St. Albert’s College Ernakulam
College Magazine 2012-2013
Staff Editor :
Prof. Shaji Joseph E Editor :
Nithin Jose Sub Editor :
Sanju Jose
Editorial Board :
Statement of Ownership Statement of ownership and particulars (form IV Sec. Rule VIII) About the publication of St. Albert’s College Magazine Place of Publication Periodicity of publication Publisher & printer Nationality Address
: : : : :
Ernakulam Annual Sri. Shaji Joseph. E Indian St. Albert’s College Banerjee Road, Ernakulam
I Shaji Joseph hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Dr. Dhanalakshmi Anjana Sadeesh Syama Lenus Akhil K. Augustine Alan Abraham Advisory Board :
Dr. Leslie Thomas Prof. K.J Augustine Dr. Appu John Jacob Illustration :
Anoop Oommen Sanju Jose Photography :
Vincent Pinto Nikhil Wilson Cover Design :
Akhil Antony Page Layout:
Blyth Graphics Sd/Shaji Joseph. E
Printing :
Don Bosco IGACT
CSn-®p-Ip-Øn, ]nSn-®p-I-b-dn, ]c°w ]mbp∂ A`n-\h "apbem'fnamtcmSv Hcp Ba-t®m-Zyw. "Npa-en¬ C∂pw Hcp hoSv Im°p-∂Xv sIm≠mtWm Rß-fn{X ]n∂n¬?' Npa-ense IqSpw N¶nse NqSpw hn´v Hcp s\t´m-´-Øn\pw Rß-fn-√. ]t£ Cu Hm´-Øn¬ R߃ Pbn-°pI Xs∂ sNøpw. \osf XW-ep≈ Hcp sNΩ¨]m-X-bn¬ Hcn-Øncn hn{i-a-an-√msX RßtfmSn-s°m-≠n-cn°pw.
apb-ep-ItfmSv- a’cn®v HmSn-s°m-t≠-bn-cn-°p∂ Ba-Iƒ°v....
I am writing these words with a sense
of appreciation for the editorial board and for all who have supported the College Magazine2012-13 that gives a glimpse of the talents and achievements of the students and portrays the growth of the institution. Creativity, Expression of thoughts,reflection of values and ethics, Skill Empowerment, Logical and analytical thinking are the key areas emphasized in the new educational paradigm. And I was able to understand this is where your college magazine performs a sterling role. In today’s changing world with the availability of a wide spectrum of new learning experience – “swiftness” is the only mantra for surviving this competitive metropolis.Their language skills, creative writing and poetic articulation find expression in these pages of this college magazine. I hope this will be a continuous process enabling the future generations to belong to fruition an equitable, humanistic ,collaborative society where the pursuit of knowledge is at its zenith; a society that has learnt how to learn and therefore learnt how to live. I wish the students and the faculty members all the best and God’s Blessings,
+ Francis Kallarackal Metropolitan Archbishop of Verapoly.
His Grace, Most Rev. Dr. Francis Kallarackal
The Manager’s Message
Fr. Antony Arackal Manager, St. Albert’s College
Fr. Antony Arackal
t gives me immense pleasure to learn that this year also our college is coming up with an excellent magazine, I can assure you that this issue of our college magazine provides unusually good perspective on the intellectual pursuits happening in our campus.Even though the magazine’s look has changed our goal remains the same, it is still to promote our college’s pride. SPEED. The theme of our college magazine is so relevant that it forces us to think. In this competitive world everything is in speed, so it is important to talk about the curse and boon of this. I would like to appreciate the magazine committee for this thought. This magazine has really made me proud. As you turn these pages you will find many reasons to be proud of the depth of thought. sincerity and hard work of the magazine committee. I thank the lord for the blessing showerd on this institution and its service towards humanity Let the good lord continue his blessings to this institution.
Principal’s Message
t is a great honour and privilege for me to be the Principal of the institution, where the spirit of Co-operation, mutual respect and personal responsibility among staff and students take us to greater heights of excellence.The role played by the parents , alumni and other stake holders with a wide range of academic and extra academic activities encourage students to transform into a holistic, mature individual. I wish everyone a wonderful career and look forward to 2013-2014 with new experiences Prof. Harry Cleetus Principal
Prof. Harry Cleetus
{]nb-s∏´ .................................................................................. FXn-cm-fnsb \n m-c-\m-bn-°≠v Hcpd°w Ign-™n-´mhmw Hm´w F∂p-I-cpXnb apb-ens\ tXm¬∏n®v kΩm\w t\Snb Hcp Ba-bpsS IY ]Tn-∏n® Kpcp-\m-Y-∑m¿ C∂v {]Xn-°q-´n-em-Wv. Al-¶m-c-Øn-s‚bpw AanX-hn-izm-k-Øn-s‚bpw Zpc-¥-ambpw ÿntcm-’m-l-Øns‚ hnP-b-ambpw \o tI´p-]-Tn® B IY Hu´vtU-‰-Umbn amdn-°-gn-™p, Nßm-Xn. C∂n-\p-th-≠Xv a\-km-{K-ln-°p-∂n-SØv ico-c-sa-Øp∂ ssSwsajo≥ Pohn-X-ß-fmWv! c≠p an-\n‰p t\csØ {Sm^nIv tªm°pw A©p an\n‰v sshIp∂ _ pw thKX Ipd™ hml\hpw \ns∂ Atemkc-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂n-t√? kmh-[m\w [ym\-]q¿Δw I¿Ω-߃ sNbvX Ejn ]q¿Δn-I¿; ""£a-tbmsS ImØn-cn-°q'' F∂p-]-d™psIm≠v kXym-{K-l-Øn-eqsS kzmX{¥yw t\Sn-sb-SpØ Km‘nPnbpw Cu {]thKØn¬ hnNm-cW sNøs∏t´-°mw. Xnc-°ns‚ Pohn-X-Øn¬ `£Ww ^mÃv ^pUmbn... ImØn-cn∏v aSp-∏mbn... Iyq Ak-l-\o-b-ambn... {In°‰v 20 Sz‚n-bmbn..., Cg-®n¬ ]mSn-s√-∂mbn... kwKo-Xhpw \rØhpw kn\n-abpw ^mÃm-bn... hm¿Ø-Iƒ t{_°nwKv \yqkp-I-fmbn... hnc-e-a¿Ønbt∏mƒ AI-eØp-≈-h¿ ASp-Øm-bn.... F∂m¬ ASp-Øp-≈-h¿ AI-e-Øp-am-bn.... hnI-k\ Cc-Iƒ, {]IrXn kvt\ln-Iƒ, hr≤¿/apXn¿∂h¿ Im¬\S bm{X-°m¿ "Ba'-bm-b-Xns‚ t]cn¬ Zbm-h[w sNø-s∏Sp∂ Cu Ime-ØmWv bp˛-tS¨ hf-®p-sI-´en-√mØ hm°p-am-sb-Øp-∂-Xv. lnwk, ta[m-hn-Xz-w, a’chocyw, XpS-ßn-bh¿ Xn°nØnc°p∂ Cu Ime-Øn\v hfhv \nh¿Øm-\p≈ hm°m-Is´ bp˛-tS¨ F∂v am{X-am-{K-ln-°p-∂p. kvt\l-]q¿Δw....
\nXn≥ tPmkv amK-kn≥ FUn-‰¿
AanX thK-Øn\v XS, Pohn-X-Øn-te°v Hcp bp-˛tS¨
Xe-°pdn ....................
11 \Znsbmgp START
ag acw
s]bvXXpw s]bvX-Xpw... ae-bm-fn- 15 bpsS ae-bmfw
22 What if reservations had Come to an end
18 Secularism
Hcp Xnc°hnX
BWthm¿÷w BiIfpw 24 Bi¶Ifpw Hope Springs Eternal
28 A City View Ahtijn°p∂ Xo{hXbpw Xo°\epw 29 Hcp \√ 30 t\Xmhns\ Bhiyap≠v
IhnX hmbn-°m≥ Ihn-bpsS Ncn{Xw F¥n\v 101 At\z-jn°Ww
For the Food Obsessed Youth
AanX thK-Øn\v "cmP-'Iob ]q´v
thK-X-bn¬ 65 XIcp∂ hnizm-kyX
Ifn-a-Æ√ s]Æv
71 ae-bm-f-
T o p
99 Instant Love
v - n\ Ø X { v imk Øv I 97
34 Malala Yousafzai
G e a r Conflicts 43 Syrian and Political Challenges of the World
41 BImiw Iog-S-°m≥ IpXn-°p-∂-h-sc....
aWw. acWw.. a\pjy≥... 33
shdpsX hnSpI..
Journey through the Ghost Town Dhanushkodi
kw-KoXØns‚ "C∂v ' Adn-tb≠ 74 "C∂se' 77 AIsebp≈h¿ [\t aml Ø ns‚ AcnsI.. thK-∏m®n¬ 82 AcnsIbp≈h¿ hnI-k-\-∏m-®n-en¬ AIse... hog-cpXv! 80 90 ÿe\maNcn{Xhgn Run Lola sIm®nbpsS ]®ØpcpØns\ Run 86
BreakneckerzRight or Wrong ? 52 \nWsamgpIp∂ \ncØpIƒ 56
AXn¿Øn IS-°p∂ Bi-¶-Iƒ
Regrets? I have none
My Sorrow
bm{Xm samgn
do n o t t g a ic a h in m W dur ono is? s 9 e c cri
C\n I sNømw rjn em`-I ; ambn.. -c134
Xncn®p \S-°th
k®n≥ F∂ ]mT-]p-kvXIw =k ™ … ‡ E Ú …Æ˙…J…Δb˜ S…‰i……¥ 124 …x…“
122 tét wit é - a - t é t h th é t itan
121 sj^o °n\v
108 ]pXp-]p-ecn ]nd-°s´
141 Why B.Tech why not B.Sc?
D®`mjnWnbn¬ am{Xw apgßp∂ P\tkh\w ...............
Telengana : The Real State
The Shackles that bind Her..
131 \ntj[ thm´n\v U_nƒ sse°v
\qdp h¿jw ]n∂n-Sp∂ C¥y≥ Ne-\Nn{XNcnXw
BΩ˛∫……∫… Rm≥ ssla-hXn
hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS 111 tIm¿´n¬ sat{Sm-bp-sS Ifn th≠!
Reverse Gear 146 Hm¿Ω-I-fpsS 149 \nd-®m¿Øv My
kpIrXw 150 Picture kulrZw 151 153 Our Days of GloryA word to My Peers
Does the Shoe fits??!! 155
temd≥kv tN´≥
AYhm B¬_¿Svkns‚ lcn-XIw 157 College Annual Union Report Report 159
hm°v : k©p tPmkv
hc : tKm]p kn.B¿
\ZnsbmgpIp-tºmƒ..... " ac-am-bn-cp∂p Rm≥ ]s≠mcp alm-\Zn °c-bn¬ \Zn-bpsS t]cp Rm≥ a-d-∂p-t]mbv \bntem bq{^-´otkm bmMv‰vkntbm bap-\tbm \Zn-Iƒs°-t∂-°m-fp-tam¿Ω ImW-W-a-h¿ Ig-en¬ Nnd-Ip≈ k©m-c-{]n-b¿-˛-\ne sØgp-Xm≥ ]Tn-®-h¿ ]d-bm≥ ]Tn-®-h¿'' a\p-jy-N-cn-{X-Øn¬ \Zn-Iƒ°p≈ {]m[m\yw hc®pImWn-°p-I-bmWv hb-em-dns‚ Cu hcn-Iƒ! t]sc-SpØp ]d-™m epw Cs√-¶nepw F√m \Zn-I-fp-sSbpw IY Cu hcn-I-fn¬ \ndbp-∂p. H∏w Ah-bpsS Xoc-ß-fn¬ ]nd-∂v -h-f¿∂ a\p-jy-kwkvIm-c-sa∂ alm-hr-£-Øns‚ IY-bpw.
jlm\ Fw. F H∂mw h¿jw B. Sc Botany
Pe-Øn-emWv Pohs‚ Dev]-Øn. a\p-jy-N-cn-{X-Øn¬ Xo t]m-se -Xs∂ Pehpw {][m\ ]¶v hln-°p-∂p. Pohn-X-tØmSv G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ kmZr-iy-ap≈ Fs¥-¶n-ep-ap-s≠-¶n¬ AXp \Zn -X-s∂. Fhn-sS- \nt∂m D¤-hn-°p-∂p, ]e ssIh-gn-I-fmbn ]ncn-bp-∂p, Nne-bn-SØv HØp-tN-cp-∂p. ho≠pw AI-ep-∂p, ASp°p-∂p...-Im-em-h-ÿ-bv°-\p-k-cn®v \nd-bp-∂p, Ihn-bp-∂p, h‰p∂p, hc-fp-∂p...-H-Sp-hn¬ A\-¥hpw AKm-[-hp-amb kmK-c-Øn¬ sN∂p-tN-cp-∂p. Xmfhpw XØzhpw ASßnb ]pg-Iƒ temIsa-ßp-ap≈ Ihn-Isf {]tNm-Zn-∏n-®Xv shdp-sX-b-√.
a\p-jy-Ncn{XØnse alm -kw-kvIm-c-ß-sf√mw hf¿∂Xv \Zn-°-c-bn-em-Wv. AXp-t]mse alm-\-K-c-ß-fpw. e≠≥, ]mcokv, tdmw, tamkvtIm...-`q-JW - vU -ta-Xp-am-I-s´, `mj-tb-Xp-am-Is´...- k-am-\-X-I-fn-√mØ Cu \K-c-ßsf tIm¿Øn-W-°p∂ H∂p≠v: Ch-sb√mw \Zo-Xo-cØm-Wv. Xoc-ß-fn¬ kwkvImc- Ø ns‚ hnsØ- d n- ™ p- s Im≠mWv \Zn-Iƒ Hgp-Ip-∂-Xv, thmƒK apX¬ KwK hsc! B hnØp-Iƒ, apf-s]m´n alm-hr£-ß-fm-bn. a\p-jy-kw-kvImchpw AtXm-sSm∏w hf¿∂p. \Zn-I-fpsS IY A-ßs\ a\pjys‚ IY-bm-bn, a\p-jy-hw-i-
am\-h] - p-tcm-KX - n-bn¬ \ZnI-fpsS {]m[m\yw F{X-am-{Xam-sW∂p a\- n-em-°m≥ \Ωp sS sIm®p-tI-cf - Ø - n-eqsS H∂p ItÆm-Sn-®m¬ aXn. G-‰hpw \√ \Zn-bmb s]cn -bm-dn\pw hymh-km-bnI {]m[m\y-ap-W¿Øp∂ Nmen-bm-dn\pw hnπ-hk - a v c - W - I - ƒ \nd™ I_ \ - n°pw amam¶w Ac-tß-dnb Ncn {- X-{]-[m-\a - mb `mc-X∏ - pgbv°pw aX-ku-lm¿±-Øns‚ DZm-Ø`m-ha - mb ]ºm-\Z- n°pw \ΩpsS sIm®p-tI-c-f-Øns‚ Ncn{Xw \tΩmSp ]d-bm-\m-hpw.
cmk-am-en-\y-ßfpw aen-\- P-ehpw Nmen-bm-dnte°p ]n¥-≈n-b-t∏mƒ \Zn-bpsS `uXn-I-˛-cmk ssPhnI kz`mhw \jvSs∏-´p. IdpØ \nd-Øn¬ Nmen-bm¿ HgpIn
]t£ \ΩpsS Poh-\mUnI-fmb Cu \Zn-I-fpsS Poh-s\-
amWv \Zn-I-fpsS Zpc-¥-Øn\p ImcWw F∂p sXfn-bn-°m≥ sNdn-sbmcp DZm-l-cWw aXn; Nmen-bm¿....
-Øns‚ ]ptcm-K-Xn-bpsS IY, \K-c-ß-fp-sSbpw \mK-cn-I-X-bpsSbpw IY. {]ikvX Ihn sS∂n-k s‚ "Z {_q°v' F∂ Ihn-Xb - n¬ \Zn ]d-bp-∂-Xp-t]mse ""a\p-jy¿ hcp-∂p...-t]m-Ip-∂p.... ]t£, Rm≥ Hgp-In-s°m-t≠-bn-cn-°p-∂p....''
Sp-°p-∂Xv \mam-sW∂v Adn-bp∂pt≠m? th≠Xpw th≠mØXpw hen-s®-dn-bm-\p≈ Nh‰p-Iq-\-I-fmbn \ΩpsS \Zn-Iƒ amdp-∂p. ]®-t\m-´ns‚ K‘w \ΩpsS t_m[sØ kXyØn¬ \n∂pw ad-bv°p-tºmƒ as‰mcp ao\m-amXm Zpc¥w ChnsSbpw kw`-hn-t®-°mw. \ΩpsS em`- s °m- X nbpw A{i- ≤ - b p-
Nmen-bm-dp-ambn _‘-s∏´ Hcp IY-bn-ßs\: Ihn-bmb tN e-∏-dºp \ºq-Xncn Hcp Znhkw Nmen-bm-dns‚ Xoc-sØ-Øn. Im ‰pw tImfpw ImcWw ]pg CfIn adn-bp-I-bm-Wv. apdn-®p-I-S-°m≥ bmsXmcp am¿§-hp-an-√. At∏mƒ Ihn Hcp t«mI-ap-≠m°n sNm √n. IhnX "Bkz-Zn®' Nmenbm¿ s]s´∂v im¥-am-bt{X! Ihn ]pg-I-S∂v adp-I-c-]-‰n. C∂pw k‘ym- k - a - b Øv Nmen- b m¿ im¥-am-Ip-a-t{X. ]t£ Nmen-bm¿ F∂pam‰n Imfnμn F∂p \Ωƒ Cu \Znsb ]p\¿\m-a-I-cWw sN ø-Ww. Kymfn-bm¿ dtbm¨ Iº\n-bpsS cq]-Øn-emWv Imfn-
b≥ Ah-X-cn-®-Xv. Hcp ]pXnb ^mIvSdn FØn-bt∏mƒ amhqcn se P\-߃ \nd™ a\-t msS-bmWv Ahsc FXn-tc-‰-Xv. amhq-cnse P\-߃ XnI ®pw im¥-amb Pohn-X-amWv \bn-®-ncp-∂-Xv. ]≠v \ne-ºqcn¬ \n∂pw tX°n≥X-Sn-Iƒ Hgp- ° n- s °m- ≠ p- h - ∂ n- c p- ∂ Xv Nmen-bm-dn-eq-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Nm en-bm¿ Ah¿s°√mw \¬In. P\-k-ar-≤n-bn¬ 4˛mw ÿm\Øp≈ Nmen-bm-dnse Fcp¥pw a‰p a’y-hn-`-h-ßfpw BtcmKy-]q¿Æ-amb PohnXw Ah¿ °p \¬In. Fcp-¥n-d®n th¿Xncn-®X - n-\p-tijw e`n-°p∂ I°, IpΩmbw \n¿Ωn-°m≥ D]-tbm -Kn-°p-∂-Xn-eqsS Hcp sNdnb D]-Po-h-\-am¿§w IqSn AhnsS cq]-s∏-Sp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. ]t£ AXn-Yn-bpsS cq]Øn¬ hncp-∂n\p h∂Xv Imfnb-\m-bn-cp-s∂∂v Ah¿ a\- nem-°n-b-t∏m-tg°pw Nmen-bm¿ A£-cm¿∞-Øn¬ Imfn-μn-bm
bn amdn-bn-cp-∂p. cmk-am-en-\yßfpw aen-\-P-ehpw Nmen-bmdn-te°p ]n¥-≈n-b-t∏mƒ \ZnbpsS `uXn-I-˛-cmk˛ssPhnI kz`mhw \jvS-s∏-´p. IdpØ \nd-Øn¬ Nmen-bm¿ HgpIn; Hcp Zpc-¥-Øns‚ kqN-\-sbt∂m-Ww. a’y-e-`yX KWyambn Ipd-™-tXmsS ]cn-k-chm-kn-I-fn¬ hnhn[ tcmK-߃ I≠p-Xp-S-ßn. Nmen-bm-dnse cmk-am-en-\y-߃ Ip´n-Is - f-t∏m epw ]e tcmK-߃°v A-Sn-abm°n- Xo¿Øp. AsX Imfnμn tIm ]n-s®m-gp-Ip-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. HSp-hn¬ P\-߃ b-Ym¿∞ i{Xp-hns\ Xncn-®-dn-™p. -{]t£m`w i‡-am-bn. HSp-hn¬ Imfn-b≥ ]n≥hm-ßn. dtbm¨ ^mIvSdn AS-®p-]q-´n. Nmen-bm¿ ho≠pw Hgp-In. Nmen- b m- d n\p am{X- a √ Cu Zpc¥w kw`-hn-®-Xv. amam¶-ß-fn¬ Nmth-dp-I-fpsS hocc‡w NnX-dn-hoW B \Zn-°c-Iƒ C∂-{]-Xy-£-am-bn-cn-°p-
_lp-cm-jv{S-I-º-\n-Iƒ Xß-fpsS e£y-tØm-sSm∏w Fgp-Xn-t®¿°p∂ P-e-t{km-X ns‚ kwc-£Ww ]n∂oSv ISem-kp-I-fn¬ am{Xw HXp-ßnt∏m-Ip-∂p. ]pWy-\-Zn-bmb Kw K- b n¬ Ipfn- ® m¬ Bflmhp ip≤o- I - c n- ° - s ∏Spw ]t£ icocw Aip-≤-am-Ipw. A{Xbv °v aen\amWhnSw. Hcp \oscm-gp-°n¬ c≠p πmÃnIv Ih-dp-t]-£n-®m¬ F ¥p kw`hn°pw? F∂p \Ωƒ Nn¥n-t®-°mw. ]t£ B \o scm-gp-°ns‚ Nph-Sp-]n-Sn®v Hcp XÆo¿ØSw Xs∂ A{]-Xy£-am-tb-°mw. Aßs\ kw`hn-®m¬..... k¿ B¬_¿´v sF≥ Ão≥ ]d-™-Xp-t]mse ""C\n-sbmcp temI-a-lmbp≤w Pe- Ø n- \ p- t h- ≠ n- b m Imw!''
CXv Ht∂m ct≠m \ZnI-fpsS Ah-ÿ-b-√. Poh-\mUn-Iƒ hc-fp-∂p. h¿jw-tXm dpw `‡n-]m-c-h-iy-Øn¬ Aø∏-∑m¿ ae-I-b-dp-tºmƒ ]º bpsS Ic-I-fn¬ amen-\y-Iq-ºmc-ambn-cp-∂p. AsX, Poh-\m-UnI-fpsS XpSn-∏n\p XS w h∂ncn-°p-∂p.
∂p. aW¬am-^n-b-bpsS ]Ws°mXn \nfsb shdp-samcp \oscm-gp-°m°n am‰n. s]cn-bmdns‚ Ah-ÿbpw as‰m-∂-√. ag-hn¬ \nd-ß-fn¬ s]cn-bmsdm-gp-Ip-tºmƒ Bi-¶-Iƒ°h-km-\-an-√.
ag acw
s]bvXXpw s]bvX-Xpw...
sIknb tkhy¿ c≠mw h¿jw B. Sc Chemistry
ag-bmbv s]øm≥ sImXn-s®m-cm, CS-h-cm-hn¬ Ipfn-cmbv \nd-bp∂ Xmf-e-b-ambv s]bvXp-Xn-an¿°p∂ ag-bp-’-h-Øn¬ \\-™p \n¬°p∂p Rm≥... B¿{Z-X-tbm-sS-∂n¬ s]øp∂ ag-bn¬, ag-sh-≈-Øns‚ Nqcp \pW-™p-\n¬°th GtXm ]g-sbmcp I\-hns‚ kvarXn-Iƒ F∂n-te°v Ncn™p s]bvXp.... ag-bpsS sRmdn-h® Cud≥io-ep-I-f-Wn™v Rm\pw s]øm≥ XpS-ßn.... ]®-a-c-Ø-W-ep-I-fn¬, CS-\m-gn-I-fn¬ Xe-ap-d-I-fpsS {]Wbw L-\o-`-hn® hgn-tbmc _©p-I-fn¬, DZym-\-ß-fn¬ Hs° Xnc-™p, Rm≥ Fs‚ C∂-e-I-sf.... ]t£, ]s≠t∂m ssIhn-´p-t]mb B kvarXn-Iƒ AhnsS C√m-bn-cp-∂p. GI-bm-bv, Jn∂-bmbv ag-bpsS hgn-I-fn-eqsS ag-bn¬ \\-™v, Rm≥ tXSn \S-∂p. Fs‚ ag-sb, Fs‚ Hm¿Ω-s]m-´p-I-sf.... A∂v, F\n°v ag IS-em-kp-h-©n-I-fm-bn-cp∂p GsX-¶nepw I´p-dp-ºns\ I∏n-Øm-\m-°m≥ Rm≥ Hcn-°epw CjvS-s∏-´n-cp-∂n-√. I∏n-Øm-\n-√m-Ø, Fs‚ IS-em-kp-h-©n-Isf Rm≥ kvt\ln-®p-sIm-t≠-bn-cp-∂p. ag-sh-≈-]m-®n-en¬s∏´ Ip´n-bp-dp-ºp-Iƒ°mbv Ce-\p-≈m≥ HmSn-bn-cp-∂-Rm≥ Nnc-´-sIm≠v ap‰Øv InW-dp-Iƒ Xo¿Ø Rm≥... ]n∂o-Sv, AS-®n´ apdn-°p-≈n-en-cp-∂-t∏mgpw agsb kz]v\w I≠n-cp-∂v, ag-bn¬ Aen-bm≥ sImXn-®n-cp∂p Rm≥.... C∂v, IdpØ \oe -\n-d-am¿∂ apIn¬®m¿Øp-Iƒ, kqcy-\-£-{XsØ ad-®n-Sp-tºmƒ, agbpw \nKq-V-X-I-fn-te°v \∑-bn-te-°v, \\-s™m-´nb ip≤-ku-μ-cy-Øn-te°v Rm\pw Adn-bmsX ebn-®p-tN¿∂n-cn-°p-∂p. ag-\q-en-g-I-fm¬ sas\-s™-SpØ Xnc-»o-e-Iƒ hI-™p-am‰n Rm≥ \S-°p∂p Fs‚ am{Xw ag-s]-bvØn-te-°v....
ae-bmfw C
¥y-bn¬ ae-bmfw kwkm-cn-°p-∂-h-cpsS FÆw IW°m-°p-tºmƒ ae-bm-f-`m-jbv°v F´mw ÿm\-ap-≠v. ASp-ØnsS ae-bm-f-Øn\v t{ijvT- `m-jm-]-Zhn e`n-®p-sh-¶nepw C∂v \ΩpsS amXr-`mj Kpcp-X-c-amb Nne sh√p-hn-fn-Iƒ t\cn-Sp-∂p. AØcw afi-e-ß-fpsS (domain) Hm¿Ω-s∏-Sp-ج CXm Cß-s\. ""en]nX-e-Øn¬ XpSßn hmIy-X-e-Øn¬hsc \nc-h-[n {]iv\-߃ C∂p \ne-\n-ev°p-∂p-≠v. Ah-bn-te-‰hpw {][m-\-am-bXv CØcw {]iv\ß - s - fm∂pw ae-bm-fn°v Hcp {]iv\a - mbn tXm∂p-∂n√ F∂Xm-Wv. AX-√m-bn-cp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ tIc-f-Ønse ae-bmfw A[ym]-Is - c-¶nepw ]t≠ sXcphnendßntbs\. tIcfØn¬ aebmf Øns‚ Ahÿ GXm≠v I´-s∏m-I-bm-Wv.'' (]n. tkma-\m-Y≥, amXr-`qan BgvN-∏-Xn∏v: Pq¨ 2008, ]pdw ˛ 60). CXns‚ A\p_‘ Nn¥-I-fmWv Cu {lkz-te-J-\-Øn-\m-[m-cw. 1.1. en]n-Xew tUm. sI. [\-e£van ae-bm-f-hn-`mKw
`mj-bpsS ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-amb Xew D®m-c-W-am-Wv. D®m-cWhpw en]nbpw ]nW-ßn- \n-ev°p∂ Hc-h-ÿ-bmWv "]'h¿K-
Ønse AXn-Jc - a - mb "^.' CXn \p ImcWw Cw•o-jnse 'f' F∂ kz\n-a-Øns‚ \pg-™p-I-b-‰am-sW∂v `mjm- im-kv{X-⁄¿ °v Adn-bm-sa-¶nepw kmam-\yP-\-Øn\v Hcp DZm-l-cWw hgn hy‡-am-°mw. ""ss^\-en¬ s]m fn™ ^kp-ep-±o≥ Hm^o nse t^m¨ hen-s®-dn™p; ^m≥ Hm ^m°n; {^nUvPv adn-®n-´p. F¥p^ew! ^nen-t∏mkpw ^mØna bpw tPmk^pw shdpsX t\m°n \n∂-tX-bp≈q ˛ Hcp ^enXw t]mse.'' (hn.-B¿. {]t_m[N-{μ≥, sabv 1999, ]pdw-˛57). ChnsS {]I-S-am-th-≠p∂ "^' F∂ kz\n-a-Øns‚ c≠pX-c-Øn-ep≈ D®m-c-W-Øn\pw en]n \n¿t±iw \evIp-∂p≠v Cu `mjm-im-kv{X-⁄≥. 1. "]'bpsS alm- { ]m- W - a mb "^' kwkvIr-X-]-Z-ß-fn¬ AtX-]Sn XpS-cpI (DZm-lcWw ^ew, ^en-Xw). 2. sshtZin-I ] - Z-ßf - n¬ [^mÃv^pUv (Fast Food), {^nUvPv (Fridge] 'F' s‚ D®m-cWw th ≠n-SØv "^' F∂v en]n \ev In hyXym-k-s∏-Sp-Øp-I. Ipdp- s I- b p≈ sh´v 'f' F∂ Cw•ojv A£-cØ - n-t\mSv BIr-Xn-sIm≠pw kz\-aq-eywsIm≠pw \oXn-]p-e¿Øp-∂p≠p-Xm-\pw. CØ-cw {Inbm-fl-I-\n¿ t±iw At±lw \evIn-bn´v ]Xn\-©v- h¿j-ß-fm-bn´pw km£c-tI-c-f-Øn¬ AXn\v hym]\w D≠m-bn-´n√ F∂Xv tJZ-Icw Xs∂. CXn-s\m-sSm∏w tN¿Øp-
ae-bm-f-]-Z-߃ kpe-`-ambn {]tbm-Kn°m≥ km[y-X-bp-≠mbn´pw tkmMv (song) tπ (play) sNbvXv dedicate sNøp∂ Sot\-Pp-Im-tcmSv F¥p-]-d-bm-\m-Wv.
hm-bn-t°≠ Hcp {]iv\w IqSn apt∂m-´p-h-bv°-s´. hnZym¿∞nIƒ- D - Ø - c - ° - S - e m- p- I - f n¬ hcp- Ø p∂ A£- c - s Ø- ‰ p- I fn¬ hymIp-e-s∏-Sp∂ A[ym-]I-cpsS {i≤-bn¬s∏´ Imcyw ], Bƒ Xs∂- b m- W n- X v . ]w F∂o ]Z-ß-fnse " ' F∂ A£cw " ' F∂v FgpXp- ∂ Xp Xs∂- b mWv Chn- S sØ {]iv\w. hnZym¿∞n-Isf hgn-sX-‰n-®Xv GXm-sW∂v hy ‡w. " 'Xew˛am " 'an F∂o ]Z-ßf - nse " '-˛" ' F∂o en]ncq-]-ß-tfm-Sp≈ kam-\X " ' ˛ " ' F∂ A£-cØ - n-te°v hym ]n-∏n-®-XmWv hnZym¿∞n-Isf NXn-°p-gn-bn-em-°n-b-Xv. ChnSsØ en]n-tPm-Sn-bn¬ BZytØXv Xh¿§-J-c-am-sW∂pw c≠m-a-tØXv tc^-am-sW∂pw Nm°o-cn-∏m-kp-Isc (1970-˛-Ifnse ^pƒ]m v ]cn-jvIm-c-
Øns‚ \m´p-t]-cv) Fß-s\bmWv A[ym-]-I≥ t_m[y-s∏-Sp-Øp-I. IXn-cn¬ hfw h®n´v Imcy-an√ F∂ {] amWw Xs∂ ChnsS bp‡w. F¶nepw Quality Improvement ]≤Xn Imcy-£-a-am-°p-I-bm Wv ]cn-lm-cw. 1.2. kz\n-a-Xew kwhr- t Xm- I m- c - Ø ns‚ AkvXn-Xz-{]-iv\w, \˛W (\-\bp-∂p) Z¥y-˛-h¿’y \Im-cØn\v {]tXyIw en]n kzoIcn°m-Xn-cn-°¬, AXn-J-c-ßfpw tLmj-ßfpw XΩn-ep≈ D®mc-W-Ønse hyXym-k-an-√mbva (eLpte-J) F∂n-h-sb√mw ae-bmfw A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p∂ hnj-a-k‘n Xs∂; Hcp icmicn ae-bmfn Ch-sb-°p-dn®v t_m[- h m- \ - s √- ¶ n¬t∏m- e pw. F∂m¬ CØcw ae-bm-fn-IfpsS a\- nepw \mhn≥Xp-º Øpw XØn-°-fn-°p∂ ae-bmf-amWv \ΩpsS N¿®m-hn-j-bam-tI-≠Xv F∂ tUm. {]t_m[ -N-{μs‚ A`n-{]mbw am\n-°pI- b mWv Cu teJ- \ - Ø ns‚ XpS¿e-£yw. AXn-\m¬ ae-bmfn-bpsS ]pXp-samgn hg-°-Ønte°v IS-°p-∂p. 2. `mj˛ {i-hy-Zr-iy-am-[y-a-ß-fn¬ tdUn-tbmbpw sSen-hn-j \pw _lp-P\ - k - º - ¿°-Øn-\p≈ am[y-a-ß-fm-W-t√m. 2.1. tdUntbm `mj tdUn-tbm-bpsS c≠mw-hchv bph-X-e-ap-dbv°v \thmt∑jw ]I-cp-∂-Xm-Wv. bph-X-
A\y-`m-jm-]Z- ß - sf kzmw io-I-cn-®p-sIm-≠mWv F√m-`mj-I-fp-sSbpw hf¿®-bp-≠m-hp∂-Xv. ]t£, ae-bm-f-]-Z-߃ kpe-`a - mbn {]tbm-Kn-°m≥ km [y-Xb - p-≠m-bn´pw tkmMv (song) tπ (play) sNbvXv dedicate sN øp∂ Sot\-Pp-Im-tcmSv F¥p-]d-bm-\m-Wv?! 2.2. sSe-hn-j≥ `mj
ip≤-a-e-bmf ]Z-߃ am{Xta ]dbq F∂v iTn-°p∂ Hcp ae-bmfn°pw samss_¬, an vUv tImƒ, {Sm^nIv Pmw, sken{_n‰n, tlmwtÃ, dnbm-en-‰n-tjm, kvam¿´vkn-‰n, Nm‰nwKv F∂o ]Z-ß-fn¬ \n∂v tamNn-X-\m-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂n-√. SMS ktμ-i-ß-fn-eqsS bphXzw ]pXn-sbmcp Bi-b-kw-th-Z-\ -ssien krjvSn-®n -cn-°p-∂p.
2.3. Ne-®n{X `mj {ZmhnU `mj-If - nse AXnim-b\ cq]-ß-fpsS (Levels of Degrees) A`mhw \nI-Øp-∂Xn¬ Ne-®n{X `mjbpw Hcp ]¶v hln-°p-∂p-≠v. s]mf-∏≥, CSnsh-´v, InSn-e≥ F∂o ]Z-߃ B[n-Iy-Øns‚ `mjm-[¿Ωw \n¿Δ-ln-°p-∂p. A¿am-Zn-°p-I, IqXd F∂o {]tbm-Kß - ƒ°pw CubnsS {]Nmcw D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F¶nepw "ASn-s]mfn' F∂ \h -]Z- k - r-jSv n°v (coinage) Ign™ ]Xn-\© - p-h¿jw sIm≠p-e`- n® am\yX Cu ]Z-߃°v e`n-®n-´n√ F∂-XmWv hmkvX-hw. X√ns∏mfn F∂ A[-a-X-e-Øn-ep≠m-bn-cp∂ A¿∞-amWv D¬ °¿jw (Semantic expansion) kw`-hn®v ASn-s]mfn F∂ DØam-`n-{]m-b-{]-I-S-\Øn-te-s°Øn-bX - v. Cu ]Z-Ønse X√pI -˛-A-Sn-°pI F∂o {Inb-I-fpsS kam-\m¿∞w {it≤-ba- m-W.v (sh -t°-j≥ ImeØv hoSv ASn®p s]mfn-°m≥ sIm®p-a° - sf t^m Wn-eqsS £Wn-°p∂ AΩq-Ωam¿ C∂p tIc-fØ - n¬ [mcmfw!). 2.4. ]{X-`mj HutZym-Kn-I`- m-jm-cw-KsØ kmt¶-XnI kw⁄-Iƒ aebm-fa- m-°p-tºmƒ t\cn-Sp∂ _p≤nap-´p-Iƒ Gsd N¿®-sN-ø-s∏-´Xm-Wv. Ib¿`q-hkv{Xw (Coir Geo-Textiles), shÆ-∏mfn ({Ioan-se-b¿) F∂n-ßs\ hm°p-
Gsd ic- ß - t f- e v ° p∂ cwKw CXp-X-s∂. AXv Ah¿ A¿ln-°p-∂p-≠p-Xm-\pw. {_n´\n¬ Cw•o-jns‚ D®m-cWw \ne-hm-c-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn¬ Hu tZym-KnI {]t£-]W kwhn-[m\-amb BBC {i≤n-®-t∏mƒ tIc-
s{]m^. Aen-bm¿ F∂n-hc - psS `mjm-h-g-°hpw ip≤nbpw aebm-f-Øns‚ A`n-am-\-am-sW∂v Cub-hk-c-Øn¬ Hm¿t°-≠Xm-Wv.
f-Ønse {]t£-]W \ne-b߃ {]tXy-In®v Zriy-am-[y-a߃ BWv hnIe {]tbm-Kß-fpsS samØ-°-®-h-Sw Gs‰Sp- Ø n- c n- ° p- ∂ - X v . dnbm- e n‰n tjmIfpsS hn[n \n¿Æm-Xm°ƒ Hybrid Malayalam - k¶c ae-bm-f-Øn\v B°w Iq´p-∂h-cm-Wv. "IÆmSn' tKm]-Ip-am¿, {ioI- W v T ≥\m- b ¿, tPm¨ {_n´m-kv, U∫nßv B¿´nÃv
e-ap-dbv°v am{Xw F∂v {]tXy Iw FSp-Øp-]-d-bp-∂p. {]k-cn∏m¿∂ Ah-Xm-c-I¿ F^v.-Fw. tdUn-tbm-bpsS apX¬°q-´mWv. a®q, \Ωp°p XpS-ßmw..., S¨ IW- ° n\v ^¨, tdUntbm amwtKm F∂n-h-bp-ambn hcp∂ Ch-cpsS `mj-bnse BwK-teb- _ m- l peyw {it≤- b - a m- W v . (ip-≤-a-e-bm-f-`mjm kuμ-cyØn-\p-S-a-I-fmb BIm-i-hm-Wnbnse hn.-Fw. Kncn-P, sIm®n F^ Bim-e-X, _meIr-jW v ≥ F∂n-h¿°v Cu Ah -k-c-Øn¬ ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS BZchv Ds≠-∂p-≈Xv Hm¿°m-hp∂-Xm-Wv). Ah-Xm-cI - c - p-tSXv am {X-a√ - , hnj-b- hn-ZK - [ v c - psS {]`mj- W - ß fpw aw•o- j n- e mWv F∂v {]Y-a-{ih-W-Øn¬Ø s∂ t_m[y-s∏-Spw. Hcp Znh-k sØ Imcy-]c - n-]m-Sn-Iƒ sdt°m¿ Uv sNbvXp≈ A]-{K-Y\w CXv icn-h-bv°p-∂p-≠p-Xm-\pw.
Iƒ Is≠-Øp-tºmgpw km[mc-W-°m-cs‚ ]Z-tIm-i-Ønepw k_vknUn (k-lm-b[ - \ - ] - ≤ - X - n), tSmƒ (Nm-hS- n-˛N - p¶w ]ncn-°p∂ ÿew), sImdn-b¿ (hm¿Øm-hm -l-I≥) F∂o BwK-te-b-]-Z߃ Xs∂-bmWv hmh-g-°w. ip≤-ae - b - mf ]Z-߃ am{X ta ]dbq F∂v iTn-°p∂ Hcp aebm-fn°pw samss_¬, an Uv tImƒ, {Sm^nIv Pmw, sken-{_n -‰n, tlmwtÃ, dnbm-en-‰n-tjm, kvam¿´vkn-‰n, Nm‰nwKv F∂o ]Z -ß-fn¬ \n∂v tamNn-X-\m-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂n-√. hymI-c-W-k-ΩX-amb \nb-Xm-£-c-߃ A´na-dn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂ taJ-e-bm Wv ssk_¿ `mjm cwKw. SMS ktμ-iß - f - n-eqsS bphXzw ]pXnsbmcp Bi-b-kw-th-Z-\-ssi en krjvSn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. Npcp-°-Øn¬, ae-bm-fnbpsS ae-bmfw C∂v aen-\o-Icn-°-s∏-´n-cn-°p∂p F∂v ZpxJn°p-tºm-gpw, temI-`m-j-I-fpsS hf¿®- b n¬ ip≤- ` m- j m- k - ¶ ev]w {]mtbm-Kn-Ia - √ F∂v Xncn -®-dn-tb-≠-Xp-≠v. kwkvIr-X-]Z-ßsf kzmwio-Ic - n® ae-bmfw BwK- t e- b - h - g n- Ø m- c - b n- e qsS Ncn-°p∂p F∂-XmWv hmkvXhw. Cu Ah-ÿsb "Icn Ie°nb Ipfw' Ft∂m "If`w Ie -°n-b Ipfw' Ft∂m kc-k∑m¿°v hnti-jn-∏n-°mw. F¶nepw, ae-bm-f-`m-jbv°v e`n® t{ijvT-]-Z]n A¿ln-°p-∂-XmsW∂v t_m[y-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠Xv Hmtcm ae-bm-fn-bp-sSbpw DØc-hm-Zn-Xz-am-Wv.
Abijith. P 1st Year B. A English
Blood bath, A commonalty Hell has come Down Riots rocking the steers ‘My religion,’ ‘My religion’ They say We are brothers; They never said. Forgotten, are the Ideals of the Half naked Fakir. The tree of Communalism Developed from the seed sowed By foreigners Where is ‘Secularism’ where is ‘tolerance’? Hard to find in a land covered in hatred.
Øn-®p-h® asÆ-Æ-hn-f-°ns‚ Ac-≠-sh-fn-®-Øn¬. a™-]n-Sn® Nph-cp-If - n-eqsS Fs‚ IrjvWa - W - n-Iƒ sX∂n- \oßn. ]pI-°-d-bp≈ Nph-cp-I-fn¬ Ahn-S-hn-Smbn hn≈-ep-Iƒ hoWncn-°p-∂p. ChnsS, Cu Xd-hm-Sns‚ \mep-Np-hc - p-Iƒ°p-≈n¬ Rm \-dn-bp-∂p; Rm≥ tIƒ°p-∂p. Ah-cpsS i_vZw.... Ah-cpsS km∂n-[yw! "tamtf.... kmhn{Xo \o Xpf-kn-Ød - b - n¬ hnf-°p-shbv °m-Ø-sXt¥? A—≥ hcp-tºmƒ iImcw tIƒt°≠n hcpw \o...' Fs‚ AΩ. F\n-s°-√m-‰nepw {]nb-s∏´ Fs‚ AΩ. AΩ hnfn-®Xv DΩ-dØp \n∂m-hpw. A—s‚ hchpw ImØp-\n-ev°pI-bm-hpw. HmSn Rm≥ DΩ-d-tØ-°v. C√, Ahn-Sm-cp-an-√. t]Sns∏ -Sp-Øp∂ GIm-¥-Xbpw apSn-b-gn-®n´v t{]X-sØ-t∏mse \n¬ °p∂ Ac-bmepw am{X-a√ - m-sX. hnP\-amb CS-\m-gn-bn-eqsS Rm≥ Xncn™p \S∂p Xd-hm-Sn-\p-≈n-te-°v. ]pd-In¬ \n∂mtcm hnfn°p-∂t- ]m-se.... "Ipt™-®o.... Ipt™®n Fs‚ a©m-Sn-s∏´n It≠m?' Fs‚ A\p-P≥, Fs‚ {]nb-s∏´ A\p-P≥.. H∂p hmcn-∏p-Wcp-hm≥, Ahs‚ s\dp-I-bn¬ hm’-ey-tØmsS H∂p Npw_n°p-hm≥ B¿Øn-tbmsS Rm≥ Xncn-™p-t\m-°n. Rm\-dn™p Fs‚ Np≠n¬ IÆp-\o-cns‚ D∏p-c-kw.... lrZ-bw-\p-dp-ßp∂ thZ-\. ho≠pw Xncn™p \S-∂p. AI-Øf - sØ Nmcp-It- k-cb - n¬ Btcm Ccn-°p-∂t- ]m-se. AsX AsXs‚ apØ-—\ - m-W.v "apØ—m... B Npfn-hp-hoW ssIhn-c-ep-I-fn¬ apJ-sam-Xp°n B hm’eyw Bthmfw \pI-cp-hm≥ Rmt\m-Sn-s®-∂p. Cf-Ip∂ aq∂p Itkc-Im-ep-I-fpw, Rm\pw \odn-]p-I-bp∂ au\hpw am{Xw Ahn-sSb-h-ti-jn-®p. ]q® X´n-a-dn-®n-´-Xm-hWw Fs‚ Npa-en-eqsS a©mSn-°p-cp-°ƒ Dcp-≠p-ho-Wp.
clv\ chn H∂mw h¿jw B. Com
Rm≥ a®n≥ta-te°p t\m°n B a©m-Sn-s∏´n Fs‚ angnIsf ho≠pw Bg-Øn¬ Ic-bn-®p. NnX-e-cn-°p∂ B Xd-hmSns‚ \mep XqWp-Iƒ°p-≈n¬ Rm\-dn-bp-∂p. ""Fs‚ Hm¿aIfpw NnX-se-Sp-°p-I-bm-Wv.... _m°n-bm-Ip-∂Xv s\©n¬ Fcn™p-Xo-cmØ s\mºcw am{Xw....''
k©p tPmkv H∂mw-h¿jw B. A English
Rm≥ cmhn-se-sb-gp-t∂‰p HºXv ap∏-Xv. {]`m-X-Ir-Xy-߃°n-S-bn¬ t^kv_p-°vt]Pv A]vtU‰v sNbvXp U¬ln-bnse tPymXn-°p-th≠n \nc-h[n t]mÃp-Iƒ, Ia‚p-Iƒ th¿ Cukv a sse°v _´¨? D®-I-gn-™mWv jq´nw-Mv....
kos\m-∂v. ^nenw ÃpUn-tbm. AIw, ]I¬. ""e£vao, Cs∂mcp {]W-b-cw-K-am-sW∂p ]d-™n-cp-∂t√m? Cu ]pg-bn¬h®v \ΩpsS lotdm \Sn-sb, AXm-bXv e£vansb Npw_n-°p∂ Nne tjm´p-I-fm-Wm-Zyw. ta°-]vam≥?.... e£van-bpsS tImÃyqw an\n-kvtI¿´v. Dw, \ndw Nph∏v aXn.''
ko≥ c≠v ]pg-bpsS Xocw. ]pdw, ]I¬. ""Ub-d-IvS-td, Xm\nXv I≠nt√? e£van-bpsS ap≥_-´-Wp-Iƒ...... Rm≥ thW-sa-¶n¬....'' ""th≠ k¿, AX-ßs\ Xs∂-bn-cn-°-s´. hn hm≥Uv dnbm-en-‰n. HmsI. BIvj≥....''
ko≥ c≠v ˛ F ]pg-, ]I¬. {]W-b-Npw-_-\-߃, \nc-h-[n, dotS-°p-Iƒ, "I´p'Iƒ \nc-h-[n. ko≥ aq∂v ^nenw ÃpUn-tbm. AIw, ]I¬ ""e£vao, C∂-tØXv HmsI. \msf cmhn-se-bn-hnsS Xs∂-bm-Wv. Dw? \mb-I-s‚bpw \Sn-bp-sSbpw InS-∏d - b - nse Nne cwK-ßf - mWv _m°n-bp-≈-Xv. HmsI. ]m°v A∏v'' (I-´v) ss{Uhv sNbvXv tlm´¬ dqan-te-°v. Hcp-]mSp \mfmbn A—-s\bpw AΩ-sbbpw hnfn-®n-´v.... tPymXn°v t^kv_p-°n¬ sse°vkv A≥]-Xp-e£w Ihn-™p. tlm, and-°nƒ.... "`mc-XsØ Cf-°n-a-dn® s]¨Ip´n', Xe-s°´v sIm≈mw. bqSyq-_n-e-ev]-t\-cw. jq´nw-Mnse Nne cwK-ß-fmtcm t]mÃp sNbvXn-´p-≠v. C{X-thKw? s{IUn‰v tKmkv ‰p sSIvt\m-fPn! Dd-°-Øn-te-°v....
egislation doesn’t change people. That’s why Dr. B.R. Ambedkar didn’t believe that reservation of constituencies or jobs for backward class (Dalits) would change the way Indian society looked at its lower castes. He reluctantly agreed to reservations in the belief that it would be discontinued 10 years after the adoption of the constitutions. But half a century later reservation remains an issue in India’’ – Prakash Ambedkar
Anjana S 1st Year B.Com
If there were never any reservation in services and educational institutes there would have been a war among the people in every Indian state. The oppressed classes would have never found a channel to come into the mainstream. They would have taken by force and the way the poor dalit youths will respond would have brought about a disaster. Thus the welfare of dalits have been lost in political calculations.
It is better to give reservation only at one point of their life, instead of giving each and every time ie if a person avails the benefits of reservation for his educational purpose then he/she should be excluded from the chance of getting job reservations. If reservations was for all the poor of India, instead of Dalits.
If reservations had been based not on caste but on income (for all BPL families)... Then the beneficiaries would have changed every generations. Further it should not have been at the tertiary level but at the primary and secondary level in the best schools in the county. Then the bitterness of caste division would not have been politically perpetuated as they are now. A diluted reservation is as good as having no reservation. If the creamy layer in the backward community was left out of reservation…. It would have been impractical and unfair. It was using the benefits of reservation that many Dalits have fallen in to the category of so called ‘’Creamy layer’ It would have been impractical to make such discriminations within the community. It would have in a way distanced the affluent from the Dalit movement. The reservations will probably come to an end not because of opposition or criticism from the affected communities but because the beneficiaries get tired of it and give it up their own!!
Caste is a permanent attribute that cannot be removed or avioded. These reservations based on caste has identified certain communities as deserving and some others as under curving of Government patronage for all time.
B¿∏p-hn-fnbpw Ipc-h-bp-ambv \mSn≥ \ndhv ]pXp-asb hc-th‰p hnI-k-\-sa∂ ]pØ≥ Bibw RßfpsS \m´nepw ]nd-hn-sb-SpØp ]g-a-X≥ ]®∏v am{Xw I≠-h-cn¬ ]pXp-a-X≥ h¿Æ-߃ A¤pXw Xo¿Øp ]g-asb sh´n-ap-dn®v ]pXp-a-X≥hnØv Rß-fpsS aÆn¬ ]mIn-Xp-S-ßn. HSp-hn¬ Rß-fpsS ]pg-bn¬ Pohs‚ IWn-I-Iƒ NØp-s]m-¥n-In-S∂p ]W-Øn-\p-th-≠n-bp≈ ]pXpa Rß-fnse Icp-Wsb C√m-Xm°n ]pXp-a-bmWv \mSns‚ ]®sb Idp-∏m-°n-b-sX-∂-dn™v R߃ ]pXp-a-X≥ C√m-bva-bm-Wn\n e£yw as‰mcp P∑-\-Øn-\mbv ImØn-cn-°p-∂p.
As the book Tom Brawn’s school Days says: ‘There is an end to every thing in life and that is the important point.’
hnjvWp-cmPv hn.-B¿. c≠mw -h¿jw B. A English
hnhn-[L-´-߃... ]cn-jvIm-c-Øns‚ hnhn[ apJ-߃... imkv{X-]Y -Øn-eq-sS-bp≈ A\-kyq-X-amb {]bm-Wß - ƒ... kuc-bq-Ys - Ø bpw Iog-S-°m-\p≈ shº¬... C∂ns‚ a\p-jy≥ IS-∂p-h∂, IS-∂p-s]m-bvs°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ Ah-ÿI - f - m-Wn-X.v t\´-ßf - psS Hu∂-Xy-Øn-se-Øn-bn´pw Xs‚ Im¬°o-gn¬ X\n°p kw`-hn°p∂ tIm´-߃ Ah≥ a\- nem-°p-∂n√. bm{¥n-Ia - mb tem Iw hnIm-c-hn-Nm-c-tijn \jvSs∏´v shdpw tNX-\b - ‰ Ifn-∏m´ßƒ... CXpw C∂sØ \ΩpsS Ah-ÿ-X-s∂. C∂v imkv{Xw hf-sc-b[nIw ]ptcm-KXn {]m]n-®n-cn-°p∂p. ]t£, Zn\w-{]Xn aWn-°qdp-If - psS ssZ¿Lyw \ofp∂ ]h¿ I-´ns\ Ipdn®p Nn¥n-°p-tºmƒ inem-bpKw CXn-s\-°mƒ t`ZamWv F∂ Nn¥-hc - m-Xn-√. temIØv DXv]m-Zn-∏n-°p∂ sshZypXn-bpsS 16%hpw BW-thm¿ ÷w hgn-bmWv e`n-°p-∂-Xv. tImSm\p-tImSn \£-{Xß-fp≈ \ΩpsS Cu BIm
iw. AXn¬ \ap°v shfn-®hpw NqSpw ]-I-cp∂ kqcy≥. Cu kqcy-\-S-ßp∂ \£-{X-ß-fnep≈ Du¿÷w BW- t hm¿ ÷-am-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ BW-thm¿÷w F{X-tØmfw {]]-©s - Øbpw Cu a\p-jy-cminsb Xs∂bpw kzm[o-\n-°p∂p-sh∂v \ap-°-dn-bmw. kqcy\n¬ ssl{U- P ≥ B‰- ß ƒ kwtbm-Pn®v loenbw D≠m-Iptºmƒ [mcmfw Xmt]m¿÷w ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂p. \yq¢n-b¿ ^yqj≥ aptJ- \ - b mWv CXv kw`-hn-°p-∂-Xv. Hcp B‰-Øns‚ \yq¢n-bkns‚ LS-\bv°p am‰w kw`hn-°p-tºmƒ Hcp {]tXyI Du¿ ÷w ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂p-≠.v Cu Du¿÷-sØ-bmWv BW-thm¿ ÷w F∂p-]-d-bp-∂-Xv. BW-
thm¿÷w Xs∂ c≠p- h n- [ ap≠v {]Ir-X-Z-Øhpw a\p-jy\n¿Ωn-X-hpw. \£-{X-ß-fnepw kqcy-\nepw {]Ir-Xn-Z-Ø-amb BW-thm¿÷-amWp≈-Xv. a\pjy-\n¿Ωn-X-amb BW-h-\n-eb-ßf - n¬ bptd\nbw t]mep-≈ C‘- \ - Ø n¬\n∂pw BWthm¿÷w \n¿Ωn-°p-∂p. 1942, Unkw-_¿ 2 F≥dnt°m s^¿an \yq¢n-b¿ ^nj≥
Imtcm¨ {^m≥knkv aq∂mw h¿jw B. Sc Zoology
BWthm¿÷w BiIfpw Bi¶Ifpw
BW-thm¿÷-Øn\v Kp W-ßfpw F∂m¬ tZmj-ßfpw D≠v. Hcp AWp-tI{μw hnLSn®v Hcp sNbn≥ t]mse Du¿÷w ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂-Xns\ \yq¢nb¿ ^nj≥ F∂pw, X∑m-{X-Iƒ IqSn-tN¿∂v Du¿÷w ]pd-s∏-Sphn-°p-∂X - n\v \yq¢n-b¿ ^yqj≥ F∂pw ]d-bp-∂p. AWp-t_mw_ns‚ {]h¿Ø\w \yq¢n-b¿ ^n-j≥ aptJ-\bpw ssl{UP≥ t_mw_ns‚ {]h¿Ø\w \yq¢n-b¿ ^yqj≥ aptJ-\-bpam-Wv. bptd- \ nbw˛235 t]msebp≈ "tdUntbm BIvSn-hn‰n' bp≈ C‘-\-amWv BW-h-\n-
D]-tbm-Kn-®p≈ sNbn≥ dnbm£-\n¬\n∂pw BW-thm¿PØns‚ km∂n-[y-ad - n-bn-®Xv Hcp \mgn-I-I-√mbn IW-°m-°-s∏Sp-∂p. 1945 BKÃv 6˛\v lntcmjn-a-bn¬ hoW AWp-t_mw _v temI-a-\- m-£n-sb-Xs∂ {]I-º\w sIm≈n-∏n-®n-cp-∂p. 1945 BKÃv 9˛\v P∏m-\n-seXs∂ \mK-km-°n-bnepw Atacn° AWp-t_mw_v h¿jn-®p; C∂pw AhnsS ]nd-∂p-ho-gp∂ ]n©p- I p- ™ p- ß ƒt]mepw AXns‚ ]cn- W n- X - ^ - e - ß ƒ A\p-`-hn-°p-∂p. 1979--˛¬ {Xn ssa¬ sFe‚ns‚ Zpc¥w s]≥ kn¬ th\n-b-bnse BW-h-\ne-b-Øns‚ ioXo-I-c-W-kwhn[m-\Ø - n¬h∂ Zpc-¥w. 1986-˛¬ djy-bnse sN¿tWm-_n¬ \S∂ AWp-Zp-c¥w CXn\p ap∂n-se √mw temI-a-\-km£n hnd-ßen®p-\n-∂n-cp-∂p. 2011-˛¬ P∏m\nse ^p°p-jn-ab - n¬ \S∂ Zpc -¥hpw HSp-hn-esØ DZm-l-c-Wambn IW-°m-°mw.
e-b-ß-fn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. a\p-jy-\n¿ΩnX BW-thm¿ ÷w D]-tbm-Kn-t°≠ coXnbn¬ \nb-{¥-W-kw-hn-[m-\-ßtfmsS D]-tbm-Kn-®m¬ a\p-jycm-in°p \nc-h[n D]-tbm-K-ßfp-≠v. F∂m¬ Xncn-®m-bm¬ \mi-hp-ap≠v. I¬°-cn, s]t{Sm -fnbw apX-emb C‘-\-߃ IØn-°p-tºm-gp-≠m-Ip∂ aen\o-Ic - Ww BW-thm¿÷-Øn¬ \n∂pw D≠m-Ip-∂n-√. F∂m¬ BW-h-\n-e-b-߃ tZmj߃ krjvSn-°p-∂n√ F∂p-]d- b - m\pw km[n-°n-√. "B\ CSbpw' F ∂v I-cpXn D’-hß - f - n¬ \Ωƒ B\sb Hgn-hm-°m-dn-√. B\bn-√mØ D’hw \ap°v Nn¥n°m\pw Ign-bn-√. AXp-sIm≠v BW-thm¿÷ hnZ-K[ v k - w-hn[m -\-ß-tfmsS aen-\o-I-c-W-kwkvIc - W - a - m¿K-߃ th≠-hn[w {]tbm-P-\-s∏-SpØn D]-tbm-Kn°m≥ km[n-°-Ww.
BW-thm¿÷-Øns‚ tZmj-h-i-ß-sf-°p-dn®v Nn¥n°p-tºmƒ {][m-\-ambpw D≈ Imcyw hnIn-c-W-ß-fm-Wv. "td Un-tb-j≥' Cu tdUn-tb-j≥ a\p-jy-tIm-i-߃°v XI-cm-dpIƒ D≠m-°p-Ibpw Im≥k¿, Xz°v tcmK- ß ƒ XpS- ß nb tcmK- ß ƒ krjv S n- ° p- I bpw sNøp-∂p. AXns‚ ]cn-Wn-X^-e-w Poh-Pm-e-߃ A\p-`-hnt°-≠n-h-cp-∂p. Im¿jn-I-temIhpw P-¥p-°fpw kky-ßf - p-sa √mw CXn-\n-c-bm-Ip-∂p. bptd\nbw 235 t]mep≈ aqe-I-ßfpsS ""^m^vsse-^v]n-coUv'' (A¿≤mbp v) am{Xw Zie£w h¿j-ßt- fmfw hcp-∂p. AXn¬ \n∂v hnIncW߃ hcp-∂p. \yq¢n-b¿ dnbm-IvS¿ ]pd-Øp-hnSp∂ amen-\y-߃ apºv a\pjy≥ FØn-s∏-Sn√ F∂p-hn-Nmcn-®n-cp∂ ]¿Δ-X-ß-fp-sSbpw
ae-I-fp-sSbpw apI-fn¬ \nt£]n-®p, F∂m¬ ]n∂oSv AhnsS FØn-t®¿∂ a\p-jy¿°v AXv Zpcn-Xß - ƒ kr jvS-®p. IqSmsX tdUn-tb-j\pw Xm]-hpw-aqew a™p-ae - I - ƒ Dcp- In-Øp-S-ßn. IqSmsX Cu amen-\y-߃ `qanbpsS Dƒ°m-ºn¬ hsc \nt£ ] - n-°m≥ XpS-ßn. kap-{Z-ßfpsS A¥¿`m-K-ß-fnepw a‰pw-hsc \nt£-]n-°p-∂p. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ Hcp \yq¢n-b¿ dnbm-IvS¿ \n¿Ω-°p-tºmƒ AXns‚ Im em-h-[n-sb-]‰n Hcp IW°v th Ww. Fs¥¶nepw {]iv\-ß-fp≠m-bm¬ AXns‚ {]Xn-hn-[n bpw ap≥ Iq´n \n›-bn-t°-≠nbn-cn-°p-∂p. amen-\y-߃ Ip d™ Xm]-\n-e-bn¬ kwkvIcn-°p-tºmƒ AXns‚ kwhn[m\-߃°v ]mfn-®-Iƒ kw`hn-°msX t\mt°-≠Xv A[nIm-cnIfpsS DØ-c-hm-Zn-Xz-amWv. BW- t hm¿÷- Ø ns‚ A\-¥k - m-[y-XI - sf Zpcp-]t- bm Kw sNøm≥ XpS- ß p- t ºmƒ AXv im]hpw AXns‚ km[yX-Isf a\p-jy-cm-in-°p-X-Ipwhn[w {]tbm- P - \ - s ∏- S p- Ø ptºmƒ AXp hc-hp-am-Ip-∂p. B¬{^Uv t\m_¬ F∂ imkv{X-⁄≥ Xm≥ I≠p-]nSn® ssU\m-an‰v am\-h-cm-inbpsS \mi-Øns‚ tlXp-hm-Ip∂-Xn¬ a\w-s\m-¥mWv Xs‚ kºmZyw apgp-h≥ am\-h-cm-inbpsS ]ptcm-KXn-°mbn {]h¿ Øn-°p-∂-hsc AwKo-I-cn-°phm-\p≈ t\mt_¬k-Ωm-\Ø - n\mbn \o°n-sh-®Xv AXp-sIm ≠v \msa-√m-hcpw \ΩpsS Adn hpw Ignhpw am\-hc- m-in-bpsS \∑bv°mbn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-I.
Hope Springs Eternal I lay there fallen, Broken and cower, With scars of ache concealed Like a wish made unknown you came smiling, blushing rays of hope. Showering it, you stood serene. With your arms open to embrace I pretended to walk Past you unseen Fears that clouded, found with a thousand reasons to deny. But your love, so echt Fighting with my fears stood strong awed by your faith, I gave me into your arms Which caressed with trust. What was in you, that made me tempt fate? Finding hard to believe the fate which betrayed me once. Had given me you. My heart shouted with each beat of yours, 'you are the one I waited for'
Ria Roby 2nd year B. A English
he half an hour drive in the city bus takes us to a village of fishermen. From there is no round towards the south of Pamban. Hence I have to line up in medium sized trucks that can carry 20-25 persons. They charge Rs. 50/- per head for the up and down journey. We spend sometime on the beach, playing with the waves. To understand the importance of Dhanushkodi, we have to look the map of peninsular India. Rameshwaram is an island on the Bay of Bengal, lying on the Gulf of Mannar, separated from the east coast by the pamban channel. The island is roughly triangular with a manow tail of sand towards the south. This tail is called Dhanushkodi.
The Ghost town of Dhanushkodi
Geethu Surendran 1st Year M. Sc Zoology
During the British rule, one could purchase a train ticket from Madras or Cochin to Colombo of Sri Lanka. There was a meter gauge rail up to the lip of Dhanushkodi. From there a ferry ship would carry the passenger to Talaimannar. From Talaimannar station, one can get connection train to Colombo. After Independence, the service stopped. But Dhanushkodi remained a railway terminus. It had a part of the major railway station, staff quarters, warehouses, hospitals, school, church, and temple, mosque and a number of houses. In 1964, cyclone that took the Pamban Bridge and a train with over 100 passengers; the whole township of Dhanushkodi too was wiped away by the strong wind and the Tsunami were followed . The rnins of the town still remains as ghosts of a past glory.
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 From Dhanushkodi bus terminal, we hired trucks, that took us to this ghost town. They cruised through the wet sand of the beach. If the trucks slowed, the tyres would sink in the sand. If the sand became dry, the truck would place wooden plants to form a path. It was a memorable journey! We saw the rains of the town, children were taking bath in the sea. There were lots of shells which were collected by the fisher flock to
make handcraft mementos to be sold to the tourists who come to Rameswaram. We spent around 2 hours here. It was a wonder to note that fresh water was available in the shallow wells on the seashore. There were a number of donkies and mules in the marshes. Haunting yet appealing, but still full of life. Fascinating – Dhanushkodi is fall of contradictions. ‘Bow’s end’ (as the word translated from Tamil) is a sure delight if you have a penchant for impossibly blue seas, white sands and running by the shore. Borderd by the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean, the breath taking beauty and the feeling of being in a place which was once alive and nowan empty town, reduced to rubbles makes it a place truly less travelled.
All these rights gifted me a beautiful evening Apart from the usual sunset With a heap of contentment I reversed my path But my steps seemed so heavy And my mind in turmoil Did I miss something?
A City View
I didn’t see the lush green treesthan the concrete jungles I didn’t notice the homeless I didn’t search for the starved I didn’t mind the illiterate I didn’t ask about child labourers
tep by Step I climbed, Top of my 20 storeyed Apartment longing to view my city Wow! My city is So gorgeous! Wish all those mesmerising sights... My eyes captured one by one luxury villas & Apartments standing proud BMWs, Audis decorating the road Multi cuisine Restaurants fully loaded DJ clubs setting for tonight Shopping malls - The paradise of the city. Prestigious Institutions spreading knowledge
I could view only rich & fortunate I couldn’t view the poor & helpless But, Are my eyes cruel to them or is it my mind???
Devika Prasad 1st Year B. Com
A\ne kn.-F-kv.
c≠mw h¿jw B. Sc Chemistry
Adn-bn∏v kv{Xo _e-lo-\-X-bp-sSbpw ASn-a-Xz-Øn-s‚bpw {]Xo-I-ß-fmsW∂v Icp-Xp-∂-h¿ Icp-Xn-bn-cn-°p-I. ]s£ Hcp bm{X Ah-fp-sS... AhfpsS am{X-a√ temI a\-km-£nbpsS Xs∂ Ncn{Xw am‰n-°p-dn® B \in® \nan-j-Øns‚ Hm¿Ω-s∏-Sp-Ø-em-bn.
Hm¿°p-∂pthm P\ta B Zn\-߃ saøpw Ichpw a\hpw ac-hn® Ccp≠Zn\-߃ Pohn-Xm-`n-emjw ]Sp-Xp-b¿Øth XI¿∂p F√mw H‰ \nan-j-Øn¬ s\m¥p {]k-hn-°p-∂-Xn-t\-°mƒ thZ\ kln-°m≥ Ign-bptam Cu {IqcX I≠n-cp∂p \n≥ Imense Inep-°hpw IÆnse Xnf-°hpw ImWp-∂nt√ aIƒ X≥ Ne-\-a‰ icocw kv{Xo F∂ ]Z-Øns‚ A¿∞w ad-°p-tºmƒ ad-°p∂p \n߃ \nßsf Xs∂ kv{Xobmbv ]nd-∂Xp X≥ sXt‰m? ho≠pw F¥n\o {Iqc-X-Iƒ, lm! amwkt`mPn-Iƒ Xn∂p \n≥ icocw t]mcmSn \o A¥y-\n-anjw hsc amwk-t`m-Pn-Itf tNmZn-°p∂p P\w F¥p t\Sn \nß-f-h-km\w? ap∂-dn-bn∏v F¶nepw XpSn-∏p-I-fn-hnsS XpScpw Xo{h-amb Xo°-\¬ XpSn-∏p-Iƒ
tSm-Sp-tºmƒ \Spsh HmSmsX thdn-s´mcp i_vZØn\pw ImtXm¿°m≥ \mw ]e-t∏mgpw ad-∂p-t]m-Ip-∂p, Km‘n-Pn-bpsS Nn¥-I-sfbpw XØzß-sf-bpw-]‰n kpIp-am¿ Ago-t°mSv Fgp-Xnb ]pkvX-I-amWv "alm-flm-hns‚ am¿Kw' C∂sØ t\Xm-°-fpsS Pohn-X-ssien A]-{K-Yn-®-Xn-\ptijw Ago-t°mSv A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´-Xn-ß-s\. Km‘n-Pn-bpsS ka-c-Im-e-tbm-K-ß-sf√mw C∂v \ap°v \jvS-s∏-´p. A\m-k-‡n-tbm-Khpw Alnw-k-tbm-Khpw XymKtbm-K-hpw. C∂v Bk-‡n-tbm-Khpw lnwk-tbm-Khpw t`mKtbm-Khpw hnP-bn-®p-hm-gp-∂p.
temI-Ønse G‰hpw henb P\m-[n-]-Xy-cm-jv{S-amWv C¥y. P\m-[n-]-Xy-sØ-°pdn-®p≈ G‰hpw {]i-kvX-amb \n¿Δ- N \w \¬In- b Xv Ata- c n- ° ≥ {]kn- U ‚m- b n- c p∂ F{_lmw en¶¨ Bbn-cp-∂p.
Fa¬U tPmk^v H∂mw h¿j B. A Economics
"Democracy is rule Of the people By the people For the people'' P\-߃ Xnc-s™-Sp-°p ∂ P\-ßf - p-sS-Xmb P\-߃ °p- t h- ≠ n- b p≈ Hcp cmjv {Sob hyh-ÿn-Xn-bmWv P\m[n-]X - yw. C¥y≥ P\m-[n-]Xyw hyXy-kX v a - m-W.v ""{Sm≥kv]c≥ kn C‚¿\m-j-W¬ (Transparency international) F∂ ]T-\-kw-L-Øns‚ ]cn-tim[-\-bn¬ temI-Øn¬ G‰ hpw Agn-aXn \nd™ HºXv cmPy-ß-fn-sem-∂mWv C¥y. AXn-\m-emWv s]mXpXm-Xv]-cy-l¿Pn-I-fn-eq sS Agn- a - X n- ° m- c mb \nc-h[n t\Xm-°sf tIm SXn Ib-‰nb \hm_v cmtP{μ≥ C¥y≥ P\m- [ n- ] - X yØn\v hnNn-{X-am-sbmcp as‰m cp \n¿Δ-N\w \¬In-b-Xv.
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t_m[w P\n-∏n-°p-∂p. Ah-cpsS N¶q‰w \sΩ Cfn-`y-cm°p-∂p. Ah-cpsS PohnXw \ap°v {]tNm-Z-\-am-Wv. AhcpsS {]Jym-]-\-߃ \ap°v Nq≠p-]-e-I-I-fm-Wv. Ahcp sS apt∂‰w \ΩpsS ]n≥hm-ß-ep-Iƒ sh√p-hn-fn-bm-Wv. Ah¿ \ΩpsS ]mX-I-fn¬ hnf-°mbn {]tim-`n-°p-∂p. - ¿ {]Im-ia - m-Wv. hogvNb - n¬ \ap°v BflsI. sI. cma-N{- μ≥ amÿ \sΩ Ccp-´n¬ \ap-°h Hm¿Ωn- ∏ n- ° p- ∂ Xv Km‘n- P n- b psS hn-izm-khpw Xo¿®bpw \¬Ip-∂p. Ah¿ thdn´ \nev Xs∂ Xm°o-Xm-Wv. "kz¥w a\- m- °p∂ t\Xm-°ƒ ImesØ AXn-Po-hn® alm-flm-°ƒ. £n-bpsS t{]c-Wbv°p hn]-co-X-ambn kaq-l-Øns‚ kaq-e-amb am‰-Øn-\p-th≠n Np°m≥ {]h¿Øn-°p∂ t\Xmhv sIm≈-cp-Xm- ]nSn-°m≥....-A-hnsS \ne-\n-ev°p∂ A\o-Xn°pw Nqj-WØ-h-\m-Wv. Abmƒ ]e-Xcw A`n- Øn-\p-sa-Xnsc ]S-s]m-cp-Xm≥ N¶q‰w Im´p∂ Aø≥Im{]m-b-ß-fp-≈-h-cm¬ Np‰-s∏-´n-cn-°pw. fn- s b- t ∏m- e p≈ t\Xm- ° ƒ \ap- ° p- ≠ m- b n- c p- s ∂- ¶ n¬ F∂m¬ Abmsf ÿnc-ambn \n¿Øm \ΩpsS \mSv ]t≠ \∂m-tb-s\. \pw \bn- ° m\pw B¥- c - a m- s bmcp Km‘n-Pn-bn-tebv°v \ap°v Xncn-®p-hcmw Ata-cn-°i_vZw Abmƒ°n-s√-¶n¬ \¶q-c-anbpsS Ncn-{X-I-f-¶-amb h¿§-hn-th-N-\-Øn-s\-Xnsc B™√mØ I∏¬t]mse Abmƒ AeSn-°m≥ am¿´n≥ eqX¿ Inßn\v {]tNm-Z\ - t- a-In-bXv Km‘n™p-Xn-cn-tb-≠n-h-cpw.' Pn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. At±lw ]d-™p. ""{InkvXp F\n°v Km‘nPn cmjv{So-b-{]-h¿Ø-I- ssNX-\yhpw e£y-t_m-[hpw \¬In. Km‘nPn F\n°v \m-bn-cp-∂n-√. At±lw cmjv{So-b aoamw- am¿Kw Im´n-X-∂p.'' k-I-\m-bn-cp-∂p. cmjv{Sob {]h¿Øa‰m-sc-bpw-Imƒ C¥y-°m-cpsS tdmƒ tamU¬ (Role I¿°pw cmjv{So-b a - o-amw-kI - \pw XΩnModel) BWv Km‘n-Pn. At±-l-Øn\v km£yw hlnep≈ hyXym-k-sa-¥mWv? sP. F^v ¢m¿°n- s ‚- X mWv G‰hpw anI® °m-\p≈ _m[yX \ap-°p-≠v. \n¿Δ-N-\w. Km‘n-Pn-bpsS kPo-h-amb {]Xn-cq-]-ß-fmWv \Ωƒ. \Ωƒ At±-l-Øns‚ `S-∑m-cmWv bp≤-_m-[n-X-\mb Hcp "cmjv{Sob {]h¿Ø-I≥ ASpØ Xnc-s™-Sp∏n-s\-∏‰n Nn¥n-°p-∂p temI-Øns‚ apºn¬ \Ωƒ At±-l-Øns‚ ]XmI hlncmjv{So-b-ao-amw-k-I≥ ASpØ Xe- °p-∂-h-cm-Wv. ap-d-sb-∏‰n Nn¥n-°p-∂p.' \mw \ΩpsS P\-{]-Xn-\n-[n-Isf Xnc-s™-Sp-°p-
"P\-ßsf \n¿Kp-W-]-c-{_-“-ßfm°n Hcp N¥-bn¬ \ns∂-∂-t]mse hnebv°p hmßn P\-ß-fn¬ \n∂I∂v sI´n-∏-Sp-°p∂ `c-W-amWv P\m[n-]-Xyw.'
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{XmWn C√m-ØX - p-sIm≠v Bƒ °q-´-Øn-\n-S-bn¬\n∂pw Rm≥ Xncn-™p-\-S-∂p.
he, is the icon for 32 million girls worldwide ..Three years ago, the world awoke to the barbaric mind-set of the Taliban. Its regime in Pakistan was dedicated in part to the brutal repression and abject subjugation of women. Women were not allowed to work or attend school. Taliban religious police patrolled the streets, beating women who might venture out alone, who were not dressed “properly” or who dared to laugh out loud. Women could not wear shoes that made too much noise, and their fingernails were ripped out for the “crime” of wearing nail polish. At age 11, to protest what was happening in her homeland, Malala Yousafzayi, a Pakistani girl began to write about her experiences, producing a blog for the BBC’s Urdu-language service. She was shot in perpetuation of reprehensible and brutal suppression of freedom of speech and individual rights on October 9th, 2012. Malala, in her first public speech at the United Nations Youth Assembly since being shot in the head by the Taliban, said that she was inspired by Mahatama Gandhi and other global advocates of nonviolence stressing that, “I’m not against anyone, neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban, or any other terrorist group. I’m here to speak about the right to education for every child, I want education for the sons and daughters of all the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists. I do not even hate the Talib who shot me. Even if there is a gun in my hands and he stands in front of me, I would not shoot him.” Malala told the UN that she would not be silenced by terrorist threats. “Let us pick up our books and our pens.
They are our most powerful weapons. One teacher, one book, one pen, can change the world. The power of education frightens them. They are afraid of women,” she said. For an Indian girl, being denied education results in teenage marriage, no knowledge of human rights, no knowledge of birth control high infant mortality and a low family income, which just makes it harder to support her many children. It also leads to generations of the same thing, in both her sons and her daughters. Children whose mothers have been educated are twice as likely to go to school as children of unschooled mothers. The difficulties facing Indian girls come from many different areas of society, and solit will take many different people to help fight them all. The only way we will have the power to change India’s cultural biases against girls is by bringing together local community leaders, pastors, projects, schools, non-governmental organizations, international NGOs ,businesses and parents,
Undoubtedly , Malala is a phenomenon. But there are millions who are not given an opportunity to make a mark in this world. Child marriage takes 10 million girls a year out of school and into marriages they did not choose; child labour prevents 15 million girls and boys under 14 going to school; the conscription of child soldiers takes an estimated 100,000 girls out of school. We Indians call our nation mother India and are great devotees of Mother Goddess in various manifestations. But is this devotion and respect for the country restricted only to a few words or do we actually implement these values. It is a thought which need to be thought over. Are we giving equality to the girl child ? Why aren’t girls being educated? Indian culture dictates that boys are just more important
Thank you Malala, for being the prophet for girls helping them turn into women .Finally someone is not trying to hide us and is instead speaking our voice.Your courage has raised an anthem in our souls . Once you have come this far there is no turning back and I believe we do owe you, Malala, a big thanks. Let a thousand Malala’s bloom for India!
As the world celebrates Malala Day on July 12th,her life should be took as an example .More Malalas must rise from the darkness of violence . They must rise Not only for establishing every girl’s right to education, but also to achieve what the girls had been denied for ages.
Minu George 2nd Year B. Com
than girls. When boys are born there is celebration, but when a girl is born the ritual is the same as for a funeral. Thousands of girls never even make it into the world – even as you read this, many unborn and newborn girls are being killed. Those that are allowed to live are kept at home to do chores and take care of their little siblings, while their brothers go to school. An un-educated woman will simply never be able to keep up in a man’s world like India. Educating women brings up their social status, gives them job opportunities, releases them from forced dependence on men, give them the knowledge they need to take care of their children, and ensure that the next generation is educated too. It must take such resolve, such strength to be able to stand up for education and women’s rights the way she did, to manage, to shake the world and actually change it at such a young age.
showing them why they should value girls, and creating practical ways to protect the female half of the next generation. A crisis is facing India as long as girls are undervalued and disrespected.
AXn¿Øn IS-°p∂ Bi-¶-Iƒ BbncØn sXm≈mbncØn \mev]Øntbgv BKÃv 15 \v `mcXw apgp-h\pw kzmX-{¥y-e-_v[n-bpsS BÀmZw Ae-b-Sn-®t∏mƒ _wKmfnse \h-Jm-en-bn¬ sXcp-hp-I-fn-eqsS tNmc-sbmgp-Ip-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. s\‰n-bn¬ \a-kvIm-c-Ø-g-ºp-≈-hcpw Nμ-\°p-dn-b-Wn-™-hcpw ]c-kv]cw hmtfm-ßn-b-t∏mƒ Ah-c-dn-™ncp-∂n√ Hcp IpSn-e-X-{¥-Øns‚ Ifn-∏m-h-I-fmbn X߃ amdpIbm-bn-cp∂p F∂v. kqcy-\-kvX-an-°mØ km{am-Py-Øns‚ `cW X - {- ¥-ßf - n¬ H∂m-bn-cp∂p "`n∂n-∏n®p `cn-°¬.' `mc-Xa - m-Xm-hn\p kzmX{¥yw \¬In Ah¿ Xncn-®p-t]m-sb-¶nepw B X{¥-Øns‚ thcp-Iƒ ChnsS Bg-Øn¬ hf¿∂n-cp-∂p. AXns‚ A\-¥-c^-e-am-bn-cp∂p "C¥y-˛-]mIv hn`-P-\w.' h¿j-an-{X-bm-bn´pw `mcXmw-_-bpsS amd-Øp-hoW B apdnhv DW-ßn-bn-´n-√. Ct∏m-gnXm B apdnhv ho≠pw hnßp-∂p. jlm\ Fw.-F. H∂mw -h¿jw B. Sc Botany
1947-˛se C¥ym hn`-P\w apX¬°mWv Cu {]iv\ß - ƒ Bcw`n-°p-∂-Xv. `mc-X-Øns‚ Ahn-`m-Py-L-S-I-amb Iivao-cm-bn-cp∂p
1998 C¥y-bpsS {][m-\a-{¥n-bmbn ÿm\-ta‰ hmPvt]bv emtlm¿ bm{X \S-Øn-bXv ku lr-Zhpw kam-[m-\hpw e£yam-°n-bm-Wv. \jvS-s∏´ kam[m\w ho≠p-In-´p-sa∂v C¥y {]Xo-£n-®p. F∂m¬ Cu A ¥-co£w apX-se-SpØv C¥y≥ AXn¿Øn-Iƒ Itø-dm-\mWv ]m°n-ÿm≥ {ian-®-Xv. CXn s‚ A\-¥c - ^ - e - a- m-bn-cp∂p Im¿ Kn¬ bp≤w. \nc-h[n ssk\nI¿ hoc-N-c-a-a-S™ Cu bp≤-
""C¥y acn-®p-sIm-≠ncns° \mw Pohn-°m \pw \mw Pohn-®n-cn s° C¥ysb acn-°phm\pw A\p-h-Zn-°mXn-cn-°p-I. GI-temI t£a-am-hs´ \ΩpsS e£yw.''
]m°n-ÿm-\nse A[n-IrX¿ Adn-bn-®Xv ]m°v ssk\nI-thjw [cn® Xo{h-hm-Zn-I-fmWt{X C¥y≥ ssk\ysØ B{I-an-®-Xv. AXn¬ sX√pw A¤p-Xs - ∏-Sm-\n-√. ImcWw ]m °n-ÿm-\nepw ]m°v A[n-\nthi Iivao-cn-ep-ambn 42-˛-Hmfw Xo{h-hmZ Iymºp-If - mWv {]h¿ Øn-°p-∂-Xv. ]m°v AXn¿ØnI- f n¬ Imh¬ \n¬°p- ∂ Xv CØcw Iymºp-I-fnse t]mcmfn-Iƒ Xs∂. cmhpw ]Iepw kz¥w Po h≥ ]Wbw h®v \ap°v Imh¬ \n¬°p-∂-h-cpsS kpc-£bv°v \ap-°Ø-ch - m-Zn-Xz-ant√? ]m°v A[n-\n-th-i-sØ-°p-dn®v tLm c-tLmcw {]kw-Kn-®nt´m C¥ym˛-]m°v bp≤-Øns‚ km≤y-XI-sf-°p-dn®v N¿® sNbvXnt´m bmsXmcp ^e-hp-an-√. B hocP-hm-∑m¿°p-th-≠n \ap°p {]m ¿∞n-°mw. ImcWw \ΩpsS Poh≥ kwc-£n-°m-\mWv A
Ct∏m- g nXm C°- g n™ BKÃv 6 \v, temIw apgp-h\pw lntcm-jn-ab - psS Zpc¥w Hm¿Ωn°p∂ Znh-kw, ]p©v OI≥ Z _mKv skIvSd- n¬ ]m°n-ÿm≥ ]´m-f-°m¿ C¥y≥ ssk\yØn\p t\sc shSn-bp-Xn¿Øp. 5 C¥y≥ ssk\n-I¿ sIm√s∏-´p. 1998 se shSn-\n¿Ø¬ I-cm-dn\p tijw CXv BZy \n b-a-ew-L-\-a-√. Ign™ P\phcn 8˛\v ]m°v ssk\yw sIm √-s∏-Sp-Ønb C¥y≥ ssk\nIs‚ arX-tZ-l-tØmSv Ah¿ Im´nb A\m- Z - c hv ad- ° m≥ Ign-bptam? AsX C¥y-˛] - m°v AXn¿Øn ho≠pw ]pI-bp-Ibm-Wv.
Cub-h-k-c-Øn¬ {]Xnhn-[n-sb-∏‰n Btem-Nn-°msX ]c- k v ] cw Ip‰- s ∏- S p- Ø p- I bmWv `c-W-]-£hpw {]Xn-]£-hpw. Ctßm´p shSn-sh-®m¬ Atßm´p Xncn®p shSn-h-bv°W-sa∂v BZ-c-Wo-b-\mb Hcp t\Xmhp ]d- ™ p. "IÆn\p IÆv, ]√n\p ]√v' F∂ s\_pZv°-t\-k¿ ssien IS-sa-Sp°m≥ \Ωƒ ]ucm-WnI ImeØ-√t√m Pohn-°p-∂-Xv. ]ptcmK-a\ - Ø - ns‚ DØpw-Ki - r-wK-amb 21-˛mw \q‰m-≠n¬ Pohn-°p∂ \msa-¥n\v lnwkm-fl-I-amb \S-]-Sn-Iƒ ssIs°m-≈-Ww.
]m°v A[o\ Iivao-cns\ Hcp `oIc Xmh-f-am°n am‰m≥ Ah¿°p Ign-™p. ]m°n-ÿm s‚ Nmc-kw-LS- \ - b - mb sF.-Fkv.-sF. ]cn-io-en-∏n® Nmth¿ ]S-bm-fn-Iƒ F{Xtbm h¿jß -fmbn `mc-X-sØ -X-eßpw hne ßpw B{I-an-°p-∂p. A∂v `mcXob P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øns‚ {io tIm-hn-emb ]m¿e-sa‚ v aμncw B{I-an-°m≥ Ign™p F∂Xv tJZ-Icw Xs∂. ]m°n-ÿms\ kw_-‘n-®n-S-tØmfw atX-Xc cmjv{S-amb \sΩ XI¿°m-\p≈ G‰hpw \√ am¿§w Chn-SpsØ aX-ssa{Xn XI¿°pI F∂-Xm -Wv. AXn\p th≠ Icp\o°ßƒ Ah¿ _p≤n-]q¿Δw \SØp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p-≠v.
Øn-s\m-Sp-hn¬ ]mIvssk\yw ]n≥hm-ßn. knwe-Ic - m-dns‚ {] I-Sa - mb ewL-\a - m-bn-cp∂p Im¿ Kn¬ kw`-hw.
A∂v ]m°n-ÿms‚ Bh-iyw. ]nSn-hmin HSp-hn¬ bp≤-Øn¬ Iem-in-®p. 1971 se bp≤-Øn¬ ]m°n- ÿ m\v kºq¿Æ- ] - c mPbw t\cn-tS≠n h∂p. XpS ¿∂v _w•m-tZiv kzX-{¥-cm-jv{S -am-bn. C∂pw Iiv-ao-cns‚ hS°≥ {]hn-iy-Iƒ ]m°v A[n\n-thi Iivao¿ Xs∂.
h¿ a™nepw ag-bnepw tXm °n≥ Ipg-en\p apºnepw s\ ©p-d-t∏msS \ne-\n¬°p-∂-Xv. Ctßm´p {_“mkv { Xw sXmSp-Øm¬ Xncn®pw AtX Akv{Xw {]tbm-Kn-°m≥ Ipcpt£-{X-bp-≤-Øn-te-Xp-t]mse \ap°pw km[n- ° pw. ]t£ Akv{X-߃°p at[y {]Xy£- s ∏´v kam- [ m- \ - k - t μiw \¬Im≥ hymk-`-K-hmt\m km £m¬ {_“mthm Chn-sS-bn√. F¥n\v ]S-hm-fp-Iƒ°n-S-bneqsS s\©p hncn®p \S∂v A cptX F∂-t]-£n-°m≥ "A¿ ≤-\-·-\mb ^°odpw' Chn-sSbn-√. A[n-Im-c-Øns‚ kpJk-ar-≤n-bn¬ apgp-In-t∏mb `cWm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ°p CXn-s\m´p t\c-hp-an-√.
Regrets? I have none Answer me! Said he
Lets be honest once for all But nothing got said Silence, yet another silence These tactful silence between us Is being unbearable, it hurts damnably All those fake smiles I gave back I don’t seen to understand what went wrong Who is wrong or who is right I thought I knew you well, But what did I know May be I was too blind to see the real you. All we ever did was try to fix each other. I can’t pretend anymore that things Are gonna be better. For even the most beautiful days, Eventually have their sunsets And our promises never really meant a thing. Well, life isn’t what it seems Its frightens you to the our at first, And then fills you with longing I guess its time to let you go. Its time to burn bridges and free myself Perhaps I’ll build a higher wall next time And leave you wondering what went wrong I’ve though about regrets but I’ve none May be its time to wake up for real.
\q‰m-≠p-I-tfmfw ]mc-X{¥y-Øns‚ \pIw-t]-dnb `mKylo-\b - mb `mc-Xmw-_bv°v kzm X-{¥y-Øns‚ kph¿Æ-lmcw e`n-®n´pw ]p©n-cn-°m-\m-hmØ Ah-ÿ-bm-Wn-∂v. C\n AXn¿Øn- I - f n¬ tNmc-∏pg Hgp-Im-Xn-cn-°s - ´. s\ {lp kqNn-∏n-®X - p-t]mse ""C¥y acn-®p-sIm-≠n-cns° \mw Pohn°m\pw \mw Pohn-®n-cns° C¥y sb acn-°p-hm\pw A\p-h-Zn-°mXn-cn-°p-I. GI-temI t£a-amhs´ \ΩpsS e£yw.'' ""P\\o P∑-`q-an› kz¿ Km-Z]n Kcn-tbkn'' ˛P∑w \¬Inb AΩbpw P\n®p hoW \mSns‚bpw al Xzw kz¿K-tØ-°mƒ Db-c-Ønem-Wv. ˛ cma-mb-Ww.
Lena Joseph 1st Year B. A English
She finished her prayers and was walking towards me with tearful eyes. She went and sat in the veranda preoccupied with her thoughts. I went and sat beside her and she smiled at me and asked my name. 'Salini' I told her. I asked her name
Salini Rajendran 2nd year B. A English
My Sorrow
am mostly late for everything don’t know why. I just can’t help it. I ran in the rain not bothering to open my umbrella scared that I will be late for temple, not because I will be late for the pooja but scared that I will miss seeing someone. Today I was determined that I’ll ask her why she was so sad. Finally I reached the temple gate! I hurriedly removed my sandals. I ran into the temple, everybody was staring at me. Finally I reached my destination and there I saw her. I was relieved that I didnt miss her.. I quickly went to the front and prayed, then turned and saw her praying. I went back and waited for her to finish. I was thinking of the first time I saw her. She reminded me of my grandma, my mother’s mother. I’ve never seen her. She passed away when my mother was eighteen. I’ve seen her in photos though. This amma was also like my grandma in looks, with a very beautiful eyes and a bold face. She looked so pretty even at this age. I guess she might be in her seventies…but the only problem was that she always carried a very sad face. Sometimes I have seen her crying in the verandah when no one was there in the temple. I have been watching her for a while. I have always wanted to ask her why she was so sad. Just wanted to know if there was anything I could do to comfort her.
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 'Renuka' came the reply. I asked her why she was so sad. She stared at me as though she was reading my mind. Then she looked away and started telling me. It was a bright morning. Renuka aunty was busy preparing her son’s favourite dishes. Today her son Rahul was to come back from America. There was another happy news, Rahul’s marriage was getting fixed. Every time he comes home, Renuka aunty used to bring his marriage topic and he used to avoid it all the time. He was 28 years old now. But this time when Renuka aunty called him two weeks back to America he had agreed to think about it when he was back. She quickly arranged the table. Rahul was to reach the air port at 10 am, it was almost 8 am. The phone rang hysterically…She went and picked it up..It was Rahul’s acquaintance Jay from his company’s Mumbai head office. He informed her that Rahul was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai and he wishes to see his parents as soon as possible. She was broken after hearing this. She asked him if her son was ok, he told he was fine and asked to come to Mumbai immediately. She hung up the phone and hurried up the stairs. Her husband was getting ready to go to the airport. She told him the bad news. Both of them didnt waste time they quickly left for Mumbai.
They reached the place and called Rahul’s friend Jay he gave them the address to the hospital and finally they reached the hospital. They knocked at room number 404. A north Indian girl opened the door.They thought she might be one of Rahuls acquaintance. She led them into the room and there on bed was their son, so weak and fragile. Renuk a aunty was terrified. They learned that their son was suffering from brain tumer. Renuka aunty was numb. She ran and hugged her son. She could not control herself, she cried and cried. She loved him so dearly. He was her only son. She prayed to god to spare her son and take her instead. After about half an hour her son took her hand in his and told that he did a very big mistake. He had hidden the fact that he was married about 5 years back to a Christian girl from Mumbai and now he was the father to a two year old boy. He called the north Indian girl in the room. She came towards them with a
child in her arms. Rahul told his mother to forgive him. He apologized to her for breaking her trust. He apologized to his father too. But his parent’s just couldn’t say anything at that moment. Renuka aunty just held her son’s hands and wept. Rahul’s doctors said that his illness was in its most critical stage and that there was nothing more they could do for her son. Rahul told his mother that he didn’t wanted to die in pain in a hospital. He told her to take him home to Kochi. They brought him to Kochi. Renuka aunty spend each and every second of her life after that with her son. She was afraid to leave his side. Scared that he might go far away from her at the very moment she was away. Finally in one winter morning he left her alone. She was there with him at that moment, holding his hands. The last words from her son was “sorry mother, I never realized your love, Sorry.” She was in tears. I held her hands. I waited without a word for her to recover. She told me that it was ones 15 years now, But she still can’t recover from it. She looked into my eyes deeply and I patted her hand .She slowly got up and walked away. I sat there thinking. I was so over confident that I would comfort her. But now I was in great sorrow. Her sorrow became mine.
hnI-k\w F∂ t]cn¬ {]mWhm-bp-hn-s\bpw Bhmk hyh-ÿtbbpw ad- ∂ p- s Im≠v a\p- j y≥ Im´n-°q-´p∂ t]°q-Øp-Iƒ°v Hcp\mƒ Ah≥ Xs∂ DØ cw ]dtb-≠n-hc - p-sa∂ Im cyw Adnt™m
samss_¬ t^mWns‚-bpw, C‚¿s\-‰n-s‚bpw el-cn-bp-sSbpw ]n∂mse ]mbp∂ Hcp bph-Xz-amWv Ct∏m-gsØ \ΩpsS kºm
C\n-sb-¶nepw \Ωp sS t_m[w DW¿∂n- s √¶n¬, amdm-e-]n-Sn® a\p-jyXz- a q- e y- ß sf s]mSn- X ´n
cmPn. B¿ H∂mw h¿jw B. Com
BImiw Iog-S-°m≥ IpXn-°p-∂-h-sc, `qan Iog-S-°n-sb-∂-l-¶-cn-°p-∂-h-tc...
Hcp \nanjw
b{¥-ß-fpsS temI Øv hnl- c n- ° p∂ B[p\nI P\- X - b psS a\kv b{¥- ß - f p- t S- X n¬\n∂pw Xosc hyXy-kvX-a-√m-Xm-bncn-°p-∂p. kt¥mjv G®n°m- \ Øns‚ "sImame' bnse t]mse \n w-Kc - mb kaq- l - Ø ns‚ h‡m- ° fmWv C∂v \Ω- s f- √ m- h cpw. kz¥w ktlm-Zc - n-sb, AΩ-sb, aI-sf, Xncn-®-dnbp-hm-\p≈ hnthIw t]m epw a\p-jy-a-\- p-I-fn¬ C√m-Xm-bn-cn-°p-∂p.
-Zyw. \msf-bpsS ]uc-∑m¿ F∂ hnti-jWw Xo¿Øpw tbmPn-°m-Ø-h¿! F√m-hscbpw Htc IÆn-eqsS Im Wp-I-bm-sW∂v sX‰n-≤-cn°-cp-Xv. Fgp-]-Ø-©p-i-Xm \w t]cpw Cß-s\-sbm-s° - Ø - s ∂- b m- s W∂ ImcyØn¬ \n߃°pw kwib-ap-≠m-hn-√.
Adn-bm-sXtbm \mw hnkvacn-°p-∂p.
K- c - h - X v ° - c - W w, b{¥- h Xv°-c-Ww, hyh-km-b-h-Xv°-c-Ww, BtKm-f-h-Xv°-cWw XpS-ßnb Ip td ISn-®m¬ s]m´mØ ]Z-߃°nS b - n¬ InS∂v \´w Xncn-bp-∂h - ¿; a\p j - y¿.. BsI-∏msS Hcp Iym]vkqƒ cq]w. temIw \nb-{¥n-°m≥ Hcp hn c¬Øpºv am{Xw aXn- s b- ∂ m- I ptºmƒ kzbw aXn-a-d-°p-∂Xv kzm `m-hn-Iw. Xnc-°p-I-fn¬ \n∂v Xnc°p-I-fn-te°v s\t´m-´-tam-Sp-tºmƒ \jv-S-s∏-Sp∂ a\p-jy-Xz-Øn-s‚bpw kvt\l-Øn-s‚bpw \∑- bp-sSbpw kmtlm-Z-cy-Øn-s‚bpw aqey-߃ tUmf¿ sImt≠m, dnbm¬ sImt≠m, AXpw As√-¶n¬ Zn\w{]Xn hne-bn-Sn™p sIm≠n-cn-°p∂ cq]-sImt≠m Af-°m-\m-hn-√.
When I stand on the edge, My life becomes more clear, Clear as the blue sky,
Nikhil Wilson
Bright as the burning sun.
1st year BA English
It tells me what to do next,
FSp-Øn-s√-¶n¬ `mhn-bn¬ \mw Fs¥ms° ImtW- ≠ n- h - c psa∂v Duln-°m≥t]mepw Ignbn-√. A∂v ac-hn® a\-tkmsS F√mw I≠p-\n¬t°≠n hcpw. Xo{h-hmZ Iymºp-If - n¬ buh\w Fcn-™-S-ßp-tºmƒ, A—s‚ Icm-f-l-kvX-ß-fn¬ HXp-ßp ∂ PohnXw ]nS-™p-Xo-cptºmƒ, kz¥w ktlm-Z-cs‚ Ip´nsb K¿`-]m-{X-Øn¬ t]td-≠n-h-cptºmƒ, s\m¥p {]k-hn® am Xm-hns\ sh´n-s°m-e-s∏-Sp-Øptºmƒ, Imep-d∏ - n®p \n¬°p∂ `qan ]nf¿°p-tºmƒ FhnsS t]m Ip∂p \ΩpsS BZ¿i-߃? CXmtWm kpÿnc hnI- k \w??!
Before my life ends. It gives me that feeling, the feeling of continuing, no matter what happens along my way. It gives the feeling of something extraordinary. A feeling to live more. to love and hate, the things I see and the people I meet. So that it gives me that feeling, I’m on the edge once again.
ssh⁄m-\n-I-ta-J-e-Iƒ ssIø-S-°m≥ HmSn-\-S-°p∂ \Ωƒ ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-amb aq ey-߃ ]Wbw hbv°p-∂p. ]eXpw I≠n-s√∂v \Sn-°p∂p. "Ipam-c-\m-im≥' ]mSn-b-Xpt]m-se. "am‰p-hn≥ N´-ßsf As√-¶n¬ am‰p-a-Xp-Ifn \nß-sf-Xm≥....'
Navaneeth Krishnan S. 1st Year B. Com
ship to intimidate the Indian Navy during the 1971 Indo-Pak war. Only to be dogged away from the Bay of Bengal by the Soviet nuclear submarine. They
Syrian Conflicts and Political Challenges of the World to make sure that the whole world function to its whims. For them, the man who said that "Iran oil belong to its people" was a madman against western interests. They along with their hanger on partner the British, were able to overthraw that democratically elected nation-
people of that land was too much for their M16 guns and B52 bombers. In fact, America wanted to oust communism from North Vietnam and ended up unifying both North and South Vietnam under Ho Chi Milon commitment government. They sent their largest
have fought pointless wars, since then in Kosavo and Iraq. Agreed that the Libyan invasion had some credible justification, but it has only helped in recolonizing the already impoverished African Nation. And now, here we are, at Syria. The Baith party and
alist and replace him with an autocrat whose lunch was own from Paris every day while the people of the oil rich country starved. And when they had suffered enough, they fought back, and are again free of Western interest. Vietnam was attacked, just because it had a communist government. And yes they were almost successful. They knew everything about the nation except the fact that the pride and dignity of the
intention of the United States of America to launch an offensive attack against the Syrian government over the alleged use of chemical weapon against civilian population is no doubt the hottest topic on the news. But I see nothing new about this. Turn back the pages of history, to the beginning of the Cold War, and one can see that the USA has always used, or tried to use, its bucks, wit and guns
T he
Barhar Al-Assad, The Syrian president, are not very big fans of America, and this is a known fact. With the fall of pro-western regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, and the nearfall of the AlKhalifa dynasty in Bahrain, the US will be keen to show that those regimes which are against Western interests can be hit by the Arab Spring too. No wonder why they are ready to support insurgents who are openly linked with Al-Queda, which is another failure story of America, a devil of their own creation. What captures my attention in the matter is the total disgard shown by the Americans to the sovereignty of an independent nation state, its government, the people and,
most importantly, the United Nations itself. President Obama has decided to ask for the US Congress permission, saying that he would like to keep with the tradition of its democracy. But what power do they hold to decide the fate of another nation? And now the trump card for the proposition of assault, the chemical gas attack. It is foolish to think that the Syrian government would take such a drastic method in a war which they are already winning, knowing that is just what the western vultures need to come tearing down on them. It might as well be the work of some war-moaning faction and
if so, they can be happy with the fact that the Americanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s have gone for their bait. To say that Syrian chemical weapons pose a threat to America holds no ground either. Having said all this, if the USA decides to attack Syria, all that is going to happen, is that the world would simply watch. Some nations may raise strong objections, but their words will be in vain as was the case during the Iraq war. As long as the nations of the world do not do anything against this domination by the United States and its NATO enforcers, every nation will have to suffer one way or the another.
Photo credit : Anglin Correyo
thKw. thKX. shtemkn‰n. sh{]mfw. 51
have this favourite quizzing that I often do while talking to groups of youngsters: ‘How life is different today, compared to that of the previous generation, say twenty years ago?’ And that surely is an ice-breaker. The group comes alive. They talk of the new foodstuff. Some talk of dress. Friendship and the new youth culture are great.
Invariably there is mention of the omnipotent, omnipresent et omni-reach mobile handset. And, for sure, they talk of speed, speed, speed. This tourist once asked me about something he heard sitting in the private bus at Alwaye bus-stand: “rrloou, rrloou, rrloou, rrloou”. I know the crazy speed of the Alwaye – Ernakulam private buses and the acrobatics of the young and
vehicle would be upset if it is only at 50km!!). Is speed the mark of modern travel alone? Naw! It is ubiquitous. Jul 14, 2013 - NEW DELHI: The 163-year old telegram service in the country - the harbinger of good and bad news for generations of Indians - is dead. Once the fastest means of communi-
Dr.Edward Edezhath Dept.of English
sprightly door checkers. Yet it took some time for me to decipher ‘Ernakulam’ from this repetitive door checker call. (Noooo. I have nothing against their language or the hundredsome kilometre speed of these terra-planes. They are veritable fun :), especially in an age and land where horserace is not possible. Aaand, half of the
cation for millions of people, the humble telegram was today buried without any requiem but for the promise of preserving the last telegram as a museum piece. The telegram had an honourable death at 9 pm on that day, but not for speedy communication. Humanity gossips ever faster. Look around! Communication,
And they say, today anything you want is just a wish away. But where’s the catch. MONEY! You need money. And our smart ones know how to get a quick buck. Look around and you will be surprised to see the numerous novel and efficient ways in which they become rich. This generation and in a special way our people have become legendary with their notorious craze to make a ‘fast buck’. Scams are galore in our land and there are people who are so much money as well as limitless greed to get easily duped by these swindlers. Tornado in the US, tsunami in Indonesia and mob-violence in Egypt, just like Patriot Missiles in Kuwait War, reach us in seconds and get us ‘philosophically’ involved on our drawing room sofas glued to the TV. Everything reaches us so fast, and with the ‘wikis’, googling and numerous newfound apps you don’t need any
It thrills but kills “Tell me,” I ask my friend, “What do you think of rapid pace of the modern times”. This one is special. He and his pretty wife run this NGO called “Never-the-less” and their tag line “together, it gets better”. Their mission? “Towards an inclusive world —where people with disabilities are
assets and not liabilities — Unifying efforts, investments, and innovations addressing disability”. Meaning? Championing the cause of differentially able children, especially focusing those in schools. That’s my friend. And to my query he responds, “As someone said, seed and competition are the outstanding marks of the modern day, and they are its greatest peril, too”. The song from Chemmeen resounds, “kadalile oulavum karalile mohavum adangukillomane adangukilla”, reminding us of T. S. Eliot quoting the lustful search of St Augustine, “To Carthage then I came. Burning burning burning
Today life is fast paced and everyone is busy. Children complain against parents, spouses blame each other, friends blame other, “you have not time!” And, who is not busy? Even children are in a mad chase for time. Focused on that mad rush I walk alone in the crowd and never shake hands with the neighbour so close to me.
Your friend is there thousands of kilometres gone, yet ‘hello’ from her is a couple of rupees and a simple dial away on your mobile, and her beaming snap and movie clip just a click away on the fb. Oh sure, you don’t miss the old telegram.
magic wand nor the legendary genie to anything is there before a snap of fingers.
both private and mass-based, has taken long strides. The sweep wider, cost cheaper and speed split-second! Your friend is there thousands of kilometres gone, yet ‘hello’ from her is a couple of rupees and a simple dial away on your mobile, and her beaming snap and movie clip just a click away on the fb. Oh sure, you don’t miss the old telegram, you are ever ‘in touch’.
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 burning”. Aren’t we a generation blinded and driven by strong inner desires and still greater external pressures of expectations. For everyone and everywhere it is competition, engendering comparison, leading either to success and elation or being left in the lurch and be doomed in inferiority complex. My friend asks me, ‘Is such an approach of exclusion inevitable?’ A mad chase and also driving others like a racehorse, is that the only way? The rabbit and the turtle story
is all about this modern day temptation. There are plenty who rush past in life then find that life and this race are all futile. On the other hand there is another set who don’t forget to live life today and enjoy the wind and the sky and eventually they smile today and win tomorrow. Well then, moving ahead from a life of grim, cut-throat competition to joyous, fruit-bearing cooperation, should be the value
formation for the day. What is that experience writ large on the face of the modern youth? I often ask myself as I closely watch our smart and dynamic young men and women of today. I hear this loud and clear, they say the whole thing is “boring, boooring, boooooring L (sigh)”. What can I say? Ohhh, when was this word invented? I think it just popped up from the remote control, just after the lively commercial. I am almost sure that it was dropped down by that racing figure in the
digital game after the violent fight. (What else can one say J) In Pratchett’s Hogfather the central character Death bemuses at the folly of mortals: “Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders they have managed to invent boredom?” I watched this 6 minute clip that someone posted on the fb, with the title “La Surconsommation”, a cut from Ron Fricke’s. With the accom-
paniment of rapid and accelerating drumbeat, with occasional blaring sound of some wind instrument the modern production line of various livestock food products are graphically depicted in the film. Using heavy machinery how chicken are gathered from are gathered from large poultry farms and on a rapid pace we see how they are cleaned, cut and packed by efficient workers numbering may be a thousands, standing in rows. A moving picture of speed and efficiency! We go on to witness
The word "boring” was just popped up from the remote control, just after the lively commercial. I am almost sure that it was dropped down by that racing figure in the digital game after the violent fight.
mechanized cages for cows, in hundreds, stand in moving narrow rows to be fed and milked most efficiently, and pigs in numberless rows, lying on the
“And the winner is .. .” Not at the Oscar Award ceremony, but in life’s hurdle race, who comes out successful? The words of the great Greek thinker, “An un-reflected life is not worth living”. Can you jump out of the running river of life? You may not be able to fully escape the speed of modern life, but learn to practice the stillness, a stillness of the depth spirit. Such an acquaintance with depth makes you aware of your own true inner needs, and also a sense of inner joy. Surely that is the secret of being sensitive to the OTHER. “To find stillness upon the wheel go to the centre”. The spinning wheel has breakneck speed. At its periphery you will be dizzy and bewildered. But there is a point at its centre, the one who spins it, ‘the unmoved mover’. Near it, near him there is a gentle, joyful rest and overflowing peace.
side to feed their young ones and got readied for automated butchering. And then, the scene of large department stores, their check out queues, where the brisk and efficient hands (may be without a minds) serve the fast-moving shopping carts and people pushing the loaded carts. Then, finally, the sagging, obese belly of this person, whose face is irrelevant, being marked and measured, may be, by a surgeon. And the translation of the title is ‘over consumption’.
We run behind something worthless We risk our Lives Sometimes we forget to Breathe And forget much about ourselves Human race is a living race Increasingly speeding to pay a worthless price For what is our next race? Search for a race begins another race And so does the human mind wonder I wonders lonely in greed So as not to share a little with another It runs faster and faster with no legs And swims in the solid sea It flies with no wings and feathers Surely does it reach any where And the mysteries of human mind increase And at-last the mind hangs With the strong rope of hope And it dies slowly with regrets
Divya Anilkumar 1st Year M. A English
_-ß-fn¬ Hcm-fpsS IY am{Xam-W-Xv.
dn‚p Ct·-jykv H∂mw h¿jw B. A English
kml kn-I-X-bp-sSbpw Imcy-Øn¬ kplr-Øp-°-fpsS A¤p-X-ambn-cp∂ Hcp 17 Imc≥. Hcp s{]m ^-jW - ¬ ss_°v A`ym-kn-bp sS hg-°-tØmsS Ah≥ kp lr-Øp-°-fpsS ap∂n¬ lotdmbm-bn. AanX kml-kn-IX - t- bmsS- b p- f f ss_°- ` ym- k - ß ƒ Xs‚ AΩsb A\m-Ybpw at\m -tcm-Kn-bp-am-°p-sa-∂v, {]mb-Øn
s‚ Bth-i-Øn¬ Ah≥ Hm¿ Øp ImWn-√. Iqen-the sNbv Xp hf¿Ønb B aI-\n-em-bncp∂p AΩ-bpsS kz]v\-ßfpw {]Xo-£-Ifpw thK-∏m-®n-en¬ Ahs‚ Poh≥ tdmUn¬ s]m en-™-t∏mƒ XI¿∂p-t]m-bXv AΩ-bpsS a\- m-bn-cp-∂p. CXv Hcp IpSpw-_Ø - ns‚ am{Xw Ahÿ-b-√. ss_°-]-ISw aqew Zpcn-X-Øn-emb At\Iw IpSpw-
hml-\m-]I - S- ß - ƒ \ΩpsS tIc- f - Ø n¬ \nXy- h m¿Ø- I fmbn amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. F√m Znh-khpw ]{X-ßf - n¬ CXv Hcp ÿncw ]w‡n-bmbn XpS-cp-Ibm-Wv. amc-I-amb GsX-¶nepw ]I¿®-hym-[n-bp-≈-Xn-t\-°mƒ thK- Ø n- e mWv tdmU- ] - I - S ߃ hne-tb-dnb Pohn-X-߃ A]- l - c n- ° p- ∂ - X v . tamt´m¿ hml\w I≠p-]n-Sn® P¿Ω≥ Im-c\ - mb Imƒs{^U-dnIv s_ ≥kv Hcn-°epw CXv a\p-jys\ C{X-am{Xw sIms∂m-Sp-°p∂ A¥-I-\mbn amdp-sa∂v hnNmcn®p ImWn-√. C∂v temIØv Hmtcm Znh-khpw 3400 t]¿ ho
thKw A]-I-S-߃ £Wn®p hcp-Øp-∂p. Ccp-N{I hml-\߃ HmSn-°p∂ Iuam-c-{]m-b°m¿ CXns‚ apJy-{]-Xn-I-fmWv. Ch¿ aZy-]n®v hml-\-tamSn-°p-∂-Xpw, samss_¬ t^m Wn¬ kwkm-cn®v hml-\-tamSn-°p-∂Xpw tdmUp-If - n¬ tNmc hogvØp∂p. Ch-sbms° XSbp-∂-Xn\v I¿i-\-amb \nb-a߃ Ds≠-¶nepw H∂pw ^e-
ImWp∂ {`am-flI - a - mb thKX ssIhcn°phm≥ th≠n icnbmb ]cnio-e\w t]mepw e`n°mØ bphm-°ƒ Ah-cpsS Bthiw ImgvN-sh-bv°p-∂Xv Xnc-t°-dnb tdmUp-If - n¬ AhcpsS hml\w Nodn-∏m-bn-®p-sIm≠m-Wv. AwKo-IrX ssek≥kv e`n-°m-Ø-h¿ t]mepw ChnsS hml-\-߃ HmSn-°p-∂Xv k¿ Δ-km-[m-cW - a - m-Wv. Aan-Xa - mb
Xw hml-\m-]I - S- ß - ƒ aqew acn -°p-∂p-sh∂pw AXn¬ Xs∂ 960 t]¿ 25 hb v ]n∂n-SmØ sNdp-∏-°m¿ BsW-∂p-ap≈ `oXn-Za - mb IW-°m-Wv temIm t- cm-Ky-kw-LS- \ ]pd-Øp-hn-´n-´p≈-Xv. CXn¬ hml-\m-]-I-S-ßfp-tSbpw ac-W\ - n-c° - n-s‚ ImcyØn¬ ssN\- b psS sdt°m ¿Uv t`Zn®v 2006 apX¬ C¥y ap∂n-se-Øn.
tIcfØnse tdmUv A]ISacW \nc°v/tIcf t]meokv Un∏m¿´vsa‚ v
h¿jw acWw
hml-\m-]I - S- w a - qew C¥ybn¬ ac-W-a-S-bp-∂Xv 1,35,000 t]cm-Wv. tIc-f-Øn¬ 15 an\n‰n¬ Hcp hml\ A]-IShpw ct≠-Im¬ aWn-°q-dn¬ Hcp acWhpw kw`-hn-°p-∂psh∂mWv tI{μ KXm-KX tZio-b] - mX a{¥mebw ]pd-Øn-d-°nb dnt∏m¿ ´n¬ ]d-bp-∂-Xv. Cu Ah-ÿ-bn¬ C{X-b[nIw A]-I-S-߃ D≠m-Ip-∂Xns‚ ImcWw F¥m-sW∂v At\z-jn-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. AXn¬ Hcp ImcWw \ΩpsS tdmUp-If - psS timN-\o-bm-hÿbm-Wv. ]s£ CXn-t\-°mfpw Kuc-h-ta-dnb as‰mcp ImcWw ae-bmfn bphm-°-fpsS A{i-≤amb hml-\-tam-Sn-°-em-Wv. th K-X-tbm-Sp≈ Aan-X-{`-aamWv. kn\n-a-I-fnepw sKbn-ap-I-fnepw
kn\n-a-I-fnepw sKbn-ap-Ifnepw ImWp∂ {`am-fl-Iamb thK-X ssIhcn°p hm≥th≠n icn-bmb ]cn io-e\w t]mepw e`n-°mØ bphm-°ƒ Ah-cpsS Bth iw ImgvN-sh-bv°p-∂Xv Xnc-t°-dnb tdmUp-I-fn¬ Ah-cpsS hml\w Nodn∏mbn-®p-sIm-≠m-Wv. Aan-Xamb thKw A]-I-S-߃ £Wn®p hcp-Øp-∂p.
{]-Za - mbn {]tbm-Kn-°s - ∏-Sp-∂n√. CjvSan-√mØ \nb-a-ß-f-s°Xnsc kwL-S\ - m-i‡n D]-tbm Kn®v {]Xn-tcm-[n-°m≥ bphm-°ƒ Xøm-dm-Ip-∂p. Ccp-N{I hml\-ß-fn¬ sl¬a‰v \n¿_-‘am-°n-b-t∏mƒ AXn-s\-Xnsc s]mcp-Xm≥ bphm-°ƒ t\Xr Xzw \¬In. F∂m¬ Cu \nb aw ]men-°s - ∏-Sp-∂X - n-eqsS kz ¥w Poh≥ Xs∂-bmWv kwc£n-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv F∂ Imcyw Ah¿ hnkva-cn-°p-∂p. {]iv\-ß-sf-°p-dn®v A]{K-Y\w sNbvXp-sIm≠p am{Xam-bn-√. CXns\ \ap-s°-ßns\ ^e-{]-Za - mbn ]cn-lc - n-°m≥ Ignbp-sa-∂p-IqSn Bg-Øn¬ Nn¥nt°-≠-Xm-Wv. hml-\m-]-I-S-ß-fpsS F Æw IW-°n-se-Sp-Øm¬ AXv
FdWmIpfsØ _kv k¿Δokns\°pdn®v F¥mWv \nßfpsS A`n{]mbw? Regha Ramachandran : Ch-cpsS a°fpw _kn¬ bm{X sNøp-∂nt√ F∂mWv Fs‚ kwi-bw. Hgn™ ko‰p-Iƒ D≈-t∏mgpw \n∂p bm{X sNtø≠n hcp∂ Ahÿ-bn-emWv hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ. Rhea Joseph : A`n-{]mbw t]meokv tÃj\n¬ t\cn´v
]d-tb≠ Ah-ÿ-bm-Wv. Syama Lenus : hfsc tamiw A`n-{]m-bw. i{Xp-°-tf-
°mƒ {Iqc-am-bmWv hnZym¿∞n-I-tfmSv s]cp-am-dp-∂-Xv. Roshini George : All buses can’t be put in to the above category. There are friendly buses Too. Elizabeth Francis : hnZym¿∞nItfmSv am\yambn s]cpamdphm≥ _kv Poh\°m¿ ]Tn°Wsa¶n¬ k¿ °m¿ \nba\n¿ΩmWhpw t_m[h¬°cWhpw \SØWw Basil Peter : Lose a minute from your life but dont lose your life in a minute. Antony Perera : hang on a minute before u hang for ur dear llife Abhijith Sreedhar : I don’t know why there is a competition to reach a place faster than other buses. After all it’s a public service. Josey Xavier : Come what may I have to make my purse full. Ashil Antony : They are very busy. At any cost they will reach this destination without bothering the laws of public. Jayasree Gijo : tÃm∏n¬ \n¬°p- t ºmƒ hfsc
ZqcØv sIm≠v _kv \n¿Øp-≈q... HmSn-sN-∂m¬ Ip´nIsf _kn¬ Ib‰msX t]mIpw.
Xmßm-\p≈ `qhn-kvXr-Xnbpw tdmUp-Ifpw tIc-fØ - n-\n-√. AXn - \ m¬ A]- I Sw Ipd- b v ° m≥ hml-\-Øns‚ FÆw ]cn-an-Xs∏- S p- Ø p- I bpw I¿i- \ - a mb \nb-{¥-Whpw \S-∏m-°W - w. hn I-knX cmPy-ß-fn¬ ss_°v ss{Uhnßv ssek≥kn-\p≈ \S-]S- n-Iƒ Imdn\p th≠-Xn-t\°mƒ IqSp-X¬ IWn-i-am-Wv. AhnsS ss{Uh¿am¿°v ssaXm\Øpw tdmUnepw ss_t°mSn-°m-\p≈ sshZKv≤yw am{Xa-√, tamiw Imem-hÿ - b - n-ep≈ ss{Uhnßv sshZ≤yw IqSn sX fn-bn-t°≠n hcpw. AXp-t]mse \ΩpsS kwÿm-\Øpw IqSnb ss_°-]-IS \nc°v {]tXyIn®v ag-°m-eØv IW-°n-se-SpØv Ccp-N{I hml\ ss{U hnwKv sse≥kv t\Sp-∂X - n-\p≈ hyh-ÿ-Iƒ IqSp-X¬ I¿°i-am-t°-≠X - m-W.v IqSmsX A] -I-S-ap-≠m-°n-b-h-cpsS ssek ≥kv ]©v sNøp-I, \n›nX FÆw A]-I-S-ß-fp-≠m-°p-∂h-cpsS ssek≥kv d±m-°p-I, kvIqƒX-e-Øn¬ t_m[-h-XvIcWw \n¿_-‘-am-°p-I, Iuamc-°m¿ A]-I-S-߃ D≠m-°ptºmƒ Ah-cpsS `mhn XI¿ °mØ coXn-bn-ep≈ in£ \¬ IpI XpS-ßnb \nb-aß - ƒ sIm ≠p-h-cp-I. CØ- c - Ø n- e p≈ \nb- a ߃ {]m_-ey-Øn¬ sIm≠ph-cn-Ibpw Ah ^e-{]-Z-ambn ]men-°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXm¬ hne-s∏´ Poh-\p-Iƒ \ap°v kwc-£n-°mw.
AanX thK-Øn\v
"cmP-'Iob ]q´v ]ncn-®p-h® aoi \n›-bZ- m-¿Vy-Øns‚ AS-bm-fa- m-sW∂v {]hr-Øn-bn-eqsS sXfn-bn® ss[cy-im-en... FhnsS GXp \nanjw Fßs\ {]Xy-£-s∏Spw F∂v ]d-bm≥ Ign-bmØ kq{X-imen... IpXn-®p ] - m-bp∂ ae-bm-fn-a\ - - p-Iƒ°v thK-∏q-´n-´.v .. "Xsse-t]m-\mepw _te-t`jv' F∂p-]d- b - p∂ ae-bm-fnbpsS Al-¶m-c-Øn¬ sl¬a‰v h∏n®v... Ahs‚ a\- -dn™ adp-\m-S≥ t]meo-kp-Im-c≥... ]d-™p-hc- p-∂Xv a‰mscbpw Ipdn-®√ - .... tIc-f-Øns‚ {Sm≥kvt]m¿´v IΩo-j-W¿ _lp-am-\y-\mb Ejn-cm-Pvknw-Kv sF-.]n-.F-kv˛s\ °pdn®v Xs∂-bm-Wv. "bq˛tS¨' amKkn≥ kanXn AwK߃ At±-lh - p-ambn \S-Ønb A`n-ap-JØn¬ \n∂v.
Xømdm°nbXv :
Aeo\ B≥ amXyp H∂mw h¿jw
M. Sc Physics
Ejn-cm-Pvknw-Kv sF.-]n-.F-kv ]m°n- ÿ m≥ AXn¿Øn- b n¬ \n∂v 35 Intem-ao-‰¿ am{Xw AI-se-bp≈ cmP-ÿm\nse _n°m-\dn¬ P\-\w. 1987 _m®v sF.-]n.-F-kv. Hm^o-k¿, tIcf tIU¿ 180- ˛ - m w dm¶v tlmƒU¿, Fw.- F . lnÃdn H∂mw dm¶v tPXm-hv.
Xs‚ tªmKn¬ ]dbp∂p "Ejn- c m- P v k nw- K mWv kq∏¿ Ãm¿ F∂v... Ncn-{X-Øn¬ \n∂v hyXykvXa - mbv Hcp t]meokv Hm^o-k-dns‚ t]cn¬ P\-߃ ^m≥kv Atkm-kn-tb-j-\p-Iƒ XpSßp∂p; s]mXp-P\w Bth-i-tØmsS kwkmcn-°p-∂p. F¥v tXm∂p∂p?
ASp-ØnsS \S∂ ]\-ßmSv kw`-h߃ Dƒs∏- s S- b p- ≈ h _knse s]¨Ip- ´ n- I - f psS kpc£nX Xzan√mbvabntebv°mWv ho≠pw hnc¬ Nq≠p- ∂ - X v . tamt´m¿ hml\ Un∏m¿´vsa‚n\v C°m-cyØn¬ Fs¥-¶nepw sNøm≥ km[n-°p-tam?
taml≥em-en-s‚bpw P\-ß-fp-sSbpw \√ hm°p-Iƒ°v \μn; ]t£ Rm≥ Fs‚ I¿Øhyw \n¿h-ln-°p∂p F∂v am{X-tabp-≈q. h¿j-ß-fmbn Chn-sS-bp≈ \nbaw \S-∏m-°p∂ tPmen am{Xta Rm≥ sNøp∂p-≈q.
s]¨Ip-´n-Iƒ {]Xn-I-cn-°-Ww. tIc-f-Øn se hnZym-kº - ∂ - c - mb s]¨Ip-´n-Iƒ kss[ cyw {]Xn-Ic - n-°W - w. Ign™ Znhkw ssh‰ne-bn¬ Hcp s]¨Ip´n kss[cyw {]Xn-Icn -®Xv A\p-I-c-Wo-b-amb Hcp Bfl-hn-izmkØns‚ DZm-l-c-W-am-Wv. A\oXn Ft∏mƒ kln-®mepw AXv \n߃°p t\sc c≠pa-Sß - mbn Xncn-®p-hc - pw. ]ns∂ GXp kab Øpw ]cm-Xn-Iƒ Fs‚ \º-dn-te°v Fkv.Fw.-F-kv. aptJ\tbm t^m¨ hgntbm Adnbn°mhp∂XmWv. Fs‚ \º¿ "854763900' BWv.
AXns‚ A¿∞w apºv `cn-®-h¿ B I¿Øhyw \n¿h-ln-®n√ F∂t√? Aßs\ ]d-bm≥ ]‰n-√. Hmtcm-cp-Ø¿°pw Hmtcm ssien-bp-≠v. Rm≥ I¿i-\-amb \n b-a-\-S-]-Sn°v t\XrXzw \¬In; A{X-am-{Xw. ae-bm-fn-bpsS ]e ioe-ßfpw sRmSnbn-S-bn¬ am‰m≥ kmdn\p Ign-™p. F¶nepw C∂pw A]-I-S-ß-fn¬ ]cnt°-‰-hsc c£n-°m≥ ae-bm-fn°p t]Sn-bm-Wv. F¥p-]-d-bp-∂p? ASp-Ø-nS-bn¬ \S-Ønb Hcp AJn-te¥ym k¿tΔ ]d-bp-∂Xv 74% C¥y-°mcpw A]I-Sß - f - n¬ ]cn-t°-‰h - sc c£n-°m≥ aSn-bp≈ h - c - mWv F∂m-Wv. CXn\p ]cn-lm-ca - mbn tI c-fØ - n¬ tamt´m¿ hml\ Un∏m¿´vsa‚ns‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ Hcp "thmf≠nb¿ t^mgvk'v cq]o-I-cn-°m≥ Xocp-am-\n-®n-´p-≠v. I®-hS°m-cpw, Hmt´m-dn-£° - mcpw a‰p km[m-cW°mcpw AS-ßp∂ Cu t^mgvkn\v Hcp Znh ksØ ]cn-io-e-\hpw, ]cnioe\Øn\v ]s¶Sp°p∂h¿°v sFUn Im¿Upw \¬Ipw. ]co-£-Wm¿∞w Cu s{]mPvIvSv Xncp-h-\¥-]p-cØv XpS-ßm-sa-∂mWv Icp-Xp-∂-Xv. Ime{ItaW F√m Pn√Ifntebv°pw hym ]n∏n°phm\mWv Xocpam\w
tImtfPv hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ IqSp-X epw A\y-hm-l-\-ß-fn¬ en^v‰v hmßn bm{X sNøp-∂-h-cm-Wv. CcpN-{I-hm-l-\-ß-fn¬ C\n apX¬ ]pd-In¬ Ccn-°p-∂-hcpw sl¬a‰v hbvt°≠n hcp-sa∂v tI´-t√m...? kp{]ow-tIm-SXn hn[n-b-\p-k-cn®v C°m-cyØn¬ Ah- k m\ hm°v ]d- t b- ≠ Xv kwÿm\ k¿°m-cm-Wv. \ΩpsS k¿°m¿ ]d-™n-cn-°p-∂Xv X¬°mew tIc-f-Øn¬ ]n≥ko‰v bm{X-°m¿ sl¬a‰v [cn-t°≠ Bh-iy-an√ F∂m-Wv. AXp-sIm≠v \n ߃ t]Sn-t°≠ Imcy-an-√.
Fs‚ A`n- { ]m- b - Ø n¬ Zo¿L- Z q- c - b m{X sNøp-∂-h¿°pw sNdnb bm{X-Iƒ sNøp∂-h¿°p-sams° shtΔsd tdmUp-Iƒ Bhiy-am-Wv. F√m-hc - pw-IqSn Hcp tdmUv D]tbmKn-°p-∂Xp sIm≠mWv \ap°v tªm°v Hgn™ t\c-an-√m-Ø-Xv. \ΩpsS tdmUp-I-fpsS LS-\bpw A]-I-S-߃ IqS-∂-Xn\v Hcp ImcW-am-sW-∂mtWm k¿ ]d-bp-∂Xv? Hcp-]-cn[n hsc AXpw Imc-W-am-Wv. Hcp sNdnb tdmUmWv BsI-bp-≈-Xv. AXn¬ \ndsb hgn-tbm-c-°-®-h-S-°m-cpw, Im¬\-Sbm-{X-°mcpw. F√m-hcpw Xnßn-\n-d™m¬ h≠n-Iƒ ]ns∂ GXp hgn-bn¬°qSn t]m Ipw. hml-\-߃°v kpK-a-ambn IS-∂p-t]mIm-\p≈ ÿew sImSp-°msX Ah A]I-S-ap-≠m°n F∂p ]d-bp-∂-Xn¬ Imcy-an√. sF.Pn. _n. k‘y Hcn°¬ ]dbpIbp≠mbn ""aebmfn Nm\¬ AhXmcI¿ EjncmPv knwKns‚ ASpØv aebmfw ]Tn °phm≥ Syqj\v t]mIWsa∂v''. P∑w-sIm≠v Hcp cmP-ÿm-\n-bmb k¿ Fß-s\-bmWv ae-
bmfw t]mep≈ Hcp `mj C{X kpK-a-ambn kwkm-cn-°p-∂-Xv?
kn\n-a-Iƒ I≠mWv Rm≥ ae-bmfw ]Tn®-Xv. ae-bmfw kn\n-a-Iƒ IqSp-X¬ km[m-c-
\nb-a-ßfpw \∂m-°Ww tdmUpw \∂m-°Ww. ]n.-U-ªyq.-Un.bmWv tdmUp-I-fpsS Imcy-Øn¬ Xocp-am-\-߃ FSp-°p-∂-Xv. Ah¿ ]d-bp-∂Xv a‰p kwÿm-\-ß-fn-te Xpt]mse tSmƒ ]ncn-°m≥ kΩ-Xn-®m¬ \ΩpsS \m´nepw \√ tdmUp-Iƒ D≠m°m-sa-∂mWv Rm≥ Cub-Sp-Ø-Im-eØv t_mw s_ apX¬ Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ] - pcw hsc Hcp SmIvkn bm{X. Fs‚ ss{Uh¿ Hcp 600-˛700 cq] tSmfmbnØs∂ sImSp-Øn-´p-≠v. F¶n epw H´pw ]cmXn tXm∂n-bn-√. A{X kpJI-c-amb bm{X-bm-Wv.
\nb-a-߃ I¿i-\-am-°n-bXv tdmU- ] - I - S - ß ƒ KWy- a mbn Ipd-®p-sh-¶n-epw, s]m´n-s∏m-fn™Xpw hoXn Ipd-™-Xpamb tdmUp-Iƒ F∂pw \aps°mcp sh√p-hn-fn-bt√?
W-°m-cs‚ `mj kwkm-cn-°p-∂-h-bm-Wv. kn\na-bn¬ ImWp∂ IYm-]m-{X-ß-sf-sb√mw \ap°v \ΩpsS Np‰n\pw ImWm≥ km[n-°pw. tIc-fhpw, ae-bmf `mj-bp-sams° Rm≥ ASp-Ødn-™Xv kn\n-a-I-fn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. Aam-\p-jn-IX-bpw, AXn-`m-hp-I-Xz-hp-sam-∂p-an-√mØ aebm-f-kn-\n-a-Iƒ F\n°v F∂pw {]nb-s∏-´h-bm-Wv. kabw In´p-tºm-sgms° Rm≥ kn\n-a-Iƒ ImWm-dp-≠v. IYm-]m-{X-ß-fpsS hen∏w t\m°msX GXp-Xcw tdmfp-Ifpw sN øm≥ Xøm-dm-Ip∂ ae-bm-fn-\-S-∑m¿ Gsd A`n-\-μ\w A¿ln-°p-∂p. CXp-h-sc-bp≈ HutZym-Kn-I-Po-hn-XØn¬ G‰hpw sh√p-hnfn t\cn´XvFt∏m-gmWv? F\n°v F√m ZuXy-ßfpw Hcp-t]m-se-bmWv. Hmtcm ]pXnb DØ-c-hm-Zn-Xzhpw Gsd Bth-i-tØm-sS-bmWv Rm≥ kzoI-cn-°mdp-≈-Xv. icn°pw ]d-™m¬ A∂-∂p≈ ^b-ep-Iƒ ka-bØp t\m°n-Øo¿°p-∂XmWv F\n°v G‰hpw henb sh√p-hn-fnbmbn tXm∂n-bn-´p-≈-Xv. tkmjy¬ s\‰vh¿°nwKv ssk‰p-Ifn¬ kPo- h - a mtWm? bphm- ° - f nte°v IqSp- X ¬ Cd- ß n- s ®- √ m≥ CØcw ssk‰p-Iƒ D]-tbm-Kn-®p-IqtS?
Aßs\ hnj-an-®m¬ Pohn-°m≥ ]‰n-√t√m. {]mtbm-Kn-I-ambn Nn¥n-°Ww A\mh-iy-amb Hcp Imcy-߃°pw Rm≥ sNhn sImSp-°m-dn-√.
H´p-an-√.... F\n°v AXnepw {][m-\s - ∏´ Hcp]mSp Imcy-߃ sNbvXp Xo¿°m-\p-≠v. Ah-sbms° hymP-am-Wv. BsI F\n°p ≈Xv Hcp Cu˛sabn¬ A{U v am{XamWv.
bphm-°-ƒ Rßsf CjvS-s∏-Sp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ Ah¿ sse°v sNøpIb√; sl¬a‰p [cn°pIbmWv th≠Xv. Ah¿ \nb-a-߃ ]men°-s´, R߃°p kt¥m-j-am-hpw.
PohnXØn¬ G‰hpw IqSp- X ¬ kt¥mjw tXm∂nb \nan-j-߃?
Imdp-I-fn¬ ayqkn°v kn Ãw hbv ° p∂Xv \n tcm[n°phm≥ t]m Ip∂p F∂ hm¿Ø icnbmtWm? ss{]h‰v hml-\ß - f - n¬ ]m´p-Iƒ hbv°p∂ X - n\v \nb-a] - c - a - mbn bmsXmcp hne-°p-an√. a‰p-≈h - sc ieyw sNømØ coXn-bn¬ kz¥w hml-\Ø - n¬ CXv D]-tbm-Kn-°p- ∂-Xn¬ sX‰ps≠∂v F\n°p tXm∂p-∂n-√. ]ns∂ 80 sU kns_¬ ao‰dn\v apI-fn¬ i_vZap≠m°p ∂Xv \nb-a-hn-cp-≤-am-Wv.
G¬∏n-°p∂ tPmen-Iƒ `wKn-bmbn sNbv Xp Xo¿°p-tºmgmWv G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ - ƒ kt¥mjw tXm∂p-∂X - v. sl¬a‰v \nb-aß
I¿i-\-am-°n-b-Xn-\p-tijw hml-\m-]-I-S-ßfn¬ Xebv°p ]cn-t°‰p acn-°p-∂h - c- psS FÆw KWy-ambn Ipd™p F∂p tIc-fØ - n- se hnhn[ ÿe-ß-fn¬ \n∂p≈ tUmIvS¿am¿ ]d-™t∏mƒ HØncn kt¥mjw tXm∂n. bphP\߃°v \¬Im-\p≈ ktμ iw?
\∑-bv°p-th≠n sNøp∂ Im cy-߃ hnhmZ-ß-fm-Ip-tºmƒ hnjaw tXm∂m-dnt√? hymP knUn sdbvUp-ambn _‘-s∏´ hnhmZw?
\n߃ Ct∏mƒ \∂mbn ]Tn-°pI \∑-bp-≈h-cmbn Pohn-°p-I. \n߃°p-th≠n cm∏I¬ IjvSs - ∏-Sp∂ A—-s\bpw AΩ-sbbpw ad-°-cpXv \∂mbn ]Tn®v Ahsc kt¥mjn-∏n-°-Ww.
What follows may not seem like an earth-shattering reality. Of course, as we all know that junk food is defined as food that's high on colories, and low on nutrition. Chicken nuggets (10 pieces) contain 470 colories, 33
For the Food Obsessed Youth
COLLEGE, Riya Joseph 2nd Year B. Com
Regular consumption of fast food can cause depression. With no antioxidants or omega-3, these meals lack what it takes to promote mental health.
new style statements everyday. After all that is now they feel 'cool' same is the case with their food habits. They call it junk food and yet stand in endless lines, paying huge amount for it. The funny thing about fast food is not that it's unhealthy, or addictive. It is the fact that people have now begun to consider it as regular food, and opposed to something homecooked. so, what we have now are Subs made of whole grain breads, chips with zero
transtacts, and pizzas with low-fat sheese yeak, like that's what is going to shrink anyone's waistline. The socalled "healthy'' fast food variants are dangerously deceptive, and end up causing a lot of damage How much caloriewise damage are we taking?
Youngsters love to make
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 g fat, 950 mg sodium and seem very generous with the fat content. A personal -sized pepperon pizza packs punch with 700 colories, 33g, fat and 1530 mg sodium A regular meat sandwich has 410 colories. A chicken wrap gines you a wholesom 627 colories. But wait here's the leader-a meatball footlong sandwich contains a whopping, 1000 colories. It can't be that bad...can it? Fast food is addictive for many people,
and the manufacturing companies are sure to be happy with this piece of news Usually paired with a coffeinated beverage (coke or coffee), fast food eaters often have to deal with sugar addition-the elated feeling that comes with an
insulin surge. What fast food is doing to you:Regular consumption of fast food can cause depression. With no antioxidants or omega-3, these meals lack what it takes to promote mental health. Those prone to migrains have a forgen junk food. MSG, which is a contant feature of processed food, is known to be a headache trigger. Processed meats used in fast food are known to raise the risk of Alzhemer's disease. Does any of this sound appetizing? certainly not. Fast food as a rare indulgence may be acceptable. Treat yourself to neatly homemade food using fresh produce. Choose healthy diet inclusive of fruits, buttermilk, idli, some whole crackers etc. It is not good to eat out everyday as restuarant food is rich in calories and satuarated fat as menioned earlier can lead to obesity, diabetes mellitus and cardio vascular diseases. Eat your favourite junk food utire a month and not more. Switch over to healthy calling habits.
]Øv h¿jw ]n∂nSp∂ aebmfØnse apgph≥ kab hm¿ØNm\epIƒ tIcf Øns‚ kmwkv°mcnI cwKØv hcpØnb am‰ßsf hniIe\w sNøp∂ teJI≥, thKØn¬ ^v f mjv \ypkpIƒ "an∂n°m≥' th≠nbp≈ a’cØn\nSbn¬ \jvSs∏Sp∂ hnizmkyXsb tNmZyw sNøp∂p...
NqSv Nmb-tbm-sSm∏w NqSv
\nXn≥ tPmkv H∂mw h¿jw B. A English
hm¿Ø-Iƒ DuXn-°p-Sn-°m≥, shfp-∏ns\ ]{X-°m-c-s\bpw ImØn-cp∂ ae-bmfn ho´p-Im¿ tIhew s\mÃmƒPnb am{Xw. ImcWw A©p-a\ apX¬ Atacn° hsc temI-Øns‚ GXp tImWn¬ \S-°p∂ kw`-h-ß fpw t{_°nwKv \yqkp-If - mbv aebm-fn-If - psS sSen-hn-j≥ kv{Io \n¬ C∂v FØpw. izmk-aS- ° - n∏n-Sn®v NqSv hm¿Ø-Iƒ ImWm≥, N¿®-Iƒ {ihn-°m≥ ae-bmfn XpS-ßn-bn´v 2013 Pqsse 14 \v Hcp ZiIw ]n∂n-Sp-∂p. 1984 ¬ BZy ae-bmf Nm\-embv Zqc-Z¿ i-\pw, 93 ¬ BZy-kz-Imcy D]{Kl Nm\-emb Gjym-s\‰pw Xp S-ßn-bXv ae-bmf Zriy-am-[ya
cwKsØ Ncn-{X-amb Zn\-ß-fmbn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ 2003 Pqsse 14 \v C¥ym-hn-j≥ Nm\¬ Xpd-∂n´ Xv apgp-h≥ kab hm¿Øm Nm \ep-I-fpsS ]pXnb Pme-I-ambn-cp-∂p. Hfn-Iym-a-dbpw ssat{Imt^m-Wp-ambn sFkv{Iow ]m¿ e¿ apX¬ Fw.Fw aWn-bpsS hnhm-Z-{]-kwKw hsc, Ht´sd \n¿Wmb hnj-b-ßsf kaq-la-[y-Øn¬ sIm≠v h∂v hnNmcW \S-Øp-hm≥ Ign-™p-sh¶n-epw, thK-Øn¬∏m-bp∂ ^vfm jv ˛ t{_°nßv \yqkvAºpIƒ Aÿm-\-Øv, \n¿ho-cy-amIp-∂pt≠m F∂ Hcp At\zjW-amWv Nph-sS. AXn\v apºv \yqkv Nm\-ep-Iƒ \ΩpsS ho
thK-X-bn¬ XIcp∂ hnizm-kyX
Nm\-en¬ apJw hcp-∂Xv kn\n-a-bn¬ apJw ImWn-°p-∂Xv t]mse henb kw`-h-amsW∂v Icp-Xp∂ Hcp Iymad kwkvIm-chpw Ign™ Zi-I-Øn¬ hf¿∂v h∂-Xm-Wv.
£-W-ß-sf, ImgvN-I-sf, ssi en-Isf Fßs\ am‰n-a-dn®p F∂v At\z-jn-°mw. hmb\ A√; s]¿t^ma≥kv tai-∏p-dØv \nc-Øn-sh-®ncn-°p∂ IS-em-knse hm¿ØIƒ adn®v adn®v \n›-ea- mbn Iym a-dbv°v apºn¬ hm¿Ø-Iƒ hmbn-®n-cp∂ ]c-ºc - m-KX k{ºmZ-bsØ am‰n adn-®Xv \yqkv Nm \-ep-I-fpsS hc-hm-Wv. cmtPizcn taml-\pw, _me-Ir-jvW \pw ae-bm-fn-bpsS lrZbw t\ Sn-bn-cn-°p-tºm-gmWv NSp-e-amb kw`m-jW - t- Øm-sS, tIm´pw em ]vtSm-∏p-am-bn, ssehpw t^m¨ C≥\p-ambn \ntIjv Ipam¿, thWp _me-Ir-jvW≥, XpSßn-bh¿ hm¿Øm-hm-b-\sb Hcp Xcw s]¿t^m-a≥km°n am‰nbXv. \yqkv dqan¬ P\-߃ °v th≠n tNmZy-߃ tNmZn°p∂ P\-ß-fpsS {]Xn-\n[n
F∂ t]cv ]nSn-®p-]-‰m≥ X°hÆw hm¿Øm Nm\- e p- I ƒ P\-Io-b-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Nmb-°-S-bn¬ \n∂v Nm\¬ ÃpUn-tbm-bn-te°v {Kma-ß-fnse Nmb-°-S-Ifn¬ \ne-\n-∂n-cp∂ NqS≥ N¿®I-fpsS as‰mcp ]I¿∏mbn Nm \¬ ÃpUn-tbm-bnse N¿®-I fpw amdn. hm¿Øbpw AXns‚ N¿®bpw Akm- [ m- c - W - a mwhn[w P\m-[n-]-Xy-h¬°-cn-°s∏-Sp∂p F∂-Xns‚ [mcW Ah krjvSn-®p. am[yaw \n ߃°v ap∂n¬ C´p Xcp∂ H∂√ hm¿Ø-sb∂pw \n߃ IqSn tN¿∂v Xocp-am-\n-t°≠ H∂m- W - s X- ∂ p- a p≈ ÿnXn cq]-s∏-´p. (c≠v AXn-Yn-Isf hnfn®p-h-cpØn Ah-cp-ambn Ac aWn-°q¿ kwkm-cn-®,v Ah¿°nS-bn¬ Xos∏mcn Fdn™v Fcnbp∂ Xobn¬ FÆ Hgn-°p-IbmWv an° am[y-a-{]-h¿ØIcpw sNøp-∂Xv F∂-XmWv adp-]£w). kpXm-cy-am-Ip∂p am[y-a-cwKw aq∂v tImSn P\- Ø n\v kz¥w hmhnem-k-Øn¬ 22 Nm \-ep-Iƒ, AXn¬ ]Ip-Xn-tbm fw hm¿Øm Nm\-ep-Iƒ. ]{X߃ am{X-ap≈ ImeØv kzm [o-\hpw ka¿±hpw Xa-kv°-cW-hpw, ]£w-tN-cepw kuIcyw-t]mse \S-Øm-am-bn-cp-s∂¶n¬, hm¿Øm-Nm-\-ep-I-fpsS hc-thmsS A¿°pw H∂pw Hfn°m≥ ]‰mØ Ah-ÿ-bm-bn. Hcp Nm\¬ ad-®m¬ _m°n HºXv Nm\-ep-Ifpw Xpd∂p Im
Wn-°pw. ImcWw ]{Xw t]mse Ht∂m ct≠m ÿm]-\-Øns‚ D¬∏-∂-a√; tIc-f-Øn-se-bpw, C¥y-bn-se-bpw, temI-Øn-se bpw \qdv IW-°n\v Nm\-ep-IfmWv \ΩpsS sSen-hn-j≥ sk ‰n¬ Cs∂-Øp-∂Xv. ]{X-ßfpƒ∏sS apgp-h≥ hm¿Øm-am[y-a-߃°pw Cu Ime-Øp≠mb am‰-߃°v \nan-Ø-ambXv hm¿Øm-Nm-\-ep-I-fm-Wv. CS-s]-S¬ tijnbpw A`n-{]mb-cq-]o-Ic - W - t- i-jnbpw Nm\-epIƒ krjvSn-®p-I-gn-™p. P\ßsf \ne-]m-sS-Sp-∏n-°p-∂X - n¬ sSen-hn-j-t\mfw AcnIv tN cm≥ ]{X-߃°v t]mepw Ign™n-´n-√. F√mw Adn-bp∂ Iymad "cmjv{So-b°m-cs‚ hm°v' F∂ ssien Xs∂ \ΩpsS \m Sp-If - n¬ apf®p h∂n-´p-≠v. Ah - k - c - ß ƒ amdptºmƒ hm°v am‰n-]-d-bp-∂-Xn¬ {]tXyIw {]mho-Wy-ap≈ Chsc icn°pw sh´n-em-°p-∂Xv Nm\-ep-I-fmWv. apºv \ntj-[n-°m-am-bn-cp∂ hm°p-Ifpw tNjvSI - fpw Ct∏mƒ \ntj- [ n- ° m- \ m- h m- s X- b m- b n. \ntj-[n-®m¬ ]gb ¢n∏nw-Kp-Iƒ kwt{]-jWw sNbvXv Nm\¬ \mWw sISp-Øp-sa∂v Dd∏v! 2006 se sXc-s™-Sp-∏n¬ bp.-Un.-F-^ns‚ XI¿®bv°v t]mepw Imc-W-am-bXv C¥ymhn-j≥ "hnt£-]n®' hm¿Øm anssk-ep-I-fm-bn-cp∂p; CSp°n Pn√m sk{I-´dn aWnsb IpSp°n-bXpw kn.-]n.-F-Ωnse "Ccp ≠ IY-Ifpw' temIsØ ImWn®Xpw Cu Iymad Xs∂! F∂m¬ Nm\-en¬ apJw hcp- ∂ Xv kn\n- a - b n¬ apJw
hm¿Ø A√; \mSIw ss{]wssS- a n¬ kwt{]£Ww sNøp∂ kocn-b-ep-IfpsS ]ndtI ho´-Ωa - mcpw kv{Xo t{]£- I cpw t]mIp- t ºmƒ, Ahsc IqSn hm¿Ø-bn-te°v BI¿jn- ° p∂ X{¥- Ø n¬ \n∂mWv hm¿Ø-bn¬ AanX \mS-Io-b-X-bpsS hc-hv. apØq‰v t]mƒ h[w, Sn.-]n. N{μ-ti-Jc≥ h[w, XpSßn tkmfm¿ hn hm-Zhpw hsc \o≠p-\n¬°p-∂, kn\n-am-°-Y-t]m-se-bp≈ hm ¿Øm Ah-X-c-W-߃ hm¿ØI- f psS sk≥tk- j - W - e n- k sØ-bmWv kqNn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. sIme-]m-X-Iw, kv{Xo]oU-\w, cmjv{So-bm-gn-a-Xn, Zpc-¥ßƒ F∂n-ß-s\-tbm-tcm-∂pw, sk≥tk-j-W-ssekv sNøptºmƒ Ah [m¿Ωn-I-X-bpsS AXn¿h-cºp-Iƒ ewLn-°p-I-
ImWn-°p-∂Xv t]mse henb kw`-h-am-sW∂v Icp-Xp∂ Hcp Iymad kwkvIm-chpw Ign™ Zi-IØ - n¬ hf¿∂v h∂-Xm-Wv. A]-I-S-ap-≠m-Ip-tºmƒ tNmcbn¬ Ipfn®p InS-°p-∂-hs‚ t\sc samss_¬ Iymad Xpd∂p-sh-°p∂ \nkw-K-X, kaql-Øn¬ Gdn-hc - p-∂p. Zpc-¥ß - fp-≠m-Ip-tºmƒ c£m-{]-h¿Ø -\-Øn¬ klm-bn-°p-∂-Xn\v ]I-cw, CSnbpw Xn°pw Xnc-°a - p≠m°n Nm\¬ ssa°n\v ap ∂n-se-Øm-\mWv ]e-cp-sSbpw {iaw. ]{X-°msc ImWp∂ cm jv{So-b-t\-Xm-°-fpw, Ah-cpsS ]nd-In¬ \n∂m¬ Sn.-hn.-bn¬ Xß-fpsS ]Shpw hcp-sa∂v hn iz-kn-°p∂ "Ip´n t\Xm-°fpw' Cu Xnc°v Iq´p-∂X - n¬ {]tXy Iw {]mK¤yw t\Sn-b-h-cm-Wv.
bm-Wv. kv{Xo]o-U-\, inip-]oU\ hm¿Ø-Iƒ t{_°nwMv \yqkmbn Ah-X-cn-°p-∂Xv Nm \-ep-I-fpsS {]Xn-_-≤X sIm ≠-√, I®-hSw sIm≠m-sW-∂XmWv A]-IS- w. {ioim¥v hnjb-Øn¬ At±-l-Øns‚ kv{Xo _-‘-ß-fn-te-°mWv Nm\-ep-IfpsS Hfn-I-sÆ-Øn-b-Xv. {io im¥v hnj-bØ - n¬ Nm\-ep-Iƒ H∂-S¶w BZyw Abmsf \nkm -c-sX-fn-hns‚ ad-hn¬ IpSp-°nem-°p-Ibpw, HSp-hn¬ sXfn-hn\v _e-an-s√∂v tImSXn ]d™ kabw apX¬ At±-l-tØmSv A\p- I º ImWn®v XpS- ß pIbpw sNbvX Nm\-ep-Iƒ°v hm¿Ø shdpw hn¬]-\-N-c°v am{Xw. AXncp IS-°p∂ hm¿Ø tPmkv sX‰- b n- e p- a mbn ssewKn-I-_-‘-Øn¬ G¿s∏´-Xns‚ Zriy-߃ F∂v ]d™vsIm≠v Hcp bphXn sh_v Iyma-d-bn¬ ]I-¿Ønb Zriy߃ bmsXmcp e÷-bp-an-√msX kwt{]-jWw sNbvX Nm\-epIƒ hm¿Øsb Hcp-Xcw "AU ƒ´vkv Hm¨en' t{]m{Km-am°n
am‰n. B hnj-b-Øn¬ Zriy߃ kwt{]-jWw sNømsX \ne-hmcw XI¿°m-Xn-cp-∂Xv ao Unb h¨, Zqc-Z¿i≥ t]mep≈ Nm\-ep-Iƒ am{X-am-W.v kn\nam kocn-b¬ \So \S-∑m-cpsS hy ‡n-Po-hn-X-ß-fn-te°v Hfn™v t\m°p-∂-Xn¬ A¥n-∏-{X-ßtf-°mƒ tIa-∑m-cmbn Nm\-epIƒ amdn. CSXv tN(tNm)cp∂ hm¿Ø tIm¨{K-kns\ kwc-£n°m≥ ae-bm-f-Øn¬ {]ap-Jamb c≠v ]{X-ß-fp-s≠-¶n-epw, sSen-hn-j≥ hm¿Øm Nm\-en¬ F√m-hcpw Xs∂ CSXv IayqWnÃv ]£w Xs∂-bmWv tNcp∂-Xv. tkmfm¿ hnhm-Z-Øn¬ kcnX \mb-sc-bpw, _nPp cm[m I - r-jW v s - \bpw ]n¥p-S¿∂ ssI cfn ]o∏nƒ Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ Nm \-ens‚ {ia-߃ A`n-\-μn-°s∏-tS-≠Xv Xs∂-bm-W.v F∂m¬ ag-s°-Sp-Xn-bpsS ]I-bn¬ tI cfw ]\n®v hnd-bv°p-Ib - pw, \qdv IW- ° n- \ m- f p- I ƒ A´- ∏ m- S nbn¬ t]mj-Im-lm-c-°p-d-hn¬
he-bp-∂-Xpw, tIm¿]-td-‰p-IfpsS ]cn-ÿnXn hncp≤ \bß-fpw, ap√-s∏-cn-bm-dnse Pet_mw_pw kcn-Xbv°v apºn¬ \ΩpsS Nm\-ep-Iƒ°v hm¿Øbm-bn-√, tIc-f-Øns‚ apgp-h≥ {]iv\hpw kcn-Xb - m-sW-∂mWv ]e Nm\-ep-Ifpw ÿm]n-°m≥ {ian®Xv . hm¿Øm Ah- X - c WsØ bp≤-t]m-cm-´a - mbn Im Wp∂ \ntIjv Ipam¿, thWp _me-Ir-jW v ≥ F∂n-h¿ N¿®I-fn¬ Iayq-WnÃv ]m¿´n-bpsS {]Xn-\n-[n-bmbn thjw sI´p∂-Xm-bmWv tXm∂nb-Xv.
\yqkv Nm\-ep-Iƒ aWn °q-dn¬ FÆ-a‰ t{_ °nMv \yqkpIƒ ]pdØv hnSp-∂p-s≠-¶nepw Ahbn¬ `qcn-]-£-Øn\pw Hcp Znh-ksØ Bbp v t]mepw D≠m-Ip-∂n-√. ]pe¿s®-bn-d-ßp∂ ]{XØns‚ Dƒt∏Pp-I-fn¬ t]mepw AØcw sIm´ntLm-jn-°-s∏-Sp∂ hm¿ Ø-Iƒ°v CSw In´p-∂n-√.
Bbp- n-√mØ hm¿Ø-Iƒ Imf s]‰p-sh∂v tIƒ°pºtg Ib-sd-Sp-°p-∂-h-sc-sbm s° Ime-l-c-W-s∏-´-h-cm-bn. CXv Imfbv°v t]‰p-t\mhv XpSßn- s b- ∂ - d n- b p- t ºmtg Id- h °msc At\z-jn-°p-∂p) \yqkv Nm\-ep-Iƒ aWn-°qdn¬ FÆ-a‰ t{_°nMv \yqkp Iƒ ]pdØv hnSp-∂p-s≠-¶nepw Ah-bn¬ `qcn-]£ - Ø - n\pw Hcp Znh-ksØ Bbp v t]mepw D≠m- I p- ∂ n- √ . ]pe¿s®- b n- d ßp∂ ]{X-Øns‚ Dƒt∏Pp-Ifn¬ t]mepw AØcw sIm´ntLm-jn-°s - ∏-Sp∂ hm¿Ø-Iƒ °v CSw In´p-∂n-√. tkmfm¿ hnjbw HXp-°m≥ a{¥n sI.]n. A\n¬Ip-amdpw hyh-kmbnbpw XΩn¬ \o°-߃ \SØn-sb∂v ÿm]n-°m≥ Gjym s\‰v \yqkv \S-Ønb i_vZw am‰n- b p≈ t^m¨sN- ø ¬ [m¿Ωn-IX - b - psS as‰mcp tNmZyam-bn. Cßs\ \nc-h[n X´n∏p hm¿Ø-I-fmWv ]pdØv hcp∂Xv.
t^kv _ p- ° n¬ Btcm C´ hm¿Ø-bpsS ASn-ÿm-\Øn¬ sX∂n-¥y≥ ]g-b-Ime \mbnI I\I acn-s®∂v hnfn®p-Iq-hnb ae-bmfw hm¿ØmNm-\-ep-Iƒ t{]£-I-e-£-ß sf hnUvVn-bm-°n. ]{X-k-tΩf\w hnfn®v Xm≥ acn-®n-´n√ F∂v {]kvXm-h\ Cd-t°≠ KXntISv \Sn°v kw`-hn-®p. acn-s®∂ A`yq- l - ß - f psS \nP- ÿ nXn At\z-jn-°m-sX, A\p-tim-N\ sXmgn-em-fn-Isf ÃpUn-tbm-bnen- c pØn BtLm- j n- ° p∂ hm¿Øm Nm\-ep-Iƒ \n¿`bw \nc-¥c - w, hnizm-kyX If™p Ipfn-°p-I-bm-Wv. 10 h¿jsØ hm¿Øm
Nm\-ep-If - psS hnkvab - I - c - a - mb hf¿®- b n¬ A`n- a m- \ n- ° mw. ]t£ hnizm-kyX \jvS-ambm¬ P\- ß ƒ°v ap∂n¬ A]-lm-ky-cm-Ip-sa∂v am[ya߃ a\-kn-em-°p-I. CSXv heXv Acn-In-√msX \njv]£ hm¿Øm Nm\- e p- I - f mWv \ap°v th≠- X v. hnhm- Z ߃°v ]Icw hnth- I - h pw, cXnbv°pw ssewKo-I-Xbv°pw ]Icw enwK-hn-th-N-\-sØ-°pdn-®pw, ]©-\-£{X Bip-]{Xn-I-fpsS Btcm-Ky-]-cn-]m-e-\Øn\v ]Icw Nn∂n-®n-X-dn-t∏mIp∂ s]mXp P\m-tcm-Ky-ÿm]-\-ß-sf-∏-‰n-bpw, anI® t`mP\- i m- e - I ƒ°v ]Icw C¥ybn¬ cq£-am-Ip∂ `£y kpc£m-`o-j-Wn-bpw, Pohn-X-co-XnIƒ°v ]Icw Poh-k-‘m-cW {]iv\-ß-fp-amWv Nm\-ep-Iƒ hm¿Ø- b m- t °- ≠ - X v , N¿® sNtø≠Xv. tIhew 10 sk°≥Uv am{Xw PUvPn-bpsS Nn{Xw amdn kwt{]-£Ww sNbvX-Xns‚ t]cn-emWv 100 tImSn cq] \jvS ]cn-lmcw \¬Im≥ ssSwkv \u \n¿_-‘n-X-cm-bXv F∂ Imcyw \ΩpsS Nm\¬ apX-emfn-am¿ ad-°-≠. d^-d≥kv : 1. am[y-a-X-e-ap-d-bpsS am¿§Z¿in, {^m≥knkv Imc°m´v 2. ka-Im-enI ae-bmfw hmcnI Pq¨ 14, 2013 3. A okn amkn- I , Pq¨ 2013
kn-bpsS "Ifn-aÆv', Zo]p A¥n°mSns‚ "e°n Ãm¿', cmPv{]`mhXn tat\ms‚ "_Õn'... Cu ASpØ°me Øv aebmfØn¬ Cdßnb aq∂p Nn{Xßfpw t{]£I e£ßfnte°v FØn®Xv sh dpw IYIf√; Ir{Xna K¿`[mc WsØ t{]m’mln∏n°p∂ Nne tIm¿∏td‰pIfpsS ]cky Nn{Xßfmbncp∂p. kZm-Nm-cß- t f- b pw, aX- a u- e n- I - X - s b bpw Ipdn-®v ImgvN-°m-cs‚ a\ n¬ Ahy- ‡ - a mb tNmZy߃ DW¿Øn- s Im- ≠ mWv "Ifn-aÆv' F∂ kn\na BkzmZ- I - a - \ - n¬ IpSn- t b- d p- ∂ - X v . Hcp sNSn ]qhn´v Imbm-Ip-∂Xp-t]mse kv{XoP∑w [\y-am-
Ifn-a-Æ√ s]Æv Ip-∂Xv amXr-Xz-Øn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. am+XrXzw F∂v amXr-XzsØ ]ncn- s ®- g p- X n- b m¬ A¿∞- h Ømb c≠v ]Z-߃ e`n-°p∂p. "am' F∂m¬ lnμn `mj-bn¬ AΩ F∂¿∞w. XrXzw F∂m¬ aq∂v F∂pw. ]pcp-js‚ _oPhpw, kv { XobpsS Afihpw tN¿∂v {`qW-am-Ip-∂Xv kv{Xo bpsS {]Xyp-ev]m-Z\ tI{μ-Ønem-Wv. K¿`-]m-{X-Øn\p am{X ta Cu aq∂v H∂p-Isf Dƒs°m -≈p-hm\pw ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-°phm\pw Ign-bp-I-bp-≈q.
{]oXn {^m≥knkv c≠mw h¿jw
tKmX- º p- a Wn \ne- Ø p-
hoWv Agn-bp-∂n-s√-¶n¬ ^ew ]pd-s∏-Sp-hn-°p-∂n√ F∂ ss_ _nƒ hmIyw Pohn- X - Ø n¬ ]I¿Øp-hm≥ C∂sØ bphX- e - a p- d - b nse bph- X n- I - f n¬ F{X-t]¿ Xøm-dm-Ipw. \neØpho-Wgp-ImsX ^ew ]pd-s∏-Sphn-°p-hm-\mWv F√m-h¿°pw XmXv]-cyw. \nanj kpJ-߃ °p-th≠n kv{Xo kaq-lsØ \nan-j-kpJ \nt£-]-]m-{X-ßfm-°p∂ Hcp kaq-l-Øn-emWv \mw C∂v Pohn-°p-∂-Xv. Aßn s\ h∂-t∏mƒ, Pohn-X-{]m-cm _v[-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw c£-s∏-
£abpw kl\hpw "Hu´vtU‰SmIp∂' Cu thK°meØv, {]khhpw {]khthZ\bpw hn¬°s∏Sp∂ ImeØv, amXyXzØns‚ almflyXsb°pdn®v kq®n∏n®psIm≠v Ir{Xna K¿`[mcWam¿§ßsf hna¿in°pIbmWv Hcp ho´ΩIqSnbmb teJnI
Sp-hm≥ KpP-dm-Øn-tebpw, _mw •q-cn-tebpw Cßv tIc-f-Øntebpw kv{XoIƒ ""tkmtdmtK‰v '' AΩ- a m- c m- b n- a m- d p- ∂ p. AXm-bXv kz¥w K¿`-]m{Xw t]mepw A\ys‚ Ip™n\p ]nd-°m-\p≈ hmS-I-ap-dn-bmbn sImSp-°p-∂p. \ΩpsS Kh¨ sa‚ v F¥v kwc-£a- mWv \nbaw aqew Ch¿°p \evIp-∂-Xv. k º- ∂ cm- P y- ß ƒ°p apºn¬ C¥y- s b- ∂ m¬ ""]Icw sh bv°m-s\m-cnSw'' (tkm-tdm-tK-‰v) am{X-ambn amdp-∂p. sshZy- ] - c n- t im- [ - \ - b n¬ C\n-sbm-cn-°epw kzm`m-hnI am¿K-Øn-eqsS Ip´n-I-fp-≠m-hns√∂v sXfn-™-h¿, temI-Øn s‚ hnhn[ tImWp-If - n¬ \n∂v hmS-I-b-Ω-amsc tXSn Zº-XnIƒ FØp∂Xv C¥y-bn-te°m-Wv. sNehv Ipd-hm-sW-∂-
Xn\v ]pdta \nb-a-]-c-ambpw henb \qem-am-e-I-fn√° hntZi cmPy-ß-fnepw hmWn- P ym- S n- ÿ m- \ - Ø n- e p≈ ]I- c w- s h- ∏ n\v hne- ° p- ≠ v . Ata-cn-°≥ kwÿm-\-ß-fn¬ ]I-cw-sh∏v \nb-a-hn-cp-≤a - m-Wv. kuZn Atd-_y-bn¬ hmS-Ibv °v K¿`-]m{Xw \¬Im≥ kv{Xo
kz¥w K¿`-]m{Xw t]mepw A\ys‚ Ip™n\p ]nd-°m-\p≈ hmS-I-ap-dn-bmbn sImSp°p-tºmƒ \ΩpsS Kh¨ sa‚ v F¥v kwc-£a- mWv \nbaw aqew Ch¿°p \evIp-∂-Xv? kº-∂cm-Py߃°p apºn¬ C¥y-sb∂m¬ ""]Icw shbv°ms\m-cnSw'' (tkm-tdm-tK-‰v) am{X-ambn amdp-∂p.
Iƒ°v A\p-hm-Z-an-√. KpP-dmØnse B\-μmWv C¥ybnse ]I-cw-sh-∏ns‚ Xe-ÿm- \ w. Ign™ HºXv h¿j-Øn-\n-Sbn¬ ]I-cw-sh-bv∏n-eqsS 531 Ip™p-ß-fmWv D≠m-b-Xv. h‘y-Xy-\n-hm-cW ¢n\n°p-I-fpw, sshZy-im-kv{Xhpw Ch¿°v Bh-iy-am-b-sX√mw \¬Ip-∂p. Cßns\ Hcp kaq
lw \ΩpsS `mc-XØ - ns‚ hnhn[ tImWp-If - n¬ s]m´n-ap-f®p hcptºmƒ C∂sØ Xe-apd AXn¬ \n∂pw DƒsIm-≈p∂ ]mTw F¥m-W?v F∂v Btem-Nn-t°≠ kabw AXn-{I-an-®n-cn-°p-∂p. s]Æmbn ]nd-∂m¬ s] Æns‚ Ign-hv, alXzw Hmtcm kv{Xobpw a\- n-em-°W - w. tZh X - p-ey-amb i‡n IpSn-sIm-≈p∂ Xs‚ ico-c-sØ-°p-dn-®v t_m [-hX - n-bm-IW - w. Ifn-aÆv Ipg®v a¨]m-{X-am-°n, Ipi-h≥ D]Po-h\w t\Sp-∂p. Bh-iy-°mc≥ D]-tbm-Kn®v Ipd-®p-\mƒ Ign-bp-tºmƒ, ssIImcyw sN øp-∂-Xns‚ tXmX-\p-k-cn-®pam{Xw Ifn-a¨ ]m{X-Øns‚ "Bbp pw' \n›-bn-°s - ∏-Sp-∂p. a¨]m-{X-sØ-t]mse s]m´n-XI- c m- \ p- ≈ - X √ kv { Xo P∑w.
AXv shdpw Ifn-a-Æ√ adn-®v hnf-a-ÆmWv F∂v a‰p-≈-h¿ °p t_m[y-s∏-SpØn sImSp°m-\m-bn-cn-°Ww Hmtcm s] ¨Ip-´nbpw hnZy A`y-kn-t°≠- X v . Iem- e b hnZym- ` ymk Ime-L´w amXr-Xz-a-l-\o-bX Db¿Øn-]n-Sn-°p-hm-\p-≈-Xpw, kv{XoXz-Øns‚ kXzw {Kln°p-hm-\p-≈-Xp-ambn amd-Ww. cmjv{S ]p\¿\n¿Ωm-W-Øn\v
]pØ≥kt¶XnI hnZyIfpw, dm∏pIfpw ^mÃv \ºdpIfpw aebmf kwKoXsØ IogS°ptºmƒ, aebmf kwKoXØns‚ XymKw \nd™ hgnIƒ Hm¿Ωs∏SpØpIbmWv teJI≥
e-®n-{X-Km-\-im-J-bpsS BZy-Im-e-L´w Xan-gv, lnμn ]m´p-I-fp-sSbpw Io¿Ø-\-ß-fp-sSbpw CuW-Øn-s\m-∏n®v aebmf Km\-߃ FgpXn dnt°mUv sNøp∂ k{º-Zm-b-amWv \ne-\n-∂n-cp-∂-Xv. 1938-˛¬ ]pd-Øn-dß - nb "_me≥' F∂ kn\n-ab - psS ImeL-´-ß-fn¬ ]n∂-Wn-Km\ k{º-Zmbw Akm-[y-am-bn-cp-∂p. {]kv X pX Nn{X- Ø ns‚ \n¿Ωm- X mhpw kwhn- [ m- b - I \pw ]mSm\pw A`n-\-bn-°m\pw Hcp-t]mse Ign-hp≈ Iem-Im-c∑msc Bbn-cp∂p A`n-t\-Xm-°-fmbn Xnc-s™-Sp-Øn-cp-∂Xv. B Ime-L-´-Øn¬ ]›mØe kwKo-X-Øn-\p-th≠n AXmXp kn\n-an-Iƒ Ifn-°p∂ kn\nam sIm´-I-I-fn¬ t]mbn kwKo-X-⁄¿ Zriy-Øn\pw kμ¿`-Øn\pw A\p-krX-ambn D]-I-c-W-߃ hmbn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂p ]Xn-hv. 1948-˛¬ ]pd-Øn-d-ßnb "\n¿Ωe' F∂ Nn{X-tØm-Sp-IqSn-bmWv ae-bmf kn\nam Km\-ß-fpsS Ncn{Xw Bcw-`n-°p∂-Xv. F∂m¬ 1954-˛¬ "\oe-°p-bn¬' F∂ Nn{X-tØm-Sp-IqSn-bmWv ae-bm-f- kn-\n-abv°v kz¥-ambn Km\-߃ D≠mbn XpS-ßn-b-Xv. sI. cmL-h≥, ]n. `mkvI-c≥, Iq´p-sI-´ns‚ 9 Km\-߃ Bbn-cp∂p kn\n-a-bn¬-D-≠m-bn-cp-∂-Xv. B ImeL-´ß - f - n¬ "^nen-an-te°v' H‰ {Sm°n¬ Hcp ssat{Im t^m¨ D]-tbm-Kn®v D]-I-cW kwKoX hnZ-Kv[cpw Kmb-I-cpw H∂n®v Km\-߃ Bte-J\w sNøp∂ k{º-Zm-b-amWv D≠m-bn-cp∂-Xv. Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv D]-I-c-W-ß-fpsS ]n≥_-e-an-√msX hoW, ^vfq´v, hb-en≥, lm¿tam-Wn-bw, X_-e, arZwKw apXemb D]-I-c-W-ß-fpsS klm-b-tØm-sS-bm-bn-cp∂p A∂v Km\-߃ Bte-J\w sNbvXn-cp-∂-Xv. ]n∂oSv H∂n-e-[nIw {Sm°p-Ifpw ssat{Im-t^m-Wp-I-fp-ap]-tbm-Kn®v IqSp-X¬ hy‡-X-tbmSpw IrXy-X-tbm-Spw-IqsS Km\-߃ dnt°mUv
`mc-X-Øns‚ ss]Xr-Iw, aÆns‚ ]cn-ip≤n hcpw Xeap-dbv°p ]I¿∂p sImSp-t°≠Xv hf¿∂p-h-cp∂ kv{XoXe-ap-d-bp-tS-Xm-Wv. AXn\v £a, kl-\w, Icp-W, {]Xo£ CXym Zn KpW- ß ƒ kv { XoI- f n¬ \nd™p \nev°Ww. amdn-adn ™ph-cp∂ ^mj≥ s{S≥UpI-fn-epw, hkv{X ]pXp-a-bn-epw, tIim-e-¶m-c-ß-fnepw ImWn°p∂ XmXv]cyw Ncn-{X-Øn se hoc-h-\n-X-I-fpsS Poh-Ncn{Xw ]Tn-°p-hm≥ bph-Xe - a - pd XmXv]cyw ImWn-°-Ww. Ieme- b - Ø nepw ]pdØpw e`n°p∂ Ah-kc߃ PohnX aqey-߃ ]cn-io-en-°p-hm-\p≈ thZn-I-fmbn Icp-X-Ww. Aßn s\ Adn-hpw, s\dn-hp-ap≈ ]p Ø≥ kv { Xo kaqlw Db¿ sØ-gp-t∂¬°-s´. \ΩpsS A Ω-amcpw AΩq-Ω-amcpw ]meq´n ]I¿∂p \¬Inb Znhy-Kp-W߃ cmPy-ss]-Xr-I-Øn-\p-th ≠n cmPy-]p-tcm-K-Xn-°p-th≠n ImØp-kq-£n-°mw. Aßns\ k¿Δ- \ m- c n- I fpw ]qPn- ° - s ∏Sp∂ \ΩpsS B¿j-`m-cX kw kvImcw ho≠pw ho≠pw ChnsS hnf-bm-S-s´.
ae-bm-fkw-KoXØns‚ "C∂v ' Adn-tb≠ "C∂se'
Icp- Ø p- ‰ , Adn- h p- ≈ , \ndhp≈ AΩ-am-sc-bmWv C∂v Bh- i yw.... ""hnØp KpWw ]Øp-KpWw'' hnØp hf-cp-∂Xpw, AXns\ ]cn-t]m-jn-∏n-t°≠-Xp-amb henb ISa F¥v BZ¿i-Øns‚ t]cn-em-bmepw kv{Xo kaqlw ad-°-cp-Xv. Imc Ww ""K¿`-]m{Xw'' ssZhw \ev In-bn-cn-°p-∂Xv kv{XoIƒ°p am{X-am-Wv.
sNøp∂ kmt¶-Xn-I-hnZy \ne-hn¬ h∂p. A∂v BZyw IhnX Fgp-Xp-Ibpw Ihn-Xbv°v tbmPn® CuWw CSpIbpw sNbv X v dnt°mUv sNbv X mWv kn\n- a - b n¬ tN¿Øn-cp-∂-Xv. Gsd-°mew Cu k{º-Zmbw \ne-\n∂n-cp-∂p. `mh-\m-k-º-∂-cmb Ihn-Iƒ FgpXn ae-bmf-Øns‚ F°m-e-tØbpw {]K-¤¿ F∂v hnti-jn-∏n°m-hp∂ kwKoX kwhn-[m-b-I¿ (_m-_p-cm-Pv, tZh-cmP≥ amÿ, Z£n-Wm-aq¿Øn, kzman, sI. cmL-h≥ amÿ) Ch-cpsS cmKm-[n-jvTn-Xhpw `mh-\-k-ºp-jvShpw Bb Km\-߃ Km\-K-‘¿Δ≥ tbip-Zmkpw AXp-t]mep≈ {]K-¤cpw ]mSn Bte-J\w sNbvXn-´p≈ ]m´pI-fpsS Hcp Ime-L´w hf-sc-Imew \ne-\n-∂p. F∂m¬ 1965- ˛ ¬ ae- b m- f n- b - √ mØ (_w- K m- f n- b m- b ) ken¬ Nu[cn F∂ kwKo-X-⁄≥ sNΩo≥ F∂ ae-bmf kn\n-a-bv°p-th≠n Km\-߃ Nn´-s∏-Sp-Øn-b-t∏mƒ At±lw BZyw CuWw CSp-Ibpw tIc-f-Øns‚ Ihnbmb hb-em¿ cma-h¿Ω B CuW-Øn-s\m-∏n®v IYmk-μ¿`-Øn-\-\p-k-cn-®p≈ Km\-c-N-\- \-SØn dnt°m¿Uv sNbv X v Nn{X- Ø n¬ tN¿Øv ]pd- Ø n- d - ° n- b - t ∏mƒ henb P\-{]oXn t\Sp-Ibpw ]n∂oSv Iptd-s»-bmbn CuW-߃s°m-∏n®v Km\-c-N\ \SØn Ne-®n-{X-ßfn¬ tN¿°p∂ k{º-Zm-b-Øn-te°v \oßn-Øp-S-ßn. Ime-߃ Ign-bp-t¥mdpw AXv kn\n-a-bpsS Hcp ssienbmbn amdn. C∂v `qcn-]£w Km\-ßfpw AØ-c-ØnemWv krjvSn-°-s∏-Sp-∂-sX-¶nepw A]q¿Δw Nne Ahk-c-ß-fn¬ IhnX Fgp-Xnb tijw CuWw CSp∂ k{º- Z m- b hpw D≠v . CuWw CSp- t ºmƒ IY- b psS kμ¿`-Øn-\-\p-k-cn-®p≈ `mh-߃ D≈ cmK-߃ Xncs™-SpØv AXn¬ CuW-߃ D≠m-°p-hm≥ kwKoX kwhn-[m-b-I¿ {ian-°m-dp-≠v. AØcw cmK-߃ P\lr-Z-b-ß-fn¬ Gsd-°mew \ne-\n¬°p-Ibpw sNøp∂p. sSIvt\m-f-Pn-am{Xw D]-tbm-Kn®v imkv{Xob ASnØd C√msX Hcp IYm-k-μ¿`-Øn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ ]›m- Ø e kwKoXw IW- s °- b p- ≈ Xpw F∂m¬ CuW-ß-fpsS emfnXyw C√m-Ø-Xp-amb \n¿÷oh Km\-ßfpw [mcmfw krjvSn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p-≠v. Ah P\lr-Z-b-ß-fn¬ \ne-\n¬°m-dn-√. Cu hf¿®-tbm-sSm∏w Xs∂ IqSp-X¬ {Sm°p-Ifn¬ kwKoXw ams·- ‰ n°v tS∏p- I - f n¬ dnt°mUv sNøp∂ kmt¶-Xn-I-hnZy h∂p. Ce-Ivt{Sm-WnIv D]I-c-W-ßfpw hyXykvX cmPy-ß-fnse hmtZym-]-I-c-Wßfpw \ΩpsS ae-bmf kn\nam kwKo-X-Øn¬ D]-
tbm-Kn-°p-hm\pw ]›m-Øe kwKoX k{º-Zm-b-Øns‚ CS-tN-c-en-eqsS \ΩpsS kn\na kwKoXw IqSp-X¬ ]pjvSn-s∏-Sp-hm\pw XpS-ßn. F∂m¬ BZy-Im-e-ß-fn¬ \ne-\n-∂ncp∂ `mc-Xob cmK-ß-fn¬ A[n-jvTn-X-amb CuW-ßfpw `mh-\m-k-º-∂-amb cN-\-Ifpw F√mw ]n∂oSv aßn XpS-ßn. Pohn-X-K-‘n-I-fmb kwKoX cN-\-Iƒ°p ]Icw aqeyw Ipd™ A¬]m-bp- p-I-fmb [mcmfw Km\-߃ ap≥h¿j-ß-tf-°mƒ A[nIw krjvSn°-s∏-Sm≥ XpS-ßn. Aan-X-amb ]m›m-Xy-h-Xv°-cWw \ΩpsS kwkvIm-csØ aeo-a-kam-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse kwKo-X-tØbpw kmc-ambv _m[n-®n-´p-≠v. Hcp kwKo-X-tØbpw \ap°v Ip‰-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ Ign-bn-√. A∂sØ a\p-jys‚ PohnX coXn-Ifpw am\-kn-Im-h-ÿbpw kºØv hyh-ÿbpw kwkvIm-c-tØbpw ASn-ÿm-\-s∏-Sp-Øn-bm-bn-cp-∂p B Km\-߃ cNn-°-s∏-´n-cp-∂-Xv. C∂sØ Km\-߃ Ct∏m-gsØ ]cn-ÿn-Xn-tbbpw kwkvIm-c-tØbpw ASn-ÿm-\-s∏-Sp-Øn-bp-≈-Xm-Wv. CXv A\p-kyqXw XpS¿∂p sImt≠-bn-cn-°pw. kmt¶XnI hnZy-I-fpsS A]m-camb I≠p-]n-Sp-Ø-߃ {ihW hnkva-b-ß-fmb At\Iw \mZß-tfbpw Xmf-ß-tfbpw krjvSn-®n-´p-≠v. AXp-]-tbm-Kn-®p≈ _p≤n-]-c-amb kwKoX krjvSn-Iƒ \ΩpsS `mj-bnepw temI-Øn-ep≈ F√m kwKo-Xm-kzm-Z-Icpw Hcp-t]mse Bkz-Zn-°p∂ Xc-Øn¬ Db¿∂n-cn-°p-∂p. dnt°m-Unßv taJ-e-bnse \qX-\-amb I≠p]n-Sp-Ø-߃ Ct∏m-gp≈ Kmb-I-cp-tSbpw kwKo-tXm-]-I-c-W-hn-Z-Kv≤-cp-tSbpw Ign-hp-Iƒ ]q¿Æ-ambpw AXn-ep-]-cn-bmbpw Bkzm-Z-I-cpsS a\- n-te°v FØn-°m≥ ]cym-]vX-amWv. ]t£, Nne I≠p]nSn-Ø-߃ aqew a\p-jy-cpsS Ign-hp-I-fpsS {][m-\y-Øn\p A¬]w CSnhv X´n-bn-´p-≠v. {ipXnbpw Xmfhpw IrXy-X-tbmsS ]mSp-hm\pw D]-I-c-W-߃ hmbn°p-hm\pw Ign-™n-s√-¶nepw kmt¶-XnI kuI-cy-߃ D]-tbm-Kn®v Ahbv°v IrXyX D≠m-°m≥ Ign-bp-∂p. F∂m¬ a\p-jys‚ D≈n¬ \n∂v ]pd-s∏-tS≠ `mhm-fl-IX kmt¶XnI kuI-cy-߃ Dƒs°m≠v krjvSn-°m-\m-In-√. AXn\v P∑-hmk-\-bp-≈-h-cpsS Ign-hp-Iƒ Xs∂ {]tbm-P-\-s∏-Sp-tØ≠n hcpw. AXp- s Im≠v kwKoX taJ- e - b n¬ {]h¿Øn- ° p- ∂ - h ¿ \ap°v ap≥t] IS-∂p-t]mb alm-flm-°-fpsS krjvSn-Iƒ lrZyÿ-am-°pIbpw H∏w ]pXp-a-bp≈ I≠p-]n-Sp-Ø-ßfneqsS AXmXv P\-X-bpsS kwkvImcw hf¿Øp∂ coXn-bn¬ kwKo-XsØ D]m-kn-°p-Ibpw thWw. C∂v temI-Øn¬ \S-am-Sp∂ Acm-P-I-Xz-Øn\v Hcp {][m\ Sm≥k¨ t_Wn acp-∂mbn CXns\ IW-°m-°mw. H∂mw h¿jw B.Com
kt¶XnIhnZybpsS Cu thK°meØv a\pjy_‘ßfnepw PohnX ssienbnepw Ah hcpØnb am‰ßsf Hm¿Ωs∏SpØpIbmWv teJI≥
AIsebp≈h¿ AcnsI.. AcnsIbp≈h¿ AIse... km
t¶-Xn-Ih - n-Zysb izmk t- Im-ia - mbn ImWp∂ ssk_¿ Pohn-X-ß-fpsS Ime-am-Wn-Xv. hm´vkvA∏pw, Ifn-t°m∏p t]m se sIm≠p-\S- ° - p∂ samss_¬ t^m¨. hn{i- a - a n- √ msX hn t\mZw hnf-ºp-∂, sSen-hn-j≥. D∏ apX¬ I¿∏qcw hsc KqKn-
fn¬ \n∂v Xnc™p ]nSn-°p∂ C‚¿s\-‰v. AsX, ]pØ≥ km t¶-XnI hnZy-Iƒ \ΩpsS Nn¥Isf thK-Øn-em°n; Pohn-XsØ-bpw. kmt¶-XnI hnZy-IfpsS \nb-{¥-W-tc-J-bn¬ Po hn-°p∂ \Ωn¬ Ign™ ]Xn‰m-≠p-I-fn¬ D≠mb am‰-ß fpw Bi-¶-I-fpw.
samss_¬ ae-bmfn Hcp t^m¨ IW- £ ≥ In´m≥ th≠n am{Xw s]mXp-sXc-s™-Sp-∏n¬ \ma-\n¿t±-inI ]{XnI sImSp-°p∂ Ime-ap≠m-bn-cp-∂p- a-e-bm-fn°v˛ Ccp]Xv sIm√w apºp-h-sc. km[mcW ]uc\v In´m-°\ - n-bm-bn-cp∂
AJn¬ sI. AK-Ãn≥ H∂mw h¿jw BA English
P\-Iob kº¿°-߃ C√mXm°n; s]mXp- k - a q- l - Ø n¬ Xpd∂ kwkm-c-߃ C√m-Xmbn. a\p-jy-Po-hn-XØ - nse BI k - a v n-IX - I - s - fbpw A¤p-Xß - t- f bpw ImØn-cn-∏p-I-tfbpw AXv sh´n-°p-d-®p. Ft∏mgpw AΩam-sc, `mcy-amsc ho´p-Imsc AXv tcm-Kn-I-fm-°p-∂p. \qdvh
samss_¬ t^m¨ Hcp Ifn-∏m´w t]mse Bb-t∏mgpw, t^mWn¬ kwkm-cn®v _‘-߃ ASp-∏n-®-t∏mgpw AXp P\-Iob kº¿°-߃ C√m-Xm°n; s]mXpk-aq-l-Øn¬ Xpd∂ kwkm-c-߃ C√m-Xm-bn.
temIw kv{Io\n¬ sh≈n-bm-gvNI - f - nse Nn{XKo-Xhpw 7 aWn-°p≈ 15 an\n‰v hm¿Ø-bpw, BgvN-bn-sem-cn-°ep≈ kn\n-a°pw th≠n I Æn¬ FÆ Hgn®v ImØn-cp∂ Hcp Ime-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂p ae-bmfn-°v. F∂m¬ C∂v 24 aWn-
´w hnfn-°m\pw satkPv Abbv°m\pw "Fhn-sS-sbØn FhnsS-t∏mbn' F∂v {]nbs∏-´-hsc ieyw sNøm\pw AXv klmbn-°p-∂p. H∂p-hn-fn®v ]d- bm sX, ""Zm C∏w FØmw'', ""Zm Ac a-Wn-°q-dn-\Iw'' Fs∂ms° ]dbmsX Ct∏mƒ Hcp AXn-Yn bpw FØp-∂n-√. Hmtcm t^m ¨ IW-£\pw Hmtcm hy‡nsbbpw kzX{¥ Zzo]m-°n-am-‰nb-t∏mƒ Ahs‚ kzImcy tem Iw krjvSn-°-s∏-Sp-∂p, amXm]n-Xm-°-fp-sSbpw apXn¿∂-hc - psSbpw \nb-{¥-Wa - n-√m-sX, Cu b{¥-hp-am-bp≈ IW-£≥ Hcp sRmSn-bn-Ss - b-¶nepw apdn-™m¬ \Ωƒ Akz-ÿ-cm-Ip-∂p. Po hnXw Xs∂ hgn-ap-´n-\n¬°p-∂Xp-t]m-se -\sΩ AXv izmkw ap´n-°p-∂p.
sSen-t^m¨, _me‰v t]∏-dn¬ t]cv h∂m¬ 24 aWn-°q-dn-\p≈n¬ ho´n- s e- Ø pw. kz¥w t^m¨ F∂Xv Hcm¿`m-S-h-kv Xp-hm-bn-cn-s°, 1984 emWv sk ¬t^m¨ hnπhw hcp-∂Xpw Zi-Is - am∂v Ign™mWv kwKXn C¥y-bn¬ FØnbXv. H∂c ]Xn-‰m-≠n-\n-S-bn¬ Hcp ico-cmh-bhw t]mse-bm-bn-Øo¿∂ kmt¶-Xn-I hnZyIƒ ae-bm-fnbpsS Pohn-X-Øn¬ Iq´n-t®¿ ØXpw \jvS-s∏-Sp-Øn-bXpw \nc-h-[n-bmWv. ""AcaWn-°q¿ apºv ]pd-s∏´p; thW-sa-¶n¬ Hcp aWn-°q¿ apºv ]pd-s∏Smw.'' F∂ kn\nam Ub-tem Kns‚ Ime-Øn\p ]Icw \nanj-t\-cw-sIm≠v Ggmw IS-en-\°- s c- b n- c n- ° p∂ kplr- Ø pambn kwh-Zn-°m-\p≈ hmXmb\w Xpd-∂n-´Xv samss_¬ t^mWm-Wv. D®n-°p-tase sIm ºpw CjvSn-Ibpw hep-∏-hp-ap≠m-bn-cp∂ Ime-Øn¬ \n∂v ssIsh-≈b - n-sem-Xp-ßp∂ Iym a-d-bp-≈, kwKo-X-ap-≈, C‚¿ s\-‰p≈ t^mWp-Iƒ C∂v kp e`w. Hcp t^mWn\v 25000 cq] bpw Hcp tImfn\v 5 cq]bpw sN ehp- ≠ m- b n- c p∂ Ime- Ø n¬ \n∂v 500 cq]-bpsS lm≥Uvsk ‰pw Hcp ss]k-bpsS tImfpw C∂v tkh-\-Zm-Xm-°ƒ \¬Ip∂p. C∂v Hcp Iqen-°m-c≥ t]m epw Xs‚ sXmgn¬ Xnc-bp∂ Xpw sXc-s™-Sp-°p-∂Xpw t^m ¨ D]-tbm-Kn-®p-sIm-≠m-Wv. cmhnse Xs∂ G‰hpw IqenIn-´m-hp∂ tPmenbpw ÿehpw Ah¿ sXc-s™-Sp-°p-∂p. samss_¬ t^m¨ Hcp Ifn-∏m´w t]mse Bb-t∏mgpw, t^mWn¬ kwkm-cn®v _‘߃ ASp-∏n-®-t∏mgpw AXp
°qdpw kn\n-aIfpw, FÆa‰ IÆo¿ko- c n- b - e p- I fpw, Nm‰v tjm-Ifpw, ]m´p-Im¿°v apX¬ ]mN-I-°m¿°v hsc Nm‰vtjmIƒ \S-Øs - ∏-Sp∂ dnbm-en-‰n-tjmIfpw \S-Øn, \m´nse D¤hw apX¬ ho´nse P∑-Zn-\m-tLmjw-hsc "ssehv sSen-Im-ÃnMv' sNbvXv Aø-∏‚Ω F¥p-sIm≠mWv s\ø∏w Np´- s X∂v ' t]mepw \yqkv Ah-dm°n hm¿ Øsb BtLm-jn®pw td‰nw-Kn\mbn t]mcm-Sp∂ FÆ-a‰ Nm \-ep-Iƒ. Ba-tkm¨ Im´nse Dc-K-ß-sf-°p-dn®v hsc, k¶¬
∏n- ° m- \ m- h p- ∂ - X n- e p- a - ∏ pdw ImgvN-Iƒ ho´nse kv{Io\n-te °v FØp-tºmƒ AXv Hcp hn kvabw Xs∂-bm-Wv. F∂m¬ Zriy-am-[yaw Hcp Zriy-kw-kv Im-csØ krjvSn-°p-tºmƒ, kv{Io\nse kq∏¿Ãm-dn-s\t∏mse Xs‚ kplr- Ø p- ° sfbpw shSn-sh®p sIm√m≥, kocn-b-ense \mbn-I-sb-t∏m se `¿Øm-hns\ NXn-°m≥, hm¿Ø-bn¬ ImWn® Ih¿®mt°- k nse {]Xn- s b- t ]mse _m¶v Ih¿® \S-Øm≥, ]n ©p Ip™n-s\-t∏mepw ]oUn∏n-°m≥.... sSen-hn-j≥ ImgvNIƒ t{]cn∏n°p-∂nt√ F∂v Nn¥n-t°-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ho´n se AØm-ghpw {]m¿∞-\bpw Ft∏mƒ thW-sa∂v hsc Xo
A]vtemUv sNøp∂ ]S-ß-ƒ°v {]Xo-£n-°p∂{X sse°v In´nbns√¶n¬ \ncm-i-s∏-Sp-∂, t]mkn-‰ohv A√mØ Ia‚p-Iƒ°v apºn¬ \ncm-i-s∏-Sp-∂, bph-X-eapd am\-knI Akz-ÿX-bn-te°v \bn-°s∏-Sp-I-bm-Wv.
cp-am-\n-°m≥ ]mI-Øn\v sSenhn-j≥ tjmIƒ hf-cp-tºmƒ, HmWhpw {InkvXp-a-kp-sa√mw tIhew Nm\-en\v H∏w BtLmjn-°p-tºmƒ \Ωp sS kmwkvImcnI ]mc-ºcyw "tjm tI-kn¬' s]mSn-]n-Sn®p t]mImsX t\m °p-I. Cu he-bn-emWv \mw! DKm-≠-bpsS {][m-\-a-{¥nbpsS hk-Xn-bpsS t]sc-s¥ ∂v Bsc-¶nepw tNmZn-®m¬ 10 Intem Xq°w hcp∂ s]mSn-]nSn® F≥ssk-t¢m-]o-Un-b-Ifn¬ Acn®v s]dp°n aSp-Øncp∂ \Ωƒ C∂v \m´nse ] ©m-bØv {]kn-U‚ns‚ t]cv t]mepw KqKn-fn¬ t\m°p∂ hcmbv amdn. s{]m^-k¿ \¬ Ip∂ Assk≥sa‚p-Iƒ Fgp -Xn-Ø-cp∂ hn°n-]o-Un-bmsb Fßs\ \ap°v ad-°m≥ Ignbpw. ]s≠tßm IqsS ]Tn®
Iq´p-Im-scbpw ]cn-N-b-°m-sc bpw Ft∏mgpw I≠p-sIm-t≠bn-cn-°p-I, _‘-s∏-Sp-I F∂ Xv \S-°mØ kz]v\-ambn IcpXn-bn-cn-°p-tºm-gmWv k°≥ _¿Kv t^kv_p-°p-am-sb-Øp∂-Xv. sse°p-Ifpw Ia‚p-Ifpw satk-Pp-If - p-ambn cm]-I¬ t^ kv_p-°n¬ Pohn-°p∂ bph-Xe-apd ssk_¿ AUn-£s‚ ASn-a-bm-hp-I-bm-Wv. A]v tem Uv sNøp∂ ]S-ß-ƒ°v {]Xo£n-°p-∂{X sse°v In´nbn s√-¶n¬ \ncm-i-s∏-Sp-∂, t]m kn-‰ohv A√mØ Ia‚p-Iƒ°v apºn¬ \ncm-i-s∏-Sp-∂, bph-Xe-apd am\-knI Akz-ÿ-X-bnte°v \bn- ° - s ∏- S p- I - b m- W v . Ab¬]-°sØ Iq´p-Im-ct- \mSv t]mepw an≠mØh¿ Ata-cn°-bnse ]cn-N-b-an-√mØ "A Ωm-bn'-bp-ambn kulrZw ÿm ]n-°p∂ ImgvNbpw Cu temIØns‚ krjvSn-bmWv . I]S kulr-Z-ß-fpsS "t^°v s{]m ss^-ep-Iƒ' tamln-∏n®v X´n-sbSp-°p∂ kzØp-°ƒ, A`n-am \w sh®v \S-Øp∂ `oj-Wn-s∏Sp-Ø-ep-Iƒ XpS-ßn-bh ssk _¿ kvt]knse Ccp≠ bmYm¿ ∞y-ß-fm-Wv. KqKn-fpw, bmlphpw t^kv _p-°p-apƒs∏sS \ΩpsS F√m sh_vssk-‰nse {]h¿Øn-Ifpw hnh-c-ßfpw Ata-cn-°≥ clkym-t\z-jW tI{μ-Øns‚ \n co-£W - Ø - n-em-sW-∂p-≈ FtUz ¿Uv kvt\mUs‚ shfn-s∏-SØ - ep-Ifpw `b-∏m-tSmsS thWw \mw ImWp-hm≥. samss_epw sSenhn-j\pw C‚¿s\‰pw Pohn-XN - cy-bmbn amdp-tºmƒ, ]Iz-a-√m Ø D]-tbmKw {]Xym-Lm-X߃ D≠m-°p-sa-∂p-d∏v!
BSv ˛ tX°v ˛ am©nbw ˛ Nn´n ˛ ^vfm‰v ˛ aWn-sN-bn≥ ˛ tkmfm¿... X´n-∏p-I-fpsS ]pXp-IY - I - f - p-am-bmWv C∂v tIcfw IWn-I≠ - p-Wc - p-∂X - v. hnb¿s∏gp°msX thK-Øn¬ ]W-ap-≠m-°pI F∂ Zpcm{KlamWv apf®ps]mßp∂ AgnaXnIYƒ°v ]n∂n¬ F∂v ÿm]n-°p-I-bmWv teJn-I.
[\-tam-l-Øns‚ thK-∏m®n¬ km
kpaø Fw.Fw. H∂mw h¿jw B. Sc Botony
t¶-XnI kmº-Øn-I-ta-J-e-I-fn¬ ]d-™-dn-bn-°m-\mhmØ t\´-amWv \mw C∂v t\Sn-s°m-≠ncn°p∂Xv. ]pXp-Xe-apd-If - nse sIm®p-Ip-´n-Iƒt]mepw sIm®p-im-kv{X-⁄c - pw XØz⁄m-\n-I-fp-ambn amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Ime-L-´-Øns‚ Cu Db¿®bpsS ]mX-bn¬ \n∂p-Xs∂ \ap°v \jvS-ßfpw B]-Øp-Ifpw h¿≤n-®p-h-cp-∂p. F√p-ap-dnsb ]Wn-sb-Sp-Øm¬ ]√p-ap-dnsb Xn∂mw F∂ ]g-s©m-s√ms° Ime-l-c-W-s∏-´p Ign-™p. Ipd®p kabw sIm≠v IqSp-X¬ em`w t\SpI F∂-Xp-am-{Xambn \ΩpsS tamlw. thK-X-sb-∂Xv thK-Øn¬ ]W-ap-≠m°pI F∂ XXzw am{X-ambn amdn-a-dn-bm≥ A[nIw Ime-Xm-ak-sam∂pw th≠nh∂n√. hnI-kz-c-cm-j-{S-amb \ΩpsS cmPyØv Zcn-{Z-P-\ß-fpsS FÆw hfsc ap≥]-¥n-bnemWv. Hcp t\c sØ `£-W-Øn-\p-t]mepw _p≤n-ap-´-\p-`-hn-°p∂ P\-߃°v
adp-h-iØv tImSn-I-fpsS Agn-a-Xnbpw \mw ImWp-∂p. ""kvt\l-Øn¬\n-∂p-Zn-°p∂ temIw kvt\l-Øm¬ hr≤n-tX-Sp∂p'' F∂ kvt\l-Km-b-Is‚ hcn-Iƒ Xncp-tØ≠ kml-Ncyw Ign-™p-t]m-bn-cn-°p-∂p. C∂sØ ÿnXn-I-f-\p-k-cn®v ""[\-Øn¬\n∂pZn°p∂ temIw, [\-Øm¬ hr≤n-t\-Sp∂p'' F∂ hcn-I-fmbn \ap°p am‰nsbgpXmw. thK-Øn¬ apt∂dp∂ temI-Øn-s\m∏w thK-Øn¬ kº-∂-\m-hm-\p≈ a\pjys‚ hy{K-Xbpw h¿≤n-®p-h-cp-∂p. {_n´o-jp-Im¿ \sΩ `cn-®-t∏mƒ \ΩpsS Aaq-ey-ß-fmb ]e \n[n-Ifpw Ah¿ sIm≈-b-Sn®p. "tImln-\q¿ cXv\w' apX¬ \ΩpsS ]e kwcw-`-ßfpw Ah¿ XI¿Øp. ]s£ C∂sØ `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-I-sf-°mƒ F{Xtbm t`Z-am-bn-cp∂p {_n´o-jp-Im¿. Imc-Ww Ah¿ as‰mcp cmPyw IS-∂m-{I-an-®Xv Ah-cpsS cmPyØns‚ t{ib- n-\m-bn-cp-∂p. ]t£ \ΩpsS `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒ kz¥w cmjv{Sw I´p-ap-Sn-°p-∂Xv kz¥w Ioi ho¿∏n-°m-\m-Wv. cmPy-Øns‚ ]ptcm-K-Xn-°mbn 1000 tImSnbpw 2000 tImSnbpw IS-em-kn¬ FgpXn s]m´n-s]m-fn™ tdmUpw s]cp-Ip∂ Zmcn{Zy-hp-amWv \ap°p e`n-°p-∂X - v. a\p-jy-kl - P - a - mb Zpcm-{K-lhpw kzm¿∞-Xbpw aqew thK-Øn¬ k©-cn-°p∂ B[p\nI temIsØm-sSm∏w thK-Øn¬ kº-∂-\m-Ip-hm-\p≈ a\p-jys‚ hy{KXbpw h¿≤n-®p-h-cp-∂p. DtZym-K-ÿ-cn¬ Xmtg-°n-S-bn-ep-≈-h-tc°mƒ D∂-X-cn¬ Agn-aXn F∂ sImSp-w]n-imNv \S--am-Sn-s°m≠n-cn-°p-∂p. \ΩpsS sIm®p-tI-c-f-Øn¬Xs∂ AXns‚ hnfbm´w \ap°v ImWmw. BtKm-f-h-XvI-c-Whpw hnI-k-\hpw kz]v\w I≠v ]´n-Wn-In-S-°p∂ ]mh-s∏´ P\-߃ Agn-aXn
cmPy-Øns‚ ]ptcm-K-Xn°mbn 1000 tImSnbpw 2000 tImSnbpw IS-em-kn¬ FgpXn s]m´n-s]m-fn™ tdmUpw s]cp-Ip∂ Zmcn-{Zy-hp-amWv \ap°p e`n-°p-∂-Xv. a\p-jy-k-l-P-amb Zpcm-{K-lhpw kzm¿∞Xbpw aqew thK-Øn¬ k©-cn-°p∂ B[p\nI temI-sØm-sSm∏w thK-Øn¬ kº-∂-\m-Iphm-\p≈ a\p-jys‚ hy{K-Xbpw h¿≤n-®ph-cp-∂p.
F∂ `oI-c-\m¬ h©n-°-s∏´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. P\-tk-hI - cm-tI≠ cmjv{So-b-t\-Xm-°ƒ t]mepw P\-ßsf Ah-cpsS tkh-\-Øn\p am{X-ambn hn\ntbm-Kn-°p-∂p. P\-߃ P\߃°mbn P\-߃°n-S-bn¬ \n∂pw sXc-s™-SpØv Db¿ Ønb P\m-[n-]-Xy-t\-Xm-°ƒ tkz—m- [ n- ] - X n- a m- c p- a mbn hm gp∂ ImgvN-bmWv \mw ImWp∂-Xv. F√mw Adn™pw {]XnI-cn-°m-\m-hmsX ImgvN-°m-cmhpI am{X-am-Wt√m \ΩpsS hn[n. {]Xn-I-c-W-tijn \jvS-
km[m-cW - ° - m-c\v Hcp tPm en F∂Xv _men-tI-dm-a-e-t]m se ZpjvI-c-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ]Tn ®p ]mkm-bm¬am{Xw t]mc; Xmsg X´p-ap-X¬ taem-f-∑m¿ °p-hsc Nh-‰p-Ip-´-bnepw taih-en-∏nepw ]®-t\m-´p-Iƒ FÆn -bn´p sImSp-Ømte Ah-scm ∂p I\n-bq. GI-tZiw 2 h¿jw apºmWv ] ]co-£b - n se Ir{Xnaw ssItbm-sS ]nSn° -s∏-´-Xv. Xosc Ipd™ am¿°p e`n-®h - ¿ 15-˛20 e£w cq] sIm SpØv k¿°m¿ tPmen t\Sp tºmƒ Db¿∂ dm¶p-Im¿°p BsXmcp In´m- ° - \ nbm- b n amdn. CXns‚ ]n∂nse sImº∑msc ]nSn-°p-sa∂v B¿Ø-´l-kn® `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iƒt]m epw Cu hnj-b-sØ-°p-dn®v
F{X s]s´-∂mWv ]Ww
F∂ IS-em-kp-Np-cp-fp-Iƒ Hcp kaq-lsØ Xs∂ \nb-{¥n-°p∂ Nme-I-i-‡n-I-fmbn amdp-∂-Xv. ]mh-s∏-´-h-\m-bmepw ]W-°mc-\m-bmepw Pohn-X-Øns‚ ]ca-amb e£yw ]Ww Xs∂. kaq-l-Ønse GXp cwKØpw ]W-an-√msX H∂pw \S-°n-√. AXym-h-iy-Øn-s\mcp k¿´n^n-°-‰v e`n-°m≥ apX¬ tPm en-°p-hsc ]Ww-th-Ww. ]Wan-√m-Ø-h\p ]p√phn- e - b m- b tXmsS Agn-a-Xn-tbm-S-\p-_‘ - ambn Ip‰-Ir-Xy-ßfpw h¿≤n-
\Zo-X-S-kw-kvIm-c-ß-fpsS ImeØv temI-sa-ßp-ap≈ \Kc-kw-kvIm-c-߃ Bi-¶-tbm sS `mc-Xob hf¿®sb t\m°nbn-cp-∂p. kpK-‘-{Z-hy-ß-fpsS Ie-h-d-bm-Ip-Ibpw s]m∂n-s‚ bpw \h-cX - \ v ß - f - p-sSbpw h‰mØ tiJ-c-ambpw \f-μ, X£-ine k¿Δ-Ie - m-im-eI - f - psS hn⁄m \ - k - Z- - p-ambn `mc-XsØ hmt\m fw Db¿Ønbncp-∂p. F∂m¬ B Ime-L´w Ft∂ t]mbvad™p. XymK-Øn-s‚bpw \nkzm¿ ∞-X-bp-sSbpw ktμiw Db¿
Øn-∏n-Sn® B¿j-`m-c-X-kw-kv Imcw \jvS-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. In ep-ßp∂ \mW-b-Øp-´p-Ifpw ]®-t\m-´p-Ifpw AS-ßp-∂-Xm Wv C∂sØ temIw. CXn- s \- X nsc {]Xn- I - c n °m≥ a‰p-≈-hsc Blzm\w sNbvXn´p Imcy-an-√. kzbw {] hr-Øn°-Ww. Cs√-¶n¬ ]© X-{¥-I-Y-bnse t]mse kzbw IrXm- \ ¿∞Øm¬ \Ωfpw \in-°pw.
hnZym-`ymkw F∂Xp G‰ hpw \√ I®-hS- a - m¿§-ambn amdnbn-cn-°p∂ Cu Ime-L´- Ø - n¬ "]p√p-hne' G‰hpw I\ap≈ s]´n Bcv \o´p-∂pthm AhnsS Hcp ko‰v F∂-Xm-bn-cn-°p∂ Ah-ÿ. tIc-f-Ønse D∂-Xcmb Hcp t\Xm-hns‚ aIƒ°v ]cn-bmcw Kh. saUn-°¬ tIm tf-Pn¬ ko‰p-In-´n-bX - n\p ]n∂n se tImem-lew Hcp-]m-Sp-Imew sIm´n- t Lm- j n- ° - s ∏- ´ n- c p- ∂ p. ]t£ Fhn-sSbpw {]Xn-I-fn√ hmZn-Iƒ am{Xw.
®p- h - c n- I - b m- W v . Npcp- ° n- ]-d™m¬ \ΩpsS kaq-lsØ _m[n- ® n- ´ p≈ Im≥k- d mWv Agna-Xn.
cmjv { So- b - c w- K Øv am{Xa√ FÆn-bm-sem-Xp-ßmØ H´t\Iw taJ- e - I sf Agn- a Xn F∂ hoc≥ Xs‚ A[o-\X - b - nem°n am‰n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ImenØo‰ Ipw`-tIm-Ww, 2Pn kvs] Iv{Sw Agn-a-Xn, I¬°cn J\ \w cwKsØ Agn-a-Xn, sIm®ptI-cf - Ø - nse emhven≥ {]iv\w, F¥n-t\sd ]d-bp∂p Im¿Kn¬ bp≤-Øn¬ cmPy-Øn-\p-th≠n s]mcpXn acn® hoc-Ph - m-∑m¿°pth≠n hmßnb ih-s∏-´n-Ifn¬t]mepw Agn-a-Xn-bpsS Xo cm-I-f¶w hoWn-cn-°p-∂p.
H∂p ]cm-a¿in-°p-∂p-t]m-epan-√.
s∏´ t\Xm-°-fpsS ]mh-I-fm bn Xp≈p∂ {]h¿Ø-Icpw \ap °v e`n® im]w Xs∂-bm-Wv. Bh-iy-߃ \ntj-[n-°-s∏´v ASn-®-a¿Ø-s∏-Sp∂ P\-߃ kzbw hnÕn-If - mbn ho≠pw ho ≠pw t\Xm-°-fn¬ hnizmkw A¿∏n-°p-∂p.
hgn Beph
inh-t£-{X-Øns‚ ]Sn-™mdv `mKØv hnezaw-Kew kzman-bm¿ \´v hf¿Ønb B¬hr-£-Øns‚ t]cn¬ \n∂mWv Beph F∂ ÿe-\m-a-Øns‚ D¤-hw. ]mfiy-\m-´n¬ a[pc tI{μo-I-cn-®p-≠mb ssih-a-X{]-Nm-c-W-Øns‚ Ae-Iƒ ]›n-a-L´w IS∂v ]Sn™m-tdm´v {]N-cn-®-Xns‚ BZy-^-e-amWv Beph Xr°m-cn-bq¿ inh-t£-{Xw.
CS-∏≈n ItØm-en°m tZhm-ebw hcp-∂-Xn\v h¿j-߃°v apºv _u≤-cpsS tI{μ-am-bn-cp∂p Cu {]tZ-iw. _p≤-cpsS CS-°me ]≈n-bmWv CS-∏-≈n-bmbn amdn-b-Xv.
IS-h{¥ Fd-Wm-Ip-f-Øns‚ Ing°v `mK Øv sX°v hS°v Imb-ep-≠m-bncp-∂p. IS-h{¥ hgn-bmWv Imb¬ t]m∂n-cp-∂-Xv. A°m-eØv Ing °v \n∂v Fd-Wm-Ip-f-tØ°v hcm\p≈ am¿§w IS-h-Øp-Iq-Sn-bm-bncp-∂p. IS-h-Øp-Ip-Sn-Iƒ Xmakw XpS-ßn-b-t∏mƒ IS-h-Øp-d-bmbn {ItaW IS-h-{¥-bpw.
]mem-cn-h´w ]mem-cn-h-´Øv F.-Un. 1083 apX-ep≈ `K-hXn t£{X-amWv ÿe-\m-a-Øn\v ]pd-In¬. {ZmhnU tZh-X-bmb ]memcnsb (]m-e-t®m-´nse AΩ-sb) t£{XØn¬ Bc-m[n-®n-cp-∂p. B t£{Xw Ccp∂ ÿew ]n¬°m-eØv ]memcn-h-´-am-bn.
IS∏mSv : tIcfØns‚ ÿe\maNcn{Xw˛FdWmIpfw Pn√, {io. hmeØv
]qWn-Ø-d-sb-∂mWv bYm¿∞ t]cv. t]mWn F∂ ]Z-Øn\v \uI (I-∏¬) F∂¿∞w. I∏-e-S-°p∂ Xpd ]qWnØp- d . tZh- ÿ m- \ - a mb tImhn¬ AYhm t£{Xw sImt≠m sIm´m-cwsImt≠m Xangv {]m`- h - I m- e sØ "Xncp' kwkvIr-X-{]m-`-h-Im-esØ "Xr' Bbn ]n¬°meØv ]cn-W-an-®p.
F.-Un. 18˛mw iX-I-Øn¬ Fgp-Xs∏´ "tIcf amlmflyw' F∂ kwkvIrX-{K-Ÿ-Øn¬ ]d-bp-∂Xv C{]-Im-c-amWv: ss{ih-Ws‚ "_me' F∂p t]cmb ]p{Xn Xs‚ t]cn¬ Hcp ]pXnb cmPy-ap-≠m°n Xs∂ AhnsS IpSn-bn-cpØ-W-sa∂v ]c-ip-cm-a-t\mSt]£n-®p. IS¬h°n¬Øs∂ ]pXnb cmPyw krjvSn®v "_me-]pcn' F∂v t]cn´v Ahsc hmgn-®p. _me (sIm-®p) ]pcn {Kmao-W`- mj-bn¬ Ime-{I-taW sIm®p-]p-cn-bmbn Ah-km\w IpdpIn sIm®n-bm-bn. ÿe-Øp-≠mb sIm®-gn-bpsS t]cn-emWv sIm®n ÿe-\m-a-Øns‚ BK-a\w F∂mWv Hcp \nK-a-\w.
IW- b - ∂ q¿ Xmeq- ° nse ssh‰ne F∂ ÿe-t∏cv "hb¬Øe' F∂ t]cv tem]n-®p-≠m-b-Xm-Wv.
t^m¿´p-sIm®n t]m¿®p-Ko-kp-Im¿ sIm®n-bn¬ tIm´ sI´nb-t∏mƒ apX¬ AXns‚ Agn-apJw tN¿∂ ÿm\sØ BZy- a mbn Bfp- I ƒ "tIm´s°m®n' F∂v hnfn-®p-t]m-∂p. I∏¬ hgn sIm®n- t Im- ´ - b n¬ h∂n- d - ß p∂ km[- \ ßsf tIm´ tN¿Øv ]d-bpI A∂p ]Xnhm-bn-cp-∂p.
Zzo]ns‚ hSt° A‰Øn\v sIm®n F∂ t]cv h∂Xp sIm≠v sXt° A‰-Øn\v "CS-s°m®n' F∂ t]cv hoWp. (C-S-bv°p≈ sIm®n). BZy sØ sIm®n°v Agn-bmWv AXn¿ Øn-sb-¶n¬ CS-s°m-®n°v ]pgbmWv AXn¿Øn. BZy-tØXv ssh ∏n≥I-csb th¿Xn-cn-°p-tºmƒ, c≠ma-tØXv Acq¿ {]tZ-isØ th¿Xncn-°p-∂p.
tIc-f-Ønse ]cn-ÿnXn {]iv\-ß-fn¬ kPo-h-ambv CS-s]-Sp∂ {io. kn.-B¿. \oe-I-WvT\pambn "bp˛-tS¨' amK-kn≥ kanXn AwK-߃ \S-Ønb A`n-ap-Jw.
hnI-k-\-∏m-®n-en¬ hog-cpXv! kn.-B¿. \oe-I-WvT≥
hnI-k-\-Øn\pw imkv{X t\´-Øn-\pwth≠n hmZn-t°≠nbncp∂ Hcp F≥Pn-\o-b¿ Fß-s\-bmWv ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I-\mbv amdn-bXv? tIc-f-Ønse BZysØ ]cn-ÿn-Xn-˛-hn-I-k\ kwhmZw \S-°p-∂Xv sske‚ v hmen ]≤-Xn-bp-ambn _‘-s∏-´m-Wv. F≥Pn-\o-b-dnwKv hnZym¿∞n F∂ \ne-bn¬ AW-s°´v ImWm≥ t]mhp-Ib - p-≠m-bn. sI.-Fk - v.C - .-_n. F©n-\o-b¿am-tcm-sSm∏w ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿ØI¿s°-Xnsc AW-s°-´ns‚ Bh-iy-I-X-sb-°p-dn®v P\ßsf t_m[-h¬°-cn-°m-\mWv t]mb-Xv. Im´n¬ Id-ßn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-tºmƒ, ]cn-ÿnXn {]iv\-ß-sf-°p-dn®v Hcmƒ Ip´nIƒ°v ¢msk-Sp-°p-∂Xv I≠p. tIc-f-Ønse BZy-Ime ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I-\mb s{]m^. tPm¨kn tP°-_m-bn-cp∂p AXv. tPm¨ amjv Fs∂ ASpØv hnfn®v ]mcnÿn-XnI {]Xy-Lm-X-ß-sf-°p-dn®v hni-Z-am-°n.'' F≥Pn-\o-b¿°v ]e am¿§-Øn-eqsS sshZypXn D≠m-°mw. F∂m¬ ImSv D≠m-°m≥ ]‰n√ F∂ Nn¥-bmWv Fs∂ ]cn-ÿnXn-kvt\-lnbpw ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I-\p-am-°n-b-Xv.
am¿°‰v hmeyp A√ Ct°m-fP - n-°¬ hmeyp-hmWv ]cn-KW - n-t°-≠X - v. Hcp Intem bqtd\y-Øn¬ \n∂v \qdv S¨ I¬°-cn°v Xpey-amb Du¿÷-ap-≠m-°mw. F∂m¬ Hcp Intem bqtd-\nbw In´-W-sa-¶n¬ 8000 S¨ J\\w sNø-Ww. 60 h¿jw Bbp- p≈ BW-h-\n-eb-߃ X≈p∂ BW-h-am-en-\y-ß-fpsS Bbp v 80000 h¿jw hsc-bm-Wv. D¬∏m-Z-\-h¿≤-\-bpw, kzbw ]cym-]vX-Xbpw B{K-ln-°p-∂Xv tZmj-ambn amdnb Ncn{Xw C¥y-bv°p-≠t√m? icn-bm-Wv. `£y-ta-J-e-bn¬ kzbw-]-cym-]vXX F∂ t]cn¬ `mc-X-Øn¬ \S∂ lcn-Xh - n-πh - w, cmk-hf - ß - fpw IoS-\m-in-\n-Ifpw D]-tbm-Kn-°m-\mWv I¿j-Is\ ]Tn-∏n-®Xv. Imk¿tKmUv Pn√-bn¬ F≥tUm-kƒ^m≥ s]øn® hnj-ag \ap°v ad-°m≥ Ign-bn-√t- √m. hnIk\w F∂-Xn\v \mw \¬Ip∂ \n¿Δ-N\w amt‰≠ kabam-bnt√? Xo¿®-bm-bpw. hnI-k\w F∂Xv _lp-\ne sI´n-S-ßfpw tjm∏nwKv amfp-Ifpw hnam\-Øm-h-f-ßfpw sI´n-s∏m-°-emWv F∂ [mcW \a-apsS t\Xm°fpw tIm¿∏-td-‰p-Ifpw amt‰-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. sXc-s™-Sp-∏ns‚ ka-bØv kvam¿´vkn‰n sat{Sm sdbn¬, tamtWm sdbn¬ XpS-ßn-bh sIm≠p hcp-sa∂v t\Xm-°ƒ ]d-bp-tºmƒ, km[m-cW P\-߃ tNmZn-°p∂Xv Xß-fpsS ss]∏n¬ F∂v sh≈w hcp-sa-∂m-Wv. Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw apX¬ Imk¿tKmUv hsc \mev aWn-°q¿ sIm≠v FØm-hp∂ tamtWm sdbn¬ sIm≠v km[mc-W-°m-c\v bmsXmcp {]tbm-P-\-hp-an√; \ΩpsS hnI-k\w A∏¿¢m-kn\v th≠n am{X-ambn-t∏m-Ip-∂Xv A_-≤-am-Wv. hnI-k-\-sa-∂m¬ hep-Xm-I-emWv F∂ [mcW \mw amt‰≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Aß-s\-sb-¶n¬ Hcp hnI-knX cmjv{S-ambn amdpI F∂Xv C¥ybv°v Akm[y-am-sW-∂mtWm? IqSp-X¬ D¬∏m-Z-\w, IqSp-X¬ hml-\w, IqSp-X¬ sI´nSw XpS-ßn-b-h-bmWv \ΩpsS hnI-k\ kqNn-I-sb-¶n¬ C¥y hnI-knX cmjv{S-amIn√. ssN\bpw Ata-cn-°bpw t]mse C¥ybpw Im¿ D]-tbm-Kn-®m¬ temI-Ønse apgp-h≥ s]t{Smfpw Znhkw sIm≠v Xocpw. Ata-cn-°bpw knwK-∏q-cp-sams° hnI-knX cmPy-am-bn, ]cn-ÿnXn aen\oI-cWw D≠m-°msX apt∂m´v t]mIp-∂-Xns\ Ah-K-Wn-°m≥ Ign-bptam? t{UmbnwKv dqw \∂m-bn-cn-°p-Ibpw In®\pw tSmbve‰pw tami-am-hp-Ibpw sNøp∂ t]mse-bmWv AØcw cmPy-ß-fpsS Ah-ÿ. knwK-∏q¿ at\m-l-c-ambn InS-°p-∂p-s≠¶n¬ amen\yw ate-jy-bn-te°v Ib-‰n-hn-´n-´m-Wv. B{^n-°≥ Zzo]p-I-fn¬ amen\yw X≈nbn-´mWv Ata-cn° at\m-l-cn-bm-bn-c-n°p-∂-Xv.
At±-l-sØ-t∏m-ep≈ _lp-am-\y≥ Cßs\ hnUvVnØw ]d-bp-∂-Xn¬ hnj-a-ap≠v. P∏m-\nse ^p°p-jn-a-bn¬ D≠mb Zpc¥sØXpS¿∂v temI-cm-jv{S-ß-sf√mw BWh-\n-e-b-߃ ]q´m-s\m-cp-ßp-tºm-gmWv \ΩpsS cmPyw "BW-h-\n-e-b-߃' Ft¥m alØ-c-amb kw`-h-am-sW∂v {]N-cn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. IqSw-Ip-fsØ P\-Øn\v F¥v Dd-∏mWv k¿ °m-cn\v \¬Im≥ Ign-bp∂Xv?
IqSw-Ip-fsØ BW-h-dn-bm-IvS¿ kpc-£n-X-am-sW-∂mWv tUm. F.-]n.-sP. A_vZpƒIemw Dƒs∏-sS-bp-≈-h-cpsS A`n-{]mbw? ]ns∂ F¥n-\mWv AXns\ FXn¿°p-∂Xv?
imkv{X kmt¶-Xn-I-hnZy hnI-kn-°p-tºmƒ ]cn-ÿnXn {]iv\-߃°p≈ {]Xn-hn[n imkv{Xw Xs∂ I≠p-]n-Sn°pw F∂v hniz-kn-°m≥ Ign-bptam? Hcn-°-ep-an-√. Technology can save every problem F∂v ]d™v imkv{X-⁄¿ \sΩ sX‰n-≤c - n-∏n-®p. 10 cq] sIm≠v sh≈w hmßmw; F∂m¬ sh≈w D≠m-°m≥ ]‰ptam? ]Ww sImSp-Øm¬ F¥pw In´pw F∂ Ah-ÿ-bn¬, D¬∏-∂-ß-fpsS Zu¿e-`y-X-sb-°p-dn®v Nn¥n-°p-t∂-bn-√. sSIvt\m-f-Pn°v {]iv\-߃ ]cn-l-cn-°m≥ Ign-bp-sa-¶n¬ hnf-∏n¬ime -bnse amen-\y-{]-iv\hpw a‰pw ]cn-l-cn®p ImWn-°-s´. ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I¿ ka-tbm-Nn-X-ambn CS-s]-Sm≥ sshIp∂p F∂Xns‚ sXfn-ht√ Geq-cnse cmk-am-en\yw ]pd-¥-≈p∂ πm‚p-Iƒ {]h¿ Ø\w XpS-ßn-bn´v h¿j-߃°p-tijw am{Xw {]Xn-tj-[n-°p-∂Xv? F√mh-cp-sSbpw Iøn¬ samss_¬ FØn-b-Xn-\p-tijw t^mWns‚ tdUn-tbjs\ ]gn-°p-∂-Xv? AXn-t\mSv tbmPn-°m≥ ]‰n-√. Rß-fp-sS-sbms° tImtfPv ]T-\-Im-eØv samss_en-s\-°p-dnt®m tdUn-tb-js - \-°p-dnt®m Nn¥n-°m≥ t]mepw ]‰n-√m-bn-cp-∂p. F√m ^mIvSdnIfpw Xs∂ Bcw-`I - m-eØv t\¿h-gnsb Imcy-߃ sNøp-Ibpw Ime-{I-taW hf-™h - gnbneqsS ]cn-ÿn-Xnsb aen-\a - m-°p-Ib - p-amWp sNøp-∂X - v. ka-tbm-Nn-Xa - mb CS-s]-Se - ns‚ ^ew Xs∂-bmWv sske‚ v hmen-bnse hnI-k\ ]≤Xn Dt]-£n-°s - ∏-´Xv F∂ Imcyw ad-°≠. t_mƒKm-´n-bn¬ Imb¬ \nI-Øn-b-Xn-s\-Xnsc {]Xn-I-cn-®n-cp-s∂-¶n¬ AhnsS I¨h≥j≥ sk‚¿ hcp-I-tbm, {]IrXn NqjWw D≠m-hpItbm sNøp-am-bn-cpt∂m? sIm®n≥ t]m¿´ns‚ Hgn-hm-°m-\m-hmØ Ft¥m \n¿ΩmW {]h¿Ø-\-߃°v th≠n-bmWv Imb¬ \nI-Øp-∂Xv F∂mWv A∂v ]d-™n-cp-∂-Xv. AXv hniz-kn® P\ßsf a≠-∑m-cm-°n-s°m-≠mWv t]m¿´v epep-hn\v I¨h≥j≥ sk‚¿ ]Wn-bm-\p≈ Ah-k-c-sam-cp-°p-I-bpw, AXv henb Hcp {]IrXn Nqj-W-Øn\v hgn-sh-bv°p-Ibpw sNbvXXv F∂m¬ A∂pw C∂pw Rm≥ Cu \b-߃s°-Xn-cmWv. ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I-cpsS i{Xp BcmWv? hnI-k-\-hm-Zn-Ifpw tIm¿∏td-‰p-I-fp-amtWm; AtXm cmjv{So-b-°m-cmtWm? i{Xp-°ƒ D≠m-Im≥ CXv bp≤-sam-∂p-a√ - t- √m. apX-em-fn-ØØ - ns‚ Itºm-fh - ¬°cW sØ t{]m’m-ln-∏n-°p-∂h - c - mWv ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-Ic - psS sh√p-hn-fn. sIm®n°v th≠Xv IpSnsh≈a√ sat{Sm-bm-sW-∂pw, I≠¬°m-S√ {In°‰v tÃUn-ba - m-sW∂pw BWv ]Tn-∏n°p∂Xv. IkvXqcn cwK≥ ]›n-a-L´ kwc-£-W-Øn-\mbn ]pd-Øn-d-°nb dnt∏m¿´nt∑¬ Bi-¶-s∏-tS≠ Imcy-apt≠m? d_¿ Dƒs∏-sS-bp≈ Irjn ]mSns√-∂Xpƒs∏sS I¿j-Is‚ kzmX-{¥y-Øn\v taep≈ IS-∂p Ib-‰-at√ Cu dnt∏m¿´v? KmUvKn¬ dnt∏m¿´mWv Ipd®v \√Xv F∂ hmZhpw Db¿∂p tIƒ°p-∂p. F¥mWv hmkvXhw? ]›n-a-L´ kwc-£-W-Øn-\p-≠m-bXv KmUvKn¬ dnt∏m¿´m-Wv. AXns\ A´n-a-dn-°m\mWv IkvXq-cn-cw-K≥ dnt∏m¿´v h∂-Xv. AXp-sIm≠v Xs∂ KmUvKn¬ dnt∏m¿´n-\mWv ap≥K-W\ \¬tI-≠-Xv. ]t£ Cu dnt∏m¿´v AtX-]Sn \S-∏m°pI-b√ adn®v KmUvKn¬
Cu hnj- b - Ø n- e p≈ P\- ß - f psS Bi- ¶ - ] - c n- l - c n- ° m≥ ]cn- ÿ nXn {]h¿Ø-I¿°v F¥mWv sNøm≥ Ign-bp-∂Xv? ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿Ø-I¿ ka-Nn-Ø-X-tbmsS Imcy-߃ ImW-Ww. cmj-{Sob t\XrXz-ßfm¬ sX‰n-≤-cn-∏n-°-s∏´ P\-ßsf Imcy-߃ s]s´∂v ]d™v a\- n-em-°m-\mhn√. BZy-]Sn kzbw ]Tn-°¬ Xs∂-bm-Wv. ImXn-°p-SsØ \o‰ Pem-‰n≥ Iº-\n-s°-Xnsc P\-߃ \S-Øp∂ ka-csØ-°p-dn®v F¥mWv A`n-{]mbw? Cu ka-c-Øn¬ ]cn-ÿnXn {]h¿ØI-cpsS ]¶m-fnØw C√ F∂v tIƒ°p-∂p? ImXn-°p-SØv \S°p∂Xv "Pohn-°m-\p≈' ka-c-am-Wv. P\-ß-fpsS IpSn-sh≈w C√mXm-°n, Ahsc amdmtcmKn-If - m°n am‰nb Iº-\n-s°-Xn-sc-bp≈ \ymb-amb ka-ca- m-Wn-X.v XpS°w apX¬ Rm≥ ImXn-°pSw ka-cØ - n-s\m-∏a - m-Wv. kacw hnP-bn-°p-sa∂v ]q¿Æ t_m[y-ap≠v. aW¬ am^n-b-bvs°-Xnsc Pkod \S-Øp∂ H‰-bm≥ t]mcm-´-sØ-°p-dn®v? Pko-d-bpsS t]mcm´w [oc-am-Wv. At\-I¿°v amXr-I-bm-I-s´. F√m ]n¥p-W-Ifpw sIm®n sat{Sm-bpsS ]Wn-°mbn `mc-X-]p-g-bn-sebpw s]cn-bm-dn-sebpw aW¬ hmcm≥ t]mIp∂ \o°sØ Aßv A\p-Iq-en-°p-∂pt≠m? aW¬ hmcp-∂Xv ]pgbv°v \√-XmWv F∂ C. {io[-cs‚ {]kvXm-h-\-tbmSv F¥mWv A`n-{]mbw? sas{Sm Hcp alm-hn-I-k-\-am-sW∂v Rm≥ Icp-Xp-∂n-√. CXns‚ ]mXn ]Ww-sIm≠v sIm®n-bnse tdmUv, sdbn¬, Pe-K-Xm-KX kwhn-[m-\-߃ Kw`o-c-am-°m≥ Ign-bp-am-bn-cp∂p. ]t£ Cu _lp-cmjv{S ÿm]-\-߃ AXn-s\m∂pw hmbv] Xcn-√. sat{Smbv°v th≠n hmcm≥ FhnsS aW¬? ]®-sh≈w en‰-dn\v 15 cq] \nc-°n¬ hmßp-∂-h¿°v sas{Sm Fßs\ hnI-k-\-amIpw? {io[-cs‚ hnI-k\ k¶¬∏w ]ca A_-≤-am-Wv. sIm®n sat{Sm-bpsS t]cn¬ B¬_¿Svkns‚ tImtfPv {Ku≠v- C-√m-Xm°m≥ t]mIp∂ \o°-ß-sf-°p-dn®v? hnI-k\-Øns‚ ad-hn¬ \S-°p∂ as‰mcp AXn-{I-aw IqSn-bm-W-Xv. i‡-ambn {]Xntj-[n-°p-I. H∏w IpSn-bn-d-°-s∏-Sp∂ P\-e-£-ß-fpsS t]mcm-´-߃ Xncn-®-dn-bp-I.
Xs∂ ]d-bp-∂-Xp-t]mse {Kma-k-`-b-S-°-ap≈ hnhn[ Xe-ß-fn¬ N¿® sNø-Ww. d_-sd∂√ Hcp Irjnbpw KmUvKn¬ (I-kvXqcncwK-\pw) \ntj-[n-°p-∂n-√. F∂m¬ s]mXp-hmbn GI-hn-f-tØm-´-߃ ]mcn-ÿn-Xn-I-ambn KpW-I-c-a-√ F∂ A`n-{]mbw ]d-bp-∂p-≠v. AXv kXy-hp-am-Wv. Nne tZi-ß-fn¬ Nne-Xcw Irjn-Iƒ ]mSn-s√∂pw ]d-bp-∂p-≠v. DZm-lcWw 30 Un{Kn-bn-e-[nIw sNcn-hp≈ {]tZ-i-ß-fn¬ Im¿jn-I-hn-f-Iƒ Hgn-hm-°-Ww. ImcWw Hmtcm h¿jhpw aÆv Cf-°p-tºmƒ h≥tXm-Xn¬ asÆm-en-®p-t]m-Ipw. CXpw KmUvKnens‚ kz¥w \n¿t±-i-a-√. CØcw {]tZ-i-ß-fn¬ Zo¿L-Ime hnf-Iƒ (d-_¿ AS-°w) thW-sa-∂pw, tdmUp-Iƒ \n¿Ωn-®m¬ Dcpƒ s]m´-ep-≠m-Ip-sa∂pw skkv (sk‚¿ t^m¿ F¿Øv kb≥kv) F∂ kwÿm\ k¿°m¿ ÿm]\w hfsc ap≥]v ]d-™-Xm-Wv. Cu dnt∏m¿´n-t∑¬ Hcp I¿j-I-s\bpw IpSn-bn-d-°m≥ hgn-bn-√. ]md-a-S-Iƒ°pw A\-[n-IrX dntkm¿´p-Iƒ°pw IpSn-bn-d°v `oj-Wn-bp-≠m-Ipw.
ssPh-ssh-hn-[y-Øns‚ Ie-h-d-bmb, FdWmIpfw sslt°mSXn°p kao]ap≈ awK-f-h-\w ]£n kt¶Xw \nc-h[n `oj-Wn-Iƒ t\cn-Sp-∂p-≠v. Imem-hÿ hyXn-bm-\hpw Np‰p-h-´sØ \n¿am-W-{]-h¿Ø-\-ß-fpw, aeo-\o-I-c-W-hpw- ]-£n-I-fpsS FÆsØ Ipd®p; cmPy߃ IS-s∂-Øn-bn-cp∂ ]e tZim-S-\-]-£n-Ifpw ChnsS FØm-dn-√. awK-f-h-\-w t\cn-Sp∂ sh√p-hn-fn-I-fn-te-°mWv bq˛tS¨ \S-Øp∂ Cu At\z-j-Ww.
sIm®nbpsS ]®ØpcpØns\ shdpsX hnSpI...
aen-\o-I-cWw : awK-f-h-\-Øn-te°v ]£n-Isf BI¿jn-®n-cp-∂Xv sNdpXmSIØnse a’y-k-º-Øm-bn-cp-∂p. kao-]sØ Pe-t{im-X- p-I-sf√mw amen-\y-°q-ºm-c-ambn Xo¿∂-Xns‚ ^e-ambn XmSIØnse HmIvkn-P≥ Ipd-bp-Ibpw AXv a’y-߃°v \ne-\n¬∏n-√mØ Ahÿ krjvSn-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. a’y-ßsf Blm-c-am°nbn-cp∂ ]£n-I-fpsS hchpw AXv C√m-Xm-°n. hnI-e-amb \n¿ΩmW {]h¿Ø-\-߃ : Fd-Wm-Ipfw sslt°m-SXnbpsSbpw sk≥{S¬ assd≥ ^njdokv dnk¿®v C≥Ãn‰yp´ns‚bpw sI´nSßfpw ^vfm‰pIfpw Dƒs∏sS assd≥ ss{Uhv hsc Db¿∂p- \n¬°p∂ sI´n-S-߃ awK-f-h-\-{]-tZ-iØn\v Np‰pw aXn¬s°´v Xs∂ Xo¿Øn-´p-≠v. CXv ]£n-I-fpsS hc-hns\ XSbp∂p. kao] {]tZ-i-ß-fnse sI´n-S-ßfn¬ ]Xn-∏n-®n-cn-°p∂ dn^vf-IvSohv •mkp-Iƒ, i_vZ-a-en-\o-I-c-Ww,
awK-f-h\w : 2.74 slIvS¿am{Xw hnkvXo¿Æ-ap-≈, kwÿm-\sØ Xs∂ G‰hpw sNdnb kwc-£nX {]tZ-i-amWv Fd-Wm-Ipfw sslt°m-S-Xn°v kao]w ÿnXn sNøp∂ awK-f-h\w ]£n kt¶-Xw. 2009 apX¬ 2013 hsc \S-Ønb k¿thbn¬ 103 sshhn-[y-ß-fn-ep≈ ]£n-Ifpw, ap∏Xv Xcw ]qºm-‰-I-fpw, 4 Xcw Xpºn-I-f-pw, 8 Xcw I≠¬ sNSnIfpw awK-f-h-\-Øn¬ Is≠-Øn-bn-´p-≠v.
Sn-]-S-e-߃ sXdn-∏n-®p-sIm≠v Nodn-∏m-bp-∂ hml-\-߃... am\w apt´ \n¬°p∂ sI´nS kap-®-b-߃ izmkw ap´n-°p-∂ {Sm^n-°v tªm°v... sIm®n-bpsS Cu \Kc Akz-ÿX-I-fn¬ \n∂pw tamN\w t\Sn kao-]-ap≈ ip≤-hmb izkn-®v, Cfw-sX-∂-en¬ kzÿ-ambn h¿Ø-am\w ]d-™v, AXy-]q¿Δ ]£n-Isf \nco-£n°m≥ B{K-l-ap-s≠-¶n¬ sslt°m-S-Xn°p kao-]-ap≈ awK-f-h-\-Øn-te°v hcp-I.
amen-\y- Iq-ºm-c-߃, Im°I-fpsS ieyhpw tZimS\ ]£nIfpsS hchns\ {]XnIqeambn _m[n°p∂p sdbn¬th hI awK-f-h-\-Øn\v Nc-a-KoXw! : awK-fh-\sØ bYm¿∞ anI-hp‰ ]£n-k-t¶-X-ambn Db¿Ø-W -sa-¶n¬ kao-]sØ D]-tbm-K-iq-\y-am-bn-°n-S-°p∂ F∂m¬ {]Ir-Xn-c-a-Wo-b-amb sdbn¬th-bpsS ÿehpw Gs‰-Sp-t°≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. HmƒUv sdbn¬th tÃjs‚ ta¬∏-d™ ÿeØv ho≠pw sdbn¬th πm‰vt^mw ]Wn-bm-\p≈ ]pd-∏mSn-emWv Z£nW sdbn¬th F∂Xv thZ-\m-P-\-I-am-b hm¿Ø-bm-Wv. ]pXnb πm‰vt^m-apw, sdbn¬ sse\pw Dƒs∏sS 300 tImSn cq]- bpsS sNehv {]Xo-£n-°p∂ ]≤-Xn-hgn kuØv sdbn¬th tà js‚ Xnc°v Ipd®v 60 k¿ho-kp-Iƒ \SØm≥ Ign-bp-sa-∂m Wv sdbn¬th-bpsS hmZw. F∂m¬ awKf-h-\-tØmSv sXm´p-cpΩn InS-°p∂ Cu {]tZ-iØv \n¿ΩmW {]h¿Ø\w Bcw- `n-®m¬ AXp-≠m-°p-∂ ]cn-ÿnXn {]iv\߃°v Bcv DØ-ch - m-ZnXzw ]d-bpw. tÃj-\mbn amdp-tºmƒ h≥P-\° - q-´w ChnsS FØp-Ibpw Chn-SpsØ amen-\y-Øns‚ Afhv h¿≤n-°p-Ibpw sdbn¬th-bpsS km∂n≤yw aqe-ap-≠m-
awKfh\Øns‚ kao]sØ ]gb sdbn¬th tÃj≥ sI´nSw
Ip∂ i_vZ aen-\o-I-cWw awK-f-h-\-Øns‚ ssPh sshhn-[ysØ Xs∂ Xmdp-am-dm-°pIbpw sNøpw. alm-flmKm‘n Imep-Ip-Ønb tÃj-\mWv F∂Xns‚ ad-hn¬ A\m-hiy hnI-k\ - h - p-am-sb-Øp-∂h - ¿ ]cnÿn-Xn°v th≠n t]mcm-Snb Km‘n-Pnsb Adn-tb-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. awK-f-h-\sØ c£n-°m≥ ) ]£n kt¶-Xhpw ]m¿°pw H∂n®v sIm≠p-t]m-Iphm≥ \ne-hn-ep≈ ÿe-ku-I-cy-߃ aXn-bm-hn-√. awKfh\Øns‚ _^¿ tkmWmbn \nes°m≈p∂ {]tZiw 3.44 slIvS¿ hcpw. F∂m¬ dbn¬thbpsS ÿehpw `mcXv s]t{Smfnbw Iº\n Ccpº\tØ°v amdnt∏mbt∏mƒ Hgnhph∂ ÿehpw ]pdwt]m°v `qanbpw dh\yp `qanbpw h\w hIp∏ns‚bpw `h\\n¿ΩmW hIp∏ns‚bpw `qanbpw IqSn tN¿Øm¬ \nehnse awKfh\tØmSv tN¿Øv 10 slIvS¿ `qan kwLSn∏n°pI {]bmkap≈ Imcya√.
) HmƒUv sdbn¬th tÃj-t\mSv tN¿∂v InS-°p∂ ÿew Gs‰-Sp-°p-I. hiy-a-t\m-l-c-amb Imt\m-∏n-Iƒ \nd™ Cu ÿew awK-f-h-\-Øn\v Hcp apX¬°q-´m-Ipw. awKfh\ {]tZiw tIm¿ Gcnb, _^¿ Gcnb F∂ coXnbn¬ th¿Xncn°Ww. tIm¿ Gcnb Hcp ieyØn\pw CS\¬ImsX kwc£n°pIbpw, _^¿ tkmWn¬ IqSpX¬ I≠epIƒ sh®p]nSn∏n®p kpc£nXam °pIbpw thWw. ) awK-f-h-\-Ønse sNdpXSmIw ip≤o-I-cn-°p-I. ^ehr-£-߃ \´p]nSn-∏n®v ]£n-Isf c£n-°p-I. ) awK-f-h-\-Øn\v Np‰p-h-´-Øp≈ \n¿ΩmW {]h¿Ø-\ß-fn¬ i‡-amb \nb-{¥Ww sIm≠p-h-cm≥ k¿°m¿ k∂≤-amI-Ww. ) bphm-°-fpsS t\Xr-Xz-Øn-ep≈ P\-Iob Iq´m-bva-Ifp-≠m-IWw. A√m-Ø-]£w awK-f-h-\-Øn\pw AXnse ssPhkºØn\pw awK-f-Ica-√mØ Ah-km\w D≠m-Ipw.
is partly controlled by fate and how our actions and decisions can influence the other half.
Run Lola Run F I L M
The movie starts with vague images of people staring in the movie before the title of the movie comes up. The first shot of the film shows a phone call to Lola from her boyfriend Manni. Manni tells her how he had carelessly lost 100,000 marks in a subway train which was to be delivered to his boss Ronnie who happens to be a gangster. Ronnie sees a homeless man examining the bag containing the money but on pursuit to the next station finds the person and bag gone. Over the phone, Manni blames Lola for not turning up to pick him up from the place of business which led to this entire tragedy befalling them. Over the phone, Manni explains that he has 20 minutes before he has to make the payment to his Boss and if Lola fails to make it in time with the money; he would Rob a nearby supermarket. As Lola stands frozen at the thought of achieving the
he first question that comes into your mind when this movie starts is whether you have put it in fast forward. Run Lola Run is a 1998 German movie written and directed by Tom Tykwer. The movie depicts three possible alternative outcomes in the life of Lola who is faced with the challenge to make and deliver 100,000 German marks in 20 minutes to save her boyfriendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. The story shows how our destiny
Remin Martin 2nd year B.Com
quick and upbeat as Lola makes her run, helping the audience get a feel of the pace. Another interesting aspect is that all the three runs are exactly 20 minutes long, edited so that time in the film passes as though in reality.
Lola’s life. Each run presents some additional details that gives us more insight into Lola’s life. It is in her final run that the audience gets a complete picture.
Each of Lola’s runs is an act. The first act presents the problem; the second run makes it worse and learning from her past mistakes she solves the problem in her third run. The script has been cleverly written in a way that tells us three different alternatives to the same scenario and at the same time gives us a big picture of
At this point, Lola begins her run and the movie gets divided into 3 different alternatives depending on the events that take place during the run. Each run starts from
unique for its narrative style and editing. All the three runs begin in an identical fashion to show that Lola has started another run. During the start of the movie, the frame switches between Lola and Mani. This is done so that the audience gets a better understanding of the plot and the intensity of the situation. The film becomes
impossible, images of everyone she knows flashes before her eyes. Finally she decides to approach her father, who happens to be the manager of a big bank.
the same situation, but ends with a totally different outcome. The movie also shows, in photographic images, as to how the lives of different people that Lola bumps into develop after the encounter. In each run, the lives of these people get affected in a different way. This movie is made
The screenplay of this movie is another attraction.
This is a must watch for all those looking for a good action drama movie.
LABORATORY EQUIPMENT STORES M.G. ROAD, NORTH END, NEAR SEEMATTI, ERNAKULAM, KOCHI – 682 035 Phone : (0484) 2360964, 2373685, 2370192, 2380423, 2380424 Fax : (0484) 2352248 E Mail :,,
Amedeo Avogadro 1776-1856 Prof. in Chemistry, Turin University, Italy 1
0 1
BZ-c-Wo-b-\mb Ata-Untbm AthmKmt{Um, Hcp P∑w apgp-h≥ Dgn-™p-h®v Is≠-Ønb kXyw imkv{XØns‚ \mgn-I-°-√m-hp-sa∂v Atß°p-d-∏p-≠m-bn-cp-∂, Aß-bpsS I≠p]nSp-ØsØ \nan-j-ß-fpsS hni-I-e-\-Øn-\p-t]mepw hnt[-bam-°m-sX, shdpw s]m≈-sb∂p Fgp-Xn-Ø-≈n-b-t∏mƒ, \mep-`m-KØp-\n∂pw hna¿i-\-i-c-ß-tf-‰-t∏mƒ, F¥m-bn-cp∂p B IÆp-I-fn¬ \ng-en-®n-cp-∂Xv? ZpxJtam? AtXm A]-am\tam? h¿j-ß-fpsS ITn\-]-cn-{i-a-^-e-ambv Xm≥ tXSn-b-Xpw, Hcp \nanjw sIm≠v H∂p-a-√mXm-bn-Øo-cp-Ibpw sNbvX I≠p-]n-Sp-Øhpw (A-thm-Km-t{Um-\n-b-aw) sI´n-∏n-Sn®v Xncn-®p-\S- ∂ - t- ∏mƒ, Gsd kvt\ln-®n-cp∂ imkv{X-tØmSv Atßbv°v shdp-∏p-tXm-∂ntbm? \nb-a-Øn¬ tUmIvS-td‰v FSpØv aq∂p-sIm√w {]mIvSokv sNbvXn-´pw Hcp h°o-embn XpS-cmsX imkv{XØns‚ ]ndtI t]mb B \nan-j-sØ, B Xocp-am-\sØ As∂m-cn°-se-¶nepw Aßv a\- n¬ i]n-®pthm? P∑-\m- h¿Æm-‘-X-bp≈ tPm¨ Umƒ´¨ Aß-bpsS alØmb kn≤m¥-Øn\p apºnepw A‘X {]I-Sn-∏n-®p. Iq´-Øn¬ _¿t -en- p-apƒs∏-´-Xn-\m¬ Aß-bpsS kn≤m¥w ]q¿Æ-ambpw ]pd-Øm-°-s∏-´p. (Hcp hym]Xw t¢mdn\pw Hcp hym]vXw ssl{UP\pw tN¿∂v c≠v hym]vXw ssl{U-P≥ t¢mssdUv D≠m-Ip-∂p) \n›nX a¿±-Ønepw Xm]-am-\-Ønepw D≈ \n›nX hym]vXw hmXI-Øn-e-S-ßp∂ IWn-I-I-fpsS FÆw F√m hmX-I-߃°pw Xpeyam-bn-cn°pw F∂ Aß-bpsS \nbaw A∂v ]pd-Øm-°-s∏-´p-sh-¶nepw C∂v Aß-bpsS t]cn-ep≈ ÿncm¶w \nXyhpw D]-tbm-Kn-°mØ ck-X-{¥tam, `uXn-I-im-kv{X-tam, Cs√∂v Aßv Adn-bp-∂pthm?
n\v -Øv X { v Ø k im I
AW-pkn-≤m¥w \ap°v \evInb _lp. tPm¨ Umƒ´¨ F¥p-sIm≠v Aß-bpsS kn≤m-¥sØ Xo¿Øpw Ah-K-Wn-®p? kz¥w Ip∏m-b-Øns‚ \ndw Ip¶pa \nd-am-sW∂v h¿Wm-‘-X-aqew Xm\-dn-™n-√m-sb∂v kz¥w k`-bmb tIz°¿ k`-tbmSv I≈w-]d™ Bƒ°v F¥pw BIm-sa-∂mtWm? Pohn-X-Øns‚ A¿∞-`m-Khpw imkv{X-Øn-\p-th≠n tlman-®n´pw Aß-bpsS I≠p-]n-Sp-Ø-Øn\v G‰phm-tß-≠n-h∂ Ah-K-W-\aq-e-am-tWm ]n∂o-sSm-cn-°epw Aßv imkv{X-Øn\p kw`m-h-\-Isfm∂pw \evIm-Xn-cp-∂Xv? Hcp-]t£ A∂Xv AwKo-I-cn-®n-cp-∂p-sh¶n¬ ck-X{¥w Aß-bpsS Ime-L-´-Øn¬ Xs∂ hf-sc-tbsd aptºm´v IpXn-°p-am-bn-cp∂p F∂ kXyw Rm\n∂p Xncn-®-dn-bp-∂p. F∂n-cp-∂mepw B kn≤m¥w AwKo-I-cn-°pw-hsc ck-X-{¥-Øn-tem, `uXn-I-im-kv{X-Øntem Imcy-amb ]ptcm-K-Xn-sbm∂pw Xs∂ D≠mbn-s√∂ hmkvXhw Fs‚ Np≠n¬ Hcp ]p©ncn hnS¿Øp-∂p. ]t£ imkv{X-Øns‚ hf¿® B{K-ln-®n-cp∂ kz]v\w I≠n-cp∂ B a\ n\v CXn¬ kt¥m-jn-°m-\m-hn-s√-s∂-\n-°-dn-bmw. F∂m¬ alm-flmsh AWp-°-sfbpw X∑m-{X-I-sfbpw th¿Xncn-®-dn-bm-sX AWp-`m-chpw X∑m-{X-`m-chpw XΩn-ep≈ hyXymkw a\- n-em-°msX Fßs\ imkv{X-Øn\p \mw (A-thm-KmtUm \nbaw) AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏-Sm≥ Aß-bpsS ac-W-Øn-\p-ti-jhpw GItZiw 4 h¿jw th≠n-h-∂p. ]t£ F\n-°p-tXm-∂p-∂p, AXn\pw hfsc ap≥t]-Xs∂ B alXvkn≤m-¥-Øns‚ {]m[m\yw ]ecpw a\- n-em-°n-bn-´p≠mhWw ]s£ Hcn-°¬ \njvI-cpWw X≈n-°f-™-Xns‚ Pmfy-X-sIm-≠m-hWw AXv AwKo-I-cn-°m≥ aSn-®-Xv. Atß-bv°-dn-bmtam A∂v 1860 ¬ Im¬kvZp-ln¬ (P¿a-\n) \S∂ tIm¨{K-kn¬ h®v Aß-bpsS \m´p-Im-c≥ _lp. Im\nkmtdm, Athm-Kmt{Um \nb-aØ - ns‚ {]m[m\yw hy‡-am-°n-bt- ∏mƒ imkv{Xw AXv Ccp-ssIbpw \o´n kzoI-cn-®p. AtXmsS imkv{XsØ _m[n-®n-cp∂ A‘X \oßp-Ibpw Ahy-‡-X-Iƒ ]eXpw hy‡X-I-fn-te°v hgn-am-dp-Ibpw sNbvXp. AXp-Im-Wp-hm≥ Aßp-≠mbn-cp-∂psh¶n¬!! F¶n¬ \ncmi Xfw-sI-´nb B D≠-°-Æp-Iƒ hnS-cp-am-bn-cpt∂m? Hcp ]p©ncn B Np≠n¬ hncn-bp-am-bn-cpt∂m? Aß-sb-t]m-se-Xs - ∂, ]e alm-flm-°f - p-sSbpw {]bXv\Øns‚ ^esØ AwKo-I-cn-°p-hm≥ Ah-cpsS ac-Ww-h-scbpw ImØn-cn°p∂ kaq-l-Øns‚ `mK-am-Wt√m Rm\pw. alm-flm-th am∏v. BZc]q¿Δw, clv\ chn H∂mw h¿jw B. Com
tP°-_v, AΩ tacn, ]∏ Hcp πm‚¿ BWv. Im™n-c-∏-≈nbmWv ÿew. +2 hn¬ Xc-t°Sn-√mØ am¿°p-ambn sk‚ v tPm¨kv tImtf-Pn¬ AUvanj≥ hmßn-sb-Sp-Øp. F∂m¬
A\‰v ktejy H∂mw h¿jw B. Sc Chemistry (Voc.)
\oe-Kn-cn-bnse .... a\p-hns‚ samss_¬ t^m¨ shfp-∏n\v Bdp-aW - n-°p-Xs∂ ]m´p-]m-Sm≥ XpS- ß n- b n- c n- ° p- ∂ p. \n߃ IcpXpw Aemdw BWv F∂v. ]s£ A√. F∂m¬ BWpXm-\pw. AX-hf - mWv amep. Ah f - m-cm-sW-∂mhpw Ct∏mƒ \nßfp-sS-sb√mw a\-kn¬. ]d-bmw, Xo¿®-bmbpw ]d-bmw. AXn-\papºv B tImfn-t\m-Sp≈ a\phns‚ {]Xn-I-cWw F∂m-sW-
kp{]-`mXw... kp{]-`mXw...
Instant Love IY-bm-cw-`n-°p∂p
Ct∏mƒ Aßs\ hey {]Xo£-sbm-∂p-an-√. apI-fn¬ t\m °n-bm¬ BImiw Xmsg-t\m°nbm¬ `qan. Thats all. He enjoy his life. ]c-am-h[n F≥tPmbv sNøpI AXmWv a\p-hns‚ {]n≥kn- ∏ nƒ. AXp- a m- { X- a √ thsdm∂p IqSn-bp-≠v. AXn-s‚ b¿∞w Ahs‚ hm°p-I-fn¬ IqSn Xs∂ tIƒ°mw.
a\p _n.-tImw. ÃpU‚mWv. tImtf-Pns‚ kz¥w tlmÃ-enemWv Xma-kw. Hcp CS-Øcw IpSpw-_-Ønse AwKw. ]∏
""F√m-hcpw ]d-bm-dp-≠ t√m Pohn-X-Ønse at\m-l-camb Ime-L-´-amWv tItfPv sse^v F∂v ]ns∂-sb-¥n\v
∂- d n- t bt≠? Ah≥ sam ss_¬ FSp-Øp. "Malu Calling'' \obm-bn-cp-t∂mSo N°-tc.... tkmdn Um C{X-s]-s´∂v Bdp aWn-bmtbm Ct∏m a\-kn-embt√m a\p-hns‚ kz`m-hw. B sfmcp "Ub_‰nIv t]jy ‚mWv'. C\n IY XpS-ßmw.
B sse^v \mev Nph-cp-Iƒ °p-≈n¬ amXvkpw A°u-≠≥ knbpw ]Tn-°m-\mbn am{Xw Xf®n-S-Ww? AXns\ Hcp Nn{X-ie-`-sØ-t∏mse kzX-{¥-ambn hnS-Ww. ]c-am-h[n F≥tPmbv sNø-Ww.'' AXp- s Im≠p Xs∂ tImtfPn¬ hcp-∂Xv If-£≥ FSp- ° m\pw Ia‚Sn- ° m\pw am{Xw. C∂v Pq¨ 15 s{^tj gvkv hcp∂ kpZn-\w. IÆn\p Ipfn¿Ω \¬Ip∂ tZim-S\ - ° - n -fn-Is - f-t∏mse F{X-sb{X Xcp - W o- a - W n- I ƒ.... Bl- l m.... AXm-tem-Nn-®t- ∏mƒXs∂ Ah \v tZl-am-k-Iew Ipfn-cp-tImcn. tlmì _mØv dqan¬ F¥m Xnc°v ? .... Hcn- ° epw Ipfn-°m-Ø-h-∑m¿ hsc Ipfn°m-\mbn £a-tbmsS ImØp-
\n¬°p-∂p. tkm∏n\pw t]Ãn \pw {Ukn-\p-sam-s°-bmbn klap-dn-b-∑m-tcmSp bp≤w sh´n Ip fn®v Ip´-∏-\mbn ]pd-tØ-°n-dßn. {ioIr-jW v s\ a\-kn¬ [ym \n®v tImtfPv Imº-kn-te°v he-Xp-Im¬h®v Ib-dn. t\csØ Xs∂ tK‰n\p apºn-ep≈ hmIa-cØ - n¬ ÿm\w Dd-∏n-®p. hcp∂ Hcp s]¨In-fn-sb-t∏mepw ankv sNø-cp-X-t√m. At∏m-gXm hcp ∂p ]cn-∏p-hS tN´≥. Iym‚o≥ F∂p-]-d-bp∂ ss^hv Ãm¿ tlm´en¬ F∂pw ]cn-∏p-hS am {Xw D≠m°n Cu®-bm-´n-bn-cn°p∂ tKmhn-tμ-´≥. (ss^hv Ãm¿ F∂p-]-d-™Xv sX‰n-≤cn-°c - p-Xv. Hcp tS_nfpw 5 Itkcbpw am{Xap≈ Rß- f psS am{Xw ss^hv Ãm¿ BWnXv). Zm hcp∂p kl-ap-dn-b-∑m cpw kl-]m-Tn-Ifpw AS-ßp∂ 8 AwK-kw-Lw, hm\-c-kw-Lw. F¥mtS a\p. \Ωsf ad∂v H‰°n-cp∂p kpJn-°p-hm-Wt√ sIm ≈m-tS... AXn-sem-cp-Øs‚ hI B∏v. hmSm Rm≥ shdp-tX-bncp∂v t_md-Sn-°-≠t√m F∂p IcpXn ChnsS h∂n-cp-∂X - m... ]n ∂oSh¿ HºXv t]cpw tN¿∂v Ia‚ v ]mkm-°m≥ XpS-ßn. ]m hw Ip™m-Sp-Iƒ tN´-∑m-sc°≠v `b-`‡n _lp-am-\t- Øm sS Xebpw Ipºn´v IS-∂p-t]mIp-∂p. s]s´-∂mWv a\phns‚ IÆp-Iƒ Cfw-]® Npcn-Zm¿ C´p-h∂ amep-hn¬ DS-°n-b-Xv. Bh-iy-Øn\p `wKnbpw Bhiy-Øn\p apSnbpw Ahƒ°p≠v . Ico- \ - s bbpw sFiz- c ysbbpw a\-kn¬ {]Xn-jvTn-®ncn- ° p∂ Ah- ∑ m¿s°m∂pw Ah-fp-]-‰-Øn-√. AXp-sIm-≠pXs∂ Ah≥ c£-s∏-´p. ]n ∂oSv Fßs\ Ah-tfmSp an≠pw;
CjvSw Xpd-∂p-]-dbpw Fs∂√m-am-bn. F√m tImtf-Pnepw D≠m-Ip-at√m Hcp _n_nkn. Ah-km\w _n_nkn hgn Ah \pw Imcyw km[n-®p. Ahs‚ a\kv Ahƒ°p- ap-∂n¬ Xpd ∂p h®p. Hcm-izm-kØ - n\v Ah s‚ samss_¬ \ºdpw sImSpØp. H∂p c≠m-gN v t- Ø°v Hcp dntπbpw D≠m-bn-√. ]ns∂ Nne AXn kml-knI {]I-S-\-ß-fneqsS Xs∂ Ah-fpsS a\kv Ah≥ Iog-S-°n. t\cn-´p-]-d-bptºm-gp≈ NΩ¬ Imc-W-am-bncn°mw Hcp Znhkw cm{Xn Ah s\mcp sat Pv h∂p. "I Love You" - Malu. A∂v Ah\p kz¿§w In´nb kt¥m-j-am-bn-cp-∂p. B sk°‚n¬ Xs∂ Ah≥ dntπ ASn-®p. "I Love you too"Manu. ]ns∂-bp-≈Xv sat Pn s‚bpw ankvUvtImfn-s‚bpw {]hm-l-am-bn-cp-∂p. A∂p-XpSßn F∂pw cmhnse IrXyw Ah-fpsS ankvUvtImƒ hcpw. kXyw ]d-™m¬ Ahs‚ Aem dw AXm-Wv. C∂v kz]v\w Im Wp-∂-Xn-\p≈ hI t\csØ In´n-b-Xn-\m¬ kpJ-ambn aqSn∏p-X®v InS-∂p-d-ßn. ]nt‰∂v IrXyw Bdp- a - W n- ° p- X s∂ t^m¨ dnßv sNbvXp. ]t£ AXv Hcp ankvUv Bbn-cp-∂n√; tImfmbn-cp-∂p. Ah≥ hfsc D’m-l-tØmsS tImƒ A‰‚ v sNbvXp. ]t£ Ft∂mSp kw km-cn-®Xv Ah-fpsS A—-\m-bncp-∂p. "Hai manu, Gd mrng Rm≥ amfphns‚ A—-\m-Wv. Fs¥ms°-bp≠v hnti-jw.'' Rm≥ Pmfy-Xt- bmsS adp-]Sn ]d™p: "Hai uncle gdmorn, fine uncle''
Ah-fpsS A—≥ ]d-™p. ""a\p, Fs‚ aI-fpsS amtcyPmWv Xn¶fm-gv®. a\p Xo¿®-bmbpw hc-
Ww.'' call ended. Hcp CSnØo Ahs‚ Xe-bn¬ h∂p hogp∂-Xp-t]mse tXm∂n. IÆp-Ifn¬ BsI ]pI. cmhnse Xs∂ iin-bm-tI-≠n-h∂ Fs‚ Hcp Zp¿K-Xn-tb-bv. sNΩo-\nse a[p-hn-s\-t∏mse F√mw \jvSs∏-´h - \ - mbv Imº-knte°v Ibdn. At∏m-gXm sÃb-dn\p ap ∂n¬ Xs∂ \n¬°p∂p ""kmat{Zmln''; AXpw Nncn-®p-sIm≠v. Fs‚ IÆp-Iƒ Ah-tfmSv ]cmXn ]d-bm≥ XpS-ßn. ASpsØ-Øn-b-t∏m-tg°pw Ahƒ ]d-™p. "Sorry Manu. CXv Iymºkt√. Hcp ssSw]mkv Bbn am{Xsa Rm≥ I≠n-cp-∂p-≈q. \obpw Aß-s\-X-s∂-bm-sW ∂v a\-kn-em-°n-b-Xp-sIm≠m Rm≥ Reply sNbvXXv. F¥m Rm≥ ]d- ™ Xv icn- b t√? hnSSm \Ω- s fms° friends At√-Sm....'' HSp-hn¬ Ahƒ ASpØp \n∂n-cp∂ \√ ep°v kp≈ Hcp ]ø-s\, Fs∂ ]cnN-b-s∏-Sp-Øn, ""CXm-sWs‚ Would be.'' Abm- s f- t ∂mSp tNmZn®p: ""lmbv a\p, X\n°v hnj-a-sam-∂p-an-√t√m At√, Rm≥ ]d-™p. Hai C√. Its Just a Jock yaar. Ahfpw Ah \pw IqSn \S-∂p-t]m-Ip-∂Xv Ah≥ t\m°n \n∂p. At∏m gXm hcp∂p hm\-c-kw-Lw.
""ImØp kq£n- s ®mcp IkvXqcn amºgw Im° sImØn- t ∏mtb Im°®n sImØn-t∏m-tb....'' At∏m-gmWv "iin' F∂ hm°ns‚ hfsc dnb- e n- Ã n°mb A¿∞w Ah\p a\- nem-b-Xv.
hgn- I fpw AS™-hs‚ ap∂n¬ Xpd-°p∂ kzmX-{¥y-Øn-te°pw am\-hnIX-bn-te-bv°p-ap≈ Ahkm-\ sØ hmXn-emWv Ihn-X. AXv Fgp-Xp-∂Xv I≈t\m sIm≈°m-ct\m `oI-ch - m-Zntbm Bbncn-°pw. F∂m¬ cN-\b - psS B aplq¿Ø-Øn¬ Abmƒ H‰s∏´ a\p-jy≥ am{X-am-Wv.... Po hn-X-sØbpw Ncn-{X-sØbpw Abmƒ A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-°p-∂Xns‚ km£y-amWv B IhnX.'' (_p≤n Pohn-Iƒ hn°p-tºmƒ/ Sn.-]n. cmPo-h≥/am-[yaw BgvN]-Xn-∏v) F∂m¬ A¬JzbvZ _‘w Btcm-]n-®v, C{_mlnw kpsse- a m≥ A¬dp- _ m- b njns‚ IhnX \ntcm-[n® Imen°‰v k¿h-I-em-im-e-bpsS \ne]mSv thZ-\m-P\ - I - a - m-Wv. _n.-F. Cw•ojv aq∂mw ska-ÿ hn Zym¿∞n-Iƒ°p≈ "en‰-td-®¿ B≥Uv I≠w-]ddn Cjyqkv' F∂ Cw•ojv ]pkvX-I-ØnemWv A¬ dp- _ m- b n- j ns‚ ""HmUv Sp Z kn'' F∂ IhnX Dƒs∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cp-∂-Xv. bpFknse bqWn-th-gv kn‰n Hm^v Atbmh {]kn-≤o-Ic - n® ""Kzm≠-
IhnX hmbn-°m≥ Ihn-bpsS Ncn{Xw F¥n\v At\z-jn-°Ww
\m-tam-bn¬ \n∂p≈ Ihn-XIƒ, XS-hp-]p-≈n-Iƒ kwkmcn-°p∂p'' F∂ kam-lm-cØ - n¬ t\m¿tX¨ C√n-t\mbvkv bq Wn-th-gvkn-‰n-bnse tImtfPv Hm^v tembn¬ s{]m^-kd- mb am¿Iv ^m¬t°m^v FUn‰v sNbvXv tN¿ØXm-W,v C{_mlnw kpsse-am≥ A¿_m-bojv F∂ sjbvJv C{_mlnw A¬dp-_mbnjv cNn® IS-en-s\mcp KoXw. 1979¬ kuZn Atd-_y-bn-emWv At±lw P\n-®X - .v ]fin-X\ - mb At±lw ]m°n-ÿm-\n¬ A[ym]- I - \ m- b n- c n- s °- b mWv A^v
Km≥ AXn¿Øn-bn¬ h®v A¬ JzbvZ _‘-ap-s≠∂ kwi-bØns‚ t]cn¬ AdÃv sNøs∏-Sp-∂Xpw Ata-cn-°≥ ]´mf-Øn\v ssIam-‰-s∏-Sp-∂-Xpw. Ata-cn-°-bpsS Ingt° Xoc Øv Iyq_- t bmSv tN¿∂p≈ Ip{]-kn-≤-amb Kzm≠-\mtam XS-h-d-bn-emWv Ihn-bpsS B bm{X Ah-km-\n-®-Xv. 5 h¿jw \c-I-Xp-ey-amb XS-hd bmX\ kln® At±lw AXn-\n-Sb - n¬ Ft∏mtgm BWv IS-en-t\mSv F∂ IhnX cNn-®Xv. Ata-cn°t°m temI-Ønt\m a\p-jy-
hw-i-Ønt\m hn\m-i-I-c-ambn H∂pw Ihn-Xb - n¬ Cs√∂v ChbpsS c£-I-cmbn kzbw AhIm-i-s∏-Sp∂ s]‚-K¨hsc Dd∏p hcp- Ø p- I bpw temIØnse G‰hpw {]i-kvX-amb kmln-Xy-]T - \ tImgvkmb C‚¿ \m-j-W¬ ssd‰nMv t{]m{Kmw (IWP) \S-Øp∂ Atbmh k¿ h-I-em-ime {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°pIbpw sNbvX Hcp ]pkvX-IØnse Ihn-X-bmWv Imen-°‰v k¿h-I-em-ime ]mTy-]-≤-Xn °v ]pd-tØbv°v hen-s®-dn-bp∂-X.v AXpw Ihn-bn¬ Ct∏mgpw sXfn-bn-°-s∏-SmsX Btcm-]nXm-h-ÿ-bn¬ am{Xw Ign-bp∂ Xo{h-hm-Z-_-‘-Øns‚ t]cn¬. Ihn- X - b nse hm°p- I ƒ °pw hcn-Iƒ°pw A¿∞m-¥c-߃ D≠m-Ipw. hmbn-°p-∂h-cpsS hymJym-\ß - ƒ°v A\p kyXambn A¿∞m-¥-c-ß-fm ¬ kº-∂a - m-bn-cn°pw Hcp IhnX. Ihn- X - b psS kmcmwiw, Imhym-flI - X - , sshIm-cn-I`- mhw F∂nh IhnX hne-bn-cp-Øptºmƒ ]cn-K-Wn°mw. ]t£
AXv IhnX hmbn-°p-hm-\mWv; IhnX Xnckv°-cn-°p-hm-\-√. Hcp IhnX \√-Xm-h-W-sa¶n¬ AXv Fgp-Xp∂ Bƒ°v hmb-\-°m-c≥ kz`mh k¿´n^n-°‰v \¬I-W-sa∂ ÿnXn A]-e-]-\o-b-am-Wv. C\n Hcp Ihn Xs‚ Bi-b-Ønepw aXhn-izm-k-Ønepw auen-I-amb Nn¥-Iƒ ]pe¿Øp∂p F∂v Xs∂ Ccn-°-s´. Abm-fpsS PohnXw \mw \n¿W-bn® kam[m-\t- em-IØ - n\pw kZm-Nm-ch - rØ- Ø n\pw ]pd- Ø m- s W∂p Xs∂ Ccn-°-s´, B Ihn `oIc-hm-Zntbm Xo{h-hm-Zntbm BIs´, Abm-fpsS anI® kmlnXy -c-N-\-Iƒ ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\v A Xv Hcp XS- a - mtWm? XnI™ ^mkn-Ãmb F{km-]u-≠ns‚ Ihn-X-Iƒ ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂Xv C∂v hsc B¿°pw Hcp Ip‰-ambn tXm∂n-bn-´n-√. ISpØ km{amPnXzhmZnbpw sh≈-sh-dn-b-\pamb dpUym¿Uv ¢o]nwKv aebm-fn-Iƒ°v {]nb-s∏´ Cw•o jv Fgp-Øp-Im-c-\m-Wv. At±-lØns‚ "PwKnƒ_p°v' F∂ Ip´n-°Y F{X {]ikvXamWv
\ΩpsS Ip´n-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬. I dpØ h¿K-°m-cpsS tamN-\Ø - n \v Xo{h-hm-Zn-bmb emMvè lyqKvkns\ ]Tn-∏n-°mØ Cw•o jv _ncpZ kne-_-kn-√. 1985 ¬ Z£n-Wm-{^n-°≥ k¿°m¿ Xq °n-te-‰nb s_©-an≥ tamtfmbn-kns\ BZ-cn-°mØ kmln Xy {]W-bn-\n-I-fn-√. NqXp-Ifn-°m-c-\mb ZkvX-tb-hkvIn ASn-a-°-®-hSw hsc \S-Øm≥ {ian® dnwt_m, thiy-Iƒ°pw ]nSn-®p-]-dn-°m¿°p-sam∏w Po hn® sjs\, \nIpXn sImSp-°m sX Pbn-en¬ InS∂ tXmtdm, IpSn®p acn® Nß-ºp-g, Aø∏≥ XpS-ßn-b-h-cpsS kZm-Nmc Pohn-XsØ hne-bn-cp-Øn-bn-cps∂-¶n¬ Ah¿ \ΩpsS ]mTy]-≤X - n-bn¬\n∂v ]pd-Øm-Is - ∏Sn-√m-bn-cpt∂m? Ncn-{X-Ønse Hmtcm ]o U-\-Im-ehpw \¬Ip∂ apdn-hpIƒ G‰p-hm-ßn-bm¬ Ah-cpsS Xqen-I-Øp-ºn¬ Ahsb tIm dn- b n- S p- ∂ - X n- s \, F¥n- \ mWv hna¿in-°p-∂-Xv? ASn-b-¥-cmhÿ ImeØv XS-h-d-°-hn-XIƒ apX¬ ASn-®-a¿Ø-s∏´ {ioe-¶≥ Xan-g-cpsS \ne-hn-fnbmb Cugw Ihn-X-Iƒ hsc kmln-Xy-tem-IØv krjvSn-°s∏-´n-´p-≠v. kzmX-{¥y-Øns‚ XqenI-bmWv Ihn-X. AXnepw Pm Xnbpw aXhpw kZm-Nm-ch - pw, ]q¿ Δ-Im-e-hpw, Ncn-{Xhpw At\zjn®v "sk≥k¿' sNøs∏-Sp-∂ Xv hna¿in-°-s∏-tS-≠Xv Xs∂bm-Wv. \nXn≥ tPmkv H∂mw h¿jw B. A English
\qdp h¿jw ]n∂n-Sp∂ C¥y≥ Ne-\Nn{XN cnXw
Ne-\-Nn-{X-ß-fpsS C¥ybnse {]Z¿i\w Bcw-`n-°p∂Xv 1896 eqan-b¿ ktlm-Z-c∑m¿ \n¿Ωn® "sse^v Hm^v Pokkv ss{IÃv' F∂ {]Z¿ i-\-Øn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. ]ns∂bpw 3 h¿jw th≠n-h∂p C¥y≥ Ne- \ - N n{X \n¿am- W - Ø n- \ v . 1899 ¬ lcn-›{μ Fkv. `Sv thI¿ DØ-tc-¥y≥ {Kma-ßfnse ÿnc ImgvN-bmb a¬∏nSpØw Nn{Xo-I-cn®v CXn\p Xp S-°-an-´p. A°m-eØv \mS-I-ime- I - f n¬ \mS- I - s Ø- Ø p- S ¿ ∂mWv Ne-®n-{X-߃ {]Z¿in∏n-®n-cp-∂-Xv. Ac-ßn-s\-ØpS¿∂p≈ CØcw ]co-£-W߃ h≥ hnP-b-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ne-®n-{X-Øns‚ hn]-Wn-aqeyw
a\- n-em-°nb sP.-F-^v. aZ≥ CXn-s\-Øp-S¿∂v hym]-Imbn Cu cwK-Øp-h∂ - p. C¥y-°∏ - pd -Øp-\n∂v ss__nƒ, tjIvkv ]n-b¿, Un°≥kv IY-If - p-ambn Ne- ® n- { X- ∏ - X n- ∏ p- I ƒ A°meØv h∂p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂p. 1912-˛-sabv 12-˛\v {]Z¿i-\Øn-s\-Øn® R.G. Torny bpsS ]pfi-enIv C¥y≥ ]›m-Øe-Øn-ep≈ Nn{X-am-bn-cp-∂p. "]pfi-enIv' F∂ tbmKo-hcys‚ sFXn-ly-IY ]d™ Cu Nn{X- Ø n- t \m- s Sm∏w, A dead man child F∂ hntZ- i Nn{Xw Ah-X-cn-∏n-®-Xp-sIm≠v Ncn-{X-Im-c-∑m¿ BZy C¥y≥ IYm-kn-\na F∂ hnti-jWw Cu Nn{X-Øn\v sImSp-°p-hm≥
s{]m^. jmPn tPmk^v ^nknIvkv hn`mKw
hnk- Ω - X n- ® p. C¥y- b nse BZy-IYm kn\na F∂v AwKoI- c n- ° - s ∏- ´ Xv ZmZm- k - l n_v ^m¬t°-bpsS "cmPm lcn›{μ' (1913 sabv 3) Bbn-cp-∂p. lcn›-{μ-I-Y-bpsS \mS-Iob ]p\cmhn-jvIm-c-߃ A°m-eØv km¿h- { Xn- I - a m- b n- c p- ∂ p. ]Sn™m-d≥ aqey-߃s°-Xn-cmb lcn-›{μ IY lnμn, adm-Tn, Xan-gv, ae-bmfw Dƒ∏sS \nch[n `mj-Iƒ ]n∂oSv kn\nabv°p hnj-b-am-°n. _me-KwKm-[-c-Xn-e-Is‚ ]{Xm-[n-]-Xy-
Zpc¥w A\m-›m-Z\w sNøp∂p. ]n∂oSp {]kn≤ kwhn-[m-b-I\mb hn. im¥mdmw sNbvX Cu Nn{X-Ønse \mb-I-\mb I¿j-Is‚ thjw Ahn-kva-cWo-b-am-Wv. im¥mdmw Xs∂ Cu Nn{Xw 1936-˛¬ ]p\¿\n¿an®n-´p-≠v.
Z£n-tW-¥y-bn¬ C¥ym-^nenw I-º\n DSa-bm-bn-cp∂ B¿. \S-cm-P-ap-Xen-bm-cpsS IoN-I-h[w (1916) Bbn-cp∂p BZy-Nn-{Xw. XpS¿ ∂v {Zu]-Zn-hkv{Xm]l-cWw ZmZm-k-ln_v ^m¬t°-bpsS cmPm lcn›{μ F∂ Nn{XØn¬ \n∂v (1917), aln-cm-hW (1919), IenwØn¬ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®p-h∂ tI dmhp s]bn‚¿ \n¿Ωn® kzbw- K-a¿±\w (1920) XpS-ßnb Nn{X- c - ¨ (1921), ߃ apX-en-bm-cp-tS-Xmbn h∂p. k-cn-bn¬ kn\n-a-bv°mbn ]p h¿ (1918), kptc-Jl Xnb ]w‡n XpS-ßp-Ibpw ^m¬ `mPo-dmhp tZiv]msfi (1921), B¿.-F-kv. {]Im-ins‚ `ojvat°sb Npa-Xe G¬∏n-®Xpw knwl-KUv (1923), kmhv Imcn {]- X n- ⁄ (1921) Bbn- c p∂p C°m-eØ - m-Wv. Xne-Is‚ cmjv ]mjv (1925) F∂nh Ncn-{X-hym- sXep-¶nse BZy-kn-\n-a. ]n - fpw, tZio-bh - mZ-hpw, km s∂bpw Gsd ImØn- c n- t ° {Sob {]Xy-bi - m-k{v X-hp-am-bp≈ Jym-\ß A\p-c-RvP\w ^m¬t°-bpsS aq-lnI ]cn-jvI-c-Whpw hnj- ≠n h∂p ae-bm-f-Øn-\v. 1928Ne-®n{X Pohn-X-Øn¬ DS-\o b-ß-fm°n. {]ikvX Fgp-Øp- ˛¬ {]Z¿in-∏n® hnK-X-Ip-amfw ImWm- \ m- h pw. kmhn{Xn Im-c\ - mb B]vtX-bpsS Xnc-°- c≥ ae-bm-f-Ønse BZy-I-Ym(1914), e¶m-Z-l≥ (1917), {ioIr- Y-bn¬ cq]w-sIm≠ kmhvIm- kn-\n-a-bmbn kn\n-am-N-cn-{X-ImjvW-P∑v (1918), `‡-{]-ÀmZ cn-]m-jv, H∂mw temI-al - m-bp-≤- c-∑m¿ AS-bm-f-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. (1926) XpS- ß nb Nn{X- ß ƒ sØ- Ø p- S ¿∂p≈ hdpXn- b p- ]pXnb Ime-Øns‚ Iem-cq-]^m¬t° XpS¿∂p \n¿an-®p. sSbpw, £ma-Øn-s‚bpw ]›m- ambn kn\n-asb a\- n-em-°nb Xp°mdmw, \ma-tZ-hv, P\m-_m- Ø- e - Ø n- e p≈ I¿j- I - c psS kwhn-[m-b-I≥ Um\n b¬ ITn-\-{]-b-Xv\-߃s°mbv, GIv\mYv XpS-ßnb `‡Sp-hn¬ kn\na {]Z¿in-∏n-®p. I-hn-X-I-fpsS Pohn-X-I-Y-I-tfmbmYm-ÿn-Xn-Ic - psS {]Xn-tj-[sSm∏w O{X-][n inh-Pn-bpsS ߃ aqew At±l-Øn\v {]Z¿ Pohn-Xhpw ^m¬t°-bpsS kn i\w XpS¿∂ps Im≠p t]mIm\n-abv°v B[m-c-am-bn-´p-≠v. tZ \mb n√ . kn\na t\cn´ ]cmPiob-X, ]mc-º-cyw, km¿h-Imbt Ø° mƒ `oIc a mb A\pen-IX F∂n-hbv°v At±-l`h a mWv \mbnI b mbn A`n\Øns‚ kn\n-a-bn¬ \n¿Wm-bbn® ]n.s I. tdmkn F∂ ZfnXv I-ÿm-\a - p≠v F∂p ImWmw. bphXn t\cn-tS≠n h∂-Xv. \ncIm¬]-\nI bmYm¿∞y-Øn h[n kwÿm\ tZiob Ahm¿ s‚ h¿W-°q-´p-I-fn¬ \n∂v Up-Iƒ Ic-ÿa - m-°nb sk√pISpØ bmYm¿∞y-Øn-te-°p≈ tembvUv F∂ Ia-¬ Nn{Xw ta am‰-tØm-sS-bmWv 1920-˛-Iƒ Xp ¬∏-d™ Zpc-¥-Øns‚ t\¿ S-ßp-∂Xv Ah¿W-\mb _m_p°m-gvN-bm-Wv. ZmZm-kl - n_v ^m¬t°
hnK-X-Ip-am-cs\ XpS¿∂v h∂ ]n.-hn. dm-hp-hns‚ am¿Ømfi-h¿Ω (1931) bpsSbpw Ah ÿ as‰m-∂m-bn-cp-∂n-√. Cu Nn{X-Øns‚ {]n‚ v tImSXn I ≠p-sI-´n. ]qs\ ^nenw C≥Ãn‰yq´v Iyqtd-‰¿ Bbn-cp∂ ]n.sI. \mb-cpsS A£oW {]b Xv\w aqew am¿Øm-fi-h¿ΩbpsS {]n‚ v C∂v ]q\ B¿t°hv kn¬ kq£n®p h®ncn°p∂p.
kn\na ImWm≥ am{X-a√ tIƒ°m\pw {In°‰v Ia-t‚-‰-dpsS NpaX- e - t ]mse \ni- _ v Z - k n- \ n- a bn¬ kn\na ]d-bm≥ ]cn-ioe\w t\Sn-b-h¿ D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Nne-t∏mƒ kw`m-j-W-ßfpw FgpX-Xn-°m-Wn-®n-cp-∂p. kn\na-bpsS XpS-°-Ønepw kn\n-a°n-S-bnepw Ch-cpsS tkh-\߃ Hgn-hm-°m≥ ]‰m-Ø-Xmbn-cp-∂p; \ni-_vZ-kn-\n-a-bn¬ IY-]-d-®n-en-\p-]p-dta kwKo-X hpw Km\m-em-]-\-hp-sa√mw ]pd ta \n∂p \n¿h-ln®p t]m∂p. Nm¿fn Nmπns‚ \ni-_vZNn-{X-߃°v temI-am-k-Iew kzoIm- c y- X - b p- ≠ m- b n- c p- ∂ p.
bmYm-ÿn-Xn-I-cpsS {]Xn-tj-[-߃ aqew Um\ntben\v "hnKXIpamcs‚' {]Z¿i\w XpS¿∂pt]mIm-\m-bn-√. kn\na t\cn´ ]cmP-btØ-°mƒ `oI-c-amb A\p-`-h-amWv \mbn-Ibmbn A`n-\-bn® ]n.-sI. tdmkn F∂ ZfnXv bphXn t\cn-tS≠n h∂-Xv.
kn\na P\-ß-fn-te°v AtX-hsc \mS-I-cw-KØv am{Xw {]h¿Øn-®c - p∂ C¥y≥ ]o∏nƒ Xntb-‰¿ Atkm-kn-tb j - ≥ (IPTA) {]h¿Ø-I¿ kn\na - b n- t e°v hcp- ∂ Xv ap∏- X p- I fpsS Ah-km-\-am-Wv. sI.-F. A∫m-k,v sal-_q-_J v m≥, cmaN-{μ-Tm-°q¿ XpS-ßn-b-h¿ P\Io-b-kw-kvIm-c-Øns‚ Iem-cq]-ambn kn\n-asb \n¿Δ-Nn-®p. P\-ß-fp-ambn kº¿°-ap-≠mbn-cp∂ C]v‰ {]h¿Ø-I¿ kn\nasb ISpØ Pohn-Xb - m-Ym¿∞yß-fp-ambn _‘-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ {ian-®p. Huc (1940), aZ¿ C¥y (1957) (c-≠p-Nn-{X-ßfpw sal_q_v Jmt‚- X m- W v ) , XpS¿ ∂p≈ [¿Xn- In- em¬ (sI.-F. A∫m-kv, 1946), tUm. tImSv\nkv In Aa¿ Ilm-\n (hn. im¥mdmw, 1946), Bhmc (1951), io 420 (1955) Cu t{iWn-bn¬s∏-SpØmw. A\m-Y\ - pw, \nkz-\pw, \jv S-s∏-Sp-∂h - \ - p-amb \mb-I≥ kn
bn-cp-∂X - v. 1930-˛I - t- fmsS kn\na Im¬]-\n-I-X-bp-sSbpw ^m‚kn- b p- s Sbpw ambn- I - { ]- ] - © Øn¬\n∂pw dnb-en-k-Øns‚ temI-Øn-te°v Nph-Sp-am-dn. im¥m-dm-an-s\-bpw, ]n.-kn. _dqh-tbbpw t]mep≈ kwhn-[mb-I¿ Cu \o°-Øn\v Du∂¬ \¬In. tZim-`n-am-\w, aX-ssa{Xn,- hn-[hm hnhmlw F∂nh CXn-hr-Ø-ambn hcp∂ lnμv tIkcn (ln- μ n, 1955), aZ¿ C¥y (ln-μn, 1938), amXr-`qan (sX-ep¶v, 1930), XymK-`qan (Xan-gv, 1938) XpS-ßnb Nn{X߃ C°m-eØv {i≤n-°-s∏-´p.
hnK-X-Ip-am-c\n¬ \n∂v
Nmπns‚ \ni-_vZ-kn-\n-a-Iƒ Imem- h ¿Øn- I - f mbn C∂pw \ne-\n¬°p-∂p. temI-Ønse BZy-i-_vZ-kn-\n-a-bmb Pmkv knwKdn (1927) s\ XpS¿∂mWv BZy C¥y≥ i_vZN - n{Xw (BZy- lnμn Nn{X-hpw) ]pdØp hcp∂-Xv (1931, am¿®v 14) "Bew Bd.' A¤p-X-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ Hcp bmYm¿∞yw Nm¿fn-Nm-πn-\pw, ^m¬t°-°pw, _m_p-dm-hp-s]bn‚¿°pw, Ah-cpsS \ni-_vZNn-{X-ßsf Ih-®p-sh-°p∂ hn ]Wn hnPbw i_vZ-kn-\n-a-Ifn¬ t\Sm-\m-bn√ F∂-Xm-Wv. ]m´pw A`n-\-bhpw ssIImcyw sNøm-\d - n-bm-hp∂ \So\\-S∑ - mcmWv A°m-eØv kzoIm-cy-cm-
\n-abv°v {]nb-¶-c-\m-Ip-∂-Xv C°m- e - Ø m- W v . cmPv I - ] q¿, sI.-F. A∫mkv Iq´p-sI-´n¬ Cdßnb Nn{X-߃ DZm-l-c-Ww. Im¬]-\n-I-X-bp-sS-bpw, bYm¿ ∞y-Øn-s‚bpw hncp-≤-X-Iƒ H∂n-®p-tN¿Ø satem-{Um-abpw, kmaq-lnI {]Xn-_≤ - X - bpw ka-\z-bn-∏n-°p∂ [mcmfw kn\n a-Iƒ C°m-eØv ]pd-Øp-h∂ - p. C¥ym-˛-]mIv hn`-P-\hpw XpS¿∂p- ≠ mb Zpc- ¥ - ß fpw hnj- b - ß - f m°n kn\n- a - I ƒ \n¿Ωn-°-s∏-Sp-∂Xv \mev]-XpI-fpsS Ah-km-\-tØm-sS-bmWv. hn`-P-\-Øns‚ {]Xym-LmX-ambn thcp-Iƒ \jvS-s∏´v kz¥w CS-ßf - n¬\n∂pw ]memb\w sNbvXv Fßpw FØns∏-Sm-Ø-h-cmb a\p-jy-cpsS hyY-Iƒ ]d-bp∂ EXn-IvL-´IvNn-{X-߃ {]tXyIw {i≤n°- s ∏- t S- ≠ - X m- W v . \mK- c nIv (1952), APm-{¥nIv (1959), taL[m-°m-Xmcm (1960), tImaƒKm‘m¿ (1961), kph¿W- t cJ (1962) apX-em-b-h-bm-bn-cp∂p {][m-\-L-´Iv Nn{X-߃. 1931-˛¬ BZy IYm-kn-\na hs∂- ¶ nepw, ae- b m- f - Ø n¬ BZysØ i_vZ-kn-\na ]nd°m≥ 1938 hsc ImØn-cn-t° ≠n h∂p. "_me≥" 1938 ¬ {]Z¿ i-\Øns\Øn. ae-bm-fØnse Ne-Nn{X {]h¿Ø\w kPo-h-am-Ip-∂Xv Ip©mt°m (D-Zbm ÃpUn-tbm) ]n. kp{_“Wyw (sa- d n- e m‚ v ÃpUntbm) F∂n-h-cpsS Bhn¿`m-htØm-Sp-Iq-Sn-bm-Wv.
FSp-ØmWv DZbw sNbvX-Xv.
kn\nam \n¿Ωm-WcoXn ]mtS am‰n-a-dn® dmbv hmXn¬∏pd Nn{Xo-I-c-W-hpw, kzm`m-hnI shfn-®hn-Xm-\-hpw, \mS-Io-bX-tb-Xp-an-√mØ A`n-\-bhpw sIm≠v "]tY¿ ]©men'sb thdn-´-Xm-°n.
cmjv{Sob {]Nm-c-W-ambn kn \n-asb ^e-{]-Z-ambn {]tbm-P\-s∏-Sp-Øn. ]cm-i‡n (1952) \mtSm-Sn-a-∂≥ (1958) apX-embh CXn\v DZm-lc - W - ß - f - m-Wv. Fw.-Pn. cma-N-{μ≥, Pb-e-fnX apX-emb cmjv{Sob t\Xm-°ƒ Ah-cpsS X´Iw kn\n-a-bmbn
Xan-gn¬ {ZmhnU apt∂‰ IgIw (Un.-Fw.-sI) AÆm-Zpssc-bp-sSbpw Icp-Wm-\n-[n-bpsSbpw t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ Ah-cpsS
\h-kn-\na hn`q-Xn-`q-j≥ _tμm-]m-Xym bpsS "]tY¿ ]©men' F∂ AtX t]cn-ep≈ t\mh¬ kn \n-a-bm-°nb kXy-PnXv dmbv (1955) C¥y≥ kn\nam Ncn-{XØn¬ CSw t\Sn. ÃpUntbm tI {μo-Ir-X-amb kn\nam \n¿ΩmW-coXn ]mtS am‰n-a-dn®p dmbv Cu kn\n-a-bn¬°qSn; hmXn¬ ∏pd Nn{Xo-I-c-W-hpw, kzm`mhnI shfn-®-hn-Xm-\-hpw, \mSIo-b-X-tb-Xp-an-√mØ A`n-\bhpw Cu kn\n-asb thdn-´X - m°n. ÃpUn-tbm-I-fpsS D≈-d-Ifn¬\n∂v ae-bmf kn\n-asb hmXn¬∏p-dß - f - n-te°v sIm≠ph∂ ]n.-F≥. tat\m≥-˛Fw.Sn Soans‚ "Hmfhpw Xochpw' CØcp-WØ - n¬ Hm¿°pI \∂m-hpw. dmbn-bpsS kn\n-am-{X-bß-fmb ]tY¿]m-©men (1955) A]-cm-PntXm (1956), A]p-k≥ km¿ (1959) F∂nh temI-am-kIew Gsd {i≤n-°s - ∏-´p. {Kma˛ -\K - c - s - sh-cp-≤yw, \mK-cnI kv{Xo ˛-]p-cpj _‘-ß-fnse k¶o¿
kXy-PnXv dmbv
W-X, ^yqU-en-k-Øns‚ A]Nbw F∂n-h sb dmbn-bpsS Nn{X-ß-fn¬ A`n-kw-t_m-[\ sNøp-∂p. XpS¿∂v P¬km-K¿ (1958), {]Xn-Zzμn (1970), KWi{Xp (1989), AKm-¥p°v (1992) F∂o Nn{X-߃ dmbv kwhn[m\w sNøp-I-bp-≠m-bn. kam¥-c-ambn \oe-°p-bn¬ (1954), Pohn-X-\uI (1951), \h-temIw (1951), cmcn-®≥ F∂ ]uc≥ "]tY¿(1956) apX- e m- b h ae- b m- f \n¿an-°s - ∏-´p. Adp-]X - p]©meb 'nensqSØn¬ I-fn-emWv ae-bm-f-kn-\n-a-bpsS G‰hpw Ne-\m-fl-I-amb Ncn {Xw Bcw-`n-°p-∂-Xv. kmln-Xy hpw kn\n-a-bp-am-bp≈ _‘w Xo{h-am-Ip-∂Xv C°m-e-ØmWv. tXm∏n¬ `mkn (KPAC) bpsS ]e \mS-Iß - f - p-sSbpw Ne-®n-{X`mjyw C°meØv D≠m- b n. XI-gn-bpsS sNΩo≥ A{`-]mfn-bn-em-°nb cmap Imcym´v {]knU‚ns‚ kz¿W- s a- U ¬ Dƒ s∏sS \nc-h[n ]pc-kvIm-cß - ƒ t\Sn. kmt¶-Xn-IX - e - Ø - n¬ kn\na-bpsS hf¿®bv°v A\p-Iq-e-ambn-cp∂p Adp-]-Xp-Iƒ. Iebv °pw hn]-Wn-°p-an-S-bnse kpc£n-Xa- m¿Kw Xncn-®d- n™ kwhn
tPm¨ F{_mlw
em-\n, Kncojv I¿Wm-Sv, _n.-hn. Imc-¥v, Fw.-Fk - v. kXyp, A]¿ Wm sk≥, Kncojv Imk-dh - ≈ - n, _p≤-tZhv Zmkv Kp]vX apXemb kwhn-[m-b-I¿ CXn\p t\XrXzw sImSp-Øp. ae-bmf kn\n-ab - psS krjv Sm-°-fn¬ ASq¿, Ac-hn-μ≥, jmPn. F≥. Icp¨ tPm¨ F{_-lmw, sI.-Pn. tPm¿÷v, sI. B - ¿. taml≥, sI.-]n. Ipamc≥, ]n.-F. _°¿, ]hn-{X≥ F∂o
ASq¿ tKm]meIrjvW≥
]n-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂p F∂Xv Bizm-k-I-c-am-Wv. CØ-cp-WØn¬ t^kv_p°v t]mep≈ tkmjy¬ s\‰v h ¿ °nßv ssk‰p- I ƒ D]- t bm- K n- ® p≈ {]N-cWw FSp-Øp-]-d-tb-≠Xm-Wv. \h kmt¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-IfpsS {]tem-`-\-ßsf AXn-Pohn-°phm≥ kn\n-a°v i‡n D≠m-hp-sa∂v \ap°v {]Xo-£n°mw.
t]cp-Iƒ {]tXyIw {i≤-b¿ln°p-∂p. 1978-˛¬ 176 lnμn-Nn-{X߃ h∂-t∏mƒ ae- bm-fØ - n¬ 125 Nn{X-߃ dneokv sNøp-Ibp-≠m-bn. sXm´-SpØ h¿jw 130 Nn{X-ß-fpw. c≠m-bncw BIptºm-tg°pw ae-bmf kn\na FÆ-Øn¬ icm-icn 50¬ HXpßn. Xmcm-[n-]X - y-Øns‚ `mKam-bp-≠mb `mcn® \n¿am-Ws - ®ehv Bbn-cp∂p CXn\p {][m\ Imc-Ww. ]t£ ]pXnb Xmc-ßtfbpw IYm-k-μ¿`-ß-tfbpw Dƒs∏-SpØn Xan-gv kn-\na CXn s\ AXn-Po-hn-®p. Xmc-\n-_n-Uamb Ne-®n-Xkw-kI v m-c-Øn\v _Z-embn H´p-an° `mj-I-fn epw Ct∏mƒ kn\n-a-Iƒ hnPb-Ic - a - mbn \n¿an-°s - ∏-Sp-∂p-≠v. CX-c-`m-j-I-fn-se-t∏mse aebm-f-Ønepw Xmc-hn-ap-‡-amb kn\n-a-bpsS Imew i‡n-{]m-
EXnIv L´Iv
-[m-b-Im-c-bn-cp∂p Kpcp-ZØpw hna¬dm- b nbpw. Adp- ] - X p- I fpsS Ah-km-\Ø - nepw Fgp-]Xp-I-fpsS XpS-°-Ønepw kn\nabpw kaq-lhpw XΩn-ep≈ _‘sØ kwhm-Zm-fl-I-ambn kao]n® Hcp-Iq´w kwhn-[m-bI-cmbn-cp∂p arWmƒsk≥, iymw s_\-K¬, aWn-Iuƒ, ASq¿ tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW≥, Ac-hn-μ≥ XpS- ß n- b - h ¿. Ne- ® n- { XsØ cmjv{So-b-]-c-ambn tcJ-s∏-SpØm≥ {ian® arWmƒsk-∂n \p ]n∂mse tPm¨ F{_mlw "AΩ Adn-bm≥" (1986) F∂ kn\n-a-bn-eqsS \n¿Ωm-W-tØ bpw {]Z¿i-\-tØbpw P\Iob-am-°n-Øo¿Øp. C¥y apgph≥ \h-kn-\n-am-X-cwKw Aeb- S n- ® - t ∏mƒ, Ipam¿km”n, iymws_-\-K¬, tKmhnμv \nl-
kz]v\-߃ Xo¿sØm-cm-c-a-Øn≥ \dp-]p-jv]-ß-ft√m \Ωƒ ChnsS \msam-∂m-bv, kvt\l-ambn \Ωnse `n∂X XymK-ambn amdn Hcp kpK‘w ]c-Øm-s\m-∂n®p \Ωƒ ]pXn-sbmcp ]pe-cn-°mbv sImXn®p \Ωƒ kvt\l kulrZ-߃ ]¶p-sh-®Xpw au\-Ko-X-ß-fm-e-]n-®Xpw hnZy-I-sfm-∂mbn \pI¿∂-Xp-an-\nbn Bcm-a-Øn¬ s]menbpw kz]v\-ßtfm
]pXp-]p-ecn ]nd-°s´
D≈n¬ t\mhm-X-W™ ZpxJhpw Dƒa-\-a-dn-™nSpw kt¥m-j-ßfpw hncn-bp-an-\n-bpao Bcm-a-Øn-sem-∂p≠v \Ω-fn-√n-\n-bn-hn-sS.... Adn-bmsX \Ω-f-Sp-ØXpw ]n∂oSv t\mhmsX XΩn¬ Ie-ln-®Xpw Hm¿Ω-Iƒ am{X-ambn amdp-am-Zn\w Hcp hnc-l-ambn F∂pw tijn-®nSpw F≥ s\©Iw ]pI-bp-∂p-≠-dn-bmsX \osb≥ Ic-Xm-cn¬ \n∂-I-ep-sa-t∂m¿°p-tºmƒ F¶n-ep-sam-s∂-\n-°-dnbmw Bhn√ \n\-°˛ Iep-hm-t\m-a-se.... C\n \Ω-fn-hn-Sn-√-sb-¶n-epw˛ hncn-bpam ]pjv]-ß-sfm-s°bpw tim`n°pw C\n-bpam kulrZ hoYn-bn¬ H∂p-tN¿∂nSpw ]pXn-sbmcp ]pe-cn-°mbn ssItIm¿Øn-Spw.
sa¿en≥ kn.-Un. c≠mw h¿jw B. A Economics
nd the figures are Drum rolls please – a woman raped every 44 minutes, every third woman facing atrocities at the hands of their husbands, in laws, a woman abducted every 47 minutes and 17 deaths every day because of insufficient dowry (1998 report of Crime Registration Bureau, now the numbers will have increased by three or five folds). This is the pathetic condition of women in the world’s largest democracy, India. This is a shame that all of us have to bear as one. A country which has a rich heritage of civilization, where women are considered personification of wisdom
(Saraswathi), wealth (Lakshmi) & revenge (Kali), where Goddesses are worshipped without any fail, surely knows how to mistreat its women. Sixty five years after Independence and on its way to become a developed nation, the orthodox views of Indian men regarding women as a bonded slave and a second class citizen haven’t undergone any change and Still remain steadily unwaivered. Even after the advent of liberalization and globalization, achieving landmark progress in economic development and touching new heights in science, technology and research, there are still places in India where woman are forced to stay
within the 4 walls of their houses, denied access to education and nutritious foods, traded like goods ( flesh trade), used like toys and thrown away after use. It makes us wonder what the progress is that we boast we have achieved when the Government and People of India can’t even guarantee that a woman
Sarah Dominic 1st Year B. Com
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 stepping out of her house after 8’o’ clock would return home safe and unharmed. To top this all the sex ratio of India is tumbling down like the value of money (which is saying much) and a survey conducted in Delhi, which is by far, the most de-veloped land in India, shocks us all, or may be not, by stating that out of 2000 abortions that were conducted in the hospitals in Delhi, 1999 were sex selective abortions ie, girls. If this is the condition of Delhi, a place where majority of people are upper class and well educated, I fear to think about the situation of the rest of India. Though we can find an improvement in the number of women participating and directly contributing towards economic development and attaining top echelons of beurocracy, with a women even
NGO’s & other women welfare organiz-ations instead a just raising their voices against atrocities done towards women, must act on their words & lend a helping hand towards the women of India, especially those in the rural parts, to come to the main stream
becoming the President, its not much to count on, as the status of women and men’s attitude towards them, the Delhi gang rape case being a prime example, has only worsened and is doing so in such a manner that one can’t even fathom it. For a woman living in India in the 21st century its literally hell on earth and whats worst is that there is no silver lining for this dark cloud ie, there is no hope that these situations would ever change for good, but its definite that if things continue the same way, the situation would go down hill for them in the future. Its high time that the Government and the citizens of India do anything and every thing in their powers for the
upliftment of woman in the society, to treat them as an equal to their male counter-parts & to give them the respect they deserve. They could start by amending the existing laws, rules and regulations and making new provisions for the violence, committed against women. NGO’s and other women welfare organizations instead of just raising their voices against atrocities done towards women. They must act on their words and lend a helping hand towards the women of India, especially those in the rural parts, to come to the main stream and must fight for them so that they get what’s rightfully theirs. But all of these practices are for nothing if there is no change in the attitude of men towards women. So the clichéd need of the hour is a renovation of the mindset of people in India to see woman not as an inferior being made for the pleasure of men to be used according to their whims and fancies nor as a show piece to be paraded, but to see them as a human being having emotions, feelings, a beating heart and a daring soul. As the next generation we must carry the torch of this change and spread it across the world, as only in a place where women are treated with respect would God dwell & real progress take place. I end this article in a wistful note that I may in my lifetime, bear witness to this change.
hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS tIm¿´n¬ sat{Sm-bp-sS Ifn th≠! F
d-Wm-Ipfw ]´-W-Ønse \nhm-kn-I-fpsS Nnc-Im-em-`n-emj-amb sIm®n sat{Sm sdbn¬ sk‚ v B¬_¿´vkv tImtf-Pns‚ `mK-am-bp≈ tImtfPv {Ku≠ns‚ kao-]-Øp-Iq-Sn-bmWv IS-∂pt]m-Ip-∂Xpw Hcp tÃj≥ πm≥ sNbvXn-´p-≈-Xpw. CXv c≠pw AhnsS hc-W-sa-∂-Xn¬ Hcp X¿°hpw C√. F∂m¬ sat{Sm tÃj-t\mSv tN¿∂p≈ sk‚ v B¬_¿´vkv tImtf-Pns‚ Ifnÿ-e-Øns‚ ]Ip-Xn-`m-Khpw sIm®n sat{Sm tÃj\pw tjm∏nwKv tImwπIvkpw ]Wnbp∂Xn\pth≠n hI-bn-cp-Øn-cn-bn-°p-I-bmsW∂v a\- n-em-°p-∂p. Cu ÿeØv AXn-\q-X-\-amb c≠v sS∂okv tIm¿´p-Ifpw ^pSvt_mƒ tIm¿´ns‚ Hcp `mKhpw Dƒs∏Sp-∂p. Bb-Xn-\m¬ sat{Sm {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fpsS `mK-ambn Ifnÿew C√m-Xm-bm¬ AXv hnZym¿∞n-I-tfmSp sNøp∂ G‰hpw ISpØ A]-cm-[-am-bn-cn-°pw. G‰hpw Xnc-t°-dn-bXpw Im°-\mtS-°p≈ sat{Sm sse≥ XpS-ßp-∂-Xp-amb tÃUnbw tÃj-\n¬ Xs∂ Ch ]Wn-bp-∂Xv X¬∏-c-I-£n-I-fp-sSbpw kzm¿∞-a-XnI- f p- s Sbpw kΩ¿±- Ø n\p hnt[- b am- b n- ´ m- W v . Bb- X n- \ m¬ hnZym¿∞n-k-aq-l-tØmSp sNøp∂ Cu A]-cm[w FXn¿°-s∏tUm. Fw.F¬. tPmk^v tS-≠-Xm-Wv. {Ku≠v kwc£W kanXn I¨ho\¿
hcm-∏pg AXn-cq-]-X-bpsS ta¬t\m-´Ø - n¬ 1946¬ ÿm]nX-amb sk‚ v B¬_¿Svkv tIm tfPv alm-flm-Km‘n k¿h-Iem-im-e-bp-ambn A^n-en-tb‰v sNbvXn-´p-≈Xpw PmXn-a-X-t`-Zat\y 1700 ¬∏cw hnZym¿∞nIƒ ]T\w \S-Øp-∂-Xp-amb Hcp ÿm]-\-am-Wv. bqWn-thgvkn‰n {Km‚k v v IΩo-js‚ A {I-Un-t‰-j≥ {]Imcw tZio-bX-e-Øn¬ A t{KUv t\Snb ÿm]-\a- m-Wn-X.v C∂sØ ssl t°m¿´v sI´n-S-Øn-\-SpØv Xq i≥]-dºv ]pc-bn-SØ - n-emWv tIm tf- P ns‚ BZy- I me {Ku≠v D≠m-bn-cp-∂-Xv. tImtf-Pns‚ XpS-°° - m-eØv, 1946 ¬ a{Zmkv bqWn-th-gvkn-‰n-b n¬ A^nen tb-j≥ e`n°m\mbn _lp. sIm®n alm-cm-Pmhv 7 G°-tdm fw hcp∂ Cu NXp∏v \new
hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°v Ifnÿ-ea- n-√m-Xm-Ip-∂Xv {]Xn-tj-[m¿lhpw ISpØ \oXn \ntj-[hp-am-W.v Ct∏m-gt- Øbpw ap≥Im-e-ß-fnsebpw hcp-hm-\p-≈-Xp-amb hnZym¿Yn-I-fpsS Ah-Im-i-ß-tfm-Sp≈ A[n-I-m-cn-I-fpsS Xmev]-cy-°p-d-hmWv shfn-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv.
tImtfPv {Ku≠n\pth≠n A \phZn®p. aq∂v ]Xn-‰m-t≠mfw CXv tImtf-Pns‚ Ifn-ÿ-am-bncp-∂p. XpS¿∂v 1972 ¬ Pn√m `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-If - psS A`y¿∞\sb XpS¿∂v tImtfPv amt\Pvsa‚ v Cu Ifn-ÿew ]Icw ÿew Xcp-sa∂ Dd-∏n-t∑¬ ^nj-dokv hIp-∏n\v ssIam-dpIbpw sNbvXp. F∂m¬ A[nIm-cn-Iƒ Cu Dd∏v ]men-°pI-bp-≠m-bn√ F∂v am{X-a√, 11 h¿j-tØmfw Ip´n-Iƒ°v Ifnÿew \ntj-[n-°p-I-bp≠m-bn. \o≠ h¿j-tØmfw \n e-\n∂ A[n-Im-cn-I-fpsS \oXn \ntj-[Ø - n-\n-Sb - n¬ Ah-km-\∏-Sn-bmbn hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ - sXcphn¬ Cd-ßp-Ibpw _m\¿Pn tdmUn¬ ^pSvt_mfpw tlm°n bpw Ifn®v {]Xn-tj-[n-°p-I-bpap- ≠m-bn. \nc-h[n h¿jsØ CØcw {]t£m-`-ß-fpsS ^eambn 1983 ¬ kwÿm-\k - ¿°m¿
hcp-hm-\p-≈-Xp-amb hnZym¿YnI-fpsS Ah-Im-i-ß-tfm-Sp≈ A[n-I-m-cn-I-fpsS Xmev]-cy-°pd-hmWv shfn-s∏-Sp-∂X - v. tImtfPnse A[ym]I A\-[ym-]I kaq-lhpw amt\-Pvsa‚pw Cu ÿe-ta-s‰-Sp-°¬ \b-tØmSv i‡-amb hntbm-Pn∏v tcJ-s∏Sp-Øp-∂p.
kzbw-`-c-Wm-h-Imiw \¬Ip-∂Xn\v ip]m¿i sNøp-Ibpw sN bvXn-´p-≠v.
Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂p. Bb-Xn-\m¬ tImtf-Pns‚ \ne-\n¬∏ns\ Øs∂ _m[n-°p-∂Xpw, hnZym ¿∞n kaq-l-tØmSp sNøp-∂Xp-amb Cu A]-cm[w FXn¿ °-s∏-tS-≠-Xm-Wv.
\n›nX Af-hp-I-fn-ep≈ Hcp Ifn-ÿew F√m D∂X hnZym-`ymk ÿm]-\-߃°pw Kh¨sa‚ v N´-{]-Im-cw \n¿
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Telangana is a region in Andhra Pradesh and was originally a princely state, ruled by the erstwhile Nizam of Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh today as it stands, can be divided into three regions – Telangana, Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra.
Telengana : The Real State
The Telangana region comprises of districts in the Western and Central Andhra Pradesh .It comprises 10 of Andhra Pradesh’s 23 districts. It accounts for 119 seats out of the 294 seats in Assembly.
Abhijith Sreedhar 1st Year B. A English
elangana issue” is the word of the day. Many people know it as a demand/ struggle for another state. But there is much more to it. When did Telengana became a puzzle where one celebrate over the mechanisms that go into the making of a State ? To find answers to these questions, let’s rewind the scene to the late 1950’s. i) Telangana at the time of Independence Post independence Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra were separated from the Madras State in 1953 and were merged with the Telangana region of Hyderabad in 1956 to form the state of Andhra Pradesh. The remaining parts of the Telangana region were merged with Karnataka and Maharashtra. This was the first state that was carved out on linguistic lines in the country. ii) Demands for a separate Telangana State The demand for a separate state became very strong in the 1960’s. The reason being that, Andhra and Telengana did not share much in common.Andhra that was initially a part of the
Madras presidency had much better standards of development and education. Telangana on the other hand was more feudal in its approach and much less developed.The Telangana people had reservations also because they feared they would lose out on many jobs with the mergerThe cultural differences too were apparent. Under the rule of the Nizam, the Telangana region bore influences of Northern India. The kind of festivals being celebrated too was different.
iv) New politics. It is important to keep in mind the varied reactions and responses of political parties with respect to the formation of Telangana as a State in order to understand the larger political climate at this moment. Soon after the announcement was made, many Telanganabased leaders of the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS), the Congress party and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) gathered at the Martyrs’ Memorial near the State Assembly in Hyderabad to pay homage to those who died in the pro-Telangana
v) Building up of the fire History shows how the modern states have emerged from the vortex of social violence of all kinds. Andhra Pradesh witnessed violent protests immediately after the Telangana announcement, leading to the deployment of paramilitary forces in Hyderabad and in other towns of coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema districts. A number of leaders associated with the demand for separate statehoodof Gorkhaland, Bodoland and Vidarbha in particular—have already Haritha Pradesh started their agitations. The closure of public offices and educational institutions and disruption of daily life in West Bengal and Assam are indicative of the desire and desperation of people for separate States for their regions. These demands makes us examine the complex relationships intersecting the boundaries of identity, region, language, culture, caste, class, and the state.A larger democratic consensus needs to emerge on questions such as whether smaller States are
vi) The Srikrishna Committee Report Srikrishna committee headed by Justice BN Srikrishna was set up to look into whether a separate state should be carved out or a united Andhra must remain. The committee was constituted by the Government of India in 3 February 2010 and expected to submit its report on 30 December 2010 to the Ministry of Home Affairs. As part of the committee they invited people from all sections of the society and also toured the entire state where they got the opinions of a lot of people on what they felt about the issue. The SriKrishna Report was released on the internet to the public on 6 January 2011. The report places before the government several options rather than recommendations on how to handle
economically more viable and sustainable. The developmental indices of smaller and larger states in terms of economic growth, social security, education, health, child mortality, gender equity, and regional disparities, among others, need to be analysed to arrive at some kind of a rational criteria for the creation of newer and smaller states. Is it useful to compare states of unequal sizes and shapes irrespective of their historical-cultural and geo-linguistic context? States that are created out of political compulsions or the politics of the day cannot survive because of the inherent undemocratic impulses within them.
This was primarily a student protest which erupted in the regions of Telangana with Osmania University proving to be the hot bed of it all. The protests became massive with large numbers of people taking part in the agitation. Over 350 people lost their lives in lathi charge and police firing. Former Congress Soon the Telangana also ended up being a deeply political issue November 29, 2009, KCR took a fast until death demanding that the Congress Government introduce the Telangana bill in the parliament. Student’s rallies and people from various organizations took part in the demands and there were massive protests in many regions of Telangana. With KCR’s health fast failing the centre was forced to look into issue and finally gave into his request of a separate state making KCR end his 11 day fast
agitation and supported the struggle. The political calculations in terms of the electoral gains began to be worked out seriously by various political parties. The Congress might emerge a winner in this game with hopes of bagging Telangana as a political reward from a grateful people.
iii) The 1969 Agitation
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 the three parts of the state: Coastal Andhra, Telangana and Rayalaseema. The 505page report lists six options and then itself rules out the first three options as not being practical, saying the most “workable option” is the sixth one - a united Andhra Pradesh with constitutionally-allocated regional rights to help the socio-economic development of the Telangana region. The Telangana protesters was obviously against this report. This new state has to get into the line of development, which is not only economic growth and regional quality but to offer reasonable prospects for better governance, responsible and adequate devolution of power to people and equitable utilisation of resources. For the people of a small State, being closer to the corridors of power and its resources might prove beneficial; States of equality and justice might be more accessible to all sections, particularly to the most disadvantaged ones. The new State should break the casteclass hierarchical nexus .Does the identity politics based on region, caste, class, gender, language or ethnicity enable or disable a particular kind of economic development in a culturally diverse and institutionally federal country such as India? It will be important to see whether in the years to come Telangana statehood leads us to a new wave of metamorphosis
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etting a job immediately after graduation is exciting and if you get it through campus recruitment it is a reward. Job providers are hunting for right candidates in the campus and hence campus Recruitment has become a popular activity in Higher Education institutions. Try and capture the Albetian way of doing things through an interview with 2 men who best represent it. Look at how Georgee V. Cyriac and Saeem Sameed of B. Com IIIrd year who have contributed significantly in their work and belief, to crack the campus selection of Goldman Sachs. Q: Traits and skills employers are looking for? The main trait one must possess is the skill of communication. If a person posses a good communication skill then he can easily get through an interview and rest can be automatically developed. The scores you get in written test is of less weight age. It is enough to obtain the qualifying percentage of marks but you should be honest and spontaneous in what ever you say. Should have eye contact with the interviewer as well as attentiveness. The speaking style, framing and clarity of words, sitting posture, dressing style etc counts very much for an interview . Be proactive and not reactive. To develop these
tété-a-tété with the titans skills watch English channels, programmes and news instead of watching local channels and networks. Also it is mandatory that you read lot of books Q: Contribution of educational institution in developing such skills and traits. The exposure one gets from his/her college very much affects our performance in an interview. Right now we already feel in our bones that schools and colleges are the best thing that happened to a person and how it has transformed each one into well bred, virtuous and holistically
developed youngsters, ready to take an the world. The educational institutions must give ample opportunity to interact with the world culture. It should support a student by giving chance to get to know with people from different parts of India/world rather than communicating with people on a local scale. It should attain a motto of studying people rather than studying books. These institutions should conduct seminars so that the students gets exploring in public speaking, organizing an event and exporting new avenues of life.
Q. Should our campus remain knowledge factory? If no, what else do you expect from campus. To a certain extent our campus is a knowledge factory because it mainly concentrates on syllabus completion. It is also text book oriented learning. But instead of being just a knowledge factory it must concentrate more on developing interactive skills and communicative skills. For this the educational institutions must have active cultural clubs such as debating. literary, sports, interact etc and should give ample opportunity for students to participate in various cultural programmes and events. Thus in these process of entertaining and socializing with people one could realize how privileged they are and how much difference they could make for their society. It also helps in boosting one’s self
The packages offered by most companies for commerce graduates is comparatively lower than that offered to a graduate from any other background. But as a matter of fact, the education qualification of a commerce graduate should not end with BCom/ BBA but rather he/she should go for masters or other certified courses. B-schools are looking for graduates with at least 2 years of job experience. After graduation, going for a job is, not about, making money but it is all about gaining experience and exposure. The principle goal of recruiters is to create individuals who are capable of doing new things and not simply repeating what other generations have done. “I put a lot of thought into everything I do, should always take a decision with your tough mind and not with your tender heart”……….. saeem. Q: Role of parents in developing values, ethics etc. Parents have been the pillars of stability in times of
Parents personal visions should not be a barrier for the different visions and dreams of the child. They should allow them to choose their stream, course and career. Parents must spend time to understand more about their children’s vision and they must ensure that they have value added something to the visions of their children. Getting through an interview is not merely a cake walk. We now realize how much of each ones hard work determination, patience and perseverance is needed to make the journey success. The greatest way to predict the future is to invent it! “The key thing for as leader for me is to amplify my capacity. My parents, teachers and friends are very supportive, I will be proud if somebody is inspired by me…. Georgy.
Q: Do the packages offered by the campus recruiters in commensurate with other graduates.
turmoil, hesitance and our quest. They give us moral support in our every endeavors. They take a deep introspection into our life & bring out the best in us. We are taught to believe in our potential. They just teach us to become humane rather than just remain as human. Thus our values and ethics like honesty adaptability with different environment, connecting with people are improved.
Campus plays a very important role in developing skills and traits. If the peers or friends are of English conversing nature, then automatically the tone, usage of words, vocabulary etc. will be developed. Now a days English speaking in schools/college campus is not properly made sure by authorities. Thus the kids take it for granted and they are not able to survive in this highly competitive world.
confidence and skills. This process provides for the growth of body, mind and soul in equal proportions and making every student to think laterally in all dimensions.
Q: Campus environment in developing skills?
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""Rm≥ ssZhsØ I≠n-´p≠v; ssZhw C¥y°v th≠n \memaXv _m‰p sNøp∂p'' amXyp slbvUs‚ Cu hm°p-Iƒ aXn temIw `mc-Xo-b-\mb Hcp Ipdnb a\p-jys\ F{X-am{Xw BZc-thm-sS-bmWv ImWp∂Xv F∂-dn-bm≥. F∂m¬ k®n≥ ]mUgn®p; {In°‰v temIw I≠ CXn-lm-k-Xmcw k®n≥ ctajv sX≠p¬°¿, \hw-_¿ 18-˛mw XobXn {In°-‰n-t\mSv hnS-]-d-™t∏mƒ, AXv {In°-‰ns\ hnIm-c-ambn ImWp∂ P\-tIm-Sn-I-fpsS s\©p-]n-f¿°p∂ kXy-am-bn. 126
ambn Hcp- t ]mse Dƒs°m ≈m≥ k®n\v Ign-™p. k®n≥ hnc- a n- ° - W - s a∂v h¿j- ß ƒ °p-aptº apd-hnfn Iq´n-ht- cm-Spw, k®ns‚ bpKw Ah-km-\n®p F∂v {]kv X m- h n- ® p- s Im≠v hna¿- i n- ® - h - t cmSpw At±lw ]cn-`-hn-®n-√.
kzcw \∂m-b-t∏mƒ ]m´v \n¿Ønb amÿ ªmÿ, Ifn°-f-Øn¬ Cd-ßn-bn-s√-¶nepw P\-tIm-Sn-I-fpsS lrZ-b-Øn s‚ ]n®n¬\n∂v Hgn-™p-t]mIn√ F∂Xv Dd-∏m-Wv.
tNjvS-Iƒ sIm≠pw \mhpsIm≠pw Xs‚ Bfl-hn-izm kw sISp- Ø m≥ {ian- ° p∂ t_mf¿s°-Xnsc {]tIm-]n-X\m-ImsX Hcp ]p©ncn \¬In, ASpØ ]¥v _u≠dn ISØn _m‰v s Im≠v am{Xw adp- ] Sn ]d™ k®n≥ {In°‰v Ifn-bn
hnP-b-Øns‚ Nncnbpw {] iw-kbpw ]qs®-≠p-Ifpw ]cmP-b-Øns‚ IÆp-\ocpw hna¿ i-\-Øns‚ Iqc-ºp-Ifpw ]Iz-
Ifn°v tNcmØ Hcp A]i-_vZtam {In°-‰n\v tNcmØ Hcp s]cp-am-‰tam Hcn-°epw B alm-am-{¥n-I-\n¬ \n∂p≠m-bn-√. Ifn-bpsS CS-th-f-Ifn¬ \nim-¢-_nepw Im¿sd-bv knw-Kn-ep-ambn kplr-Øp-°ƒ kabw sNe-hn-Sp-tºmƒ k®n≥ s\‰vkn¬ {]mIvSokv \S-ØpI-bm-bn-cp-∂p. kpμ-cn-Ifpw [\nI-cp-amb FÆw \nd™ ImapIn-am-cpsS Im¥n-I-h-e-b-Øn¬ At±lw s]´n-√. Aßs\ Ifn °v ]pd-Øp≈ Ifn-I-fn¬ s] SmsX Icn-b¿ ImØp-kq-£n® alm≥ F∂ \ne- b n- e mWv k®n≥ Hcp ]mT-]p-kvX-I-am-Ip∂-Xv.
se am\y-X-bpsS {]Xo-I-ambn amdn. Hcp a\p-jym-bp- ns‚ apgp-h≥ t\´-ßfpw Iøn-semXp-°p-tºm-gpw, Al-¶c - n-°msX hn\bw F∂ ]Z-Øn\v ]pXnb A¿∞X-eß - ƒ \¬In, k®n≥. C∂pw {]i-kvXn-bpsS Hu∂Xy- Ø n¬ \n¬°p- t ºmgpw Hmtcm Ifn-bp-sSbpw hni-Zmw-i߃ tIm®v cam-Im¥v At—°-tdmSv N¿® sNøp∂ k®n≥ Kpcp-injy _‘-Øn\v ]pXnb am\-amWv \¬In-b-Xv.
IS- ∂ p- t ]mb Im¬\q- ‰ m≠n¬ C¥ysb C{X-b-[nIw kzm[o-\n® as‰mcp hy‡n-bp≠m-hn-√. k®n≥ F∂ aq∂£cw C¥y≥ tZin-tbm-Zv{K-Y\-Øns‚ Nn”-ambn amdn. kn \nabpw kocnbepw cmjv{So-b hpw Db¿Øn-∏n-Sn® \mbI∑m ¿°v Iø-Sn® C¥y k®ns‚ Ifn-bn-S-߃°v Np‰pw P\-kmK-c-ß-fm¬ ]qØ Xmgvhc kr jvSn-®p. Ifn-°-f-Øn¬ t\Snb sk©-dn-Ifpw sdt°m¿Up-I fpw A√ k®ns\ A\-iz-ca - m-°p∂-Xv, adn®v k®n≥ F∂ ]®a-\p-jys‚ kwkvIm-c-k-º-∂X-bmWv; ]Iz-X-bm-Wv.
Xncnt™m, adn-t™m, AtXm Iat∂m? Fß-s\-bm-sW‚p-d-°-Øns‚ {]IrXw? Igp-Øp-hsc aqSn-bn-cp∂ ]pX-s∏-ß-s\-bmWv Du¿∂n-dßn Imen¬ Npcp-≠p-Iq-Sp-∂Xv? Iq¿°w-h-en-bn¬ hnizm-k-an-Xp-h-sc-bn√! ]ns∂, F¥p-sIm-≠-hƒ Fgp-t∂¬°p-tºmƒ Ak-ly-amb \m‰-am-sW∂p ]d-bp-∂Xv? Cß-s\-bmWv Imcy-߃ \ofp-∂-sX-¶nepw Dd-°-Øn¬ Fs‚ inc- v, inc- p-am{Xw im¥-am-bn-cp∂p F∂p-thWw Icp-Xm≥.
k©p tPmkv H∂mw-h¿jw B. A English
What to do T
he Recent decrease in the value of our rupee shows how vulnerable our economy is. All it will take the World Bank to simply declare our economy as unstable and its curtains down for all of us right from the small farmers to the Tatas and the Ambanis because lets face with no foreign company or country likes to do business with unstable economies or businessman from that particular nation.
Adithya Anil Kumar 1st Year BA Economics
(or what not to do) during an economic
How did this happen? Our imports expenses are huge. Which means we pay in billions of dollars to get all kinds of stuff from other countries which we could think we can easily get in our nearest supermarket, but our exports are not at all high cause no one from other country will pay a dime for our products because they don’t want our stuff . So we have to pay more for others products yet we don’t get anything in
return. Since we do not earn anything the value of our money does not increase. Thereby its value takes a skydive from there. Guys, to be clear its not the value of dollars increasing everyday it’s the value of its corresponding currency decreasing. The dollar is only a benchmark to measure the values of currencies. So you will probably ask now “ what are we supposed to do shouldn’t the finance
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 minister manage the economy better? What difference can we make”. Well no matter how many policies they bring out or how strange they seem(like closing petrol stations at night), it will be upto us ,the common people to follow it. Now what can we do? Well for starters we can use products made in our own country. I know it is obviously hard but the reason is quite simple. If our products are used then it will be an indication that these particular products are in demand and thus their value increases and ultimately increasing the earnings of our government when they export these products. The process is even more complex but this is the short version of it. Now I know its hard for some of us to switch from”firangi” to “desi” products but lets face it: why should we pay more money for those products when we can get the same stuff for half the price. The only difference between our products and their’s is that they look more attractive on the outside. Of course some are better but only few of these for example Reebok and Nike makes good shoes that go beyond size 11 but Bata still has to go beyond size 9. But the rest just suck your money like a leech even when you can buy our own good home-made products. This might sound stupid but hey its better than what our government comes up with.
kRvPp km_p c≠mw h¿jw B. Sc Botany
Fs∂ tXSn Hcp kz¿Æ-c-Y-Øn¬ Fs‚ tZh≥ hcpw hsc kvt\l-sa-s¥∂v Rm≥ Adn-™n-cp-∂n-√.... Ah-s\-\n°v ap∂n¬ Xo¿Ø kvt\l-Øns‚ amkva-cnI temI-Øn¬ F√mw kz¥-am°n-b-h-sf-t]mse Rm≥ ]mdn \S-∂p.... Ah≥ IqsS-bp-≠m-bn-cp∂ Hmtcm Zn\-cm-{X-ßfpw Hcm-bp- ns‚ apgp-h≥ {]W-bhpw kt¥m-jhpw F\n°v kΩm-\n-®p. Ah-s\-\n°v \evIn-bXv kvt\l-Øns‚ ]q°m-e-am-bn-cp-∂p.... {]W-b-Øns‚ ]q°m-e-am-bn-cp-∂p.... Ah-t\m-sSm-∏-am-bn-cp∂ Hmtcm \nan-jhpw Rm≥ lrZ-b-tØmSv tN¿Øp-h-®n-cp∂ Fs‚ {]Wbw BtLm-jn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p.... A\p-cm-Kn-X-amb F{X-sb{X ]pe-cn-I-fmWv Fs‚ {]W-b-Øn\p km£n-I-fm-b-Xv.... aghn√ns‚ Atß A‰w hsc Fs∂ kz]v\w ImWm≥ ]Tn-∏n-®Xv Ah-\m-bn-cp-∂p.... HSp-hn¬ kz]v\-ß-fp-sSbpw {]W-b-Øn-s‚bpw sImSp-ap-Sn-tbmfw Fs∂ FØn®v XI¿∂ Hcp lrZ-bhpw \odp∂ Iptd Hm¿Ω-Ifpw kΩm-\n®v Ahs‚ kz¿Æ-c-YØn¬ Fs∂ X\n-®m°n Fs‚ tZh≥ bm{X-bm-bn.... Ahs‚ Hm¿Ω-Iƒ am{Xw Iq´n-\p≈ GIm-¥-X-bn¬ as‰mcp cY-sas∂ tXSn-sbØn. AXn¬ Rm≥ k¿Δw ad∂v bm{X-bm-bn.... Ahs‚ Hm¿Ω-I-fn¬ am{Xw Pohn-®v.... as‰mcp tZh-tem-I-tØ-°v.... ac-W-Øns‚ XpSn-Xm-f-ß-tfm-sS....
\ntj[ thm´n\v
U_nƒ sse°v ! C
{Xbpw Imew, sXc-s™-Sp∏v Znhkw thm´v ]mgm°n If-b-≠t√m F∂v hnNm-cn®v "XΩn¬ t`Zw sXmΩ\v' thm´v sNbvXv, t]mfnwMv _qØn¬ \n∂v aS-ßp-∂-h-cm-bncp∂p `qcn-]£w P\-ß-fpw. F∂m¬ P\m-[n]Xy {]mXn-\n-[y-Øns‚ 49-˛mw hIp∏v t`ZKXn sNø-W-sa∂pw thm´nwMv b{¥-Øns‚ / _me‰v t]∏-dns‚ G‰hpw HSp-hn-embn "apIfn¬∏-d™ B¿°pw thm´n√' F∂ Hm]vj≥ IqSn Dƒs∏-Sp-ØpIbpw sNøWsa∂mWv tImSXn ]d-bp-∂-Xv. tImtf-Pn¬ cmjv{So-b-ans√-¶nepw a\- n¬ cmjv{Sob ho£-W-ap-≈-hcmWv B¬t_¿´n-b≥kv. tImSXn hn[n h∂Xns‚ ]nt‰∂v tImtf-Pnse sFUnb "^mIvSdn-bmb' tÃm¨_-©nse N¿®-I-fnepw s\K‰ohv thm´nwMv IS-∂p-h-∂p. tImtfPv amKkn≥ kanXn AwK-߃ IqSn tN¿∂-t∏mƒ Iym‚o-\nse Nmb t]mse N¿®bpw NqSm-bn. ""\ΩpsS P\-߃°v {]tbm-P-\-an-√mØ ÿm\¿∞n-Iƒ°v thm´v sNøp-∂-Xn-t\-°mƒ \√-X-t√, "B¿°pw thm´n√' F∂v tcJ-s∏-Sp-
Øp-∂-Xv. ^nknIvkv Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse \ho≥ tdm°n-bq-tS-Xm-bn-cp∂p Cu Ia‚ v. Np‰pw IqSn-bn-cp∂ tImtf-Pnse ImbnI Xmc߃s°√mw s\K-‰ohv thm´nw-Kn-s\-°p-dn-®v t]mkn-‰o-hmb A`n-{]m-b-amWv D≠m-bn-cp-∂Xv. ""]m¿´n-Iƒ amdn amdn `cn®v P\-߃°v aSpØp Ign-™p. CXv aqew thm´v sNømsX
P\-߃°v {]tbm-P-\-an-√mØ ÿm\¿∞n-Iƒ°v thm´v sNøp-∂-Xn-t\-°mƒ \√-X-t√, "B¿°pw thm´n√' F∂v tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv.''
U Turn Survey \ntj[ thm´ns\ \n߃ A\pIqen°p∂pt≠m?
76% PnjmZvtam≥ kn.Un.
tImtfPv bqWnb≥ sNb≥am≥
amdn-\n¬°p-∂-h-cmWv IqSp-X-epw. am‰-am-{K-ln°p∂ bph-P-\-߃ Hcp ]m¿´n-bp-≠m-°msa∂v h®m¬ AXn\v P\-]n-¥pW t\SpI Ffp-∏-hp-a-√. At∏mƒ \ntj-[-thm´v \√ am¿K-amWv! Ct°m-W-an°vkv Un∏m¿´v sa‚nse \nJn¬ kmhn-tbm-bv°pw, Cw•ojv Un∏m¿´v-sa‚nse hnZym¿∞nbpw B¿Svkv ¢∫v sk{I-´-dn-bp-amb k\q]v sI.-F-kn\pw Htc A`n-{]m-b-amWv Cu hnj-b-Øn¬.
\ntj[ thm´ns\ A\pIqen°p∂p, kaqlØn\papºn¬ sX‰pImsc∂pd∏mbhsc cmjv{Sob ]m¿´nIƒ ho≠pw Db¿Øns°m ≠ph∂m¬ \ap°v C\n {]XnIcn°mat√m?
tImSXn hn[n sIm≠p am{Xambn√, P\߃ Gs‰Spsضn¬ am{Xta \ntj[ thm´nwKv hnPbn°p. Hcp ]t£ P\m[n]Xy acnb tPmkven≥ Henh¿ k¿°mcns‚ XI¿® tImtfPv bqWnb≥ bv°p Xs∂ CXp sNb¿t]gvk¨ ImcWamtb°mw
kp{]ow tImSXn hn[n kzmKXm¿lamWv. Pm\m[n]XyØn¬ hnizkn°p∂hcpsS hnPbw IqSnbmWnXv. sP¿Pkv hn. tP°_v F∂m¬, thm´v \ntj [n°m≥ IqSpX¬ Bfp tImtfPv bqWnb≥ P\d¬ sk{I´dn Isf CXv {]tNmZn∏n°pw
\ntj[ thm´-√, A[n-Im-c-Øn¬ XpS-cm≥ tbmKyX-bn-√m-Ø-hsc Xmsg-bn-d-°m-\p≈ A[n-Im-c-amWv P\-߃°v th≠-Xv.'' ""\ntj[ thm´mWv Hcp afi-e-Øn-se¶n¬ Pbn® ÿm\m¿∞n XpS-cp-∂-Xn¬ A¿∞-apt≠m? \ntj[ thm´-√, A[n-Im-cØn¬ XpS-cm≥ tbmKy-X-bn-√m-Ø-hsc Xmsgbn-d-°m-\p≈ A[n-Im-c-amWv P\-߃°v th≠-Xv.'' ^nkn-Ivknse C{μPnØns‚ A`n{]mbw AXm-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ \ntj[ thm´v \S-∏m-°p-∂-Xn\v thdn´ Bi-b-ap-≠m-bn-
cp∂p APva-ens‚ Iøn¬. ""Hmtcm ÿm\m¿ ∞n-bpsS t]cn-t\mSp tN¿∂pw s\K-‰ohv _´¨ shbv°-Ww'' (F≥{S≥kv ]co-£bn¬ ImWp-∂-Xp-t]m-se). AXp-hgn Ce£\v IqSp-X¬ Ign-hp-≈-hsc a’-cn-∏n-°m≥ ]m¿´n-Iƒ \n¿_-‘n-X-cm-Ipw. ""Xocp-am\w \√-Xm-Wv, ]t£ kp{]owtIm-SXn hn[n {]Im-c-a√ ]m¿e-sa‚n¬ N¿® sNbvX-Xn\v tijw am{Xw FSp-t°≠ Xocp-
""Xocp-am\w \√-Xm-Wv, ]t£ kp{]ow-tIm-SXn
hn[n {]Im-ca - √ ]m¿e-sa‚n¬ N¿® sNbvXX - n\v tijw am{Xw FSp-t°≠ Xocp-am-\-am-Wn-Xv'' am-\a - m-Wn-sX-∂mWv Cw•ojv Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse jmep-hn-s‚bpw kplr-Øp°-fp-sSbpw A`n-{]m-bw. \ntj-[-thm´v P\m[n-]-XysØ kzm[o-\n-°n√; Akm-[p-thm-´pI-fpsS FÆw Ipd-bp-sa-∂Xv Hgn-®m¬ \ntj-[-thm´v h∂XpsIm≠v {]tXy-In®v KpW-sam∂pw D≠m-In√ F∂mWv AIzmIƒ®-dnse k©p N{μ-ti-J-dn-s‚bpw kplr-Øp-°-fp-sSbpw A`n-{]m-bw. P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn¬ P\-Øns‚ i‡n cmjv{Sob t\Xm-°ƒ Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ \ntj-[thm´v klm-bn°pw; sXc-s™-Sp-∏n-\p≈ Ah-Imiw t]mse AXv \ntj-[n-°m-\p≈ Ah-Imiw P\-߃°pap≠v F∂Xv hy‡am-Wv. tImS-Xnbpw sXc-s™-Sp∏v IΩoj\pw ]d-bp-∂-Xp-t]mse sXc-s™-Sp∏v Pb-]-cm-P-b-߃ \n¿W-bn-°p-∂-Xn¬ \ntj[-thm-´n\v ÿm\-an-s√-¶n¬ CsXmcp hyYm hymbm-a-at√ F∂ tNmZyhpw {]k-‡-am-Wv.
ays past by As those faces Which were similar Starts to fade by. Hoping to bring up The memories deep inside. Praying for a new start With a new life and different faces. While still holding To the old ones Deep in my heart.
P\m-[n-]-XysØ i‡n-s∏-Sp-Øm≥ bYm¿∞-Øn¬ th≠Xv \ntj-[-thm-´nw-KneqsS t]mfnwKv iX-am\w h¿≤n-∏n-°-e√ adn®v DØ-c-hm-Zn-Ø-tØmsS kaq-lsØ {]m]vX-am-°p-I-bmWv Bh-iyw. F¥mbmepw P\m-[n-]Xyw C\nbpw IqSp-X¬ P\-Io-b-am-I-s´.
Nikhil Wilson 1st Year B. A English
Irjn sNøm≥ hn´n¬ ÿean√, ^vfm‰n¬ CSan√ F∂p ]d™psIm≠v Xangv\m´n¬ \n∂pw a‰pw FØp∂ ]®(hnj)°dnIƒ hmßn amdmtcmKnIfmbn amdpIbmWv aebmfnIƒ, ChnsSbmWv \ΩpsS tImtfPnse kPnXv Zmkv ]n.UnbpsS "AIzmt]mWnIvkv' s{]mPIv‰v P\{i≤ ]nSn®p]‰p∂pXv. H∂c NXpc{i ASnÿeØn¬ \n∂pw hnkvabn∏n°p∂ hn[Øn¬ ssPh]®°dnIƒ hnfbn® kPnXv, bq tSWn\pth≠n Xs‚ hnPbclkyw ]¶phbv°p∂p.
C\n Irjn sNømw; em`-I-c-ambn.. kPnXv Zmkv ]n.-Un. c≠mw h¿jw M. Sc. AFA
ΩpsS kwÿm\w Hcp ^vfm‰v kwkv-Im-c-Øn-te°v amdns°m-≠n-cn-°p-I-bmWv. F∂m¬ Cu ^vfm‰p-I-fnepw Irjn-bn¬ XmXv]cyw D≈ \nc-h[n Bfp-Ifps≠-¶nepw ÿe-]-cn-anXn aqew Ah¿°v Irjn sNøm≥ ]‰msX hcp-∂p. sNfnbpw aÆpw D]-tbm-Kn-®p≈ Irjn-coXn Cßs\bp≈ ÿeØv {]mh¿Øn-I-a-√msX hcp-∂p. AØcw ÿe-ß-fn¬ G‰hpw A\p-tbm-Py-amb Irjn-co-Xn-bmWv AIzm-t]m-Wn-Ivkv. CXv Htc kabw IÆp-Iƒ°v Ipfn¿Ω-bpw, hcp-am-\-hpw, ip≤amb ssPh-]-®-°-dn-Ifpw, a’yhpw {]Zm\w sNøp-∂p. \nb-{¥nX Bhmk hyh-ÿ-bn¬ Pe-Po-hn-Isf hf¿ Øp∂ Bhmk hyh-ÿb - mWv AIzm-Iƒ®¿. aÆns‚ klmbw IqSmsX \S-Øp∂ ]®-°-dn-I-fpsS Irjn-co-Xn-bmWv AIzm-t]mWn-Ivkv (Aquaponics) ""AIzmIƒ®dpw sslt{Um-t]m-WnIvkpw Nm{InI {]{In-b-bn-eqsS HØp-tN-cp-∂-XmWv AIzm-t]m-Wn-Ivkv. GItZiw 1000 h¿j-߃°p apºp-Xs∂ a\p-jy≥ NXp∏p-\n-e-ß-fn¬ hc-ºp-sI´n Db-c-ap≈ hc-ºp-I-fn¬ `£y-tbmKy-amb hnf-Iƒ Irjn-sN-bvXn-cp-∂p. Cu Irjn-co-Xnsb Nn\m-
a’y-ß-fpsS hn k¿÷yw kky-߃ hen-s®-Sp-°p-∂p. A ßs\ sNSn-Iƒ°v \√ hf-hpw, AXp-hgn a ’y-߃°v \√ Hcp Bhm-kh - y-hÿ D≠m -Ip-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. AIzm-Iƒ®¿ & ^nj-dokv Un∏m¿´v sa‚nse tUm. APn Xv tXmakv tPmWn s‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ 2012-˛¬, Ata-cn-° bn¬\n∂pap≈ University of Wisconsin Dw Sweet Water Foundation \pw tN¿∂v Cß s\ Cu Irjn-coXn sk‚ v B¬_¿ Svkv tImtfPn¬ {]mh¿Øn-I-am-°n. XpS¿∂v Cu ]pXnb Irjn-coXn hnZym¿ ∞n-Iƒ Gs‰-Sp-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp.
Media Bed with loop siphon Media Bed D≠m°nbncn- ° p∂Xv sNdnb am¿_nƒ IjvW - ß - ƒsIm-≠m-W.v I√p-IfpsS hen∏w Ip d-bp-t¥mdpw kq£vam-Wp ° - ƒ hf-cm-\p≈ km[yX IqSp-∂p. {]X-e-hn-kvXo¿Æw IqSm≥ klm-b-I-am-hp-Ibpw AXp-hgn IqSpX¬ sNSn-Iƒ \Sp-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂p.
Cu knÃ-Øns‚ `mK-߃ Xmsg-]d - b - p-∂p. 1. Fish tank 2. Biofilter with Deep water system 3. Media bed with Loop siphon 4. Media bed with Bell siphon 5. Sump tank CXn¬ ^njvSm-¶n¬ \n∂p-ap≈ sh≈w (a’y-Øns‚ hnk¿Pyw Ie¿∂ sh≈w) Biofilter hgn Deep water knÃØn¬ FØnt®-cp∂p.
Loop siphon F∂m¬ Km¿U≥ tlmkv Hcp {]tXyI coXn-bn¬ hf®v {Iao-I-cn® Hcp kwhn[m\amWv. AXns‚ apI-fn-embn Pew aoUnb s_Un¬ Db-cp-tºmƒ, B sh≈w Xncn®v Loop siphon hgn Sump tank¬ FØp-∂p. Media bed¬ hnhn[ Xc-Øn-ep≈ ]®-°-dn-I-ƒ IrjnsN-øm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv.
Cu Irjn-co-Xn-bneqsS I¿jI\v IqSpX¬ hnfhpw AXp-hgn IqSp- X ¬ em`hpw D≠m-Ipw.
Cu Deep water knÃ-Øns‚ {]X-e-Øn¬ sX¿tam-tImƒ D]-tbm-Kn®v sh≈-Øns‚ {]Xe-Øn¬ sNSn-Iƒ Dd-∏n-®p-\n¿Øpw. At∏mƒ sh≈- Ø n¬ Ie¿∂ a’y- A - h - i n- j v S - ß ƒ _tbm ^n¬´¿ Sm¶n¬ sk‰v sNbvX Acn-∏bn¬ Acn-bp-Ibpw \nc-¥cw D≈ {]h¿Ø-\^-e-ambn B Acn-∏-bn¬ Nne _mIvSo-cn-b-Iƒ cq]w-sIm-≈p-Ibpw AXp-hgn a’y-Øns‚ hnk¿Py- Ø n¬ D≈ Atam- W nb ss\ss{S‰mbpw Ah-km\w sNSnIƒ°v kzoI-cn-°m-hp∂ ss\t{S‰mbn amdp- I bpw sNøp-∂p. AXv sNSn-Iƒ hf¿®-°m bn D]-tbm-Ks - ∏-Sp-Øp∂p. Ah-km\w Deep water se sh≈w Sump tankte°v t]m Ip-∂p. Sump tankse Pew hm´¿]ºv D]tbm-Kn®v ^njvSm-¶nte°v ]ºv sNøp-∂p.
_kv F∂v hnfn-®n-cp-∂p. BZy-ambn Irjn-coXn saIvknt°m Nn\m-_-kn-emWv Bcw-`n-®-Xv. \ΩpsS tIc-f-Ønepw Cu amXr-I-bn¬ hc-ºpIƒ sI´n AXn¬ Irjn-sN-øp-∂p-≠v. At∏mƒ \ap°v Htc-k-abwXs∂ c≠p-X-c-Øn¬ IrjnsNbvXv B ÿesØ \ºp-jvS-am-°mw.
Media bed with Bell siphon Media Bed ¬ Hcp Zzmcap≈ _°‰v Dd-∏n-®n-´p≠v A Xn-\p-≈n¬ Hcp ]nhnkn ss] ∏v {]tXy-I-co-Xn-bn¬ {Iao-Icn-®n-´p-≠v. sh≈w _°-‰n¬ Hcp {]tXyI \ne-bn¬ Db-cptºmƒ B sh≈w Sump tank te°v Siphone sNøp-∂p. Cßs\sb√mw FØp∂ sh≈w Sump tank ¬ tiJ-cn°p- ∂ p. AXn- \ p- t ijw Hcp tam¿´¿ D]-tbm-Kn®v Nm{InI {]h¿Ø- \ - Ø n- e qsS (Cyclic process) tiJ-cn-°p∂ sh≈w Xncn®v ^njvSm-¶n¬ FØn-°p∂p. Cu {]h¿Ø- \ - ß ƒ ÿnc-ambn \S-°p-∂p.
Cßs\bp≈ Cu knkv‰ Øn¬ {]h¿Øn®t∏mƒ A Xn¬\n∂pw ]pXnb knÃw D≠m °mw F∂ Bi-ba - p-≠m-bn. A ßs\ Hcp sNdnb Aquaponics system cq]w-sIm-≠p. AXn¬ Hcp Deep water system Dw H∏w Media Bed with loop siphon Dw sk‰v sNbvXp. CXn-\p-th≠ kmº-ØnI klm-b-߃ kp thm-fPn Un∏m¿´vsa‚nse tUm. sSd≥kv sdm_s√m \evIp-I
bpw sNbvXp. ^e-Øn¬ Wet lab se knÃ- Ø nse F√m knÃhpw Cu sNdnb knÃØn¬ sIm≠p-h-cm≥ km[n®p CXn¬ Sump tank Dw Deep water tank Dw Hcp H‰ Sm¶m bXn-\m¬ AXp-hgn Nnehv Hcp]mSv Ipd-°p-hm\pw km[n-®p. 32000 cq] hne- h ∂ henb knÃsØ At]- £ n®v Cu sNdnb knÃ-Øn\v 5000 cq]bn¬ Xmsg-bmWv Nnehv h∂Xv. Aßs\ Nnehp Ipd™ coXn-bn¬ hyXykvX Xc-Ønep≈ knÃw D≠m°mw F∂v a\-kn-em-bn. Cu sNdnb knÃw ^vfm‰v kwkvIm-c-Øn\p tbmPn-®-Xm Wv. C-ßs\ ^vfm‰p-If - n¬ sk‰v sNøp∂ knÃ- ß - f n¬ IoS-
߃ Ipd-hmWv F∂Xpw Hcp {][m\ BI¿j-W-am-Wv. F\n°v Cu sNdnb kn ÃØn¬ \n∂pw (Media Bed) icm-icn 27 {Kmw `mc-ap≈ ˛ 135 X-°mfn e`n-®p. (Deep water¬ \n∂v 6 X-°mfnbpw In´n; Deep water ¬ Imbv^ew Ipdbm≥ ImcWw AXn¬ Rm≥ D]-tbmKn-®Xv NIncn tNmdm-bXn-\m-emWv (Coir pith). H∂c NXp-c-{i-bSn ÿe-
Øp-\n∂mWv 3.15 Intem{Kmw X°mfn shdpw c≠c amkw-sIm ≠v D≠m-bX - v. AXpw \ΩpsS B¬_¿Svkns‚ tlmÃ-en¬. Cu Irjn Hcp poly house ¬ Bbn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ CXns‚ Cc´n- b n¬ A[nIw D¬∏m- Z \w \ap°v In´n-tb-t\. a’y-Øns‚ hf¿®bpw as‰mcp t\´-am-Wv. HIvtSm-_¿ Ah-km\w 304 {Kmw Xq°ap≠m bncp∂ a’y- ß ƒ s^{_phcn Ah-km\w 703 {Kmambn h¿≤n-®p. ""Htc-ka - bw a’y-hpw, ]®°-dnbpw hf¿Ømw F∂-XmWv AIzm-t]m-WnIvkns‚ ta∑-bm bn ]d-bm-hp-∂-Xv.'' BgvN-bn¬ 2 XhW, 100 an√n aÆnc kØv Xfn®v sIm Sp-Øn-cp-∂p. 100% ssPh-]-®°dn D≠m-°m-hp∂ Hcp km t¶-XnI hnZy-bmWv AIzm-t]mWnIvkv. ÿnc-ambn sh≈w Gravel bed ¬ Acn-®n-dß - p-∂X - p-sIm≠v AtIzdnbw (Deep water system) sh≈w Ft∏mgpw ip≤oI-cn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p. Aß s\ sNSn-Iƒ°v hfhpw a’y߃°v Ft∏mgpw ip≤-amb sh≈hpw e`n-°p-∂p. F\n°v Cßs\ Hcp Irjn-coXn \S-∏nem-°p-hm≥ F√m-hn[ klmb kl-Ic - W - ß - fpw X∂ Kpcp-\mY-∑m-cmb tUm. APnXv tXm akv tPmWn\pw, tUm. s_t∂m s]tccmbv°pw, tUm. sSd≥kv sd_-t√mbv°pw Fs‚ kl]m-Tn-Iƒ°pw tlmì Iq´pIm¿°pw lrZbw \nd™ \μn.
cp Znhkw cm{Xn AØm gw Ign®p sIm≠n-cns° Rm≥ Sn.-hn.-bnse Nm\¬ am‰n am‰n sIm ≠n-cp-∂p. \yqkv Nm\¬ F Ønb t]mƒ A∏®n ]d-™p. hm¿Ø tIƒ°s´ AXv sh °v... H´pw Xm¬]cyw C√msX Rm≥ hm¿Ø sh®p. F∂n-´v ]d™p Hm.... Cu hm¿Ø-bn¬ F¥p ImWm-\mWv Sn.-hn. Xpd∂m¬ tkmfm-dpw, kcn-Xb - pw, im ep-hpw, tPm∏-\pw, ]ns∂ DΩ≥ Nm-≠n-bpw. CXv ]d™v Ch¿ °v aXn-bm-hp-∂nt√ F∂pw ]d ™v Rm≥ FWo‰v ssII-gpIn. AΩq-Ωbpw aΩnbpw Rm≥ ]d™Xv icn-h® - p. At∏m-gmWv Rm≥ Hm¿Ø- X v . Ch- s c¥m Fs∂ ]Xn-hn-√msX t{]m’mln-∏n-°p-∂Xv F∂v Imcyw ]nSn In´n; Ah¿°v kocn-bn¬ ImWm \m-Wv.... CXpw ]d™v Ccn-°ptºm-gmWv Bscm hmXn-en¬ ap´nb i_vZw tI´Xv Fs‚ A
\n-b≥ hmXn¬ Xpd-∂p. Fs‚ hoSn\v ASpØv Xma-kn-°p∂ B‚nbpw Ah-cpsS IpSpw-_h - pamWv. Ah¿ CSbv°v ho´n¬ hcmdp≠v ]ns∂ \√ NqSp ]nSn® N¿®-bmhpw. Nne-s∏mgs° N¿® D∏ns‚ hne-bn¬ XpSßn cq]-bpsS aqeyw hsc \ofpw. F¥m-bmepw C∂sØ hnjbw tkmfm¿ Xs∂ Bbncp-∂p. A√ tkmfm-dn¬ Bbn-cp ∂p XpS-°w. ]n∂oSv AXv hm¿ Øm am[y-a-ß-fn-te°v IS-∂p. Ch-cpsS Cu N¿®bpw tI´ncp∂ Hcp thm´-hI - miw t]mepw C√mØ F\n°v hy‡-am-bXv CXm-Wv. Hcp hm¿Øm am[y-ahpw \njv]-£-ambn \n¬°p-∂n√ Hmtcm-∂n\pw cmjv{So-b-ap≠v. BZy-ambn ]{X-߃ I√®n¬ A®-Sn-®X - n¬ \n∂v am[y-aß - ƒ Hs´sd apt∂m´p t]mbn. hm ¿Ø Adn-bn-°p-∂-Xn\v ka-b
hpw Zqchpw C∂v {]Xn-_-≤-amIp-∂n√. Cu t\´w a\p-jy-kaq-l-Øns‚ s]mXp-hmb hnIk-\-Øn\v klm-b-I-c-am-Wv. F∂m¬ tIc-f-Ønse am[y-aß-fpsS ka-Im-enI apJw a\kn-em-°p-tºmƒ BtKm-f-X-eØn¬ tIm¿]-td‰v DS-a-ÿ-Xbn-ep≈ am[y-a-ßf ]n¥p-Scp∂ kao-]-\-Øn\v kam-¥-c hpw AXy-[nIw hnIr-X-hp-amb Nn{X-ß-fmWv sXfn™p Im Wp-I. ]e-t∏mgpw tIc-fØ - ns‚ {]`mXw tKmkn-∏p-Ifm¬ Xs∂ \nd- b p- ∂ p. ]{Xw Xpd- ∂ m¬
acnb s_Ivkn H∂mw h¿jw
Icn-s¶mSn ka-cw, As√-¶n¬ GsX-¶nepw s]¨Ip-´n-bpsS PohnXw Im]m-e-∑m¿ Nhn´n Ac- ® Xv B¿`m- S - a m- b n- X s∂ sIm≠mSp-∂p. BtKm-f-h¬°cW \b-ß-fpsS kwc-£-Icpw Ah-bvs°-Xn-cmb t]mcm-´-ßfpsS i{Xp-°-fpamWv BtKmf am[ya hyh-ÿs - b-¶n¬ XØpey-amb I¿Ø-hy-amWv tIc-fØnse apJy-[mc am[y-a-߃ \n¿h-ln-°p-∂Xv. he-Xp-]£ Bi-b-{]-Nm-c-I¿ CS-Xp-]£ i{Xp- ° - f mbpw CS- X p- ] £ Bi-b-{]-Nm-c-I¿ he-Xp-]£ i{Xp- ° - f mbpw ChnsS \nesIm-≈p-∂p. CS-Xp-]£ - hpw h e-Xp-]-£hpw CØ-c-Øn¬ X Ωn¬ X√p-tºmƒ H∂p-ad- n-bm sX \n¬°p-∂Xv tIc-fØ - nse P\ß-fm-Wv. Hmtcm Xnc-s™-Sp∏nepw \njv ] - £ - a mbn \n¬ °p∂ P\-߃ Hmtcm h¿jhpw Hmtcm ]co-£-W-߃ \SØp∂p. CS-Xp-]£w `cn-°p-tºmƒ heXpw heXp `c- W - Ø n¬ CSXpw Hmtcmtcm Agn-a-Xnbpw Nq≠n-°m-´n-s°m≠v cwKØv hcp-∂p-≠v. CØ-h-WsØ heXp-`-c-W-Øn¬ tkmfm¿ X´n-∏pam-bmWv CS-Xp-]£w cwK-Øph-∂-Xv. Ign™ CSXp `c-WØn¬ emhven≥ tIkp-am-bn-´m
Hmtcm Xnc-s™-Sp∏nepw \njv]-£-ambn \n¬°p∂ P\-߃ Hmtcm h¿jhpw Hmtcm ]co-£-W-߃ \SØp-∂p.
Wv he-Xp-]£w h∂-Xv. CØc-Øn¬ CSXpw heXpw a’cn®v JP- \ mhv Imen- b m- ° ptºmƒ CXns‚ ^ew A\p-`hn-°p-∂Xv tIc-f-Øn¬ P∑-saSp-°p∂ Hmscm P\-ß-fp-am-Wv. kz¥w-Imcyw am{Xw At\z -jn®v Ioi-\n-d-°p∂ Hmtcm-cpØcpw Hm¿°pI \ΩpsS Cu tIc-f-Øn¬ F{Xsb{X Ip´nI-fmWv \nc-£-cm-bn, A\m-Ycm-bn, Zcn-{Z-cmbn Pohn-°p-∂ sX∂v. Agn-aXn hnap‡ tIc-famWv e£yw F∂ ap{Zm-hm-Iy-
hp-ambn \S-°p∂ Hmscm-cp-Ø cpw kzbw \∂m-bm¬Xs∂ ]mXn Agn-aXn C√m-Xm-hpw. ssI°qen hmßp∂ Hmtcm-cp-Ø-cpw- ]-dbp∂ Hcp ÿncw hmN-I-ap≠v; ""Rm≥ CXv hmßp-∂n-s√-¶n¬ Fs‚ apI-fn¬ D≈h¿ hmßpw. At∏mƒ Rm≥ hmßm-Xn-cp∂n´v F-¥m-hm\m-W.v '' tIc-fØ - n se P\m-[n-]Xyw `cW hyhÿ A£-cm¿∞-Øn¬ ]Wm-[n-]Xy-ambn amdp-Ibpw cmPy-Øns‚ ASn-ÿm\ k¶¬]-߃ X InSpw adn-bp-Ibpw sNøp ∂ Cu ZpxJ-ÿn-Xnsb Ipdn®v \mw Hm tcm-cp-Øcpw Nn¥n-t°≠X\nhm-cy-am-Wv. Hmtcm hm¿ Øbpw \n¿`- b w P\- ß - f n¬ FØn°m≥ am[y-a-߃ {i≤-]-Xn-∏n°-Ww. Ip‰IrXy-߃ hn⁄m-\hn- c p≤ Nn¥m- K - X n, F∂n- h bpsS {]N-c-W-Øn-emWv Acmjv{Sob kaqlw. \ne-hn-ep≈ hyh-ÿn-Xnsb Xmßn-\n¿Øp ∂ kaq-l-amWv Acm-j{v So-bX - bpsS {]Nm-cI - c - m-Ip∂ am[y-a߃. Ah IrXy-amb cmjv{Sob ZuXy-amWv \n¿h-ln-°p-∂-Xv. A{I-ahpw Agn-aX - nbpw {]N-cn°- s ∏- S p- ∂ Xpw hy‡n- h mZw A\n-b-{¥n-X-ambn t{]m’m-ln∏n-°p-∂Xpw \ΩpsS kaq-lØn¬ hnti- j n®v bph- P - \ ߃°n-S-bn¬ tZmj-I-c-amb ^e-߃ Df-hm-°m-\n-S-bm-Ipw. hn`n-∂c - q-]ß - f - n-ep≈ kmw kvIm-cnI {]I-S-\-߃ ]m¿izh¬°-cn-°s - ∏-Sp-Ibpw AXv hn ]Wn A[n-jvTnX kwkvIm-cØn¬ DƒtN¿°-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sN øp-∂-XmWv P\m-[n-]-Xy-Øn¬ hnizkn-°p∂ Htcm a\-kp-Ifp-sSbpw CwKn-Xw.
^pƒss{_‰v kvtImf¿jn∏v tPXmhpw sk‚ v B¬_¿Svkv tImtfPnse sIakn{Sn hn`mKw A≤ym]I\pamb s{]m^. N{μZmk\pambn aebmfw hn`mKw A≤ym]I≥ s{]m^. sI.sP. AKÃn≥ \SØnb kw`mjWØn¬ \n∂v
958 Unkw-_¿ 25 \v tIm´bw Pn√-bnse aÆ-bv°-\mSv P\-\w. ck-X-{¥-Øn¬ _ncp-Zm-\¥c _ncpZw t\Sn-b-tijw Ct∏mƒ Fd-Wm-Ipfw sk‚ v B¬_¿Svkv tImtf-Pn¬ ck-X{¥ hn`mK-Øn¬ Atkm-kn-tb‰v s{]m^-k-dmbn tkh-\a-\p-jvTn-°p-∂p. C∂v temI-a-dn-bp∂ Hcp \mSI {]h¿Ø-I-\mWv s{]m^. N{μ-Zm-k≥. Cu Imeb-f-hn¬ \mS-I-cw-KØv At±lw sNbvXn-´p≈ tkh-\-ß-fp-tSbpw t\Sn-sb-Sp-Øn-´p≈ _lp-a-XnI-fp-tSbpw ]´nI hfsc \o≠-Xm-Wv. AXn¬ NneXp-am{Xw ChnsS {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂p. Iem-a-fiew Iev]nX k¿h-Ie - m-im-eb - n¬ Xnb-‰¿ B‚ v Fbvkv X-‰nIvkv F∂ hnj-b-Øn¬ s{]m^. N{μ-Zm-k≥ dnk¿®v s^t√m-bm-W.v hnZym¿∞n-bm-bn-cp∂ Imew
apX¬ kn\nam/\mSI taJ-e-I-fn¬ \nch[n ]cn- i o- e \ If- c n- I - f n¬ At±lw ]s¶- S p- Ø n- ´ p- ≠ v . `mcX k¿°m- c ns‚ kmwkvIm-cnI hn`m-K-Øn¬ \mS-I-ta-J-ebnse ko\n-b¿/ Pq\n-b¿ s^t√m-jn-∏pIƒ°p th≠n-bp≈ ske-£≥ IΩn‰n AwK-am-Wv. 2008 apX¬ _m•q-cnse \mj-
I¿Æ`mcw F∂ \mSIØn¬ \n∂v
W¬ kv I qƒ Hm^v {Uma doPn-b-W¬ dntkmgvkv sk‚-dns‚ D]-tZiI kanXn AwK-am-Wv. 1991 ¬ ÿm]n-X-amb temI[¿an (\m-S-I-]-cn-io--e\/Kth-jW/ Ah-XcW {]ÿm-\w)bpsS ÿm]I Ub-d-IvS dmWv s{]m^. N{μ-Zm-k≥. sIm®n k¿h-Iem- i m- e - b psS sk‚¿t^m¿ {Intb- ‰ ohv ssd‰n-ßns‚ D]-tZ-i-I-k-anXn AwK-am-Wv. s{]m^. N{μ-Zm-k\p e`n-®n-´p≈ _lpa-Xn-I-fpsS ]´n-I-bn¬ G‰hpw \ho-\-am-bXv At±-l-Øn\p e`n® ^pƒ ss{_‰v s\lvdp s^t√m-jn∏v BWv. IqSmsX At±lw kw hn-[m\w sNbvX I¿W-`mcw F∂ \mS-IØn\v 2008 ¬ anI® \mS-I-Øn-\p≈ MET tZiob Ahm¿Uv e`n-°p-Ib - p-≠m-bn. 2004¬ Hdo- -bnse I´-°n¬ h®p \S∂ tZiob \mS- t Im- ’ - h - Ø n¬ ka{K kw`m- h - \ bv°p≈ \mSy-`q-j-W¬ Ahm¿Upw anI® A`n-\-b-Øn\v "sNb¿am≥kv' Ahm¿Upw e`n- ° p- I - b p- ≠ m- b n. AtX- h ¿jw tIcf kwKoX \mSI A°mZan Ahm¿Upw N{μZm-ks\ tXSn-sb-Øn. 2002 ¬ sslZ-c-m_mZn¬ h®p \S∂ tZiob \mS-tIm-’h - Ø - n¬ anI® \mS-I-Øn-\p≈ Ahm¿Uv, 1998 ¬ Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cØp \S∂ kwÿm\ \mStIm- ’ - h - Ø n¬ anI® kwhn- [ m- b - I ≥ anI® \mSIw F∂n-h-bv°p≈ _lp-aXn, 1997 B{‘m-{]-tZ-in¬ h®p \S∂ tZiob \mS-tIm-’-h-Øn¬ anI® \mS-I-Øn-\p≈ Ahm¿Uv, 1996epw 1998epw ]m‰v\bnse ]mSen- ] p{X \mSy atlm- ’ - h - Ø n¬ anI® kwhn- [ m- b - I - \ p≈ tZiob Ahm¿Uv Cßs\ \nc-h[n tZiob _lp-a-Xn-Iƒ N{μ-Zm-k-s\-tØSn FØn-bn-´p-≠v. `mcX k¿°m- c ns‚ kmwkv I m- c nI hn`m-K-Øns‚ ]e Kth-jW ]≤-Xn-Iƒ °pw s{]m^. N{μ-Zm-k-\mWv t\XrXzw \evIp-∂-Xv. tZio-b, A¥¿tZ-iob skan\m-dp-I-fnepw \mSI inev]-im-e-I-fnepw dntkmgvkv t]gvk-\mbpw hnhn[ k¿Δ-I-
em-im-e-I-fn¬ FIvkm-an-\-dmbpw tkh-\-hgn-Iƒ \o≠p-t]m-Ip-∂p. C‚¿\m-j-W¬ B¿´v s^Ãn-h-ens‚ `mK-ambn 2013 ¬ enXzm-\n-b-bnepw 2001 ¬ {Koknepw 2006 ¬ _w•m-tZ-inepw At±lw `mc-XsØ {]Xn-\n-[o-I-cn-®n-´p-≠v. ae-bm-f-Ønepw Cw•o-jnepw a‰p `mjI-fn-ep-ambn \nc-h[n \mS-I-߃ s{]m^. N{μ-Zm-k≥ kwhn-[m\w sNøp-Ibpw AhX c - n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNbvXn-´p-≠.v Ahbn¬ NneXv: ae-bmfw : hniz-hn-Jym-Xa - mb aq°v, {Zu]Xn, e¶m-e-£van, A`-bm¿∞n-Iƒ, am[-hn, D_pa-lm-cm-P, ]m´-_m-°n, cmhp-Æn, amIv_-Øv, \μ≥I-Y, s]md-\m-Sn, apSn-sØøw Dd-bp-∂p, cmPm-hns‚ sN≠, ip`m-¥w, sXcp-hp-Pm-Y, H‰-bm≥, Bÿm\ hnUvVn-Iƒ, Ing-h\pw Igp-X-bpw... Cw•ojv : CuKnƒ B‚ v ¢ntbm-]m-{S, a¿U¿ C≥ Z IØo-{U¬. a‰p- ` m- j - I ƒ : a[pth sl∂p, aØ- h nemkw {]l-k-\w, s_mΩ\ l≈n-bnse In∂-c-tbm-Kn, EXp-t`-Z-߃, Z sk¬^njv Pbv‚ v, Ifn-∏m-h-Iƒ XpSßn ]{¥-≠n¬ ]cw \mS-I-߃ At±lw Ip´n-Iƒ°p-th ≠n Xøm-dm°n Ah-X-cn-∏n-®n-´p-≠v. Cw•o-jnepw ae-bm-f-Øn-ep-ambn \nch[n {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-ßfpw N{μ-Zm-k-t‚-Xmbp-≠v. tImbvasb A´n-a-dn® aqt[-hn-°-fnbm-´w, \h-cm-j{v Sob cwK-_nw-_ß - ƒ F∂nh DZm-l-c-Ww. aq∂p \mS-I-߃ Cw•o-jn¬ \n∂pw ae-bm-f-Øn-te°v X¿÷a sNbvXv Ah-X-cn-∏n-®n-´p-≠v. A°-an´v \nc-Øn-bm¬ C\nbpw \nch[n Xmfp-Iƒ th≠n-hcpw s{]m^. N{μ-Zmks‚ t\´-߃ h¿Æn-°p-∂-Xn-\v. hnZym¿ ∞n-bm-bn-cp∂ ImeL´w apX¬ Bcw-`n® At±-l-Øns‚ \mSI k]cy `mcX \mSI -N-cn-{X-Øn¬ Ahn-kva-c-Wo-b-amb aplq¿ Ø-߃ tcJ-s∏-Sp-Øn-s°m≠v Ahn-cmaw XpS-cp-I-bm-Wv.
hy is it always with B.Tech students? Society always stands with B.Tech students, they always respect B Tech students. After +2 it is a big confusion for everyone to choose their career. And when it is done, then comes the society with 1001 questions and 2001 comments and if our answer is we have choosen course they'll start praising us, Congratulating us by saying oh! lucky you, study well, the portions will be tough, ragging etc etc but if unfortunately our answer is B.Sc then comes the great silence with a 2 voltage smile and a question, why is it so? Is there any problem with B.Sc degree? The same happens in the case with literature students too. Society thinks that those who does'nt get admission for B.Tech will opt for B.Sc, and doing a B.Sc degree is nothing.....why? why is it so? The number of B.Tech colleges has increased to such a vast number that, no matter how
Why B.Tech why not B.Sc? weak the student is, he/she can easily get into a B.Tech college by paying the money they ask. Now-a-days even middle class parents are ready to sent their son/daughter by availing the advantage of educational loan. So the question which raises here is Is the Society aware about the lakhs of B.Tech graduates who are jobless in Kerala? Are they aware of the fact that student who havn't even passed the enterance exam can study safely in colleges? But the most painful fact here is that even educated people think so! Doing a B.Sc degree course is not which is to be seen
through a pityful eyes. Those who does'nt respect B.Sc course shoud remember that famous scientist like Albert Eienstein, C.V Raman, J.C Bose was once a B.Sc student. And a B.Sc student have so many scopes in research and job career. And we must take this to attention This does not mean that B.Tech is an inferior course. Of
Syama Lenus Ist Year B. Sc Physics
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 course our country needs good engineers but I want to make the society understand this, I want that father to understand this, whose one son is studing in a professional college and other son in a normal college brooding on himself. For that neighbour who thinks why didn't this, boy get admission
for a B.Tech course For that aunty who get excited seeing her MBBS relative without even noticing a B.Sc student. For that uncle who seeks information only about MBBS relative ignoring his own B.Sc grand daughter For that B.Tech students who think that we are genius than a B.Sc student.
Every course have their own importance, society must understand these and should give respect to every course. A student can't be and shouldn't be judged by looking into the course that she/he is doing. As the saying goes don’t judge a book by it’s outer cover.
Xncn®p \S-°th ]mXn-Nm-cn-sb≥ PmeIw X∂-Xn¬ sXfn-s™mcp \£{Xw Fs∂ t\m°n IÆp-Nn-Ωth Xncn®p \S-°p-hm≥ Ign-bm-sØmcm hgn-I-fn¬ Xnc-bp∂p Rm≥ \ns∂ F¥n-s\-∂-dn-bmsX! Hcp am{X Is≠-¶n¬, Hcp Nncn Xs∂-¶n¬ A{X-bp-am-izm-k-sa≥ s\mºcw ambv°p-hm≥! \ng-embv \osb-∂n¬ Aen-s™mcm \mfp-Iƒ X∂-Xn≥ kvarXn-bn¬ Pohn∏p Rm\n-t∏mƒ!
sª n {Sok c≠mw h¿jw B. Sc Botany
tXmgn-bmbv AΩ-bmbv kvt\ln®p \osbs∂ Xmßmbv XW-embv F∂n-e-en™p \o.... BZy-ambv ]qhn-s´m-c-\p-cmK taml-Øm¬ \nμn®p Rm≥ \n≥ \nkzm¿Y kvt\lsØ! PU-tam-l-߃ \iz-c-a-√tbm Fs∂mcm kXyw Adn-s™mcm \mf-Xn¬ Gsd Ae™p Rm≥ Hcp t\m°p ImWp-hm≥ I≠n√ \ns∂ Rm≥ Fßpta I≠n√! Imew ambv°mØ apdn-hp-I-fn-√m-bvInepw F≥ apdnhp ambv®o-Sm≥ Ime-Øn-\m-hptam? Xncn®p Xcptam Hcn-°¬IqSn Rm≥ \S-°m≥ sImXn-°pam kph¿Æ-Imew? Gsd sImXn-°p-sa≥ _mey-Imew! Imeta \o ad-bp-h-sXt¥? Hm¿Ω-Iƒ am{Xw \¬Ip-h-sXt¥?
Reverse gear Xncn®pt]m°v... 145
sS Hm¿ΩI- f- pØ \nd®- m¿ v
tcJ cma-N-{μ≥ c≠mw h¿jw B.Sc Physics
u p kΩm-\n-®Xv C n° \ F ƒ I Ω t´sd Hm¿ em-e-bw. CjvS-s∏-SmØ H z]v\-߃ ImWm≥ ]Tn-∏n® I m≥ ° ad w ep ° nmZnc Pm-Wv. Fs∂ k m¿Ω-Iƒ Fs¥√mw F∂p tN fmt tI v k ´v ¿ zm[o-\n® p \evInb H sk‚ v B¬_ \ A{X-I≠v k tImtfPv F\n° ns ' v k Sv a\ ¿ pw _ ne ¬ ¶ B F ""sk‚ v Adn-bn-√. p ^en-∏-n°m≥ ™ d ] p X A m¬ ® v BWv Fs∂-√mmsX hø!!! k b d mº ] I p ƒ mc ß yb s mc nNne I kv F{XXv hfsc sNd Cu sNdnb Imº v ´vkv tImtf-Pn-t‚ mW ¿ g m_ º ¬ t pS B v ∏ mkv s ‚ sk ChnsS FØn-Xv. . ÿnc-ambv ¢ ∂ pm¬ I ∂ me nF . pw S a\ ∏ p s ∂ m¨ s_s©∂ hcpw A`n-{]m-b t\Sn-Ø-cp∂p F tà . p v ≠ ° pf ap \ ß eƒ ß ÿ ‘ hnsS Ht´sd -ep-Ifpw tØmfw henb _ pdpºpw Ifn-bm-° cn-°m≥ Xs∂ C I C v S mb ps a yc mzc I pk q´ s I t\ I w I´v sNbvXv s epw XWp∏pw e Hcp tπ‰n¬ A w.. ac-ß-fpsS XW ns I \ oem t m‚ \ v I z] !! pw k ° Xpd∂ s\ ad s_©ns\ Fß vN. Hmtcm \nd™ tÃm¨ w \S-Øp∂ Img m´ H m¨ Ø t c ]m∏m-fnssIIƒ am BtLm-j-am-°p∂ pw nb S m] nc ] v sNdnb u tI mt f- P p- a mb C ° ms b s h l mƒ .... C ¿jW p∂ Hmtcm BI ° n∏ n‘ _ ∂ Fs he-b-ß-fm-Wv. . v hn´mepw Ahn-SH∂-cbv°p ¢mk bp∂ kplrZv hehnsS Xßn \nev° p \oßp-tºmƒ - n-eqsS \S∂ ߃°n-Sb p a\- n¬ as‰mc F∂pw Fs‚ . . p. p∂ c m-bn- nb A\p-`q-Xn-b - ØØ temIs v tI ´m - e p- S ≥ _ k n aW qƒ I v k H m S p∂ H c p tà m ∏ n- t e ° v n-\nvIqƒ hnZym¿∞ tIm¨sh‚ v k m-sgs‚ a\- n¬ bpsS apJw At∏
u IemAsXm-cp-]mSv C !! ƒ ß ‰ am . . pw mSv sXfnb . . C\n-bp-sam-cp-] p. n® \ mΩ k p ebw F\n° m-ebw °mbv CtX Ie ¿ h ≈ pa‰ ƒ am‰-ß ph®n-cn-°p∂p.. . ImØp kq£n® k p- I ƒ Issº≥ ¢m cn-bpsS ams‰m\evInb s]m´n-®nm tX m ¿ Ø m ¬ e n- I ƒ C ∂ pw I ƒ ° m - \ m I pw .... F \ nb v ° p tI n≥kmdpw kmdpw AK-à ≥ μ \ Zm k pw . . Ahmd ¢mkv apdn-Iƒ IrjvW≥Ip´n k n∂ \ p™ nd \ pw - n¬ vkmd - ƒ°n-Sb ]T-\ß nb d ]ns∂ FtUz-U ° t nc X n. b mv - fp-Xß Ah-cpsS ¢mk p p∂ c n- n°v Hmtcm A¤ b msc\ f ß μ n-°p∂ { nb Bizm-k-tI S ho¿∏-S-°n-bn-c ps b nnc mƒ Rm\pw N n¬ Rm≥ Is≠-Ø k nμn¢m-Iƒ ASp-°p-tº l £ pw oc ne ¶ ] n ∂ nμ s b l . s . nnb ]Tnapdn-Iƒ. . C\ tXm∂n t]mIpw Xpw B Xnc-t°-d qb ∂ pk ° A Tn p ] n n° \ pØ v\w F , tamWo-kv) Xe-I pw Hcn-°epw Xncn-®p-In-´mØ kz] Ip´n-Isf I≠m¬ m¨ tP p, ] mK (t ' vkpw n-®n-cn-°p-∂X Fs‚ ""ÃpU‚ y-߃°pw s]m´ mc I nb d N s m c - nepw Hmt ∏n-\n-Sb Iƒ Xømcn-°p∂p.. . mIvSn-°¬ t\m´p{] am{X-ambv Xo¿∂nn¬ √ h s ¿ ‚ C v Hm´- n-bpsS sIm®p eqsS Hcp sIm® nb S n° ¿ h ]Xn-s\m-∂p-aW ∂ pp \oß n´v \S-°p∂ n-tUm-dn-eqsS \S∂ mthbvÃpw a‰p-a te g ms dm-°p-∂Xpw tImd X ; pw X - m-°nbpw n Xncn-®p-h-cp-∂ s∏S- pw) Ifnb n¬ X A w fp I n´ p{]-Z-£nWw \SØ I Imcy-߃ ]ns∂ s]¨ \m-hmØ Ht´sd - msc (Ct- ∏mƒ m° ad sN°∑ ? v ∂ a\F n m√p-∂Xpw C\ p.. . AXn¬ Rm≥ ™ gn I n I ev a‰pw kabw sI \ p .. Iem-ebw F\n° Hcp hy‡n-bp≠v mØ ° nm[ k CXn-t\m-SIw Cu m≥ sh-√n\p m¬ t]mepw ad-° vkns‚ s^b¿ g b t no\ ∏q¿Δw hnNm-cn-® k !! v sXm´v v km¿ tI´v A`n-\-μn-®X ƒ jmPn tPmk^ I p∏ npd I - fpw F\n°p Rms\-gp-Xnb - ß J\ te w fp ß I X v pk m¿. . Ht´sd ] n hcp∂ jmPn k '' hmbn-°m≥ \evI km¿ {]nb-s∏´ jmPn pw h ‰ G ‚ s ""F X¬ sW-\n°p IqSpF∂p ]d-bm-\mn\ p F √ m- b nC j v S w! s s Zh - Ø e HmSn-sbSØpw Hcp-t]ms m-ØXp Ø m ≥ I g n- b j m P nsIm≠m-hWw p≈ km-dns\ t]me pa\ \ ∑ - \ n- d ™ j ys c k rj v S n®Xv....
AXp-t]mse Xs∂ F∂pw a[p-c-I-c-ambv am{Xw Ip´n-I-tfmSv CS-s∏-Sp∂ {KnKdn kmdpw Kuc-hØns‚ apJw aqSn-b-Wn-™p-sIm≠v hnZym¿∞n-Isf AXy-[nIw kvt\ln-°p∂ ss]hm-kmdpw F√mw a\- nse ambmØ Nn{X-ß-fmbv F∂pw Ah-ti-jn°pw.. . AXy-[nIw BtLm-jß - ƒ \nd™ Fs‚ ^nknIvkv ¢mkns\ Ipdn®v C\n ]d-bmsX hø!! 46 t]cp≈ ¢mknse Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw F\n-°-Xy-[nIw {]nb-s∏-´-h¿ Xs∂-bmWv. . Fs‚ G‰hpw Ipdpºp \nd™ Iq´p-Im-c≥ tamWo-kv, Nn{X-Im-c-\mb tKm]p, kpμ-cn-bmb Heo-hn-b, ]m´p-Im-cmb sPbvk¨˛Aen-\˛- B - j - ven, GXp-t\-chpw Fs‚ \ng-ep-t]mse IqsS-bp-≠m-Ip-∂ cl\, Fs‚ Bfl_-e-ß-fmb amb-˛-tc-jva-˛-A-⁄-en-˛-sj-l-\m-kv, ¢mkns‚ Bflm-hmb cmlp¬, kn\nam tamlw sIm≠p \S-°p∂ Znhn≥, Fs‚ Fgp-Øn-jvS-s∏-Sp∂ e£van, alm-Ip-dp-º-\mb tPm¨, F\n-bvt°‰hpw {]nb-s∏´ PqUv. . Cßs\ \ofpw Fs‚ ¢mknse Hmtcm "\£-{X-ß'fpsSbpw Imcyw.. . Iq´pImsc am{X-a√ as‰mcp Ipdp-ºn-bmb AΩ-sbbpw F\n°o Iem-ebw X∂p.. . ""tacn-bΩ'' F∂p Rm≥ hnfn-°p∂ Fs‚ Bfl-kp-lrØv PqUns‚ AΩ.. . Ft∂mSp hfsc Icp-X¬ ImWn-°p-∂, F∂pw Ip´n-bmbv Ccn-°m≥ B{K-ln-°p∂ Cu kvt\l-k-º-∂-bmb AΩbpw Aßs\ F\n°p ]ncnbm≥ hømØ Hcp hy‡n-bmbv amdn.. . Hcp-]mSv Nncn-®n-´p≠v Rms\-s‚bm ¢mkn¬.. . GXp ka-bhpw " `c-Wn-∏m´v ' ]mSp∂ tcjvabpw kv{Xo hntcm[n F∂v kzbw hniz-kn-°p∂ ]©m-c-°p-´-\mb tPmWpw ]pcmW IY-Iƒ B[p\nI coXn-bn-em-°p∂ (Kp-cp-hm-bq-c∏ - \p Pe-tZm-jhpw tbip-{In-kvXp-hn\v Iayq-Wn-kh - pw) Znhn-\p-sa√mw Cu ¢mkns\ Hcp BtLm-j-am°n!! F\nbv°o tImtf-Pnse Hmtcm BfpIsf Ipdn®pw Cs∂-gp-X-W-sa-∂p≠v. . F∂m¬ AXn\o amK-kn≥ Xs∂ t]mcmsX hcpw!! ]t£ kz¥w hyXy-ÿX sIm≠m-IWw Hmtcm hy‡n-bp-sSXmb Hcp sNdnb kmao-]y-sa-¶nepw CXnte IS∂p t]mIp∂ Im‰n-\p-≠mIpw.. . B Im‰v ]dbpw Ht´sd kulr-Z-ß-fpsS IY.. . AXn-tesd {]W-b-ß-fpsS IY.. . hnP-b-ß-fpsS IY.. . AXp tIƒ°m≥ CS-bv°nsS ChnsS hcm≥ F\n-bvt°mtcm Ah-kc - ß - ƒ \evIm≥ Rm≥ ssZh-tØm-St- ]-£n°pw.. . Cu tImtf-Pns‚ sse{_-dn-bn¬ \n∂pw Rms\-SpØ Hmtcm ]pkvXI - ß - fpw F\nbv°p ap≥]n¬ Hcp km¶-ev]nI temIw Xpd-∂n-´t- ∏mƒ Chn-sS-bp≈ Hmtcm hy‡nbpw Fs∂ ]Tn-∏n-®Xv bmYm¿∞yamb IY-I-fmWv. . Chn-SsØ {]m¿∞\m apdn-bpw, AhnsS \n∂v Gsd DXvI-WvT-tbmsS FSpØp hmbn-°p∂ hN-\-ß-fpw Fs∂ ]Tn-∏n-®Xv hnizm-k-Øns‚ ]mT-ßfmWv. . Chn-SpsØ tImtfPv tUbpw, bqWn-b≥ DXvLm-S-\-hpw, HmWw-˛-{In-kva v BtLm-j-ßfpw Fs∂ ]Tn-∏n-®Xv HsØm-cp-abp-sSbpw a\ p Xpd-∂p≈ Nncn-bp-sSbpw ]mT-ß-fmWv. . B{K-ln-°msX Rm≥ FØn-s∏-´X - mWv Cu Iem-eb - Ø - n¬ kz]v\ß - t- f-Xp-an-√m-sX-bmWv Rm\o Adn-hns‚ Xncp-ap-‰-tØbv°v h∂p Ib-dn-bXv. . F∂m¬ C∂o ]Sn-Iƒ Cd-ßp-tºmƒ a\- n¬ \ndap≈ Hcp-]mSv kz]v\-ß-fp-≠v. B kz]v\-߃ Fs∂ ImWm≥ t{]cn-∏n® Ht´sd hy‡n-Ifpw.. .
rom the day I joined college I have been seeing selfish, cruel and ugly faces of my classmates all around me
I drew these Selfish and complaining faces not on a chart paper, but on my heart paper; and horrible did it look!
Two weeks later on a weekend day my heart felt heavier Dont ask why ‘coz I don’t know Next day when I went to college My heart felt lighten And it was then I realized the faces were not so bad! That evening I took my heart paper and altered the faces and added a special sweet face too. Ah! the picture looked better! From then on I have undergone a 'spring of friendship' an 'autumn of inspiration' a 'short summer of infatuation' followed soon by the monsoon of love!
Now I love someone unconditionally, and my picture has been altered, at least ten more times. The faces on it are beautiful and magnificent is my picture now. But someone is trying to erase, my days and months of hardwork; and that someone is nonebut Future himself! Will he destroy my picture? I will fight him although I’m sure he will succeed in erasing that awesome gentle face! But with deep pain inside I really hope and pray, the rest of the faces, will not get smudged by my tears; fighting a losing battlewith him - the Future!
Arathi Edison 2nd Year B. A English
Imew Xs‚ sh≈-°p-Xn-c-bn¬ IpXn
®v ]m™p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-tºmƒ ]eXpw \sΩ IS-∂p-t]m-sb-∂n-cn-°pw. F∂m¬ Ah-bn¬ F√mw \ΩpsS a\-kn¬ XßW-sa-∂n-√. F¶nepw Fs‚ Cu I-em-eb PohnXw ambm-sØm-tc-Smbn F∂pw F∂n¬ \ne-\n¬°pw.
""\nkvXp-eamw PohnXw AYhm hnZym`ym-k-Imew In´n-s√m-cn-°epw ad-°msX a°-tf.''
F∂ samgn F{X kXy-am-W.v B¬_¿Sv knse BZy-Zn-\-߃ Hcp t]Sn kz]v\w t]mse C∂pw Rmt\m¿°p-∂p. GXv ]SnIƒ Nhn-´n-bm¬ Isºbv≥ ¢mkn¬ FØpsa-∂-dn-bmsX A¥w-hn´v Ip¥w hngpßn \n∂ \mfp-Iƒ. F{X s]s´-∂mWv AsX√mw Hcp \\pØ Hm¿Ω-bmbn amdn-b-Xv. Cu Iem-ebw F\n°v \¬Inb G‰hpw hnes∏´ kΩm\w F\n°v In´nb kplr-Øp°-fm-Wv. AhnsS \n∂v XpSßn Fs‚ Iem-eb Pohn-Xw. Ifn-Nn-cn-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Rß-fpsS KmMv skh≥ ht≠gvkv cq]w sIm≠p. Cu Gg-¤p-Xß - ƒ Bscm-s°bm -sWt∂m? hnhmlw Ign™v ]pXn-sbmcp
Rose Kurian
3rd Year B. A English
Pohn-X-Øn-te°v Imse-SpØv hs®-¶nepw Rß-fpsS hgn-Im´n-bmbn amdn-b F√m Imcy-ßfnepw Xt‚-Xmb A`n-{]m-b-ap≠m-bn-cp∂ Xkv\n, R߃ ImcWw NoØ-t∏cv tI´n-´p-s≠¶nepw Rß-fpsS eoU¿ÿm \w Gs‰-SpØ Ft∏mgpw BIv So- h m- b , t]mkn‰n- h v \ - k p≈ B{Km- h men tdmkv , Xkv \ nbpsS A`m- h - Ø n¬ R߃ ^ntem-k-^¿ ÿm\w G¬∏n ®v sImSpØ Rßsf c≠v NoØ hnfn- ° m≥ Ah- I m- i ap≈ tPmjn-e, R߃ Gsd kv t \ln- ° p∂ Ip™p- h mh en_n-b, ]I-®-Ip-™ns‚ apJap≈ \njvI-f-¶-bmb A\n-X, an≠m-∏q-®-bmb Rß-fpsS ]m hw ko\p ]ns∂ F√m-hs - cbpw Nncn-∏n-°p∂ F√m-h-cp-sSbpw A∂-Zm-Xm-hmb Cu Rm\pw. Rß-fpsS Ipkr-Xnbpw Ipdp-ºp-Ifpw F√mw C\n Hm¿ Ω-sN-∏nse Nn∏n-Iƒ am{Xw.
ImØn-cp-∂mepw In´mØ a[pc kvac-W-Iƒ. Iq´p-Im-cpsS Sn ^n≥ t_mIvkn¬\n∂v ssI bn´v hmcn-°-gn-®-Xns‚ "cpNnbp≈' C‚¿sh¬ ssSam-bn-cn °pw R߃ G‰hpw ankv sN øm≥ t]mIp-∂-Xv. imkv{Xw ]ptcm-K-an-®Xv sIm≠v hnc-epIƒ sas√ Aa¿Øn-bm¬ ku lrZw ]pXp- ° m- s a- ∂ - X mWv GI Bizm-kw. Cu Ipfn-cp≈ Hm¿Ω-Iƒ Hcn-°¬IqSn ]¶psh-bv°m≥, as‰mcp Iem-e-bØntem Pohn-X-am-Ip∂ hgnØm-c-bnse GsX-¶nepw Hcp Ih-e-bnsem h®v I≠p-ap-´psa∂ {]Xo£ _m°n-bm°n B¬_¿Svkv R߃ \nt∂mSv hnS-]-d-bp-∂p. “TIME….changer of season TIME….healer of every wound TIME will see another flower blooming TIME goes on and never waits for anyone” Thought long and hard about What to write…How to write…and every time I came back to the same topic “MY COLLEGE LIFE” FYI: I know!! I know !! its such a cliché……. But hey….what can I do I’m a glutton for cliché… Hmm….. where do I start, okay I’ll start from the beginning and let me tell you a story. ONCE UPON A TIME there lived a girl. Who was SHORT- TEMPERED , a LONER and mostly happy with her part in this world. She was never really sure about herself so she made herself invisible and bared her teeth at anyone who dared to come closer to her… But she was just scared of change. She had
Mariya Cyriac
2nd Year B. A English
only ONE friend most of her life and she was really really scared what she’ll do if she had to go to a new environ without that friend. She was a loner and she liked it that way. She darted and drifted over school life too cautious to be a good friend Then one day she decided that she was tired of being meek so she shaped herself into THE BOLD girl and she surged out from her loner façade and became an amiable person. Someone who people can talk to, someone who can talk back… she fashioned a new charisma, a new persona but she was still much of a loner inside. The only difference was that she started talking more, laughing more…so people forgot her past and while looking at her they’ll only see the new her. She casted an ironclad persona so no one would be wise and no one was…. Okay I’m digressing let me come back to the “now” part!!! After 14 years she was out of her comfort zone and pushed into something entirely different. The world as she knew tilted but she bravely thought that she could act out her happy-go-lucky act again without so much as a hiccup. After first day of college she was sure she would have to go back to being a lone wolf… But she came in with a BANG!! First day she antagonized a lot of her super senior’s and just after one week she challenged her batch mates…. And that’s how she got a whole lot of names…. But when the class started she got a whole bunch of friends who were exactly what she wanted…no needed…..They helped her much more than they ever knew. Lot of them were extremely opposite to each other. They’ve gone through a lot. Vicious fights and gossips. They’ve fought with each other and watched each other’s back when someone else came into the fights…They went through a lot…one after another, problems came their way, but they tackled each one. They have done everything together . These six special souls made her life worth living…. She thought she would again be lonely, they came and made her life colourful,lively and more more fun… I know “she” transformed into” I” but hey……. You’ll know this is my story that I’ve been narrating….so what the hell right!! But the most funny thing is that no one , not one person who know me will never believe this…. These three years of my life was the BEST THREE YEARS of my life and that’s because of all you guys and the thought of leaving this campus is very depressing and for a few short minutes I would think about doing my M.A here but then I remember the M.A class room and I would forget the depression But LIFE GOES ON and it wont wait for anyone, you’ll have to move with it…..
The constant pressure of seminars and assignments, though it enriches our knowledge, takes a lot out of us. The announcement of internal marks is almost always met with tension. The inevitable semester exams never fail to be anything but terrifying. The agonizing wait for results is never ending. They say that not knowing is the worst feeling in the world but I disagree. Knowing that you must write the supplementary exam alongside your juniors the next year is a lot worse. The composition and submission of a dissertation is a burden on all final year students. It normally takes a herculean effort on our part to submit it before (or on) the last date and dare I say an obstinate teacher makes things harder than they already are. What makes all of it bearable? It is the fact that we go through
Ranjini V K 2nd Year M. A English
days of glory! I’ll tell you why. But first let’s take a look at some things that make college life daunting for students like us. The struggle for attendance is a familiar sight among students. Most of us must have felt the embarrassment of being late in class (if only they’d change the class hours from 8 AM!) Trying to keep themselves from dozing off during a lecture is a frequent difficulty faced by students, particularly after a heavy meal. Some face it on all hours of every day. The ban on mobile phones is insufferable for many students who carry it around like an accessory.
it with our FRIENDS. They are the inimitable lot that make it all worthwhile. College life for most of us would be unthinkable without those dear friends. So what happens when we graduate and go our separate ways? Life is sure to become much lonelier in the absence of the people who have kept us company in the past few years. The thought of ‘what next’ is something that troubles most final year students. This insecurity generally works itself out in two ways. It either triggers us into deciding the course of our future or it turns us into powerless spectators of a life that unfolds before us. Either way, three possibilities are likely to materialise. Most of us would succumb to the inescapable parental pressures and go into wedlock (need I say, especially in the case of girls). Some of us will be lucky enough to begin a bright new career that hopefully leads to the fulfilment of our dreams and finally but unfortunately, some of us may have to endure the excruciating pain of being at home; idle, unemployed and unmarried. This, I believe is, as
Dear final year students, believe it or not, these are your
they call it, the worst case scenario. But there are people who say that in life, there are always a million things to do to keep oneself occupied. However, none of them turn out to be productive unless they point us in the right direction. Suddenly, from carefree spirits roaming the college campus, we are transformed into individuals compelled to adapt to a new life, whether good or bad. The responsibility that comes with the knowledge of reality is immense and we owe ourselves the best possible chance to succeed. The hope for a successful future is something that keeps us all going. Whenever we hit the rock bottom, we recover by telling ourselves ‘things can only get better from here’. Sometimes, in waiting around for success to arrive, we forget to live in the moment and fail
to recognize and celebrate the joy of everyday life. Our association of happiness with success somewhere in the distant future prompts us to miss ‘the train that’s right in front of our eyes’. At the same time, the question that lingers in all minds is if they’ll ever enjoy the sweet taste of victory and the bliss that comes with it. This uncertainty is a common human predicament and it haunts the best of mortals. In order to fight it and come out triumphant, all we need to do is to make the best of every instant. And what exactly does that mean for us final year students? It means that we need to face everything with an open mind and a whole hearted smile and embrace all challenges as invaluable opportunities for improvement. More specifically, we need to remember to smile the next time we
anxiously await a result, to smile when an exam looms large and to be attentive even if a class seems boring. Remind yourself to not become demoralized whenever a date of submission stares you in the face, because such an experience may be the last of its kind. Tasks that now seem arduous and unattainable transpire to be the achieve-ments we hold on to. Such is the effect of college life. It draws out the best and worst in us and eventually leaves us with memories for a lifetime. Its influences are abundant and long lasting. So it is extremely important to board the train and to relish each minute as a college student because once it is gone, it is gone forever. My fellow Albertians, cherish your final few days in our wonder-ful college for these indeed are your days of glory.
`wKn-bmbn sNØn-an-\p-°nb sNSn-Ifpw ]q°-fpw, ]p √pw ]p©ncn XqIn-s°m≠v hnZym¿∞n-Isf tImtf-Pn-te°v kzmKXw sNøp-tºmƒ AXn-s\√mw ]n∂n¬ temd≥kv tN´≥ F∂ 56 Imcs‚ {]b-Xv\hpw XymK-ß-fp-am-sW∂v A[n-I-am-cp-a-dn-bn-√. _m\¿Pn tdmUns\ sXm´p-cp-Ωn-bn-cn°p-∂, Xnc-t°-dnb \K-c-Øns‚ lrZ-b-`m-KØv ÿnXn-sNøp∂ tImtf-Pn\v ip≤-hmbp \¬Ip-∂Xpw Chn-SpsØ hnZym¿∞n-I-fpsS a\- n\v A¬∏w "]®∏v' \¬Ip-∂Xpw Cu ac-ßfpw sNSn-I-fp-am-Wv. 50 cq] apX¬ 500 cq] hsc hcp∂ hnhn-[-X-c-Øn-ep≈ sNSn-Ifpw N´n-Ifpw kz¥w Ioin-bnse Imip-sIm≠v hmßn tImtf-Pns\ Ae-¶-cn°p∂ Ct±-l-Øn\v apºn¬ kky-ßfmWv henb kº-
temd≥kv tN´≥ AYhm B¬_¿Svkns‚ lcn-XIw 155
B\n FhdÃv c≠mw h¿jw B.A Economics
tImtf-Pns‚ ap‰sØ DW-ßn-h-c≠ Icn-bn-e-Iƒ s]dp-°n-am-‰n, sNSn-Iƒ°v sh≈-sam-gn-®v, Hcp Xtem-St- emsS Ahsb emfn-°p-Ibpw Ht∂m ct≠m Znhkw tImtf-Pn¬ h∂n-s√-¶n¬ Xm≥ \´v hf¿Ønb sNSn-Iƒ°v Bcv sh≈sam-gn°pw F∂v Bi-¶-s∏-SpIbpw sNøp∂ Hcmƒ. AsX A‰≥U≥kv jo‰p-ambv ¢mkp-ap-dn-I-fn¬ Ib-dn-bn-d-ßp∂ ]yq¨ F∂-Xn-\-∏p-d-amWv temd≥kv tN´≥ F∂ ]cnÿnXn kvt\ln.
cmhnse 6.30
Øv. _°‰v \ndsb sh≈-hp-ambn h∂v, sNSn-Iƒ \\-®v, hf-an-´v, If-Iƒ ]dn®v temd≥kv tN´≥ hf¿Øn hep-Xm-°nb-XmWv tImtf-Pn\v Np‰nepw F√m \ne-I-fn-ep-ambv \nd™p \n¬°p∂ sNSn-Iƒ.
1995¬ sk‚ v B¬_¿Sv k nse hm®vam-\mbn tPmen XpS-ßnb Ct±lw c≠v h¿jØn-\Iw Hm^okv ]yqWn s‚ Ip∏m-b-a-Wn-™p. {]Ir-Xn-tbmSpw sNSn-It- fm-Sp-ap≈ kvt\l-amWv tImtf Pns\ "lcn-X-I-em-eb'am°n am‰p-hm≥ Ct±-lsØ t{]cn-∏n-®-Xv. cmjv{Sobw kPo-h-am-bn-cp∂ ImeØv hnZym¿∞nIƒ sNSn-®-´n-Iƒ s]m´n-®-t∏mƒ, AXnt\-°mƒ hne-Iq-Snb N´n temd≥kv tN ´\v hmßn®p sImSp-Ø-Xmbn At±lw Xs∂ km£y-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. F√m Im cy-ß-fnepw klm-b-l-kvX-hp-ambn F Øp∂ Ct±lw hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°v G{X -am{Xw {]nb-¶-c-\m-Wv F∂v hy‡-amWt√m. tImtf- P n\p ]pdsa ho´nepw Ieq¿˛]®mfw ]≈n-bnepw At±lw \´v ]nSn-∏n® [mcmfw sNSn-Iƒ B "kvt\ l-kv]¿i-Øn¬' Xfn-cn´v \n¬∏p-≠v, `qan°v Hc-e-¶m-c-am-bn. tImdn-tUm-dn-eqsS IØn-h®v \S°p-tºmƒ \mw \p≈n ]dn-°p∂ ]q °ƒ°v ]n∂n¬ Cu {]Ir-Xn-kvt\-lnbp-sSbpw a‰pw A£o-W-amb A≤zm\-ap-s≠∂v Hm¿°p-I. Cu \hw-_¿ 30˛mw XobXn temd≥kv tN´≥ B¬ _¿´vkns‚ ]Sn-Iƒ Cd-ßp-I-bm-Wv. sh≈ ap≠pw sh≈ j¿´pan´v , Np ≠n¬ sNdp ]p©n-cnbpw {]k-cn-∏m-¿∂ apJ-`m-hh - p-ambn temd≥kv tN´s\ C\n tImtf-Pns‚ hcm-¥-I-fn¬ ImWm≥ Ign-bp-I-bn-√. F¶nepw Ct±lw \S∂p hcp-tºmƒ IrX-⁄-Xm-]q¿Δw A`nhmZyw sNbvXn-cp∂ sNSn-Iƒ Chn-sSØ-s∂-bp-≠mIpw; hcpw Xe-ap-d-tbmSv Xßsf hf¿Ønb "c£- I ¿Ømhns‚' IY ]d-bm≥.
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submit to your kind appreciation the report of our work at the end of a Scholastic year. Now that the college has settled down to the new condition introduced by the recent reforms, it passes through an uninterrupted academic life. The total number of students during the academic year was approximately 1600. A new batch of Bachelor’s degree in commerce was started with computer applications. The final year results of the institution for both Degree and Post graduation stood above 95%. The drop out rate was substantially low. This is reflected through the best possible support systems that functions in the campus. Mentoring , bridge classes, I.C.T enabled learning, scholarships, various empowerment programs, Finishing school etc were some of the support ventures. Monthly Performance
Prof. Harry Cleetus
Monitoring, Continuous evaluation, Learning space, and blended learning were some of the newly introduced approaches in teaching and learning. Research activities from the five Research centres of the institution included major projects and Ph. D students. There were more than 40 publications and over 30 seminars and workshops conducted by various departments. The management introduced teacher support programs for training and for paper presentations, outside the state. Among the total staff members 65% are with Ph. D or M. Phil. Of the four research groups functioning from the campus, the conservation Research group has acquired an international recognition as one among the top 10 conservation groups. The year also brought recognition from the Department of Biotechnology, government of India for a “Star College” status
involving five departments. The college was also selected for the ASAP program of the Government of Kerala and as a nodal centre for disaster and crisis management. The NCC, NSS and arts and sports activities were performing the year. One of our students was selected as the best actor in the Mahatma Gandhi University Drama Festival. The college was seventh in the final position for University Youth Festival. The NCC Air wing was introduced during this year. One of our cadets represented Kerala in the Republic day parade at New Delhi. The college was recertified by TUV Rheinland for ISO 90012008. There were more than 15 clubs functioning from the campus. Astro club, Quiz club, Fine Arts forum, Music club and Nature club were
It is my duty and pleasure to
The “Jesus Youth” movement introduced many novel programs such as Bible quiz, Bible Film Fest and a pilgrimage tour.
Goldman Sacs, Micro, Royal bank of England were some of the institutions that conducted campus interviews.
The first year classes as usual started with a “ Schola Brevis” Mass and an integrated orientation. The non-teaching staff was also given training in computer usage and selected official duties.
some of them. The film club was much active, with weekely screening of International films. More than 45 prizes were secured by the students representing various clubs. A total of 24 National and International dignitaries visited college during the period. The college library
introduced an extended working schedule and also expanded the Digital space facility with more inputs to the repository. Best student user award was introduced during the year. Along with the college day celebrations, an “Achievers meet” was also organized. The placement cell opened opportunities for employment to more than 120 students.
The college union for the year was very effectively functioning with all support to the upliftment of academic and extra academic standards. The alumni association organized intercollegiate games and was very supportive in the well being of the institution. With the assistance of Parent Teacher Association new infra-structural facilities could also be established in the campus. I am quite content with the overall progress of the college. I take this opportunity to thank the management, all staff members and students for their positive attitude and support to elevate this college into new heights of excellence.
Gishadmon.C.D of final year M. Com and Mariya Joslin Oliver of second year B. Sc Zoology were installed as the Chairman and Vice Chairperson respectively.
Other Union Members are: Jerjes V Jacob (General Secretary), Ashik Arakkal (UUC1), Arun Rajesh (UUC2 ), Sanoop KS ( Arts Club Secretary), Nithin Jose (Magazine Editor.) College Union Inauguration On the 18th of December 2012 the baton of leadership was passed on into the
worthy hands of the newly elected student leaders at a solemn function presided over by the Film Director Mr.Lal Jose.The College Union 2011-2012 was inaugurated by College Principal Prof.Harry Cleetus, Vice Principal Dr.Cyriac Mathew, Union Student Advisor Prof.Lazar Thomas Mani.The new governing body headed by Mr.Gishadmon .C.D took over office on this date. The college
College Union Report 2012-13
St Alberts College can proudly say that democracy is the norm in the formation of the governing body of students.The College Union election was conducted on 12 th October 2012.It is constituted in the presidential election manner. At first, the class representatives were elected and nominated, which will be called to the Collegium to elect the College Union Members. Dr. Rajagopala Nair, Head of the Department of Commerce was the Chief Election Officer, assisted by Dr. Sabu Chacko.
College Union Election
COLLEGE MAGAZINE 2012 -13 union inauguration ceremony, which saw the Chairman take the oath of office along with the other elected members. They pledged allegiance to their college and country. The Magazine Editor Mr.Nithin Jose and Vice Chair- person Ms.Mariya Joslin Oliver addressed the gathering. After that, a mind blowing artistic performances of our talented students made this occasion a memorable one. Arts Fest The cultural and literary events of St. Alberts College was conducted successfully on January 10 and 11 through the concerted efforts of the teachers , union members and the students. Arts Club Secretary Mr.Sanoop K. S. had put all his efforts to make this programme a great success. The most delightful moment for college and union was our outstanding performance in the University Youth Festival Uruvara 2012. Our team bagged 2nd prize in the most prestigious ‘Nadakotsavam’ and we got 6th place overall
College Day Once again St Albert’s College experienced the thrill and grandeur of College day when it arrived in all its splendour on the 5th of April 2013. The Manager Fr. Antony Arackal inaugurated the function. Scholarships and awards were distributed to the meritorious students who had showcased their mettle in various fields. The special days and occasions commemorated: Football Tournament The College Union conducted an All Kerala Albertian Inter Collegiate 3 A side Football Tournament held on 23rd and 24 th of November 2012 with all the passion and sprit which accompany any sports meet. 13 Teams across the state participated in the tournament and SH College Thevara won the Final Match against Maharajas College Ernakulam. Release of College Magazine The college magazine has reflected the thoughts and dreams of young writers and artist’s. It has always
tried to provide a platform for future novelists painters and artists. The College Union took leadership in distributing college magazine 2011-12 in the presence of College Manager Fr.Antony Arackal. Valentine’s Day The College Union celebrated Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2013. Union implemented a dress code for all the students in the campus. At 12 pm , Valentines Day celebration started with the glitz and glamour of the awesome performance by our students along with the Music Dedication,Games etc. So to cap it all , St Alberts College has proved its mettle in academics as well as co currricular activities. A leader is like a candle , it consumes itself to light the way for others.
B. Sc. Physics
A D I E U...
B. Sc. Chemistry
B. Sc. Chemistry (Voc)
B. Sc. Maths
B. Sc. Botany
A D I E U...
B. Sc. Aqua & B.Sc. I.F
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Name : ............................................................................................. Department : ............................