NiahWilcox 2014- 2022 ArchitecturePortfolio

I am a 26 years old result-oriented architecture professional with experience in design building, client relations, and communicating across a multitude of teams to reach business goals. I am a women with expertise in managing multifaceted projects that meet client needs, ensuring timeline adherence, and prioritizing tasks. Skilled in analyzing data, continually improving processes, and utilizing architectural knowledge to assist clients.
e-mail: address (New York) 116 Jefferson Street, 11206 in:
Originally from San Diego California but flourished in fervor for architecture when I attended Charter High School for Architecture and Design an AIA sponsored High School in Center City Philadelphia that ignited my pursuit for a B.Arch Professional degree in architecture at Marywood University. In search of an architecture role to enhance.
01 02

CBRA Chris BenedictUtilizedR.A.experience across a multitude of areas including on-site coordination, project management, mechanical, and HVAC systems.
Sociology course that enhanced my critical thinking on current events, population crime analysis, and politics in the United States and Europe International Business Management
advancedadvancedadvancedadvancedadvancedbasic good basicbasic good focused / goal oriented / adaptable / team player / easy going / communicative / available to travel / determined / outgoing rugby / politics / design / travel / martial arts / biophilia / urbanism / film
Junior Global Store Designer
Serve as lead store design coordinator and designer on five high commercial projects.
Organize and coordinate with vendors for new materials store redesign
Prioritize and delegated tasks within the team based on current needs.
Bachelors of Architecture 5 yr. Professional Degree
The Art & Craft of Building
Site Specific Zoning Codes / Program Planning to Fulfill Space Requirement / Incorporating Innovative Technology / Thesis Research Paper
Architect November 2019- January 2021
August 2021- Current La Mer Estee Lauder Companies
Prepare decks showing design solutions and updates for design creative review meetings
Design concept that uses influence of an architectural thesis concept to generate a museum for FocusPhiladelphia.
AutoCAD Revit Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Lightroom Office SketchRhinocerousSuiteUp VRay Lumion good
August 2014 - August 2019 Marywood InternationalUniversityArchitectural Study Program August 2017 - January 2018 International Studies Institute, Florence Itay High School Diploma September 2010 - June 2014 Charter High School for Architecture and Design Entry Level
Acted as liaison between company and contractors/sub-contractors to discuss architecture, design, and ensure it fits into project plans.
IX The AIA COTE Top Ten for students competition, is an adaptive reuse project focused on being Net- Zero, adapts to its surroundings by integrating the community aspects within the environment, while promoting activity and wellness across the site. Focus Adaptive Reuse of an Existing Structure / Net-Zero Design Strategies / Submission to National Competition
Liberal Arts course that incorporated culture, travel and management to produce a business design manifesto for the wellness of Cuba
An architecture special topics elective that analyzed light and space in many precedents while refining sketch art, model craft, and drafting Race, Ethnicity & Criminal Justice
05 06 workCONTENTSexperience 04 03 AIA COTE Competition Dennings Point Ruins, Beacon [ NY ] Adaptive Reuse & Net- Zero Design Design Build Project Marywood University, Scranton [ PA ] Library Extension Renovation 06 Landscape Lodge Design Old Rocky Glen, Moosic [ PA ] Fishing Retreat & Visitor Center 05 VarCasedo,SNtudyorwPayrecedent Steilneset Museum ThisportfolioisaselectionofthemainprojectsIhavecollaboratedwithfirmsandcompaniesaswellasclassmates Thefulllistofpre-profesionalprojectsisavailableattheendofthedocument. Thankyouforthetimeyouspenttoconsultit. 02 Chris SampleBenedictConstruction Documents R.A. { NY } Affordable Housing Retrofit Fixture Drawing Drafts High Commercial Luxury Brand La Mer Estee Lauder Companies [ NY PRE PROFESSIONAL01

Abroad Semester Memo r Sketches
This portion of the portfolio is supplementary works that provide insight on my character & interests. Thank you for the time you spent to consult it.
07 otherMISCELLANEOU08Sprojects 07 2018-19 Architecture Sketchbook Marywood University, Scranton Light & Shadow Sketches
08 09 WatercolorArt Abstracts Creating to Create Travel Photography DetailCuba & Culture Captured ThoseEuropeWho Wander
Andrew Phillips AIA / CHAD Chief Innovation Officer / CHAD Design Faculty Chair Miguel A. Calvo Salve, Ph.D. Registered License Architect in Spain / Principal of MACS, ARCHITECTS Kisairis ConstructionEspinalExecutive Director (917526-0437)
AIAS American Institute of Architecture Students Member since 2017 Northeastern QUAD Conference Refl ex QUAD - Boston, Massachusetts 2019
NOMAS National Organization for Minority Architects Students Chapter Secretary 2016-2017 Northeastern PA Chapter Member since 2016 CHAD AlumniALUMNICriticJune 2016-2018 Annually attended senior student critiques Main Guest Alumni Speaker November 2018 Invited by Andrew Phillips, AIA Member, CHAD Senior Architect Professor Division III Womens Varsity Rugby Team Wing 2018 - 2019 Marywood Student Athlete

1009 Fixture Drawing Drafts La Mer Estee Lauder Companies NY ] High-Commercial Luxury Brand Fixture Drawing Drafts La Mer Estee Lauder Companies, Manhattan Saks, Dillards, Bloomingdales incollaborationwith La Mer: Globa Store Design

1112 Sample Construction Documents Chris Benedict R.A. NY ] Affordable Housing Retrofit SampleDocumentsConstruction Chris Benedict R.A. Manhattan Riseboro Affordable Housing Retrofit incollaborationwith CBRA

main tasks
1314 AIA COTE Competition Dennings Point Ruins, Beacon [ NY Adaptive Reuse & Net- Zero Design AIA COTE Competition Dennings Point Ruins, Beacon nearHudson River, NewYork Adaptive Reuse & Net- Zero Design Course : Competition Design Studio IX LocationLocation near Hudson River, New Yorknear Hudson Pr oj ec tt Ye arr : S pr inn g 200 19Projec Year : Spring in collaboration with Christen Frankhauserllaboration wi Christen
approach an adaptive reuse site with many site specific deprecations // fulfill net-zero and carbon neutral design responsibilities // abide by competition guidelines and “ten sustainability measures”: design for integration, design for community, design for ecology, design for water, design for energy design for economy, design for wellness, design for change, design for resource, design for discovery navigate the adaptive reuse aspects salvageable on-site // research carbon neutral techniques and those applicable using site specific databases // trial and error with prototypes in sefaria // translating the methods, and research findings into a cohesive convincing presentation appealing to a panel Sefaria // Climate Consultant //Revit // AutoCAD // Rhino // V-Ray // Lumion // Adobe Illustrator // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Indesign

46in 36in 2557% % 23% 38in average 25in average sqft
WETLANDS BUILT 1516 AIA COTE Competition Dennings Point Ruins, Beacon [ NY ] Adaptive Reuse & Net- Zero Design
The COTE Top Ten for Students Competition seeks compelling design submissions that meaningfully address the future impacts of climate change well into the second half of this century. Emphasis is to be placed on achieving zero emissions, adapting to projected climate impacts, and designing for resilience. Students are invited to submit their studio projects. Entries must be buildings, but can be of any program, at any scale, in any ocation. Projects can be a remodel or adaptive re-use. Work should have been completed in a design studio or related class for the calendar year January 2018 – December 2018. The ten sustainability measures shall serve to inform the design process and guide the required graphics and written Innarratives/abstract.acontextunderecologicalandeducationarevitalization the proposed design named Eco V llage brings access to the environment, field study research, and political discussion conferance space in e orts to become a catalyst for the Beacon New York. In e orts to positively activate Dennings Point, Beacon with sustainable goals managable for locals and endorsed by politicians. Create a destination that turns tourists into recreationa vo unteers. As well as, link neighborhoods to districts and furthermore to regional environmental awareness D esi g n for Ecolo gy C urrently the site is an impermeable slab o f concrete, E co Village allows for 8 3% of the site to be greenscaped T he new design is proposing three different riparian buffer zones c onsisting of nat ve s pecies and veherbaceous/botanicalspontaneousgetation.Eachzonehavin g its own s p eci f ic p ur p ose f or f ilterin g runoff and interactin g wit h t h e a d jacent a q uatic sy stem. D esign for Wate r E covi ll a g e wastewater wi ll a ccom pl is h t h ree ph ases. B os w ales will fil te r r u n o f f a n d a i d o n s i te ri p arian bu ff er z o n es Bl ac k water p ro d uce d f rom the building programs will be co n ta in ed in a b l ac k w ate r tan k ocate d un d er t h e site to be pumped to neighboring Beaco n w aste w ate r t r eat m e n t plant and distributed into the H udson river. S econdly, filtered g ra y water is collected under the circulatory datu m and used internally; after bein g fil te r ed throu g h rain g ardens and a erated lagoons.

17 18 AIA COTE Competition Dennings Point Ruins, Beacon [ NY Adaptive Reuse & Net- Zero Design
Lifting the buildings to facilitate environmental educational opportunities that inherently promote involvement. Lastly shifting the building to define programmatic spaces while creating a sense of place, public space and community interaction
Admimnisntratioonn SServivicescces LaLabbabass EEducacutioioon1 A 2 3 4 Offifficcesce 6 ConnferfeeancneeRRRooooomommss CCafeef 8OOutdutudoooororoo5 7 88 SSlopedd PaPth 9 FFielelddd Stududdty DDyy eceeckckks 10 BotBotaniannicalcac Coonstruccrtedt Weetlatlandsnddnds ClCassasssssrooooomsmsms11 1 PPrPrivateWeWash RRoomss Caafefeef SStStoraggagrae 1ee 4122 13 14 RecRecreaationn 5 OOudodoooro CafeeSSSeateinggn 1166 KiKtchchchtcenn1555 PuPubublicicc WaWash RoRooomsmms 8 GrGreeenenn HHououseese 9 TrTTraarailiil177 18 11919 RRepeposeoss/Bike StStatiotinn 20N0NNNative HoHHororticticcultuurereuru2000 Connstrstucted WeWetlands
By raising programs higher on the slope also responds globally to climate change strengthening the designs minimum 60 year ifespan criteria. Shifting programs toward wet ands make for a stab e foundat on while encouraging paths that veer beyond the building to public botanical and recreation andscape. Providing nodes of repose to exist along the trail encouraging reflection as well as connection and lluminated igh wells he p guide visitors providing a sense of place and safety using light.
The design involves extending the trail to enrich the recreational connection to the community and link our site regionally.
By extending direct trai s hat connect Beacons Waterfront park, Dennings Point State Park and Fishkill District Creek recreation promotes regional and community connectivity physically. Doing so activates a second dutchess county handicap accessible recreationa space necessary or the Hudson River Estuary Program. As well as, creates water canoe docking destination that bridges to Beacons waterfront canoe rentals and existing water paths adding to Hudson River Valley ourism and possibly more Department o Environmental Conservation estuary funding. Running paths and local existing trails end 12-14 feet above the site the project uses this s ope as an entrance raising the trai s to ocally react to tidal flooding but also allows or gravity fed rainwater treatment system and effective fi te ed run-off to revitalizes the cove and the flow o the Hudson River. This sloped design programmatically allows or the field study research and ecovillage exhibition space o incorporate visual and physical education pract ces.
HU DS ON R IV ER Be Beacconon, NY N Ne N wb w urrgh, NY
The pro ect Eco Village resides alongside the Hudson River south of Dutchess County and surrounded by National Waterfront Recreation and Wildlife Refuges. The goal of Eco Village is to involve the waterfront tourist, recreational users, abundant community volunteers and political leaders.

The 30,000 square feet of wetlands built up 16 ft to meet the existing trail lifts recreational trail walkers and bikers but also retains water. As do the rain gardens therefore expanding future aquatic habitats The existing algae signals that the water is polluted with fertilizer and industrial runo therefore the 300 ft proposed riparian bu er starting from the introduction of the trail to the proposed shoreline protects the living shoreline as well as instinctively revives the water quality Approaching Eco Village ones greeted with various camouflaged outdoor indoor spaces. To the east small terraces surround the building inking short grassed botanica rain gardens. As do trails located to the west creating an experience through the wooded forests. Window walls facing south visually connect occupants to the water and light wells, glass roofs and green walls compliment the outside ecology inside These are the final four 20x20 boards my partner and I submitted to convey the concept of EcoVillage displaying all eight measures.
The corresponding roofs and eight feet interior walls are done in a panelization construction method meaning building components are fabricated in a factory and assembled on site. Additionally, those panels will be Cross-laminated timber (CLT) which is a prefabricated, solid engineered wood panel, o ering high strength and the structural simplicity needed for cost-e ective buildings. Doing so results in passive house standards highest quality delivery in a fraction of the time it takes to build a new home using traditional site-built construction, lighter environmental footprint, reduced waste, improved thermal performance and design versatility All other materials are reused and provided on site. Recycled foundation concrete will turn from cement to screed used as a therma heat conductor for the proposed building floor // Existing steel beam structure is excavated and used as window mullion and CLT metal
1 209 AIA COTE Competition Dennings Point Ruins, Beacon NY ] Adaptive Reuse & Net- Zero Design No more than four (4) digital boards at 20” x 20” (PDF or JPEG files), to include the following: Documentation must adequately convey the project’s relationship to topography and physical context, formal and programmatic organization, circulation patterns, and experiential qualities. All drawings should be labeled; indicate scale and orientation where necessary.
attachments // Denning’s Point Brickwork bricks mold into interior stand alone therma walls
At minimum, include the following: Site or context plan // Floorplans // Building / site sections // Perspective or isometric view/ Present diagrams or images that best display how the project meets the three design criteria by considering the ten measures of sustainability. Some measures may require a specific graphic or calculation; others are open-ended

2221 Design Build Project Marywood University, Scranton [ PA Library Extension Renovation Design Build Project Marywood University, Scranton Library Extension Renovation main tasks softwareapproachtasks generate circulation // respond to programs located adjacent to the site // contribute private, public, and semi-public spaces // gaurntee sound privacy // relocate work space // activate the study space the site is private compared to the rest of the school, but with the introduction of more shelves, study space, and pin-up boards, the space will serve all of the students and become a more public space Maya // Rhino // Illustrator // Photoshop // InDesign // AutoCAD Course Design Build Studio VI Location : Marywood University School of Architecture “Pool” Project Year : Fall 2017 in collaboration with MUSOA & Alex Chaves, Alexander Huntington, Christen Frankhauser, Dejon Bennett, Emily Fichette, Hunter Verrastro, Marc Krause, Micheal Rosado, Michele Katora, Miranda O’Dell, Tyler Ebert

Student Bays Library
RestroomPin-upSpac CorridorStorage
The design adheres to ADA specifications and provides 80 linear feet for magazines and 20 linear feet for books. The pro ect concept sees to maintain permanent immediate site conditions such as; double height space at one end of the site with a clerestory window that opens views to trees and paths outside, five structural columns that run along the entire wall of the site, outlets and thermostats evenly distributed along the site wall, light and ceiling fixtures that are of height restriction, and unified permanent desk structure that is attached to the exterior walls of the existing library. Furthermore, the library extension mainta ns easy access to the fire exit and compliments Marywood University existing architecture school aesthetic and co or palette. The design concept addresses the lack of desk space allotted for collaborative work. W th an intent to provide additional work space, l brary space, and pin-up space that allows for flexibility and collaboration. By imp ementing a versatile workspace with the use of fold down tables it promote collaboration while acknow edging the width constraint.
23 24 Design Build Project Marywood University, Scranton [ PA Library Extension Renovation LegenLobbyd Hawk Gallery Offices Digital Fabrica ion Room +MeetinClassroomg

The design focuses attention on drawing people into the space by the implementation of temporary workspace away from studio desks with tables that can be pulled down when needed. Work spaces are 70% of the site while library spaces will be 30%. Collaborative elements incorporated in the work spaces are dry erase boards and pin up space. Itegrated is a variety of spacial cond tions and acoust c element a ong entire site. The library aspect of the site is adjacent to existing library and formally responds to work spaces 70% will be magazine shelves, 15% bookshelves, 10% magazine display and 5% seating
25 26 Design Build Project Marywood University, Scranton [ PA Library Extension Renovation Exploded Axonometric Scale: 1/4”= 1’-0” 0 3’ 9

27 28 Case Study Precedent Vardo, SteilnesetNorwayMuseum Case Study Precedent Vardo, SteilnesetNorwayMuseum main tasks
softwareapproachtasks research chosen architect // research chosen building // present group understanding of the construction, intent, and influence of your chosen building // recreate structure and details with limited documentation of original to create visuals that “say more” than the bulk text states // produce drawings that thoroughly and correctly represent the necessary elements constructed Auto CAD // Rhino // Lumion // Illustrator // InDesign // Photoshop Course : Art & Craft of Building Course Location : 70.3692 N, 31.0927 E Project Year Spring 2019 in collaboration with Christen Frankhauser, Emily Fichette, Hunter Verrastro, Micheal Rosado

Longitudinal Elevation 0’ 10’ 20’ 40’ Longitudinal Section 0’ 10’ 20’ 40’ 30 Case Study Precedent Vardo, SteilnesetNorwayMuseum 29

analyze the city objectively // use material to represent typology // hierarchal decision making based on analysis history , and documentation // visual aesthetic
3132 Landscape Lodge Design Old Rocky Glen, Moosic [ PA Fishing Retreat & Visitor Center Landscape Lodge Design Old Rocky Glen, Moosic Fishing Retreat & Visitor Center Course : Concept Design Studio IV Location : Old Rocky Glen Abandoned Fair Grounds Project Year : Spring 2016 main tasks
The project concept sees the interaction of nature and boundaries. The duality of soil/ roots and concrete/structure. This project begins to dissect a conversation about the boundary of nature versus man made. model making // watercolor // photography // Adobe Photoshop // Adobe Illustrator

33 34 Landscape Lodge Design Old Rocky Glen, Moosic PA ] Fishing Retreat & Visitor Center
The design peels and extrudes parts of itself as well as the site to embed itself in more ways than one Resulting in its program as a stay-away children s camp to educate kids as well as provide a recreational space of repose for families. With the project focus to be “of the site” and not “on the site” this design welcomes nature in as a spectacle in every aspect. Implementing elevated walkways and over ooks provides tourists with the ab lity to admire nature from afar and focused “out”. As well as c ose up, with materials surfaces and ground work all being displays of native soil focusing S“in”imilar to an arboretum but with soils all found in Old Rocky Glen. The restoration project intends to show homage to the abandoned man-made park referred to as Old Rocky Glen by preserving the many soils Rocky Glen was comprised of; those placed and grown on the site. Constructed walking ground comprised of planters filled with seperate soils. This creates an experience of looking out at nature while also looking down and around at “constructed” nature

2018-19 Architecture Sketchbook Marywood University, Scranton Light & Shadow Sketches Course : The Art & Craft of Building Location : Marywood University School of Architecture Project Year Spring 2018 USO
2018-19 Architecture Sketchbook Study Abroad Semester Memoir Sketches Course : Exhibition Design SExhibition Design Studio VIItudio VII LLocation : ISI Florence Universityocation : ISI Florence University Project YProject Year : Fall 2017ear : Fall
35 other projects 36 2018-19 Architecture Sketchbook Marywood University, Scranton Light & Shadow Sketches
// MIT CHAPEL architect: Eero Saarinen // JOAN MIRO FOUNDATION architect: Rafael Moneo location: Spain // SCHOOL OF COOKING architect: Sol 89 Studio location: Medina S’Dowia // KOSHINO HOUSE architect: Tadao Ando location: Japan 37 S SKETCHES
Theconsidered.focusand comprehension of light and shadows in these precedent studies throughout a course of a semester sustained not only a healthy conversation, and self discoveries about my personal design process but strengthened an abundance of design deas unrelated to the course as well.ideas
When designing a space to be inhabited, the experience that is intended for the user; either that being upon approach or within the space itself, light and shadow is an underestimated aspect to be
ARAB WORLD INSTITUTE architect: Jean Nouvel location: Paris, France // DOMINUS WINERY architect: Herog & de Meuron location: California // CHRISTUS PAVILION architect: Meinhard Von Gerkan // MASHRABIYA SCREEN architect: Traditional Screening // NOVARTIS CAMPUS architect: Diener & Diener location: Switzerland 38 2018-19 Architecture Sketchbook Marywood University, Scranton Light & Shadow Sketches Dedicating a course to practicing sketching emboldened my love to draw. As well as stimulate process techniques I always benefi ted from. After gaining an abundance of knowledge through a variety of computer programs to revert back to editable, quick process work that is visually effective and continuous is refreshing to say the least. Undoubtedly mix media visuals have always been apart of my graphic dynamic but understanding its effectiveness in concept process as well as infographic minimalist illustration quickened production for me in and outside of my practice. Projects like Eco Village and Bio Philadelphia use light to create outdoor safe spaces as well as indoor light wells to diffuse light to the gallery spaces below.

37 40 2018- 19 ArchitectureSketchbook Study Abroad Semester Memoir Sketches S SKETCHES

41 42 Travel Photography Cuba Detail & CapturedCulture TTraravvelel PhoPho CubattographographyyCuba DeDetailtail l & Cultur& Culture Cape Capturtureded Course : International Business CourseInternational Business LLocation : Cubaocation Cuba Project YYear March 10-19ear : 10-19, 20162016 PHOT OGRAPHY Course Study Abroad Semester Location Europe Project Year : Fall 2017 TTraravvelel Phot Cubaographographyy Europe De Those Who Wander otherMISCELLANEOUSprojects
41 44 Travel Photography DeCubatail & Culture Captured PHOTOGRAPHY

Traveling has been second nature to me since I was six and began flying alone. Creatively solving problems by applying familiar concepts to unfamiliar situations is a personality trait of mine. Embarking on this adventure was no different.Even when my card was canceled for fraudulent activity and when was a true backpacker with no wifi stranded at bus terminals and airports. I can boldly say my ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations and new environments led me to my first true love, greatest friends and unwavering belief in a higher Understandinbeing.g the differences of culture made me appreciate the kindness of people. It also aided a hand in the self discovery that no matter where I am, home, wholeness and sincerity is within me.
45 46 Travel ThoseEuropePhotographyWhoWander

4847 WatercArtolor Abstracts Creating to Create WatercolorArtAbstractsCreatingtoCreate Location : New York Project Year : 2020 ART otherMISCELLANEOUSprojects

Rocky Glen Retreat Concept Design Studio IV Form Program Adjacency / Process Renderings / 3D Modeling / Mixed Media Concept Analysis College Filter Mixed Housing Design Studio V Creating Info-graphics for Clear Analysis / Designing for Clientele and Community Implementation of Multiple Programs
Florence From Many Angles Exhibition International Design Studio VII International Building Codes / Historic Preservation Analysis / Italian Site Analysis / City Documentation Library Extention Renovation Design Build Studio VI On-Site Analysis / Proposal of Ideas to Previous Architect / Material Selection / Cost Estimation Purchasing / Understanding Building Assemblies
The 118Th John Stewardson Memorial Fellowship Competition 10 11 08 07 12
ThesisBioPhilladelphiaDesignStudio X Site Specific Zoning Codes / Program Planning to Fulfill Space Requirement / Incorporating Innovative Technology / Thesis Research Paper Walk In Peace Death Design Studio VIII New York Zoning Codes / Phenominology / Memorial and Crematorium Design / Site Analysis and Documentation / EcoVillage Competition Design Studio IX Adaptive Reuse of an Existing Structure / Net-Zero Design Strategies / Submission to National Competition
Rocky Glen Ice Fishing Hut Concept Design Studio IV MUSOA In-House Competition Sculpture 3D Modeling Course multimedia modeling / art critques / wood working / welding metals Steilneset Memorial Art and Craft of Building Course case study / research anaylsis / hand drawn drafting / documentation Picture Cuba International Buisness Course screen printing / event coordinating / film producing
Le Rouge Balloon Moving Pieces Film Design Studio I Exploring Drawing Material / Mechanical Drawing / Freehand Drawing & Sketching / Formal Presentation of Work Rebuilding Scranton Collaboration Design Studio III Understanding the Use of Precedents in Design / Modeled a Given Site After Documentation / Organize Spaces of Program on a Site / Introduction to Collaborative Design Urban Typology Foundation Analysis Studio II Diagramming Spaces / Understanding Perceived Light Through Shadow / Diagramming Maps / Exploring Drawing and Modeling Materials 15 13 09 14
03 Renovo Public Library Design Studio X Competition
49 50 PR O JECT LI ST studio and architecture course projects 2014 throu g h 201 9 02 05 06 01 04