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Human beings have the highest potential to become enlightened, to literally live like a God (Paramashiva) on planet Earth. In “Paramashivoham SM �, a 16-day spiritual program for your mind, body and being, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam teaches you the science and gives you the experience of, living like a God This is a gift, a boon, an initiation, that only an Avatar (living embodiment) of2 Paramashiva can shower on others.

The Power of Love Love is the most powerful force in our lives. We deeply connect with people we love; we have the power to connect with beauty in nature, to melt in the flow of melodious music. When we revel in the grand qualities of our dear ones, love elevates us. Loves make us better humans. “ParamashivohamSM” is all about the science of harnessing this power of love and our ability to connect, to elevate our identity, our being and our consciousness. Our being has been thirsty to merge with the Source for many lifetimes. Our identity has been struggling to break free and dissolve into a higher identity. Our life is nothing but the journey of discovering the superconscious. The science of elevating our identity, being and consciousness to meet with the ultimate superconscious identity through love is the science of BHAVA DARSHAN. Special for “ParamashivohamSM” , His Divine Holiness has revived the science of “Bhava Darshan” - the secret of using the power of love to elevate our souls to the superconscious and to unleash the ultimate in each one of us.


Its time.


Humanity is at a crossroad. On one hand civilization seems to be at the precipice. Over- dependence on material objects for happiness has led to addiction and hedonism; a belief in maximizing profits has come at the expense of creating a sustainable world. Our spirits seem to be trapped in an identity that shuttles between fear and greed, and often ends up in stress and depression. On the other hand, humanity seems capable of a breakthrough. There are more hearts and minds silently clamoring, ardently hoping, for a spiritual quantum leap. Many enlightened masters over the past century such as Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, and Swami Vivekananda have all predicted that human beings will evolve to the next level. It is time for us to make a choice - are we going to choose depression and addiction? Or are we going to choose a superconscious evolution of humanity? Fortunately, if we want to choose evolution over regression, we have an Avatar who is accelerating the superconscious evolution of humanity Supreme Pontiff Of Hinduism His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam an embodiment of Paramashiva himself -, has incarnated at this crucial moment and is offering the

ULTIMATE gift. A promise of a superconscious evolution. His Divine Holiness has created many powerful programs each revealing a different aspect of the science of enlightenment - that have taken people from human to superhuman. The latest and the most powerful in the line of such programs is PARAMASHIVOHAMSM LEVEL 2 - a program that makes us realize we are Paramashiva (“Paramashivohamsm”), that we are the ultimate. This brand new program is based on nothing less than the power of love and feeling connection. This program is uniquely built for the COVID-19 times. When we are all staying at home practicing social distancing, but craving for connection and love - when we have the opportunity to take some time off and invest in ourselves - here comes a program that can help you take your experience of connecting with an object of attention and using it for the purpose of superconscious elevation. The secret science of harnessing the power of love and feeling connection to reach the state, space and being of Paramashiva is called “Bhava Darshan”. 5

THE SCIENCE OF BHAVA DARSHAN BHAVASAMADHI SAMADHI the uniqueoutpouring BHAVA is is the unique outpouring emotion spiritual energy of emotion of and spiritualand energy when we when we deeply in connect in way a loving deeply connect a loving withway an with anofobject deep devotion & affection. object deepof devotion & affection. Each Each “Bhava” of connecting is and “Bhava” or wayorofway connecting is unique uniquetoand leads to a unique pleasure,love, a a leads a unique pleasure, a unique unique love, a unique sweetness. unique sweetness.

your being to the supreme being,way each super consciousness, a different divine being bringing a different identity: of quenching your thirst; a different Asway Ganesha, Subrahmanya, Surya, of connecting your being to the Venkateshwara, Shiva ... supreme being,Devi, each divine being Each day isa adifferent differentidentity: type ofAs feast for bringing Ganesha, the senses, body, mind, and being: with Subrahmanya, Surya, Venkateshwara, Devi, different Shiva ... tastes, form, color, emotion... Each day is a different type of feast for “यद् तद् भवति” yad bhavam tad bhavati Each day, each BHAVA “यद्भावंभावं तद् भवति” yad bhavam tad the senses, body, mind, and being: with You become your very bhava SAMADHI DARSHAN bhavati different tastes, form, color, emotion... DARSHAN is connecting with the divine opens up a different aspect of You become- your very bhava with our eyes open: experiencing the your potential - at the Eachultimate day, each BHAVA SAMADHI highest states consciousness our end of the program, will aspect of DARSHAN - is of connecting withvia thealldivine DARSHAN opens up ayou different senses and receiving become PARAMASHIVA: with our eyes open: tremendous experiencingenergy the your ultimate potential - atthe the end of the and shiftstates in theofbeing directly from highest consciousness viathe all our complete program,being. you will become PARAMASHIVA: source. senses and receiving tremendous energy the complete being. The Secret Science: and shift in the being directly from the BHAVA ONLY an AVATAR source. SAMADHI DARSHAN - Is an The Secret Science:such as experience that can only happen by the Bhagavan Nithyananda ONLY an AVATAR such as Bhagavan grace ofSAMADHI an enlightened being--IsTHE Paramshivam truly bringcan thetruly bring BHAVA DARSHAN an Nithyananda can Paramshivam AVATAR who has realized that theby being, experience of Bhava Samadhi experience that can only happen the the experience of Bhava Samadhi Darshan. identity, consciousness are ALL This isscience a secrethidden science grace of and an enlightened being - THEONE. AVATAR Darshan. This is a secret from the Such an Avatar can appear in various divine hidden the world, who has realized that the being, identity, world, from practiced only bypracticed a few masters forms that we love, expressing various only a few masters with as a handful and consciousness are ALL ONE. Such an withby a handful of disciples in the lifeofof divine andingiving many unique as in theParamahamsa life Avatarenergies, can appear various divine forms disciples Sri Ramakrishna and his ways of experiencing the ultimate. ofclose Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and that we love, expressing various divine circle of disciples. Now His Divine close circle of disciples. Now His energies, and giving many unique ways of his Holiness, our beloved Swamiji is making it It is like Navaratri for the thirsty soul - 16 Divine Holiness, our beloved Swamiji is experiencing the ultimate. available to the entire world. Only Swamiji days, each day experiencing a different making it available to thevarious entire world. is capable of expressing divine flavor, expression of super Only Swamiji of expressing It is likedifferent Navaratri for the thirsty soul Bhavas, each is ofcapable which can unleash a consciousness, different way of quenching various divine Bhavas, - 16 days, each aday experiencing a different power in you.each of which can your thirst; a different wayexpression of connecting unleash a different power in you. different flavor, different of 6

When the very first Bhava Samadhi Darshan happens, you will know in your heart that you are HOME. You will know that a journey of lifetimes has, at last, reached its destination - in the lap of the divine.


BENEFITS OF PARAMASHIVOHAMSM Each Bhava Samadhi Darshan will unleash a different power in you (we will see more of this soon). Each Bhava Samadhi Darshan will unleash the ultimate in each dimension of your life. First and foremost, you establish a deep connection with the ultimate power of this cosmos. • Your consciousness meets and bonds with the superconscious • Your identity - ego & karma - melts in the cosmic being. • Discover that you are not a limited being • Your being quenches its thirst Your ability to overcome problems in life - whether they are related to wealth, health or relationships - can be solved by the power of superconsciousness, by the power of consciousness over matter. A few examples would be: • The ability to be effortlessly generate wealth • The capacity to connect deeply with loved ones in life • The power to persuade people (e.g. your boss • Open up the spring well of creativity; unleash creative thinking and creative action In short, live like a God. 8


THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SPIRITUAL HAPPENING ON PLANET EARTH Is it possible to live a superhuman life in the human body? Are some individuals really wired differently from the rest? Does such an awakened superconscious state really exist? Are the expressions of a super-consciousness scientifically quantifiable? Can such states be transmitted from Guru (Master) to disciple?

YES. Paramashivohamsm is not just a meditation program, it is pushing humanity to the next level of consciousness, to the consciousness of Paramashiva, the Ultimate Superconsciousness as per Hinduism. The Avatar - Supreme Pontiff HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, who has realized the state of superconsciousness is transmitting His experience of Paramashivohamsm via online initiation. This program will change who you know as yourself, your very being - to make you radiate superconsciousness.


• The STATE of Paramashiva The unclutched® state – the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi, complete completion – what you call as the space of fulfilment – Poornatva.

• The SPACE of Paramashiva The software with which He operates – Agama – the software with which he operates the Universe – the state from which he operates into space.

• The POWERS of Paramashiva Eveything He manifests, His powers - Shaktis. • The BEING of Paramashiva - literally embody Him, all his best qualities. • Superconsciousness • Shri KAILASA OF PARAMASHIVOHAMsm


In the presence of a LIVING AVATAR Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam is a Living Avatar - incarnation with unimaginable superhuman powers. Recognized today as a clear, legitimate, apolitical voice of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, He is revered as a living Avatar of Superconsciousness by millions worldwide. With a vision to raise the consciousness of humanity, He is working tirelessly to awaken individuals and communities to infinite and superhuman possibilities a life of completion, powers, bliss and Advaita, Oneness.


When the pure conscious energy, the supremely matured soul, assumes a human body, that is an Avatar. The Cosmos Itself chooses Its body and plays the divine drama (leela). When The Avatar comes down to the human plane and expresses the ultimate Truth, He is ages ahead of His time. Truth is never like a parrot talking; it is like a lion roaring. When the lion roars, you have to wake up! When the Avatar roars with the Truth and transforms and raises humanity, you have to wake up from the unconscious sleep of delusion and ignorance!� ~ SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM HDH BHAGAVAN NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM

Dimensions of




Experience Quantum Entanglement and Avatar or energized deity, at a biological mirroring of neurons of THE AVATAR level. The space of the Avatar is like an extension of His physical body. It is a living healing energy field. A receptive devotee can momentarily experience the expanded space of the Avatar. This allows the transmission of Cosmic energy into the devotee’s space. Infusion of this energy results in quantum entanglement, and causes the neurons of the devotee to mirror the space of perpetual completion radiating from the

Darshan has the power to release both physical and psychic blocks in our system and cut through the layers of unconscious negative patterns built up over lifetimes. Our physiology can actually change in the presence of an enlightened Consciousness. For the receiver who is ready, darshan can be the moment of permanent and irreversible transformation. Darshan is spiritual surgery! 17

AUTHENTIC SCIENCE What is the purpose of life? How can you function at your best? Is there more than just some of us on this planet? Sanatana Hindu Dharma is a science of life - from pure sciences in Upanishads and Vedas to applied science in Agamas, the 33,000 source scriptures have given us guidance for every step of life, be it transportation, astrology, health, physics, chemistry, biology, intergalactic travel, multiple universes, fundamental forces of nature, best diet, science of invoking Divine in stone, science of completion, science of unclutching, science of yoga, science of worship, vedic electricity, construction, agriculture, birthing, and dance and arts and handling life‌ There is not one aspect that isn’t covered in detail in this eternal science. Reviving it, making it user-friendly, is Paramashivohamsm. In 16 days, go over sutras of Bhagavad Gita for learning about way of life, discover Upanishadic techniques to work and manage large teams, Shaiva agamas to build beautiful relationships, Patanjali yoga sutra to experience union of mind, and many more

The program involves a powerful process which work on the deepest unconscious layers of your being and removes any blockage inside you to manifest your true self - Paramashiva. These processes when done in the presence of the Avatar becomes an Alchemy, not just a process.

4. Unclutching: Conquer your mind before it conquers you 5. 4 Tattvas : 4 techniques for breakthrough success : Align your life to the fundamental core principles of Life itself 6. Completion: Experience poornatva (fulfillment) in life: Go beyond the 1. Authentic Listening : A process that impact of your past on your present can reveal right solutions to every and re-write your future situation in life 7. Create the body you want: Learn 2. Avatar Sastra : When you know Him how to reconstruct your health beliefs (the Avatar), you become Him and re-create the body you want 3. Genesis of your Identity : Find out 8. Awaken the Wealth Consciousness: what are you made up of and how you Your ideas about wealth dictate your can re-build yourself and your life, the wealth manifestation ability. way you always wanted it to be

9. Going beyond Pain 10. Experience Divine Femine Consciousness: Completing with your mother awakens the ability in you to experience Divine Feminine Consciousness 11. Conquer your Fears and experience Immortality 12. Hindu Cosmology: Learn about Ishwara (Five cosmic actions of Paramashiva), Jagat (11 dimensions of the universe) and Jive (25 states of consciousness) 13. Your Will has absolute authority 14. Experience the Being of Paramashiva through Thyaga 15. Guru Disciple Relationship 16. Perpetual Completion 17. Manifesting your reality is your hands 18. Impact of Planetary positions on your life. 19. Significance of sacred energized gems/ beads to create postiive effect in your life (gemology) 20. Aligning your living space to manifest your reality (vastu) 21. Death is a door to Enlightenment 22. Experience advaita (Oneness) with the cosmos 23. Be comfortable with your gender 24. Radiate Leadership consciousness become Ishwara for your life 25. Radiate the Avatar in your everyday life

POWERS OF PARAMASHIVA 1. WAKING UP - YOGA - Shakti of increasing height (mahima), make your body feel light doing yoga to do asana effortlessly (laghima) - , make the weights you use during yoga heavier (Garima) 2. POOJA Shakti of Feeding deity (Daily life:Pooja: After offering pooja: feed deity naivedyam) 3. POOJA Shakti of consciousness over matter (Daily life:Pooja: moving deity) 4. SATSANG - Experience shaktipadaShakti of Materialisation (solid or powder forms) (Daily life:Satsang) 5. SATSANG - Experience shaktipada - (kundalini awakening) Shakti of Levitation (Daily life:Satsang) 6. When you lose items / finding itemsShakti of : Remote vision - (Daily life: Finding items/ lost objects/ what’s forgotten ) 7. Download any type of ideas that is compatible with your work - Shakti of Sarvajnatvam 8. Driving/Finding directions: Shakti of Length & Breadth Dimension 9. When meeting someone new that speaks a different language / seeing the menu of foreign food - Shakti of Sarvajnatva - Translating unknown language (words or sentences)

BHAVA SAMADHI DARSHAN ONLY an AVATAR such as His Divine Holiness can truly bring the experience of Bhava Darshan. This is a secret science hidden from the world, practiced only by a few masters with a handful of disciples.

Now His Divine Holiness, our beloved Swamiji is making it available to the entire world. Only Swamiji is capable of expressing various divine Bhavas, each of which can unleash a different power in you. When the very first Bhava Darshan happens, you will know in your heart that you are HOME. You will know that a journey of lifetimes has, at last, reached its destination - in the lap of the divine. BHAVA DARSHAN - Is an experience that can only happen by the grace of the AVATAR who has realized that the being, identity, and consciousness are ALL ONE. Such an Avatar can appear in various divine forms that we love, expressing various divine energies, and giving many unique ways of experiencing the ultimate.

1. Paramashiva - The Ultimate form of Superconsciousness 2. Ganesha - The one who removes all obstacles and bestows completion in our lives 3. Dakshinamurthy - The form of Paramashiva who bestows the space to receive the ultimate knowledge and oneness with Paramashiva 3. Vaideeshwara - The form of Paramashiva who bestows us with ultimate health and longevity 4. Parashakti - The Cosmic feminine consciousness who awakens the “SHAKTI� inside all of us 5. Venkateshwara - The form of Paranthaama who bestows us with ultimate wealth and Abundance 6. Kalabhairava - The most ferocious yet compassionate form of Paramashiva who bestows ultimate completion with ourselves and our patterns 24

7. Sundareshwara - The most playful and dearest form of Paramashiva who awakens all of us to experience the leelas of the divine 8. Muruga - The form of the Biomemory of Paramashiva who manifests ultimate success in all endeavors of our life 9. Ashtashtabhairava - The Mahakalabhairava who awakens the 64 different energies and powers inside us 10. Navagraha - The energies of the 9 planets who bestow completion in our life 11. Krishna - The Purnavatara of Paranthaama who bestows all the best qualities and expressions of the divine in all of us Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam The Sarva deva devi Swarupa who finally bestows the ultimate eternal bliss and experience of PARAMASHIVOHAM!


AVATARA LEELA तव कथामृतं तप्त-​ जीवनं कविभिर् ईडितं कल्मषापहम्। श्रवण​-मङ्गलं श्रीमद्-आततं भुवि गृणन्ति ये भूरिदा जनाः॥ That is which is sweet to hear, That which when heard, immediately raises one to the high conscious state, That which takes us to another level, just by remembering it, That which gives deep pleasure not only to the listener, but also to the person who narrates it, O Lord, may I narrate Your story! SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM (Verse 10.31.9), Bhagavān Veda Vyāsa Experience Being of the Ultimate with Leela Dhyana, tales from the biography of the Avatar

HOMA’S & SEVAS are ways to AWAKENING GRATITUDE AND SURRENDER COMPONENT in Each of YOU. Homa’s are the way to instill powerful thought currents inside us to manifest our realities. The Smarana component is awakened in you when you are part of any homa’s.

Benefits of

KAILASA’s Paramashivohamsm Participants will be benefited from this program in all walks of your life: Health, Wealth and Relationships.


• Manifest new job that you like, • Intense healing can happen from become a Leader many health disorders, chronic illness, • Become a channel to Attract wealth Addictions to smoking and drinking • • Yoga helps one build yogic body, • Participants healed from Diabetes, POWER MANIFESTATION Skins problems etc. makes you a Superhuman applying • Depression problems during powerful strategies as solutions to pandemic times your daily problems. • Major of people suffer from Fear, Insecurity and Anxiety disorders


WEALTH • Become an entrepreneur starting your own business • Empower you to Be your own BOSS

Experience joyful relationships, Gender completion, Infertility problems

REGISTER YOURSELF Timings of the program: 6 pm - 10 am IST (Indian Standard Time)

5.30am - 9.30pm PT (Los Angeles Time)

REGISTER YOURSELF Next program dates: May 07 - 22, May 23 - June 07

GIFTS Participants are showered with some special gifts at the end of each day of the program. These gifts include but not limited to special pictures of Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, different books written by Him, video / audio clips of different techniques / kriyas / meditations etc.


OUR RECOMMENDATIONS Come Prepared for the Best Experience

• Digital weighing scale for measuring body weight • Digital kitchen weighing scale • Measuring tape (for power of length breadth depth) • Thermometer (for temperature check) • Tape to stick on wall • Coconut (Shriphal) • Measuring tape for height measurement • Pooja kit like Dhoopa, Deepa, naivedyam, flowers • Haldi and Bhasma and Kumkum for making yantras • Paper, scale, compass, eraser • Pen and paper • Deities like Ganesha or others for feeding • Mung beans for germination, raisin that has a seed, (to make it seedless), rice grains • Plant that has thorns (rose) for dropping thorn off the rose • Cotton wick , small clay pot, copper small pot • MEASURED BEAKER GLASS

prepare their rooms • Grace the room with a life size photo/ Atmamurty of Supreme Pontiff HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Print from • Have a large chair, covered with white cover and place the AtmaMurty over it • Avoid sleeping in this room

MANDATORY NITHYANANDA SABHA • All are expected, and it is mandatory that before class starts, the participants


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