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General Geographic and Economic Data

Cyprus is situated in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean basin and is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, with an area of 9 251 km² (of which 3 254 km² are not under government control, on the Northern part of the island). The coastline perimeter is 796 km, of which 409 km are not under government control. The continental shelf (2960 km²) is narrow in the North and wider in the South. Cyprus, a former British colony, became an independent Republic in 1960. In 1963 intercommunal violence broke out, between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots as a result of flaws in the constitution. Attempts to bring the two sides back together were made through United Nations, who sent a contingent of peacekeepers to the island. In 1974 the Greek Junta organized a coup against the Government of Cyprus. Using this as a pretext, Turkey invaded the island and occupied more than a third of Cyprus. In 1983 the Turkish occupied area unilaterally proclaimed itself “The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, an act condemned by the UN, who declared it illegal and called for withdrawal. No country except Turkey recognizes this illegal entity. In May 2004 Cyprus joined the European Union. The population of the island at the end of 2004 was estimated to be 837 300 of which: 80.7% Greek Cypriots, 11% Turkish Cypriots, and 8,3% foreign residents and workers. The population density of Cyprus is 86 persons/km². Cyprus has six districts: Nicosia (capital), Limassol, Larnaka and Paphos Famagusa and Kyrenia. The biggest part of the districts of Nicosia, and Famagusta and all the area of the Kyrenia district are not under government control. The economy of Cyprus compares favorably with that of most EU countries. Cyprus is today a major tourist destination, a services centre – mainly banking and shipping – and telecommunications node. The basic characteristics of the Cyprus economy are the small size of the domestic market and the business units, as well as its open character. During the last few years particularly worth noting is the rapid expansion of transit trade, shipping, and the activities of offshore companies, while tourism has remained an important sector of the Cypriot economy. The inflation of consumer prices was in 2004 2.3%.

Some General Geographic and Economic Data for Cyprus are presented on Table I Table I: Cyprus General Geographic and Economic data Area: Water area: Shelf area: Length of continental coastline: Population (2004) GDP at purchaser’s value (2004) GDP per head (2004) Agricultural GDP (2004) Fisheries GDP (2004)

9251 km² 10 km² 2960 km² 796 km 837 300 15370 Million $US 20770 $US 522,9 Million $US 36,4 Million $US

II. Fisheries Since its independence, Cyprus considered fisheries as a development task and included fisheries in the Governmental development policies. Consequently, the sector started improving. However, the recent years the most important fishing grounds of Cyprus are not under Government control and this has significantly affected the fisheries industry. As a result the fisheries sector has a small contribution to the Gross National Product of Cyprus. Fisheries data are given on Table 2. Table 2: Fisheries Date 2003 Fish for direct human consumption Fish for animal feed and other purposes



Data for Cyprus Exports

Total Supply

tones live weight

Per caput Supply Kg/year






14 million fry


6,4 million fry

7,6 million fry


Estimated Employment (2003) (I) Primary sector (including aquaculture): (ii) Secondary sector: Gross value of fisheries output (2004) Trade (2004) Value of fisheries imports: Value of fisheries exports:

1126 122 52.183.173 $US 34.613.553 $US 26.156.057 $US


III. Fishery Sector Structure The fishery sector in Cyprus comprises of two main sub-sectors, the marine capture fishery (marine sub-sector), aquaculture (sea and freshwater). Recreation and the processing/marketing can be considered as sub-sectors with minor importance. 1. Marine sub-sector The Cyprus marine capture fishery (marine sub-sector) consists of the inshore fishery, the trawl fishery and the multipurpose fishery. There is also one purse seiner operating in the waters of Cyprus. The sport fishery is also included in the capture fishery, but it is not reflected in the Fishery Statistics. (i) Catch profile The most important species group for Cyprus is spicara spp, with Spicara smaris being the dominant catch comparing to much smaller quantities of the other species of the group. In the year 2003 the most significant species (in weight) for Cyprus were: Spicara smaris (Picarel9 500t, Boops boops, (Boque) 151, Mullus surmuletus, (Stripped Red Mullet) 130t, Sepia Officinalis, (Common cuttlefish) 85, Mullus barbatus, (Red Mullet) 84, and Thunnus thynnus, (Atlantic bluefin tuna) 79. Almost half (44%) of the landed Cypriot catch is classified by species, the rest of the catch is grouped at family or higher level. The Cyprus marine capture production for the year 2003 is shown on Table 3.


Table 3: Cyprus marine capture production 2003 Scientific name Spicara spp Boops boops Mullus surmuletus Osteichthyes Octopodidae Sepia officinalis Mullus barbatus Thunnus thynnus Xiphias gladius Sparidae Siganus spp Thunnus alalunga Scaridae Pagellus acarne Pagellus erythrinus Dentex dentex Pagrus pagrus Epinephelus spp Seriola dumerili Elasmobranchii Serranidae Merluccius merluccius Oblada melanura Scorpoaenidae Euthynnus alletteratus Sardina pilchardus Total

Species (groups) Picarels nei Boque Stripped Red Mullet Marine fishes nei Octopuses, etc, nei Common cuttlefish Red mullet Atlantic bluefin tuna Swordfish Porgies, seabreams nei Spinefeet(=Rabbitfishes) nei Albacore Parrotfishes nei Axillary seabream Common Pandora Common dentex Red porgy Groupers nei Greater amberjack Sharks, rays, skates, etc. nei Groupers, seabasses nei European hake Saddled seabream Scorpionfishes nei Little tunny(=Atl. Black skipj) European pilchard (=Sardine)

Ton 580 151 130 129 93 85 84 79 47 44 44 30 26 25 21 16 16 15 13 13 12 11 11 11 10 7 1741

The Cyprus catch show a clear decline of production in 1974, which is related to the unrest during that time, and the lack of control by the Cypriot government over some fishing grounds since then. The production started increasing because of Government measures and showed a remarkable increase after the 1981 management measures known as the “Cyprus effect�. Similar increase was noted after the 1991 management measures. However, since 1994 there is a steady decline of the fisheries production, resulting in a production of less than 1 750 ton in 2003. (ii) Landing sites The catch is landed in all the fishing shelters, as well as the three main harbours of Cyprus.


There are 15 fishing shelters, constructed relatively recently, which are sufficient for coastal boats, providing protection and safe harbouring. However, regarding trawlers and certain large polyvalent vessels, which cannot use the small fishing shelters for harbouring, they use the harbours. For landing their catch, do not provide the facilities, installations for the landing of catches. The most important landing place of Cyprus is the harbour of Limassol, followed by the Pafos port. Important fishing shelters are Larnaca, Latchi, Paralimni and Peyia. (iii) Fishing production means The segments of the Cyprus fishery are the inshore, the trawl and the polyvalent fishery. •

The Inshore Fishery is practiced with small wooden boats of 6 to 12 m length overall (O.A.L), which mainly fish with bottom set nets and long lines (passive gears) and fish traps. In 2003 677 persons were occupied as full time fishermen in 500 licensed boats.

The Trawl Fishery (mobile gears) consists of 22 bottom fishing trawlers of 21,4 to 26,8 m (OAL) with 220-750 HP diesel engines. All of them are stern trawlers of steel or wooden hull. Eight trawlers are licensed to operate in the waters of Cyprus, whereas the others exclusively operate in international waters in the Mediterranean. In 2003 144 fishermen were fully occupied on these 22 trawlers.

The Polyvalent Fishery is practiced with boats of about 16 m OAL in the waters of Cyprus and in international waters in the east Mediterranean. The polyvalent vessels fish with nets and bottom long lines but periodically also with surface long lines, fishing for swordfish/tuna. In 2003 105 fishermen were fully occupied in 38 boats licensed for multipurpose fishing.

Table 4 gives data about the Cyprus Fisheries segments, for the inshore fishery, the trawl fishery (Cyprus and international waters) and for the multipurpose fishery. The production, number of working days, fleet total size and KW, as well as the production per working day for the years 2000 to 2004 are shown on the Table.



2000 2001 2002

PRODUCTION M.TONS 1.341,40 1.168,70 1.062,80

Table 4: Data on the segments of the Cyprus Fishery INSHORE FISHERY WORKING No. OF FLEET FLEET TOTAL DAYS VESSELS TOTAL m. KW O.A.L. 111.391 101.098 84.257

500 500 500


4.274,10 4.015,00 4.135,80

19.130,51 16.085,29 19.479,04

PRODUCTION/ WORKING DAY Kg 12,04 11,56 12,61

2003 2004 YEAR

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 YEAR

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 YEAR

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

(iv) Main

972,50 639,38 PRODUCTION M.TONS 313,6 415,6 375,3 394,0 536,6 PRODUCTION M.TONS 406,8 425,2 236,7 222,6 123,4 PRODUCTION M.TONS 157,1 237,1 211,2 132,8 408,7

72.588 500 4.033,50 17.713,60 64.237 500 4.042,15 17.619,98 TRAWL FISHERY CYPRUS WATERS WORKING No. OF FLEET FLEET TOTAL DAYS VESSELS TOTAL m. KW O.A.L. 1.000 8 193,0 2474 1.305 8 193,2 2474 1.412 8 191,9 2500 1.388 8 191,9 2500 1448 8 191,9 2500 TRAWL FISHERY INTERNATIONAL WATERS WORKING No. OF FLEET FLEET TOTAL DAYS VESSELS TOTAL m. KW O.A.L. 1.309 12 292,5 4022 2.316 16 387,7 5568 916,0 22 531,1 7105 1102,0 16 381,0 6598 874 16 370,3 5127 POLYVALENT FISHERY WORKING No. OF FLEET FLEET TOTAL DAYS VESSELS TOTAL m. KW O.A.L. 1.286 1.615 2.006 1.446 1868

24 24 33 38

405,3 378,9 499,9 581,1

4386,00 4008,10 6753,68 7089,30

13,40 9,95 PRODUCTION/ WORKING DAY Kg 313,6 318,5 265,8 283,8 370,6 PRODUCTION/ WORKING DAY Kg 310,8 183,6 258,4 202,0 141,2 PRODUCTION/ WORKING DAY Kg 122,2 146,8 105,3 91,8 218,8


The main resources exploited by the fisheries of Cyprus can be devided into two categories of fish species: the demersal and the large pelagics. Small pelagic species, although exists in the waters of Cyprus, cannot be considered as principal stocks.


The demersal species are targeted by the inshore and the trawl fishery (Cyprus and international waters) and include the species Spicara smaris, Boops boops, Mullus surmuletus, M. barbatus and the groups Octapodidae, Mulluscs and other demersal speicies (See Table 3). The large pelagic species, are targeted, by the polyvalent fishery in the waters of Cyprus and the international waters of east Mediterranean and include the species Thunnus thynnus. Xiphias gladius, Thunnus alalunga. The latter species is also being targeted by the sport fishery the last two years and has shown an abrupt increase in production. (v) Management applied to main fisheries Cyprus applies a fishing policy which aims at: (a) The enhancement of the economic contribution of the catching sub-sector (b) The safeguarding of the income levels of the persons dependent on the catching sub-sector (c) The rational and sustainable management of marine resources so that they are maintained at high levels, on a long-term basis. These priorities are sought, through institutional, economic, and financial interventions, via administrative and operational activities, as well as control measures. The fisheries management is regulated through the Fisheries Law and the relevant fisheries regulations. Cyprus, as an EU Country, has adopted the Acquis Communitarie and applies the European Common Fisheries Policy. Through the Cyprus and EU institutional arrangements the fishery is completely under Control: In the trawl fishery the number of vessels and horsepower have limitations. Mesh size is 40 mm, the minimum depth of fishing is 50 m and the fishing season lasts form November 7 to May 31. In the Inshore fishery the number of licenced boats is by law set to 500. Monofilament nets are banned in Cyprus and trammel nets have a minimum stretched mesh size of 32 mm. The time of the day of setting the nets in the sea is also regulated. Fishing licence limitations have also controlled the polyvalent fishery. The fishing season for large pelagics lasts form spring to autumn. The sport fishery is also being regulated with limitations to the quantity of gear that can be used and the time spent on fishing and quantities caught. Furthermore the minimum sizes of the fish caught is defined to all segment of the fishery. 8

4. Aquaculture sub-sector The Cyprus policy towards aquaculture aims at a sustainable and balanced with the environment development in order to maximize its contribution in the local fish production, in accordance with the requirements of the Cypriot and local market. Aquaculture in Cyprus mainly refers to marine aquaculture, which has high expansion prospects. The culture method utilized is the open sea cage culture. Four private marine fish hatcheries and one shrimp hatchery/ fattening unit on land, as well as six private offshore cage farms are in operation. Additionally one farm for the culture/fattening of bluefin tuna started operating in 2004. The main species of marine fish cultured/fattened on a commercial basis are Sparus aurata (gilthead seabream), Decentrarchus labrax (seabass) and Thunnus thynnus (bluefin tuna) and in much smaller quantities are the species: Puntazzo puntazzo sharp snout bream, Umbrina cirrosa (shi drum), Pagrus major (Japanese seabream) and Pagrus pagrus (red porgy). The Indian shrimp parapenaues indicus is also produced. The only freshwater fish cultured in Cyprus on a commercial basis is Oncorhynchus mykiss rainbow trout. Six small trout farms and two small farms for the culture of ornamental freshwater fish are in operation. Even though the production of trout shows a stable trend over the last years, it is directly influenced by weather conditions such as drought, which can have an impact on the availability of water and consequently on the production. The production of marine fish and fry shows an increasing trend over the last few years. In 2004, the total aquaculture production reached 3.500 tons of market size fish and 14 million marine fish fry. The total value of aquaculture products was ÂŁCÎĽ 19.5 million. Aquaculture accounts, in terms of volume, for approximately 70% of Cyprus fisheries production, while in terms of value, it exceeds 70%. At the same time, it constitutes an important part of the consumption of fish and fisheries products, with an annual per capita consumption of 2,5 kg per person, out of the 18,27 kg per person that are annually consumed.

5. Recreational sub-sector Recreational Fisheries is practiced both, in the sea and the freshwater reservoirs in Cyprus. All sport fishermen need a licence for fishing, with the exception of persons who fish with rod and line and with speargun. The categories of sport fishing that need license are -

boats with nets and long lines 9


scuba divers divers with lights and spear guns fishing with nets – without boats fishing in the reservoirs.

About 2000 individuals are licenced sport fishermen in the sea. This sport fishery captures about 15% of the total catch of Cyprus. Its catch is not yet reflected in the Fishery Statistics, as the attention of the DFMR has only recently focused on this fishery. The reservoirs of Cyprus are stocked with freshwater species (trout, carps, etc) in order to facilitate the recreational fishery. In 2004 about 2500 licenses were given for angling in the reservoirs. IV. Post harvest use The fish captured by the fishermen are all used for human consumption and are marketed fresh in Cyprus. According to the current fish trading system, the prices of the various species and grades of fish are mostly fixed in Cyprus, where the majority of fishermen sell their catch to fish retail shops, which sell directly to consumers. Across Cyprus, the same species or category of fish are offered at the same price by all retail fish shops. There is no system of price fluctuation, like an auction, or any other process that is based on the market forces of supply and demand. It is not common for fishermen themselves to be engaged in the marketing of their catch. V. Fishery Sector Performance Despite its small contribution to the Gross National Income which is 0,24% the fisheries sector is an important activity in the economy of several coastal areas, since it generates income and work opportunities contributing to the social and economic welfare of the residents of these areas. Development indicators of 2004 give the Agricultural GDP to 522,9 Million $US and the Fisheries GDP 26,8 Million $US. Total fish production in 2003 was 3559 t which was marketed fresh in Cyprus. The production was less than the demand, resulting to 10094t sp of fish and fish products. Per caput consumption was 18,27 kg. The Gross value of Fisheries output in 2004 was 52 183 173 $US with imports of 34 613 553 $US and exports 26 156 057 $US (Tables 1 and 2). Today 926 individuals are directly involved in the fisheries sector as fishermen, or in the processing sector. Approximately 1100 individuals are occupied in ancillary professions, such as boat builders, retail fish sellers, importers of fishing items, maintenance of fishing gear and equipment. 10

As regards to aquaculture, approximately 200 individuals are directly occupied in the marine aquaculture and more than 200 individuals are occupied indirectly. Marine aquaculture employs specialized scientific personnel, as well as technical staff with various specialties, whereas the trout culture farms employ staff with minimum technical knowledge. It should be noted that trout culture in conjunction with local trout restaurants create work places and contribute to the employment opportunities in mountain areas. VI. Fishery Sector Development The overexploitation of the main stocks, the narrow and abrupt continental shelf, the oligotrophic ecosystem are some of the main constrairds faced by the fishery sector of Cyprus; The major problem remains the devision of the Country. As it was mentioned the Government included the fisheries in the development tasks and, through management is promoting its. Research is being done by the DFMR of Cyprus.

RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF CYPRUS Research on the capture Fisheries of Cyprus. Research on the inshore and trawl fishery of Cyprus is done for more two decades, in order to carefully follow the state of the stocks. The data are 11

collected by surveys with the research vessel of the Department and by commercial trawlers surveys. Furthermore, data are collected from the private boats´ catch by random visits to all fishing stations of the Government control coast. The species being assessed every year are: Mullus surmuletus, Mullus barbatus, Spicara smaris, Boops boops and Pagellus erythrinus. These species represent more than 50% of the total catch of Cyprus. Research on small pelagics is carried out by purse seine surveys, in order to assess the effect of fishing by the purse seiner on the total catch. Other Research Projects. Research on Marine Ecology Research on the marine ecology is undertaken through various National and EU funded projects. National Projects include: -

The Turtle project which aims to the protection and conservation of marine turtles and their biotopes

- Research in marine biodiversity and identification of natural sites of ecological interest. - Studies on the ecological relationships among marine macrobenthos and the ambient environment, especially in areas affected by activities such as aquaculture and desalination plants, as well as studies on marine alien and invasive species. - Wetland monitoring is an on ongoing activity, which includes wetlands, such as the Larnaca Salt lake complex and others. EU Projects: - MEDVEG, effects of nutrient release from Mediterranean fish farms on benthic vegetation in coastal ecosystems. -

MedMPA Development of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Region.

- Life, Special areas of conservation (Habitat Directive, 92/43/EEC) in Cyprus. Research on Oceanography The DFMR participates in the following ongoing 5 th frame EU oceanographic research projects, most of them aiming to develop the operational oceanography in the Mediterranean Sea: 12

- CYCLOPS-Cycling of Phosphorous in the Mediterranean. - MAMA, Mediterranean network to Assess and upgrade Monitoring and forecasting Activities in the area. - MFSTEP, Mediterranean Predictions.





- MERSEA-strand1, Marine Environment and Security for the European Area. - SEA-SEARCH, Pan-European Network for Ocean & Marine Data and Information Management. - ESEAS-RI- European sea level research infrastructure. Research in Aquaculture Research in Aquaculture is being done in the Department’s experimental stations. The research projects of the sector include: -

Reproduction, development of good quality and quantity of eggs, larval rearing and mass production of fry for the species Pagrus pagrus, Umbrina arrosa, Siganus rivulatus, Dentex dentex, Puntazzo puntazzo, Ancipenser baeri, and others.


Development of broodstock populations for Pagellus erythrinus and other species, Development of practical feeds for mass cultivation of Siganus vivulatus,

and -

Development of alternative live food for hatcheries and improvement of existing live food.


Fishery Sector Institutions

The authority responsible for fishery matters in Cyprus is the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research (DFMR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment. The DFMR was founded in 1964, with a mandate for the development of fisheries and the rational management of marine resources. The DFMR Head-Office is situated in Nicosia, and there are four District Units located in the four coastal towns of Limassol, Larnaka, Pafos and Famagusta (in Paralimni). There are also two research stations in operation at Meneou and Kalopanayiotis, which are specialized in research and development of marine and freshwater aquaculture respectively.


The DFMR consists of five divisions: Division of Fisheries Resources, Division of Aquaculture Development and Research, Environment Division, Division of Fishing Shelters and Support and Division of Fisheries Control (Chart I: Structure of the DFMR). The activities of the DFMR concern the development and management of fisheries and aquaculture, marine ecology, the protection of endangered species and habitats, physical and chemical oceanography and the prevention and combat of marine pollution. Furthermore, the Department promotes supporting programmes for the fishermen, including the construction of fishing shelters. It is also responsible for the enforcement of the relevant Legislation. VIII.

General Legal Frameworks

Further to the Acquis Communitaire the Legislation of Cyprus provides for the following Laws. 1. Law to regulate fishing in the waters of Cyprus Chapter 135 and Αmendments numbered 44/1961, 109/1968, 2/1970, 9/1972, 19/1981, 210/1987 170/1990, 22(I)/1994, 102(I)2000, 6(I)/2001, 106(I)2004, 63(I)2005 Regulations made under Section 6 of the Law: The 1990 up to 2005.




273/90, 145/91, 94/94, 194/2000, 453/2004, 2.

Law to provide better Regulation of the Cyprus Sponge Fishery Chapter 146.


Law on Oyster Culture Chapter 143.


Law on the protection of fish Chapter 58.


Law on the fishing Vessels (Registration, sales, Transfer and Mortgage) Law 77/1971.

Regulations of 1972. 6.

Law to regulate matters related to Aquaculture Law 117/2000.


Law providing for regulation, management and operation of fishing shelters. Law 171/1990.



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