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1951-1974 – Government as the provider of housing

After independence India had a huge infl ux of migrants, governments took the front seat and provided them with houses and land on subsidies (Sharma 2018). The land was subdivided and plotted and given so that they can build their own houses. Example – Lajpat Nagar, Delhi.

1974-1989 – Government as the provider of basic services

Government as a provider was not able to meet the housing shortage, so new institutes were set up to facilitate housing by other private providers. Due to high migration government started to promote small and medium towns (Sharma 2018). The government came to a realization that they are not able to provide for the housing facilities as they expected, and decided to go for a diff erent approach. They stared to draft regulations – new acts for lands, rent control, etc.

1989-2002 – Government as enabler of housing and basic services

In Mumbai, Slum Development Authority (SDR) was put in place, which developed housing facilities in existing slum area. Thus, came the

situation of vertical slums (Sharma 2018). Furthermore, they were not able to continue developing on the site of the slums because of various reasons such as location, vulnerable lands or they were on the land that was meant to be for some other development zone.

2002-2017 – Large Scale Infrastructure Programs

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) was a massive city-modernization scheme launched by the Government of India under the Ministry of Urban Development. The programme meant to improve the quality of life and infrastructure in the cities. JNNURM aims at creating economically productive, effi cient, equitable and responsive Cities by a strategy of upgrading the social and economic infrastructure in cities, provision of Basic Services to Urban Poor


All the housing developments were made private. The schemes of mass housing by private developers started coming up. Government provided enabling environment in the terms of licensing the private developers.

While private owners were developing these kinds of housing, the developing authorities of the states also started providing houses for MIG and HIG categories. The authorities were initially put in place for LIG and EWS housing, and the outcome of these is increased vacant houses.

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