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Ning Zhou

Deferential Constructions


Matias del campo Studio 9. 2012 - 12. 2012 Presented, Exhibited and published at "EnCoding Architecture" conference 2013 Published on SuckerPunch Academic Partner: Harold So lie, Mark Wright, Bennett Scorcia Tutor: Matias del campo, Adam Fure

Ning Zhou Master of Architecture, University of Michigan E-mail:



Comprehensive Studio 1. 2012 - 4. 2012 Academic Partner: Chris Bowers, Megha Chandrasekhar Tutor: Lars Graebner, Julia McMorrough

Flow in the City


5. 2009 - 7. 2009 Academic Partner: Hao Wu, Yue Ma Tutor: Quan Zhou

Architecture in Society


[National] Project of Student Innovative Research 2008-2010 Research + Professional Partner: Xiaoye Wang Tutor: Wenhui Hu



Design Computing + Fabrication Research Tutor: Adam Fure

Casting Shadow


Responsive system + Fabrication + Material +light Research Partner: Xiang Liu Tutor: Catie Newell

Luxelake C-20 High-rise Residential Tower


StudioT-sq Professional

Chongqing Town Home


StudioT-sq Professional

Other Work





Deferential Constructions Matias del campo Studio 9. 2012 - 12. 2012 Presented, Exhibited and published at "EnCoding Architecture" conference 2013 Published on SuckerPunch Academic Partner: Harold Solie, Mark Wright, Bennett Scorcia Tutor: Matias del campo, Adam Fure

[Abstract] deferentialCONSTRUCTIONS takes its cue from the phenomenon known as Apophenia, which is the perceiving of meaningful patterns in seemingly random or meaningless data. If used advantageously, apophenia can allow for multiple readings within a single spatial environment. The project attempts to leverage a basic architectural protocondition to test out the implications and pwossibilities inherent within this phenomenon. The goal is to create a system which, by oscillating between complete control and a total lack of control, allows its users to interpret their environment in a variety of ways. The architectural proto-condition at play is the aperture and the construction pedagogy is that of a panelized wall system.

In order for the fabrication software and the 5-axis robot to produce the desired results, it required base geometries to work with. Different from regular 3-axis milling where the only input is a base surface, this operation needed base geometry. The fabrication operation used for the final product is called a "sworf cut." This operation worked by reading a top and bottom curve and then generating a tool path that would follow both curves. This single cut tool path produced a final surface that was much smoother due to its continuous movement, as opposed to a step down operation featured in 3-axis milling.

Running in parallel is an ambition to use parametric design software and large scale fabrication technologies to create systems of control that maximize output while minimizing input. The idea is to develop simple design methodologies which are able to generate complex outcomes through the use of emerging fabrication technologies. Embedding within this logic is the notion that the designer is removed from the final representation. By taking control of the final outcome away from the designer, the user is free to create his own realities and fictions through an apophenic response to an amorphous environment. To accomplish these goals the work has utilized parametric design software as well as emerging technologies such as 5-axis robotic milling for fabrication. In order to generate an aperture within a solid mass, the 5-axis robot utilizes what is called a “swarf� cut. This particular cut operation uses hyperbolic geometries and needs only a top and bottom curve diameter in order to generate a boolean operation. At this point computational design strategies were utilized to randomly generate top and bottom curves which would then be fed to the fabrication software in order to generate hyperbolics. Through these efforts a minimum amount of parametric modeling was needed in order to generate aperture rich architectural prototypes. By leveraging emerging technologies the final construction achieves its goal of oscillation between control and a lack of control. First, the system is controlled through the implementation of a base grid for panelization; next, system control is relaxed through randomized hyperbolic generation and aperture creation. Finally, control is fed back into the system through the manipulation of panel edge conditions to allow for an aggregation that is completely independent of control.


The cone was the first and most prodominent geometry used to produce our boolean operations. However, each cone had to be truncated in order to produce a bottom curve able to be read by the fabrication software. The second geometry used was a hyperbolic parabola. With this geometry we were able to produce more complex boolean operations while utilizing the same design and fabrication logics. The complexity comes from the hyperbolics ability to leverage boolean operations from both the top and bottom, as opposed to the single sided boolean operation achieved through the cone geometry. Due to its complexity and flexibility, these geometries were utilized for our "universal booleans" which appear on the edges of each panel and allow for infinite variation in aggregation.

Panel A

Panel A

Panel C

Panel D


Panel A

Panel B

Panel C

Panel D


Photos from EnCoding Architecture Conference Exhibition 5

Verti-Core Comprehensive Studio 1. 2012 - 4. 2012 Academic Partner: Chris Bowers, Megha Chandrasekhar Tutor: Lars Graebner, Julia McMorrough

[Project] Design of High-density Housing in Seoul, Korea


The site is Yongsan-gu, Seoul Metropolitan City, South Korea. To accommodate the rapid growth of population in the Asian city, this housing project is designed with high FAR.

[Abstract] Due to the location, the project acts as an important trigger integrating residential, commercial and green land together. Based on the research of Korean traditional community, the project aims to keep the Korean traditional street structure and life style in the modern residential tower. Each tower is composed of six modules. Each modules runs like the traditional community. A communal space with garden and other programs is provided for the residents within one module. And other larger public spaces are contained in the tower vertically in order to activate the whole building. Considering the aging and family structure in Korea, six different unit types are design for single, small family and large family. Due to the arrangement of the units, small private balconies are created for the units. In order to achieve more varieties and complexity, the modules are rotated along the tower vertically. Structurally, it is really a challenge to keep the effective space in each varying unit. The structure system combining core and shafts is applied in this project.

Site Plan 6

Module Sixth Floor

Module Third Floor

Module Fifth Floor

Module Second Floor

Module Fourth Floor

Module First Floor

Typical Floor Plans

Wall Section

Ground Floor Mall Plan

A-A Section 7


Unit Layout

Sectional Perspective 9

Flow in the City 5. 2009 - 7. 2009 Academic Partner: Hao Wu, Yue Ma Tutor: Quan Zhou

[Project] Culture Center of Tianjin [Abstract] The project is a culture center integrating theater, small library, cafĂŠ and etc. together, which aims to provide citizens a complex space to enjoy cultural activities. The site of the project locates at quite a important area in the center of the city hence this building acts as an important public space to attract people including not only local people but also tourists. Given the complex programs and the location, what we concerned firstly is how to attract people there. So we defined the building as a kind of media as a whole and we design the flowing geometry for the building together with some landscape with slope so that it will attracts people to come into the site. For the interior space, we tried to create space for people feel flowing in the building.


Third Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Fourth Floor Plan



Section 1-1

Section 2-2 13



Architecture in Society [National] Project of Student Innovative Research 2008-2010 Research + Professional Partner: Xiaoye Wang Tutor: Wenhui Hu

[Background] China, as a country with vast area of countryside and a large population of farmers, mainly bases its development of society and economy on agriculture. Hence rural development plays a vital role to China. As an architecture student, I chose residence in small towns which is a specific form in China as interim from city to country to be the subject of the research. This research lays significant effects on the development of small towns as well as the whole China both theoretically and practically.

[Abstract] Regarding the problems including oversized residential bay width, single pattern of current dwellings, deficiency in inheriting the advantages of traditional residence and inadequate use of new energy-saving techniques, this research chooses the modes of spatial layout as the breakthrough point, strikes a balance between living and space, energy-saving and ecology, raises a mode of specific rural dwellings according to the rate of multiplication following the principle of “High efficiency, High density, High regionality” as well as the standard of “Low energy consumption, Low technique, Low cost”. As such, the improvement of living standards of residents in small towns would facilitate its fast, healthy development in the future.

Frame for Whole Process of Research

Definition Small Town, as an interim from rural area to urban area, has characteristics of both countryside and city. Different form western world where small town appears to solve urban problem, small town in China is sort of specific form arisen to solve problems about the development of Rural Area. Climate Influenced by the ocean, the climate of Southern Liaoning has characters integrating marine climate and monsoon climate of medium latitude. Winter: Northwest wind Summer: Southeast wind Average temperature: 10.3 C

[Methodology] Integrate public management, statistics, architectural physics, etc. with architecture

Characters of Traditional Residence FORM [Plan] Plan is quite simple and tidy. And usually the house is symmetric with three or five rooms standing in one line. Consider traditional space “KANG”, it could be set in either south or north. [Facade] It is also symmetric with door in the middle. Windows are in the south however no openings in the north. The house stands steadily with heavy and thick wall as well as steep slope in other to keep snow and rain away. [Section] “KANG” plays a vital role as heater in the residence of southern Liaoning. The interior space is quite low to keep wet atmosphere to certain degree.

Space [Outside] The layout of the courtyard usually appears as “San-ho-yuan” to form a micro-climate within the courtyard. The main element and space are all symmetric, including door, courtyard and room. The courtyard keep private from outside. [Interior] “KANG”, as a very important element, forms the traditional space of the residence of Southern Liaoning. Apart from the residence in city of which each part of space has clear and specific program, “KANG” forms a special space to act as either bedroom or living room, which means that the private space is relatively open to outsiders.

Detail [Material] Timber, grass, earth, stone even as well as sort of byproducts of agriculture such as straw are usually used as construction material of traditional residence in Southern Liaoning. Advantage: Environment-friendly, economical, effective to keep warm in winter and keep cool in summer. Disadvantage: Not long-lasting, low strength, inhomogeneous. [Roof] [Decoration] Pitched roof is widely used in the form of “flush gable roof” or “gable and hip roof”. Some parts like the roof and window have Chinese traditional decoration showing the architectural culture in Southern Liaoning.

CULTURE There are some taboos for layout, architecture and the date of moving. Space for fete is combined with other space instead of being set separately. 16

After study the present residence in small towns, several existing Problems of residence in small towns are found and summarized: - From point of economics, in the macro-control the definition of small towns is not quite exact. - The structure and layout of small towns and big cities lose balance. - The mode of residence in small towns simply copies residence in big cities which was brought in from foreign countries and usually has large area. - Residence in small towns lacks specific characters in the culture of small towns. - The basic theory for development of residence in small towns is blank. - Attention paid on inheritance of tradition living mode in small towns is not enough. - It is inadequate on the use of new energy-saving techniques in the residence in the small towns. Considering the problems above, a principle is raised, namely High Efficiency, High Density and High regionalism. Low Energy Consumption, Low Technique, Low Cost. In brief, “3 High, 3Low” principle. According to the principle, Four modes of residence are created according to the degree of congregation, which could suits different areas with different density.

Mode 1 Because usually residence in small town is built by residents themselves without effective regulation, residence in small town is too large and far from necessary. To solve the problem: - To improve the efficiency of space and avoid waste of land, we try to decrease the width by integrating the space vertically. - Part of the building is lifted by 1.5m. The space is for feeding, storage or methane pool. Compared with traditional residence in small town, the depth is larger and the space is more integrated. - In the south of the residence, there is glass corridor to form passive solar energy system. - To conserve traditional space for traditional living style such as “KANG” space, axis for symmetry etc.


Mode 2 It is difficult to push residents to accept the completely collective housing and also the completely collective housing cannot satisfy the needs of residence in some certain area of small towns. Hence a transition form is developed by us. Besides, considering the absence of the space for communication in the small town, which cannot satisfy the need for relation development in the small towns, we created “N+1� mode, namely a core space connecting four neighbor to provide a public space for residences’ activities.

Mode 3 Based on Mode 2, another more collective mode is developed. Compared with the common one, this mode can not only solve the problem of the density but also create a connection in space between neighbors. And Mode 3 develops space vertically, which show the complexity of space to certain degree. And also there is a core space to connect neighbors. Besides, a courtyard is contained inside for human activities adding more entertainment and improving the quality of the space.


Mode 4 In the area of small towns with high density which is very similar to urban area the residences are highly-amalgamated houses. During the process of the research, we found that although the form satisfies the needs for high density the houses just copy the houses in cities. It is all about imitation. Considering the specific needs of the residents in small towns, we develop new amalgamated houses with sensitivity to regional culture and sustainability: - Bring in traditional architectural language. - Special corridor in the south offers residents more free space. - Bring in double-façade. - Bring in the system which could refresh the interior air. - Develop a new system of heating using solar energy to form a passive solar energy residence.

High Density The proposal is formed with three kinds of geometry to increase the density to meet the needs nowadays. Moreover it has potential to develop from basic models and integrates the “Kang” space with the amalgamated house so that to preserve the traditional culture and space.

High Efficiency High regionalism Furthermore like Chinese traditional garden, the specific “Corridor” space is brought in to blur the outside space and interior space and also to increase the possibilities of human behavior in the house. The space is moving vertically to make the space more interesting and efficient so that to improve the living quality in the small house.

Low Energy Consumption Low Technique Low Cost. In brief The “Corridor” space as well as passive solar energy technique provide a temperature-stable balcony with sunshine and fresh air so that to solve the problems caused by the depth of the house. Double façade provides the potential to create freely and also to use local material. The façade show Chinese traditional window design.


Four Units with One Staircase

Human Behavior in Common Residence The route is like tree. Fewer choices of route and possibilities of human activities


Six Units with One Staircase

Human Behavior in New Residence The route performs like net. More choices of route and possibilities of human activities

Considering high efficiency and to solve the problems caused by the depth of the house due to the high density, we apply passive-solar-energy system to receive sunshine and refresh air.

Energy Collector Change the balcony in the south. Increase the area of glass and air-tightness to collect energy more efficient.

Ventilation System Bring in vertical ventilation tunnel as well as horizontal ventilation tunnel if possible.

Heat Storage System Apply heat storage material to ceiling of the balcony and wall.

Heat-diffusing System Apply ventilation louvers to the top of the door of the balcony in the south as well as the door of the house.




Layer 04

Design Computing + Fabrication Research Tutor: Adam Fure

TheCall project main()aims to extend the potential beyond simple automation of Subunderstood main() tasks as computer aided drafting. Computer is no longer merely the tool to digitalize design drawings rather it is able to generate n=80 formm=80 within the framework of a pre-existing digital environment. In this Dim pts() project four layers with different form and system are created by certain ReDim pts(n*m-1) rulesFor represented by scripting. Four layers are produced by three i=0 To01 n-1 LAYER u=2*Rhino.Pi*(1*(i/(n-1))-0) different fabrication methods: router, laser cut, and 3D print. They have For j=0 To m-1 relations between each other layer to create a way to connect them. v=2*Rhino.Pi*(1*(j/(m-1))-0) pts(i*m+j)=surface(u,v) Next Next Rhino.addSrfPtGrid Array(n,m), pts End Sub Function surface(u,v) x=(6-Cos(u)+Sin(11*v))*Cos(2*v) y=(6-Cos(u)+Sin(11*v))*Sin(2*v) z=Sin(11*v+11*Pi/2)+Sin(u) surface=Array(x,y,z) End Function

Layer 01

LAYER 02 Base Surface

Surface Box


Curve Strips cross the joints connected with the upper surface, as the frame

Layer 02

Base Surface


Surface Box

Curve Strips

Curve Strips cross the jointsPanel connected with the upper surface, as the frame

Curve Strips cross the joint

Layer 03



Curve Strips

Curve Strips cross the joint

Layer 04

v^4 + u*v^6 LAYER 04 5 + 1/7*v^7 ) Call main() Sub main()

n=80 m=80 Dim pts() Base Surface ReDim pts(n*m-1) For i=0 To n-1 u=2*Rhino.Pi*(1*(i/(n-1))-0) For j=0 To m-1 v=2*Rhino.Pi*(1*(j/(m-1))-0) pts(i*m+j)=surface(u,v) Next Call main() Next Sub main() Rhino.addSrfPtGrid Array(n,m), pts End Sub n = 80 surface(u,v) Function m = 80 x=(6-Cos(u)+Sin(11*v))*Cos(2*v) Dim pts() y=(6-Cos(u)+Sin(11*v))*Sin(2*v) ReDim pts(n*m-1) Base Surface z=Sin(11*v+11*Pi/2)+Sin(u) surface=Array(x,y,z) ForFunction i=0 To n-1 End u = 1.15*(2*(i/(n-1))-1) For j = 0 To m-1 v = 1.15*(2*(j/(m-1))-1) pts(i*m+j) = surface(u,v) Next Next

Surface Box



Surface Box



Rhino.addSrfPtGrid Array(n,m), pts End Sub Function surface(u,v) x=u - 1/7*u^7 + 3*u^5*v^2 - 5*u^3*v^4 + u*v^6 y=-v - u^6*v + 5*u^4*v^3 - 3*u^2*v^5 + 1/7*v^7 z=1*(1/2*u^4 - 3*u^2*v^2 + 1/2*v^4)

Base Surface

surface = Array(x,y,z) End Function


Base Surface


Surface Box


Surface Box


Casting Shadow Responsive system + Fabrication + Material +light Research Partner: Xiang Liu Tutor: Catie Newell The project utilizes the specific properties of different material integrating with light to alter an existing and stable environment. Based on the site, which is a pedestrian corridor under a structure in Detroit, the installation containing moving light inside casts different shadow and movement on the ground of the corridor. The surface is made of plastic and rasin. The form of the plastic is different shape bubble created by inflation pressure while heated. Rasin with colors is casted into the plastic. The form enables the difference in the depth and texture in the material. The inside light is moved around by a motor controlled by a microcontroller board called Arduino.


Luxelake C-20 High-rise Residential Tower StudioT-sq Professional Role: Revise sketchup model, Produce 2D drawings, Rendering The project with Wide Horizon as developer locates in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The project contains 5 towers and a on grade garage. The garage together with the tower becomes an anchor along the street. The continuous and thee dimensional surface grows from the garage to the tower body, providing residents a modern living environment.

Typical Odd Level Floor Plan

Typical Even Level Floor Plan


Luxelake C2-2 Residential Tower StudioT-sq Professional Role: Elevation & Landscape Design, Produce sketchup model, Produce 2D drawings, Coodination Located in Chengdu, China, developed by Wide Horizon, it is a community including four 100m-high towers, a 120m-high super tower and a group of single houses in the front. The project C2-2 is a parcel with two 100m-high towers. Based on the "Y" shape plan, two main languages are used in the elevation design. Interlocking "C" responds to the movement of the balconies of the small units. In order to emphasize the big unit in the front, moving oval shapes go through the front bundle. The landscape design integrates the sunken plaza, entrance, lobby and original topography together.

Typical Floor Plan A

Typical Floor Plan B

Typical Floor Plan C


Other Work 2006-2013

Dancing Forest Responsive Environment Studio 5.2010 - 7.2010 Autodesk Cup College Students Excellent Work Partner: Cong Tian, Xiaochen Wang, Guru Liu. etc. Tutor: Yamashiro SATORU, Yue Fan

Bolga Tower Ghana Studio 5.2012 - 6.2012 Tutor: James Chaffers, Nana Bonsu Adja-Sai, Damon Dickerson

City Hall Design 3.2011 - 6.2011 Tutor: Wenhui Hu

Urban Complex Design Building Ground Studio 8.2011 - 12.2011 Tutor: Maria Arquero


Appropriation Drawing Speed Class 1.2013 - 4.2013 Tutor: Perry Kulper

Chongqing Townhome Studio T-sq 2014 Professional Role: Elevation Design, Revise sketchup model, Produce 2D drawings, Rendering

Sound Box Pre-thesis Cross-Plotting Exhibition in Windsor, Canada 9.2012 - 12.2012 Tutor: Catie Newell

SoundSphere Thesis Installation 1.2013 - 5.2013 Tutor: Catie Newell



Ning Zhou EDUCATION 3700 Beacon Ave, Apt 238 Fremont, CA 94538, United States 08/2011-05/2013 University of Michigan (UMICH), Ann Arbor, MI, USA Master of Architecture GPA: 3.76/4.0 08/2006-06/2011 Dalian University of Technology (DUT, Member of Project 985 & 211), Dalian, China Bachelor of Architecture 08/2009-01/2010 The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden Exchange student


Phi Kappa Phi Membership, UMICH 2012-2013 NR-WHITE Fellowship, UMICH 2011-2012 Taubman Scholar, UMICH 2009-2010 National Scholarship, DUT First-Class Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance, DUT Moral Scholarship, DUT Technology Innovative Scholarship, DUT Merit Student of Dalian University of Technology, DUT 2007-2008 Second-Class Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance, DUT 2006-2007 First-Class Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Performance, DUT


08/2013 - 06/2014 Designer at StudioT-sq, Oakland, CA, USA



03/2013 Intern at Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Architects, New York, NY, USA 08/2010-12/2010 Intern at China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd, Shenyang, China


09/2010 Participated in the workshop of design of Japanese traditional wooden corridor space in front of houses to renovate traditional Japanese block in Niigata Japan 05/2010-07/2010 Participated in Responsive Environment Studio with the Yamashiro SATORU invited from Japan The project won ‘2010 Autodesk Cup Students Award for Outstanding Work’ honor 2008-2010 Project Leader of National College Students’ Innovative Program Project: Solution to Small Towns Development Concentrating on Township Residences The project gained national funding and the National Project Number is 081014138


09/2012 - 12/2012 Harold Solie, Ning Zhou, Mark Wright, Bennett Scorcia, “Deferential Constructions” was invited . by “Encoding Architecture” conference 2013 for presentation, exhibition and publication. It was also published on suckerPUNCH. 05/2010 Xiaoye Wang, Ning Zhou, Wenhui Hu, “Analysis on Traditional Northeastern Kang Culture” “Shanxi Architecture” ISSN 1009-6825 CN14-1279/TU 13.2010 04/2010 Ning Zhou, Xiaoye Wang, Wenhui Hu, “On the Inspiration of Traditional Rural Homes to the New Rural Housing Design” “Shanxi Architecture” ISSN 1009-6825 CN14-1279/TU 12.2010 02/2010 Ning Zhou, Xiaoye Wang, Wenhui Hu, “The Inheritance of Morphological Characteristics of Traditional Rural Residence of Southern Liaoning” “Development of Small Cities and Towns” ISSN 1002-8439 CN11-4418/TU 2.2010


Software: AutoCAD, Auto3DMax, AutoMaya, Sketchup, Rhinoceros + Grasshopper, Revit, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and GIS Hand: Drawing, Modeling


Native in Mandarin, Proficiency in English, Ground level of German 29

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