Nisi Camera Filter E-magazine#1

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credit to: Stephen Elliott


Usually used to shoot the sunset and sunrise. Because the light in the middle is s t r o n g e r.

credit to: Stephen Elliott


Usually used to shoot the picture when there is obvious boundary between the dark and bright area. Such assea level, skyline after sunset or sunrise, sea of clouds and flowers etc.

credit to: Stephen Elliott


To b a l a n c e t h e l i g h t between sky and ground. Usually used to shoot the picture when the sky is much brighter than the land.

credit to: Stephen Elliott

ND Grad. "Grad" is short for graduated neutral-density filter, which is also





neutral-density filter.

Camera is different from human eye. The light sensitization of human





people can easily see the light and dark areas clearly.

However, the light sensitization of camera is weaker, so it cannot exposure





extremely light and dark scenery at the same time. In order to avoid the lost of any detail, people use GND filter to reduce the exposure of the bright part, which can balance the bright and dark part of the scenery.

credit to: Stephen Elliott

Classification: 0.3 / 0.6 / 0.9 / 1.2 / 1.5

Corresponding downshifting of exposure: 1 Stop / 2 Stops / 3 Stops / 4 Stops / 5 Stops

Sizes: 70 x 100mm / 100 x 150mm / 150 x 170mm

How to use: To hold by hand or square filter holder, the latter can combine several pieces of square filter at the same time.

How to choose: The main consideration of choosing a GND is: strengths, transitions, sharpness, low colour cast and low reflection. The technique of making the coating used in the production of camera filters plays an important role as it literally affects the performance of the filters. NiSi filters are perfectly created with NiSi HD nano coating in both sides of H-K9L optical glass, which includes water oil resistance coating, remove reflection coating and HD nano coating. Many neutral grads are not neutral as the colour distortion may occur. However, NiSi grads are made in optical glass which are genuinely neutral as they have ultra low colour cast and low reflection. Before you choose your grad filter, you may want to consider the strength and transition of your filters. It depends on what kind of photography you want to capture as different kind of filter gives different result.


water oil resistance coating remove reflection coating Nisi HD nano coat waterproof in double sides optical glass

only one layer coating bad transmittance easy scratch

HD nano coating

H-K9L is one of the highest quality optical glass even no bubble great physical chemical performance, in the same standard with German Schott N-BK7 and Japan HOYA BSC7.

resin filter coated by dying color with color cast, bad stability

Transitions: Hard GND

: These have a sharp cut between light and dark.

Soft GND

: They have a gradual change from light to dark.

Reverse GND : These go sharply from clear to dark, and then smoothly back to less dark. These are used for sunsets or sunrise, where you want clear for the foreground, very dark right at the sun at the horizon, and then less dark as the sky goes up above the sun.


Square Filters


F-stop Reduction



Soft nano GND4(0.6)

Square Soft GND

2 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

Soft nano GND8(0.9)

Square Soft GND

3 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

Soft nano GND16(1.2)

Square Soft GND

4 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

Soft nano GND32(1.5)

Square Soft GND

5 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

Hard nano GND4(0.6)

Square Hard GND

2 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

Hard nano GND8(0.9)

Square Hard GND

3 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

Reverse nano GND8(0.9)

Square Reverse GND

3 stops

2 mm

100*150mm, 150*170mm

H-K9L Optical Glass materials

Double-sided nano coating

Laser engraving LOGO


High Definition: The glass is fine annealing environmental protection optical glass H-K9L, it is specially used for optical lens. Double sides optical grinding and polishing to make sure the high definition of glass. Optical glass can bear extreme environment.

NiSi Nano GND Clarity

Foreign Dyed Resin GND Clarity

Laminated Glass GND Clarity

Domestic Dyed Resin GND Clarity

Ultra low colour cast:

NO Filter VS with Nisi Hard GND 0.9

NO Filter VS with Nisi Soft GND 0.9

NO Filter VS with Nisi Reverse GND 0.9

W hy C h o o s e N i S i ?

Soft Nano GND

Hard Nano GND

Reverse Nano GND

Nano Coating

Optical Glass

Low Colour Cast

High Definition

Low Reflection

Wa t e r p r o o f

P r o d u c t Te s t i n g & E va l u at i o n Te s t e d b y : S t e p h e n E l l i o t t

Without filter

With NiSi Reverse GND8 + 0.6 hard GND + polarizing f i l t e r i n V 3 h o l d e r.

P r o d u c t Te s t i n g & E va l u at i o n Te s t e d b y : J u s t i n M i n n s

Without filter

With NiSi 0.9 soft GND and 3.0 (10 stop) ND filters no adjustment.

First up was a trip to Dovercourt beach on a cloudy afternoon to t r y o u t t h e 3 . 0 N D f i l t e r. H a v i n g settled on a composition I took a shot





reference and in this case the exposure






the blown

highlights or blocked shadows so there's




there for not needing filters at all here






original image is a little dull.

Fitting the 0.9 soft grad to add a bit of drama to the sky I then checked






starting the


exposure, filter



and bulb

mode. The filters slot snugly into the holder and the edges of the ND filter have been left clear of the rubber gasket to aid in this, all adding to that quality feel I keep going on about.

Straight out of the camera things w e r e l o o k i n g b e t t e r a l r e a d y, t h e image was slightly underexposed so I'd guesstimate that the filter is slightly over 10 stops but a slight variation is not uncommon with extreme ND filters and my L e e B i g S t o p p e r i s a c t u a l l y 11 stops. There's also a cool colour cast, which is something I'll look at a little closer in the second set of images but it's not something that bothers me especially in this case when the final processed image is mono.

Without filter

With NiSi 0.9 soft GND & 3.0 (10 stop) ND filters auto white balance applied in Adobe Lightroom

With NiSi 0.9 soft GND & 3.0 (10 stop) ND filters no adjustments to show colour cast

With NiSi 0.9 soft GND & Lee big stopper (10 stop) ND filters no adjustments to show colour cast

I mentioned earlier the colour cast found with the 10 stop filter and the four images below illustrate the nature of that colour cast.

The first image is the test shot without filters (top left) then below that the unedited image with Nisi filters which clearly shows a cool colour cast. In the image next to that (bottom right) I've replaced the Nisi 10 stop filter with a Lee Big Stopper which shows a very similar (but slightly more magenta) colour cast. Although it's worth mentioning here, the cool colour cast isn't an issue f o r s e v e r a l r e a s o n s i n m y o p i n i o n . F i r s t l y, a s y o u c a n s e e f r o m t h e i m a g e t o p r i g h t , s e t t i n g t h e w h i t e b a l a n c e t o a u t o w h e n p r o c e s s i n g t h e R AW f i l e e a s i l y c u r e s t h e p r o b l e m . S e c o n d l y m o s t o f m y l o n g e x p o s u r e s a r e c o n v e r t e d t o m o n o a n y w a y a n d f i n a l l y I a c t u a l l y q u i t e l i k e t h e e ff e c t , w h i c h i s w h y i n t h e f i n a l i m a g e I ' v e o n l y r e d u c e d r a t h e r t h a n r e m o v i n g t h e c o l o u r c a s t c o m p l e t e l y.

Moving on, the image quality with the filters was pretty impressive, images were suitably clear and sharp and I could see no reduction in image quality at all. read more

P r o d u c t Te s t i n g & E va l u at i o n Te s t e d b y : N i g e l F o r s t e r

With ND8 (3 stop filter)

With ND1000 (10 stop filter)

As always with the Nisi ND filters there was a negligible colour cast (the slightly blue e ff e c t i n t h e 3 0 s e c v e r s i o n - w h i c h c a n o f c o u r s e b e c o r r e c t e d i n p o s t p r o c e s s i n g w a s t h e r e s u l t o f r e f l e c t i o n o ff t h e p a r t l y b l u e s k y )

credit to: Inigo Cia da Riva

ND 1000

To r e d u c e t h e v i s i b l e light at equal proportion, and won’t change the brightness and colour contrast of the scene.

c r e d i t t o : Wo l o n g s h a n

c r e d i t t o : Wo l o n g s h a n

ND Filters. Neutral Density (ND) filters are designed to reduce the amount of light passing through the lens so that a long exposure is required to record an image or film. In order to achieve this without causing a colour cast they are designed to absorb all the









which is why they are grey in appearance.






advantages, as you can use a longer exposure to emphasize movement. However, you can also use it to allow use of wider apertures to reduce depth of field.

credit to: Inigo Cia da Riva

ND Series

Fire-proofing grade anti-leaking sponge

Double sides anti-reflection coating

Double sides waterproof & oil-repellent

Square Filters





AR ND4(0.6)

Square ND Filter

2 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND8(0.9)

Square ND Filter

3 stops

1.9 -2 mm

100*100mm , 150*150mm

AR ND16(1.2)

Square ND Filter

4 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND32(1.5)

Square ND Filter

5 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND64(1.8)

Square ND Filter

6 stops

1.9 -2 mm

100*100mm , 150*150mm

AR ND128(2.1)

Square ND Filter

7 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND256(2.4)

Square ND Filter

8 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND500(2.7)

Square ND Filter

9 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND1000(3.0)

Square ND Filter

10 stops

1.9 -2 mm

100*100mm , 150*150mm

AR ND2000(3.3)

Square ND Filter

11 stops

1.9 -2 mm


AR ND32000(4.5)

Square ND Filter

15 stops

1.9 -2 mm


Stephen Elliott Award Winning Landscape photographer


consider myself very fortunate to have lived in the Hope

Valley all my life, combining a love for walking and photography I try to capture some of the beauty the Peak District has to offer.

07816 869142

credit to: Stephen Elliott

credit to: Stephen Elliott

Wo r k s h o p s & t u i t i o n By: Stephen Elliott

L a n d s c a p e P h o t o g r a p h y Tu i t i o n w o r k s h o p s , O n e t o O n e o r i n a s m a l l g r o u p - I w i l l w o r k w i t h y o u a t a n e a s y t o u n d e r s t a n d p a c e , f r o m b e g i n n e r t o t h e e x p e r i e n c e d p h o t o g r a p h e r. We ' l l t a k e a t r i p to local landscapes and practice techniques that will improve your skills and enhance your creative potential, I will show you how to get the best out of your camera and how to see and compose great images.

Normally I cover some or all of the following, but it's your time, so it all depends on your own requirements:

* Seeing good images * Ideal Aperture/Shutter speed * Focussing * Perfect exposure * Using the histogram * Composition * I S O a n d R AW f i l e s * Best camera settings * Advanced techniques * Using Graduated ND filters * Using polarising filters * Shooting Panoramic images

I w i l l d r i v e y o u a r o u n d , s o t h a t y o u c a n r e l a x a n d e n j o y y o u r p h o t o g r a p h y. P l e a s e b r i n g a t r i p o d your camera instruction manual and stout footwear (walking boots are ideal).

A Tr i p o d a n d N D g r a d f i l t e r s c a n b e b o r r o w e d i f r e q u i r e d .

credit to: Stephen Elliott

Justin Minns Award Winning Landscape photographer


am an award winning photographer specialising in capturing

the atmosphere of the East Anglian landscape. As well as the photography itself I also run landscape workshops and regularly write for photography magazines. 07734068605

credit to: Justin Minns With NiSi 0.9 soft GND & 3.0 (10 stop) ND filters

credit to: Justin Minns With NiSi (0.9 reverse grad)

Wo r k s h o p s & t u i t i o n By: Justin Minns

Landscape photography workshops

If you would like to join me for a days photography at some of East Anglia's most beautiful locations and develop your photography skills then why not try a photography workshop?

My landscape workshops are on a one-to-one basis with an itinerary tailor made to suit your n e e d s , s o w h a t e v e r y o u r l e v e l o r p a r t i c u l a r i n t e r e s t y o u w i l l g e t t h e m o s t f r o m t h e d a y. A comprehensive set of filters, courtesy of Lee Filters,is available for use on the day along with f u l l t u i t i o n o n h o w t o u s e t h e m a n d e x p l o r e s o m e o f t h e c r e a t i v e p o s s i b i l i t i e s t h e y o ff e r.

Wo r k s h o p s l a s t a r o u n d s i x h o u r s ( i n c l u d e e i t h e r a s u n r i s e o r s u n s e t s h o o t ) a n d c o v e r t o p i c s such as equipment, composition, exposure, filtration and creative techniques.

• Wo r k s h o p p r i c e £ 1 2 5

credit to: Justin Minns

Tuition A s w e l l a s l a n d s c a p e w o r k s h o p s I a l s o o ff e r o n e t o - o n e p h o t o g r a p h y a n d i m a g e e d i t i n g t u i t i o n . So if you are new to photography and want to get to grips with your camera or just want to get the best from your photos, this could be for you.

• Tw o h o u r t u i t i o n £ 6 0 • Three hour tuition £75

Email: Te l e p h o n e : 0 7 7 3 4 0 6 8 6 0 5

Nigel Forster Award Winning Landscape photographer


have always had a passion for the outdoors; the mountains in

particular, travel and for landscape photography. I used to earn a living firstly as a Landscape Architect and subsequently the director of a community regeneration charity in South Wales. 01874 676402 or 07815 089835

Wo r k s h o p s & t u i t i o n By: Nigel Forster

credit to: Nigel Forster

Frederick Gormer Professional Landscape photographer


ased in Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, I have a love

for travel photography particularly in the United States of America. On my website is my showcase of fine art photography including landscapes, portraits, architecture and any other interesting subjects from our beautiful world. 07805350752

credit to: Frederick Gormer

credit to: Frederick Gormer

credit to: Frederick Gormer

credit to: Frederick Gormer

H o l d e r S ys t e m

70mm System Square Filter Holder 70mm Holder system is made from aviation-grade aluminum with single element processing by CNC Machine. It is designed with matte black frosted finished on the surface, which is anti-corrosion and anti-distortion. You are able to install 3 pieces of square filters and 1 piece of round CPL filter with this holder system. However, one piece of CPL Filter and 58mm adaptor ring are included in this package. Other adaptor ring sizes can also be used in this holder system, which are (37,39,40,40.5,43,46,49,52,55.)mm-58mm.

100mm System Square Filter Holder

100mm system square filter holder is made from aviation-grade aluminium with single element processing by CNC machine. It is also designed with matte black frosted finish on the surface. All of the screw accessories are made of copper and black nickel plating. It is durable and can reduce the effect of stray light on the image.

More Adaptor Rings for 100mm Filter Holder: 52-86, 55-86, 58-86, 62-86, 67--86, 72-86, 77-86, 82-86

150mm System Square Filter Holder

NiSi Exclusive Two Patents 150mm Filter Holder consist of lens mount clamp foundation and filter installation system. Ergonomic design makes Lens mount clamp fixed on the lenses quickly. The Filter Holder can rotate with 360 degree. It’s made from aviation-grade aluminium with single element processed by CNC Machine. It is also designed with matte black frosted finish on the surface. All of the screw accessories are made of copper and black nickel plating. It is durable and can reduce the effect of stray light on the image.

For NIKON 14-24

For CANON 14

For Zeiss 15 2.8/T*

For CANON TS-E 17mm f/4L

For Hasselblad HCD35-90mm, HC-300mm, HC35mm, HC50-110mm

100 mm Filter Holder V3 Foundation Kit Unique rotation wheel design NiSi V3 100mm filter holder kit is complete with this 82mm ultra thin CPL filter. Together with the smart recessed adapter ring design, you can use 3 x 100mm square filters on a 16mm lens without the occurance of vignetting.

rotation wheel

Ultra thin CPL

The most advanced 100mm filter holder system with unique CPL rotation design with unusually high quality

Newly designed filter clips with adjustable tightness, which can hold up to 3 filters.

Ultra thin CPL 82mm thread size. Can be used directly on lenses. Rotating independently.

01707-257670 or 07766553898 If you are an experienced photographer with an interest in joining NiSi UK, we'd be happy to discuss the possibilities. Please email us and we can start the conversation.

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