1 minute read


PROJECT : Community & Skill Development Centre

LOCATION : Nedumangad, Trivandrum.


SITE AREA : 6810.02 sq.m,

LAT : 8.607509, LONG : 77.000102

The Design

The Nedumangad Community and Skill-Development center is designed to be an all-inclusive community-oriented hub that serves to solve the problems of the nearby residential community. The centre houses three main parts, i.e., the central community gathering areas, workshop spaces that cater exclusively to the unemployed persons in the community, and lastly a community kitchen that is oriented at providing food for the students of the nearby schools in the locality.

About the Site

Site with context and Built-use

Skill Development Workshops

Reception & Dining Area


Multipurpose Hall

About the design

The design of the centre intends to separate the various functions into their own spaces to avoid clashes. The community spaces have been placed on the part of the site that has minimum residential context so that the disturbances caused by the sounds eminating from the programs will not disturb the neighbouring residences. On the other hand, the skill-development workshops have been placed exactly opposite to the community spaces, since these areas eminate the least amount of sound .

The spaces for the food distribution program have been placed in the central area so that there is ease of access for the individuals who come to get their food packets. Dining spaces are also provided near the kitchen for people who prefer to eat at the centre itself. The centre also provides spaces for street vendors to sell their goods. A community garden is also included in the design for production of useful vegetables and fruits that can be sold in at the vending stations as a means to generate income for the centre. The items made by the workshops can also be sold here. The whole design also intends to solve the water shortage issues in the nearby community by means of rainwater harvesting and collection with the help of the roofs of the structures.

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