulevard, Jiangbei District 江北区大道 188 号万达广场 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8808 6099 Ningbo Movie Centre 宁波影都 1, Zhanchuan Street, Haishu District 海曙区战船街 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 3000 Ningbo Movie Shine Cinema 宁波明光影城 331, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 331 号 Tel: +86 574 8719 1965 Ningbo Shuguang Cinema 宁波曙光电影院 65, Shuguang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区曙光路 65 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 4088 Ningbo Times Movie World 宁波时代国际影城 7-8F, Intime Department Store, 55, Dongdu Road, Haishu District 海曙区东渡路 55 号银泰百货 7-8 层 Tel: +86 574 8709 3898 Premiere International Cinema 海上国际影城 3F, Century Oriental Plaza, 1083, Zhongshan Dong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1083 号世纪东方商业广场 三楼 Tel: 400 622 2046 Yinzhou Wanda International Cinema 鄞州万达国际影院 3F, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场三楼 Tel: +86 574 8808 6688

Clubs 俱乐部 No. 99 Club No.99 酒吧 Gate 7, Tianyi Square, 298 Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 298 号天一广场 7 号门 A8 Trendy A8 酒吧 158, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 158 号 Tel: +86 574 8729 7999 Ala Bourbon Street 阿拉波钵街 5, Lane 68, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 68 弄 5 号 Tel: +86 574 8738 8898 Baidu 百度 155, Feiyue Plaza, Caihong Nan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹南路 155 飞越时空文化广场 Tel: +86 574 8795 2999 Club TNT 潮人会所酒吧 2F, Century Plaza, 230, Jiefang Nan Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 230 号世纪广场 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8716 8999 Rain Music House 官邸 - RAIN 音乐会所 2F & 3F, 2043, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre 海曙区和义大道购物中心 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8716 9771

Dentists 牙科诊所 Cheery Dental Clinic 中瑞口腔诊所 34, Gaotang Road, Haishu District (Near Gaotang Food Market) 海曙区高塘路 34 号 ( 高塘菜场旁 ) Tel: +86 574 8736 5770 Salkoon Dental Clinic 盛洋口腔诊所 62, Renmin Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩人民路 62 号 Tel: +86 574 8767 2116 Vogue Dental 瑞阁齿科 1F, Portman Tower, 48, North Caihong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 48 号波特曼大厦 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8737 8333

Desserts 甜点 Dairy Queen 冰雪皇后 1F, Zone C, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, 76, Heyi Avenue, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道 76 号和义购物中心 C 区 1 Tel: +86 574 8728 1937 10, 1F, Gugo Shopping Centre, 152, Yaohang Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 152 号天一广场国购商城 1 楼 10 号 Tel: +86 574 8728 1947 1F, Intime Department Store, 23, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 海曙区江夏街 23 号宁波银泰百货一楼 1F, Century Oriental Business Plaza, 1083, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District (Intime Department Store) 江东区中山东路 1083 号 世纪东方商业广场内银泰一楼

1F, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场一楼


Häagen-Dazs 哈根达斯 1037, Zone B, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道购物中心 B 区 1037 号

English First Training School Ningbo 宁波英孚教育

Iceason 爱茜茜里冰淇淋 42, Cangqiao Street, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园仓桥街 42 号 Tel: +86 574 8720 0078 New Zealand Natural 纽芝兰冰淇淋 1F, Intime Department Store, 55, Dongdu Road, Haishu District 海曙区东渡路 55 号银泰百货 1 楼 104, Gongyuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区公园路 104 号 2F, Century Oriental Business Plaza, 1083, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1083 号世纪东方商业广场 内二楼 2F, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场二楼

Haishu Branch 海曙店 2F, Fenghua Mingdu Business Building, 169, Mayuan Road,Haishu District 海曙区马园路 169 号丰华名都 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8712 5616 Jiangdong Branch 江东店 7 - 8F, 960, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山路 960 号 7-8 楼 Tel: +86 574 8787 5811 +86 574 8787 5822 Yinzhou Branch 鄞州店 5F, Unit 4, Gate 2, Metropolis Forest, Yinzhou District 鄞州区都市森林 2 号门 4 单元 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 2885 0666 +86 574 2885 0655 Shane English School Ningbo 夏恩英语

Sugar Plate 酥格派 Gate 4, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场 4 号门 Tel: +86 574 8732 3533

Haishu Branch 海曙店 Room 315, Building A, 14, Hualou Street, Haishu District 海曙区华楼街 14 号世纪广场 A 座 315 室 Tel: +86 574 8730 8078

Sweets Language 甜品思语 B005C, Zone B, -1F, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义购物中心 -1 楼 B 区 B005C Tel: +86 574 8389 9116

Jiangdong Branch 江东店 Room 404, Building 2, Shangdong Business Centre, Jiangdong District 江东区上东商务中心 2 号楼 401 室 Tel: +86 574 8793 0977

Education 教育 CHINESE LANGUAGE SCHOOLS 中文学校 Beyond Mandarin 必扬汉语 A02, 23F, Zhong Nong Xin Building, 181, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 181 号中农信大厦 23 楼 A02 室 Tel: +86 574 8768 6061 Chinese House 唐元汉语 Room 313-314, Suite A, Century Plaza, Hualou Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华楼街世纪广场 A 座 313-314 Tel: +86 574 8730 9197 Chinese Time 中文时代 Room 1210, 12F, Zhong Nong Xin Business Building, 181, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 181 号中农信大厦 12 楼 1210 室 Tel: +86 574 2772 2110 Mandarin First 蔓德福汉语学习基地 5F, Jiangxia Silver Building, 19, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 海曙区江夏街 19 号江厦银座 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 5500 1122 World Club 盛世花厅 1, Yujia Lane, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园郁家巷 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8791 9777

Yinzhou Branch 鄞州店 Room 401, Building 27, 76, Dushi Senlin 2, Yinzhou District 鄞州区都市森林 2 期 27 幢 76 号 401 室 Tel: +86 574 8305 6038 Fenghua Branch 奉化店 3F, Yuelin Plaza Library, East Zhongshan Road, Fenghua 奉化市中山东路岳林广场图书馆 3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8890 9822

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS & UNIVERSITIES 国际学校和大学 Access International Academy Ningbo (AIAN) 宁波爱学国际学校 1, Aixue Road, Beilun District 北仑区爱学路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8686 9999 Hua Mao Multicultural Education Academy (MEA) 华茂多元文化教育学院 2, Middle Yinxian Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞县大道中段 2 号 Tel: +86 574 8821 1160 Ningbo International School (NBIS) 宁波国际学校 151, Lamei Road, Scientific and Technological Garden, Jiangdong District 江东区科技园区腊梅路 151 号 Tel: +86 574 8761 1005

December 2011 ningbo focus 93

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Ningbo Zhicheng International Academy (NZIA) 宁波至诚国际学校 377, Jiangbei Avenue, Jiangbei District 江北区江北大道 377 号 Tel: +86 574 8756 4017 University of Nottingham Ningbo China 宁波诺丁汉大学 199, Taikang Road (E), Yinzhou District 鄞州区泰康东路 199 号 Tel: +86 574 8818 0004

KINDERGARTENS 幼儿园 Ivy School 艾毅实验幼儿园 Inside Summit Residences, 45, Xinyi Road, Jiangbei District 江北区新义路 45 号汇豪天下小区内 Tel: +86 574 8386 2020

LOCAL UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES 本地大学 & 学院 Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University 浙江大学宁波理工学院 1, Qianhu Road (S), Yinzhou District 鄞州区钱湖南路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8822 9010 Ningbo University 宁波大学 818, Fenghua Road, Jiangbei District 江北区风华路 818 号 Tel: +86 574 6667 0100 Ningbo University of Technology 宁波工程学院 Cuibai Road, Haishu District 海曙区翠柏路 Tel: +86 574 8708 1277 Zhejiang Wanli University 浙江万里学院 8, Qianhu Road (S), Yinzhou District 鄞州区钱湖南路 8 号 Tel: +86 574 8822 2222

PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION 学前教育 MY GYM Ningbo Center 美吉姆国际儿童教育中心 4F, Yinzhou Commercial Conference Chamber, 1299, Yinxian Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞县大道 1299 号鄞州商会大厦 4 层 Tel: +86 574 8303 3355 +86 574 8280 9908 +86 574 8280 9909

Electronics 电子产品 EGO Digital Technology Square 颐高数码广场 118, Zhaohui Road, Jiangdong District 江东区朝辉路 118 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 7041 Yaxi Ya Branch 亚细亚数码城 169, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 169 号 Tel: +86 574 2783 7725 Five Star Appliance 五星电器 Tianyi Branch 天一店 146, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 146 号 Tel: +86 574 8389 1387

94 ningbo focus December 2011

Kaiming Street Branch 开明街店 351- 261, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 351-261 号 Gome 国美电器 Dongmenkou Branch 东门口店 211, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 211 号 Tel: +86 574 2787 8888 Lingqiao Square Branch 灵桥广场店 39, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 39 号 Tel: +86 574 2787 8080 Huancheng Road (W) Branch 环城西路店 508, South Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 508 号 Tel: +86 574 2787 8409 Tianlun Square Branch 天伦广场店 276, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 276 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 1512 Beilun Branch 北仑店 709-725, Mingzhou Road, Beilun District 北仑区明州路 709-725 号 Tel: +86 574 2686 5668 Huili Electronic Products 汇力电玩 551, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 江东中山东路 551 号

Expat Services 涉外服务 Emay Expat Service 易美商务服务 Tel: +86 137 7714 0024 Janet Foreign Service JFS 涉外服务 Suite 1714, 28, Xingning Lu, Haishu District 海曙区兴宁路 28 号 1714 室 Tel: +86 139 5749 4970 Reindeer Station Expat Service Center 宁波灵达商务服务有限公司 Room 1210, 12F, Zhongnongxin Business Building, 181, Zhongshan Road (E) 海曙区中山东路 181 号中农信大厦 12 楼 1210 室 Tel: +86 574 2772 1008 +86 574 2772 2110

For the Little Ones 幼儿世界 Children’s Park 儿童公园 321, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 江东区兴宁路 321 号 Tel: +86 574 8787 0200 YuKids Island 爱乐游园地 2 A-34, 2F, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District (On the right side of Hola) 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 2 楼 2A-34 号(特力屋右侧)

PC Mall Digital Store 宏图三胞 2F, 25, Shuijing Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水晶街 25 号 2 楼

Fly High 神采飞扬电玩城 Gate 2, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 2 号门 Tel: +86 574 8808 6111

Suning Appliance 苏宁电器 Tianyi Square Branch 天一广场店 18, Qigan Alley, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场旗杆巷 18 号

Harborland 凤凰山主题公园 728, Liaohe Road, Beilun District 北仑区辽河路 728 号 Tel: +86 574 2685 2685

Wanda Square Branch 万达广场店 937, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 937 号

Ningbo Youngor Zoo 宁波市雅戈尔动物园 Meihu Village, Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖镇梅湖村 Tel: +86 574 8837 8378

Yaxiya Store Branch 亚细亚店 169, Yaxiya Store, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 169 号亚细亚商店 Jiangdong Branch 江东店 519, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 519 号 Tianyi Digital Square 天一数码广场 88, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 88 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 3188 Yolo 永乐生活电器 36, Qigan Alley, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场旗杆巷 36 号 Tel: +86 574 2782 3805

Ningbo Ocean World 宁波海洋世界 936, Sangtian Road, Jiangdong District 江东区桑田路 936 号 Tel: +86 574 8837 5555 Tomorrow 童梦楼 Tianyi Square 天一广场 Tel: +86 574 8768 3377 Wang Jianguo (Magician) 王建国 ( 魔术师 ) Tel: +86 130 9591 8120 +86 130 0375 8929

Furnishings 家居 B&Q 百安居 Gate 3, Wanda Plaza, 999, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 3 号门 Tel: +86 574 8808 6611

De Ke De Furniture Plaza 德克德家家居广场 Gate 5-6, Wanda Plaza, 999, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 5-6 号门 Tel: +86 574 2888 1888 Der Look International Furniture Plaza 第六空间艺术生活广场 315, Ningchuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁穿路 315 号 Tel: +86 574 8773 7906 Harbor House A-01, Derlook Art and Life Plaza, 315 Ningchuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁穿路 315 号第六空间艺术生活馆 A-01 Tel: +86 574 8775 0316 Fax: +86 574 8775 2801 Hongguang Furniture City 红光罗浮宫 Jiangxia Branch 江夏店 5, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 海曙区江夏街 5 号 Tel: +86 574 8728 1915 3 Bridge Branch 3 号桥店 430, Ningchuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁穿路 430 号 Tel: +86 574 8780 5499 Huakang Furniture Square 华康名家私广场 34, West Huancheng Road (N), Jiangbei District 江北区环城路西段 34 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 0727 HOLA 特力屋 2F, Wanda Plaza, 999, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8808 6868 Markor Furnishings 美克美家 315, Ningchuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁穿路 315 号 Tel: +86 574 8702 5699 Modern Decoration & Furniture Market 现代装饰市场 368, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 江东区兴宁路 368 号 New Century Decoration & Furniture Market 新世纪家居装饰商城 Zhongcui Road, Yinzhou District (Near Metro) 鄞州区中萃路麦德龙对面 Tel: +86 574 8811 2086 +86 574 8832 2626 Yoba Home 友邦家居广场 Haishu Department Store Branch 海曙二百店 Suite C, 7F, Zhongbai Building, 220, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 220 号中百大厦 7 楼 C 座 Tel: +86 574 8726 0789 Metro Branch 麦德龙店 1, Metro Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区麦德龙路 1 号 Tianlun Square Branch 天伦广场店 2F, Tianlun Square, 276, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 276 号天伦广场 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8779 5978

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Government Contacts 宁波市常用对外联络机构 Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government 宁波市人民政府新闻办公室 100, Xiaowen Street, Haishu District 海曙区孝闻街 100 号 Tel: +86 574 8718 2916 +86 574 8718 2917 Fax: +86 574 8718 2916 Foreign Affairs Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government 宁波市人民政府外事办公室 91, Jiefang North Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放北路 91 号 Tel: +86 574 8718 6507 Fax: +86 574 8718 6518 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government 宁波市人民政府侨务办公室 91, Jiefang North Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放北路 91 号 Tel: +86 574 5612 8000 Fax: +86 574 8727 0637 Taiwan Affairs Office of Ningbo Municipal People’s Government 宁波市人民政府台湾事务办公室 91, Jiefang North Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放北路 91 号 Tel: +86 574 5612 8017 Fax: +86 574 5612 8018 Ningbo Tourism Bureau 宁波市旅游局 35, Changchun Road, Haishu District 海曙区长春路 35 号 Tel: +86 574 8730 3141 Fax: +86 574 8729 1266 Ningbo Inspection & Quarantine Bureau of Exit & Entry of P.R.C. 中华人民共和国宁波出入境检验检疫局 9, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 9 号 Tel: +86 574 8711 2893 Fax: +86 574 8711 2693 Ningbo Administration of Customs of P.R.C. 中华人民共和国宁波海关 19, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 19 号 Tel: +86 574 8700 2114 Fax: +86 574 8700 2999 Ningbo Port Co. Ltd. 宁波港集团有限公司 301, Mingzhou Road, Beilun District 北仑区明州路 301 号 Fax: +86 574 2769 5629 Administration of Ningbo Economic & Technical Development Zone 宁波经济技术开发区管委会 1166, Changjiang Road, Beilun District 北仑区长江路 1166 号 Tel: +86 574 8678 0092 Administration of Ningbo Free Trade Zone 宁波保税区管委会 15F, Free Trade Zone Plaza, Beilun District 北仑区保税区大厦 15 楼 Tel: +86 574 8688 4850 Fax: +86 574 8688 3518 Administration of Ningbo Export Processing Zone 宁波出口加工区管委会

15F, Free Trade Zone Plaza, Beilun District 北仑区保税区大厦 15 楼 Tel: +86 574 8688 4850 Fax: +86 574 8688 3518 Administration of Ningbo Daxie Island Development Zone 宁波大榭开发区管委会 Daxie-Citic Plaza, Ningbo Daxie Island Development Zone, Beilun District 北仑区大榭开发区行政商务区 大榭中信大厦 Tel: +86 574 8676 8777 Fax: +86 574 8676 8850 Administration of Ningbo National HiTech Industrial Development Zone 宁波国家高新技术产业开发区管委会 599, Jiangnan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区江南路 599 号 Tel: +86 574 8790 1663 Fax:+86 574 8790 1409 Administration of Dongqian Lake Tourist & Holiday Resort 东钱湖旅游度假区管委会 Minghu Villa, Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖茗湖山庄 Tel: +86 574 8836 6237 Fax: +86 574 8837 3012 Administration of Hangzhou Bay New Zone 宁波杭州湾新区开发建设管委会 1, Xingci Yi Road, Hangzhou Bay New District, Cixi 慈溪杭州湾新区兴慈一路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 6307 1666 Fax: +86 574 6307 1661 Administration of Meishan Free Trade Port Zone 宁波梅山保税港区管委会 Meishan Island, Beilun District 北仑区梅山岛 Tel: +86 574 8678 8718 Fax: +86 574 8678 8888 Source: Information Office of Ningbo Municipal People's Government 来源:宁波市人民政府新闻办公室

Hair Salons 美发沙龙 Ba Bai Ban Hair Salon 八佰伴发艺沙廊 Old Intime Department Store Branch 老银泰店 -1F, Old Intime Department Store, 55, Dongdu Road, Haishu District 海曙区东渡路 55 号老银泰 -1 层 Tel: +86 574 8709 2533 In-Style 韩国美发中心 5F, Korea City, Building 8, No. 576, Middle Taikang Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区泰康中路 576 号南部商务区水街 8 号 楼韩国城 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 8902 0703 +86 574 8902 0704 Kaiming Street Branch 开明街店 2F, Wanli Building, 329, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街店 329 号万里大厦 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8729 7727 Love Fashion 爱尚造型 60, Alley 645, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 645 巷 60 号 Tel: +86 574 8720 0587

Toni & Guy Hairdressing 汤尼英盖美发沙龙 3015 A, Zone C, 3F, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, 78, Heyi Road, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 78 号 和义大道购物中心 3 楼 C 区 3015 A Tel: +86 574 8389 9868 Y-Style 原理 1-53-1, 1F, Portman Building, 48, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 48 号 波特曼大厦 -1 楼 1-53-1 Tel: +86 574 8733 8222 2F, Fu Mao Building, 9, Qizha Street, Haishu District (Near Crowne Plaza) 海曙区契闸街 9 号富贸大厦 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8389 0222 4F, Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, 88, Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区豫源街 88 号 宁波香格里拉大酒店 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8799 8888 ext. 6020

Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacies 医院、诊所和药房 HOSPITALS 医院 Infectious Diseases Hospital 宁波市传染病医院 175, Yongfeng Road (N), Jiangbei District 江北区永丰北路 175 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 9500 Ningbo International Travel Healthcare Centre 宁波出入境检验检疫局国际旅游保健中心 336, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 336 号 Tel: +86 574 8715 3322 Ningbo Mingzhou Hospital 宁波明州医院 168, Tai'an Road (W), Yinzhou District 鄞州区泰安西路 168 号 Tel: +86 574 8300 9999 Ningbo No. 1 Hospital 宁波市第一医院 59, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 59 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 5588 Ningbo No. 2 Hospital 宁波市第二医院 41, Xibei Street, Haishu District 海曙区西北街 41 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 6901 Ningbo No. 3 Hospital 宁波市第三医院 247, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 247 号 Tel: +86 574 8703 5555 Ningbo No. 6 Hospital 宁波第六医院 1059, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1059 号 Tel: +86 574 8780 1999 Ningbo No. 9 Hospital 宁波市第九医院 68, Lane 619, Xiejia Road, Jiangbei District 江北区榭嘉路 619 弄 68 号 Tel: +86 574 8767 2961 Li Hui Li Hospital 李惠利医院 57, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 江东区兴宁路 57 号 Tel: +86 574 8701 8701

Women and Children’s Hospital 宁波市妇儿医院 339, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 339 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 3300 Yinzhou No. 2 Hospital 鄞州第二医院 1, Qianhe Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区前河路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8303 9999 Yinzhou People’s Hospital 鄞州人民医院 251, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 251 号 Tel: +86 574 8701 6888

CLINICS 诊所 Foreigners Medical Clinic 涉外特需门诊 5F, Ningbo Development Zone Centre Hospital, 666, Huashan Road, Beilun District 北仑区华山路段 666 号开发区中心医院 5 楼涉 外特需门诊 Tel: +86 574 8683 7211 Emergencies only ( 紧急电话 ): +86 137 3218 1095 South Gate Inoculation and Immunisation Clinic 南门医院预防接种门诊 4F, South Gate Hospital, 58, Yinjiang Road, Haishu District 海曙区尹江路 58 号南门医院 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8748 0759

PHARMACIES 药店 Hangzhou People’s Pharmacy 杭州老百姓大药房 15, South Jiefang Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 15 号 Tel: +86 574 8729 5799 21 Happy People Pharmacy 开心人大药房 110, Xiaowen Street, Haishu District 海曙区孝闻街 110 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 0506 Rainbow Pharmacy 彩虹大药房 332-336, Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 332-336 号 Tel: +86 574 8716 1180 Rong Ren Tang Pharmacy 荣仁堂大药房 48, Donghetang Road, Xinqi Town, Beilun District 北仑区新窜镇东河塘路 48 号 Tel: +86 574 8688 2099

Hotels 酒店 FIVE-STAR HOTELS 五星级酒店 Crowne Plaza City Center Ningbo 宁波凯洲皇冠假日酒店 129, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 129 号 Tel: +86 574 5619 9999 Hangzhou Bay Bridge Hotel 杭州湾海天一洲 5F, Service Centre 'Land Between the Sea and Sky', Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Cixi 慈溪杭州湾大桥海天一洲服务中心 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 5858 5858 Howard Johnson Plaza Ningbo 宁波华侨豪生大酒店 230, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 230 号 Tel: +86 574 2786 6666

December 2011 ningbo focus 95

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Nanyuan Hotel 南苑饭店 2, Lingqiao Road, Haishu District 海曙区灵桥路 2 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 5678

Lebanner Xingguang Hotel 北仑老板娘新光大酒店 789, Mingzhou Road, Beilun District 北仑区明州路 789 号 Tel: +86 574 8688 5888

Nanyuan Universe Hotel 南苑环球酒店 1288, Yinxian Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞县大道 1288 号 Tel: +86 574 8280 9999

New Century Hotel Ningbo 宁波开元大酒店 812, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 812 号 Tel: +86 574 8706 8888

New Century Grand Hotel Ningbo 宁波开元名都大酒店 666, Shounan Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区首南中路 666 号 Tel: +86 574 8307 8888 Ningbo Marriott Hotel 宁波万豪大酒店 188, Heyi Road, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 188 号 Tel: +86 574 8710 8888 Park Hyatt Ningbo Resort and SPA 宁波柏悦酒店 Dayan Road, Dongqian Lake, Ningbo 宁波市东钱湖大堰路 Tel: +86 574 2888 1234 Fax: +86 574 2889 1985 Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo 宁波香格里拉大酒店 88, Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区豫源街 88 号 Tel: +86 574 8799 8888 Sheraton Ningbo Hotel 宁波东港喜来登酒店 50, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 50 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 8688 Smile & Natural Hotel Ningbo 宁波远洲大酒店 99, Jiangbei Avenue, Jiangbei District 江北区大道 99 号 Tel: +86 574 8822 8888 Sofitel Wanda Ningbo 宁波万达索菲特大饭店 899, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号 Tel: +86 574 2889 9888 The Westin Ningbo 宁波威斯汀酒店 75, Rixin Street, Haishu District 海曙区日新街 75 号 Tel: +86 574 8910 8888 Fax: +86 574 8910 6666

FOUR-STAR HOTELS 四星级酒店 Donggang Portman Hotel 宁波东港波特曼大酒店 50, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 50 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 8688 Fortune Bond Hotel 宁波富邦大酒店 455, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 455 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 8888 Gold Coast Hotel 象山黄金海岸大酒店 Songlan Shan Holiday Resort, Xiangshan 象山松兰山旅游度假区 Tel: +86 574 6570 9666 Golden Port Hotel 宁波金港大酒店 51, Yangshan Road, Jiangbei District 江北区扬善路 51 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 8888

96 ningbo focus December 2011

Ningbo Good Sun International Business Apartment 宁波好阳光国际商务公寓 966, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 966 号 Tel: +86 574 8705 6138 Ningbo Mandarin Prosperous Hotel 文昌大酒店 2, Wenchang Street, Haishu District 海曙区文昌街 2 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 8668 Ninghai New Century Hotel 宁海开元新世纪大酒店 159, Taoyuan Middle Road, Ninghai 宁海县桃源中路 159 号 Tel: +86 574 6526 5555 ext. 2777 Shipu New Century Hotel Xiangshan 象山石浦开元大酒店 1, Huangcheng Road, Shipu, Xiangshan 象山石浦镇皇城大道 1 号 Tel: +86 574 6566 6666

THREE-STAR HOTELS 三星级酒店 Best Western Kylie Hotel Ningbo 宁波凯利大酒店 76, Jicao Street, Jiangdong District 江东区箕漕街 76 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 7888 Grand Bayview Hotel Ningbo 宁波松兰山海景大酒店 Songlan Shan Holiday Resort, Xiangshan 象山松兰山海滨旅游度假区 Tel: +86 574 6561 8888 Ningbo Hotel 宁波饭店 251, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 251 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 7888

Nanyuan Business Inn 南苑 e 家商务旅馆 Beilun Xiaogang 北仑小港 25, Donghai Road, Qijishan Street, Beilun District 北仑区戚家山街道东海路 25 号 Tel: +86 574 2689 5888 Beilun Xueyuan 北仑学院 1826, Xinda Road, Beilun District 北仑区新大路 1826 号 Tel: +86 574 8611 7777 Beilun Xinqi 北仑新契 221, Xinda Road, Xinqi Street, Beilun District 北仑区新契街新大路 221 号 Tel: +86 574 2687 2222 Cheng Nan 城南 756, South Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 756 号 Tel: +86 574 2778 2266 Exhibition Centre 国际会展中心 181, Huizhan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区会展路 181 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 2727 Fenghua 奉化 92, Nanshan Road, Fenghua 奉化市南山路 92 号 Tel: +86 574 8888 0088 Gaoxin 高新区 238, Dangui Road, Gaoxin Zone, Jiangdong District 江东区高新区丹桂路 238 号 Tel: +86 574 8796 7777 Kaiming 开明 4-8F, 181, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 181 号 4-8 楼 Tel: +86 574 8707 0222 Nanyuan International Apartment 南苑国际公寓 127, Tianyuan Road, Centre of Yinzhou District 鄞州中心区天源巷 127 号 Tel: +86 574 2778 2266


Ninghai Shanwaishan 宁海山外山 77, Qixiang Road (N), Ninghai 宁海县气象北路 77 号 Tel: +86 574 6526 2777

Nanyuan Hot-Spring Villa 南苑温泉山庄 Nanxi Hot-Spring, Shenzhen Town, Ninghai 宁海县深圳镇南溪温泉 Tel: +86 574 6526 0000

Tianyi Pavillon 天一阁 90, Changchun Road, Haishu District 海曙区长春路 90 号 Tel: +86 574 8387 1888

Ninghai Hot-Spring Summer Resort 天明山温泉大酒店 Nanxi Hot-Spring, Shenzhen Town, Ninghai 宁海县深圳镇南溪温泉 Tel: +86 574 6526 8888

Yuyao 余姚 159, Xinjian Road (N), Yuyao 余姚市新建北路 159 号 Tel: +86 574 8280 9999

Park Hyatt Ningbo Resort and SPA 宁波柏悦酒店 Dayan Road, Dongqian Lake, Ningbo 宁波市东钱湖大堰路 Tel: +86 574 2888 1234 Fax: +86 574 2889 1985

Zhongshan 中山 390, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 390 号 Tel: +86 574 2778 2778


Motel 168 莫泰连锁旅馆 316, Lianfeng Road, Haishu District 海曙区联丰路 316 号 Tel: +86 574 8815 1151

3B Chain Hotel 3B 连锁酒店 78, Qinghe Road, Jiangbei District 江北区清河路 78 号 Tel: +86 574 8738 6666

Super 8 Hotel 速 8 酒店 Hemei 和美 136, Zhaohui Road, Jiangdong District 江东区朝晖路 136 号 Tel: +86 574 2791 7678 Ganglong 港隆 657, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 657 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 9888 Villa Motel 宁波观止 22 汽车旅馆 22, Xinhui Road, High Technology Zone, Jiangdong District 江东区高新区新晖路 22 号 Tel: +86 574 8774 2222

Human Resources 人力资源 China Talent Group 宁波智联易才人力资源咨询有限公司 Room 705, 7F, Keji Chuangye Building, 16, Buzheng Alley, Haishu District 海曙区布政巷 16 号科技创业大厦 7 楼 705 室 Tel: +86 574 2766 5295 Direct HR 德瑞 501, Dongqing Road, Hi-Tech Park, Ningbo. 宁波高新区冬青路 501 号 Tel: +86 574 8848 7007 Fax: +86 574 8791 6900 Manpower 万宝盛华 13F-005, Henglong Center, 2, Zhongshan Xi Road, Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 2 号恒隆中心 13F-005 室 Tel: +86 574 8736 9588 Ningbo Skilled Labour Market 宁波人才市场 557, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 557 号 Tel: +86 574 8714 4255 Ningbo Blue-Collar Labour Market 宁波劳动力市场 187, Yinfeng Road, Haishu District 海曙区鄞奉路 187 号 Zhejiang Foreign Service Corporation 浙江省对外服务公司宁波分公司 South 9F, Building 8, Ningbo Book City, 1, Yongjiang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区甬江大道 1 号宁波书城 8 号楼 9 层南座 Tel: +86 574 8730 7288

KTV 量贩式 100% KTV 百分百量贩式 KTV 47, Xianxue Street, Chenghuangmiao Area, Haishu District 海曙区县学街 47 号 ( 城隍庙 ) Tel: +86 574 8729 4488 775, Sangtian Road, Dongliu Market Area, Jiangdong District 江东区桑田路 775 号 ( 东柳市场 ) Tel: +86 574 8789 1448 Go Cool Karaoke 歌库自助 KTV 5F, Henglong Building, 2, Zhongshang Road (W), Haishu District (Near Gulou) 海曙区中山西路 2 号恒隆中心 5 楼 ( 靠近鼓楼 ) Tel: +86 574 8768 7688 3-4 F, Intime International Business Building, 69, Chejiao Street, Haishu District (Opposite Tesco) 海曙区车轿街 69 号银泰国际 3-4 楼 ( 乐购对面 ) Tel: +86 574 8768 7588

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 1-3 F, Huizhan Zhongxin Building, 174, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 174 号会展中心大厦 1-3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8768 7388 Romantic Aristocrat KTV 浪漫贵族 KTV 41, Yangshan Xiang, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩羊善巷 41 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 5555 175, Yongfeng Road, Haishu District 海曙区永丰路 175 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 6928

Laundry Services 洗衣店 Green Elephant Laundry Shop 大象衣连锁店 Baizhang Branch 百丈店 53-55, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 53-55 号 Tel: +86 574 8771 7824 Yingfeng Branch 迎凤店 9, Yingfeng Street, Haishu District 海曙区迎凤街 9 号 Tel: +86 574 8729 7477 Cangsong Branch 苍松店 75, Cangsong Road, Haishu District 海曙区苍松路 75 号 Tel: +86 574 6681 4003 Gaotang Branch 高塘店 100, Yongfeng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区永丰西路 100 号 Tel: +86 574 8721 3527 Fan Er Deng Laundry 凡尔登干洗 Huaishu Branch 槐树店 136, Huaishu Road, Jiangbei District 江北区槐树路 136 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 6527 Yingchun Branch 迎春店 15-17, Yingchun Road, Haishu District 海曙区迎春街 15-17 号 Tel: +86 574 8713 3913 Ningbo She’s Washing Laundry 宁波西子浣纱洗衣店 Tianyi Branch 天一店 74 Lane, 988, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 988 弄 74 号 Tel: +86 574 8750 7611 Center Branch 中心店 57, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 57 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 0766 Wanda Apartment Branch 万达公寓店 Block 1, Wanda Plaza Apartment, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达公寓 1 号楼 Tel: +86 574 2888 7000

Huaishu Branch 槐树店 116, Huaishu Road, Jiangbei District 江北区槐树路 116 号 Tel: +86 574 8817 5006

No. 2 Bridge Market 二号桥市场 200, Ningchuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁穿路 200 号

Baizhang Branch 百丈店 70 Lane, 698, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 698 弄 70 号 Tel: +86 574 8787 7614

No. 3 Bridge Furniture Market 三号桥家私市场 432, Ningchuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁穿路 432 号

Changqingteng Branch 常青藤店 350, Zhaohui Road, Jiangdong District 江东区朝晖路 350 号 Tel: +86 574 8778 4375

Law Firms 律师事务所 Capital Equity Legal Group Firm 京衡律师集团宁波事务所 Room 702-704, Dongcheng International Business Building, 796, Yaoga Road, Jiangdong District 江东区姚隘路 796 号 东城国际商务大厦 702-704 室 Tel: +86 574 2789 6897 HEYI Law Firm 和义律师事务所 20F, Eastern Airline Building, 796, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 796 号东方航空大厦 20 层 Tel: +86 574 8770 0012 Fax: +86 574 8732 3742 King & Partners Law Firm 康派律师事务所 Room 1101, Bund Building, 132, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 132 号外滩大厦 1101 室 Tel: +86 574 2782 1555 Fax: +86 574 2771 8288

Wanghu Market 望湖市场 30, Changchun Road, Haishu District 海曙区长春路 30 号

DMK Skin Care Salon and Beauty SPA DMK 美容美体沙龙 16-18, Land 126 , Changshou Road (S), Yinzhou District 鄞州区长寿南路 126 弄 16-18 号 ( 东湖花园东大门内 ) Tel: +86 574 8810 9986

Massage & Spa 按摩和水疗 1978 SPA 1978 美甲会所 60, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haish District 海曙区月湖盛园巷 60 号 Tel: +86 574 8720 1978 82-2, Qianlong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区潜龙路 82-2 号 Tel: +86 574 8785 8000 +86 574 8785 8777 Bali Spa and Foot Massage 巴厘 SPA 会所 Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel 2F, Howard Johnson Office Building, 230, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 230 号华侨豪生商务楼 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8717 9988

I SPA 泰美好 8, Yujia Lane, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园郁家巷 8 号 Tel: +86 574 8752 6222 Jurlique SPA 朱莉 SPA 5F, New World Department Store, 269, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 269 号江东新世纪百货 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 8773 2666

Louis Chanzl SPA 路易香浓 SPA Room 106, 81, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 81 号晶华名园步行街 106 室 Tel: +86 574 8785 3918 Qing Shui Fang Supreme SPA 清水坊美容美体中心 298, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 298 号 Tel: +86 139 5780 1806 SPA at Shangri-La Hotel 宁波香格里拉大酒店 SPA 中心 4F, Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, 88 Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 宁波香格里拉大酒店四楼 Tel: +86 574 8799 7026

Antiques Market 宁波市范宅古玩集市 100, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 100 号 Chenghuangmiao 城隍庙 Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街

Tianyu Foot Massage 天御足道 714-716, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 714-716 号 Tel: +86 574 8773 7272

Drum Tower 鼓楼 Fuqiao Street, Haishu District 海曙区府桥街

Ling Qiao Fabric Market 灵巧日用品市场 41, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 41 号

Dragonfly SPA 悠庭保健会所 Room 2-9, 2F, Yinyi Times Square, 8, Lengjing Street (Jiefang Nan Road), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路银亿时代广场冷静街 8 号 2 楼 2-9 室 Tel: +86 574 2768 2866

Lafinn SPA 兰芮芬娜 950, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 950 号 Tel: +86 574 8808 6006

Markets 市场

Jinshan Branch 堇山店 1535, Jinshan Middle Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区堇山中路 1535 号

Chlitina 克丽缇娜 147, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 147 号 Tel: +86 574 8716 0956

Zhejiang Y & Q Law Office 浙江英桥律师事务所 Room 1107, Shiji Jinmao Building, 158, Baizhang Lu, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 158 号世纪金贸大厦 1107 室 Tel: +86 574 8706 5788

Jin Zhong Tea Mall 金钟茶楼 145, Jiangdong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区江东南路 145 号

543, Middle Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 543 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 9777

Qingfang Cheng Textile Market 轻纺城 117, Shiqi Street, Youngor Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区石契街道雅戈尔大道 117 号

Ningbo ZM & CO Law Firm 之海律师事务所 Room 1001-1009, Bank of China Building, 796, Baizhang Dong Lu, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 796 号 中银 ( 崇光 ) 大厦 1001-1009 室 Tel: +86 574 8789 7446

Nanyuan Branch 南苑店 135, Nanyuan Street, Haishu District 海曙区南苑街 135 号 Tel: +86 574 8745 2729

An Jin Ge Body & Foot Massage 安筋阁 58-60, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 58-60 号 Tel: +86 574 8796 1659

4 Seasons Club 四季会 153, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 153 号 Tel: +86 574 8747 7777

The First Jasmines SPA 一抹水镜 59, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 59 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 8556

December 2011 ningbo focus 97

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Xing Yi Tang Body & Foot Massage 行易堂 314, Xinhe Road, Jiangdong District 江东区新河路 314 号 Tel: +86 574 8796 1599 Yi Shi Nail Spa 艺施美甲 Wanda Branch 万达店 Gate 2, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District (Near Pizza Hut) 鄞州区万达广场 2 号门靠近必胜客 Tel: +86 574 8305 6078 Daliang Branch 大梁街店 122, Daliang Street, Haishu District 海曙区大梁街 122 号 Tel: +86 574 8730 4956 Dongsheng Branch 东胜店 8, Dongsheng Road, Jiangdong District 江东区东胜路 8 号 Tel: +86 574 8772 1146

Mobile Phone Shops 手机商店 China Mobile 中国移动 138, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 138 号 Tel: +86 137 3885 8001 Motorola Store 摩托罗拉 ( 话机 ) 至尊店 146, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 146 号 Tel: +86 574 8725 4565 Nokia Customer Service Centre 诺基亚客户服务中心 19-7, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 海曙区江夏街 19-7 号 Tel: +86 574 8727 7100 Nokia Store Service Department 诺基亚专卖店客户服务部 58, Hualou Street, Haishu District 海曙区华楼街 58 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 5926 Samsung Sell Centre 三星电子销售中心 396-1, Yaoai Road, Jiangdong District 江东区姚隘路 396-1 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 8191 Hongwei Communication Equipment Repair Department 宏伟通讯设备维修经营部 97, Dashani Street, Haishu District 海曙区大沙泥街 97 号 Tel: +86 574 2787 3901

Networking 网络 Asia English Business Network 亚洲英文商务网络 Chamber of International Commerce Ningbo (COIC) / Foreign Expert Committee 宁波国际商会外国专家委员会 11-12F, CCPIT Building, Fortune Plaza, 77, Heyi Road, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 77 号汇金大厦 11-12 楼 Tel: +86 574 8736 8762 Chamber of International Commerce Ningbo (COIC) / Foreign Expert Committee 宁波国际商会外国专家委员会 Room A-313, Huatai Yinzuo, 741, Sangtian Road, Jiangdong District 江东区桑田路 741 号华泰银座 A313 室 Tel: +86 574 8731 9308

98 ningbo focus December 2011 Ningbo Foreign Ladies Group 宁波外国女士群 (Lediz Leal Hareland) Singapore Kakis Club Tel: +86 137 7711 1339

Office Buildings 办公楼 Century Plaza 世纪广场 14, Hualou Street, Haishu District 海曙区华楼街 14 号

Wai Tan Building 外滩大厦 132, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 132 号 Yinzhou Chamber of Commerce Building 鄞州商会 1299, East Yinxian Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞县大道东段 1299 号 Zhong Nong Xin Building 中农信大厦 181, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 181 号

Office Supplies 办公用品

Citic Bank Building 中信银行大厦 36, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 36 号

Dazhong Stationery 大众文化用品 342, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 342 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 1285

City Forest 都市森林 951, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 951 号

17-121, Lane 82, Wangchun Road, Haishu District 海曙区望春路 82 弄 117-121 号 Tel: +86 574 8750 6660

Dong Hai Shu Guang 东海曙光 455, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 455 号

Keyroad Stationery 启路文具 22, Jiangzuo Street, Haishu District (Near Ningbo Cinema) 海曙区江左街 22 号 ( 宁波影都旁 )

Du Shi Ren He 都市仁和 69, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 69 号

66-68, Hualou Alley, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场华楼巷 66-68 号 106, Lantian, Haishu District (Opposite Trust-mart) 海曙区蓝天路 106 号 ( 好又多对面 )

Fortune Plaza of North Coast 北岸财富广场 Junction of Xinma Road and Dazha Road, Jiangbei District 江北区新马路和大闸路交界处 Guang Bo Guo Mao Building 广博国贸大厦 1357, Yinxian Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞县大道 1357 号 Heng Long Building 恒隆中心 2, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 2 号 Hua Lian Building 华联大厦 55, Dongdu Road, Haishu District 海曙区东渡路 55 号 Hui Jin Building 汇金大厦 77, Heyi Road, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 77 号 Hui Zhan Zhong Xin 会展中心 166, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 166 号 Jia Hui Guo Mao 嘉汇国贸 11, Caihong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹南路 11 号 Portman Building 波特曼大厦 48, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 48 号 Qi Lin Building 麒麟大厦 1501, Maocheng Road (E), Yinzhou District 鄞州区贸城东路 1501 号 Tian Yi Hao Jing 天一豪景 19, Hualou Road, Haishu District 海曙区华楼巷 19 号

148, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 148 号 188, Zaohui Road, Jiangdong District (Edo Digital Centre, the crossing of Zhaohui Road and Ming'an Road) 江东区朝晖路 188 号 ( 颐高数码广场,朝晖路和民安路交界处 ) 101, Zone C, Manhattan Square, Beilun District (Opposite KFC) 北仑区曼哈顿广场 C 区 101 号 ( KFC 对面 )

Outdoor Supplies 户外运动 Feng Xue Outdoor Shop 风雪户外 345, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 345 号 Tel: +86 574 8719 3955 Goat Outdoor Shop 山羊户外 99, Shangshu Street, Haishu District 海曙区尚书街 99 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 2848 Gettur Outdoor Shop 歌途户外 3F, Chenghuangmiao Department Store, Haishu District 海曙区城隍庙商场 3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8729 1871

Ningbo Nature Hiking Club Store 宁波大自然户外俱乐部户外用品店 179, Hutong Street, Haishu District 海曙区呼童街 179 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 2033 No. 1 Camping Place Bicycle Club 一号营地自行车俱乐部 409, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 409 号 Tel: +86 574 8727 3711

Park & Theme Parks 公园和主题公园 HarborLand Theme Park 凤凰山主题公园 728, Liaohe Road, Beilun District 北仑区辽河路 728 号 Tel: +86 574 2685 2685 Moon Lake Park 月湖公园 Yanyue Street, Haishu District 海曙区偃月街 Ningbo Ocean World 宁波海洋世界 923, Sangtian Road, Jiangdong District 江东区桑田路 923 号 Tel: +86 574 5615 5555 Sun Lake Park 日湖公园 Hubin Road, Yongjiang Town, Jiangbei District 江北区甬江镇湖滨路 Tian Gong Manor 天宫庄园 Wandi Village, Xiaying Street, Yinzhou District 鄞州区下应街道湾底村 Tel: +86 574 8834 3006 Ningbo Youngor Zoo 宁波雅戈尔动物园 Meihu Village, Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖镇梅湖村 Tel: +86 574 8837 8378

Personal Care 个人护理 Charming Studio 紫色工坊 B005B, -1F, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道购物中心 -1 楼 B005B Tel: +86 574 8728 3210 Living New Zealand 皂就人生 Waitan Branch 外滩店 89-93, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 89-93 号 Tel: +86 574 8767 7058 GUGO Branch 酷购店 2F, Block B, GUGO Shopping Centre, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区酷购店 B 座 2 楼

Jia He Outdoor Shop 嘉禾户外用品 2, Lane 77, Gongyuan Road, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼公园路 77 弄 2 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 4437

Jiangdong Intime Branch 江东银泰店 2F, New Intime Department Store, Jiangdong District 江东区江东银泰 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8781 6264

Jin Da Fishing Equipment 金大渔具 Room 104, 15, Qianlong Yi Cun, Jiangdong District 江东区潜龙一村 15 号 104 室 Tel: +86 574 8775 2053

Mannings 万宁 -1F, B029-031, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, 66, Heyi Avenue, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道 66 号 和义大道购物中心地下一层 B029-031

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Sephora 丝芙兰 Tianyi Branch 天一店 1F-5, 152, GUGO Store, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 152 号酤购商城开明店 1 楼 -5 Tel: +86 574 8727 7769 Dongfang Branch 东方店 1F, Dongfang Department Store, 151, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 151 号宁波东方商厦 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8707 5318 Century Oriental Plaza Branch 世纪东方店 F1113, 1F, 1083, Century Oriental Plaza, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1083 号世纪东方广场 1 楼 F1113 Tel: +86 574 8781 9090 Watsons Personal Store 屈臣氏个人用品超市 Chenghuangmiao Branch 城隍庙店 1F, Chenghuangmiao, 22, Xianxue Street, Haishu District 海曙区县学街 22 号城隍庙商城 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8729 6868 Golden Centre Branch 金光中心店 2F, Golden Centre, 279, Zhongshan Dong Road, Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 279 号金光百货 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8773 9756 Min'an Branch 民安店 1F, 348, Min'an Road, Jiangdong District 江东区民安路 348 号 Tel: +86 574 8810 0600 Beilun Branch 北仑店 160, Mingzhou Road, Beilun District 北仑区明州路 160 号 Tel: +86 574 8696 6624 Wanda Branch 万达店 1F, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场一楼 Tel: +86 574 8808 6311 Dongmen Intime Branch 东门银泰店 23, Jiangxia Street, Haishu District 海曙区江夏街 23 号 Tel: +86 574 8720 0720 Moon Lake Flourishing Garden Branch 月湖盛园店 Block 28, 50, Cangqiao Road, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园仓桥街 50 号 28 号楼 Tel: +86 574 8387 6629 Tianyi Branch 天一店 C113-117, Gate 6, Tianyi Square, 98, Qizha Street, Haishu District 海曙区契闸街 98 号天一广场 6 号门 C113117 Tel: +86 574 8726 4763

Pet and Plant Market 宠物和花卉市场 Dong Yuan Plant Market 东苑花卉市场 Yongjiang Avenue, Jiangdong District 江东区甬江大道 Tel: +86 574 8777 0624

Sanshi Pet and Plant Market 三市花鸟市场 88, Duantang Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区段塘西路 88 号 Tiansheng Pet & Plant Market 天胜花鸟市场 115, Lane 303, North Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路北段 303 弄 115 号 Tel: +86 574 8750 4600

Photography 摄影 Cola Baby - Photography Shop 童真影像 169-1, Jiangdong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区江东南路 169-1 号 Tel: +86 574 8787 8535 Kodak Zi Xing Digitized Image 柯达子星数码影像 76, Rixing Street, Haishu District 海曙区日新街 76 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 1498 Kodak Wanda 万达柯达照相馆 Near Gate 1, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 1 号门近 Tel: +86 574 8808 6110 Love U Baby 爱你宝贝 154, Fuqiao Street, Haishu District 海曙区府桥街 154 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 7086 Xin Rui Digitized Image 新锐数码影像 Cong Zong Branch 从众店 2, Kaiming Xiang, Kaiming Street, Haishu District (Opposite 5 StarAppliance) 海曙区开明街开明巷 2 号 ( 五星电器对面 ) Tel: +86 574 8727 0045

Recording Studios 录音室 Mercury Studio 水银录音棚 Suite 602, Number 75, Building 26, Metropolis Forest, Zhonggong Street, Yinzhou District 浙江省宁波市鄞州区钟公庙街道都市森林 26 幢 75 号 602 室 Tel: +86 574 8821 1718 Fax: +86 574 8821 1278

Religion 宗教 CHURCHES 教堂 Ningbo Church of Assumption 宁波圣母升天堂 Yaohang Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场药行街

TEMPLES 寺庙 Ashoka Temple 阿育王寺 Wuxiang Town, Yinzhou District 鄞州区五乡镇 Tel: +86 574 8833 8558 Baoguo Temple 保国寺 Hongtang Street, Jiangbei District 江北区洪塘街道 Tel: + 86 574 8758 6317 Qingdao Temple 清道观 Northwest of Jiangbei District 江北区西北部 Tel: +86 574 8757 2398 Tiantong Temple 天童寺 Dongwu Town, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东吴镇 Tel: +86 574 8838 0811

Restaurants 餐馆 CHINESE 中国菜 Cantonese 广东菜 Bi Feng Tang 避风塘 77, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 77 号 Tel: +86 574 8775 5868 Daohua Yuan Porridge 稻花源砂锅粥 252, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 252 号 Tel: +86 574 2786 0828 64, Jicao Street, Jiangdong District 江东区箕漕街 64 号 Tel: +86 574 8775 3988 48, Qizha Street, Haishu District 海曙区契闸街 48 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 3218 Huangsheng Tang Palace 皇盛唐宫 22, Daihe Alley, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区带河巷 22 号月湖盛园广场 Tel: +86 574 8747 7775 Man Ting Fang 满庭舫 12, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 12 号嘉汇国贸大厦 Tel: +86 574 2766 7788 No. 2 Branch, Maya 玛雅二号菜馆 116, Daliang Street, Haishu District 海曙区大梁街 116 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 4910

Xiangwan Hong Kong-Style Tea Restaurant 香湾港式茶餐厅 Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路月湖盛园 Tel: +86 574 8710 2978 6F, Intime Department Store, 238, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 238 号银泰百货 6 楼 Tel: +86 574 8709 2188 Zen 彩蝶轩 1038, 2033, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道购物中心 1038, 2033 铺 Tel: +86 574 8389 9373

Dongbei 东北菜 Dong Bei Feng 东北风 2A-23, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场银座 2A-23 号 Tel: +86 574 8808 6677 Dong Bei Ren Jia 东北人家 39-1, Cangsong Road, Haishu District 海曙区苍松路 39-1 号 Tel: +86 574 8716 1496 Hailaer 海拉尔涮肉坊 46, Fuqiao Street, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼府桥街 46 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 7503 Jixiang Renjia 吉祥人家饺子馆 100, Jicao Street, Jiangdong District 江东区箕漕街 100 号 Tel: +86 574 8386 0777 Shi Li Xiang BBQ 十里香烧烤 Lane 77, 15, Gongyuan Road, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼公园路 77 弄 15 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 7048

Hangzhou 杭州菜 The Grandma’s 外婆家 4F, Tianyi International Shopping Centre, 166, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 166 号 天一国际购物中心 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8768 4068

Hotpot 火锅 Jun Wang Gu Hot Pot 菌王谷餐厅 67, Dabu Street, Jiangdong District 江东区大步街 67 号 Tel: +86 574 8812 9777

Prince Kitchen 王子厨房 86, Dashani Street, Haishu District 海曙区大沙泥街 86 号 Tel: +86 574 8713 9999

Jiujiu Macau Doulao 久久澳门豆捞时尚餐厅 2-3, 342, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 342 号 2-3 天一广场商圈 Tel: +86 574 8725 6777 +86 574 8725 6778


Qiao Gangwan 俏港湾港式茶餐厅 50, Shuijing Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水晶街 50 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 8187

Little Sheep Hot Pot 小绵羊火锅 3-25, Yinfeng Street, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路迎凤街 3-25 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 6666

Ningbo Mosque 宁波清真寺 18, Hou Ying Xiang, Haishu District 宁波市海曙区后营巷 18 号 Tel: +86 574 8730 2495

Tian Cheng Fu Di 天城府邸 12, Yangshan Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩扬善路 12 号 Tel: +86 574 8767 1777

233, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 233 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 4188

Roman Catholic Cathedral of Lao Waitan 老外滩天主教堂 Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩

December 2011 ningbo focus 99

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 69, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 江东区兴宁街 69 号 Tel: +86 574 5668 5111 353, South Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 353 号 Tel: +86 574 8722 9178 Macau Doulao 澳门豆捞 218-228, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 218-228 号 Tel: +86 574 8303 3777 46-8, Portman Street, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路波特曼大街 46-8 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 1133

Xiang Xi Bu Luo 湘西部落 2A01-02, 2F, Gate 7, Wanda Plaza, 999, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号 万达广场 7 号门 2 楼 2A01-02 Tel: +86 574 8305 6139

Macao 澳门菜 Salmar Macao Restaurant 沙理文澳门餐厅 8, Shengyuan Xiang, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园盛园巷 8 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 3077

Shenjiamen Seafood Restaurant 沈家门海鲜 350, Jiangdong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区江东北路 350 号 Tel: +86 574 5616 0388

Shanghai Min 上海小南国 110, 112, Qizha Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 宁波市海曙区天一广场契闸街 110, 112 号 Tel: 400 820 9777

Shipu Grand Restaurant 石浦大酒店 Centre of Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场中心 Tel: +86 574 8727 1777

Lane 45, Jiefang Road (N), Haishu District 宁波市海曙区解放北路 45 弄 Tel: 400 820 9777

60, Yanyue Street, Haishu District (Moon Lake Flourishing Garden) 海曙区偃月街 60 号月湖盛园 Tel: +86 574 8732 6777

Sichuan 川菜

Mongolian 内蒙古菜

999, Middle Siming Road, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 Tel: +86 574 8808 6777

Wu Love Mi 吾爱米时尚火锅 1-32, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Middle Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号 万达广场步行街一层 1-32 号 Tel:+86 574 2887 1777

Hushiliang Mongolian Restaurant 虎食粮内蒙古烤肉 Beside West Lake Garden, Tongda North Road, Yinzhou District 宁波通达北路客运中心西湖花园旁 Tel: +86 574 8808 8977

1118, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 1118 号 Tel: +86 574 8783 8888 36, Nanda Street, Zhenhai District 镇海区南大街 36 号 Tel: +86 574 8666 8888

Yaode 要德火锅 2F, 57, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 57 号升阳泰商场 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8730 7098

Ningbonese 宁波菜

36, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 36 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 3688

670, Shengfeng Road, Haishu District 海曙区胜丰路 670 号 Tel: +86 574 8728 3717 339, Jingjia Road, Jiangdong District 江东区惊驾路 339 号 Tel: +86 574 8777 6339 Chongqing 818 40, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 重庆 818 江东区兴宁路 40 号 Tel: +86 574 8739 3948 Xiao Fei Yang Hot Pot 小肥羊火锅 287, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 287 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 3777 908, Songshan Road, Beilun District 北仑区嵩山路 908 号 Tel: +86 574 8813 8378 333, Jingjia Road, Jiangdong District 江东区惊驾路 333 号 Tel: +86 574 5615 6998

Hunan 湖南菜 Tai Yang Cheng 太阳城湘菜馆 353, Jingjia Road, Jiangdong District 江东区惊驾路 353 号 Tel: +86 574 8778 8767 Xiang Chu Ren Jia 湘楚人家 Block B, Ya Xi Ya Building, Chenghuangmiao, Haishu District 海曙区城隍庙亚细亚商城 B 座 Tel: +86 574 8729 5728 92, Jicao Street, Jiangdong District 江东区箕漕街 92 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 1613 Xiang Li Ren Jia Restaurant 香里仁家湘菜馆 202, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 202 号 Tel: +86 574 8811 9718

100 ningbo focus December 2011

0574 Little Lobster Story 0574 龙虾的故事 338, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 338 号 Tel: +86 574 8717 0217 City Kitchen 都市厨房 132, Qiza Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区契闸街天一广场 132 号 Tel:+86 574 8732 7277 Feast Modern Restaurant 美宴摩登餐厅 87, Huaishu Road, Jiangbei District 江北区槐树路 87 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 1111 236, Zhenming Road, Haishu District (Moon Lake Flourishing Garden) 海曙区镇明路 236 号 ( 月湖盛园内 ) Grand Cuisine International Buffet 豪食汇国际美食餐厅 Gate 5, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场 5 号门入口 Tel: +86 574 2883 7777 146, Yaohang Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场药行街 146 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 0666 Hantang Modern Restaurant 汉唐餐厅 77, Shengyuan Xiang, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园盛园巷 77 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 3896 Crystal Street, Tianyi Square, (Beside Starbucks), Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水晶街星巴克旁 Tel: +86 574 8387 9625 3-31, 3-32, 3F, Wanda Plaza, Jiangbei District 江北区万达广场三楼 3-31 3-32 Tel: +86 574 8765 0719 Leisure Restaurant 江北有暇餐厅 129, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 129 号 Tel: +86 574 8738 3320 Nanwan Yinxiang Restaurant 宁波南湾印象餐厅 243, Youngor Avenue, Yinzhou District 雅戈尔大道 243 号 ( 雅戈尔大道与鄞县大道交汇处 ) Tel: +86 574 8826 2777 +86 574 8826 2888

Sofitel Wan Chinese Restaurant 万字号中餐厅 5F, Sofitel Wanda Ningbo, 899, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号索菲特大饭店五层 Tel: +86 574 2889 9888 Sunward Fishery Restaurant 向阳渔港 Gate 1, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场 1 号门入口 Tel: +86 574 2883 7777 236, Caihong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹南路 236 号 Tel: +86 574 8787 1111

Chuan Wei Guan 川味观 15, Caihong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹南路 15 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 7777 +86 574 8779 2222 Fei Teng Yu Xiang 沸腾鱼乡 53, Leigong Alley, Jiangdong District 江东区雷公巷 53 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 4399 Loushang Louxia 楼上楼下 81, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 81 号 Tel: +86 574 2787 8871 Mala Yinxiang 麻辣印象 766, South Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 776 号娱乐新天地 Tel: +86 574 5670 7877 78, South Jiefang Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 78 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 7877

145, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 145 号 Tel: +86 574 8777 1666

Shu Liuxiang 蜀留香精品川菜 Gate 6, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路万达 6 号门 Tel: +86 574 8808 6378

Tie Ge Bi Ningbo Cuisine 贴阁碧宁波小菜 728, Huancheng Road (N), Haishu District 海曙区环城北路 728 号 Tel: +86 574 8722 1188

Wei Dao Jiang Hu 味道江湖 129, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 129 号 Tel: +86 574 8771 3380

16, Dongdu Road, Haishu District 海曙区东渡路 16 号 Tel: +86 574 5668 1666

Wu Da Kitchen 武大厨房 1F, Century Plaza, 230, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 230 号世纪广场 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8719 7059

93, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 93 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 9595 Yijingge Restaurant 怡景阁私房菜 36, 645 Lane, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 645 弄 36 号 Tel: +86 574 8763 0099 +86 574 8763 0766 Zhenbao Fang Boat Restaurant 珍宝舫 Behind the Art Museum, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩轮船码头 ( 美术馆后面 ) Tel: +86 574 8765 7777

Shanghainese 上海菜 Noble House 名轩楼 56, Zhongma Road, Jiangbei District 江北区中马路 56 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 8181

Zi Zhu Lin 紫竹林川菜 289, Jingjia Road, Jiangdong District 江东区惊驾路 289 号 Tel: +86 574 6617 2526 Zui Xian Ju 醉仙居 91, Zhen'an Street, Jiangdong District 江东区镇安街 91 号 Tel: +86 574 8796 1778

Taiwan 台湾菜 Bellagio 鹿港小镇 Tianyi Square, 36, Hualou Allley, Haishu District 宁波市海曙区华楼巷 36 号天一广场 Tel: + 86 574 8797 6000 Home Town 小城膳坊台湾私房牛肉面 98, Qizha Street, Haishu District 宁波市海曙区契闸街 98 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 6160

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Xinye Taiwan Restaurant 欣叶台湾美食 626-1, Songjiang Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区嵩江中路 626-1 号 ( 和邦大厦 ) Tel: +86 574 8816 9997

Indian Kitchen 印度小厨 67, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 67 号海曙区天一广场 水晶街 50 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 8187

Xibei 西北菜 Teng Ge Li Northwest Style Restaurant 腾格里西北风味餐厅 Gate 6, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场 6 号门 Tel: +86 574 8808 6366

Xinjiang 新疆菜 A Da Xi Xinjiang Restaurant 阿达西新疆食府 2F, 20, Gongyuan Road, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼公园路 20 号二楼 Tel: +86 574 8728 378

Yunnan 云南菜

Ajisen Ramen 味千拉面 Gate 6, Tianyi Square, 188, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 188 号天一广场 6 号门 Tel: +86 574 8727 6085 33, Xianxue Street (Near Cheng Huang Miao), Haishu District 海曙区县学街 33 号 ( 靠近城隍庙 ) Tel: +86 574 8731 3886 11, Shengyuan Alley, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园盛园巷 11 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 8306 Akitaya 秋田家 2F, Sheraton Hotel, 52, North Caihong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 52 号喜来登酒店二楼 Tel: +86 574 8768 8688 3F, Kylie Hotel, 76, Jicao Street, Jiangdong District 江东区箕漕街 76 号凯利大酒店三楼 Tel: +86 574 8705 7656

Ganesha Indian Restaurant 葛尼沙印度餐厅 336, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 336 号 Tel: +86 138 8446 0106 Spices-Indian Heritage & Lounge 香料印度餐厅酒吧 28, Yanshan Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩扬善路 28 号 Tel: +86 158 6788 7224

Kamii Restaurant 上井精致料理 1039, Zone B, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 66 号 和义购物中心 B 区 1039 号 Tel: +86 574 8389 7555

366, Cuibai Road, Haishu District 海曙区翠柏路 366 号 Tel: +86 574 8722 3003

Koko-Japanese Restaurant 可可日本餐馆 5F, Sofitel Wanda Ningbo, 899, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号索菲特大饭店五楼 Tel: +86 574 2889 1415 +86 153 5603 6023

Ningbo Wangdama Malaysian Restaurant 宁波旺达马马来西亚餐厅 36-38, Cangqiao Street, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园仓桥街 36-38 号 Tel: +86 574 8723 5757

Kyoto Japanese Restaurant 京都日本料理 117, Leigong Alley, Caihong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路雷公巷 117 号 Tel: +86 574 8771 6503

Thai 泰国菜

Sixiang Sushi 司享回旋寿司 B038, Century Oriental Plaza, East Zhongshan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路世纪东方广场 B038 号 Tel: +86 574 8781 9017

Japanese 日本菜

Indian 印度菜

Quan Yong Cheng 全雍城 111, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 111 号 Tel: +86 574 8775 3777

265, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 265 号 Tel: +86 574 8713 2636

Ashima Courtyard 阿诗玛庭院 33, Yongshou Street, Haishu District 海曙区永寿街 33 号 ( 原文昌食堂 ) Tel: +86 574 8726 2292


Inayama 稻山日本料理 79, Qianlong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区潜龙路 79 号波特曼中心裙楼东 Tel: +86 574 8795 3197

1F, Haiju Hotel, 218, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 218 号海俱大酒店一楼 Tel: +86 574 8707 6796 CHI YO SAKU 千代作拉面 99, North Caihong Road, Jiangbei District 江东区彩虹北路 99 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 5722 He Feng Rotating Sushi 和风料理 1F, Gate 6, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场 6 号门 1 楼 Tel: +86 574 8808 6199 He Mei Japanese Restaurant 和美日本料理 Gate 3, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区万达广场 3 号门 Tel: +86 574 8808 6262

Tairyo Teppanyaki Restaurant 大渔铁板烧 2F, Tianyi International Shopping Centre, 166, Zhongshan East Road, Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 166 号天一国际购物中心二楼 Tel: +86 574 8768 4079 +86 574 8768 4080

Malaysian 马来西亚菜

Banana Leaf Ningbo 蕉叶宁波店 238, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 238 号 Tel: +86 574 8715 5833 Nancy’s Thai Fusion 茜泰菜馆 103-2, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区南镇明路 103-2 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 8266 Ningbo Banana Leaf Curry House 宁波蕉叶咖喱屋 67, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 67 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 9665

Zhenniu Teppanyaki 真牛铁板烧 62, Shuijing Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水晶街 62 号 Tel: +86 574 8719 1317 B1, Century Oriental Plaza, East Zhongshan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路世纪东方广场 B1 层 1-32, Wanda Plaza, Middle Siming Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路万达广场 1-32 Tel: +86 574 2887 1777

Korean 韩国菜 Arirang Korea Restaurant 阿里郎韩式料理 3F, Shuijie Changlang, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场水街长廊 3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8728 7000 Cosil 大长今 82, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 82 号 Tel: +86 574 8767 8006 Han Feng 韩风炭火烤肉 22, Qizha Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场契闸街 22 号 Tel: +86 574 5619 9311 Koryowon Restaurant 高丽苑 359, Jingjia Road, Jiangdong District 江东区惊驾路 359 号 Tel: +86 574 8779 1677

INTERNATIONAL 国际 Barbecues / Steakhouse 烧烤 / 牛排餐厅 Bull Fighter 斗牛士牛排馆 61, Waima Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩外马路 61 号 Tel: +86 574 8767 0408

December 2011 ningbo focus 101

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 2F, China CITIC Bank Building, 72, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 72 号中信银行大厦裙楼 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8729 6523 4F, Zone B, Living All Plaza, 1288, North Ningnan Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区宁南北路 1288 号 联盛商业广场 B 区 4F Tel: +86 574 8902 8989 6, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 6 号 Picanha Brazilian BBQ 比卡亚巴西烧烤餐厅 1-4, Land 230, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 230 弄 1-4 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 0077 Super Steak 超级牛排 3F, Century Oriental Plaza, 1083, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1083 号世纪东方广场 3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8723 3888 Fax: +86 574 8781 9790

French 法国菜 Lavish Fine Dining 乐味轩 - 地中海摩登餐厅 2F, Sofitel Wanda Ningbo, 899, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号索菲特大饭店二层 Tel: +86 574 2889 9888

Italian 意大利菜 Amore’s 意大利饭店 109, Jiangdong Road (S), Jiangdong District 江东区江东南路 109 号 Tel: +86 574 8783 8350 +86 136 1574 0093 Da Bossi Ristorante 139, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 139 号 Tel: +86 574 8657 8777 Sanal Italian Restaurant Sanal 意大利餐厅 46-2, 46-3, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 46 号 波特曼大街 46-2 46-3 号 Tel: +86 574 8795 3577 Topit Topit 意大利餐厅 60, Renmin Lu, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩人民路 60 号 Tel: +86 574 8765 3797

Latin / Mexican 拉丁 / 墨西哥菜 Casa Maya Bar 墨西哥风情餐厅 39, Yangshan Xiang, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩羊山巷 39 号 Tel: +86 574 8703 9699

Greek 希腊菜 Zorba’s Greek Restaurant Zorba’s 希腊餐厅 24, Yangshan Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩扬善路 24 号 Tel: +86 574 8758 3700

102 ningbo focus December 2011

Middle Eastern & Muslimn 清真 & 伊斯兰餐厅 Lebanese Restaurant 黎巴嫩餐厅 320, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路 320 号 Tel: +86 574 8731 5861 A Da Xi Xinjiang Restaurant 阿达西新疆食府 2F, 20 Gongyuan Road, Gulou, Haishu District 海曙区鼓楼公园路 20 号 2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8728 3787

Pizza 匹萨 Amore’s 意大利饭店 109, Jiangdong Nan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区江东南路 109 号 Tel: +86 574 8783 8350 +86 136 1574 0093 Babela’s Kitchen 巴贝拉 98-2, Qizha Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场契闸街 98-2 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 9178 Gondola 贡多拉 55, Bei'an Caifu Centre, Jiangbei District 江北区北岸财富中心 55 号 ( 宁波大剧院对面 ) Tel: +86 574 8721 1777 Papa John’s 棒!约翰 Moon Lake Branch 月湖店 9, Shengyuan Xiang, Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Haishu District 海曙区月湖盛园盛园巷 9 号 Tel: + 86 574 2766 2727 Wanda Branch 万达店 Gate 5, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 888 号万达广场 5 号门旁 Tel: +86 574 2887 2727 Pizza Hut 必胜客 1F, Intime Department Store, 188, Zhongshan Dong Road, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 188 号银泰百货一楼 Tel: +86 574 8736 5053 Wanda Branch 万达店 Gate 2, 999, Middle Siming Road, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明路 999 号万达广场 2 号门 Tel: +86 574 8305 7102 Chenghuangmiao Branch 城隍庙店 118-120, Jiefang Road, Chenghuangmiao, Haishu District 海曙区城隍庙 118-120 号 Tel: +86 574 8719 5652 Yao Hang Branch 药行店 152, Yaohang Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场药行街 152 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 8021 Auchan Branch 欧尚店 171, Cuibai Road, Haishu District (Next to Auchan Supermarket) 海曙区翠柏路 171 号(欧尚超市旁) Tel: +86 574 8728 1378

Gulou Branch 鼓楼店 59, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District (Opposite Gulou) 海曙区中山西路 59 号鼓楼对面 Tel: +86 574 8725 3821 Pizza Pino 1041B, Zone C, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, 66, Heyi Road, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 66 号 和义大道购物中心 C 区 1041B Tel: +86 574 8389 9535 Tasty’s 83-85, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 83-85 号 Tel: +86 574 8772 8000

Seafood 海鲜 Beihai Haoshi Fu 北海蚝食府 421, Huxi Road, Jiangbei District 江北区湖西路 421 号 ( 日湖美食一条街 ) Tel: +86 574 8738 3877 Changjie Xiaochu 长街小厨 516, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 516 号 Tel: +86 574 8305 5277 Feast Modern Restaurant 美宴摩登餐厅 87, Huaishu Road, Jiangbei District 江北区槐树路 87 号 Tel: +86 574 8735 1111 Ningyuan Hotel, Yonggang Hall 甬港饭店宁园厅 105, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 105 号 Tel: +86 574 8706 0888 Shipu Grand Restaurant 石浦大酒店 Centre of Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场中心 Tel: +86 574 8727 1777 60, Yanyue Street, Haishu District (Moon Lake) 海曙区偃月街 60 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 6777 999, Siming Zhong Road, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 Tel: +86 574 8808 6777 1118, Baizhang Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 1118 号 Tel: +86 574 8783 8888 36, Nanda Street, Zhenhai District 镇海区南大街 36 号 Tel: +86 574 8666 8888

Fa Yin Su Shi 法音素食 61, Miaopu Road, Haishu District 海曙区苗圃路 61 号 Tel: +86 574 8712 6832 Lotus Vegetarian 莲花素菜馆 175, Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈路 175 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 1542 Sarnath Healthy Vegetarian 萨那斯健康蔬食 86, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 86 号 Tel: +86 574 8705 8002 The Sweetness Vegetarian Restaurant 妙香斋素菜馆 Xuedou Mountain, Xikou, Fenghua 奉化溪口雪窦山 Tel: +86 574 8888 8569 Vegetarian Life Style 枣子树净素餐厅 1-2F, 16, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 16 号 1-2 楼 Tel: +86 574 8730 1333

Western 西餐 Baby Doll 宝贝豆食尚餐厅 3015B, Zone C, 78, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道 78 号 C 座 3015B Tel: +86 574 8710 6688 Babela’s Kitchen 巴贝拉 98-2 Qizha Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场契闸街 98-2 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 9178 SOL Sports Bar SOL 运动酒吧 Building 5, Room 5101-5110, Silver Walk, Ri Li Middle Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区日丽中路南部商务区水街 5 号楼 5101-5110 室 Tel: +86 574 8906 5933 Fax: +86 574 8901 8989

CASUAL DINING 休闲餐饮 Harley Bar & Restaurant 哈雷宝来纳德国酒吧 18, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 18 号 Tel: +86 130 0372 8695 Tasty’s 83-85, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 83-85 号 Tel: +86 574 8772 8000

Yongzhou Seafood Restaurant 甬舟海鲜馆 309, Jiangdong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区江东北路 309 号 Tel: +86 130 3463 1996 +86 135 8682 9736

The Londoner Pub 伦敦酒吧 46-13, Caihong Bei Road, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路波特曼大街 46-13 号 Tel: +86 574 8193 6777

Zhenbao Fang Boat Restaurant 珍宝舫 Lao Waitan (Behind the Art Museum), Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩轮船码头 ( 美术馆后面 ) Tel: +86 574 8765 7777


Vegetarian 素食

Huan Tang Fusion 欢唐时尚餐厅 1072, 1F, Century Oriental Plaza, 1083, Zhoushan Dong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1083 号 世纪东方广场一楼 1072 号 Tel: +86 574 8781 9022

Chao Ye 朝野餐厅 3F, Fumao Hotel, 68, Dashani Street, Haishu District 海曙区大沙泥街 68 号富茂大酒店 3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8730 3067

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Lavish Fine Dining 乐味轩 - 地中海摩登餐厅 2F, Sofitel Wanda Ningbo, 899, Siming Zhong Road,Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 899 号索菲特大饭店二层 Tel: +86 574 2889 9888

Dongmen Branch 东门店 238, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 238 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 2200

Lobster Bar and Grill 龙虾酒吧扒房 1F, Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, 88, Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁波香格里拉大酒店一楼 Tel: +86 574 8799 8888

Wanda Branch 万达店 999, Siming Zhong Road, Wanda Plaza, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场内 Tel: +86 574 8811 8000

Shang Palace 香宫 1F, Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo, 88, Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区宁波香格里拉大酒店一楼 Tel: +86 574 8799 8888

Jiangdong Branch 江东区 1111, Zhongshan Road (E), Century Oriental Business Plaza, Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 1111 号世纪东方广场旁

South Beauty Ningbo IFC Restaurant 俏江南 - 宁波金融中心店 1-5 F, Tower C, IFC, 352, Dingtai Road, Jiangdong District 江东区鼎泰路 352 号 宁波金融服务中心 C 栋 1-5 层 Tel: +86 574 8822 8677

Jinhui Department Store 金汇百货 5F, 709-725, Mingzhou Road, Beilun District 北仑区明州路 709-725 号五楼 Tel: +86 574 8696 0993

Shoe Repair 修鞋店 Jia Tai Shoes Polish and Repair 嘉泰擦鞋修鞋 833, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 833 号 Tel: +86 574 8780 2869 Jin Bi Shoe Polish and Repair 金碧擦鞋修鞋 124-2, Xihe Street, Haishu District 海曙西河街 124-2 Tel: +86 574 5622 6736

Shopping Centres 购物广场 Century Oriental Business Plaza 世纪东方商业广场 Intersection of Fuming Road and Zhongshan Dong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区福明路与中山东路交叉口 Chenghuang Miao Department Store 城隍庙商城 22, Xianxue Street, Haishu District 海曙区县学街 22 号 Tel: +86 574 8730 9099 Golden Department Store 金光百货 279, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 279 号 Tel: +86 574 8771 7738 GUGO Store 酷购商城 152, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 152 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 3369 Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre 和义大道购物中心 66, Heyi Road, Haishu District 海曙区和义路 66 International Shopping Centre 国际购物中心 166, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 166 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 1250 In Time Department Store 银泰百货 Tianyi Branch 天一店 188, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 188 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 3808

Moon Lake Garden 月湖盛园 Cangqiao Street, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路仓桥街 Nanyuan Shoes Department Store 南苑鞋城 182, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 182 号 Tel: +86 574 8707 0205 New World Department Store 新世界百货 Huimei Branch 汇美店 137, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 137 号 Tel: +86 574 8725 9777 Jiangdong Branch 江东店 269, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 269 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 6776 Ningbo No. 2 Department Store 宁波第二百货 220, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 220 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 2828 Ningbo Outlet Mall 宁波奥特莱斯购物广场 315, Qinghu Road, Jiangbei District 江北区清湖路 315 号宁波大剧院对面 Oriental Department Store 东方商厦 151, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 151 号 Tel: +86 574 8718 9999 Tianyi Square 天一广场 88, Zhongshan Road (E),Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 88 号 Tianlun Square 天伦广场 276, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 276 号 Wanda Plaza 万达广场 999, Siming Zhong Lu, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达商业广场 Tel: +86 574 8808 6000 Xin Hualian Department Store 新华联商厦 181, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 181 号 Tel: +86 574 8727 7666

Xin Jiangxia Department Store 新江夏商城 301, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 301 号 Tel: +86 574 8737 1626

Sightseeing & Leisure 观光和休闲 Ancestral House of Zheng Clan 郑氏十七房 28, Xinjian Road (W), XiePu Town, Zhenhai District 镇海区蟹浦镇新建西路 28 号 Tel: +86 574 8625 1717 Ashoka Temple 阿育王寺 Wuxiang Town, Yinzhou District 鄞州区五乡镇 Tel: +86 574 8833 8558 Baoguo Temple 保国寺 Hongtang Street, Jiangbei District 江北区洪塘街道 Tel: + 86 574 8758 6317 Cicheng Travel Development Service Centre 宁波市江北区慈城镇旅游发展服务中心 Dongzhenqiao Street, Cicheng Town, Jiangbei District 江北区慈城镇东镇桥街 Tel: +86 574 8759 4391

Little Putuo Scenic Spot 小普陀景区 Dongqian Lake Holiday Resort, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖旅游度假村 Meigang Fishing Village 梅港渔村 Meishan Village, Beilun District 北仑区梅山乡 Tel: +86 574 8678 8666 Ningbo Church of Assumption 宁波圣母升天堂 Yaohang Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场药行街 Ninghai Forest Spring 宁海森林温泉 Nanxi Spring, Shenzhen Town, Ninghai 宁海县深圳镇南溪温泉 Tel: +86 574 6523 0777 Qiantong Ancient Town 前童古镇 Qiantong Village, Qiantong Town, Ninghai 宁海县前童镇前童村 Tel: +86 574 6537 0300 Qingdao Temple 清道观 Northwest of Jiangbei District 江北区西北部 Tel: +86 574 8757 2398 Roman Catholic Cathedral of Lao Waitan 老外滩天主教堂 Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩

China Fishing Village 中国渔村 Shipu Town, Xiangshan 象山石浦 Tel: +86 574 6595 9999

Shipu Fishing Port Ancient City 石浦渔港古城 Shipu Town 石浦镇 Tel: +86 574 6597 1908

Dongqian Lake 东钱湖 Dongqian Lake Village, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖镇 Tel: 400 826 8000

Siming Mountain National Forest Park 四明山国家森林公园 Simingshan Town, Yuyao 余姚市四明山镇 Tel: +86 574 6234 0889

Five-Dragon Pond Scenic Spot 五龙潭风景名胜区 Longguan Village, Yinzhou District 鄞州区龙观乡 Tel: +86 574 8804 9777

Songlan Mountain 松兰山 Xiangshan 象山县 Tel: +86 574 6570 9298

Fuquan Mountain Scenic Spot 福泉山景区 South Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖南面

Stone Carving of South Song Dynasty Park 南宋石刻公园 Near Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖附近

Grand Canyon of East Zhejiang 浙东大峡谷 Baixi Reservoir, Chalu Town, Ninghai 宁海县岔路镇白溪水库 Tel: +86 574 6538 6235 Jiufeng Mountain Tourist District 九峰山旅游区 Between Daqi Town and Chaiqiao Town, Beilun District 北仑区大契镇和柴桥镇之间 Tel: +86 574 8678 6235 Jiulong Lake Tourist District 九龙湖旅游区 Within Jiulong Lake Town, northwest of Zhenhai District 镇海区西北部的九龙湖镇境内 Tel: +86 574 8653 3965 He Mudu Relic 河姆渡遗址 He Mudu Town, Yuyao 余姚市河姆渡镇 Tel: +86 574 6296 3731 Liang-Zu Culture Park 梁祝文化公园 Gaoqiao Village, Yinzhou District 鄞州区高桥镇

Tantou Mountain 檀头山 Tantou Mountain, Xiangshan 象山县檀头 Tashan Weir 它山堰 Exit of Zhang Creek, beside Tashan, Yinjiang Town, Yinzhou District 鄞州区鄞江镇它山旁樟溪出口处 Tengtou Village 滕头村 Tengtou Village, Fenghua 奉化市滕头村 Tel: +86 574 8891 9900 Tiantong Temple 天童寺 Dongwu Town, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东吴镇 Tel: +86 574 8838 0811 Wild Crane Qiu 野鹤湫 Wild Crane Qiu Resort, Huangtan Town, Ninghai 宁海县黄坛镇野鹤湫风景区 Tel: +86 574 6526 8555

December 2011 ningbo focus 103

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Xikou, Fenghua 奉化溪口 Xikou, Fenghua 奉化市溪口镇 Yangsha Mountain 洋沙山 Yangsha Mountain Village, Beilun District 北仑区洋沙山村 Tel: +86 574 8678 8168 Zhaobao Mountain Scenic Spot 招宝山风景区 10, Zhaobao Mountain Road, Zhenhai District 镇海区招宝山路 10 号 Tel: +86 574 8627 2900 Zouma Township 走马塘 Zoumatang Village, Jiangshan Town, Yinzhou District 鄞州区姜山镇走马塘村 Tel: +86 574 8846 6097

Sport & Fitness 健身 / 运动 BASKETBALL 篮球 Bayi Fubang Basketball Center 八一富邦篮球公园 109, Maiyu Road, Haishu District 海曙区卖鱼路 109 号玻璃厂内 Tel: +86 574 8710 2996 Zhongshan Square Basketball Court 中山广场篮球场 7, Henghe Street, Haishu District 海曙区横河街 7 号 Tel: +86 574 6600 7773

BOWLING 保龄球 Mandarin Prosperous Hotel 文昌大酒店 4F, 2, Wenchang Street, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路文昌街 2 号 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8726 8668

BOXING 拳击 Quanba Fitness Boji Club 拳霸会馆 329, Chunyuan Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区春园路 329 号 Tel: +86 158 5841 3000

GOLF 高尔夫 Delson Green World Golf Club 宁波启新绿色高尔夫俱乐部 Hanling Village, Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖韩岭村 Tel: +86 574 8840 1166 Lvhan Driving Range 宁波绿涵高尔夫练习场 360, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 360 号 Tel: +86 574 8777 7525 Orient Golf Country Club 东方高尔夫俱乐部 Shanao Village, Tongtu Road, Beilun District 北仑区通途路山岙村 Tel: +86 574 8622 8595


GYMS 健身房


Beautiful Day 美日健身 Jiangdong Taoyuan Street Branch 江东桃源街店 Binjiang International Business Plaza, South Jiangdong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区江东南路桃源街滨江国际商业广场 Tel: +86 574 8781 8100

Dongqian Lake Paintball Shooting Center 东钱湖小普陀景区彩弹射击中心 Xiao Putuo, Dongqian Lake, Yinzhou District 鄞州区东钱湖小普陀景区内 Tel: +86 574 8849 0861

Jiangdong Zhongxing Road Branch 江东中兴路店 6F, Mingchen Plaza, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路明晨大厦 6 层 Tel: +86 574 8777 0797

SKI CLUB 滑雪俱乐部

Jiangdong Sangtian Road Branch 江东桑田路店 4F, Vanguard, Sangtian Road, Jiangdong District 江东区桑田路华润万家 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8386 5561 Jiangbei Xinma Road Branch 江北新马路店 27, Outlets Business Plaza, Dazha Road, Jiangbei District 江北区大闸路奥特莱斯商业广场 27 号 Tel: +86 574 8708 4441

Liuyang Salsa Dance Club 柳阳舞蹈俱乐部 Yanhua Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 Tel: +86 138 5781 4597

KG Center 奇迹健身 2F, Gate 7, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Road (E), Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达广场 7 号门二楼 Tel: +86 574 8305 6096 Ningbo Reno International Gym Club 宁波里诺国际健身俱乐部 6F, Golden Department, 279, Zhongshan Road (E), Jiangdong District 江东区中山东路 279 号金光百货 6F Tel: +86 574 8908 8818 Ningbo Swimming and Fitness Center 宁波市游泳健身中心 128, Zhaohui Road, Jiangdong District 江东区朝辉路 128 号 Tel: +86 574 5615 5066 Ningbo Xinxing Hotel Gym Center 宁波新兴大酒店康乐部体育中心 5F, Xinxing Hotel, 226, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 226 号新兴大酒店 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 8707 2596

104 ningbo focus December 2011

Weider Terra 韦德国际健身中心 4F, Shuijing Changlang, Tian Yi Square 天一广场水晶街水晶长廊 4 楼 Tel: +86 0574 8724-0111

Century Star 世纪星 4F, Zone A, Liansheng Plaza, Ningjiang Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区宁姜公路联盛商业广场 A 区四楼 Tel: +86 574 2890 5555


B.L. Fencing Club 巴勒击剑馆 Room 303, 168, Songjiang Road (E), Yinzhou District 鄞州区嵩江东路 168 号 303 室向阳经贸旁 Tel: +86 138 6780 2781

Shangri-La Health Club 宁波香格里拉健体中心 4F, 88, Yuyuan Road, Jiangdong District 江东区豫源街 88 号 4 楼 Tel: +86 574 8799 8888

Zhongji Golf Club 中基高尔夫球俱乐部 1, Youngor Avenue, Yinzhou District 鄞州区雅戈尔大道 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8742 5758

Golden Collar International Fitness Club 金领绿园国际健身俱乐部 8, Lvcheng Lvyuan, 1185, Tongtu Road, Jiangdong District 江东区高新区通途路 1185 号绿城绿园 8 号 Tel: +86 574 8791 3615


Power House Gym 宝力豪 370, Kaiming Street, Haishu District 海曙区开明街 370 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 6767

Shang Liang Gang Ski Club 商量岗滑雪俱乐部 Xikou, Fenghua 奉化溪口 Tel: +86 574 8888 8188

SNOOKER 台球 8090 Billiard Club 8090 台球俱乐部 18, Yangshan Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩扬善路 18 号 Tel: +86 574 8734 1818 Xin Yi Snooker Club 新易台球俱乐部 3F, 96, Hualou Alley, Gate 8, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场 8 号门华楼巷 96 号 3 楼 Tel: +86 574 8728 4298

SQUASH 壁球 Squash Pavilion 壁球馆 -1F, Howard Johnson Plaza, 230, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 230 号华侨豪生大酒店地下一层 Tel: +86 574 2786 6666

SWIMMING POOLS 游泳池 Dong En Swimming Center 东恩游泳中心 164, Lingqiao Road, Jiangdong District 江东区灵桥路 164 号 ( 东恩中学旁 ) Tel: +86 574 8386 0779 Dongqian Lake Tao Gong Island Swimming Center 东钱湖陶公岛游泳中心 Dongqian Lake, Taogong Island

东钱湖陶公岛风景区内 Tel: +86 574 8780 1229 Nanyuan Hotel Swimming Center 南苑饭店游泳池 2, Lingqiao Road, Haishu District 海曙区灵桥路 2 号 Tel: +86 574 8709 5678 New Century Swimming Center 开元大酒店游泳池 812, Baizhang Dong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 812 号 Tel: +86 574 8706 8888 Ningbo Swimming Club 宁波游泳俱乐部 847, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 847 号 Tel: +86 574 8787 0594 Xin Xing Hotel Swimming Center 新兴大酒店游泳池 226, Zhongshan Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区中山西路 226 号 Tel: +86 574 8736 3888 Xin Yuan Hotel Swimming Center 新园宾馆游泳池 5F, 188, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 188 号 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 8707 1818

TAEKWONDO 跆拳道 Ningbo Hongzhen Taekwondo Club 宁波宏正跆拳道俱乐部 2F, 459, Cangsong Road, Haishu District 海曙区苍松路 459 号市老年体育中心二楼 Tel: +86 574 8716 2525 Changcheng Taekwondo Club 青少年官长城跆拳道俱乐部 191, Liuting Street, Haishu District 海曙区柳汀街 191 号 Tel: +86 574 8732 8011 Ningbo Yongcheng Taekwondo Club 甬城跆拳道俱乐部 9, Lane 48, Baiyun Street, Haishu District 海曙区白云街 48 弄 9 号 Tel: +86 574 8749 4339

TENNIS 网球 Li Kun Tennis Hall 李坤网球馆 360, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 360 号 Tel: +86 574 8777 6669 Yinzhou Tennis Center 鄞州网球中心 119, Wenhua Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区文华路 119 号 Tel: +86 574 2886 8888

YOGA 瑜伽 Da Mei Yoga 大美瑜伽 104, Dabu Street, Jiangdong District 江东区大步街 104 号 Tel: +86 574 8796 9036 Jing Yuan Yoga Center 静缘国际瑜伽健身会所 5F, 103-1, Caihong Road (N), Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 103-1 号 5 楼 Tel: +86 574 5617 9891 +86 574 5617 9892

WHAT & WHERE |生活指南 Supermarkets 超级市场 A-BEST 新一佳超市 1, Shangshu Street, Haishu District 海曙区尚书街 1 号 Tel:+86 574 8768 0878 Auchan 欧尚 160, Cuibai Road, Haishu District 海曙区翠柏路 160 号 Tel: +86 574 8707 2987 1188, East Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 1188 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 5864 Carrefour 家乐福 246-248, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 246-248 号 Tel: +86 574 8777 1211 28, Dashani Street, Haishu District 海曙区大沙泥街 28 号 Tel: +86 574 8386 2903 1-192, Block 3, Junlin Plaza, 857, Huangshan Road, Beilun District 北仑区黄山路 857 号 君临广场 3 号楼 1-192 号 Tel: +86 574 8685 2299 Century Mart 世纪联华 373, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 373 号 Tel: +86 574 8779 1266 E-MART 易买得 66, Xingning Road, Jiangdong District 江东兴宁路 66 号 Tel: +86 574 2790 1234 Metro 麦德龙 1, Metro Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区麦德龙路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8820 8888 NGS 农工商 508, South Huangcheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 508 号 Tel: +86 574 8711 9476 Ole’ Ole’ 超市 07-09B, B1, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, 88, Heyi Avenue, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道 88 号 和义大道购物中心 B1 层 07-09B 号 Tel: +86 574 8386 9518 RT – MART Beilun Store 大润发超市北仑店 201, West Zone, 1220, Xinda Road, Beilun District 北仑区新大路 1229 号西区 201 Tel: +86 574 2685 8888 Tesco 乐购 50, Rixin Street, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场日新街 50 号 Tel: +86 574 5612 8899 Trust Mart 好又多 262, South Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 262 号 Tel: +86 574 8716 2666 671-679, Zhongxing Road, Jiangdong District 江东区中兴路 671-679 号 Tel: +86 574 2786 2001

Wal-Mart 沃尔玛 Wanda Plaza, 999 Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District 鄞州区四明中路 999 号万达商业广场 Tel: +86 574 8808 6904

Tailors 服装定制 Best Royal Tailor 佰年隆华 50, Caihong Bei Lu, Jiangdong District 江东区彩虹北路 50 号宁波东港喜来登大酒 店大堂 Tel: +86 574 8768 8688 +86 574 8688 7165 Cheers & Enjoy Knitting Salon 22, Yanwu Street, Jiangdong District 江东区演武街 22 号 Tel: +86 130 5678 7698 Datian Tailor 大田制衣 200-201, 2F, Lingqiao Market, 41, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 41 号灵桥市场二楼 200-201 号 Tel: +86 574 8821 7209 Hai Bo Tailor 海波服饰 132-133, 2F, Lingqiao Market, 41, Yaohang Street, Haishu District 海曙区药行街 41 号灵桥市场二楼 132-133 号 Tel: +86 574 8386 8576 Hongbang Tailor 红帮洋服 78, Lane 645, Renmin Road, Jiangbei District 江北区人民路 645 弄 78 号 Junshi Suit Tailor 郡狮全手工高级私人定制服装 218, North Jiangdong Road, Jiangdong District 江东区江东北路 218 号 Tel: +86 574 8722 2799 +86 574 8702 8337 Oversize Fashion Professional 肥佬屋 547, Zhongshan Road (E), Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 547 号 Tel: +86 574 8771 9517

Tanning Salons 日晒沙龙 Ningbo Tanning Salon 日光岛美黑日晒沙龙 Room 4-7, 58, Qizha Street, Haishu District 海曙区契闸街 58 号都市仁和中心 4-7 室 Tel: +86 574 2783 9796

Tea Houses 茶馆 Janet’s Joint 修山画艺 69, Huayan Street, Jiangdong District 江东区华严街 69 号 Tel: +86 574 8733 8766 Qing Yuan Tea House 清源茶馆 Tianyi Branch 天一店 7 Gate, Tianyi Square, Haishu District 海曙区天一广场 7 号门 Tel: +86 574 8775 2988 Moon Lake Flourishing Garden Branch 月湖盛园店 South Jiefang Road, Haishu District 海曙区解放南路月湖盛园内 Tel: +86 574 8727 8058

Yi He Tea House 颐和茶馆 17, Yangshan Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩扬善路 17 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 5797 Xiangwan Hong Kong-Style Tea Restaurant 香湾港式茶餐厅 Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Zhenming Road, Haishu District 海曙区镇明路月湖盛园 Tel: +86 574 8710 2978 238, Zhongshan Road (E), 6F, Intime Department Store, Haishu District 海曙区中山东路 238 号银泰百货 6 楼 Tel: +86 574 8709 2188

Theatres 剧院 Ningbo Concert Hall 宁波音乐厅 768, Lingqiao Road, Haishu District 海曙区灵桥路 768 号 Tel: +86 574 8768 2330 Ningbo Grand Theatre 宁波大剧院 1, Dazha Road, Jiangbei District 江北区大闸路 1 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 1343 Yifu Theatre 逸夫剧院 187, Jiefang Road (S), Haishu District 海曙区解放南路 187 号 Tel: +86 574 8766 1343

Toys 玩具 PAC Man Toys 小精灵玩具 2A-32, 2F, Wanda Plaza, 999, Siming Zhong Road, Yinzhou District (On the right side from the Hola entrance) 鄞州区四明中路 999 号 万达广场 2 楼 2A-32( 特力屋右侧 ) Tel: +86 574 8305 6958 Toys ‘R’ Us 玩具“反”斗城 B001-004, -1F, Heyi Avenue Shopping Centre, 50, Heyi Avenue, Haishu District 海曙区和义大道 50 号 和义大道购物中心 -1 层 B001-004 Tel: 400 886 8828

Veterinarians 兽医

284, Henghe Road, Beilun District 北仑区横河路 284 号 Tel: +86 574 8689 7566 Kangbei Pet Clinic 康贝宠物医院 144, Min'an Road, Jiangdong District 江东区民安路 144 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 9807 Kang Li Pet Hospital 康丽宠物医院 68, Hecheng Road, Jiangdong District 江东区贺丞路 68 号 Tel: +86 574 8788 3142

WINE 酒 100 Pure Wine Cellar 百醇酒窖 523, South Huancheng Xi Road, Haishu District (Near Nong Gong Shang Supermarket) 海曙区环城西路南段 523 号 ( 农工商超市附近 ) 1F, Century Oriental Business Plaza, Jiangdong District 江东区世纪东方商业广场 1 楼 Moon Lake Flourishing Garden, Zhenming Road, Haishu District (Near Xiangwan Tea Restaurant) 海曙区镇明路月湖盛园 ( 香湾港式茶餐厅附近 ) Tel: +86 400 6722 899 Aussina 富隆酒窖 145, Zhongma Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩中马路 145 号 Tel: +86 574 8738 4779 Bordeaux Wine 波尔多红酒坊 528, Mingzhou Road, Beilun District 北仑区明州路 528 号 Tel: +86 574 8682 7999 Borfinn Wines 勃斐酒业 Unit 901, Dongcheng Baihui, 88-96, East Baizhang Road, Jiangdong District 江东区百丈东路 88-96 号东城百汇 901 室 Tel: +86 574 8725 8828 Fax: +86 574 2778 5233 Jonnys Red Wine Shop 杰尼斯名烟名酒商店 69, Xiaowen Street, Haishu District 海曙区孝闻街 69 号 Tel: +86 574 8726 2417

Ai Xin Pet Hospital 爱心宠物医院 118, Yongda Road (W), Yinzhou District 鄞州区永达西路 118 号 Tel: +86 574 8821 6913

La Seine 拉赛恩酒庄 1113, Baizhang East Road, Jiangdong District 宁波市江东区百丈东路 1113 号 Tel: +86 574 8793 0320

292, Henghe Road, Beilun District 北仑区横河路 292 号 Tel: +86 574 8683 2352

Sharon Wine 沙仑联合酒业 36, Lane 79, Jicao Street, Jiangdong District 江东区箕漕街 79 弄 36 号 Tel: +86 574 8770 1907

117, South Huancheng West Road, Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 117 号 Tel: +86 574 2789 0188 Jia Wen Pet Hospital 佳雯宠物医院 858, South Huancheng Road (W), Haishu District 海曙区环城西路南段 858 号 Tel: +86 574 2785 5345

Topit Topit 意大利餐厅 60, Renmin Road, Lao Waitan, Jiangbei District 江北区老外滩人民路 60 号 Tel: +86 574 8765 3797

155-157, Mayuan Road, Haishu District 海曙区马园路 155-157 号 Tel: +86 574 8716 8433

December 2011 ningbo focus 105


Jonathan Cainer

YOUR MONTHLY forecasts for December 2011 ★☆ 2011 年 12 月星象预测 ☆★


ecember begins with Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury all seemingly slipping backwards. It then brings a powerful eclipse of the Moon. We can expect more stress than the usual, pre-holiday season tension. Problems with transport, commerce and communication may surface. Dramas in our personal lives may also intensify. But by Christmas, that eclipse will be long forgotten and those planets no longer retrograde. When we look back, we'll see that 2011 was the truly tough time for the world. 2012 for all its reputation, is going to be surprisingly good for almost all of us.

12 月伊始,天王星、木星和水星似乎在集体向后滑行,接下来是一次强有力的月食。我们可以预期节日前的压力和紧张氛围将比往常的更甚。 与交通、商业及通讯有关的问题可能会浮现。我们个人生活中的戏剧性事件也可能会激化。但是到了圣诞节,那次月食相将早被遗忘,而那些行 星也将不再倒行。回头看时,我们会发现 2011 年真的是这个世界的一段艰难时期。2012 年尽管素负末世“盛名”,但对我们几乎所有人而言却 都将是一个出乎意料的好时光。

ARIES (21st March – 20th April) 'Your attitude, not your aptitude will determine your altitude.' Not everyone agrees with Zig Ziglar, the legendary motivation guru. Some would say attitude isn't everything. But none can deny it counts for a lot. You now have strong feelings about a particular matter. These are causing you to see problems where none need exist. Adjust your perspective. Try not to care quite as much. Though passion can sometimes be a sword that hacks you a path through a jungle, it can also be the spade that digs you a hole. Just be calm and confident in December. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 白羊座(3 月 21 日 ­ 4 月 20 日) “决定你人生高度的,不是你的 才能,而是你的态度。”并不是每个 人都赞同传奇励志大师金克拉的这句 话。有人会说态度不是一切,但是却 没有人能否认它很重要。此刻你对某 个特定事件有着强烈的感觉。这些感 觉使你在本该没有问题之处看到了问题。调整你的视 角。尝试不要这样在意。尽管激情有时可以是为你在 丛林中开辟道路的利剑,但它也可能成为为你挖掘陷 阱的铁锹。12 月里要冷静而自信。要查看约纳逊对 您的每周星象预测,请访问。 ARIES

TAURUS (21st April – 21st May) In libraries, people are asked to be quiet. At stadiums they are expected to make big noise. When we do the right thing according to the circumstances we find ourselves in, we are applauded. We are frowned on when we make a faux pas. You now fear that you are acting inappropriately. Others may suspect this too. But this month, there is more to find out about the situation that you are a part of. Once you discover this, you may well decide that you have been having the perfect response. Yo u d o n ' t n e e d t o s u c c u m b t o pressure in December. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit www. TAURUS

106 ningbo focus December 2011

金牛座(4 月 21 日 – 5 月 21 日) 图书馆里要求人们保持安静。体育馆内则希望 他们放声喧哗。当我们根据所处的环境做出适当的事 时会得到赞美的掌声。而当我们行止失当时得到的则 是紧皱的眉头。此刻你正在担心自己行为不当。其他 人可能也有此怀疑。但是本月,在那个你身为其中一 份子的局面中,有更多事情需要去了解。一旦发现了 这点,你很可能会认定自己一直在做出最恰当的反 应。12 月里,你无需向压力屈服。要查看约纳逊对 您的每周星象预测,请访问。 GEMINI (22nd May – 22nd June) What do you feel you need to say? Why do you feel you need to say it? Who will benefit if you fully express yourself? Is it really likely that someone will hear you, take heed and bring about a constructive change as a result of listening to you? Or will you simply feel better for a while, having got something off your chest? In December, you need to consider the potential outcome of a sensitive dialogue before you enter into it. Remember that ultimately, if you want to be heard, it always helps to use language that others actually enjoy listening to. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 双子座(5 月 22 日 ­ 6 月 22 日) 你觉得自己需要说什么?你为什 么觉得需要说出这些呢?假如你充分 地表达了自己的观点,谁会受益呢? 真的有可能会有人听见你的声音、给 予注意并且因为听从你的意见而带来 建设性的改变吗?还是说你只是因为 把心中的一些事一吐为快而暂时感觉 好一些呢? 12 月里,在参与一场敏感的对话之前, 你需要仔细考虑潜在的结果。切记:归根结底,假 如你希望得到倾听,采用他人乐于聆听的语言总是 有帮助的。要查看约纳逊对您的每周星象预测,请 访问。 GEMINI

CANCER (23rd June – 23rd July) I have always loved you. Our relationship means more to me than life itself.' When these words are spoken to us by the person we adore, we feel we are walking on air. They are not so impressive,

though, when they come from the parking attendant or the person behind the counter in the bakery store. We should be even more concerned if we hear such sentiments being expressed by someone who is trying to sell us a car or an insurance policy. Watch for what's appropriate this month. Keep a clear head and December will yet be wonderful. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 巨蟹座(6 月 23 日 ­ 7 月 23 日) 我一直爱着你。对我而言, 我们的感情比生命更重要 ! 当这 些话是来自于我们爱慕之人的 表白时,我们会感到飘飘然仿佛 漫步云端。可是,当它们出自停 车服务生或者面包店店员之口 时,就不会那样动人了。如果从试图向我们推销汽 车或保险的人口中听到这样的柔情蜜意,我们应该 会觉得更加不安。本月要观察等待合宜的事物。保 持一颗清醒的头脑,这个 12 月终将美妙无比。要查 看约纳逊对您的每周星象预测,请访问 www.cainer. com/cn。 CANCER

LEO (24th July – 23rd August) When things don't go quite as you were hoping, you can rage and rant, worry and regret, fear and fret, or smile and celebrate. Why might you decide to do the latter'? Well, if you truly trust the cosmos, you will credit it with some intelligence. So you will wonder, if it throws an obstacle in your path, whether it is inviting you to take a diversion which might ultimately suit you better. You won't, this month, chicken out of a plan at the first sign of trouble. But you will be flexible and willing to learn. You may not know it now. But you are winning. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 狮子座(7 月 24 日 ­ 8 月 23 日) 当事情不尽如人意时,你可 以愤怒咆哮,可以担忧懊悔,可 以害怕焦急,但也可以微笑庆祝。 为什么你可能会决定做后者呢? 嗯,假如你真的信任这个宇宙, 你会认为它是有点儿智慧的。于是你会想,如果它在 LEO

REGULAR |常规 你的道路上设置了一个障碍,是否意在邀请你另走一 条可能最终会更适合你的岔路呢?本月,你不会因 为刚有一点儿麻烦就从一个计划中退缩。但你会保 持灵活并且乐于学习。你也许现在还不了解,但你 正在取得胜利。要查看约纳逊对您的每周星象预测, 请访问。 VIRGO (24th August – 23rd September) If people are talking behind your back, that's wonderful. It means you do not have to listen to them. And you most certainly don't need to be sensitive to your own fears about what people might (or might not) be saying. Think, in December, about what matters to you and why. While Mars remains in your sign, think too about what you're prone to take too seriously and allow yourself to get anxious about. Then think about how you, just by thinking differently you can solve a problem, heal a wound, overcome a fear, deepen a bond and have a truly wonderful Christmas. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 处女座(8 月 24 日 ­ 9 月 23 日) 如果人们在你背后议论,好极 了,那意味着你不必去听。至于你 对别人是否可能会谈论自己什么的 担心,则大可不必。在 12 月里,想 一想对你重要的事以及它之所以重 要的原因。由于火星仍在你的星座中停留,因此也想 一想,何为使你容易过分看重并为其焦虑的事情。接 下来再想一想如何只要换一种方式思考你就能解决一 个问题,治愈一个创伤,克服一种恐惧,加深一个纽 带,然后拥有一个真正美妙的圣诞节。要查看约纳逊 对您的每周星象预测,请访问。 VIRGO

LIBRA (24th September – 23rd October) We all tend to think that 'doing nothing' is not an option. But at times it can be the very best option. Far too often we meddle and fiddle with processes that are best left to run their natural course. At best, our intrepid activity makes no difference. At worst, it gets in the way. It holds back positive forces that might otherwise be released. Perhaps, eventually, you'll have to take action. First, though, it may prove wise to leave everything much as it is. Give the dust a chance to settle in December. Wait till you see what's truly needed before worrying about anything. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 天秤座(9 月 24 日 ­–10 月 23 日) 我们都很容易认为“什么也不 做”并不是一个选项。但有些时候 它可能是最佳选择。我们往往对那 些最好能让其自然发展的进程横加 干涉,胡改乱动。我们的大无畏行 为,最好时也不过是不起任何作用, 最糟时却会成为拦路石,阻挡了本有可能释放的积 极力量。也许你最终不得不采取行动。然而,首先 让一切顺其自然可能会是明智之举。12 月里,给尘 埃一个落定的机会。等到你看清真正需要什么之后 再去为任何事情担心。要查看约纳逊对您的每周星 象预测,请访问。 LIBRA

SCORPIO (24th October – 22nd November) We all want someone or something to look up to. We need to feel that we belong. We need to feel that our life has purpose. We need to feel loved. We also need to feel that we are connected

to some higher intelligence with a smarter plan than our own. Sometimes, this need causes us to abdicate responsibility for our own actions and choices. Watch out now for a state of dependency that may be doing you no great favours. Trust your own wisdom. Grant yourself permission to be yourself and to love yourself. In December, that's really all you need. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit

你。”史汀这样唱到。这究竟是一个温柔的保护承诺 还是一首钉梢者的赞歌则取决于你选择如何去解释 它。但是话又说回来,情感的恰当与不恰当之间的界 线并不总像我们希望的那样明确。也并非只在爱的领 域里欲望才有可能变为贪欲。此刻在你世界的某处, 各个地方都有界线真的需要重新划定。有的太模糊, 有的足够清晰却不正确。12 月为你带来做出根本改 变的机会。要查看约纳逊对您的每周星象预测,请访 问。

天蝎座(10 月 24 日 ­ 11 月 22 日) 我们都想有某人或某物可以 去仰视。我们需要归属感,需要感 觉生活有目标,需要感觉被爱,还 需要感觉自己与某个比我们拥有更 精明计划的高等智慧相连。有时候, 这种需要使我们放弃自己行动和抉 择的责任。要当心眼下的一种依赖状态,它可能并 没有在帮你什么大忙。相信你自己的智慧吧。允许 你做你自己、爱你自己。12 月里,你需要的一切其 实不过如此。要查看约纳逊对您的每周星象预测, 请访问。

AQUARIUS (21st January – 19th February) Seasons greetings. Here, courtesy of a kindly cosmos is some seasonal advice. Stop caring. Stop investing so much hope, faith and determination into a temporary situation. You are clouding your judgement by allowing a sense of need to overwhelm you. You have an objective and you somehow feel that success with this is the beall and end-all. Ironically, you are more likely to get the right result if you can only persuade yourself to believe this a little less. Perspective and patience are the keys that can open every locked door in December. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit


SAGITTARIUS (23rd November – 21st December) What's missing? What are you short of? Or have you just convinced yourself that life would be better if only you had something else? You need to establish the answer quickly because soon you may well have your wish granted. It may then prove difficult to return the gift that the cosmos has given you. Furthermore, nature abhors a vacuum. For as long as there is a gap in your life, there is a chance it can be filled. But once you put something in that place, you no longer have a space. It may be better, in December, to accept an absence than to force a presence. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit 射手座(11 月 23 日 ­ 12 月 21 日) 少了什么呢?你缺什么呢?还 是说你已经让自己确信,要是你拥有 别的某个东西生活就会更美好呢? 你得迅速确定答案,因为你很可能 很快就会愿望成真。到时要把宇宙 已经给予你的礼物退回可能很难。 此外,自然界是痛恨空白的,因为只要你的生活中存 在一个缺口,它就有机会得到填补。但是一旦你将某 物放入那个位置,你就不再有空位了。12 月里,接受 一个缺失可能比强加予一个存在更好。要查看约纳逊 对您的每周星象预测,请访问。 SAGITTARIUS

CAPRICORN (22nd December – 20th January) 'Every move you make, I'll be watching you.' So sang Sting. This is, is, depending on how you choose to interpret it, a tender promise of protection or a stalker's anthem. But, then, the line between appropriate and inappropriate affection, is not always as clear-cut as we might wish. Nor is it only in the realm of love that desire can turn to lust. Somewhere in your world now, there are lines that really need to be redrawn in different places. Some are too fuzzy and some are clear enough but wrong. December brings your chance to make essential change. For your daily forecasts from Jonathan - or to order a personal horoscope, visit www. CAPRICORN

水瓶座(1 月 21 日 ­ 2 月 19 日) 节日快乐。承蒙仁慈宇宙的好意, 这儿有一些节日忠告。停止关心。停 止向一个暂时性的情形寄予如此多希 望、信任和决心。允许自己沉溺在一 种需要感之中的情形正在屏蔽你的判 断力。你有一个目标,而不知何故, 你感到它的成功就是自己生活的终极 要义所在。具有讽刺意味的是,要是你能说服自己不 那么相信这一点,你则更有可能得到正确的结果。 12 月里,客观判断力与耐心是开启所有紧锁之门的 钥匙。要查看约纳逊对您的每周星象预测,请访问。 AQUARIUS

PISCES (February 20 - March 20) Want to know a secret? Just ask. In fact, don't feel obliged to articulate your inquiry. Just look. Observe the actions of a particular person. Catch their eye if you can. If you can't, ask yourself why they won't look at you. Remember those 'X-ray specs' they used to advertise in kids comics. In September, you have the psychological equivalent thereof. Yours, though, really work! They don't show bones, they show hidden agendas. You can see into hearts, souls and, to a lesser extent minds. Be sensitive to how much you say about this. Don't be too sensitive to how it makes you feel! For your weekly forecasts from Jonathan, visit 双鱼座(2 月 20 日 ­ 3 月 20 日) 想知道一个秘密吗?尽管问就 好了。事实上,不要觉得非得用言语 询问不可。你只需去看,去观察某些 人的举动。假如你能,就去引起他们 的注意;假如你不能,则要问问自己 他们为何不注意你。记得以前有那种 在儿童漫画书中做广告的“X 光透视眼镜”。9 月里, 你有一副心灵透视眼镜。只不过你的这副透视眼镜是 真的管用 ! 它们显现的不是骨骼,而是隐秘的意图。 你能够看进人们的内心、灵魂以及较为具体的想法。 对此该透露多少,你要敏感地把握分寸。但对于它带 给你的感受则千万不要过于敏感 ! 要查看约纳逊对您 的每周星象预测,请访问。 PISCES

山羊座(12 月 22 日 ­ 1 月 20 日) “你的一举一动,我都会注视

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+86 574 8788 8746

Singapore Kakis Club Goes Retro This Christmas!


Christmas Party 2011

Saturday, 17th December 2011 The Munich Brewery at Heyi Avenue, 6 - 10 p.m. Fantastic lucky draw prizes including Jetstar air tickets to Singapore, hotel stays, wine & dine vouchers, and spa vouchers etc. to be won! Our very own SKC Santa Claus Matt Galat will also be giving away Christmas gifts to all children! Tickets are on sale now at RMB 180 nett for members and RMB 200 nett for non members. Free for children below five years of age. (Includes buffet dinner spreads of traditional Christmas delights and free flow of selected soft drinks and juices, and house-brewed beer) To purchase your tickets, please email Limited space available, book early to avoid disappointment.

今年圣诞夜与新加坡 Kakis 会所玩转复古

2011 年圣诞派对

2011 年 12 月 17 日星期六 和义大道慕尼黑啤酒庄园 晚上 6 点至 10 点 当晚现场将有抽奖活动——惊喜奖品等您来拿,捷星航空、酒店房券、晚餐券、水疗礼券等! 同时,新加坡 Kakis 会所将有圣诞老人 Matt Galat 为所到儿童分发礼物! 入场券热销中——会员价 180/ 人,非会员 200/ 人,五岁以下儿童免费。 (其票价包括丰盛的圣诞自助餐、饮料、果汁及自酿啤酒) 购票请发邮件至 座位有限,预订从速!

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TO BE WON! iPad 2? experiences in Ningbo! The most interesting and popular blog wins! Visit for more details. The Ningbo Tourism Bureau will be giving away prizes to all winners, including a feature in the Ningbo Evening Newspaper, Qianjiang Evening Newspaper, City Newspaper, Ningbo Tourism Online, and A LA Tourism Magazine.

January 20th, 2012 (For Expat Group)


December 2011 ningbo focus 111


December 2011 ningbo focus 112

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