5 minute read

Wouldn’t It Be Great?


We are all aware that we do not live in a perfect world. Being involved in the collision repair industry just makes this statement even truer. There are so many aspects of our industry that continually throw us curveballs from every possible angle. We may be able to put any number of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place to avoid issues and to address the majority of what we face; however, something will always crop up that may not have been anticipated and be out of our control. Due to the ever-changing technology of today’s vehicles, repair procedures are just one of those potential issues. Parts availability is another. A staff person banging in sick or a critical piece of repair equipment breaking down could all contribute to the difficulties faced in a shop. Any one of which can send your shop’s productivity into a tailspin. There are, however, certain aspects of what we do that should not have variables or be unpredictable.

Wouldn’t it be great if when one of your long-time customers contacts you about having had an accident and sets up an appointment for repairs, someone at their insurance company does not try to steer them away? Steering them by making it sound as if repairs will take longer at your “problem” shop because you are too picky. Or additionally, they tell the customer you charge more than what their contracted shop will accept without telling the vehicle owner that they have artificially set a reimbursement rate that is the lowest in the country.

Wouldn’t it be great if when you reviewed an estimate to repair a damaged vehicle, which has been written by a licensed staff or independent appraiser, it was prepared in accordance with the 212 CMR 2.0? An estimate that (but for hidden damage) accurately documented ALL the parts and repair procedures needed to restore the vehicle to pre-loss condition at a fair and equitable rate of reimbursement? Wouldn’t it be great if when you called in for an original estimate or a supplement, you actually got to speak to a live human being without being put on hold for absurdly long periods of time? Or worse, being told you have to send the request into the “abyss” via email without any way to confirm it was received.

Wouldn’t it be great if when a licensed appraiser does show up at your door they have done so within the timeframes for an original or supplement appraisal? Wouldn’t it be great if that once they are at your shop, they sign in upon request (as is your right to request) and they agree to leave signed field notes (again within your right as per the 212 CMR 2.0)? Wouldn’t it be great if this same appraiser truly negotiated with you for the repairs, acknowledged that you are the expert and have determined which procedures must be performed in accordance to OEM specification? It would be much better than hearing, “They don’t pay for that,” or, “I will have to check with my supervisor.” Wouldn’t it be great if the licensed appraiser you are dealing with treated you with the respect you deserve and was more than just a tool being used by insurers to bog down the repair process by creating needless delays and additions to your cost of running your business? Wouldn’t it be great if that licensed appraiser was held to the standards as specified in 212 CMR 2.0 granting him or her the privilege of being licensed?

Wouldn’t it be great if the Auto Damage Appraisers Licensing Board (ADALB) would take steps against any licensed appraiser who violates the requirements of 212 CMR 2.0? In order to properly protect the consumers, for whom the ADALB was created, wouldn’t it be great if the Board addressed critical issues, which could and would have a long-lasting positive effect on the entire appraisal and negotiation process rather than letting issues and complaints languish and create more conflicts? Wouldn’t it be great if the license, which we ALL pay for, actually meant something and could be revoked if the regulations are not followed?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a place collision repairers could turn to for assistance and information? The fact of the matter is that there is such a place. The Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of Massachusetts (AASP/MA), your auto body association, is that place!!! In fact, it is the only entity whose sole purpose is to protect the consumers and the collision repair industry here in Massachusetts. The “ALLIANCE” works day in and day out to better the industry by being a watchdog against attempts to further suppress our industry by insurance companies. We also seek to promote legislation that will benefit vehicle owners and, in turn, benefit our industry. We currently have two very important pieces of legislation pending. The first bill (HB 327) addresses the lack of regulatory enforcement against licensed appraisers. The second bill (HB 1111/SB 709) will increase the minimum reimbursement rate by insurers to the claimant, giving the vehicle owner better choices as to who will be repairing their vehicle rather than be financially forced to use a shop who has contracted with an insurer in return for a volume of work. The “ALLIANCE” has also developed special discounted programs for services and benefits all member shops can use to their advantage. The savings more than pays for the yearly membership dues to the “Alliance.” As a member of the “ALLIANCE,” you are getting a host of benefits for free.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was something collision repairers could do to effect change in how they are treated on a day-to-day basis during the collision repair process? The answer is right here! You can join and get involved. See page 16 for a Membership Application. Add your voice to the rest of your colleagues who already participated in and updated their responses in the LABOR RATE survey to reflect the increasing cost of doing business. The Labor Rate survey can be found at bit.ly/ LaborRateHerosurvey. Another way to help the cause and be a part of the solution is to take AASP/MA’s “HAVE YOU BEEN VIOLATED” survey at bit.ly/CMRviolationsurvey. YOU can BE an important part of the solution. Act now and be a part of the solution! (Don’t just keep bitchin’ about the problem from

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