Time management

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Time Management      

Time is something perishable Time is valuable property Time is irreplaceable Time, Everyone have the same amount 24 hrs/day Time management is learnable skill Beating Procrastination

Why? Time management ď Ž ď Ž

The 80:20 Rule The Pareto Principle, or the '80:20 Rule'. This says that typically 80% of unfocussed effort generates only 20% of results. This means that the remaining 80% of results are achieved with only 20% of th e effort.

Time management ď Ž

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Concentrate on results, not on being busy Many people spend their days in activity, but achieve very little, because they're not concentrating their effort on the things that matter the most.

Time management and Goal Setting Time management and Goal setting are: • The discipline • The stepping stone of your business • The direction of success • The measurement of your achievement • The clarity of you future

Time property Everyone has equally 24 hours/day • • •

8 hours Sleep, rest Meditate MindReprogram ming Affirmation your goal

8 hours •Working, follow up, using products, •Planning •Teach to teach •Set goal personally and with your group

8 hours •Personal 4 hrs •Read book, CD self development •Exercise •Family gathering •

Visualize goals

•Watch inspire movie

8 hours for Resting • Sleep: empty your mind and rest 6-7 hrs/night • Meditate: connect with the power of subconscious mind & your higher self, let your mind rest (30-60 minutes) • Mind Reprogramming: affirmation your goal for reprogramming of your mind affirmation must be continually at least 21days ( 30-60 minutes)

8 hours for Working • Working is really working, follow up, call leads, talking to people, trains your team, attend all trainings • Build relationship with customers, your team • Planning • Setting goals: personally and with team or help them to set goals • Review your goals if possible • Hire someone do works that you don’t like to do it • Maximize your strengths • Use the telephone as a business tool, not socialize on the phone (use your personal time)

8 hours for personal • Personal, your really personal (4hrs) • Read books, listen CD, Tap: personal development (1-2hr) • Exercise: remember your are represent Wellness business, this must be priority (30-60mn) • Family gathering (1-2hr)

Build the working environment • You are in the role of CEO of your own business • You must have desk for CEO, must have daily planning calendar on your desk and use it • Have yearly planning write down all the events should take place • To do list on the desk, must complete before bed time for the next day work • Print out all the big event flyers and qualification post it in your room, you could see it everyday and your down-line or guests could see it as well • Prepare yourself to be ready for everything in the business

Time management and Goal setting •

You don’t have to have enough time for everything but must have for important things

Your time management and goal setting starts from Pen Paper Your readiness Your vision of your abundance future

1. 2. 3. 4.

Best way for time management • Before manage your time, you must have goal setting ready for you • If you want to cook steak you must have meat ready for you to cook • You must have goal to do time management • Goal is the destination, Time management is a map or direction and your action is vehicle • Your enthusiasm happy joy and big dream are the petrol

Goal SettinG Five Principles of Goal Setting To motivate, goals must take in consideration the degree to each of the following exists: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Clarity. Challenge. Commitment. Measurable Simplicity

“Goal must set in writing�

Goal SettinG Clarity • You must clear of what do you want • You don’t get what you want because you don’t know what you want • Clear and specific, with a definite time set, detail of what you want

Goal SettinG Challenge • Goal or dream must big enough, if too small, easy to achieve but no challenge • If you achieved goal easily, set your next goal more harder more challenge • Don’t look down on yourself must respect and give yourself the best = dream big

Goal SettinG Commitment • Take your life, effort, time to achieved that goal, your action must be at level 10 • Committed to do consistency until you reach your goal • Committed and have faith that your goal is achievable

Goal SettinG Measurable • Goal must be measurable the degree of success • Measured achieved goal build more confidence and get more motivated • Measured and celebrate step by step

Goal SettinG

Simplicity • Break down goals into the small pieces easy to work and achieved • Goal Setting make it simple easy to duplicate • Break down time of goal achieving from years, month, week, day, hour • Post your written goal where you could see everyday

Time management • Time management helps leverage your time work less get more result. • Your working time just like you set study time schedule • If you have to call 20 leads in an hour, but you could do only 15leads after time up, you can’t not go on, have to switch your job by time schedule that already set, and use your personal time to call back another 5 leads later.

• If you just start this business and you set goal is to become GET Team in the next 90days: you must do: • What you need is 20k VP from supervisor under you within 3 first lines • May-June-July set all the events filled into the calendar, Extravaganza, HOM, STS, NC • First priority is to get 2 supervisor to qualify to become W/T (10,000vp personal) • Teach them to duplicate your action and make sure they follow

Planning 1.

GET Team= 20,000vp from sup 3levels 3 consecutive month, 20,000vp 2. Sup who serves customers base 2,500vp you need 8supX 2,500 = 20,000vp 3. Sup who become W/T with 10,000vpp you need only 2 W/T in the same month

Planning • Set 90 day plan • May-June-July use Extravaganza – May Extravaganza need 2 sup 3 dist (you are W/T – June help 2 sup get each 2 sup they become W/T (you get 20,000vp, 1st cut GET) – July you have 2 w/T with you to go to W/T school in Sep-Oct, help W/T to 2nd line to become W/T and get more sup (20,000vp 2nd GET) – Set new 90day plan Aug-Sep-Oct use W/T school

Plan: Monthly–Weekly-daily • In May, you have only 10 days to work to bring people to Extravaganza, should work hard as hard you can to get more people • 10days of working you must plan very well you should bring people to HOM or STS as many as you can, just show opportunity. Use HOM at least 2-3time/week to get more people • Plan you day, from morning until noon must talk or call people for HOM in evening • Number of leads or prospects that you screen before get the right people you must keep notice • 40/10/2, 40prospect, 10 sign-up, get 2 supervisors

Plan your day Example: (Nan’s daily plan) • 7-9am: Bring people to N/C, your show room for selling breakfast franchise • 10-11:30am: Close sell or sign-up people after get back from N/C • 1-2pm: Call leads, talk to people, keep invite people to N/C, HOM, STS • 3-4pm: exercise, let you mind rest prepare for HOM (I always call my team who has new people to join me to HOM)

• 90day-plan is one day plan repeatedly for 90days but keep tracking result every week

The facts Lose weight plan  Every one wants but not everyone success  Start with excitement and get motivated  Face hungry give up  Too busy to keep track measurement, lost focus  Offered by other lose weight program= stop

90day plan  Everyone wants to do, but not everyone does  Start with excitement and get motivated  Physical tired, give up to track progress, get lost  Learn from training then change DMO, couldn’t finish 90day plan= stop

Thank you • Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experience • Thank you for being my good friends • Thank you for being my teachers, I learnt a lot from everyone • Thank you to allow me to have a meaningful life.

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