2 minute read

We All Benefit When You Join…Here’s How


“There is nothing free in this world” is indeed very true. There are, however, “exceptions” to every rule. One such “exception” is your membership to AASP/MA. Some of you will say that this is just a ploy to get you to join or just keep reading another one of my messages. The only way you will know for sure is to read all the way to the end – no cheating. Of course, there are some of you who will read this and still not grasp the full meaning or value of being a member of an “Alliance.” You feel that you have all the possible knowledge you need to continue your struggle against the adversities we experience as collision repairers all on your own. You are happy to stand on the sidelines and ride the coattails of those who are working together to keep things from getting worse and are actually making inroads to make things better.

But for those of you who are interested in a better future for your business and actually getting a return on your investment, there are many ways this can be achieved. In my position as executive director, I have the opportunity and the privilege to speak with shop owners throughout Massachusetts and across the country. In doing so, I hear and see not only the frustrations we all experience but also the many successes that shops experience on a day-to-day basis. We have all experienced, at one time or another, insurers doing their best to make the claims process as arduous and grueling as possible. There are those who refuse to throw their hands in the air or lay down but rather put the effort in on behalf of their customers and their businesses. Their successes set precedence for their facilities, not only for today but going forward. These same individuals know that the tide floats all boats to the same level. They share their successes as an example of what gains can be made when working together and not giving up.

I was recently contacted by a member of the “Alliance” regarding the failure of an appraiser to accept the Mitchell Refinishing Guide as the determining documentation regarding the refinishing costs for a repair. The shop initially called me out

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