2 minute read
As more consumers begin to learn about their Right to Appraisal (RTA) and use it to deal with disagreements with their insurer, a dark cloud has been brewing on the horizon on two fronts.
On the consumer side, one problem involves untrained appraisers who saw low-hanging fruit, so to speak, and took a two-week training course on adjusting or appraising. Now, they are taking an already uncertain and unfamiliar process and making it worse.
On the other hand, carriers are frustrated that they are being questioned and, in most cases, see the process of appraisal yielding larger claim payouts. Instead of considering that may be because they are doing something wrong and addressing antiquated practices, they seem to be choosing to potentially interfere and control what is supposed to be an independent and unbiased review process of dispute resolution between policyholder and insurer. They slander the appraisers chosen by the consumers and claim the shop is pushing them to contact a specific appraiser.
Meanwhile, the insurers select the same independent appraisal firms to conduct the RTA as a normal claim and then choose staff adjusters to serve as the appraiser. Yes, some policy language will allow that, and while a plea to a court may indeed change this practice, it would mean more time and money for the consumer. I have heard they are setting limitations on these appraisers with regard to what elements they may and may not consider, appraise and discuss. This seems to be a stark contradiction to the true spirit of appraisal to allow two disputing
Wmaba Officers
PRESIDENT Steven Krieps steve@gregclineauto.com 304-755-1146
VICE PRESIDENT Rodney Bolton boltonconsulting61@gmail.com 443-386-0086
TREASURER Kris Burton kris@rosslynautobody.com 703-820-1800
SECRETARY Phil Rice phil@ricewoods.com 540-846-6617
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Torchy Chandler Torchy Chandler torchy.chandler@gmail.com 410-309-2242
Don Beaver (donbeaver3551@gmail.com) 443-235-6668
Barry Dorn (bdorn@dornsbodyandpaint.com) 804-746-3928
Jordan Hendler (jordanhendler@wmaba.com) 804-789-9649
P.O. Box 3157 • Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Bill Hawkins (hawkinswilliamjr@gmail.com) 510-915-2283 John Shoemaker (john.a.shoemaker@basf.com) 248-763-4375 parties to seek fair, reasonable and unbiased resolution. Yet, they may see nothing foul.
Coupled with the truth that most states don’t have any timelines or requirements for the appraisal process and we fall back to the terms of the policy, which also are mum on key items such as “timeline to complete.” This can lead to an RTA taking months to reach a settlement. Now, the consumer is frustrated… and who will they blame – the appraiser, their chosen repair facility or their insurer? Sadly, it’s those who actually answer the phone, and we know how difficult it can be these days to get an insurance representative on the phone.
Honestly, it’s sad to watch as what seems like a clockwork system is being threatened by adults acting like children. Carriers have decided to attack the appraisal process, saying it’s hurting “premiums.” This same fear tactic has been used for decades, yet continued on pg. 30
PUBLISHER Thomas Greco thomas@grecopublishing.com
SALES DIRECTOR Alicia Figurelli alicia@grecopublishing.com
EDITORIAL/CREATIVE Alana Quartuccio COORDINATOR alana@grecopublishing.com
MANAGING EDITOR Chasidy Rae Sisk chasidy@grecopublishing.com
OFFICE MANAGER Donna Greco donna@grecopublishing.com
PRODUCTION Joe Greco COORDINATOR joe@grecopublishing.com

PUBLISHED BY TGP, Inc. 244 Chestnut St., Suite 202 Nutley, NJ 07110 973-667-6922 FAX 973-235-1963 www.grecopublishing.com
Reproduction of any portions of this publication is specifically prohibited without written permission from the publisher. The opinions and ideas appearing in this magazine are not necessarily representations of TGP Inc. or of the Washington Metropolitan Auto Body Association (WMABA). Copyright © 2023 Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc. Stock Images courtesy of istockphoto.com.