EZ Weight Portion Control Plate Portion control makes easy with this plate. I think this item could change your eating lifestyle permanently!
The EZ Weight Plate”, Lid (microwaveable and dishwasher safe), and our NEW Cold Cup! A formula to calculate your caloric needs to maintain, gain, or lose weight A Food Diary Chart to assist you in determining how many servings you will be allowed daily A list of common items in the following food groups This plate is a great tool to help with portion control. It has 24 increments of measurements, including teaspoons, tablespoons, cups and ounces. It can be used by anyone trying to understand portion control, and is a great tool for diabetic patients. The device is an excellent visual teaching tool to assist educators. It is microwave and dishwasher safe. Instructional booklet is provided. What’s Included: 1. “The EZ Weight Plate”, Lid (microwaveable and dishwasher safe), and our NEW Cold Cup! 2. A formula to calculate your caloric needs to maintain, gain, or lose weight. 3. A Food Diary Chart to assist you in determining how many servings you will be allowed daily in each food group. (downloadable upon purchase of the EZ Weight Complete Package) 4. A list of common items in the following food groups: Breads – Cereals/Grains – Starchy Vegetables – Fruit – Vegetables – Meat and Fats will be provided with proper portion sizes. This follows the American Diabetes Association Guidelines.
Source: Amazon
EZ Weight Portion Control Plate
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